#the yellow rolls Royce
cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
The happiest of birthdays to Alain Delon!!
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male-beauty-sfw · 2 years
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citizenscreen · 2 years
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George C. Scott as Paolo Maltese in Anthony Asquith’s THE YELLOW ROLLS-ROYCE (1964)
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autumncottageattic · 2 years
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The Yellow Rolls-Royce is a 1964 British dramatic composite film
The Yellow Rolls-Royce uses a yellow 1931 Rolls-Royce Phantom II to frame the story of three very different owners: an English aristocrat, a Miami gangster and a wealthy American widow. It is set in the years up to and including the start of World War II.
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mrs-trophy-wife · 1 year
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mopsburgfalls · 2 months
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Silver Shadow II new paint, French market
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 11 months
Okay but Ingrid Bergmann was kind of a milf 👀
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arkantil · 11 months
istg i just saw the cashcab while doin errands. i live in the middle of nowhere is this real
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humanpurposes · 5 months
We're Born At Night
Chapter 1
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Lady Rhaelle Targaryen of Runestone travels to King's Landing to plead for her sister's life, though the King she must bow to is a kinslayer three times over, and the very man who slaughtered her father
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Aemond Targaryen x Rhaelle Targaryen (OFC)
Warnings: 18+, eventual smut, politics, mentions of death and war
Words: 4.3k
A/n: a self-indulgent post-dance fic and I'm excited about it :)
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She rocks with the carriage as it rolls over the cobbled streets of King’s Landing. Bricks and tiles in dull shades of red, yellow and browns move past the window, and the air is thick with dust and all sorts of unpleasant smells. 
Her heart sinks at the absence of greenery, like the forests and fields that surround Runestone, the sounds of rivers and streams, the bright bursts of colour in the wildflowers. The Red Keep overlooks Blackwater Bay, she remembers that. She loved rising early to watch the sunrise, to see the waves glow red and gold. She loved going down to the beach below the castle to feel the warm summer sun on her face and dip her toes into the cold water.
It is autumn now. Grey clouds dull the sunlight and there is a chill in the air.
Daena sits opposite her, tugging at her sleeves and the collar of her travelling cloak. They are in matching gowns of dark green velvet, newly made for their visit to court; a cheap play for the King’s favour, but she needs all the help she can get. 
Her younger sister’s constant fussing is irritating, but Rhaelle cannot blame her.
“You look beautiful, my lady,” says Morra, Rhaelle’s handmaiden who sits beside her, a sharp and observant young woman.
Daena’s harshly violet eyes glare up at her. She gives a small huff and drops her arms into her lap. “I look better in red,” she says.
“Careless talk like that will cost you your tongue the moment we’re through the castle gates,” Rhaelle warns.
Daena tuts and turns her head towards the window. “What an awful place,” she says.
Rhaelle pulls back the thin curtain with the tip of her finger. Miserable faces, crowds of bodies, market stalls, bands of mummers, and an endless array of buildings pass her by. She has prayed to the old gods and the new that their visit to the Red Keep will be short, but that is wishful thinking and she has never been much of an optimist.
Ten years ago she had been hunting with her late mother’s cousin, Ser Gerold, when a raven appeared over the hills, headed for Runestone. It had filled her with an inexplicable dread and she could not understand why until she returned to the castle to learn of the death of Laena Velaryon, her step-mother. Daemon had summoned his eldest three daughters to Driftmark to see her laid to rest and mourn alongside two sisters they had never met. In a matter of days, Ser Laenor was dead too, Daemon had married Princess Rhaenyra on Dragonstone, and had plans for three more marriages.
Their oldest sister, Alyssa, and Prince Jacaerys were married at the Red Keep little more than a month later, she being sixteen and he a boy of ten. Baela was betrothed to Prince Lucerys, and Rhaelle was betrothed to Prince Joffrey, only a babe at the time.
While Rhaelle and Daera had returned to Runestone, Alyssa had remained at Dragonstone with her husband and so her fate had been sealed.
They come to a gatehouse made of red stone, where the banners of House Targaryen loom proudly over the walls and flutter in the breeze. The sight sparks a memory Rhaelle had forgotten she had, and suddenly it feels like she never left this place at all. Her family’s sigil, the three-headed dragon, should be more familiar to her than it really is. She finds more comfort in the colours of white and bronze, black pebbles and the ancient runes of her mother’s house.
She looks down at her own sleeves, at the runes embroidered into the cuffs with golden thread. The right reads the words of House Royce: We remember. On the left though, is a saying far older, so old that no one can truly say where it came from, only that it has been passed down in proverbs amongst those who carry the blood of the first men. Now they are written in books and scripture, carved onto tombs, whispered in prayers said before a weirwood, spoken to her by her mother: Learn to die.
Did those words pass the lips of Rhea Royce when she fell from her horse and cracked her head open on a rock? Did they echo through her mind when she lay in her bed, either unconscious or incoherent for nine days?
Does Alyssa utter them to herself in the darkness of the Black Cells?
The carriage comes to a stop. Rhaelle takes a deep breath, checks that her hair is neatly pinned back, that her gown sits right and that her boots are spotless. There can be no room for weakness here, not where people will judge every move she makes, note every word she says and stare into her eyes as if to read her very thoughts.
The door is opened for her and she steps out into the courtyard clutching the hand of one of her household guards.
Lord Corlys is waiting to greet them by the steps to the castle, dressed in fine robes of sea green and silver. On his collar she spots a gleam of gold, the pin that marks him as the Hand of the King. 
When she had last seen Lord Corlys he was the Seasnake, a naval hero who carved out his own legacy and built his seat of Hightide to fill with the trophies of his victories. Now Hightide is nothing more than ruins buried in ash and Lord Corlys is an old man leaning on a cane, with long silver locks, a thick white beard and a tired look in his eyes, the look of a man who has seen his last war. 
He offers her a small bow of his head. “Lady Rhaelle, what an honour it is to welcome you to the Red Keep.”
Daena follows her and greets Lord Corlys with a perfect curtsey. He smiles and notes how much they have changed since he last saw them, but they were girls then, young and sweet, only grieving their first loss.
Morra takes their travelling cloaks before Lord Corlys leads them inside, followed by their household guard. The halls are quiet and solemn, the colours she remembers from childhood somehow duller and she wonders if it is because she is older.
Eyes fall to the sisters easily and whispers echo wherever they walk. She hears a faint whisper of “traitor” as they come to the great stairwell in the very heart of the castle. She looks around her and above, up into the cavernous space overhead where faces peer down from balconies and galleries, made hazy by smoke and heat from the braziers.
Traitor, the accusation clings in her stomach and throat, until Daena’s hand gently wraps around her wrist and urges her to walk on. But perhaps the whispers are right. She is the daughter of a traitor, the sister of a traitor, perhaps it is in her blood and she cannot escape it.
They are shown to their chambers in the west wing of the castle. A small reception room joins two privy chambers and two bedchambers beyond that. It is a pity, she would have liked a room where she could see Blackwater Bay or the Kingswood to the south.
Her bedroom is a little smaller than her own bedchamber at Runestone, decorated with tapestries, furnishings and details in green, gold, red and black. She looks from the window, over the towering walls of Maegor’s Holdfast of her lavishly decorated prison, a thought which she immediately reprimands herself for. She will not allow herself such pity, not while her sister is a prisoner.
Alyssa had stayed by her husband’s side through the war, donned a widow’s veil when he fell in battle and decided that she would stay on Dragonstone when Rhaenyra took King’s Landing.
The war went on. Alyssa's letters stopped abruptly. Word came that the commonfolk had revolted against Rhaenyra, and her own betrothed, the boy Joffrey, was slain in the fighting.
Then came the raven from King Aegon. Rhaenyra was dead and their remaining siblings had been taken captive: Little Aegon, Baela, Rhaena, and Alyssa. She can still the words scrawled onto the parchment: “She has been treated with no unnecessary cruelty.”
Aegon wouldn’t have dared lay a hand on Baela and Rhaena, not with Lord Corlys on his small council. Alyssa had no such protection, not with their father rotting alongside the corpse of the dragon at the bottom of the God’s Eye.
And now the man who slaughtered him wears the crown.
Lord Corlys has invited her to dine with him, in his chambers in the Tower of the Hand. Daylight fades swiftly into twilight as she crosses the courtyard that her bedchamber overlooks, past the lowered drawbridge of the Holdfast. With winter approaching, the days are growing shorter.
A servant of Lord Corlys’ leads her up a single flight of stairs, through a reception room and into a small dining hall. The table is set with fine silverware and glass cups, lit by flickering flames of candles and a blazing hearth. Lord Corlys sits at the head of the table and rises to meet her. She offers him her hand, and he presses his lips to her knuckles.
“Is your sister not joining us, my lady?” he asks.
She smiles politely. Daena fears for Alyssa’s life as much as she does, but she is not meant for the delicacy of a negotiation.
Her place is set to his right and as she sits he pours her out a glass of wine. “From the Summer Isles,” he says. “I could never understand why anyone would bother with the stuff that comes from the Arbour.”
“We are lovers of ale and cider in the Vale,” Rhaelle says, “but I trust your taste, my Lord.”
They raise their glasses to each other and take small sips as two servants bring in plates of beef, bread and butter, and roasted vegetables. They move like shadows between the candlelight, their footsteps light, their movements gentle and unobtrusive. They are gone as quickly as they came.
When the door is shut, Lord Corlys leans forward with his elbows on the table and his hands clasped together. He says quietly, “I intend to put your matter to the King in the morning.”
Rhaelle places her glass down on the table, her hand lingering on the base. Sadness suddenly strikes her heart. “You mean you have not spoken to him at all?”
“I have told him you seek to improve your position, and the position of your younger sister, of which he has been supportive.”
“But what about the matters we have discussed?” she asks.
His eyes are distant, settled on nothing in particular. He reaches to take a roll of bread from the table, but he does not eat it, he simply places it on his plate. “Lady Alyssa is an admirable woman, truly. She reminds me much of Baela–”
“Not admirable enough for you to appeal on her behalf,” Rhaelle says sharply. “I only wish to see her returned to her home, to Runestone.”
“In the eyes of the King, she is a traitor to the realm. She challenged the true line of succession.”
“As did you,” she says, “at the start of the war, you pledged your support for Rhaenyra.”
“Aye, I did, for the good of my family, and the cost was great.”
“Greater than siding with those who killed your wife?”
Corlys looks to her with a grave expression. “And Aemond killed your father, but you have come to his court, in the hopes of lobbying him, to plead for his mercy and his favour.”
But that’s different, isn’t it? Her father was a rare presence at Runestone, his name hanging over her head like an unspoken secret. He did not come to lay his first wife to rest, but he had tried to claim her inheritance and had no difficulty condemning their daughter to a marriage that would tie her to a war.
“I just want my sister to be safe,” she utters.
“I want that too,” Lord Corlys says and she can almost believe him.
“When can I speak to him? When will he release her?”
He takes a slow breath. “We must approach this matter with caution,” he says, “and it will be worth your while. Many say Aemond is a far more reasonable man than his brother was.”
“You served them both. What do you have to say on Aemond’s reason?”
A sad look falls over his face. He looks the way he did the day his daughter was buried. “Aemond is just, in his own way, but the Targaryens have always ruled with fire and blood, and he is no exception.”
When she returns to her bedchamber, she finds Daena curled up on a chaise by the dying hearth. 
“She wished to see you after your dinner with Lord Corlys,” Morra mutters as Rhaelle fetches a blanket from the bed and drapes it over her sister. “It has been a tedious few months, and I do not doubt she is tired after the journey from Runestone.”
As a child, Rhaelle often wondered if she and her sisters had been born cursed. They had inherited nothing of their father’s looks save for his violet eyes; three Targaryen girls with dark curls and the stern face of their mother. Daena has always had a softness that she and Alyssa never had, a fuller face, a smaller nose, slight but pouted lips and large eyes. She looks like a doll, even in sleep.
She smooths her hand over Daena’s head, lightly so she will not disturb her, like she used to do when she was a babe. Daena makes a small humming noise in her chest but does not rouse.
She wishes her sister could rise from her sleep well rested, to a world where she would never know fear or uncertainty. Such a possibility seems close; in her heart she chases it like a hare, a flash of movement through a forest. She need only draw an arrow and strike her target.
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Rhaelle is awake before dawn. By the time Daena will have started to stir, Morra has her bathed, skin scrubbed with sugar and honey then scented with lavender oil, dressed, then adds the finishing touches to her hair. She takes the top half and braids it around Rhaelle’s head like a crown, the rest falling freely down her back. With no Queen, the ladies of the court are said to follow the fashions of Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Helaena. If she is to be a lady of Aemond’s court, a Targaryen, she must appear the part.
She breaks her fast in her privy chamber. Servants bring in jugs of cherry juice, bowls of sweet stewed oats, platters of blackberry tarts and slices of apple dusted with sugar and cinnamon. The sun rises over the courtyard and a pale shade of red shines through the window where the light reflects from the red stone of the Holdfast.
Daena bounces into the room like an excitable child and takes a blackberry tart before she has even taken a seat. She will need to work on her table manners before she dines before the King and his court, Rhaelle notes. Her hair has been brought into one thick braid that falls over her shoulder and her gown is black, like Rhaelle’s, but detailed with silver rather than gold. 
“What did Lord Corlys say to you last night?” she asks, following her pastry with a sip of cherry juice.
“He said that he means to put our cause to the King, and that we must employ patience.”
Daena scoffs, “patience?”
Rhaelle shares a pointed look with Morra, standing by the table. “We have no other choice,” she says, “and you will mind what you say, even in private, even when you think we are alone.”
“I thought the Master of Whispers had been put to death, or does Larys Strong still manage to spy on the Kingdom without a head?”
“And will you continue to slander the King if I find a smith to wrench out your tongue?”
Daena glares at her, then pouts her lips to stifle a giggle.
They finish their meal in relative peace and when they are done, Rhaelle is left with a pleasantly sharp sweetness on her tongue from the fruit. Morra adorns her with jewellery, all gold and set with rubies, a chain about her waist, earrings and a necklace. For the final touch she dabs tinted rosewater on her cheeks and lips.
“They say he’s terribly dull,” Daena says, patiently waiting her turn.
Rhaelle frowns at her through the mirror. “The King?”
“Tyland fucking Lannister– yes, the King.” 
Prince Joffrey had been far too young to be her escort to the wedding of Alyssa and Prince Jacaerys. Aegon was already betrothed to Helaena, and so on the day of the festivities Rhaelle had been presented with a sombre looking, silver-haired Prince. He frowned constantly, which she did not doubt had something to do with the cut through his left eye. The wound and his skin was red, held together with stitches. He often had his hands balled into fists, breathing deeply through his nose as though he was in pain. He tried to talk to her about his studies, and asked her about the histories of Runestone and House Royce. He led her through one dance after dinner before he retreated to his chambers. She had despaired with Alyssa the next day that she hadn’t been allowed to be escorted by any other young man of the court. That boy is a man now, and a kinslayer thrice over.
“Better a dull King than a drunk King, I suppose,” she says quietly.
“Who’s a slanderer now?” Daena says with a wicked smile. 
There are less clouds in the sky this morning. Sunlight bleeds through tall windows and floods the halls of the castle. It is more lively now, servants hurry about with baskets of food and fresh linens, men and women in all their finery walk through courtyards and galleries, though most are gathering at the throne room.
Rhaelle and Daena stay arm in arm, until they reach the entrance hall and the great oak doors that lead into the great hall.
“These carvings are new,” Rhaelle wonders aloud. The stone is cleaner here than it is in the rest of the castle, images of dragons carved into walls, pillars and archways. 
She hears the ominous hum of voices on the other side of the doors. She can picture them, the staring faces like a pack of wolves eager to sink their teeth and claws into the daughters of Daemon Targaryen.
And she can picture the Iron Throne, where her uncle once sat with the golden crown of the Consolidator atop his head.
Daena leans in close to Rhaelle’s ear, tightening her hold on her arm. “But he was a dragonrider, and a warrior, surely he cannot be so dull.”
She tries to imagine that boy from the wedding feast, his serious expression, his round little face, a single sad blue eye darting around the hall. Then she imagines a killer, a bloodthirsty monster with fangs for teeth and talons for hands. She cannot place them in the same body.
“They say he has a sapphire set in the empty socket, but that he wears an eyepatch so as not to frighten the ladies at court.”
She has heard of this story, like Ser Symeon star eyes. “How considerate of him,” Rhaelle adds, glancing over her shoulder but no one seems to have heard them. She clenches her jaw and takes slow, steady breaths in the hopes that it will calm her nerves, just enough to get through this ordeal.
“I wonder if he is handsome?” Daena adds.
He’ll be wearing the Conqueror’s Crown, Valyrian steel and set with square rubies, the same worn by his brother, by Maegor the Cruel. She has only seen it in history books.
“There were awful rumours about Aegon, but he has his own now, doesn’t he?”
He will surely have Blackfyre by his side too, unless he managed to claim Dark Sister from their father’s hands once he was slain. Would he take it as a trophy of war? The thought makes her stomach churn.
“The Harrenhal whore,” Daena hisses.
This tale she is also familiar with. Aemond had marched to Harrenhal and left King’s Landing undefended. When he arrived at that cursed castle and heard the news that he had lost the capital, he slaughtered all of House Strong for treachery, save for a bastard woman, some kind of servant who he took as a bedmate. “He made her Lady of Harrenhal,” she adds, much to the ire of the realm’s Lords.
"A generous patron then," Daena chuckles, and then she falters. She lowers her voice even further till it is scarcely a breath against Rhaelle’s ear. “Will he kill Alyssa too?”
A familiar feeling of fear strikes her in her chest, squeezing on her heart and lungs. She can make no promises, not before she hears the sound of wood creaking as the doors are swung open and the voice of Ser Willis Fell calls, “Lady Rhaelle Targaryen of Runestone, and her sister, Lady Daena Targaryen!”
She drops Daena’s hand on instinct and takes a step before her like a sworn shield. The hungry faces stare up at them but she looks ahead, to the Iron Throne, to the man who sits amongst the mass of swords.
He is too distant for her to make out the details of his face, but they become clearer as she walks through the hall. If there are any whispers of “traitor,” she does not hear them.
The crown sits proudly upon his head of silver hair, long enough to pass his shoulders and fall to his chest. He is dressed all in black with no other distinguishable colours other than the silver buckles on his jerkin, and wears an eyepatch over the left side of his face.
She stops at the base of the steps leading up to the throne, knowing Daena is lingering behind her. Now she sees more of him, the line of his scar, the sharp angles of his face, his jaw, his cheeks, his nose. Most of all her attention is drawn to his mouth, to the curve of his lips, the way they settle in an expression that could almost be amused, were it not for the look of fury and hunger in his remaining eye, which is violet, like her father’s, like hers.
Lord Corlys stands by his side, but she keeps her eyes on the King and curtseys as deeply as she can. She feels her legs trembling under her skirt, her hands shaking by her sides no matter how she wills them to stop. Aemond stares at her all the while, not sparing a glance for Daena who will be following her lead.
“My King,” she says, only to find her jaw is trembling too. She dare not take her eyes from Aemond, should he take it as a sign of weakness. 
She knows the words she must say, Lord Corlys had been very specific, but there’s a thick feeling in her throat, a reluctance that she never had before, now that Aemond’s one eye is boring into her very soul.
She allows herself a breath. “My King, my sister and I have come to renounce the pretender, Rhaenyra, and all those who supported her treason, including our late father–” her eyes fall to the ground before she can stop herself. 
“You have come to ask something of me, cousin?” Aemond says. His voice, hauntingly gentle, draws her eyes back up to him.
“We have come to beg your forgiveness, and pledge our undying love and fealty to you,” she bows her head once more, “the one true King.”
Relief lifts a weight from her body but fear creeps under her skin like a fever, burning and chilling all at once. Murmurs fill the air and she hears Daena let out an exhale of breath, further away than she had expected her to be.
She keeps her head down as she sees movement in front of her, as the murmurs die down and the sound of tauntingly slow footsteps approach her where she kneels.
“Rise, my Lady,” Aemond says. 
She does as she is instructed, straightens her body, her neck, and the last thing she lifts is her gaze.
There is something sinister in the intensity of his eye as it moves about her face, the care he takes in reaching for her hand and pressing an achingly light kiss to it that lingers on her skin, but then he does not let her go. He holds his hand firmly over hers as if to keep his kiss there. “You shall be an honoured guest in my court, Lady Rhaelle.”
She cannot tell if this is kindness or a butcher calming a lamb before the slaughter.
He goes to Daena and kisses her hand, but he does not hold her the way he did Rhaelle.
“Those of my blood who are loyal shall always have a place at my court,” he says to the hall and is met with a cautious applause. 
Rhaelle meets Daena’s eye as they turn to face the crowd. Her sister frowns innocently, wide eyes begging for an explanation. Why should they trust him? Why should they have to appeal to him when they played no part in the war, when they did not challenge his brother’s inheritance? Why should they beg for forgiveness from a kinslayer King?
Aemond looks over his subjects with his head held high and his hands behind his back. He carries no sword, just a knife tucked in on his right hip. He does not regard his people with the warmth of King Viserys, instead he watches them like he’s looking for fear, like he thrives in it.
And he is so utterly captivating.
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General taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy @theoneeyedprince @tsujifreya @dreamsofoldvalyria @lacebvnny
Series taglist: @adragonprinceswhore @persephonerinyes @gemini-mama @aemondzyrys @snh96 @magnificentdelusionr
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davidhudson · 1 year
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Omar Sharif, April 10, 1932 - July 10, 2015.
During the making of Anthony Asquith’s The Yellow Rolls-Royce (1964).
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laura1633 · 6 months
It’s coming to the end of the season and I feel like we are getting lots more Lestappen content but I was thinking about the year as a whole and whilst we didn’t get many on track battles there was actually quite a lot going on this year. 
Off the top of my head…(and sorry if I have some of this wrong, I am just thinking out loud)
Bahrain - Max and Charles looking at each other like lovesick teenagers in the press conference. Hopefully you know the look I mean. - the one where Max is staring at Charles and Charles catches him staring and they both look away and smile. 
Baku - Max is going off at George and looks furious but instantly starts smiling the second he goes to congratulate Charles and Charles winks at him. 
Baku - Max showing Charles a picture on his phone and Charles leaning right into him 
Baku - Charles sitting in Checo’s chair because he’s too busy talking to Max to notice and then going and standing in Max’s podium spot and Max being completely fine with that.
Monaco - Max chasing after Charles to tell him he liked his special race suit.
Zandvoort - Charles checking Max out when he didn’t realise he was filming for Mclaren and thought he was just looking at his phone. 
Monza - they are too busy having their little debrief after qualifying and walk off in the wrong direction together and someone has to come and get them (I think this was Monza because I seem to remember Charles having that yellow and red suit on but I could be wrong)
Monza - Charles telling the crowd not to boo Max. 
Qatar - Max winning the WDC and Charles literally jumping out of his car so quickly to congratulate him that his engineer was still talking to him on the radio and wondering where he went.
Padel - The fact they actually did hang out away from the track and played padel.
Brazil - Max being too busy talking to Charles to start his actual interview and then the two of them chatting away in the background as Lance was interviewed.
Brazil - The whole ‘Charlie’ video and the fact that Charles walked passed everyone to go and chat with Max.
Las Vegas - Max bringing Charles into his interview in the press pen and the two of them looking so happy together. 
Las Vegas - Max apologising for the turn 1 incident and the little arm touches, Charles’ concern when he thought Max wasn’t going to be able to get in the Rolls Royce and then the two of them chatting away.
Las Vegas - After Max mentioning the inchident multiple times on twitch streams and doing the inchident thing on tiktok he finally got to say ‘inchident’ in front of Charles. Also the two of them reminiscing about growing up together and karting. 
Social Media stuff - Max getting excited recounting the story about Charles streaming and Charlotte having to buy a subscription to his account to ask him to let her into the apartment. Charles liking Lestappen edits of the sunrise/storm laps. Charles including a picture of Max on one of his insta stories. 
And then, on top of all that we have had numerous photos of other drivers looking like third wheels around them and the two of them chatting away together in press conferences like nobody else matters. 
I think there is actually lots more, maybe I need to put together a load of photos or something at some point but this year has been full of Lestappen. Hopefully next year we get lots of on track stuff too.
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orshii · 2 months
A/n: As a car girly I had to do this, cause just imagine Ateez next to these HOT cars 🫠
Hongjoong - Maserati
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Blue haired Hj is iconic, just as the Maserati itself, I think it suits him, it’s just looks elegant and rich enough. Just as Hongjoong himself 🙇🏻‍♀️✨
Seonghwa - Rolls Royce
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Now…let’s just be honest Seonghwa ALWAYS screams luxury, so of course it’s a luxurious car that fits him, and it has to be white to be more fitting 🫠
Yunho - Nissan
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*inhales* just look at the picture and don’t try to scream man 👄 I’m going insane even tho I saw this already like…very respectfully but f. me Yunho. 🫠🙇🏻‍♀️ Sports cars are always VERY expensive and they need professionalism to drive these 😵‍💫
Yeosang - Lexus
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OMG I think this car is THE perfect car for Yeosang. Especially with this fit on him like they were destined to each other 😨 Enough hippiness and enough rich energy 🫠
San - Chevrolet
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Well… blonde San with a yellow car?! And that being a Chevrolet Camaro?! Excuse me but this is heaven 👄 Like…Guerrilla era San was wild just as this car 🫡✨
Mingi - Supra
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This is the time I need a little break… Just look at the pictures and tell me it does not fit him perfectly, cause Imma throw hands 👄 This hair of Mingi’s is the most iconic hair ever and the Supra colored orange *gasp*. Imagine him driving THIS car with THAT hair. 🔥🔥
Wooyoung - Mustang
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LOML with my DREAM car 😭 Like pls Mustangs are soo pretty and perfect just like Wooyoung 🥹 and this deep red color...o m g
Jongho - G-wagon
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Lord have mercy on us because this is not even a joke. Jongho owns a G-wagon in real life and I’m just not okay, cause that is the hottest thing he could ever do 🥵👄 that’s all…
San - Suzuki
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Since I’m obsessed with Biker San 🫡 I had to do this as well… like how can a man be so HOT and HANDSOME wearing a biker jacket pls… I’m going insane 🫠 (my biker San ff if you are interested lmao)
A/n: I guess that is all LOL, thank you for reading or what. Also this is MY opinion there could be a lot of fitting cars for them as well ✨
🔥 Ateez as sports 🔥
✨masterlist ✨
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zombilenium · 1 year
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The Palmen Barnfind Collection !
The incredible trove, which comprises no less than 230 classic cars, was amassed over a period of 40 years by Dutch collector Ad Palmen.
Mr Palmen worked as a car dealer in the Netherlands in the mid-1960s before eventually starting his own collection with a yellow Lancia B20. He stored his ever-expanding hoard in three separate locations—two warehouses and a church—away from the prying eyes of the curious (and other auto enthusiasts).
It was only when Palmen became ill with dementia late last year that his executors came across what is now considered one of the best-kept secret collections in Europe.
Hailing from marques the world over, the rarities illustrate Palmen’s refined taste and discerning eye. The haul includes coved classics from Italy (Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Maserati, and Ferrari), France (Facel Vega), Germany (BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and NSU), the UK (Jaguar, Aston Martin, and Rolls-Royce), and America (Chevrolet, Cadillac, and Ford). 
There are rides from more obscure nameplates on offer, too, such as Tatra, Monica, Moretti, Matra, Alvis, Imperia, and Villard.
Courtesy: Gallery Aaldering
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autumncottageattic · 2 years
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The Yellow Rolls-Royce is a 1964 British dramatic composite film  
The Yellow Rolls-Royce uses a yellow 1931 Rolls-Royce Phantom II to frame the story of three very different owners: an English aristocrat, a Miami gangster and a wealthy American widow. It is set in the years up to and including the start of World War II.  
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mopsburgfalls · 2 months
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1965 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud III H J Mulliner saloon
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