#these disks are so hard to rid of dust and hair and for what??
rigels-nigels · 9 months
I am now a vinyl hater
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missimofficial · 6 years
TS4 Galaxy Legacy Challenge
Hello everyone, as promised, I present to you the new challenge I created. It’s based on ten of the galaxies within the universe with plenty of opportunity to mould it to something you will enjoy. I particularly like the tenth generation. I hope you enjoy it! I also have a PDF version of the rules. The hashtag is #galaxylegacychallenge Please tag me @missim-you-official-cc-finds or @missim-you-official so I can see.
PDF Download
The Idea
We all live in this beautiful world and it’s the same for the Sims, too. But what is beyond that beautiful night sky? Beyond the alien planet that many have claimed to have visited? Do you have a fascination with space and time? Inspired by the zodiac? This is the perfect challenge then!
The galaxies around the one within which we live are vast and glorious, but I haven’t got much knowledge about them. This is as much to learn about space as it is to have insanely fun Sims challenges. There will be ten heirs in total. There are numerous galaxies beyond those mentioned in this challenge, so you can expand your challenge if you wish.
Use the colours of the galaxies to set a colour scheme for each heir in CAS or use it more as a metaphorical approach for their traits, romantic interests or décor within their homes. It’s up to your own interpretation of how you see the galaxies.
For the sake of this challenge, I will be creating my own colour schemes, trait lists and ideal career paths, but you can edit them to your own hearts’ content.
Start your game with only a starter budget for your Sims.
No money cheats are allowed.
You may use MC Command Centre.
You can use custom content.
Spouses can be anyone, within reason or otherwise noted.
Play on a normal lifespan.
Elements like traits, colour schemes, ideal careers etc. are only a guide. You may edit them if you wish.
Name your characters whatever you wish.
Works best if your characters remain either alien or human rather than vampires. Optional.
If you undertake the challenge I would love to see it. Share your gameplay on tumblr under #galaxylegacychallenge so I can check it out. I will include my gameplay at @missim-you-official.
Inspired By
This challenge is one that has been stuck in my head for a while, but I never really got around to it because of study getting in the way. These are just some fun challenges I like that helped inspire me to work on my own challenge.
Star Signs Legacy (Zodiac) by Lifesimmerfan22.
Not So Berry Legacy by Lilsimsie.
Planet Legacy by Oxkenstead, Grnitefalls & Simbee.
Generation One: Milky Way
Interesting Facts
We live here.
It contains more than 200 billion stars and capable of billions more.
It is a barred spiral type of galaxy.
It is 13.6 billion years old.
There is at least one supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A (which contains mass equivalent to 4.3 million suns) in the galactic centre, at a distance of 26,000 light years from Earth.
It grows by merging other galaxies, currently the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal and material from the Magellanic Clouds.
The diameter is 100,000 ly.
The distance is 0 ly (because we’re here).
You grew up nurturing plants and learning how to garden with your grandmother, so you have a very familial-oriented perspective in life. You were a clingy toddler and now that you’ve grown up, you have a strong commitment to a work-life balance. You always wanted children and would love to have a set of twins someday. You’ve worked hard, and you can finally afford that starter home you’ve dreamed of.
Family oriented.
Super parent.
Master parenting, cooking, handiness and gardening skills.
Have a successful marriage. (This doesn’t mean you have to stay with the first person you meet, either. Have 8 failed marriages before you meet “the one” if you want).
Develop a great relationship with your loved ones.
Master the doctor career.
Generation Two: LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud)
Interesting Facts
It is known as the Satellite Galaxy.
When the clouds of gas collapse and create new stars, they light up the gasses and result in beautiful displays of vibrant colour.
The diameter is 14,000 ly.
The distance is 158,000 ly.
It is the third-closest galaxy to the Milky Way.
Your mother/father/other taught you everything you know, and you grew up nurtured in the best way that your parents could. Now people are simply drawn to you, your fun-loving nature and love for all. You don’t want the same 9-5 work that your parents had, so you aspire to follow your creative nature. Your passion can be misconstrued as arrogance; however, people want to be around you regardless.
Dance machine.
Painter/Entertainer. Optional.
Master painting, singing & musical instrument skills.
Find “the one” later in life.
Run a karaoke club.
Collect all the MySims trophies.
Complete the painter or entertainer careers.
Generation Three: Andromeda
Interesting Facts
The diameter is 220,000 ly.
The distance is 2,500,000 ly.
Andromeda and Milky Way will eventually clash in 5 billion years.
It is a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way.
Contains a bulge of matter in the middle with a disk of gas, dust and stars with an immense halo.
It contains approximately a trillion stars as opposed to the half a billion in the Milky Way, though contains less dark matter, which makes it less massive.
Taking after your parents, you grow up being a natural magnet for people around you, but you don’t like the level of commitment that comes with it. You’re a free spirit with a love for space and science, and you live a minimalist lifestyle, only having things you need. You’re close with your grandparents and collect elements to study at your home laboratory.
Serial Romantic.
Complete the crystals, metals and elements collections.
Discover the alien planet Sixam.
Complete the scientist career path.
Complete the serial romantic aspiration.
Have a child with your second partner.
Generation Four: M82
Interesting Facts
It is 37,000 ly in diameter.
It is 11,500,000 ly in distance.
Also known as the Cigar Galaxy.
It is forming stars 10 times faster than normal galaxies.
It was originally believed to be an irregular galaxy but is a spiral galaxy side-on.
Eventually the gasses will no longer be plentiful and in tens of millions of years into the future, it will dwindle to a halt.
There is a mystery body of material within the centre that goes unknown as to what it actually is to this day.
You’re the life of the party, creative and bright. You love decorating in bright colours and dying your hair to whatever, depending on how you feel. Tattoos are a huge part of your life, with a fun experience or important meaning to you behind each one. You enjoy visiting festivals and live a life jumping from house to house, town to town.
Party animal.
Master painting and athletic skills.
Own a successful art store.
Decorate your child’s room with your artworks.
Complete the party animal aspiration.
Move house at least four times.
Generation Five: M101
Interesting Facts
It is 170,000 ly in diameter.
It is 20,870,000 ly in distance.
It is otherwise known as the Pinwheel Galaxy.
You can find it in the constellation Ursa Major in the Northern Hemisphere.
It is 70% larger than the Milky Way.
The light you see of it through a telescope has travelled for 21 million years, longer than human kind has existed.
There are at least 1 trillion stars within it.
Its total mass equates to 100 billion solar masses.
You were born into a household of bright colours and patterns that your parents loved. Your consistent moving from town to town meant it was difficult to find friends, and you enjoy solitude above all else. You find it difficult to form romantic relationships especially, and now that you’ve moved out of home you want to settle into a stable home, career and be rid of the noisy colour palette. You still enjoy some pops of colour and love computer games.
Computer whiz.
Tech guru.
Master video gaming, programming, logic and handiness skills.
Adopt two pets.
Master tech guru career.
Reach best friend status with one other non-related sim (do not count pets).
Generation Six: M104
Interesting Facts
It is otherwise known as the Sombrero Galaxy.
It has a white, bulbous core surrounded by thick dust lanes.
It is considered to have a black hole at the centre of the galaxy.
It has 10x more than the number of globular clusters than the Milky Way.
It is 50,000 ly in diameter.
It is 29,350,000 ly in distance.
Like your parents, you enjoy muted colours and can’t quite shake the gloomy feeling around you from the solitude of your childhood. However, you enjoy the more expensive things in life and this leads you down a bumpy path. You think that parenthood is overrated and would rather hire people to do those menial tasks for you.
Fabulously Wealthy.
Business/Criminal Optional.
Master the business or criminal career paths.
Master the fabulously wealthy aspiration.
If in the business career path, master logic and charisma skills.
If in the criminal career path, master mischief, programming and handiness skills.
Hire a nanny and/or butler full time when you reach a high enough income.
Generation Seven: M51
Interesting Facts
It is otherwise known as the Whirlpool Galaxy.
It is 60,000 ly in diameter.
It is 30,000,000 ly in distance.
It contains infrared light, hydrogen and a number of young and old stars.
You were never very close with your parents but never lacked the finer things in life. You’re fascinated by smaller spaces and always wanted to live in a tiny house or apartment surrounded by books. You want to become a famous author and enjoy going to book club with your friends. Your childhood involved spending long hours with your imaginary friends, and now you want to share your stories with the world. Your nanny used to read you to sleep as a child, and you look forward to the day that you get signed by a major publishing house. You also enjoy writing to your friends and decorating your walls with photographs and postcards.
Bestselling author.
Master charisma, photography, wellness and writing skills.
Complete the postcard collection.
Complete the bestselling author aspiration.
Complete the writer career.
Move into a tiny house or apartment.
Generation Eight: NGC 1300
Interesting Facts
It is known as a barred spiral galaxy, where the arms do no spiral all the way into the centre but connect to two ends of a straight bar that contains a nucleus within the centre.
It is 110,000 ly in diameter.
It is 61,000,000 ly in distance.
You were very close with your parents growing up and adopted the importance of caring for your wellbeing from them at a very young age. Like them, you have a raging imagination that they nurtured as you grew. They encouraged you to try many pursuits, your favourite being music. You want to embark on a journey as a musician, and you’re encouraged by the voices in your head. You often frequent karaoke nights and want to have an at-home music studio.
Dance machine.
Musical genius.
Master the wellness, singing, guitar, piano and DJ skills.
Master the musical genius aspiration.
Master the entertainer career.
Build an at-home music studio as you progress.
Start a karaoke club.
Marry a musician.
Generation Nine: Tadpole Galaxy
Interesting Facts
It is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy.
It is located within the constellation Draco.
It was disrupted by another galaxy 100 million years ago which created the tadpole-like shape.
The stars in Arp 188 are at least a million times bright and 10x hotter than our sun.
It is 280,000 ly in diameter including the tail.
It is 420,000,000 ly in distance.
You were close with both your parents and your grandparents as you grew up and you took inspiration from their dedication to their wellness. As a result, you dappled in gardening and creating beautiful spaces, but you have a quick to emotion response in life that often results in you being worked up. You combat part of this through caring for animals which led to the perfect career for you as a vet.
Freelance botanist.
Master the vet, pet training, gardening and wellness skills.
Care for your parents until they pass away.
Have 3 pets (doesn’t have to be all at once).
Run a successful vet clinic.
Collect all fish & frog types.
Have a garden.
Generation Ten: Hoag’s Object
Interesting Facts
It is a ring galaxy named after Arthur Hoag.
It is located within the constellation Serpens Caput.
It is unique and was mistaken for matter from dying, old stars.
It is 100,000 ly in diameter.
It is 600,000,000 ly in distance.
You couldn’t imagine caring for others like how your parents do. You’re completely self-absorbed and you don’t care. You enjoy the meaner things in life and thrive off the considerable wealth you were handed from your deceased ancestors simply for existing. You’re a city slicker, with emphasis on the slick.
However, an issue with the botched paperwork from your deceased great-great-great-great grandparents in collaboration with the Landgrabs has come into the limelight and stripped you of all your wealth. Now it is your time to either make or break your way in life.
Mansion baron.
Lose all your wealth.
Start from homelessness.
Move to the city once you earn enough.
Aim to live in the most expensive apartment.
Master at least 4 skills and a career path.
30 notes · View notes
Science of House Cleaning
Have you ever thought of how often you need to clean the minor segments of the house that form the base of house cleanings like fridge cleaning from inside and out, scrubbing the bathtub, wiping floors of the balcony and deep cleaning of the microwave? No issue, this blog will turn out to be a helpful guide for you.
Most of the scientific researches as per mentioned in the article written by Sophie Miura, suggested you need to perform these house cleaning chores more often than we think.
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Most of us often prefer to clean toilets more often than tubs. Then surely consider this: it is the typical bathtub harbors are more prone to microbes which can lead to skin infections and allergies.  So big question is how often to get it cleaned? So, the answer lies in your activity of toilet cleaning. This means, if you cleaning your toilet, do clean your bathtub so as to attain ultimate cleanliness of your bathroom and protect yourself from any health issues.
Done with the query of the bathroom, now moving next to the kitchen. The salad drawer present in your fridge holds 700 times more microbes than the safe level of their presence. So, again the question is how often to clean them so as to be safe and healthy? Well, the experts of Manmachine recommends to clean your refrigerator’s interiors at least every 15 days and if you are jam-packed in your routine of home-office-home routine, then you can add this to your monthly house cleaning routine. Now, what about the microwave? The platter present in the microwave are ripe for the growth of microbes and in fact, it is one of the best places for them to increase their population. So, we recommend you to get it cleaned once every month. Kitchen has the dirtiest corners and sections and most commonly used ones are filthiest one. Kitchen countertops need to be cleaned more frequents especially the areas around the sink. The best way of keeping counters cleaning is wiping it off after every usage. Change sponges and washing clothes on a weekly basis.
Hacks that will bring ease to your House Cleaning:
It is very easy to lose the battle of house cleaning when you have a dirty home and less time. There exist many different sorts of surfaces for keeping the home clean, keep all sort of messes far from your home. House cleaning is sort of obsessiveness for many of homemakers so they keep on looking for hacks that can act as helping hand for them.
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Here are few of the best of house cleaning hacks which you can enjoy:
·         Use lemons for sanitizing the garbage disposal:
To sanitize the garbage disposal, you can use frozen vinegar cubes with small pieces of lemon. This frozen cubes of vinegar and lemon will work better and will even bring freshness to your kitchen.
·         Use vinegar and baking soda for unclogging the sink:
If you have clogging issue with your kitchen sink or even washroom and hampering your house cleaning then you can surely use vinegar and baking soda and get sink unclogged.
·         Deep clean inside the dishwasher:
House cleaning is a big task of small cleaning sections and getting dishwasher cleaned is even its part. Let me tell you that your dishwasher to needs to be cleaned. Using a simple cleaning method will remove all of the gunk and dirt which is lurking inside the dishwasher.
·         Borax will clean almost everything:
Borax is a useful cleaning supply you can opt for your house cleaning purpose. There are various ways you can use borax so keep your home clean and fresh.
·         Prepare your own solution for carpet cleaning:
There are thousands of brands selling their products for cleaning your carpet but if it is homemade, it is best. Always prefer to prepare your own cleaning solution as they will be more effective, no side effects and for sure it will be way cheaper.
·         Garbage Deodorize:
When you are cleaning everything and keeping every detail in mind, don’t settle for the bad odor garbage can. The best way to resolve bad odor issue, you can use some of the homemade deodorizing disks.
·         Combs and hairbrushes cleaning:
When mopping the floor as part of house cleaning, you come across the hair. So, if the floor has a good amount of fallen hair then think of the condition of your comb. So, on a regular basis, you need to get your comb cleaned. In just a few minutes, you can get your comb completely cleaned by removing dead skin, hair and other build ups.
·         Sanitizing the cutting boards:
It is very important to maintain the cleanliness of cutting board as it is frequently used. Irrespective of what it is made of, you need to sanitize the board so as to avoid any sort of health issue.
·         Get the Crusty gunk off the oven racks:
Just use some dryer sheets so as to get rid of crusted gunk layered over the oven racks.
·         Steam away carpet stains:
You can simply get your carpet cleaned using a bit of ammonia and iron for removing the toughest carpet or other upholstery stains.
·         Cleaning stove burner pans:
Cleaning burner pans mean you need to go for hard scrubbing. But you must be aware that cleaning stove burner is quite easy and you don’t need to scrub hard.
·         Bring shine to microfiber couch:
Regular wear and tear of the microfiber couches and chairs which makes them look dirty. But a bit of alcohol rubbing and slow scrubbing brush will help you in making them look nice as new.
·         Simple tricks for cleaning the ceiling fans:
If you have an old pillowcase in hand, you need to clean all the ceiling fan blades with comfort. It's instant, and along with this, you won’t have any dirt and dust flying around.
·         Remove dishes scratches:
White and black dishes lose their look after frequently used. The scratches of knife, fork, and spoons hamper the shine of the plate. There are available cleaners which bring back the lost shine of the plates and other dishes and makes them appear brand new.
For more house cleaning hacks, Manmachine solutions are there. Hacks are life and for every house cleaning chore, there are simple and easy to follow hacks. Do contact us to get your house professionally cleaned @
0 notes
missimccfinds · 6 years
TS4 Galaxy Legacy Challenge
Hello everyone, as promised, I present to you the new challenge I created. It’s based on ten of the galaxies within the universe with plenty of opportunity to mould it to something you will enjoy. I particularly like the tenth generation. I hope you enjoy it! I also have a PDF version of the rules. The hashtag is #galaxylegacychallenge Please tag me @missim-you-official-cc-finds or @missim-you-official so I can see.
PDF Download
The Idea
We all live in this beautiful world and it’s the same for the Sims, too. But what is beyond that beautiful night sky? Beyond the alien planet that many have claimed to have visited? Do you have a fascination with space and time? Inspired by the zodiac? This is the perfect challenge then!
The galaxies around the one within which we live are vast and glorious, but I haven’t got much knowledge about them. This is as much to learn about space as it is to have insanely fun Sims challenges. There will be ten heirs in total. There are numerous galaxies beyond those mentioned in this challenge, so you can expand your challenge if you wish.
Use the colours of the galaxies to set a colour scheme for each heir in CAS or use it more as a metaphorical approach for their traits, romantic interests or décor within their homes. It’s up to your own interpretation of how you see the galaxies.
For the sake of this challenge, I will be creating my own colour schemes, trait lists and ideal career paths, but you can edit them to your own hearts’ content.
Start your game with only a starter budget for your Sims.
No money cheats are allowed.
You may use MC Command Centre.
You can use custom content.
Spouses can be anyone, within reason or otherwise noted.
Play on a normal lifespan.
Elements like traits, colour schemes, ideal careers etc. are only a guide. You may edit them if you wish.
Name your characters whatever you wish.
Works best if your characters remain either alien or human rather than vampires. Optional.
If you undertake the challenge I would love to see it. Share your gameplay on tumblr under #galaxylegacychallenge so I can check it out. I will include my gameplay at @missim-you-official.
Inspired By
This challenge is one that has been stuck in my head for a while, but I never really got around to it because of study getting in the way. These are just some fun challenges I like that helped inspire me to work on my own challenge.
Star Signs Legacy (Zodiac) by Lifesimmerfan22.
Not So Berry Legacy by Lilsimsie.
Planet Legacy by Oxkenstead, Grnitefalls & Simbee.
Generation One: Milky Way
Interesting Facts
We live here.
It contains more than 200 billion stars and capable of billions more.
It is a barred spiral type of galaxy.
It is 13.6 billion years old.
There is at least one supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A (which contains mass equivalent to 4.3 million suns) in the galactic centre, at a distance of 26,000 light years from Earth.
It grows by merging other galaxies, currently the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal and material from the Magellanic Clouds.
The diameter is 100,000 ly.
The distance is 0 ly (because we’re here).
You grew up nurturing plants and learning how to garden with your grandmother, so you have a very familial-oriented perspective in life. You were a clingy toddler and now that you’ve grown up, you have a strong commitment to a work-life balance. You always wanted children and would love to have a set of twins someday. You’ve worked hard, and you can finally afford that starter home you’ve dreamed of.
Family oriented.
Super parent.
Master parenting, cooking, handiness and gardening skills.
Have a successful marriage. (This doesn’t mean you have to stay with the first person you meet, either. Have 8 failed marriages before you meet “the one” if you want).
Develop a great relationship with your loved ones.
Master the doctor career.
Generation Two: LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud)
Interesting Facts
It is known as the Satellite Galaxy.
When the clouds of gas collapse and create new stars, they light up the gasses and result in beautiful displays of vibrant colour.
The diameter is 14,000 ly.
The distance is 158,000 ly.
It is the third-closest galaxy to the Milky Way.
Your mother/father/other taught you everything you know, and you grew up nurtured in the best way that your parents could. Now people are simply drawn to you, your fun-loving nature and love for all. You don’t want the same 9-5 work that your parents had, so you aspire to follow your creative nature. Your passion can be misconstrued as arrogance; however, people want to be around you regardless.
Dance machine.
Painter/Entertainer. Optional.
Master painting, singing & musical instrument skills.
Find “the one” later in life.
Run a karaoke club.
Collect all the MySims trophies.
Complete the painter or entertainer careers.
Generation Three: Andromeda
Interesting Facts
The diameter is 220,000 ly.
The distance is 2,500,000 ly.
Andromeda and Milky Way will eventually clash in 5 billion years.
It is a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way.
Contains a bulge of matter in the middle with a disk of gas, dust and stars with an immense halo.
It contains approximately a trillion stars as opposed to the half a billion in the Milky Way, though contains less dark matter, which makes it less massive.
Taking after your parents, you grow up being a natural magnet for people around you, but you don’t like the level of commitment that comes with it. You’re a free spirit with a love for space and science, and you live a minimalist lifestyle, only having things you need. You’re close with your grandparents and collect elements to study at your home laboratory.
Serial Romantic.
Complete the crystals, metals and elements collections.
Discover the alien planet Sixam.
Complete the scientist career path.
Complete the serial romantic aspiration.
Have a child with your second partner.
Generation Four: M82
Interesting Facts
It is 37,000 ly in diameter.
It is 11,500,000 ly in distance.
Also known as the Cigar Galaxy.
It is forming stars 10 times faster than normal galaxies.
It was originally believed to be an irregular galaxy but is a spiral galaxy side-on.
Eventually the gasses will no longer be plentiful and in tens of millions of years into the future, it will dwindle to a halt.
There is a mystery body of material within the centre that goes unknown as to what it actually is to this day.
You’re the life of the party, creative and bright. You love decorating in bright colours and dying your hair to whatever, depending on how you feel. Tattoos are a huge part of your life, with a fun experience or important meaning to you behind each one. You enjoy visiting festivals and live a life jumping from house to house, town to town.
Party animal.
Master painting and athletic skills.
Own a successful art store.
Decorate your child’s room with your artworks.
Complete the party animal aspiration.
Move house at least four times.
Generation Five: M101
Interesting Facts
It is 170,000 ly in diameter.
It is 20,870,000 ly in distance.
It is otherwise known as the Pinwheel Galaxy.
You can find it in the constellation Ursa Major in the Northern Hemisphere.
It is 70% larger than the Milky Way.
The light you see of it through a telescope has travelled for 21 million years, longer than human kind has existed.
There are at least 1 trillion stars within it.
Its total mass equates to 100 billion solar masses.
You were born into a household of bright colours and patterns that your parents loved. Your consistent moving from town to town meant it was difficult to find friends, and you enjoy solitude above all else. You find it difficult to form romantic relationships especially, and now that you’ve moved out of home you want to settle into a stable home, career and be rid of the noisy colour palette. You still enjoy some pops of colour and love computer games.
Computer whiz.
Tech guru.
Master video gaming, programming, logic and handiness skills.
Adopt two pets.
Master tech guru career.
Reach best friend status with one other non-related sim (do not count pets).
Generation Six: M104
Interesting Facts
It is otherwise known as the Sombrero Galaxy.
It has a white, bulbous core surrounded by thick dust lanes.
It is considered to have a black hole at the centre of the galaxy.
It has 10x more than the number of globular clusters than the Milky Way.
It is 50,000 ly in diameter.
It is 29,350,000 ly in distance.
Like your parents, you enjoy muted colours and can’t quite shake the gloomy feeling around you from the solitude of your childhood. However, you enjoy the more expensive things in life and this leads you down a bumpy path. You think that parenthood is overrated and would rather hire people to do those menial tasks for you.
Fabulously Wealthy.
Business/Criminal Optional.
Master the business or criminal career paths.
Master the fabulously wealthy aspiration.
If in the business career path, master logic and charisma skills.
If in the criminal career path, master mischief, programming and handiness skills.
Hire a nanny and/or butler full time when you reach a high enough income.
Generation Seven: M51
Interesting Facts
It is otherwise known as the Whirlpool Galaxy.
It is 60,000 ly in diameter.
It is 30,000,000 ly in distance.
It contains infrared light, hydrogen and a number of young and old stars.
You were never very close with your parents but never lacked the finer things in life. You’re fascinated by smaller spaces and always wanted to live in a tiny house or apartment surrounded by books. You want to become a famous author and enjoy going to book club with your friends. Your childhood involved spending long hours with your imaginary friends, and now you want to share your stories with the world. Your nanny used to read you to sleep as a child, and you look forward to the day that you get signed by a major publishing house. You also enjoy writing to your friends and decorating your walls with photographs and postcards.
Bestselling author.
Master charisma, photography, wellness and writing skills.
Complete the postcard collection.
Complete the bestselling author aspiration.
Complete the writer career.
Move into a tiny house or apartment.
Generation Eight: NGC 1300
Interesting Facts
It is known as a barred spiral galaxy, where the arms do no spiral all the way into the centre but connect to two ends of a straight bar that contains a nucleus within the centre.
It is 110,000 ly in diameter.
It is 61,000,000 ly in distance.
You were very close with your parents growing up and adopted the importance of caring for your wellbeing from them at a very young age. Like them, you have a raging imagination that they nurtured as you grew. They encouraged you to try many pursuits, your favourite being music. You want to embark on a journey as a musician, and you’re encouraged by the voices in your head. You often frequent karaoke nights and want to have an at-home music studio.
Dance machine.
Musical genius.
Master the wellness, singing, guitar, piano and DJ skills.
Master the musical genius aspiration.
Master the entertainer career.
Build an at-home music studio as you progress.
Start a karaoke club.
Marry a musician.
Generation Nine: Tadpole Galaxy
Interesting Facts
It is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy.
It is located within the constellation Draco.
It was disrupted by another galaxy 100 million years ago which created the tadpole-like shape.
The stars in Arp 188 are at least a million times bright and 10x hotter than our sun.
It is 280,000 ly in diameter including the tail.
It is 420,000,000 ly in distance.
You were close with both your parents and your grandparents as you grew up and you took inspiration from their dedication to their wellness. As a result, you dappled in gardening and creating beautiful spaces, but you have a quick to emotion response in life that often results in you being worked up. You combat part of this through caring for animals which led to the perfect career for you as a vet.
Freelance botanist.
Master the vet, pet training, gardening and wellness skills.
Care for your parents until they pass away.
Have 3 pets (doesn’t have to be all at once).
Run a successful vet clinic.
Collect all fish & frog types.
Have a garden.
Generation Ten: Hoag’s Object
Interesting Facts
It is a ring galaxy named after Arthur Hoag.
It is located within the constellation Serpens Caput.
It is unique and was mistaken for matter from dying, old stars.
It is 100,000 ly in diameter.
It is 600,000,000 ly in distance.
You couldn’t imagine caring for others like how your parents do. You’re completely self-absorbed and you don’t care. You enjoy the meaner things in life and thrive off the considerable wealth you were handed from your deceased ancestors simply for existing. You’re a city slicker, with emphasis on the slick.
However, an issue with the botched paperwork from your deceased great-great-great-great grandparents in collaboration with the Landgrabs has come into the limelight and stripped you of all your wealth. Now it is your time to either make or break your way in life.
Mansion baron.
Lose all your wealth.
Start from homelessness.
Move to the city once you earn enough.
Aim to live in the most expensive apartment.
Master at least 4 skills and a career path.
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ideadigezt · 7 years
Taking care of your PC is very important to keep it running at its optimum performance. One of the things you have to regularly do in order to maintain your PC’s eligibility is conducting a computer clean up. This can either mean digitally or physically. Digitally, you have to free up disk space in your PC, not just to have more space for future files, but also for giving your computer some extra space for valuable system resources and memory. Physically, conducting an actual clean-up will allow your computer to breathe easier and smoother, and to heat up less by allowing efficient air circulation. By doing both, you’re speeding up your computer, keeping it running optimally, and prolonging its life. As a computer user, it is your responsibility to know even the simplest ways to clean your computer. Here are five tips for cleaning up your PC.
Tip #1: Disk Cleanup
Perhaps the easiest way you can clean up unnecessary files is by running the Windows utility “Disk Cleanup.” The tool is very simple to use and it quickly does everything for you. It deletes stuff you no longer need such as temporary and cache files with just a click of the button so you can free up space in your hard drive.
You’ll find the tool in Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools or you can search for it in the search bar. Once Disk Cleanup opens up, choose which drive you want to free up some space in, check or uncheck the files you want to include in the cleanup then click “OK.” Click on “Clean up system files” to get admin access and delete even more files, and to get “More Options” for freeing up valuable disk space.
Image from I Luv Linux
Tip #2: Uninstall Programs
There are many programs and apps in your computer that take up a lot of space. Uninstall those you don’t use or those you didn’t even know was there. Be careful though, some programs you don’t know of may actually be of great importance to your PC so try to find out what the program is before uninstalling it.
Windows has its own tool for uninstalling programs which you can find in Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program or by searching for it in the search bar. The tool shows you how much space the program takes up, but it’s not always accurate because of other trace files. Click on the program then click Uninstall to delete it. The Windows tool won’t always get rid of all traces of a program though so consider using a third party tool.
Tip #3: Remove Programs From Launch
You might have already noticed that some programs immediately start up once you turn on your PC. These programs slow down your PC start-up so you’re better off getting rid of them. Don’t worry, you won’t be removing the program, it just won’t launch immediately from launch.
For Windows 7, type Win+R then go to msconfig > System Configuration > Startup and uncheck those you don’t need during launch. For Windows 8, you’ll find the Startup option in the Task Manager.
Tip #4: Defrag
Defragmenting your drive will boost the speed of your PC especially after you’ve deleted or moved files one too many times. Your PC usually does it for you but you may still see some fragmentation on your drive.
You can find Window’s defrag tool from All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter or by searching for it in the search box. Click on the drive you want to defrag then click “Optimize.”
Tip #5: Physical Cleanup
Physically cleaning up your computer is very important because all of those dirt, dust, and hair that gets trapped and accumulates on the inside of your PC’s system will prevent heat from escaping and discourage proper ventilation. This will not only slow down your PC but it may cause the PC to cook itself up from all the trapped heat.
To clean up your computer, use canned air to blow away all the accumulated dirt and dust. Although it may be tempting to use a vacuum instead for a more thorough clean-up, don’t because static electricity from the vacuum may damage the delicate electronic components of your PC.
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