#then kudos to you sksksksksk
picnokinesis · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Got tagged by the fantastic @wykart ahh thank you for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32, most of which are Doctor Who!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
859,228!! (but it's gonna keep climbing until I finish posting part 6 of campervan sksk)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Pretty much just Doctor Who right now, but I have posted fics for Stargate Universe, Marvel and The Greatest Showman. And then I have written for other fandoms - most notably Venom, which I never posted anything for but I did get 40k into a multichapter one time.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In this order: Liminality, Tropospheric Disturbance, campervan part 1, watchfires and Renegades in the Ring (my TGS fic that I never finished, rip in pieces)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try and respond to comments!! Mostly because I love talking about my fics and also don't know when to shut up hahaha - but I also have some absolutely fantastic commenters who have such interesting things to say! And also like, idk I really appreciate people taking the time to comment, so I reckon it's polite to say thank you at least. The only time I don't reply to comments, mostly, is if it's a REALLY long comment and I just don't have the energy rip (but when that happens I definitely read and cherish the comment dearly haha)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. MOST OF THEM RIP. I'm genuinely not sure because I always try and end my fics on a vaguely uplifting note. Maybe Campervan Part 4, simply because of all the uni-era angst? But tbh the ending of Part 6 is definitely a contender, now I think about it. Canon-fic wise, though.......hmm I think it's got to be notches in your spine, since that ends with the Doctor just straight up leaving the Master without warning sksksk
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm. I think I'm gonna go with In the Wind for this one, which is hilarious since I wrote it THREE YEARS AGO, but it's a multi-chapter mid-series adventure that rounds itself off in a satisfying way, with everything being resolved nicely, so I think that's a decent contender!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hm, no, other than people complaining about the show in an attempt to compliment my writing, but that's stopped for the most part since I got annoyed about it in my author's notes one time ksksks. I did get a weird comment recently that started out very complimentary but then turned really weird in a pretty upsetting way (and, frankly, it would have been very triggering if that sort of topic had been something that was something that affected me a lot? Luckily it wasn't, but the commenter did NOT know that). So I just deleted the comment because I didn't want that sort of thing in my comment section, especially when I know other readers comment lurk.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No I'm sex-repulsed lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a crossover that was The Greatest Showman crossed with the X-Men Comics one time SKSKSKSKSK (and it was specifically the comics not the films, I did so much research on historical terminology for mutants HAHA) which was actually SO much fun - I never finished it, but I do think back on it very fondly. But I'd class that as more of an 'x-men au' rather than a crossover tbh, bc it was wholly focused on the TGS characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't believe so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! We never finished it LOL
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Currently spydoc, but this will probably change. I have a MASSIVE soft spot for rush/young from sgu, clintasha from the MCU, newt/hermann from PacRim, and symbrock from Venom.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmmmm there's a bunch, but probably The Grandfather Paradox? I genuinely love that one so much. But who knows, maybe one day. I feel like it would make a great pitch for a Big Finish audio sksk. Oh, and Deathless will probably never happen. I'm not going to put Trestle on this list because I am SO DETERMINED to finish it some day HAHAH. Oh - and I don't think I'll ever finished Trouble With Entropy, which was my unfinished Venom fic, or Renegades (aforementioned TGS fic) even though I love them a lot, it's just....very unlikely at this point rip.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Going off what other people have said to me, I'm good at creative immersive worlds! Which is mostly because I really want my stories to feel 'lived in', so to speak, and broader than what you actually see in the immediate plot. I think I'm also pretty good at pacing, and also writing narrative prose with a character voice! The latter one I definitely pushed myself with when writing part 6 of campervan, as well as my recent doctormaster oneshot, where I had to weave together both the doctor AND the master's characterisation into one seamless pov
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I definitely worry too much about making sure the reader DEFINITELY gets what I'm trying to say, and so sometimes I'm repetitive and I hammer things home a bit that can be more subtle. I also think that sometimes I can be a bit repetitive in my longer fics where I know a gap needs to be filled but I'm not sure with what sksksks. There are other things too. I definitely struggle writing shorter things and getting to the point and TRUSTING that the reader will come with me. I often feel this urge to make sure all the steps are there for the reader to follow where I want them to go.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oooh so I actually did this in campervan part 5 with Gabriela and Jamila speaking a bit of Portuguese! And I think there's like, obviously nuance to it, but when I had the pov characters who understood portuguese (namely Jamila in the prologue), I had the dialogue in portuguese, but the translation in the prose, either literally just next to the dialogue or explained in the narration by Jamila. But then in later chapters, when Yaz is trying to talk to Gabriela, because Gabriela is upset she's occasionally saying things in Portuguese....but Yaz doesn't understand them. So they don't get translated. And so I think that works for the story in that context, bc what Gabriela actually SAYS is less important and it's more showing the emotion of it. Another case I can think of was in Force Over Distance by cleanwhiteroom who wrote a LOT of ancient into the fic (which is basically latin) and when it was on ao3 there was this sort of 'hover to translate' thing which worked REALLY WELL, bc the translation was there but it didn't disrupt the flow of the fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay so I wanna know what counts here - if it's like, the first fic i POSTED, then that's Marvel (specifically the Avengers). If it's the first fic I wrote when I actually understood what 'fandom' was, then...I think that was also Avengers....or maybe BBC Sherlock. If it's the first thing I actually WROTE DOWN properly, then it was Doctor Who (specifically Ten and Rose and my oc companion sksk). If it was the first thing I played with creatively for media that wasn't my own...then that was probably me coming up with elaborate ocs out of two unicorns on the credits for the My Little Pony vhs tape we had SKSKSKSK SO. I don't know. One or all of those.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh this is hard because I'm proud of a lot of what I've written. My gut reaction at the moment is actually Trestle, even though it's unfinished and no one has read it HAHAH but I'm just so proud of some of the writing in that so far. And I'm extremely proud of Campervan AU as a whole entity. However I do really really love see me bare my teeth for you - which I actually forget about a LOT because it's not one of my thoschei fics sksksk. But I'm super proud of how that one turned out. And then also and they did live by watchfires because that one just has such a special place in my heart.
THANKS FOR THE TAG LIV!!! I'm gonna tag hmmmmmmm @sunshinedaysforever @taardisblue @novantinuum @emptyofdust @strikingtwelves @walker-lister aaaaah basically anyone else that wants to do this! :D
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zhongliologist · 3 years
Tea Ceremonies | Dom! Zhongli
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Pairing: Zhongli x Fem!Reader
Words: 3.1k
A/N: No one asked for this but here you go. This was supposed to be another half dragon Zhongli fic, but oh well, the plot went somewhere else. This is btw based on another fic I’m working on which is a Teashop AU,, so Zhongli is the boss, Keqing, Xiao, and the reader are the employees;;;
After hours in the teashop was almost identical to its opening hours.
It was peaceful and quiet, with all the chairs stowed away and the window covers rolled down—the only difference was the void of loneliness left by the absence of the customers’ chatter. Yet this was the perfect time for you, as a waitress to practice your skills in preparing tea.
While one can say that preparing tea is simply a matter of steeping tea leaves in a pot of hot water, such practice does not bring forth the full flavor and aroma of the tea leaves, and does not completely align with the purpose of the tea shop.
Well, that’s how your boss, Zhongli would say.
Thus, with all the materials before you at the counter and an incense stick lighted up somewhere, you were already in the middle of the tea ceremony. To his credit, it was indeed a meditative task—you can allow yourself to just relax and slowly prepare the tea in meticulous steps Zhongli has instructed you to.
You were already in the middle of heating up the Yixing teapot when the tea sommelier stepped out from the kitchen, his handsome face still calm as ever even after a day’s work.
“Oh? Are you practicing?”
Zhongli asked, walking towards you and observing your actions closely. You suddenly felt self-conscious at his presence; your hand holding the iron kettle trembling.
“I-I…yeah,” you managed to reply, even if you were beginning to flush under his scrutinizing gaze.
You had long realized your massive crush on this man; it wasn’t even a secret to your co-workers Keqing and Xiao, yet as an employee, there was no way for you to act upon your feelings on your boss.
“Careful now,” he muttered behind you, covering your hand with his. “We wouldn’t want to get you scalded.”
Slowly, he guided your hand and poured the hot water on to the Yixing tea pot; the steam making your face even hotter than before. While he was busy teaching you, your mind was definitely elsewhere—concentrating only on how warm your back was against his broad chest, or how close his breath was to your ear.
He brought down the iron kettle back to the heating stand much to your relief. However, unlike what you were expecting, he hasn’t left your side, rather, he felt even closer than before.
What…What is this…?!
Inwardly, you were panicking. There was no way for you to continue the tea ceremony like this. Zhongli was so close, too close that he could be snuggling to you at this point. Your heart beat was racing at a hundred mile per hour yet you couldn’t leave your thoughts aside anymore. Your boss isn’t flirting with you now, is he?!
“What’s the next step, YN?” he asked, forcing you out of your mental dilemma. His voice was sultry, and seductively close to your ear, he could nibble on it any second.
“A-ahh….uh…er…leaves! I’m putting in the leaves!” You exclaimed, hand clammy as you searched for the Da Hong Pao among the containers before you.
When you did finally find it, your hand was slightly trembling as you scooped out a spoonful of it until the pot was four-fifths full. You swear you could die from both nervousness and embarrassment as you wondered if Zhongli saw you clumsily filling in the tea pot.
Yet he only chuckled behind you, making you jump as he propped his head on your shoulders. “Excellent. And then?”
Don’t mind him, YN! Just…Just do what you need to do!
“T-The water….to…to m-moisten the leaves!”
Taking the iron kettle once again, you lifted it up at a certain height and began pouring, aiming towards the rim of the teapot. You kept on willing yourself to focus on your technique, but it seemed like your boss has other ideas.
With his free hand, you felt Zhongli glide up his fingers on your back; slowly and deliberately, as if he was intentionally teasing you.
“Stand up straight now, love.”
The effect was immediate. You jolted up from your position, almost missing the tea pot you were pouring water into.
“S-Sir…!” you exclaimed, wide eyed and flustered. “What are you doing…!”
Zhongli only hummed amusingly, much to your chagrin. “I’m simply correcting your posture. Is something wrong?”
You’re definitely not ‘simply correcting’ my posture!
If only you could say that, but you continued on.
The custom was to pour until the water spills out slightly from the teapot, but you were still a few inches away, no thanks to your boss’ antics.
“Now, listen to how the water sounds as you pour it into the teapot,” he was now back beside your ear, as if he was whispering sweet nothings to you. “Does it not resemble the trickling of a mountain stream? Does it not sound good?”
You weren’t really sure what he was referring to as ‘good’ in his last question, but you knew he wasn’t talking about the water anymore.
“As you add more heat, the tea leaves will gradually unfurl and open up.” He continued, “it’s flavor and aroma unlocking as you begin to moisten it up.”
Are…are those innuendos? You pursed your lips despite how his deep voice sends in waves of arousal down between your legs. You were not giving in. Definitely not.
Looking down, you were glad the water had begun to spill out from the teapot—the iron kettle was beginning to weigh on your arm, and your boss was being such a delightful distraction. Placing the kettle back, you then picked up the lid of the teapot and began scraping away the bubbles that had floated on top.
“You must be gentle with it, YN,” he whispered, voice almost raspy, as his hands settled on your hips. It instantly sent shudders down your spine. “Just like how they say, ‘as gentle as a spring breeze, stroking one’s skin…”
As he said those words, his fingers danced on your waist as it eventually slid down your thighs, and stayed there; meandering lines on your trouser-covered skin with his digits.
You bit your lip, stopping a moan from escaping. It was beginning to feel difficult to breathe since he was already embracing you; feeling you up. Even if this was a surprise, you were relishing at his attention; not wanting him to stop.
“S-Sir…I—!” You closed your eyes tightly as he groped your thigh; making you halt all your actions.
“Don’t stop now. Continue.”
Despite, his deep and gentle voice, you knew what an order was. And so you did what he told you, despite how distracting the weight of his hands were on your sensitive skin.
Carefully, with eyes sharp, Zhongli watched as you continued with the tea ceremony—washing the teacups with the first steep and draining the rest into the tea tray. Once again, you picked up the iron kettle and poured boiling water into the teapot for the final infusion.
“You’re doing an excellent job, love,” he murmured to your ear; lips playfully nibbling. “What will you do now?”
“I…I…mmnh…” you tried to reply, yet his hands only made your heart jump to your throat. “…I have to…p-pour hot water outside…too…”
“For what?” He nuzzled on your neck.
Your hands gripped on the handle of the iron kettle tightly. “To…to i-isolate the heat…inside the pot…”
Zhongli made a low chuckle as it reverberated to your ear and down to the part between your legs. “Correct. Perhaps I shall reward you when you’re done. What do you think, love?”
You can feel him smirk against your neck. “Well then, you still have a few steps to do. Please continue.”
Yet despite your best efforts, you couldn’t shake the arousal that had long been swirling inside your stomach. Squeezing your thighs together, you tried to seek some sort of friction to at least alleviate the haze of lust that was clouding your thoughts. Much to your dismay, your boss held on to you firmly, unable to do anything but dazedly glance at the unfinished ceremony before you.
“Oh? Do you want to stop now?” he asked, his erection now rubbing against your backside. “Will you forfeit your reward then?”
“N-no…! Wait!” you hurriedly replied, panicking.
Reaching for the teapot, you then poured its contents into the fairness pitcher. It only takes a few seconds for the Da Hong Pao to finish steeping because of the high leaf-to-water ratio, and you were glad you didn’t have to wait for too long.
“Now, now, love,” Zhongli admonished you softly, but it came out more like a purr. “Remember that the tea ceremony should not be hurried. Savor and take pleasure in this activity as much as you can.”
Without warning, he rubbed his leg against your most sensitive spot; earning a surprised yelp from you as you gripped the counter until your knuckles turned white. It was good you weren’t holding anything at that time.
“Nghh….Sir! Please…I can’t—!”
Zhongli only tutted at you, his hands inching dangerously between your legs. “It’s a mere few steps left, YN. Perhaps you don’t deserve a reward after all.”
The threat concealed in his voice was obvious to you—it’s either you continue or he’s gonna leave you like that, wanting and unsatisfied.
You pursed your lips and picked up the fairness pitcher. Even if your hands were trembling, you have to finish the ceremony just as he instructed because you know how much he will stick to his word. Pouring into the fragrance-smelling cups quickly and evenly, you came to the point where there was only a small amount of tea left inside the pitcher.
“And what will you do about that?” he suddenly asked, lips pressing against one sensitive pulse on your neck; his knee rubbing against your core.
You bit down a moan, and gathered what remaining strength you still have left. “I…I…have to pour it…”
Your boss pushed his knee harder, making you mewl against the counter. “Pour how?”
“Ahhh…! Haa….d-drop…by drop…”
You were surprised how you still managed to reply with how he was relentless with his stimulation, but it was far from over.
“Could you show it to me then?”
Damn it, Zhongli! You inwardly cursed him, but there was nothing you could do. This was the most laborious of the ceremony but this was to ensure that the flavor and aroma is even in all cups. God knows what he’s going to pull while you concentrate on doing it.
With what little is left inside the pitcher, you then poured a drop in each teacup, slowly but surely. You could feel him grinning as he perched on your shoulders, his hands lazily and deliberately missing your now drenched core.
Just how long will he continue to tease you?
Your patience had long been worn down into tiny slivers, but Zhongli held control over you as much as how he securely pins you to the counter. You could only chew on your lip as you felt his hard on pressing against you as if he was testing how much you could endure.
 And finally, as if an eternity has passed, the pitcher was empty and you covered all the fragrance-smelling teacups with empty teacups—arranging them into a presentable display.
“S-sir…! I’m d-done—”
Suddenly, Zhongli turned your head towards him and captured your lips into a searing kiss. He was rough and harsh; all nips and bites and tongue as he prodded your lips open. At the same time, he kept on rubbing your core with his leg which you eagerly responded to with a loud moan.
“Here’s your reward, love,” he told you in between kisses, with a lilt of scorn in his voice. “Rub yourself against my leg and come.”
His vicious lips then turned to your neck and shoulders, littering them with bites and marks wherever he went. He would move his lips sensually on a pulse point before sucking and leaving a bruise for everyone to see tomorrow.
“You seem to like this so much, don’t you?” he asked, grinning as his teeth sunk gently on your shoulder. “Do you like being touched by your boss?”
Zhongli raised an elegant brow. “Oh, you don’t? Perhaps I should stop here then.”
Your half-lidded eyes shot wide open. “N-No! Please don’t….! S-sir…! Please…!”
“Please what?” he asked, gazing at you with such sharp amber eyes.
“I-I…I need you, Sir…! I need to come….p-please! I…I can’t!”
Your boss smirked at you and pulled away.
You panicked in an instant, wondering what you had done wrong. Turning around to see where he went, you were instead bent to the counter, the tea ceremony set already at the side. Quick hands made quick work of your pants until you were only left with your underwear.
Feeling his hands on your hole, you could only moan at his incessant teasing. Fingers prodding and poking but never really committing to making you feel good, your yearning for him inside you only increased further.
“You’ve been so good for me, YN,” you could hear him beside your ear, his chest warm against your back. “I shall fulfill my end of the contract.”
Pushing aside your underwear, he slipped in two fingers inside you, scissoring them on your hot folds. Delirium filled your entire head as you finally felt him give you something more after those long periods of teasing.  You have never expected him to be this merciless but you loved it anyway.
“How amusing. You’re shaking your hips on your own,” he remarked, still pumping his fingers in and out of you. “Perhaps I should’ve filled you with my cock instead?”
“Nghhh…Sir…! Y-yes…ahhh…!”
“Would you like that, hmm?” Zhongli asked, scoffing at you. “You would, wouldn’t you?”
 You could feel his digits now rubbing against your most sensitive spots, driving you closer and closer to climax. But of course, this was Zhongli. As soon as he felt you tighten up around him, he immediately withdrew his fingers and pushed them inside your mouth.
“Mmnhh…..! Ohh…! Haaa….haa—"
“You whine like a poor beast in heat,” he openly mocked you, his now hard shaft rubbing against your hole and covering it with your slick juices. “How adorable.”
With his fingers in your mouth, you can only groan as he gradually entered you, stretching you out with his large dick. Your thoughts were only swirling with ecstasy as he filled you, pushing in and out of your hole.
And in one sharp thrust, Zhongli buried himself fully into you—triggering your climax. Shaking underneath him as your orgasm flooded you, your boss continued to pound into you, unrelenting despite how sensitive you are at that point.
Pulling his fingers out of your mouth, he took a fistful of your hair as he set his brutal pace—smirking as he watched your teary-eyed yet debauched expression.
“You take me in so well, love,” he praised you, though there was a mix of derision in his tone. “You like being fucked by your boss, don’t you?”
“S-Sir…! N-No…Ahhhh….! Nghhh…! Sir! Please…”
At your denial, Zhongli only shoved deeper inside of you, drawing out a long groan from your throat.
“Admit it now, YN. At least your little hole here is being honest,” he continued, shifting so that his cock was rubbing right where it feels so good.  
“No…ahhh….not there! N-not…!”
Zhongli smothered more kisses on your neck, his shaft buried deep inside of you; hitting all the delicious places which were once again pushing you towards your second climax.
“Would you want me to stop then?”
“F-fuck…! No—! I—”
“Then what should I do, love?”
In the face of all the pleasure and stimulation he was giving you, you had to throw all your shame out of the window.
“M-more…! Nghh….sir please…f-fuck me!” you cried out, loving the way Zhongli was chuckling right behind you.
“As you wish.”
Pulling almost out of you, Zhongli then shoved his dick back inside in roughly, earning a throaty mewl from you. He himself could only growl at how tight you kept on gripping him.
“It feels…ahh! S-so…good….! So good—” You repeated as if in a trance.
“I’m close, love….ughh…fuck…!” He groaned, pulling your hair as your back arched. “Take all of my seed…!”
He plunged in deep inside of you, his warm seed filling you up in long bursts while you orgasmed at the same time. You were quivering at how full you were of him, savoring the moment where he clung tightly on you.
“YN…” you heard him whisper your name in his deep voice as if lulling you. “YN…”
“Zhongli…sir…” you muttered back, closing your eyes. “I…I love you…”
“Hush now, love…” you heard him reply softly.
A rude push jerked you awake.
“What are you doing, sleeping in the breakroom?”
Your eyes widened.
It was Xiao, who was looking at you irately, that you first noticed. Then you saw the wooden lockers and the musk green wallpaper of the breakroom.
Wait. You continued processing what had happened.
“…what?” you asked him, disoriented.
“What do you mean what?” he replied. “Go home if you’re tired! It’s already closing time!”
Xiao leaned his head to the side. “Why are you so dazed? Still on dreamland?”
That…! That was all a dream?!
Everything that had happened—you covered your face with your hands—everything that Zhongli did….it was all a dream?! Inwardly, you grimaced. You thought something had finally progressed between the two of you, but at the same time, you realized you can’t look at him in the eyes after all of that.
The door creaked open.
“What’s the matter here?”
As soon as you heard those words, you jumped—face flushing instantaneously. Just as luck would have it, the real Zhongli had to appear as soon as you realized your dilemma. Not knowing what to do, you could only stare at the real Zhongli, who was gazing at you oh-so-innocently. That is, until your brain finally imploded.
You stood up.  
“I-I…! I-I think I’m going home now! Bye!” You declared loudly, gathering most of your things from your locker and raced pass through the two men in a matter of seconds. It would also be best to call tomorrow a day off.
Xiao watched as you dashed through the back door as if you were being chased by hilichurls and raised a brow.
“Don’t you think YN looks a bit red just now?” he asked Zhongli, who only shrugged.
“She seems fine to me,” the tea sommelier replied with a flippant tone in his voice which seemed to have alerted the perceptive Xiao.
“And what about you?” he asked before the older male could escape. “You seem to be in high spirits.”
“Am I? Perhaps you’re imagining it.”
“What did you do?”
Zhongli only blinked and smiled. “Have you ever heard of ‘gifting dreams and visions’?”
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vulcan-highblood · 4 years
Ok. So I just felt like you need to know how impactful your naruto works are, i binge read all of them last night, and it was well worth it, for the intense concentration of iruka appreciation in each and every one like. Wow. Your writing style is so nice, the way you depict the relationships of other characters with iruka is SO NICE - especially naruto omg the amount of serotonin that encased my being each time you depicted how much iruka means to naruto and how he really is naruto’s precious person just like naruto is his and how MUCH naruto loves him like they both have the biggest hearts in this series THEY BOTH LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH and reading your work made me forget for a moment how sidelined and unappreciated iruka is, especially when his impact on naruto literally made naruto who he was omgggg. And your recent kakairu 😭 like chef’s kiss!! I loved all parts and facets of it, kakashi using food as a way to communicate how much he loves iruka?? Iruka being well fed and looked after?? Omgggg what a gift! Also iruka and itachi!! Becoming friends?? Teammates?? I did not see that one coming but I appreciate it 10000% nonetheless your execution and delivery were so on point! I loved it!! I think I rambled too much so I’m gonna stop you just need to know how underrated your work is and how you deserve so many more kudos, thank you for all that you do asdfghjkl you made me love iruka more than I already did and I wish more ppl delved into iruka’s effect on other ppl bc he is so inspiring and such a good person sksksksksks. Hope u have a very lovely week ✨
Anon, I... 
wow. I uh. I stared at this ask for probably a good 5 minutes, just grinning uncontrollably. This is so sweet of you to say!! I’m so touched!! I am sitting over here fumbling for words (which is truly an accomplishment as getting me to shut up is.... a challenge, lol)!!
First of all  -  the fact that you consider my naruto fics an “intense concentration of iruka appreciation” is so flattering, that’s 100% always my intent with them, I adore Iruka so much and he deserves the world, tbh I’m so flattered that you like my writing style, too?? It’s something i’m always trying to improve and it’s nice to know when I’ve hit the mark. :) so thank you!!
Second - “how much iruka means to naruto” “he really is naruto’s precious person just like naruto is his”  “they both have the biggest hearts in this series” Did you mean: 99% of why I write these fics? Because YES. I absolutely love seeing the bond between Iruka and Naruto and I love portraying it so much because for two people who lost their families and grew up feeling isolated, the fact that they can find love and acceptance and home and family in one another just Means So Much To Me. I’m glad that this made an impact on you, too, that’s exactly what I wanted to convey in those scenes
Third - ahahaha I really love it too? I was nervous because I honestly don’t feel super confident writing Naruto fic yet, I feel like I’m really faking it and just constantly returning to the wiki like “send help”, so it’s a huge relief to hear that you like it, too! I was worried that maybe Kakashi was OOC, so it’s reassuring to hear that you don’t feel that’s the case
Fourth - I happened to stumble across the fact that Iruka and Itachi graduated around the same time and my brain instantly was like “THAT. GROUP PROJECT” and honestly it’s the fine folks over in the Umino Hours discord serveer that helped me build it from there. It was originally going to just be that one lone oneshot about Iruka and Itachi being paired up for homework, and it was only through the brainstorming I did with a few lovely members that built up my Itachi & Iruka thing into a full Genin Team/Unlikely Friends dynamic!!! And I’m so so so grateful to everyone there who talked me into it because now i’m so deeply invested in the AU and I keep on dragging more characters into it and honestly I’m so so so happy with where it’s going. I’m glad you like it and are along for the ride, too. :)
Haha, as you can see, i too can talk a lot about my fics, and I am very much not opposed to OTHER people talking about them to me!! This was so sweet of you, I’m so grateful!!! 
I don’t know that I’d say the fics are underrated (though i appreciate the sentiment because my ego thinks everything i do is underrated, lol). To be honest, though, I’ve only been writing in the fandom for about a month at this point? So, considering the amount of support I’ve gotten in such a short time, I’m quite satisfied. :) Of course, I would love more kudos and comments, but I am also thrilled that so many people have been willing to read an honestly almost crackfic sounding AU like  “iruka and itachi on the same genin team”
Finally: “you made me love iruka more than I already did and I wish more ppl delved into iruka’s effect on other ppl bc he is so inspiring and such a good person” MY HEART. AHHHHHHH. This is 10000% why I write the fics I write - because Iruka has such an incredible impact on the world around him and he is so inspiring and wonderful. I’m so glad that my fics could make you love iruka more than you already did, what a wonderful thing to say!! I’m so touched, I’m moved, I’m thrilled!! thank you so much!!  
I can assuredly say that after this amazing ask I will definitely have a very lovely week <3 thank you so much!!
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