#the rain will never stop in kanai ward…
pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 11: Rain
It never stops pouring. No matter how much you pray to bring the sun back…
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kazinsblog · 1 month
Yuma Month Day 11: Rain
Yuma likes being in Kanai Ward, the city that never stops raining 🤭
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loremaster · 5 months
oh yeah. so i’ve been rewatching a playthrough of rain code with my partner, and this line from vivia’s second gumshoe gab really got me:
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now, it’s implied that all the gumshoe gabs take place before chapter 1… so i wonder… given what happens in the story and to whom… has vivia changed his tune about this at all?
of course there’s a lot to read into with this scene, vivia’s being coy about the idea that he is immortal (which, I wondered the same thing as yuma for the same reason in the beginning), being his usual secretive self. it’s also clear he’s thought about this hypothetical a lot, what you would do if you lived forever, and how it’d all eventually lead back to craving death in the end
we now know that vivia is not immortal, he’s just extremely fixated on death for other (understandable) reasons. he is absolutely able to die and kinda… lives his life on that edge, however long it may end up being. but even though ghosts, spirits, and the afterlife have been part of his reality for his whole life… immortality has not
it sounds like it’s straight out of a story. a fantastical idea that could only be real in someone’s made-up world. romantic, not in a relationship sense but in a thoughtful, poetic sense. for vivia, someone who craves (eventual) death, the idea of craving a death you can never have, that yearning… of course it’s very romantic. it makes one’s heart flutter, the thought of feeling anything that strongly… forever.
to him at this point, it’s a fantasy. it’s a story. it’s fictional. an idea to mull around in his overactive head, yet another escape from reality.
but as we find out later… here? it’s absolutely real. it’s real and it’s everywhere and it’s everyone.
when does that fantastical yearning for death cease to become romantic and instead become horrifying?
it’s only been three years since the people of kanai ward were replaced with immortal doppelgängers, so we don’t really know for sure… will they still die of old age? of sickness? or, if left unchecked, will an imperfect homunculus go on to live forever?
they can die, sure. but not in the way that vivia is so intimately familiar with. the homunculi leave no ghosts behind, instead their bodies keep walking - forever, while their minds remain shut down. it’s unclear really but it seems as if their spirits are trapped within their bodies but unable to control them. to die without being able to move on to any sort of afterlife is the exact opposite of what vivia yearns for. his whole life, he’s been connected to this other world, to people who have moved on from his life to that world, and one day wishes to join them there. but being held in this interminable jail between either world must be hell to him. too terrifying to be called romantic… and yet
we still have to talk about yakou.
yeah that’s right, you all thought it, this is why you came here to read this post
of course with vivia being as secretive as he is, it’s hard to say definitively whether his feelings for yakou are romantic in the relationship sense… (i personally do believe so, i’m going to cling to whatever scraps of queerness i can get) but they absolutely for sure are in the poetic sense. yakou was able to help vivia back up from his lowest point and give him something - and someone - to live for. gave him a place to call home. sounds like it’s straight out of a story.
and yet after inspiring vivia to stop chasing death, he immediately resigns himself to his own as soon as he gets that letter, in order to reunite with his wife.
yakou, as an imperfect homunculus who has died (through his own machinations), is now trapped in that zombie hellscape. no ghost, no spirit, no rest for the dead. he is, at least according to vivia’s definition of it, Unable To Die. …sounds like it’s straight out of a story…
yakou’s body is just a shambling husk now. and even with a potential cure for zombified brain cells thanks to his wife… what next? that still doesn’t solve the immortality problem. he’s still gatekept from the everlasting peace and quiet of the afterlife. he’s still separated from his beloved. he’s still Unable To Die. and in his current state he’s even unable to form enough semblance of thought to yearn for his own death.
so vivia has to do the yearning for him.
how romantic.
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mayashesfly · 8 months
Do you ever think about how Makoto still retains all of his memories clearly while Yuma has lost his memories twice?
One of the things that intrigues me before was Makoto's comment about a bath when Yuma first met him.
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It's quite a strange thing to say to a stranger
If you didn't know about the fact that Makoto is Yuma's homunculi
He describes a bath as a fleeting dream. Something temporary and neverlasting.
And attributes a bath, a fleeting dream according to his words, as "Washing away your sweat and past" and "Being born anew"
Taking sweat literally, it's a given. As the purpose of a bath is to cleanse ourselves as well as wash away the sweat we accumulated over time.
But taking sweat a bit more metaphorically, we can say that sweat represents the hardships one has experienced. Taking a bath is also our way to give ourselves a break from a busy day and relieve ourselves from the hardships we had experience during the day.
However, the past thing is a bit more strange and less straightforward in its reasoning. While a bath can wash away our past physical filth, it can't actually wash away our actual past.
And while a bath is refreshing and makes us feel rejuvenated, it does not actually "born us anew". In a way, to say that a bath can wash away our sweat and past and born us anew is a lie. An illusion. A temporary placebo effect if you will.
A fleeting dream.
Just like Makoto had said.
Applying his words on himself, Makoto acknowledges that a bath which he attributes to "washing away your sweat and past" and "being born anew" is nothing but a fleeting dream. A temporary thing to relief himself.
The thing about Makoto is that he cannot wash away his past. He still remembers and knows that he is Number One's homunculi and nothing can change that. He also knows that he is the only perfect homunculi to ever be made in existence.
No matter how much he may try, he cannot change that. Nor forget it. As it is a part of his memory, inherited or not.
As for the born anew part, I want to talk about something else first before delving into that.
When Makoto first entered Kanai Ward, he created the rain machine to stop the Blank Week Mystery. At this point of time, he would've already known that he was Number One's homunculi and that the new residents of Kanai Ward are also homunculi.
Rain can also be taken as a sort of symbolic bath.
There are times that people do take a bath in the rain for fun. With their clothes on of course.
And Makoto did mention that he also sometimes takes a bath with his clothes on.
And also, Makoto doesn't even use an umbrella or even a raincoat to protect himself from the rain when he's outside.
(My guy you are going to get sick. Get a hat or something! Why are my favs like this??)
The rain washed away the literal blood, sweat and tears of the previous human residents of Kanai Ward. And washed away the past atrocities the new residents had done in their mindless rampage away from their mind.
This was the moment Makoto Kagutsuchi's past of being an escaped lab experiment of the UG had been washed away.
And the moment Makoto Kagutsuchi was born anew as Amatarasu Corporation's CEO and the defacto leader and protector of Kanai Ward.
But like how the rain didn't completely washed away the aftermath of the Blank Wrek Mystery, the rain didn't completely washed away Makoto's past and memories.
Makoto is still stained and soiled from the past, regardless of how many baths he may take, it will never wash away.
A bath is nothing but a fleeting dream after all.
It is used to merely soothe. Never to completely erase away.
Now onto Yuma!
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Applying these words on Yuma, we get a different result.
An intriguing thing about Makoto's words is that he uses to pronoun "Your" and "You're" while talking to Yuma.
While we can say that he's just using the pronoun "your" and "you're" to refer to an ambiguous you.
It's much more interesting if he is actually directing these words at Yuma himself.
"Your sweat and past are washed away. You're born anew"
Looking at it in this way, it's seems more like Makoto acknowledging the fact that Yuma is his original and that Yuma has lost his memories.
Upon entering Kanai Ward, the cage of rain, Yuma's sweat and past has been washed away. And with his memories and experiences of hardships during his time as Number One disappearing, he had quite literally been born anew.
He's quite different from how Number One acts after all. He's more trusting, more naive. More innocent. Unlike Number One.
Shinigami even comments on this, even indirectly.
He doesn't remember his past or his time at the WDO or being Number One. He doesn't remember anything and he was convinced that his real name is Yuma Kokohead.
That's quite unlike Makoto.
His contract with Shinigami had been so effective at washing away his past that he practically acted like a completely different person. Completely different from the Number One others knew.
Unlike Makoto's crude rebirth, Yuma's was a complete one.
His past had been washed away effectively, leaving behind no stains or soil. While we do see that Yuma retains his strong sense of justice and detective skills among other things, his memories on the matter are blurry. He feels the vague sensation of familiarity but not the actual memory associated with that sensation. It's fascinating.
Unlike Makoto whose memories still cling onto him, Yuma's memories are like the murky water that was washed away. He can try to cling onto the water as much as he likes but it eventually seeps out and away with only the sensation of wetness being left.
Not that Yuma actively searches for his memories. Though we do see Yuma wondering about his knowledge and his past self at times, finding his memories isn't his main goal. Finding his purpose and reason to find the truth is his main goal.
And it's because of this that he grew more than Makoto ever did. He surpassed the restrictions the past has given him and was born anew.
It makes Yuma recovering his memories as Number One but also losing his memories as Yuma after breaking his contract with Shinigami rather intriguing, but also in a way, tragic.
He was born anew yet again. But we're uncertain if Yuma's growth transferred to the newly reborn Number One.
It's quite tragic that we don't know what happened with Yuma after losing and regaining his memories yet again. While Makoto still retains his memories and knowledge of Number One Yuma.
It's quite unfair, isn't it?
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seth-burroughs · 4 days
continuation of my mdarc rewatch but from the ch0 ending and onwards instead because it was stressing me out too much. blissfully ignoring fzilch's entire existence anyway here comes yakou-
once again im so glad im watching this in jp dub again because i don't think i could survive if eng yakou opened his mouth and i just heard fuckinbg. dubbing dazai.
can someone tell my goddamn muscles to stOP tensing up whenever rejn kołd kanaj łard mentioned . getting the twitches again >:(
yuma peril we love to see it. also i will never stop making fun of his stupid fucking phallus haircut
i don't remember if ive said this before but japanese shinigami >>>>>>>>> english shinigami
i spot a faint trace of a seth thumbnail in the corner and start blushing and kicking my feet uncontrollably. imagining him getting his limbs ripped off
good fucking lord. oh my fucking god. jesus christ, motherfucker. my first statement aged like fucking milk i cannot take this anymore jp dub yakou has the same voice as jp dub nikolai bsd fuck my stupid baka life why do i bother. what the fuck.
huh. maybe the yomiakou mfs were onto something after all. his swagless demeanor just now has charmed me significantly.
i like how in the game his description lists his ability as "a flair for negotiation", makes him negotiate exactly once during his introduction and then he never does it again
i am not giggling at yakou furio rain code. leave me alone. i am not. IM NOT. GO AWAY. I CANNOT CONTROL MY VOICEBOX JACKASS..
"he managed to turn away the peacekeepers, so he must be in high standing" hahahaha. hahahaha. no sorry yuma i think thats just pretty privilege on his part. once again shinigami ends up being 100% correct somehow
aaaah i still really like yuma's jpn voice especially when he's stressed or screaming. makes me want to throw him down the stairs
its so pretty in here why would anyone want to leave anyway lol. when all the remaining nations explode each other kanai ward will be the only city still standing and we will flourish and thrive. also in the station(?) theres a poster with a rainbow on it so obviously its gay paradise too what more do yall fucking want
detectivephobia mention counter: 1
thats all for today i fear op is not strong enough for rhis shit,
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
This is it. The confrontation we've been waiting for. And he's still playing 4-D chess with moves so masterful you genuinely question if he even made them.
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Glad to see Yuma learn that the WDO creed is bullshit. He doesn't need to aspire to be an island. It's okay to work together and have people help you. That's how problems get solved.
I've said it before but there is no problem-solving resource more valuable than another human being. I guess finding out the WDO was mass-executing people to bake into pastries was a bridge too far for his reverence towards the creed.
Which. Y'know. Fair.
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Of course, Makoto's here to play his checkmate. Yuma only jumps into the Mystery Labyrinth when backed into a corner. Makoto probably Coalesced with Yuma during that "Take my hand and help me over the pipe" thing. This is his encouragement for Yuma to resort to his desperation move.
What is his Forte, I wonder? Yakou once mentioned that the most powerful Forte he's ever heard of allows you to hear the killer's inner voice. It's considered the WDO's ace in the hole.
If that's One/Makoto's Forte, it would have been easy for him to activate it during Coalescence without Yuma noticing. He's the culprit. All he has to do is not be thinking anything in particular while letting Yuma hear his silence.
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Laying it on a little thick, man. Love your gun, by the way. You're a capitalist prick and I hate you, but there's no denying your style.
Ha! Even if I had thrown him out the window, it wouldn't matter. He's a UG homunculus. He doesn't have the degenerative defect with his regen. He'd be, ahem, right as rain by the following afternoon.
Which is likely also why he can be so bold with his "Come on, Mystery Labyrinth me!" plan. What does he have to lose? Shinigami can't kill him in any way that matters.
But we might get lucky and take Number One out too. If he dies, he dies for real.
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Now we've crossed the line from "laying it on a little thick" to "impatiently shouting exactly what you want your rube to do". You okay, man? Pressure starting to get to you?
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Oh, is that what we're centering on? Huh. That probably will nail Number One, not Makoto.
Maybe this was Makoto's plan. He bombed WDO so it's not like he has any loyalty to Number One, right? Maybe he's trying to assassinate the world's most untouchable super-genius by taking advantage of a Shinigami's limitless killing power?
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He wants it so bad. What is the goal here? At this point, I feel like we understand every single piece of the mystery except why Makoto wants us to do this.
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Credit where it's due, Makoto truly is a master. As much as I want to beat him to death with a baseball bat, then let him regenerate, then do it all over again? Watching him work never ceases to thrill.
Look at him. Yuma and Shinigami disappear into the Labyrinth and there he is. Pretending to be frozen in time, to avoid giving the game away. To stop Yuma from realizing that they've Coalesced.
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You magnificent bastard.
Now Makoto is free to move about the frozen timespace. To enter the Mystery Labyrinth or... whatever his goal is. Without Yuma ever being the wiser.
This is what the entire plan to bring Master Detectives into Kanai Ward was about. It was for this moment.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 1 month
What do you interpret the message of Rain Code as?
Hmmm... I think Rain Code is telling us that sometimes the status quo seems like the best way, but that there are perspectives that can be seen by stepping away from it.
I folded the details because I can't talk about this topic without spoiling it:
The story of Rain Code begins with the theme that solving mysteries is not always a good thing, but ends with the conclusion that solving all mysteries may sometimes seem to bring misfortune, but there is something to be gained from it.
It may seem that the least painful choice is to remain ignorant of the truth and maintain the status quo, but in reality it is a choice that slowly leads to destruction. The secrecy of the Kanai Ward was barely maintained for a short period of three years. No matter how hard Makoto tries to keep the secret, there will be plenty of opportunities for the residents to learn the truth. In the process, he will have no choice but to keep the secret, and he will also have to eliminate the Kanai Ward residents (the homunculi he originally wanted to protect) who have learned the truth. When that happens, it will be a real quagmire.
In the end, to break a situation that is headed for destruction, you have to face reality and deal with it, even if it is painful. But there are ways to ease that pain. That is the presence of others. The pain of facing reality cannot be helped, but it can be overcome if we have someone who shares the same pain and the same purpose. For Makoto, that would be Yuma and the residents of Kanai Ward; for Yuma, that would be Shinigami and the other detectives. In the same way, I think the story tells the players of the game that what they cannot solve alone, they might be able to solve together with someone else.
It is never bad or lame to ask others to help. Instead of each of us carrying our own problems and doing nothing to change the status quo, we can gain new perspectives by sharing our problems and making efforts to change the status quo. (Like when it stops raining and you see a clear blue sky.)
I generally took the message as something like that :D (I hope I did not misunderstand the intent of your question!)
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shadow-laviko · 5 months
What do you think about hellxander,,
Oh BOY. Maaan, we are not ready.
Spoilers for the end of Rain Code of course.
Oh yeah, also, I'm sick so my brain is not working very properly right now, so I might make a lot of mistakes. Sorry for that.
I've started liking (and even just basically hearing about) Hellxander for a bit more than a week now, and, oh boy, do I love them.
At first I didn't really think much of the ship (mostly because I'm terrified of zombie and the first time I saw Fake Zombie Zilch, I was mostly trying to survive rather than appreciating his love for Yomi), but since I replayed the game and saw it on tumblr... Oh boy.
I don't even know where to start from... Well, I started writing a fanfic about them almost right after discovering the ship, so I think that shows how much I love them?
Like, it's my favourite ship from Rain Code. And from veeeeery far. At first I liked Makoto x Yomi (and still do), because they have a funny and interesting dynamic and potential for fluff (because if you can't allow yourself to be weak even in front of your ennemy who already hates you and finds you weak, when could you?), and, I can't stop thinking that Makoto does not hate Yomi and could genuinely develop some kind of relationship with him.
Anyway, back to Hellxander... The ship surpasses Yomi x Makoto because... HAVE YOU SEEN AIDE (that's how most people call him, right? That word is so funny to me) ACTING TOWARDS YOMI??? I mean, ok, sure, "Yomi" was actually Yuma. BUT STILL. Aide believe it was Yomi, and seemed so happy to talk to him. I swear everyone could have seen a tail wagging during this "scene". Like, COME ON. There's no way Aide wasn’t in love with Yomi. Sure, he might have hidden it when he was alive (although I headcanon him fanboying like crazy and twirling his hair in his mind everytime he was talking with Yomi), but he was definitely in love.
That and, he seems so obediant to Yomi that there's no way Yomi would have hated him or punished him for anything other than fun! And, I'm sure if he had ever punished Aide, Yomi would have been very gentle with him, because he needed his right hand man to not be too damaged to work properly.
And, do you really think Yomi would remain impassive to someone who obeys him, adores him and the likes? There's no way. Yomi would have at the very least considered him a friend, or someone he could agree not to hurt too much.
MOREOVER, can you imagine Yomi being weak with someone else than his right hand man who is here exactly because Yomi isn’t strong enough to take care of everything by himself?? If someone can escape alive after seeing Yomi weak, it's 🦆in Aide.
AND THE ANGST!! DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE ANGST?! I LIVE FOR THAT CRAP! There's never enough angst/no comfort for me. I eat it, I write it, I dream it and I cry it (does that even make sense??), give me all of your angst, I'll devour that crap. Anyway. Maan, the angst potential for these two is through the roof! Imagine the pain Yomi felt after hearing about the death of Aide. Man must have devastated and tried to keep his composure. I honestly think (headcanon time ?) that Yomi was so dead set on catching Yuma/punishing his subordinate failures because of Aide's death.
Also, not only did he had to accept his death, he also had to accept that actually "All previously dead inhabitant of Kanai Ward are not exactly dead per se, but rather, mindless zombies that might not recognises you, even if you were the best of friends or lovers". That's worse than death!
I love them so much. So so much. There's not enough words, no matter which language I'd use, to describe how much I love them.
As for headcanons regarding those two... I did mention some, previously, so, do I still have any in reserve?
Oh yeah
Huh. Might be kinda ("kinda"??) nsfw so uh, yeah.
I think Aide loves Yomi so much that just thinking about him turns him on, and is sometimes enough to make him ejaculate
Aide hates Seth because the man is too close to Yomi AND is (according to him) useless or too pathetic. That being said, he doesn't care about the other Peace Keepers because they are useful and not that close to Yomi. As for Martina... He is jealous of her, but she does a good work and Yomi seems to have fun with her, so he can't say anything.
Aide always seem to know when Yomi will have a nightmare and stalks his house/appartment whenever he sense it, just in case he could do something to help him. (Does Yomi know about it? I have no clue)
As for kinks... Man, I tried looking through a LOT of kink lists, and yet, the one I have in mind seem to be too specific and have no name... So I guess I will not say it. I think Aide would be fine with anything, as long as Yomi is happy anyway.
As for Yomi... Hm... I do have a lot of headcanons, but not directly/really related to Aide, so I'll keep them for later I guess?
I mean, I do have some other ideas related to Yomi and Aide, but those are most of fanfic ideas than really headcanons, so hm.
I think I said everything I had in mind regarding them? If not I guess I'll update it or reblog it, we'll see (What's best?).
If you have any fics or fanarts of Hellxander to share, please, send them to me. I will eat them all. Even if I already know about it. Nomnomnom.
Oh wait, I almost forgot. Thanks a lot for the ask!!
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yakool-foolio · 6 months
I hope I'm not the only one who constantly thinks about Rain by Jack Stauber with Rain Code characters, specifically Yuma and/or Yakou.
For Yuma, it can symbolize that no matter how many mysteries he solves, it doesn't really change anything. Sure, the culprits die, but in the end, they all come back as mindless, tortured zombies, ultimately turning things for the worse. The Peacekeepers never stopped hunting the NDA down because of his actions, but were rather influenced by the greater power of the real detectives he admires. He's just a trainee.
As for Yakou, it can harken to the unshakeable guilt he feels for the death of his wife. Even after working hard to protect Kanai Ward's citizens, fighting back against Amaterasu, rebuilding his new home inside a home, and finding a supportive family... the hole punctured through his heart has never healed. He failed to protect his wife, so he lived with that sorrow and rage for years. He chased after an answer that he could never find until it was forced onto him. It was too much for him to handle. His faith in himself shattered like glass. He's no longer a detective, a bodyguard, a friend. Just an angel fallen from grace.
I also started to connect Hey Mom to Vivia's childhood with his abusive parentage. His parents could never understand him. The never took the time to try. He was locked away and tortured by spirits whispering to him of eldritch truths, incomprehensible and so far beyond his reach. Death was scary, but that's what made it so fascinating. But his parents ignored his plights, leaving him to be forever haunted. Yet, Vivia still reminisces on the good memories, as tainted as they are. As much as his parents hurt him, he holds onto what remains of his childhood innocence.
"Why do I miss people who hurt me?"
Perhaps this line could even foreshadow the pain of losing Yakou. Yakou never meant to hurt Vivia, he knows that, but his reason for living being taken away from him undeniably twisted his heart. He's hurting because he misses him. He's not stupid for dropping all sense of logic to pour his soul into protecting his chief till the very end and carrying on his wishes. He's not dumb for being so disloyal to the WDO after all their horrid teachings of removing all sense of emotion in truth. He played devil's advocate.
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raincode-archives · 8 months
Chapter 5 Master Detective Letters
(Spoilers for Chapter 5 of Rain Code)
Kanai Ward's History ("Desuhiko")
Kanai Ward was just another remote city in the country. Its development began once Amaterasu headquartered there.
Ten years ago... Amaterasu Corporation started their research on homunculi. Top secret research kept from society, which Amaterasu loves for sure. And their client is UG, who spend a ton of money to keep the research secure.
The only thing known about homunculus research is that human beings are created from human cells. DNA is extracted from a human that will serve as a base, which is then used to cultivate human cells.
Unlike clones, they don't need to be grown from fetuses, and genetic data from the time of collection is replicated. It's an artificial human whose age, sex, and appearance have been perfectly copied.
Regarding the Two Research Facilities ("Halara")
The Unified Government has heavily invested in Amaterasu Corporation's homunculus research. However, it appears there was another research facility of the same scale directly controlled by the UG.
They had two research facilities compete with one another in an attempt to further promote development. Naturally, the two facilities became rivals. Competition grew fierce. Soon, they were resorting to any means necessary.
Amaterasu Corporation began conducting human experiments, but this did not lead to results. Meanwhile, the Unified Government's research facility gathered DNA through extralegal methods. They extracted DNA from particularly superior specimens and used those samples as the core for cells.
Regarding Homunculus Characteristics ("Vivia")
Homunculi do not die. Rather, even if they die, they come back to life.
The Unified Government sought out and began research for military applications of homunculi. Their desire was to create an immortal army.
Homunculi look identical to humans, You cannot tell them apart form one another in everyday life. They can become injured and ill. Some are handicapped. Some are blind.
But once they die, everything is repaired upon revival. Death acts as the switch for rebuilding their cells. It only takes one day.
They are immortal and even have eternal youth. Their cells may grow, but they never deteriorate. They stop aging once their bodies stop growing. Those who have already stopped growing maintain that state.
There are many unknowns regarding homunculus memory, but they seem to inherit those of their originals. The memories at the time of DNA extraction are carried over and completely reconstructed in the brain's memory field.
There's only one way to tell a homunculus and a human apart... Blood. Homunculi have special characteristics to their blood.
Homunculus Experiment Report ("Fubuki")
My apologies. I do not understand what is on the computer screen, so I will copy it down, word for word.
Three years ago, the Unified Government's research facility successfully created the first homunculus. The secret to their success was the DNA used as the core for their artificial cells.
Their focus was on individual differences in DNA, so they experimented with various peoples. They found success in one person's DNA, someone believed to have the world's greatest mind.
But because of that 'greatest mind,' the completed homunculus was able to reflect on its condition. As a result, it realized it was a homunculus and escaped the research facility.
Currently, that specimen is still missing.
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borhaprequiem · 6 months
A Daydream Dressed Like a Nightmare
Fandom: Master Detective Archives: Rain Code Rating: 13+ for some crude language Major Characters: Halara Nightmare, Desuhiko Thunderbolt, original nonbinary character Words: 1,074
Summary: A Master Detective who greatly looks up to their colleague Halara Nightmare gets the opportunity of a lifetime...and perhaps a bit more than they bargained for.
Author's note: wrote this self-indulgent fanfic a while ago, it's about my self insert getting disguised as Halara with the help of Desuhiko ofc. i wrote it while i was in the middle of chapter 2 so some details probably aren't 100% accurate, and i never got around to rewriting them lol. i have so many gender feels for halara...
also i am not a sw*ftie i just needed a title and came up with one in like 30 seconds
Please read my bio before following.
It was yet another cold, dark, rainy day in Kanai Ward, where a small group of Master Detectives was called to investigate an important mystery. Thankfully, to those inside the Nocturnal Detective Agency—a cozy submarine situated in the local river—getting wet wouldn’t be an issue at all.
Juno Quantum, one of said Master Detectives, groggily walked into the main room of the Agency. They were never an early riser, or the most punctual when it came to arriving at meetings, and the softness of the hotel bed was just too much to resist—they just had to sleep for another 10 minutes, which became 30 before they knew it. But now they were here, at least. Though, no one else was—except Desuhiko Thunderbolt.
Juno never got the best vibes from Desuhiko. Apart from having a massive ego, he often seemed to be thinking with the wrong head, and Juno was just glad they managed to pass as “not female” enough to evade his eye. And now that they had seemingly no choice but to interact with him, they sure hoped it would remain true.
“Hey, Desuhiko,” they greeted. “Where did everyone else go?”
“Oh!” he replied. “The chief sent everyone out on their missions and then went out himself to get breakfast. He’ll probably be back soon to give you yours, if that’s what you’re wondering.
“…Then what are you doing here?”
Desuhiko sighed. “He put me on cleaning duty today. After that rookie Yuma complained about having to do it all the time. I mean, I’m the Master Detective here! With one of the most awesome Fortes, to boot! Why should I ever get stuck picking up after some guy?!”
On one hand, Juno wanted to shuffle to the other corner of the room and stop talking to this guy immediately. But on the other…they were curious about something.
“So, your Forte…how does it work again?”
As expected, Desuhiko’s eyes glimmered at the chance to show off. “You see this backpack over here? It’s filled with alllll sorts of stuff for my disguises. Not only can I change my clothes, but also my face, voice, and body shape! Isn’t it amazing!”
Juno nodded and smiled. “Impressive indeed, but…can you disguise other people as well? Or just yourself?”
“Yep, I can make anyone look like anyone! Well, except for the voice, you’re on your own for that part. I’ve only managed to hone that skill after lots of practice and training.”
“Anyone, huh?” Now Juno was really intrigued. “So, theoretically, would you be able to make me look like, say…Halara?”
It was simply the first name that popped into their head, but it wasn’t without reason. Halara Nightmare was one of the coolest, most confident, and arguably most capable Master Detectives on the team. Juno greatly admired them from afar, even if their cold personality made them seem nigh unapproachable. Plus, as the other nonbinary detective here, their mere presence helped Juno feel less out of place. 
But also, Halara was just…pretty. Their piercing pink eyes, their silky white hair, their tall and slender frame…It wasn’t a stretch to say that Juno had massive “gender envy” for them. They simply felt…inferior standing next to them with their plain black hair and their diminutive figure that was a bit too curvy for their liking.
Desuhiko’s voice snapped Juno out of their thoughts. “Halara, huh? Easy. Practically have their look burned into my brain at this point. Hey, in fact—I can show you right now if ya want! C’mere!”
“Wait, r-really?!” Before Juno could properly react, Desuhiko had already grabbed them by the arm and pulled them into the massive backpack sitting next to them, zipping it up completely once they were inside.
It was completely dark, and Juno wasn’t completely sure what exactly Desuhiko was doing to them. But after being jostled around in there for a while, the zipper was finally opened again and Juno led back outside.
Upon looking down at themself, they instantly noticed they were wearing Halara’s signature coat—navy with a neon yellow lining. And they swore everything around them was higher before…
“Ta-da!” Desuhiko cheered, looking proud of himself. “So, whaddya think?” He held up a mirror right up to the person in front of him.
As soon as they saw their reflection, they gasped, hoping their pink-tinged cheeks weren’t too obvious. They looked exactly like Halara, down to the smallest detail—it was incredible. Juno ran their hands along their new form, smiling as they noticed their flatter chest and thinner hips. For once, they actually felt comfortable in their body.
“Yeah, it’s—it’s amazing.” Juno winced upon hearing their own awkward voice coming out of goddamn Halara Nightmare’s mouth, but hey, at least everything was perfect in the visual department.
Before they could think of what to do next, though, they heard footsteps, and then the door burst open. Chief Yakou was back, panting.
“Desuhiko! Just—forget about the cleaning for now, come with me, it’s urgent. And Halara—I don’t know what you’re doing here, but good to see you!”
Juno couldn’t bring themself to speak up and tell Yakou what had happened—they were worried about getting them and Desuhiko into any sort of trouble for messing around with the disguise kit. So instead, they just awkwardly waved.
Meanwhile, though, Desuhiko had nearly started sweating bullets. “Uhh, can it wait a bit? I kinda…got something to deal with.”
“There’s no time! And—make sure to bring the backpack.”
“Fiiiiine.” Desuhiko groaned as he hoisted it on his back. As he passed Juno, he whispered, “I’ll try to be back as soon as possible. Just—play it cool until then, okay?”
Juno nodded back. Welp, they were going to be stuck like this for a while. It didn’t sound too bad, though…they looked just like the coolest detective in the agency now. Maybe they could just enjoy being them for the day. Yeah, that sounded good…as long as they made sure not to run into the real Halara.
“By the way, Halara,” Yakou continued. “If you see Juno anywhere, can you bring them back here and tell them they’re on cleaning duty now? Forget about them being insanely late, I-I just hope they’re okay. That they haven’t been kidnapped by the Peacekeepers or anything.”
Juno simply nodded again.
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austajunk · 3 months
You want more Vivia? Here you go :3 1 and 22 Kokolight! Maybe Yuma is the creature.... you can pick the other details I just want beast chomp with the boys
Oh godddddd yes... <3 While I find it so much hotter for Vivia to be the vampire, this was a fun challenge.
When Vivia comes across a corpse in Kanai Ward, the detective can't help but to give himself over a sudden urge as he treats the body...
Triggers: Dubious Consent, Biting, Vampirism, and Emotionless Sex (for one side)
“It's a tragedy. That's all it is.”
The rain poured relentlessly overhead, the sounds of clattering tin and the neon lights of the streets filling every corner of Vivia's mind. He peered down at the body before him, the body with a viciously slashed neck that bled out into the rainwater. It was a mesmerizing sight to him. Something rather poetic about seeing a young man with lifeless, cold eyes lying out in the rain, his purple locks splayed out in the watery blood.
The detective knelt to the corpse, using his pale fingers to brush some flecks of rain from the boy's cheek. Vivia found his identification tucked inside his cobalt cloak.
“Yuma Kokohead…” Vivia whispered, glancing back to the body. The sudden twitch of Yuma's fingers didn't escape his notice. Yuma was alive and at the same time, not so alive anymore. Vivia reached and brushed his fingertips over Yuma's chin, tilting his face up. The boy stirred delicately, a pained moan leaving his lips.
It wasn't hard to understand what had occurred. Yuma Kokohead, possibly a detective like Vivia himself, had been the target of something vile in the dead of night behind the alleyway. The pool of crimson diluting under his body told Vivia that he was cornered by a true monster of the darkness and that they showed him no mercy. In the puddle of rain accumulating on Yuma's chest, the green-haired detective found a few strands of red hair. The same could be said for Yuma's hands. Between his fingers was another strand of dark, red hair.
“Ngh…” Yuma's lips parted again. He was starting to awaken to himself. Vivia’s hand pressed firmly on Yuma’s chest, forcing him back down. Yuma was going to wake up and he would be hungry. He wouldn't be able to control himself.
“Don't move,” uttered Vivia to the reborn detective. He would have to control Yuma and keep him down or grant him the mercy of a quick and painless death. The latter was the preferable option in Kanai Ward. The boy was a monster now and he shouldn't be allowed to live. The force kept Yuma down but the small man winced and struggled. His fingers sank into the concrete beneath him, his gasps becoming desperate cries of hunger.
Soon the canine formed in his mouth, protruding and shimmering beautifully under the moonlight. Fangs. Vivia wasted no time in gripping Yuma's cheeks and forcing him to show off his new teeth. The boy's eyes darkened and what were once fearful cries became unrestrained and needy growls. Yuma began to writhe on the ground beneath Vivia, forcing the detective to pin him down with his knees.
Why? Why did it take Vivia so long to decide on what he wanted to do with Yuma? He caressed the struggling vampire's cheek, ignoring the searing pain as the former bit deeply into his knuckle. He drew blood easily and Vivia let out a small, husky hiss of pain.
How beautiful... Yuma was already coming into his own. The pulse inside of him died only moments ago. Any lasting warmth had faded from Yuma's body, slipping away into the cold depths of the night. He was porcelain and beautiful now, growling and gnashing his new fangs into Vivia's hands. He would leave a trail of blue and purple once the blood would stop surfacing to his wounds.
“Heh… how do I taste to you?” Vivia asked him. He could drink in the way this newborn vampire moved forever. Why did such a cruel and unreasonable death have to give birth to something so desirable? Vivia would never want to be what Yuma was now. It was disgusting to never be able to die. But Yuma seemed all too fit for it. Immortality made Yuma Kokohead so much more vivid to Vivia, so much more alive than the people who passed him on the streets. How could someone he just came across be so utterly dear to him?
The animalistic growls became groans of satisfaction as Yuma hungrily lapped at Vivia's exposed flesh. “That's it, Yuma,” Vivia encouraged. He leaned down to kiss the torn flesh on Yuma's neck, the wound that was rapidly healing. He soaked his lips in the man's blood and drank from him as well. The more they explored each other, the lower Vivia's pale hand sank beneath Yuma's trousers. He stroked Yuma until the vampire whimpered and lightly jerked his hips, panting like a needy creature.
“You take to your fate so well, Yuma,” Vivia told him appreciatively. “Does death really fuel you so?” The hardened cock between his grasp answered his question quite well. Yuma was a slave to his new condition. An animal who would seek nothing but comfort and sensation. How pitiful… yet so endearing.
Yuma raised his head, panting as he lapped at the crook of Vivia's neck. For a moment, Vivia closed his eyes and continued to pump Yuma's cock, simply feeling those sharp canines brushing his neck to find their place. Feeding a newborn vampire was a risk. There was no chance they would stop until they had drained everything.
“Hmmmm… that's alright, Yuma,” Vivia said, plucking his collar aside to offer himself to this new lover. Underneath the rain, he lowered to Yuma and undid his pants. Yuma's hard cock slipped through his zipper between Vivia's thighs. His hips moved in a slow rhythm, grinding himself against Vivia, marking him with a steady dollop of precum. “I suppose… I want this too…”
The bite was swift and painful. Vivia loved it for how real and unhinged it truly was. Yuma tore into his neck without any restraint and burrowed his fangs deep into his cold jugular. How could it feel so warm under this unending rain, Vivia wondered. His hands continued to glide over Yuma's cock, stroking him until he was slick. Yuma overwhelmed him as the blood began to drain, biting him again and again like a passionate series of red kisses.
“Like that.. yes.. Yuma… don't stop…” Vivia begged him. He would be a slave to Yuma's rough movements, his brutality. Soon, Vivia was on his back, bleeding out with a pure smile on his face. His own pants had left his legs and he was exposed. Yuma spoiled and ripped him open with kiss after kiss along Vivia's slender body. After what felt like the thousandth kiss, Yuma settled between Vivia's thighs and licked his cock.
Vivia curled up and moaned. “It's okay, Yuma… Take what you want…”
And Yuma did. A bite claimed Vivia's thighs and then his cock claimed Vivia's ass. A pained hiss left the detective's lips but he smiled as he accepted Yuma inside of him. Like a beast, Yuma fucked his blood-soaked mate. He had drunk his fill, but he hadn't killed Vivia. He couldn't. He wouldn't.
“Yuma… ngh…” With the blood loss, Vivia was locked into a sweet delirium, darkness and stars taking hold of his senses. Yuma's cock reached somewhere tight and sensitive, forcing another cry to Vivia's lips.
“I could die here, Yuma… ungh… I want to die here… to feed you…”
Dazed and lost, Vivia lifted his hand to cup the vampire's cheek as they fucked ruthlessly.
"I'll gladly feed you..."
And so… Vivia slipped away, heat swelling from his cock until it pooled between his legs.
He faded entirely, the smile resting upon his sullen, wet face…
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sweetlilacscribbles · 10 months
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Words: 38,414 Pairing(s): Yakou Furio/Vivia Twilight Fandom: Master Detectives Archive: Rain Code Warning(s): none Link: Chapter Eleven
Vivia has never been to this part of town before. Beyond here, it's mostly unincorporated. It's home to a lot of rundown, abandoned businesses and a few local produce farms. Beyond that is the Old Town; a long abandoned part of Kanai Ward that Vivia has always been curious about but never seen. Their destination doesn't seem to be the Old Town. In fact, when they come to a stop, Vivia feels the breath being sucked straight from his lungs. They stand in front of an old wire fence, surrounding a large open field. Within the field, however, sits something that looks like it's right from one of Vivia's fantastique novels.
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
So that job was a dud. We did keep the 100k, right? He said he was paying it up-front so I have to assume Yakou already collected it.
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I can't stop marveling at that gorgeous sky over Kanai Ward. I never thought I'd miss something so ordinary as the sky but after a full game spent in the rains of the Mind-Cleansing Bath, being able to see a moon occupying a starry sky above this city is breathtaking.
I hope ghost/homunculus lady can heal this city so its denizens can see this some day.
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Yakou's saying farewell to his office. Don't worry, man. You get to keep visiting the rooftop, at least. This rooftop becomes the hippest hangout spot in Kanai Ward.
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Aww, she came back. Makes sense. A man's trying to kill her, after all. Who's she going to go to? The Peacekeepers? She's smarter than that.
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._. There goes our 100k consolation prize. Even though Yakou was visibly not the aggressor there. The man pulled a gun!
That's okay. Five years from now, Fubuki will drown half of their clientele so we get the last laugh in the end.
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To be fair, as frustrated as Yakou is, she's done nothing wrong. Aside from the weird contradictory writing bit earlier, anyway. She didn't want to go see the sketchy guy, which turned out to be a good call 'cause he tried to murder her.
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Aww, she came because she's interested in you, Yakou!
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Note to writers: This is fine.
"Why does Character do the thing?" "Because it's what he enjoys doing."
That is absolutely a suitable enough backstory. Not everything needs a complex and traumatic explanation. Sometimes characters just like doing things.
Of course, Yakou will obtain a traumatic and complex backstory. He is, in fact, speaking with his traumatic and complex backstory right now. But my point is that he's still engaging enough even without it.
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That completely blindsided me in a good way. I love it. They're old, estranged childhood friends and Yakou didn't even know it.
This relationship development is so good.
The badge has "Nocturnal Detective Agency" written on it. Nocturnal Detective Agency was the name Yakou came up with as a little boy for the operation he wanted to some day run. T_T
He won't live to see that dream come true but his homunculus, at least, will get to Play Detective with some of the most brilliant experts from across the world. This is filling me with all of the feels.
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This is so sweet. It's so sweet. This is the best ship in the game. Hands down.
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Look at that face. He's beaten to hell and he barely knows this woman, even if they are childhood friends. He'd have to be out of his mind to accept the deal.
Of course he'll do it! He'd betray every unnecessarily gendered chat he ever had with Yuma about women and a man's duty and such if he didn't.
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You can feel how good these two were together. This is what building up a ship can be like when you just sit back and let it bake rather than shilling it at every opportunity.
And the fact that she hired him to be her bodyguard is such a twist of the knife too. Like. It already made sense that her death haunted him for so long that it ultimately drove him to revenge. But that extra layer adds even more dramatic spice to it. She didn't just die. He failed in his duty, in an actual terms-on-paper contractual duty and not just, like, "A man's duty to protect his woman".
It wasn't just spiritually his job to make sure this didn't happen to her because Gender Stuff. I mean, to him, it was, but it wasn't just that. It was. Also. Literally. His actual job.
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yakool-foolio · 7 months
Silent Ward (Silent Hill-inspired Rain Code AU) Initial Concept
Ah shit, here we go again. Here's a starter post for the premise and any extra thoughts of my newest AU! I had to brush up on a lot of my Silent Hill 1 lore, which is probably why it took me so long to get the ball rolling. But I think I've got a decent grasp on the basics and can expand from there. Here goes!
Summary: Kanai Ward is a tourist attraction city unknowingly infested by a cult nestled underneath the megacorp Amaterasu. The corporation provides protection for the cult in exchange for their employment, which over the years evolved into them worshipping their own grim version of the god of the sun. Many years before present day, the leader of the cult demanded for a live sacrifice, one of a human born with supernatural abilities: Makoto Kagutsuchi. The young cult member, a mere child at the time, refused to be sacrificed. In an act of defiance, he harnesses all of his power to separate his soul in half, making him unfit to sacrifice. This severed piece of himself formed into a just-as-young, amnesiac kid that graced the doorstep of a newlywed couple. The mysterious child is adopted into the family and given the name Yuma Furio. However, it's not long before Amaterasu's peacekeepers are on the hunt for Yuma. Since the couple cannot safely house Yuma on their own, the husband, Yakou, takes it upon himself to secretly travel out of Kanai Ward to take Yuma to the security of the WDO. Yuma spends the rest of his childhood and teen years becoming a detective at the organization. But on his 18th birthday, he feels a sudden urge to take a train to Kanai Ward. The WDO accepts his request, aware of the presence of a cult in the city, and sends him off with many other detectives (but most of which will not make it there alive). Yuma never expected a warm welcome to the neon city, but everything is twisted and distorted far worse than before. It's up to Yuma and the surviving detectives to put a stop to the cult's reign of eldritch terror.
Some miscellaneous thoughts to keep on rollin' rollin' rollin': Fortes do not exist in this AU, but each detective has the ability to see the real world and Otherworld (or as I like to call it in this case, the Mistworld) in different perspectives due to their pasts. I have some emotionally-tarnishing ideas planned with this crucial point, so expect a lotta souls getting crushed as I expand upon the plot and characters. But that's normal for Silent Hill, so let's bring on the trauma!
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
So Rain Code has DLC to zero in on each of the non-Yuma detectives. Gonna play through these in order of release. Who do we start with? Let's see, that would be....
Goddammit. Desuhiko.
Okay, well. At least we can get him out of the way and then move on to the characters I like. Wonder if these take place before, after, or during the main game?
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Well, we're opening at the Scary Zombie Rex Museum so that eliminates "before" as an option. Either the Secret of Kanai Ward investigation is currently ongoing or this is between Makoto's defeat and the Master Detectives leaving town.
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Ooh, classic cat burglar mystery going on. So it looks like we'll have to stop this notorious thief from stealing the precious jewels. Okay, we can--
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Nope, never mind, we failed. That was a short DLC. Alright, who's next on the list?
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Alright, shouldn't be too hard to identify the Nine-Tailed Cat. As we can clearly see from this silhouette, our target is a naked man. Bizarre choice of aesthetic for a cat burglar, but I'm not going to judge.
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Go, Nudist Thief, go!
...where do you think he stashed the jewel? Probably best not to think about that.
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Again!? How often do naked men steal things on your watch!?
Desuhiko's over here proving my firmly-held belief that the word "again" is the funniest word in the English language.
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Will you, though? Your skillset is in intelligence gathering. You're pretty much my last choice in fisticuffs, so I'm pretty sure anyone else on the team is better suited to apprehending our streaker.
Makoto agrees. When he was faking everyone's deaths, he had you die first. He knew there'd be no doubt about that.
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I wouldn't call what Desuhiko has charisma. If he were charismatic, people would be willing to buy what he's selling. Instead, his role is one of constantly embarrassing himself for comic relief but with zero self-awareness of how cringe everyone else finds him. His behavior routinely makes him the butt of the joke.
Enthusiasm is how I'd describe Desuhiko. He has enthusiasm. Despite rejection after rejection after rejection, despite constantly failing to convince anyone or even himself that he's cool, Desuhiko never stops putting out a positive façade and trying again.
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Oh hey, Yakou's sapient! That places us pretty firmly in the "during" timespan. We're somewhere between Desuhiko's arrival in town and Chapter 4.
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The museum must be taking this pretty seriously. Amaterasu's isolation would make it difficult to procure new art pieces for display. Pretty much whatever they already had here plus anything new that the residents create, that's it.
So far as new gems go? Amaterasu doesn't do business within the city; People were talking about that in the epilogue. That's a problem because Amaterasu may have international reach, but they're the only part of Kanai Ward that does.
So good fucking luck getting gemstones here. It's not like Makoto's going to let anyone go out and open a mine somewhere.
That being said, our naked man has to be stealing for his own private collection, right? It's not like he can take the gems to a fence. I can't imagine Kanai Ward has a thriving black market. Why would someone even become a notorious serial burglar in an isolated city-state?
Unless this is a human burglar from outside the rain cage. In which case, WHOA HO HO did he come to the wrong city.
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Okay, so their reputation extends to before the Blank Week. That makes a bit more sense. It's possible Kanai Ward had a black market before the isolation. Either way, the possibility of an aristocrat stealing for their own private collection remains as well.
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That doesn't sound so bad, honestly. I'm glad Yuma's not on this case. A cat burglar who robs from museums hardly warrants a death feral regeneration sentence.
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That's where the nudity comes in. It draws the eye away from the face, and that's if you don't look away immediately out of embarrassment. Brilliant, really.
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Sorry, Desuhiko, but I think I'm on Team Kitsune. Robbing a megacorporation barely even constitutes a crime.
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I AM 100% ON TEAM KITSUNE. Why would we even want to thwart these robberies? Desuhiko's pride? That and a dozen coins is worth 12 shien.
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Oh, it is Desuhiko's pride at stake. I thought I was being dismissive.
Wow, I aggressively do not care about the stakes of this conflict. Let the Nine-Tailed Cat keep pissing in Yomi's corn flakes. It's not like they're hurting anyone.
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Oh no, you're mentioned on the seventh paragraph here. "Yellow stranger spotted shaking fist impotently at the burglar."
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Hey, I'm all for bagging on Yakou for being a shit detective. But this sounds a hell of a lot like Yomi's problem, not ours.
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Yuma does enough of that shit as it is. Do you have any idea how frequently he nearly gets shot? The answer may surprise you.
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This was all about impressing a girl. That makes sense. I am now even less invested in the stakes than I was before.
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Sound advice, Yakou.
It's amazing how much less irritating his dismissive reluctance to do anything becomes when it's Desuhiko on the receiving end instead of Yuma.
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Alas, as with Yuma and Kurumi, Yakou's greatest weakness in reining in his Detectives shows itself once again: His stern disapproval is no match for a brisk jogging pace.
At least we can be sure that didn't change when he turned feral. Yakou's speed has always maxed out at a shamble, so his zombie's barely changed in that regard.
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