#the way the outfits contract with the backgrounds and each side it the opposite of the other in color and in tone
coldshrugs · 2 years
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The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honor. What an injustice.
@harumeau made me cry with this stunning comparison of effie in her childhood and as an adult.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: The Purple Piano Project
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3x01: The Purple Piano Project
Welcome to Season 3! I’ll try not to whine too much while we’re here, lol :)  
The season starts out on a relatively high note, however, making the whole thing feel a lot more promising than it ended up being.  This episode is fun and quirky and there are a lot of pianos for Kurt to drape himself on top of!! 
Future Plans
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So – we start off the season much like season two – Ben Jacob Israel going around and harassing everyone about their summer vacations and future plans. 
Do you see the set up of this shot, guys?  Rachel chattering in the front while Kurt tries to be distracting in the background?  Well – get used to it, because this Hummelberry dynamic is going to drag us through the next two years, guys, lol.  No really – I enjoy Hummelberry in this episode, I do.  But we had no idea this was a set up for (I’m sure someone will argue me on this) the worst Kurt arc on the show – Getting into NYADA.  And, unfortunately, the Hummelberry dynamic (or more so the writer’s obsession with Rachel not being able to fail at anything) plays into that. 
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Probably going off a rush of a summer where all they talked about was going to New York, Kurt and Rachel have all their future plans figured out.  They’re going to get a little apartment on the Lower West Side (yeah, sure), Rachel’s gonna be a big Broadway star, and Kurt’s gonna be married (legally!!!) by 30.  Yes – think about what is said here, I know Kurt has Broadway ambitions, too, but I find it funny that his dream aspirations include getting married.  
There are two key things I’d like to point about the whole marriage thing.  Kurt says by 30.  As we find in this season – not before 30 cause that is Too. Young.  But also.  Yes.  Kurt Hummel wants to get married.  And I’m pretty sure he already knows who his groom is going to be.  
But anyway, thinking about season 2, and how that started in such a dark place for Kurt, here we have the opposite – bright and shining optimism.  Oh, kiddo.  This really can only go down, can’t it. 
Purple Pianos
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Kurt: Why’s the T-Rex eating the Jew?
It’s exposition dump time! As we get filled in that the Glee Club remains uncool after the Nationals debacle from last year.  Kurt gets his share of funny lines as we get filled in.  
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Meanwhile – the glee club is three men down; Quinn pissed off the writers again, Lauren was fired, and Sam just couldn’t work out a contract deal.  So – Will gets the idea that placing purple pianos everywhere would inspire new people to join the club.  I’m not entirely sure how purple pianos are inspiring, but like Kurt, I’m totally on board with the whole thing.  
As seen in the background, the moment he can, he gets himself up and draped over one of the pianos. 
See – look how adorable he is on that piano!!! 
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Anyway – Will bores us with another inspiration speech that means mostly nothing since no one joins glee club anyway…. 
NYADA – School for Witches
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Lol – oh Kurt, you’re making the best faces in this episode so far….
First of all, let’s talk about the fact that Emma thought he and Rachel were dating (omg!), and the fact that he actually takes the pamphlet about ‘Me and My Hag’ (Lol).  Secondly, let’s talk about these sillies not doing their research on how Julliard is not a musical theater school.  At least Emma is doing the job she’s supposed to be doing in this episode! 
And then she steers them in the direction of New York Academy of Dramatic Arts.  Oh NYADA and my distaste for you begins, lol….  So, this particular school only takes 20 students a year.  Hmmm…  Looks a lot bigger than that in season 4 but whatever.  And the chances that two people from the same school and graduating year getting in? Doubtful.  But this is Glee, so here we go! 
Competitive Spirit
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 It’s the first day of school, and Blaine is still a Warbler, but his resolve is crumbling because Kurt is very persistent (and flirty and adorable) in this scene. You know there’s some interesting meta floating around about this scene recently – about their competitive nature and about how Blaine really isn’t /that/ competitive, but Kurt totally is.  He doesn’t mind it at all, really, which means, in a way, that they’re on equal footing.  Ah, how that is all about to change. 
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But what Kurt really wants is for Blaine to be around all the time so they can spend every minute of every day together.  Oh, Kurt.  Be careful what you wish for. But also – interestingly – they spent all the time together back when Kurt was at Dalton, and Kurt wants that little fairy tale to continue by bringing Blaine over to McKinley.  It’s obvious they talked about this at length over the summer, but I wonder what Kurt’s (more serious) arguments were for getting Blaine to come to public school. 
But anyway – the fun stuff – just how adorable and flirty these two are here! Hands might not have wandered south of the equator, but they were definitely up to stuff over the summer! 
We Got the Beat
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I’ve always thought Kurt was very pretty in this scene.  
I should probably have more profound analysis.  
Well, there’s not much to say, other than Kurt’s used to being bullied by the school, and he’s not about to make himself a target by getting up and singing on the lunch tables, no matter how pretty the pianos are.  
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Year 3 and Kurt’s still an awkward little dancer. <3 
This song is nice and fun and energetic.  Not really a favorite of mine, but man, what does it take to get this school into anything?  Geez! 
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You know, for someone who is so particular about their clothes – I’m sure this is like the zombie apocalypse.  Poor Kurt. I love the food ray shield. 
You know, never once in all my schooling did I witness a food fight. 
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Kurt is just not having it. 
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Kurtcedes lives! If only to pass along exposition.  And to exchange bewildered looks as Sugar sings her god-awful song.  
You know it’s funny – I never noticed how seasons 2 and 3 (and 4 actually) openers have plotlines of – let’s open up glee club for everyone! Except not really because we’re a seclusive little bunch. 
Velma and Roxy
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Small town is small after you’ve been to the big city.  But Kurt has a plan, that they’re gonna out preform all the other Ohio hopefuls so they can get a shot at their dreams.  I think, for the first time, I kinda get the purpose of this song (other than the blatant relation to Wicked and connection to season 2), but that they’re already counting in their victory against all the other hopefuls.  They’re putting their cart before the horse.  
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Say what you will about Gay Hogwarts, NYADA does attract the witches….
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The song itself is a little ridiculous but the performance is wonderful.  I love the choreography of this one.  And as always sound fantastic together, and this performance is no exception.  Say what you will about how Hummelberry was written – and I will say a lot over the next two seasons – Lea and Chris’s voices suit each other wonderful, and the show seems to latch on to that pretty well.  
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Not exactly a pic of Kurt, I know, but Blaine’s so frickin’ gorgeous in this scene.  And Kurt thinks so, too!! Look at that grin!  
But I’m kinda fascinated by this, now that I think of it, how Blaine’s all – check me out Kurt – in this kind of suave way.  And, oh Kurt, kind of caught up in his own drama to even notice that his boyfriend’s one outfit has changed.   
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But, just, the excitement Kurt has when Blaine’s decided to transfer.  OMG! the boy is so happy.  
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I love that Kurt has concerns – and they are so totally valid.  Blaine did transfer to be with Kurt, and that’s going to play a part in some of their bigger issues.  But for now, they can reveal in their happiness and not think at all about nasty, nasty break ups.  
And – getting Blaine into New Directions.  But since the only competition is Sugar, there really isn’t an issue here. 
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Oh Kurt – so giddy that he’s once again getting sung to in the courtyard.  Can this year get any better?!?!  
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Everything’s great util you light the piano on fire. 
Velma and Roxy II
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Kurt and Rachel are so ready for this NYADA mixer! Only to find out that while at McKinley they might be special snowflakes, in the real world, they’re a dime a dozen.  I like the reality of this scene, tbh.  That you can give your 1 in a Billion speeches all you want, there’s always going to be someone else who seems like they’re more talented than you.  There are a lot of things Glee misses the mark on when it comes to college.  Or theater.  And this scene is a bit over the top.  But it does show that, hey, there are a ton of people trying to make it the same as you – and so you do have to ask yourself – do you have what it takes to compete? Or do you just walk away. 
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I think now’s a good time to bring up the Glee Project.  I never watched it, tbh, so I can’t judge what kind of a show it was. But I’m not a fan of the results of the Glee Project.  And I don’t mean who won and who didn’t (Damien McGinty? Really?).  I mean that I have lots of problems with season 3.  But I think one of my biggest is that a show with a cast already overflowing now has to shoehorn these winners into the plot.  (I mean, think about how much space the show would have had without Rory)  Outside of Unique, I’m not really a fan of the characters that grew out of the Glee Project. 
That said, Lindsey Pierce was one of the winners, and her little moment to shine here seems perfect enough.  She’s a great vocalist, and I’m incredibly impressed by what she does here.  This performance is excellent.  
Anyway – going back to Kurt’s story.  It’s kinda hilarious how perfect a song choice this is – this group of kids basically stating that anything you guys can do Kurt and Rachel, we can do better.  Oh Glee with all its subtleties.  
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So.  Kurt and Rachel make it back to the car and break down crying because that’s what happens when your optimistic view point gets smashed.  Poor kiddos.  
And then we get Kurt gives Rachel a pep talk v.2.0 (yes, i’ll be numbering these).  And it’s similar to the Born This Way talk – that Rachel is good enough to get in because she’s still special.  The thing, though, as much as I joke around, is that I do honestly like this scene.  Because Rachel is in Kurt’s corner, too, supporting him even though he’s down on himself for lack of extracurriculars.  The scene is a balanced one, where they both pull each other out of this dark place, and I can really do Hummelberry when this kind of thing happens. 
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Gay High-five!!
You Can’t Stop the Beat
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Oh, I have waited so long to screencap this.  There’s a gif out there that’s even funnier though.  
Anyway – there’s a ton crammed into this little scene.  Blaine joins glee club, which is yay!! But c’mon, Finn, you’re seriously having issues with Blaine possibly taking the spotlight when you and Rachel get all the solos? And Santana’s out for the week.  Why is she only out for one week? Who knows.  And then, finally, Kurt’s feeling ambitious and running for Student Body President, and Blaine’s super proud of him.  Can’t you tell by the still above?
But the moral of the story is you can pull all of the strings out of the purple piano but you can’t pull out it’s music.  Or, er,  something like that.  
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Kurt’s feeling light and airy after that handjob.  Oh, wait, nope. 
It’s funny, I think this episode still holds up.  It’s crammed full of things, almost to a fault, but is still funny and endearing and services all the storylines it’s going to be presenting during the first third of the season.  I still really enjoy this episode even if season 3 goes mostly downward for me from here. 
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It’s Season 3 people. Bam!
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Conjecture |3|
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Yoongi x Reader
Idol Reader Au, Enemies to Lovers AU
Summary: Your management refused to renew your contract unless you collaborated, so you ending up working with Min Yoongi. A guy you’d disliked from before both of your debuts. There is more to their past than meets the eye.
Links to other parts in my masterlist
if you want to be tagged let me know :)
@msunnsstuff @rosey-roseu @eyelessmin
Warnings: Swearing. (nearly at the smut i promise)
(Mention’s on Monsta X’s Wonho)
Reblog, Like, Comment :)
//-It was 4am Yoongi was still bright eyed and bushy tailed hands working tirelessly on the buttons and dials of his mixer. During a quick break he checked on his phone, you’d still not replied to his texts or missed calls; he couldn’t help but become enveloped with worry, he just wanted to know when you’d be home, his caring nature had just took over. He scrolled through the latest news and his worry disintegrated into an un-ignorable haemorrhage of defeat and despondency. Dispatch had released an article with ‘exclusive photos’ of Y/N getting in to a car with Monsta X’s Wonho earlier that evening outside the Club Exec. He exhaled a sigh saturated with vexation.
“Pull yourself together Yoongi” he said to himself under his breath, no longer wanting to work he shut everything down and headed to bed.-//
 You were praying with everything you could that Yoongi was still in bed to miss you doing the walk of shame. If you was honest it wasn’t the walk of shame that so much bothered you but the fact last night you was way too preoccupied to think of the consequences of allowing Wonho to litter your inner thighs with bites that had blossomed into small red petals; not ideal when your short dungarees weren’t even close to covering them up. You was also vexed at who he thought he was leaving you messages and missed calls, it wasn’t like he had to wait up for you, you had a key.
Of course he was up. He was sat leg tucked under on the stool and was resting his elbows on the breakfast bar gazing at his phone when you walked in. The relief in his expression quickly drifted to a more disapproving gaze, apologetically giving you a once over up and down. This definitely got your back up with him even more
“You know we have a photo-shoot today right” he turned back to his phone not impressed.
“You know we have a thing called concealer and airbrushing too right?” you bit back.
“Well hurry up and do whatever you need to we have to leave in twenty minutes” this time he didn’t waste the energy to look at you. You said nothing mentally flipping him off as you walked past. You decided you just couldn’t drop it.
“Firstly what makes you think you have any right to judge me with those looks, if I want to stay out all night fucking someone then I will. Secondly why do you think you can message as much you did, you’re not my keeper” As soon as your heard your tone and language out loud you regretted it.
His head dropped slightly and his eyes closed as if to collect himself
“I’m sorry I was just concerned especially after…” You was not going to let him finish that sentence.
“You know what I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t speak to you like that and it was really out of line” you sighed. As much as his concern was kind of valid, after five years though, it seemed a bit much.
What was it to him anyway?
  You made Yoongi go through a drive through to pick up some coffee that your body was crying out for as you’d not slept.
“So you and Wonho then? You’ve kept that out of the media well, well mostly” Yoongi finally asked, breaking the silence of the journey.
“Me and Wonho nothing, there’s no story there, we’re just friends with some added benefits. I mean he’s an absolute sweetie and all but he definitely couldn’t handle me full time as a girlfriend” you said with a small laugh at the truth.
“Looks like he gives it a good go” he toyed referring to your marks. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yeah I suppose he does”
When you arrived at the studio there was a whole entourage waiting for you, they guided you past the set. The entire backdrop was covered with newspapers and various news clippings with some words like feud, rivals, secrets, lovers?  That were bigger and bolder cutting in over the normal papers. In front of the background was a mock-up of a small studio not dissimilar to yours or Yoongi’s.
You were whisked away separately to makeup and wardrobe, not that it took them long to dress you. They put you in black leather shorts only just covering your behind. The matching bra they put on you was adorned with small pyramid studs and two chains which swooped down from the shoulder strap across your chest to join again at the other strap. Your favourite part of the outfit was the leg harness that clipped onto one of the belt loops of your shorts, a thick line of leather led into a large O-ring and off that was another small piece of leather which diffused into triple chains going off in both directions to wrap around your thigh. It was sexy to say the least, you started to wander what kind of photoshoot this was going to be. You also couldn’t help but think if you were in a harness, what was he going to be in. Honestly you couldn’t wait to see Yoongi in a harness of some sort, that visual alone was enough to have your mind running wild, especially their Fake Love performances at the 2018’sMamas.
One side of your hair had been straightened and pinned back flat against your head to give the illusion it’s been clippered, the other half was being curled and placed with delicate precision. At the same time the make-up artist started working on your face, well after covering up your legs a bit more professionally, instead of being embarrassed you just owned it and you and the girls ended up having a bit of laugh.
“Not the best idea before a photoshoot is it really” the make-up artist teased.
“I wasn’t really thinking about it and besides I have you to make it look like it never happened” you responded.
“Well Y/N that’s you done, you better head down we’ve overrun a little on time” You thanked them both gratefully and bowed, a chaperone was waiting to escort you down onto set.
“Any reason why I’m wearing hardly anything and Yoongi gets to stay fully clothed?” You asked fully aware of what the answer would be but you wanted your irritation noted. Yoongi was in black ripped skinny jeans with chains at the side, a white untucked fitted shirt with the top few button undone, which pleasantly teased the top curves of his chest. The look was finished with a leather jacket. There were more silver chains which hung around his neck. The dark purple hair was straightened but ruffled messily. He looked good, really good. You had to kick yourself to not stare any longer. Lee was the only one too respond to your question.
“He has to maintain his image of Suga of BTS as well remember, your image has always been a lot more…”. He neglected to find the right word, yep that was the answer you expected. The dull ache of muttering around quietened down slightly as the director indicated for you to go on set. You could instantly feel the heat of the lamps causing your follicles to dilate allowing heat to escape.
“Right Y/N I’d like you sat on the desk with Yoongi in the chair” You both did as you were told.
“You look…remarkable” You could tell he took a few moment to choose his words carefully. You thought of multiple slightly bitchy comebacks but for arguments sake you just thanked him.
“Enough chit chat” the director barked. You both looked at each other with the amused look of two school kids who’d just been caught passing notes.
“Y/N have the harnessed leg up to rest your foot on his knee” Great he’ll have a marvellous view up my legs.
“Yoongi will have the headphones on and then we’ll have you biting the cable with some attitude, okay?”
“Sure” you agreed. You’d been told the song needed to have a sexy vibe as well but this shoot seemed excessive as much as it was visually stunning. You both took your positions and went through the motions of the shoot. Up next was the shoot for the concept trailer, this time at least you had been given a leather jacket and Yoongi had the addition of a waist harness It had quite a deep width with buckles secured at the front, you were silently grateful to wardrobe for this blessing. You’d been directed to stand either end of the small white walled cove that had been set up and been asked to do various actions, both banging your fists into the wall with frustration, walking around each other looking up pensively and some more actions of a similar nature. The final action was the most awkward and you gave a pleading look to the director at this point.
“Walk toward each other when you reach each other rest your hands on opposite shoulders and look down, you’re fed up. Hold for five seconds and then both push each other away, but when you’re just in reaching distance grab hands and Yoongi you pull Y/N into your arms. So the look will finish with one of Y/N’s hands on Yoongi’s chest while the other is still being held, Yoongi’s hand I want resting on Y/N’s hips and you looking deep into each other’s eyes with all forgiven”
“Isn’t that a bit too, you know close?” you protested to no avail.
“That’s the point” You sighed audibly enough for Yoongi to look at you with furrowed brows, his eyes though almost offered an apologetic stare.
With your warm hands entwined with his and your bodies pressed together perfectly like two puzzle pieces, looking up into his coffee coloured eyes that you couldn’t help but get lost in and feel the effects of the caffeine within your heartbeat which had become elevated and your pupils had blown out. Yoongi on the other hand was staring down his mind a chimera of empathising with your awkwardness and trying to not to notice how good his hand felt against your skin and relished in your chest gently rising and falling against his.
“That’s a wrap guys” You immediately pulled yourself away before he’d even finished speaking. Once again you were scolding yourself for allowing the attraction that was growing, you camouflaged your anger at yourself with general agitation and stayed in near silence as you allowed the stylist to take the items of clothing you were slowly relieving yourself of. By the time you were back into more comfy clothes and ready to leave the dressing room you’d manage to slap on a slightly happier face to say goodbye to everyone. When you was finally away from people you allowed the silence to bleed back into the car journey home.
“Well the director was a bit of a dick” Yoongi blurted out shattering the silence. He half peered over to observe your reaction hoping it would maybe tease a half smile from you. He succeeded.
“Yeah, someone definitely pissed on his cornflakes this morning” you returned. He chuckled, his smile was something you were slowly starting to crave, it was slowly chipping away at your dislike for him. You wasn’t even sure if it was possible that this sweet natured guy was even capable of doing what you’d disliked him for.
“Are you going to go the party tomorrow?” he asked trying to carry on a conversation.
“Yeah of course, it’s a once a year thing. You should really go to you know, be social and all that”
“Why would I wanna do that?” he toyed back. “I think Hobi and RM will be going though I know they’re so looking forward to meeting you, they’ve been bugging me like mad”
“Really? That’s sweet. It would be cool to finally meet the other legends of the rap line”
“You can go with them if you’ve not already arranged lifts and stuff, be warned though Hobi’s a complete lightweight”
“Thank you that would be great, I can work with lightweight one of my friends is literally the worst”. Yoongi just shook his head with an amused look. You felt you’re bad mood disintegrate, as easily as he could cause them he could cure them too apparently.
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scribeofmorpheus · 6 years
I Don’t Dance To Dubstep part 3 (A Deadpool Fic)
Part One, Part Two
Here is a deleted scene of dialogue for this chapter if you are interested!
A/N: Okay so the conversation with Cable about the scars isn't intended to be a metaphor for self-harm or hint at bad parenting. Instead, it is meant to be a metaphor for embracing ones perfectly imperfect flaws like stretch marks or cellulite or skin discolouration. In short, it's nothing ominous. Also, this is the longest chapter yet! And don’t mind the fact I inserted myself into the fic, he does like to break that fourth wall of realism that darned Wade Wilson! Readers mutant power given alter ego is DJ, so no ‘Y/N’ in this chapter.
Words: 2399
Warnings: Mature Language,
(Gif isn’t mine)
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"Okay be honest, what would you want your stripper name to be?" Wade continued his useless musings with Domino over the comms.
"That's easy: Lady Luck," Domino said without having to think about it.
"Huh… I'd go with Shiklah the Divorcer, abbreviate it to STD." Wade said wryly. There was a larger story behind his words.
"What?" Domino asked, completely oblivious to the context of the STD jeer, although truthfully, no one else seemed to get it either.
"Are we all in position?" asked Wade over the secure channel. Your earpiece felt like nails on a chalkboard due to your ability to focus sound waves. Your head snapped to the side and you made a hissing noise. Cable, who had been partnered up with you shot a concerned look your way. You raised your scarred hands up to signal you were fine.
"We're in position," Cable answered, the feedback from your proximity to each other caused another intense soundwave to vibrate through you. You winced and decided to remove the earpiece. "Won't you need that?" Cable asked you.
You gave a half crooked smile, "That's what you're here for, isn't it? Kick ass, not take names and listen to Wade's annoying voice shouting profane nonsense into your ears?"
Cable hummed, unamused by the image you just painted in his mind, "Unfortunately," he said. He opened his fanny pack- Ahem! His utility bag- and grabbed his lip balm, applying some on with a very serious expression on his face while maintaining eye contact with you. It felt both intimate and weird all at once. You were definitely confused by it. According to Wade, he did that a lot.
You cackled in a dramatic fashion after the eye contact turned from intense to awkwardly silly, filling the empty street with a Wicked-Witch-of-the-West sounding laugh echoing through the empty street. Bored, you used your abilities to amplify the frequency, making the laugh boom louder.
Cable tilted his head as Wade undoubtedly had something to say about your use of your powers for no reason other than boredom, "Wade said to keep it down to the 'sexy octave levels of James Earl Jones'," Cable relayed to you.
You whispered "Fuck you, Wade Wilson," and amplified the sound of your words into an even louder pitch until the glass windows groaned from the intensity and Cable was forced to cover his ears from the sheer volume of it.
"That's not exactly keeping things discrete, DJ, might want to tone it down a bit!" Cable shouted in discomfort, his words drowned out by the frequency of your own.
"Yeah, well we've been sitting in this car park dressed like background characters of a Will and Grace special for two hours now. If she was indeed on her way here, she'd have been here by now!" You huffed.
The two of you were on rear exit duty. If Wade and Domino failed to trap and kidnap the new contract, the two of you would give her a rude awakening. To your annoyance, your target was uncharacteristically tardy today, so for now, all four of you waited, dressed in the most unflattering disguises, staying incognito while stalking around the building your target regularly frequented. It was a Chinese restaurant that acted as a front for an illegal underground gambling ring. Your target was a pill pushing 'Madame' who had a habit of gambling away half her profits.
Cable closed his eyes and leaned against the hood of the car you drove in, it was a taxi, Deadpool had called up his pal Dopinder, who was out on a coffee run, to drive the four of you to the location. You sat cross-legged, shades shielding your eyes from the sun, on top of the warm yellow hood, there was an odd impression on the opposite side of the bumper that looked like the kind of mark someone who had been run over would leave.
Cable was taking slow, thoughtful breaths, not at all bored by the inactivity. You had noticed he always carried a teddy bear everywhere with him, it was quite the juxtaposition to his otherwise serious, brooding default setting. Letting curiosity win over you, you blurted out: "What's the deal with little Osito there?"
Osito was Spanish for bear. You had grown up in a bilingual household. Your mom was the one who prominently spoke Spanish at home, you had an easy time picking it up as a kid.
"What's the deal with the scars on your hands?" He asked, deflecting his personal question by asking you a personal question of your own. Smartass. He thought he had the upper hand, he assumed you wouldn't be comfortable talking about your scars, everyone always assumed that. He was in for a rude awakening!
"Casualty of being such a badass!" you quipped playfully. Cable gave you a small chuckle making you feel like you had just paved through a new milestone in your… acquaintance-ship?
"Is that so?"
"I managed to bring the great Cable to his knees on our first meeting, so yeah, I say so," you smirked proudly at him and he scowled.
"As a kid, my parents didn't understand what I was. I didn't either. I'd cause small quakes when I was angry or sad or happy or excited. Murdered a lot of Mom's fine china. Busted Dad's TV once. Eventually, they couldn't pretend anymore, and I saw how much I scared them. I scared myself if I'm honest. They told me to be normal, stop with all my craziness. I didn't know any better, I didn't know my abilities were as much a part of me as the colour of my eyes or the slant of my nose, so I repressed it. These-" you rotated your hands this way and that, giving Cable a show of spirit fingers, showcasing all the scars and tears from years of cuts and numerous surgeries, "These were the resulting effect. I broke many fingers. Some cases the waves would slice through skin. After my eighth break, I said 'Fuck it!' I began to use my abilities freely and openly. Of course, I was smart enough to know when to be discrete and when to wreak untold havoc upon some asshole who groped my ass in high school. And I haven't looked back ever since."
You had shocked Cable with your candour. You never minded explaining the scars, they were just younger versions of your many battle wounds. They made you what you are -which may not be perfect, but you couldn't give a flying fuck if you didn't conform to societies controlled demographic of normalcy. You were a rebel all your own. You gave Cable a wink, not at all shy or embarrassed that you just spilt private secrets so nonchalantly.
"Jesus," he said, only with less sarcasm then you ever thought him able to muster. "Did you kill him? The Asshole in high school?"
You laughed, amused at his question. He must think you some sociopath. Then again with an apathetic partner like Truth Dog and a habit of shooting up Wade all the time, he might not be wrong. It was still fun though!
"No, I didn't kill him. I used my sonic frequency to shatter all his trophies the school displayed in the trophy case. I may not have seen it, but I know he cried afterwards. Murder isn't the only solution you know. Some days you just have to find what stupid, materialist things people associate with their self-worth and-" You focused a low-frequency sound wave on the car and the window glass shattered in your demonstration, "Apply enough pressure!"
"My CAR!" Dopinder whined from behind you as he raced over to the taxi with his tray of coffees.
"Whoops!" You whispered before pointing nonchalantly to Cable, "He forgot to set his gun to stun. He sneezed and it just went off. Be glad he hadn't had the dial turned up to 11!" You blatantly threw Cable under the bus. He didn't say anything, but you could feel his cool eyes staring at you in less than amused mood. You giggled playfully.
"Yeah, well I hope you can pay for this Mr Cable, because I already have that dent to get out from Mr Pool's joyride when he was drunk that one time and decided to go all GTA on everyone," Dopinder said in his accented tone.
"Put it on my tab," Cable growled, causing Dopinder to gulp, a bead of sweat gathering above his temple.
"On second thought, I'll just put it on Mr Pool's tab. Since he'll… you know, need to use my cab again."
"Did you say something, Mr Roboto?" You heard Deadpool coo over the earpiece at Cable.
"Your coffee is here," Cable said. Through the earpiece, you heard Wade make an excited squealing noise and what sounded like Domino sighing heavily.
Some seconds later, Deadpool and Domino came repelling down a pipe from the roof and rushed over to get their coffees from Dopinder. Domino chose to wear her hair in stylish Bantu Knots, she had said it was a bad hair day, but she looked as flawless as ever. You were afraid you might be in love with her, or maybe it was her hair or the fact she had heterochromia, or at the very least you were maybe little too obsessed with her outfit! Who cared, Domino was plain freaking awesome!
"Give me that sugary goodness," Deadpool said as he kissed Dopinder through his mask and reached for his coffee. He took his mask off halfway, exposing his mouth, and sucked down dramatically on the frothiest, most hideous excuse for a coffee you had ever seen.
Domino grabbed her macchiato and Cable his latte, you were surprised someone all dark and brooding and serious like him would drink anything with milk in it. You grabbed your cappuccino and thanked Dopinder who was drinking a milkshake.
"What the FUCK is this?" Deadpool asked after he finally finished taking his first sip, more like chug. "This isn't the Caramel Macchiato, Venti, Skim, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Extra-Whip, Sugar-Free coffee I ordered!" He bellowed loudly.
"Are you sure that thing is even classified as coffee anymore?" Domino quipped after taking a sip of her macchiato.
"Are you sure that thing is even classified as coffee anymore?" Wade mimicked like a four-year-old brat.
"Whatever," Domino said raising her hands in the air and rolling her eyes.
"The real question is: Where is this easy target and big payday you promised me?" You inched closer to Wade with a look that could kill. You blew air in his ear and amplified the inaudible frequency so that it damn near scrambled his brain. He squalled like a crying child with colic and dropped his Starbucks cup, foam and syrup and what little actual coffee there was in it splattered on the hood of the car coating everyone in the sickly sweet liquid except for Domino, by some unfair miracle.
"That's just fucking great!" Cable said in annoyance as he used his free hand to wipe away the frothy foam that covered his chest. You did the same and licked some of the foam off your finger, all the guys ogled you like you were some damn peacock.
"Men!" Domino said in disgust. You giggled as the gleeful feeling of dominating power coursed through you.
"To answer your question, Carrie White," Wade was referring to you.
"Carrie had telekinetic powers, Mr Pool, wouldn't it make more sense to call her Abra Stone, I'm pretty sure if she tried DJ could generate an earthquake too?" Dopinder asked innocently.
"No, Dopinder, what would make more sense would be to call her Black Canary, but given as how that is a completely different comic book universe and the fact that whoever thought up DJ's powers was an unimaginative lout who couldn't think up something cooler than sound manipulation and also thought DJ was an intuitive play on words and abilities, no, I do not think it would be better to call her Abra Stone. Shockwave maybe... but that’s trdemarked by Hasbro, so," everyone looked at Deadpool in confusion. "Anyway! I'm pretty sure she'll show up any minu-" Deadpool was interrupted by the sound of his phone receiving a message.
"Whoops, Ha-ha, forgot to put that on vibrate," Wade wiggled his eyebrows which strained against the tight fabric of his mask, "Ah, it's Weasel, apparently Madam Mayflower… Pffft- Mayflower! Anyway, apparently, she's not coming. She's going somewhere else today. Oooh! It's a Burlesque Club!"
"Well, what's the fucking plan?" Cable asked showing signs of impatience for the first time.
Wade looked over at you, Cable and Domino, his eyebrows clearly raised in mischief behind his mask.
“Now Madonna, Cher and… The Jackson Five,” he pointed to each of you, assigning you with the corresponding singer’s name.
Domino rolled her eyes at being designated as the entire music group of the Jackson Five (it was no doubt a play on the fact she usually wore her hair in an afro).
Wade made sure he used his most diva emulating performance to sell his pitch, “Put on your favourite dancing shoes and wear your skimpiest outfit. Because ladies, we’re going to put on the best burlesque show of our lives!”
“Jesus,” Cable grumbled. You noticed he did that a lot. You wondered if it would ever stop being comical and turn annoying.
Domino raised her hand.
“Yes, Jackson Five?”
“Which 80′s singer are you in this scenario?”
“Why, the legendary Dolly Parton, of course!” Deadpool said gleefully
"What about me Mr Pool?" Dopinder asked feeling a little left out.
"You are Driving Miss Daisy, now common let's go," Wade walked in imaginary heels and sauntered like a runway model to the front seat in the cab.
"That's not even a singer," Dopinder said with a frown.
"Hey, at least you aren't given the title of an entire music group just because of your hair!" Domino said in deadpan.
"Nah, he just got stereotyped as a slow cab driver!" You chimed in before taking your seat in the middle of the cab.
Part Four is HERE!
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As Always: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I got carried away with this one a little bit. Anyway, if you like this fun little series don’t hesitate to ask to be added to the tag list!!! Also, check out my READER WEEK challenge that will be held on the 27th, Open to all followers!!
Tags: @demonhunter1616  @msstarsword
Permanent Tags: @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet
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thefirsthogokage · 7 years
VIXX LR’s Whisper Blew Up My Brain
Ok, so I was initially just going to copy and paste all the comments I made on YouTube and put a declaimer saying that’s exactly what I did…But…then…stuff. My brain is so tired of thinking. So, so tired. So, this is stuff that I’ve noticed, a small amount of interpretation in places. This doesn’t even have everything that I’ve seen that also probably should be added to this list. I’m probably going to be posting links to other theories I find. Maybe a YouTube playlist. Idk, I apologize for all the confusing parenthesis, I’m still fried, too much so to even full-heartedly (or whatever) go back over what I wrote. However, I wanted a new friend of mine to be able to see this, so… (Good luck)
Important things that I know others noticed that have to be listed:
-The Blue book in the beginning with the L on it with the image of the room Leo is in.
-On the suitcase: The release date of Beautiful Liar, and the word ‘Fragile’
-The sound of the keys dropped when Leo dropped the bag is the same as the keys in BL
-The switch of the record colors; the switch of the colors lighting them up; Ravi wearing blue, and Leo wearing red, in the “outside/real world” while they wear the opposite colors on the “inside/inner mind,” and that one time Ravi was wearing white
-In Whisper, Ravi and Leo start out having the separate (black background) close ups, like in BL, then they are overlaid  
Things that I didn’t see other people notice when I initially wrote this:
-Night and dark settings in Beautiful Liar vs. day and light in Whisper. When Ravi’s in the bedroom in BL, he’s surrounded by lights inside, while Leo is surrounded by a sun-light room in Whisper. → The inner minds.-The suitcase looked like Ravi’s outfit from Beautiful Liar, while the bag looked like Ravi’s piano from Beautiful Liar. → Connecting the Key sounds: When Leo drops the bag that look’s like Ravi’s piano from BL, and in BL, the sound comes when Ravi grabs Leo’s hand. Dropping vs. letting go.
-When Leo picked up the books, it was Beautiful Liar (W&C by Ravi), with My Light (written by Leo & Ravi, composed by Leo) farther away (mostly represents Leo, so it’s Leo being kept away from the surface), and then finally picked up Whisper (again by Ravi). -Bookmark: R in Red and the L and the string are in Blue. (Someone has pointed out the red threads in the Depend on Me video) And, of course, the book has the track titles as chapter titles. → Multiple people have brought up Inkheart, a trilogy (and the connection with that which others have mentioned). A book, named after the song, with the track list as chapter titles, along with two other books with titles of songs from Beautiful Liar. This could be an indication that this video is part two of three in a trilogy. (It might not have started out that way, but it might be the plan now as long as “fans” don’t mess it up.) → → If this is a trilogy, it could be going forward (i.e. Broken, Healing, Mended), but it could also be going backward (Adulthood, Youth, Childhood).
-Ravi leaving the car with all of the writing behind (around 2:00): Narcissism, Burin’ It Up, and No Limit Limit → Leaving his old self, behind. EDIT: The out side of the car is white, and then Ravi's shirt is white for a short while.
-Around 2:10 when Ravi is trying to play the fake piano (when he only sat on one in BL), but the fake piano he’s trying to play looks more like the one Leo was playing in BL -The choreography for Leo and Ravi in BL had more contrast, while in Whisper it’s mostly a mirror image. -Around 3:5? When they fall back, it’s in the same positions as when Leo pulled Ravi back in BL -When they are seated next to each other in BL (0:52) they are on the same bed, instead of the separate beds in Whisper. Also, and not sure if this means anything, but the way Leo has his arms at that part is the same in both videos (minus the leg-hugging) while Ravi isn’t the mirror of that like he was in BL. He’s holding his arms here (and again no leg-hugging).
-The “Inner-Mind” Lighting: BL: Ravi is surrounded by blue lights on a torn-up bed that is surrounded by red lights. Whisper: The Red “thread-light” intertwined with the blue thread (that went through the piano) leading Ravi to the headphones and Leo. -Around Whisper 4:00, also, the mirror behind Leo is cracked/damaged, while the mirror behind Ravi isn’t. In BL, the mirror that Leo looks into is clear, while Ravi’s on the ripped up, - down to the springs, - bed. -This video also kind of seems like coming to terms with one’s self, whether you want to or not; Leo tries to walk away at the end, but he’s tied to Ravi (and that intersects near the bag which, again, looks like Ravi’s piano in BL). They are one in same…Maybe, if Leo’s the person inside this time (because he can’t go anywhere while attached to Ravi), Ravi doesn’t need the persona anymore, and realized they’ve been the same the whole time? Idk, have to think a bit more on that one. -Also, what does Leo’s shirt say at the end? Mania? Hmm… -Another little thing I noticed: blue lace on the wedding invitation in BL (which also had writing on it that I couldn’t entirely make out other than “twenty second…thousand and fifteen), blue string in Whisper. -Oh! And Ravi walking and fading away from Leo in BL, but at the end of Whisper, Leo’s attached to Ravi and can’t go anywhere.
-Ravi’s red eye-makeup is the same in both videos.
-The logo initially was white, but there was a gif somewhere that showed it as white, but with an overlay going back and forth between Red and Blue. Now the logo is Purple.
-Both videos: Outside vs Inside settings. BL: Leo mostly outside; Ravi and Leo have the embrace outside, and Ravi pulling back Ravi indoors. Whisper: Ravi mostly outside; Leo grabs Ravi’s wrist on the inside, but they flicker between outside and inside. Two different kinds of physical contact when inside and when outside vs. same wrist grab both inside and outside.
Sorry I keep jumping around…
Saw this on tumblr: At about 1:20, along with the two "whispered” highlighted on the righthand page, “real” is highlighted on the left hand page. ReaL vs. LiaR
A Direct Comment of Mine from YouTube:
My friend and I were talking about how different from all of VIXX/VIXX LR’s past music this song is. But, maybe that was the point. (Now, please forgive me, I can’t quite think of how we phrased things last night, I was half asleep.) My friend and I both agree that this is, - as a concept, - a continuation of Beautiful Liar (so, so many reasons why). However, we also thought that the musical style could be part of the concept as well. There is immense visual symbolism throughout this video, so why can’t the STYLE of the music be symbolic as well? If you see BL as a struggle between wanting to let the girl go so that she can be happy while being angry that she’s leaving, Whisper could be about the beginning of healing that pained mentality. Like, trying to be happier and move on. A bop is happy, a bop is popular, a bop is a shift in style; someone in the process of becoming happy, a shift from the way they used to think. The mental/emotional state depicted in BL is dark, while the mental/emotional state in Whisper is lighter and more positive (yet not completely united, which is a different conversation). I believe there are so many layers of this song to deconstruct, and the difference in musical style is just one of them. Hell, I might be overthinking every little detail of this video, but, then again, this is VIXX, so who knows. Maybe all of the puzzle pieces people have noticed so far aren’t even all of the pieces there are to be found.
A theory from the comments on YouTube posted by user mmlyuan (https://www.youtube.com/user/swimfreakats), reposed here with permission:
 (this is the first theory that I’ve ever written and would love to hear fellow ST★RLIGHTs opinions!!!! VIXX LR FIGHTING) 
 Did a little digging on the book that Leo reads in the MV. It’s “Inkheart” by Cornelia Funke. Per the internet: “The theme of Inkheart is that friendship can be found even among very different people. The main characters are from two very different worlds (reality vs fiction). Yet, they are able to find/establish a strong and reliable friendship with each other. Although their friendship is tested by lies and deceiving actions, they ultimately work together to overcome these obstacles.” Via “Inkheart”, the main character can call fictional characters from the book into ReaL life.  
From this, we can deduct that Ravi represents ‘reality’ and he calls upon Leo who represents ’fictional".  In the beginning on the MV, blue-RAVI has a BLUE BOOK (showing Leo’s room) belongs in front of him. This solidifies the notion that Leo is fictional/from the book (because he is later seen in this exact room). 
We see red-Ravi is wearing a headband that says “RealPeople” and at one point the ledge he stands on is covered with the word “ReaL”. Note: his surroundings is in an alleyway, with the sky/clouds, grass, buildings, car… with much more vivid lighting. On the other hand, blue-Leo is in the exact room as pictures on the book cover that blue-Ravi had at the beginning and is surrounded by books. You are limited to only seeing the room, with a stream of light coming in from “somewhere”. The lighting is much more hazy, giving it a much more dream-like feel (to contract[sic] Ravi). 
We also see Ravi following the red thread, searching for something. It ultimately leads him to the blue&red Gemini (May 24), while Leo holding the book flips to a page showing the same Gemini. The Gemini basically acts as the “summoning point”, because Ravi brings Leo into reality (we only see Ravi & Leo in the ally or on the streets with trees, we do not see them in Leo’s blue room.) 
FINALLY, we close out the scene, with R&L attached through the blue&red strings, meaning that despite how different they are (from different worlds), they are still ‘bound together by that common thread’, they are “tied together”. Friendship, brotherhood, music… 
START OF EDIT thanks to inspiration and contributions from lovely fellow ST★RLIGHTs 
The idea of different worlds (reality/fictional) is metaphorical for polar opposites: Left&Right, Passion&Calm. Ravi’s been saying in interviews that he represents “right” and “passion/red” and Leo has been saying that he represents the “left” and “calm/cool/blue”. But also note that magnets (+/-) tend to also be associated with the colors red and blue. We also have a saying that “opposites attract”. In that case, it kind of plays into the idea that they represent two “polar” opposites, but they attract and work well together. They’ve mentioned many times in interviews that Leo’s “color/style” is very different from Ravi’s. Same goes for their vocal range. But, thats what makes LR such a unique and amazing unit, because despite how “opposite” they may seem, they play to each other advantages making up the VIXX unit “LR”. They’ve also mentioned that their dance break in the MV is symbolic of 'two becoming one’ (2VIXX becoming 1LR). This MV essentially defines who they are as LR and I think its so amazing ‪♥‬! 
 Also, adding onto the “inception” idea (thanks to @Zemfira Safina for the idea/point) where Ravi starts and ends in Blue whereas Leo starts and ends in Red… 
If we say that the “start and end” is the TRUE reality/REAL, I see it as BlueRavi and RedLeo stands for how they may ACTUALLY be off-camera and off-stage (REALITY). Leo is known to show lots more aegyo to the members and is a warm/caring father figure for 4VIXX, which contrasts to Ravi who is known to be a workaholic and is known to be really immersed whenever he’s working on (or reading… recently) that he doesn’t even hear the members call out to him. WHEREAS, the aura and vibe that we sometimes get while they’re in front of camera or on stage is RedRavi and BlueLeo: passionate Ravi and calm/collected Leo. I guess the idea that they “switch” colors at one point shows that they both technically have both the blue AND red within them, so while they appear different, they still relate and thus connect. 
END OF EDIT (phew… my brain is worn out, trying to connect as much as I can… again, thank you to fellow ST★RLIGHTs for the additional inspiration!) HOW MIGHT THIS RELATE TO BEAUTIFUL LIAR? While in #BeautifulLiar Leo represents reality and Ravi is the voice inside (LiaR), this time their roles are switched (ReaL). note the R&L switches 
Thanks again to mmlyuan!!
What else have I missed? Like, did anyone see any interesting connections between the track titles of Beautiful Liar and Whisper…?
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