#the whole thing y'gotta understand
curiouschaosstarlight · 3 months
yessss do all of them. For gensh <3
(I had to take this off of the official numbered list because my rambles are just too rambly, and tumblr started yelling at me......) 1.) my beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave: Bennett!! Bennett, Bennett, Bennett, I choose Bennett-- Also Chongyun and Freminent. Somft boys. Doing their best. Also could kick your ass. Also I have all of them. :3c (...Very sad that I had to take Chongyun off my main team, because Bennett's about to C6 and render him useless.)
2.) my trash-shit fave: I have no idea what this means, but I'm gonna guess that Dottore and Scaramouche belong here-- Especially Dottore; he's the guy giving me the MOST brainworms right now. (But I can't share most of the brainworms because I'd have to explain all the reasons why my version of him turned out the way he did, then be told I'm wrong anyway, so.) Anyways, I love Scaramouche/Wanderer's entire story, I love that he Has Problems but those problems aren't JUST that he's a little asshole bitch for no reason like fandom keeps trying to claim. Also I want!! Playable Dottore!! I want him so bad. Sure sure, to some people having him redeemed would be soooooo boring, but- Personally, I only have a certain amount of fun with villains that are villains for the evulz, and I LOVE characters with Potential (potential for both better and worse, sometimes even for the same reasons); also a lot of certain little details about Dottore gives me the vibes that he isn't the one-note crazy man basically everyone writes him as, which is apparently, supposedly backed up by the actual og Chinese writing of a few things. And I genuinely think that ANY way they go about redeeming him/making him playable -- be it revealing Tragic Backstory reasons, or a begrudging process, or "well I've decided I like and respect you, so sure, I'll behave, for now >:)" -- would be interesting no matter what they go for!! ...I'm genuinely gonna cry a bit if they do opt to just kill him off ;v; but if Gensh goes that route, I do hope it's at least to an epic boss fight or something. Full monster transformation, if possible.
3.) my I love to hate them fave: God, I have no idea, I'm not usually the type outside of very specific characters. I guess Signora might qualify? ...I'm not gonna earn much love with that one-- She's just, like...tragic backstory? Check. Pretty lady with beautiful theming and massive tits? Check. Front-story bitch? Yeah that's pretty fun! ...Why is it so hard to force her character to shift in writeys. Like, even thinking about alternate ways events could go on my own, it's like...she owns her own girlboss so hard, it borders on Ungrateful behavior (which tends to be one of the few kinds of behaviors characters can have that grind on my nerves). Apparently there's a chance she might get revived in Natlan, and honestly I'm hoping. I don't think it'll be the worst thing in the world if it doesn't happen, but I sure would like the excuse to put her back in the oven to bake some more, without having to wait for my brain to become actually hooked on her to do it.
4.) my I hate to love them fave: This one's gonna sound weird; Faruzan. ...Okay, okay, let me explain- So, y'all know how Faruzan had a boosted drop rate when Wanderer was first released? (...And I think it happened again when his banner came back around, but that's not important--) I was. SO. DAMN. DESPERATE. to get Wanderer. I had picked out a name for him months in advance (well, tentatively; some leaks a friend was looking at said you could name him, and I wasn't 100% convinced but I wanted to be PREPARED in case it really was true, and then it was!), both of my friends (including Devoid here <3) were pulling for him as well, and both got him before I did, which intensified my desire to get him. I had been saving up. I was doing SO MANY TEN PULLS. And I got. SO. MANY. FARUZANS. I think I had one ten pull that was, like, four Faruzans in a row. I had her C6'd extremely early on into my pulls, and then she just kept showing up. It was driving me mad. I don't really get too bothered by a character's in-game actions unless they're a specific kind of irksome, but messing with my pulls? That bothers me a lot-- Eventually I did get Wanderer, but I'd also gotten like...twenty or forty Faruzans in the process or something like that. It was ridiculous. And I was all set to just hate her forever. ...But then, like...her hangout comes out and that was really good. And then the event with Wanderer, Kaveh, Tighnari, and everyone happened, and THAT was also really good, and she's so affectionate towards Collei and hnnnnnn...Why's she have to be such a good character with such great taste in other characters?? Save me--
5.) my I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire non-fave: So, you know how I said that character actions don't tend to bother me outside of certain traits? Fucking. Royce. I hate Royce. I mean- I view Benny's entire ex-team rather unfavorably, but Royce's "almost-has-a-realization-just-to-backtrack-and-yell-at-Benny-again" behavior drives me up the goddamn wall. I'm sure there's other NPCs that piss me off but no one else I can remember by actual actions or name. I do have some playable characters I don't really like at all, but this category is very strongly worded for those feelings. (No hate to any Royce fans out there >////////< And also apologies, but this is probably the only time I'm gonna talk about him anyway, at least by name)
6.) my I didn’t care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I can’t stand them non-fave: I've been avoiding most fandom content precisely for this reason!! (...Unfortunately I've still gotten exposed to a bunch of shitty fan takes, but it for the most part hasn't shaken my character opinions much. My ship opinions however...) ...The most popular takes of Scaramouche and Dottore (by fans and non-fans alike) have only further solidified my personal vibes of wanting them more sympathetic and avoiding one-note portrayals like the plague. Signora has been on thin ice for a while because so many people are really fucking aggravating in regards to her, but she's yet to budge because I do feel mildly compelled about her. So hopefully that sticks. But I WILL absolutely despise Capitano out of sheer fan spite if he's revealed to be the 1st Harbinger, and there's a ~secret 10th Harbinger~, that is just, like...It's almost kinda neat, but so many people are being so bullheaded and shitty about it (mostly on reddit, I think), to the point it's invaded the wiki that I otherwise really respect for all the work that goes into it, that he just better fucking be the 10th or I will be UPSET.
7.) my I could take them or leave them kinda non-fave: Honestly, most of the cast. Up until about Sumeru, I really only cared about 2-5 characters per nation. Then with Sumeru and Fontaine, they've really knocked it out of the park with characters I absolutely adore and only one or two that kinda just fade out of my memory. I won't say which ones. !!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!! This has nothing to do with writing quality or design quality or "oh my subjective opinion is absolute fact and anyone who disagrees with me is a dumb stupid idiot with no taste" or anything like that- It's just that I wasn't vibing too strongly with most characters; not for any necessary particular reason or failure on Mihoyo's part or anything like that. Just how it turned out.
8.) my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship: Dottore x Scaramouche is my BIGGEST ship right now, especially onesided. Especially reluctantly reciprocated. Primarily on Dottore's side. Also Fem Traveler/Lumine/Lillian x Everyone. Also Enjou x his weird "go ahead and beat me up" fetish-- Keep being funky you strange, fiery demon man. Love him. (Also Alhaitham x Kaveh, though I generally don't like looking at the fandom art for it unless my friend handpicks out the art for me, because their ver of Kaveh did irreversible damage to my brain and now when I see trans!Alhaitham and cis!Kaveh, my brain gets SO CONFUSED. It's just like "????? But that should be reversed, tho, obviously???" Like...no brain...it's not obvious. It's fine. You're just Attached.)
9.) my dirtybadwrong fave ship: Apparently Scaramouche/Kabukimono x Niwa is real controversial, which is very sad because I fucking love it, and also it seems like such an obvious and easy-to-like pick to me :P Also Kaeya x Diluc, which I know would/will? get me headhunted if this post shows up for the majority of the fandom. I'm probably forgetting a good amount of ships at the moment, but... (+ Bonus for both 8 and 9, but my extra myriad of Dottore ships where I'd probably have to explain how I ended up where I ended up, which means I'd have to explain the way I write Dottore, which means I'd have to explain-) ...Also Neuvillette x Furina APPARENTLY fucking qualifies, because as we all know, if the girl is short and cute and femme, she's automatically a child!! :) Don't y'all totes know she's Neuvillette's little baby girl daughter and not an adult and totally wasn't RUNNING AN ENTIRE NATION AS THEIR ARCHON for LITERAL FUCKING CENTURIES? Nope! Neuvillette, the person that totally wasn't working under her that entire time, has all the power in that dynamic, and totes sees her as a daughter, so it's problematic!!
10.) my they’re cute together and I dig them but I’m not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship: Most ships in the fandom, tbh. See- the problem is I don't really like protag Aether takes, and I'm just amicable to about 70% of the cast. And I might be a massive multishipping slut with few standards, but I do need to Feel Something towards characters to then Feel Something towards the ships, and when the general vibes I have with a character is "ah, they're neat" or "I like 'em well enough" or even "I don't really like them", that's just the kind of ~amicable vibes~ that lends to me going "that's cute! ...Anyway"
11.) my I didn’t care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can’t stand it non-fave ship: Well, I have two. I won't say one because I think my vaguing gets more obvious if I say it outright, but someone I was following seriously bashed [ship I like a lot] while going "why dont people like THIS ship instead??? It's WAY BETTER!!", and. lemme tell you. If you want me to UTTERLY DESPISE your fave character or ship, the best way to do that is praise your fave while bashing another character or ship!! Fuck me, it doesnt even have to be a character or ship I even like, but for some reason it always fucking is. Like the sheer amount of people that go "Why dont people like [character] more??? They're much better than ITTO!!" like. 1. fuck you. 2. Itto has a MUCH LOUDER presence than whatever character you're trying to praise. 3. why does everyone always try to go after [specific ship I like a lot], or Itto? It's always them. Like they're making some big sweeping statement of "oh THAT dumb thing is getting attention for no reason!!" when like...entertainment factor, you knuckleheads. They're just onscreen and instantly make an impression. I'm really, really sorry your fave doesn't get as much attention, I get it, I really do, I've had barely popular/outright bashed faves before, but y'all actively hurt your case rather than helping it when you try to tear other characters/ships down to build yours up. I get that you're frustrated, but it's not fucking helping. Cut that shit out and then get back to me. Anyways. The other one that bothers the shit out of me for far more petty reasons is Wriothesley x Neuvillette, which. I feel bad about, to be fair. I feel sorta guilty for not liking it, because it definitely has potential. There's just one problem-- one of my biggest fucking pet peeves is ship bashing/attempted ship sinking (-gestures at my sarcasm a bit earlier-, which also sums up half of why I despise "child-coding" and "oh!! this small girl character is TOTES the daughter to these two gay men and definitely not responsible or mature in her own right uwu totally needs to be babysat by her two gay dads!!") in conjunction with people obsessing over other ships, and with Wriotheo and Nuevy, it started BEFORE the update happened and we actually saw any interactions. Like. I get it. They're two hot men and gay ships are hella popular. But with it occurring way before the update, thus way before any canonical interactions, it just felt like people were fucking desperate to make sure neither character could be straight-shipped with the two "children" they were actually working with (two full-ass adults, Furina and Sigewinne), which just drives me up the fucking wall. (And I can understand being uncomfortable with shipping characters that kinda resemble children, but I've seen way too many people go above and beyond any reasonable reaction to that sorta thing.) I want to like this ship. I really do. It could definitely be really good. But it's gonna take, like, a year or two, when we're in Snezhnaya and my frustration becomes a petty dumb memory instead of something I want to rant over. (...I'm sure this is gonna come back to bite me pretty hard, 'cause if this post makes the rounds people are gonna rush to be like "oh you're not OPPRESSED by gay ships!!" -> No one ever says they are unless they're a real smooth-brained fuckhead, "Oh, so we can't just have fun anymore??" -> I'm apparently not allowed to have fun, so neither are y'all. :\ If I can take fifty-million fans constantly trying to call me a terrible person for liking any of the ships and characters and takes I like, y'all can take one "this got on my nerves and I'm still mad even though I know it's dumb and petty")
12.) my MAKE IT STOP non-fave ship: Ready for me to burn another bridge? ...Can't stand Yae Miko x Raiden Shogun. Like- I see it, I absolutely see it, and I think it absolutely works, but. well. guess what? Guess that happened?? Shitty fans. Shitty fans that INSIST Yae Miko is canonically a man-hating lesbian and froth at the mouth if you dare even imply she MIGHT be the tiniest bit interested in a guy. I can't quite articulate how much I HAAAAATE when people try to claim their headcanon as canon and then treat other fans like shit for "violating canon" (that doesn't actually exist -- and god, even if it did, some of the behavior I've seen really goes above and beyond any realm of acceptability), and yeah. This is one of the biggest offenders. In general, I've noticed way more vitriol and toxicity out of f/f fans than any other kind of fan lately, and that is...ugh. again, I get it. Out of the ship combinations, f/f is probably the least popular in general and all that, and when you feel like your favorite stuff is getting passed over again and again for stuff you can't see the appeal in (trust me, I can relate, I've been in a LOT of fandoms), it's really, really frustrating. But also can we stop being shitty to other fans over subjective opinions? Fandom's supposed to be fun. I shouldn't feel like every other fan I follow would hate my guts over the pettiest of preference differences. (Yes this goes for more than just f/f fans, ofc, it's just those are the ones I've noticed the most recently.) !!! -> Please don't feel bad about liking any of the ships I listed ;v; For any reason-- I did Not put them down to shame anyone, and I don't judge anyone for liking ships and characters I don't like. I do judge behavior towards other fans, and if someone's really hostile to "competing" ships/characters, that also bothers me, but that's it. It's not the content itself that has or will ever bother me, so I really do hope no one who's reading this feels bad about their preferences...
->-> Primarily Unrelated but One thing that I lovehate about this, aside from the fact that if a bunch of people see this entire thing I'm DEFINITELY getting hatemail/a callout/something, but it also gives the impression I'm massively into m/m, which is amusing and frustrating at the same time. (Not the first time this sort of thing has happened, and I'm always self-conscious about it, because I hate when people have Incorrect Takes about my feelings/opinions, especially when I've openly described them but the other person's like "lol nope, I associate you with this more, so this is the truth now". Hate that shit.)
I'm actually primarily a m/f shipper (which honestly might be more controversial on tumblr, specifically tumblr, I'm not an ignorant dumbass about other places on the internet), that's just not how it turned out for Gensh, where I wound up mostly into the guy characters. Before I got extremely into Scaramouche (and then Dottore), Lumine/Lillian was my primary favorite character and the one I was focused on shipping with. She was also, like...the female character I liked the most, which I'm given to understand is an odd thing to say, I guess? Because western people don't usually like the protags of games?? Which is so weird to me. (<- Fresh off the Persona fandom where the Persona protags are also in my, like, top 5 characters of their respective games, and that is a hugely unpopular take for some reason.) (Though I guess I'm pretty weird in how I tend to play games and develop the protagonist's personality in my head + I usually prefer to play the fem character -> the fem protag of a game tends to be in my top 10 favorite characters)
For anyone curious, my preferences go m/f -> f/f -> m/m (least favorite), but that is also extremely arbitrary because of a few different factors, but primarily because I will write basically anything and everything. If I'm writing it and I'm having fun, then nothing bothers me, and I'll come up with all sorts of ships for all sorts of reasons. (Usually ships occur on a whim during rps, which then makes it hard to explain how I got to that result outside of rps...)
Anyways, I hope I explained my reasonings well enough m(_ _)m I could definitely ruffle more feathers if I, like, posted a character tier list or something, and I'm kinda tempted anyway, because...I dunno, a tiny part of my brain is like "hehe, stick it to the man >:3c", I guess? Despite the fact I would definitely not be actually "sticking it" to anyone, like If no one cared what I thought before, they're super not gonna care after this--
#ask game#devoidofdog#chaos opinions#the whole thing with Dottore (before anyone says anything about “oh you like DOTTORE stuff but not xyz?”)#the whole thing y'gotta understand#is that i've been utterly enraptured by evil doctors and mad scientists basically since...since kind of forever#Sailor Moon S DBZ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Spider-man The Suffering Pokemon and i could keep going on and on and on#and to some extent i feel like i fucking ghostwrote Dottore in like...#“even with the most evil most vile take this is still a character i absolutely would have written”#the only reason i wasnt instantly hooked on him is because i spent a portion of my hyperfixation unaware of his existence#once i knew about him it was ON-SIGHT#that's just a specific-to-me kinda thing#also “hey Chaos that's a lot of pre-assuming responses and trying to pre-counter them. wtf is up with that?”#well dear hypothetical reader i have been on tumblr for a VERY LONG TIME and i've seen lots of people get VERY ANGRY for lots of reasons#so if im already going to be rambling i might as well add elaborations and qualifiers and try to make my stances clear#for anyone reading me in any kind of good faith#if anyone's determined enough to read in very bad faith then there's not much i can do#(especially with a lot of my ship opinions which are Not Good To Have in the current fandom climate)#but i'd still like to try#as an aside i swear i am a Certified Villain Lover i just generally get way more motivated about villains with Potential For Good/Tragedy#than i do with villains for the evulz#like. i do have some unrepentant faves and i love them a lot but that's just usually not where my vibes lie#and yes im fairly passive aggressive in this in regards to that but it's because im still butthurt about#1. people trying to reduce the entire Wanderer storyline to literally nothing because either they dont get it or they stopped listening#and 2. i've seen WAY too many people lately complaining about gensh villains being “too nice” and tbh i#am so fucking done with people that are UPSET there's redeemable villains in fucking anything#i know it was the hip cool thing to complain about in SU but also i could still count the amount of stories where#everyone evil gets redeemed instead of dying on like. one hand.#and that shit still doesnt qualify for GENSHIN. YOU KILL A LOTTA FUCKERS IN GENSHIN AND LOTS ARE UNREPENTANT#tumblr ate the rest of my tags so if i decide to talk about this more it'll be in a different post :(
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surferblues · 2 years
keep going | a.b
fuckboy!austin butler x fem!reader
requested prompt ❛ shh. there’s people in the other room. ❜ debating on making a part 2 to this.
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warnings smut (18+ only, minors dni), unprotected sex, dom! Austin, praise, p in v, unestablished relationship, spelling errors, and obviously sexual themes. ALL FICTIONAL. inspired and dedicated to the one and only @dreamersparacosm 🫶
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Kaia and Austin had been dating for months, but there was always one person that he would let get in between his relationship. you.
But, in your defense, you knew they wouldn't last long, none of her relationships ships did. A year, tops.
Since the time Kaia introduced you to Austin at the Cannes festival, you and Austin had this undeniable tension that Kaia was blindsided by.
with him eyeing the whole night, even when kaia followed him around like a lost puppy. all he could think about was you.
it was the same night, that when kaia introduced you to one another - he and you snuck away to a empty room, and discovered each other in ways that would get you in trouble if anyone caught on.
and continued, him sneaking around his girlfriends back just to fuck her best friend - what a headline.
“Is it funny to make me hard when you know I can’t have you?” He grunts out, his rough hands shoving you into a (hopefully) unoccupied room.
A cocky smirk was plastered on your face as you rested your back against the wall, you bat your eyelashes at him and bite your bottom lip, making him lick his own as you get up in his face.
"she's never been a problem before." you hummed, your fingers working their way towards black dress pants, the satisfying sound of the zipper being unzipped was music to your ears.
“Look at you, such a dirty slut, y'know exactly what to do." he chuckled in amusement, his pants dropping. but, as quickly as his pants were off he worked towards the short dress that covered your body.
“Yeah, yeah. Be quiet.” You pushed his lips against his in an attempt to shut him up, grabbing his collar, and it worked miraculously. While you felt his hungry lips on yours, you also felt his eager hands riding up the tight dress up to your hips.
"no panties?" he breathlessly rasped, pulling away from the passionate kiss - clear humor in his tone. his blue eyes yours, head tilted as you nodded relentlessly.
"it's easier, yeah?" you giggled, but you were quickly cut short when he slipped two fingers into you without warning, making your jaw drop before he clamped a hand over your mouth.
"makes you look like a little slut." he degraded, pulling his fingers out of your needy hole. he hurriedly repositioned you, to where your chest was against the hard wall and your back was pressed against his rising chest. "a dirty one."
you didn't reply to his comments, instead you pressed your ass to his clothed dick - indicating that you were tired of waiting.
his dick was hard, he wasn't lying. he let out a hiss as you rubbed yourself against him, his boxers being the only thing stopping him from entering your body.
"stay still." he instructed, one of his hands flying towards his boxers while the other gripped your hip - arching your back subtly.
it had been a few seconds, and you were beginning to get impatient. "what are you d-" you curious words were quickly cut short, again, when you felt his dick slam into your needy whole without any warning, again.
Austin held you up against the wall, his hand slowly wrapped tightly around your throat, moving your head in his direction, just so he could meet your eyes.
" y'gotta be quiet, sh..." he murmured breathlessly, nodding slowly to make you understand and in attempts to hush your whimpers." there’s people in the other room." you nodded understandably, throwing your head back against his shoulder as you got used to the feeling of his dick in you.
he removed himself out of you, but quickly slammed back in - attempting to find a steady pace. you both let out a chorus of hushed moans.
the boy letting out a slight hissing sound and you biting down on your lip to keep from moaning out in pleasure.
he found a steady pace, thrusting into you so easily, Austin pressed his lips back to yours again, both of your lips parted as he pushed into you perfectly every time.
he always knew how to make you feel your best, he knew your body better than anybody else. It was a blessing and a curse, really, due to the following circumstances. 
"please..i ... jus' keep doing that" you whimper, his rough hand removing itself from your neck, and sneaking around your waist to pinch at your nipple.
Another moan slips past your lips when he drags his plump lips down your spine, leaving a trail of messy kisses.
"pussy was made just for me, nobody else" Austin rasps against your shoulder blade, you feel his grin against your skin when you clench around him at his words.
Austin trails his hand down, his finger tips grazing down your skin, this time to rub at your sensitive clit.
and he thought quickly, his tongue found its way into your mouth effortlessly, his teeth sinking down into your lower lip before you let out a soft moan that was swallowed by the kiss. 
Everything was happening in slow motion, it felt out of this world. hips thrusting down to meet yours, his blonde locks now messy and damp with sweat hair falling over his forehead as he hung over you. It felt surreal and you couldn’t get enough of it. 
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Epel Felmier Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 3
“Happy Birthday”
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Floyd: The next question is~
Floyd: “If you were to join any dorm other than Pomefiore, which dorm would you choose?”
Epel: Savanaclaw!
Floyd: Yep, totally knew you were gonna say that~ So, pick a different dorm.
Epel: Eh!?
Floyd: You just wanna go there 'cause you wanna be strong, right? It's no fun when we already know the answer.
Epel: Urgh… I guess you're right, but… I can't think of another dorm I'd want to go to…
Epel: Ummm…… Then, my second choice would be Ignihyde… I guess?
Floyd: Ahah, that's like the complete opposite dorm~
Epel: You're the one who said to pick a different dorm…
Floyd: I mean like, it's not really the kind of dorm that someone who wants to be strong would choose, yeah?
Epel: The reason I chose Ignihyde is because I like magical wheels.
Floyd: Ooo, I seeee. I rode on the back of one before, yeah, they're fun and super thrilling~
Epel: Yeah, you get me! They can go real fast, and it's so awesome how they can take the curves in the road.
Epel: And, that rounded form and the cool design are just awesome!
Epel: So, I actually watch a ton of the magical wheel races they broadcast on TV, and…
Epel: All those pro-styled machines got customized colors and features, and are just way too cool!
Floyd: Yeah, it's neat that you can change it up as you like. When you get bored, you can just change to another design.
Epel: Yeh! But, if'n I'm wantin' to do it by me lonesome, I gotsta gain the know-how and skills in magical engineerin'…
Epel: If'n I studied at Ignihyde, I might could learn some stuff I’d use in the future, y'know.
Epel: I gots me some pretty nimble hands, so I'm bettin' I'd get good at workin' with ‘em machines in no time!
Epel: 'Specially 'cause y'need t'use tons of diff'rent magical engineerin' skills to work a magical wheel…
Epel: If'n I wenta Ignihyde, I'd get ta learn stuff that'd be useful when I buy me own personal machine!
Floyd: Uh huh, I see. But you don't really have to go all the way to Ignihyde to study magical engineerin’, you know?
Epel: Urgh… That's true… I'll do my best in my studies to be able to ride my own cool magical wheel…
Floyd: Ahaha, good luck~ But puttin' all that aside…
Floyd: Just chattin' with you like this kinda makes me see you in a whole new light.
Floyd: Never knew you liked cool clothes or magical wheels… And when you get all excited, your speakin' gets all weird, too.
Epel: That's… Vil-san is always telling me to make sure I be careful with my words whenever I'm around other people…
Floyd: Ohoo~ So you're sayin' it'd be bad if Betta-chan-senpai were to find out~
Epel: Urgh, I-I got a bad feeling about this…! Wait, Floyd-san!! Y'gotta keep all y'heard today from Vil-san!
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Floyd: 'Kay, now the interview's done. That's means it's time for the thing we've all been waitin' for…
Epel: The presentation of the "Gift of Good Fortune."
Floyd: Finally~ I've been reaaaally looking forward to this.
Epel: Me too!
Floyd: Heh. Guppy-chan, you're really rarin' to go, huh.
Floyd: I'm tellin' ya, I can't understand a word you're saying. Eh, whatever, here I go~
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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fatguysupreme · 4 months
Okay. Lets start 2024 off right, with an all new all improved
ABOUT ME, (dni list at the bottom)
Hey! Hi there! Im Brutus, Im an 18 year old artist who knows a lot about a ton, and also jack shit about more than a ton. Im a weird fella, so if you can get past the *odd username, weird typing habits, and even weirder hyperfixations* you just might like me!
since the turn of the new year, i have officially been playing Diablo 3: reaper of souls for 10 whole years!
i enjoy superheros, Dc + marvel (i dont discriminate) , i also enjoy niche/ slightly forgotten games, shows and characters like:
(i dont hear from many people who talk or know about some of these, thats why they're on the list.)
Hells, the 2000's anime movie
Growing up creepie
Rockstar's Manhunt game series
Garage: bad dream adventure
Alice madness returns
Hatred and postal (though they are kicking back up fandom wise from what im seeing)
the game Vampyr
the Dark lord in the early ages Bookseries.
i have many other interests but i fear this post will be longer than the declaration of fraggin' independence if i list every single thing i like. soon enough there will be enough posts of fanart that you'll see for yourself which interests are which.
i have a few illnesses, such as Autism, psychosis and OSDD. please be paitent with me because not only am I a sickly Victorian child at this point, i am quite frankly dense and i might not understand you.
Lemme get this straight, i love making buddies and i looove people interacting with the things i make, but i feel its important to lay down my list of people who should not interact with me.
Do not interact with me if:
you are anti LGBTQ, or have any type of hate for People of color.
DSMP enjoyers, leave my sight immediately.
proshippers-- dont you dare.
thats about it! i dont gatekeep and to be honest it irritates me to no end. ill share with you any topic! it might sound like i am at first but i promise you ask and you shall receive. you want to know where to watch The MAXX?! well of course buddy! its on amazon prime-- only one season of absolute goodness.....buttt y'gotta pay for it though haha!
anywho, thats all i wanted to say. thank you for reading, and i hope my art peaks your interest. if you need anything please message me, ill answer sooner or later-- tumblr does not give my phone notifs.
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 2 years
Pull My Hair
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Forgot I didn’t post this 😐
Words: 4400+
Warnings: masturbation, hair pulling kink, boners, guided(?) masturbation, flustered Kags
Ft. Karasuno team, Kageyama Tobio x FEM!reader
Summary: Kageyama finds out he likes it when you play with his hair
Volleyball practice for Kageyama was 100% a necessity. No ifs, ands, or buts. A day without touching a volleyball was a sad one. It was his whole life, in all honesty. Wake up: think about volleyball, Eat: think about volleyball, and so on. When a break in this pattern inevitably arose, it was quite the surprise to Kageyama that he caught a crush on his classmate (more specifically, someone who tutored him on the two subjects he was forced to enrol into in order to make the cut for the volleyball team).
With many annoying conversations with Hinata, Kageyama finally mustered up enough courage to invite you to one of his practice games. One thing led to another, and you began to show up to his training at least once a week when you weren't busy, much to Kageyama's delight. Such as now, you were sitting on the bleachers watching your friend toss balls and yell frustratingly at his redheaded companion.
"Kageyama!" Their coach yelled from the sidelines. "Y'gotta cut yer hair or somethin because it's gettin in the way of your line of sight! Get a headband like me n' Azumane!"
Kageyama grunted in response, not liking the idea of wearing something so uncharacteristic of him.
"Oh, Kags-kun!" You waved him over as you dug through your bag. "I have a small hair tie you can use."
Tobio blushed as he walked over to you, taking the small yellow elastic band from your fingertips. He attempted to tie his hair up as he'd seen his sister do, but he just couldn't for the life of him understand how it worked.
"Here," you giggled, reaching out for the elastic. "Sit down and I'll do it for you."
Kageyama sat on the floor, his back resting on your *ahem* crotch as you ran your fingers through his hair. He shivered at your touch and closed his eyes as you played with his hair before tying it up.
Meanwhile, the team stopped what they were doing to watch in awe as a girl played with their dear tsun-tsun Kageyama's hair. The ravenette pulled his legs close to his chest, a furious blush coating his cheeks as you redid his hair a few times before patting his head and telling him you were all done. He sat there for a few minutes, hurriedly attempting to recount the Periodic Table song so he could get back to practice.
"You alright, Kags-kun?" You asked once he didn't stand up.
"U-uh, yeah," he squeaked. "My uhm, my arms are just a bit sore."
To everyone else in the room, this was a very odd thing for their setter to say, especially to coach Ukai who had to occasionally forcefully remove Kageyama from the gym in order to get him to have a proper meal and a good night's sleep.
"Okay," Ukai spoke up, the cogs turning in his head. "Everyone take a chill pill and take ten."
Later that night, when Kageyama was tucked under his blanket, he revisited the memory of you touching his hair. Something in his gut rolled delightedly whenever he thought of the gentle grip you had on his hair, tugging and pulling until you were satisfied with your handiwork.
Kageyama couldn't help but slowly drag his palm over his erection, soothing his excitement by carefully dipping a hand into his pyjama pants. His other hand trailed fingers up his bare chest, grazing over his nipples before finding a spot buried in his hair. He closed his eyes and imagined that it was your fingers tugging gently on his black locks instead of his own.
A quiet gasp escaped Kageyama's throat when he yanked his hair more aggressively, his cock twitching agreeably in his fist. His face felt hot as he imagined you whispering sweet things into his ear as he jerked off, teasingly rubbing his nipples and gushing at how sensitive he was.
Kageyama came a few pumps after that, a muffled whimper leaving his lips as ropes of his cum landed on his torso. He took a few breaths before realizing what he just did. Hushed 'fuck's were uttered as he snatched a tissue from his side table, wiping away the mess he made. He threw his head back onto his pillow, huffing a sigh of frustration. How could he. How could he masturbate to you? Guilt rattled him until he nodded off, his dreams haunted by the sin he just committed.
Fuck, was all that was going through Kageyama's head. For once, he was dreading seeing you at practice. He couldn't bare looking you in the eyes as if he hadn't just jerked it to you the night before.
"Fuck," he cursed under his breath once he saw you outside of the gym, grinning nervously at you as he approached.
"Hi!" You greeted. "Your arms doing ok? I bet they get really sore from practicing every day."
"Y-yeah," he stuttered out, terrified that somehow you could read his mind, or even his past, and figure out what he did.
To his relief, you didn't say anything. You just walked into the gym with him, clutching an assignment of some sort under your arm.
It didn't surprise him that he wanted to feel your fingers in his hair again, so Kageyama insisted that you tie his hair up again that day. A small smile split his face as he sat under you, relishing the way your fingers worked. It also didn't surprise him that a tent had formed in his shorts, and he quickly pressed his knees to his chest.
Coach Ukai glared at the setter from across the gym, annoyed at the fact that yet again he had to delay practice due to Kageyama's little crush. He pinched his nose and sighed, praying that this wouldn't become a normal occurrence.
Unfortunately for the blonde coach, his pleas had not been answered. In fact, it seemed as though you appeared even more often. You started coming almost everyday.
"Kageyama," Ukai grunted, cocking his head to tell the setter to come closer. "Yer little crush keeps distracting you from practice. She needs to stop comin' to training so often."
"W- uh, no she's not!" Kageyama argued. "I play fine when she's here! Also... she's not my crush or anything..."
"Listen, I'm only gonna tell you once before I kick her out myself." Ukai threatened. "She's delaying practice by— actually no, you're delaying practice because you get a goddamn hard-on whenever you talk to her, and I don't feel like embarrassing you by forcing you onto the court."
Kageyama stared blankly at his coach for a moment, opening and closing his mouth as he tried to figure out what to say. He frowned and shut his mouth, pivoting to walk towards you.
"Uh, y/n-san," Kageyama rubbed the back of his neck. "Coach says you gotta go..."
You looked up at him and frowned in confusion, "oh, uh, did I do something wrong?"
"Er no, not exactly," Kageyama said sheepishly, a small blush forming on his cheeks.
You almost couldn't take him seriously with his hair pulled back into the smallest ponytail that rested just above his forehead, but the thought of Tobio's coach kicking you out was more pressing.
"Um, ok..." you collected your bag. "Er, see you later."
Kageyama waved after you as you walked out the door, face flushing in embarrassment that he was so obvious about his crush without meaning to. Despite you not being there, he was weighing down training even more because he could not stop thinking about you. Does she hate me now? Does she think I don't want her to watch me practice?
Kageyama was yet again pulled aside and scolded, Ukai demanding that he figure his shit out, "Listen kid, you gotta get yer head outta yer ass. Next time she's here, boner or not, you're on the court."
The ravenette's face turned beet red and he stuttered while trying to think up a response.
"We talking about boners over here?" Nishinoya interrupted loudly, gripping Kageyama's shoulders and bouncing up and down. Unfortunately, the rest of the team turned their attention to him.
"Boners?" Hinata questioned as he hopped over. "Are you talking about the ones that Kageyama has whenever y/n plays with his hair?"
"SHUT UP HINATA, DUMBASS!" Kageyama flushed harder, blush trailing down his neck.
"I mean it's pretty obvious..." Tsukishima grumbled under his breath.
"I wish a girl would play with my hair," Tanaka sighed dreamily, clutching his hands together and fluttering his lashes.
"Um, Tanaka-san..." Yamaguchi giggled.
"Guys, let's stop acting like we're twelve and get back to practicing our receives," Daichi said sternly, ball in one hand and the other on his hip.
The only time Coach Ukai would allow you to come, was after practice. It wasn't very convenient for you, but you still showed up every other day. This was Ukai's perfect plan for Kageyama to take a goddamn break after hours of practice.
"Fuck," Tobio grunted as he sat in his bed, a hand once again wrapped around his cock. His fingers laced themselves in his hair, tugging on the strands to imitate the way you once pulled his hair into a tiny ponytail. "Fuuck."
His cheeks were flushed in shame as he tugged harder, embarrassed at the fact that this was getting him off. Kageyama's head fell back, and he experimentally trailed his fingers from his hair down to his throat, gently pressing on either side of his esophagus. A long groan escaped his lips, and he pumped his length sloppily.
The image of you sitting behind him, one hand around his throat and the other toying with his cock, lurched Tobio closer to his orgasm. His eyes shut tightly as he felt the build up of his orgasm crawling up from his toes.
"Y/n," he said faintly, hand tightening around his esophagus. Tobio whimpered as more precum seeped out of the tip of his dick, slicking up his palm. His pace quickened, and with one long moan, he came on his chest.
Tobio heaved for breath once he rode out his orgasm, laying his hands on either side of him. He bit his lip guiltily, feeling gross that he would ever imagine you in such a way after you had done something so innocent. He needed to stop.
A few days later, you cornered a poor carrot-topped boy in the college cafeteria and demanded why your raven haired friend had been avoiding you.
"U-uh," Hinata sputtered. "Um well y'see... he'd kill me if I told you!!"
"So there is a reason," you hummed. "Interesting..."
"Um! I mean! What? He hasn't been avoiding you," he panicked. "He especially hasn't been avoiding you because he has a huge crush on you and his wiener stands up anytime you're close to him or when you play with his hair, no way!!"
You blinked at him a few times. "He what?"
Hinata's face paled, "uh. I gotta go! You know how practice is!!"
You watched the boy speed off, bewilderment clouding your face. Your face flushed at Hinata's blabber mouth, and your mouth opened and closed silently before you abruptly sat down with your tray of food.
What Kageyama was to you, you didn't know exactly. You flipped between having a little crush, to being head-over-heels for the guy. Kiyoko kept you updated on practice matches and such, and lucky for you there was a game in about an hour. Usually, Tobio would come up to you, cherry cheeked and giddy, to tell you himself what team he was practicing against that day. Only, he hadn't.
Sat on the bleachers, you watched Kageyama play from afar, silently cheering him on when he completed a move that he'd been practicing. Only Hinata and a few others had noticed you, sharing smiles as you wordlessly encouraged them. Watching Kageyama play was exciting, and drew you to the edge of your seat.
The practice ended with one game won, and another lost. As the captains shook hands, you began your descent to the ravenette who was chugging a full water bottle.
"Great games, Kags!" You cheered as you came up behind him.
The boy in question whipped his head around, almost spitting out the water in his mouth. "W-what are you doing here?" He asked. A light flush grew on his face.
"Oh, Kiyoko-san told me about the practice match," you replied casually. You felt your own face grow hotter as you thought how to confront Kageyama about what Hinta had said to you earlier. "C-can I talk to you in the hallway for a second?"
"Um ok..." said Kageyama nervously, following your lead.
Tobio's face was flushed a cherry red and he fiddled with his hands in anticipation. His eyes looked everywhere but yours, and he eventually lifted his head up slowly to look into your e/c eyes.
"W-what did you want to talk about?" he asked.
"Uhm," you hesitated, tempted to just tell him to forget about it. You tried to think of something to stall what you wanted to say. "I liked watching you play today."
"Really?" A small grin split his face. He started to roll his heels nervously.
"Mh hm," you hummed. "Even without an elastic in your hair, you were able to see ok." You ruffled his hair playfully.
Kageyama whimpered, eyes widening at your simple action. He squeaked again when you scratched his head like you were petting a dog.
"M-my hair's all sweaty!" Kageyama pulled back. "It's all gross."
The ravenette wiggled in place from your affections, nervously wringing his hands together. His face was a permanent shade of red. Your breath quickened at the confirmation that you were able to make the King a nervous wreck.
"Aw, c'mon," you teased, pulling an arm to wrap around his shoulders, pulling him closer so you could really run your fingers through his (sweaty) hair. "It's not that bad."
You let him go after a moment, admiring his glowing face and awkward posture. "Anyway, don’t forget about our session in a few hours. My roommate won't be at my apartment to bother us this time." You grinned, your own face feeling hotter. 
"O-ok," Kageyama gulped, "I'm just gonna-gonna have a shower now. Uh, see you in a bit." The ravenette walked off, and you waved one last time before letting out a long breath.
Now it was time to go home and pace for two hours before Kageyama would come over.
Tobio was panicking. Like, really panicking. You had touched his hair; ruffled and ran your fingers through it. He was going to have to face you and he was terrified.
What if you knew? What if you knew that he was jerking off to the thought of you?
The ravenette stood in the shower and watched the water run down the drain. His erection was slowly going soft from the amount of worry he was having. Tobio quickly washed his hair, trying not to think about how good it felt, especially while he was thinking about you. He wanted to practice to forget about his nerves, but he was already freshly showered and his adrenaline was gone.
Tobio sat on the locker room bench, flicking aimlessly through his phone. Maybe he could pretend to be sick? No, that wouldn't work... he's used that excuse too many times to skip out on tutoring. 
The minutes rolled by painfully slowly, until he checked the clock for the thousandth time and he sweat dropped when he realized that he had to finally face you.
With your papers, pens, and textbooks laid out neatly before you on your dining table, you stared blankly at the clock on the wall. He would be here soon. Your nerves ate away at you, but the excitement bubbling up within you was piecing you back together.
Kageyama's usual knock echoed in your ears; three slow taps on the front door.
"Hi!" You cheered as you opened the door, grinning at your friend. "C'mon in. I've got everything set up."
Tobio slipped off his shoes and shuffled behind you to the table. He took his seat beside you and gulped. He didn't think that he'd be able to focus on studying today (not like he was ever able to anyway).
"So what do you have today?" You asked, tapping your fingers against the table.
"Uh," Kageyama stuttered, sifting through his bag. "Um I only have some English to do but it's not a lot."
"Alright, what's the topic?" You glanced at his work, leaning closer to him.
"Th-the eight parts of speech," Tobio replied. He was blushing uncontrollably at your close proximity, and tried to focus on his homework.
To Kageyama's horror, your pencil rolled off the table and he had to watch as you leaned down in your chair to try and scoop it back up. He cursed as he felt himself getting hard, and prayed that you wouldn't notice. He sweat-dropped as you got out of your chair to go under the table.
"That stupid pencil," Tobio heard you mutter. "It was the only one that hasn't disappeared yet."
"Did-" Kageyama gulped "-did it go under my chair maybe?" He just wanted you off the floor so you wouldn't see the strain in his pants.
"Oh, it is!" You grinned, crawling closer until your head was mostly under Tobio's chair, ass waving behind you.
Kageyama inwardly cursed when you sat up— right between his legs —and waved the pencil in victory. He knew what was about to happen before it happened, and his throat closed up when he watched your eyes trail over his crotch. He turned his head away and closed his eyes in embarrassment, his cheeks darkening.
"S-sorry," he muttered pitifully, refusing to look back down at you.
"It's ok, it happens," you crawled from out of the table and dusted off your legs. Your ears burned.
Kageyama laid his forehead on his arms, clenching his jaw in frustration. Fuck. He ruined it. He fucked up. He felt so gross and ashamed.
"Hey," you said softly, running a hand over his back. "Seriously, it's alright."
Tobio was too stunned to reply, and only grumbled in response when you prompted him. The humiliated blush on his cheeks grew tenfold as you drew your hand up and up until it rested against the nape of his neck. He shivered at the touch of you on his bare skin. Your fingers found themselves in his hair, gently tugging and massaging his scalp. He didn't know if he was in Heaven or Hell.
Kageyama let out a shallow whimper, hardly audible enough for you to catch it. He swivelled in his chair, trying to soothe his aching cock. His face was still down, but he feared that you could see the 'o' face he was making.
"Tobio," you said gently. "Instead of doing English, would you like me to help you?"
"W-what?" Kageyama lifted his head up, a red oval on his forehead where he rested it on his arm.
"Would you like me to help you take care of that?" Your eyes gestured to his erection. "I don't think we'll be able to get back to work at this rate."
Tobio gaped at you, eyes bulging in confusion and excitement. "Buh, uh, Uhm," he struggled. "Y-yeah, yeah totally."
"You sure?" You asked, trailing a hand up his thigh.
"I-I mean I haven't really done anything with someone before so I'm not too sure what to do— er, don't people normally date before uh, doing this?"
"Most of the time," you hummed, leaning closer towards him so your lips were inches from his. "But it's your choice."
"Um," Kageyama gulped. "Will uh, will you be my girlfriend? Uhm, please?"
You smiled at him. "I would love to, Tobio."
He grinned airily at you, looking relieved. His eyes flicked to your lips and back to your eyes again, and he nervously leaned closer. You closed the gap and pressed your lips against his.
Kageyama was losing it. His head was a mess of fireworks and anxiety, and his erection throbbed when you deepened the kiss. He grinned stupidly and pulled you closer, fully facing his body towards you. You sat yourself on his lap and he moaned in surprise.
"You're so cute, Tobes," you whispered to him, faces close together but not touching. "Can't believe I'm dating you."
Tobio blushed at your words, specifically the nickname you used, and buried his head in your shoulder. Your hips shifted slightly and Kageyama was reminded of the press of his cock against your crotch. You rolled your hips experimentally, grinning when he leaned into your shoulder and whined.
"Even though we're dating, I feel like we're going too fast. It's kinda embarrassing how I ended up like this..." Tobio mumbled.
"You know we can always stop? Start off slow if you want to? And it's not embarrassing— I find it very cute how much you like me," you murmured into his ear.
"Keep-keep going please," Tobio whispered, stifling his moans in your shirt.
"Do you like it when I play with your hair, Tobes?" You ask, tugging gently on his roots.
"Y-yes," he whined. "Ever since you started tying my hair up... I couldn't help but think back to it every night."
You continued swivelling your hips, humming along to Kageyama's noises.
"Been jerking off to the thought of me, hm?" You teased. "What do you think about?"
"I-I," Tobio began, "I imagine you sitting be-behind me as I touch myself, whispering into my ear. Y-you tug my h-hair and um.."
"Tell me more baby," you prompted.
"A-and you squeeze my throat, then your h-hands trail down to my ni-nipples," he continued.
"Let's go to my room to we can live out your thoughts, hm?" You asked. "G'na prop you up in front of me so I can watch you play with yourself while I whisper dirty things into your ear."
"Ohgodyes," Kageyama sighed.
The ravenette grumbled in protest when you got off of his lap, but he followed you down the hall of your apartment until you opened the door to your room. He didn't process much of what it looked like, only thinking about how he felt like he was dreaming. Some of the air was knocked out of his lungs as he flopped backwards onto your bed, staring transfixed at you as you pulled your shirt over your head.
Kageyama shimmied up the bed and continued to watch what you were doing.
"Can you take off your shirt for me, Tobes?" You asked.
Tobio didn't have to be told twice, and he threw it to the floor once he got it off. He did the same with his pants when you told him to strip them off too, and he blushed profusely once he realized that he was only wearing his boxers, which were stained with precum. Kageyama's breathing quickened as you sat yourself behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning close to rest your chin on his shoulder.
"You ready?" You murmured into his ear, grinning when you saw the ravenette shiver. "I know I am."
"Y-yes," Tobio choked out. "M ready."
Kageyama's breath hitched as you trailed the tips of your fingers down his front, goosebumps following their path. His nipples hardened, and you carefully brought a finger to one and slowly circled it.
"Hah~" Tobio huffed, face flushing deeper. His fists gripped the comforter tightly and his legs shook.
Your hands trailed further down, stopping at the waistband of his boxers. You could see the twitches of his cock and you grinned, using a nail to trace his glans. You bathed in his quiet whimpers, his chest heaving with each breath.
"T-touch me please," Kageyama said as you took your time tracing his erection.
"Only because you asked so nicely," you replied, slipping a hand down his underwear to pull out his cock. "Mm, it's pretty," you commented. "Go ahead and take them off."
Tobio did as he was told, and settled back against your chest. His heart skipped a beat as your hands trailed all over his chest, pinching his nipples and tracing the mold of his abdomen.
"Aren't you gonna touch yourself?" You hummed, continuing your assault on his nipples. "Don't be nervous, Tobes."
"It's hard not to be.." he muttered as he carefully wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. "E-even though I've known you for a year I-I just... feel like you're silently judging me..."
"Oh Tobes," you pouted next to his ear, trailing your fingers up to the nape of his neck. "I would never do that."
Kageyama gasped as you sifted your fingers through his soft hair. His train of thought must've left him because he was now fully pumping his cock as you gripped harder, gently tugging his raven locks. He didn't know how to feel in his current situation. He felt shy, but also confident. Deathly afraid, but super excited.
"Just focus on what feels good, baby," you hummed softly. "I want you to feel good."
Tobio nodded and moaned in response. He leaned his head back onto your shoulder, and shivered as you snaked your fingers into the front of his hair. You used your other hand to trail a finger down his throat to his sternum, bringing it back up to hover your hand against his neck.
"Sh-shit," Tobio squeaked, beginning to pump his cock furiously. "So cl-close.”
"Gonna cum on your stomach?" You nibbled on his earlobe. "Maybe I'll lick it up if I feel like it."
You gripped his raven locks harder, gently tugging and pulling until he let out a guttural moan and spilled his seed all over his front. He slowed his movements to a stop, his chest heaving for air.
"Fffuck," Kageyama groaned, body going limp. You hummed and rubbed his scalp soothingly.
"Good boy," you murmured.
"Holy shit we just did that," Tobio said after coming to his senses. "Holy shit you're my girlfriend."
"I sure am," you giggled. "Let's get you cleaned up, baby."
Tobio's face was a bright cherry red.
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heartrip · 3 years
“ You should go. ” Before the drumming in her head becomes far too strong to do anything but drag her under, before she is drowned and devoured whole by the other, unsteady *heartbeat* that she can't quite silence, before she turns on him as she is being commanded. Cowering in the light of the crimson moon, her body won't stop trembling; slowly but surely, that cruel moon begins to cover the last flickers of golden sunlight until all is cast in its shadow. "I release you from my service. You may take...whatever gold you can carry, as agreed. I would leave swiftly." - Selene (at the end????)
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he questions beneath his breath, nostrils flared and eye narrowed in a look that reflects his question. Hardly coy, Kano's not exactly delicate in his reaction. Boots dig further into the floor, his stance unmoving as he observes her change.
As the sky becomes dark and all light fades, she may not know it - but he's as 'at home' as he ever was.
He'll take all of the gold he can get; take it after he understands just what the hell is going on.
"I'll take th'gold but I don't know where it is, ya bloody dill." The mercenary instead stays put, refusing to move as he folds arms over his chest, red eye burning with heat ( just in case ) as the other observes her movement.
All of this time - the weird mannerisms, the off-putting attitude and the extreme devotion to something that Kano simply hadn't understood - had it all been for this?
Her final act one of horror - devotion and valour, though really such things a guise for misguided loyalty. This is why he'd never devote himself to another. Loyalty only ever ended in sacrifice and well...fuck that.
"Which means that y'gotta cut this shit and sort y'self out. I'm not goin' anywhere, luv."
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bullymagnet · 7 years
submission: @kabaedactyl
ok so the thing i reblogged from you ?? i changed the ending juuust a tad and then THIS happened and i don’t know what it is but It Is so here u go. - dactyl
🌺 - 🌺 - 🌺 - 🌺
Johnny grinned self confidently and turned his back to Max as he stood in front of him. He prepared his arms, spread out at his sides, and looked straight ahead. He sure was confident, now that he heard the right words. “Okay, Mux, hop on.”
Max blinked and didn’t move. “What now?”
“Y'heard me! G'on my back! There’s no time to argue, Maxie, y'gotta get on.” Johnny waited impatiently for Max’s weight to be added. Once Max did, Johnny made sure to get a tight grip on him before hauling him up and securing him. He didn’t let the fire in his gut turn into fire on his body like spikes. Instead, he turned his head as far as he could and made a biting motion to the bat. Max, as confused as he looked, brought the bat and all its little accessories it gathered over to Johnny’s head. And, with horror from both parties, (re: Max and Forge.) Johnny put his mouth on the side of the bat and bit it. Hard.
Anyway, Max looked like he wanted to scream.
Johnny’s mouth left the bat and it left red-hot metal in its place, almost melting. Max’s face read, why did you do that and i’m trying to think of the reasons that you would want to do that AND THEY’RE NOT COMING UP JOHNNY JONATHON JHONNY. 1) Johnny really wanted to try that, 2) it looks wicked, 3) it’ll really help Max’s hits actually hit and not go through it like liquid.
Nevertheless, Johnny charged. He didn’t give Max any breathing room and certainly didn’t allow room for questions and uncertainty. They had (unbeknownst to Max) friendship fused together and that their fusion was named TACTICAL CHARGE SQUAD and it will horrify Max until his dying breath.
But when they actually came in contact with the spectral beast, the red-hot bat and the combined spectral force that they carried sent the beast reeling. It was terrified, after trying to hit them twice, but it could not run away. As soon as they made contact, it wailed a horrible sound and exploded. Horrified, Max dropped the bat and clung to Johnny. Johnny stayed upright, although he was a little wobbly.
“’S over,” Johnny said once the metaphorical dust had settled. The jello remains of the ghost had stopped moving. Max didn’t let go and clung tightly, even if he did lift his head. “M’ hands are full. Can y'call the guys?”
“..Yeah, I can, totally.”
“Ay, Mux, d'ya know somefing?”
“I know..a good amount of things. Enough things. Why?” Max’s elbows were on Johnny’s shoulders and there was a phone on the top of his head. He could feel Max dialing the number.
“D'ya know if spectral remains n’ stuff can get on y'clothes? I got this…y'know..gooey stuff an’..’s gross..”
Max laughed before he put the phone on his ear and there was one arm rung around Johnny’s neck as he leaned back. “No. I know, it feels gross, but it’s something you can wipe off easily. It’s not actually on your clothes, it’s on your body because ghosty stuff doesn’t respond to tangible human items like clothes. If you were to put it in a washing machine, the gooey stuff, it would go right through and lay on the floor until another ghost ate it – hey, Mr. Spender.”
Johnny, purely on impulse, yelled in the middle of the street. It was like consistently when people made calls around him, he was horrible when people called their parents. “Hi, Mr. Spender!!”
Even over the phone, they could hear Spender’s nervous laughter. It was muffled and only Max heard it, even though Johnny bounced Max like a kid trying to do something cool with Mentos and Coke. Max was unfazed. Johnny whisper-yelled at him. “Put him on speaker!”
Max put him on speaker. Max lay across Johnny, with Max’s head on his friend’s shoulder and the phone in front of both of their faces. Johnny is idly reminded of a cat who’s too tired to walk. Which is weird, because didn’t Max charge at all and was covered by the human shield that Johnny is. Never mind that, friendship fusing can make people tired. As simple as that. “Spender, you’re on speaker.”
“–ow what to do and..ah? I’m on speaker? Hello, to you too, Johnny. Anyway. We couldn’t contact you. You two must have about fifteen missed calls total. You were gone for a long time, forty-five minutes, you should have been back within twenty. You weren’t supposed to be gone that long. What happened?”
The two of them answered at the same time. “Tactical charge squads,” Johnny said, obviously overly calm. “A living swamp,” Max said blankly. When the two of them looked at each other, they realized they were both talking about different parts of the day. “A friendship fusing and a living swamp monster,” Johnny said again. “Friendship in the making,” Max said, boringly.
“..Wonderful. Anyway, hurry back! I need to call your parents and tell them why you aren’t home.” His speaking turns into mumbling. They can still hear him regardless. “What should I tell them?”
“Tell my dad that I made a friend. That’ll satisfy him.” Max said, tightening the weak headlock he had Johnny in a little bit more. It was more of a reassuring squeeze that the whole ‘bully’ thing was over and that they were friends.
“Tell m’ moms, or one of 'em, that I fought a big monster. They’ll understand.” Johnny said cheerily. He had no doubt in his mind at least one of his moms would be rooting for him in his house. The other might be low-key concerned but it wouldn’t matter as long as he returned home in one piece. A Scooby Doo band-aid could fix anything.
Spender didn’t respond for a short while. “You heard that? Ah…I suppose I will, then.”
He hung up. Johnny and Max stayed still for a little, with Max’s phone still outstretched. Then they exchanged a look at each other and then at the jello all around them and the slightly-melted bat that was on the ground from Max’s short-lasted pure shock and Max could hear Scrapdragon’s pissy attitude a few feet away. Johnny could feel Forge’s pride in his gut and then, only a second later, both of them burst into laughter.
They were friends.
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