#this is actually a 1st attempt at pixel art i did for one of my classes...
rivennell · 11 months
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pixel boyfriends (happy birthday to childe!!!)
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kunkutarpulla · 9 months
My Doug related theories
1) Doug Funnie shows signs of insanity.
He has serious blankouts in bad moments, even in the middle of the traffic. He had almost died more than once!
He acts his fantasies, not seeing reality around him. In "Doug to the Rescue", it's the worst since he starts to act like Quailman in the middle of the class.
In "Doug's Older Woman", he cannot make a difference between fantasy and reality since he thought fantasizing about Cassandra asking him out on date with her until Skeeter pointed out it did happen.
There is no way the things Porkchop does actually happened!
Even psychopathy, if you think about it.
He got angry at Cassandra for using him, and yet he hypocritically did the exact same to her.
He had a fantasy in "Doug's Career Anxiety." Connie was nowhere to seen. Did she die?
He had a fantasy of pixelated Roger being shot in "Doug's Lost Weekend."
He wished death on Guy in "Doug Gets It All."
In "Doug's Fair Lady", he had a very creepy smile on his face.
Since Quailman villains are based on people Doug antagonizes, it only means Dark Quail is based on Doug's dark side.
Since Doug is stalkerish towards Patti, I bet things won't end up well. If "Doug" was for mature audiences, he would be collecting everything from lost pins to used tampons.
2) Roger Klotz has autism.
Roger's not doing well in school. He's repeated the 6th grade three times for not understanding the material given to him. He's immature for his age, and causes troubles for everyone else by being a troublemaker.
He has difficulties with socializing. He has showed clear signs of wanting friends, like in "Doug Vs. The Klotzoid Zombies", but doesn't know how to make them.
In "Doug's Secret Admirer", "Doug's Worst Nightmare", "Doug's Runaway Journal", "Doug's Big News" and "Doug Graduates", it's confirmed he has dyslexia. His handwriting is big and child-liked like most disabled people have.
In "Doug's Cookin'", he got panicked and tried to "solve the problem" by himself, not understanding what "6-8" means.
In "Doug's New Teacher", Roger clearly struggles with reading. When he read text out loud, it's clearly heard he stumbled.
He's fixated in art. In "Doug's Mural Mania", he's that talented he can paint a breathtaking picture only using a one color. His hobby is ballet, confirmed canon in "Doug Wears Tights." "Doug's No Dummy", "Doug's Pet Capades" and "Doug's Sour Singingbird" show Roger also has a great voice and can play guitar. He also loves joining the school plays.
Vitamin D deficiency isn't only linked to rickets, which fans also speculate him to have, but also to autism and other intellectual disabilities.
Billy West, the voice of both Doug and Roger, is in the Autism Spectrum in real life.
Now I have a reason to think why Mrs. Klotz got a divorce and why Mr. Klotz hasn't visited him until they became rich. (In Nickelodeon series, it's subverted he's abusive or negletful.)
3) Guy Graham isn't a bad person.
Guy Graham is described to be "a very handsome but rather selfish and inconsiderate kid", and also "serves as a secondary antagonist and is Doug Funnie's (one-sided) rival for Patti Mayonnaise."
But is that rich spoiled brat really scummy? Or does Doug only make him sound like that, because he hates him?
Quailman and Quaildad: Guy got surprised, when he saw Mr. Funnie playing the drums like a professional. After he finished, he clapped with everyone else. Since Guy is confirmed to be a fan of disco music, he could've bought one of the vinyls. It's assumable the music The Psychedellic Fuss played is similiar to Abba's.
Quailman, The Un-Quail Saga: Just like Chalky Studebaker, Guy might also suffer from inferiority complex. In a journalism contest, Guy wanted to make sure they win. He accidently said how he wants to make sure he wins the contest. Maybe he's pressured to perfection by his parents and told how he has to be perfect, no matter what it costs.
Doug's 1st Movie: Everyone got angry at Guy for attempting to kill Herman. No one have ever seen Herman. Patti and Guy didn't even meet him before the ending of the movie! How he could've known is the monster harmless or not? Maybe he actually thought Herman was a threat and tried to protect everyone from the certain doom. He tried to capture the monster in secret, because he wanted to avoid mass panic.
Doug has a tendency to demonize Guy, because he's also after Patti. In his Quailman comics, Guy's either a villain or a coward. In "Doug Gets It All", Doug makes an animation of Guy getting squashed under the anvil! What a little psychopath! Guy probably saw some of Doug's sketches and got offended how he's portraited in them. Maybe he did recognize that donkey but said nothing specific about it. Maybe he actually wants to be part of Doug's friend group, but he doens't give him a possibility. He's not even trying to get to know him. No wonder Guy hates Doug, even though he still remains polite to him.
4) Guy and Roger are boyfriends.
Anyone who've read this, know where I'm going after.
This theory gives some Doug episodes, like "Doug, Quailman VI, The Dark Quail Saga", "Doug's Midnight Kiss" and "Doug Plays Cupid", completely different interpretation if you believe Doug being an Unreliable Narrator.
5) Roger's mansion in Disney series used to be Beebe's playhouse.
It looks like a princess' castle, something little girls in princess phase would love.
It has a garden surronding it.
One of its colors is pastel pink.
The lobby has stairs you can easily imagine Cinderella walking on them.
It's been deserted for a long time.
It's right next to the Bluff mansion.
6) Guy's real father is Mr. Bluff.
Thinking about it for a while, this would actually make sense.
Guy has facial features similiar with Mr. Bluff's.
He's as ambitious and arrogant as Mr. Bluff.
Guy has a good relationship with him.
He belongs to the club which admires Mr. Bluff and he's the most enthusiastic member of it.
He can ask money from him, whenever it's a dance in Funkytown or having a band in the school consert.
He helps him to cover his tracks about him polluting Lucky Duck Lake.
We never see Guy's parents nor his relationship with them, so it's assumable he visits the Bluffs often.
He's allowed to attempt in exclusive meetings.
How would Beebe, Mrs. Bluff, Ethan and Mr. Graham react if they knew? Does even Guy himself know?
7) Skunky Beaumont was a role model for Roger, Boomer, Ned and Willy.
Skunky has gotten detention and bad grades in school more than once. Who wouldn't be a better teacher for troublemakers than an actual troublemaker?
8) There really IS a ride called Suck Face Tunnel.
But it's for adults only…
9) Judy Funnie was on her periods during Doug on the Road.
That's why she was desperately looking for another bathroom, even after she used the one previously. Anyone who gets periods know how uncomfortable it's to sit on the bench blood leeked on it.
Do you have Doug fan theories of your own?
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lihimsidhe · 3 years
Full Review: https://youtu.be/nMBgmV3QMwY
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Stories Untold is a sci fi psychological horror adventure game released in 2017 by the studio No Code Lt and published by Devolver Digital.(1) Adventure games are characterized by exploring, puzzle solving, and narrative interactions with game characters. (2) The ‘adventure’ label hails from the 1st known adventure game Colossal Cave Adventure developed during the 1970’s. (3). In Stories Untold the player will do mostly 3 things: enter text into a writing prompt and hope what they entered progresses the game forward (text adventure), click around the environment to find interactive elements and utilize these elements in a specific order (point and click), and do some very light exploration.
Stories Untold’s origins lay in Ludum Dare; an event where game developers around the world challenge themselves to make a game from scratch in just a few days aka a ‘game jam’. (4)  House Abandon was the product of such a game jam. (5)  House Abandon would prove to be so well received that it is the very spark that would grow to become Stories Untold. (6).  House Abandon became just one of the four stories featured in Stories Untold.
Each story has the player assume the role of an unidentified person using various electronic equipment ranging from locations that include an abandoned house, a laboratory, and a remote radio station in a blizzard. There is a fourth chapter but to explain its location and tasks can easily wade deep into spoiler territory.  
It’s very difficult to reveal if this game attempts to execute on a specific message or not without spoilers. So treading as carefully as I can I will say that yes there is a message to be found here. A tragic takeaway that can hit hard for some players who put in the work to leave no narrative stone unturned.
Disclaimer: I’m not a fan of puzzle games, or puzzles in games. They too often devolve into ‘guess what the developer was thinking’. More on this in a bit.  Back to the regularly scheduled program:
The development studio behind Stories Untold, No Code Ltd, describes the game as the following:
“Four Stories. One Nightmare.
From the prototype 'The House Abandon' comes the critically acclaimed, and BAFTA winning, 'Stories Untold', the latest madness from No Code. Four short stories, tied together in a complex web of psychological-horror, intense visuals and genre-bending adventures.” How does this game execute on these selling points? Let’s address the last line first: genre-bending adventures. In my playthrough I walked in expecting a fairly basic adventure game with excellent presentation and left having experienced that same notion.  This is all to say that Stories Untold, as far as I can tell, is not bending any genres.
The text adventure portion of Stories Untold doesn’t make a noticeable departure from one of the earliest text entry experiences ELIZA; a program created in the 1970’s that simulates a psychologist by responding to a user’s text entries (7).  In fact after having played around with some ELIZA clones online (8) I’d say that Stories Untold actually underdelivers in this genre compared to ELIZA that was developed nearly fifty years ago. Point and click began with the game Enchanted Scepters in 1984 released on the Mac (9). In that game you do much the same as you do in Stories Untold: Moving your cursor to find an interactive point that hopefully drives the game forward. An activity unfavorably described as ‘pixel hunting’. 
While I do concede that Stories Untold executes well enough on its mechanics would I also concede it is genre bending?  Absolutely not.  Mechanically speaking it falls very strictly within its genre.
As for the intense visuals the game advertises it has? I’m strongly inclined to agree.  This game’s visuals are a love letter to the 80’s. It’s as if the game reached into the past and brought a portion of that era forward in time both temporally and visually. 
Stories Untold also executes on psychological-horror aspects as well. There were times I was genuinely frightened both via jump scares and/or the dense atmosphere the game draws the player into. This game evoked feelings of fear, mystery, and foreboding of what was behind the next event.
“It is up to the designer to provide the appropriate information to make the product understandable and usable. Most important is the provision of a good conceptual model that guides the user when things go wrong.” (10) -Don Norman
The promise of a text adventure sounds great on paper: enter some text and the game reacts to what one entered driving the player’s progress forward. Just the thought of that fills my mind with excitement at being able to utilize my conversational skills I’ve learned in life to interact with a game sounds incredible The thing is, and the reason I’m personally not a fan of puzzle games is that they almost always seem like playing a game of ‘guess what the developer was thinking’ instead of the player applying their common sense to solve a puzzle.
If for example in a text adventure game you are trying to walk around a house you simply typing ‘walk around the house’ may or may not work. Perhaps the developer perceived ‘walk into yard’ as walking around the house. For me this creates a schism where it stops being about me vs the game and instead becomes a battle of how my exact wording for doing something very simple differs in verbage in how the developer would write it. So instead of walking around the house and losing myself in the story I’m now trying to guess what the developer thinks are the right words to say.  What compounds this here is that the feedback is binary; either what I typed works or it doesn’t and I get the equivalent of an error message that doesn’t offer any guidance on exactly what the developer was thinking. This ‘guess what the developer was thinking’ issue wasn’t as pronounced in the point and click sections of the game. These were almost always tests on one’s observational skills and parsing over every little detail until the path forward reveals itself.  Some of the puzzles I was willing to endure and some… I just looked up a walkthrough to solve them so I could get back to enjoying the game’s incredible atmosphere. The crazy thing about Stories Untold is me as a player desperately trying to scrutinize every little detail to move forward shares a strong connection to the game’s narrative.  I really appreciate that despite my misgivings with this game’s puzzles.
As for the game’s narrative itself… I say I left the game mostly satisfied. Throughout the game the music, visuals, and gameplay really got my mind racing with the possibilities of the world that was spilling out before me. “Where could this story be leading?”, I excitedly pondered.  And sometimes I was even afraid the game would provide an answer.  Seeing how it was resolved was a bit underwhelming.  I won’t lie.  I went from a mind racing with possibilities to a flat, “Oh it’s that? Well that’s something I guess.”
If there was one thing I wish this game did differently it would have been to have focused entirely on the text entry mechanic presented in House Abandon. I said before I went and played with some ELIZA programs online and I loved that there was no failure state. The conversation just continued even if the code emulating a human would sometimes spout nonsense. I don’t expect anyone, let alone Stories Untold, to conjure up a fully realized artificial intelligence to amuse me for my 3 hour adventure game. But I can’t help but muse about a more realized text entry loop.
This game has 12 total achievements to earn. (11)  Since the game utilizes a level select system, there are no missable achievements.  Most achievements are earned by just progressing through the game.  The ones that aren’t awarded in this manner are obtained by light exploration and finding some collectibles. All in all very easy to 100% in one sitting.
Stories Untold has received several notable awards (12) including British Academy of Film and Television Arts Game of the Year in 2017 (13).
Steam Reviews has it sitting at ‘very positive’(1)  while Metacritic has it at a 7.0/10 user score. (14)
It has sold at least over 100,000 copies on Steam (15). If Steam sales remained roughly the same on the other platforms it was ported to (Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Xbox) that would imply at least a few hundred thousand people have decided to enter the world this game provides. While adventure games have drastically changed since the days of Colossal Cave Adventure with games like The Walking Dead and Until Dawn, text adventures have mostly fallen out of mainstream gaming discourse. For that reason the fact that Stories Untold managed to break through in the way it did favors it being a touchstone for many adventure and text adventure games going forward.
Ask yourself the following: Do you like arbitrary puzzles?  Do you mind some psychological horror in your entertainment?  Do you ever wish you could just play through chapters in your favorite book? If you answered yes to both these questions then this game was made for you.  
What if you’re like me and you can barely stand puzzles in games because they seem to evoke a ‘guess what the developer was thinking’ type of feeling? 
I would still recommend this game.  The reality of the game is that it can be completed in just a few hours.  When you get stuck, look up a guide, solve your roadblock, and get back to enjoying this game’s stellar atmosphere.  It’s really worth experiencing. Especially if you lived through and/or are a fan of the 80’s
If you’re completely puzzle adverse but still enjoy interactive narrative?  It might be worth looking up a playthrough or livestream.
1. Dev & Publisher: Stories Untold on Steam (steampowered.com)
2. Adventure Game Def: https://www.britannica.com/topic/electronic-adventure-game
3. colossal cave adventure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossal_Cave_Adventure
4. ludum dare: https://ldjam.com
5. game jam: http://www.nocodestudio.com/development-updates/2016/9/5/the-house-abandon
6. dev interview: https://www.pcgamer.com/crafting-the-unique-genre-defying-horror-of-stories-untold/
7. ELIZA (origins): https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00146-018-0825-9
8. ELIZA (interactable): http://psych.fullerton.edu/mbirnbaum/psych101/eliza.htm
9. 1st point click game: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2011/01/history-of-graphic-adventures/
10. Don Norman: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E257T6C/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_2BZA3S6D0KPFSKXFKHVM
11. Achievement List: Steam Community :: Stories Untold :: LihimSidhe
12. Various Awards: http://www.nocodestudio.com/nocodegames
13. BAFTA: https://www.bafta.org/media-centre/press-releases/british-academy-scotland-awards-2017-winners-announced
14. Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/stories-untold
15. sales: http://www.nocodestudio.com/development-updates/2017/9/21/stories-untold-news-patch-indiecade-awards
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paintingarta · 5 years
Here’s What Industry Insiders Say About Painting Of Winston Churchill By Sutherland | Painting Of Winston Churchill By Sutherland
Here’s What Industry Insiders Say About Painting Of Winston Churchill By Sutherland | Painting Of Winston Churchill By Sutherland – Friend Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (30 November 1874 – twenty four January 1965) was a British politician, army police officer, and writer. He has been Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, when he led Britain to victory within the Second World Battle, and again from 51 to 1955. Churchill displayed five constituencies during his / her career as a Member of Parliament (MP). Ideologically an economic liberal and imperialist, for many of his profession having been a member regarding the Conservative Party, which usually he led from 1940 to 1955, but from 1904 to 1924 had been a member of typically the Liberal Party.
Of combined English and American parentage, Churchill was born inside Oxfordshire to a wealthy, noble family. He joined the particular British Army in 1895, and saw action inside British India, the Anglo-Sudan War, and the Second Boer War, gaining fame as a war correspondent plus writing books about his / her campaigns. Elected an MEGA-PIXEL in 1900, initially because a Conservative, he defected to the Liberals within 1904. In H. H. Asquith’s Liberal government, Churchill served as President associated with the Board of Trade, Home Secretary, and First Lord of the Admiralty, championing prison reform and workers’ social security. During the First World War, this individual oversaw the Gallipoli Campaign; after it proved the disaster, he resigned coming from government and served inside the Royal Scots Fusiliers within the Western Front. In 1917, he returned to federal government under David Lloyd George as Minister of Sac, then as Secretary associated with State for War in addition to Air, and finally with regard to the Colonies, overseeing typically the Anglo-Irish Treaty and Britain’s Middle East policy. After two years from Legislative house, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer inside Stanley Baldwin’s Conservative federal government, returning the pound sterling in 1925 to typically the gold standard at the pre-war parity, a shift widely viewed as creating inflationary pressure and depressing the UK economy.
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11 – The Portrait painted by Mr. Graham Sutherland … – painting of winston churchill by sutherland | painting of winston churchill by sutherland
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