#this a keeper anime
slymanner · 1 year
I'll give buddy daddies the biggest kudos for the one thing that no media has done to me before in such a long time.
it made me cry, as someone who holds in their emotion's alot in a very un-healthy way even with cartoon's i love, it gets big kudos for that.
very much shows how good this show is, watch it.
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gummi-ships · 7 months
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Kingdom Hearts & Kingdom Hearts 2 Spooky Heartless
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lingrimmart · 12 days
Just an observation. People see you in a photo holding a snake and suddenly it's like, "Oh, are you into dark arts? Goth vibes? Satanist? Have you completely lost your mind? What's your problem, why are you doing this?"
Meanwhile, you’re just chilling with your pet snake, who’s never harmed you, your loved ones, or the rando who's been side-eyeing your photo on the internet for 15 minutes, furiously typing out personal questions.
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hayden-tenno · 2 months
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The Divine Dragon Keepers from Go! Go! Loser Ranger
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sammythekidd · 8 months
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I had an idea for an animation for the secret keeper, and by god did I make it happen.
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cypherdecypher · 7 months
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The nine-banded armadillo I work with was being so cute I couldn’t help but show her off. Her name is Delilah and she was enjoying a morning sunbathing!
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Explaining fandoms I’m not in, but I have seen on my dash from the mutuals (to the best of my knowledge based on their posts):
Why? Because I thought it would be fun and entertaining and I hope I’m not wrong.
The Magnus Archives (TMA)- a group of people document creepy and supernatural events while they slowly one by one discover either that they are the monsters/possessed by them, or that they are being taken in by the monsters, or that their coworkers are the monsters, or that they themselves are possibly friends with or dating the monsters, or that they have been working for the monsters (or bad guys) the entire time. Many of the villains seem to be demented or possessed life sized toys and clowns or eyeballs. This podcast has so many episodes, and I see so many posts about it, but these seem to be the common themes.
Miraculous Ladybug- actually haven’t seen this one on my dash in a long time, but when I first did, despite appearing like a straightforward kids fandom, the shipping discourse confused the heck out of me. But if I have this right, based on the posts from my younger followers, two teenagers are animal themed superheroes who are dating each other and also have crushes on each other, but they don’t know they are dating each other, because they don’t know each others secret identities, because… okay, I still honestly have no idea why. There are ~5K posts about this apparently very central and specific plot line, but not one explains why they don’t just tell each other who they are??? Anything for the plot, I guess. Apparently this has been going on for a long time to the point where even the show’s target audience of children is confused as to how these teenagers and grown adults haven’t put the pieces together as to who everyone’s secret identity is.
Keeper of the Lost Cities (KOTLC)- there’s a girl named Sophie. She is an elf in a love triangle with Keefe and some other guy (I think his name is Fritz). Keefe’s parents are terrible, especially his mom. Sophie has horse DNA (I don’t know if that post was a joke or not sorry if that’s wrong). There’s an elf with fire powers. Elves read minds. There’s a group called the black swan who are the good guys, I think. Also I think the elves and humans are at war. I know Keefe’s parents are trash, does Sophie have parents? From what I can tell, she grows up believing she’s a human but then surprise! She’s an elf and the chosen one, and elves are possibly immortal? Wait, maybe Sophie’s a half elf. Is that a thing?
Spy x Family - two people are fake dating each other for spy reasons but eventually fall in love for real. The twist is, they each think the other is a normal civilian who doesn’t know about the fake relationship (which is kinda messed up to make someone fall in love with you for a fake cover but if they’re also doing the same to you that’s karma I guess) but I think it might end up ok, because they fall in love for real (Aw) but possibly also not okay, because I also think it might be revealed that they’ve been working for enemy sides this whole time (drama). Also the adopted daughter is a mind reader who knows everything but chooses to keep what she knows secret for the plot. Respect. And I recently saw something about the family having a super powered dog? Is he real?
The Murderbot Diaries - a bunch of robots are created for one purpose: murder. But when their murder programming goes haywire, they discover that they might have more in common with the humans they’ve been assigned to kill than they originally thought. Or that they have more humanity inside themselves than they thought… or maybe that the people who created them have more evil intentions than… well in hindsight, “the people who build the murder robots are evil!” seems like an obvious plot twist, but maybe they’re more morally complex or had decent intentions and just never intended for it to go this far… or maybe the robots get hacked or decide maybe they don’t want to be murder bots anymore which brings us back to free will. Interesting philosophical questions, but I think the robots might be getting into some wacky shenanigans as well. Also they apparently have diaries. I get that a diary is just like… a log of what they’re doing, but that won’t stop me from imaging a big scary robot with a little pink glitter pen writing “Dear Diary, I killed three people today. I still see their faces when I try to power off at night. When I go into sleep mode, I dream of their faces. I begin to wonder things, like whether they had families, dreams, or ambitions. I also wonder what they felt in their final moments. I fear this means I am developing a conscience and desire to turn against my programming and the creators. But probably nothing a little update and restart can’t fix. I’ll keep you updated, dairy. XOXO, Murderbot 💕” So. How did I do? Scale of 1-10, with 10 being “you nailed it!” and 1 being “None of this is remotely close. What posts have you been looking at?”
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yendeena · 4 months
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What could she be Keeping?
(My take on the horror Miku trend with her as The Keeper from The Evil Within)
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hylianane · 3 months
Ranger Reject isn’t the first ‘niche’ manga I’ve gotten really into but it’s the first with which I’m well and truly conflicted on wether I want the adaptation to go mainstream. Cause on the one hand I would love to have a big community to discuss this world with, and to enjoy the characters with, but on the other hand I don’t think I could handle the Komaeda sexyman tiktok edits that would come with Chidori’s introduction. I don’t think I’d be strong enough
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dr4k0ns · 2 months
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treefish · 1 year
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hag hut
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alaydabug2 · 10 days
Ok I want to try and start a chain
Sense in kotlc practically everyone has a special stuffed animal
Show yours, it's name, and when you got it
This is pinky and I've had her since I was a day old ☺️
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winwin17 · 11 months
No one ever talks about how Sophie starts a new life in the Lost Cities and has to figure out all over again things like what her favorite food and her favorite animal are.
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hauntedbystorytelling · 5 months
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Tierpark Hagenbeck. A zoo keeper with a young llama in his arms besides the llama's mother, Hamburg, 1971 - Photo: Jochen Blume / src getty images
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amyyythestarry · 4 months
I hate TBHK.
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MY POOR BOY, do not listen to your brother he’s mentally ill, he’s not in his right mind.
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I like how Tsukasa calls people weird when they don’t know what they want. Like with Kou when he was in the Red House.
Amane is weird, he says he hates Tsukasa, but he can’t stand when they’re apart. Such a weirdo, not knowing what he wants.
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For the people who say that this proves Tsukasa is fake, please reread the Red House arc again, especially the last part.
Like mother like son though, I guess. Their mother also thought Tsukasa was a fake.
Even though the change of Tsu is visible after being in the Red House and merging with the dark entity, he’s still Tsukasa.
Tsukasa and the entity resign in the same body, they are the same person now.
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Amane’s so sensitive.
He’s not able to handle the rejection. Tsukasa still wants to leave, even after Amane’s tried to tell him they can never be together again ( And he doesn’t want that ), his feelings didn’t reach his brother. Tsukasa still wants to leave him.
He’s not in the right mind, coming up with this conclusion is just showing his instability.
And, in the Manga Up translation Tsukasa actually yells “Amane, behind you!”
But now it’s kind of dull. Interesting, though?
Maybe Iro just doesn’t what Tsu to yell or scream or something.
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I like that Kako says ‘so-called imposter’. He knows Tsukasa isn’t a fake, it’s what inside of him.
And the fact Hanako still moves to protect him and Tsukasa, even after calling him a fake.
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Gay a**.
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Kako’s Santa Claus.
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What does he mean by ‘eating away’ at Kamome?
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The entity is the root of the problem. But what problem?
We aren’t talking about the yorishiros…. The clock? Natsuhiko destroyed the clock though?
What is the entity doing?
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I’ve heard people had a theory about this. Congrats, you all were correct!
I didn’t know what the entity was at all. Now we have an idea.
I wonder how it got to the Yugi’s house then?
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It’s not good for supernaturals or humans.
Then, I wonder if it’s ever affected Tsukasa before. As a human, and as a supernatural. Or maybe it hasn’t, since they’re the same person.
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Now they’re in 1968.
The Clock Keepers are trying to prevent whatever happened here, and make a new presents.
They could have went back to when Tsukasa granted wishes to the dark entity under his house. They could have went to the time Tsukasa got back from the Red House. Even when he got murdered by his brother.
But, they went back to when they were just 12 years old.
What happened then?
What happened during that time, that’s supposed to be the root of why all of this is happening, whatever is happening?
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At least Nene knows something is up, she always does.
I’m hoping she can at least do something to stop the Clock Keepers.
Maybe, that means working with someone to stop this, she can’t do this by herself.
Maybe, a certain Yugi? Tsukasa, purhaps?
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This is what he meant.
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lexotics · 5 months
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This handsome boy is my current socialization project! His name is Grayson, and he is a Gargoyle gecko. He has done quite well with me and will hang around on the back of my shirt, up on my shoulders, or even in my hair for hours comfortably now. He is less tolerant of improper handling so he is not yet ready to handled by kids but he's doing such a good job so far. I'm a very proud parent of this spicy little darling ❤️
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