#this is probably more in the realm of headcanon than meta analysis
mzminola · 3 months
Tim & Bruce both had an unspoken countdown to when Tim turned, not fifteen, not sixteen, but fifteen and nine months.
They don't talk about it. Not with each other, not with anyone else, but they are both very, very aware of when Tim has officially lived longer than Jason ever had the chance to.
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Let’s Talk About Andross and His Plan in Adventures
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This post is brought to you by the fact that when I was doing my huge Venom headcanons post, I started critically analyzing Andross in Star Fox Adventures and came to the conclusion that his plan was perhaps more thought-out than I had originally realized.  I mean, of course it’s well thought-out, it’s a plan made by Andross, but when you really put a magnifying glass up to it, you begin to see that it was perhaps so well planned that by the time the game starts, Andross can’t really lose.  His revival is inevitable.  Except then, you know, Fox McCloud shows up and does his thing.
Disclaimer: Obviously, Andross’s inclusion in Adventures was very last minute, which caused a lot of plot points to get cut and story bits to get revised.  There’s a lot of evidence that implies that the Krazoa and Kamerians still had a hefty role to play in the story until very late into development but I still think it’s important that we really look at Andross and his absolutely off-the-wall plan because it can be kind of telling about both his desperation to be revived and other lore bits as well that often get overlooked.  Despite there being huge meta influences on why the game played out the way it did, it’s still fun to talk about and speculate over.  And y’know, we’re here to have fun, so let’s get into it.
To understand his plan, we need to go over what bits we know and don’t know about Sauria, the SpellStones, and the Krazoa:
Sauria has a huge amount of magic that’s constantly trying to rip the planet apart.
The SpellStones are guarded by GateKeepers and usually they sit at the planet’s core, brought there via a Force Point Temple.  
SpellStones can block the magic flow (presumably absorbing it) and cause the planet’s energy to stabilize.
If the SpellStones are removed, the planet will fall apart.
The GateKeepers have the ability to move the SpellStones in a time of need.
The Krazoa Spirits also somehow keep the planet together. 
The Krazoa Spirits live in Krazoa Palace but when things get perilous, they hide at their own shrines to await a person of pure heart to escort them back to the Palace.
Pure heart can mean pure good or pure evil.  This isn’t overtly stated but it’s implied because Scales has a Spirit in him.
With all of that being said, let’s look at Andross’s main goal-- revival.  Through means we don’t really know, he can revive himself using the Krazoa Spirits.  But to get to the Spirits, he would obviously need some form of army.  That’s where General Scales comes in.  
Scales is smarter than the average SharpClaw but we really don’t know if that’s because Andross got his hooks into him or if the Spirit he’s got his claws on has anything to do with it.  But Scales’s intelligence doesn’t really matter because he’s malleable and Andross understands this early on.  He convinces Scales to attack Krazoa Palace -- presumably to get the Krazoa Spirits.  At first, I thought Andross’s plan was to get the Krazoa to flee to their shrines but now that I really think on it, his plan from the start could have been to nab the Spirits in the first attack... but maybe he realized he couldn’t do that so easily?  I mean, how does a ghost nab... other ghosts... Unless he was hoping the SharpClaw would suffice?  
Anyways, if that was his plan, it wasn’t well-thought out and the Krazoa fled to their protective shrines all over the planet, which I’m sure he was just positively thrilled about.
Before, I’ve stated that I was pretty sure that Andross had led Krystal to Sauria for the express reason of collecting the Spirits but I think there’s a chance that he didn’t for that exact reason.  We already know Scales was able to ferry the Spirits around and was able to pass one of the tests.  Andross had his perfect pawn in Scales by him having a pure heart of evil and in being the leader of a dinosaur tribe. 
Krystal however, seems most definitely baited to Sauria because of her channeling powers.  I think her collecting the first Spirit was a bonus for Andross and that he only had her captured because he knew Scales would be up for the task.  And, you know, Krystal had her part to play in his plan as a sort of magic medium to put him back onto the mortal realm in a more corporeal state.  I think otherwise, he would’ve just let Krystal go around and collect all of the Spirits for him and then had her captured at the end.
Overall, I think this plan is ultimately a pretty good plan except for two glaring factors: 1) I don’t think it was common knowledge where the Shrines are located and 2) Fox McCloud shows up and begins wrecking the SharpClaw.
I kind of wonder if Andross hoped Star Fox would arrive so he could have his chance at revenge but ultimately, if you take into consideration that Scales could have just run around and done all of the Shrines then Fox showing up was actually kind of a thorn in Andross’s side.  After all, what are the odds that two people with pure heart would just happen to end up on Sauria in such a close time frame?
HOWEVER, I will say there’s a chance Andross was actually kind of happy about Fox showing up because of two big reasons: 1) Fox literally did all of the leg work for Scales, which actually kind of frees up Scales to do other things like ransack CloudRunner Fortress a bunch and expand his tyranny and 2) Fox would be close in proximity to the revival so Andross would have a quick chance at revenge.  
Okay, okay, at this point, you’re probably asking, “So... what about the SpellStones?  Isn’t Scales really just looking for those?”
The answer: Yes but also no.  I’m pretty sure the SpellStones are a distraction.
Now if you really look at his plan, Andross doesn’t really have a need for the SpellStones.  Having them get removed is just additional chaos to be added and if you notice, it’s the thing that both General Pepper and Star Fox hone in on.  Funnily enough, it’s implied that Scales didn’t even remove them all-- the CloudRunner Queen hid hers in the treasury of her fortress, Garunda Te hid his in the mines... the one at Walled City and the one at Dragon Rock seem to be the only ones Scales formally got his hands on.  But it didn’t matter because when the other two were removed, the Saurians just played into the chaos even more, giving further distraction.  I think maybe Andross’s initial plan was that while Fox was hyper-focused on the SpellStones, Scales would be trying to find the Shrines and getting the Spirits.
But then he realized that Fox was doing the exact thing he wanted Scales to do (and more efficiently) and honestly?  I would like to theorize he just lets Fox do it because the outcome is literally the same regardless.
I can only imagine how elated Andross must have been when he realized Fox was unwittingly playing right into his hands.  Because sure, Fox was doing the right thing.  He was saving the day.  But Andross had already been a couple steps ahead and had set the stage for his own arrival.  
I think Fox showing up made Andross realize he didn’t need Scales after all and that was why he was so quick to get rid of him at the end.  Because at the end of the day, it didn’t matter who brought the Spirits back, just that they were back.  And Andross would just let Fox do whatever with the SpellStones because they had no real value to him.  Andross, by the end, doesn’t care about Sauria being put together or pulled apart-- he wants everything to die, which is presumably part of his madness from being a lingering ghosty spirit for most of a decade. 
So Andross is revived because that’s the only inevitable outcome other than Sauria being destroyed.  He rises up, filled with Krazoa Spirits and vengeance.  And he... proceeds to fail in the fight that he ought to have won, if only because of Falco showing up to rescue Fox.  Falco, the wildcard.  Falco, who Andross did not account for, but, granted, no one else really did either.
Wow, that’s a lot of text.  Confused yet?  Here’s the recap of my making sense of Andross’s plan:
Andross picks Scales as a pawn because Scales is politically powerful and has the capabilities to take in Krazoa Spirits.
He lures a suitable channeling mechanism (Krystal) to Sauria to use as a medium.  She gets the first Spirit and Andross is pleasantly surprised but still captures her regardless as Scales and his buddies rampage across the planet, looking for Shrines and SpellStones both.
Star Fox gets called in.  Andross gets kinda spooked by this but realizes Fox is effectively doing what he wants anyways so he just keeps his eye on Fox and lets Scales continue his rampaging.  I think he’s figured he’s already won at this point anyways.
Andross gets all of the Spirits and his plan for revival effectively works...
... All up until he dies fighting Fox and Falco.
This does include a hefty bit of speculation but seeing as they leave only bits and pieces of lore to sink your teeth in, I feel like it’s within the realm of possibility. Of course, there’s other possible explanations, some of which I did poke at within my theorizing. However, this is the breakdown that I can make the most sense out of.  I know in the past my theories have been 1) Krystal being his chosen puppet to get the Spirits but then I realized he wouldn’t have just turned around and imprisoned her immediately if that was the case and then 2) Fox being his chosen puppet but then I realized that there would’ve been no point to Scales having a Spirit in the first place if that were even the case so it felt a little janky as a theory.  
Anyways, that’s my analysis of Andross’s crazy plot, thank you for reading the ramblings of a madwoman thinking way too hard about space dinos and space monkeys.
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khdiscussions · 6 years
Harry Potter AU: Sorting
So we’re trying something a little different here today in this fine blog. After a conversation in a Discord I would like to present something of a headcanon and analysis: character sorting into the Hogwarts houses.
For those who don’t know Harry Potter at all, the new students at Hogwarts are sorted into one of four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. These four houses are based around core ideals and personality traits that each of the four founders of Hogwarts wanted in the students who would attend the school. There are dozens upon dozens of analysis posts, but they tend to be based in the traits most valued.
Now, I’m not providing a comprehensive overview of the Hogwarts houses. That will take far too long so you can read about it here. For people who find that overly complicated (even I’ll admit the post linked above gets complicated at times), typically they can be simplified into one of four traits: Bravery, Loyalty, Wisdom, and Cunning, with these traits being what the individual most values.
So all that out of the way, let’s begin sorting.
Sora: Hufflepuff
Sora being anything short of a Hufflepuff is clearly somebody who fell into the “Protagonist must be a Gryffindor” trap that early Harry Potter AU writing is riddled with. Sora is loyal to a fault to his friends and unwilling to give up on them. He wants to help everybody he meets and befriend the world, and if there ever were a more stereotypical Hufflepuff, it’d be Sora.
Riku: Slytherin (Hatstall)
Riku would be a more complex case of a Hatstall between two houses. Despite his desire to see other worlds in KH1, a large part of Riku’s arc is, as a whole, dedicated to his loyalty to Sora and Kairi, making him very strong Hufflepuff material. That being said, he’s an intelligent planner, and could very easily fill in Slytherin. If you read the linked post, it mentioned that Slytherin is a loyalty based around a priority worldview, which is seen in how not only does RIku’s loyalty work in tiers (he prioritizes returning Sora over Roxas’s life, for instance) but it is limited to only the people in Riku’s circle of protection, as such, I do think that the hat might have some difficulties since his beliefs are Hufflepuff, but actions and intents line up more with Slytherin. At the end of the day, despite potential for both, Riku would be a Slytherin.
Kairi: Gryffindor
As we’ve seen, Kairi is certainly not the kind of person to think before she acts. She’s bold and brash, and despite any fear she might feel at becoming a Keyblade Master, at losing her friends, Kairi continues to keep pushing onward. This alone to me, is enough for the sorting hat to consider Gryffindor, if not outright go with it.
Terra: Gryffindor
Terra was and still is, in my opinion, the hardest character to sort. In a way he’s demonstrated none of the house qualities. But then I thought about it a bit more, and while not quite the same loud bravery that Kairi would have, Terra is determined and willing to push against what might hold him back. No matter what BBS throws his way, Terra takes it down, even when said individual is his father figure. This quiet determination is why I’d feel comfortable calling Terra Gryffindor.
Aqua: Ravenclaw
Well first of all I have to satisfy my self indulgent quota and my aesthetic.
Okay so all joking aside, Aqua was a character I initially threw into Ravenclaw mostly as an aesthetic joke, and then I began to think. Aqua is Ravenclaw and not just as an aesthetic reference. Looking at the post linked, Aqua highly relies on a morality system based upon the knowledge she’s gained, that being the world built by Eraqus. Furthermore, Aqua is what the post refers to as a “Burnt Ravenclaw.” Somebody who’s lost their system of morality and fallen, because a morality shaking event could lead to her constant near losses in the Realm of Darkness and subsequent norting.
Ventus: Hufflepuff
Ventus’s entire attitude is built up based on his friends, and doing what he can to help and support him. The Sorting Hat would only need about ten seconds on his head before deciding that Ven is a Hufflepuff and so do I.
Vanitas: Slytherin
Vanitas is not a Slytherin because Slytherin is evil, but rather the entire motivations for why he acted the way he did. Vanitas is not inherently evil, but instead desperate to be whole. As such, he set all of his plans out in a way that benefited him, lurking from the shadows to reach that ultimate goal in a strategy much more fitting of a Slytherin than any other house at Hogwarts.
Roxas: Hufflepuff (Hatstall)
I wavered on Roxas for a very long time. He has traits of multiple houses. He has a strong desire for knowledge and the world around him, which is a very Ravenclaw trait. He’s a hard enough worker towards an end goal that he could fall very easily into Slytherin, but like with Aqua, his true home became apparent with a little bit of thought.
Everything that drives Roxas towards what he believes in, is based on one thing: Loyalty. Roxas desires the truth so badly because those he put his trust in deceived him, and betrayed that trust. He was loyal to them, and he valued that loyalty so much that when they betrayed it he left the entire organization. Like how Aqua is a “burned Ravenclaw”, Roxas is a “burned Hufflepuff”. He tried to care about and help others, but many, including Axel, proved that it wasn’t worth his time, and the result is a character easily confused for a Slytherin, but falling right in line with Hufflepuff.
Xion: Hufflepuff
If Roxas was a struggle of a Hatstall, Xion was the opposite. To her the world is worth caring about, to the point that she was willing to sacrifice her life for both the sake of the world and the survival of her best friend. While I may self-indulgently consider her a Ravenpuff, her true place is in Hufflepuff.
Axel/Lea: Slytherin
Axel bases his entire world on his loyalty to a select few people. Isa, and later Roxas and Xion. He prioritizes them to the point that he betrays the Organization (both in the act of killing Zexion and in the storyline of KH2), and every action he does is to further some kind of action or goal. Nothing in Lea is anything short of pure Slytherin.
Namine: Ravenclaw 
Namine herself is a character who works to make sure knowledge is available, that everybody can have it. It’s why she tells Roxas the truth of his existence, it’s why she works to remove the lies that she’s told Sora, and like in the above linked post, she has a tendency to follow a morality system imposed upon her by others. A textbook Ravenclaw.
Anyways, so that’s the main eleven characters. I’ll probably make a second meta exploring some of the secondary characters and their houses later, but enjoy this for now. ^^
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demonzdust · 7 years
Continuing our discussion about Scott and Stiles argument in S5, and focusing just on the following questions:
(I) When Stiles says “Some of us are human!” does he intend this as a low-blow jab because he knows Scott worries about being a monster?
I don’t believe so. I think that argument only holds water if you remove that one sentence entirely from the context of the argument.
First Stiles admits to killing Donovan (although he thinks he’s admitting to it being in self defense - Scott has every reason to believe he’s admitting to it being the brutal murder that Theo described) and then becomes defensive:
Stiles: He was going to kill my Dad, what was I supposed to do, just let him?
Scott: You weren’t supposed to do this. None of us are.
Stiles: You think I had a choice?
Scott: There’s always a choice.
Stiles: Yeah, well I can’t do what you can, Scott! I know you wouldn’t have done it. You probably would have just figured something out, right?
Scott: I try.
Stiles: Yeah, because you’re Scott McCall! You’re the true alpha! Guess what, all of us can’t be true alphas. Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human!
Scott: So you had to kill him?
Stiles: Yeah, he was gonna kill my Dad.
Scott: The way that it happened, there’s a point where it’s just, it’s not self defense anymore...
Stiles: What are you even talking about? I didn’t have a choice Scott! You don’t even believe me, do you?
Scott: I want to.
Stiles: Okay, so believe me then. Scott, say you believe me. Say it. Say you believe me.
Scott: Stiles we can’t kill people that we’re trying to save.
Stiles: Say you believe me!
Scott: You can’t kill people! Do you believe that?
*long pause where Stiles cools down*
Stiles: What do I do about this? What do you want me to do, okay? Scott just tell me how to fix this alright. Just tell me. What do you want me to do?!
Scott: Don’t worry about Malia or Lydia. We’ll find them. Maybe, uh, maybe you should talk to your Dad.
*Scott leaves*
The above argument is primarily about morality, and the disparity between Scott’s morality and Stiles morality. They take a few detours to discuss trust, but aside from that every point in the argument is about morality.
In the context that Stiles brings up Scott being a true alpha he is referring to the fact that Scott is of such high moral caliber that he outclasses most human beings. He’s saying that Scott is super-human. A morally superior ideal that is impossible for most people (including Stiles himself) to achieve.
He very specifically says “true alpha” not “werewolf” because what separates true alphas from the rest is their integrity. They’re a a greater evolved being.
This is the opposite of what Scott fears in being a monster, because those fears revolve around him being less than human.
If you replace “true alpha” with “monster” in that sentence, it makes no sense. It doesn’t support the argument that Stiles is trying to make. But if you replace it with “saint” it would read equally as effective.
(II) Regardless of Stiles intention, is that how Scott took it? (We do know that the idea of being “a monster” has been a sensitive issue for him in the past, and was a plot point as recent as season 4.)
[Side note - I actually thought the point of that plot line in S4 was for Scott to resolve these fears and be able to accept himself - but S4 is fuzzy to me so let’s just give you the benefit of the doubt and say “yes this is an ongoing struggle for him and he is sensitive about it”]]
I don’t think that Scott took that “some of us are human” line to mean that at all. I think he took it in the way I have described above (that Stiles is claiming “I can’t be perfect like you - it’s unreasonable to ask me to be”) and I few points to this end:
He responds as if Stiles is simply using the fact that he’s only human (not like a true alpha that is superior) as an excuse for his poor behavior.
Scott next two lines are still on that point:
“So you had to kill him?”
“The way that it happened, there’s a point where it’s just, it’s not self defense anymore...”
Here Scott is responding to Stiles to tell him that his excuses are not acceptable, thus affirming that he understood that Stiles was using “human” to mean “not perfect” and “true alpha” to mean “above the moral standard of man”.
There is nothing in the dialogue to support the theory that he took it any other way.
I’m not saying that it would have been impossible for Scott to maybe have been hurt on a subconscious level, or that it isn’t a good headcanon to use in fic. (Regardless of how things are intended, people can just be triggered by discussion of topics that are sensitive to them) but it is highly unlikely that was the writer’s intent and thought process in this scene because there is no allusion to it either within the argument or afterwards in the season.
I understand wanting to bring in other information we have about Scott’s psychological state to bring greater context to the scene, but claims I & II above essentially calls for us to ignore the context given in the current scene in favor of some information about a personal struggle we see in a previous season.
There is no question or gap in this particular conversation that needs to be filed by a meta analysis spanning several seasons - the writers gave us answers directly in the scene and dialogue itself. (Which is what leads me to suspect that assertion that this “stiles calling Scott a monster” was the emotional focal point of the scene is rooted more in bias towards emphasizing Scott’s pain rather than analyzing the scene as it was intended to be understood - i.e. breaking away from what the writers intended to focus on a theme that some fans find personally more compelling/interesting.)
[[ Another side note - I don’t want to knock doing that kind of secondary reading, providing an alternate way you can try to understand a character both for expanding one’s own mind and for exploring creative ideas for fic - but where I feel it becomes toxic is when people take these ideas, claim that they are a close textual read, and then use them to back up other claims.
For instance - I could probably look at the scene were Theo talks about “remember first love, how that feels” and come up with a argument about how this is Theo making an allusion Scott being his first crush. I could list a whole bunch of other things we know about Theo and all the details Theo gives about Scott to create an alternate narrative that I find interesting and more compelling than the idea that Theo is just talking about Layden. My argument would require the removal of what we know the writers were actually talking about in that scene. Now all of that is still fun and games - but if I used that theory to back up some other point I made about Theo that would push into the realm of toxic fandom because I’m forcing someone to except my intentional re-interpretation as canon.]]
Additionally, I actually don’t think that it’s a fair reading of Scott’s character and priorities to say that “human” line was the emotional focal point for him in that scene. If Scott’s emotional take-away from that human line was “he’s calling me a monster” it would mean that the strength of his insecurities about being a werewolf trumps the intensity with which he feels moral callings, and I think that would be pretty ooc.
We know how important not killing people is to Scott, and in this scene he thinks he is finding out that his best friend committed a brutal murder. His world has been turned upside-down because he thinks Stiles capable of doing something he never thought was in the realm of possibility. He’s shocked and horrified - thinking that Stiles is essentially becoming “one of the villains” he is always working against. It’s pretty reasonable to think that that’s where his focus is in this scene.
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queerasinfvckyov · 7 years
"#the rest of us on this particular blue hellsite #just send our conspiracy theories off into the wilderness #for the consumption of the others trapped here" i think this is quite a naive look at the larrie hive mind & the way fandom on tumblr operates. some of the things i see on here are just as problematic as twitter or instagram posts i see. the misogyny is rife, the verbal abuse of a CHILD is rife. i don't give a shit about larry either way, but big larries on here spread harmful [1/3]
misinformation & perpetuate harmful stereotypes of the lgbt+ community, and also focus on larry so much that their shipping is invasive in so many ways. i think shipping is fine if it stays within the realms of fandom, but having been a larrie and seeing it all on the outside now, i would say the majority of larries do not operate purely within fandom with their theories, and the families and friends of larry are often affected by their behaviour. this goes without mentioning the fact that [2/3]
the private lives of harry and louis (& the others, too) is actually none of our business. the laser beam focus on their love lives is nosy and disrespectful and sets a bad precedent for other, more impressionable fans who get this idea that someone’s relationship and someone’s sexuality defines them. and this is why shipping larry needs to 1) stay in fandom, and 2) stop morphing into ACTUAL real BELIEF that they are together. it doesn’t matter whether they are - it’s not our business [3/3]
Those tags were meant to be facetious, so I think that might be where you’re getting that sense of naivety? Obviously there’s definitely a lot of bs that goes on in the larrie part of the fandom on tumblr, too. I suppose I was just referencing more generally that there’s a lot more focus on rambly meta headcanon-y content analysis sort of content that I think probably takes up more focus on here than on the other platforms (if it occurs there at all? I’m not really sure how twitter and insta deal with that type of content but I digress). 
However, I will definitely have to disagree with you on the “larrie hive mind” bit. Like I’m genuinely surprised you’d get that kind of impression because there is a ridiculous amount of difference in the kinds of opinions larries hold on a variety of topics. I think the only defining characteristics you could say about larries is that we all believe hl are a thing and still together--even depending on the larrie you follow the stuff about the baby can differ (for example, some prefer not to talk about it which is fair). 
I’m not sure what big larries you’re thinking of when you say they spread misconceptions of the queer community, because, and bear in mind I’m not familiar with all the “big larries” in the fandom (I’m terrible with keeping track of most blogs I don’t follow), the ones I am aware about are part of the queer community themselves???? Sorry I don’t follow your logic here. 
And for the rest of the ask I’d say we fall on opposite grounds here, anon. I do agree we shouldn’t bother their friends and family members, but I don’t think that necessarily has to do with being a larrie or not. Fans in general shouldn’t bother their family members and bring fandom to the family, so to speak, however one engages with fandom (you know, don’t break the fourth wall and all that--FOR EVERYBODY, although that obviously isn’t always practiced but regardless it’s my personal philosophy). I mean fine, if people are sharing things on public social media like and share the pictures or whatnot because the family is posting it publicly (I assume; I don’t follow any of the family on sm so I could be wrong here) so that’s cool, but don’t bother the family. However, I firmly disagree that the simple belief (ie, that hl are together) and acting a certain way (operating under that assumption and blogging and creating content based on that belief) within fandom  confines needs to change based on the feelings of people who are supposed to be outside the fandom. 
Building on that, I don’t understand why if blogging about harry and louis (as well as the others) and their music and hl’s relationship in particular as I perceive it is nosier than, say, the way that their relationships (particularly louis’) are put front and centre during is musical promo and in newspapers and on his social media if one believes things that way. Why are the larries considered nosy and disrespectful and causing problems for simply believing one ‘reality’ (if you want to call it that) and engaging in fandom accordingly but not the media or the het fans or freddies or neutrals or whatever you want to call them for believing another and engaging in fandom accordingly? This is under the assumption of course it’s kept in-fandom because I believe we are in agreement on that point. 
Also, it’s not my personal business or responsibility to teach other fans that people aren’t defined by their sexuality or their relationships. If that’s the idea they’re getting from fandom that’s something they really need to think critically about on their own because, frankly, that’s a bigger problem than something that would come from larrie-specific business as far as I’m concerned. 
More generally, I don’t really understand the none of our business argument? Like, speaking for me personally (and I assume a lot of other larries? at least the ones I tend to follow and am friends with), I didn’t come to the conclusion that hl are together because I asked around and bothered people for information, it was genuinely just through watching 1d videos and seeing the matching tattoos pointed out. Like...is the expectation that people don’t come to conclusions based on how they perceive the information in front of them? Like I get that in the case of value judgments, for sure. 
But if I see two people I don’t personally know acting like a couple (or what I perceive to be couple-like based on certain standards, both personal and societal) and come to the conclusion that they are a couple I’m not sure how it’s a matter of somebody’s business or not? Because again, I don’t mean going out of your way to ask somebody or bother somebody about it (as one should not do if one is a respectful fan, larrie or not) because it’s none of your business in that sense for sure. I mean simply looking at scenarios/objective evidence/facts whatever you want to call it and drawing your own personal conclusions is really all that is? Taking in information from the environment, analyzing it, and synthesizing it to come to a conclusion. 
Idk. Just how I think of things. As always, you can unfollow if it’s a problem and you disagree. 
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