#the timestamps on these posts are breaking my brain but it's fine
So I've been using the Queue feature of late to ensure that I can keep y'all in premium BJR content steadily over time, and also just Scheduling posts more to space them out when I want them to go at certain exact dates and times. Great, right? Really mastering the whole "Tumblr smarter not harder" thing after nearly yeeting it out the wardroom window like a certain bottle of claret for constantly borking my Notifications and hiding the exact stuff I most wanted to see. And you know, giving me that many more intrusive post-traumatic stress thoughts in the process about "failing" people who send me nice things.
Score! After a solid couple months in the blender, my brain emerges victorious and I get serious about simplifying my Tumblring. More guys, more sick delights sprinkled with interstitial whimsy, less sporadic effort throughout the day. Everyone wins.
I'm moving right along. Doing the hippo meme thing where I'm in my lane and reasonably unbothered even if my arid and snakelike skin is never sufficiently moisturized. I am enjoying functional Notifications. My Tags feed is showing me untold treasures from long ago when I scroll back through #black jack randall and this is correct. I am Queuing mass quantities of previously un-reblogged him. Birthdays, holidays, massacres, you name it. He is there, being awful. I am constantly having to Shuffle in other evil Redcoats and weird random shitposts and art. I am going severely HAM in the tags as usual.
Anyway, all excellent until Everyone's Favorite Hellsite decides to ignore my carefully curated timestamps for a string of posts earlier today and release them all right on top of each other instead. Apparently I blasted y'all with a whole bunch of guys at once like a damned fire hose. Some of you may not have needed that much evil Redcoat content within the span of five minutes, but you certainly got it!
Honestly, valid. Can't imagine anything more appropriate for my specific area of the Pipeline. Carry on Randalling.
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4haechie · 4 years
stuck with you
➵ request: can i request fluff + au #2 + trope #1 "enemies to lovers" + prompt #4 & #19?? thank you 🥰
➵ lee donghyuck x reader | fluff, enemies to lovers au, high school au | 2,760 words | “take off your shirt.” + “can you shut up for just two seconds?”
➵ warnings: cursing and one second of suggestive stuff
➵ a/n: thank u for requesting! i really hope u like it :D i added timestamps to avoid confusion, so this turned out longer than expected oops. if u want a part 2, please let me know!
want to request? check this post out!
present time – thursday, 6:30 p.m. 
you’re starting to wish time machines existed right about now. you’ll do just about anything to go back to two hours ago and avoid this mess.
you glance up at donghyuck, who’s put on his thinking cap apparently, and is trying to come up with a way to get you two the hell out of here. “do you have a hairpin? or a bobby pin?” he asks.
you shake your head, “donghyuck, that only works in movies.”
“y/n, i’m trying to come up with solutions here! or do you wanna live in this tiny janitor’s closet for the rest of your life?” he glares at you.
“if i did, i would’ve chosen someone else to share oxygen with. why would i choose you?” you glare back.
he rolls his eyes, indicating that that conversation is over. “whatever. try calling your friends again. someone must still be at school, right?”
you frown, “donghyuck, we had the student council meeting earlier, remember? that ended at six, and it’s almost six-thirty now. all the sports teams’ practice sessions must’ve ended, too. i’m telling you, it’s just us in school.” you shake a little as if trying to wake up from a crazy dream. no avail.
you’re stuck here–no, wait. someone locked you two in here. you’re going to have to trace back your steps to figure out who.
thursday, 4:00 p.m.
“the weekly student council meeting is in session. today, we’re going to discuss prom! i’ve put up a list on the bulletin board that says who’s going to do what. please take a look at it immediately.” you explained, gazing around the group of students in front of you.
you’re the president and donghyuck is the vice president. you two work together almost every day, you’re in the same classes, you have the same friends. but there’s one minor detail in your guys’ relationship: you two hate each other.
hate might be a bit too strong of a word, but it’s true. you and donghyuck, despite working together and being in the same class since third grade, have never gotten along. maybe it’s your guys’ competitiveness. maybe it’s your strong desire to one-up the other. but as long as you can recall, there hasn’t been a single time when he hasn’t made your blood boil.
anyway, you and donghyuck were in charge of planning your senior prom, and ensuring everything and everyone follows said plan.
while discussing the event, you realised you forgot to check with your school’s janitor if he’s free on the day of prom, or if he’s taking a holiday. either way was fine with you, as you were thinking of making everyone clean up after themselves. but just to be sure, you and donghyuck, unfortunately, decided to stop by the closet after the meeting had ended.
thursday, 6:05 p.m.
“i don’t think he’s here. it is after school hours, so i think he went home,” you said, peeping into the dark closet. it was pretty obvious he wasn’t there–the room couldn’t have been more than five feet by five feet. it’s a storage space, but the janitor keeps his bag here before starting work and picks it up right before leaving school.
“yeah, no shit, sherlock.” donghyuck reached around you to flip the light switch on. the lone bulb suspended from the ceiling blazed to life, setting the room alight.
then, suddenly, a figure pushed donghyuck into the confined space, which caused you to jerk inwards. it happened so fast, you barely had time to react, or identify the culprit. you heard keys jingling and fear danced around in your eyes.
donghyuck was still facing the door, while you were standing with your back against the wall. he tried his best to look out the little glass rectangle fitted in the door, but he turned around and shook his head in frustration.
“what the fuck just happened,” you said; it came out more as a statement, but anger resonated through your words.
“we, er, just got locked in here.” he deadpanned as if you couldn’t have figured.
you groaned and clenched your fists. “i’m gonna kill them. you didn’t happen to see their face, did you?”
he shook his head, “nope.”
“well, we know one thing. that person had the key–and only two people have the key to the closet. the janitor, who’s not even here, and the general office staff. but i’m sure they wouldn’t lock us in here.” you said.
donghyuck tilted his head, “okay, then, who...” he trailed off, allowing you to vocalise your theories.
 “somebody must have stolen one of the two keys.” your brain’s gears started turning, trying to think of someone who would pull something like this.
“it could be the janitor’s keys. the closet was unlocked when we got here.” donghyuck reminded you.
“yeah...but he never leaves the closet unlocked. he’s very responsible, so it can’t be his set of keys. it’s probably the staff’s set,” you countered. “they barely pay any attention to non-admin matters. that person must’ve stolen their keys, unlocked the door after the janitor left, and waited for us to come here, before locking us in. jesus, i’m so angry. this is so fucking childish,” you groaned again.
donghyuck nodded in slight agreement, surprising you. he never agrees on anything you have to say, but he didn’t have much of a choice in that situation. plus, your theory made sense. “do you think this whole thing was renjun’s idea? he was the one who suggested we check with the janitor about prom night.”
your eyes widened in shock. “oh my god...wait, but it wasn’t renjun’s idea. it was mine, actually–he just reminded me to do so.” you slowly dropped down to the floor and held your head in your hands. you couldn’t believe what was going on. the entire situation seemed to just hit you.
you’re stuck in a small closet with lee donghyuck, your number one enemy.
present time – thursday, 6:40 p.m.
“none of them are picking up. donghyuck, what if they’re all in on this together? kind of like a senior prank–except we’re the ones getting pranked.” you say, panic rising in your voice. you’re standing now, leaning against the wall with your phone clutched tightly in your hand.
knowing your and donghyuck’s friends, you’re sure you’re going to be here all night. they’re quite a bunch. you and donghyuck have a common friend group, but your friends find your ongoing rivalry extremely annoying. it makes perfect sense if they locked you two in here.
donghyuck digests your words quickly. “no way. that’s insane! why the fuck would they do that?”
“well, do you have a better explanation? i’m sure you don’t, considering i’m the only one who’s been thinking of possible theories, while you’re here giving me the only suggestion you have–your stupid bobby pin idea,” you say, breathing heavily.
“can you shut up for just two seconds? always telling me what to do, disagreeing with me, arguing and fighting with me. we’re locked in here, and you think arguing like little kids is gonna get us out?” he shakes his head in disbelief. “god, and to think i had a crush on you last year.” he must not have meant to reveal that little secret, because his ears turn red instantly.
you gape at him, “what–what did you say?”
“look at you, getting a big head again–!”
“i liked you! there, you happy?”
“i like–liked you too, idiot,” you say in a low voice.
then, he laughs–a melodious sound, emitting pure joy and rainbows and sunshine. “some type of rivals we are.”
you laugh with him now, finding the situation so pathetically sad that it was almost funny. laughable. something to reminisce from time to time.
“you...you still like me?” donghyuck asks in a small voice you’ve never heard before.
“take a guess.”
you bite the inside of your cheek, “take another guess.”
he grins at you, leaning against one of the shelves–which was a bad move on his part. he accidentally knocks over a bottle of...detergent? who knows, but it ends up uncapped and half-empty once it lands on the floor. luckily it was plastic, so the bottle doesn’t break. unluckily, the other of the liquid splashes on you, soaking your entire shirt. your plain, white, shirt.
donghyuck freezes, “um...y/n, i’m sorry–”
you hold up a hand. the god of testing people’s patience must’ve signed you up for some competitive exam today. “save it.”
donghyuck looks around hastily, trying to find a clean rag. he produces a small yellow cloth from the back of one of the shelves and hands it to you, “here.”
you don’t even say thanks. you quickly take it from him, free your shirt from your jeans, and start wiping and drying it to the best of your ability. you manage to make the shirt as dry as possible, but it was detergent that spilt on you. it was soapy–it was not water. 
you groan for the third time today and look at donghyuck, gritting your teeth. “i can’t possibly go out like this.”
he winces, feeling extremely apologetic. “take off your shirt and wear my hoodie instead. i have two layers on,” he suggests.
you give him a double-take, “what the fuck? no! why would i do that?” you exclaim.
“do you have any better ideas?”
you watch as he swiftly takes his hoodie off, revealing a loose tee clad on his body. you hate to admit how good he looks. he hands the item of clothing to you, and you tell him to turn around as you begrudgingly peel your shirt away. you take the rag once again, wiping off as much soapy liquid as you can, and pull the hoodie over your head.
it smells like him, you think. it smells like that expensive cologne he always seems to wear. you show no indication that you find his hoodie soft and comforting, and tell him you’re done. you roll the shirt, squeezing any remnants of detergent out, and stuff it in your bag.
he bites back the smile daring to form on his lips upon seeing you in his hoodie. “okay. now that that’s over, let’s try to get out of here, shall we?”
you nod. “i have our science teacher’s number. maybe i could ask her to help us? she’s always here late, marking papers and assignments.”
donghyuck snaps his fingers, “you’re right! yeah, give her a call.”
you scroll through your contacts till you find the name you’re looking for. you press the call button and set it to speaker mode so donghyuck can hear as well. she picks up after three rings, “hello?”
“hi, miss angela! it’s me, y/n. you see, um, donghyuck and i got locked in the janitor’s closet by someone, and we have no way to get out. are you still in school? if you are, is it possible for you to unlock the door from the outside?”
miss angela hums a little, as if in thought, “i just left, my dear. i could turn the car around if you’d like. i’m sure the office keeps an extra set.”
“yes! that would be great. thank you, miss angela. and we’re sorry for the inconvenience,” you nudge donghyuck with your elbow, who catches on immediately.
“yeah, we’re incredibly sorry. i’ll be sure to submit an extra report–!”
“save it, lee donghyuck. i’ll be there in five to ten minutes,” she hangs up with that.
you pocket your phone and look at donghyuck. “so.”
“so,” he repeats.
“are we going to act like we didn’t just confess to one another earlier?” you ask, biting your lip nervously.
“no, i don’t want to, um, act like we didn’t. i lied, y/n. i had a crush on you last year, yeah, but i never stopped liking you. i still like you. i don’t want to be your enemy anymore.” he nudges you. 
you smile shyly, “i like you too, donghyuck.”
just then, you hear keys jingling–an all too familiar sound. you get excited, thinking you’re going to be met with the face of miss angela, but when the door bursts open, you see the smirking faces of renjun and jeno.
“about fucking time!” renjun pulls you and donghyuck outside.
“what?” donghyuck demands. “it was your idea to lock us in there? are you fucking kidding me?”
jeno grimaces, “i’m sorry, it was the only way you two would confess your feelings for each other and stop fighting for good.”
“i can think of plenty of ways–!”
“wait, y/n, are you wearing donghyuck’s hoodie? holy fuck...don’t tell me you guys did it.” renjun looks back and forth between you and donghyuck.
“what? no, of course not!” you retort.
“then why do you have his hoodie on, dear y/n?” jeno asks.
“that’s none of your damn business, lee jeno!” donghyuck looks ready to pounce on him, but you place a hand on his chest, stopping him. his gaze drops down to your hand and it softens.
“there was a little accident...but the good thing is that we’re out. hooray. now, everybody, go home. i have to call miss an–”
“y/n, thank goodness! what happened?” miss angela emerges into the scene, looking a little worried.
you briefly explain the evening’s events to her, without mentioning the confession part. she doesn’t need to know that. you tell her it was a silly prank. nothing more, nothing less.
she visibly sighs a breath of relief. “well, at least it wasn’t some stranger. jeno, renjun, i didn’t expect this from you two. but i’m glad you’re all okay.” she takes her leave, after ensuring you four are on your way home.
jeno and renjun go home via jeno’s car, and you and donghyuck, living only a couple of blocks away from school, decide to walk the journey.
“all this... just so we could stop fighting,” donghyuck laughs. you’re walking side by side, hands occasionally brushing against one another. it’s like something out of a cheesy rom-com. you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“it worked, didn’t it?” you say.
donghyuck stops on the pavement, turning his body to face you. he stretches out a hand to push a strand of hair behind your ear, making you bump his shoulder shyly. he smiles; he wouldn’t have it any other way either.
“i guess it did. but what do we do now?”
“what do you mean?” you raise an eyebrow.
“like, do i walk you home first? do i ask you on a date? god, with you, it’s just so much more...different. if it was someone else, i would’ve gone with my gut, but with you, i don’t wanna mess it up. you know?” donghyuck finally takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. you feel his warmth radiate, you feel his touch bringing you safety and comfort. something way more powerful than a hoodie.
“donghyuck, i’m new at this too. i’m just as scared as you are. and that’s okay, trust me. i’m glad it’s me and not anyone else.” you assure him.
you gather up whatever courage you have remaining, tip-toe, and brush your lips against his cheek. you stay there for a moment, just breathing him in. when you pull away, his cheeks are a dusty pink shade.
“do that again,” he tells you.
“no, i think i’m good.” you start walking again.
“y/n!” he whines.
“okay, on one condition.” he raises a brow, “ask me on a date.”
for a moment, he’s bewildered. then, he gets down on one fucking knee, not caring about anyone who might be watching, and clears his throat. “y/n, i like you so much. will you make me the happiest man alive, and go on a date with me this saturday?” he looks up at you expectantly.
you chuckle at his antics and give him a nod. “i would love to, lee donghyuck.”
he grins, all big and bright, and leaps up to envelop you in a hug. his arms go around your waist and yours circle his neck. he whispers in your hair, “i guess we owe renjun and jeno a thank you?”
“i am not going to thank them for locking us up in a closet. in fact, i’m gonna double their prom duties.” you feel his chest vibrate as he laughs at your comment.
however, you are thankful that it was lee donghyuck you got stuck with. so, forget the time machine. you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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softspiderling · 5 years
put in love and don’t give up | t.h.
Summary: honestly, you never pegged Tom for the kind of guy that ghosts people, but here you are. Ghosted.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Song I listened to while writing: Harder by Jax Jones feat. Bebe Rexha
Author’s Note: it’s been a hot minute since I last posted a fic and bc @afangirlwashere made me feel bad for not posting shit, I’m back on my update schedule for now. This is somewhat based on a dream I’ve had about tom I hope you enjoy it!!
Warnings: angst, I guess? Also cursing probably
Word Count: 2,4k
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gif is not mine!
It’s not like Tom owes you anything.
You went out for a couple of dates and apparently it just wasn’t working out for him. Even though you had thought that the dates were pretty great; you’re interested in the same things, your goals in life are similar and you’re just- on the same wavelength. Or that’s what you had thought.
YOU: Trying to take care of the mess that is my flat but instead I’m on my couch procrastinating by watching a bunch of YouTube videos.
YOU: Someone should take away my phone.
The timestamp on the text tells you that it’s been a whole two weeks since he read it. At first you thought he was busy and he’d text you back when he got the time, but you never received any reply. You had thought about double texting him, maybe he hadn’t replied because the text you had sent didn’t involve a question that’d get him to reply, but if Tom had wanted to keep texting you, he would have found an answer that kept the conversation right? So you fought the urge to send another text, but that didn’t stop you from staring at the texts every now and then when you had the time.
You even tried calling him, but that was just as fruitless; for a minute, you were worried that something had happened to him, but later that day Tom had posted a story from him and Sam at a pub. So he was fine, it’s just you that seemed to have been the problem.
But that’s fine.
You can handle rejection, that’s something you had to get used to when it came to dating in your twenties, but you never would have pegged Tom as a person who would ghost someone instead of just outright telling you that he doesn’t like you as much as you like him. But you really thought he did, with the way he was smiling at you and the interest he had showed in your degree.
It sounds cheesy but you thought he was different. Even though his job kind of scared you off at first, you couldn’t help yourself but fall for the sweet and down to earth guy he still managed to be despite his fame.
With a sigh, you exit out of the text chain and pull up your grocery list, eyes scanning the items in your cart. You’re only missing the milk and butter.
Pushing the cart towards the dairy section, you slide your phone back into the pocket of your jacket and keep your eyes open for your brand of milk, when raucous laughter pulls your attention to the corner where the dairy section meets the frozen section.
Curiously you lean over to find the source of the noise, only to see two familiar looking boys.
Harry, one of Tom’s younger brothers and Tuwaine, one of his best friends joking around next to their carts. You had gotten to know them when Tom invited you out for drinks with them. Another reason that confused you as to why he would introduce you to his brothers and friends if he wasn’t that into you.
“Hey guys,” you greet them, lifting your hand to wave at them awkwardly. Harry’s head perks up when he hears your voice and he smiles goofily at you, while Tuwaine returns the wave as they take a few steps towards you, their sides constantly colliding as if they are unable to walk straight.  
“Hey Y/N,” Harry says, stuffing his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heel of his feet. “Doing the weekly shopping?”
You nod and gesture towards your cart and its content. “Yeah, uh, just the basic stuff,” you said, narrowing your eyes when you glance into their carts.
“And you’re shopping for a party…?”
“What?” Tuwaine furrows his brows and turns back to look into his cart before turning back to you with a grin.
“No, it’s our basic stuff.”
“Christ,” you wince. “I really hope you’re going to the dentist regularly. I am pretty sure this amount of popsicles isn’t healthy.”
The boys shrug with laughter. “How have you been?” Harry wants to know and you give him a gentle smile.
“Fine. University’s keeping me busy. How are you guys?” you ask, hesitating. “How’s Tom?”
Tuwaine clears his throat awkwardly and Harry jabs his friend in the ribs with a glare. Your cheeks color; their awkwardness and embarrassment confirmed your fear.
So Tom is really ghosting you.
“We’re good. And Tom- he’s busy, working all the time, you know how he is,” Harry says, stumbling over his words.
“Do I though?”
The gentleness in your voice catch the boys off guard and Tuwaine rubs the back of his neck, pressing his lips together in a thin line.
Wow, what on earth moved you to even approach them? This is probably the most awkward situation you’ve ever put yourself into.
“Tom’s being an idiot,” he finally offers. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
You grimace, appreciating his words but it still stings. But doesn’t rejection always sting? But that’s the thing, isn’t it? Tom didn’t even give you the courtesy of a rejection he just straight up started ignoring you.
Waving it off, you smile crookedly at him.
“It’s fine. He’s fine.”
You gesticulate wildly with your hands, to show them how fine it is. Judging by their expressions, it certainly doesn’t seem to convince them. Stilling your hands, you exhale softly.
“I’m not mad or anything,” you then sigh, defeated. “I’m just a little bit disappointed. But I’ll get over it, you guys don’t need to worry about it or anything.”
You thrum your palms against the handle of the cart, smacking your lips together. “Well, this has been enough awkwardness for today. Uhm, I’ll see you guys around?”
Leaving the question hanging in the air, you shoot them a tentative smile; their chorused “Bye Y/N!”s make you sigh. As you turn around the corner, you hear them squabbling and you strain your ears to find out, what it is about.
“Congrats Tuwaine, this was probably the most uncomfortable situation I’ve ever had.”
“What are you looking at me for? It’s not my fault! If it’s anyone’s, it’s Tom’s!”
There’s a pause and you can hear someone sigh.
“I know it is. He’s just scared, you know how important his privacy is to him. Maybe Harrison can talk to him when he gets back. But I get it though, he’s-“
You almost bump your cart into an old lady, too busy trying to eavesdrop their conversation.
“Young lady!” The lady sends you a menacing glare and you apologize half-heartedly, too distracted by what you’ve just heard.
What was Harry talking about? What did he mean when he said that Tom was scared? You’re confused, you thought you had a clear picture of why he had stopped texting you. Lost in thoughts, you make your way to the check out, and put your groceries on the counter to get rung up.
By the time you get home you still haven’t figured out what it was that Tom is scared of and you almost break your brain trying to think of a logical explanation.
As you’re lying in bed that night, you come to the conclusion that you might never find out what Harry was talking about and see no point in obsessing over something that you are unable to change, so you push the matter in the far back of your mind, hoping that you would soon forget about it. But that is easier said than done, right?
Over the weekend you try your hardest to forget about the encounter with Harry and Tuwaine, stopping your brain from trying to find a solution to Tom’s problem you know nothing about and it’s harder than you thought it would be.
Even your readings for your business class seem to be offering basically no distraction whatsoever, which is why you find yourself at a small café down the street Sunday afternoon. With the sunlight filtering through the window, throwing the busy café in a shade of warm orange, you sit by the window with your text marker, scanning your assigned readings and occasionally marking a passage or two.
“I’m sorry, Miss?”
You look up from your text, your vision a little blurry before finally recognizing the barista standing in front of you with a sheepish smile.
“We’re closing in five minutes,” she tells you and your eyes widen as you take in your surroundings. You’ve been so engrossed in the article you’ve been reading, you hadn’t realized how late it has gotten: the lights have long been turned on in the café and you’ve noticed that all the chairs and tables have been cleared except of the one you’re currently occupying.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” you apologize and scramble your documents together, stuffing them in your bag.
“It’s no problem, really,” the barista gives you a warm smile. “Have a nice evening.”
You shoulder your bag and send her a small wave as you headed through the door.
“Thanks! You too!”
The darkness from outside catches you by surprise and you pull your cardigan tighter around your chest, starting your walk back home. Hearing your stomach grumble, you’re reminded of the lack of food your day has brought and while you turn the corner to your flat, you try to come up with a quick meal with the ingredients you know you have at home.
Rummaging in your bag for your keys as you get closer to your building door, you finally manage to grasp the small fluffy key chain from the depth of your bag and lift your head. That’s when you see Tom sitting on the steps that lead up to the door.
You still and he jumps up, dusting off his pants. He looks tired, the denim jacket was slung tightly around his torso and you’re pressing your lips together before slowly taking a few steps towards him.
“Hey,” you greet him wearily. “What are you doing here?”
Tom rubs the back of his neck. “Hi Y/N. I, uh-“ he gestures towards the steps he’s just been sitting on. “I’ve been waiting for you uh, here. Been here for a while actually. “
“Oh. Why didn’t you call?”
He ducks his hand and his hands disappear into the pockets of his denim jacket. “Wasn’t sure if you’d pick up.”
You look at him with an unreadable expression and the keys dangle from your hand as you unlock the door, keeping it open with the heel of your shoe.
“Do you want to come in?” you ask, and he nods before following you inside and to your flat. He’s uncharacteristically quiet as you close your door behind you and take off your shoes, before moving to your couch, immediately taking refuge under your fluffy blanket.
Tom on the other hand looks like he’s out of place as he stands in the middle of the room, his eyes darting around.
The tension between you two is palpable and even though you know it’s his turn to speak, you’re aware that he’s fighting to bring his thoughts into words.
“You know you didn’t have to come all this way to do this, right?” you finally say, clasping your hands together.
“To do what?”
“I got the hints, Tom and I also rant into Harry and Tuwaine the other day. You’re here to let me down easy,” you say, pulling your knees close to your torso and he gapes at you, slowly moving to sit on the couch, though the distance between you is still there.
“What? No! That’s not why I’m here, why-“ He breaks off, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “What did they tell you?”
You shrug. “That I didn’t do anything wrong and that you’re an idiot?”
“Well, I am an idiot,” Tom admits. “But not for the reason you think, I promise Y/N.”
“So you’re not here to break things off with me?”
He shakes his head and carefully reaches out to touch your hand which is resting on top of your knee. Your pinkie twitches and you eye his fingers inching slowly towards yours, but you don’t move your hand away. Tom takes your hand in his and looks at, his brows furrowed.
“I’m sorry I ignored you,” he says quietly. “It just… It’s so hard dating someone when you work in the movie industry. The media has no respect for your privacy and I really didn’t want to put you in harm’s way, especially with all the people who are weirdly insisting on me and Z being a couple-.”  
You didn’t realize that he felt this way. Even though you knew that he was struggling with all the attention, you thought he could handle it well, but apparently he’s an even better actor than you thought he was.
“I was so conflicted. I like you so much and I thought if I’d push you away, you’d move on. But when Harry told me how lovely you were being, still asking how I was doing even though I was being a jerk to you I realized how childish I was being. That I needed to be honest with you and let you decide for yourself if I am worth it or not.”
Tom chews on his lower lip as his voice quiets down and you squeeze his hand, giving him a soft smile.
“You’re right. You should have been honest with me,” you say. “Even though I am just a basic civilian-“
He snorts out a laugh and you grin at him.
“I can imagine how hard it can be in your line of work. But Tom, I’ve already been thinking of this since our first date. It’s not like I’m going completely blind into this. And you’re worth it, okay? Even if you’re an asshole who ignored me for two weeks.”
He ducks his head sheepishly and you shake your head fondly, moving your legs so he can come closer before he leans in to give you a quick kiss. You barely have the time to react and your cheeks redden, before the two of you lean in for another kiss.
Pulling away, Tom lets out a soft sigh and leans his forehead against yours.
“Thanks for giving me a second chance, Y/N. My brothers would have kicked my butt for losing someone as great as you.”
You shrug with your shoulders, a pleased smile on your face. So you did leave a good impression on Harry, despite your initial awkwardness.
“And you would have deserved it,” you point out and he grins, looping his arms around your waist.
“Trust me, I know.”
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thealogie · 5 years
Thea Im glad that you’ve been answering these questions on college experiences. Speaking as someone who had a disastrous college experience in every way except grades wise, post-graduation ive been really struggling to come to terms with my current situation, feeling like im stuck in a limbo with no particular interests and having no idea of where to go from here or the tools/experience to make things happen even if i did know. its difficult to look back kindly on past me and how she dealt (1/2)
with things, but reading your thoughts on all this is helpful even if i don’t necessarily feel like they apply to me 1:1. you’re not even THAT much older than me, but you do come across as wise and comforting presence. maybe thats dramatic but I’m grateful that you take the time to talk to your followers in good faith like this. Thanks for being so cool and i hope i can channel some of the energy youre putting out into the world someday (2/2)
ahhh my timestamps are mixed up so i sure hope this message isn’t so old you don’t even see my response cause this is really sweet and i truly appreciate you taking the time to say kind words. 
i’ve had a lot of lucky breaks in my life for sure but also so much has sucked and specifically i never had someone slightly older--or like my same age but maybe further along in their career....tbh we all move at our own pace and that’s not only “fine” in the condescending way but genuinely taking your time is necessary and good for achieving your true potential--to take my face in their hands when i most needed it and tell me: i promise you i felt something like that. i know you think i didn’t and your brain is particularly bad but i felt THAT BAD and now im ok. it’s possible.
So tbh like even though im 26 1/2 i just so badly want to do that for people cause i desperately needed it at like 24. tbh i thought i was ok at like 25 but even 25 year old me had so many little problems...i wish i could brush her hair and tell her even those little frustrating things can go the fuck away. 
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lacquerware · 5 years
Cy Girls is a PlayStation 2 game
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Some say it’s the most mediocre fragments of pop culture that end up defining each era, because they’re little more than amalgams of the flavors of the day, while the best works draw from some greater vision and seem to be immune to time. I don’t think it’s quite that simple. True, there are games like Shadow of the Colossus, whicheven in 2005 felt like it was stuck on the wrong hardware and stands out now as a timeless classic. But then you’ve got Super Mario Bros. 3, which is quintessentially NES despite being one of the NES library’s best-aged titles. So I guess it’s more case-by-case.
In the case of Cy Girls, you may find yourself having a hardcore flashback or two to the age of frosty tips, Fatboy Slim, and Matrix sequels, because CG is pure early 2000s chaff. I can’t think of another game that so shamelessly mashes together so many momentary fads. Bullet time? Check. Cover shooting? Check, and it’s awful. Wall running? Stylish kill screens? “Cyber” aesthetic? CHEX MIX. Plus it’s forged out of the table scraps of Metal Gear Solid 2, so the entire game looks like someone doing a comedic impression of the PS2.
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↑ Wall-running was one of the more bizarre fads of the PS2 era, featured in games like Shinobi, Devil May Cry 2, Ninja Gaiden (on the Xbox), Bujingai, and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.
Cy Girls isn’t a good game—the environments are boring, it feels crummy in your hands, the mission objectives are a crash course in how not to design mission objectives—but it exemplifies the ubiquity of the third-person character action genre and the freedom developers had to experiment during the PS2 era. It’s astounding now to fathom a time when something like CG could survive past the earliest phase of conception, let alone make it to market. It has one good idea (more on that later), lacks even basic competency in several areas, and yet is also so big that it spans two discs. It’s both bad and big. Double-disc titles had almost gone extinct thanks to the PS2’s DVD tech, but somehow Konami deemed Cy Girls, agame that is nothing but formulaic tropes, the one which warranted breaking form. I can only theorize that Cy Girls’ co-creator, the toy megacorp Takara, was donating heavily to the cause.
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↑ A Cool Girl I found on Google.
To the game’s credit, the best thing about Cy Girls is its main conceit: a virtual, one-for-one cyberspace replica of the real world called “Cy-D.” Both protagonists have a rare gene that lets them “dive” into Cy-D without the typical need for a virtual avatar; they can simply upload their brains or something. They do this via enormous 1940s-style computer terminals scattered throughout the game. A slick FMV commences, and they emerge in a world of neon wireframes and particle effects and malevolent abstract objects. 
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It’s a pretty brazen invocation of Tron,and that’s just fine by me. It is inherently enjoyable to occupy Cy-D with its gentle mood lighting and soothing lounge soundtrack. You’re also much more powerful in Cy-D than in the real world, thanks to a long list of “Skills” found over the course of the game. You input these via different sequences of face buttons, an interface I think meant to evoke the feeling of entering and executing a string of code. Simple as it is, it works pretty well, and really helps set the Cy-D activities apart from the banal horseshit of the real world. The Skills themselves range from hollow gatekeeping mechanics (“use this Skill to flick the switch that only exists to give this Skill a purpose!”) to cool core abilities, like a soaring high jump, a flashy dash move, and a stockable projectile attack. You also innately have the ability to bust a tatsumaki-senpûkyakuand a few other martial arts moves. 
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Mostly, though, Cy-D time is spent “downloading” readable files, eavesdropping on avatars, and solving puzzles. You can only stay in Cy-D for ten minutes or you go crazy and die, so occasionally it turns into a race to find the right file or hack the right switch and dive out before the clock runs out. These were by far the most exhilarating moments of Cy Girls (especially one occasion where I escaped with literally one second to spare). It’s a cheap thrill, but overall I found the Cy-D stuff very charming and wished they would’ve sent me there more.
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Unfortunately you spend much more time in the physical world, which is rarely any fun. While Cy-D offered fantastic light shows and clear, urgent tasks in confined but densely populated spaces, the physical-world stages are sprawling labyrinths of drab, box-shaped rooms filled with drab boxes. Mission objectives are often vague, the map only sometimes gives you an objective waypoint, and puzzles are often nonsensical, unreasonably laborious, or both. There are no good block-pushing puzzles in gaming, but Cy Girls contains the uncontestable worst block-pushing puzzle in history. Even trying to explain why it’s so bad would be too tedious to bother, but I’ll just say it took multiple hours to even set it up, and another half-hour to execute even after looking up the solution in a FAQ.
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Each of the two discs in Cy Girls is a separate campaign starring a different Cy Girl—there’s Ice, the gunslinger, and Aska, a katana-swinging ninja. I played the Aska campaign, which often felt like it was taking notes from Tenchu—you have a comically huge inventory of ninja tools, including a shamelessly similar grappling hook and several functionally redundant projectiles, but unlike Tenchu the game basically never challenges you enough to encourage any thoughtful strategy or discernment. Aska can perform cinematic insta-kills simply by jumping before an attack or by attacking when close to a group of two or more enemies, so she can get through almost any encounter by charging straight in. It’s like playingTenchuif you could stealth kill without being stealthy. That could make for some fun power-fantasy escapism were the mission objectives not so elusive or the enemies infinitely respawning. Even Aska’s more spectacular kills get really old after you’ve aimlessly scoured the entire map a third time.
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At some point you take a step back and realize that the bulk of Cy Girlsis just an indiscriminate list of features from other PS2-era games. Its back-of-box text should read, “It sure is a PS2 game!”—even on the GameCube version. Instead, it says “Fight terrorism from deep caves to outer space.” Fine.
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Anyway, it’s hard to recommend anyone subject themselves to Cy Girls, but there’s a timestamped charm to it I can’t seem to deny. What it lacks in entertainment value it makes up for as a conversation piece, and that earns it a permanent place on my shelf.
Weirdly, a bit of post-credits text confirms there was a sequel in the works by the name "Beyond the 8th Dimension," which was also the subtitle of '80s cult flick Buckaroo Banzai. I must know more.
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toolazytocare · 6 years
Stranger Things Trigger Warning Masterpost
Alright I have been wanting to do this for a while now and I’m on winter break so I guess it’s the perfect time to do this.
(oh my god this is gonna take ages) 
There is one big trigger warning master post for season 1 but I haven’t seen one for season 2 yet. I also think that there could be a few things added to the list so I’m just starting from scratch.
This list may contain spoilers. I will use timestamps because I know people may need them. I will make this list containing trigger warnings for all seasons and then make separate ones for each season.  SEASON ONE HERE SEASON TWO HERE
If you think I missed something or should write something differently or anything else, please tell me!  I’m not very active on tumblr but I’ll try my best. if you have twitter you can tweet me here. 
An overview of potential triggers (as seen on lannistrcs post): - jump scares -death -shooting -gore -suicide (or implied suicide) -scenes set in a medical institution (including medical related abuse) -homophobic/anti-lgbtq+ slurs -bullying -blood -ableist slurs -mention of miscarriage
The show is generally dark and scary. Yes, there are quite a few funny and lighthearted scenes, but if you’re one that gets triggered easily I would avoid watching the show. There is also a lot of swearing so if you’re not cool with that I’d avoid it. There’s monsters and stuff so yeah. Just be careful. Also, flashbacks. And government stuff. Just warning you.
EPILEPSY WARNING: a lot of scenes are shot in dark lit rooms with many flashing or flickering lights. 
I’ll try to be as spoiler free as possible while also providing the right timestamps and info. I don’t think I can put in all the jumpscares but I’ll try my best to mark the important ones. The music makes everything creepier and there are a LOT of jump scares and sudden loud sounds so please be careful.
Episode 1:
-quiet introduction, sudden loud sound at around 0:55 -child going missing in the middle of the night -sudden loud noise at 6:00 -(The dog will be fine) -bullying -homophobic slurs -shooting at 40:00 -right after that multiple people are killed, corpses with blood are shown for a split second 
Episode 2: -ableist slurs -flashbacks -more flashbacks, screaming -corpse is found, implied suicide, a gun in hand, shot to the head (around 26:30) -there are screams while someone is in the woods taking pictures, nothing bad actually happens (around 43:00) -someone cuts their hand, blood (around 44:30) -the wall moves (48:20) -blood dripping (52:05) -loud roar and scream (52:25)
Episode 3: 
-starts off with screams immediately (!!!) -that thing appears again -one character is screaming and fleeing and at the same time there’s a sex scene (not explicit at all, but still....someone might be uncomfortable with it) -flashbacks (10:25) -bullying and homophobic slurs (around 23:00) -wall moving again (around 28:30) -flashback with screaming and blood, corpses (around 32:55) -jump scare (around 38:55) -wall moves again (around 45:50) and something comes out -corpse is found (around 47:10)
Episode 4: -corpse is seen in a morgue -homophobia (around 30:30) -flashback -screaming and crying, loud noises (around 40:30/41:00)  -after 46:00: body being cut open. no gore
Episode 5:
-jump scare (around 7:30) -flashback -fighting, someone gets hurt (around 42:00) -flashback with screams and jumpscare (right after the fight) -gore: animal death (around 46:00) -the following scenes are all very intense, multiple jump scares. no human dies, there are screams ect. Episode 6: -right at the start: those scenes from the end of episode 5 continue. screams, jump scares. no-one dies, but it’s intense. -flashbacks to those scenes (around 6:15) -loud scream (around 16:05) -mention of miscarriage (around 26:20)  -right after that, flashbacks to violent scenes (death, blood) -homophobic slurs (around 32:00) -fight breaks out right after -violence: boy holds knife to another boys throat (38:20) -suicide implication: boy steps off cliff -gore: boys have broken arms, the sound is of the bones breaking is heard. no blood. -flashback: screams and jump scares, alarms Episode 7: -jump scare (around 0:53) -jump scare (around 21:20) -loud scream (around 25:00) -corpse: in slimy substance, with bugs and worms, rotting (33:00) followed by screams -sudden loud noise and bright lights (around 33:45) -loud noises, followed by silence and then a sudden loud growl/scream (around 39:30) Episode 8: 
-groans, electric shock, vomiting, needles (around 2:40) -death: a child battles cancer and dies (flashbacks of it at around 11:20 and continue through the whole episode) - two people cut their hands, blood (around 12:45) EPILEPSY WARNING!! after this the whole episode will contain a lot of flickering lights -something comes out of the wall (around 11:50, after the lights start to flicker) -that thing comes back at around 20:20, screams and growls follow -gore/blood: blood comes out of peoples eyes -bloodtrails are seen in the next scene - LOTS of flickering lights, screaming, something comes out of the wall, bloodtrails and dead bodies are seen (around 30:30)  -bloodtrail is seen in the next scene aswell -corpses and skeletons are lit up by a flashlight right after -boy is found in slimy substance (32:30) -the next scene has flickering lights the whole time and one character has red eyes at one point -shootings, people shoot guns in multiple scenes
AGAIN: This list will contain spoilers. I’ll use timestamps. 
An overview of potential triggers:
-jump scares -death (graphic) -mention of miscarriage  -shooting -gore -scenes set in a medical institution -medical related abuse -needles -PTSD -bullying -blood -exorcism -memory loss -being possessed -abuse -flashbacks/visions -homophobic slurs
The second season of this show is definitely a lot darker and scarier than the first. Again, I’ll try my best to mark the timestamps of jump scares ect.  There will be more sudden loud sounds, screams, flashbacks and jump scares.
EPILEPSY WARNING: a lot of scenes are shot in dark lit rooms with many flashing or flickering lights. Alarms and screams will be happening at the same time.
One scene features a character talking about something that happened to them. The way that character describes it can be compared to how a victim of sexual assault would describe what happened to them. This is NOT what the character is talking about, but please proceed with caution.
Again if you feel like I missed out on anything, don’t hesitate to contact me. 
Episode 1:
-someone has a vision (around 8:30) -jump scare (around 19:15) -scenes in a medical institution and needles (around 23:45) -jump scare (around 37:00) -character has another vision (around 42:00)
Episode 2:
-the episode starts with a character saying something, followed by screams, flashes of scenes of season. the character wakes up (a little blood is shown) and coughs up some liquid.  -animal death (around 22:20) -manipulation/abusive behaviour (around 26:00) -jump scare/scream (around 34:40) -jump scare (around 39:30) -right after that the character has another vision. loud and weird noises. that /thing/ starts following the character -jump scare (around 52:20)
Episode 3:
-a few slight jump scares, they are all predictable -the character has another vision and will be followed by that /thing/ (around 45:20) -the /thing/ will start to ENTER them (around 47:20) Episode 4:
-the /thing/ continues to ENTER the character while other scenes are playing -the character will describe the experience, frames from it will show up on the screen for a split second. ATTENTION: the way the character describes it could sound similar to a victim of sexual assault describing their experience. so be careful. -abusiveness (32:00) -racism. the character doesn’t say it outlaid but you can tell. (around 33:00 - around 40:50: slimy substance is found then jumpscar -GRAPHIC ANIMAL DEATH!!! blood!!! at 41:00 -you can skip to 42:00 to avoid it 
Episode 5: 
-at the beginning of the episode a character gets trapped somewhere. imagine a cave. something like that. the scene is very dark, you can't see too much - jump scare (around 3:15)  -at around 4:05 there will be loud noises and the character chokes on something and tries to spit it out -jump scare (8:50) -slight jump scare (around 9:30) -right after the character will vomit a little -a pregnant woman having difficulties (around 46:38) -flashbacks of a surgery(around 47:10) -needle (like half a minute after..or less) -gunshot -medical abuse, literally....someone gets their brain fried?? idk how to explain (49:30) - a character will suddenly fall to the ground in pain and then like...lie there and keep shaking and screaming. its hard to explain. (around 54:20)
Episode 6:
-character getting hospital treatment throughout the whole episode -needle (around 0:45) -vomiting (around 13:15) -character will show that they have experienced memory loss (around 16:30)
Episode 7:
-right at the start of the episode after a character says “I’m home” there will be a loud noise and some random scenes -a character will be threatened with a knife (around 9:30) -man being choked (30:15-30:50)
Episode 8: 
ATTENTION: this episode is probably the most graphic episode of the season. it includes multiple people dying and a graphic death of one character.
-needle (around 2:05)  -corpses and blood (around 2:20) -the needle is back (2:50) -multiple corpses shown on tvs (around 3:40) -homophobic slur (7:00) -abusive parent (7:20) -corpses lying around (10:40) -corpse with blood (12:00) -jump scare (around 14:30) -corpses, blood (14:40) If you want to avoid the graphic death and more corpses and blood skip to 21:50
-GRAPHIC DEATH at 20:50!!! -the scene is revisited right after 22:27!!! after dustin gets into the car -ends at 22:50 -jump scare (43:15)
Episode 9:
-ok so a fight breaks out around 19:30 -a little later there will be blood  -needle  -exorcism starts at 23:30 will last half of the episode  -you can see a character being beat up with blood on his face (24:50) -corpses, blood, blood trails (28:30) -man (alive) hurt and with blood, pain (29:00) -jump scare (30:30) -exorcism continues at 31:40, more screaming and the neck of the character will actually turn black  -character being choked (32:20) -shows character being choked again (33:50) -exorcism done at 35:20 -please remember that when eleven uses her powers there will be blood that’s about it!
again if you need anything, tweet me!
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mizukikuramoto · 7 years
“KILL JA̶CKSEPTICEYE | Bio IN̵̛c Redemp T̨I̶̢on” Analysis + Theory
I don’t know if this is going to get any attention in the tag... that’s alright if it doesn’t. I just want to collect my thoughts into an analysis and a theory.
Well well well... Anti is back for more, and we also had the pleasure of seeing Dr.Schnee in action... Let’s just get to the point. Hey g͚̘͉̘̖̼̤͒̓̆̓͌̚͡ĺ̷̞̙̰̳͔̯̼̞̓̆͑̃̚͢͝ȉ̵̬͕̖̥͊̉̐̕̕̚͜͠ẗ̡̻̝͍͇́̑̈́̔̽̄͞͡͡ͅc̷̬̳̭͉͉͚̹̗̏͑̊̌̐̇͛́͡͡ͅh̦̘̪̥̽̾̒̋̉̃̀ͅ b̷̧̠͖̦̗̍͌̑̈́͗̇̕͜͠͡͠i̶̯̭͔̪̭̫͍̣͍̳͑́̈̉͌̆͞ţ̧̭͕̭̙̩͔̭̲͛̈̄̓̊c̬̰̞͔̹̱̙̪̹̳̉͌̀̃̒̑̚͡ḣ̶̨̜͙̜̙̔̈̋̋̕̕͝!̨̛̛̞̠̳͕̌͌̎̓͐͆͢ I’m going to shoot your plans out of the water!
But first, let’s dissect this video a little bit. I’ll be using time stamps as a reference. 
[0:39 - 0:45] Jack feels sick and steps out of the video, covering his mouth as if he’s about to throw up.
[0:47] Ze good Doctah takes over! He is confident, per usual.
[1:22 - 1:28] “JackSepticEye. . . he is one of my dear friends.” Normal for an alternative ego to have a correlating relationship with the ‘main ego.’ He expresses an attachment to Jack.
[2:00 - 2:10] “Taking shape, taking form. You do not look the best. You do not look the way you have always looked. You do not look like... yourself...” A bit weird to say that after assuming a stomach problem. It’s as if Dr.Schneep is aware of Jack’s disposition, that Anti is slowly taking control of him and that it’s physically taking a toll on him... well, perhaps appearance wise, but the video in itself is showing that Anti is causing Jack to slowly inch to death.
[2:22] The first glitch is seen. Subtle, sudden. Dr.Schneep appears to be fine.
[2:57 - 3:02] “Always. Always with the mood swings, one time he is one person, the next time he is a completely different person.” I’m probably looking at this too much... I just found this interesting.
[3:07] Ze doctah’s eye is itchy... ehh, it’s probably because Jack’s eye is itchy. Nothing more probably.
[3:41 - 3:45] Dr.Schneep starts to worry about Jack. The appropriate response for a concerning doctor and friend.
[4:14] The second glitch is seen. Longer than the first. It looks like Dr.Schneep is getting a nose bleed, just like how Jack got one from the “Say Goodbye” video. This could be Anti infecting him.
[4:18 - 4:28] “I saved my very good friend Chase. Chase Brody, he went back. He saw his family. Did they take him back? We may never know--” I mean, there’s speculation that Anti already got Chase. I saw a picture of Anti with his hat in a post. Just a thought. Dr.Schneep is getting a bit more concerned.
[4:54] Preeeety specific with the ‘anti’ in anti-coagulants...
[5:03 - 5:12] “If something gets inside your body, and it wants to destroy you from the inside out, there’s only one way to deal with it and that way is SCHNEEPLESTEN.” Things are starting to get serious. It’s just like timestamp [2:00 - 2:10], it’s as if he knows that Anti is slowly gaining more control over Jack. The third glitch shows ze doctah with black eyes, just like Anti’s. Anti has now fully infected Dr.Schneep, and I think he knows it too. 
[5:12 - 5:25] “You’re not... looking yourself. It’s getting very warm in here. . . very scary, very, very, nervous.” He is reaaaaally stressing out at this point. He’s trying to compose himself, but he is really worried about Jack and he’s getting flustered. Him saying that it’s very warm is probably due to him panicking.
[5:26 - 5:34] “What is happening? I feel it in my own arm.” Jack and Dr.Schneep are one and the same, they have a connection. Maybe it’s a heightened connection since Anti is inflicting pain on Jack while infecting ze Doctah. 
[6:03] The fourth glitch happens. Dr.Schneep is rubbing his neck. It possibly connects to the slit on Anti’s neck? The one he stitched? 
[6:32] The fifth glitch happens. Ze doctah is stressed out of his mind.’
[6:38 - 6:43] “You need... get... whatever is inside that brain! Whatever is inside, we need to get it out!” He is fully aware of what is happening to him, and he is stressing out big time because he is going to lose Jack if he doesn’t do anything. The sixth glitch shows Dr.Schneep convulsing, as if possessed.
[6:44 - 6:47] The flickering of the glitches are becoming more frequent, and Anti’s voice emanates from Dr.Schneep’s voice when he says ‘die.’
[6:49 -6:54] “Not again, I will not lose you. I almost lost you once before.” HE’S ADMITTING THAT HE STITCHED AND HEALED ANTI AFTER “SAY GOODBYE!” This is it! After Jack killed himself, Anti took over his body, and ze doctah stitched him back together. It’s still Jack’s body nonetheless! More flickering occurs.
[6:58] Dr.Schneep is freaking out, he has no idea what to do. He’s going to lose Jack. He is panicking.
[7:15] His attempts to save Jack are becoming futile. Systems failure is in the Zalgo/creepy font in cc. The camera flickers dimly to reveal Anti for the first time, smiling at us. Anti knows that he’s going to kill Jack, again.
[7:40 - 7:48] Dr.Schneep grows anxious.Anti speaks out from ze doctah with maniacal laughter. Anti has more control over him. 
[7:51 - 8:02] “Ve need to save him-- I need your help!!” Dr.Schneep is being driven by fear and panic. The feedback of the camera is lagging. He knows his demise is coming, and now he’s screaming at the audience to help Jack. He knows that we, the community, can stop Anti, but he alone cannot. Anti continues to speak over ze doctah, telling the audience to save him and not Jack... just like he always wanted us to do. (By the way that was a pretty cool transition from Sean to Anti c:)
[8:05 - 8:10] “Antidepressants, Anti-- depress--press--press--press. We have to depress Anti--and--get him out of there!” He’s trying to fight against Anti’s influence. He doesn’t have that much time, and now he’s trying to go against the glitch to send the community a message to stop Anti.
[8:11 - 8:20] Anti fights back and manipulates Dr.Schneep’s body to hang itself on the cord of his headphones. Ze doctah- thank goodness that this happened- breaks out of Anti’s control and continues to do his best to save Jack. This shows that he was, originally, one of the strongest egos among Jack’s alternatives. Sadly, he’s losing the battle as he is slowly fusing with the glitches of the video.
[8:24 - 8:29] Dr.Schneep is stuck in the control of Anti’s glitch, which is apparent from his repetitive, yet contorted, mention of anti-coagulants. His movement is synced with Anti’s as the camera flickers between ze doctah and Anti, signifying that Anti has full control over him now. Their expressions match, the madness is taking over him with every pulse of a glitch.
[8:30 - 8:46] Ze doctah’s pain is either the connection with Jack slowly dying, or the pain is from Anti which he is inflicting upon him. Anti, in the background, continues to laugh as Dr.Schneep succumbs to the realization that Jack will die, that whatever he did made Jack worse, that his efforts were wasted on someone that was going to die.
This is Anti’s part. I’m just going to list out the important parts he says.
“im tired of playing pretend! sick of it!”
“and you thought you had him back”
 “they all follow me”
“ive kept control all of this time!”
“i am eternal, always!”
“fooling around over, and OVER! in fucking circles!”
“mocking me with your ‘glitch bitch’ ” ha yeah shut up Anti you are a glitch bitch
“that doctor thought he could save him but he was MINE! he was weak!”
"who do you think youve been watching all of this time”
“my puppets”
“there are no strings on me”
So... what now. 
What does Anti want? What is he going to do? Jack is dead... again. What happened to Dr.Schneeplesten? I have a few ideas as to what’s going to come in the future.
There’s a few new things he mentioned during his little hissy fit: “my puppets” and “there are no strings on me.” He’s talking as if he is a puppeteer, the one pulling strings in this entire predicament. He wants- desires for power, for control, and as we were watching,”powerless” and unable to do much at first, he was ever so slowly getting what he wanted. From this video, it appears that Dr.Schneeplesten is now under Anti’s control, making the strongest of the bunch submit to Anti’s will. It’s just like what ze doctah said: “If one goes down, then they all go down.” Anti is planning to take down every other alternative ego and to break their will so that he could enter easily within them. He was able to successfully infect Dr.Schneep by making him feel helpless. Anti slowly pushed Jack to death and Dr.Schneep couldn’t do anything about it, causing him to spiral into a heap of panic and mistakes. He was mentally broken, and that was when Anti entered. If he was able to do that to him, then think about what he could possibly do to the rest of them?
What I fear is that Anti will use all of the alternative egos against Jack. Jack’s creations will turn against him.They will torture him, just like how Anti did to ze doctah. They will do all the dirty work, and Anti will grab the opportunity to possess Jack and fully control him. In a way, it’s like a computer: if you take down all of the smaller systems in a huge one, then you can hit the center core of the process with ease.
Now... what can we do?
We fight back. We can think two steps ahead of what Anti is planning. We continue to strengthen our will for Jack to come back- especially when he broke his two video streak OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ANTI YOU BITCH- and to make sure that we #saveseptic/#septicsave rather than save Anti. If we break now in a heap of worry, which is honestly working Anti WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO JACK, then we are playing right into the his hands.
Let’s do this for Dr.Schneep! For Jack! We are more than one person. We are a community. We’re not going to let some petty glitch take over Jack!
On another lighter note, I hope that you enjoyed my analysis, interpretation, and theory! I would really love your feedback please dont roast me alive. I’ll be honest, I’m scared to post this over tumblr. It’s moreso that it might get negative feedback, but that’s the risk that I must accept. I never really popped my head and put my input in stuff, especially in Mark’s and Jack’s community, so yeah ^^’
Have a good day all. Stay awesome, you are all amazing.
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floyuki702 · 7 years
Your Medley - Chapter 2
Summary: I remember the first time we met. It was a day that, unknowingly, changed my life into one of adventure. I just wish that it lasted longer than it did…
Characters: Youngjae (GOT7) x Reader
Chapter 1
나를 보면 색다르대 (You know)
내가 좀 남다르대
그냥 내게로 다가와 지금 내게로 다가와
아무 생각하지 마 (I know)
후회하지 않을 걸
그냥 내게로 다가와  지금 내게로 다가와
“Alright everyone, remember to study chapters 1-10 and I will see you next week for the final.”
Immediately, rustling sounded throughout the lecture hall as we all packed up and headed towards freedom. With it being study week, all of our classes were ending early in order to allow time to refill our brains with information we have not touched upon since the beginning of the semester.
Taking my time, I made sure I packed up my notes, pen and textbook as the mad rush towards the door caused a block of students. On a normal day, the room would be cleared out in a matter of seconds. Today, there must have been a huge crowd just outside the door because everyone in my class seemed to be stuck at the only exit. Seeing the situation, the professor heaved a great sigh, packed up and fiddled with some apps on his phone.
Taking a page out of his book, as I continued to wait, I threw my backpack on my back, situated myself on the desk I claimed as mine on the first week (first row, third chair from the right wall) and pulled out my phone from my back pocket.
If it was any other lecture, that meant it would be the last thing I packed up because I would use it to record what was said. Since this professor loved to go off on a tangent, I learned almost immediately that recording was a lifesaver - especially when studying for tests.
Today was a special occasion.
Since he informed us that the final was going to be questions pulled from previous tests, quizzes and homework, I made the ultimate decision to just put it on silent and kept it in my pocket. As I turned on the screen, my eyes widened in surprise on the amount of texts received from Amethyst along with about 10 missed calls from said person. I could sort of recall her telling me something that involved her "ultimate bias group" (whatever that meant) visiting the city. Since she likes to go off and daydream about the very slim chance of bumping into them, I sort of tuned her out.
Instead, I focused on the fact that my music composition class has been taking a toll on me. Since the day I admitted to Amethyst that I was starting to lean more towards Kpop, she took every opportunity to "bless my ears with the heavenly sound of her biases”.
While I found amusement in her efforts for the past couple of weeks, I only really felt a pull towards GOT7’s Choi Youngjae’s voice. There was something about it that spoke to me and, unknowingly, all my compositions were starting to become extremely…….selective.
Before, anybody was able to sing my songs. Each was written in a way that helped showcase and improve the talent of the singer. I would love to get requests from my professors to write the final song for their students’ performances. It was a great experience being requested and I felt so proud every time the singer nailed the difficult pitches. It let me learn more about composing towards a singer's particular style while still keeping true to my own.
Now, no matter who sang the songs, I felt that they were not able to really bring out the true feeling I was trying to portray. It did not matter if it was the shining star of the department or the underdog who shone on test day. Each time I heard my sings being sung, I would drift away into a daydream and think of his voice singing it. Sure, I never told any of the professors because I really wanted to keep that grade, but I just could not praise the vocals with all of my heart like I used to. There was always a small part of me that would focus on that daydream I knew would never happen.
Shaking my head to clear it of those thoughts, I turned my attention back to my phone.
Seeing the amount of received messages told me that was clearly a bad idea. Heaving a great sigh and mentally preparing myself for the overuse of capitals, I opened the conversation box and scrolled all the way up to the last message we sent each other the night before.
9:55 am: OMG! ______! I can't believe it!! Text me back as soon as you can!!!
(By the looks of it, she called three times around here)
10:00 am: Fine…you must have already turned the ringer off. Duh! Can't believe I forgot you had a 10 o'clock class. 😅😅
10:01 am: ttyl~😚
10:02 am: Forget it! Still NEED to spazz over this!
(Two more call attempts)
10:07 am: I JUST got out of class and received the message on Twitter!😄 You see, BamBam sent out a tweet saying that they were going to visit a university campus while on tour. THEN HE TWEETED A PIC OF THE FRONT OF CAMPUS!! I could not believe it!
10:11 am: SO to confirm if it was true, I checked out all of the other members' social media and they have been posting nonstop about how cool the campus is! They even got RECOGNIZED by some of the professors and students!
10:13 am: I KNOW YOU THINK I WAS GONNA STALK THEM!😠 And you are KINDA right😏 I couldn't help it! I have been dying to meet them since they debuted and you KNOW JB is my bae~😎
10:16 am: Ok, so I am starting at the rec house cause I figured they would head there after the whole Student Union tour. I mean come on. As if 7 fit and good-looking guys aren't gonna want to play a game of basketball.😏
At this point, I decided to skip ahead and just speed read because it looked to be about a text every one to three minutes for at least an hour. As much as I love her, I did not want to have a crick in my neck because I read a one woman conversation. There were some places where a missing timestamp was found next to a call attempt. My guess would be that, at some points, she was getting fed up with typing and wanted to just talk about each detail of her 'mission' instead.
I was almost to the last text when the one above it caught my eye. Looking at the timestamp, I noticed it was 2 minutes before my class got out today.
11:07 am: While I was trying to walk, tweet, text/call you AND look at each notification, I actually ran into them ON THE WAY TO YOUR CLASS BUILDING! They were looking for the music building, so I told them I knew where it was at and got to walk with them! It was so hard to keep my cool the whole time. Thank the gods I am an acting major!!
11:08 am: We're outside your class right now. So excited!
My head shot up and I quickly turned to look back at the door. Although the crowd had died down a little bit, it was still a huge mass of bodies trying to get to freedom.
Hesitating only a second longer, I stood up on the desk and began making my way towards the door while stepping on each desk that paved my path. As I jumped off the last desk, I noticed that a fair amount of my classmates had turned their heads to see who was making all that noise in the room.
Feeling my face start to heat up from embarrassment, I took advantage of their brief break from trying to exit the room and pushed my way to the door.
 Once I was finally free of the lecture hall, I turned to the commotion outside.
The normally empty hallway was filled with students and professors surrounding a group of seven attractive men with Amethyst standing in the center. The knee length peach sundress, gladiator sandals, and light makeup matched with her beach curls hairstyle somehow complemented the outfits of each member perfectly. It was almost like I was looking at a photoshoot.
Although I stray away from her obsession with Korean dramas, I still sat through enough series with her during sleepovers to make the comparison of the scene in the hallway with one you typically see in the school themed episodes.
Laughing inwardly because I know she was trying extremely hard to hold back her excitement, I did my best to keep my expression neutral as I unknowingly approached my musical fate.
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