#the sims 4 cp
pressnat · 1 year
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In English
Today's construction is an apartment in San Myshuno for a couple who work with business and arts, I decided to use Harrie and Felixandre's costum content to decorate it. I hope you like it! Enjoy to check out the building on my YouTube channel, link below!
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Cost: § 182.536
You can find it on the Gallery, my Origin ID its PressNat
Download: patreon
Em Português
A construção de hoje é um apartamento em San Myshuno para um casal que trabalha com negócios e artes, resolvi utilizar os conteúdos personalizados do Harrie e Felixandre para decorar ele. Espero que gostem! Aproveite para conferir a construção no meu canal do YouTube, link abaixo!
Sem CP
Tam. lote: 30x20
1 quarto
1 banheiro
Custo: § 182.536
Você pode encontrá-la na Galeria, meu Origin ID é PressNat
Download: patreon
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bruuberrycc · 2 years
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✨ Clique aqui para baixar Dina, Nina e Katrina Caliente!
🌟 Clique aqui para assistir um tutorial de como baixar sims
(não esquece de baixar os conteúdos personalizados abaixo para elas virem com a roupa)
Cabelo Dina, Cabelo Dina Formal, Cabelo Nina, Cabelo Katrina, Cabelo Formal, Cabelo Katrina, Cabelo Liso
Olhos, Skinblend, Olheiras, Face Kit, Iluminador Nariz, Sobrancelha Nina, Sobrancelha Dina, Sobrancelha Katrina, Cílios Maxis Match 1, Cílios Maxis Match 2, Iluminador, Blush, Cílios Grande, Tattoo Katrina, Cílios Natural
Brinco Festa Dina, Pérolas, Brinco Estrelas, Brincos Pequenos, Colar Estrela e Lua, Colar 2, Anéis 1, Anéis 2, Anéis 3, Meias, Colar Simples, Argolas Katrina, Colar Katrina, Presilhas,  Colares Nina, Brincos 1, Brincos 2, Boina Dina, Óculos de Sol Nina
Batom Dina e Katrina, Sombras, Gloss, Batom Mate (Coco Lipstick), Batom, Delineador, Delineador Esfumado, Sombra Marrom, Sombra Rosa, Sombra Marrom 2, Blush, Batom, Sombra 2, Delineador Esfumado 2,
Top, Legging, Body Dina, Biquíni Glitter Dina, Saia Amarração, Blusa inverno, Jaqueta Inverno, Cropped Preto Dina, Calça Social, Saia Casual, Blazer, Top 2, calcinha, Calça de Couro, Vestido Formal Dina, Vestido Preto
Cropped rasgdo Nina, Top sem alça Nina, Calça Rosa Nina, Top Branco Nina, Saia Rosa Nina, Biquini Nina, Calcinha, Moletom Nina, Calça Rosa Baggy, Top, Conjunto Rosa Formal, Biquíni
Vestido Longo Katrina, Saia Longa Katrina, Blazer Katrina, Biquini Katrina, Cropped Amarração Katrina, Saia Oncinha, Suéter Katrina
Scarpin Dina, Salto, Salto Dina, Salto Nina, Tênis Nina, Sandália Plataforma em Tiras, Scarpin, Salto 2, Salto Brilhante, Salto 3, Salto Dina 2, Tênis Branco, Bota Plataforma
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universo-portatil · 4 months
Ts4 CC - abstract painting in warm tones
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I made a rug and a painting.
2 files
6 swatch
base game compatible
edited EA mesh
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errantce · 3 months
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aaliyah grew up in an orphanage in selvadorada. according to the matron, she was placed on the doorstep on a cold winter night. growing up alienated at the orphanage, aaliyah quickly learned that in order to make it far in life, she must always put herself first.
when aaliyah accidentally stumbles upon a bag of cash that may or may not have been buried by the selvadoradian mafia, she takes the chance to leave selvadorada for del-sol valley.
now, fresh in del-sol valley, she joins the social media career, with the hopes of one day becoming a famous celebrity. and she will do anything in order to achieve her dreams.
full name: aaliyah asaad age: young adult traits: materialistic, romantic, self-assured career: social media (former) | actress (current) favourites & hobbies: colour (brown, orange, black) | spicy food | middle-eastern food | chocolate | yoga & meditation
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moonbiscuitsims · 1 month
Suzie Q (Susanna Quinn leader of The Mox Cyberpunk 2077) TS4 CC download
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I adore her sm <3 Her cyberware took me aaaages so please be respectful with my Tou <3 it is in Upper left arm tattoo category, BG compatible.
Susanna Quinn aka Suzie Q, leader of the Mox gang in Cyberpunk 2077 My favourite gang, the only one worth it in cp2077 is the mox. Read about them here From the wiki: The Mox are a small gang made up of outcasts of different backgrounds in Night City. Formed in 2067 in the interest of mutual self-defense purposes, their name comes from the old slang term "moxie," denoting their determination to stand up against their oppressors... CC LIST + Cyberware tattoo download: Cyberware face tattoo made by me, allows most eye makeup over the top and lipstick underneath CC used DOWNLOAD HERE
I have another lookbook coming soon of my own Mox inspired sims but the list is sooo long.
Other Moxxes: Rita Wheeler Evelyn Parker Judy Also check out my CP2077 Maelstrom Gang sims lookbook Credits to @sclub-privee @ts4eve @pralinesims @antosims @evilquinzel @regina-raven @pyxiidis @magic-bot @blahberry-pancake @jius-sims @astya96cc @the-crypt-o-club @plazasims @kijiko-sims
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wa-royal-tea · 1 year
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Their Royal Highnesses, Crown Prince Alpheus & Crown Princess Catalina of Windasia
I’ve been waiting so long to FINALLY call Lina this. It was worth the wait 😌
Thank you Miss @thebrixtons for selling giving your child to me! 😆
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cowplantcalamity · 10 months
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Tell me why I opened my game and they have this baby asleep on the floor in a dirty diaper. I was literally JUST bragging about their parenting. Otto, Janae, get it together.
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nisyms · 2 years
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Cc list piercings e tattos 🌙 🔥tattos: 1. https://www.patreon.com/posts/30255671?epik=dj0yJnU9S0ZFWGt1YnB4Qkp5Vi1zTEVDZjNnZldYSlBMZ3pwaEQmcD0wJm49OVNCeTZKc1BMVkN5a2xuQTRFUHFEUSZ0PUFBQUFBR01zaFZj 2. https://www.patreon.com/posts/tattoo-pack-45767920?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=postshare&epik=dj0yJnU9NmEySEkwTlJUZXcyMUZlY1docWxNMDE1U2h3TFFRbzUmcD0wJm49MEl4ZWVqVzJYOTZ2NndlNWR1dnRvQSZ0PUFBQUFBR01zaFlz 3. https://www.patreon.com/posts/tattoo-pack-45767920?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=postshare&epik=dj0yJnU9NmEySEkwTlJUZXcyMUZlY1docWxNMDE1U2h3TFFRbzUmcD0wJm49MEl4ZWVqVzJYOTZ2NndlNWR1dnRvQSZ0PUFBQUFBR01zaFlz 4. https://www.patreon.com/posts/36174178?epik=dj0yJnU9VEJTS2cySDFSVVZzU1pjR3g1Tlp6VlJYNTd3V2M5WEYmcD0wJm49TUZYQ1BkVlRtTTl4QjlOdDdWMVNHUSZ0PUFBQUFBR01zaGJR 5. https://www.patreon.com/posts/31948214?epik=dj0yJnU9cDBoamRpX3I0aXExSnpaSTgyejE1al94Z2ZrNnNFdFAmcD0wJm49QWlKTHd0VmlTV1J3RzdxbVl1MGtMUSZ0PUFBQUFBR01za1l3 6. https://www.patreon.com/posts/dattebayo-tattoo-55828735?epik=dj0yJnU9alY5Y2MzclV2OW85VDZpQ0hGV0tfbTVTV0dzOExnQ3UmcD0wJm49N3pTcTZodkxEMGJjODBQVlBBOFpLUSZ0PUFBQUFBR01za2FF 7. https://www.patreon.com/posts/43367314?epik=dj0yJnU9TWZ4REVfYlN4NU9IQ1dkLXI5OEpVZVdGeU01X19EMVkmcD0wJm49bE9qZXNreGFRQldYcUJ5TzZsTFlaQSZ0PUFBQUFBR01za1pR 8. https://www.patreon.com/posts/wicked-simlish-43427283?epik=dj0yJnU9Wlg5WXZ3R2JhSC1Yc2pjYlRCanNyaXJJUVYyaXF3LXomcD0wJm49OUx6Zi0wNDdUdV9ZRUkyeERaR2dVQSZ0PUFBQUFBR01za2Fv 9. https://www.patreon.com/posts/64628810?epik=dj0yJnU9SjY4RjB6WThXNEI5R011cF91RkZpM1ZwNVV1SG0tZUEmcD0wJm49eGpQLXIxQUltdTR5V0hFR1d4S3YyQSZ0PUFBQUFBR01za2JB 10.https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/637453849551077376/higrumpysims-ima-bad-daughter-tattoos-its 11. https://www.patreon.com/posts/33029138?epik=dj0yJnU9N2ZmQzJtWTlMVU5FOS1FRTZnM0VjV0RRYVpTQnc5cDgmcD0wJm49T1JObmpGNmNqbjR6eDlvOUdfYlVUdyZ0PUFBQUFBR01za2J3 12. https://www.patreon.com/posts/amina-tattoos-57599433?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare&epik=dj0yJnU9cUpHbC1pRHVvaG5GcDdiNGVwTHgxV2xaX3NvY1RhamgmcD0wJm49YXdtQXpUdEFJTTM4cHktQzZsN3JyZyZ0PUFBQUFBR01za1g0 13. https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/164593499730/i-made-some-simple-tattoos-you-get-3-in-this 14. https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/160867092350/you-need-to-get-a-little-weird-sometimes-here-is 15. https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/160762223430/it-has-been-a-minute-but-i-had-this-sitting-in-my 16. https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/160168590670/so-i-listened-and-you-got-it-my-version-of 17. https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/158503301430/you-a-rough-and-tumble-kid-that-laughs-when-they 18.https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/161306999830/comes-in-2-tones-for-your-sims-skin-needs-i-love 19. https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/157228704470/one-of-the-last-tattoos-i-will-be-doing-for-a 20.https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/157398712385/there-is-2-versions-full-body-upper-body-yes 21.https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/159519693500/remember-if-you-are-dark-skin-there-is-a-darker 22. https://savagesimbaby.tumblr.com/post/159634021990/im-always-drawing-inspiration-from-cool-designs ✨Piercings: (na descrição do vídeo, não cabeu tudo :c) vídeo: https://youtu.be/KbVWlgl43PI
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channel4sims-cc · 1 year
IMPORTANT: If you can’t enable CC
Sul sul ^^
This is a problem that has happened to some simmers, including myself.
Whenever EA gives us a new TS4 update, the “enable CC” option disappear/don’t work.
This problem happens because your current game version doesn’t match the number on the “GameVersion” file.
I made a video some time ago explaining how to fix it. It’s in English, but there are subtitles in Portuguese and Spanish if you need :)
So if anyone is going through this problem, here’s the link (youtube).
I hope it helps you ^^
Happy Simming ^^
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meltingangelsmods · 4 months
💀💥 Geometric Spikes 💥💀
- Glowing Tattoo Mod -
💀💥 Sims 4 Conversion 💥💀
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Hey chooms! I recently ripped a bunch of Sims 4 files out and found they actually have a tonne of neat tattoos, so here's the first of many conversions/ports!
This is a conversion of one of the back tattoos. The texture was small, so I had to resize it and manually restore it in Procreate; then adapt it to glow.
It's available for Both Vs and Multiple Body Mods, in these colour options:
- Blue Ombre.
- Green Ombre.
- Red Ombre.
- Black Ink.
Nexus Link: Geometric Spike Tattoo
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csnunes · 2 years
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ok, i know i have to post more stuff than i played, while i don't, i decided to play a little with the rest of life that fox has (my gen peach) he has a restaurant he inherited from his grandfather, oh I thought because Pacific won't live with Fox and Ash, so here I am decorating a cozy house for these three
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Remember when normies find out the All the Fallen sims 4 mods that they had a meltdown and wanted EA to do something about it but nothing jack happened and you can still download the mods.
There's this YouTube channel that made a whole ass almost 19 minutes video of the ATF mods, you can easily find it. The whole video the person is like that shocked black guy with hands behind head meme pic, shocked how could people play these mods if they're not pedos and zoos?! Newsflash Karen, people can like taboo shit in fiction without liking/doing it IRL.
I didn't need to check OP Twitter to know if they're the type to have DNI prositters in bio cus in the first part of the video, they mock CSA survivors cope with fictional underage art and called them freaks. They also made childish death threats towards ATF users and the maker of the mods. You know everything about the user, typical fancop behavior.
Lastly the user called All the Fallen a cp site and yet made a account on said cp site in order to view info of said cp and zoo mods. Like, are these people self aware of the things they say and do. Well, SOME are - knowing they aren't really dealing with the real ass thing but still want to pretend they are just so they get their audience to be disgust like them and get clout.
Because we know if they dealt with CSAM, viewing, downloading, censoring, and posting to their followers to "Look how gross and weird this thing is!!" like how they do with lolishota content - they know they get their ass in serious trouble and can't use the excuse of "I was just warning people and trying to make them safe!!! :("
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universo-portatil · 3 months
Ts4 CC - geometric brushstrokes
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1 file
3 swatch
base game compatible
edited EA mesh
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errantce · 3 months
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solani brown was born on the island of sulani on the last day of summer.
the task of naming her was left to her maternal grandmother, who decided to name her solani due to her love of the island she herself grew up in. solani spent 18 years in sulani but she had always known from a young age that she wanted to be a doctor.
at 18, with the money she saved up from her part time job as a waitress and with her parent's generous help, solani headed off to britechester university to pursue a distinguished degree in biology.
and after graduating with flying colours, she continued to work at the willow creek general hospital, which was where she did her residency whilst studying. in the hopes that one day, she'll become the youngest surgeon in the hospital.
full name: solani lucia brown age: young adult traits: logical, generous, bookworm career: doctor (currently a nurse) favourites & hobbies: colour (green) | spicy food | reading | cross-stitching | yoga & meditation
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moonbiscuitsims · 5 months
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: David Martínez (Sims 4)
Updated hair ⭐
CC + recolours and info download below My other Cyberpunk character recreations 🌙🌙🌙 LUCY EDGERUNNERS 🌙🌙🌙 V 💛 Jackie and Misty 💛 Rita Wheeler (NPC) 💛 Goro Takemura 💛 Lizzy Wizzy 💛 My sims Cyberpunk inspired content My CP 2077 (non sims) photos
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So I just finished Edgerunners, I mean I could tell it was gonna end badly (as in it is sad not badly made) from the Easter egg in the game and the endings we get there. I'll admit I didnt find it easy to binge watch but I've finally watched it and love the aesthetics of some of the characters so maybe I'll do more. I inspired the jacket more on the in game version, with the labels and everything. Had to place the sleeve labels on different place and take some creative liberties but mostly it's as accurate as I could get it. I didn't remove the normal spec or shadow.
David Martínez CC: DOWNLOAD (don't forget original meshes or it won't work)
Jacket is a recolour of @darte77 's Cyberpunk Jacket. You need the MESH (only need Darte77_m_Top22aHQ). Included a version with light emission and without. It was my first time doing this and I couldn't get it to flash slowly so if it bothers you get the normal version :) I know some areas could be better but I did my best with my limited CC creating knowledge.
Pants also my recolour of the same creator as the jacket, you need the MESH also. (Darte77_04pantsHQ.package)
Shoes are just a recolour of base game sneakers.
I updated the hair! I found this archived version of his hair as the original creator site was deleted.
"Cyberware" was "painted" by me and random Sandevistan image tattoo included. Again, I did my best 😅I know it's all a bit meh and someone else could probably do it better but the cyberpunk sims community is way to niche and past trend. I copied the pattern from some Cyberpunk2077 cc images, not the anime, and I made up some of the geometry because it was a nightmare 😂 It is in the upper back tattoo category.
Necklace is this by @gorillax3-cc though I can't find the one necklace version so maybe it's included?
Eyes are these by @Pixelore No uploading behind paywalls, including in sim downloads especially behind paywalls, reuploading (if there's something wrong with the link lemme know), claiming as yours or making this inaccessible in any way. Feel free to use it for whatever screenshot/video or improve or edit it for other cc and link back to this post + other creators💛
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dianacarvalhoyt · 1 year
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CC List Gêmeas Opostas - Assista a série completa aqui: Gêmeas Opostas - Diana Carvalho
Oii gente! Hoje tô trazendo pra vocês a lista de conteúdos personalizados das Gêmeas Opostas da série que tô fazendo no meu canal lá no YouTube! Nesse post vou colocar os conteúdos personalizados da Margot, vocês podem baixar os da Letícia aqui.
✎ Detalhes de Pele / Skin Details:
Whisper Eyes - by Kelly
bare; a skintone pack - by lamatisse
EA Eyelashes Remover MOD - by Kijiko
rosewater. - by lamatisse
3D eyelashes ☆*:。Part 4 - by Miiko
MM Eyebrows N08 Rinoa - by PralineSims
Mouth Corners N03 - by PralineSims
Mini Preset Drop - by simbience
LITTLE DETAILS; collection of facial skin details - by nesurii
✎ Cabelo / Hair:
Venere Hairstyle by simstrouble
✎ Maquiagem / Makeup:
THE DARK MAGIC PALETTE - by crypticsim
SavvySweet and Crypticsim
Marigold Petal Blush - by LadySimmer94
E-GIRL XXXL Makeup Collection - by PralineSims
EYELINER Ultimate Collection - by Pralinesims
Summer Blushes Part 1 - by Miiko
Autumnal Cheek Blusher - by LadySimmer94
✎ Acessórios / Accessories:
S-Club ts4 WM Earrings 202104 - by S-Club
Nail It! Set by Joliebean
Nuage Set (13 items) - by PralineSims
ღ Casual:
nightcall collection (cc pack) - by aretha
pretty savage collection - by aretha
girls girls girls ❤ - by aretha
*Download* Vacation Collection 03 - by Jius-sims
ღ Formal:
*Overview* Party Collection Part 2
Himera Outfit + Choker - by Madlen
ღ Atlético:
Karida Loungewear - by Madlen
MMSIMS Old Skool Sneakers
ღ Pijama:
Boudoir Collection - by Madlen
Teddy Bear Slippers - by Trillyke
ღ Festa:
Lori Outfit - by Madlen
*Download* Vacation Collection 03 - by Jius-sims
ღ Banho:
AxA 2019 | 36 CAS Items for Male & Female - by aharris00britney
*Overview* Vacation Collection Part 2 - by Jius-sims
ღ Calor:
*Download* Vacation Collection 03 - by Jius-sims
Sentate X Trillyke 2020
ღ Frio:
*Download* Vacation Collection 03 - by Jius-sims
Vexed Set - by cloudcat
👉 DOWNLOAD DAS GÊMEAS OPOSTAS (sem CP'S inclusos, é preciso baixar os CP's acima).
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