#they fucking killed my best friend even tho he tried so hard and loved so much
backroadboy · 6 months
I miss dean so fucking much.
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h-harleybaby · 5 months
main four South Park with a bimbo reader (dumb blonde, etc.) like reader who fits that stereotype. You can do a gn! Reader if you want to but if you can pls do fem reader tysm!
Yeah ofc girlie!!! Fem reader is my speciality anyways 😘😘 slightly nsfw? a few mentions of tits
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• At first Cartman thought you were super annoying because no way someone can actually be that hot and so fucking dumb. He thought you were just fucking with everyone and tried practically everything to try tripping you up and ‘reveal’ that you were actually smart and trying to play mind games with everyone. He’s the one who does that not you!
• I think after the first few schemes he roped you into without you really suspecting him or anything he gave up. Well he was still interested in you, messing with you was far from boring for him. You went with his schemes and it’s like the two of you just clicked, he just couldn’t let you go!
• In a way you’ve kinda taken place of Butters in Cartman’s schemes, and Butters definitely isn’t complaining because now he doesn’t get grounded AS often. He’s still a 3rd wheel for you guys tho, like alllllll the time! You can’t get rid of him no matter how many times Cartman’s tried.
• I’m telling you, he’s totally used you as a way to get out of things like speeding tickets and to distract people while he does stuff. You’re his go to distraction and you’re just happy to be hanging out with him. On his cue, you usually flirt with whoever he needs you to, maybe twirl your hair around your finger and giggle a bit (he’s more than painfully aware of how mesmerizing your tits are when you laugh)
• In the end he might be a little jealous but he has to remind himself that he’s not dating you yet and he was quite literally the one who told you to do that… then he throws that out the window because he doesn’t think he needs to be reasoned with. Regardless, sometimes he’ll call you doll or good girl because something something positive reinforcement and it’s totally not because he enjoys the way you smile and giggle (and the way your tits shake) when he calls you that
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• I’m not saying it was love as first sight but… Stan was actually kinda enamored with you the first time you even opened your mouth. Sure he internally facepalmed when you said something but nonetheless, he thought you were perfect. He’s a hopeless romantic, so of course he’ll insist it was love at first sight
• For the longest time he wasn’t sure how to approach you, let alone without being queasy, to the point he even tried getting advice from Cartman and Kenny. I mean it makes sense right? They’ve had the most girlfriends so they should know a thing or two about getting chicks! Yeah no he was dead wrong and was convinced to throw money at you while his two friends cried from laughing so hard. Honestly you didn’t even get it, and just helped him pick up the money. I swear you could hear his heart cry out of embarrassment
• It actually doesn’t take very long for the two of you to date, seeing as he was hopelessly in love and you thought he was pretty sweet. A couple dates was really all you needed to accept being his gf
• Stan doesn’t really like hanging out with you at his place, especially after Randy kept barging in on the two or you and embarrassing him. No hate to Randy, you think he’s pretty funny but Stan can’t stand Randy saying another embarrassing thing about his childhood in his moms robe. Not to mention Randy kind of has a history of accidentally killing Shelley’s bfs so maybe it’s not the best idea to be around him too much
• As I was saying, a lot of dates/hang outs are in your room, your very pink room. Practically everything in there is pink and Stan has no problem buying you more stuff that’ll match, like plushies (hello kitty, kuromi, etc), makeup, anything you want really. If it means seeing you light up in happiness, nothing is too expensive. He gets money from working on the family farm, might as well use it right?
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• Kyle honestly didn’t think much of you until you asked him to tutor you, he just kinda thought you were dumb and not his problem. He can admit when a girl’s pretty but his logic was always that school, along with beating Cartman, was #1 in his priorities. Ha! He doesn’t even know how much that would change after he started talking to you
• After he started tutoring you, you kinda became his little project. He wanted you to pass your classes so bad! You? Not so much, you just really wanted to talk to the cute red head who broke lord knows how many pencils when talking to Cartman. You kinda thought it was hot?
• Your tutoring sessions slowly became more and more frequent to the point they were practically study dates! As much as he loves you, Kyle can’t help but facepalm at how bad you are at statistics. He might be more of a English guy but math came pretty easy to him too, he always excelled in all of his class. He swears the longer you’re around him the stupider he gets, and he doesn’t mind? Maybe it’s because he’s starting to ‘study’ with you and it’s basically just becoming him staring at your lips (or how your tits just slightly spill out of crop top)
• For a while, Ike was pretty on edge around you but he eventually warms up to you when you start handing him a little bar of chocolate and patting his head before going up to his brothers room. He warmed up to you pretty quickly, to the point he would start bursting in Kyle’s room to try getting your attention… and maybe some more chocolate. He’s not even THAT much younger than Kyle but he’s an absolute fiend for chocolate and annoying his brother
• For y’alls first actual date, Kyle tried doing something romantic like a candle lit dinner in his kitchen. He ended up burning the spaghetti so badly that it set on fire and you tried blowing out the fire with your stupidly perfectly glossed lips. Not. The. Best. Idea. It did take a while to get everything under control and after bribing Ike not to say anything, you guys ordered some food and ate with a lit candle between the two of you. One that Kyle refused to let out of his sight for more than a minute, I mean it helped make sure his thoughts didn’t… wander too much
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• Kenny thinks you’re soooo fun to hang around, you might not be the smartest but you’re a hell of a good time. You’re the bimbo to his himbo, Barbie and Ken much? In fact, your contact in his cracked ass phone is “Barbie 😘😘💕💕”, of course he has a matching “Ken 🥰🥰💕💕” one in your phone
• Is he totally looking at your tits half the time? Maybe, but he’s doing it respectfully!! I mean you’ve left him touch them.. as friends, definitely as friends. Regardless, one time you showed him how you got out of a ticket essentially with your tits and then he flashed the officer his nipple the next time and got arrested. It’s fine, you don’t mind bailing him out
• I’m convinced that Kenny was the one to show you weed and get you high for the first time. If people didn’t think you were a bimbo when they first met you, they’ll definitely think so when you’re high. You and Kenny have definitely taken some sort of edible right before class started and were high out of your minds the whole time. He was being stupidly philosophical the whole time and you were giggling the whole time despite not understanding what he was talking about
• He totally has this super old, rusty almost broken down truck he drives and you literally always leave your stuff there! His glove box is almost filled with your stuff like some of your makeup and for some reason the tiniest mini skirt he’s ever seen. He definitely won’t complain about it, it may or may not give him some very specific visuals he’s far from willing to give up
• Karen really likes you, and she loves how everything about you just screams pink! She practically begs you to teach her how to use makeup and you + Kenny end up buying some for her. She might be going through a little tomboy phase but she secretly loves pink, basically automatically making you her favorite person. Yeah, she’s not the best at hiding it. Kenny thinks it’s really sweet how you get along super well with Karen
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judasgot-it · 10 months
Hellooooooo! I would like to request, how do you think hunting dogs would be when they play Minecraft with their s/o🤭
I have so many asks in my inbox so I'm now getting to them. Also, minecraft time babyyyyyyyyyyy
Headcanons: playing minecraft with the hunting dogs
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He can't really play along with you since it's point-and-click, so sometimes he'll partake in listening in on your Minecraft sessions that you play with everyone else
He gives unnecessary advice and will insist on killing any mob you spot. Even the sheep :(
Jouno also named all of your dogs. He was heartbroken when Teruko killed one on accident and demanded retribution
You give him a play-by-play of the shenanigans that go on in the community server. He tries to get you to kill Tecchou and if you're playing during work hours he'll mess with Tecchou or Tachihara occasionally.
You built a house for the two of you in game. There's a homemade torture chamber inside just so he can enjoy the sounds of pistons and villagers being pushed into lava.
It's constantly being repaired due to Teruko's griefing
For the most part he does his own thing and adds commentary. Does cuddle with you when it's a more chill game.
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You are the classic "builder vs. Miner" couple
He collects flowers for the two of you and gets distracted a lot
Insists on building iron golems for villages and fighting pillagers
You will get distracted EASILY with this guy
He won't play easy mode with him he has to do it hard mode. He needs the challenge
Tames every dog he sees and is sad when he loses one
Treats them like they're your kids
Your house is overrun with them. Stop him please.
They're all named after foods.
His builds aren't aesthetic, definitely a dirt hut kind of man. He'll mine diamonds for you though
If you're a miner then good luck
You'll have a beautiful dirt hut. Or a pretty cave ♡
Probably beat the game in like 3 minutes and is now just fucking around
Has no idea how potions and enchantment work tho. You need to build that shit for him, since he probably has more levels than you and can enchant all your stuff.
Dude is just gonna use some random iron sword he found in a villager's chest anyway. He cares about providing for you more than himself.
Rip to whoever he robs. Probably local villages. He lives like he's homeless. Probably is.
Most likely he would just live in an old desert temple or village if it weren't for you
Also insists on riding a horse everywhere. Doesn't matter if there's a faster method. He wants to be a cowboy ○]:)
Loves the Minecraft farmer life
The one building he does have is a stable. His horses deserve the best life. He doesn't even have a bed most of the time.
Will gift you all of his goods tho. Anything you want? He'll get it. Only the best. Man will go to the ends of the blocked earth to get you a mushroom cow if you want. He's that guy.
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Redstone god
Literally will automate the whole game
Find him a dungeon and BAM automated
Don't try and test him, he's just good
But he's hopeless in the beginning, he runs away screaming and crying from creepers
Protect him
After you beat the game and go to the ender he is PROVIDING
Literally, don't let him go mining he will die 30 different ways
If you do at least protect him. Seriously.
He will most likely die from a creeper. they are his mortal enemy. Creepers? Awwwwwww man.
But do let him build. He's just a natural genius
Probably builds like the notre dame in a day
you guys have the cutest house. builds you whatever you want, wherever you want.
Puts your beds next to each other and is like :3
Cries over creepers tho. They destroy his builds all the time. He loves his Minecraft cats and names them after his friends ♡
Has a dog named after you. He's sentimental like that
He built half of the buildings everyone uses. Is at war with everyone else since they keep letting mobs destroy them
And then has the audacity to cry about phantoms attacking him even when he has OP armor.
When he's building you need to be there other wise he'll 100% die from fall damage probs. He just always does.
Getting materials with him is great, you find the best spots for your Minecraft dates
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She's the worst
Literally has nothing
She will just keep getting flint and steel and burning shit
or finding TNT and blowing up random shit
With nothing she will keep fighting whatever she can
Lives off of raw meat and villager farms
Please keep her alive
If it's a community server she is a serial griefer
Seriously someone stop her
She relies on everyone's leftover stuff from their mining trips
Will follow you when you go down and demand a 50/50 split
Does protect you from mobs tho
Best person to take to the nether for some reason. She's just immune to fall damage and lava.
Will always luck out and find exactly what you're looking for.
She will never destroy Tachiharas Redstone farms. But will destroy his house. They are at war rn
She declared war on everyone and took over several villages. She's trying to establish a tax system
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Played for like 3 days
Has a house that's abandoned
Teruko lives there sometimes
Tachihara put up a poster of two guys kissing right by his house and no one has taken it down
Fukuchi doesn't even know the chaos his Minecraft home causes on the daily
There's now a giant dick-building contest right next to it and no one wants to admit a loss.
It builds morale
everyone plays when he's gone on some special meeting. It's unspoken.
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Obey Me Next Generation Idea(aka-My au)
What about poly Au with the bros? I assume with demon culture, MC having kids and the bros all being the dad wouldn't be too surprising as I think monogamous relationships are seen just the same as polyamorous. Like neither really matter honestly in a "oh this is a big deal/drama!" Sense.
Plus its the 7 lords, they can do whatever the fuck they want
I know MC is mostly human but I think having kids is still possible as they got magic plus their pacts with the bros might make them stronger. Plus, historically, woman have been able to have multiple pregnancies, like more than 4 at least, so still- not impossible.
Just let me have my next gen shenanigans
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Varya (1st Born) (she/her)-25
Daughter of Mammon
Is more demon than human, possibly the most demon out of the kids.
Holds a very smiley but deadly aura around her.
Seems the opposite of Mammon in behavior but you can tell by her subtle acts towards her family, shes his kid alright.
Is the type of person to shake a person's hand but hold a knife in the other.
"Looks like a cinnamon roll, can kill you"
Lights up at the mentions of crocheting, dogs, and weird but oddly alluring creatures around Devildom.
She does have a small habit of gambling when out with Mammon, but is actually able to keep her wins because no one expects it through her gold-winning smile.
Mess with her family and its on sight.
Lilith the 2nd (3rd born-1st triplet) (she/her)-21
I headcannon Lucifer to at least be the only one to name their daughter after their sister. Not to replace, never, but to honor her.
Is in a strange middle between Half demon-mostly demon
Sweetheart by default
That big sister you can always talk to and she wont judge.
Will make passive agressive remarks when peeved off.
Definitely denies acting like Lucifer yet can do the stance-arms crossed and glare- exactly like him.
Even does the whole hand chest like him too. Shocked look and all.
Calls all the brothers papa but Lucifer father, not as a distance way but thats just how she's always been.
Theatre kid- almost always lead.
Anna from Frozen vibes at times.
Hopeless romantic too.
Basically Lucifer if he actually showed more emotions.
Daddy's girl 100%
May or may not be in a secret relationship with Diavolo's heir👀
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Rhomb(2nd Born) (he/him)-23
Son of Leviathan
Named after the Loch ness Monster
A nice balance between human and demon
But has "mutations" that make him have scaly patches on his body, his tail out almost 24/7, and bad eyesight.
Stern attitude most of the time.
Big bro protector
Tallest of all the kids
Softer on the younger kids but will smack a bitch if they act up.
Cant play video games much cause eyes so turns to more physical games that include puzzles.
Likes games with strategy to follow like War tanks, or chess. Is the type to make a DnD game the best cause he makes amazing stories too despite not reading much.
Likes mystery shows too and tries to figure it out before the answer is revealed, could go on rants about why. Gets it right 11/10 times.
If Leviathan wasnt his biological dad, people would believe he was Satan's kid.
Doesnt like cats tho.
Quinn (4th Born- 2nd Triplet) (He/they/doesnt care) (21)
Asmo just thought Quinn was a pretty name so picked it lol.
Also a nice balance between human/demon. Tho his wings stay out constantly.
Very much vibes from that yellow bird in Rio.
Laid back personality but is an outgoing dude.
Also very protective of their siblings, and will not hesitate to cut a bitch.
Isnt as flamboyant as Asmo but does have a just as great fashion sense.
Has a hard time dating as people automatically assume hes just like Asmo so will try to date him for that reason only.
Love his dad but hates the reputation he gets because of being said son.
So he resorts to just sticking to his siblings or the few friends he trusts.
Besides MC, is the second most popular face to pop up on Asmo's Devilgram
Fucking adores axolotls for no particular reason, just loves them to no end which Asmo makes sure to get many axolotl themed plushes, shirts, etc. for him.
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Libbey(Liberty) (5th Born- 3rd triplet)(she/her)-21
Another balance between human/demon, maybe a tad more on the demon side.
Tho, also has "mutations" like very enhanced hearing.
Bookworm to the max
Loves reading dramas and fantasies, but seems to enjoy multiseries more than stand alone.
Very quiet and shy kid of the group.
Sometimes cant even talk so signs instead because earaches or headaches.
Likes cats but perfers reptiles more.
Has a small turtle in her room from the human realm, set it up beside her bed and everything. Their name is Casey after one of her favorite human novels she read.
But despite all this, isnt called the daughter of wrath just for nothing beside biology reasons.
Is like Satan 2.0 when pissed, she wont yell or scream but you can just tell from the drop of room temperature and the subtle tilt of her head.
Her eyes glow an electric green when shes pissed.
Had more anger issues when younger, but cause Satan knew how to handle his better now, taught her how to aswell.
Satan is probably the main one to understand her issues with such a problem, despite being more mellowed out now that shes older.
Is definitely a cryer when really angry tho.
Ryder(6th Born) (1st twin)- 19
Ngl, everyone was surprised that they had twins. Including Belphie himself.
But then again, they did have triplets before them so....eh?
Ryder is a tad more human than demon, but still powerful enough to have his own demon form like his older siblings.
His tail is seen smaller than Belphie's, and a bit thinner too.
The sloth genes affact him only so much, making him more likely just want to procrastinate then outright not do anything.
He honestly enjoys the human world more than Devildom, mainly cause everything is less..hectic per say.
Hes the type of brother/older friend that will cover for ya if you have to hide something but will subtly suggest how to fix whatever their doing.
Like one time Quinn came home slightly tipsy and past curfew, and he snuck them into his room. Though he scolded them in the morning, he covered for Quinn at breakfast, saying they ate too much sugar last night, thats why hes queasy and has a headache.
Quinn did fix that habit up quick after Ryder threatened to leave him on his own next time it happened.
Calls everyone bro or dude, no matter their gender.
Gen z vibes too in most areas.
Has a fixation with cow bells for some reason, likes the noise is all he can say.
If he were told what Belphie did to their mom/human parent way before they were born, he says "Cowabummer" while screaming inside.
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River(7th born-2nd twin)(they/them)-19
How is this Belphie's kid?
Too hyper, tad crazy
Probably has ADHD, who knows.
While Ryder is the slightly responsible twin, their the reason why Ryder needs to be said twin.
Their just about the same range of human/demon as Ryder, can have a demon form, but only uses it to fuck with people than to actually be scary with it.
They may have alot of power, but their personality alone can kill people.
Is the type of kid to crawl on the ceiling when they were 2.
Is also the type to hop outta window to get to the lower floor faster. Thank Belphie for their demon powers otherwise we'd have another Lillith situation.
Has scared even Lucifer at one point, has made him yelp out of surprise. Will not go on how, no matter how much Papa Satan and Belphie ask them. Just has a toothy grin when they ask.
When calm, is actually a pretty chill dude. They like odd patterns and get fixated on the most random things.
MC gave them one of those sand timers that you flip to restart and when she came down to tell them food was done about 2 hours later, she found them sitting on the table, holding it while watching the sand go down. They use it now to relax and focus on when overstimultated or just having too much of a fuzzy head.
Has spent nearly a how week with Leviathan because they got hooked on one anime with him. Now has frequent solo movie nights with him cause.
"They're tad confused, but got the spirit"
Literally had to have someone (Rhomb) explain to them what the LGBTQ+ letters meant. Legit thought it was just new alphabet pattern, was still happy to find out what it all means.
If you told them what Belphie did to their mom before they were born, they'd think it as a joke. Dont tell them otherwise or they will cry.
Frankie(8th Born)(She/her)-16
Everyone thought that she would be the biggest child when MC was pregnant with her, since y'know, it was confirmed Beel's kid.
Yeah, she came out small. Like scary small for a baby.
It was then everyone knew she would be the most human. Has a little demon in her, but clearly not enough to have a demon form nor mark.
Lucifer's wallet cried in relief.
She does eat a good bit more than the average human but overall, nothing compared to Beel.
She does adore sweets to the max, especially gummies. Give her some and she'll love you forever.
Sweetest little sunshine in the world, everyone adores her. If they dont, then they will soon.
Shes like Mirabel in encanto, kinda wishes she had more demon powers but is still overall happy with who she is.
Like big papa Beel and his sweet little girl all smiley and pure. Best father-daughter relationship out of all the siblings and fathers.
Shes kinda like pinkie pie from MLP but like more hyper as fuck. Can and will speak so fast when excited that it just comes out as squeaks at that point.
Since her more human side, shes more likely to stay in human world when their mom is on Buisness there, so she has alot of human friends.
Shes in gymnastics, which definitely helps keep her figure more smaller despite all the sweets she eats. Does work out with Beel too.
Mess with her and you have a whole army on yer ass.
"Bounce to the beat of my own drum!"
You can just tell how much I love this dear. HA
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coentinim · 5 months
Can you please tell me what this new character you really like is about ? He's your next fictional crush...
Also...Do you have any Lestrange daughter headcanons where she befriends the trio. I think this idea is very Mary Sue, but...I think if one adjusts that let's say her conception is : "Rodolphus Lestrange willingly drank love potion per orders of Voldemort" What are your ideas to make it work ?
Okay, first, I apologize for the "no" response? I was just in the middle of an argument and it kinda happened. Tbh I didn't think it's weird/uncomfortable at all and you can ask me abt all subjects basically.
I don't think it's Mary Sue-ish at all to make the Lestranges have a kid. A lot of characters in hp who shouldn't/wouldn't have children do have them since JKR is a mother and it's a big part of her life and her books, so it wouldn't be a stretch to see Bellatrix give birth as well. I personally think they could have a child without love potions as loveless marriages often do, maybe Bella was infertile and didn't pursue treatment or just got an abortion in canon. If she had a daughter she'd be likely to just give her over to some nanny and barely care for her. I saw your post about Rudolph... why is it that at any time I think a man is even a little hot he gets accused of the most heinous shit ever. He might fancy the dead tho, I mean the purebloods are perverse enough for that and they prob think it's more fine than doing it with a muggle. It made me laugh.
The girl meeting the trio would be interesting, because Harry and Hermione wouldn't even know much about her parents until they're 15 and wouldn't judge her by her roots anyway, but my GOD Ron would fucking spit on her. I think it would be cool if she was in ravenclaw since it would highlight how much she isolates herself. She might go to some adoption system or maybe to the Tonks family?... so she'd be pretty normal. I think dumbledore would persuade someone into adopting her lol. She'd have an interesting relationship with Neville I think. About her personality, she'd be very hotheaded but analytical (a choleric and thinker temperament?), also very strong willed which can make her stubborn. She could be curious and feel a pull towards dark shit and have a whole luke skywalker arc of being afraid of being like her family. Which can be a realistic concern since mental illnesses are often genetic, so she would struggle with that. She would try to be a good person but wouldn't be a great friend and would self isolate a lot, very introverted. A bit machiavellian lmao. Definitely wouldn't share any secrets about herself. Hard time relaying on someone if anyone but the Tonks were the ones to raise her, so some trust issues. But she tries her best.
About that guy... he is James March from American horror story hotel and he's basically a ghost. He was a serial killer in the 20s, built a whole hotel to kill people in and torture them in their last moments n then easily dispose of all evidence. Isn't he just so dreamy? Also a design and engineering genius, a hunter, a gentleman (it's a facade he's a psychopath), has a sexy accent and drinks absinthe. His every MOVEMENT is hot and I'd literally get on my knees for him. Though he might have necro tendencies... that's why I giggled at the Rodolphus post. But James definitely prefers normal sex lmao he had a sex scene with Lady Gaga. He had a traumatic childhood (said his father was awful, has scars on his back...). It's a speculation, but since most of the more evil serial killers were victims of sexual abuse... yikes. But he's fictional so I can like him despite all of that. Or maybe for it? I often fall for fictional killers and/or torturers lol. He's also just charming, like so so charming it's unreal... I also really admire the actor's (Evan Peters) dedication to the character as he did most of the work in characterization.
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months
How UnderFellPapyrus acts when he meets somone they like/love
My request are still open!
💫Friend Faze💫
OK, like with underfell Sans, gaining his trust will be hard to do.
Harder then sans trust.
When you guys first meet, expect him to talk down to you.
He sees humans as worthless things.
Even if Frisk has freed them and showed them kindness.
To gain his trust, I believe you would need to do cooking with him.
Doing cook and showing how strong you are and he might change his opinion on you.
Only a little bit tho.
Remember, tho, if you are lazy like his brother, you will have a harder time befriending him.
When you guys finally have a friendship going, expect him to be on you 24/7.
You're his fist real friend, of course, and he wants you to be in the best of shape.
They might not be in the underground anymore but the world is still dangerous.
I can imagine your guyses friendship as a hold married couple or passive-aggressive.
Like, you guys would say some mean shit to each other but then you guys make up in private.
This dude is fucking stubborn. If you don't want to work out or anything, this dude will keep pressuring you to do so intel you agree to join him on his 5am run.
💘Crush Faze💘
When he realized he had a crush on you, he felt sick.
Not because he hates you or anything but because he was a nervous wreck.
He might act like a dangerous dude, but alot of things go thru his head.
So this tough man, who has been in the royal guard, seen some shit, and not afraid to run from a fight, his freaking out on the inside.
All because he is pushed into a new situation he has no idea how to deal with.
He can't fight it, he can't run from it, he can't get rid of it.
So his only way of dealing with it is sealing it off.
So he starts to be an asshole to you.
You are hurt by this, but you don't understand why he has this sudden change in behavior.
After pushing him and corning him, he finally gives up and tells.
I can tell you this man will act tough saying that "it's an honor to have him liking you" and more.
You had to cover his mouth and yell at him.
You where angry that he kept this from you but at the end, you returned his feelings.
You might be wondering what caused him to realize he had a crush on you.
It was when you guys where making g food and you tried one of his deserts.
When you squealed in surprised and felt happy eating it, he never saw something so cute.
💕Dating Faze💕
When you guys started to date, he was always by you're side.
He wanted his DateMate safe.
Even tho he knows you can defend yourself, he dosent want to take any chances.
He pretty much you're knight.
He will spoile you with foods he cooks.
He will buy you flowers and chocolate.
He is the royal guard and will spoile you the best he can.
Even tho you don't have a lot of money or you don't know what to get him.
If you get him something that you think he might like and he dosent like it. He will still act like he loves it.
He loves watching you smile brightly.
He keeps everything in his closet.
In public, he is the scary guy near you.
No one comes near you
But in private, he is at you're mercy.
He is such a lovable guy.
He will use his magic to scare off any guy that DARES to hit or flirt with you.
He will make fun of you from time to time if you are alot shorter then him.
He will take you out on very, very, very, fancy restaurants for dinners.
He will be there for you when he's upset and you will be there for him.
I can see him willing to kill for you.
Just name the person and the place, that person is FUCKING dead.
🚫NSFW Faze🚫
Like I said, this man is romantic.
He will set the mood.
He loves taking his time with you, with NO distractions.
This man isn't completely kinky but he dose have some kinks.
He is into bondage, collars, edging, marking, and praising.
This man's dick size is huge!
He is packing a whole 9 inches.
He might not be big in gurth, but by lanth
His aftercare is spot on, so expect a heating pad, snacks, water, etc.
If you ever end up with with bite marks or more.
He ask you to wear them proudly.
And in the open, so everyone can see that you are taken.
He will make you wear his scarf if people don't stop hitting on you.
So his scent is on you.
UnderSwap Sans will be next!!!!
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lunart-06 · 6 months
I just imagine hinaegi spending christmas together and how they would take turns on who to spend it with. The first year they decide to spend it with makoto's family (the thh kids, komaru and maybe some friends makoto made on the future foundation), Hajime is nervous out of his mind, he spent weeks in advance searching for the best gifts for everyone, specially togami (even tho makoto assured him everything would be okay.) he enters the room fucking sweating, but everything turns out to be amazing!!! The vibes are just so cozy, and even with the initial nervousness, Hajime feels like he's home in a few hours, he gets to hear a bunch of stories of makoto from the others, be it the stories from his childhood that komaru tells everyone while makoto hides his face in embarrasment, or be it the little facts about the killing game that the friends accidentally slip up, Hajime instantly feels guilty, but makoto quickly pats his cheeks and moves his attention elsewhere, overall, amazing! good food, christmas songs, cozy vibes, an amazing christmas.
so, next year they decide to spend it with the jabberwock kids, and makoto is super excited, he goes out with a big list of gifts to buy for every single one of them, and well.. hajime is also super excited! but at the same time, he wonders how it will go, dont get me wrong!! he loves all his friends with his entire heart, but they are a bit intense, so he will calmly tell everyone to act AS GOOD AS THEY CAN, and when the christmas party starts, everything seems to be going well, they are all at a table and stuff, until an hour passes and hajime CANNOT find makoto anymore, hes being passed back and forth to every single one of them, Hajime wants to spend some time with makoto only to find out Ibuki took him away and is trying to make him play the guitar, he grabs makoto and takes him away, only to look around the next second and find Hiyoko trying to paint his nails while she taunts him on how he would look much prettier if he cut that ahoge off, hajime tries again, but he gives up after a while of competing for his boyfriend with his friends, its hard, and with nagito tho.. he wouldnt leave makoto alone the WHOLE night, hajime is absolutely ehxausted the other day, while makoto loved it! well, they'll never have a boring christmas.
I want them to have a christmas together, just the two of them, after the second day. But sadly Makoto was still duty bound as the new headmaster and Hajime still needs to check on and handling his classmates and the island. So they just spend the 3rd night via video call, talking about their own days wether it be something mundane, embarrassing, or very privately embarrassing to the point one has to ask himself why did he even have to tell that one while the other just laugh on their seat.
Or just reminicing the days, doing some small vents and just be openly deep and vulnerable with one another knowing the other would never judge them for it, afterall, they're on the same boat in the burdens of the world and reliability.
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honestmouse20 · 4 months
I'm Obsessed with Monkie King and Macaque's dynamic!!
When i first saw the show, I didn't know much of anything about it and just from previous troupes I assumed Macaque was just a 'bad guy'. He was very quickly my favortie villan tho. And then, as I got to season 4 and saw their past, the two of them got a grip on me.
Because, usually, you would assume that the gloomy dark one would have done something bad to the light one, right? (shitty troupe but yk it's common) That's the troupe. They had a falling out and it's probably something along those lines. That was my idea anyway.
Then i watched the show Again and realized that in some of the flashbacks it had Wukong stabbing Macaque in the face/head. LIke very suddenly this show wen tfrom oh they're rivals and they used to be best friends. To, oh they were best friends and definatly more, to oh they had a falling out and one of them tried and *succedded* in killing the other. But it wasn't the 'bad guy' character, the moody one. Nope it's the Main Character's mentor, the *hero*, is the one who killed his best friend husband.
And That is what pulled me in so hard that I've had to rewatch the show again. Because OF COURSE when Macaque is brought back by LBD, he'd be vengeful and want to kill Wukong. But then yk we see form the beginning that he doens't Really want to hurt MK or Wukong, even tho he would never ever admit it.
Like I just. Holy fuck Lego. I Love that so so much. It's so painful to think about too, espeically with those flashbacks in Season 4. Or memories or whatever they're called. And Peng's line about there being 'nothing Wukong could do to break his hold over you' to Macaque.
Even tho Monkie King not only had a falling out with Macaque, he also fought and *killed* him. And Still, Macaque ends up helping him and allowing him back into his life. At least a little. I hope by Season 5 they'll be more in a reluctant friendship again yk. Bc yeah, Macaque fucked up too, Monkie King Wasn't the only one who fucked up but he undoubtably did the most damage to their friendship relationship. I'm gonna be thinking about this Forever.
TLDR: Monkie King being the one to have done the 'unforgivable' thing that ended his and Macaque's friendship even tho he's the 'hero' of the show is incredibly good story telling and I'm totally normal about it.
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pimenita · 1 year
It's been ages since I reviewed anything, so apologies if this comes off a bit rusty n_n"
Copious amounts of rambling (and spoilers) under the cut:
First I will talk a bit about my operative (and his choices) since I think that's a good starting point: Crux is a cis guy, he's bi, passionate, hard-headed, and a smart-ass. He's basically a space cowboy, just your stereotypical sci-fi hero (the two types of sci-fi hero: emotionally constipated mr. man, or wise guy himbo)
Chapter 1:
On that first mission, he did as much property damage while quipping as he could, and it pissed Nash off. Crux was defensive about it.
He backed Nash up in front of the Director. He dearly misses the friendship they had. He also wants to kiss them so bad.
The Bar. Rohan is a guy in my playthrough. I chose not to be touch-averse (in fact, Crux would be on the opposite side of that scale; he's the sort to get very physical very fast)
Tacky, but I'm into it, should be tattooed on his forearm tbh in mine too. Was all over Rohan from second one since he tends to not think things through most of the time, but after getting scolded by Nash and the Director, he was feeling downhearted. Toxic coping mechanisms ftw!
(As a side note, I love that you give us the option for casual sex to be something our operative doesn't indulge in, indulges in consistently, or indulges consistently just not with Rohan n_n Even if it doesn't come up again, it's a small piece of character lore that makes the operative feel more relatable, more mine)
Sex scene <3 Look at my Crux being bossy and Rohan being into it (I think?) Also, WET/HARD? Don't mind me stealing that for my next project ;)
The removal of IVI is *chef's kiss* The utter helplessness; we can't do anything to stop it and it's terrifying. Probably my favorite scene so far.
Once Crux could stand on his feet, the first thing he did was unholster his gun and go looking for Rohan. That Dancer#3 was so fucking dead.
He finds Joia and tries to make himself look non threatening—as non threatening as a guy carrying a gun, with blood running down his torso, and half high on anesthetics can look—before gently persuading her to come with him.
His first interaction with Rhaxa was to yell at Leanna to shoot it and skedaddle. His second meeting with Rohan had him trying to choke him to death. So, an all around great first impression on the crew xD
Chaper 2:
Nash asks about his history with Rohan, and Crux would rather eat glass than speak about it with the person he's crushing on.
He tells Nash he's going to kill Rohan (as if) and lets them talk him out of it for now. Crux does try his best to play nice in front of Joia, not even looking at Rohan.
Crux doesn't trust Rhaxa at all, and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's also more sarcastic than usual when discussing Leanna's plan, but I get it; the poor guy just had his friend removed from his skull and is still trying to get a smidge of control.
He decides to go with Leanna, but before that, he realizes he still wants to screw Rohan's brains out. 'It's complicated' doesn't cover even half of his feelings. I do wonder if Rohan feels the same odd pull. Maybe they just happen to have amazing sexual chemistry together.
Flirted with Leanna and found out she isn't into guys.
I love the operative's relationship with Joia. I just want to keep her safe.
Chapter 3:
Tense chat with Rohan and Nash. I really liked this one.
I like that Leanna calls out Crux for being an ass. I'm not sure what her lingering looks mean tho.
Another tense chat with Rohan. I love that he brings up Nash and says that this could've happened to them, and the operative is like, "Do NOT talk about them." Yes, keep their name off his mouth. Love love love.
Rohan's slip of the tongue. He truly thinks Crux is an absolute dimwit, doesn't he? He keeps forgetting the guy is like a super soldier or something. Good >:)
The "It was... cruel," and the "Yeah, it was," made my heart twist. I love it so much.
Of course Crux sent a signal to the Project, and the entire scene with him pushing the barrel of his gun against Rohan's chest to make him back off kicked so much ass. The operative is so cool.
Of course he tried to kiss Rohan an instant later, and Rohan turned him down. We still have the option to tell him, "fuck you" which I'm so happy about (and his reply made me grin) Their relationship is so complex, I really can't get enough of it.
Chapter 4:
Captain Lance is an asshole xD The dick measuring contest between him and my Crux was so fun to read.
Nash saying, "How threatened are you?" was amazing.
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Aw Crux, you aren't jealous, are you?
He lied to the Director to spare Rohan.
As I commented on that ask the other day, Crux is so lucky he decided not to trust these guys. He can be so naive sometimes.
The fight in tight quarters kicks ass too. Nash and Crux are a great team.
Crux knocked MacCready out instead of killing him.
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My operative went to find the others instead of looking for IVI. And Joia's reaction when she saw him again. Ah, my heart. Also, Leanna calling Crux 'doll', is yes.
I knew trying to pry IVI from Rohan's hands would be useless, so I let him keep her for now.
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It is.
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It's a horrible feeling, isn't it?
Rohan jumped on the soldier's back, hah! Amazing.
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Crux's so cool, I genuinely love him.
General thoughs:
I've noticed itchio games tend to be more booky than interactive-fictiony, but I will comment on a few things just in case you find something I say interesting. OC these are just my thoughts, not trying to impose, or tell anyone how to write their games.
I think there's a bit too many pages before we are introduced to the first choice. Your writing is engaging tho so, personally, I don't think the lack of player input at this point is too bad. You did grab my attention and kept me reading after all.
I'm not sure why our operative doesn't just punch Rohan in the face and takes IVI back. I understand that for plot reasons he has to keep her on him, but on a story level, it doesn't make a lot of sense. I mean, the bag is right there, just punch the twink. Maybe if we had the chance to corner him or something and demand he gives us IVI back, snatching the bag and turning it over only for Rohan to be like, "You don't really think I would be walking around with it on me, do you? You can't be that obtuse." So now the operative knows trying to kill Rohan would result in probably never finding IVI again.
The chat with Leanna in chapter 3 would tie everything together too.
So, back when CH3 was the newest chapter, I was able to kiss Rohan. My question is, was that a bug? Did you change it on this chapter? Does he still kiss the operative in another route? The way he reacts points to Rohan wanting to jump my guy's bones, but he's still holding back, and as long as I see interest I'm going to keep pursuing him. I'm a simp like that.
I don't understand why the operative tells the director about Rohan? I thought lying to her would mean also lying about his name and appearance, just in case Lance sent her the IDs of the people on the ship, you know?
My canon route is calling the project instead of Rohan's contacts, but I did take a look at the other route. I think my favorite part is being able to discuss our families with Nash since I had already headcanoned the only family Crux has left is a drunk father he despises. I wonder if we'll have the chance of having this chat in the future if we don't contact Rohan's people?
There's a part where Rhaxa turns violent and we try to calm them down by putting a hand on their shoulder, which reminded me of that ask someone sent you wondering if they could be less responsive towards Joia. I had a hard time picturing Crux touching an angry alien—if anything, he would have scooped Joia and kept as far away from the sharp hissing creature as he could.
I think having a bit more say in the way the operative reacts to their companions would add to the story, however I recognize this is a work in progress and you can always add stuff later on, so I'm not all that worried about it.
(I also recognize I've been thoroughly spoiled by HG and how interactivefictionity it is. You might stick to a more book-like approach and there's nothing wrong with that. Different strokes for different folks)
Anyway, this game is super solid and I'm excited to see what happens next :3
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disaster-j · 1 year
TOL Rewatch Week One
Just rewatched episode one with beloved mutual @magicaldreamfox1 and AAAAAAAA this show really does so many things to me
I have like a million and one thoughts but two main ones-
I am still so fucking pissed about Khai being made into a genuine asshole for drama reasons in the show instead of just being a dumb slut (affectionate) who thought his feelings for Third were Extra Special Friendship Feelings as if all friends dream about building a life with their bestie and get anxiety over the idea of said bestie not being by their side always.... yeah Khai is so much gayer in the novel y'all don't understand I will never shut up about this particular change. Never ever. HE SHOULD'VE BEEN A SIMP FROM THE GET GO. I get that the drama was important to fill up eps but like they did Khai a grave injustice by erasing so many of the scenes that showed his good side, his scared side, his confused side, his deeply in love with Third side. I will never forgive them for making the show Third biased when the story is supposed to be about Khai's journey.
What would've happened if Two had never intervened. Like I've already written a fic about Third giving up on Khai after overhearing him in That Scene but even then he'd at least tried and like his crush had been acknowledged by people other than him. But what if Two had never found him that night he decided to give up. What if neither Two nor Bone had tried to intervene during that time and Third had pulled away from Khai???? WHY AM I MAKING MYSELF SAD THEY'RE MY FAVOURITE SHIP But like imagine KhaiThird having a friendship break-up imagine Khai losing his fucking mind bc Third was his everything and he just didn't realise it until he'd already lost him imagine them remeeting a few years after they've graduated and Khai desperately trying to get back in Third's good books and Third being his meanest self trying to hide how much he still loves Khai AAAAAAAAA someone write the fic pls i am on my knees begging
Other notable thoughts I had while watching the episode
We should talk more about the fact that Khai went and got his ass beat defending Milk's honour AFTER he found out she was messing with him. Like he just did that huh. And he had no reason to think it would help him get her back or anything he just did it bc he felt like it. My poor lil meow meow my favourite puppy boy I love him.
All the Khai is autistic/nd posts are correct
All the Khai is demiromantic posts (me im making all them posts) are soooo correct
Khai's not nearly as Straight in ep1 as he'd like to believe. To quote Dreamy, why are you as a man "riding" "charles". He's a bottom. I said what I said.
Third is the og bl exploiter girlboss. He was capitalising on his sexuality and close male friendships before it was cool.
Two and Bone BOTH knew Third liked Khai in ep1. Two definitely noticed Third in the scene where they wrap up filming, tho he's obviously been eyeing him a while. And Bone absolutely Knew when Third walked away while they were teasing Khai about Milk. He literally frowned at Third walking off and then turned pensively to Khai. Maybe this is when he decided to confront Khai about Third's crush?
Fake Protagonist is still undefeated as best bl ost I said what I said.
Two and Bone are the best friends ever. This friend group is perfection like no other BL has executed a friend group this well, where everyone gets appropriate screentime and no one exists just for comic relief or to further the plot, they all have their story arcs, their own motivations and flaws and endearments, and they don't go off on their own after the show ends. And they ALL actually get along well. Not Me could've had this if the writers weren't Black antis.
It will be so fucking hard to watch one episode of tol per week literally itching to go watch more as I type AAAAAAAAA
And yet. We persevere. See y'all next week!
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thegenvyisreal · 10 months
Good Omens Season 2 Episode 5 Thoughts
"Smote? Smut? Smitten?" Yes, all of that Crowley.
The doctor who reference was lovely
CROWLEY'S CONVERSATION WITH JIM. OMG HE'S SO FUCKING ANGRY. There aren't enough capslock to express how much I LOVED Crowley's anger in that scene!! "you told my only friend to shut up and die". I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ANGER! I WANTED CROWLEY TO HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO RIP GABRIEL LIMB FROM LIMB. But it's not Gabriel, it's Jim, and Crowley couldn't do that.
I'm sorry. I'm SORRY. Crowley is the GOODEST OF THEM ALL. THE BEST OF THEM. TRULY. He didn't even want amnesiac Gabriel to jump out a second story window cuz he values ALL LIFE THAT MUCH. Then GOT HIM A HOT CHOCOLATE. The angel who tried to kill HIS angel. I'M SORRY.
Thank Frances McDormand that Lindsay left Nina cuz I was gonna start smashing skulls. Lindsay can ROT.
The Ball! @sycophantastic and I had just seen pride and prejudice (me for the first time) a few days ago in prep for this season! I'm so glad I saw it! The dance! The DANCE!! THEY DANCED!! It was just during a conversation but they DANCED!
I don't understand Shax. Why does she walk like that? Why is she the way that she is? Excellent outfit this episode, tho.
JIM'S OUTFIT DURING THE BALL. I want it. Gimme. That's a drag outfit and I WANT IT.
"rescuing me makes him oh so happy" AZIRAPHALE YOU LITTLE SHIT!! Lol I'm so Aziraphale coded istg. Crowley wants to be the rescuer and Aziraphale wants to be rescued!! Same!!
I'm just. They better. With the whole OBVIOUSLY YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH HIM conversation, I KNOW the EVERY must be legit. They're not gonna play that for laughs. Not in the last episode. My theory is gonna be correct and I'm gonna cry so hard.
Speaking of theories, I got NOTHIN when it comes to Gabriel. Why the song?? Why the JUKEBOX?? Something about it being an institutional problem??? Did Gabriel wipe his own memories? Why would he do that? Can he really collect all of them in the span of one episode? I was thinking that if this was like 12 or 20 episodes or something that they could give us more clues and we could construct some hypotheses. But there's ONE EPISODE LEFT and I know NOTHING.
Lord in heaven there's one episode left and I will not survive it.
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mangoposts · 4 months
Mina i need to rant but i also need an opinion before i do sum stupid
so basically i miss like crazy my ex situationship (it lasted 5 FUCKING YEARS). So long story short we know each other since we were kids but never really had any interest in each other before we were like 16 right. Then we were on and off for the most part. When we were on, it was GREAT, we argued all the time but with passion yk ? Like the hatred ignited a fire and it was great, like adrenaline it was so addictive. But when we were off, we were OFF. It was so bad, we teared each other apart like crazy. Like we dated other people just out of spite and shit. But since like august 2023, we were good and I really thought it would work this time. But then he cheated again (oh bc yeah even tho we were technically dating, i consider it cheating) with one of his ex. I discovered it in march 2023, after i lost someone really close to me and was grieving, i found out he slept at her house more than once. I was too disappointed to say anything so i just blocked him. He still tried to reach out and blamed it on him because I wasn’t giving him enough attention (mind you i was grieving and had a really hard time getting over it)
Then, in july, i saw that he and his ex (with who he cheated on me with and who is his actual gf since i called it off with him) were together in Portugal (our families both immigrated to the same country and even the same part of the country, so we all go back to Portugal during summer). So you can only imagine how devastated I was when I saw that (and especially because getting back together in Portugal was the main thing for us, everytime we were back in our usual lives, that was when things went downhill). Also keep in mind that NO ONE knew about us except my cousin and his bsf, it was his choice but i was okay with it
Anyway, i went to Portugal too and completely ignored him. It was so hard because we have the same group of friends so we spent everyday together. It was the worst like i was so down because i lost the person i was grieving and i lost him (let’s call him T). T was not only the guy im in love with but he was also my best friend in a way. We are the same. So ignoring him like that killed me ngl. I met his new gf and I can’t hate her, she is very sweet and pretty. And she met his family in less than four months while in 5 years never once did I talked to his brother at least. Then his gf left and he stayed in our hometown in Portugal, he tried to make a comeback but i turned it down quick.
A week before he left, he really wanted us to talk so I agreed (I needed a really convo with him about what happened) but i got no answers he simply apologised and said he was dumb and didn’t know why he did that (always the same excuse). But then he hit me with something INSANE like this mf dared tell me that him bringing his gf in Portugal was the best way to sign the end of us and everything we had, he said that we tried and it doesn’t work out no matter how much love there is between us and in a way he did it for us like bro ????? I mean he’s not wrong but my ego took a tool with that
In conclusion, i miss him so bad and it’s eating me alive and idk how to do and i can’t talk to other guys because im sick of men
- 🧘‍♀️
I wish i could give you advice on this but i am also madly in love with a situationship who ruined any chances of future love for me so all i can say is i understand how you feel and im sorry 😭😭😭💔 One day someone else will compare
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destroyabez · 1 year
Ok I posted the fic and now I wanna put some songs that remind me of the other people in the story (mostly about how spider dies and their reactions in song form because I dunno!! Btw these include my headcanons!!!)
!Spoilers for 'a son for a son right?'¡
I absolutely love this song and the dynamic between Norm and Spider, or what I think of it. A little headcanon time but I think Norm never really hated having Spider in the lab. Sure he got into a lot a trouble but that was just a kid being a kid. He actually enjoyed Spiders company a lot of the time and as it says in the song 'Don't you wanna give me time to write another song for you?' I think that it sticks with my headcanon that Norm would make story's or songs up and sing or tell them to Spider because Spider loved hearing them, also because that's how Spider actually first got into science. It was from listening to Norm talk and sing about science. Another part is about the lyrics 'Fucking stupid and I'm gonna kill you' in this I imagined Norm getting upset at Jake, because Jake was supposed to make Spider feel at home. Norm had trusted him with this but here he was. Looking at the dead body of the kid he had told stories too, the kid he had fed and held when he was younger, the kid that always came back to tell him about all the things that happened with the other kids. He is in a fit of rage and tries to attack Jake, with a certain anguish in his eyes that made Jake's heart ache. Next one up is 'So honey close your eyes and stay like your supposed to do' this one is actually the one that comes first but I didn't really put them in order, anygays in this scene is where Norm first gets to the site and he finds Spider there dead, he goes into denial. He says "not yet, he's not dead yet" which is obliviously a lie and everyone is very surprised at Norms reaction because normally Norm is the one to say 'They have passed away' or come to terms with the fact people were dead, sure he would be hurt but never in denial. When Norm 'Says' this, he is referencing the times he had told Spider to stay in the lab or in one place to sleep (or do anything really)
(Fucking clinging onto that ONE scene in which Norm and Spider interacted)
Ok so we already know that Kiri and Spider have a strong connection and I know this song is about romantic love but I just thought it fit Kiri and Spider! (I don't ship then btw!!!) Anyways all of the song feels like it really fits them in this situation, like how Spider had been kidnapped so that stranger part really brings into this because as far as we know this spans over a few months up to a year so imagine that long without talking or even seeing your best friend. You don't know how they have been and if they changed plus on top of that is the fact that your best friend is dying now. You will never know the changes and your can't ask because 'We don't have the time'. That's how Kiri feels.
With these two it was hard to decide but when I heard these lyrics I thought of Neytiri and Spider so here we are. So this was mostly for Neytiri but when I really listen to the song it corresponds with her AND Spiders story. The first time I thought of this was at the first lyric 'Baby shoes:never used' which seems like what? How does that correlate to them? BUT I feel it does because it could symbolize the fact that no one actually ever claimed Spider, he was just a stray so he never got the 'Baby shoes' therefore they were 'never used'. Another one is 'I'm a dick and your around' This one makes me think of her being a little hostile to Spider for just being around (Which is understandable but why Spioder? Btw she is looking back on these memories as she looks at Spiders body) the one before I switch to Spider is 'She once belonged to us but now belongs to the dark' the dark being death. Neytiri thought as Spider as a pest that had to be around, or a doll her kids were attached too. So she thought he belonged to them. Now one that combines them, 'I'm so lonely! Feed me feed me- I'm so angry! Pet me pet me-' this one shows both of them sharing different views on a memory, one with Neytiris view and then Spiders view. Now onto Spiders!!! The first one is 'I am bound and terrified of making sound' this one is about how Spider always had a slight fear of Neytiri. Next one is 'I've got to put a fucking end to all in all' meaning Spider was ok and fine with getting hurt/killed for others (Think Leo from Rottmnt movie). Last one is 'at least I'm safe and you can't hurt me anymore'
Notes: gonna leave this here because I'm really tired, I left out a few lyrics but eh. I'll make another one later
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
what is UP my friend (internet stranger) you (i) came to the right place (your askbox) as i have in fact watched half of the empires s1 series and am making my way through the other half atm! here's v brief analysis off the top of my head from those i Did see:
- gem! WANTS to do good. find it easier to just keep things peaceful around herself and her allies (mainly fwhip and sausage, and also pearl but that's less so i would say). peaceful.. meaning that there's no active fights.. except against xornoth that one time. beyond her relationships with other kingdoms (mostly positive, as she's friends with almost everyone), she has ambitions to grow her own magic and create a school to teach it to others. overall a very "i care about everyone but mostly my allies" character who genuinely tries to do good when she can. side notes: she is twin sister of s1!fwhip, this has canon confirmation iirc; she is good friends with scott despite a few more dramatic s1 events that normally would turn another character against him
- joel. hey man he does not do lore. he mainly builds and it's pretty epic. marries lizzie, can't actually see or hear xornoth mostly so pretends/insists he doesn't exist but in a "you guys are crazy there's no demon" way. honestly that's about it i can't lie .. he's good allies with jimmy but is always making fun of him
- pearl.. i love her. she's literally a girlboss tbh. genuinely so cracked at pvp, 1v1ed a player who was oped for a Long time, v v v cool buildings too. she is very connected to her land and farms, pretty much to the point her soul is bound to it. her strongest relationship is with sausage, and even when he gets corrupted she sticks by him when she can and tries to keep him from Evil evil. kinda sticks to herself a little bit tho, which might be her fatal flaw imo. there's sausage and then there's her kingdom... it's all she has
- jimmy OH my god is SO fun to watch. he's like a bit of a loser but i mean that so affectionately and he has this really fun lore with his cod head?? anyway this guy is just trying to rule his kingdom but he goes so far in gestures that he forgets the meaning of the place i think. he wants to do his best tho despite some people (cough cough fwhip and sausage) antagonising him a lot. lizzie is his sister and joel's his best friend, and tbh things just Happen to this bewildered man. bit silly. big fan.
- katherine!!!!! v soft style lotsa flowers, she collects heads and many find this ominous. in reality she just has a lot of friends and allies. hard worker, tries to keep life alive and fulfill her role, petty when she needs to be but can justify everything she does tbh. cool af imo
- joey ayy this guyyy.. loveeed his pov he just wants to kill people tbh. had an altercation with lizzie and another with katherine and another with the whole damn server. hints of friendship with shrub i think.. she wants him to be better. he was always this evil. he's mostly isolated in terms of allies (besides i Think gem?? a little) but is always Interacting with people yknow? social but in a "not this guy agai- AH FUCK" way. one sided romance with xornoth but if you ask me he always wanted to kill the others so.
okay that's where i am up to hope this helpssss also -> wither rose alliance (fwhip gem sausage) are the best frfr. source: trust me
ty ty! character analysis <333
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✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯≫ Yoon Ji-Su/Cha Hyun-Su
\No Monsters AU/ || TW for Su*cide mention and all
-❀•≫ "I believe Eun-Yoo getting along with Sang-Wook and Jae-Heon is my most out of canon dynamic" AH jokes on me this one is probably close second 💀 but I mean, idc, they really should have been closer, I was so glad seeing they wouldn't be a couple to end up seeing them interact two or three times ?? The scenarists despise me and idk why, let them be friends
-❀•≫ So yeah ! Actually, I think they would get along, but it'd take some time. Like, Ji-Su has a good heart, she's a kind person, but I also noticed she can be quite selfish at times. The death of her boyfriend still weights a LOT on her, and maybe that, at first, she wouldn't help Hyun-Su because she cares, but more as an emotional replacement for her boyfriend : "I CAN save someone this time".
-❀•≫ She'd quickly understand she can't use people like this, because, as I said, she's NOT a bad person, she just didn't realize at first that what she does doesn't help her, or Hyun-Su even. Their friendship started to become more stable and sincere after she realized all of this, and she helped him getting through. She's strong and tend to insist, and even tho he pretty much threw her out at first, she never really gave up on trying to help him, but this time not as a replacement for her boyfriend, but because she knows how hard it is to struggle with depression and genuinely wants to help.
-❀•≫ She was the kind to tell Eun-Yoo to shut the fuck up when she was saying rude things to Hyun-Su, and tried her best to support him. I want to think she was also one of the reason he didn't kill himself, as much as he thought about it he'd feel bad leaving her behind, she was the first person showing some kind of kindness to him for years.
-❀•≫ She's also the one who introduced him to Jae-Heon !
-❀•≫ I genuinely believe they could have the sweetest friendship, going from Ji-Su being rude to him to end up understand him and get closer (THE GUITAR SCENE !!! THE ONLY SCENE EVER FOR REAL) but they didn't focus on it at all sadly 😭 I really hope we'll get more of them next season... Can't believe they started something with the guitar scene + the whole "If I turn into a monster, kill me" to end up doing NOTHING AT ALL. Life is unfair
-❀•≫ Anyway hummm, basically they kinda found in the other something missing, Hyun-Su someone who cares for him, and Ji-Su someone to grow as a person and go through the loss of Hae-Rang
(I know this role was a bit dedicated to Jae-Heon but honestly I don't like their ship that much and I don't like giving him a lover role for Ji-Su, a girl needs close friends and people who support her NOT another lover. So yeah as friends ? I love them SO much, but their ship is :// yeah nah don't like it)
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xoculture · 2 years
HI SANDRA!!!!!!!!
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hes mad here but hes so fine HELP-
He’s the one I feel like id get along with the most
he’s my age, he likes my music and we like the same movies
Miguel loves car dates, just blasting music from the shared playlist, taking a drive, and getting out is so relaxing to him.
he loves to do karaoke too, we just fuck around on the mic (skrrt Sandra let's have karaoke dates ur bf can dedicate an emo song to you)
I feel like we’re the best friend dynamic out of the relationships
thats how it would probably go: friends to lovers
hes like a good guy for serious hes sooo respectful and polite 
pulls up to the pad and if any family is there he makes sure to introduce himself n all that
HIM TEACHING ME KARATE. yeah. its so cute and he like lowkey roasts me like bro please i can barely stand correctly 
going to the arcade so i can beat him at steet fighter
minimal beef with the rest of the bfs but
he does. not. like. Matt.
like, at all.
“You know what sensei would say about him?” “yeah yeah- strike first, strike hard, no mercy his ass.”
he doesn't mind Bill, but he feels like he has to take him (and Ted) in moderation
Out of all the guys, he trusts Bill the most
Miguel prefers to hang out at my house but feels awkward when Eddie is around
especially after he found out Eddie and Matt were best friends
good thing Eddie works when Miguel is done with practice, then he can sneak in without feeling weird
would sooo get along with Jack. I feel like he and Jack would be down to hang out with or without me and his girl (hi sandra)
Miguel loves cuddling but he won't do it in front of the others bf’s, he’ll feel some type of way if one of the guys was shamelessly touching me and acting as if he wasn’t there (EX. Dario, Matt. Bill does it without even realizing he’s doing it- regardless I will not do my lil latino bf dirty)
His arms......... around......... my torso.................... need a seat help
I feel like sex with him would be so natural 
like he wouldn't have much experience, he’d try his best
that sounds so bad nah he does a good job but he doesn't get around is what I mean *crying emoji*
Kind of goofy because it's so light-hearted, i dunno Miguel just gives off "virgins not virgining anymore" vibes idk
i lov him xoxo
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Nah I'm pushing it with this one, cause no one likes him, aside from Gael maybe
u know what tho he hasn’t thought about killing Bill or Miguel
hurting them, maybe, but never kill
they're just stupid teenagers to him, one of my “friends”
*me coming back from hanging out with Bill* “hey, Dario.” “There you are. How’s your little friend? the blonde one you were with.”
Matt and Gael tho? no yeah he has thought about killing them
“I could do it so easily, do you want to hear-?” “I’d rather not hear about how you’d kill my other boyfriends.”
Jealousy? Unsure. He is possessive, period. He doesnt like to share (he can barely tolerate the other guys) so if anyone outside the circle tries to holla at me,,,, yeah no that person will get beat
He has this weird competition thing with Gael. They’re kind of friends but would kill each other over me
Dario is a few years younger than Gael, but is kind of jealous of him in a way, particularly about how affectionate Gael is compared to Dario
he isn’t the softest but he does try his best
He’ll do things with me even if he isn’t interested in them. Unless he feels like he will absolutely hate the activity, he doesn't like to admit he enjoys doing whatever with me
Likes when i’m just lounging on him, he puts a hand right below my chest, or plays with my hands.
Insecure about the amount of affection he gives (or lack thereof), he wasn't used to it in the beginning, but after becoming accustomed to it, he feels like he just doesn't give as much as he gets and it conflicts with him
"Does it bother you that I hold you less than other guys?"
"What do the others give you that I don't?" 
Lowkey a lot of reassurance
Due to Dario doing shady shit in other countries, he’s gone for periods of time
By the time he comes back, its late at night or very early in the morning. he always comes to my place first, not caring about whos there. If I’m not in bed by the time he comes, he’ll give me a really long hug before taking me to the bedroom to rest
If i’m not home, he’ll wait for me
poetic in a way (am I grasping at straws? yes. Dario is MY oc now leave me alone), would tell me about how he’d cut out the heart of every man who’s ever looked at me with lust and give it to me as an offering. yaaaay
aside from those... words of affirmation(?), he’d not super affectionate unless we’re messing around (uknowwhatimsayin)
Dario knows how to treat a girl tho like yessss f*ck me and tell me how’d you kill me
long fingers. need I say more?
When me and Dario bang, he likes to name drop the other guys, especially Gael
“look at you unraveling without permission... Gael’s been spoiling you. Looks like I’ll have to retrain you, hm?” or “He doesn’t make you cry like this, does he?” gay ass why are you thinking about another man's performance during sex
Love my crazy ass man fr
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this absolute fucking loser
like get him out of my sight
but also I wanthispenis so bad
horny. always
me yes but mostly him
I be getting ready for school and Matt will smack my ass like “heeey daisy dukes, wanna skip? spend the day with your incredibly sexy and horny boyfriend?” like yes no sir my education is important... “I can miss first period”
spoils me yup idc he got that hacker money which he spends on those nerdy ass collectables and me 
watching horror movies together except he actually tells me when things are scary and lets me know before hand 
ME NOT LETTING HIM KNOW IM TERRIFIED OF SPECIFICALLY SCREAM AND HIM PUTTING IT ON LIKE “This one’s good. Beginner friendly since you’re a scaredy cat” and me seeing Casey like oh no
thinks most of the apocalyptic movies i watch are boring but watches them with me anyways 
like hes emo and rock but not classic rock because “just cause its old doesnt make it classic. what sucked back then still sucks now” ok controversial kinggg
like he listens to Evanescence, Deftones, Greenday (on occasion), Slipknot etc
and I listen to like don omar, daddy yankee, kesha etc
so we tolerate each others music taste (i like what he listens to more then he likes mine *sobbign*)
theres no smooth transition to this so: when we first started dating he like. had no desire to dance at all and like ok cool and id dance with other guys but SOMETIMES. I WANNA DANCE WITH MY BOYFRIEND. 
and so freddy came in and was like “hey man you gotta dance with your girl” and matt basically said that dancing is stupid and he cant do it and Freddy just looked at him like: are you dumb
basically pushed him into letting me teach him to dance and even tho hes not the best hes more comfortable doing it and actually has a desire to dance with me so <3 
he thinks it's funny to mess with the younger guys. will go out of his way to do so
*Matt, Miguel, and I together for some reason in the car* “hey, this is the song we hooked up to last night-” “Matt- shut the fuck up.” “whaaat, I'm joking, relax.” He's laughing as he watches Miguel try not to scream from the back seat (like Matt is an actual asshole)
Is terrified of Dario but he feels like he has the upper hand since he’s dating me and offers something Dario cant give, therefore he’s safe
Out of all the guys, he’s the least jealous. He feels like he’s the one that holds the most cards, so he isn’t worried about the other guys
Justin Long still exists (cause I said so) and he looks very similar to Matt
*Matt and I cuddling, watching a Justin long movie* “... I’d make out with him.” “C’mon, him? I could beat the shit out of that guy.” 
Eddie hates being around when Matt is home for me
even tho they're besties, Eddie would prefer to not be around to hear the things that go on in my bedroom
Matt..... lord Matt................ sex with matt got me salivating
he takes his time- and no, it's not cause he wants to be romantic or whatever, he takes his time so he can see me cry
loves c*ckwarming he loves it
Sitting on his lap while he plays his stupid nerd games, penis in coochie, he livin the life stayin in there
Or if he’s really stressed he’ll just put it in whatever hole (mouth or cooter) he feels like and leave it in there
he loves fucking when the other guys are around it gives him such an ego boost covering my mouth with his hand and then “oops, hand slipped, hope they didn’t hear” yes you do you asshole
honestly he thinks trying to cover up noises is more erotic than letting others hear
LOVES TO RECORD US TOO. all of it is locked up securely but “look at you, so fucking desperate... show your other boyfriends how braindead you are for me.” He does, however, send the more tame videos to the other guys. “You know I couldn't not send them that video, who am I to withhold art from them?” asshole
FIRST TIME: We where having sex and it was like, vanilla, unintentionally super romantic (surprising, i know), and while im there... bouncing on his PENIS. HE SAYS IT
“Fuck, holy shit- I love you, so much.” All broken moan yeah this is explicitly horny but idc I LOVE HIM
Never brought it up after he said it, but the SECOND TIME: 
aside from sex tho he’s genuinely so affectionate. He’ll lay in my lap, cuddle on the couch, sit me in his lap while hes doing his computer stuff, tangle himself into me in whoever's bed, he needs some sort of physical contact or else he cannot function
“babebabebabe, just stay here a little longer.” “Eddie’s gonna walk in soon.” “I’ll take the lecture, just let me hold you for a bit.”
PDA is the same too he needs to feel me or else he’ll be irritating
sobbing so hard and like he GOT AN IPOD because he wanted to have a thing with me 
“hey i got this can you help me out with it?” LIKE KNOWING DAMN WELL HE DOESNT NEED ANY HELP FROM ME
and like i jail break it for him and like show him themes n shit 
and he finds it so tedious to get music so hes like “hey do you mind downloading music? It’s such a pain in the ass” and im like “YES I LOVE YOU.” and i download shit for him bc i love him and i love downloading music and i come back and he’s like “you’re the best i love u” 
an actual baby
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“C’mon xolo, this is barely music- let me put something of culture on, like Van Halen!” (i tried shut up)
lets me paints his nails love that for us
wears more when he realizes it makes me drool
I feel like him and Miguel really bond over music. Miguel is super into rock of the 80′s so at least they got each other a little
hiii sandra u already KNOW how awesome the double dates are SKRRRT 
He’s stubborn. thats it.
imma be real wit you i have MINIMAL head canons cause idk *crying emoji* its hard writing for him 
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everything is in spanish, he shit talks the other guys in spanish and only Miguel and Dario knows what hes saying
“Puedo ver al ecuatoriano, pero ¿ese güero? ¿en serio?” “yes, so be nice” (he thinks bill is so annoying)
literally the most gentleman ever
opens car doors for me, insists on paying for everything etc. He grew up in the “ men always provide” enviorment
He loves spending time with me which is hard since i have to juggle 5 other babies
aka hes a lil needy but also is an adult so. he gets that i need space
he is a little crazy like its in him you just gotta trigger it... 
Dario triggers it
fucking hates dario but theyre like frenemies i swear.
“No sabía que estabas con Xolo.” / “No necesitabas saber.” (the passive aggressiveness between these two i swear)
Gael loves hugs so much he can do it for hours
He also loves dancing. mans is a romantic, he will dim the room lights, play some Pepe Aguilar and pull me into him
we listen to a lot of spanish music, loves singing Alejandro Fernandez’ heartbroken boleros to me as we clean either of our houses
“si alguna vez me dejas, nunca me recuperaré.”
Out of everyone, we fight the most
He feels like more of an adult compared to everyone else, so he thinks hes the most mature
when in reality hes just as stupid as everyone else
its so bad
its slightly okay from anyone within the circle but anyone outside the circle? yeah no he becomes homicidal
*guy tryna holla at me in a club* “what’s a pretty little thing like you doing here all by yourself?” “She’s not by herself.”
Tiny compared to the other adults, same height as Bill (5′7) and one inch shorter then Miguel. It infuriates him
Hes so pretty i could stare at him for HOURS...
ok..... ok i think im done 
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