#this is about the huntlow art by that one storyboarder
hunter tf you mean “grimwalkers can’t feel love?????” hello????? wanna say that again to camila? to gus??? to luz?????
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edalynn · 1 year
"huntlow is a cancer" that's rich coming from someone who's doing Olympic levels of mental gymnastics to try and justify labeling two teens having crushes on one another as problematic. just say you don't like the ship and leave the fandom. especially since the crew is slowly dropping their huntlow art proving that it was both planned and something they quite like. huntlow isn't bad, it's okay you don't like, you're just a pissy bitch thats upset what the crew wants isn't was you want.
I didn't have to do a very difficult somersault to offer the biggest reason it's problematic being that it enforces the harmful "love heals all trauma and abuse!" trope and I had to do even less to get to it also clearly implying that romantic love is Better and More Worthy than platonic being harmful, too. Just because you don't like that I have reasons that the ship is a problem for the show's message to the fandom doesn't mean I'm wrong. It just means you care more about shipping than the characters' personal arcs and the overarching message of the show to the fans.
Crew have been dropping hl art since ASIAS aired. Them dropping art now doesn't mean anything seeing as it's all OOC sketches that are clearly not in the timeline of the show we're watching as it airs. So idk what to tell you there. Especially seeing as the art is all from storyboarders, not writers. Plus, I really don't care what the crew wants- I just want a well-written show. It's not my fault they clearly struggle writing compelling m/f romances without filling it with outdated, stale tropes.
You're not on the moral high-ground just because you ship hunt/low and I think you need to focus a little more on developing your own personal beliefs and opinions instead of blindly following and liking things just because they're popular instead of maybe thinking even a sliver critically about the media you're consuming.
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