#the trouble with rudyard
dathen · 2 years
“georgie woodenovercoats and georgie magnusarchives are the same character” WRONG. georgie crusoe would have stayed friends with Jon in s4 and also broken anyone’s legs who was mean to him
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Canonically disabled characters in podcasts cause I feel like it
- Juno Steel - The Penumbra Podcast (visually impaired)
- Rudyard Funn - Wooden Overcoats (technically not canon but basically has every symptom of autism)
- Arthur Lester - Malevolent (visually impaired)
- Brain Jeeter - The Strange Case Of Starship Iris ( has a disability that gives him trouble breathing though I don't remember if they specify exactly what)
- Lucille Kensington - Where The Stars Fell (I believe chronic pain though I admit I haven't listened to the show. She uses a cane)
- Nicholas Waters - Archive 81 (chronic pain. He uses a cane)
- Sydney Sargent - Camp Here And There (psychosis, autism and chronic pain)
(extra fun fact all these characters are canonically queer accept Arthur though ppl are still holding out hope for him)
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dragonfly756 · 9 months
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Rudyard and Antigone dolls inspired by these crochet versions! More on the design and closeups under the cut
I wanted them to be a cross between the official show art and stop motion claymation, so their skeletons are made of salvaged wire and aluminum foil, with air dry clay and embroidery floss for hair! Sadly they're not articulated in any way, joints are too advanced right now.
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Rudyard has a little pocket watch chain (so he can keep on time, punctuality is very important to him and I wanted to reflect that in his outfit.) his vest is a little fabric scrap, and Madeline is molded onto a tiny magnet, so she can perch on Rudyard or Antigone's head. Even though he dresses formally he's forever running around and getting into trouble, so he's a bit disheveled with dust on his hands and face, and no jacket.
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Antigone's got an Edwardian style gown inspired by this lovely fan design, as well as a tiny chatelaine attached to a piece of cord that serves as her belt. it's a sort of Victorian tool belt! Ladies would wear them around the house with practical objects like keys or watches, as well as sentimental items like small photographs. Antigone has mortuary tools like forceps, a cavity injector, and trocar attached to hers so she can always have them when she needs them! (not sure they're all to scale.)
(Eventually I plan on building them little coffin storage boxes, and maybe Georgie and Eric too.)
Bonus: Concept art!
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remyfire · 9 months
hi remy!! another 🎲 for beejhawk perhaps? lol :-)
(FINALLY GETTING BACK TO THESE a little at a time, please forgive me for the wait!
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You get! A kiss on the nose! Have some post-war established forties-something men because I keep putting BJ through the blender in everything else. They deserve this)
Hawkeye is dabbing away the last of the shaving cream that got pushed to his neck when something about how he shifts makes the bathroom light hit him at an odd angle, and like a moth to a flame, his gaze skitters right to...it. To be fair, it's almost impossible not to see it, what with it being right there on his face, taking up an unfair amount of real estate, but...it. There it is. Unavoidable.
Every day, he seems to be noticing something else about how his body is changing that gives him pause, but there's still a wide array of options that can take his mind off it—maybe even prove that however he's seeing himself in the mirror is completely untrue. Admittedly, a lot of it has to do with the doting attentions of one extremely enthusiastic lover who, once he's told what the trouble is, will go out of his way to demolish Hawkeye's uncertainty with all the subtlety of a wrecking ball.
Part of that tremendous ease BJ has with Hawk's worries probably has something to do with the decade and a half of experience they have with each other, truth be told. Still feels unreal, when he really considers it. From the minute Rudyard Kipling slithered through the air between them, it felt as if Hawkeye had known BJ Hunnicutt for his whole life. But just like anybody else, they had to fight and claw their way through bickering and misunderstandings and double speak and just downright assholery before they could finally get here, to a charming house in California where, against all odds, they appear to be able to spend the rest of their lives side by side.
They get to be together. They no longer hesitate about sharing the most minute thoughts of affection. God, with the ever shifting landscape around them of free love, how it's permeated down to Castro Street, they're able to even have public dates in a way that Hawkeye had never truly thought would become real. Dates surrounded by people just like them, everybody looking out for each other, smiling as they wander down the sidewalk or into a restaurant by the sheer power of the fact that they can just...hold hands. Kiss. Wrap their arms around each other's waists and claim and know down to their very depths that everyone around them is doing the same.
In a way, it's funny. On nights like this, where Hawk's less concerned about how close he can stand to BJ in public without interlopers starting to whisper, it seems to open up his mind to notice, again, those strange aspects of living in a body that's changing right before his eyes. Love handles. Shiny stretch marks on his thighs. Silvery hair.
And the things that aren't changing, but just becoming more apparent every day. Like...nose.
"How's it coming?" BJ asks as he wanders in from the bedroom, fingers cleverly securing his tie.
Hawk turns his head this way and that, eyes not moving from his face in the mirror. He ponders. Frowns. "D'you think my parents should've named me Rudolph?"
"Like Valentino?"
"No, like..." Hawk blinks and finally turns his attention to Beej. "Really?"
BJ shrugs with a little smile. "Well, yeah, hello." He strolls in and tucks himself up close to Hawk's back, resting the side of head against his. "You seeing what I'm seeing?"
It's all but impossible to look away from BJ's handsome face through the glass, actually, the way his grays have brought out the elegance of his mustache, how deeply the wrinkles at the edges of his eyes sink in when he grins like this. He's so solid. Safe. Sexy as hell. "You know what it does to me when you wear that tie, right?"
As his eyes turn into smoldering diamonds, Beej's lips curve into a lethal smirk. "Sorry. Losing my memory in my old age. You'll have to remind me later."
"You'll be lucky if I let you get out of the car before I'm fucking reminding you," Hawk teases.
BJ keeps his gaze right on Hawkeye's as he leans forward and presses a hot kiss behind his ear, the kind that makes Hawk hum and go a little weak in the knees. "We have a reservation," BJ reminds him, as though he's not touching the small of Hawkeye's back to keep him steady and press him into the bathroom counter all at the same time.
"Fuck you," Hawk murmurs.
BJ laughs, winks, then steps away to let Hawkeye get a deep breath to settle himself. It would be a shame to miss out on some amazing cheesecake when he can just let BJ get through dinner unruffled and then blow him in the front seat, if Hawk's back'll let him.
Maybe it won't. But wouldn't it be fun to try?
Hawkeye hangs up the hand towel, but the moment he looks back at the mirror to check his hair, his stirring thoughts go dead silent. "Really, though." As he lifts his chin, a combination of the lightbulbs they use in the bathroom and his skin, warm from the California summer, makes the very tip of his nose seem even more bulbous and flushed than usual. "Look at this."
BJ hums in question. He settles his hand on his waist as he leans into the counter for a better angle. "At what?"
"This! Are you kidding?" Hawkeye gestures at his nose more grandly than he did that new bike he bought Beej for Christmas the year before last. "Look at it."
"What about it?"
"I swear it's getting redder. Bigger. I don't know." As Hawk screws up his face, his expression briefly reminds himself of a cat, disdainfully analyzing the food that was just set before it.
BJ chuckles. "I really have no idea what you're talking about. It looks exactly the same as it has since the first day I met you."
Somehow that's an even more horrifying thought, that Hawk's gone this long thinking he's some handsome, sexy ladykiller—mankiller? That one doesn't flow as well. Maybe neither of them do. He shakes his head to try and dispel the thoughts before they can go racing away from him. "Okay, sure. Forget it. It's fine." It's not. He's fixating, stuck, compulsively spinning his mind around it so that even when he looks down to grab his bottle of cologne, all he sees in his head is a bright red berry stuck at the end of a crooked hose.
Beej makes a quiet sound—one that Hawk instinctively understands to be his problem-solving hum—before he slides a hand into Hawkeye's back pocket, against all odds managing to get his thick fingers in no matter how form-fitting the trousers currently are. "I think I could pick just about any part of you out of a lineup."
Hawkeye snorts, the corners of his lips quirking despite himself. "Oh, yeah, kind of like weeding out the weird freaky misshapen apple from the bunch."
He cocks his head, considers another angle. "Because when Erin's not visiting, I'm allergic to anything that's not a bathrobe."
"Close," BJ murmurs, his tone shaking only slightly with a repressed laugh.
"Okay, okay, okay." Hawk waves through the air. "I'll bite. Why?"
"Because you ruined any other body for me."
Hawk pauses, still clutching the bottle of cologne, staring hard at the faucet.
"You're not gonna believe me. But try." BJ nuzzles Hawk's cheek, the words inescapable from so close. "When Erin and I swung by SF MoMA the last time she was here—when you were pulling that emergency shift, remember?—I kept having this feeling when I was walking past some of the paintings, the sculptures. I couldn't really figure it out. It's all gorgeous stuff. Erin kept pointing out some of the most incredible details I've ever seen. She's got an eye for it, I swear. But it took me until I got home and came into the bathroom and you were in the tub, and I just...I saw you, and I realized that every person depicted in those masterpieces, yeah, sure, they were objectively lovely, and also they stirred nothing in me. They were some of the most lifelike pieces I've had the pleasure to see, but they were so incredibly fake. They couldn't hold my attention because they weren't you."
All at once, Hawk can't bear to look at him, turns his head completely away. It's strange. It's so fucking weird how they've been together all this time, and yet there are moments where BJ will see him so vividly that Hawkeye half-wonders if he's been walking around in a blur up until then.
But Beej's palm finds his cheek then, and Hawk feels it all the way down to his toes. No, there's nothing fuzzy about life for him. He's been seeing in brilliant clarity since Kimpo.
Slowly, slowly, BJ guides Hawk back around, like a planet rotating toward the sun, and the moment they lock eyes, Hawkeye finds his face so gently cradled in both of BJ's massive hands. Suddenly there's no thoughts of noses, of stretch marks, of sore backs. There's just a silent invitation to look and be looked at in turn.
Hawk can't stop himself from resting his palms on BJ's softening waist as he drinks in the sight of him. It's incredible how impossible it is now to separate the potent reaction he has to the lines on his skin from the way his muscles melt in relief that he's here at all. As Hawk falls deep into his blue stare, his blood sings for him as though they're magnetized. There's so little distinction between the visceral physical attraction and the comfort that he can tell now has only come from time, time, and more time.
BJ thumbs over Hawkeye's skin. "You know what this face reminds me of?" he asks quietly.
Hawkeye considers. A single butterfly begins beating its wings right at the base of his stomach. As desperately as he's trying to flip through his mental rolodex to find a joke, a quip, the combination of BJ's touch and the longing in his gaze stops any playful comments stone dead. "No."
"It reminds me that you're here. You're real. You're not some dream." Those stunning eyes wander palpably all over Hawk's expression, from his forehead to his cheeks to his chin, leaving no part of him unloved. When BJ's fingers brush along the creases at the edge of Hawk's eyes, Beej bites his bottom lip for a moment. "That we made it. That we're living. That no matter who was taken from us, we're still marching forward together. That every day, there's a part of you that changes—just a few dozens of billions of cells—" The casual nature of that number makes Hawkeye chuckle, makes BJ's grin widen. "—but that even when you change, you're asking me to come right along with you. Because you don't need me to stay the same. And neither do you. Because what matters is we're making the choice every day to love the man we see right there, right in that moment, and finding we never want to make another decision but to stay. To learn each other's minds and passions and bodies over and over again."
The fervency of Beej's words pick up the longer he talks, and Hawkeye leans into him, bumping their foreheads together with a shuddering exhale. "You're such a bastard," Hawk finally manages to whisper back, smiling so broadly that his cheeks hurt. "How do I follow up something like that? What am I gonna say, ditto? C'mon. It's not enough that you took all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes, but you've gotta take all the perfect words too?"
"Look who's talking," BJ repeats in a voice that's so lush, so sweet that Hawk could never doubt it.
BJ cups Hawk's cheek more deliberately, and without another thought, Hawkeye closes his eyes and purses his lips, waiting for a millionth kiss from the man he gave up so little for and yet gained so fucking much from. But there's no gentle brush over his mouth. Instead, faint but intimate warmth presses right to the tip of his nose, and Hawk, already at the edge of emotional overwhelm, feels his legs buckle as he gasps and leans his weight into BJ.
Beej catches him, because of course he does, his arms wrapping around Hawkeye's waist in the exact space that was made for them. He busses their noses together, back and forth, and Hawk drags up fistfuls of BJ's shirt over his spine, pulling it out from under his belt, and lets out a whimper.
"I love your nose," BJ whispers, the heat of his words tickling Hawk's face. "I love your grays. I love your wrinkles. I love your figure, all the soft parts, all the knobby bits. I've never felt like this about anybody in my life. And every day, there's something new about you that lights me on fire. So hush. The next time you see something you don't feel like belongs on your body, you just come find me, and I'll make sure it feels plenty welcome, huh?"
Hawk barks out an unexpected laugh. "I love you so much. You asshole. We've got a reservation that you made. We don't have time for me to blubber up with the waterworks."
It's the silence between them that's always been a warning. Hawkeye risks a glance and finds BJ already smirking at him, toothy and dangerous, and just as Hawk's heart starts to flutter, he's already hopping away—but not before BJ finds his ticklish belly and grazes over it.
"No!" Hawk cackles without thought, leaping from one foot to the next in a shot of adrenaline that makes him feel like he's barely thirty again. "Don't you—don't you dare!"
"I'm just making you laugh," Beej taunts as he comes after him. He makes an impressive lunge, but Hawk manages to spin out through the bathroom door and scamper across the carpet. "Aw, c'mon, babe—"
"Menace! Dick! Ass!" When BJ makes another grab, Hawk somehow manages to duck under his arms. "Pri—no!"
As Beej catches his wrist at the last possible moment, he drags Hawkeye in and pins him gently up against the hallway wall with his broad form, kissing his nose, his cheek, his jawline. "Love you," he breathes.
Thoughts of cheesecake rapidly slipping away, Hawk tips his head back with a shivery laugh. "Love you too—" And then cuts off with a squirm the second his evil lover presses fingers into his waist. "Hate! HATE!"
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Sam Jeffe and Cary Grant in Gunga Din (George Stevens, 1939)
Cast: Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Sam Jaffe, Eduardo Ciannelli, Joan Fontaine, Montagu Love, Robert Coote, Abner Biberman, Lumsden Hare. Screenplay: Joel Sayre, Fred Guiol, Ben Hecht, MacArthur, based on a poem by Rudyard Kipling. Cinematography: Joseph H. August. Art direction: Van Nest Polglase. Film editing: Henry Berman, John Lockert. Music: Alfred Newman. 
Gunga Din is imperialist and racist, and its title character is an example of the Magical Negro trope, the person of color who saves the white folks' asses. It's embarrassing to see actors like Sam Jaffe (in the title role), Eduardo Ciannelli, and Abner Biberman in brownface. So we have to swallow a lot that's objectionable to still enjoy Gunga Din. We typically evade the issue of a film's content and message by emphasizing style and technique, and Gunga Din is loaded with style and technique, from the comic performances of Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen, and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. to the crisp cinematography of Joseph H. August, convincingly turning the Sierra Nevada into the Khyber Pass. The movie was originally supposed to be directed by Howard Hawks, when Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur developed a story out of Rudyard Kipling's poem. They did it by plagiarizing their own play The Front Page, which hinges on a man (in this case two men) trying to prevent his friend and co-worker from going off and getting married. Hawks might have made a better movie: He would almost certainly have given Joan Fontaine more to do in her role as the woman who is trying to take Fairbanks away from Grant and McLaglen. But he was fired from the film and replaced with George Stevens. Still Hawks got his chance to work with Hecht and MacArthur's original story when he made the best of all screen versions of The Front Page as His Girl Friday in 1940. The real star of Gunga Din (as well as His Girl Friday)  is Grant, playing at peak clown and loving it, while still pulling off the dashing hero. It's interesting to compare Grant's performance in this movie with the one he gave for Hawks in Only Angels Have Wings, which was released the same year, in which Grant is more serious as the troubled boss of a group of pilots flying the mail across the Andes. 
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"Much wisdom often goes with fewer words." Sophocles
"People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Excuses are fabricated illusions we create to rationalize our behaviors when we're too afraid to go after what we really want." Rumi
"There are two types of tired: One that requires rest and one that requires peace." Anonymous
"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?" Zhuangzi
"I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble." Rudyard Kipling
"The most profound and deepest act of being we can engage in is imagining." Tom Cheetham
"Moment after moment everything comes out of nothingness. This is the true joy of life." Shunryu Suzuki
"To be open to the source of all happiness is the highest religion." Jiddu Krishnamurti
"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate." Zhuangzi
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zemagltd · 2 years
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Everyday Poetry - "Borrow trouble for yourself, if that's your nature, but don't lend it to your neighbours." Rudyard Kipling
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scotianostra · 2 years
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The Scottish playwright and author  J M Barrie died on June 19th 1937.
I covered Barrie’s life in a wee bit detail on his “birthday” a little over a month ago, so here’s a few things I learnt about him that you may not know of .
Barrie was something of an eccentric: he used to order Brussels sprouts every day for lunch purely because he enjoyed saying the words. 
He formed a cricket team with his friends, possibly the first celebrity sports team in the world, it included famous people of the time including fellow Scott  Arthur Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, H. G. Wells, P. G. Wodehouse, G. K. Chesterton, Jerome K. Jerome and A. A. Milne. The name of the team was The  Allahakbarries, Barrie believed  that the Arabic phrase ‘Allah akbar’ means ‘heaven help us’ (it actually means ‘God is great’). He forbade his team to practise on an opponent's ground before a match because "this can only give them confidence". The book notes that his most calamitous performance was being clean-bowled by the American actress Mary Anderson in the 1897 Test match against the village of Broadway, in the Cotswolds. Peter Pan's First XI, a book on the exploits of the Allahakbarries, was published in 2011.
It’s often said that Barrie “invented” the name Wendy, but he  didn't,  but he did give us the Wendy house. Or, at least, the name for it. Wendy Darling is often called the first Wendy, the girls’ name having originated in Barrie’s play – a nice fact, if only it were true. It’s true that Barrie arrived at the name by shortening ‘my fwiendy-wendy’, reportedly how the young Margaret Henley, who had trouble pronouncing her Rs, referred to Barrie. But the name Wendy had been used as a girls’ name since the nineteenth century (as a pet form of Gwendolyn) and there is even some evidence that, before Barrie popularised it as a female given name, it was used as a boys’ name. But ‘Wendy house’ is a Barrie coinage. The name originates in the small house that Peter Pan builds around Wendy Darling when she is shot by Tootles, one of the Lost Boys. The idea came from the washhouse outside Barrie’s own childhood home.  As with Peter himself, the Wendy house had already appeared, under a different name, in The Little White Bird, in which fairies build a house around Mamie Mannering, Wendy’s prototype, to protect her from the cold. If Barrie hadn’t changed the name, children might now be playing in ‘Mamie houses’.
Barrie gave Quality Street chocolates their name. One of J. M. Barrie’s less well remembered stage works was the 1901 comedy Quality Street, set during the Napoleonic Wars. The play is not read or revived much now, but its lasting legacy was in providing the confectioners, Mackintosh’s, with a name for their new chocolates in 1936. Barrie’s own view of his mixed fortunes in the theatre was wittily summed up by his assessment that ‘some of my plays peter out, others pan out’.
The copyright of every work that Peter Pan is featured in belongs to the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. Barrie gave the copyright to the distinguished children’s hospital in 1929. Although it expired 50 years after Barrie’s death, a bill was passed extending these rights, and the hospital will continue to receive royalties for any adaptation of the play.
According to Barrie’s good friend, D. H. Lawrence, Barrie had a “fatal touch”. He lost many of the loved ones that were close to him. His older brother died as a young boy at the age of 13. Two of the boys that inspired the character Peter Pan, George and Michael Llewyn Davies, both also died at a young age. Their brother, Peter, who was often teased for sharing a name with Barrie’s character, outlived Barrie; however in 1960 he committed suicide by jumping in front of a train.
Fairy dust enabling you to fly was introduced to the  Peter Pan story much later The reason was to deter children from trying to fly from their beds or even windows, following reports of accidents! 
James Matthew Barrie died of pneumonia at a nursing home in Manchester Street, Marylebone on 19th June 1937. He was buried at Kirriemuir next to his parents and two of his siblings.
Barrie’s birthplace at 9 Brechin Road Kirriemuir is maintained as a museum by the National Trust for Scotland.
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caddyxjellyby · 1 year
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I found it! I found the outtake of Wayne Rogers and the horse.
54 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
It's not that Charles never touches people
He pats Hawkeye on the knee when he's being condescending in Fallen Idol, he briefly touches Hawkeye's arm when he says “Why are you so unfeeling about my feelings?” in The Light That Failed, he attempts to help Margaret off the jeep in Comrades in Arms but BJ gets there first
In Dear Sis when he opens the toboggan cap he pats Radar's cheek, pats Mulcahy on the back then puts his hands on Mulcahy's shoulders
Kisses Margaret's hair while pretending to comfort her over a prank he's pretending he didn't take part in (An Eye for a Tooth), puts his hand on Colonel Baldwin's shoulder before he says “I have groveled”  nevermind I watched the scene again and he’s touching the wall
A quick touch to Klinger's arm in Potter's office in the beginning of They Call the Wind Korea, yet in the next episode (Major Ego) Klinger pats his shoulder and Charles says “Never touch me again” (really, Klinger ought to have smacked him)
He likes to nudge people forward – the reporter in Major Ego, Hawkeye in Bombshells, BJ in Bless You, Hawkeye, Kellye in Too Many Cooks although that last one might be merely a gesture and not a touch, he also dances with Kellye in That's Show Biz
In The Party he touches Klinger's back during one of the attempts to set a date and he pats Radar at the end, he also pats Radar in Rally Round the Flagg, Boys. In Ain't Love Grand he only touches Sooni a little but he puts his hands on Klinger's shoulders. He touches Lt. Park (Guerrilla My Dreams) on the shoulder and the Congressional Aide in Are You Now, Margaret
He gives Hawkeye a little nudge in Yessir, That's Our Baby and he grabs his wrist when they're arguing in Follies of the Living. Despite the emotional intimacy of Sons and Bowlers the only touching in that episode is Hawkeye giving him that shoulder nudge during the bowling game, which he also does in The Young and the Restless. (The blocking in Sons and Bowlers is a topic for another post, I think). Then we have the hug in Temporary Duty, drunk!Charles taking him by the hand in Peace on Us, and falling on him in Settling Debts and Follies.
In the finale he kisses Margaret's hand and obviously we see him kiss Martine and Donna. And Donna says something interesting. “The whole thing was your idea from the beginning. You kept walking around saying 'I can't keep my hands off this angel. Somebody marry us before it's too late.' Mako Nakamura married us just to shut you up.” The implication is that if he were sober he wouldn't have any trouble keeping his hands off her, since he isn't he's not only having trouble, he's recognizing it's wrong and annoying the whole party with it.
I think it's safe to say people touch him more than the other way around – see Margaret's lip peck in Say No More, this bit with Hawk in Foreign Affairs, etc.
68 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
Hawkeye’s book references
If by Rudyard Kipling “If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs, you probably haven't checked with your answering service.” - Welcome to Korea
Gunga Din by Kipling “In India's sunny clime, where I used to spend my time...” - Dear Dad Three “You're a better nurse than I am, Gunga Din.” - CAVE
Home Thoughts from Abroad by Robert Browning “Oh, to be in England now that war is here.” - Bug Out “Oh, to be in the latrine, now that spring is here.” - Fade Out, Fade In
Chicago by Carl Sandburg “Hog butcher for the world, tool maker, stacker of wheat.” - Adam's Ribs
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus “Give me your tired, your poor, your coleslaw.” - Adam's Ribs
When I Consider How My Light is Spent aka On His Blindness by John Milton “They also serve who stand and stuff.” - Officer of the Day “They also serve who stay home and bake cakes.” - Dear Peggy
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge “Laughter, laughter everywhere and not a joke to-” - No Laughing Matter
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson “Ours not to question why.” - Carry On, Hawkeye “Ours not to reason why, ours not to make them die.” - Welcome to Korea “What about 'Into the valley of Death' or 'Remember the Alamo' or the ever-popular 'Damn the torpedoes'?” - Preventative Medicine
Trees by Joyce Kilmer “Where would we be without Joyce Kilmer?” - Abyssinia, Henry “But that was the year Joyce Kilmer wrote Trees.” - Mail Call Again
Casey at the Bat by Ernest Thayer “There is no joy in Bloodville.” - The Grim Reaper
Man's Inhumanity to Man by Robert Burns “Man's inhumanity to man again.” - I Hate a Mystery
How do I love thee? (Sonnets from the Portuguese 43) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning “Let me count the ways.” - Yankee Doodle Doctor “How do I love me? Let me count the ways.” - Morale Victory
Shakespeare “Some men are born to greatness; others have it thrust upon them. And some of us got it both ways.” - Chief Surgeon Who “Methinks he doth protest too much.” - I Hate a Mystery “Good night, sweet prince.” - Kim “My friends, some men are born great. Others achieve greatness. And some are destined to work with rats.” - Soldier of the Month “Friends, Romans, and corpsmen, lend me your ears. 'Tis nobler in the mind to suffer slings and arrows in order to make an outrageous fortune. I come to bury Sluggo, not to praise him.” - Dr. Winchester and Mr. Hyde “My kingdom for an intelligent octopus.” - Carry On, Hawkeye “Good night, sweet prince.” - A Full Rich Day “Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by these sons of York.” - Hawkeye “Lead on, MacDuff.” - Out of Sight, Out of Mind “It is the east, and Klinger is the nut.” - Souvenirs “Romeo Montague?” - Comrades in Arms “Only Shakespeare, crumpets, Vivien Leigh.” - Tea and Empathy “Lend me your ears.” - Inga saying he played Hamlet in college then saying he lied in The Billford Syndrome “Hamlet was a pile of giggles compared to you.” - Ain't Love Grand “Good night, sweet prince.” - Life Time “Some men are born to garbage, and others have garbage thrust upon them.” - The Life You Save
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams “I have always relied on the kindness of strangers.” - Dear Dad Again (admittedly this is more of a movie reference, but it was a play first)
“Me? Noel the Coward?” - Captain Outrageous
“Oh, yes, of course-- the Marquis de Sade school of bedside manner.” - Tea and Empathy
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Frank: “They invented gunpowder, spaghetti, pigtails.” Hawkeye: “Little feet for women. By Louisa May Alcott.” - Rainbow Bridge
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin “Just pretend you're in the high school play. You're Rebecca of Sunnybook Farm passing out morphine.” - Major Topper Props to writer Allyn Freeman for this since the novel is set in Maine. OTOH Wiggin was very popular in her day and Shirley Temple starred in a movie so in the '50s the reference still would make sense even if Hawkeye wasn't from Maine.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain “We already whitewashed the fence, Aunt Polly.” - George “Tom Sawyer and Becky are still lost down there.” - None Like It Hot
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde “You look like an 8 by 10 picture of Dorian Gray.” - The Smell of Music
Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle “Got that belly wound finished yet, Moriarty?” - What's Up, Doc “SOP, my dear Watson.” - It Happened One Night “Okay, Sherlock.” - The Light that Failed
Lady Chatterly's Lover by D. H. Lawrence “What is it? Lady Chatterly Visits Boys' Town?” - The Young and the Restless
Jeeves and Wooster by P. G. Wodehouse “Thank you, Jeeves.” - The Party
Fanny Hill by John Cleland “I had a copy of Fanny Hill” - Some 38ths Parallels
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes “I thought tilting at windmills wasn't your game, Sancho?” - Back Pay
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson “A date with Dr. Jekyll.” - Hanky Panky “Oh, so that's what's been getting under Dr. Jekyll's hide.” - Point of View
Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving “That's an associate of ours, Dr. Van Winkle...He's got another 19 years to go.” - The Price
La Dame aux Camelias by Alexandre Dumas fils “Courage, Camille. I think I've got something for you.” - The Moon is Not Blue (again, probably referencing the Greta Garbo movie)
Moby Dick by Herman Melville “I love you in War and Peace, Moby Dick, all the classics.” - Radar's Report “Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick, and he never wrote him back.” - Hanky Panky “Words to live by from the biggest fish of all, Moby Dud.” - Nurse Doctor
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107 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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Commentary by Guy Boyd [who played Sergeant Lally in Settling Debts]: “When I asked Alan Alda (as Hawkeye) what happened to my lieutenant, he was supposed to answer ‘chord shock’ (meaning a spinal injury) but, he turned to me and said ‘shord c*ck.’ It took us 17 takes without someone going into total hysterics. It was a great day.”
248 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“Hawkeye would have become a right wing conservative. BJ would be on this third marriage. Trapper John and his wife would be celebrating their 40th. Houlihan would be living with a woman partner. Radar would be a taxidermist. Klinger would be a Congressman. Potter would be deceased. So would I.”
-Larry Gelbart, on where M*A*S*H people would be, now. From TV’s M*A*S*H: The Ultimate Guide Book.
275 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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giuseppe-savaia-world · 2 months
The Best
“I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble.” Rudyard Kipling
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xtruss · 4 months
Rare Jungle Book Painting to Go on Show at Kipling’s Home
The Return of the Buffalo Herd, by Teenage Prodigies Edward and Charles Detmold, can be seen at Bateman’s after Conservation
— Harriet Sherwood | Friday 16 February 2024
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The Return of the Buffalo Herd (1901), created by Edward Julius Detmold for The Jungle Book, which is now on display at Bateman's, Rudyard Kipling’s country home. Photograph: James Dobson/National Trust Images
A rare watercolour depicting the aftermath of a climactic moment in Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book is to go on display at the author’s country home after conservation work.
The painting, The Return of the Buffalo Herd, is one of 16 created by twin brothers Edward and Charles Detmold, who were just 18 when they were commissioned to illustrate Kipling’s much-loved story. Only four of the paintings have survived.
It shows Rama, the great herd bull, staring back at the plain after Mowgli, the story’s protagonist, used a herd of buffalo to trigger a stampede to crush his foe, the murderous tiger Shere Khan.
The dramatic moment was described by Kipling: “The torrent of black horns, foaming muzzles, and staring eyes whirled down the ravine like boulders in flood time … The terrible charge of the buffalo-herd, against which no tiger can hope to stand.” Rama was a creature with “long, backward-sweeping horns and savage eyes”, he wrote.
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A drawing of Edward Julius Detmold by his brother Charles Maurice Detmold. Photograph: National Portrait Gallery London
The watercolour is dated 1901 and signed with the monogram “EJD” – Edward Julius Detmold. He and his brother Charles had been creating artworks since their early teens. But, despite professional success, the twins’ personal lives were challenging, and both took their own lives – Charles in 1908 and Edward in 1957.
“Comparisons could be drawn between the Detmold twins and Mowgli, who in the original story of The Jungle Book was a rather troubled character trapped between two worlds,” said Hannah Miles, collections and house manager at Bateman’s, Kipling’s house in Burwash, Sussex, now owned by the National Trust.
“It feels poignant to display their magnificent illustration alongside a copy of the book featuring all of the twins’ original pictures, in the place that meant so much to the story’s author, Rudyard Kipling.”
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View of Rudyard Kipling's Country House, Bateman's, in Sussex. Photograph: Laurence Perry/National Trust Images
Two of the four watercolours known to survive are in private collections, and the third is held at the Natural History Museum, said Miles.
“We’re delighted to be able to put The Return of the Buffalo Herd on display at Bateman’s, exactly 130 years after the story was published. It will provide a rare chance for fans to discover and experience the story’s darker origins as it was in Kipling’s day.”
The watercolour has undergone careful conservation by Louise Drover, a specialist conservator, who humidified the work, to peel away the old canvas lining.
“Japanese tissue was used to make small repairs and the tone was evened out through gentle swabbing and minor retouching with pure pigment watercolours and chalks,” she said. “I hope visitors to Bateman’s are as enchanted by the artwork as I was.”
The National Trust said its acquisition of The Return of the Buffalo Herd was made possible thanks to a fund set up by the late philanthropist Simon Sainsbury.
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Rudyard Kipling’s Manuscript of The Jungle Book. Photograph: Aerhion/© SP Books
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linusjf · 5 months
Rudyard Kipling: Best of everybody
“I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble.”— Rudyard Kipling.
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newstfionline · 5 months
Thought of the Day
“I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble.”—Rudyard Kipling
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
Welcome to Editorial Picks of Entertainment, your monthly reminder of what’s coming down the pike in the world of home entertainment. We have actually obtained the most up to date TELEVISION programs, flicks, publications and also even more– all appearing in December. Glance and also see what’s up this month. TELEVISION Vanderpump Guidelines(Slice) Best day: Monday, Dec. 3 at 9 p.m. ET/PT Season 7 of Vanderpump Rules begins with the awaited opening of TomTom. Lisa Vanderpump networks her power right into ensuring her latest endeavor is the embodiment of excellence, however, when final troubles emerge, she needs to designate extra obligation to her younger companions Tom Schwartz and also Tom Sandoval– whether they prepare or otherwise. Jax ultimately recommends to sweetheart, Brittany, after a roller-coaster of a year. After an uncomfortable breakup, Stassi recovers with an amazing brand-new transaction, an eccentric brand-new guy, and also a shocking relationship with Ariana. After being the target of body-shaming remarks, Katie decides for the ladies of SUR and also supplies the last offer to Lisa that sends out echoes throughout the whole dining establishment. Typically enjoyable and also easy going, Lala deals with the untimely end of her papa leaving every person asking yourself if she’ll ever before coincide. As well as certainly, still the resident DJ, James mixes up the difficulty when an ill-conceived rap lands him in warm water with the team. Rust Valley Restorers( History Channel) Best day: Thursday, Dec. 6 at 10 p.m. ET/PT In the foothills of the Rocky Hills exists “Corrosion Valley”– a junkyard composed of acres upon acres of old and also abandoned automobiles as for the eye can see. There lives a distinct automobile repair neighborhood and also the topic of Background’s brand-new Canadian-original Corrosion Valley Restorers The collection concentrates on one repair store in the “Corrosion Valley” that differs from the remainder. Store proprietor Mike Hall and also his vibrant team are professionals at changing rusted accidents right into collectible automobiles. His group passionately functions to return automobiles to their previous splendor– at some time for a profession, in some cases up for sale, and also not constantly at earnings. More: Ant McPartlin Divorce: Lisa Armstrong Makes surprise Appearance on It Takes Two Hours The Fix(Netflix) Premiere day: Friday, Dec. 14 at 12 a.m. ET/PT In this panel program, a revolving team of leading comics will certainly handle the globe’s most difficult troubles and also attempt ahead up with the excellent options. The Innocent Man ( Netflix) Premiere day: Friday, Dec. 14 at 12 a.m. ET/PT This six-part docudrama adjustment of John Grisham’s only non-fiction publication, The Innocent Guy: Murder and also Oppression in a Village, elevates unpleasant concerns regarding 2 murder situations in Ada, Oklahoma, in the 1980 s– and also the questionable chain of occasions that complied with. Motion Pictures Mowgli: Legend of the Jungles Launch day: Friday, Dec. 7 This Netflix motion picture’s celebrities consist of Christian Bundle, Cate Blanchett and also Benedict Cumberbatch. Supervisor Andy Serkis re-invents Rudyard Kipling’s tale, in which a child torn in between 2 globes approves his fate and also ends up being a tale. Mowgli has never ever really belonged in either bushes of the forest or the civil globe of guy. Currently he needs to browse the intrinsic risks of each on a trip to find where he really belongs. More: Latest TOP 10 Christmas Songs Of All Time – Best Holiday Music Aquaman Launch day: Friday, Dec. 21 Aquaman is the only DC motion picture to strike movie theaters this year. Complying with the occasions of Ju stice Organization, Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa), the hesitant leader of the undersea kingdom of Atlantis, is captured in between surface area occupants contaminating the world and also his very own individuals, that prepare to get into the surface area.
Disney is checking out even more of P.L. Travers’ Mary Poppins publications, in a follow up to among its most precious movies. Emily Blunt is taking control of the duty from Julie Andrews. Prick Van Dyke and also Julie Andrews will certainly both be emerging in this motion picture as well. Embed in London, England, 25 years after Mary Poppins, the follow up includes Poppins going back to the brand-new generation of the Financial institutions household after they experience a loss. Michael Banks (Ben Whishaw) has 3 youngsters: Annabel, Georgie and also John. More: Top 10 Fashion Tips Every Woman Should Know Books The Mindful Glow Cookbook by Abbey Sharp Available Tuesday, Dec. 4 Registered dietitian, food fan and also YouTube celebrity Abbey Sharp shares her launching recipe book that includes healthy and balanced dishes that will certainly spark your relationship with food. In over 100 dishes, Abbey reveals us exactly how she consumes: healthy and balanced and also beneficial dishes that are loaded with flavour like PB & & J Healthy Protein Pancakes, Fall Butternut Squash Mac and also Cheese, Stuffed Hawaiian Hamburgers, Poultry, Sugary Food Potato and also Curry Cauliflower, Delicious Chocolate Stout Vegetable Chili, Chewy Crackle Almond Apple Cookies, and also Ultimate Mini Sticky Toffee Puddings. A number of her dishes are plant-centric and also without milk, gluten, and also nuts. Others include some protein-rich, lean beef, fowl, eggs, and also milk, so there are lots of scrumptious dishes for every person and also every celebration. Revolution Sunday by Wendy Guerra (Equated by Achy Obejas) Available Tuesday, Dec. 4 An unique regarding prestige, security, and also corruption in modern Cuba, from a worldwide bestselling writer that has actually never ever previously been converted right into English Cleo, successor of a once-prominent Cuban household and also an appealing young author in her very own right, takes a trip to Spain to gather a prominent honor. There, Cuban deportees see her with uncertainty, thinking she’s a source for the Castro program. To Cleo’s shock, that uncertainty follows her house to Cuba, where she locates herself under continuous security by the federal government. When she fulfills and also loves a Hollywood filmmaker, she finds her household is not that she assumed they were … and also neither is the filmmaker. More: Kanye West Says About Wanting to “Smash” All Four of Kim Kardashian’s Sisters in New Song
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'The system was as predictable as it was brutal. It was at Haileybury, caught between the indignities of space and the pressures of time, that Christopher Nolan realised he was going to die.
Everyone knew the pecking order at Haileybury and Imperial Service College. The hierarchy was built into the boarding school’s dormitories. Long wooden-floored barracks, under low ceilings, without any decoration. Two parallel rows of identical iron-framed institutional beds faced each other, stretching along the walls. The youngest boys at one end, the eldest boys at the other end. With each year that passed, a boy would steadily advance up this chain, gaining in status and strength, and with it, the ability to police the younger boys.
Haileybury was founded in 1862 as a hothouse for the sons of the Empire to grow into Indian Civil Service officials. It’s the sort of school that Rudyard Kipling writes about in Stalky & Co. (1899): a rigid training ground where the latent savagery of young men is repurposed – not reformed out of them – for the service of muscular and supposedly noble moral codes. A prison, in other words, though with better hymns, and one where the prisoners eventually graduate as prison guards. “Survive your first two years at Haileybury,” claimed RAF group captain Peter Townsend, “and you could survive anything.”
When Nolan arrived there in the autumn of 1984 Haileybury had diminished. Every morning the entire school squeezed into the chapel and mouthed the words to prayers; every lunch time they queued to enter the refectory and ate in a room that smelled like boiled cabbage beneath oil paintings of men who once dictated the fate of the Punjab. They played rugby; they said Latin grace; they took cold showers; they wore the scratchy uniforms of the Combined Cadet Force. But these were rituals designed for an objective reality that was long gone. Haileybury was a finishing school for a dead Empire.
Nolan never slept well there. This was the early Eighties; he believed the world would soon end in a nuclear holocaust. In the dormitory each evening he would lie in his bed after lights out listening to the scores for Star Wars, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001, or Vangelis’s score for Chariots of Fire on his walkman. If the environment at Haileybury during the day was, in Nolan’s recollection, “Darwinian”, at night he could escape. “I certainly prized the imaginative space of listening to music in the dark,” he told Tom Shone, the film critic who is the closest thing Nolan has to a Boswell, decades later.
So Nolan buried himself in Vangelis’s synthesisers. Unable to decide whether to conform to Haileybury’s grim systems, or to rebel against them, instead he disappeared into the world in his head. Was he imprisoned by the school, or liberated by it? Either way, the story of Nolan’s career is how he took the rest of us into his mind, and into the dormitory with him, without ever giving away just how troubled that interior really was.
It’s impossible to imagine Christopher Nolan wearing a t-shirt, binge drinking or being late. A thirteen second video of him exists, taken at the MTV Awards in 2002. Eminem is screaming “Without Me” on stage, the crowd is screaming too, and the camera pans across them. Nolan is stood utterly still, wearing a shirt and a blazer, arms fixed tight down his sides, as the actress Brittany Murphy gyrates next to him. He looks like a Victorian scientist, defrosted after a deep sleep, realising with horror that modernity has become more deranged than he could possibly have imagined.'
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walkingshcdow · 2 years
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Contemplating which muses to put on here and which need bios and where to put said bios, since I’m pretty sure my muse page is broken. Thoughts:
A popular choice and one I feel like I can easily connect with other people on. I have very specific canon divergences but I think I’ve made that pretty clear, so it’s all good.
Strahd von Zarovich
Who doesn’t love an asshole vampire? This one’s a keeper.
This is my comfort character, your honor. He’s staying.
Finnegan is my son and you will see plenty of him.
Masha Voronina
My daughter, my babygirl, she’s sticking around but undergoing edits
Victor Frankenstein
Limited, but around. He’s canon divergent af (modernized! The scandal of it all!) but I could swing canon on a good day, if someone wanted.
Percy Blakeney
Limited but around. I have trouble getting into his voice sometimes though. 
Anna Garcia
I kinda miss her. I might give her a shot again.
Rudyard Funn
I’ve finally healed after the series finale. Let’s do this. 
I feel like I am missing some muses - lots of muses, actually - but this is what I’ve got right now. I would also consider putting my D&D characters up for roleplaying, but I’d have to get some ducks in a row for that. I also have a hankering to try a few old muses (PotO, KP, Repo) for shits and grins and/or to make up some more OCs. This blog needs a little facelift, don’t you thiink?
I’ll probably post a starter call soon! Cheers!
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