#this is also a happy birthday post for killua!!!
cnsrbox · 11 months
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It’s girly pop redraw time!!! 💖🌸💟
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kiteslover · 2 years
HxH Headcanons I Believe Very Strongly
Here’s another batch of my feral takes i hope you enjoy
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* Killua has spent HOURS trying to figure out every single girly thing in the world just so he can take good care of Alluka. He’ll paint his nails with her and let her do makeup on his face just to make her happy (because killua is the best brother in the entire universe and nothing will ever come close to hi
* Killua also never sits properly in chairs. He’s always doin some weird ass contortionist stuff while he’s sitting and if anyone asks if that’s comfortable he’ll be like “what? Why would you even ask that”
* Illumi, despite being the emotionless stick that he is, has a really extensive hair cair routine. He was probably chilling with Hisoka and some point and noticed some bougie hair products on his bathroom counter. Needless to say Hisoka witnessed his fascination got him hooked shortly.
* Anytime Gon and Ging see Leorio after Gon’s decision to follow Ging, Leorio is the most passive aggressive mfer you’ve ever seen to Ging but he’s like over the top nice to Gon. He makes sure Ging recognizes this.
* “Gon!! I got you this PRESENT for your BIRTHDAY. I tried REALLY hard to make sure you’d actually LIKE it because I know EVERYTHING that you like!” *queue side eye to Ging to which Ging is staring off into space with his regular scowl*
* Ging definitely got Gon a pair of socks for his birthday that he couldn’t even wear bc they were too small for him. Gon was equally happy with both Leorio and Ging’s present. Nothing either of them do will make Gon love them more or less
* Kurapika has really, Really nice handwriting. I would like to think he enjoys writing letters from time to time (definitely not just for a chance to show off his handwriting)
* On the other hand, Leorio writes literal chicken scratch. He’s working to be a doctor okay he can’t afford to have nice handwriting as long as he understands it it’s fine
* Morel has a really bad tan line under those sunglasses.
* Speaking of which, knov gets the most GOD awful sunburns in the history of sunburns ever. I mean have you seen this man he pasty as heel
* Hisoka goes to the nail salon regularly and always gets compliments on how long and sharp his nails are.
* Alluka seems like a littlest pet shop girl idk i just wont be taking criticism on this
* She definitely begs Killua to use his hunter license to find the rare ones, he complies per usual
* Knuckle takes very good care of his appearance/hygiene (if you couldn’t already tell from his stupid pompadour) and definitely wears cologne. thankfully, it’s not too strong cause He’s not one of those axe body spray people
* You know who IS an axe body spray person? Ging
* Ging probably doesn’t even bother with axe body spray either
* That man smells rank i stg
Okay thats it for these I’m sorry for my incessant Ging slander in all my Headcanons but i just cant help myself🤭🤭🤭
let me know if you want any other characters!
Other headcanons from me:
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storybookprincess · 11 months
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hiiiiiiiiiiii i posted ch 2 early in honor of killua’s birthday today!!!!!! happy birthday baby angel child!!!!
you can read the new ch here!!!!!!!
(also this is the first moodboard i’ve ever made pls be nice lol)
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cocobittiebites · 9 months
Headcanons about the Main Four + Y/N (afab)
I just wanted to preface that this is just my Headcanons and all of this is for fun! If the characters seem ooc mind your buisness and let me live my delulu life. j/
Also for after having a convo with a friend of mine Y/N is gonna be specified at the top of post if their female, male or gender neutral presenting! Also I know Y/N is suppose to be a self insert but I lover writing personalities so heres some head canons that I have for her!
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Always somehow smells like rain water and eucalyptus
Though he's tried to preserve as much of the traditions and customs of the kurta clan, he's slowly losing it as he goes deeper and deeper his attempt to avenge them.
Keeps a diary but is never consistent with it (sounds like his friendships)
Has the biggest rbf ever and no one is brave enough to point it out.
Absolutely despised fast food, would only eat it if it was the only option for him.
Has never kissed anyone on the lips in his life and most likely will never (sorry guys)
Has the best skin out of the whole group, he doesn't even do much its literally water and face wash
According to him his phone doesn't work, so he doesn't have Spotify to stream new artist (pls call your friend back). I do believe that he would listen to jazz and folk music.
Says he's above petty shit talking but once you get him going, he doesn't stop.
Up until he started wearing suits for his body guard job he use to hand sew his clothes.
Constantly forgets to get hair cuts and gets annoyed when his hair covers his face.
Doesn't respond to texts or calls. In the groupchat he just reads the messages and its rare that he shows up to the group hangouts
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Has a consistent smell of old spice and axe body spray
Has a thing against germs so he always has hand sanitizer on hand for whenever and wherever
Needs to be able to read something to learn it, thats why learning nen was hard for him. (apparently writing down knowelege is sacrilege in the hxh universe but whatever)
Hates modern art with a passion, all he sees are splotches of paint on a canvas with an overpriced tag attached to it.
I hate to say is girls, but he was not a feminist until Y/N beat the shit out of him for saying some bs analogy about locks and keys (if yk im sorry that yk). Would have definitly listened to one of those alpha male podcast. Kurapika almost broke his arm trying to hold Y/N back.
Has kissed one girl in his life, but it was BAD like real bad. He kept doing the kissy face (yk what I'm talking about) and gave the poor thing the ick.
Owns a planner yet never uses it.
Music taste is that of a middle aged father: Eagles, Alice Cooper, Chicago, Radio Head
The best gift giver and honestly the most thoughtful when it comes to his friends.
He'll listen to everyones problems. Honestly such a dad.
Biggest gossip, cannot shut his mouth to save his life
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Smells like iron and burnt sage (grandpa zeno looks like he would be into that hippie shit ngl)
Wants to learn how to surf so bad but doesn't have the time
Y/N gave him a fidget spinner as a joke for his birthday, but he ended up loving it.
Only texts in the groupchat via meme reactions. Responds for both Gon and him because they're always together. Either way Leorio is just happy that someone is responding.
Is so judgmental on what you wear.
Thinks he's cool and edgy for listening to green day and panic! at the disco but really its what every twelve year old boy does.
Met Y/N before the rest of the group so now she's #number1trustedadult. This has caused her a lot of problems with the Zoldyck family, especially with Illumi.
Tried flirting with a girl once but in twelve year old boy fashion he ended up accidentally insulting her. He hasn't attempted to talk to a girl ever since.
Has ice cold skin, like touching it is like touching a corpse thats been stuck in the freezer
Bought purple shampoo for his hair because he noticed that the hard water in most places was discoloring his white hair.
Illumi has been blocked on everything except email, so every once in awhile he'll get random emails from Illumi's spam account.
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Our sweet boy probably smells like salt water and wet forest
Has a wildlife analogy or story for every occasion
Killua has been trying to get him to change outfits, but he absolutely refuses to go into a department store after Aunt Mito lost him in one when he was younger.
Will eat absolutely anything edible.
Has a collection of stuffed animals from everywhere he and Killua have been.
He use to feed all the cats on the island. It gotten so bad that all the rodents on the island are nearly extinct because he's been keeping hundreds of felines alive.
The best swimmer out of everyone.
Does not have a specific type of music he likes but Killua got him to listen to the Weekend and they've bonded over that.
When he was younger he really wanted younger siblings because there weren't many kids on the island.
Has accidentally gotten high trying to eat a wild psychoactive plant on accident
Forgets he has a phone most of the time and when he texts back its mostly in emoji
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She probably smells like lemons and ink (you'll learn eventually)
A GIRLS GIRL (author would write her with the other female characters, however I feel like Y/N would have beef with them due to moral reason)
Like probably has thrown hands with Illumi in multiple occasions for saying that she would make a great Zoldyck house wife.
Really good at puzzles and anagrams.
Horrendously bad at math. Give her a problem more advanced than arithmetic and she's done for.
Has Aunt Mito on speed dial.
During the hunters exam she was paired up with Hisoka during the tower phase and lets say the two have a very (one-sided on Y/N's part) beef.
She's a specialist
got the ick from Chrollo for saying she's not like other girls
listens to all the sad girl artist: laufey, phoebe bridgers, taylor swift, lana del rey, fleetwood mac, e.t.c
Was a camp counselor for a few summers and made friendship bracelets for the whole group.
The only one in the group who has been to therapy (as she should).
Texts frequently in the groupchat, but is very bad at calling back.
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kaekoi · 3 years
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his day!!!
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killuaisaprincess · 3 years
Since it’s also WIP Wednesday! Here’s a little Ki getting the love he deserves for his b day! WIP I’ll never finish that I started in November!  WIP more like RIP
Even when sickly... pale as a ghost, sweat sticking to his skin, eyes glazed over, Killua was gorgeous, and oh so kind, selfless, caring more about Alluka... about Gon than his own health. 
“Killua’s so pretty.”
Gon swipes his thumb lightly under Killua’s cheek to rid his porcelain skin of tear tracks. Killua should never cry, never feel ill, Killua should feel happy, well.
“Killua’s so, so pretty, and kind, and wonderful.”
Killua lacks his usual reaction, his usual way of dismissing Gon’s words. That reaction is heartbreaking enough. This... now when he just looks down, a pitiful whine rumbling from his throat... it’s way worse. 
It makes Gon want to remind him over and over until he goes blue in the face.
Killua cheeks are flushed red, but not from his compliments, but from crying, his complexion showing the crimson under his eyes rimmed easily.
“Gon, please.”
Killua begging, begging him to stop, it’s more than enough to make his insides twist.
“No. I won’t. Killua is, he is, and he shouldn’t feel ugly or monstrous or dirty when I say those things; he shouldn’t.”
Killua’s family had warped his mind, breathtaking Killua, flustered or ashamed as if he didn’t deserve the kind words. Well, damn them. Damn each and every one of them. Each one that made Killua feel he was anything but perfect and lovely.
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
A masterpost on Togashi’s gay subtext and why it’s intentional.
Hi ! After seeing so many posts about Togashi dropping subtext about Killua's possible romantic feelings for Gon, I thought it'd be a good idea to make a sort of "masterpost" with all the subtext that Togashi has included into his work.
I usually see a lot of people trying to say that HxH isn't about romance and that Togashi isn't interested in writing romance into the manga, but when you analyze all the subtext that's been going on the further Gon and Killua's relationship progresses, I think it's incorrect to say that Togashi has never hinted at the possibility of romance in HxH.
This is going to be a long post, enjoy your read!
Also, please note that I will only base this analysis on the manga, so there can be no mistake that "maybe this is just something the anime made gayer" : i want to prove that the subtext is 100% intentional on Togashi's part.
I'd also like to mention, although I will analyze it further after listing the subtext, that Togashi is a VERY smart man. There are always little details in the story and/or foreshadowing that are easily missed at first but when you notice them, it truly makes you understand how much attention and care Togashi puts into his work. There are countless details and symbolism that are analyzed daily through wonderful meta posts, from the main 4′s birthdays and their link to their character or the religious symbolism in Kurapika’s story arc.... Togashi loves to foreshadow and plant little details into his work, so when Togashi plants subtext, I'm sure he 100% knows that he's writing it, and it can't be seen as unintentional.
I'll also link all my references for this post at the end of it, so feel free to read all the additional textposts and content if you want to know more.
Well, let's get into it!
EDIT : i can’t believe this post is still being used as a reference it makes me so happy... thank you so much !!! i edited this to tweak it a bit because i wrote this a while ago and the phrasing seemed off to me, so if you’re reading or re-reading this post, hi, welcome to masterpost on gay subtext 2.0 !
Greed Island is to me the arc that lays down the nature of Killua and Gon's relationship. It's during this arc that we get to see a bit more of what Killua thinks, how he's lucky to have met Gon and that he feels really grateful. Gon’s behavior in this arc is also very affectionate, with him always reassuring Killua about his place next to him. While the scene where Killua thinks "You've got it backwards, Gon, I'm the one that's glad I met you." can't be considered as subtext, I think it's something that lets the reader know a bit more about how Killua feels towards Gon. 
But other than this scene, which can clearly be dismissed as platonic, there are 2 more moments in the Greed Island arc that are layered in subtext.
• The Rainbow Diamond (chapter 151)
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During their time in Dorias, Killua uses Risky Dice to gain cards from the slot machines. The first card that Killua gains is called "Rainbow Diamond", the description of the card being "A diamond that shines in a rainbow of colors. Propose with this diamond and she is guaranteed to say "yes"". 
There are 3 different things we can take from this panel. First, the card is a marriage proposal card, so it's obviously romantic in nature. Second, the object is a RAINBOW diamond. And third, Killua, wanting to keep the card safe, gifts it to Gon.
In short, Togashi sat down at his desk, decided to draw Killua winning a MARRIAGE PROPOSAL CARD (it could've been any card, but Togashi CHOSE to make Killua win a marriage proposal card) that has a RAINBOW diamond on it and made Killua gift it to Gon. 
While I personally don't think that subtext can be used to 100% ascert that Killua has romantic feelings for Gon, I think it's a funny little touch from Togashi, and I'm even gonna say a sort of hint towards how Killua's feelings for Gon are going to evolve in this arc and the next.
• “It has to be Killua” (chapter 166)
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Now this is a scene that I've never seen anyone talk about, at least on Tumblr, but when I read a bit of analysis on it I was 100% convinced this was intentional subtext. I'm basically quoting here what this article explains, so if you want more detail, I recommend reading it.
As you probably recall, during their deadly dodgeball game against Razor, Killua decides to sacrifice his hands to ensure that Gon could use all his strength. When confronted about it, Killua insists that it's nothing, and Gon shocks him by saying that he knew all along that he was hurting himself for his sake. 
Gon then says that it can only be Killua holding the ball, and that it has to be Killua, resulting in Killua being absolutely awestruck and embarassed. I'm also going to talk about the anime adaptation for this one, because it's perfectly executed and translates extremely well the nuance that the second sentence bears. If you want to rewatch it, this scene happens in episode 70. It's worth noting that in the anime, we see Killua not reacting to Gon's first sentence, but losing his composure entirely when Gon says the second sentence. But why ?
The reason was lost in translation. His exact words are "Booru wa Killua ga motte-kurenai to. Killua ja nakya dame nan da.". Both sentences basically say the same thing : It has to be Killua holding the ball. That second sentence can be translated literally as "If it's not Killua, that won't do." However, the second sentence, in a different context, can also be used to say a totally different thing. 
While it's certain that Gon used this sentence in the context of the dodgeball match, the sentence "~ja nakya dame nan da" also serves as a confession of one's feelings in japanese. It's basically the equivalent to "you're the one for me". When you google the sentence, it turns up romantic songs, forum posts asking what it would translate to in English and posts on how to confess to someone. 
The sentence basically drowns in romantic subtext. As mentioned before, Killua has no reaction to the first sentence "Booru wa Killua ga motte-kurenai to.", but loses his composure at the second one, and I think that was a very deliberate thing Togashi wanted to convey : this sentence has an additional layer, and clearly Killua is taking it to heart.
I will come back to this specific subtext in a bit, because we can parallel it with another subtext-y situation, so please keep it in mind for now.
Now onto the sad gay arc! This arc is so RIDDLED in subtext and parallels that it's making me lose my mind.
• Gon, you are light. (chapter 199)
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This scene is just... So romantic in nature. I’m not too objective on this, but I really do believe that this moment is the exact moment Killua fell in love with Gon and started to realize he felt a bit more than friendship towards him. It’s Killua respecting Gon for who he is, realizing that he’s light and he’s always been, he’s the one who saved him and who’s always been so bright and optimistic and always makes the best out of any situation. In this scene, Killua lets himself drown in Gon’s light, allows himself to feel this “wow” moment of pure admiration and love, and it’s absolutely beautiful.
It's extremely important to take the context of this scene into account. What happened is that Killua, who has been struggling mentally for the entire series with the fact that he's always running away, ran away once more, leaving Kite to die with Pitou. This ENTIRE chapter is literally adults absolutely DESTROYING Killua, first Kite's troupe bashing him for leaving Kite behind, and then Netero, Morel and Knov coming in like icing on the cake telling Killua that "After all, he's just a kid", and that he should hurry up to his mommy. 
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Killua is beating himself up for running away again, got destroyed by Kite's team and 3 extremely strong pro hunters. His morale is down in the drains right now. He expects Gon to be mad at him for betraying Kite, for running away once again, for leaving Kite to die alone and ripping Gon away from Kite : he expects that he'll lose Gon for his cowardice.
HOWEVER, the first thing that Gon says to Killua after having been passed out for god knows how many hours is "Thank you". 
Gon woke up and instantly eased up all of Killua's fears : he wasn't a loser for running away, and Gon was actually thankful for him. Gon, at this moment, was the only one that showed kindness, understanding and gratefulness towards Killua. Gon even goes so far as saying that he knows that Kite isn't dead, and that they have to help him. At this instant, Gon is truly Killua's saving grace. He's the one that trusts him with his entire heart, and believes in his choices when even he can't believe in himself. Gon is truly Killua's light at this precise moment, because he was the only one who supported him, trusted him and reassured him in this awful situation.
How can someone shine so bright in such a terrible situation ? How can someone be so positive that nothing bad will happen ? 
Gon asserting all of this makes Killua respect him a lot. Keep this word in mind, because it’s going to be important in the next piece of subtext I’m analyzing, because those two scenes canonically follow each other and are basically Togashi highlighting that something special happened when Killua called Gon his light, and that his feelings deepened.
• Introduction to Palm's character (chapter 200)
This piece of subtext is very very easy to miss but it's one of the most important subtext-y scene, because coupled with the “Gon, you are light” scene, it’s very clear that this dialogue is deliberately highlighting Killua’s feelings.
This chapter introduces Palm's character (which, imo, is a character introduced for the sole intent of being a catalyst to Killua's feelings towards Gon, but I'll talk about it in my post talking about the CAA parallels) - edit: i talked about this briefly here.
So, Killua having looked into Gon's eyes for like 10min straight and concluded that Gon was the light of his life a chapter ago, is now chilling with Gon as they meet Palm. 
Palm takes them to a café and STRAIGHT OFF THE BAT harasses them about how much she's in love with Knov. Like when I say harassing, it's literally a whole page of her explaining her feelings towards Knov. 
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There are two interesting things that can be drawn from this interaction.
First, it's extremely easy to draw parallels between Palm's situation towards Knov and Killua's situation towards Gon. Palm starts by saying how amazing her master is, that she probably has special feelings for him but the most important thing is to respect the other person. Remember how I talked about how this last scene was Killua having a surge of deep, deep respect for Gon ? Palm makes sure to highlight that special word, that it’s important to respect someone when it comes to love.
She then goes on to say that she hasn't said anything to Knov, and never will. All of this adds nothing to the story, it's empty dialogue, Togashi could've introduced Palm in virtually any other way possible, but he chose to drag her and the gay duo to a café and make her have a monologue about love RIGHT after the extremely emotional panel of Killua declaring that Gon is his light just a chapter ago.
But there's more. Not only does Palm monologue for a while about love, but after finishing her monologue, this happens :
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This panel features ONLY Palm and Killua, her looking at him like the psycho she is, and straight up telling him that "love can suddenly spark out of nowhere, don't you think so?". 
What's so interesting about this is the fact that Togashi made the deliberate choice to have Palm say this to Killua and Killua ONLY, which after the gay existential crisis he had last chapter, can very much be applied to his situation. Love DID spark out of nowhere, and Togashi wants you to notice. Togashi could've made Palm say this to herself, with no distinct listener like the last panel, but he made the conscious choice to draw this panel with Palm adressing herself to Killua SPECIFICALLY. 
Those two pieces of subtext, that fit perfectly together, make me believe 100% that Togashi knows what he's doing and he's not unintentionally planting gay subtext in his work. The fact that Togashi sat at his desk, drew Killua calling Gon his light, and then followed this scene with the introduction to a character who picks Killua apart to tell him that "love is something that just happens, don't you think?" is 100% proof that Togashi knows what he's doing.
• Date with Palm (chapters 217 and 218)
I think this situation has many layers, but many people still dismiss it as bro behavior so I'm gonna try my best to counter argue. First of all, and although that's not proof of anything, Killua looks EXTREMELY distressed by the prospect of Gon going on a date with Palm, but that can be counter-argued by saying that Killua is just worried because Palm is completely crazy. 
What I want to talk about is the scene that happens right after, when Gon and Killua go to the gym (because theyre DUDES YEAH WE WORK OUT NO HOMO), and the conversation casually drifts to Killua asking Gon if he's ever been on a date before, valid question considering what just happened previously. There are multiple things here :
1) Killua seems distressed that Gon has been on dates before. While it can be argued that it's a normal reaction because Gon has and he hasn't, I believe that Killua - who is in no way a normal person who would get flustered about "not having been on dates before a certain age" - would not feel uncomfortable that his friend is more experienced than him - especially when literal seconds later, he monologues about how he doesn’t care about dates and just wants to stick with Gon.
2) Gon then proceeds to ask Killua if he's ever been on a date, to which Killua responds :
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What I want to highlight is the panel where Killua says "And the truth is, I want to stay by your side... Always...". Basically, what Killua is saying, is that he doesn't care about dates, all he wants to do is be with Gon.
I don't think this can be counter-argued as bro behavior, but with all the subtext I've explained before, this right here is pretty gay. Togashi put this panel deliberately to show that Killua doesn't give a crap about dates when he can stay with Gon, and with the "gon you are light" scene and everything in mind, this is another intentional subtext.
There's also the fact that Killua stalks the date like a jealous girlfriend - but I'm not gonna count that as subtext because it can be argued that he's just worried about Gon because Palm is insane.
• Gon is my best friend ! (chapter 219)
Remember how I told you to keep the "It has to be Killua" subtext in mind because I was gonna come back to it later ? Well.
During Palm's date with Gon, Killua runs into Rammot, who would definitely have ran into Palm and nenless Gon. Killua is forced to confront his worst fear : this is the moment where he knows that if he runs away again, Gon WILL die. Killua is literally overcoming his "programming", the physical representation of years of abuse out of love and care for Gon. He's ripping out the needle from his forehead out of pure, genuine care for Gon, because if he doesn't, then he'll lose him forever. 
Now, what I actually wanna talk about is this panel :
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What we see is Killua thinking happy thoughts about all his adventures with Gon because he can't - won't - doesn't want to run away anymore, and all this for his sake. But what I wanna draw attention to is the dodgeball panel that's bigger than all the others, and the only one where you can actually clearly make out what's written : "Killua ja nakya dame nan da". 
Now, isn't that interesting that the panel that takes a bigger place in the whole panel is the one with this particular sentence? Remember what I talked about a bit earlier, about how "~ ja nakya dame nan da" is a sentence with a lot of romantic connotations (would pretty much equal to "you're the one for me" in English). Clearly this particular sentence stuck with Killua. 
I'm not completely objective on this matter since I firmly believe that at this point, Killua has romantic feelings for Gon, but I interpret this as another deliberate thing Togashi did : putting the panel bigger so we can see that it has a particularly significant importance to Killua, and Killua's state of mind right now (not wanting to lose Gon). 
In my opinion, two things happened here: One, Killua remembers this specific interaction because he knows how much Gon trusts him and he doesn't want to betray his trust. But I also firmly believe that Killua remembered this specific interaction because of the romantic connotation the sentence "Killua ja nakya dame nan da" has. Those words clearly shocked him, and I think he remembers them in this life-threatening situation, after the "gon you are light" scene, Palm talking about "love just happens", the "i want to stay with you, always" because he realizes that he wishes Gon would say that sentence in a romantic context, and not in the context of the dodgeball match, thus leading him to surpass himself to prove his love and perhaps live to see the day where Gon could say those words in that romantic context.
Now, of course, all of this is my interpretation, so it's really up to debate, but I really wanna highlight the fact that Togashi deliberately CHOSE to highlight this particular interaction between Gon and Killua, this sentence with romantic subtext, to lead Killua to finally break his chains and be able to be protect Gon fully. It’s also interesting to note that the 2011 anime adaptation also makes it a point to emphasize how deep these words stuck to Killua by making it the last flashback that makes Killua effectively rip out the needle out of his head. 
Also let's quickly mention the irony in the situation here : while Gon is on a romantic date, Killua fights to protect him, overcoming his weakness to prove his love. It’s not Palm who deserves that date, it’s Killua.
• A lovers’ suicide (chapter 286)
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Now, onto the most important piece of subtext, that can not be counterargued as platonic in any way, shape or form. During the palace invasion, Killua leaves Gon's side, proceeds to go kick Youpi's butt only to have to fall back because he used up all his electricity nen. When Killua is charging up, he meets with Meleoron, and tells him that once he's done charging, he'll go back to Gon's side. 
They briefly exchange information about the battle, and then Meleoron proceeds to ask Killua what's the plan for him and Gon. That's when Killua explains that "Once Gon is like this, he won't budge an inch. Worst case scenario, it'll be a double suicide.". At worst they both die, cool. They “go down in flames together”. It’s actually much, much more meaningful than that.
The specific word that Killua uses for double suicide is "心中" (shinjuu), which is a heavily romantically connotated word in japanese. Shinjuu, also translated as "lovers’ suicide", is when two people die out of love, by the same method, because there's a belief that this'll allow those two people to spend eternity together. Shinjuu is a major theme of Japanese literature, and it is always used romantically. It's a very uncommon word to use to refer to two people dying together, because of its heavy romantic connotation, and because it always refers to double suicide committed by people bound by love. In literature, it always refers to two lovers, in love. If you want to read more on shinjuu, i suggest this and this, those articles explain its historic roots and the definition, also emphasizing the feeling of "oneness" that characterizes shinjuu. If you’re interested, I also suggest reading the japanese article that defines shinjuu, and hitting the google translate button, it has some pretty interesting sentences like “Shinjuu is traditionally committed by men and women out of mutual love, in the hope that they will be connected in the afterlife because they can't be together in this world.”
So basically, what Killua is saying is that he wants to go back to Gon's side to die with him, committing a "lovers’ suicide" because he doesn't want to leave Gon to die alone, and wants to die with him.
I also want to emphasize how special this word is to Killua, and that he and everyone around him know the special meaning of this word - In chapter 300, Ikalgo literally says "We were... No, KILLUA was ready to commit shinjuu with Gon". Ikalgo is really highlighting the fact that this word holds special meaning, especially to Killua, and that it was HIM who was willing to commit shinjuu by staying with Gon. Ikalgo and company dying with Gon wouldn't be shinjuu, but Killua dying with Gon would be, and Togashi emphasizes this through Ikalgo's thoughts.
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This is pretty much the gist of it, but I suggest reading the wonderful post I linked in the references below if you want to know more about this specific subtext.
(edit : i actually wrote a post going a bit more into detail on Killua’s shinjuu wish if you want to read it here ! :3)
• “The one that Gon needs the most is you” (chapter 294)
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I will go into this subtext more in details when I write the post about parallels in CAA, but I still want to talk about it briefly here.
Like I said before, to me, Palm was introduced as a catalyst for Killua's feelings towards Gon. Togashi purposefully wrote Palm as having romantic feelings for Gon to foil Killua's feelings for Gon and make him show jealousy towards Palm. 
To Killua, Palm is someone who stole Gon from him, he sees her as a threat because maybe she'll make Gon happier than he does ? (ofc we all know thats not true but Killua is baby) - Basically, Killua thinks Palm might be more important to Gon than Killua is, because he believes they are romantically involved. That's why when he sees her again later on, after Gon rejected his help, leaving Killua helpess as to how to save his dear friend, Killua sees Palm as a saving grace. 
He knows that if Gon sees Palm as a chimera ant, he will spiral down even more, so he tries to reason with her to get her to be gentle to Gon, because if not her, then who could? Palm would clearly be able to comfort Gon, with whom Killua believes is romantically involved with, better than him, right ? If Gon rejected Killua, then clearly Palm could help, since she seems closer to Gon (BECAUSE HE BELIEVES THEYRE DATING), right? 
This confrontation between Palm and Killua closely ressembles a situation like an ex confronting a new girlfriend - and I think this is exactly why Togashi wrote Palm this way. He wanted Killua to confront who he thought was a threat to their relationship, making him believe that this person who's """"dating"""” Gon is more important to him than himself, only to have her openly admit that she means nothing to Gon. The only one Gon needs is Killua.
And that, my friends, coming from someone you believe is romantically involved with your best friend (who you probably have a crush on), someone you're jealous of, the one you thought was the person most important to him, that's a pretty meaningful statement. 
Basically, what's happening, is that Palm reaffirms that Gon holds Killua closer than a potential romantic partner. And that's why Killua is so, so happy to hear that. He was questioning his entire relationship, questioning if Gon even cared about him, because he rejected him a few minutes before, but then his "rival" comes in and reaffirms that even she knows that no one comes close to Killua to Gon.
I also want to mention that this act of pure love (Killua only thinking of saving Gon when in a life threatening situation) is what made Palm come back to her human senses. d'awwwwww
• Illumi and Hisoka’s parallel on lovers who die of Alluka’s requests. (chapter 323)
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Now onto the final significant subtext - while I don't particularly think of it as subtext-y, I know a lot of people have so I still want to include it here.
When Illumi explains Alluka's powers to Hisoka, he explains that there are two different types of linked deaths when a request is failed : 1) the person who failed + the person they love the most 2) the person who failed + the people they spent most of their time with. 
When applied to Killua, Hisoka naturally comes to the conclusion that no matter the outcome, Gon would always be the one dying with Killua, because he's spent so much time with him, and because he's the one that Killua loves the most. In the panel where Illumi explains this, we see a romantic, heterosexual couple  demonstrating the effects of not completing one of Alluka's requests, and thus the "most important person dying". 
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While not making any true parallels, the fact that Hisoka, and the readers, are drawn to compare a heterosexual, romantic pairing to Killua dying with Gon because he's his "most important person" is an interesting piece of subtext.
I want to finish by talking about Killua's birthday and how significant it is in my opinion. All the main 4 characters have birthdays that fall on specific dates, related to Japanese tradition, and often with events that can be associated to their character. Gon's is 5/5, which is Children's Day. Kurapika's is 4/4, the number 4 being considered an unlucky number, and this being an unlucky day to have a child. Leorio's is 3/3, Hinamatsuri (not really any main parallels here but still). But Killua's birthday is 7/7, and is the Japanese day to celebrate Tanabata. 
If you are not familiar with Tanabata, the story is as follows : Orihime is a princess who works for her father, working hard and well, but she laments the fact that because of her hard work she can't meet someone and fall in love. Her father arranges for her to meet Hikoboshi, allowing Orihime to leave because he expects her to come back to work for him, but the two immediately fall in love and get married, and she never returns. I won't get into the rest of the story as it's this part that interests me the most, but if you want to read more about Killua and Tanabata I suggest reading the post I referenced below.
Does the story of Orihime remind you of anyone ? Killua also works for his father, but laments the fact that he can't go outside and meet someone. His father then lets him go, saying, and i quote: "he will come back, because he's my son". Doesn't this remind you of the tale of Tanabata ? Killua's story references the tale of Orihime perfectly, and I believe this is intentional : Killua's birthday isn't of any importance to the plot, so why make it Tanabata, a day that celebrates a love story that closely ressembles Killua's story ? The answer is simple : subtext.
With all this in mind, I think it's pretty clear that Togashi is writing intentional subtext to hint at Killua's feelings being romantic in nature. Togashi is a master writer, he has years of experience, and I strongly believe he knows what he's doing and not planting unintentional subtext. He's a very smart man, and knows how all of this can be interpreted.
I will finish by saying that Togashi is NOT an author that would deliberately queerbait his readers. So many people dismiss the possibility of having gay subtext leading onto an actual canon gay relationship because "it's not like the author would ever have gay main characters". While this holds true for a lot of manga authors, especially shonen manga authors, it does NOT apply to Togashi. 
Togashi has always displayed interest in queer subjects and queer representation, putting trans characters in all of his major works (Miyuki in YYH, Mikihisa in Level E and Alluka in HxH). There were also canonically gay characters in his previous works : Itsuki in YYH, and a character named Kuramoto in Level E. 
Togashi also always had interest in mangas having BL elements, citing Maya Mineo's "Patalliro!" as a manga he was attracted to during High School. If you're unfamiliar with Patalliro, the story focuses on the main character's love life as a gay man.  He also admitted to basing Hiei's (YYH) design off a character from that manga. 
Last but not least, Togashi mentioned in a note included in volume 1 of YYH that he wanted to write a sports manga, called The Trouble Quartet, where basically all the characters are gay. Togashi said he based it off his own interests as a writer, and that while it was refused by Shonen Jump, he got deeply attached to the project and that he would love to explore this project in a different shape once he made a name for himself. I suggest reading this post because the parallels between The Trouble Quartet and HxH are HILARIOUSLY accurate.
In short, Togashi has always had interest in queer matters, and was always interested in putting queer representation in his work. After YYH, which was a terrible experience for Togashi as a writer, he managed to snatch a contract that basically allows him to do whatever he wants with HxH. Having always held dear BL matters but never being able to explore it to his full intent, I believe Togashi is exploring queer identity further with HxH, because Shonen Jump basically lets him do anything.
To conclude, with Togashi's past experience and skill, his interest in queer representation, and the amount of subtext surrounding Killua, I honestly believe that Togashi is trying to explore further queer representation, and I wouldn't be surprised if HxH ends with Gon and Killua becoming a canon pairing, whether it be delivered in an ambiguous manner or not. 
Edit : I actually wrote a post on why I believe it won’t be ambiguous, and that it’s truly never been ambiguous, just developing : here.
I hope you enjoyed the read, thank you for reading all of this, and feel free to show this to anyone who denies subtext in HxH !
- "It has to be Killua" - Medium article, "Impossibilities in Translating Queerness : The Dodgeball Dilemma" 
- Palm's Date Scene - Reddit post, "Togashi's love of Ambiguity: Chapters 217 and 218" 
-A thematic analysis of Palm’s character : ”The Issue With Palm”
- Shinjuu - Tumblr post by hunterxhell, "A lovers' suicide, I guess." :  + the post that mentions Ikalgo talking about shinjuu 
- An analysis on different subtext-y situations
- Illumi and Hisoka’s parallel : here and here 
- Killua’s birthday : "Killua, July 7th, and the significance of his birthdate”
- Togashi's interview mentioning Mineo's Patalliro 
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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tsuumu · 4 years
i don’t see enough hoshiumi works and that bothers me ‘cause he is HILARIOUS... like... not to turn this into a whole hoshi headcanon post but he’s as entertaining and fiery as tanaka and noya but as powerful as ushi n kags
he’s short and chaotic but also a very dangerous opponent volleyball killua lookin’ ass which is so intense but comedic. his personality was nothing like i thought it would be when i first saw him!
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he’s adorable. no i do not take constructive criticism.
hoshiumi in my head would shamelessly:
• steal his parents’ car multiple times
• “it was asking to be driven.”
• want to go out to eat, to run, to hang out with hinata a lot because they click so well, they’d both be extremely competitive over EVERYTHING
• hinata knows though that hoshiumi can teach him, seeing as he’s had a lot more experience in volleyball
• they’d talk about kageyama a lot since he’s a common factor between the two
• yell at inanimate objects that cause him even the slightest amount of trouble
•he likes to kick/stomp on the floor like a baby when he sulks
• do the absolute MOST for special days like birthdays or festivities, he brings everything to celebrations
• hoshiumi is the chaotic, drink spilling, extroverted friend we all need in our lives
• straight up beef the opposing team on the court because “they’re definitely judging me on my height right now.”
• buy lots of good luck tokens for himself and his team because he believes in the power of luck inherently
• a happy pill for those that have down days, he’d know what to say and probably threaten to beat up xyz for you because he misses your smile
when season 4.2 comes out i’m gonna be cheering him on so much because i know what happens in the manga (no spoilers but MAN) and he’s literally so iconic
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hatake-no-sharingan · 3 years
Today is my boyfriend’s birthday✨. Just thought you should know because he’s the sweetest nicest most gorgeous human being. I love him so much and he deserves all the love in the world. I’m also posting Killua and Gon because they make him (and me) happy.💖💕
Feliz cumpleaños amor @fitzwilliamdaaaarcy ❤️
You all should know he made a tumblr just to like my posts and that’s true love. He’s the best person in the world💕🌸
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fallinglntokillugon · 4 years
Gon’s Surprising Birthday Present! Part 2 {Working Title}
Gon’s Birthday 2020 Fanfic by FallingLntoPieces
{AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24002317/chapters/57999847]
Chapter Synopsis: Gon now has a small Killua in his room. Can he get a good explanation for it? Or is this all too much to handle? Well, as long as it’s Killua... [Now it’s a companion piece to Calling Killua on Saturday Night]
Characters: Gon, Mini Killua, and Mito. Killua, Alluka, and Grandma Abe mentioned.
Pairing: KilluaXGon, KilluGon
Genre/Mood: Canon Dimension, Established Long-Distance Relationship, Whale Island, Birthday, Comedy
Rating: T
Happy Birthday Week to the cutest green boi in the world! This is the next part of the series about the extra Killua found in the color birthday picture this year (found here: https://fallinglntokillugon.tumblr.com/post/617196567149019136/happy-birthday-gon-not-only-one-killua-but). It comes after the seven 4-Komas, which can also be found on AO3.
If someone can come up with a better title... I’M STILL WAITING.   
After shocking Gon with a literal cock tease, the Killua on the bed pulled his shorts back around his waist. “Heh, you’re so simple-minded,” the white-haired copy chuckled knowingly, stepping forward to pat his boyfriend’s cheek with a hand. And that’s what makes you so cute, he added to himself, kissing the blushing face while it was still frozen in surprise. 
Feeling a small pair of lips on his skin that was both familiar as well as foreign, Gon snapped out of his mental love stick comparisons. Before this Killua could start anything more, the normal-sized teen grabbed him by the back of that iconic white outer shirt and held him at length up in the air. “D-don’t do that!”
“Why not? You were leaving yourself wide open.” 
“Doesn’t mean you should take advantage of it,” the Freecss boy puffed up his cheeks in an irritated pout once again. Though, the amount of trust he had in his boyfriend was quite adorable. 
“You’re the one who conjured me,” the Killua pointed out, “so you were probably hoping we’d do all sorts of things, right?” Still in tease mode, he gave a suggestive hip thrust. 
“I was just trying it out! I didn’t think it would work - especially not like this! You’re way too small!”
“Do I gotta show it to you again?”
“No! That’s not where I meant!” Quite overwhelmed, Gon face-planted onto his blankets and let out a groan. A thin smoke started trailing out of his ears, showing that his brain was overheating. This was too much excitement for a Friday night!
Realizing he may have gone a little too far, the cat-sized Killua freed himself from the grasp and landed back on the bed. Sitting down, he decided that it was probably best to explain what was going on before anything else. “Oi, Gon. Think you could listen for a while?”
“I’ll try,” was a half-hearted mumble. He didn’t lift his head though.
For the next ten minutes, the Killua spelled out exactly how the Copy Card worked. Based on a user’s heart and mind, a copy of someone can be conjured. The Copy is created by pulling from many different sources, most of which are confidential, but personal wants and desires of the user are also included. “These are important because Copy Cards are usually used to summon Copies of the deceased or forbidden lovers,” the Zoldyck explained. 
“Deadbeat Dad doesn’t classify as either of those,” Gon commented dryly.
“But, that’s when the desires come in, yeah? To be stuck with someone you didn’t want for three days would be a terrible chore. So, the Copy is altered slightly to fit the needs of the user…”
Copies are given three extra considerations as well. First, they are aware that they are a copy. They also know the Copy Card information to help ground a user in the reality that they are not the original.  Second, Copies don’t need to eat or drink to survive. They can if it is offered to them, but it is not mandatory for their 72-hour existence. Third and most importantly, they cannot kill. This is a limiter so users can’t conjure Copies to carry out their dirty work or be murdered by the Copy.
“Even as an ex-assassin, I don’t mind that,” the Killua said, bringing out his claws and swiping at the air. He didn’t enjoy thinking about the childhood memories of work work work. He was a Copy here to play play play.
“And so why are you… this size?” Gon asked, reaching out a finger to poke the squishy cheek of his copied life partner. It was the main question that hadn’t been answered whatsoever. Even in his wildest dreams he wouldn’t have desired a cat-sized Killua.
“Well, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t have come out if my Copy Card were damaged.” The small Killua got up and hopped off the bed to check the piece of metal he had been conjured from. It was on the desk, warming under the lamplight. Picking it up with both hands, he gave it a good inspection. Gon watched from his place at the edge of the bed as the copy of his boyfriend took a minute to come to some sort of conclusion. The card clattered onto the wood and the Killua turned around with his hands on his hips and a smile on his lips. “Does it really matter? I’m here, aren’t I?” 
“Yeah, you are,” brown eyes blinked, a little surprised at such an answer. It was true, now that Gon understood what was going on, that he didn’t mind the situation so much. As long as it was Killua, any form of him would be fine. Actually, perhaps it was better this way. If the Zoldyck had been full sized and packing a package like that…
“Heh, you wouldn’t have been able to resist.” 
“Shut up.” Gon was back to blushing as he was read like an open book. Getting off the carpet, he went over to his closet and grabbed his pajamas. After training in the afternoon and babysitting the twins in the evening, he needed to shower before going to bed. “No, you can’t come,” he denied before the other even had a chance to ask. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll just watch TV,” Killua motioned at the corner where the television set was on the floor, the JoyStation collecting dust next to it. 
“Okay, just don’t turn the volume up too loud.”
“Not a problem. Enjoy your bath~”
[Read the other 2/3 on AO3!]
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thechillicount · 5 years
More B-Days
We got a triple birthday with three goodest boys EVER! I want y'all to appreciate them.
Happy Birthday to my first ever husbando: Makoto Tachibana. 🎉🎉🎉
We had Tatsun's birthday not too long ago and now it's Mako's turn. Free was my very first sports anime that STARTED IT ALL. I watched it on a crappy site with polish subs, ew. You have no idea how I cried when they announced season 3. I already kinda did cry because of the movie that came before that, but another season meant that I'm gonna see my boys in college. I could see my Mako again. That was awesome. Now I just have to wait patiently for this year's movie to be online as Poland sucks.
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Absolute best boy. If you don't agree I'm gonna strangle ya. Jk.
Happy Birthday to my amazing son: Kazuya Miyuki. 🎉🎉🎉
First of all I'd like to apologize to him for not being caught up with the anime and catching up with the manga like every 3 weeks, but momma is busy and stressed as hell so she can't keep up. I still have no idea why he's my son, but I guess seeing him as a child was a factor. I'm super proud of him and definitely not ready for him to graduate. What the hell is Seidou without Miyuki??? I don't want that. Although it'd be cool if we could see him and the other graduating 3rd years in college teams or something, on top of following Seidou. 'Cuz I don't want the others gone too. Overall I'm happy with my adoption decision and I love him to death just like all my other sons. Which include him, Rei from Free, Yurij and Otabek from YoI, Killua from H×H and Ugetsu from Given although I'm also considering adopting Kaname from Ahiru no Sora. My friend has said that I run an orphanage at this point. Lmao.
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Happy Birthday to a boy I really miss because I'm not caught up with the manga: Tetsuro Kuroo. 🎉🎉🎉
I forget about the Haikyuu manga for like a few months and you're telling me that we skipped a whole year?!
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I barely even started the next match after the Nekoma one. I don't even remember the short white haired guy's name, but I know he's gonna be voiced by Natsuki Hanae. And you wanna tell me that even Kenma graduated already?! Tobio is a 3rd year?! Why did I not read the manga?! To be honest it was because I really can't read the match chapters. They bore me to death and I can't really follow what the hell is happening. There's also way too much unnecessary text from the commentator, side characters etc. Except Tenma, he was a cutie. But me rambling about why I didn't really like READING Haikyuu is a post on its own, lmao. Even though right now I'm reading a sports manga, basketball is somehow more tolerable for me to read. I think I just really prefer to watch volleyball animated. Or maybe it's because Haikyuu was one of the first sports series I watched as well so I'm just biased. But right now I really need to find time to read the manga and also figure out where the hell did I left off.
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I don’t have anything specific written for Gon’s bday, but..........I can at least post this little snippet from an unpublished work of mine. Happy birthday wild child, thank you for completely uprooting my live <3
Killua blinked a few times, willing the sleep out of his eyes. Gon was still fast asleep, which was something an enigma to Killua. Gon was usually the one who got up before the crack of dawn. Killua, on the other hand, did his absolute best to never wake up before nine o’clock.
But Killua was also cursed with being a light sleeper. He couldn’t count the number of times Gon’s snoring alone had woken him up. So it wasn’t too much of a surprise that Killua was the one whose dreams had been interrupted.
It was still way too fucking early, though. And not even the fake morning rays peeking through the closed blinds of Gon’s windows was enough to cheer him up.
Killua reached up to rub his eyes, yawning. Gon’s windows? he thought to himself through the drowsiness still lingering in his mind. Was this even Gon’s room, anymore? Killua spent more nights here than he did with Alluka, after all…
Carefully Killua lifted his arms out of the sheets, moving slowly to avoid waking Gon, and settled back down with his cheek pressed against his crossed forearms. He stared at Gon for a several long moments, simply gazing at his peaceful expression.
Gon was a handsome man in many ways. The freckles sprinkled across his cheeks were charming in their inconsistency, much like Gon himself. His skin was a smooth bronze and scattered with faint scars Killua still knew nothing about. His nose was round just like his cheeks, a startling contrast to his coarse spikes of dark brown hair.
Everything about Gon radiated a certain warmth, from his smile to his dimples and the gold of his eyes. Even just watching Gon made Killua want to inch closer, to suck up that light and genuine care Gon gave out to every person he met. Gon had introduced Killua to more Hunters the past few days than Killua would ever remember, and each of them treated Gon like he was their most precious friend. How far did Gon’s influence reach, if he knew all these people?
There was no way to know. It didn’t matter much, anyway. Gon would do what Gon wanted to do because that was just who Gon was. And Killua…
And Killua liked him. For all those things, and more.
The Zoldyck slowly reached out, holding his breath, and lightly rested his hand on Gon’s jaw. He thumbed Gon’s skin as something soft and vulnerable fluttered in his chest. Gon was handsome, loved, and honest to a fault. It was a genuine mystery him how Gon could ever be interested in a broken, cold person like Killua.
A pressure started to build behind Killua’s eyes. A burning. It hurt, made Killua’s throat raw. He blinked rapidly to get rid of the stinging and tried to focus back on Gon’s face. Gon’s thick eyelashes. Gon’s perfect lips. Gon.
Gon did something to him, Killua thought as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. Gon had...completely uprooted Killua’s life. And yet, Killua never felt safer than when he was in Gon’s bed, in Gon’s arms.
Killua withdrew his hand, turning away to bury his face into his pillow. He groaned quietly against the soft cotton. Even with no one watching, the mortification that came with such tender thoughts made his skin grow hot as wax and his stomach churn. If he reacted this way now—without anyone to even hear him—would he ever be able to tell Gon that?
Killua gritted his teeth. “Stupid,” he muttered, voice muffled by the pillow. Why was he even worrying about this right now? Who knew if he’d ever want to tell Gon any of that...
“Who’s ‘tupid, Keewuah?”
Killua started. He whipped his head around, heart hammering, to find Gon’s sleepy, golden eyes trained on him.
Killua’s cheeks grew warm. “J-Jeez, Gon, don’t scare me like that!”
“‘M sorry,” Gon mumbled groggily. He rubbed one eye with the heel of his hand and the single strip of sunlight fell across his arm. Killua tried not to stare. Really, he did. But when Gon lowered is arm to turn that dazzling beam of his on Killua, he couldn’t stop a swarm of butterflies from fluttering inside his gut.
Killua shook his head, fighting down his deepening blush. “Yeah, right.” He relaxed back onto his folded arms, snuggling under the sheets a bit. “You always get a kick out of scaring me.”
Gon’s smile turned sheepish. “Only a little…”
“You really suck at lying, Gon.”
Laughter burst out of Gon. It was a musical sound, one Killua wished he could capture in a bottle and play on repeat during the days that weren’t so bright, or peaceful, as this golden morning.
Gon giggled, “I can’t help it, you make the best reactions!”
Killua rolled his eyes. He reached over to pinch Gon’s cheek, hard. He said loudly over Gon’s shrill whine, “That doesn’t mean I enjoy it, idiot!”
“Ahhh—AH, Keewuwah! That hurts—!”
Killua let Gon go with a huff. “Baby,” he said, but the insult had no bite.
He started to pull back, but Gon was quick to snag Killua’s hand. He laced their fingers together and held on tight. He lifted Killua’s knuckles to his lips and Killua sucked in a sharp breath, heart stuttering.
“Why’re you up so early?” Gon murmured against his pale skin and glanced up at Killua through his eyelashes. “You never wake up before me.”
Killua shrugged awkwardly, trying his best not to show how flustered Gon’s light kiss made him. It was kind of ridiculous how easily Gon could cause Killua’s emotions to switch from sad to irritated to melting with just a few simple motions. It took all of Killua’s willpower to keep those emotions off his face.
“Not sure,” he answered and was proud at the steadiness of his voice. Even Gon’s gentle rubbing of his calloused thumb against the back of Killua’s hand wasn’t enough to make him waver, if just barely. “I just...woke up, sort of?”
“Hmm,” Gon hummed. “And what were you doing? Just laying here? You could’ve gotten me up, too.”
“You barely get enough sleep as it is,” Killua retorted, only half joking. The dark circles under Gon’s eyes were more than enough to prove his statement correct. “And I was fine, honestly.”
Gon looked at him curiously. “Really? But, weren’t you bored?”
“No. I was—” Killua almost stopped himself, because his next words were sure to be nothing but mortifying, but he couldn’t stop now, not with those honey eyes on him, turning his insides to mush and making his heart to soar, “—I was, uh. I was just thinking.”
“Thinking?” Gon repeated and Killua nodded, his head bobbing jerkily against the pillow.
“Y-Yeah. Thinking about...about you. About us.”
That caused Gon’s eyebrows to raise. “Us, huh?”
“Mhm.” Killua averted his gaze, trying to escape Gon’s intense stare. He could feel his skin darkening with a blush again and it was annoying, god, why couldn’t he stop blushing for more than five seconds?
“Were the thoughts good, at least?” Gon asked him.
“Kind of?”
“Killua.” Gon sounded amused this time. “You’re avoiding the topic.”
He reached out to brush Killua’s bangs out of his face, to idly straighten Killua’s chaotic mess of silver curls against the pillow. Killua let out a long breath at the unhurried, gentle touch. Gon was patient with him. But he requested honesty in return. And that was still something Killua was learning to give.
“They weren’t bad thoughts,” Killua finally said, after a minute of Gon’s fingers carding through his hair. “I was just...thinking how this room isn’t really yours, anymore.”
Gon laughed again and Killua’s heart lurched toward the sound. Gon was grinning widely when he said, “Yeah, you’re kind of right. That’s okay though, I like sharing a room with you!”
“Y-You don’t mind?” Killua stammered and Gon shook his head adamantly.
“‘Course not! I’d always hoped that I’d find someone I liked enough to sleep with.”
—aaaaand there it was: the overwhelming embarrassment that made Killua want to crawl under the sheets and die.
“G-Gon!” Killua sputtered, his stomach twisting into knots, but Gon simply smiled back at him. “You! You can’t—you can’t just say stuff that, I’ll explode—”
“You can’t explode from me just saying things, Killua,” Gon said, smirking, and Killua threw his pillow at Gon’s face.
“You,” he growled while Gon squawked. “Are going. To kill me.”
Gon was sniggering when he pulled the pillow off. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on Killua’s forehead. He was rolling away and swinging his legs over the side of the bed before Killua could do so much more than sputter.
“We should get breakfast!” Gon said cheerfully as he reached down to swipe his shirt off the floor. He sent a radiant smile over his shoulder at the still-frozen Killua. “Get changed, the sooner you get ready the sooner we can eat!”
Killua let out a shuddering breath, then covered his blazing face with his hands. Mornings with Gon were never boring. That much was certain.
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violet-the-ghoul · 5 years
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lmao just made a post saying happy birthday to my fuckin G killua zoldyck. but gonna dedicate this to him as well.
killua is a bomb as person . he is spiritually free but still finding his way. he has knowledge of what’s wrong and right and has great traits about him
his bond with gon is unbreakable, he is an amazing friend towards gon and he show his love and affection in a very unique ways .
he also is so lovely and caring for alluka and it’s so sweet to see
he is also so smart and diligent and caring. basically the whole package lmao XD
i know I’m not a well educated hxh fan but I can truly say that killua is fuckin awesome and I love him to bits.
happy birthday to a real one
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slade-kane · 6 years
Ok, so I couldn't blog about Space Dandy or Cowboy Bebop or say the traditional goodbyes yesterday because I hit my daily post limit 😅
But regardless I'm going to give my thoughts here (regardless of whether or not someone'll read it).
It was somewhat more traumatic (as expected) and it'll only get (worse? better? Idk).
Dragonball is still doing it's thing.
Black Clover started it's best arc yet.
Gundam is still kicking our asses (rip Shino).
Hunter x Hunter is taking a bit of a VORE break to give us Gon and Killua hanging out with adorable assassins, while the ants do ant stuff.
Outlaw Star concluded in a mess of philosophy and satisfying happy endings (glad to have watched the show).
Space Dandy was it's typical bittersweet self bringing us a tragic doggo, and tiny robo dudes.
Cowboy Bebop bid farewell to three of the hearts and souls of the show: Ein the adorable pupper (and smartest crewmember), Ed the adorable hacker daughter to pure for this solar system (aka my spirit animal), and Faye (the lovable amnesiac mootch). They made the show so so fun and turned what would've been just sad tragedy into something bittersweet. It's sad to see them go (even though I knew they would having watched the show before), but regardless it was a really good episode. And the third to last one as well, before next week's two part finale.
So in the coming weeks we're getting two new shows, and whatever they are I'm sure they'll be stuff that we'll either love or rip on, but it's bound to be a blast regardless.
So with that said, have a good one, see you all next week, peace ✌️
(Also happy 21st birthday toonami :) It's been a blast ^_^)
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arinosauroos · 4 years
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The only pretty kid with a fashion style who can kill just about anyone.
honestly anime birthday days are the only thing saving me from 2020. Ik i havent posted a birthday appreciation post on here but just know i celebrated 😌
Also yes I do live in a country where the date is earier so sorry if this isnt in the correct date for u
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