#this appeals to a very very very niche crowd
thebirdandhersong · 1 year
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This love is alive back from the dead These hands had to let it go free This love came back to me
quill kipps & jessica lockwood
[second chances au: jessica returns]
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ellis-ofwoolworth · 2 years
trexel is simply a sci-fi robert. and julian is simply robert if he worked in the government. thank you for your time.
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coyoteincense · 14 days
HELLO I would absolutely LOVE a fragrance recommendation based on my blog I have had buying my first perfume on my bucket list and I will finally commit if you can provide me some guidance I that matter forever grateful
ooo i have a few separate ones for you! i would recommend getting a sample first of whatever catches your eye and see if it suits you ^_^
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the language of glaciers by imaginary authors!
a pretty safe buy imo. sort of a crisp juniper with some floral notes. very green and a little soapy/clean. i think it suits your blog's vibe :D
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colonia c.l.u.b. by acqua di parma!
(whispers) this is one of my top favorite colognes and almost my signature scent...don't tell anyone...
acqua di parma isn't a niche or 'artistic' house. it isn't going to be offensive or extremely unique, but it smells damn good and delivers what it promises. it's a mass-appealing scent, so if you want something more niche, i'd pick something else, but this is such a safe go-to for a first time fragrance and i think it suits you!
very fresh and green with some citrus. the pink and black pepper are wonderful in this as well. really good longevity! such a clean and crisp smell i love it so much <3 is it unique? maybe not. but it smells delicious
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sailing day by replica!
replica is a pretty common go-to choice house for something more artistic but still crowd friendly. jazz club is my personal favorite, but i think sailing day suits you based off your blog (especially your sailing background hahaha)
a nice fresh, marine scent that isn't offensive. it's more similar to an expensive soapy ocean-themed scent body wash vibe rather than straight up seafood or something. an artistic retelling of a day on the ocean
and lastly...
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silver sky by alkemia perfumes!
i adore alkemia. they're an indie fragrance company, and one of the best indie ones i've tried so far in my opinion. i love everything i've tried so far.
silver sky is a gorgeous nostalgic musky rainy earthy smell for me. alkemia is fairly cheap and i recommend taking a look at the site because they genuinely have so many options
i hope these help! o/
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door · 3 months
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my friend asked me for murder show recs and i put together a list of a bunch of them and thought i'd also share it here in case anyone else who was not raised by the glow of mystery! on pbs might want an intro. extremely subjective commentary, obvs. enjoy.
hello. welcome to the world of finding television shows about people getting killed comforting. it's fucked up, but who isn't. here's a list of the ones i like and why and where to watch them.
midsomer murders (1997-current): this is one of those sterotypical "it ran for 25 years and did nearly 18 episodes" british shows. it was adapted from a book series, which are the early eps. they're really fucked up and great imo. the later ones lose that sharpness, but until seasons 20+ i think it's a really solid show. the theme song is performed on a theremin. pluses: every great british actor shows up at least once, incredibly great deaths, lots of hyper niche hobby groups, tom barnaby is the best. minuses: showrunner brian true-may quoted as saying that his version of "english countryside" is entirely white. he was booted from the show at that point, however. i've watched the entire series 2-3 times, except for s5e3 "Ring Out Your Dead" because there's a death in it that i found particularly tragic the first time i watched it and have no desire to revisit it (but ymmv). robyn's fave ep is s3e3 "Judgement Day," because a brass band plays the show's theme song at a village fete and also Orlando Bloom is run through with a pitchfork. (ACORN)
Poirot (1989-2013): truly the goat. David Suchet bodies this role. i don't know how familiar you are with christie, but hercule poirot was her recurring detective character, a fastidious little belgian living in 1930s England. in this show, it's the late 1930s for 20 years, and the sets and costumes are so good. not a single streamline moderne property in england is overlooked. the early episodes are short--40ish minutes each--but they transition to 90 minutes at some point. they adapt all of the poirot books, with the big ones--murder on the orient express and death on the nile--done as higher budget tv movies. (BRITBOX)
marple (2004-2013): another christie adaptation, with 2 actresses playing miss marple in sequence. they also adapted a bunch of non-marple stories to have miss marple in them. set post-WWII, mainly countryside english mysteries. (BRITBOX)
miss fisher's murder mysteries (2012-2015, film in 2020): set in 1920s melbourne, mfmm follows independently wealthy private eye phryne fisher. it's an adaptation of modern novels, so it's less conservative than the christies. phryne's best friend is a suit-wearing lesbian doctor. it's a sharp, smart show, and phryne herself (as well as her relationship with buttoned-up detective jack robinson) is very sexy. it ran three seasons and was followed by a crowd-funded film in 2020, which isn't GOOD, but it is FUN. there's another a spin-off set in the 1960s called miss fisher's modern mysteries, which follows phryne's niece. again--not good, but fun. nothing beats the og series tho. (ACORN)
lewis (2006-2015): this is technically a spin-off of the inspector morse series, which started in the 80s, but i've never watched it so you should be fine. this follows very un-academic inspector lewis and his very academic assistant DS hathaway in EXTREMELY academic oxford england. i really dig the pacing of this, as well as how profoundly weird smart people can be. the big downside is the actor who played hathaway is laurence fox, who's a real stinker of a dude. right-wing, racist, etc. so. ymmv. (BRITBOX)
vera (2011-current): vera is a nearly retired, irascible, set in her ways detective in northumberland. she heads her own department, so part of the appeal is definitely trim youngsters dashing to do her bidding with a "yes mum." she drives a huge old land rover, wears a raincoat everywhere, has no patience for class barriers, and in short i love her. in the newer seasons there is also a detective in her squad called Jaq who is a very cute butch. (BRITBOX)
dalgliesh (2021-current): adaptation of pd james novels following detective-poet adam dalgliesh. set in the 1970s, which sets it apart and which i quite enjoy. his character is really sensitive and thoughtful is a way that's unusual for cop shows. (ACORN)
annika (2021-current): i'm gonna dive into some of the weirder ones now. annika is still pretty serious, but the title character has a habit of breaking the 4th wall to loop the audience in on the meta nature of her thoughts--usually relating to a book or story. it's set in glasgow and they investigate marine crime specifically. annika is played by nicola walker, who full disclosure i find VERY attractive. she's norwegian, she's odd, and she's trying her best. she has a teenage daughter who's gay. (PBS)
queens of mystery (2019-current): this one is VERY odd. think british murders meets pushing daisies. there's a narrator, and occasional technicolor flights of fancy. it follows a very serious detective who was raised by her three aunts after her mother was killed. she comes back to work in her home town and has to navigate both sides of her life, plus still wanting to know who killed her mother. production was interrupted by covid, so the main actress changed between seasons, but the new person is also very good. (ACORN)
brokenwood mysteries (2014-current): this one is sort of...sillier than the rest? it's a new zealand show set in a small town. it's fairly queer (although not nearly queer enough), and one of the things i love the most about it is it maintains a roster of recurring characters (which i think is only possible because of the small size of the NZ film industry). pretty good maori rep, especially jared, a local who seems to know or be related in some way to everyone in town. i adore him. he's off the show now, and i miss him. (ACORN)
mcdonald & dodds (2020-current): set in bath, this is an odd couple partnership of an ambitious young cop lately from london and a shy older cop who has lived in bath all his life and hasn't seen action in a decade. their interactions are funny and lovely, and it's refreshing to see a black woman character allowed to be ambitious. (BRITBOX)
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The idea of figuring out what the Only Friends characters smell like came up in a discussion I was having and it made me want to assign everyone a fragrance--like, the perfume/cologne kind, not just some kind of smell. What follows is not based on any close reading of the show and is full of stuff I made up but it's made-up stuff that is consistent with how I'm currently thinking about the characters (without having had the repeated viewings or having engaged in the detailed analysis some have with this show). So, you know, nothing serious. But I enjoyed writing it.
Top: Cuir Oud Padishah (Auphorie)
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Top prides himself on knowing about niche things that are considered high-quality by discriminating people so of course he likes Auphorie. The fact that the label is from Southeast Asia (Malaysia, specifically) appeals to him as well. This fragrance is heavy on animalic, musky notes which I think Top would think makes him some kind of sexy badass (it doesn't), and it has a prominent oud note, and the rare and fancy aspect of oud is something that would appeal to his snobby side. Whenever someone compliments Top on this fragrance he launches into a whole spiel about Auphorie and small-batch natural perfumery that comes off as pedantic to anyone who isn't already convinced he's the second coming.
Mew: En Passant (Frederic Malle)
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Mew likes that this is from a fancy, niche label that isn't that well-known, and he likes that it's a unisex scent because he likes being a little hard to pin down in that department, but his favorite thing about this fragrance is that the combination of lilac, cucumber, and springy green notes reads as really innocent while actually being low-key alluring. The sweet drydown is another aspect that is like the version of himself that Mew presents to the world. Someone on Fragrantica pointed out that "en passant" is, among other things, the name of a chess move in which a player captures an opponent's pawn while passing by them during an opening move and I think that is just so Mew.
Sand: L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme (Issey Miyake)
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This is a pretty affordable fragrance but definitely an interesting enough composition to interest a guy like Sand who is a little particular when it comes to his aesthetic preferences. It's also from the 90s, like some other things Sand likes, and I can totally see him checking ebay to get a vintage bottle. In theory it hasn't been reformulated but he'd be convinced that older was better. This would also be a likely crowd pleaser across genders which is something Sand would be into. L'Eau d'Issey (the fragrance for women, which came first) was kind of an un-perfume perfume, fresh and translucent but practically nonexistent. The Pour Homme variant is more balanced thanks to some low end from woody, aromatic, and spicy notes. It's still on the subtler side, though, so he wouldn't have to worry about seeming like he's trying too hard even if he oversprayed, and you know Sand has a horror of seeming like he's trying too hard. My choice of this fragrance for Sand may be influenced by a certain singer/guitar player/songwriter person I dated in the early 2000s who was very popular with his gender of choice, had a whole collection of different-colored Converse low-tops with contrasting shoelaces, and used to spray a puff of L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme into the air in front of him then step into the cloud because a girl taught him to do that once.
Ray: Philosykos (Diptyque)
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This was Ray's mom's signature perfume. It's distinctive and sophisticated but easy to like, exactly how she wanted people to see her. She's kind of like Ray in that way--like him, she was high-maintenance but always wanted to seem just the opposite. The shift from mother to son worked out well because it's a very gender-neutral fragrance. At first Ray wore it in remembrance of his mom and then he just stopped thinking about it and just kept wearing it out of habit. He can hardly perceive it anymore after all these years but every so often he gets complimented by a stranger and it makes him get a little bit full of himself. Philosykos often gets described as the photorealistic scent of a fig tree--not the fruit, but the whole tree--and Ray likes to imagine that it's the smell of a particular tree someone would remember fondly from their family home even though he has never felt that rooted in any place ever.
Boston: Sauvage (Dior)
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Boston's taste in fragrances is basic as fuck but that works really well for him, because what he needs is something that appeals to the lowest common denominator of dudes. He secretly wishes this was more overpriced because while he doesn't like to admit he's a rich kid, he has a secret love of pointlessly exclusive things. But he gets more attention with this one than he did when he wore Gucci Guilty so he keeps wearing it. He originally tried it because he saw a review by some straight guy complaining that he didn't get compliments from women on this scent, only other dudes, and he's had the same experience, but doesn't see it as a problem for obvious reasons. Boston has become inured to the smell of this stuff and barely notices it anymore, but then he barely noticed it in the first place. It was and is only a means to an end for him.
Nick: Bleu de Chanel (Chanel)
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Nick's last job was at a kiosk in a mall and he used to visit the perfume section of this one department store on breaks because a hot guy worked there. The hot guy recommended this stuff, and when Nick smelled it he thought it smelled like something an extremely cool and attractive person would wear. After that he was determined to get it somehow despite its ridiculous price tag. He never got the hot guy's number but he did convince him to sell him a half-empty tester of this under the table for (relatively) cheap. He uses it sparingly to try to make it last but sometimes he sprays it on his sheets and pretends the hot guy from the perfume counter stayed over.
If you like this, you might be interested in my post on osmanthus fragrans, a.k.a. tea olive, and its significance to Utsukushii Kare.
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captainclickycat · 28 days
Listen I don’t approve of going around saying “I hate kids” either (like it shouldn’t be considered any more acceptable than going around saying “I hate old people”) but at the same time it’s really weird seeing those posts that are like “don’t worry guys I know the internet makes it seem like everyone hates babies but in real life people love babies and think they’re adorable and like to make a fuss over them and…”
It’s like yes, we know. The vast majority of people who spend any time in the offline world already know that. It’s actually a pretty standard, taken-for-granted cultural concept that people like babies and think they’re cute. This is not news. To me it has the same energy as those posts that are like “let men be masculine” or “normalise [thing that’s already considered the social norm everywhere that isn’t one particular niche internet space.]”
And more to the point I feel like a lot of the “I hate kids” crowd are specifically pushing back against the cultural assumption of “everyone (or more to the point, every woman) loves babies and wants to have their own babies and take care of babies and will jump at the opportunity to impromptu-babysit other people’s kids for them, and even if you think you don’t you actually do really.” And again, I’m aware that’s it’s not a good or fair or appropriate way of responding, just acknowledging that a lot of the time this is where the animosity is coming from.
It just… feels very odd and disconnected to see someone say “in offline spaces babies are generally considered cute and appealing” like this is news that’s going to surprise anyone. And being like “what kind of weirdo doesn’t love babies” probably isn’t going to change hearts and minds among people who’ve probably heard some variation on that plenty of time in real life 🤷🏻‍♀️
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nakanotamu · 2 months
Alright so I finished watching a Stardom show and I had a lot of thoughts about it and stuff I wanted to say and normally I would dump this all in my discord server but rn I'd feel weird about spamming this in there bc of brain reasons so tumblr gets it instead. So here are my probably needlessly long thoughts about Stardom's 2023.09.09 5 Star GP show from Korakuen Hall:
Alright so just right off the bat I'll say that this show was pretty packed (~1300 people) and the crowd was very hot and that... did nothing for me. Moments that make me feel very alienated from what is apparently the average wrestling fan, let me tell you. People make such a big deal out of loud active crowds and idk I mostly just found this one annoying. There's something about them being so audibly almost exclusively men that is really not fun. Rossy spent 10 years being so bad at appealing to women that I think it's fair to say it just wasn't a concern of his at any point, and Harada was absolutely gunning for a product in that same vein and it SUCKS. Oh my god it sucks. idk why it bothered me so much on this show, it's not like it's anything new, but it was really getting to me. I'm looking forward to getting to the show from, I think late November, when Kid specifically commented on how many women were there and seeing if it feels any different. Shout out to the one very loud woman who was a huge Komomo stan though, mood.
This show was originally billed as the Generational Struggle Part 3, the culmination of the Generational Struggle stuff from earlier in the Summer, a storyline that nobody ever understood and none of the wrestlers had any interest in, ultimately just completely dropped by the time this show actually happened, really emblematic of Harada's era of booking. I think this show stands out in a similar way, a peak of popularity and hype during a period where the quality was already starting to steeply decline, but before people had really noticed in numbers and before things had really cratered, with the wrestlers still mostly able to cover up the increasingly obvious holes. As such I think it's worth talking about as a shining example of this incredibly weird and bad period for Stardom.
Lady C & Hina vs Miyu Amasaki & Hanako - I like the sort of QQ vs QQ feeling to this match, but iirc it was one of those matches that were frequent at the time that had to be changed at the last minute bc someone was hurt or sick. So idk it was a fine opener though, no strong feelings but like it's the first match it's fine.
Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama vs Mei Seira & Megan Bayne - Okay I hate to say it but Megan is kind of growing on me. I still think the way they brought her in was all wrong, and trying to push her for singles matches again later was still a mistake, but I do think she found a pretty entertaining niche in these less important tag matches. A lot of it is everyone else figuring out how to play off of her, and I don't really think it's a *good* thing when one wrestler warps an entire match around her every single time like she does, but in a match that's not all that important so there's less to detract from, yeah it's actually pretty fun. I just like seeing Mei Seira get thrown you know? Or when Mariah tries to knock her off the apron and she just doesn't move. It's annoying as hell when it gets her title shots, but in contexts like this, it's a pretty good bit.
Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori vs Syuri & Saki Kashima - I'll talk more about it later but this whole undercard felt really disposable to me, which is always disappointing, especially given how much character Stardom packed into even their smaller matches before this period. Yunamon was in the middle of her joining CA story (still, somehow) and Poi and Syuri are always entertaining together, and they still are here with some fun spots and stuff, but I just didn't care. Like I said though, broader issues going on during this period so we do know why it was like that and I'll get to it later.
Mayu Iwatani, Koguma, & Momo Kohgo vs Natsuko Tora, Fukigen Death, & Rina - Again, perfectly servicable undercard match that doesn't really have anything fun or interesting going on under the hood, but we know why now so I'm not trying to like, criticize, just saying yeah wow it was bad huh. This was Komomo's second last match before she got injured iirc which is incredibly depressing, I don't think she even tagged in once during this match so she was probably already hurt and I hate it.
Mirai vs Saori Anou - God, okay, this match was kind of the one that made me think about typing up my thoughts about this show. I did not like this match anywhere near as much as I expected to. It just was not clicking for me, like, at all. This felt like a very clear "first time singles match", especially between two wrestlers who I guess don't really know each other outside of wrestling and haven't trained together or anything. There's a reason first time singles matches are rarely actually all that good and I really felt that awkwardness and lack of chemistry here. Mirai and Anou are both good so it was like, fine, but I was really taken out of it and unimpressed after I had assumed this would be really good. I do like Anou winning the white belt, and I do think Mirai's run needed to end bc it was not... working, but man I would not have devoted like Mirai's entire Fall to this feud after watching this match. Shining example of why you should put wrestlers together with people they want to work with and not just whichever names you think sound good against each other.
Hazuki vs Starlight Kid - This match on the other hand totally lived up to expectations. Hazuki and Kid obviously know each other super well and are both freaks, it was great. Brawling through the crowd always gives me kind of, idk, a sort of secondhand embarassment feeling? It just feels wrong my brain doesn't like it but I still appreciated what they were doing with it, with Kid angry and desperate and trying to prove herself more intense and bad than Hazuki. Hazuki always looks amazing getting tortured in submissions, and Kid's whole gameplan being trying to build to the Black Tiger Leg Killer makes sense. I couldn't actually remember who won this so I was even biting on the near falls at the end and liked Hazuki's quick, desperate win. They're both so great and I liked this a lot.
Tam Nakano vs Suzu Suzuki - This was like, the exact opposite of Mirai vs Anou to me. It still had a little bit of that first singles match awkwardness I think, but the amount you would expect given that's what it was, and they both brought enough to compensate for that. Tam really does have the same chemistry with "mini Giulia" as she does with the big sis herself and this match was really great for it. Again exactly opposite to Anou vs Mirai, this match totally would have left me excited for a title match program between these two - which ofc unfortunately never actually happened. I think the booking was incredibly stupid though, because of course it was, but why give Suzu the win over the champ to build to her winning the tournament and... earning a title match she already earned with this match? I guess there is the possibility that as people seem to believe Utami was meant to win and Suzu was an audible when Utami got hurt, which would make some sense booking wise. I still think Utami winning would have been extremely nonsensical from a story standpoint, but all the rest of Harada's booking was disjointed and very obviously ignored story too, so it would be consistent in that way at least. But anyway, I really enjoyed this match.
Giulia vs Maika - Wow, man, I liked this match so so much more than I was expecting to. Idk why it quite feels like this because I haven't skipped any of these shows, but if 2023 was the Maika starmaking year, this was the match where her popularity really felt like it exploded basically overnight. Like she was already liked, but this match out of nowhere was where it was suddenly like, oh my god Maika is SUPER popular, god damn. I think all of Giulia's singles matches have some holes, like, I wouldn't exactly say she is "good" at "selling" even at the best of times, but Maika is really good at compensating for her weaknesses, and most importantly the match really really excels at her strengths, namely intensity and homoeroticism. Given the things I've heard or seen I think this might be the last Giulia singles match I really enjoy, uh, either in her time in Stardom or possibly ever, but still if it does turn out that way for me, what a note to go out on. Really really fantastic, I thought this match was great, even if the story stuff and the booking around it was extremely inconsistent and stop and go with a whole Giulia vs Maika storyline they teased repeatedly and clearly wanted to do and never actually got to. At least they got to do this one.
Which I guess brings me to how weird this period of Stardom was. There have definitely been times I've wondered myself why I'm so dedicated to not skipping anything even when I don't exactly think it's fantastic, but I don't know, I still want to see what it was like, you know? I want to see what the wrestlers cared about even when there was no guarantee at all the booker would pay attention to any of it. There are definitely still good moments, even if there are a lot of bad and a lot of it is disjointed and weird around it. I just want to see it for myself.
I did improv in high school, and I remember after regionals one year we tried to do our regular weekly practice the next week, and it was terrible. Everyone was just creatively tapped and needed to recharge too badly, but we didn't realize that at first, and there was just this feeling of like, "we're doing the same things we always do, why isn't this working?" A lot of stuff from this period gives me the impression that that's how the wrestlers were feeling during this time.
The next show, on September 10th, was Dream Tag Fes, which seems to me to sort of be when this era of Stardom jumped the shark. (And I say that as someone who used to be way too much of a nerd about sitcoms and is extremely specific about what that term means.) The one last truly top to bottom great show for this era of Stardom, amidst some decline already starting to show, before the management issues and terrible schedule would become too much to ignore and they wouldn't be able to reach those heights again. I mean I think they're already on their way back up, I'm glad Harada has already been fired and Rossy being gone too is a bonus, but for this period at least. I might skip some stuff in the future, I know at least the Money Ball Scramble that was a mess where they didn't even run by the wrestlers what was in the boxes for sure, but I don't know, I still worry about missing out on the good stuff too, you know? That's my problem with wrestling, I'm so quick to tell others there's no actual obligation to watch everything, and yet I feel it myself. But even if it was another one that was all over the place, I'm still glad I watched this show.
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7grandmel · 10 months
Todays rip: 18/08/2023
Rainbow Baroad
Season 7 Featured on: Os Bar​õ​es da Qualidade
Ripped by Pan
An early Season 7 rip? That can only mean one thing - its time to go to Brazil!
A very underappreciated yet always fun part of following SiIvaGunner is just how many different kinds of people are part of the team, and how many of them are able to share their unique culture to the rest of us. A lot of SiIva tends to sway toward pretty "global" experiences, like video games released worldwide or featuring celebrities and memes known all over the world. Yet there's always been exceptions to that, more niche jokes and more culture-specific rips not made to appeal to a global audience. During Season 1, for instance, we had the album Hatsilva Muku: Ripping DIVA, catering specifically to the Japan-centric Vocaloid crowd, and althroughout events such as the two King for a Day tournaments we saw South American music and memes represented through the Dancing Alien Team. Althesame, I don't think there's ever been anything quite like the Felipe Barão's Birthday takeover.
Felipe Barão and his brother form the band Os Barões da Pisadinha, which translates roughly to "The Barons of the Pisadinha". What's the Pisadinha, you ask? Put simply, its a very distinct rhythm of notes that's applied all over Brazilian Forró music, which is what the band performs. These guys, along with Forró music in general, are pretty damn popular in Brazil, a bizarre phenomenon wherin their music seems to be beloved despite being fully acknowledged just how much of it sounds the same.
Part of what made the SiIva takeover in their name so funny was just that effect - that it made EVERY rip sound the same, with the same opening progression of notes, same instrumentation, same jolly tone...yet at the same time, it was really amusing to follow! Everyone already knew each rip's joke to a tee, and the focus now became on discovering if the song ripped would sound good or not in that new instrumentation. For my money, Rainbow Baroad takes the cake as my favorite of the event. Rainbow Road Wii is already quite a nostalgic and happy-go-lucky track, and the kind of summery vibe that forró music brings just heightens those feelings more. Its hard to listen to this one without getting a big ass smile on your face! Every part of the original song is recreated perfectly in Os Barões da Pisadinha's style, with excellent layering of instruments on more impactful parts, great use of backing, and a surprisingly natural implementation of the Pisadinha rhythm.
This entire event and others like it fascinate me with just how unfamiliar I actually am with the source material. In a way, SiIva has always been a sort of gateway into discovering new kinds of music, new games, new everything - its an outlet of every creator on board to let others know whats dear to them. For some its a game franchise, and for some its a silly band from Brazil - hell, for the creator of the channel it was Maroon 5 with rips like Everyday Goodbyes (SiIvaGunner Band Cover). Even if you try describing SiIvaGunner as a celebration of video games and "pop" culture, you're never gonna be able to truly capture everything the channel's able to provide.
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burr-ell · 1 year
Man, if I had a nickel for everytime a godly/divine group was called colonizers that deserves to die primarily by a niche of people trying to justify the morally questionable/lacking decisions of a fan fave character, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but it's weird it's happened twice right?
That's been playing on a loop in my head ever since all this kicked up. (Especially relevant given the lunatic who's been running around claiming the Nabatean genocide was good and that all white people should die and then pulling Schrödinger's Joke when called out.) Fortunately, Imogen is a genuinely compelling character played by a real human woman rather than a cobbled-together mess written by a group of conservative corporate men who desperately want her to appeal to adolescent boys—but the "I support women's wrongs <3 unless I actually have to deal with their implications in the narrative" fan crowd functions the same for both.
And I know you didn't really ask about my thoughts on Imogen (TLDR: I enjoy her in canon a million times more than in fanon), but I had some:
To be clear, I like Imogen a lot! She's kind-hearted and irritable; caring and withdrawn; moral and cynical; clever and impatient; protective and ruthless. She does everything in her power to keep her friends safe, but she still looks at their murderers and wonders (in front of her friends!) if they have a point. She wants to keep innocents out of harm's way, but she doesn't seem to clock that the people of Gelvaan might be wary of her because she almost killed some of them. She never asked for her powers and is sometimes afraid of herself because of them, but she's also intrigued by what they can do and won't hesitate to use them for what are sometimes, in the scheme of things, rather petty reasons.
All of that is good—not because her unpleasant actions are excusable, but because they say something interesting about her as a person. And in order for unpleasant actions to actually say anything, they have to have actually been unpleasant, rather than handwaved away under mountains of blorbofied excuses.
It's the same with Percy, where in order to engage with him fully as a character I have to actually acknowledge that he's both a deeply flawed and deeply virtuous person who helped resurrect a child he'd never met and knowingly gave a cursed sword to his friend. Or, to bring it back to FE3H for a second, I wrote this meta a few months ago about why I find Claude to be more compelling than Dimitri, and the summary of it is that I actually enjoy the moments where Claude acts like kind of a dick because they're very grounded and it fleshes out his character—but I have to actually acknowledge that Claude was acting like kind of a dick before I can really appreciate that facet of him.
Plenty of criticism aimed at Imogen is just thinly-veiled misogyny, but some of it is also criticism that's been leveled at Percy, Vax, Caleb, and Fjord, so that's clearly not the only reason behind it. A fair bit of the complaints we're hearing (Main Character Syndrome, why is it all about them, [player] is hogging the spotlight, etc) are, at the end of the day, usually more rooted in "well why isn't it about my blorbo/escapism experience!". Ultimately though, the difference between the good- and bad-faith criticism is that every single person I've seen actually engaging with realistic implications of Imogen's flaws absolutely loves her and isn't at all shy about saying so.
I mean, y'know, people can engage with fandom however they want—but if you're only willing to grapple with negative emotions as far as "oh i made myself sad :(", you're going to have a very difficult time when someone else's choices make you a lot more than sad.
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wynsnerdyrambles · 1 year
Kimetsu No Yaiba and the Great Assumption of Art
One might reasonably claim that the grandest fallacy, the greatest assumption that one must make in the analysis of stories is this: "It was always planned to be this way." Within the creative process, and particularly in regards to long form serialized stories, it is utterly laughable to suggest that elements of the story, whether narrative or otherwise, have been planned out since the very beginning. Creators, whether they be authors, screenwriters, or mangaka are constantly tweaking elements of their creation until publication, yet in the case of works that endure a serialized release, it can be easier to track hints of what changes were made.
Famously, in the original Star Wars films, Darth Vader was not always planned to be one and the same as Anakin Skywalker. So, when that rewrite had to be made, the first film was already released, and Obi-Wan's dialogue regarding Anakin and Vader is clearly written with the two being separate in mind. While occasionally, taking mind of such changes can be helpful, even acknowledging the possibility of such somewhat threatens the sanctity of the narrative. And so in order to preserve narrative integrity, we must to a degree, assume that the way things transpire in a story was always the plan for how things would happen.
Yet, in spite of the necessity of that assumption, it fascinates the mind to consider the vast changes that occur in long running narratives under our very noses. Such, for myself, is the case with Kimetsu no Yaiba. There are hints and bits of things that might have been changed, but with Gotouge-sensei's decision to live a more private life, we might not ever know without interviews and whatnot.
For one example, over the course of the story's first arc, Tanjiro is the recipient of multiple slight changes to character design, especially in regards to his hair and scar. Was Tanjiro's haircut at the end of his training symbolic? Or did our favorite crocodile realize that perhaps too many male characters were planned to have longer hair, losing Tanjiro's uniqueness in the crowd? Was the change in Tanjiro's scar design always intended to reflect the awakening of the mark? Or did the mark even exist at the point this change was made? We will never know, and that fascinates me deeply.
Or in another case, Shinazugawa Genya. He goes from nearly breaking a girl's arm to being incredibly awkward around them. Was this softer side of Genya always intended to be just below the surface, giving this character his main appeal? Or did his personality shift as the series matured, and found Inosuke's brash aggression filled that niche better than Genya might have?
Was Akaza's tragic backstory already a factor in his character when he first appeared? Was Inosuke a later creation, hence his absence from Final Selection? Was Demon King Tanjiro already a concept in Gotouge's mind when Tanjiro thinks about the parallels between Gyutaro and himself?
For the sake of narrative integrity in my analyses, I have to ignore these questions. Yet I do think it's a bit of good fun to consider the what if's of this story. The questions we might never know the answers to.
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haeminlgc · 2 months
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Haemin had been doing his personal channel for a few months and enjoyed it immensely. It gave him an opportunity to be a little bit silly and casual with his fans (he still couldn't quite wrap his head around the concept that people wanted to see his content). Most of his videos were general enough that everyone could relate to the topic he was ranking or following a trend that had swept through the internet but this video would be different. He wondered if it would even receive any views at all. The topic he'd chosen wasn't exactly something cool and in with the younger crowd but perhaps it could appeal to a niche part of the general public.
"From first to last, I'm Yoo Haemin and you're watching... Ranking King~!" He gave his signature greeting and waved at the camera before settling down more comfortably on his chair. "As you can see it's not a video where I'm trying something new. Instead I'll be listening to something that I'm not very familiar with and ranking that. I do apologise to any educated musicians out there for any consternation I may cause." Haemin inhaled as he picked up his bluetooth headphones and exhaled softly as he smiled softly at the camera.
"So today I'll be ranking different pieces of classical music. Some might be well known and others might be obscure. I had no hand in picking these snippets out so this is a blind pick for me as well. As you know I'm no classically trained musician but I have come to appreciate it more now than in my youth. I have nothing but respect for all you musicians out there who memorise and practise these pieces and perform them, you guys are seriously cool." Haemin gave the camera a thumbs up before popping on his headphones.
"Music... cue!"
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wafflesandkruge · 1 year
lover, please stay (kathony)
Daphne gestures exasperatedly at him. “You taught me yourself, brother. I am not mistaken. Love is when your eyes meet and your heart begins to beat faster–”
“My heart,” Anthony snarls, “beats faster because she is aggravating!”
aka the very self-indulgent and niche bridgerton grishaverse au
a/n: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY @rietveldbrothers​ MY BELOVED MY PARTNER IN CRIME MY KATHONY ENABLER. i hope you like this incredibly niche au that probably only the two of us will enjoy lmao. anyway all you need to know is that anthony is a heartrender, kate is an inferni, and daphne is a heartrender. 
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The Bridgerton manor is quiet to all but Anthony this time of night. Exhaustion weighs heavy on his bones as he treads silently through the darkened halls. Call it superstition, or perhaps paranoia, but he’s never gone to bed without completing his nightly ritual.
Benedict’s room is first at the end of the hall. Anthony pauses for a second and slows his breathing. Beyond the brightly painted door, he can sense Benedict’s heartbeat. It’s erratic from what was probably another late cup of coffee, but strong. Beside him, Eloise’s pulse thrummed at a slightly slower rate. So the two were up late, again. Anthony had once caught them still up at dawn synthesizing a new compound for Benedict’s paintings, dark smudges beneath their eyes and matching grins splitting their faces before they registered Anthony’s presence. Anthony smiles at the memory. They are lucky he isn’t in the mood to spoil their fun today.
Colin’s room is empty as he is still on his Grand Tour, so Anthony keeps moving. Daphne’s room is next. His favorite sister is quietly asleep, her heartbeat slow and steady. Something in his blood calls to her, her powers briefly brushing his own. Even in her sleep, she is a formidable Heartrender, second only to him. Anthony lingers for a second longer. He wouldn’t be able to check in on her like this for much longer, given her impending marriage to Simon.
He pulls himself away with a soft sigh and moves on. Francesca is away as well, but Hyacinth and Gregory are sleeping peacefully in their shared room, tired out by the picnic they’d had by the lake earlier. They’d driven their nanny almost to insanity with their combined energy. Anthony listens for another moment, then continues on to the last bedroom.
Violet Bridgerton sleeps alone, as she has for the last fifteen years. Anthony’s powers weren’t developed enough before his father had died, so her solitary heartbeat is the only one he has ever known. He wonders how it could still be this strong when in the days after Edmund’s death, it was so quiet he thought his powers were broken. He could never do that to someone else, to leave them behind a shell of themself. His hands clench involuntarily.
Violet is strong. She’ll manage. He sends her good dreams, then forces himself to leave.
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Edwina’s pretty face breaks into a smile as she is ushered to the front of the room. Her dark hair had been pulled into an artful updo and silk flowers had been haphazardly pinned to the spill of curls. She wore a pale dress covered with sparkling beads that clicked together with every movement. There is a certain girlish charm to her that Anthony supposes is appealing, but he is hardly enraptured like half the men in the room.
At some unknown cue, the lights in the room are extinguished. A hush falls over the shadowed crowd.
Then, there is light.
Spidery sunlight pools in Edwina’s palms and catches on the beads of her dress, scattering light across the room. Her face is alight with joy as she spreads her arms wider and the light grows.
The crowd oohs and aahs at the display of power, but Anthony’s attention is elsewhere. Half-hidden in Edwina’s shadow is another woman, closer to his age than Edwina. She has the same eyes and nose as Edwina, and the light manages to catch her regal profile and render her a study in shadows. But the thing that catches his attention is that even in a room full of people, her heart seems to beat the loudest. He takes a step towards her.
Their eyes meet.
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“What are you doing here?” Anthony demands, his traitorous heart leaping at seeing Kate. She’s wearing a smart blue dress today, matching silk gloves covering her arms from the bright sun. Mud-stained riding boots peek out from beneath the hem. Clearly, she intends to spend a day with the horses, which is why Anthony is so bewildered by her presence at the training grounds.
Kate surveys the area with a critical eye, her head tilted at that aggravating angle that made it look like she was looking down at him despite the several inches he had on her. Anthony’s blood boils as she opens her mouth. “I wanted to see what the big fuss was about.”
“It’s dangerous for you here,” Anthony growls. It would only take a second of distraction from any of the Grisha dotting the course, and Kate could be hurt. The thought causes his skin to itch. “If you want to observe, do it from the house.”
“Oh please,” Kate says dismissively. “How can you expect me to be frightened when I saw Mr. Levington there fall off his horse last week because she spooked at a rabbit?”
Anthony looks at where Kate’s gaze is directed, and sure enough, Levington is trying to levitate water out of the lake with little success. The front of his shirt is already soaked, and wet hair is plastered to his forehead. What an imbecile.
When he turns back to Kate, she’s still staring at Levington, a small smirk playing on her lips. Anthony scowls and steps in front of her to block her view. “Leave,” he ordered.
Kate tilts her head to the side. “Do you always expect people to jump at every order you give?”
The two stare at each other, having reached a clear impasse. Anthony can’t help noticing the way the sun turns her eyes into warm honey, dark lashes blinking slowly as she glowered at him. Her heartbeat thumps steady in his ears, both a reassurance and an annoyance.
“Watch out!” a voice cries from the distance.
Anthony sees it a split second after the warning. A stream of bright fire hurtles toward them from behind Kate, too fast to be avoided. His pulse roars as he grabs her shoulders and shoves her roughly to the ground, his shoulders curved around her body. The air is unbearably hot. He squeezes his eyes shut and waits.
One breath.
Kate’s heartbeat slowing until it was silent.
Kate’s last breath leaving her body in a final gasp.
“My lord.”
Kate’s body still in his arms–
His eyes fly open. Blood rushes in his ears, everything is tinted red. Kate peers up at him from the ground, her brows furrowed in concern. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes bright.
“Breathe,” she says as if calming a spooked animal. “Breathe.”
“You are unharmed?” he chokes out. His hands fumble at her shoulders, her arms. He cannot breathe. “Kate, are you–”
“I am fine.” Kate grabs his hand and holds it to the bare skin over her heart. Her skin is burning to the touch. “Breathe, my lord. Listen.”
Anthony forces a breath through his lungs and the fog dissipates just enough that he can remember how to use his power. Kate’s heart races, her lungs fill with air. Alive. He clings to the rhythm of her breaths like a lifeline.
“I am unharmed,” Kate repeats, more softly this time. Her other hand presses his free hand to his own heart so he can feel his own heartbeat. Warmth seeps through the thin silk of her glove.
He focuses on the brown of her eyes and slows his breaths. This close, he can count her eyelashes, each one ebony black and perfectly curved. Her heart beats on.
He leans in closer. She smells like lilies, the sharp scent of char cutting through. Her breath fans across his lips as her head tilts toward him and–
“Are you both alright?”
They spring apart. Anthony scrubs the back of his hand against the lower half of his face as Kate jumps to her feet. Her dress is hopelessly stained and wrinkled, but he can’t see any other damage. She still stares at him, her eyes wide.
“I must– I will go,” Kate says firmly before turning on her heel and striding purposefully back towards the house. Anthony watches her go, still a little dazed.
“Bridgerton!” Lord Lumley panted as he finally reached Anthony’s side. His jacket was charred at the cuffs and soot was smeared across his face. “Are you alright? I lost control of the fire for a second there.”
Anthony stares uncomprehendingly at the ground. The manicured grass is singed and blackened in a perfect circle around where the both of them had been laying on the ground. Had there been a squaller around who saw and aided them?
“I’m fine,” he responds curtly. “Stay off the training grounds if you’re not experienced enough.”
“Of course, my lord,” he says with a low bow. “My apologies, again.”
Anthony stares at the grass and wonders.
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“You’ve been lying to everyone.”
Kate laughs, throwing her head back and letting her curls tumble down her back. Anthony doesn’t think it’s a laughing matter, but he stares all the same.
“I’ve never lied, my lord. People see what they want to, and I’m under no obligation to correct them.” Her heart beats steady and strong, a sure sign she was telling the truth. But Anthony has no idea how he’s been so blind, how he couldn’t have seen what now is so obvious. Kate Sharma is flame and ash, burning everything in her path. Fire burns beneath her skin and in the curve of her smile and he suddenly wants nothing more than to touch her, to feel the heat of her skin against his.
His heart is racing and there’s nothing he can do to slow it despite his powers. He takes a step closer, relishing the warmth radiating from her. His fingers brush the side of her face. “Show me,” he says, his voice almost a whisper.
“You and your orders.” But still, she cups her hands together and a small flame appears, white hot and blinding in the dark. Anthony stares until the shape of it is imprinted into his retinas. It twines around her fingers like a ribbon before she clasps her hands together and it snuffs out. The library is plunged into darkness, but Anthony doesn’t need light to hear the thrumming of her pulse, the air in her lungs. Even with the hundreds of souls currently under the Bridgerton roof, all he can feel is Kate.
He lets his hand cup the side of her jaw, keeps it there as he matches her breathing and stares. Kate traps her hand there with her own, her palms calloused and feverishly hot. Her dark eyes are alight with the small use of her power, splinters of moonlight reflecting in their depths. He feels as if he’s drowning.
“How long has it been since you told someone?” At this point, he knows he’s only grasping at straws to keep his sanity in check. He desperately tries to focus on the rhythm of her heartbeat and not her full lips as she parts them to answer him.
“Years. Longer since someone has asked.”
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Daphne gestures exasperatedly at him. “You taught me yourself, brother. I am not mistaken. Love is when your eyes meet and your heart begins to beat faster–”
“My heart,” Anthony snarls, “beats faster because she is aggravating!”
Daphne’s features shift between expressions for a moment before they settle on displeased. “Deny it all you want. But feelings like these have a way of surfacing, sooner or later.”
Anthony poured himself another generous drink. He could feel an oncoming headache. “If I wanted your advice, I would have asked. Don’t you have a wedding to plan?”
Daphne scowls and Anthony’s chest suddenly feels like it is being squeezed by a giant.
“Don’t be childish,” he rebukes, slightly out of breath. Her scowl deepens, but the pressure on his chest disappears. He sucks in a deep breath.
“I only want for you to be happy. And if that is a future with Miss Sharma, then so be it.”
Anthony slams the decanter back onto the table with a little more force than necessary. His heartbeat is deafening.
“There is no future with Miss Sharma, Daphne. Do not bring it up again.”
If he thought she looked angry before, she is downright furious now. Her brows slant downwards and her hands clench into fists. He is just beginning to seriously worry for his life when she finally nods.
“Fine. As you wish, brother.”
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“It is my fault,” Anthony mumbles as he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. Starbursts of light erupt across his vision. “It is all my fault.”
He can feel his mother’s hand on his arm, but he feels detached from his body as if he might float away at any moment. Everything is too loud. The pounding of rain on the window pane. The creaking of floorboards from the story above. His own heartbeat, two for every one of Violet’s.
“Oh, Anthony,” Violet sighs. Her hand pats his shoulder and he slumps into her side like he is still a child. This far from the Danbury residence, he can no longer hear Kate’s heartbeat, but the slow rhythm of it is ingrained in his mind like the ticking of a clock. He wants to cry, to scream, but all he feels is a dull ache in his chest and a lightness in his head that makes it difficult to focus on anything at all.
“Cure me,” he implores. Violet had healed all his scrapes and bruises as a child, magicked it away with a warm hand and a kiss to his forehead. What is this if not another gaping wound? He puts a hand to his chest. “Cut away the part that hurts.”
“My sweet boy,” Violet says gently. She hugs him to her side.  “There is no cure for love.”
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Anthony Bridgerton is an early riser, but that is something he is willing to sacrifice for the sake of his wife. He runs a hand through Kate’s curls as she dozes on his chest, her skin warm against his. There’s a furrow in her brow that does not disappear even in sleep and he can’t help pressing a kiss to it.
She shifts and mumbles something unintelligible, but soon settles back against him. Anthony has never felt so content.
Their hearts beat in synchronization, strong and steady and true.
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peysk · 8 months
i've always had a hard time taking the Above It crowd that populates certain influential niches of this website that seriously. The crowd of users who will go out of their way to let you know that there are some things that are popular and well liked by many that they are simply Above of, that they will simply refuse to meet on its terms. Megapope was big on letting users know that while thousands of people with varied backgrounds and beliefs may like furries he absolutely did Not care for them, as to him it was an expression of a genuine desire to commit bestiality. The man was very intelligent and basically no tumblr user other than him has written posts that have so long lingered in my brain and shaped my decisions across time, however i did always find that the way in which he would not simply state his opinions in a textpost, but actively reblog a post from a corner of tumblr that very obviously was not Meant for him and add some remark to put the people daring to engage with something aesthetically childish in their place to be quite annoying. Some gaggle of users are saying or doing something weird regarding some form of media they're not Supposed to care about. you come along, place yourself as an object in direct contrast with them. people see your version of the post. the fact that they relate more to you now becomes an attractive proposition: if you're more like me, that means you're in some measure better than "them". I dont like it. Hundreds of people giving themselves a standing ovation over the fact that they DONT find the imagery of a werewolf man filling them with cum appealing. something you would never ever congratulate yourself for if Above it guy didn't specifically grab it and show how put together him and people like him look in comparison.
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
Scott pilgrim has an incredibly niche and dedicated fanbase and they were stoked for an anime series. Edgar Wright also very clearly thinks of this project as his baby (and Brian O’Malley, especially since he was the creator of it all.) I don’t think they were ever going to let it fail. Especially since they waited so long to do this AND the entire original movie cast basically signed on to do it asap.
The CE turned hater whatevers are hilarious to me at times because 25 losers on tumblr who spend 24/7 stalking his flights and soba noodle prices should have realized that a lot of Scott pilgrim fans also enjoy Lucas lee and a lot of ppl were pleasantly surprised he’d turned up to do this again.
I think Chris has a decent fan base in the comic book crowd (primarily for his Steve portrayal but also the random other things he’s done like Scott P, the losers, fantastic four, etc.) he has a whole fanboy fan base too and those guys are likely the ones tuning in to watch his Netflix movies (lol). One of my guy friends is a huge CE fan - he loves him and Ryan Gosling and the guy literally said one of his all time favs was Chris in the perfect score (LOL). He’s like “I’ve always liked him and his cap trilogy is the best in the MCU and he has a great Ass.” This guy is your standard football watching Vegas hopping guy who will watch stuff like the gray man but probably won’t care to follow up on people magazine lol.
Point blank there actually are a lot of men who admire Chris and his assets (LOL) and they tend to be typical dude crowd. Chris has that ability to appeal to nerds, comic book geeks, women, basic betches, teenage girls, and grown ass men. I think that’s a very special thing.
Say what you want about him but I think more people are upset he’s not doing better movies post MCU than whoever he is dating. Which means - if he starts doing more projects that get people excited you will see more people tuning in for him.
Just my two cents.
Oh 100%!! I love that Edgar Wright was true to Brian’s original creation. The cast, script, director, and animators did amazing! Bringing back the original cast was the cherry on top. They jived really well and it shows.
Those “fans” are seriously just whatever. This is the last ask I’m going to do on the subject. Ignore the trolls. If you give a mouse a cookie! Anyways, Scott Pilgrim has a solid fan base so it was always going to do well.
Ghosted wasn’t great by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoyed it and watched it more than once. But I will say it didn’t crack my top 10 of his projects. He did well. The script sucked. But I also think the role should have went to someone much younger. I don’t know, is Jaeden Martell or Finn Wolfhard too young? Maybe Jacob Elordi or that other kid, Noah Centineo? It wasn’t believable as a “38” year old man personably.
Chris has a wide fan base that expands past women. I promise you. My dad has became a fan 😂 I love when he tells me about one of his movies and says, you would like it and I’m just like, uh huh. Yeah. He did say he wants to watch him be a detective and wants him in a western. So random. That man has watched many of his movies and not by my influence.
Chris has a universal appeal. And I think a lot of his fans want more from him. So many of us will support all of his projects, but don’t dumb us down. Give us good projects to work with. But we can’t deny that there are fans, like myself, who are a fan of him as well. No, I didn’t ever buy into this Prince Charming that Disney sold us, but I also can’t say I haven’t been disappointed in the past year. Am I “mad” at him? Nope. Just want more and better for him.
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marketingprofitmedia · 8 months
YouTube's Hidden Treasure Chest - How to Make Money from Any Niche
YouTube, the world’s most popular video-sharing platform, has evolved far beyond being just a platform for entertainment and cat videos. It has transformed into a treasure chest of opportunities for those with a passion for creating content and a desire to monetize their efforts. In this article, I will unveil the hidden treasure chest that YouTube offers. In the following sections, we’ll explore why YouTube is an ideal platform for monetization, how to find the right niche, create engaging content, optimise for search engines, build a dedicated audience, and ultimately make money from any niche on YouTube.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
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Understanding YouTube’s Algorithm
Before delving into the monetization strategies, it’s crucial to understand how YouTube’s algorithm works. YouTube uses a complex algorithm to determine which videos to recommend to viewers. The algorithm considers factors like user engagement, watch time, and keywords. To succeed on YouTube, you need to create content that appeals to this algorithm and captures the attention of your target audience.
The Power of Video Content
Video content is at the heart of YouTube’s success. It’s engaging, informative, and visually appealing. In a world where attention spans are shrinking, video has the unique ability to captivate audiences. According to a study by Cisco, by 2023, video content will account for over 82% of all internet traffic. This presents a massive opportunity for content creators.
Why YouTube?
YouTube’s large user base, specialised content areas, and variety of monetization strategies make it a very effective means of making money online. Its 2 billion monthly users make it an ideal platform for artists to monetize their work.
1. Vast Audience Reach
One of the key reasons YouTube is a goldmine for content creators is its immense user base. With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, YouTube provides access to a massive audience eager to consume content related to their interests.
2. Monetization Opportunities
YouTube offers several avenues for creators to monetize their content. These include ad revenue, channel memberships, merchandise shelf integration, and sponsored partnerships, among others.
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Choosing Your Niche
One of the keys to success on YouTube is selecting the right niche. Your niche defines your target audience and the type of content you’ll create. It’s important to choose a niche that you’re passionate about and knowledgeable in. Here are some profitable niches to consider:
Beauty and makeup tutorials
Health and fitness
Cooking and recipe sharing
Technology reviews
Travel vlogs
Personal finance and investing
DIY and home improvement
Education and online courses
Lifestyle and fashion
Remember that your passion and expertise will set you apart in YouTube’s competitive environment.
Creating High-Quality Content
Quality is paramount on YouTube. Invest in good equipment for recording and editing, and strive for high production values. Engaging and visually appealing content will attract and retain viewers, follow these content creation tips:
Invest in good equipment and lighting.
Script your videos to stay on point.
Edit your videos for a polished finish.
Be consistent in your upload schedule.
SEO Strategies for YouTube
To stand out in the crowded YouTube ecosystem, you must optimize your content for search engines. Research relevant keywords using tools like Google Keyword Planner or TubeBuddy to ensure your videos appear in search results. Here’s how:
Conduct keyword research for video titles.
Optimize video descriptions and tags.
Use compelling thumbnails.
Promote your videos on social media.
Building an Audience
Growing your subscriber base is essential for long-term success. As does engaging with viewers. Comments, live streaming, and other forms of audience interaction on digital platforms may help build a dedicated fan base. Consistency in posting and offering something of value to a certain audience is crucial to expanding your reach. Your channel’s viability and ability to generate income will increase in proportion to the size of your audience.
Monetization Methods
Monetizing YouTube provides several revenue streams. Start earning with Google AdSense and YouTube Partner Programme advertisements. To maximise revenue, promote relevant items via affiliate marketing, engage with sponsors for sponsored content, and offer merchandise or niche-related products, there are various ways to make money on YouTube:
Ad Revenue: YouTube shares ad revenue with creators based on ad views and engagement.
Sponsorships: Partner with brands for sponsored content.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products and earn a commission on sales.
Merchandise: Sell your branded merchandise.
Channel Memberships: Offer premium content to paying subscribers.
Setting up Google AdSense is a crucial step in monetization.
Case Studies
Explore niche success stories. Learn from YouTube talent who turned their passion into business. Discover their secrets, methods, and dedication to inspire your YouTube adventure, Let’s look at a few examples of YouTubers who have successfully monetized their channels:
PewDiePie: Gaming content and merchandise.
Tasty: Food and cooking tutorials with sponsored videos.
TechCrunch: Tech reviews and sponsored tech product promotions.
Studying these examples can provide valuable insights into monetization strategies.
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Legal and Copyright Considerations
YouTube has strict copyright policies. To avoid copyright violations, it is essential to respect intellectual property rights by using royalty-free music and images and properly attributing sources. Understanding fair use, public domain, and YouTube’s policies on copyrighted content protects your channel from potential legal issues by ensuring a safe and compliant content creation voyage.
Analytics and Tracking
The success of your YouTube channel can only be gauged through the use of analytics and monitoring. Insightful conclusions may be drawn from metrics like viewing duration, CTR, and audience make-up. You may better understand your audience’s behaviour, develop more effective content strategies, and make well-informed choices about the future of your channel if you analyse this information on a regular basis.
Dealing with Challenges
The road of a YouTuber includes overcoming obstacles. The ability to bounce back quickly from setbacks, whether they be a lack of inspiration, criticism, or audience interest, is essential. YouTube artists may flourish despite losses so long as they are resilient, reflective, and open to feedback from their audience.
Scaling Your YouTube Business
In order to grow your YouTube channel, you need to think big. Among these methods are establishing several sources of revenue, building a team, and experimenting with new mediums. Profitability on YouTube may be maximised by capitalising on your existing brand and audience while maintaining high standards of production value and viewer participation.
YouTube Policies and Guidelines
As such, it is essential for producers to familiarise themselves with YouTube’s standards and guidelines. Avoiding punishments like demonetization or account suspension requires strict adherence to copyright, community, and monetization guidelines. Keeping up with platform updates and regulations is crucial to having a successful platform experience over time.
Transitioning to Financial Success
Transitioning to financial success on YouTube requires a combination of dedication and strategy. It involves optimizing monetization methods, diversifying income sources, and building a loyal audience. As you implement these strategies and consistently deliver valuable content, your YouTube channel can evolve from a passion project into a lucrative venture.
In conclusion, those who approach YouTube strategically can indeed unlock its hidden treasure chest. As SEO and copywriting experts, we have provided you with a roadmap to make your mark on this platform. Remember that success on YouTube takes time, dedication, and a genuine passion for your niche. So, start creating valuable content, optimising it for SEO, engaging with your audience, and exploring multiple revenue streams. The YouTube treasure chest awaits, and with the right strategy, it can become a source of substantial income and fulfilment in your life. Happy YouTubing!
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Source : YouTube’s Hidden Treasure Chest — How to Make Money from Any Niche
Thanks for reading my article on “YouTube’s Hidden Treasure Chest — How to Make Money from Any Niche“, hope it will help!
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dougrobyngoold · 1 year
Last Day in Greece - Athens, Greece
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Originally, the plan for today was to check out the flea market, then climb the Hill of Muses, and go to Takis Bakery to buy bread for dinner. We successfully completed all of those tasks, but the things we came across unexpectedly along the way were wonderful little gems. What a great last day in Athens!
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After checking out a couple of shops, we decided we needed a little bite to eat. We found a little street cafe, hoping for a little lunch - unfortunately, they weren’t serving lunch, yet. So we had an iced cappuccino and a chocolate “pie” (looked like cake to us) - both were amazing and we had enough fuel on board to continue with our mission for the day!
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One of the streets near the flea market.
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Think we found the flea market!
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We wandered the streets near the Stoa of Attalos, there was a museum inside, but we decided to just walk outside.
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We could see the National Observatory and a beautiful church in the distance while we were walking.
Once we left the flea market area, we found ourselves on a huge pedestrian walkway to the west of the Acropolis. We followed it around, lots of vendors and restaurants, but nothing that really appealed to us. We came across this interesting wooden bike on one of the sidewalks:
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As we were walking along, we looked up one of the side streets and saw the church that we had seen from the stoa. We decided to head up the street and check it out.
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We couldn’t read the name of the church, it was in Greek. However, we enjoyed walking around the beautiful building.
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Jacaranda tree in the plaza next to the church.
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Behind the church, we found this walkway/road, we took it up to the entrance of the National Observatory. The Observatory was closed, so we couldn’t go in.
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National Observatory.
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From the observatory, we followed a set of stairs up the hill. We found ourselves on a pathway that led to ruins - cool surprise!
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The Pnyx Monument, built between the late 6th century BC to the late 4th century BC. It served as a meeting place, holding around 10,000 people in the open-air chamber.
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Speaker’s platform - Aristides, Pericles, Demosthenes, and Themistocles all delivered speeches here.
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Niche in the wall where there was a statue of Zeus Hypsistos, the smaller cuts in the rocks held candles.
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Spectacular view of the Acropolis from the Pnyx Monument.
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Lycabettus Hill in the distance.
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As we continued along the path, hoping to eventually find the path up to the Hill of the Muses, we came across this beautiful church. Church of Ayios Demetrios Loubardiaris.
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A few people were ringing these bells, while we walked around the church.
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The patterns in the walls were amazing - I am sure that they were indicative of something, but we didn’t see information about that.
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This emblem was carved into the side of the roof of the church.
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One of many carvings on the side of the church.
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Great story about the church.
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Sign at the bottom of the path heading up the Hill of Muses.
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Philopappos Monument located at the top of the Hill of Muses (also known as Philopappos Hill).
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Info about the Hill of Muses.
On our way back to our place, we stopped at Takis Bakery for a loaf of bread. It was very crowded and very tiny - I forgot to take pictures due to the tight quarters. We also found a great little deli, where we stopped and bought cheese and salami to go with our bread.
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Doug, trying to decide what kind of salami he wanted for dinner.
We dropped off our purchases at our apartment and then walked a couple of blocks to a sidewalk cafe for lunch. I had a great Greek salad, Doug had a slice of pizza and some of my salad - we were entertained by the crazy, chaotic streets of Athens as we ate our lunch on the sidewalk.
I wanted to get a couple of pictures that would demonstrate the amazing parking skills of the people of Athens - it is really quite remarkable where and how people find places to put their cars and scooters:
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The street to our apartment in Athens.
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After lunch, we walked over to a bar close to our apartment and had a couple of adult beverages. We enjoyed visiting with the bartender - he is headed to New Hampshire in December to visit a friend. We shared with him how cold it was going to be during his visit, I don’t think he believed us! It was fun having a chance to learn a little about Athens from him, he was very disappointed that we did not get to visit any of the Greek islands. Maybe next time!
We took a little siesta after lunch, taking the time to just hang out at our apartment and catch up on some blogging and other business we needed to handle. We had a dinner of bread, cheese, salami, and fruit on our patio. As the sun was setting, we wandered out again to find a place to spend our last evening in Greece.
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While wandering the Plaka neighborhood, we found this little fixer-upper for sale.
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Beautiful streets of Plaka.
While wandering the streets, I noticed a sign over a doorway that indicated a rooftop bar. We walked into the lobby of the building and climbed several flights of stairs, before we found a little doorway that opened to a little restaurant and bar area. We decided to walk through the small indoor space to the patio at the back of the building. We found ourselves to be the only people that wanted to sit outside. We walked outside and found ourselves staring at this scene:
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Jaw-dropping view of the Acropolis from the rooftop of this hotel.
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We ordered ouzo, since we hadn’t had any during our visit to Athens.
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Oh, we also had a glass of wine, too!
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Our view only improved as the city lights came on.
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Great little find - Hotel Byron Roof Garden.
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On our way back to our apartment, we noticed this little wine bar - just a block from our apartment. We had to check it out!
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Doug, talking wine-openers with one of the owners of the wine bar.
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Jamas, from Wine Pointe in Athens! 
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