#this campaign is gonna be interesting...
zekuto · 5 months
i was obsessed the first time i saw someone post leon on that stupid panda rocker but i was never able to find raw footage of it lol, so i decided to compile leon with all the playground interactions because i love him <3
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Jotting some idea for Pierce Rothshire in this post here because I got a ✨️lore update✨️from my DM.
-> Pierce's Main Motivation: Prove the spirits wrong. He *can* survive. He *can* get the girl. He *can* do what they couldn't. He *isn't* the ideal hero yet, but he *can* be. Seriously, "I Can Do It" is his mantra.
->He was born into a family of Spies, Shapeshifters who'd been in the business for countless generations, moved from another planet to this one. However, he didn't really know that. He got lost on the streets one day as a toddler and an elderly Human took him in, convinced he was a human as well.
->His family never really took the time to look for him, honestly. He'd had like, 4 siblings, and he'd been the metaphorical runt of the litter. And the lady, upon realizing he was a Shapeshifter, just started protecting him more.
->In the long and short, he's a self-taught shifter, but in his Ma's line of work he was able to interact with a lot of different travelers, and would practice in the safety of their quaint home.
->Pierce's Ma was a College of Spirits Bard, an Ex-adventurer who now worked to tell the stories of those passed on, and help grieving folks communicate with their loved ones who'd passed on, or remind them of their glories or tender memories.
->He met the Noble this way. She'd recently lost her grandfather, and wanted to listen to tales of his heroics from the local Spirit-Woman.
->Note: The "Noble-Girl" was from a family previously of the council, and was pre-destined to marry into an upcoming council-family to regain that status for her family.
->Pierce remembers their meeting very well, because he'd been sat off to the side of the room, listening into the stories, and couldn't help but speak up, praising her grandfather. She'd looked at him, and said "There's something behind your eyes that reminds me of him." Which had startled him a bit. The noble-girl returned multiple times, but eventually admitted to him that she just could never feel despair with his wonder-struck expression just in her view.
->She asked him to accompany her to the river, then the shop, then the city for an outing. He'd followed her like a lovesick puppy-dog, and she adored it.
->Eventually he began to sneak onto her family land, disguised as one employee or another, the Noble-girl bringing him clothes and disguises. They'd spend all sorts of time together, growing closer and closer. This persisted fir nearly 4 years.
->Pierce's Ma was alright with Pierce doing anything. She was always his biggest supporter, teaching him her magic, how to speak with the spirits and a few adventuring skills like swordsmanship and musical prowess. The only thing she forbade him from doing was getting revealed as a shapeshifter to anyone beyond herself and the noble-girl.
->So, when Pierce learns of the betrothal between his noble-girl and some other young man from another family, he recieves conflicting arguments. The Noble-girl wants to run away with him. His Ma supports whatever he does, but reminds him not to be revealed. And the Spirits that recently clung to him via his magic? They say he's a fool and should return to his simple life.
->He opts for his own plan. Kill the suitor, take his place. Only, he doesn't expect for the families to be prepared for his attack. He attempts to corner this young man, but his attack is in vain, leading to him disguising as a servant he often acted as on the property and narrowly escaping.
->His noble-girl begs him to escape while he still can. She'll find a way out, but they think he's a spy, and they'll kill him on sight. He vows he'll be back for her, and in classic fashion, rushes back to his home.
->The unfortunate thing for him, was that every identity he'd used thus-far weren't well-backed. When the servant wasn't present for headcount after the attack, it became a manhunt for the shifter who'd infiltrated the houses. The spy.
->His Ma knew a day like this would come. She'd been preparing him another identity, sending letters to colleagues and old friends, institutions, anyone she knew.
->Telling of her beloved students. A gaggle of them she was instructing in the arts. A tiefling, a dwarf, a human, a kenku, and the most darling little eladrin she'd ever seen. All but the human had moved out, but sent letters of their daring adventures. (She was very clever, and kept up this ruse for Pierce's sake.)
->So she sent him on his way with a location in mind, and he's been spending the last few months slowly working his way there. Every new town, perfecting one persona at a time. He just arrived to town a week before the party meets up (or whatever shenanigans ensue).
(Most of these species are ones known to Pierce, both through his spirit-communication, as well as frequent visitors to his hometown. It was a hub for incoming and outgoing space transport. A lot of these personalities are influenced by the spirits who guide him as well. They humor him, helping him get into character.)
(All of these identities have enough forged documents and connections to guilds/groups that any one of them wouldn't be immediately suspicious regarding being a real person.)
->Tavhorn Rothshire:
-Eladrin, Aged 207 Years. Usually she appears in the colors of the season that most match her environment, but a blazing green and flowing summer appearance isn't uncommon in her freetime. She's softspoken, and the tales she tells are those of lost love and heartache, nature answering those calls in turn, for better or worse. Her features are delicate, her gaze is usually downturned. Her eyes and hair remain a vibrant yellow, changing only in hue as she shifts seasonal appearance. You only hear it once you get her talking, but she had a deep-seated resentment towards the Dragon-Marked for stripping her people from power in the past. (Favorite Instrument: Panflute)
->Emmek Rothshire:
-Dwarf, Orphaned Son of a local blacksmith, aged 271 years, Ma Rothshire took him in as an apprentice not long after he returned to town, his mining business having fallen under. He decided to take up her trade, very loosely, so he could bring the fire back to the eyes of his comrades. He tells tales of the strongest warriors, standing sturdy in the face of insurmountable tasks. He's popular in taverns and in the mines themselves. His skin is tanned, almost a bronze, with a clay-red beard and head of hair. If he's ever not wearing overalls and a pair of goggles, then something's amiss. He's a fairly stubborn and hearty man, who would give anything for his men, and even more for their livelihood. (Favorite Instrument: Drums)
->Pierce Rothshire:
-Human, aged 17, orphan boy. Since he was young, Pierce has wanted to be a story-teller just like his Ma. She raised him since he was a young boy, and he'd just been figuring out his magic. Pierce is currently on the run, after the authorities suspected his involvement with an attack on one of the council members. He's a stout young man, caramel skin with fuzzy black hair he often keeps pulled back. His most striking characteristics are his green eyes and his adventurous personality. He's been missing. (Favorite Instrument: ???)
->Klik Rothshire:
-Kenku, aged 14, the youngest of her students, but the first to run off. Klik is a young kenku, entirely unremarkable from her brethren, all aside from the scar across her beak. She was raised by Ma, much like Pierce, but ran away when Pierce was only 10. Currently, she works in thieves guilds and Intel rings. Being able to recite stories is a bit difficult for her, curse and everything, so she is well-known for her craft of shadow-puppertry. She can play out a daring battle for an audience given she has a flat surface and a bright light. The stories usually consist of mysteries, tales of intrigue and excitement in which the villain, honestly, often gets away with his sneaky plot. (Favorite Instrument: Lyre)
->Glory Rothshire:
-Teifling, aged 26 years. Glory is a man who seeks to be in the spotlight. Despite not having a home, he found one with Ma Rothshire when he was young. He was raised while Ma Rothshire took in Emmek and Tavhorn, watching what wonders they worked for the world, and listening to all sorts of stories. Upon learning to control his own magic, Glory left town and started up his own traveling show, a one-man parade. Whether it was jeers or cheers he recieved, he didn't care much at all. The attention, that was what he craved. He's a greedy man, lusting and lounging, moving from town to town without warning or purpose. His skin is a dusty red, hair a smooth black. Horns curve around his head and grow back towards the corners of his yellow eyes. His tail? Well, it was cut off in an accident before he met Ma, but he tells the story differently. He, unlike his siblings, adorns himself in false jewelry and riches, never going without. His stories? They're the ones where the hero gets what he wants. The princess, the prince, the castle and the moat, anything they desired. Of course, though, they all end in tragedy. His audience never hears that far along. (Favorite Instrument: Viol)
->Currently, he's disguised as Glory, seeing as the others he can't maintain for very long w/o constant spirit-guidance. Glory is the one who will be introduced to the party and will join the party.
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theallegedbird · 2 months
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funny caption
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ruvigapo · 20 days
Hey this is so niche but i did a pentagon based design of the xhorhaus and i low key would pay cr to use a design like this for the animated show bc it is just So Neat i Love shapes ♡♡♡♡♡
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(Btw please do immagine that veth and yeza have a ladder down into the laboratory)
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mistyunmoored · 1 year
now that the shock has died down, I have both good and mixed feelings about a Mercer D20 campaign. on one hand, it was pretty much inevitable after exu calamity and aabria bouncing around everywhere to complete the trifecta, and I think if he has the right cast it could be really magical. d20 clearly wants to have a mix of folks behind the screen for different campaigns, and as they continue to be a huge name in the ttrpg space he was bound to come in. that being said, i don’t really vibe much with cr’s extended campaigns? i’ve tried, but I only really loved exu calamity, which i started watching for obvious brennan and lou-related reasons, and loved because of the tight plot, brennan’s mastery of storytelling, and the cast being laser-focused on it. 
this might mean that matt’s style might work much better for me in a shorter campaign. or it could be really jarring and too condensed and weird without him in his usual element with his usual players. idk. i want it to be good, but i don’t think dropout should have teased it in the middle of the current season with JUST matt’s face and nothing else, it leans a little too hard on him as advertising. it’s clearly gonna make a lot of $$ for dropout, which we do always love to see. 
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
sometimes people will say “going dark” and then what they’re actually talking about is just people no longer presenting a carefully constructed version of their emotions and experiences.
like. emotional turmoil is not the same as darkness. laudna in this Fictional Universe that has tangibly different stakes wrt to death and killing than our own, is at best like . morally neutral for what she just did like. man has been secretly trying to kill you, and then just tried to do so again, killing him back is a fair choice. and even if i was someone who is excited by delilah’s inability to escape from the narrative, this shit isn’t about delilah. laudna made a choice. if delilah is back or whatever it’s a choice that laudna made because something in that grants her more control than her existing conditions did. this isn’t some Delilah Takes Over, it’s Laudna Expressly Makes The Choice To Call Forth Something within Herself to remedy the lack of control that’s been thrust upon her. if y’all want to Continue to limit Laudna’s agency (as the cr fandom is so, so want to do when a female character makes a choice that isn’t Good according to some weird system of virtue ethics) go ahead.
likewise with orym. little guy is not “going dark” because he has finally made direct action about his emotional turmoil in dealing with a situation which has similarly left him without control and has also placed him in a position where his stalwart conviction towards protecting and honouring those he loves and has lost alike is constantly met with other people he cares for going well.. what if they had a point/we are killing other peoples loved ones/etc. which like . yeah that might be frustrating and in fact might lead him to go, actually, i can’t afford to try and maintain some abject morality where I carry a locket that will literally only provide guilt. orym is completely committed to his beliefs, the locket and what it represents has never been a limit to what he will do, only a reminder of the consequences of what he might cause in those actions. but they Are at war and orym has a billion things on his plate. he can put down the locket. especially when bor’dor is the explicit manifestation of that locket’s symbolism. the subtext rapidly became the text and orym doesn’t need a reminder. it’s there in the fact that team issylra is walking away with two friends, not three.
these are character who have at every turn denied their own emotions in various forms while still being acutely aware of what they deny, whether that awareness was/is fully realized or not. many of laudna’s early convos with ashton show us that there is some awareness to the lighthearted spooky goth girl and how that persona fades when she thinks too much about what has led her and maintained that reality. likewise the entirety of orym’s story thus far is defined by his grief in a very literal sense, it Has extended from that grief to also the commitment he had to the purpose of figuring out the assassination attempt on keyleth but as we have seen, that purpose has fallen apart. paired with the quasi-reopening of his grief that was getting to see will again only to have to turn away, i don’t think there’s a lack of awareness in orym of how much he hurts. but between his actions and 4SD, that hurt tends to get buried under guilt or Responsibility.
and now, finally, both of them have admitted to that Not in the safety of small introspection or one-on-one conversations but with actions that they cannot shy away from or deny. laudna killed bor’dor and orym encouraged her to. and it Is a complex situation but truly I don’t really think it’s a “going dark” one. because they’re not giving into some overhanging Darkness of Morality™, they’re admitting that they are hurt and have long been hurting.
or, y’know, tldr for those who continue to deny laudna and orym agency or fully villainise them for whatever weird reasons . you could listen to laudna and ashton’s conversation that pretty much lays it out explicitly. laudna claims she’s weak for having chosen to kill bor’dor. ashton denies that and affirms instead that, no, she’s hurt.
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towards-toramunda · 6 months
I adore how Liam's PCs are so full of love, two campaigns in a row now he's made a PC he didn't think would be ready for romance during the campaign, but they can't help falling in love again anyway. They're so good.
Ever since the convo with Deni$e where he said he was a romantic and sadly said “no” when she asked if he had anyone I’ve been feral for an Orym romance in this campaign
(But also there’ve been so many good moments of him falling for people and then seeing his conflict with missing Dorian in the same episode as the ashrym forehead kiss is just… !!!)
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vethbrenatto · 5 days
if it’s not obvious I have (unfortunately) given up on c3 at least for now. I think I watched through e90 something? Early 90s? But realistically have not vibed with the campaign for a long while. I’ll keep reblogging art and content but I will not understand it lol
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vynnyal · 4 months
Btw I'm basically speedrunning now
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I think Tim Drake would be the forever DM when it comes to D&D. It's not that his friends force him to constantly be the dungeon master for their campaigns, but it's something he enjoys doing. He actually prefers being a dungeon master more than a player.
While he's not much of a writer, I think he'd love world building. He probably has his world's currency system figured out. He creates his own conlang for it that no one is gonna take time to learn but that's okay because he has fun doing it. He's got spreadsheets and documents filled with lore that he can look back on later. He has his whole campaign figured out from start to finish and all the twists and turns laid out
His friends derail it instantly. Kon hits a nat 20 when seducing the buff orc lady that was suppose to be the big bad. His friends take almost a full session to get out of a room because they thought a tipped over chair was important to solving the puzzle when really it was there for set dressing. Cassie accidentally kills an important plot related NPC. Tim sighs and goes back through his documents to delete what he had planned.
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crowned-ladybug · 4 months
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Hee hoo DnD go brrr
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blorbologist · 2 years
Cat’s Cradle
Tiny Perc’ahlia AU I started because I need some good vibes rn: 
TLDR Percy finds a litter of abandoned kittens. Vex can’t take them on with her work schedule, shelters are too full to accept the workload of newborn beans, but Percy hasn’t a clue what to do.
So, naturally, he decides to help Vex foster his kittens. By practically moving in, given overnight feedings and her hours on the job (and Vax and Kiki are on a vacation to write them out of this).
What could possibly go wrong?
“Tsk tsk tsk.” Percival rattles the cup of kibble, the rolling churn loud in the morning chill.
Ten minutes in, he has to admit defeat. She’s been late before. 
With a sigh he places the bowl down in its usual spot and fishes around for his keys. With his other hand he quickly sends a text to Vex before his fingers freeze. 
Sorry, no photos for you. Curio was a no-show.
The lock snaps - so very satisfying - and warm air buffets him as he makes his way into his workshop. Not strictly his - technically he rents his room, use of the main forge and such from Victor. But he’s one of two with a key and that’s enough to be his, thank you very much.
Out of habit, he flicks on the lights before taking off his boots. 
Percy only gets one stomp to free them of snow before there’s a clatter. A racket, even, as a blur of fur skids out from under his main worktable, sending a jacket left there flying. An array of screwdrivers and his box of drill bits scream as they hit the ground - he barely recognizes the dark tail and paws before it’s gone.
“Curio?” Percy whispers into the sudden quiet. It must have been her - he’s never seen a stray with her colors before, let alone here, and she’s such a flighty thing, despite his best efforts at Keyleth’s behest. It was only a few days ago he got close enough to hear her purr as she ate.
He swears he hadn’t left that window open, given they had been calling for a spring cold snap. The screen lies half-torn on the floor, on closer inspection. With a scowl Percy pads over and slides the glass closed, picks up the mesh. Not sure it can be salvaged. Great.
It’s very quiet, but the buzzing fluorescent lights overhead, so he can indulge in a heartfelt “Fuck” and listen to it echo.
It does.
It also comes back a little shrill. And chorused. 
Percy’s frown deepens. Stalking the noise is easy enough, as is lifting that fallen jacket.
Oh dear. 
Help, he texts Vex, and attaches a photo.
“Are you keeping them warm?” are the first words out of Vex’s mouth when he lets her in. 
Awkwardly, with one arm, he closes the door. She would usually allow time for a smile - Vex today is on a warpath, striding right down the hall. 
It’s a rare day to see her without her massive brown mutt at her side, but the circumstances certainly exclude Trinket from the proceedings.
“Of course,” he says, doing his best to follow her promptly. A touch difficult, given - “I did not have anything on hand, and the forge takes a while to warm, so -”
“Percy, kittens rely on their mother’s body heat to survive. If you’re right and they’re that new-”
“I know - they’re safe.”
Vex spins away once in Victor’s workshop. She procures a bean bag from her purse that’s quickly stuffed in the abused lunch microwave. She has to smack it to get it whirring to life. “Darling, why don’t you give me a hand? Where are the babies?”
“No, and here.”
Vex is looking at him very curiously. So Percy takes it as a command: sits, peels off his sweater, ignores Vex’s quirked brow loaded with innuendo, and untucks the overlarge undershirt.
“I figured,” he says, a touch breathless because oh that tickles, “body heat was better than nothing.”
Her eyes are wide and soft and staring down at a very peculiar angle at the writhing patches clutched tight to Percy’s skin. They’re quieter, now, and he’s not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.
“Oh - they’re so small,” Vex says, downy soft. Percy’s stomach flutters. He blames it on the prick of tiny claws. “Poor things.”
Vex inhales and is immediately back in action, slipping under the tables to find a suitable outlet for something else she tossed on a chair. “Just stay there, darling? I’ll get something a little more convenient set up for them.”
It isn’t long at all before Vex has commandeered the slipper basked, tucked in the electric heating pad and the microwaved one and tucked the whole nest with towels - clean ones, from her place. With a waddle, Percy joins her, kneels, and gingerly holds his shirt open as Vex scoops up each kitten in turn.
“One.” She counts as she goes, setting the squirming kitten down gently. They mewl in protest. 
“Two.” She’s smiling, now, and with the adrenaline beginning to fade Percy feels he can too. 
“Three - oh, sweetie, you’re still damp.” Her face becomes something heartbreaking at the realization.
“Four - and five.” He hands her the last one, hand trembling almost as much as it is. 
Five kittens. All squirming, to some degree or another - none still, at least. Two at least are whimpering, doing their best to knead at the nearest soft thing. Another is pushed over by its siblings and wails. Percy slowly tips it back upright.
“They’re disgusting,” Vex whispers with affection. “I was going to - I expected these to be a week or two old, because no one really gets what newborn animals are like. But - these really are newborn. Mom did not even finish cleaning them.”
He huffs. Could be amused, could be humorless. He’s just tired and it’s not even ten am. Vex echoes him, and it’s murmuring quiet as the kittens get settled.
“Alright,” Percy sighs. Five kittens. He hadn’t exactly taken time to count them, in the rush to scoop them up once he had Vex on the phone relaying instructions.
(Five is a bad number. For Percival, specifically.)
“Alright,” he repeats. “What’s next?”
Vex steels herself. “We have to find their mother.” 
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cityandking · 5 months
to be clear if ozy becomes a paladin of selene at the end of all of this daichi might have an aneurysm
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atroph1k · 9 months
whenever side order drops this coming spring please be warned i will probably be posting abt it incessantly
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lylahammar · 1 year
Heads up. User "mornington-the-cresent" is a transphobe.
my reblog of a thread doesn't mean I'm endorsing every single thing every person in the thread has ever said so please don't send me stuff like this
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4giorno · 16 days
why did i have to get this dialogue on my honour mode run..... i cant make a save 😭😭 also i dont understand why i havent gotten this in any of my other runs
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