#the oversea
alrightberries · 7 months
can't get the thought out of my head of pro-hero bkg being on patrol then getting the news that some burgular broke into your shared apartment and he's immediately dropping everything and just fuckin' blasting his way home. his friends thinks it's so sweet that he's in such a rush, frantic, in a panic to get back to you because he's worried about your safety.
but— no, fuck no, he's not worried about keeping you safe, he's worried about keeping the shithead burglar safe from his bored and antsy ex-villain of a wife who's been itching for a fight.
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nuooage · 2 months
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bixels · 3 months
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vaxxman · 3 months
What do you think about 5cp TF2 map Gullywash?
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Getting autobalanced on Gullywash feels especially tragic.
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More sketches and more impressions under the cut.
In order to draw this, I watched some highlander matches on Gullywash, due to finding no matches in competitive, and the aimbots going rampant in casual. I was only able to play 5 proper matches on casual, (2 of which my teams won purely due to team imbalance,) so some of this is based on what I saw other people were doing in competitive match recordings, as well as how it feels to play on community servers with AI train bots. No one was playing whenever I was queueing up :(
I learnt very fast that Gullywash is one of these maps where you will die a lot, or steamroll the capture points, and there is no in-between, because you either position yourself correctly or you don't. While this goes for every map in tf2, I never really felt frustrated when dying here. I could always find a reason for my mistakes and generally it turned out to be a very rewarding learning experience.
I think Gullywash is extremely fun and fast paced. I especially enjoy giving scouts and pyros overheal buffs, because of how much flanking you can do here. The symmetry of the map is immaculate and the amount of objects that just lie around allows demos to place a lot of traps and players to just hide in corners.
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(Using Scouts as your Uber Driver here is also especially fun, so many near death situations!)
For some reason, the soldiers and demos who play on this map are really good at protecting medics? That's the impression I got, everyone knew when to retreat and not push, everyone turned around when they saw my health go down, everyone was shooting the spies for me when we were in the open and I was too focused with healing the people fighting death matches at the front so we could capture.
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(My personal heroes who just rocket jump over to you just to shoot the spy 2m away from you, and then just rocket jump away again)
Snipers aren't much of a problem, since there are so many options for hiding properly while still being able to reach your team mates. The same sadly doesn't apply to spies and I think I have died more to spies on this maps than to sticky traps.
While I love the vaccinator, I think Stock and Kritz are the better options on this map. Nothing cries geneva convention war crime more than entering the door to the last capture point and ubering a soldier who starts spamming everyone with rockets in this rather crammed up room where everything can give you splash damage.
Shoutout to a pyro called Joey who carried the last game I played, it was a blast ubering you through the last capture point.
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vicholas · 2 years
we should boycott crunchyroll though
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tiger-balm · 3 months
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jim claiming both quinn AND petey here is so funny
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fairuzfan · 2 months
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ghouljams · 11 months
Not to add another au to my pile, but...
You have lived by a very simple rule while on your "last summer" vacation: the best travel recommendations come from dudes that are down bad.
Your tinder has one sentence on it and all your best pics, "in town for the week, looking for fun." So far you've barely had to pay for anything, you've had some of the best food you've ever eaten, gone to the coolest clubs you'd never have found on trip advisor, and gotten laid more than you could've dreamed. At least half of them were pretty good too.
You hover over a profile, over the name "Ghost" and some choice shirtless pics. These types of profiles always go one of two ways: fake or fantastic. You swipe right, if it's fake you'll know quickly. Your phone lights up green. It's a match. Your fingers hesitate before typing out a quick message. He gets to you first.
"Down for some fun this weekend?" You laugh at the eggplant emoji and start typing your response before another message rolls in, "we can walk around/grab drinks before."
You smile a little wider, "what a gentleman."
"Always, gentleman in the streets, wild in the sheets"
"That line work for you?"
"You tell me."
You hate to admit it, but he's funny, and funny works for you. There's something about the way confident guys flirt that really gets you going. Not to mention this sort of confidence tells you the profile is real enough for you to send a loose itinerary of your time in London.
"Drinks on Saturday then," he tells you after a minute. You let your heart flutter a normal amount.
"Where are we going?"
"I'll send you the address, you send me your number."
Alright maybe your heart flutters a little more than normal. You like a man who knows what he wants.
Part 2
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tanadrin · 4 months
i guess the reason i'm not an anarchist is that i don't think if you get enough people in your community doing mutual aid that one day white supremacy and colonialism are going to poof out of existence. there's a bunch of intermediate steps between those two things, and a lot of them involve large-scale organization, and when it comes to large-scale organization, at some point you're gonna have to do a thing that looks a lot like taking the reins of state power to influence policy.
that necessarily implies some degree of compromise and coalition building and dirty, dirty politics. but i would prefer that people actually do the work of building a better world instead of sitting around in their mutual aid groups going "if only we had a way to organize on a large scale and somehow exert influence government policy! guess this is an unsolvable problem."
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mishiami · 9 months
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been thinking abt them since i watched jjk 0 last week
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bulldagger-bait · 4 months
You ever have a good few months with your chronic illness and you wonder why you even thought it was a big deal before. And then you flare up and you're left bedridden
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hoofpeet · 1 year
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Thinking abt how sad it is that regular Orthworm are too small to ride but realizing . There could very well be ye old giant Orthworms in Hisui . what if
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 92
I’ve seen prompts with Jack fleeing with a de-aged Danny hiding in Gotham. Here he doesn’t stay with him. He drops Danny and Danielle in the very capable hands of red hood.
Danny reveals himself as phantom to his parents and introduces his mirror sister. Both ready to dip if it went bad. Immediately jack feels so guilty for hunting his kid.
He is ready to welcome them both.
Maddie disagrees. This leads to both Danny and Danielle being seriously injured. Jack barley got them out. There ghost half protecting them lead to them both being turned around 4-5
Jack isn’t a dumb man as he seems. He may have gotten b minuses but that was in advance physics and science courses. So he does research.
Creates two brackets that hide his newly made twins ecto signatures so they can’t be found. He didn’t have enough time to make something that allowed their powers to work with them.
He knows the Giw and His soon to be ex (he hasn’t had the ability to get her to sign the paperwork) are after him. They didn’t see the twins be turned to toddlers.
So he has a plan to take down the Giw and Maddie’s sister wouldn’t be safe for the two. Sam and tucker wouldn’t be safe. Jack has to find a safe place for the twins with a bounty on their thankfully teenage heads.
He does a deep dive. He finds online a supposed crime lord. Enough digging he can tell that guy doesn’t let kids get hurt. The stuff he doesn’t isn’t all bad and well… He can’t trust heros. So he packs up and heads out.
Jack pleads his case to either just Red Hood. Or maybe just shows up in the middle of a mission jason is on with the outlaws for a bit more chaos.
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theriverbeyond · 9 months
tamsyn muir gives her most homoerotic of storylines to her most heterosexual of couples
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avvocarlo · 3 months
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it has been pointed out before but I like how the 9 news logo is there because that should be the typical response to anything they do
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papabigtoes · 3 months
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Trying to make little fake memes and labels to warm up and tried for classic Dethklok Painful Eye Strain
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