#this is literally the only thing ive been able to do lately
zilthewarrior · 3 months
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Just some more quick doodles of cursed cat Alastor as famous internet cats...
Part 1
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0809sysblings · 4 months
idk why I'm posting this here but it's fine because I can do whatever I want. sorry I think I'm having an enneagram type 1 moment. it's not mental illness, it's because of my enneagram type! can't help being a Gemini Enneagram Type 1
also I keep using the amulet's powers so I've been being hit with the after effects. such power deranges a man /ref
#milgran't#type 1 momence#btw as a prefacw this is not directed at anyone here. this is just. a thing. that is everywhere.#ok. anyway.#the....... Exotification of DID/OSDD-1... is always so annoying.#and like. i get it. i understand. its probably a difficult thing for many ppl to actually comprehend as a real human experience#which brings me to the main point of this Pussy-Rant (ranting in tags bc im a pussy)#i think. the main reasom its So Exotified. is. '''''''MPD''''''''#serioisky that name has done. so much fucking damage its insane. absolute wack shit#anyway yeah. like. the concept of it being Multiple People In One Body/Brain... when like... that's.. not really whats going on..#like if youre a system and that's how you understand your system to be. then power to you. i dont care do literally whatever#its just. i think CDDs would be a LOT easier for people to understand if--#--it was not looked at as the Multiple People Disorder. but instead as the Fucking Extreme Compartmentalization Disorder#idk its just annoying seein ppl (who are probably very well meaning!) talk about the disorder i experience as if its bizarre and fantastical#~look wooooowwww this is something that can happen to the brain due to The Most Unreal And Most Traumatic Events!! crazy right?~#i am going to get the Evil Alter out here so he can beat you to death.#like yeah its fucking. sad and fucked up what has to happen to develop a CDD. and that should be acknowledged.#and many systems Have had to go through experiences that a lot of ppl can only fathom as being able to happen in fiction.#but.... its just so isolating and makes me feel Capital C Crazy 🥴#dear lord ive just been so irritable and frustrated lately... obligatory apologies.#ah. i think i suddenly figured out why this in particular triggers me so much.#god damn it it's always the fucking trauma huh!#<- spent basically all of elementary school and middle school feeling like there was a giant sign over my head that said--#--''this poor soul went through something so tragic! how awful to think that something that serious could happen to just a little kid!''#its the ''hey can you stop treating me as something helpless that needs to be fixed and just treat me like A Fucking Person'' feelings#but see this disorder is just so beautiful because in a week i may be wanting ppl to see me as a suffering freak who needs to be fixed#or hell even fucking tomorrow. who knows not me#.. ok im actually genuinely afraid talkimg about this is going to lead to her gettinf triggered out KDJSNKDJSNJD so im gonna. stop.
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sensitivedead · 11 months
#VENT IN TAGS#OH i love doing this#my feelings about my depression atm feel so weeird#im just mad#like its so annoying to have to keep picking myself back up lol#i wish i could just function and regulate myself better? im really bad at it#its like#i can do all this shit that helps me get out of all of the different this affect me#but its so easy for me to get lost in the depression and to not do that#like i forget that when im like literally just confused with my emotions and in a fog and i dont want to do things im interested in#and not able to fight this boredom i call it ive been out of therapy a long time idk therapy speak anymore but this lack of socal wtv#thing idk ANYWAYS but i KNOW things i can do to help myself to get out of that#i havent been lately and idk#im in a moment of clarity but trying to get back into#a routine since moving out i havent had one or the one ive had is like not good for me leading me to a bad state of self#i need to get back on vitamins and shit i might take gaba and htp 5 again and i know im deficient in like vitamin#b12 and vitamin d and magnesium but since i moved i havent reupped my supply lmao and its been over a year!! RIP i did this but#i dont have a great social life? i have strong family and a loving bf and close friend but a lot of its complicated and i struggle#communicating online (LOL THIS SUCKS NO? I CAN WORK ON IT IG BUT LIKEAAAA--) and i basically only wanna talk to people IRL but im home#constantly so i just have no one to talk to but im like a fucking old person annoyed that they live in a digital world#like I HATE THIS GRR THESE KIDS and the these kids are my parents and friends and shit like its completely a me issue but my brain is like#my brain feels useless s#my brain feels useless and like im unmedicated but also not on the suppliments i should be on and also doing things like#being up to date on news and specifically negative news and like focusing a lot of my energy on that for some gd reason like im aware ive#been into that but i am like#this is me being like ok rose im ready to go back to myself again#ye
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samwisefamgee · 1 year
god wants me to kill myself sooooo fucking bad lately lol nice try bitch im queer
#you dont even fuxking know#the number of. literally impossible coincidences that have taken place to make my life just so much shittier lately#i have been sooo strong ive written like two dozen text posts just bitching and bitching about the sheer fuxking insanity of it and i only#posted like one of them im doing so good being so strong#that said i want to fucking die today lol this shit is melting my brain#it just never ends#the past two weeks have just been... so bad lol#i havent been able to see my bank balance in weeks i just know im so in the fucking hole it doesnt even matter#i havent had a working phone in a month#my family just vacationed in hawaii and im living in a moldy trailer#and the physical and mental health just go and go and go#and the mold grows and groes and grows#my friend offered me a top of the line pc for free and it felt like offering a homeless guy who loves music a grand piano#like yeah lemme just keep that under the bridge downtown where i stay lol#itll be fine#its like all the nice things id love to experience are dangled just out of reach of my fuckin cell bars lol#might fuck around and get addicted to a third substance in light of hope being a fool's errand in a truly random universe#life isnt guarunteed to get better no matter how long you wait or how hard you try actually and that is a hard fucking truth for everyone#alcohol is free and can keep your mind off how much mold & dust you breathe daily & breathed in the past 2 years & thats also a hard truth#also reading this i need to clarify in case anyone else reads this shitsheet. i do not want to vacation in hawaii. colonizer shit#what i wouldnt fucking do for just a week up by priest lake tho :(
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braywashed · 2 years
i feel like dogshit man.
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ranboolivesaysstuff · 9 months
Im gonna be honest and open for a sec, and please do not take this as "oh I HATE my community or I dont like the people who watch me" but honestly as of late (and I did highlight this during the mcc bit), ive felt like I havent been able to really be in my own community simply because of the constant way that "discourse" is handled. Making vague posts and not really tackling issues in a good way, all that is going to do is just show people a big "THIS COMMUNITY BAD" sign and not actually help anything within the community, all its going to do is have the good and potentially good people leave or not join in the first place. The way that discourse is treated that ive seen has been the main reason why I have started to try to distance myself, which has been the most heartbreaking thing I have had to do. I want problems to be solved in a mature, civil way, with either a dm or a reply, not an entire vague thing that only says "bad things are happening" and doesnt elaborate on anything or barely elaboratesa and only gives people on both the inside and outside a bad sign of what the community is. Making posts whenever something happens being like "here we go again" is only going to highlight the wrong things, and actually DOESNT help the issue at all! The problems should be discussed directly with the people who are doing said problems FIRST! Bring attention to behaviors and things that arent good DIRECTLY! And also, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO!!! It is not your duty as a viewer or fan of me to be involved in any of this if you do not want to! Just enjoy the content and make silly posts! As someone who constantly tried to fix and get into every problem as it was happening, it took a huge toll on my mental health, and I want you guys to just be able to enjoy the content without having to worry about what you say about it! Be constructive! Dont make posts again just being like "wow this community is so bad" because that doesnt solve literally anything! If you have enough passion to make the posts saying "wow this community is bad" then only post about that, you are only spreading that negative message, and not uplifting anything of actual value! And if the person you are trying to help is not willing or not listening, BLOCK! MUTE! DONT BRING MORE ATTENTION TO THE PERSON IF THEY ARE NOT BEING A GOOD PART OF THE COMMUNITY!!!! I know I say that if I see problems I will call them out, but I shouldnt have to babysit every single time a thing happens within the community as that just isnt a healthy way for a creator or a community to be handled. This does not mean that I do not care about the issues or dont want them fixed, rather it shouldnt take me having to make some grand statement every single time something happens it should take only your own self reflection and self awareness. And to add onto this, make sure that every once in a while no matter who you are you think and have that self reflection, you should be open to being willing to learn and grow as a person! And again, I do NOT want anyone taking this as "Wow this community is terrible" but rather that we just have things that need to be fixed and changed and THAT IS OKAY! I do not hate the community, I care so much about it that I want it to be a silly place for my content again! I want it to be the reason why people get into what I do because of it again! And I want to be able to just have fun and relax without having to worry about how every single thing that I may say could have someone stirring things up that simply dont help or solve anything! Take care of yourselves. And this isnt coming from a place of "I hate the community as a whole" but rather again I want to be able to exist and make content that we can all enjoy without having to worry about walking on eggshells around me or around eachother! At the end of the day im just a fella that wants to make silly videos for you all, and you are people who enjoy said videos. Nothing more. Nothing less.
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cuz-reasons · 2 years
I may be very tired but at least the one and only slide I've managed to finish for my presentation tmr is making me laugh cuz I titled it "Making a Fungi Friendly Environment"
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bnnuie · 21 days
hi. im a trans, bi, mexican, system, swer etc; n im still broke & struggling thru an abusive living situation. all i have available rn is kofi, but that should change if my ID appointment goes well on June 3rd. more info under cut about my situation. head the trigger warnings.
ko-fi • anything helps • please reblog
(tw: abuse, csa, cult? & more) ⭏
recently things have become worse. i had a big fight with my mother days ago were she threatened to hit me (again) and gaslit me over all the trauma and abuse ive suffered. ive felt like a stranger in my home ever since. im dirt broke and havent been making money with anything really. havent been able to eat much bc i cant buy my own food. ive only just now been able to get my ID appointment after literal years of trying to get the signature i needed for my ID from the person that molested me from 9y/10y - 17y.
lately, my oldest brother come over randomly and suddenly. hes a hardcore bigoted christian-adjacent thats been grooming me for years into his cultlike mentality. hes almost every flavor of horrible you can imagine and hes the main reason im trying to go no contact. the second reason is my mother. who recently told me she's demonized me since i was literally kindergarten age & younger. unfortunately ive told her a lot and shes put me in even more danger by gossiping to my oldest brother, her son. everything's a ticking clock now and its only a matter of time until something else fucks up my life more.
this could be so many paragraphs longer but im just trying to condense it as much as possible. this is all just word vomit and i apologize im just not doing okay and havent been for awhile. please dont mind the possible typos n bad grammar.
i want to leave. i can't do that without help. the place i live isnt safe i literally live only with family that has hurt and abused me in the past & present. im heavily under their control and hope one day to go no contact. i cannot do that with $0 in savings.
please reblog this. please give something if you can. anything helps, even $1. also please consider giving something if you're like saving up for a second nintendo switch or whatever. if you're broke like me please dont worry about sending anything, just reblog. ik it also doesnt help much for equally poor people to just send around the same $1 either.
thank you for reading.
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Nimona headcanons cause I love this chaotic little family
I’ve seen a lot of people say Ambrosius is a morning person and Bal is a night owl 
And I have to respectfully disagree 
Will Bal pull some all-nighters in the lab? Absolutely 
But this man is the most early bird coded character I’ve ever seen in my entire life 
When he isn't fully invested in a project he can't stay up past 10 pm
He wakes up at 6 am refreshed and barely needs caffeine 
I’ve also seen a lot of people say he’s a dedicated coffee drinker but something about this man screams “Coffee gives me migraines” 
Ambrosius on the other hand 
That’s an insomniac if I’ve ever seen one 
He’ll get ready for bed around 9 and then stay up til 3 in the morning
Poor babe needs coffee in an IV
He used to wake up really early back in the institute cause he was forced to run a mile every minute he was late to class 
And he’s a heavy sleeper so after the wall came down and he quit being a knight he wouldn't wake up before 1 pm even with Bals help 
And Nimona is just as bad 
Most nights Ambrosius will leave the room because he moves a lot when he can’t sleep and Bal is a light sleeper 
He’ll sit in the living room watching tv while trying to sleep and most of the time Nimona will join him 
Every once and a while Bal will find them laying on top of each other on the couch and will take them back to their respective beds 
And if you’re wondering what their favorite show to watch together is it’s those house-flipping shows 
But not for the reason you think
Most people watch those shows cause they think it’s inspiring 
Ambrosius and Nimona talk about how terrible these people are at their jobs  
They’ll go on hour-long rants about how these people are stripping the houses of everything that made them a home
(Ambrosius is a sentimental bitch and would be a maximalist after leaving the institute prove me wrong)
When Nimona is bored she’ll go into the city disguised as Bal or Ambrosius 
And she’ll fool literally everyone it’s a pretty common occurrence for the boys to be at home and then they hear the other swearing like a damn sailor because there are already news articles about it
The only people she can’t fool are Bal and Ambrosius 
Bal will shut them down almost immediately 
They’ll walk over to Bal and won’t even get a word out before Bal says “Shift back Nim you’re freaking me out”
They always make a big deal out of being caught making big decorations like “I’m getting better and one day I’ll fool you” 
And he’ll hum in agreement but he knows that it doesn’t matter how good he gets or how observant he is he’ll be able to fully copy every little detail 
The details that Bal has spent the past decade and a half remembering  
You know the little things like how he can’t say Bal or Nimona’s names without smiling even when he’s pissed
Or how he scrunches his nose when he laughs 
Ambrosius always acts like Nimona tricked him
He’ll let them get comfortable in the character and then he’ll drop the bomb 
Something small and inconspicuous like “Hey Nim do you want pizza for dinner?” and they’ll excitedly proclaim “Hell yeah pizza!” 
It takes them a second to realize they’ve been played and when they do they never make a big deal about it
They normally just mumble a curse or two and walk away with their tail between their legs (literally)
The first time Nimona tried to trick Ambrosius was when he was having one of those days 
You know the days when even breathing feels like a fucking battle
This was in a really awkward period too
Like right after Nimona and Ambrosius started trusting each other but right before they really started to get to know each other 
But she knew the boys well enough to know if Bal came home to a sad Ambrosius then he’d be in a bad mood for the rest of the day 
And she knows that the only thing that can cure a mopey Ambrosius is Bal 
She walked into the room and started talking to Ambrosius and was kind of surprised and a little bit peeved about how well she was fooling him
Until he said “You can drop the act Nim I know it’s you” 
They kind of just sat in that silence for a minute until Nimona said the first thing that came to her mind 
“You want me to find my sax?” 
Bal shouldn’t have been surprised to find Nimona disguised as him serenading Ambrosius with the worst freestyle jazz he’s ever heard (which is saying something)
He didn’t even say anything he just sat down and cuddled the love of his life while watching their kid try and play the sax while breakdancing
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beansboop · 5 months
after the tour - julien baker x reader
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okay, so this is my first time writing for Julien. its just something small and was just an idea ive had in my head for a couple days. I know only a few people who write for Julien (i love their work) so I thought maybe I could start writing for her and even the other members of boygenius too! but anyways I hope this is good and I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it :)
summary - Julien has been on tour for a while now and all she wants to do is be with the person she loves most. you.
rating - none
warnings - literally just fluff. she/her pronouns. reader is younger (in college) not proofread.
word count - 800
It was still dark out when you first woke up. Some birds were chirping and you could hear the soft snores from the person lying next to you. 
Julien. Your little body heater. 
She was laying on her stomach with her arm thrown around you. Her face tucked in the back on your neck, her breath tickling you every time she exhaled. 
You shuffled around until you were facing her. Admiring her relaxed face. She had just finished the tour with the boys and has been exhausted ever since she got home. All she wanted to do was crawl into your arms and go to sleep.
Which is exactly what she did last night. 
The boys had just finished the last song of the night and the last show of the tour. You were backstage waiting for Julien, and the rest of them. Mostly Julien though. You weren’t able to go to every show sadly, you were in college and had to keep things going with yours and julien’s shared home. You guys facetimed and texted throught the day. You did go to some shows and were able to support them front row or back stage. But Julien felt bad cause she was always so tired after shows all she wanted to do was go to sleep. So she didn’t get to talk to you much or spend much time with you. But you understood completely. You loved Julien and your just happy to be together wherever it is and whatever you guys are doing. 
Julien, Phoebe, and Lucy all came running back and collided into you with the biggest hug. 
“you guys were absolutely incredible out there” you said before you quite literally ran out of breath from the bear hug. 
They all laughed, phoebe and lucy went to go to their rooms to grab their stuff to bring to the tour bus leaving you and Julien alone.  Julien just kept looking at you smiling. 
“what are you looking at?” you smirked. 
Julien laughed “im just looking at you.. ive missed you so much” she says wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing your forehead. 
“me too,” you said sadly.  “but were together now and we’ll be home soon and we can do whatever you want” you said, kissing the tip of her nose then her mouth. 
“oh.. whatever I want huh” Julien smirked and raised her eyebrows. You chuckled and lightly smacked her cheek. 
You rolled your eyes “ugh come on” you grabbed her arm and started dragging her towards her room to get her things. 
For some reason you were wide awake and just thinking about random stuff. You were so in your head you didn’t even realise Julien had woken up. 
“whatcha thinkin’ about baby?” she asked tiredly.
“just life. You, and me” 
She smiled at that. “good thoughts I hope?” 
“Yes, of course” you said, cupping her face with your hand and brushing hair out of her face.
Her eyes starting to close again. 
You didn’t say anything for a couple minutes so she thought you had fallen back asleep. She pulled you closer to her so your face was in the crook of her neck. You both keeping eachother warm from the cool air. 
“are you awake?” Julien asked softly. 
You hummed
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds trying to think of a way to get this all out. “I know because of the tour I haven’t been able to talk to you much or be with you and im sorry. Ive been so stressed and tired lately I know I haven’t been making time to really be with you and when I am with you im just annoying cause im having to practice or talking with the band and im not giving you my full attention” she started rambling. 
Now you were really awake. 
“Julien” is all you said. 
“you don’t have to explain yourself. I get it. Your stressed, anyone would be. eThis was one of your biggest tours and im so, so proud of you.” You exclaimed. 
She started tearing up at your words. She really felt like she was such a bad girlfriend. But of course you would understand, that’s why she loved you so much. 
“Im just so-“  you cut her off with your lips.
“stop saying sorry. You don’t have any reason to be sorry. Im not mad, I never was,  In the slightest.” You kissed her again. This time slowly to make sure she really gets that your not upset. 
You could never be upset at her. 
Especially over something like this. 
You rested your foreheads against each other and just laid with each other. 
“I love you so much y/n. I mean it. You are it for me” Julien said. 
She kissed you gently. “I love you Julien. Your it for me too.” 
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aita for not inviting a friend of mine into my dnd campaign?
so i (18nb) have a friend (18nb, Martin) who i play in a main dnd campaign with with all our other friends (Ill name them Dan, Virgil, Mark, and Ray). Dan is our DM after we kicked out the old one bc she was horrible. We're a pretty close group of friends, but lately we've all been really busy with respective school & work, ect. so we didnt play dnd for a solid, like,, 4 months. I DMed a one shot for everyone besides Ray cause she was flaky anyway, and added in my boyfriend Zeke for it.
Everyone had a really fun time w it and I loved everyones characters, especially Dan's. I watch a lot of dnd shows, so i just keep getting more ideas- but while the one shot was fun it was messy as hell. Ive been wanting to write a campaign for a smaller group for a while, (because when i tried making a campaign with the whole group the character creations were... disappointing to say the least. this sounds mean but i created a fairy world that was very magical & told everyone to go crazy on character creation in a world with few/no humans, and like 5/6 people opted to be a human with a fighting class :/ )
ive been writing a campaign that im really proud of and have a good vision for, and decided to include Mark (because we're best friends) Zeke (because he wants to play dnd more and has no opportunities) Dan (bc he never gets to be a player) and then another close friend of mine outside the group named Gabe (who i love but never get to see) I love their characters & we're all super excited.
Thing is. I was briefly talking with Dan, Zeke and Mark about it at school bc I'd sent everyone a little intro message for the world and they were all super excited and wanted to talk to me about their classes. Virgil had no problem with this and was excitedly asking abt the world + characters along with some other friends from school, but Martin got quiet and went and sat by himself. I could tell they were off, but Martin is generally a quiet person anyway and is often sad + doesnt want to talk for like a hundred different reasons, so i left her alone. Later that day in a different class I have with Virgil he showed me his phone where Martin had sent him a message saying she was really disappointed & felt left out that i hadnt invited them to my campaign.
i instantly felt bad and started to text him, but,,,, to be honest, i dont think im at all responsible for this.
i have reasons for leaving Martin out, the main one being that they just..... arent a very active player. Hes soft spoken and doesnt actually like rping their characters- her character in our main campaign is/was literally mute bc they said they didnt want to have to speak as him. (theyve since taken this back and went through with a curse breaking thing to be able to speak, but her character,,, still doesnt talk much.) he writes really good, sad backstories but doesnt actually play or do anything with them and gets uncomfortable acting. Their characters are not only emotional, but like. crazy. they play a bunch of cool tieflings with insane magic classes & features and then, again,,,, dont roleplay them. I didnt want the group to be big and had a good reason for including everyone that i did, and our other friends that arent in it (Virgil, Ray who is Martins sister btw, all our other d&d interested friends at school) literally dont mind at all. i just wrote a campaign that theyre not in. Martin also has their feelings hurt very easily, so to be honest i just find her being sad about not being in it just... stupid. id never say that to his face & i get that he feels bad, but like....cmon.
im aware im a very very incredibly low empathy person- to be honest i struggle with depression and bpd very heavily and am often mean to my friends & loved ones without really processing why or how much it affects them. i told Virgil that i thought Martins reaction was stupid, and he said that that wasnt fair bc Martin had always been in my campaigns before (which is, yknow, one. Martin and I were even in a campaign with a completely different group a while back and Martin willingly left it very early because the group was loud & their character wasnt doing anything (yeah)). Every time Martins expressed (or i guess not expressed) sorrow for not being invited to it ive just sort of ignored them. this again isnt that uncommon cuz when shes sad he doesnt like to talk about it, and also they havent directly confronted me with this at all.
ive been talking about the campaign a lot because it occupies frankly a lot of my brain because i have so much to write, and i especially talk to the people that arent in it bc theres no risk of slipping up and telling them something they arent supposed to know. The other friend, Gabe, is friends with Zeke and Mark and I, and Dan is good around new people,, but Martins really quiet around people he doesnt know well, so if i invited her anyway they'd probably play the game even less than they already do.
again, im really bad at having an actual perspecitve on this. Virgil said he feels bad for Martin but not for himself, as far as i know Dan doesnt know about the situation, and i literally just dont wanna involve Mark and Zeke (Zeke HATES conflict and when people fight so he really doesnt have to be involved.) Mark Martin and I have all been really close friends since literally 7th grade and I guess Martin especially feels left out that I involved Mark and not them but Marks both really good at character creation and also talking in character, and like, hes my best friend who i do everything with.
I dont wanna blow off Martins emotions but but i truly dont give a shit that they feel betrayed by my not inviting him. especially because they havent bothered actually telling me this. objectively i dont think its my fault even a little, and Martin is really horrible at handling their emotions anyway (this isnt an insult, just a fact. i am too). aita for not inviting him + not caring that shes upset by it and acting like they arent?
sorry this is so long i really like providing context
What are these acronyms?
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ifimdreaming · 1 year
Any chance you could write some fluff about taking care of Matthew Knies after his concussion?
you're supposed to be resting
matthew knies x reader || fluff
summary: basically eaxctly was was requested, and matthew is very stubborn
author's note: im so sorry this took so long! ive been super busy lately
word count: 1k
you didn't even have to open the front door before you could hear the sound of the tv playing, you knew matthew was watching the leafs play. Having supposed to be essentially on bed rest after his concussion, it infuriated you to know he wasn't taking it completely seriously.
You told him you werent coming over until later so you knew he wasnt expecting you, but you couldnt stand knowing he was home alone, probably not taking care of himself like he should be
You open the door and see matt click the tv off immediately. He looks over at you with a knowing look and you shake your head back at him. After closing the door behind you, you kick your shoes off and head to the kitchen to put away the food you bought for the weekend. 
“Hi baby, you're here early…” matthew says finally 
“What are you doing?” you ask, seeing as he is sitting on the couch with no tv on
“Im…uh” he starts, “don't lie.” you say, breaking him
“Fine, I turned the game on. But I swear I was only going to watch for a minute. It was killing me.” 
You roll your eyes and head over to sit beside him on the couch. You knew it killed him not to be able to play tonight, let alone attend the game. But he was under strict rules not to watch any screens or devices, as to not worsen his concussion. 
“I know matty” you say as you sit right next to your boyfriend, cuddling into his side and lifting your legs to rest bent on his lap. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you tighter and resting his hand on your butt
“How about i distract you” you suggest, knowing it would eat him alive anyway, just listening to the game and not being able to watch
“Hm. i like that idea” he says, leaning his head back against the couch and closing his eyes tightly. You could tell the brightness of the room was irritating him
“Hey! how bout we go upstairs and cuddle, yeah?” you knew if you suggested he lay down in a dark room without you he would not be very happy about that. He hated this recovery period, so honestly the most effective method in helping him recover was treating him like a little kid and making things sound like the best idea ever. 
“Id love that” he says, lifting you up with him bridal style as he stands up from the couch and starts heading towards the stairs. 
“Wait! Pit stop!” you say pointing towards the kitchen and he turns on his heels
“On it” he says, obeying your demands as he carries you towards the kitchen
“Freezer please!” you say and he heads towards the freezer door. You open it and pull out an ice pack for his head. Matthew rolls his eyes, knowing you were slightly tricking him into getting the ice for himself
“Ok lets go bud.” you say sharply as you pat his chest, not giving him any time to complain 
you place the ice pack at the back of matts neck, holding it there as you head upstairs. When you reach the bedroom you swiftly turn the light off as you pass by the door, making sure the room is perfect in aiding matthews injury.
“I know what you're doing you know” matt says as he places you down on the bed
“What? Coming over to cuddle with you?” 
“Mm more like coming over to take care of me?” he says, mocking your voice and making you crack a smile. He sits beside you in the dark room as you lie in his bed, and wait for him to join you
“Well you were literally doing everything you shouldn't be doing when i walked in sooo…”
“I've been lying down all day long!” he says exasperatedly, knowing you're right 
“Well I'm here now. and I want to cuddle. So we're gonna lie down some more mkay?” you say sassily as you reach in front of you, trying to find him in the dark. You find his chest and pull him towards you by his shirt, urging him to give in to you
Matthew took this as an opportunity to place a kiss on your lips, catching you off guard. After a moment, you lean into the kiss and matthew scoots closer to you, closing the space that was between you both
Matthew passionately grabs you by the waist as he leans over your body, kissing down your neck, making his way to your chest
You pull his face up to yours and he fights to bring it down again
“Matty!” you whine and he continues kissing you cheeks after leaving bruises on your neck
“You're supposed to be resting.” you say with a laugh and he sits up on his elbows, hovering over you, and you can just tell there is a smirk on his face. 
He places a gentle kiss on your lips, ignoring your previous statement. 
“This is not resting” you say as you press your pointer finger to his lips and you can feel his smirk grow against your finger. You're trying really hard not to sound like a babysitter, but are still trying to look out for him
“Ok fine” he sighs out as he collapses beside you. With his body off of yours, you take this as an opportunity to reach down to the end of the bed and find the ice pack that was left there, swiftly placing it behind his head.
Without a word he turns his head to look at you with squinted eyes. Even in the dark, you can just see the annoyance plastered all over his face. You hold in a laugh as you adjust his pillow, continuing to care for your injured boyfriend. 
He helps you adjust the sheets as you both get undr the covers. Regardless of his feigned annoyance, you knew matthew did appreciate you and what you were doing for him. 
“Ok ok ok” Matthew says, stopping you as you are still adjusting his ice pack. he pulls you in beside him and you immediately place a hand under his shirt, moving your hand up and down his chest. Something you always did to comfort him.
 He begins placing kisses to the top of your head as you cuddle in beside him, relaxing completely under his touch
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meruz · 5 months
hi im putting all my asks in one post again. these are from like the past month and a half approx? some digimon thoughts some tmnt thoughts some art musings u know the usual
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@waywardistics YAYY thank you so much for ordering! I'm glad it got to you & that you are enjoying it!
this is kind of a missive to everyone who ordered but: I am very nervous about pre-orders whenever I do them... nervous that not very many people will order, nervous that there will be supply chain or production dilemmas and I won't be able to get copies out to people in a timely fashion, nervous about having people's money but having an indeterminate amt of time where i have not yet "held up my part of the bargain" etc etc SO. THANK U GUYS...FOR ORDERING and being patient and im so glad it got to y'all
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@seanonthemoon (idk why i cant tag u BUT) interesting... i gotta be honest I don't think abt the crests that much. i agree that they're very much like heres the "girl" crest heres the "nerd boy" crest etc to the point that it becomes almost meaningless. but i think what makes them even more meaningless to me, and is probably the reason they kind of designated girl/boy crests etc is that i think like the digivices they're toys and merchandise more than they are actual narrative tools LOL. I wouldve loved something with cody and mimi! theyre both so deeply empathetic and sensitive.. theres a lot they share but i think because they look so different on the surface it would make it difficult to market that merch...booo capitalism boooo toy marketing its all sexist bullshit at least here in the u.s. idk if japan is that different though.
I'm actually a little frustrated with how often 02 and 02 related media squanders cody in general lol. he feels like a parallel of izzy, joe, and TK(season 1 tk) while also being kind of none of those and suffering through lackluster characterization as a result... and then once ken joins the team it feels a little redundant. there's a couple cody-centric eps of 02 I remember really liking but then i think abt how he's been used since in like post-series content and 02:the beginning where they made him type on the computer even though obviously that's yoleis thing but because he had nothing else to do and aghh... my blood boils. i feel like the youngest but most serious anime achetype even at its bare bones is actually rly interesting idk why they don't play it up. UM. Once again my opinion is that he should be taller LOL and maybe they should play up his kendo martial arts honorable training stuff more idk. tallest + youngest + most serious just seems like a recipe for success for me. well. theres still time. and theres always fanfic.
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THIS IS SO NICE TO SAY and not the first time someone has said it but i appreciate it everytime because i really admire the mm art style so much. It's like part of why I got really into the movie because I really recognized my own artistic sensibilities and aspirations in the way they stylized everything.
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UM And i feel like since watching the movie and looking at all the concept art and making my own art i do feel like its only become more obvious how much my own art is lacking LOL LIKE when you see something that feels so similar I think the differences only become more stark. those artists are definitely on a different level than me. But it's nice to hear people say it doesn't look so different from their pov. thank u ^^
thank u!!!!!!! i love mundanity and naturalism... there's something so beautiful abt it to me lol... I feel like my anatomy needs work actually but ive been feeling better abt it this year so it's good to hear! thank you!
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DLKGDSGDLALSNDF WAS IT TOO FAR..?? firstly, yeah I was thinking late teen/young adult ages for both of them ie 18-19ish, definitely not the age the kids are in the movie lol.
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but also they arent DOING anything in that pic it is literally just a confrontation + some innuendo... I think teens should be allowed some less than subtle innuendo.. its like one of the top 3 classically teen pastimes...
this is such a funny ask to get because i feel like i haven't been able to do thin lineart until like. this past year or two maybe LOL. UM having a line-centric art job helped I think. I started on craig of the creek back in 2022 and thats a show where we spend a lot of time inking so I had a job where I was constantly moderating my line weight 40 hours a week every week for over a year. disappointingly, much of improvement is simply horrendous amounts of practice.
Here's a tip though: I think a lot of thin lineart boils down to confidence. I think instinctively we read thick, bold, fast lines as confident but theres actually a lot of obscuring you can do with a thick line. if you're not sure whether the nose on the face or a browline should be a little more left or a little more down you can hide that with a thick line and pretend its a shadow. or hide it with a bunch of quick lines and the eye can kind of approximate where looks best among the mass.. whereas a thin line is rly singular and stark and hides nothing, it needs to be precise. so anytime i know i want thin lineart i spend a LOT of time sketching, making sure i know exactly where i want my lines to go. so im not second guessing by the time im inking...
ok thats kind of a broad tip lol... here's one thats more applicable: IF POSSIBLE, lower your pressure sensitivity on your device. most devices have some way to edit your pressure sensitivity curve. I use a surface pro at home and this is what my pressure curve looks like most of the time.
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When I work on a wacom it looks even more like a reverse L shape LOL. I'm naturally a really heavy-handed artist and I use a "light" or "hard" pressure curve to compensate for how hard I'm always pressing on the pen lol. if you're like me and you struggle with going too hard with the ink too fast... this will probably help a lot!
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SFHASLDFH I LOVE THIS ASK this is like the type of question a person gets asked when chalk drawing on the sidewalk at recess LOL. but i understand because I've been struggling also for like. months. I think I'm finally starting to nail it down though so here's some of my observations.
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[feel free to save this img but **please do not re-post it or share broadly**. my biggest fear in the world is to spend 30 min on some notes and become a widely proliferated art tutorial im not even kidding. i made it low contrast and difficult to read on purpose.]
my other tip is to just look at and study a lot of reference because that's all ive been doing. the tmnt are really cartoony so its difficult to use like actual anatomical reference unless ur going for that look BUT theres been so many adaptions in so many different styles that there's a real treasure trove of stuff to look at for how to simplify, stylize, and dissect these characters while keeping the recognizable essence. so theres lots to pull from.
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If you want to expand further, it's also good to have 5) something sci-fi 6)something fantasy 7)something mundane/slice of life. a bedroom is a really good go-to. And of course some bgs can be two or more of these things at once.
I've definitely answered asks abt bg tips before but here's one specifically for if you want to do bg design for a job:
Your portfolio should probably have at least one of each of the following 1) an interior 2) an exterior 3) a cityscape 4) a nature scene. Just to cover kind of the basics of what you'd be asked to draw on any given project.
I actually feel like I don't have that many cityscrapes in my portfolio... this is something I'm gonna try to work on in the coming year LOL. OH ALSO. This is a very basic tip and people will tell you it all the time but its worth repeating: look up portfolio websites of artists who have the job you want. An easy way to do this is to go onto imdb for any cartoon or movie you like and to find the names listed as "bg/background designer" or whatever then just google that name +"art" or "animation" most artists have some public facing internet presence so it's not hard. spend time studying their work and hold those images in your head! it's a good way to get a good idea of what "industry standard" looks like and comparing ur own art to it... I know people sometimes get bummed comparing their art to others but if you can keep your head up lol.. it'll help you figure out what you need to work on!
ok thats all i have to say sorry for typing so much. happy new year everybody who read this far LMAO!!!!!
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anony-mouse-writer · 4 months
Okay okay okay. This is literally gonna chew on my brain, so.
Here I list the tenets that guide the blooded sword:
I. May all that you face have a fighting chance. Any sword raised to the innocent or unarmed in cruelty is blackened by its shame.
[If he won’t move, move him. This must be done.]
[He could shove Tanguish back against the wall, stun him with the blow, and his sword would be in his hands before Tanguish knew what happened.
II. May your wrath be stoked only by the Saint's wrath, tempered by the Saint's fire, and quenched by the Saint's blood. A fool are they who, gifted the Saint's power, use it in wrath or malice alone.
His body still shook like the innervated sparks of a kicked campfire, but the parts of him that mattered, that controlled his voice and his will, felt so near to nothing it was startling. Transcendent. There was just a simple surety: he was going to make Wels pay for this.
[Do something.]
III. May you meet every adversary with honor, nor despise them for their challenge. May every battle prove your glory, and every accepted challenge prove their equal.
“He’ll make you kneel like that t-too and he’ll kill you, and you won’t be able to do anything to stop him!”
“Then I won’t give him the chance to command me.”
IV. May you be steadfast and know no retreat, for the back turned is once wounded and twice deserving. May every wound won show no proof of running.
V. May you meet every obstacle with courage, for just as all that emits light must endure burning, all the courageous must make a brother of their fears.
Helsknight felt his breath begin to heave, the silent determination of his wrath giving way to something nastier and more desperate.
VI. May your word be law, as binding as chains, and as chains may it drown you when bound in deceit.
“I didn’t promise that.”
“You did!”
“Then it's a promise I’m breaking.”
VII. May you seek the counsel of your elders, those more versed in the order and its ways, and respect their word once given, for their communion with the Saint is long, and their wisdom earned.
VIII. May you persevere to the end of any enterprise begun, for the folly is theirs that, through unfinished business, never gain wisdom from deeds done.
“You said we were in this together,” Tanguish said quickly. “Keep your promise and stay.”
IX. May you respect the honor of your fellow helsmet, that none may know you cruel or slave to vice. For no creature, be they sibling of order or beggar or king, is ever deserving of dishonor or pain.
Tanguish was so small, and so fragile. And he was so scared of pain, maybe all he really needed to do was turn around and grab the knife off the table, and then Tanguish would run.]
X. May you treat all siblings of sword and order as your own, held accountable as you would so hold yourself. A villain are they that stray from their tenets, and a villain they that allow it.
- Redstone and Skulk, @silverskye13
okay, so now that we’ve gone through all the ways Helsknight broke his tenets this chapter, lets talk about the WoG confirmation that the red text is the will of the his Saint and his accusation that Tanguish is twisting his tenets.
…… yeah I mean, he kind is. He’s admitted to it in the past too.
Like, obviously I am deeply unwell about this series in general, but Helsknight’s devotion to his Saint is so fucking fascinating to me personally. Holding to a code no one else has to is hard as shit and the Saint’s code is pretty vicious. But part of the code also addresses getting help from others and I don’t even know if there are others of the order?
BUT what there are others of, is the champions of the arena. And Helsknight has been forgoing their help for a while and the Hand calls him out on it. Helsknight just now realizing that he doesn’t have a lot of things grounding himself to him instead of Wels (and self-admittedly ignoring several of those things of late) isn’t healthy and he needs to reach out and he needs someone to hold him accountable, either to his tenets or whatever internal logic he decides to replace them with, and I don’t think it can be Tanguish, because I love him, but he’s absolutely a manipulative little shit who will use Helsknight’s code to his advantage in tense situations.
Hels doesn’t get much in the way of happy endings and I’m not entirely convinced that the ideal scenario for Helsknight to follow his tenets to the letter at this moment would be to muster up his allies and a battle plan and then march on hermitcraft to duel Wels or something. Which would be lowkey highkey horrible for everyone involved, not gonna lie. But I also have to wonder reallly strongly about how the red text of the Saint’s will directly violated several of the tenets and what that means for Helsknight going forward.
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therianterritory · 4 months
Hello 👋
Recently I've been looking into the whole therian/fictkin (I can't spell)/alterhuman ECT communities because at first it was just for fun and to see what the internet has been doing lately but it's started to feel less like a polite exploratory thing and more a thing I've been considering in myself.
I don't really know why it's all of a sudden become a thing I'm personally interested in but it has and I'm very confused.
I don't think I'm a therian because I got basically none of the "criteria" ( I know it's not like a list you check off but I'm nothing like any of the therians Ive seen online) and it's mildly distressing when I think too hard about it.
Ive been asking around but no one has been responding and I'm hoping maybe you can help as you've stated that you are an educator.
I have a list of things I felt like may fit along the lines of the aforementioned identities (sorry if that's the wrong word to use. I'm really nervous and trying to be as respectful as possible)
- When I was a kid I used to wish I could build a den/nest and used to get really sad when I had to take down my pillow "nests"
- I had a fascination with things that could fly and always wished that I had wings. Not necessarily that I was a type of bird but more like a hybrid human with wings.
- sometimes now I wish I had wings and it's almost like I can feel them stretch when I flex my back
- I had a fun idea to create horns once and I couldn't sleep thinking about how much I couldn't wait to make them. And when I made them it just felt so right to have them on. They felt natural.
- Sometimes I'll just run around my backyard whilst no one is home and it gives me an amazing sense of being free.
- Ive always been fascinated with the forest and ever since I was a little kid I used to imagine living in the forest all on my own and making a treehouse to live in away from society.
I honestly don't know if any of that means anything and I'm really really sorry for such a long message but I just really need some answers or guidance right now. Literally anything could be helpful if you have the time to read this.
Hope you have a good day
Hi! I am of course never able to tell people whether they are alterhuman of any kind or not. This is simply something that you can only tell for yourself. All I can do is give advice on how to look into your identity more accurately. So I will just review the things you've mentioned and give advice if I see fit. You can do with this what you want. My advice is also not the answer to everything.
While it's good to take your childhood into account, it's also very important to realize that as kids, we have a way bigger imagination. Unless you really feel like your urges and behaviors from the past weren't completely human, wanting to do things as a kid usually does not say much. I often recommend for people to mostly look at what they experience now, unless the past holds any significance despite childhood imagination (I'm therewith not stating however, that what you experienced is imagination and not alterhumanity. That's something I cannot know). I'm just saying that in my opinion, what you experienced as a kid isn't always one-hundred percent reliable. But do surely take it into consideration alongside your current experiences!
Feeling phantom wings is definitely a potential alterhuman experience. What's mostly important is to think for yourself whether you focus on the phantom wings on purpose when you believe you feel them, or if they are simply there naturally. While even natural shifts may sometimes occur when you consciously focus on it, any sign of consciously inducing a shift might mean that the experience was not an involuntary experience (and therianthropy is of course mostly determined by that). So the question is rather if you ever experienced such phantom sensations or other types of shifts, behaviors, instincts, and/or urges without thinking about it at all. Or if something somewhat unrelated triggered you into such a state.
Having an affection for nature and deliberating actions are debatable things. Because humans are instinctively also drawn to nature, and running around would probably be a freeing experience to anyone. It's always important to nuance your experiences with human instincts to at least some extend (while sometimes, of course, it may overlap) The question is rather how it made you feel on the inside. Do you feel like you aren't your human self when you do these things? Or do you feel like your human self mixes with something else? Etc.
In the end, it's really about how you define yourself and the nonhuman experiences you have naturally. And be mindful of the other alterhuman terms as well. You say you might be a humanoid creature in some way, so do not be afraid to look into Otherkin and the like as well! Therianthropy is really about that natural animalistic experience. If you do not have that, that doesn't mean you cannot identify as alterhuman/nonhuman!
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bunglegaydogs · 9 months
dazais plan
quick little ramble one
well this wont be quick
im fucking torn apart after the newest episode, because ive not been able to watch it until now because ive been busy.
i am in shambles.
i know it sounds like wishful thinking, but i genuinely do think dazai has a plan. of course he does; asagiri isnt going to kill him off just like that without any good reason. unless there is a completely valid, reasonable, sound explanation, then no, i really dont think asagiri will kill dazai. there are too many unanswered questions, too many shut down paths should that happen. it'll pretty much tip the balance of the narrative slightly, shift the story. idk. anyways.
my point is, dazai cant die here. not like this. just like chuuya said when they fought lovecraft. this is not the place to die. they still have so much left to do together. he cant possibly leave him here now. not without a plan.
i just like to keep referring back to the lovecraft fight; "when have my tactics ever been wrong?"
this gives us a pretty clear indication that dazai's plans almost always follow through. we've seen instances where, no, they haven't. oda. 55 minutes. some parts of fifteen.
but these are all extreme cases. he could do nothing about oda, because he didnt know of moris involvement/plan. he could do nothing about oda, because oda had already made his mind up. he could do nothing about oda, because it was too late.
he could do nothing about gab, because gab had been changing the outcome of the entire thing using time travel; dazais no exception to that. if gab knows that dazai knows what he will do, he goes back in time and now knows that dazai knows what he will do, and can therefore get the jump on dazai, who is still in the stage of not knowing what gab knows. confusing lmao.
my point is, only in the extreme cases where everything is doomed to fail from the start do dazai's plans fall through.
this is an extreme case where dazai's plan NEEDS to come through. it cannot crumble. the literal fate of the world depends on the agencys next moves, and they have to be careful and cautious of/about them. because, should they make one wrong move, everything's fucked.
and, that's the beauty of soukoku. the raw trust.
honestly, trust doesn't even put it into words.
it doesn't do their bond any justice. because it's so much more than that. they rely on each other, they exist within one another. they literally are one soul in two bodies. they exist WITH each other. there's no chuuya without dazai, and there's no dazai without chuuya. so, asagiri will not put chuuya into a world or a plan without dazai there, because they need each other. they need each other to be alive and well and fine. they need each other to pull through this, each playing their roles.
i dont know what kind of wack ass plan dazai has in mind. but i hope to god it comes through soon.
i think the anime really did ch 101 such a good fucking justice; something about that scene was so raw, so emotional, so beautiful. the colours, the expressions, the movements. i've always said this, but soukoku is like a private thing. whenever they're involved, it always seems like you're intruding on their moment. this is theirs. this isn't for the eyes of anybody else. the lack of music and the softness about the dead apple scene, the unity and trust and reliance in the lovecraft fight, the playful back and forth bickering when they rescue q, or at any other moment.
each and every moment between these two is something so special, so foreign and so delicate. like a glass flower. it's so beautiful, and it pulls you in. but you know better than to touch it so carelessly; you must handle it with care and attention. everything about this is important. each small glare, each tiny dent. each little glint in the light, each sharp edge, each smooth side. all of it is worth looking at, and all of it means something. even the most insignificant parts of it have a role to play in making it look so beautiful.
and that's what i think is so fascinating about soukoku. every small interaction, every dynamic, every word spoken between them; it all means something. even their stupid bickering. even their harsh glares. it's all important.
i may be rambling, but god idk. something about soukoku just makes me feral i guess.
the soft moments between soukoku are definitely my favourites.
dazai catching chuuya's falling body out of the sky, and laughing quietly about how he wants to doodle on his face. there's something so childlike and innocent, so pure about that. they get to be the kids they never got the be around each other. they get to relax, unwind. they get to live easy, and breathe easier when they're around each other.
the one panel of dazai gently holding chuuyas head as he rests in his lap. dazai gently cupping chuuyas cheek, nullifying corruption and taking away the absurd amounts of pain that chuuyas in. just in their own little bubble. quiet whispers. something about the way dazai makes no comment when chuuya collapses onto his lap once more, eager to let him rest. something about the way he smiles at him when he's not looking. something about the way he talks to others about him. something about the little comments he makes, without even mentioning chuuya's name, and everyone knows its about him (everyone being us ofc). something about the privacy of their partner/relationship, nobody else knowing the details. nobody else knowing how deep that trust runs between them. nobody.
it's just theirs. their little thing to have with each other. it's only theirs, and nobody can take it away from them.
not even asagiri.
because how can you rip someone's soul apart?
how do you kill half of a single soul?
anyways. im very tired. its half 4 in the morning right now, and im just so out of my mind and sad but happy about soukoku, and how much i fucking love them and their dynamic and could talk about them for hours. genuinely, it feels like i blacked out writing this, i just get out of hand and start going on and on and on and getting more fucking metaphorical as i go.
anyways, hope you enjoyed LMAO have a lovely day/night, wherever you are <3
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