#therell be stuff to work on but still!
doing my first like official poetry reading, where i'm on the bill and it's not an open mic or a school thing, and my boyfriend and two best friends are out of town, it's another best friend's birthday so tbd if she'll be able to make it, and it's st pattys day so a lot of other friends may have plans!! i so don't want to do this without some crowd support :/
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caramelpenguin · 3 days
What do you think Wille and Simon fight / disagree about the most post-s3? Of course assuming they always talk it out after <3
woahhh okkk sooo
class differences. like in s3 ep 2, wille still needs to learn how to exist outside of royalty, and i imagine therell be arguments over this. but a part of me also thinks, as wille plans to abdicate, simon might be softer on him? as he's no longer a prince? if that makes sense?
linking to that, maybe the usage of money
im not entirely sure how abdication works and what exactly happens to wille afterwards, but there might be disagreements about work/ jobs
disagreements abt how social media is handled (but this gets better with time)
probably disagreements abt kristina - ik she apologised at the end but that doesnt mean she wont continue to fuck up. but as wille chose something for himself at the end, i dont think these disagreements will be as bad as they could have been.
theyd disagree over small stuff like who fell for the other first, or when theyre first official date was, and when their anniversary is. the general coupley stuff hehehe !
thanks for the ask anon <3
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riftwalker-limbro · 4 months
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@chronicler-of-narrative a quick recap for you, myself, and anyone else, since it HAS been a while since i worked on this and this became more than a simple reply lmao
so in the beginning there was kelth. and i wanted to write a cute story of the operator and ordis becoming Proper Friends. and along the way because i am a chronic limbo main i shoved a limbo OC in there too. and eventually this limbo oc gave himself a wife, a husband, and main character syndrome, so i wrote out a prologue as to how they all met while they were still human!
the original version is here but i didn't like certain elements of it (i wrote its outline and the whole thing within 24 hours somehow. it was fun!!! but then you have a week and more to think about it and you start going Hm) so i'm rewriting it!! (VINCE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A HUMAN NAME AT THIS POINT WHICH IS WHY IT'S NEVER EVEN MENTIONED) (jay isn't exactly his warframe-equivalent deadname. it's complicated)
my plan for releasing stuff is to finish Connection (kelth & ordis), then have the Prologue (jay, verica, pule) ready to go and release parts regularly, while i write Collective (merging of the gangs to ordis' great despair about the quarters space aboard the orbiter. therell be so much angst it'll be great) and have the first part of that ready to go by the time the prologue release schedule ends for Maximum Emotional Damage
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salt-volk · 2 years
event prediction fun game!
HEY yall lets make event predictions n see who gets closest when it actualy comes out!!! a lil more light hearted stuff to post along all the drama
heres mine:
the new mini town will be some sort of forest theme maybe with a rock cliff aesthetic too
new npc will have red hair or black hair n will be male or gender neutral
npc name will start with a D or maybe an S
they will be possibly be an animal person since lots of event npcs have been humany up to now, n maybe a bird person bc there havent been many of those
yall may be right that the teams are 3 teams based on each 3s forest witch but i wonder if therell be a 4th team like irin or smthn whos an alternative against all the witches entirely
the summer wings n other items will still come out but recolored maybe. or theyll have another item with same stats n placement as the wings
part of dv story that changes depending on which team wins is going to decide the direction for 3s forest but i dont think it will be "which witch wins control of the forest" more like that the forest will either be destroyed entirely or saved
or maybe smthn in event outcome will determine which full town we get next like if there are multiple possible town concepts lined up this locks us into one of them being made first before the others bc the story now takes us there sooner. anjie said a long time ago they were looking into less linear story paths (so not having to complete every town in order from louis hill to vaer before being able to unlock a new town. instead having new towns branch out from ealirer existing towns) so this would be a good set up for that. also gets around the "cant release new town until we fix vaer reef" thing. not just a mini town but maybe new big town location set up to branch from 3s. 
there will be a new humanoid looking event pet
some sort of bad magical energy that can spread out of 3s forest n infect other areas too 
the teams will end up working together in the end somehow story wise 
a new post border will be released 
new npc shop will be how they cycle in old monthly sets OR will be a "pawn shop" type a thing
some sort of animal messenger or guide 
idk how but marvel will show up maybe
one of the clothing items will be controversial somehow
new food item or multiple food items
pets will not be involved in the battle competition part of things 
okay thats all ive been thinkin about! rlly wanna hear others predictions even if theyre silly! just throwing stuff out there who knows maybe youll be secretly a prophet lmfao
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ihatebiden · 2 years
how do u get adblock on ur phone
idk about iOS but on android you have to go through apks!!! which is a file format that allows you to install apps that are either not found on google play, are modified or is an older version. to install them you have to download it from a third party source (generally that means like searching online or wtv) . most android phones have it turned off by default tho, so you probably will have to enable "install unknown apps", which depending on your phone can be enabled when you try to install one for the first time and therell be a popup asking you to grant permission to the app to install third party source apps. if it doesnt do that tho just search "install apk [phone brand]" and youll find like specific instructions on how to enable it
for adblockers personally i recommend Blokada, which is open source and free, but ive also heard people talk about DNS66, havent tried it tho so i cant vouch for it lol. how it works is that it uses a VPN type connection that filters ad host URLs and blocks them
anyways it doesnt block -every- ad ever like on tumblr ill still get sponsored posts now and again BUT when you play mobile games and stuff it literally just make every ad disappear so i can play without turning my wifi off and still get no ads at all even if you click on those "play an ad for reward" thing also sometimes it does block ads on tumblr ill just see a "sponsored" header but with no ad in it lol
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brinytrolls · 4 years
leavin ftc, new blog
so uhhhh everyone probably saw this coming but im gonna say it out loud: im “”leaving the ftc””. im not doing fantrolls anymore, i dont think therell be any more troll art or asks or rps or anything from me.
i had the worst panic attack ive had since fuckin high school last night bc of stuff related to the ftc, and its been giving me horrific anxiety for a while. i’ve never had a panic attack over an online community i joined to have fun. 
i just can’t find the spark again, i’m so afraid of people in this community and what they’re saying about me despite me not knowing what i’ve done and it’s fucking draining. if youre one of the people whove spread shit abt me despite me asking whats wrong and trying to fix things, or downright not knowing what ive done wrong, congrats, i hope you have fun in the rest of your time here. i hope you got what you wanted, whatever that was. 
this place is a drag on my mental health and although i’ve tried for months but there’s no way i can ignore that. i’ve tried so hard, believe me
i’m sorry to the followers who sent me asks i never answered, or wanted to ship or rp with me, or anything else. i have really appreciated everything ive been sent and while it was fun, it was a lot of fun! i did honestly really enjoy the last couple of years<3 
on a brighter note, 
for those followers, i made a new blog for u to follow me as i redesign my ocs! 
im working on a gothic-ish monster world which will have all of my ocs from this blog! just, yknow, less grey. we’re still in early stages so come watch the process! :D
follow me over on at @hanghenfil​ !!!
if you wanted to add me on discord or ask for my twitter, anyones more than welcome to, also!
so uh, thanks ftc. it was great until it wasn’t, i guess. 
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fluffyheretic · 3 years
nope nevermind we’re starting at 2pm AGAIN
if i could get out before 10:30 this time that would be fucking great
one of the most annoying parts of this job i havent even mentioned yet is that at the end of the day when we spend the last hour or so just shoving the extra packages into a trailer to be unloaded the next day, theres progressively less stuff for people to do (like theres still a lot of work left to go but only so many people can realistically do it at once) so they just start letting a few ppl go home as theyre no longer needed. but it seems completely arbitrary who gets to go. like therell be 5 ppl at a trailer and the manager will come over and just be like “uh ok uhhhh... uh ___ you can clock out” and theyre like “SWEET” and you just watch them happily go and get their things and go clock out while youre just standing there knowing youre probably gonna be there for another hour at least and youre just like. why couldnt it have been me 😔
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foulserpent · 5 years
Feel free to ignore if you’d rather not answer but how "bad" was the drains+ivs part of top surgery? Would you say it was better or worse than what you expected/how did you handle it? As a squeamish coward king this is the biggest thing holding me back but I’m curious to hear your perspective. Also just wanna say I really appreciate your posts talking so openly about your surgery, mine is still very much a pipe dream but hearing your first hand experiences is reallyhelpful.
i am not a squeamish person outside of very specific things and i have a high pain tolerance but i AM squeamish about foreign objects under my skin which is mostly the concern here so bear that in mind
so yeah i will be honest, the drains were the worst part but they were mostly bad in a “this is uncomfortable and a pain in the ass” way more than anything else. they are pretty weird and depending on the amount of breast tissue you have, they will go a pretty long ways under your skin. basically assume the tubes run the whole length of your incisions, (though ask your surgeon the details). but really they just are an annoyance for a week and then theyre out.
the drainage stuff is a little gross and i imagine it would be especially gross if youre a squeamish person, but ideally you should have someone who’s willing to help you drain and measure them for at least the first two days (and if it grosses you out, maybe have them do it all week). the fluid ranges in color and viscosity and therell be little clumps of semi-solid fluid that sometimes gets wedged in the drain, which worried me a little but thats all normal. there will be a very surprising amount of fluid for the first few days, and it should decrease as the week goes on. i had a lower than average amount of drainage, which was probably due to the fact that i didnt get nipple grafts, but almost everyone is able to get them removed at the one week check-in. just tuck them into your bandages and ignore them.
getting them removed isnt painful but i will be honest it is a sensation i would like to never feel again. its very fast, they just cut off the stitches and its a quick tug and they come right out, but the tugging sensation is SUPER weird. doesnt hurt at all but its just not a fun experience.
also getting the IV sucked and theres just no getting around that. let them know that youre a little nervous about it, theres no shame in that. ive had a lot of experiences with nurses being kind of nasty to me but the ones who worked with me were very nice, i feel like the ones working with surgeons might tend to be more decent idk. again i will be honest it took them a few tries to get it to take and it did hurt, but that isnt always the case. having it inside is painless, but as i said i have a Thing about foreign objects and also hate vein stuff so i just did my best to ignore it. they put it in a while before they added the anesthesia and i dont know if i could have asked them to put it in closer to when i was going to be knocked out, but it’s worth a try. just be fully open to them as much as you can and ideally they will do what they can to make things easier.
but yeah id say its just discomfort and something you get used to very fast. a week of discomfort is absolutely worth the rest of your life in a body that you feel happy with. if thats whats holding you back, take your time, ask a million questions, but do it.
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paralysis-comic · 4 years
yourocsbackstory week 3: education
@yourocsbackstory || [read on wattpad]
so this ones kinda long huh. tw for ableism, self injurious behaviour, just a lot of crying
But Not Too Familiar (Baby Blues: Interlude)
September 2009
The word school has been fucking you up for a while now. Mum says that’s just how school is. Dad says she’s wrong.
He came into your horrible little room one evening and said he was very sorry for not being a good dad, that he’d promised your previous dad to do a better job, that he would show that bastard Atticus, that he’d get you through school no matter what, all of it, right up to uni. You didn’t really know what uni was.
John said school is designed to make you think you’re meant to be learning French and Geography and stuff, when they’re really sorting you into popular, unpopular or medium. The medium ones, he said, make the best adults. He said occasionally, you get these edge cases—kids who have so many friends that they can’t imagine anyone not liking them, and the ones who don’t have any so no one bothers trying to find them some—those, he said, never last. He wrote all this out on a piece of A5 paper in his own horrible little room, while writing at your mutual parents about things that nine-year-olds don’t concern themselves with.
He also told you not to bother with uni.
And he says it again as he pauses outside the gates.
You look around. Ysgol Blodeuwedd Tudur—or Blodeuwedd Tudor Primary School And Nursery, as it says underneath—is bigger and shinier than you imagined. John’s staring at it too. Mum sort of shepherds you both through (is it shepherding if you’re both willing to go? And if theres only two of you?). You can’t see her face from where you are, but she sounds weird, both crosser and gentler. You stop for a second and turn around. She’s got her hand on John’s shoulder and keeps glancing at the other mums.
You’re not yet sure who you’re supposed to know and who you’re not. Maybe the girls who just came out from amongst them and are hugging you. They have nice vibes, rather than the ok and oh no vibes that everyone else has. According to their book bags, they are Cerys Thomas and Louise Yang. They are decent.
The sound of tiny little footsteps brings your attention away from them. You look up to see a stocky, curly haired boy sort of skid to a halt beside you. He raises his arms to wrap them around your neck, then stops.
“Do you remember me?”
You look down. You do remember Diane. Kind of. You don’t remember his middle name, his birthday or his favourite colour, but still…
“I remember you’re my best friend.”
He goes blank for a second, then he hugs you harder then you’ve ever been hugged in your life this year.
“We missed you SO MUCH Mrs Davies was being REALLY MEAN they haven’t changed the REGISTER yet and we thought you moved SCHOOLS—“
“Son, we don’t talk about that in public. And why don’t you let go of Iffy, you’re wobbling her crutches.”
He rearranges his arms into a position more accommodating to your unipedality.
You’re having a hard time thinking; partly from the dread-induced skeletal inertia and enteral pain, partly because there are at least five conversations going on around you (four spoken, one written). John holds this morning’s piece of paper in your direction.
she thinks letting me stay over therell make her look like a bad mother
any idea why she touched me like that? almost rather her wheeling me herself
You read it a few times (sometimes his handwriting is too neat) and shrug. You can’t talk in front of all these people and, well, you can’t write in front of anyone. Before you can dwell on how you’re gonna get through Year 5 if you can’t write, he pulls you over to the patch of concrete by the main doors. Mum hurries after you. She tells him off very quietly while you steal his headphones. He says you used to do that every day before he moved to London. You’re not sure about his taste in music.
In Year 1, no one was sure whether you were Iphigenia St. David or Iphigenia Richard or Iphigenia Henderson, so they put you at the top of the register. In Year 5, that means you sit right by the door, on a table with Stacey Ashton, Calum Beddoes, Dai Borgstein and Tonya Bufton. It’s the only table here with 5 seats instead of 4.
And it’s right by Mrs Davies’s desk.
She’s doing the register silently, so no one has to say why Gellert and Harvey and Suzie and Hector aren’t here. Sometimes she looks up sharply at you and raises her eyebrows in a way that says you should be focusing on doing your mental maths. Occasionally she says, “Do you want anything?” in a way that says you shouldn’t be wanting anything at all, no, not you, the girl who could walk and talk and write just fine in Year 4, what makes my class any different, Gina?
But the paper in front of you is evading you right now. Actually, no, it’s not the paper, it’s the white noise of 23 nine-year-olds (and Stacey) not quite whispering, it’s Mrs Davies clickiticlackiting on word or whatever, it’s stacey asking you if you need any help in that loud, over-enunciated way that girls whose birthdays are in September have, it’s the girls on the next table gossiping with Tonya, it’s Tonya turning to look at you and looking back at them and laughing, it’s Calum asking you why you can call Dai Diane and he can’t, it’s everyone calling you Gina, it’s not remembering what your name is meant to be, it’s everything else in your head that’s not letting the mental maths in, it’s everyone telling you things that apparently happened, things that you did, horrible things, things that will keep you up at night for years, it’s Calum snapping his pencil because he knows it makes you cry, it’s the feeling like you’re falling, and you might well be, who gives a f—
It’s Mrs Davies clicking her fingers in front of your face.
Everyone’s staring at you. You don’t move. You don’t say anything.
You can’t.
You don’t answer. Partly because no, you’re not well, anyone can see that, but mostly because… you have no idea what she’s asked of you.
“You know what perimeter is, Gina. D’you want to tell me?”
OK, sure, yeah, you know what a perimeter is. You know how to spell it, you know how to work it out, you know the relationship between it and area (John told you), you—
Maybe you don’t know what perimeter is.
And that’s not the voice she uses with Stacey. Or Tonya. Or anyone else. That’s not even the voice she used in assembly, when all the Key Stage 1 kids were there. That’s the voice that…
“No. Don’t.”
You try and let the sound of your breathing take over the giggling and the eyes upon you, and it kind of works because you’re breathing so loudly. Every muscle in your body is tensed to stop you rocking back and forth.
Or worse.
“Look at me.”
Huh? No. No, you’re not doing that.
And that’s not your name. You don’t have a name anymore.
Something happens right by your ear, but you can’t identify it amongst everything else. Your eyes squinch shut and for a moment you can see her leaning over you.
You go cold.
You whimper slightly, pulling away, expecting your head to hit metal but theres nothing there. No, god, don’t fall, don’t-
You’re jerked forward, upright. You open your eyes to make sure you’re definitely in the classroom. There’s a voice to your right.
“Mr Lloyd never did that.”
“Well, I’m not Mr Lloyd.”
The hand around your left bicep moves to raise your head.
“Look at me.”
Your head comes up, and you look at her.
And now you are screaming.
“No. we don’t do that.”
You wrench your head to the right to look at Diane, but you can’t look at him, so you stare at the wall like you’re looking for something very specific on the Roald Dahl poster. The wall is too white and too far away. It hurts like hell.
Diane moves somewhat into view. He’s a bit close, bless him, but the blurry shape of his face and hair are easier on your healing eye.
He looks up at Mrs Davies (still shouting, but you’re trying to block her out) and moves away with a start. You can see his expression more clearly now; he’s worried, really worried, but you can’t work out why exactly. No one else seems to be.
After a moment of dithering, he gingerly takes hold of Mrs Davies’s left hand and prises her index finger off you. Something moves in your peripheral vision and you instinctively look back at her. She snatches away her hand, gouging her fingers into your flimsy little arm, feeling the bone. The force almost launches you at Calum. She lunges at Diane with what can only be described as teacherly incredulity.
That noise. It’s familiar, but you can’t place it. It reminds you of the noise your dad makes when you start crying, but scary. Like she wants to collect more tears from you, not wipe them away. Well, you’re crying now. Is that what she wants?
Some of the other kids do that fake-gasp-and-real-titter that kids are wont to do when someone’s properly getting what for. A few of them gasp for real, the ones in the quagmire between friend and stranger that bullies so often occupy, the ones that have forgotten that Diane isn’t his real name. Matthew Powell says they’ll do you for saying that to a pupil. Stacey asks if you’re alright again. You certainly don’t look alright—you’re shivering all over now and you’re not sure why. Diane starts crying as well.
Mrs Davies takes her hands off you and frowns at him.
“We don’t need that from you, Dai.”
All the tension from being grasped drains out of you and you flop down onto the table. You try to convince yourself that you’re somewhere else, but you don’t have enough memories of nice places yet. You’re having the same overwhelming sadness as you did when you first got home, but you’re too tired to cry now. Diane isn’t.
You want to comfort him, but Stacey is doing that already. She doesn’t look very good at it; he’s crying in a different way and he keeps reaching out to hold your hand. Mrs Davies says not to give you any attention.
You pretend there’s no one in the room except you and him.
He says your name. Maybe he wants you to look at his face again. You try, because you want him to know you’re alright, and then maybe he’ll be alright too.
But god, you can’t. You just can’t.
He raises his hand again, and Stacey grabs it back.
“No,” she says.
You go cold again.
For fuck’s sake.
Mrs Davies sits down at her desk and tells everyone to be quiet and do their work and to Not Give You Any Attention. Even Stacey. Even when you’re making all this noise. And, for the first time today, you remember why you are.
And you don’t fucking like it.
Diane nudges you and gestures to his worksheet. The old John Fairfax manoeuvre.
do you want me to tell her ?
You nod. He wipes the tears of his face and puts his hand up. How does he compose himself so fast?
A few minutes later, you look out the window to the hall. You’re still crying and shivering, so Stacey tries to pull you back down. Diane and Mrs Davies are heading towards reception. A thought occurs to you. Calum grabs one of your crutches and you fall against the bookcase. Mrs Davies turns around, sees you and starts shrieking at you for some reason. You look at Diane and gesture to the Year 1 class as much as you can with no free hands. He gets it.
When Mrs Davies gets to you, she runs her hands down her face, makes a frustrated noise, and drags you out into the hall. You drop your crutches. She makes you sit down (you can’t get back up on your own), puts your worksheet in your left hand (you don’t have a thumb on that hand) and your pencil in your right hand (you’re left handed). She goes back into the classroom. She throws your crutches in your general direction. She slams the door. Fuck, it’s really gonna be like this every day, isn’t it?
You’re really crying now. Your throat has been hurting for quite a while. When you were in the classroom, it hurt to swallow, and now you can’t even feel yourself swallowing. Especially with your prosthetic tongue. and you’re tired as fuck.
You wait for Nesta to come out of Class 1, or at least for Diane to come back. Anyone. There’s a clock at the far end of the hall, but its too far away to see. Whatever. Time is a mystery to you anyway.
All this fear is making you feel like you’re about to both hurl and shit yourself—and to be honest, you wouldn’t really care if you did. You look down at yourself. At your hands. For a second, you swear you’re in hospital again. You emit a blood curdling scream and throw yourself to the side like you normally do, but instead of a mattress or a rail or thin air, there’s just floor.
You see legs.
Nesta says a long something to Diane while you continue to scream, and he starts to go inside. He pauses and turns around. Nesta takes out her notebook, scribbles some stuff down and gives it to him. Hey, you recognise that notebook. While he’s gone, you start to really miss him. You snuggle up to him when he comes back. You stay like that while Nesta goes to reception. You calm down a bit. Mrs jones comes out with her and stalks over to you, telling you to get up. She shuts up when she notices your missing leg and the bruise on your face. She says she doesn’t think you’ve got a concussion, but she’s not sure. Nesta says your dad’s coming to pick you up.
You don’t think school is meant to be like this.
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hereforlukescruff · 5 years
ok where do i start babe. im in class so lets pull this shit. imagine Luke being your TA in history class or some shit (i dunno fam i'm durnk dont @ me) and its one of those things where he was a one night stand and you peaced out the next morning without leaving any info and then you showed up first day of class to see he's your fucking TA. like. what the fuck. and he notices you for sure. its a small class. and now he's going to be marking your papers and shit and you're like holy fuck 1/?
and then, to make it worse. he’s your TA for your discussion class too where you talk about shit with only like 10 students and a TA and he takes roll call the first morning and says your name and you’re just like holy fuck because you can’t avoid now and all the other TA blocks are full. and he’s gorgeous and you’re like first: why the fuck did i peace out that morning and second: if he’s my TA does that mean i can’t fuck him again. and he’s your fucking TA so after the class ends 2/?
he asks you to stay and you can’t just say no in front of all these other students so you stay and he’s just like, “didn’t think id be seeing you again.” and you’re like fuck cuz you know you owe him an explanation for leaving that morning without even saying goodbye or leaving a phone number and you’re just like… “sorry. i uh… didn’t want to make it more than what it was.” and he’s like “i mean. i guess i can understand that.” and he lets you leave and you think thats going to be the 3/?
end of it but every class he’s so beautiful and he’s so smart and you find yourself falling harder and harder. you don’t know it but he’s totally falling for you too, especially reading your assignments and stuff, he’s starting to learn more about you and is like woah she’s actually really cute. so one day you show up to the small TA session and you’ve been drinking (#ME AM I RIGHT?) and you’re super impatient and he can tell you’re drunk so he asks you to stay after class and once everyone 4/?
is gone he turns to talk to you but you just kiss him. you can’t help yourself any more. and he leans into the kiss. lifting you up and setting you on the table as he goes between your legs and kisses you like his life depends on it. “i can’t stop thinking about you.” “you’re drunk.” he sighs but you are just like “maybe so but… it’s the truth.” and he believes you because he hasn’t been able to get you out of his head either. besides you’re not even that drunk anymore and you feel so good 5/?
and he’s just like fuck it and kisses you again. he pulls away and you whine but he just locks the door because at least one of you still has a brain. and then you just fuck. and im too drunk and in class to talk about it but it’s your turn babe. work your magic. FUCK ME UP MIRIAM. okay. im done now 6/6
who’s fucking up who cause i’m choking djfdlsjkdlsjk
but imagine walking in to that class and you guys noticing each other and you’re both just like “fuck” in your head cause you’re not supposed to be his student and he’s definitely not supposed to be your teacher. you guys would quickly avert your eyes before the other students noticing what’s going on since you’re still trying to be professional. but now everything is awkward cause you’re the one who left that morning and when he asks you about it, you don’t have much of an answer other than the fact that it was just a fuck and he’s kinda taken aback but also like whatever he gets it, not like he was expecting you guys to fall in love or some shit. 
it gets harder over the semester though cause now he’s your TA and he’s gorgeous and this is your favorite subject so you have this man who looks like the greek sculptures of old talking about how society’s decrease in ethics and morality made the fall of the roman empire predictable and how the effects of it are still echoing in today’s society. like okay he’s gorgeous and smart?? you have no chance of not falling for him. it’s especially difficult sitting in class cause every time you look up at him you just remember his lips sucking on your neck and his tongue swirling on your clit so you have to keep looking away before it’s too much. 
you have no idea that he’s struggling just as much though, that every time you look at him or answer a question all he can think about was how wet and warm your pussy was when he was fucking you and that his pants start to get a bit tight which is why he goes and stands behind the podium for the rest of class. and then he sees your assignments are actually really well thought out and you’re raising points that none of the students even noticed so now he’s falling in love with your mind too? you both know the consequences of what would happen if you guys actually do this but at same time, it’s like the 10th week of the semester and you just can’t anymore
he’d know you’re a bit drunk when you walk in that day cause you’re louder than usual and your eyes aren’t as focused when he talks. but when class is over and everyone’s already left before you, your almost to the door when you stop in your tracks and just say “fuck it”. luke looks up at that and sees you coming towards him when you wrap your hands around his neck and bring his face down and smash your lips against his. his initial reaction is to grab you by the waist, bringing you closer to his chest. you gasp into his mouth when you feel his tongue at your lips but then he’s pushing you off. “we can’t do this, im your TA”. “i can’t stop thinking about you” you’d tell him breathless. “you’re drunk” he’d push away from you, running his hands through his hair. “not really and it doesn’t make it not true. i know you’ve thinking about me too.” you say walking closer to him. he looks you up and down, sighing, “if we do this….no one can know.” you smirk at that, knowing that you convinced him. “well then i guess you better lock the door” you’d say, walking towards the desk. 
moving the loose papers to the side, you lift yourself onto the desk. luke goes to the door, making sure it’s locked and that no one is in the corridor. when he turns back he sees you sitting on the edge of the desk, your skirt bunched up at your hips, and legs spread as you wait for him. he feels his cock get hard at the sight of you, one hand behind your body to hold yourself up as the other is rubbing your clit over your panties. there’s nothing slow about it when luke comes over to you, his hand on your chest as he pushes you down to lie you against the desk. he’s already gotten your panties off when he moves his hand through your folds, it’s the build up of over two months frustration coming to a peak.
“all this for me?” he’d ask you when he feels how wet you are already, barely having even touched you. “i’m always wet for you” saying that has luke dropping to his knees in front of you, moving your legs over his shoulders as he goes in. his tongue at your clit when he says “still taste just as good as i remember”. you feel two of his fingers slip inside you as he sucks on your clit, you’d arch off the desk making his arm snake over your chest to hold you down. “oh shit” coming from your lips has luke working harder, knowing you’re about to cum which was right cause a few seconds later you cum over his tongue, moaning as you fall back against the desk. breathless, your hands fall away from luke’s head as you try to slow your heart rate.
getting off the ground, luke’s hands go to undo his belt as he stares at you. you look a mess with your eyes shut and your head against the desk. your skirt is bunched up over your hips, legs spread open with your pussy out. Luke wants this view imprinted in his brain cause he knows that it’s the hottest thing he’d ever see. “take off your shirt” he’d say as he pushes his pants down. opening your eyes you see luke standing in front of you with his cock in his hand as you quickly do as youre told. 
with your shirt over your head and bra removed just as fast, luke bends over to catch a breast in his mouth while his hand goes to play with the other. your head falls back as his tongue rolls over your nipple. you snake a hand between you both to grab his cock in your fist, he moans against your breast as you start stroking him. your fingers are swirling the precum over the tip when he grabs your hand to stop you “if you don’t stop i’m gonna cum and i’d rather do that inside you, sweetheart”
luke would pull you from the desk and spin you around as he pushes down on your back so that your chest is flat against it with your feet on the ground. what you didn’t expect was a smack to your ass when you pressed your head against the desk but the vibrations go straight to your pussy, making you ache even more. after spanking you, luke would grab your ass rubbing his hands over it to soothe the pain before moving his hands to your hips and sinking into you with no warning. 
your hands are flat against the desk as luke is fucking into you, the grip on your waist so tight you know there’ll be marks when you finish. “fuck baby, you take my cock so good. can’t believe we waited this long to do this again”. when one of his hands goes down to rub your clit as he continues fucking you, you let out a loud moan making him pull you up to his chest by the throat, his hand covering your mouth as he whispers in your ear “you have to be quieter than that, darling, we don’t want anyone to know how dirty you really are.” his hand stays over your mouth as you whine against his palm, not being able to hold the sounds back when he hits your spot.
you feel your orgasm build as you start clenching around his cock. when he rubs your clit and hits the spot right one more time you come undone beneath him, a string of “oh fuck” is all you can say. he’s still fucking you as your orgasm rolls through you, getting sloppier as he chases his own release. a few more thrusts and you feel him still inside you as he cums with a groan against your ear. his hands falls from your throat as you catch yourself with the desk, your knees weak. pulling out of you, luke sees the mess you both made as he looks for napkins trying to clean you up. 
as you both get dressed, making sure that you don’t look like you just got fucked, you head to the door when you feel a hand grab your arm. luke pulls you to him as he tilts your head up and kisses you softly, “i’ll see you in class. you might wanna read chapter 6 for the assignment” you feel him smile against your lips. shaking your head at him when you push away from his chest “now isn’t it unethical to help me out?” “probably not as unethical as it is to fuck you” he’d smirk as he unlocks the door and leaves before you say anything else. 
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toby-stephens · 5 years
By May 16th, it was pretty much confirmed there would be a Season 2 of ‘Lost in Space’, confirmed on 20th by Netflix twitter.
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Also confirmed was a new BBC 2 cold war drama, ‘Summer of Rockets’ to star Toby alongside Keeley Hawes, Linus Roache & Timothy Spall.
This six-part series is set in the UK during the Cold War period of the late 1950s, a time when the UK, like much of the world, was dealing with the threat of international espionage and nuclear armageddon.
Filming has begun in and around London and Oxford, and it will be screened sometime in 2019.
The story will be Poliakoffs personal insight into this period and is set against the backdrop of Britain testing its first hydrogen bomb.
Executive Producer Helen Flint, a long-time collaborator with Poliakoff on productions such as Close To The Enemy, Shooting The Past and Perfect Strangers, said:
This piece set in 1958, is hinged at the pivotal point of world history where the past and future are pulling in equal strength and human beings, young and old have little control over the eventual outcome.
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On “Lost in Space”:
“I think they have been very respectful to the original series, but they smashed it out in their own way.  The thing is, one cant’ be overly reverential to these things because otherwise, you’re just remaking exactly what was already made very well.”
“I think John’s just trying to find his place within this family now. The idea is that he was confronted with the situation of his family going away and him never seeing them again unless he went along. Now that he’s come along for this ride, he’s trying to find his way back into the family, how to relate to his family, how to relate to Maureen, and how to work things out.”
“In my case, why I think it is fun and why I think it works is there’s something timeless about the original idea. The Swiss Family Robinson, obviously, is the original idea of a family in jeopardy. It follows the trials of that family, but also the emotional trials of how they overcome their problems and their weaknesses, because they have to confront them and overcome them.”
“That was then taken into ‘Lost in Space’. In the first iteration of that what worked is that you’re looking at a regular family and their problems, but in this extraordinary situation. It’s hundreds of light years away from earth in a space ship and on a planet, but they’re having the same regular, everyday problems of any other family. The irony of that is that dynamic is really fun. What we’ve done is we’ve updated it, so rather than it being this pristine, apple pie, American family, its a modern family with all of its dysfunctions.”
“We know every family has dysfunctions. There is no ideal, pristine family, and the Robinsons are one of those families. Just a normal family that everybody can relate to, but it’s in this extreme situation and you still get the ironies of watching a family deal with each other and their own problems in the way every family does that you can relate to, but in this extraordinary back drop of being on a planet thousands of light years away. I think that that trend still works and its fun.”
“The only reason to do something again is if you feel that you can say something to a new generation of people and you can do it in a totally individual way. You’re just taking the kernel of the original idea and re-doing it, but for now.”
“We can’t replicate what was done in the original show. It just wouldn’t work now. The tone of it is very different although it still retains some of the fun aspects of it, the comic stuff that goes on there, the light touch. I don’t think we could repeat what that show became.”
“I think the original pilot episode is much more akin to what we’re doing. As the series went on, it became if you’ll forgive this phrase campier and campier. It was almost like a sitcom, but in space. I just don’t think that that would work now. So, we’ve made it into something that is lots more for todays generation.”
“I think it’s really great that they did a gender swap. It’s actually a genius stroke because you cannot replicate what was done with that character in the original series. But Parker Posey is such an individual performer. She brings to it her own sense of wackiness and fun.”
"That is a reflection of what the original character was, but it’s very much its own thing, and I think that’s absolutely right. If you cast a man in that part, they would feel this pressure to replicate what was done in the original series, a moustache-twirling villainous kind of thing. I think it just wouldn't hold water now and it would just seem sort of arch.”
“In other words, I think what Parker Posey does is so much her own thing, and as it goes on, you realise that it’s a much more nuanced character in that there are reasons for her being the way she is. I like that you can get the fact that she is horrible and does terrible things, but at the same time, she’s a real and complex character.”
“I don’t have any interest in doing that at all. I love earth. It’s a beautiful planet, and I think, going to Mars, although it looks amazing from aerial photographs taken from orbiting satellites and things like that, and I’ve seen documentaries about it, but I think it’s a desolate, dangerous place, filled with radiation. It would be too dangerous going there, and so arduous.”
“I think that is one of the things that we show. There is a warning to this. The idea that we can trash this planet and then move on to another planet somewhere else, that there’ll be some other Goldilocks planet that we can go to, have it and trash that one, and then just keep on moving on, its crazy. We have to look after the planet were on. I’m all for space exploration, but I wouldn’t want to do it myself because I’ve got kids and a family and the idea would be terrifying to me.”
“The planet is presented to an audience initially as, ‘Oh, it’s so great. It’s got oxygen, so they can breathe. It’s similar to the Earth.’ But then as you get further and further into the drama, you realise there are more and more hostile things about this planet that are dangerous and there are reasons that there are storms with diamonds and deserts. There are astronomic reasons why this planet is like that, which then become apparent. Then they realise that they have to get off it. This isn’t somewhere where they can just set up their colony.”
“It is aspirational to me in that it’s about people trying to be better, in the best way that American shows and films sometimes do. When it doesn’t work, its because its super sentimental and glib.”
“This is about people who find themselves in jeopardy, but also they’re in jeopardy in their personal relationships, in the way that they relate to each other, and it shows how they overcome their own problems and weaknesses. They all do that in a very real way, so I think that’s aspirational.”
“Also, one of the things in watching this, the kids are so bright and so capable, especially the girls. One of the things I would like my daughter to get from this is how strong and capable the girls are, and how intelligent they are. They’ve worked really hard to be that way.”
“It would inspire me, if I was a child, to want to work hard and to want to be like that. Look, I’m not saying that TV should be life changing. It’s entertainment, but if it, along the way, inspires kids, or reflects good qualities, aspirational qualities, without lecturing people or being sentimental, I think that’s good. I think ‘Lost in Space’ does that to a certain extent, in a way that family shows should do, in a gentle kind of encouraging nurturing way, rather than patronising.”
Source: parade.com
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“When I discussed it with Zack Estrin he was like, look, this is not an apple pie family. This is a family that is full of great people, but they’re damaged here. The relationship between the mother and father is dysfunctional. They’ve padded it, and it’s in disrepair and that’s part of the drama. Are they gonna be able to figure things out? How do they relate to one another? It’s an estranged father, who’s been away fighting wars and stuff like that, and he has become disconnected from his kids.”
“It’s just not very dramatically interesting to have a family thats always kind of fine. I mean, it’s dramatic enough that they’re in this life-threatening situation, but you add to the drama by saying they don't really know how to relate to one another and there’s this whole family dysfunction that they have to work out as well. And are they gonna work that out?”
“There’s something disingenuous about them being a family that’s perfect. Not only would it be dramatically boring, but it’s also just not true. We know anybody who has a family knows that it’s not perfect and that people make mistakes. But the thing is that these people, like everyone, are just trying to do better. And I think that that is something everyone can relate to, whether you’re a kid or you’re an adult.”
“One of the things that I really love about the show is that it’s aspirational. This family, they are, they’re people who are trying to be better and do good and to survive. And so it’s very, in many ways I think its a very cognitive show. And all these relationships in the end, while they’re complicated they are part of this. And we need that kind of, I think we need the kind of show like that because theres a lot of really depressing shows out there, which are fantastic and amazing, but they’re really depressing. And this is one has a really positive message and a kind of affirming message.”
“To be able to do what they wanted to do with this show, to kind of make it as magical to kids now as it was when it originally came out in 1965  it takes an organisation like Netflix that can throw enough money at it to achieve that. The kind of wonder and the kind of adventure. The scale of the adventure that they’re going for.”
“I think what I really loved about it was the kids are really intelligent. If I was a kid watching this I would go, I want to be as intelligent and as capable as that child. Im gonna work harder in school. Im gonna really try and work hard at math. That’s great as well. So I like that, the fact that the kids, to some extent, end up helping out the adults. Its a nice dynamic.”
“The kids need that adventure and the fun. But then the grown-ups who are watching the show need to care about these people as well and enjoy the show on a different level. So we were kind of like, that part of the show is for the grown-ups. For them to relate to these people and to identify with them. To go, I know what thats like. I know how difficult that can be sometimes."
“I really love working with Molly. We actually had a lot of dialogue early on, both together and with Zack Estrin, about just figuring out exactly what their relationship was. Because when we were talking, we were both like, This marriage has to seem real to people; otherwise people just aren’t gonna care.”
Source: indiewire.com
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“One of the relationships I though was really quite clever is not between Will and the robot, but between John and the robot. The fact is the son chooses the company and protection of the robot above his own father.”
Source: thetimes.co.uk
“If it’s going to be a family show, then the families have to recognise themselves through the screen. We had to present normal families, and modern families are all complicated.”
Source:  dailynewsegypt.com
“There's this sort of thing of, ‘Oh, why are they together on this thing if they’re separated?’ It’s like, If you don’t take me with you, I’ll never see my family again. So theres that reason for him being there”
Source: io9.gizmodo.com
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“They sent me the script and I was dubious, at first. I said, ‘Lost in Space’? They’re reviving that?! They tried to do that with the film, and it didn’t work. And then, I read the script and I actually liked it. The thing I liked most was that they were pitching it at such a great level. It was sophisticated enough for adults to watch and really get something out of it, and yet it had this fantastic adventure quality. What I really liked about it is that the kids are intelligent and its aspirational. If I were a kid watching this, I’d be like, I want to be that bright and that capable. And it doesn’t get ridiculous. They pitched it at the right level. And I felt that Maureen and John were real people. I like the way that they were written and I liked the fact that it was a relationship in trouble. They’re trying to figure out how to get along and how to deal with not only this extreme situation that they’re in, with extreme jeopardy and the terror of that, but also figuring out how to work things out between themselves. Thats what sold me on it. They seemed to be a family that people can relate to because its not some apple pie family that just doesn’t exist. They’re fallible human beings, who are trying to be better.”
“Like most kids, they’re all completely different from one another, and they have different strengths and weakness, just like normal kids in a family. It’s about how you cope with that. All of those different dynamics that happen seemed real to me, they're just in these extraordinary circumstances.”
“It’s brilliant! It’s one of the reasons that I love doing what I do. You can do something so entirely different, not only in its context, but also in its whole feel. I had done ‘Black Sails' for four years and it was a really tough journey for me. I know it sounds slightly pretentious, but I really was wrung out, by the end, by the whole experience. It was an amazing experience, but Ive never worked that hard, in my life. There were long days with extreme conditions, filming in South Africa, and you had to go from massive physical set pieces to doing intense dialogue scenes. You’d go from one extreme, of being beaten up physically, to another extreme, of being beaten up mentally. So, when this came along and I started doing it, it was a relief to me. With ‘Black Sails’, Flints journey and options were narrowing down and it was inevitable, what was going to happen to him. With ‘Lost in Space’, it seems to be opening out. Its about people trying to survive and trying to be better people and fighting to be alive. Flint had a death wish. After four years, that was really dark. It’s just a really nice juxtaposition to ‘Black Sails’, which I miss, enormously, but it felt like I was on holiday with ‘Lost in Space’. Although, like any job, ‘Lost in Space’ had its own pressures, but they weren't the same pressures that I experienced on ‘Black Sails’.
“His relationship with the kids,  that was a wonderful journey for me, as an actor. I really enjoyed playing that. As the season progresses, the robot becomes this surrogate father and protector for Will, who’s physically frightened. The irony is that Will has this father who is very brave, and who’s gone off on done all of this fighting in war, and he’s very capable, himself, but he’s nervous and frightened. So, the robot becomes very protective of him, but at the same time, threatens John. His son has to go to a robot to get what he should be giving him, and thats painful for him. The realisation that he's missed out on an enormous amount of his kids childhood and not being there for them, and trying to make up for that and connect with them again, is a very moving thing to play.”
“Initially, John is very distrustful of the robot. It’s a real problem because you need the robot in this extreme situation, since he seems to be able to help you, but at the same time, what is this thing goes berserk? You just don’t know what he's going to do. And as the show goes on, you realise that there are more reasons for him to distrust this thing. The whole thing is a great journey. All of that is really fun to play.”
“The biggest learn for me, that I’ve never had to do before, was doing all of that spaceship acting, sitting in the pilots chair and knowing what all the buttons do. That was such fun. While you’re doing it, you’re going, What am I doing?!, and then you have to remember what you used the buttons for, the next time. Being on a spaceship, throwing yourself around, I had a blast. You have to pinch yourself, once in awhile, and go, What am I doing?!”
“Yeah, the spacesuit was pretty uncomfortable, I have to say. One of the things I most enjoyed about the shoot, because it was so refreshing to me, was working with the kids. One becomes a bit jaded. Its easy to fall into saying, Oh, this spacesuit is so uncomfortable! But when Max Jenkins is jumping around going, This spacesuit is so cool!, it’s so refreshing. It’s so refreshing to be around that enthusiasm. It’s infectious. It was so great having the kids around because it just made you realise how lucky we were to be doing what we were doing.”
“We had a little bit of rehearsal time, but it was just a little bit. Max is such an easy kid to get to know. He’s just so open, and his parents are adorable. We couldn’t have lucked out more with the children that we got because they’re really great kids. They’re really open, really friendly, really open to having a great time, and up for learning. That just makes things so much easier. Im assuming that things can go very differently. We were incredibly lucky. All of us just really got on well and working with them seemed very natural. There didn’t seem to be any process that we had to go through. It just happened very quickly.”
“Molly and I spent a lot of time with Zack Estrin, talking about their relationship. If this isn’t a real relationship and a real family than nobody is going to care. The relationship has to be real without being depressing or sentimental. It has to be something that people can relate to. Especially because this is a family show, grown ups have to watch this, so it has to be sophisticated, as well as incredibly fun for the kids. We need grown ups and parents to be able to relate to Maureen and John and their problems and aspirations. What made it really great fun for me was working with Molly because she’s such a great actress, and we have that back and forth, both on screen and off. Their relationship feels like these are real people. Whats kind of funny is that the romance of the whole thing is really them. They’re the romantic couple. You want them to figure it out because they’re good people. If we’re lucky enough to go again, it will be interesting to see where they take John in Season 2. The other thing that I really enjoyed was working with Max and exploring that relationship, which to me is very real. I spent a lot of time away from my family, filming in South Africa, so I knew what it was like, being away from your family for a long time and feeling slightly out of place when you come back into it and trying to figure things out. I could really relate to that relationship, between John and Will. My son is about the same age as Max, but maybe a bit younger.”
“Interestingly, I would say that he creates the strongest bond with his son. He works out a lot of stuff with Maureen, but the greatest distance he covers is with Will. The last four episodes are really lovely, for me. John is also a slow burn. You don’t really get to know him that well, for awhile. It takes awhile to figure out his agenda, and whats going on between him and Maureen. It takes a long time to figure him out, but once you see what he’s trying to do, the last four or five episodes are really nice. It really is a journey for him. He does things wrong, but it’s because he’s clumsy. He doesn’t quite get it right and he misjudges things a bit. He’s too tough because he’s used to giving orders to people. Hes an army guy, so it’s all about training and execution for him. He has to relearn what empathy is, and how to deal with these kids without being this grumpy soldier.”
“Yeah, my kids did come, a couple of times, and they got on really well with Max, Mina and Taylor. And Mollys son came to set. It was really nice. It felt like a very family-oriented show, and they all hung out together. It was a really nice feeling and very relaxed.”
“Molly and I were quite adamant that the stakes had to be real and the threats had to be real. As an actor, the only thing you have is your instinct and your imagination. Those are the two main tools that you use. I didn’t really enjoy putting myself in that situation, where you are the person and your kids are under threat, but you had to give it that intensity. Of course, if it was real, I probably would have died. I would have had a nervous breakdown within an hour, but these characters can manage it. Obviously, one has to imagine what that would be like.”
Source: collider.com
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“I was seven years old when ‘Star Wars’ came out. That just kind of blew my head off. ‘2001’, ‘Blade Runner’. All of these, all of the stuff like that. This is the one genre I completely expected to be in.”
“The character of Captain Flint, who I was playing, was a very nihilistic character that was on this kind of tragic course toward death. So to get something so polar opposite was really fun. It just sort of ended up being the perfect antidote to having done something like ‘Black Sails’.”
Source:  indiewire.com
"The thing I admire in John is that he is somebody who knows that he has got it wrong, and he's trying to put it right. Not only for his relationship with his wife, but individually, his relationships with his children. He's trying to not only save their lives, but he's also trying to do the right thing. And I think that's what I really like about this series, is that it's something that is aspirational without being sentimental. It's about people trying to be better people and trying to do the right thing."
"I think that that's something we kind of need right now, because the world is really depressing at the moment, and things are really frightening. You watch TV and a lot of it is really depressing--and brilliant--but pretty much depressing. And I think what's nice is you can get lost in the adventure of this, but also these are people who are trying to be better. And I think there's something uplifting about watching that."
Source: gamespot.com
"Will is quite insecure, his confidence is not great”
Source:  digital spy.com
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On inequality in Hollywood:
"I think the movements are great. I am a parent of two girls and I have a wife who is very passionate, and I want a change for them, my wife and for all our friends”.
"I can only sympathise with and support the movement. Change needs to happen and it is mad that it has taken so long”
"It is a correction. It is really needed at the moment. Being a parent of two young girls, I am really excited about a show that has two young girls who are represented as incredibly capable, strong, smart, and sassy.”
"It is really great that there is a show which is showing that. I am excited for my kids to watch that and excited for the whole generation of kids to watch those characters and aspire to be like that.”
"There are moments which are light. Also, what is fun is that it is taking the domestic situation essentially and putting it in space.  So, there are these situations that occur and every parent or child will recognise... They have either been through that or seen them. But it is this extraordinary situation where they are million of years away from Earth which makes it different.”
Source: business-standard.com
On ‘Summer of Rockets’:
“It’s great to be working with Stephen Poliakoff again after such a long time. I loved working with him on ‘Perfect Strangers’; he’s such a unique and original voice in British television. It’s also good to be filming something back home in the UK for the BBC. It’s been a while.”
Source: deadline.com
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Maxwell: “I’ll never forget going up on top of the glacier. My scenes with Toby where we were walking in the snow, weren’t green-screen we were on a real glacier! We had to take a one-hour and 45-minute ride on a snowmobile to get there.”
“It was cold but sunny, and Toby didn’t think of getting sun protection. The following day, he had sunburn above his eyes and under his nose, and the glass of the space suit charred half his face.”
Source: entertainment.inquirer.net
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valkyurie · 5 years
could I hear some of the lil quirks for characters in the v3 rewrite?
of course!!! i have stuff about speech and other general stuff so im gonna say some random ones tht i like most-tenko, kaito, ouma, miu and kiibo are always loud when they speak, but kiibo is the only one who really tries to quiet down sometimes-tenko also cant sit still for more than a few minutes. shes always moving in some way or another-saihara miu and ouma are extemely picky abt food. it makes kirumi mad cuz shes the only one cooking for all 16 of them. eat the goddamn eggs ouma-tsumugi keeps talking even after people stop listening or paying attention to her cuz she doesnt want to think about the fact that shes not being listened to and get sad-also her sentences are always Long and she uses a lot of filler words to tie the sentences together. when i write her lines half the time when there should be a period therell be something like "also", "like", "which reminds me of" etc-saihara is one of the first kids to wake up in the morning but always the last to get out of bed. kaede always comes in his room right after she wakes up-kaedes wristwatch isnt even working but she doesnt trust iruma to fix it for her-angie has countless unfinished paintings and starts at least 3 new ones every day but they fill the canvas with the basic colors before adding details so most of the other kids think theyre finished pieces-kiibo invents new words for things when he doesnt like the already existing ones and he comes up with new meaning for words if he feels like it. it annoys people a lot but he doesnt really care-he is also friends with korekiyo! cuz he wants to learn more abt humans n stuff and kiyos talent is About humanity-saihara himiko maki and ouma all get angry/upset very easily or over very small things-ouma hates reading and tying shoelaces-However he likes talking a lot even to people he doesnt like and he speaks very casually-also ouma and kaede r the only ones who always add "chan" after peoples names when talking to/about them-himiko yawns a lot and pauses in the middle of his sentences cuz he just cant bother to say the rest and he doesnt even try to speak in a way that makes it easy for people to understand what hes saying
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cenntaur-remaking · 5 years
What are your future plans for Crop Haven?? Like features and events and stuff?? Any new locations you wanna add?
aight so. there’s eventually gonna be an event each season (they r referred to as months, but theres 4 - spring, summer, fall, winter, so its just the seasons really)
in fall there’s the Pumpkin Parade, featured in the halloween update, and I’m thinking Spring will have a Valentines-y one. Winter is probbaly gonna be related to snow fights and such, but im not sure about sujmmer yet.
eventually, certain crops will be only plantable/harvestable in certain seasons but right now its just. any crop at any time
the game also extends through several years, so we’ll see how it goes with events/ect. therell be kids around year 3!
locations wise, i imagine a few more houses/stores somewhere, but im still working on that dgnskjdgn
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bipedalseal · 3 years
re: playing dante's route: went for the bad end today! its so funny that nearly all the problems in the 2nd half of dante and nicola's routes would have not happened at all if nicola and dante had a dialogue first. like, "bro, hey, when we were kids u said u didnt want to be mafia anymore do u still believe that", and dante went, "lol ive been groomed into this role, i cant imagine doing anything else also ive found that this id my way of protecting the town and i want to continue that", and idk maybe nicola would say "ok then *cancels plans wirh gilbert*" and tell him togive more shits abt actually managing the family.
anyway that's my imagination, i dont want to actually write a fanfiction on this so ill stop
but this bad end was??? so???
1st of all. the anti church sentiments during dante's meeting with the lao-shu was. hm mr yang are you sure you're not just doing this for entertainment lmao. after having to do some cl homework it was a very satisfying read
2nd. the voice acting. the way the casino guy said "grazie, signore!" rlly made my day then reminded me he had the same va as shirotani from ten count. also reminded me that i wanted to do voice acting and singing back then but i never worked on that. nobuhiko okamoto's roles are always the same archetype?? back then it was karma akabane, then rin okumura, bakugou from bnha, and idv merc theyre all very delinquent type people. tho id say yang isnt like rhe general delinquent, more like some evolved version of karma akabane. im not complaining tho i love his stuff. and dante's voice actor. idk who he is but his delivery during ch9 bad end was pretty great. cherry on the icing. or ice cream??
3rd. i could mostly predict what was going to happen in the bad end but admittedly i was surprised by dante or mc not getting sacrificed. u shouldve heard me muttering to myself when they were abt to go to church. "gilbert is pious he wouldnt kill anyone at church" yeah he wouldnt but NICOLA WOULD. he didnt and that also surprised me. i thought dante wouldnt kill gil, bc he killed nicola out of surprise right? then he pulls the trigger. ok fam, st peter can talk to you himself.
4th. seeing lan alive and not going mad out of grief reminded me. im pretty sure lee drugged her but why? i mean im also pretty sure yang instructed him to. was she not an instrumental subordinate? or was she too distracted from fei's dying that she became unproductive.
5th, disappointed at how "being mad" is used for reasoning of anyone slightly villainous. its v dehumanzing when its actually being caused by humane reasons. for example the casino guy. he didnt do it bc he was mad he did it for the bottom line; lan didn't go berserk at falce just because of the drugs she was already thinking abt it beforehand; bad end nicola was an extreme response to death and grief and roberto is well, typical serial killer stuff, some feeling of oppression and the only way out is by violent justice. it loses all nuance when "going mad" is the reason.
6th, good end dante and mc consider themselves equals within the mafia and their relationship, with each their set of duties (dante protects victor, victor makes sure he doesnt forget his goal). in contrast, the bad end duo has a clear distinction between them despite deliberate public attachment. dante very clearly sees himself as a protector while mc worries about him, a more passive sort of role, also theyre both not so honest with each other.
7th, pretty sure dante is a *ghosts one-night stand* guy.
all in all it was a very, very different flavor to nicola's bad end. i like the relationship presented here, pretty good mix of side characters, lore was a lot but not so infodumped (bad end was a great palette cleanser), pretty sure therell be some good closure in the best end regarding dante and nicola's relationship, and nice set up for the future routes. its a nice contrast against nicola's route lmao. did i mention i got that guy's best end yesterday? contrast indeed. still havent written my post abt that. i will say tho, i think nicola's route spoiled me i keep expecting dubcon scenes now lmfaoo
going for orlok's route next, then back to dante's best end or maybe nicola's good end, we'll see. i like yang a lot more honestly, but save the best for last ig? also where tf is orlok lol. i still cant believe he has a route while roberto doesnt.
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fandomcrazy6226 · 3 years
Losing friends
so i know this might be coming out of nowhere, but some stuff just happened to me on discord and im really sad right now. for about five months me and two of my friends have been talking in a discord groupchat, and i guess its been happening for a while but ive become disconnected from them, and just a few minutes ago we all realized its because mentally im younger than they are, so the three of us dont work anymore. so, because i still care about them a lot, i removed myself from the chat after we all said goodbye. i chose to do that, because if we dont work anymore, then we dont work, and thats that
except. it hurts. a lot. and i have a lot of other friends, but they were some of my closest. they knew some stuff about me that i hadnt told my best friend, id gone through some romance drama with one of them back in middle school, and me and the other friend were the first people my first friend came out to as trans. (for simplicity, i’ll call the first friend A, and the second friend B). id known A since i was nine, and she set me down the fandom path im on now by getting me into what id consider to be my first real fandom, ASOUE. i hadnt known B for as long, but he was like a therapist and helped me figure some things out about my current crush and how i really felt about A, which turned out to not be romantic feelings at all. and it hurts more because A and B are still fine, and still work as friends. its just me who doesnt fit anymore, so im the one to go.
and im still on discord, but we wont talk as much, and even when we do talk therell always be this gap between us, and im scared that that gap will eventually get to be too much. im scared that i’ll lose these awesome friends who i love like my siblings, and who know so much about me. and i cant talk to any of my other friends about this, because i never brought this chat up with my other friends. A and B arent friends with my other friends, so it never wouldve come up. so, it hurts. it hurts a lot. and im really gonna miss them, and i dont know whats gonna happen in the future with this. i just needed to vent about this, and i wish someone could help me feel better about this
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gaykillermoth · 4 years
pleas give us more hunger games + infinity trainesque ideas this sounds so cool!
OK um i might talk about the fandoms ill be using!!
so most of my major interests rn will be here and therell be unnofficial "teams"/kind of general squads of 4-6 people! 2 people each wake up in a room [with some exceptions as will be said later] and a note and a camera.
i know for sure that marble hornets, archive 81, the far meridian, infinity train [funnily enough], resident evil 7, HLVRAI, and very likely the penumbra podcast. im very much considering adding gravity falls and welcome to night vale to the mix. i also want to add the bright sessions and wolf 359. possibly wooden overcoats for kicks but idk how well thatd blend in. i also definitely think the mechanisms would go over well, as well as transformers animated. stellar firma maybe, that has a lot of possibilities.
i still need to figure out the exact pairings but i know my current ideas include:
nicholas waters [a81] + ruth [tfm] + caleb [tbs] + alex kralie [mh] + lake [inf train], jay merrick [mh] + static man [a81] [note: hed appear once the camera is turned on id imagine?] + toy soldier [the mechanisms], ethan [re7] + gordon [HLVRAI] + i think rita [tpp] would be super funny combined with these two ::-]
im still working stuff out this is a suepr rough draft of things
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