#this got unnecessarily long
teabutmakeitazure · 11 months
Can you do a "whats in my room/bag" thing? Silly trivia on you
What's in my room? Furniture ofc. Dressing table, bed, study table, and shelves.
Dressing table: Hairbrush, comb, jewellery box, moisturiser, face serum, hair oil, body spray for some reason, and a picture of baby me staring into the camera lens. Also, there's a bottle of apple cider vinegar??? I'm just noticing it.
Bed: Bed.
Study table: Calendars, sakura pigma micron pens, notebook, math textbooks, laptop, dictionary, more pens and pencils in the pen holder, and my earphone as well as airdots.
Shelves: 4 shelves of books, my highschool books specifically. The Agatha Christie pile (it's only 3 books???), class photo of grade 4 me, the high achiever stand from highschool, artificial plant, and a bedsheet for some reason. The baron's SAT book also stares at me from the bottom shelf whenever I stand in front of it.
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pick-a-lane · 3 months
me reading the most amazing, true to the characters fic ever that I download it:
me, realising later its unfinished and was last updated awhile ago:
being okay with it and reading on after discovering the authors likely arent going to update it:
the last chapter ending LITERALLY on the edge of things escalating:
(do you hear my tears there was so much potential) anyways I 100% reccomend people go check out “The Sheild and the Shadow” by a_platypus on AO3, its an absolutely AMAZING soapghost fic that is written extremely well and is very true to the characters. If your not a fan of soapghost either I would 100% recommend you still read it cause for 99.99% of the fic they are essentially enemies to friends.
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naz-ulusoy · 1 month
earth day | caleb & naz
for: @caleb-lycaon location: Vievecor City Park
It felt like half the supernatural community was out and wandering the park. Naz had fond memories of trying to track down a unicorn the previous year and while there wasn't any unicorns this year, the golem's had drawn her attention. The giant creatures were a mystery to her, but even though they towered overr her, they still seemed like big friendly giants, almost like a loyal lapdog.
As more people approached the golem's, Naz took a step back into the shade and just watched the crowd. Amongst the crowd, she recognised a tall figure towering over everyone. The spirit hadn't reached out to Caleb since she returned home and now it felt silly that she hadn't.
For some reason, she felt nervous to even say hello to the Lycaon leader. It wasn't as though there was any animosity between them but there was something that had stuck with her since the visions of the future. Regardless, Naz couldn't avoid him forever. There was bound to be a council meeting soon enough and she wanted to reach out before she surprised him there.
He was easy enough to find and she pushed through the small crowd that was watching the golem's and gently touched his elbow, trying to get his attention. "Hello, Caleb," she greeted, trying not to sound nervous. "It's nice to see you."
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Your tags on the 'whose smarter' poll made me flashback to that episode of DoB. Final ep, I think, Cast Out prt 2? And anyway it literally ends with Snotlout (disobeying Hiccup) and acting recklessly with his plan. Hiccup tells him "You proved sometimes recklessness can be courageous" and I just remember being like "THIS from the kid who took on the Red Death on one dragon with a flammable tail fin. Like the similarity/hypocrisy got me--when Hiccup went after the Red Death he was a hero.
I love this. It's really about framing. The HTTYD series provides us certain narrative perceptions, lenses, by which they have us view the characters. Going outside the lenses to look at characters's actions more objectively, and there's that... bias... haha, yeah!
Hiccup constantly doing reckless things is treated as more permissible by the show's framework. His reckless and/or impulsive decisions are treated as gutsy, genius solutions rather than haybrained schemes. And Hiccup tends to be rewarded for those wild plans narratively by having those succeed.
Even though Hiccup gets semi-called out on unnecessary recklessness in RTTE - like testing a flight suit - it's portrayed narratively to viewers as humorous rather than flaws to learn from (as per Snotlout). And when Hiccup makes mistakes, the narrative treats feedback from "equals" like Astrid or people in greater authority like Stoick as what we viewers should care most about. It's not that Ruffnut, Tuffnut, or Snotlout lack feedback about Hiccup's decisions, but it's not treated as criticially. We're not "meant" to reflect on it, most of the time.
"You just proved sometimes recklessness can be courageous" is so much a part of Hiccup's choices that the phrase could be etched on his tombstone. But it's Snotlout taking a moment of gumption that's called out as so risky it's potentially "dumb." And frankly, across the entirety of DreamWorks Dragons, Snotlout brings up many points of prudent caution.
There's a hierarchy the narrative gives us - Hiccup the leader, Astrid and Fishlegs as "more competent" members of the group, and the twins and Snotlout as "less competent" members of the group (our comedic relief). The narrative wants us to sometimes treat this as a gang of equals, especially by RTTE, but the way conversations and situations get presented, solved, and saved means that this internalized hierarchy never leaves. That means that who the audience members take most seriously gets impacted.
I mean, as you said yourself, it's Snotlout disobeying Hiccup - a word that carries authority, as Hiccup is the leader of the Dragon Club during the early DreamWorks Dragons series. In HTTYD and HTTYD 2, Hiccup disobeying Stoick, while ultimately resulting in good ends, also carries consequences. Hiccup disobeying Stoick resulted in the village nearly getting killed. Hiccup disobeying Stoick brought Drago's attention onto them. But by the TV series, I think Hiccup's disobedience is usually seen as a good (by my shoddy memory), but Snotlout's disobedience is seen as him not being "as good as" Hiccup - but is that actually, objectively the case, outside the show's framing?
I don't have the Freaktastic Knowledge I did in ye olde days of analysis where I could list off three hundred specific examples to prove my points, but this is my memory impressions of the series. Snotlout balks at Hiccup's plans lots of the time - and he doesn't not have a point. In another series, Snotlout would be correctly identifying three hundred things that could go wrong, might have gone wrong, or will actually, in fact, go wrong. But Snotlout as a comedic relief character, and then a defiant character opposing Hiccup the Hero who comes up with the correct plan because he's got protagonist armor... means sometimes Snotlout's legitimate points get lost to viewers.
There's a reason why, even now, ROB's Defiant One's conversation between Hiccup and Snotlout still resonates clearly in my memories.
Snotlout: Oh, you are so smug! Hiccup: Me? Snotlout: Hiccup's so smart! Hiccup's so brave! He killed the Red Death! He trained the dragons! He's got the metal leg! Hiccup: Metal leg? That's what's bothering you? That's where you're going? Metal leg? Snotlout: No! It's everything the leg is attached to!
Snotlout made mistakes in Defiant One. Let's not forget that context. But while Snotlout yelling at Hiccup can be read as Snotlout not being "as good as" our hero Hiccup who saves the day... it strikes me because it shows the imbalance of treatment between Snotlout and Hiccup. "Everything the leg is attached to" is the prioritization of Hiccup and - by this point - Hiccup expecting to be prioritized.
Actually listening to Snotlout is a fantastic way to experience the TV series. He's bitter. He's grumpy. He's defiant. He's downer. But that's because he sees holes. He has a **PRACTICAL** side that butts heads with Hiccup. I'm someone whose thinking processes are similar to Snotlout - it's easier to shoot down a solution for its mistakes than come up with a new one - but it's an important role to have. In an actually existing friendship group, you need someone who's down to earth enough to make sure your out-of-the-box thinking friend (Hiccup) doesn't come up with something so wild it's not really going to work. We need an intelligence that sees holes. Otherwise, we start floating off into things that won't work as we expect them to, or adopting ideas that haven't been tested with robustness.
Snotlout's a legitimately smart guy. The fact that Astrid and the others shoot him down is partially because of his character, partially because sometimes he can be a dummy (as can we all), but partially because of their own flaws. Listen more to Snotlout, y'all. Some of Hiccup's plans work because Luck.
Similarly, we can talk about the framing of Fishlegs spewing facts (treated as providing information) versus the Thorstons spewing facts (treated as a novelty quirk rather than intelligence). Just because the Thorstons do it in a dorkier, more trollish matter does not negate the fact that they are BRIMMING, purely BRIMMING, with an ENORMOUS amount of factual knowledge! Does Fishlegs actually have more factual knowledge than them? No, it's just a different area. He's got concentrated knowledge on dragons. They've got in depth, niche knowledge of a large variety of topics. Fishlegs, Ruff, and Tuff are all dang smart.
From a meta standpoint, the twins's intelligence is treated inconsistently. But I prefer me my smart Thorstons who just have spacey heads, trollish senses of humor, and thrillseeking behavior.
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very few books need to be 500 pages long and very few movies need to be 2.5 hours long . we . as a society . need to hire better editors
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byanyan · 6 months
rules: list the things your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their every day life. (optional: explain their significance.) repost, don’t rb.
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ㅤi've talked at length about how byan is most often seen carrying around a huge backpack that effectively functions as a portable bedroom, so for this i'm focusing on the days (which slowly become more common) where they're able to carry a smaller bag.
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phone — the screen is a little cracked and the bright pink case with cat ears on top is a bit scuffed, but it still works just fine. it's a lower end model, but they've spruced it up with a few cute stickers plastered to the back of the case.
wallet — it's cute, it's purple, it's kuromi. they've had it since they were twelve, so it's pretty well-worn at this point, but still perfectly functional (and adorable).
knives — always carrying somewhere between three and five on them at any given time, these knives tend to be pink or a colouful iridescent and can vary in type, from switchblades to balisongs to full on combat knives. where they can be found also varies; could be in their bag or in any of their pockets, or even strapped to their thigh, hidden in their boot, or tucked in a secret homemade slot in their sleeve.
makeup — usually just whatever they might need for touch-ups throughout the day, which is typically no more than whatever lip product(s) they're wearing and an eyeliner pencil.
cigarettes — never any specific type or brand, they take whatever they can get their hands on. sometimes you'll find them with a vape pen instead, though it's less common.
drugs — usually, it's only weed; a bag of flower and some rolling papers, or some joints they've already rolled tucked into a tube that's covered in cute stickers. however, it's not terribly uncommon to find them with something a little harder on their person as well; whatever they've managed to get ahold of.
lighter — a cheap thing they've swiped from a convenience store. they always grab a pink one if they can, but unfortunately it's not always an option.
adhesive bandages — given their tendency to end the day bleeding in at least a couple different places, these are a must. they are also always pastel or have cute patterns on them.
sketchbook (and pencils) — an inexpensive wire bound book with a scuffed and torn cover, full of all assortment of outfit ideas, tattoo concepts, their boyfriend's face, and numerous other detailed sketches, none of which you're allowed to see. as long as their bag is big enough for it to fit, it goes with them everywhere.
stolen items — whatever they've managed to slip out of pockets or swipe off of shelves throughout the day. this can range from cash or credit cards and jewelry to snacks, makeup, clothes, cute items, or things that made them think of someone which will later be given as gifts. there are no rules here; if they see something they like, they take it.
sharpies in pink and black — never know when you might want to leave a nasty little message on a bathroom stall.
sachet of glitter — why? uhm, why not?
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bowenoke · 1 year
the ultimate conclusion to the argument on whether it's acceptable to pirate hogwarts legacy is the person who everyone was sorta relying on to crack it posting a transphobia- and homophobia-laden screed against a well-known repacker. in terms of neatly tying up whether there were any methods of getting this game that wouldn't support someone shitty, that sure did tie it up!! /neg
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sgtjamesrogers · 1 year
One Open Mind
Rated T | roy x jamie, roy x keeley, roy x keeley x jamie | post episode: 0309 La Locker Room Aux Folles
When Roy was small, his grandad used to take him to the cinema as a ‘just the two of us’ sort of thing. He’s sure they went more than once, but the sharpest memory in his mind is just a few months before Sunderland scouts him. 
As an adult, Roy assumes his grandad thought it would be a safe bet, one he himself would have considered a no-brainer for his niece—an animated movie about dinosaurs. What more could an eight-year-old possibly want?
Roughly twenty minutes in and Roy was trying to climb under his chair, his hands clenched hard and his eyes shut tight against the sound of the tyrannosaurus and the little dinosaur’s mum fighting. The sound of it was taking up his entire brain and the only thing Roy could think was get away.
Eventually, his grandad pried him off the sticky cinema floor and got him as far as the vestibule leading into the lobby, using his shirtsleeve to wipe Roy’s wet face. Roy hadn’t even realized he was crying. 
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cisthoughtcrime · 11 months
I know this is probably not anything profound and maybe people have already said the same thing... But in regards to you talking about your creative writing struggles, just write it. Yeah maybe it sounds stiff and shitty. Doesn't matter. Just write it. Speaking from experience, if you always let that get in the way you'll never actually write and get better.
So just write it, even if it sucks. That's what editing is for.
This is my weird attempt of encouragement but seriously I really hope you can reach a point where the creativity is flowing freely and you enjoy it :)
thanks for this 💖😄 genuinely encouraging
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dorakonia · 7 months
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@jinanreona asked: Innocently offers him a Pocky stick~ 😇
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The fae had not exactly put today's date into memory considering he had only ever experienced it once before - and back then it had not exactly.... ended in the best of ways. Yes, obviously he remembered it very vividly, it was just that he had not exactly put Pocky Day's date to memory. However, the sight of the familiar piece of candy being offered to him instantly brought him back to that day a year prior. With this in mind, it didn't take him many moments to come to the conclusion that yes, it had indeed been (merely) a year, and since he hadn't seen, eaten or even less been offered one of the sweets since then, and that today must be Pocky Day.
For a brief moment, Malleus' lime hues seemed to have gotten fixed on the offered piece. He was... genuinely surprised, but the surprise remained within him and the only sign one could see of it was in the reflection of his eyes.
Malleus doubted Leona had forgotten about last year; granted, it had taken place before the pair had become... well, a pair. He could say now with confidence that the both of them had gone through multiple cases of misunderstandings and bumps in the road up until New Year's Eve last year. That pocky 'game' had been one of them. Thus, Malleus couldn't help but feeling slightly surprised when his beloved had offered him now - whether they would actually play that game or simply indulge in a package of pocky sticks together.
The aftermath had not been a very delightful experience, and Malleus himself had more or less convinced himself that he wouldn't bother engaging in that day in particular again ( perhaps that had been the very reason why he hadn't even put the day's date to mind ). If he knew the beastman as well as he thought he did, he had simply assumed that the other wouldn't want to share another pocky with him again either; not necessarily because he disliked the fae, but rather because Malleus has simply assumed that their last go at it had left too much of a bad taste in both of their mouths to even want to speak of it again. Last time, they had played the 'game', both of them insanely competitive at first, and Malleus completely missing the point of the game, and not even attempting to win the last round just to see what would happen. In hindsight, it was evident to the fae that Leona had... actually tried to kiss him, albeit in a kind of sneaky way - using the pocky game as an excuse of sorts. After all, there had been a brief moment back then when Malleus legitimately thought that Leona had made the game up.
Thinking back on it now, Malleus couldn't help but finding it a tad adorable. But the thought was quickly replaced by the memory of the conversation that followed when the other had addressed elephant in the room; how they would have kissed if they had kept on going. And how that eventually lead to a back-and-forth of various points being made regarding the nature of kisses ( specifically, first time kisses ), candy being exchanged and then taken back, and insults being hurled out which only resulted in the pride on both sides getting hurt. Needless to say, it had been a significant day to remember.
Yes, things have obviously changed since then. No, technically it didn't matter what happened last year; at least now Leona knew fully well what the fae's stance on kisses were. He knew what that symbolizes for Malleus, and he still remained here with him by his side - and Malleus by his.
These thoughts only circled around inside his mind for a brief moment though, and even though his gaze had only lingered on the offered pocky but for a second or two, it swiftly rose to instead Leona's - the fae offering him a questioning look.
" Ah. So it is that day again? " He did take it right away though, because he was still somewhat attempting to read Leona. But then again, if the other truly didn't want to have anything to do with this day or these sweets, then he wouldn't have been offering one to Malleus now, would he?
So the fae reached out and accept it, studying it shortly before his eyes wandered over to meet those of emerald; now offering him a small but wholesome smile back. " Am I to expect a game with this, or would you simply want to share? " He didn't give Leona a chance to answer, because his smile shifted into a knowing one as he shook his head. " You do know you don't have to resort to silly games in order to earn a kiss from me anymore, no? "
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koumeowkami · 11 months
HI LYN!!!! ok hmm... use this ask as me enabling you and genuinely wanting to know some of your hcs, for whatever characters, ship etc you want <3333
HI CHEREN !!! wow this is like. the first time i talk about hcs cause i usually don't even think about them to begin with djdndj so here's a quartet only i understand aka 2winmez :D (please act surprised)
so first of all, i think they'd get along well, maybe not right away cause yk cozmez trusts people either slowly or not at all, but i'm pretty sure they'd loosen up seeing another couple of twins that more or less went through the same shit as them. 2wink would be more than happy to be understood on a deeper level as well.
kanata would definitely open up more with yuta, simply cause they behave in similar ways (poor anger management, hot-blooded, more distrustful towards adults etc), tho yuta pities nayuta a bit cause yk... younger bro issues. also they both wear a man bun (very important info).
hina and nayuta would be a bit closer cause they've gone through similar issues (feeling like a burden to their brother and wanting to erase themselves) but on opposite ends? that would help them understand each other and themselves a lot!! kanata would be so jealous of hina omg 😭
now onto other silly random hcs:
i'm pretty sure kanata would find hinata's prankster side really annoying but that would only make hina torment him more lol
2wink always hypes kanata up whenever he shows off his breakdancing skills. they love him sm
nayuta loves playing with all of their hair and asks hina advice for new cute hairpins to use
hina asked kanata to teach him to produce songs !!
sometimes they hold lil concerts in the streets like they were used to
they go on skateboard/rollerblades rides together <3
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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why can’t this week just end alreadyyyyyyy
#rant about the week incomin’ in the tags bc ‘complaining’ is my unofficial middle name#this week has *not* been my week so far and it’s only wednesday morning#my horrible week commenced on sunday night when i was unable to sleep bc my pillow was oriented wrong#thus i had a grand total of 1 hour of sleep which was not very poggers tbh. so i tried to sleep on the train but…#the guy next to me??? kept swaying to lean on my shoulder??? so i hunched over to avoid physical contact but he just landed on my back??#so that sucked balls. i kept having to wake up to push him away with my bag and then trying to go back to sleep.#but then!!! just as i fell asleep after one such instance!!! the guy’s phone alarm went off????? like?? why???? why would you set an alarm??#we’re on a friggin train mannnnn!!!!! why did you have to set an alarm?????????????#and ofc when the dude finally alighted (and i was asleep) he just *had* to jab me in the side with his elbow when he got up. ಠ_ಠ#so that’s how i knew the rest of the week was gonna be just ✨peachy✨#anyways manning 2 workstations (+ 1 bonus ‘mini’ workstation) on 1h of sleep isn’t very fun. esp if you’re incompetent af like me#and ofc there just had to be problems too. like the printers couldn’t print (and the systems crashed everytime i tried to print something)#and this sample running software kept closing itself in the middle of running samples so that was a pain to deal with#and tuesday (yesterday) wasn’t much better. in fact it was ✨worse✨. none of the 2 workstations could get started till like 10am and aaaaaa—#to make matters worse i had stubbed my toe so badly in the morning that my skin tore. so walking was ✨much pain✨ as well :(#and ofc yesterday had to be the one day where i had to walk back and forth an unnecessarily high number of times >:( sadded#and ofc they *had* to have an hour-long meeting about something or other towards the end of the workday when i had yet to eat my lunch >:(#(fell asleep during the meeting though bc it was boring as balls whoops)#and i could only take a half-hour break after that >:((( i wanted my full hour dammitttttttt#and ofc it was raining when i left and ofc it took like 25 mins for me to hail a taxi on this booking app bc i didn’t want to take the train#and ofccccc i misheard the taxi driver when he arrived and he roasted my chinese speaking skills. and ofcccc we were caught in a traffic jam#(i had a really nice hour long nap in the cab though so thanks traffic jam)#and thus ended my terrible 2 past weekdays. i’m drained af and it’s *only* wednesday morning????!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i’m mentally looping anzu no uta (imascg) to cope. ‘nu-uh i don’t wanna work’ so true anzu#i just wanna sleeeeeeep and wake up this weekend or sth idk it’s too early in the year for this#it is suiyoubi my dudes#may spam self-rb my monster-length character image/gif posts later to cope. you have been warned
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Hiii I'm normal here's my revenge tier list
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Each story is ranked by how well I think revenge is portrayed and how good the writing is.
Other stuff I wanna add eventually:
Count of Monte Cristo anime
Count of Monte Cristo 2002 movie
Aserpa from golden kamuy
Explanation for each placement under the cut. Obviously there's major spoilers for everything on the tier list.
S tier
Edmond Dantes from the count of Monte Cristo: the 20 chapter pay off at the end of the book where Edmond gets his revenge and realizes he's miserable is immaculate. Nothing will top this ever
Thorfinn from vinland saga: Note: I have only watched the VS anime. He doesn't get his revenge and he's angry for a bit but gets over it and decides to help others in similar situations to him, it's perfect cause he's finally moved on, he's talked to his mom and sister again and he's helping others because he understands their pain.
A tier
Primrose from octopath 1: really I just love the final scene where she realizes she's not happier after getting revenge and is just as miserable because it doesn't glorify revenge. Also huge fan of her fourth chapter, it was really awesome and the writing is really good.
Gut from berserk: Note: I've only watched the 1997 anime and everything else is based on infodumps from my brother and a friend, his place on the tier list is likely to change once I read the manga. Guts does his revenge quest but it's never glorified. It's not as directly shown as CMC or Prim's story but the subtle metaphors are excellent, notably the one about his sword becoming duller since deciding to take revenge on Griffith.
Godot from ace attorney: I'm likely super biased because I just finish TT yesterday but I like his cause it's a little unique. It focuses on the feeling of emptiness without ever having done the revenge because he has the unique problem of both the person he wants to avenge and the person he wants to take revenge on being gone. He blames himself for Mia's death and uses that same logic to get pissed at Wright in attempts to find someone to let all his anger out on. And then the grand finale of just deciding to protect what's left of Mia by hatching this elaborate plan to protect Maya. I'll probably write a long post or smth about how great his story is in a few days once it's had some more time to sink in.
B tier
Erhardt from octopath 1: this one maybe isn't technically a revenge story but I'm including it because Olberic's story follows the aftermath of a perfectly executed revenge. It's been two months since I last played Olberic's third chapter so sorry if I misremembered something but I like that Erhardt has just kinda given up and is fine spending the rest of his life killing steroid lizards.
Osvald from octopath 2: As much as I love Elena, she ruined his story. The second she appears again, revenge is thrown out the window. You'd think this would be good because revenge is bad and this means Osvald has someone to live for, right? WRONG!!! In attempts to save Elena, he kills Harvey anyway. And what's worse, now with the whole thing of abandoning revenge to save Elena, SQ had to commit and make his story about love, so that's what they did, right? WRONG AGAIN!!! Osvald saves his daughter and even gains the magic power of love while saving her but he ABANDONS her. It makes perfect sense that he can't stay with her at home because there's 7 other Mcs and Osvald can't just be MIA if you wanna use OTM for their story battles and the other elephant in the room is journey for the dawn, but his excuse is so weak. "I have to track down Harvey's accomplices" OK let's list the problems with this!!
1. Osvald doesn't know for sure that Harvey has accomplices and, even if he did know for sure, judging by the fact that Osvald himself never encountered them, he could deduce they're simply not interested in him and helped Harvey for selfish reasons that have nothing to do with OTM.
2. "well Elena couldn't remember him so there's no point in staying" YOU BITCH listen to me. Osvald never even talked to her, he never popped in to say hi. We know from Castti's stories that the logic Solistia runs on is that amnesiacs will remember things if they see something from their past (idk if this is real too, that's why the wording is odd) and there's a travel banter about it, so why didn't Osvald try that? He didn't think to say hi? "but it might be overwhelming for her" NO LISTEN Elena saw the grieving golem, got stabbed by Harvey and has likely been medical malpracticed while in Harvey's care, how bad could meeting her bio dad be? Worst case scenario, she gets her memories back and remembers the fire but what's worse, not knowing your bio dad or having your bio dad play an active role in your life but you also remember your mother's death? CLEARLY THE SECOND OPTION. ELENA NEEDS A PILLAR TO LEAN ON AND CLARISSA JUST WON'T CUT IT, SHE NEEDS HER DAD.
3. "what if Elena didn't remember him upon seeing him?" so? We can't know if she would because Osvald never even tried it.
Tldr: Osvald is a stupid little pissbaby and coward and I think his entire story was ruined by the latter half of his final chapter.
The monster from Frankenstein: he had no one to lean on and was never given any chances because he looks like that, logically it makes sense he'd be pissed and want to kill the creator who gave him his miserable existence. I don't have to go into detail,
C tier
Polnareff and Ermes can be have the exact same explanation but with the names and pronouns changed, they suck got the exact same reason because Araki can write only write one (1) revenge story.
X's sister gets killed by Y stand user so they group up with Jojo to avenge their sister. The fight against Y is weirdly brushed over and the conclusion to their revenge stories are no biggie in the grand scheme of things because they're not the protagonist.
Not fond of either because they glorify revenge.
D tier
Todd from the Sweeney Todd musical (Tim Burton movie cause it's the one I've seen so idk if 2006 is different): this is hardly revenge at all, some dude just wanted to write a disturbing, gorey musical with the goal of making it as upsetting as possible. In his defense, it's 18+ so it's not like I wasn't warned but there's still no reason for it to be that dang gorey. Story ends with like 4 character deaths and the only people that get to be happy are Anthony and Johanna because they elope. There's no point to the story. Some songs are good though so it at least has that.
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Boruto kinda really sucks, so I'm just gonna
*Kill Orochimaru, undie Neji, make Naruto keep his promises, meaning Neji and the other branch family members don't have curse marks anymore, let Shikadai actually interact with his uncle's and cousin, let Temari interact with her brothers and nephew. All while making my favorite characters suffer in ambiguous drabbles*
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...I really need a good flying-type, do I...?
Don't ask how much time I spent trying to make Kahili work before I said "screw it" and used SS Steven. The regret that I feel for not getting SS Ethan is immense. Sidney might have Sentry Entryx2 or something...I dunno. Maybe I should get Anni Steven... *proceeds to throw gems to Champion Calem's banner because I love the boy*
Until I get a SS Morty/SS Kris/Ingo-like Hail setter, I will be running Freeze DPS build with Winter Leon, which...now that I think about it, doesn't synergize well with SS N as the latter applied paralysis. This is just me insisting to use SS N because I love him and Winter Leon because he's finally 3/5 and ready to rock. SS N by himself can handle this stage, but I want to use both of them because SS N enabled dual strike with ease. SS Morty got rid of weather and buffed speed for Leon.
Now, for Phoebe's stage, I realized that Caitlin needed to spam her defensive buffs as soon as possible, which might cause gauge issues because Sidney is slow and Summer N consumed high gauge. That's when I used Sidney's Critical Charge 9 build as suggested by Zinfogel. Critical Charge 9 enabled Sidney to restore gauges every time he did critical hits, in exchange of some significant power loss of his nuke. This stage has Sentry Entry x2 anyway, and Summer N's consistent hits are more prioritized, so losing some nuking power for gauge battery is okay. That said, Sidney still dealt 21k nuke second sync so...that's not bad. Definitely lower than usual but still great.
I just realized that as soon as her multipliers are fulfilled, SC Diantha could one-shot +2 defense Glacia. No, not really, SC Diantha was only at +5 speed, and I believe +5 Sp. Def as well? Either way, SC Diantha could handle half sync countdown stage just fine. The rest of the match where the sides somehow managed to freeze SC Diantha two times in a row is best not spoken. What the hell is with my luck today?
And, Wallace. Finally, I can rest a bit. Wallace was being annoying by spamming buffs but that's because of the parameter I chose to make my life harder. Pretty smooth fight even though Mesprit had to go down because of Poison.
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felteverywhere · 11 months
closed starter for @excelsiorrp
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levi had presumed that he had the kitchen of the vacation home to himself, his tendency to rise early even present while off work for the next week or so. it was strange, taking time off that wasn't entirely solitary. the time was few and far between in the years he'd been estranged from his family, but he'd usually taken solo trips overseas. he was groggy from a long night of very little sleep and in a poorly mood since his arrival, a migraine following the plane trip and the drive because he'd managed to misplace his glasses in the midst of packing. and of course, because levi was being punished by the universe, as he moved around the kitchen trying to make himself breakfast, he walked face first into an open cupboard, the metal handle which was unfortunately blessed with a hard edge hitting hard enough at the right angle to smack into his lip and draw blood.
"jesus. fucking... christ." he stumbled back a step, his hand coming up to press against his face and the other slamming the cupboard door shut, before he noticed the presence of someone else in the room. his younger sister's friend, another occupant of this week away, a stranger. "i take it you left that open?" he huffed and then regretted it. "sorry. for yelling." levi paused looking down at his hand. "more blood than i expected."
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