#this is kinda very messy and the proportions are a bit weird but!
sri-rachaa · 1 year
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Asher doesn’t have a good sense of “personal space”
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 5 months
Forging Ties - Chapter 11 - Part 2
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*Warning - Adult Content*  
They walked between the neat rows of plants, approaching a cluster of buildings in the distance.
Hamish nudged at the base of one of the plants with the toe of his boot and unearthed a light brown globe.
As they passed a scarecrow, they paused to admire it.
It was sturdier and more well put together than any scarecrow Hamish had seen before.
In the past, he had always encountered ones that were little more than a stick dressed in old clothes with some straw stuffed in to pad it out.
This one, however, had been crafted with love.
It had button eyes and a big smile stitched on its sackcloth face and its arms and legs were properly filled out inside its shirt and pants, finished off with a pair of old boots.
"Either they have very intelligent birds around here that won't be fooled by anything but the best craftsmanship," Hamish remarked, "Or someone found an outlet for their artistic inspiration."
Slone leant in and gave the scarecrow a careful sniffing.
"Does it smell of human?" Duran asked.
"A lil' bit," Slone said, still sniffing the scarecrow. "But other things, too. Kinda hard to say what. There are a few different scents and they're old. Probably this thing has been rained on a few times since anything living wore its clothes."
"Maybe the person who made it traded with the humans we met yesterday for old clothes," Hamish suggested.
They continued on through the field, approaching the cluster of buildings.
As they got closer, they realised that none of the buildings were houses.
They were mostly large, rectangular structures meant for storage but there was one smaller, more approachable building.
'Visiters' was painted in messy blue letters across the front of the building.
"Well, that seems... welcoming, I guess?" Hamish said. "Should we go inside?"
"We are visiting, so I guess so."
Slone pushed the door open and then paused halfway inside.
Hamish shouldered past him and then startled when he saw what had caused Slone to hesitate.
One of the scarecrows had been set up behind a counter, as though it were a store clerk.
"Okay, I'm starting to get a little freaked out," Hamish admitted. "Slone, you smell anything?"
"People come through here sometimes but... I dunno. Doesn't really smell like a lived-in place, y'know?"
Duran went to inspect the scarecrow while Hamish headed towards another door on the other side of the room, which had the word 'trading' written on it in the same blue paint.
Hamish was just reaching for the doorknob when Duran let out a cry of surprise.
In a split second, Hamish retrieved a hidden knife from beneath his shirt and whipped around.
Duran had taken several steps backwards and was staring at the scarecrow, an expression of wide-eyed shock on his face.
Had the scarecrow's arm been up like that a moment ago?
"It moved," Duran said, his eyes fixed on the scarecrow.
"I think it tried to touch me. I think it might be alive."
"Oh, huh," Slone said, remarkably unconcerned.
"That's weird."
"You're being awfully casual about this," Duran said, eyeing the scarecrow warily.
"Well, it ain't the first weird thing I've seen and it doesn't look too tough, so I ain't worried," Slone said, approaching the scarecrow and holding out his hand.
"I'm Slone. Nice to meet you."
Straw rustled as the scarecrow reached out a hand covered by a dirty white glove stained with dry blue paint that matched the signs.
Slone carefully shook the offered hand.
That seemed to have sealed a kind of peace.
The scarecrow came out from behind the counter and approached the door to the 'trading' room on unevenly proportioned, crunchy legs.
It managed to open the doorknob with greater ease than Hamish had expected and then waved them all inside.
The room was full of stuff... sacks of produce stacked to one side, an old armchair piled with clothes, a bowl full of old coins, books, pots and pans and a painting propped against a wall.
The scarecrow approached Hamish and prodded at his coat with its weird gloved hand.
"You want to trade for it?" Hamish asked.
The scarecrow rustled as it nodded.
It grabbed one of the sacks, dragged it over and opened it to reveal that it was full of potatoes.
"You want to trade my coat for the potatoes?"
The scarecrow nodded again.
"A generous offer," Hamish said.
"But we're traveling, so an entire sack of potatoes might be a pain to lug around."
The scarecrow abandoned the potatoes on the floor and hurried off to dig through the piles of stuff.
It was more agile than Hamish had initially assumed.
Stronger, too, considering how it had dragged the sack of potatoes around.
It returned with a pair of boots.
"I don't think any of us need new boots," Hamish said.
"Well, maybe Slone, since his are borrowed but these ones wouldn't fit him anyway."
The scarecrow set the boots on a nearby table and went to dig around again.
It returned carrying an egg... a large egg the colour of the night sky with gold flecked across its surface that it had to use both arms to carry.
"This is... an interesting offer," Hamish said as the scarecrow carefully set the egg down on the table.
"Is that an actual, real egg or is it some kind of weird decoration?"
The scarecrow, of course, didn't answer.
"Can't say I've seen anything like that before," Slone said.
"Awful fancy looking."
"Even if it is real, it probably isn't alive, right?" Duran pointed out. "Eggs usually need to be incubated."
"They do but even a chicken egg can go days without being incubated before it dies," Hamish said.
"This thing looks a bit more robust than a chicken egg."
Slone leant down until he was level with the table and pressed his ear against the egg.
They all went silent as he listened.
"Huh. Well, whatever it is, it ain't dead in there."
"A very interesting offer indeed," Hamish said, pondering the egg. "It's alive now but if it does need to be incubated and nobody does that, it will die."
Hamish turned to the scarecrow
"Why do you have an egg?"
The scarecrow stared back with its empty, button eyes, saying nothing because its mouth was only thread stitched into sackcloth.
"Would kinda be a pain to lug around, 'specially if it needs to be kept warm," Slone said. "An' then if it hatches..."
"But if you don't take it, you'll never know," Duran said.
"You'll never know what it was. You'll never know if it lived or died."
Hamish pulled his coat off where he'd slung it over his bag and held it out to the scarecrow.
"The egg and four potatoes. Final offer."
The scarecrow took the coat.
Hamish picked up the egg, tucked it under his shirt and hugged it against his body.
"I guess I'm going to be a father."
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Summary of November:
Not focussed at all. Started doing some random studies of other artists. Leaning hard on composition-over-plotted-out-backgrounds, which, while good for my composition skills, is not what I wanted to be doing
Plan from October :
All monthly/weekly goals for the year ✗
Proko: ribcage ✗
Review all Proko notes ✗
DAB Lesson 7 ✗ working through
One FE fanart every 4 days ✓ averaged out to every two days!
Draw N7 Day piece before N7 Day ✗ only did a boring fullbody sketch (at least I did something)
December plan:
All monthly/weekly goals for the year
Proko: ribcage
Review all Proko notes
DAB Lesson 7
One FE fanart every 4 days AND NOT MORE OFTEN
Plan out and draw all the Kylux Advent ideas I have
Put Kylux Advent into my spreadsheet
notes and improvements from finished stuff:
try to find photo reference for expressions✗, do Proko ribcage lesson✗, draw and detail with linework everyday objects✗
lute: proportions screwy, uncanny valley eyes, lineart+painting don't blend well together
valter: though I like the composition overall, it goes dark too quickly. hair is too abstract to really look like hair. awkward pose and his right hand looks kinda flat. cup looks too smooth/undetailed to fit in the picture
linhardt: eyes too far apart? attempt at softening lineart edge where it meets the tree is very messy and detracts. overall very plain and flat, could have used some patterns in the background or thinner lines
n!heath: expression is REALLY BAD (mouth), armour doesn't align with arm orientation and pose is stiff. however, detail level is nice!
shep: leg muscles are completely made up and it shows, hand is v bad
limstella: composition isn't very interesting, rendering on sleeve is just a bunch of random triangles because I don't know how to draw folds, facial features look uncanny and not in a good way, I do like how their hair fades out into the background though
revan: face is flat (nose looks 2d), colours are too busy with too-sudden contrast changes, hand perspective is a little screwy but looks ok overall, background is a mess
revolutionary girl eirika: gormless expression, cheaped out on drawing hands, she isn't actually putting any force into the hand on her hip, sleeves don't have clearly defined planes
lyon: i hate that bright white nose highlight so much, lighting direction overall is p unclear, hand is too dark and looks dead, eyes too far apart
heath 2: forearm should be facing more to the left because it looks like the upper arm is too short otherwise, face isn't tilted up enough (I remember struggling with this one because being able to see too much of the underside of the chin in a stylised drawing is… it looks weird), I do like how vibrant the colours ended up though. i think I was playing around with curves at the end?
kylux: hand looks very fat unintentionally, tried to convey the reflectiveness of leather but couldn't, they don't really look like they're interacting (works for the dynamic but I didn't mean to draw it this way)
karel: back of head too large, hands too simplified?, dull values, hair looks really bad/stringy
grado bang: I need to stop using a lineart brush that's too big because it makes any kind of details look really bad
ice machine: composition KINDA works but actions aren't clear, lines feel v lifeless (esp. chair). not sure why
karel: think his shoulder is in a bit of an awkward angle and hair feels a little contrived but overall this is p ok
heath 3: pose looks like he's overextending his shoulder, arrow hand could use a little more definition, bow lineart is wobbly, colours feel dull and unbalanced, I really should have put more detail into the background
ACTIONABLES: practice expression sketches from photos, do Proko ribcage lesson, draw and detail with linework everyday objects
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smndragon · 3 years
My big three are Pisces sun 11th house (if houses are allowed), capricorn moon 8th house (💀) and Taurus rising!
And yes most of my planets are in detriment 🥲
Thank you luv! Take your time 💞
First off I had to sit up in bed it's so late here (I'm fine I'm watching history stuff rn on the Victorian era)
Second off let's go hm. This is honestly gonna be awkward. My methods are confusing I'm sorry and sometimes I may mix energies😭 Pisces sun, Capricorn moon, and Taurus rising. Have to turn my tv down to connect. (Took my hair down so I'm feeling more energy and I love it)
NO MORE STALLING I NEED TO DO THIS. the Pisces sun and Capricorn moon are reaching out more than Taurus rising. (Possibly form reading those first lol) when I see the pisces I see flames for some reason? Something cold along those lines, the fire feels like I could pass through it dancing and it wouldn't burn me one bit. The Pisces sun is retracting it's touch so going to come back in a bit. Multiple marionettes are in the distance of the Pisces sun home, women and men all alike in fashionable ballet poses. Hung up on the walls with black paper. The walls of a weirdly enough idol? I see fairy lights of cool colors and bright lights. The walls are blue and white, color changing over and over. I don't see the Pisces until typing this, in the middle of the room, on pillows of all arctic tones. (My screen broke so typing this hurts my eyes kinda sorry for typos) the Pisces takes the form of a wise and authentic sheep or lamb. Fish in bottles cover the rooms shelves and book holdings. Many jars of items never seen before by modern eyes or old. (Though they do seem modern in a way I just ramble and write this all at once sorry) from the dancers I believe you may enjoy the finer arts of things related, or stand in your kitchen with songs or silence somehow making your own music. The pictures move on the walls creating fairytales and stories of all kinds. Leaning towards probable loss of childhood or the indulgence in stories close to your heart. The Pisces sun may be placed in the chest, lower stomach, or left hip? It cools your heart sometimes but you do seem very warm. I keep thinking of Hans Christian Andersen and his stories in my mind, possible Disney adaptions. Your Pisces sun offers warm hot chocolate to it's passerbys, the walls turn to the form of an iced igloo (possible misspelling) the place your Pisces sun offers in other people's hearts is undeniable, true to their beliefs and nature, sweaters adorn it's wool. Possible love for warmth and bigger clothing unless parties come around. I feel the Pisces sun could offer difficulty in relationships because of its worrying nature at times, the Pisces is more fiery than common belief but it still holds meek under certain presences. "Hide me" it keeps saying, moving from it's pillows to behind me. It loves it's host too much, it has been with you in more cases than just this lifetime, I feel it new it would reach you someday as most zodiacs do. The sun's eyes are so wide they hold galaxies, love for stars and hearts or heads filled with the knowledge of them. Curiosity has killed this sign so many times it stopped looking on its own. Your host body helps it explore and it thanks you for that.
Your Capricorn moon is dear to you. It sometimes pushes the Pisces sun over in order to make room for itself. It takes the form of a bull, headfirst hitting your heart with it's passion and longing. It shakes the core of your other zodiacs, waking them every morning like an alarm. This could possibly cause headaches, pain in your sided, or heartburn? The dark sleek hairs on the bull have gifted you the roots of your hair (not color just strength and devotion to grow). I now see the possibility of baldness at some point? Either by choice or you've thought "f*ck it why not?" But didn't go through. The bull had a golden cow ring, it shines in distance. The light creates a desert image to the people witnessing it. The Capricorn moon entices the mystery and wanting form others that gods had gifted its patrons. Your hair is a natural element of your being. I see messy mornings with a toothbrush in the holder. Standing in front of the mirror a host looks into their eyes looking for the Capricorn. A tiny bit of reminiscence is the eyelashes of your eye and the marks on your skin either moles or beauty wise. I saw an image of a cow looking birthmark and that's adorable but not a probable so ignore. "Love" it tells you this with every hit of its horns on your heart. Love until you're bleeding but not when you're burnt. Carry it's fire and temper and show it to anyone who pains your loved ones or crosses its borders. Don't flush people out, just learn that you will always matter and the Capricorn moon will always be there. It has engraved it's initials in the form of hooves so far deep into your flesh you will never not feel it. I see clear skin which could have been helped with facial products or natural and pure sweat. The bulls hard work always pay off, and the sweat at the end of the day will always be a sign of its natural influence. Highly intelligent and most utterly gorgeous. Okay well while I was writing this it took a turn and started coming after me so we'll leave it there. I keep coming back here god, sickness or flus were common once to your body or mind, the pain has washed over (past current or future?) Placement definitely near the heart or lungs. They seems cracked in the future, avoid smoking.
I feel I haven't given enough information hopefully it'll give more later on.
"hold me" "me, me, me" I keep hearing it form your signs. The Taurus ascendant loves the fire of your Capricorn moon. It admires the reigning image of the zodiac and wishes to connect with it. Often they hide away from you in dreams, enjoying thoughts and snacks, talking of what's to come in the next hosts life. (They still love you don't worry) you leave them wondering how they got here, how their host became the person they are now. They whisper congratulations to you in your sleep, sometimes wandering your housing area, looking for parts of you in every little thing. The Pisces sun seems more isolated from the rest but they force them to deal with their presence. (Pieces secretly loves it) the Taurus rising works exactly well with the bull Capricorn, waking the same and sleeping the same. It love to chat and talk the boots off of your conscience. Arguing it should be able to hold some power and that the consequences will be worthit. They honestly need to take a break, I thought of them in stripper boots and heels pointing at the sun💀 I'm guessing that's the house of your mind in the desolate desert. The Taurus rising offers crops and room for experience and experimenting growth. Crops of corn, greens, and etc. It carries fields and fields of cropping on its back. Dealing with your struggles by coating them in salt and good food. This makes me think there's a possibility people think you take things too lightly. That's not always the case you just worry over and are both tired of it at the same time possibly. You've down your work and you don't owe much to this world unless you offer. Retract your hand if you need please you deserve it. Lay back with shades and swim wear even in the broad neighborhood those people's thoughts shouldn't matter. The Taurus rising has taken your burdens, it worries not for your future as it plans on keeping close eyes on the plants and fields in your chest and body. Vines of fruits of all kinds grow on the legs area, possible things associated with that area in life or mind.
All in all your signs balance you with love, kindness in the form of drinks, handshakes between all time friends, warm goodbyes, lovely future meals, and more. They care for you and no matter what your decision is they appreciate your thoughts. Your method is precise, always carry on and back it up.
For future health I see fevers and malnourishment, not to worry with your friends and loved ones in the future or from the past. Possible miscarriage if heavily dosed on certain things, I see birth control, pain relievers, and stuff to take the edge off involving cars. Careful driving. Honestly, hit your head on the steering wheel when you're stressed it's been a long time coming and it'll heal🤍 you have a good proportioned body. Skin is soft and loved by all who see it. Your smile is so intoxicating it should take place of the sun. "Hold your friends close and your enemies closer" I saw that and I love the vibe it gives off, feels like a mob boss person and I dig it. Keep doing you, I don't see many problems just keep going you're doing great and the afterlife that you believe in or even if not at all is prepared with roses and decorative caskets filled with all your most fashionable items. The Taurus brings out fashion and luxury so it's not a surprise you may like the finer afterlife you've got all set up. Kiss the devil if you see him he adores you (not wishing bad just saw it). I keep seeing people form peaky blinders. Possible other zodiac influence is Gemini, Virgo sun or moon, I see the weird word hysteria, other Capricorns tend to attract so gl I think you may know some placements. Based on the houses with my knowledge your sun in the 11th is a good place to be it gives a communal and work influenced life. People like your ideas and the friendships are worth while, you bring a hope to people that isn't needed sometimes but is always there, feels like an office friend situation. Possible job friendships and popularity. Capricorn moon in 8th tells me you have cardinal secrets, both zodiac and sins. It's not on my knowledge just a feeling, but it isn't wrong you've been redeemed in almost every culture and religion, I see you may not have strong religion in the basic stuff but you do care for culture. You spend your time admiring the loves of other nations, countries, religions, lifestyle, and more design and architecture came up 3d modeling too I feel like the little baby 3d model kit is something you need to try with a family member, lover, or friend, it's gonna be a bit messy but you'll like it some bit. I don't get know what detriment is sorry but I feel I got somewhat through that it made me think of mental health, hardships, and overall security somehow idk. Ask for more if you want I feel I forgot stuff and this has been so long sorry.
COMING BACK TO REALIZE I MISSED ENERGY COLORS! Taurus ascendant is a warm orange, dry sun rays and heated lamps are seen, the colors loved by those in hot weather used to it. The Pisces sun is cool with blues, grey's, whites, and a tiny smudge of yellow in soft swirls. Particles surround it. Capricorn moon is overly intimidating me right now. It glares so much god. It's color is dark blues mixed with purples and sea refuge vibes. Deep sea diving why don't they. The colors could create pallets only seen by me. They are honestly really beautiful.
HONESTLY WHAT AM I DOING ITS 4 AM NOW. okay description wise. I see short it average person. Possibly tall but idk I doubt myself during these but they seem to be right when I do???? Hesitation is a problem with me. I'd say 5'2-5'6 possible 5'7 or even 6'0 your energy says I'm huge don't ignore me so what's happening. Age could be somewhere to late teens through late or mid twenties (using basic knowledge it's not likely you aren't so open as a young teenager but your aura says you're young as ever. Your skin I want to say is dark tanned yet still seen as white but the Indian part makes me doubt. My mother is what looks white you'd never guess so I thought possible brown to black hair maybe even possibly a light brown? (Vague I'm so sorry) I see a beauty mark on your arm, inner thighs somewhere. Your lover now or in the future has a possible tendency to kiss you all over at times? Random. Your clothing style is bold yet meek. You wear things not expected in the season but still fits within the cultures of seasonal beauty. Rock hair would suit you ngl in my mind it's the smallest maybe. You have many boots and few heels possibly, possibly to add height though given since duh that what they're kind for. I see a red car somewhere idk ignore that. Possible relations to the goddess Hera in some way, she gifts you with few of her talents, some being a pathway of unseen gold. Do more crazy poses don't care if it's weird do it. Memories do it for the memories. I see many Taurus themes possible soulmate bond placement if you believe in that (I have theories against the basic soulmate thing but I still like it).
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cherries-are-valid · 3 years
✨tell me about some of your ocs✨
So I’m gonna do my fandom (hetalia) ocs because I wanna talk about them more ((au stuff for a bit of context))
Washington DC
Human name: Diana Claire Jones
((I don’t have good drawn out ref so I’m gonna try to describe her appearance as best as I can)) She’s physically 18 and 4’9.5 (that five is very important), black with a 3c hair type, large round amber eyes, has a rectangular body type and fairly well proportioned. Her face and nose are also round and she has that type of mouth that seems to become large when she smiles in the best way possible. Hair is styled in a half up half down style with a silver clip to hold it back
Workaholic and is easily pushed around by her superiors
She’s more of an introvert and is very socially awkward. Doesn’t really help that she has a resting bitch face and is somewhat seen as intimidating despite her small size
Completely turning gears she loves gogo
Like if she has headphones on theres a 99.9% chance she’s listening to it
Don’t mention the humidity or traffic, it puts her in a bad mood
Plays the congos and drums pretty well
Rearranges her vast book collection way too much to the point where she’s really the only person who knows where things are
Somehow always becomes the baby™️ of what ever friend group she’s somehow roped into no matter what
Has vitiligo with a larger patch on her left shoulder and a smaller patch on her left hairline ((she dyes it so she doesn’t look like she’s graying))
Human name: Mette Køhler
Physical age: early twenties, 5’7 and built like a muscular stick, very nice legs due to biking everywhere, strawberry blonde hair that’s more on the blonder side and it is very long and healthy, azure eyes that are in a cat like shape, heart shaped face with sharp cheekbones and a long nose that’s crooked from being broken and not healing correctly and a larger mouth with thin lips. Her hair is usually styled in a high ponytail with messy bangs and a large bow.
She’s the calm big sister type due to having to deal with Denmark’s bullshit for the past centuries despite being younger than him both city wise and physically
Don’t cross her, she’s really scary when angry, luckily that doesn’t happen much except during chess matches
She doesn’t have a good filter so she’ll casually say something really inappropriate and see nothing wrong with it ((this mainly applies to her nightlife if you get what I’m saying))
Has a really good alcohol tolerance and is a pretty good drinking buddy
Is a really passionate poet and writer. She hosts a writing club and literary magazine and sometimes helps with local plays
That being said her calm bis sister vibe can completely shatter when she’s the boss of things. Like if everything doesn’t go her way prepare to be yelled at
Really good with time management, probably even schedules her mental breakdowns
West Berlin
Human name: Evelyn Beilschmidt
Physical age: 19, 5’2, hour glass body with a nice booty and thighs, she’s a natural brunette but bleaches her hair. Like DC it’s styled in a half up half down look but more messy and with darker roots. Triangular face with a large scar going across it starting from left to right. She has light green eyes and a king nose that’s kinda pointy.
She’s pretty lazy and hard to get along with
Has a hard time connecting with people and uses her (fake) arrogance to hide how lonely she really is
Really good at figure drawing and expressions. She also draws weird stuff she sees throughout the day
Comes up with really cursed ideas at the middle of the night, however it’s her sister who carries those plans through
Speaking of which she shares a room with her sister to money on rent
Any way, she has an ever growing collection of bear stuff ranging from mugs to a life sized teddy bear she keeps in her basement
She’s a hippie and has a weird fashion taste
East Berlin
Human name: Louis Beilschmidt
Physical age: 19, 4’11, stick body with no curves but has muscular arms. White hair that’s always messy no matter how many times she brushes it, same face shape as her sister but her scar goes from right to left and magenta eyes.
She’s hardworking and easy to get along with. The person you would go to to rant about something.
Don’t talk to her before her morning coffee tho
Super good with technology and engineering. She’s the one that puts her sisters stupid plans into action
Used to personify Cölln, a city that had close economical ties with Berlin. The two became twin cities before becoming the capital of Brandenburg. When the two started to serve as the capital of Prussia Berlin and Cölln were formally unified as simply Berlin and Cölln the personification disappeared. She reappeared as east Berlin many years later with little memories of her formal life.
The only reason she’s still alive now is pure spite.
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ezmarie · 3 years
Hello! I read through your matchups and I want to say they're rly cute :>> It's so cool about how much effort you put into them so I was wondering if its okay if I could request a Haikyuu matchup? (I hope its okay I submitted it)
My name's Alicia, I'm Bi but I'm more attracted to guys and I'm female(she/her). My sun sign is Gemini and my rising is Aries, INTP, ambivert and a Slytherin.
My personality, positives, negatives and such: Around new people I'd say I'm much calmer, polite and quite closed off. Some of my friends say I come off as a bit aloof to certain people or strangely kind to others. To my surprise I've had some people say I'm intimidating (like bruh why??)  In all honesty my personality really differs with who I'm with. When I'm with my friends though I'm much more outgoing and loud, I really enjoy going out with just different small groups of friends even if its just for a small lunch or anything - I just really enjoy being around those who both make me laugh and who I can make laugh. I can be really sarcastic and not afraid to have some playful banter aka: who can have the most creative insults - even if they don't make sense. I'm smart in things I enjoy and can go on and on about things i'm passionate about. I'm always looking out for my friends, making sure they don't stuff up, praising their achievements and putting them before myself. I'm pretty open-minded and flexible, say if one of my friends has a friend I dislike I'll always act nice and rarely complain and I'm good at adapting to different environments. Although I am rarely happy with my looks and I don't like trying new things with a fear of stuffing up or failing ESPECIALLY with team sports bruh. I have a bad habit of staying up until ungodly hours of the morning and not waking up until the afternoon.
Appearance: I'm 5'2/5'3-ish, half Indonesian-half British/White/Whatever, I have shoulder length fluffy/messy dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, i have a beauty spot near my nose on the right side of my face, tan-olive ish skin.
Music taste: I typically listen to pop, indie pop and sometimes alternative rock. My favourite songs though would have to be Left to Right (Marteen), Act my Age (One direction) and Scrawny (Wallows). Two playlist names I have are "Solo survival in minecraft vibes" and "pain" - Theyre weird ik LMAO
In a partner: I look for someone who can take a joke and can handle my sudden chaotic decisions and mood swings. Someone who will communicate like please tell me if im doing something wrong or right for the love of god- It would be great if they didn't mind my random touches or signs of affection and it would be cool if we could play games together :D My love language would have to be touch and words of affirmation if that helps.
Anddd thats it, I'm so so sorry if its too long and please take your time and dont overwhelm youself :((  Thank you for your time and don't forget to drink some water!!
hiii! omg thank you so much! that’s so nice🥺 i ship you withh...bokuto!!
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ok this is also kinda a case of opposites attract, or at least at first glance it definitely is. bokuto is so loud and extroverted and outgoing so it’s really appreciated how youre more calm and able to somewhat tame him down a bit. he actually got so interested in you because of that, just like with akaashi he was drawn to the opposite personality to him. hes also gonna try and open you up more instead of being so closed off, like its his own little personal challenge to make you more comfortable with opening up, and once you do he’s vv happy. he loves how kind you are as well because i don’t think this bby could handle someone mean, he just needs love and support and then he’s yours forever. of course he loves playful teasing (he denies that he likes it directed at him but he actually loves it) but he wants your kinda subtle niceness in a partner. the way you put others beofre yourself helps him a lot as well because he needs and wants a lot of care so the fact that you’ll provide that for him is amazing and basically ideal. however he makes SURE you take care of yourself too, like he will not let you forget about your own needs and will make you put yourself first sometimes any way he can. sure it might take him a while to figure out your doing that, but once he does he’s gonna look out for you even closer after that. he loves how open minded you are too because it would be difficult if you weren’t open to the things he likes, like he wouldn’t be able to survive without your support. the positivity you show for the things he’s passionate about just makes him fall in love and adore you a million times more, if that was even possible.
oh my gosh he LOVES how when youre with him your whole personality just switches. no not with everything about you switches but when you become outgoing and loud he just can’t stop swooning because he loves how much laughter and enthusiasm he can hear from you which he doesn’t usually hear. it’s just when you both are loud and outgoing it’s so chaotic for everyone else but for you two it’s just fun and carefree. he’s kinda drawn to your sarcastic side because that’s not really him, and he just thinks it’s so funny when your a little annoyed and end up throwing some sarcastic snapback to someone. like i said before he loves having playful banter with you because it’s really fun, but he denies that he likes it when it’s aimed towards him. however he definitely likes it he just pretends he doesn’t. oh my goodness i can’t even explain how much he adores it when you ramble on and on about something you’re passionate about. seriously like he absolutely loves it. he thinks it’s so adorable how you get so excited and peppy when he brings up a topic you love and you can just talk about it for days on end. especially when he can see that sparkle in your eyes and just the sound of your voice, it just makes him fall in love all over again. also, he would CRUSH any insecurity you ever had, especially if it’s about your looks. he’s ADORES any body type and body size, beaty marks, skin color, hair type, height, body proportions, anything about you he will completely love. he will support and compliment you to no end to make you see how perfect you are, he will make sure you know your beauty.
i feel like bokuto really fits the description of what you like as well. he LOVES to make you laugh and is always throwing jokes around and he’s a very goofy and laughy guy, so he will laugh at your jokes all the time. he values communication as well because he doesn’t really understand when people give him subtle signs or hints, like he just won’t figure it out unless you tell him upright. so he’ll do the same to you naturally because he just assumes that you value that as well. he’s very spontaneous and just kinda goes with the flow of everything so sudden chaotic decisions wouldnt bother him a bit, actually he lives for them. he also has mood swings as well so he would totally understand what your going through when you have one and you both would know how to help eachother. bokuto might get a little offended if you playfully insult things like how he’s doing in your relationship, his playing skills, or something like that, but once you reassure him that it’s completely a joke he warms up to it. mostly everything else he understands is just teasing and the only reason he ACTS offended is because he wants you to believe he doesn’t like it, but trust me you both are very aware that he in fact loves it since he’s very easy to read. lastly, he loves loves loves random touches of affection, he seriously can get enough affection. please randomly touch him, even if it’s holding pinkies or kissing his cheek for .2 seconds he will s w o o n. here comes blushy and flustered bokuto, have fun :)) 💕
scenarios with the two of you:
•you just waiting for bokuto home and when he does he literally tackles you in a bear hug. he rambles on and on about his day and asks you about yours while also complimenting you somehow and your just sitting there giggling at his normal energized antics. he doesn’t let you leave your spot either so you two just stay there cuddling for the rest of the night.
•it was around midnight and bokuto texted you asking you if you wanted to go on a walk, obviously you were tired and confused but you could just see his pout through the screen so you went. you went on a walk while talking, well mostly him talking, and going to a random destination you didn’t know of and i’m not sure he did either. when you got too tired he carried you too(and don’t worry he’s strong as shit already and thinks it’s super easy to carry you :)) i mean look at those biceps-)
•it was in the middle of summer and you were having a bad day so bokuto took you out to someplace you didn’t know of. it ended up being a field and so you two lyed on the grass while enjoying looking at the stars and the perfect summer night breeze paired with the heat. you were playing music like scrawny by wallows and can i call you tonight by dayglow and both of your were silent, a very rare thing for both of you, especially bokuto. he wasn’t really looking at the stars though, he was looking at you.
i hope you liked this!! i loved writing it and you’re soso nice thank you for worrying about me🥺 have an amazing day and take care of yourself!! <333
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dwtsfun · 4 years
Dancing with the Stars Season 29 Week 4: Most Memorable Year, Dedication or Personal Story? Idk. I just write about this show.
We are doing rankings again this week. Maybe next week as well.
Anyway, the show started with a PSA type thing. I honestly didn’t pay attention to it. Tyra’s first look was great. That second one was...a choice. Now let’s get into this.
1. Skai and Alan- Skai is BACK! And let me tell you how nervous I was that Skai was never going to shake off the incident with her samba. And at the start of this dance, I could still see it in her eyes. But after the first few seconds, she settled into it and that’s where the magic really happened. Cameron was with her and helped her get through this dance. She blossomed and moved so beautifully. Her top line was actually the best part of the dance for me. I just loved it. She connected to it. I was totally encapsulated by it. The choreography was gorgeous. I cannot say enough good things about it. For me, that was a moment that I will remember forever.
2. Justina and Sasha- Justina is back too! I love that my top two from week 1 were back in top form this week. Justina had so much (controlled) energy and she killed this dance. Her hips were great. Her technique was actually pretty good. I had an issue with that really weird lift and some of the choreo felt kinda strange and stagnant. But, Justina killed it. I wish she would’ve gotten one more 9.
3. Johnny and Britt- Yep. Johnny definitely has it figured out. He’s not quite there just yet. But he’s not in his head nearly as much and all of the little things that kept throwing him off in huge ways have become minimal. Britt gave him some really challenging choreo and he handled it very well. I think the biggest issue for him is that he still has weird moments where his legs get from underneath his body. It only briefly throws things off, but in a dance like the jive, it is so easy to see. His feet were also problematic.
4. Kaitlyn and Artem- Kaitlyn did a really great job this week. In fact, I would say that even though this week was similar to the previous two in terms of the dance assigned and the feel of it, I think this was my favorite of hers. There were a lot of smaller technical things that I got to appreciate, like her turns and her arms. I actually think she may be the best technical dancer this season. I just want to see her handle a harder hitting Latin dance and see her range.
5. Nev and Jenna- Nev did a great job tonight. He had some nice hip action going in this rumba. His lines are really pretty. He’s a good dancer. I can’t say anything bad there. I can say that I felt like he didn’t really put much conviction behind his arms. I’m not saying that he needs to throw them in the air or be sharp with them or anything like that. What I’m saying is that it felt like he was marking the dance with his arms while full out dancing with the rest of his body. It was a strange contrast for me.
6. Jeannie and Brandon- This dance was extremely underscored in comparison with everything else tonight. I think that outside of the one stumble at the end, this was Jeannie’s best dance to date. She was in control. Her frame was actually pretty good. A lot of the issues from her Viennese waltz last week were fixed. Her footwork was also pretty clean. Had she been at this 21 alone, I could have accepted it. But she was better than the three other couples she tied with and better than the two that got one point better than her. That is where the issue lies with this score.
7. Vernon and Peta- So ranking the next set of couples is going to be difficult. But I think Vernon comes out on top. While I didn’t particularly care for his rumba this week, the improvement that I saw here is what the judges claimed they saw last week. He seemed way more comfortable with moving proportional to his size. I think he had the best hip action for a rumba that we have seen from anyone this season. Now what I want to see is better lines from him and for his hands to not be so flat and low energy. This is a Peta problem. It’s clear that she hasn’t really paid attention to that because it’s not a small miniscule issue. He literally throws his hands in the air and there’s no style or nothing with them. And it has been an issue since week 1. It needs to be fixed to take him to the next level.
8. Anne and Keo- I am actually sad that these two were eliminated tonight. This was Anne’s best dance of the season. She was super focused and was way more steady than I’ve ever seen. Keo gave her some really nice choreography. I think she suffered a bit from the costume though. It seemed to restrict her movements, especially in her arms. I just wish we had one more week with them. I think everything would have come together next week. But we don’t get to see that. Oh well.
9. AJ and Cheryl- I actually did not like this dance. I thought it was very messy. The choreography felt convoluted. AJ’s shoulders were doing a really weird thing where they were raised but slouching at the same time. I hated the holograms. I hated that the other guys were in white and he was in red. I just hated all of it. It was a good performance. But I didn’t like much else about it.
10. Monica and Val- So what I will say about this dance is that Monica is a technician. Her technique was pretty decent. I also thought her timing was good. However, she was stiff and boring. I’m not really sure how this got a 24 if I’m being perfectly honest. A 19 would have sufficed. Now I do appreciate how she got on Val. I’m not sure how or why he has gone this long without realizing that he can get extremely condescending and mean when talking to his partners and that he needs to chill out. It’s been an issue that we’ve seen since season 16. Maybe even earlier.
11. Nelly and Daniella- Okay, the positives first. Nelly really and fully committed to this dance. And they really went for it and were not safe. Now with that said, he had some issues here that need to be addressed. First, his footwork was messy. He also dances very flat footed and it made this dance look really stompy. His shaping was also off. He also needed more fluidity. It wasn’t my favorite dance of his, but I still saw the progress being made.
12. Chrishell and Gleb- Mm. Okay. So I will say that during the few bars that they did in hold, Chrishell looked great. The rest of it wasn’t that good to me. Chrishell needs to stregthen her core. That’s a problem. And Gleb needs to tighten up his choreography. They really didn’t have much content. Chrishell is improving but I fear we’re getting to a place where all of her potential is going to go unrealized because of her pro.
13. Jesse and Sharna- Mm. Okay. He was looser this week and he wasn’t as off with his timing. However, he was still off. And the dance was mid at best. I’m not sure what his votes are looking like, but to me, this was the worst dance of the night and I feel that he is the worst dancer left. I mean when I watched this all I could think about was Toni Braxton’s cha-cha to the same song and how much better it was than this.
So that’s it. Let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon.
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upthehillask · 5 years
i’d love to hear your cursed child opinions!
Oh boy, well now you’ve unleashed me :D lol I don’t know if you’re interested more in what I loved or in what I’d critique, so I’ll go for both I guess? And you can read whichever you like :) But tbh you won’t hear anything new from me that you haven’t heard other fans talk about. Anyways, here are my thoughts on the actual play: [Spoiler alert I guess!]
Things I loved:
- THE MAGIC!!! The effects were EVERYTHING. The time warp, the telephone booth, the floo, the underwater, the dementors, the writings on the walls, and so much more… Really cool!!! And I loved the whole vibe and aesthetic of the play too, it felt authentic and fitting! THE SWISHY CLOAKS!! I want them!!
- The scenes I especially enjoyed were Harry’s nightmares, glimpses into his past and scenes from the books in general. I think they executed those quite well, made me really soft! Especially the scenes of little Harry in his cupboard and also him in the graveyard. Gripped my heart. Oh, I also loved that they finally showed Cedric in the end, he was so perfect!!
- Draco. Yes yes yes to dad Draco. Still bitchy, pretentious, and petty, trying so hard to play cool and tough, but a pained softie deep inside—we STAN. The relationship between him and his son I CRI EVRITIEM!!! Draco in the alternative timeline letting Scorpius do what he believes in, Draco in the real timeline hugging his son, I LIVE. And oh my god that scene where Draco walked in to Harry crying.. GOD. Yes emotions, yes vulnerability, yes bonding, yes yes yes. (Though I still can’t get over the ponytail. Would’ve been more than fine if Lucius hadn’t been portrayed with long hair lol)
- I loved Albus!! He’s a good Slytherin boy! That’s all I have to say. He’s a good friend and son who tries his best. I liked him a lot, more so now after watching the play. He really did remind me of Harry in a lot of ways. (Also, unpopular opinion, but I always loved Albus Severus’ name and I always will, fight me.)
- And just all the dad-son relationships, parenthood themes, friendship between the boys, related conflicts… Loved all of them. Touching, inspiring, couldn’t get enough!
- McGonagall was fcking ON POINT. Fcking QUEEN. Get it girl. Show em how to understand and respect children 👏👏👏
- I really loved Snape too! It was nice to finally see him being his self that only Dumbledore got to see in the books. I loved his demeanor too. I know actors change, but the one I saw portrayed Snape in a way that felt more canon. As much as I love Alan Rickman, he was a bit too graceful and sophisticated for canon Snape. In the play, however, Snape was kind of more rough, more rash, less pulled together in a way that he spoke and moved. It’s subtle but I lived for that. Also he was finally short. Yes.
- I feel like I have to mention Harry too. I actually quite liked him, so I’m gonna put him under this list as well. Yeah, that one scene where he threatened McGonagall into strict surveillance of his son is a bit much, errr 😅😅😅 But overall, I like the idea of him struggling as a father, making mistakes and learning from them. He’s a good egg.
- Ron and Hermione, my babies!! I had issues with Ron’s characterization, but I did mostly enjoy the portrayal of their relationship. I liked that their roles within the play were mostly to be together or to find their ways to each other. Since so many fans are against their ship, I was really excited to see them. And I just loved Hermione in general. They got her characterization almost on-point too, I think. I just love her 🥰
- In general, I enjoyed a lot of the dialogue. I liked all those strong, emotional one-liners that make you gasp. Harry saying things, Albus saying things, Scorpius, Draco, Ginny, others… There were good examples of lines they’d say that perfectly articulated everything that they embodied or felt or were dealing with. Well done there.
Okayyy I’m sure there’s more I could think of, definitely, but I’ll stop here since this is already a lot 😁
Things I questioned:
- So the one single biggest thing that I am the most critical of has to do with the plot itself, and it’s about Cedric turning into a Death Eater. I’m sorry but I just can’t. I could write a whole essay on how this makes no canonical sense (and I probably will if you ask me lmaoo), but to sum it up, Cedric eventually turning bitter and evil because he was publicly humiliated directly contradicts his canon character development. Cedric’s humility, kindness, and fairness are the core qualities around which Cedric’s personality was developed in the books. He almost explicitly places popularity, glory, and reputation second, and that’s critical, because if failure and humiliation were to affect him so drastically, his primary core values needed to be broken down and changed beforehand, but they never weren’t. So presenting the Triwizard incident as the turning point for him does not make any sense, and as a result the rest of the narrative falls apart. This is a plot hole and hasty writing.
- Yeah, Bellatrix having a child is still kinda weird 🙃🙃 I just hate that because in the books Bellatrix played the archetype of this anti-mother, the antithesis of motherhood and motherly love. I feel like having her voluntarily bring a child into this world destroys that symbolism. It makes me unsatisfied.
- I had some issues with the very beginning and the whole “montage” of events leading up to the fourth year. I found it overwhelming and disorienting, even though I’ve already read the script and knew what’s going on. Still, I felt like I was hit by a train, watching all the fast-paced scenes, cliché chaotic small talk going on, years going by… It felt messy for some reason. I feel like I need to watch it again in order to fully catch up and process everything I saw, and that’s not a good sign. But I didn’t hate it, I just wish we were more eased into the story.
- Scorpius. Now listen. When I read the script, Scorpius was my favorite character. I LOVED him, this awkward nerd who loves his dad and best friend with all his heart. The way I grew to imagine him was quite not how he was portrayed in the play. I know the dialogue and everything’s all the same, but idk, Scorpius in the play was way more hyper, bolder than I pictured, and worst of all, he was going out of his way to be this wannabe player. He seemed so all over the place, even acting a bit arrogant sometimes, celebrating moments of over-confidence, chasing after girls, trying to be everything BUT himself. But that honestly might just be my takeaway alone. There’s nothing actually wrong with his character, I just found myself slightly disappointed with him in the play specifically. I wish I could see the play again to actually analyze things more thoroughly to explain why I feel this way, but I can’t. I still like Scorpius, but a different version of him. (tho damn did I love those skinny pants on him lmao 👌👌)
- Moaning Myrtle. Like, I laughed, it was funny, but it just wasn’t very tasteful lol and I was left feeling a bit uncomfortable from the idea of this young murdered girl writhing and thirsting over literally everyone. The play really blew that out of proportion and idk it’s kinda awkward when I think about it 😅 And in general, there was just so much thirsting… with Rose, Polly Chapman, Delphi… Not to mention Albus kissing his AUNT… Like damn chill JK please 😂 Weird cliches and teenage hormones aren’t the only source of comedy okay?? 😂😂😂 Also, speaking of Myrtle, I kinda wish there was something mentioned about Draco having had been friends with her in sixth year. Idk it would’ve been nice to see that relationship somehow reminisced since we didn’t really get to see it :) 
- Craig Bowker Jr... If he was supposed to be a parallel to Cedric, both being the spare, why did he get literally zero attention?? We don’t really know who he is, we don’t see anyone hurting because of his death, he’s killed with such apathy. We don’t even see his parent grieving, like we saw Amos (who also happen to be an integral part to the plot of CC!). The whole parallel is so incomplete. Poor Craig and his unsymbolic death..
Alright enough :’D I’m not actually upset, just exaggerating haha Because overall, I liked the play. I wanna see it again. And I wanna analyze it more, too. I’m so excited I finally got to watch it. It’s far from flawless, but I’m still happy with it overall and want to approach it positively! Sure, I’ll rant when it’s ranting time, but I do love it (:
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dat2ndaccount97 · 4 years
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Doll Inventory Part 22: My Action Dolls
Last Post for now, the very last bit of my Doll Collection, the rest of my Star Wars Action Dolls and Figures.
- 1st row Left Side is my Star Wars Forces of Destiny Rey of Jakku. Her hair’s a little messy (I also accidentally fried it at one point), and Just in generall the FOD Doll hair isn’t that great. It’s VERY Hard to style (even before burning it lol) I cut it short to both save what was left and for her to look more like Daisy Ridley with her short hair.
- 1st row Right side is my Disney Store Star Wars Elite Series Rey Doll... figure... thing. She’s Weird. She’s like a cheap, 10 icnh hot toys figure. She has weird proportions and Articulation, She has weird Boot Feet. She Barely looks like Daisy Ridley (The more animated looking FOD Rey looks more like her lol). She’s Just odd. And doesn’t fit well in barbie clothes either.
- 3rd row Right side is my Disney Store Star Wars Elite Series Jyn Doll/figure. While she has a lot of the same weird problems as rey, and her clothes are kinda thick and bulky, I do like her more than the Elite Series rey. She also Looks more like her Actress Felicity Jones than the FOD Jyn and more so than the Rey to Daisy Ridley.
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cliveguy · 5 years
okay maybe it's just the ppl i follow bc everyone's talking abt hating the les mis webseries so i checked it out and like, here's what i liked / what could be improved if the show gets picked up:
• the idea of having it be for a student project is p cute! and helps work around the fact that cosette wasn't in l'abc in the book
• i also liked eponine a lot, and can see that her story is going to develop a bit! and i liked that she was kinda opposed to the student group without being anti revolution or w/e?
• editing kinda stops any jokes from landing? the pauses in between lines that should have been cut make it seem like people are waiting for their cue to speak
• also sound editing makes it hard to hear things :( my brain is always a little fuzzy, so maybe it was just me - but i had no idea what half the people were saying bc they were just mumbling away
• cldve used closed captions right off the bat imo, ik they're working on them but
• also i personally think the shooting joke has been blown a tiny bit out of proportion? while there 100% should have been a trigger warning, and it did seem to be a little flippant, it's not the end of the world or a reason for something to be condemned (i wasn't a fan of it but it IS the kind of thing an edgy student would say imo, the way it was presented was just a bit weird)
• that being said, i don't like the way the trigger warning stuff was handled and dismissed - also, in future episodes i'd like to see the warning maybe put on the video before each episode? according to the writer, the episodes are going to get darker and, as someone with very bad anxiety who Has triggers, a warning tucked away in the description can be easy to forget or miss
• for a low budget production the set was p nice! i liked the lighting in cosette's room
• the makeup for grantaire wasnt great? i remember thinking it would look better in motion, after seeing it in a promo picture but ... no. i'm a trans guy as well and know the difficulty of a fake beard, but that combined with the red cheeks was messy
• honestly i was just generally a bit confused - it felt almost like a satire of a student group one minute then an honest tribute the next? having enjolras dismiss a nap room felt weird, as that would have been the kind of thing people advocated for, for the sake of mental health, back when i was in college (im not in uni lmao but it still applies)
• and deciding to protest the rise in tuition is also odd, unless it's mirroring the barricade from les mis and these students are gonna go die outside parliament or something, as small student group from bath (which has two unis, i'm guessing they're supposed to be from bath spa, going by which degrees both unis offer) it seems strange that they're focusing on a nationwide issue, especially something that many larger groups have failed to change over the years
but yeah! if u did enjoy it im not attacking you or the show, but pilots exist for a show to be commented on and improved - i hope the show gets picked up and the creators can take criticism on board to create something really good!
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critique-that-art · 6 years
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Ignore my last submission but uh this is a piece of cover art I did for a webcomic I’m making about Hanahaki disease (that weird watermark thing isn’t a part of the original art)
thanks for submitting, and i hope this isnt too late.....
ill do this in 2 parts.
part 1: character and proportions
the first, most glaring thing i notice when looking at this, is that it looks lopsided.
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the features aren’t evenly spaced or centered, especially the eyes, and the head goes out too far on one side. so phase A of this would just be centering things.
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the mouth and nose aren’t honestly too far off, so i’d use those as your reference for centering the eyes. don’t be afraid to rotate your canvas to make up for the head’s angle.
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all i did here was trace the eyes and shift them. already a huge difference!
the next thing is more of a style nitpick - the eyes are VERY slanted. i’m assuming because of that fact that you were attempting to draw monolid eyes, but the extreme angle comes off as a bit too much and i don’t know if it meshes that well with the fairly conservative face proportions.
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here was a messy attempt to level the eyes off more, while still making the shape evident.
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this isnt style matched at ALL but i hope you see what im getting at
the body itself seems perfectly fine tho, so on to part 2:
part 2: background & composition
one word: colors. i honestly don’t know a justification for this apart from “it looks right”, but some colors work and others don’t. your background is fine and cohesive, but it’s too close in color to the character, which you can see when you greyscale:
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see how her hair kind of blends in? that means you have a contrast issue.
ffor this specific piece, i’d suggest adding some darkness in the center, then fading out and popping back in with the border.
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you can do this a lot better than me if you have layers, and make it NOT go over her hair, but even like this, it kinda helps the character pop?
it adds a clearer mood to the piece. you could take this further with a color filter, gently, to unite the palette:
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here are two slightly different examples, depending on the mood you want.
i hope this helped a bit and didn’t ramble too much?
-mod mars
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forgot to do the monthly summary thing three months in a row lol
Summary of October:
Downloaded Leechblock. It helped somewhat. Managed to get all of my non-sketch fills done (14) for Huxloween even while dealing with bad life stuff. Posted bust-up FE fanart semi-regularly on my other Twitter account (~2-4 hours of work). Trying to get commissions on dA and Reddit (no bites yet).
Plan from August :/ :
All monthly/weekly goals for the year ✗
Proko: ribcage ✗
Review all Proko notes ✗
DAB Lesson 7 ✗
Ky/lux reunion piece (mechanical studies) ✓
one vehicle from life a week (20min) ✗
November plan:
All monthly/weekly goals for the year
Proko: ribcage
Review all Proko notes
DAB Lesson 7
One FE fanart every 4 days
Draw N7 Day piece before N7 Day
notes and improvements from finished stuff (Oct):
make notes on figure proportions relating to head ✗ but have been looking it up, USE AT LEAST ONE PHOTO REFERENCE PER PIECE ✗, do some studies (at least one session) on head/neck connection and tilt ✗ I forgot this was a thing but have been tryng to pay attention to it with figure drawing
apples - background details too clean/without width and thickness (like decals), proportions and position in space kinda screwy, background figures distractingly bad
eldritch hux: cigarette got flattened out, hat doesn't fit properly on his head, highlights on belt buckle VERY bad, fucked up face, I do like the composition though
haunted locations: composition got kinda sidelined when I was trying to fit everything I'd drawn in, speeder looks kinda wonky because the perspective was very difficult, inconsistent use of spot blacks, do like the colours though
bonfire: hands unreferenced and thus screwed up, fucked up faces (nose tip always looks wrong), clothing thickness/folds abysmal
demons: values too indistinct (needs more contrast), hux's arm looks too short, really bad hands, bits got cut off and I didn't resize the canvas, shading looks awful, scroll is flat even though I tried to make it not so
manuela: face w/ open mouth looks kinda unfocussed, otherwise pretty ok
valter: armour lost its form, otherwise pretty ok for what it is
vampires: very messy & confusing colours, anatomy fucked up (ribcage is flat and too long), bad hands that don't look like they're interacting with the chair properly, props for trying this much detail in perspective though
ghosts: luke doesn't look like he's standing on the floor (looks rotated upwards a little), room feels bare and undetailed, could have used more embellishment on the items, nice composition with leading lines and contrast though
curse: hands look awful because I don't know how to render shiny materials, shading on face kinda weirdly simplified, shading on body and clothing folds makes no sense, lost dynamism of sketch due to having to apply correct anatomy
scrying: extremely messy lineart, values somewhat unclear, bad use of linework to express texture (like in the gas tank), sense of scale a bit smaller than I intended (should have made bg people smaller), I do like the concept and details though
knoll and lyon: proportions ABSOLUTELY FUCKED (lyon's legs are like twice the length they should be), very stiff poses, vacant expressions, too many gaps in lineart (rebelle's fault though), clothing folds all completely wrong, colour too messy
orochimaru: vacant expression, scales on snake look awful and flatten it out, weird pose, you can see where I gave up on drawing the flowers, face is flat, nose tip doesn't extend enough
ritual: kylo's back looks like it's bulging, overall very messy, foreground vine merges with hux in the midground, statue hands suck, figures too simplified compared to background, overall scene easy to understand though
trick/treat: faces look gormless, kylo's chest has no depth to it, hands look squishy, kylo's pose hard to read, the knife is hard to place in space (looks like it's occupying the same space as hux's arm), nice details and lineart though
ACTIONABLES: try to find photo reference for expressions, do Proko ribcage lesson, draw and detail with linework everyday objects
0 notes
caardvarkk · 7 years
tagged by @piperi
named after anyone?: Nope
when was the last time you cried?: Tuesday, while trying to do my precalc homework :/
do you like your handwriting?: Yeah, but it's always messy, even when I try to make it neat
favorite lunch meat?: Salami
do you have kids?: Nope
if you were a different person would you be friends with you?: Maybe. I think I'm a nice person, but I'm not very social/approachable
do you use sarcasm?: Yeah, but only with my best friends
do you still have your tonsils?: yup
would you bungee jump?: Probably. I've done a HUGE bungee jump before and it was really fun, but pretty scary
what’s your favorite cereal?: I don't eat much cereal, but I'll munch on some Life occasionally
do you untie your shoes before you take them off?: Nah, unless I have to (like with high top converse)
do you think you’re a strong person?: pfft no. Upper body strength? What upper body strength?
favorite ice cream?: Peppermint stick from my local ice cream shop or an MnM blizzard from Dairy Queen
first thing you notice about people?: Their nose or their smile? Weird right?
what’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself?: I have a bit of a "baby face" and kinda awkward proportions
what color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?: black and white athletic shorts and comfy socks (I just woke up lol)
what are you listening to right now?: Out Loud by Gabbie Hanna
if you were a crayon what color would you be?: Auburn or Maroon
favorite smells?: Campfire/burnt matches and this one hand soap that’s “peony and plum” scented (it smells like heaven)
last person i talked to on the phone?: My best friend
favorite sport to watch?: I don't watch many sports, but I find ice skating very relaxing to watch
hair color: Auburn
eye color: Poop brown
wear contacts?: Nope, don't need glasses
favorite food: Any kind of Pasta
scary movies or comedies: Comedies
last movie i watched: Doctor Strange (but not all of it)
what color shirt am i wearing?: Blue, pink, and white
summer or winter?: I hate both equally. I hate sweating and winters in Maine are awful. (but at the same time, summer means no school and I get to wear all my favorite comfy clothes in winter)
hugs or kisses?: hugs
book you’re currently reading: Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck (i don't like it so far but i have to read it for my AP English class :( )
what do you miss right now?: My crush (i had a thing with him a while ago and i miss that)
what’s on your mouse pad?: i use a laptop/trackpad :P
last tv program you watched?: South Park
best sound?: Waves on the beach
rolling stones or the beatles: I don't listen to either
furthest you’ve ever traveled?: Austin, Texas
any special talents?: I’m pretty good at art? Thats about it.
where were you born?: Maine (not saying where)
I'm tagging all my followers, i guess. Feel free to do this if you want (i don't have many mutuals and i don't want to bug them)
2 notes · View notes
chromemuffin · 7 years
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Shoukoku no Altair Liveblogging (Chapter 12)
Yeah, this took a while to get through for some reason.
It’s already the third volume! And yet Mahmut’s journey is just barely getting started...
Anyway, a lovely cover as always. The style is a little different here, definitely going for a much harsher look, though still elegant. (but how the hell do you draw such intricate patterns without getting dizzy). I like the crescent moons on his belt the most. Also, that’s an interesting sword. Can’t really tell if it’s his usual curved one. It doesn’t look like a straight blade though.
Aaanyways, looks like it’s back to the Balt-Rhein people. I am considerably less interested in them than others in the cast, but ok.
Chapter 12: The City by the Lighthouse
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Ah yes, Louis. I haven’t really missed you. Interesting um, port town? Maybe. It’s well defended. Though there are some nasty whirlpool things in the upper right, and a little sea monster at the bottom.
OH, I see. The whole thing is supposed to look like a chess board, with the city surrounded. Haha that’s why the wall around the town looked a little weird.
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Nice perspective here, it makes the ships look very tiny next to the imposing wall/barrier like structure with the heavy chains half submerged. Which makes sense, in context of the ocean, though we can’t see much of the water.
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Helloooo Mahmut. Looking a lot better compared to last chapter. He has a much lighter expression here as he muses about the origin of the pyramis charm.
And once again, I like how the random townspeople all look different from each other. This time, the townspeople are clearly dressed differently from the other towns we’ve seen. Which makes sense, considering its real life counterpart.
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It’s cute. In a weird way.
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New character! I guess he’s a jewel merchant or something?
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I wouldn’t really call this advice, but a little heads-up. That came a little too late. But, you live and you learn.
I wonder if Mahmut ever gets to travel without everyone finding out who he is the first day he steps into town. He’s not very good at staying low-profile (though a giant bird following him around doesn’t really help matters...).
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When does Mahmut not get caught up in some kind of trouble? Helpful guy is not actually being very helpful.
It’s all part of the learning experience, I guess.
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It’s clearly intentional, but I am nonetheless continually amazed by how tiny Mahmut looks next to, well, almost everyone he meets.
but lol “I see you are quite devoted to your worship. I have indeed heard of how faith in the water spirit is a national characteristic of Turkiye.”
The pyramis really is a clever way to contact fellow spies. But judging by this guy’s tone of voice and the cult people from the last chapter, I’m not sure it will hold up for that much longer.
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He recovers his composure very quickly, for how easily he gets surprised in the first place, and I appreciate that.
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Ohoho that play is going to haunt him for the rest of his life, probably. But lol at the intimidating “The Phoenician Magistros Constantinos wants to see you.” And then we get this smiley guy.
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My thoughts exactly.
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BUT AT LEAST WE GET FURNITURE I CAN MAKE SENSE OF. Kinda hard to see, but the little feast laid out is neat. Though those cups with tentacles hanging out are a little...
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I’m dying.
Welp, that’s the ancient world for you. Poor Mahmut, getting interrogated.
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It sort of doubles as a really weird table decoration, so...
Ah, but we get back to business in the next panel. Apparently the Balt-Rhein peoples are in the area.
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DON’T JINX YOURSELF DUDE. Look at what you did. The city’s probably going to get attacked now.
Oh, but you are sort of hoping the Empire attacks...? Interesting.
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And an interesting stance here. “With power comes responsibility” I suppose. So what is the Empire currently doing to those it has taken over? You’d think that any empire’s methods of expanding/gaining control over other lands would be quite similar no matter the times, but this guy implies that the Balt-Rhein Empire isn’t doing right by its own people not to mention trying to conquer its neighbors.
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I was going to skip this panel, but Mahmut’s tiny mouth, lack of face, and the fact that Iskander is a ball with a vague beak-like dot on him is too good to pass up.
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Is this Mr. Glorious Hair whose actual name escapes me at the moment.
Also, I love how everyone saunters while walking down a random street in town late at night with almost no one to see them.
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Y’know, maybe you’d be more welcome if you stopped trying to invade your neighbors. Just a suggestion.
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Once again loving the designs of the background and secondary characters. I guess this is a gathering of officials in the city? In any case, Apollo is the only one pleased by this turn of events.
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Iskander does in fact sleep with him. :3 which is why he takes him up to the rooftop with him alll those chapters back when Shara was staying over his place. Iskander is also getting more and more poofy and round like a turkey or something lol.
Aww not a morning person, I see. I also wonder what he’s wearing? I think that shirt is just the one he wears normally under the red vest....thing (it’s not a vest but I don’t know what it’s called). The little buttons and bindings are a cute touch. (I do think we’ve seen him wear this to sleep before, I just forgot which chapter...)
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lol why is Mahmut needed to sit in on the debate. In fact, his position and status is sort of in limbo now. Everyone is used to calling him Mahmut Pasha though.
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I don’t really have anything to add to this conversation other than that both sides have realistic arguments.
I’m glad the Empire has at least one weakness, naval warfare, I hope this stays true for a while. It’s gotta have something it’s not good at.
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OH NO, watch out Mahmut! They’re gonna come for you now. He was just minding his own business, listening, getting slightly concerned, and now he got dragged into the argument as proof that the Empire can be defeated.
Which, if you think about it, was actually quite important in the grand scheme of things. It seemed like a tiny event and Mahmut himself seems startled/shocked that they’re blowing the event way out of proportion. Except, it probably wasn’t as insignificant as he (or I) was thinking.
Hisar was an important town, and several of the Empire’s people weaseled their way in and made the locals help them take over. But Mahmut, through some quick-thinking, actually managed to thwart it. Considering the Empire’s military might, I can see how this guy would use it as evidence that they aren’t as omnipotent as they seem.
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lol he was not anticipating this.
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Ooh, and now he gets to tell his side of the story! I like how he tries so hard to clear misconceptions up every time people blow the events out of proportion, though.
I also like how he can sometimes be a great orator, even during some odd moments (like when he was going to sacrifice himself because he felt guilty for getting Suleyman hurt), and other times he wavers a bit like here. You can tell by his speech bubbles that he’s not 100% confident here. It’s awkward for him, since people keep building him up to be this amazing hero in stories.
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Tough spot here.
On one hand, he’s urging them not to start a WAR on the basis of false information and misconception. On the other hand, lol, he’s basically urging them to give into the Empire because it’s hopeless to win against them.
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These boatsssss. (or ships). Very nice details. So pretty. But menacing.
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lol no one is infallible. 
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Are there like. No military leaders in this place or. This guy is a tradesman, so him supporting a compromise that doesn’t end in war and all that messy business entails is sort of understandable. I forget how these debates and assemblies worked in that area of the world back then so.
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lol be a little more self-aware, kid.
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OH. That’s not your real hair.
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Probably not, but. The alternative wasn’t too good either.
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I’m rooting for you guys, but the issue is that Phoenica probably hasn’t waged war against anyone for quite some time. The Empire certainly has been militaristic for a while now, while Phoenica seems to have become a place of mainly trade and commerce. That could be an issue.
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He’s not going anywhere, but yeah, it would be wise to get out of there while you can.
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Determined Mahmut makes his (re)appearance.!
And that’s a wrap! Sorry this took so long to get out. This was a fairly long chapter, and I’ve been really busy lately.
← back・onward →
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Was busy at the start of July so forgot to do a monthly thing then. oh well
Summary of July:
I stopped checking my art tracker spreadsheet after finishing my Revenge of the 5th piece as I was pretty tired after it. This meant that I didn't get my weekly/monthly goals done, which is pretty annoying. Well, back to it this month.
Plan from June:
Draw six Positivity Week pieces ✗
All monthly/weekly goals for the year ✗
Draw one vehicle from life a day (20min) ✗
Proko: pelvis ✓
August plan:
All monthly/weekly goals for the year
Proko: ribcage
Review all Proko notes
DAB Lesson 7
Ky/lux reunion piece (mechanical studies)
one vehicle from life a week (20min)
notes and improvements from finished stuff (Jun/Jul):
DAB Lesson 6 to fix positioning-in-perspective issues ✓ (it did help), focus on measuring for longer DrawThis poses to fix proportions ✗
Limst/ella: nice sense of depth, hair flow + hand, colours a bit too clashing, weird solving for chin at tilted up head angle, composition a bit cramped
Guy: nice movement + clothing movement, composition pretty ok but some tangents, left arm on leftmost one very distractingly bad (should have redone)
Kylo: head too big, background texture very halfassed, could be more rendered/less flat, nice composition though
Lyon: awful composition, nothing going on in background, nice lineart, stiff feel (head/neck feels very stiff), nice colour use + attempt at textures
Freyja: was unsure about arm overlap and didn't take a photo to confirm, hand doesn't feel like it's holding the staff comfortably, face/cheek a bit too wide, doesn't capture likeness, hair doesn't look like hair, dress lines are too messy, line of staff kinda breaks the composition, overall happy with how I drew all the different elements of the costume while thinking about form though
Ky/lo study: interesting hard/soft edges, face is too rendered for the rest of the image though (was a deliberate choice but I don't think it works), face is too bright, nice silhouette
Oro: awkward posing, light feels off somehow (too much contrast?), black shadows don't make sense with light setup (green half should just be ambient light), pockets don't look like they attach properly, nice use of asymmetrical colour zones though (what I mean here is that the green and pink bits aren't 50/50), head too big?????
ACTIONABLES: make notes on figure proportions relating to head, USE AT LEAST ONE PHOTO REFERENCE PER PIECE, do some studies (at least one session) on head/neck connection and tilt
0 notes