#there's a running bit where Kyo announces ''you can eat this one!'' and Inosuke shouts ''REALLY???'' and grabs the bug with both hands
snowshinobi · 2 years
Kyojuro loves those bright caterpillars with the fake eye spots and spiky hair and sticky feet. he calls them "nature's little actors" and scoops them up oh so gently and assigns them Kabuki roles based on their coloring and dangerousness (Kyo just knows how lethal almost every local caterpillar species is, dw about it). when he releases them he shouts "and SCENE!" Nezuko claps, Inosuke rushes in to get as close to the 'pillar he can without touching it, and Tanjiro and Zenitsu exchange tired glances. this happens multiple times a day in the spring/summer months
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