#they would just be a really solid team; i feel like. solid and valid. and i want that for them both ❤️
singsweetmelodies · 8 months
bestie i 1000% agree with you about Oscar (and Carlos)- I am really liking him and would love to see him along Charles in the future
cheers to having excellent taste, anon 🤭🫶
in all seriousness, though: i really do think the charles & oscar at ferrari pairing would be a FASCINATING one!! firstly because they're both really good drivers, and (from what we've seen so far at least) both very fair as well. on track, i think they would line up very well indeed... my dream scenario would be, of course, that ferrari builds a championship-winning car and that charles drives it to his first WDC - with his teammate oscar collecting a few wins and many podiums throughout the course of the season as well <3 and when charles finally steps down, oscar can be the future of ferrari!
do i think this is particularly likely to happen? well... no, but you never really know, do you? and hey, a girl can dream xD 🥰
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elkkiel · 3 months
fuck it I know I said yesterday I'm gonna hold on and wait but I just need to get some thoughts out of my head.
Content covered: love and empathy to Caiti, why he's taking so long to get his statement out, and frustrations with balancing personal mental health vs understanding that this isn't about *you*
1) Love to Caiti
I can't even imagine what she's going through right now. Regardless of if George had innocent or malicious intentions, it's obvious that this situation was incredibly traumatic for her. And I'm so glad that she has friends that are publicly willing to support her. I talked about it when Shelby spoke up so I won't bring it up again, but I get what she's going through and how much it fucking sucks. Hopefully, no matter the outcome, she can find peace and healing moving forward.
2) Why he's taking so long
*I'll make statements empathizing with how difficult the self-defence process must be, but it in no way condones or excuses his potential behaviours or actions involved in this situation. He is a grown man and can deal with the consequences as such
The rush to get a statement and potentially closure to move on is understandable but still super stressful all the same. Given the severity of how this will impact his entire life moving forward, I wouldn't be surprised if he's seeking legal counsel or other advice before proceeding with a statement. Additionally, this is likely a situation where there may be little to no evidence that proves he didn't do anything, so whatever he presents has to be circumstantially rock solid with little room for doubt.
This isn't twitter drama where you can link a few screenshots and a twitlonger, or hop on stream quick to spout out your perspective. He stands to lose absolutely everything in his life today and it all depends on what he has to say and how he manages to say it. I know if I was in a situation like that (in the case that he legitimately believes he hasn't intentionally done anything wrong) I would be preparing in every way possible, short of a lawyer speaking for me, to clear my name to the best of my ability.
It makes sense that he's taking so long. He's probably not trying to ignore it and move on, but the lack of clarity on timelines certainly doesn't help him either. I wish he'll say something now too, but there's nothing wrong with taking longer than anticipated to detail out (probably with some fairly intimate detail that may be uncomfortable for anyone to share at such a scale) the most important stream of his life.
3) Autism and grieving a special interest
There are (or were) a lot of neurodivergent people in this community. Like, a LOT. Some of us are able to drop hyperfixations or special interests and move on to something new with relative ease. Others struggle a hell of a lot more. You're not a bad person if you mourn the loss of a special interest in your life, it's just important that you keep the right perspective about it.
It's not as strong now as it was years ago, but the dream team have been a special interest for me since like July 2020. Emotionally, it honest to goodness feels like a loved one has died and I'm having a really hard time coping with it. Fuck, like I called in sick to work today because I the mental toll is so extreme I'm feeling physically ill.
Things will be okay and I'm so grateful to have Sleep Token right now, otherwise I don't know if I would be in a very safe place at the moment. It's really fucking hard and your pain is valid, despite what neurotypicals or neurodivergents with different experiences may say. The important thing to keep in mind is that your pain does not outweigh the pain of those genuinely hurt in this situation (Caiti in this case)
4) Moving forward
I guess it all hinges on what's to come later today. Regardless of the outcome, things will never be the same here and I would be very surprised if any of the dream team carry on with their careers in the same capacity. I'm glad that people seem to be self-blaming less this time compared to the drituation. It still hurts to see this once-vibrant community crumble in such a short period of time.
I don't know what I'll do from here but I don't think the last 4 years were a waste. The dream team was a huge source of happiness during some of the darkest times of my life, and I don't think those memories could ever be tainted.
Much love to everyone, whether you're still hanging around or not. I hope everyone finds happiness wherever they end up and that the truth will prevail in the end
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I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how the Jak and Daxter series was able to survive having a sequel that was drastically different from the first game. For most series, I think they wouldn’t be able to survive having a sequel that went against the prior installment, especially if the execution was bad. Yet Jak II didn’t sink the franchise. In fact, I’ve noticed that the 2nd Jak game has received better reception in the years since it was released.
As a kid, even though it took some getting used to since I loved the 1st game, I wasn’t put off by Jak II being this cyberpunk GTA title. But I never understood why.
After revisiting the game (I watched a playthrough on YouTube), I think I have a working theory:
1) Jak and Daxter only had 1 game out at the time.
So, the expectations for how the characters would be portrayed wasn’t that strict. Think of it like this; Nintendo wouldn’t get away with turning Link into an unhinged, smartass killer who openly flirts with Zelda. Neither would Sega with Sonic, that’s why Shadow exists. Link and Sonic are too well-known and established that people have expectations on how they should be portrayed, thus not a ton of room for experimentation/deviation. Naughty Dog had some leeway since Jak and Daxter weren’t really household names.
2) Turning Jak into an unhinged, bloodthirsty killer who openly flirts with Keira and has serious anger issues wasn’t that drastic.
This one’s pretty self-explanatory. You start off as innocent Jak, then he got pumped full of Dark Eco. Also, he was tortured for several years, so it’s not hard to see why his character turned out the way he did.
3) The game still feels like the 1st Jak and Daxter, even with the change in tone.
It controls the same. It looks the same (as in the artwork still feels like it was made by the same team). You’re still doing puzzles. And, aside from Jak, the other Jak 1 characters are pretty much the same. I think it’s Daxter and his obnoxiousness that really makes Jak II feel like it’s not a completely different franchise. Without Daxter, I think players would notice the dissonance from the 1st to the 2nd game a lot more.
4) Continuing from point 3, the new gameplay elements only build on from the 1st game rather than take away.
Sure, you get guns, a hoverboard, vehicles, and Dark Jak. However, everything else is still the same. If you remember the controls from the 1st game, you shouldn’t have any problem jumping into the 2nd game, which I feel helps in easing veteran players in with the new tone and setting.
5) Even with the change in tone and setting, the game doesn’t really deviate too far from how Jak was in Jak 1.
Even though Jak is unhinged, angry, and hellbent on revenge in Jak II, he’s still an overall good dude who goes around helping people. Jak still feels like Jak, albeit traumatized and angrier for valid reasons. It helps that Jak was sort of a blank slate in the first game. Because he was a blank slate, there was more room for Naughty Dog to develop his character in Jak II.
Jak is also a bit of a meathead dudebro in Jak II, which isn’t really how he was portrayed in Jak 1. But Jak being a dudebro isn’t that crazy when you consider his best friend is Daxter. And the open flirting isn’t that crazy since Jak already had a crush on Keira.
6) Jak II commits to its dark and edgy tone without going too dark or too cartoonish. It feels like a genuine attempt to take the first game and just “edge” it up.
What my point says. Jak II feels like a genuine continuation of the first game, but darker and edgier. But the game doesn’t go too edgy to the point that it takes you out of the story. It’s not like Jak is going around dropping f-bombs and chopping people’s heads off. It’s a solid balance, that’s what I’m trying to get at.
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nazmazh · 1 month
Okay, so hear me out, here.
Ideas for the new/relocated Utah hockey team that was the Coyotes:
They're reborn from the ashes of a failed/dead, franchise? What else is famously reborn from its own ashes?
Hence: the Utah Phoenixes
Eh? Eh?
Okay, fine, that probably won't do.
Okay, so how about looking to the state reptile for inspiration? The noble Gila Monster.
Probably shorten to just the Utah Monsters for better cadence
[This joke being that one of the Coyote's former arenas was "Gila River" arena. That one was probably a little less obvious than "Phoenixes"]
Okay, so, I see the problem is that we keep stumbling into invoking the specters of the past [Specters/Spirits/Phantoms - Not the worst ideas I've heard, btw].
Let's maybe focus on the iconic desert landscapes, invoking the common heritage there.
The Utah Buttes / Utah Beauts
Look, I know that I'm doing a lot of joking around here, but I'm honestly legitimately proud of that play on words.
And "Beaut!"/"Beauty!" feels like such a classic hockey term, y'know?
Sadly, probably would be too much hesitation for big, manly NHLers to be officially a "Beaut".
That being said, if a professional Womens'-League team ever expands to SLC - There you go, that's a solid name for your team right there.
I kind of like the cadence of it all, still - How about Utah Brutes? Does that feel more workable?
How about Utah Beasts - Especially if ever partnered with aforementioned "Beauts" female team - ("Beauts" and "Beasts", eh? Eh?!)
Okay, last one that actually just came to me in the shower, and I'm actually a little bit more serious about this:
Looking for iconic, usually animals, of the region the team is in, that aren't already taken by other team names.
"Home on the Range" could help here: Pronghorns/Antelopes are an iconic species of the prairies/desert - Lethbridge's university teams use that name, though. But that's less an obstacle to say Buffalo/Bison (which do have a presence there) - Because the Sabres use them in their iconography.
"Deer" might be a bit too generic [not to mention the Bucks have that brand, basically] - Elk is the State mammal, but Edmonton's CFL team already has that claim.
So… other iconic desert animals, not already used in team names/logos?
How about hares/jackrabbits?
Probably not the type of animal iconography you wish to necessarily evoke, though.
Positives include speed, supposed cleverness. "Madness" might be a thing to jokingly play up?
But they fundamentally are still a relatively small prey animal.
But (And I swear, I am going somewhere with this),
With the Seattle Kraken, we've leaned into cryptids being a valid name [ETA: . Heck one of the potential names the ownership group seems to be actively considering is "Yeti".
So, what if we combined the pronghorn and hare ideas, yeah?
But (And I swear, I am going somewhere with this),
With the Seattle Kraken, we've leaned into cryptids being a valid name. [See Also: The Jersey Devil - Which is what New Jersey's name is inspired by. Not, y'know, the ruler of hell, despite their branding all leaning into the "cartoon red devil"-style.]
Heck one of the potential names the ownership group seems to be actively considering is "Yeti".
So, what if we combined the pronghorn and hare ideas, yeah?
You see where I'm going with this, right?
The Utah Jackalopes
Or possibly Utah Jacks for better cadence and all their branding is jackalope-related.
I'm actually not-entirely joking on this one. I think you could actually lean into something really fun with this one.
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dokidokitsuna · 1 year
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Looking forward to playing my first Splatfest ever! As you can see, I’m Team Sour~
I feel like I’m in a kind of odd in-between position; where I’m new enough that I can still relate to the Christmas noobs, but experienced enough to already have a solid playstyle and a few weapons of choice…and if there are any fellow new players following me or casual players who are just looking to improve, I’d like to share a vital piece of wisdom I’ve gained over the past ~1.5 months:
Find your comfort zone, and make it your niche.
Before, when I used to imagine what it’d be like to play Splatoon, I thought of myself as a ‘support’ player, who’d probably spend most of my time inking turf and helping my allies defeat enemies, rather than going full offensive on my own.
When I actually started to play, I did do that for a while (out of fear XD)…but before long I started trying to copy everyone else, thinking that jumping straight into battle was the ‘right’ way to play and that I needed to stop being a ‘coward’. Long story short, I got killed A LOT doing that (lots of unhappy memories with the Reefslider…), and I found myself getting more and more frustrated after matches, and eventually I thought “Y’know what? Clearly this isn’t working…maybe I should just go back to the non-confrontational approach”.
I made a point to stop using weapons with specials that made me try to get into the middle of fights, and stick with specials I could use from the sidelines (Tacticooler, Wave Breaker). Then I went back to playing like a ‘coward’...and I started learning things.
My first breakthrough was literally just learning tactics-- watching player behavior, and figuring out how to exploit it. For instance, when my team was getting cornered or otherwise unable to advance, I would use the ‘suicide run’: sneak around the side of the map and make a mad dash into enemy territory. Not necessarily to ink turf, but to simply get everyone to turn their backs on the front lines and focus on the intruder (who is always seen as the more urgent threat). If you can survive for at least 10 seconds, it’s a valid strategy, and doing this on the regular also taught me evasive skills pretty early on. When you’re constantly getting attacked by 2-3 people at once surrounded by enemy ink with no one nearby to help, you learn fast. ^^
My next breakthrough was learning to aim…which is a valuable skill that not everyone has, believe it or not. ^^ And as the person who usually wandered off alone to ink all the unloved corners of the map, I often found myself in a position to sneak up on enemies and quickly splat them when they were focused on other things…which eventually became the cornerstone of my playstyle.
At this point, I’ve gone back to focusing on inking turf and ‘Splat Assisting’...but I do it not out of fear of trying other things, but because I’m GOOD at THOSE things and now I know how to do them in the most beneficial ways. I’ve learned to ‘splatter’ enemy turf to slow down opponents’ movements and draw them out of hiding, and even to paint escape routes for struggling allies. My aim’s gotten so good that anyone I can hit before they notice me is usually splatted in 2 seconds, and I specifically target people who are preoccupied so I can get those kills. Yesterday I racked up 21 in Clam Blitz (a mode that, just last week, I was afraid to even try) just by doing what I do best and ‘assisting’.
All that is to say, what you feel comfortable doing (in any MMO game, really) is probably what you need to be doing; you just need to get yourself the right tools and tailor your playstyle to accommodate it. There are lots of types of skillsets that can be useful in Splatoon, and lots of ways to work with each weapon class (and Salmon Run is a great way to trial-by-fire yourself into finding weapons you never knew you’d click with…once upon a time I almost considered becoming a Splatana main). Just go with your gut, believe in yourself, and always prioritize having fun~
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bulbabutt · 1 year
this isn't necessarily anger, just confusion: I know you kind of like Next Mutation but I feel like at the very least you can broadly agree with the Venus criticisms.
What gets me is that Saban had pretty solid experience with the female members of their action teams up to this point (speaking as a Power Rangers fan). Now, obviously, Trini and Kimberly (and Kat and Aisha and Tanya and Cassie and Ashley-that's all the Yellows and Pinks up until In Space which is where the Next Mutation crossover happens) aren't going to be winning any awards for Amazing Female Rep In Male-Dominated Action TV or anything, but all things considered they're pretty solid. They kick as much butt as the boys in the fight scenes, everyone broadly gets an equal amount of focus episodes both solo and in character pairs, etc. Hell, Saban looked at the original Zyuranger footage from Japan, said "Hmmm. It's kinda lame that the only girl is Pink. Let's turn the male Yellow into a lady, for more gender equality and so we have a more tomboyish girl." Nothing superb, I stress, just pretty solid for the time. And then with Venus... They made her the naggy den mother with the constant "It's not incest, they're not real family" excuses. Just a really shocking regression.
i dont have much history watching power rangers so i dont have a lot of context for that
but for venus, to be clear youre super right there are issues w the reasons she was created, they made the turtles no longer related so she could at some point be paired off with one of them and thats bad! but you dont always have to take things as they are intended. watching that show i never got the read that she was a naggy den mother, she made total sense to me. she was an only child living with another parental figure, then shes forced to go live w 4 rowdy teenage boys in a new place. shes had her life upended, shes allowed to go off sometimes. if she comes off "naggy" that makes a lot of sense! she's not used to the lifestyle they live, and im glad she speaks up about not being comfortable.
my opinion is i think women characters dont need to like break a mould of feminine stereotypes to be strong characters, they dont need to be masc or fight or be different. i like venus because she's a key player in that story! personality-wise she comes off kind of demure at first because of how she was raised to be respectful, but then she grows a place in their family and absolutely does not take any of the guys' shit! super valid! the vibe feels very similar to every time 03 april and splinter are discussing the turtles
the biggest crime the next mutation has is being cancelled before s2, where they were gonna introduce april. i would of LOVED to see venus and april interact!
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Sorry this got kinda long but; Do you think that in 1D days when they were told/forced to distance and they were younger and perhaps more naive, it looked like they were kinda raging against the closet/management in whatever way they could and trying to show fans in the best way they could they were together? Rainbow bears, serenading, tattoos ect, whereas nowadays it looks to me as if they want to remain quite private about their relationship and instead of trying to convince people they are together like back in the day, the ‘proof’ we get now; queer coding, bluegreening and clothing coding (like Louis wearing maison shirt for H shirt for example) is less for proving to Larries and fans and just more like Louis making a gesture from himself to H and parallels in lyrics and the way they speak about certain topics so similar isn’t them trying to convince people of anything or intentional it’s just them being themselves and naturally we can all make the connection? Like now they’re Not necessarily trying to piss off their management (especially considering they’re probably more friendly with their individual mangers now than they were with modest) and more just being themselves as best they can. And they know that the people who actually get it will get it and they have nothing to really ‘prove’ because the fans that know, know. Probably just accepted that in order to have successful careers and keep their teams employed they can’t really come out in this still majorly homophobic industry and probably value their relationship enough to keep it for themselves, that they’ll just accept having to stunt for the foreseeable(as much as it sucks, especially lately, bleugh)
Things like the Umbro shirt for example I always thought it was more of an oopsie moment than internationally for fans/Larries. I don’t think Harry specifically went out that particular day to be caught by a random fan wearing it or else he would have worn it somewhere more public or for a media day or something. I think that was like an oops moment for them.
I just feel right now that they’re being quite private and not everything they do is connected to proving ‘Larry’ but naturally we’ll still see the connections because there’s too many. Disappearing at the same time, being so similar in mannerisms and how they define fame and success, lyrics and not wanting to say what they’re about this time around. Of course it could just be because they’re not in the band anymore so naturally the ‘proof’ we get is no longer looks and serenading and instead things you have to piece together and have knowledge of, but anyway those are my thoughts
Hi, anon! I like your thoughts, this is a very interesting discussion. In my opinion, I don't think they ever did it for us or to piss off management. Not really, or not directly. You're making everything a little too much about us, sometimes we forget it's their closeting, their fight, their relationship. We're just watching it, we don't have any active participation in it and what we know doesn't even scratch the surface of what they really have. So I think the way they felt the need to communicate so intensely at times was always about themselves, and how they were feeling. To make what they had valid, acknowledged, and somehow express their love. They were obviously so much more oppressed before, everything was so so so cruel and rough, so I think the natural reaction to this much repression was to scream louder, to fight back. And the fact we got involved, we listened to what they were saying, is just a plus, they ended up feeding from our reaction as well... and I believe that's where the bears came from. They wanted to educate people about the industry about gay rights, they wanted to make sure people were aware that this kind of things were happening and it's still happening. But it was never about us or giving us proof.
Now they're older, their relationship is more solid and mature. They went through hell and back. I fully believe they're much more in control of what they want. So maybe there isn't much need to feel what they have validated or to express that so intensely. Although it is still there, the colours, the songs, the coded clothing. It's their way to make it real and it's lovely, they need to do what they feel like doing. I wonder how many things they do it only for themselves that we have no idea of. The only things we're picking up are the stuff we already have some sort of knowledge about it, there's so much stuff we could never possibly make sense of. It just hit me one of these days that we've seen them more as solo artists than in the same band by now, more separated than together. The only thing we have to piece things together is a few hundreds of videos during 5 years of their relationship. And that's a speck of dust compared to their reality.
I talked about this several times, but I'm sure there are many reasons why they're not out, it's not that simple and I think it's very plausible if privacy is one of these reasons. I fully believe they love to express themselves like that and feel acknowledged by us, but what they have is still theirs. This is the kind of thing you only realise when you get to a certain level of maturity. And to be honest, I would also want to protect that if I was them. They have this fraction of fans who know about it and acknowledge it, and look how complicated that is already. So, good for them!
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clocks-are-round · 2 months
In regards to your post w/ hcs about why they enlisted, maybe Donut enlisted since he's from Iowa and was enlisting since the army would pay for his college tuition? (Obviously dependent on your headcanon of Donut's home life but this would be assuming he grew up on a farm or something)
That’s a reasonable assumption for sure. I want to figure out a reason that alludes to what is known about him in canon, suits his personality, and ideally— is emotionally poignant in a way that adds layers to his characterization and explains why he stuck around and how he’s just as fucked up as the rest of the crew. So in short, it needs to be both likely and compelling.
Example with another character (because I love excuses to ramble about headcanons)
- kissass to authority father figure (sarge)
- knows how to code and is viewed as smart (supposedly put in sim troopers due to being annoying and test anxiety rather than having low marks due to lacking knowledge)
- daddy issues (dad wanted him in women’s sports and seemingly didn’t take no for an answer, at least for some time)
- could be interpreted as a trans man and achillean from various lines
Why didn’t he pursue a degree and job in computer science/programming?
My headcanon: Simmons’ father is very traditional, a firm believer in the ideals he was raised with: homophobic, transphobic, and legacy is very important to him. Many women in his family were successful athletes, a few even Olympic level, and he expected this from his child. Though Simmons’ mom was… better at meeting his needs than his father, she was also hard on him and held him to high standards due to image being so important to her. This resulted in a irritable people pleaser with self-worth issues so desperate for validation from his neglectful father that he dropped everything he had worked for in life to risk his life in an attempt to prove himself because Simmons is nothing if not petty.
Reason for enlisting: desperate for validation
If this concept intrigues you, read my fic Dysfunctional on AO3
So following this method, Donut.
- grew up on a farm in iowa
- spent a lot of time repressing thoughts he had on the farm
- loves “feminine” things like decor and fashion, but was too insecure/guarded to really talk much about it towards the beginning (the “lightish red” bit, the seeming change in characterization through the first few seasons) until he warmed up to the team and lowered his guard
- was sent to conversion therapy at one point (came back to write this after writing everything down below but: i think he mentioned his dad here. but i might’ve come up with him to justify it when his mom is sapphic? seems a little weird if so because internalized homophobic mom putting her son through that before coming to terms with it and regretting it as she hypocritically starts dating a woman for the first time. they laugh about it but really both feel the tension that can’t be fully erased. please tell me i had a reason for putting homophobic dad man in the picture when the other option is more compelling PLEASE. ooh if not maybe HE’S the internalized homophobia all along oohhhh EDIT: yes his dad did “send him to a compound” so that part was a thing)
- two moms i misremembered this, it’s more OR less than one mom. the exact quantity of moms was not stated, only assumed by fanon (it’s from a psa but other things in this post are also from dubious canon sources. unless it directly contradicts canon proper in a way i cannot justify, i try to incorporate it)
My headcanon: Donut grew up on a farm with his mom and dad. He always felt like he had a pretty solid relationship with his dad as a kid. Many fond memories of playing catch, and his dad cheering him on at baseball games. As he got older his dad became more hostile about Donut’s other interests, suddenly dress up was a problem. His dad started becoming very vocal to him about what it meant to “be a man” and what needed to stop. Donut was also a theater kid, of course. When he was 15, his dad started sending him to “therapy.” His mom found out after two years of conversion therapy crumpled up the blabbermouth ray of sunshine into a more antsy and withdrawn teen. After about a month of heated parental arguments, his mom divorced his dad. It wasn’t long, months maybe, before she started dating a woman.
This Donut headcanon is rougher than the Simmons one. It hasn’t been considered as deeply and I haven’t cemented it into existence with fics. But there’s a key part that is missing:
Why did Donut enlist? What would be compelling while also cohesive with the character and backstory? As far as I remember he never mentioned college (correct me if I am wrong), or a previous career. Because of this and vibes, I headcanon him as enlisting right out of high school. I could put off the divorce until he’s already in space so that he enlisted to ‘toughen up’ for his dad, but that feels too similar to Simmons’ reason. He could enlist for college funds— but afaik he doesn’t go. Was it a lack of direction? Did he feel uncomfortable with a new person in his life replacing his dad, even if there were conflicting emotions there? Or maybe he wanted the money for a different reason. To help his family? Maybe his dad made a lot of the income before and the farm was falling into disrepair from lack of funds? That one feels close to my Caboose headcanon (wanted to apply to college to get an engineering degree to get a higher paying job than without a degree so he could make enough money for his mom and family to leave his abusive dad; then when the sign ups ended up being for the unsc he just rolled with it) but it’s different enough that I could potentially work with it. So for now, my best theory is feeling a little uncomfortable with the changed family dynamic, wants to help out his mom, and thinks the space marines sound cool (because of course he does). This doesn’t really resonate like the others did though, it doesn’t feel like it adds much depth or has that “that makes so much sense and explains so much!” vibe. I won’t feel confident about it until it feels right, and today just isn’t the day that I solidify my Donut backstory headcanon unfortunately. But that’s okay.
I don’t particularly want suggestions as a follow-up to this, but thought it would be fun to try to explain the subconscious process i go through when coming up with these.
I do appreciate the ask, as it gave me an opportunity to brainstorm as well as ramble for you guys haha
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minilpark · 2 years
good game
pairing: hangman x reader
warnings: mean words exchanged, sexual tension, one swear word
genre: uhh enemies/rivals to lovers (in the literal sense), implied smut at the end
a/n: this was originally supposed to be a small fic idea like my other hangman one, but i got carried away and so now it's a blurb lmao- also this isn't edited so forgive me if there are grammar or spelling issues
y/c/s - your callsign
while lining your cue up, you half-jokingly state, "you know, maybe if you had been a team player for once, you wouldn't have had to do as many push-ups as you did today."
once the words fell off your tongue, could feel jake burning a hole into the back of your head as you sank the last solids into the pockets.
the two of you have been acquainted with each other since flight school. to say you didn't like him was a bit of an understatement. yet, these last few weeks being recalled back to top gun, you could feel a shift in the air between you two. some would say you're losing that spark of dislike if that was even a thing, whereas phoenix would say there was definitely some tension, but more so sexual now- course, you didn't believe her, but looking up at him after you sunk the 8-ball said otherwise.
"...aaand that's game once again, seresin. how many times have you lost against me now? at this point, i don't think it's possible for you to win, unless...you're playing with rooster of course." you smirked while poor bradley held his hands up in offense.
jake scoffed, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek while he adjusted the way his signature toothpick sat in his mouth.
"yeah whatever, y/c/s. and for the record, i almost had maverick today. pops was just playing dirty-"
you shake your head while handing the cue off to bob before making your way closer to jake, "almost isn't good enough seresin, and you know-" you poke his chest while looking him in the eye, "better than anyone, that when you're in the air, the enemy doesn't care about fairness. you either be a team player, or you sit on the sidelines."
at this point, jake was internally fuming while looking at you, sure you may have had a valid point, but it didn't make him any less annoyed; yet, he still found a stir of butterflies in his stomach when you touched him and the proximity between you two.
he clenched his jaw before staring you down, "you know, you act like such a know-it-all, y/c/s, but lets be honest with each other, you're still not the best pilot in this group. you have potential, sure, but when it really comes down to it, you can't make the hard decisions or quick calls. you don't have the technical skill you think you do either."
did jake really mean what he said to you, a little bit yes, but not in the harsh way it was delivered. you didn't let it affect you though, you two always said things to get a rise out of each other after all, but this was definitely the kicker.
rolling your eyes, you tilt your head making eye contact with him once again and chuckle, "god, you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid." which earned you a choking sound from coyote and fanboy in the corner with payback patting his back, phoenix smirking, while rooster and bob held in a laugh while continuing their game.
as for jake, you could see the blush creep up on his face and while his ears tinged with red. for once, you found him speechless and yet it said everything you needed to hear.
needless to say, everyone knew where the two of you went after the bar closed.
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hecckyeah · 9 months
Hi so you don't have to if you don't want to but. I'm curious about your thoughts on all the main characters of The Rookie. So, on a scale of one to ten (ten being you would die for them and one being you really dislike them) where would you rank the main characters (and anyone else you feel like talking about!)
DUDE are you kidding me?? I don’t think you understand how much I would LOVE to subject my weirdly specific opinions about The Rookie onto unsuspecting followers. Fair warning: this could get lengthy. I have a Lot of Feelings.
(disclaimer: I’m only rating the main characters that have stuck around until/are new in season 5. there are just too many temporary ones to keep track of everyone)
starting off strong with my best dude, my main squeeze… John Nolan himself.
Solid 12/10
1 point off for his current taste in women (see Nune, Bailey)
BUT a million 3 extra points for being the straight shooting square golden retriever dad we all know and love 🫶 He (along with Grey) is the most constant, reliable entity on this show and I really appreciate that about him. I think season 5 had so much potential in watching him grow and learn in a teaching role, but unfortunately the writers did him dirty. Between teaching Celina and dating Bailey (neither of whom have solid relationships with any other main character) he felt isolated from the rest of the team and therefore weakened; the opposite of what he’s been in seasons 1-4. I hope it’s something they change going forward. That said, I still adore this man. Nolan my absolute BELOVED
Lucy Chen
TEN out of TEN. This woman owns my heart, she’s way too good for this world, too pure. If the sun and the moon were one person, they would be Lucy Chen. I absolutely adore her tenacity, her scrappiness in a tough situation, and her insightfulness not just in her job but in all her relationships and especially with herself. It takes a quality person to have so much self awareness, and she is the master of that. Also she is a CINNAMON ROLL and we LOVE her for it. Top marks all around, no notes.
Tim Bradford
Bradford my BELOVED. Minus .1 point for making me low-key hate him in the first season by being such a hardass, but ultimately a million points for being just an all around really solid character. His characterization is spot on: consistent, layered, intriguing, sometimes surprising (coaching little league?? who would have thought), and the most fiercely protective and badass-est of them all. I LOVE how we get little glimpses at his softer side, mostly around Lucy but even with random kids and his sister and occasionally the rest of Mid-Wilshire. Him being Angela’s man of honor was ICONIC, and it seriously fit his character so well. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes ;) I didn’t expect him to steal my heart like this but here we are!
Nyla Harper
Honestly? 8/10
I think she’s incredible and has the potential to be a really complex character, but something along the way fell flat. It's almost like the writers got scared of pushing the envelope with her too much. One of my absolute favorite scenes with her was that first time she quickly went undercover as Crystal in the laundromat and scared poor rookie Nolan half to death. We just haven't seen her like that in her element anymore, and her character feels shallow for it. Such a bummer, because she's awesome!
Angela Lopez
Also a good, solid 8/10.
I think her character has been WONDERFULLY done. She balances being the badass cop with being a no-nonsense, protective mother and wife. We get some really amazing insight into her backstory and a lot of her quirks (the part with her apartment being so messy made me feel SO validated lolll). I absolutely adore how close she is with her coworkers, especially Jackson and Tim. It feels natural and real, coming from years of trust and experience. I think where Nyla has fallen flat, Angela has really shined (shone? shin? lol). She's one of those that I wouldn't label as my favorite, per se, but I'm never mad when she's onscreen :)
Wade Grey
Grey, my man! 7.5/10
Listen. This man has almost retired at least thirteen times over the course of the show, and I'm pretty sure it's his insane dad instinct telling him to stick around and watch over his kids crew. He's predictable (in a good way), steady, unflappable... all the things a good sergeant should be. I love the subtle character development he's been through, mostly regarding Nolan and how he was so skeptical at first but now believes in him more than anyone else, basically. I love him for the glue that he is for the team, but he's not on an I would die for him tier. I'm honestly surprised he's lasted on the show this long lol but we LOVE Sergeant Dad around here
Wesley Evers
8.5/10, no hesitation.
Wesley is an ANGEL. I can't believe he and Lopez work so well together, but that just shows his incredible depth of character. He's a rich kid turned almost-philanthropist, who just wants to help people through his skills as a lawyer. He's real, with raw emotions guarded behind a wall of professionalism, that only slips once in a while... but when it does, it's heartbreaking. Ugh he's just SO good. A very very chewy delicious character, as some would say. I think there's a level of relatability with him that I've really become attached to. Incredible dude. Need more of this guy.
Aaron Thorsen
Amazing. 6/10
I think I feel sort of disconnected from Aaron, just because he's very much a background main character, if that makes any sense? His training was kind of breezed over, and so much of his introduction to the team/audience was based on the murder accusations and documentary that I feel like we never got to know the real Aaron aside from being rich and going through a tragedy. Kind of ironic and meta, eh? That said, I love him, he's absolutely awesome, and I REALLY hope he's okay :(
Adorable. 7/10
I LOVE that they kept Tamara around after her first appearance. I love how much of a literary foil she is to Lucy. They’re opposites in a lot of ways, and she serves as that little sister figure, there for Lucy to protect and care for, but also she allows us to see the main cast and the police station through younger eyes. I think she’s a fantastic character, adorable and lovable despite all her Gen Z apathy.
Quigley Smitty
Plus 1 point for being comedic relief once in a while. Hard dislike. This dude is a waste of screen time.
Bailey Nune
I just. I WANT to love her, I really do. But as a character she’s just incredibly shallow. She’s disconnected from the rest of the team, and while I can see the value of having a main character who doesn’t work at Mid-Wilshire and isn’t a lawyer, the showrunners really dropped the ball with Bailey. She and Nolan have zero chemistry. It all feels extremely forced, that they’re pushing Nolan into a relationship simply for the sake of him being….in a relationship. And it pulls him away from the team, so we don’t see as many quality interactions with him and Chen anymore, even though Lucy is on record saying that the three OG rookies were inseparable. It also limits his interactions with everyone else, especially Bradford and the detectives. And it really hurts the quality of the show, with Nolan being the main driving character and all. Not to sound crass, but it almost would have been more poignant if Bailey died in the Rosalind tank and we had to watch Nolan grieve while still training Celina and walking her through her own lasting grief about her sister. It would have thrown a healthy wrench in the story, in my opinion. But aside from all of that, I wish I could like her…..but I just can’t.
WOW yeah so this has been initial thoughts on the main characters of The Rookie with yours truly 😂 I might come back and add a little addendum to this with some other thoughts, but for now!! this is what I’ve got!
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
I'm so tired of the way people tear apart the ships in hsmtmts. None of the ships are evil, and if anyone is misogynistic or racist, that's a reflection of that person and not their ship, because all three of the main ships are valid. They all have their fair share of flaws and strengths. You could make meta posts about why all three were always meant to be endgame. At the end of the day, it all boils down to what you most prefer, and how you feel about the writing choices.
Yes, there's an argument that rini was always going to break up, and it's valid. There's also an argument to be made for how their relationship could have worked out, or how they could get back together in the future after growth. Obviously there's a low chance of that happening now that Olivia's leaving, but that doesn't mean it was never in the cards. It doesn't mean there wasn't a possibility for this relationship that could have treated both characters well.
Rina isn't a bad ship by any means. I actually think season 1 Rina is really cute and I would ship them if season 2 didn't blow them out of the water with Portwell, and if Ricky actually apologized for his season 2 behaviour, AND if the writers didn't feel the need to destroy Portwell and make them out of character in order for Rina to happen. I still think there's solid reasoning for shipping Rina, and if the writers had gone about things after season 1 differently, i would be team Rina!!
(which is part of my problem with saying portwell is a mid-game ship: if it really is, they should never have gone that hard bc how am I supposed to stop shipping them, especially since theyre having to be written out of character to break up. They should never have made portwell look this good bc now I'll never be fully on board with Rina when i could have been. I really could have been.)
And Portwell is not toxic!! Look at season 2, look at the couch scene, look at the way these characters work so well together! The way they've been working together from the beginning, going from enemies to friends to lovers. Also the claim that portwells are racist?? Part of why I ship it is because EJ treats Gina so well. this man bought her a whole freaking plane ticket come on. And Gina is so so happy with him. She gets the rom-com movie treatment and decides what she has with EJ is even better. I'm not going to turn this into a rant about how much I love portwell but know that I think they're wonderful and I love it because it works well for both of them.
Anyways I just think of all the ship wars I've seen, this is one of the most frustrating because some of the claims are just so out of pocket and so many people are so unnecessarily rude. We're talking about relationships where the flaws are the characters being teens making mistakes and not relationships where one side does messed up crap (murder, non-consenual things, etc) like the love triangles in some other fandoms.
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
As we are now in the last month of the year, it's time to do a year roundup I think? (if you are willing) Of all their channels which is just their main one and reacts I guess.
Best Sam and Colby video of the year?
Worst Sam and Colby video of the year?
Saddest/most emotional Sam and Colby video of the year?
Happiest Sam and Colby video of the year?
Funniest Sam and Colby video of the year?
And what do we all hope for, with the upcoming year? (Like what do you want to see more or less of?)
well this is a fun set of questions :)
this will obviously be based on my opinion, so if yall don't agree, no worries.
best video
this is a bit of a tough one. i've kinda stated before, but a lot of the videos this year just missed the mark for me, personally. but i have two in mind that were really good. i would say either episode one of the conjuring house series or the hellfire club. both of those were really solid videos, even if the conjuring caused a lot of issues lol
worst video
honestly, a lot of the videos were mid so it's a bit hard to say if any of them were truly bad, more so that they were boring. but if i had to choose…. whaley house, or maybe the conjuring episode with larray and bella. either one of those works for me. they were both forgettable and annoying at the same time.
saddest/emotional and happiest video
i'm giving these two spots to the same video. colby's cancer video. that video was a roller coaster of emotions and was both super emotional and super happy since it ended on a great note.
funniest video
probably anything on the react channel that they uploaded this year (minus the conjuring videos). i actually don't really watch the react channel all that much, but the couple vids i did see this year were hilarious so… any of those work for me.
this coming year… oooh, that's a tough question. i genuinely think that conjuring, both the experience and reaction/backlash, has changed how snc plan to do videos in the future. and i think that will be more noticeable in the video they did with val and leslie, which will be out later this month at some point. that's the newest video they filmed this year, and is the only one filmed after the conjuring. so, i think that might be the sign of new beginnings for them.
as for what i want to see personally, they've already spoke about relying on equipment more rather than outsiders/mediums and i'm into that idea. but i hope that doesn't mean they shut off their own abilities. i would like if they keep up with new methods, even if they don't really work out as plan. i think that's one way to keep it fresh.
what i would love for them to start doing is hindsight videos, or add ons at the end of videos. basically, i would like them after the video has been filmed and edited and they have come off the high of doing the investigation, talk about what they feel for it now after so much time has passed. maybe have someone (either join their team or already on their team) look up information that they received and see if there is any validity to it. how do they feel about the experience now since they're no long currently living thru it? was it as scary as it seemed at the time? would they go back? things like that, i think, would be a nice added bonus to their content. and if they wanted, they could make it extra content. they don't have to tack it on at the end of videos. idc. i just want to know how they feel about a place once the video has been over and done with.
great questions, anon! this was so fun to answer :)
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whiskeyswifty · 11 months
I wanna know what you think of Olivia's vampire?? Please and thank you 💖 I'm obsessed with your replies
i'm so sorry to report, dear anon, that olivia has never been and is still not For Me, to say it politely. It's very much music For The Kids, and that's great! Younger generations always need things that are their own, separate from the adults in their life. That's not to say it's lesser than anything else because it's for the kids, not at all! It's just for a demographic I'm not a part of and don't feel any kinship to right now (which is a good thing lmao i'm an adult i shouldn't be in spaces for kids). It's also not to say as an adult, you can't enjoy her music! If you're able to connect with it via the younger version of yourself, that's beautiful and i'm so happy for you that teenage you gets to feel validated. So many of my friends love it for how as a teenager, they would have related to it. I connect to a lot of other younger artists right now for the same reasons and because taste-wise, they're doing things that really click with me, so it's just not a good match, olivia and I. that's all!
A number of factors probably are why i don't enjoy her music writ large. 1. my youth was NOTHING like what she sings about. Like polar opposite teenagers truly and my younger self doesn't connect to or relate to anything she sings about. it's entirely too earnest for me then and now, but thats just my personal thing! not a value judgement. 2. she has the post-lorde whisper/raspy/talk singing voice that makes me SQUEAL with laughter when i hear it. idk your age, or if this is now a dated reference, but it's the bananies & avocadies vine voice lmaoooo sorry! It sounds so silly to me because of that vine (rip) and HE WAS prophetic was he not??? sooooo many gen z girls sing like that and it's borderline unlistenable to me because of my brain worms. 4. at this point, if all of the above are also true, and all you have left is "sad story about a boy happened to me", sorry to say but genuine heartbreak songs about boys from girls are just white noise to me. I've been a full blown lesbian for so long at this point, NEW content about women genuinely, earnestly weeping over men just doesn't connect and i can't sympathize or relate or bring myself to feel any type of way about it. that's just not my world, sorry you're going through all that or sorry that happened to you, it sucks and it's terrible, but i'm not interested in engaging with that content. men, straight ones especially, are ancillary at best in my world. you have to be a legacy artist to move me whilst singing about A Man, someone who snuck in early and earned my favor before i realized i was a lesbian (hence the topic of this blog lol). again, not a value judgement! just my personal taste.
about the song itself, it just sounds like driver's license the sequel to me, which is great and not a knock! it makes sense to me strategy-wise. it worked the first time, so if it ain't broke, use the same release strategy for the next album. seems like she has a decent team behind her who are setting her up for success which is great! there are some solid lines in it, but at my geriatric age (over 30 lmao) i'm extremely sensitive to clunky lyrics. blame the near perfectly threaded and composed early taylor work for that i suppose, although i'm sure there are others at fault. a half-formed idea or a half-committed idea turns me off so quickly, and the mixed metaphors in the chorus (?) of the song really make me itch. "sold me for parts" and then the vampire metaphors about consuming conjure totally different imagery and dynamics and the friction between them i find jarring. both are interesting and i would have loved to have seen the depths of each plumbed creatively! commit to one and explore the ways you can weave that metaphor with reality to really pack a punch! however it sounds like a very sensitive situation that she went through so perhaps clarity in songwriting is not possible for this event in her life. idk much about her but that's what i gleaned at least. (WCS is wayyyyyy better and more fully formed and articulate than dear john, to give you an example)
I totally recognize her prominence and am happy for her and all her success! This is not a hater post, i don't have any ill will towards her. i'm not annoyed by her. I don't think about her, unless asked, tbh. i think she's an amazing figure for younger fans to have in their pop culture life and i wish her all the success and happiness in the world!
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uselessheretic · 2 years
Obviously they'll keep going with "anything Ed does in his Babygirl Kraken Era is actually Izzy's fault", that interpretation may buckle at some point and then it's jumping to "This Is Bad/Racist Writing" lol at no point does Ed retain agency or responsibility for what he does
yeah that's what i'm worried about 😭 i wanna be careful to not make fun of the idea of people being critical of writing or the potential for racist writing since it is a very common trope of portraying moc as hyper violent. so i can understand the concern from people, but also i am just placing my faith in the creative team for right now because so far i've found the way they navigate race and identity to be really solid. here's hoping that continues! but i do understand why many poc would feel incredibly wary of something like that occurring for stereotypical racist writing. that and ik that poc are often dismissed in literally every fandom when bringing up very valid concerns about the source material, so i personally want to be careful to make sure i'm not mocking that idea, ya feel me?
but like the writing team is p solid and diverse and david jenkins is very open to feedback from the actors/crew so i think it'll be fine. like ik vico said that if they wanted something to be different they just talked to him and he was like "yah bet that's cool go for it!" so i just feel like taika is smart enough to be conscious of his character's racialization and that he is nowhere close to shy and will just say something if there's a problem.
but like dndndn i do worry about how i don't think fandom is always the best at critical engagement and can take shallow standpoints often divorced from historical context to justify certain viewpoints. they're also not very patient and have a hard time differentiating between flawed characters vs bigoted writing. i think there's a good chance that a part of fandom might get so absorbed into an ideal of edward who has his more glaring flaws sanded down, that when that comes into direct conflict after 1+ years of no new content, they might immediately jump to a conclusion built on incomplete information that the writers are wrong and bigoted.
fandom ain't really the best at nuance and i think it gets people confused when protagonists of color do bad things. altho again, i do feel like there has to be some empathy here because i know this is learned behavior after years of poc in fandom feeling as if they need to defend the characters of color from hyperscrutiny. like you have people in star wars saying finn is disregarding rey's consent by grabbing her hand, or people in the hannibal fandom who talk about how jack is an abuser and evil and vilify him completely because that makes it easier to uplift hannibal/will instead of recognizing jack as a nuanced chara as well. (also will is into hannibal's atrocities so idt we need to spend time vilifying jack as if there's a threat here 😭)
but it just sucks because it's taking on a defensive position that then sucks away agency from ed himself and erases key aspects of his character. there's so many poc in the show and that's great bc we can have a huge range of personalities. because there's so many poc, ed is able to be more morally gray and violent and full on babygirl because he's not being forced to represent the entirety of communities of color as the singular brown rep!
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sylvies-chen · 2 years
What were your thoughts on the premieres?
They were better than I expected and yet still disappointing in a lot of ways, so let me break it down by show:
Med for me was probably the worst. Dylan’s exit felt really rushed and unnecessary, his relationship with Jo was extremely underdeveloped and the writers admitted to writing him off because they didn’t know what to do with his character anymore which is either racially motivated or so fucking lazy. The Dr. Charles’ patient storyline was fine, except for that doctor on the psych rotation came out of nowhere. I absolutely hate what they did with Crockett, and they’re turning him into a total asshole. Maggie’s storyline feels ridiculous, as if she would immediately be worried about catching feelings for her old baby daddy??? Not to mention the fact that she’s happily married, though we haven’t seen Ben in ages. The camerawork and acting also felt the most soapy. We didn’t even get to see Will testify! All in all, it was a really meh episode for me and the only thing I truly loved was Guy Lockard’s acting, and April’s return!
My thoughts on Fire… so far this has been the most emotionally diverse. Stellaride was great as always, and that plus the Hawkami scenes were the best parts of the episode. Boden’s interactions with Stella were… dare I say out of character??? I don’t know how this storyline with Carver is going to play out, maybe Boden’s being pressured by higher-ups to put Carver on his team or he has ulterior motives, but it was so unlike him to dismiss Stella’s concerns and her opinions about this guy. And then to proceed to micromanage her??? I was very confused. I’m glad she stuck up to him though! But again, I don’t know if that’s leading to something or if it was just really ooc writing so I’m not going to judge that storyline quite as harshly yet. And now, onto the real talk of the town for 11x01, Brettsey. Ohhhhh, Brettsey. You were done so incredibly dirty. I said this on Twitter but I’ll say it here too: the most infuriating part of this breakup to me, apart from the lazy writing in bringing Kyle back and having dragged the LDR out so long before making it all for nothing, is the “the stars just didn’t align” motif that they strung throughout this episode for Sylvie. If your timing is off with someone then fine, yes, that’s ok. Right person wrong time is a valid trope. But “the stars didn’t align”???? Really??? What kind of corny Hallmark crap is that?? It paints love as some fantasy or stroke of fate, and it’s not that. Everything they put in this episode went against the core of Matt and Sylvie as characters, and robbed them of their agency. Love in real life is WORK. It is a CHOICE. It is a COMMITMENT. Sylvie knew what she was getting herself into, and the change in attitude that was so quick and so ooc after the “when yk, yk” moment is the product of extremely sloppy and borderline sexist writing, because these writers have no idea how to write Sylvie and they understand nothing about her. All in all, this was an extremely frustrating episode and though it had more good elements to it than Med, it was still disappointing.
I honestly don’t even know how to feel about PD. I actually really loved seeing Torres back, I’m so excited to see him interact with the unit and Jay smiling at him was so cute! And I’m not going to lie that the visual/hypothetical idea of Hank Voight walking around this ghost town of a hood like a lone ranger, howling winds, keeping the criminal behaviour at bay, it’s an interesting concept to me. But his shit… his corrupt, violent, obsessive shit… it’s gone on for too long. The fact that he’s doing this as a cop, with a badge on, ruins everything. So whereas I’d say PD is definitely the best produced show, with solid camerawork and attention to technical details, the show paints itself more like an episode of Daredevil or The Punisher, with Voight being the morally grey vigilante. Only problem is, they’re attaching this behaviour directly to the CPD, which makes it— yep, like it’s always been— a copaganda. As for the Jay/Hailey/Voight thing… I don’t know what to think of it. That scene felt so weird to me, it was hard to read the vibe apart from just “tension.” Where do Jay and Hailey stand after this? How are they going to lead this to Jesse’s exit? I don’t know. But I’m getting a liiiiiittle tired of this trio’s drama and their disagreements on policing that have been happening for three seasons now. I liked it for a while, I really did, but now it feels overused and like they’re deliberately sidelining other characters and storylines just to make room for this. I know they need to let Jesse leave but I’m just not seeing the big picture right now. The rough, tough, brutish tension is not enough for me anymore, no matter how complex Voight is.
Anyway, these are my thoughts on the episodes! I’m hoping this sounded reasonably harsh and that you feel free to comment your own thoughts, anon! And to the other anon in my inbox asking about my thoughts on Fire, I hope this ask provides enough answers for you!!
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bigkickguy · 1 year
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Please feel free to judge me - I was working with the made up rule a character can only show up on the board once! Otherwise this board would be 30% Dante 30% Yusei and 30% Lee
out of this board I have put a lot of rotating time into some of these, and basically almost none for others? They all add up in my mind! I am just matching themes or min maxing with what I want for my favs in most of these In descending order of how much I think of them + some notes below:
Yusei x Kaito (5ds x Zexal) - i have thought about them for years, they were just my favs from each series! I have rewritten like 4 crossover stories for them in my mind and have been since i first watched zexal. I just think they should build robots in a garage together, the ultimate romance. They both try to do everything themselves so now they can battle it out over who gets to put more of the world on their shoulders (they still would not share lol)
Dante x Oersted (Devil May Cry x LiveALive) - this one is more recent but i like the idea of this a lot with post game Oersted! Dante is a character very connected to love as a theme, him meeting Oersted who is just sad and needs to know love can be good in his life? Yes. This is just thematic min-maxing and a lot of 'I can fix him'. I also think it would be hilarious if Oersted gets summoned or something and is just like tired and refuses to do evil shit again cause he's growing. Dante got called to get him out of there and is just like, 'uhh you ok dude?' and he becomes Oersted's wacky wahoo dream man.
Kaiji x Akagi (Kaiji x Akagi) - this is somehow in #3, but i also had like a solid year they were all I thought about. It's a grey area of crossover validity because they were in a side gag manga of all of fkmt works crossing over? I think it still counts! A lot of people are into this I don't need to go into detail.
Mob x Gai (mp100 x Buraiden Gai) - buraiden gai is short and fkmt writes people being dehumanized by big rich organizations really well. It was a take on how shit the private juvenile detention centers are and Gai gets falsely accused and then busts out of the Worst one. (Describing that cause I assume more people have watched mob than they've read that!) This is a min-maxing of love and positive vibes because I need good things to happen for Gai. He's also got a very unique thought process and I think him and Mob hanging out would be hilarious. Gai would just be like 'i can punch faster than light' and mob would be like 'oh wow that's cool! I'm psychic!' and levitate something and Gai would lose his shit on the spot.
Luna x Angela (Virtue's Last Reward x Library of Ruina) - I am very emo over both of them and they both deserve good things and to be respected as people and not treated like they're tools or disposable. I think Angela can be angry for Luna and Luna can be soft for Angela. This is mainly a thematic min-max though. I LOVE BOTH OF THEM AND I NEED BOTH OF THEM TO GET TRATED BETTER BY THE WORLDS THEY ARE IN!!! Ultimate for this chart, both 'I can fix her' and 'I can make her worse' at the same time!
Ike x Kalas (Fire Emblem x Baten Kaitos) - I thought about it once cause I just think about crossovers for fun to pass the time when I can't sleep sometimes now it hurts. I feel like this is just a side grade of Ike x Soren, they feel emotionally similar to me. Specifics are pretty different but that's the fun rotating part :)
Akane x Aiba (Zero Escape x Ai the Somnium Files) I'm not going to lie I needed to fill out this board originally, but now I've been cursed with the idea of them hanging out. I want them to be the protagonists of a crossover game so badly!! They could be the ultimate crazy energy team up!
...I am getting tired of typing these out and I have thought about them probably only once or twice past making this chart after this point. I assume no one will read this anyway :)
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