#the other space witch is my mom in a costume i built for her
rofax · 7 months
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Happy Halloween from two generations of Space Witches!
(Couldn't get the third generation to sit still for photos lol)
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vintagedolan · 4 years
mixtape | track seven
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| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
*contains smut*
When Nicole died, Indiana convinced herself that someone was holding down a fast forward button on her life. Some greater power with a universal remote, carelessly keeping a finger shoved down on the little button with the double arrows, with no regard to the fleeting few days she had left with her most important person.
History seemed to be repeating itself, with the best physical representation being the very quickly evolving tiny homes.
The first thing on Grayson’s agenda when they’d made it back to NYC was to decorate the property for Halloween. It hadn’t seemed like the most sound plan to Indy, considering last time they were out in the field it was just raw building materials, a platform and lots of grass. But when she climbed off the back of the quad, away from Grayson’s warmth and into the chilly air, she was standing in front of a house, or at least the bones of one, with the beginnings of the loft and stairs formed inside. It wasn’t polished yet - in fact, there wasn’t even a front door to hang the spider wreath that he had bought at Home Depot. But there was a house, and it stood as a reminder that time was passing quickly.
Despite how over the top the Dolan’s were about it, Halloween was a blink. Ethan was still in California, spending a few more days with Eden, but they facetimed in their costumes anyways - Indy had been convinced into dressing up at the last minute, which resulted in a witch costume that consisted of black leggings and a black bodysuit, which got covered up by a spare hoodie of Grayson’s early in the evening, brought on by the ever-dropping Jersey temperatures. But they celebrated with Lisa, and with E squared across the miles with a bonfire and too many pieces of candy, and Indy realized at the end of the night that it was the first holiday she’d had with family in years. It filled a vacant room in a back hallway of her heart that she didn’t realize had been abandoned, and as soon as the calendar turned to November, she was determined.
“Thanksgiving. Me, you, Lisa, Ethan, Eden, Cam, Charlie and Devin. Thoughts, opinions?”
Grayson quirked an eyebrow from the other side of the couch, face lit by his laptop screen.
“Vegan thanksgiving?”
She nudged him in the side with her foot, getting the perfect angle from where she was laying to tickle him. “Nah, we’re gonna cook a whole meal that 25% of the participants can’t eat. Sounds like the holiday of dreams.”
He poked her with a toe. “Yeah, that sounds good to me. Might have to find an extra table at Ma’s though.”
“I can plan out a menu, make sure everyone brings something. Charlie can bring plates, for all our sakes.”
“Then Ethan can bring cups, cause god knows he doesn’t know what the fuck to do in a kitchen. And I can do the menu, you’ve got enough on your plate.”
“It’s not that bad this week,” she countered, but before she could say anything else he’d picked up her planner, looking at all the little color coordinated blocks that she’d drawn out. Grayson had never had a planner before, much less an hourly one, and it stressed him out a bit just to see how little time she didn’t have allotted to something. His finger moved over a little block in dark blue, a tiny scribble inside it - time with g :).
“You block out time for us to hang out?”
“I block out time to do just about everything but pee,” she laughed, keeping her eyes on her textbook as he continued to look through her pages.
“You haven’t peed in like… 3 hours. Drink your water.”
She stuck her tongue out but did as he asked, watching the way he found something on the page and frowned, eyebrows creasing across his forehead.
“Nothing.” He answered it too quickly, and it was her turn to frown.
“Babe. What is it?”
“It just says, uh, ‘deposit from Kenneth’. Who’s Kenneth?”
Her breathing stopped for a moment. She hadn’t heard that name said aloud in years.
“Oh um. That’s my dad. Kenneth Cross.”
He switched from realization to guilt in an instant, flipping the planner shut. Grayson wasn’t privy to much information about Indiana’s father, but he didn’t need much to know that the relationship wasn’t great.
“Shit, Dee, sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up.”
She closed her textbook, sitting it aside with a sigh. Sitting up, she crossed her legs on the couch, a bid to get a little closer to him.
“No, it’s okay. We probably should have talked about it by now anyways. What do you want to know?”
“Whatever you want to tell me.” He offered her his hand, knowing she liked to toy with her fingers when she talked, hoping it would help.
“Well. He wasn’t always a shit head. Actually, he used to be a pretty good dad. When Charlie and I were growing up, he was always there. He coached Charlie’s basketball team, then mine. He helped mom with dinner, we all went on vacation together. I mean, I had a good childhood, I really did. But things changed when mom got sick.”
“How long was she sick?”
“Six months. It took her fast, much faster than usual with her stage and her type. I thought my dad would step up, but he didn’t. He shut down. And I get that, it was hard, but we needed him and he just… wasn’t there. Charlie had to take her to appointments because I couldn’t drive yet. He stayed at home and worked, and drank, and then drank some more and called it work. He never talked about mom, never even admitted to himself she was sick I don’t think. So Charlie and I did our best, and we stayed with her as much as we could, especially towards the end. I’d ride the subway out of the city to get to school cause I slept at the hospital most nights. And I guess Charlie and I didn’t realize, but he was working on selling the house while we were doing all that, before she was even fucking gone. So, when she did go, all of a sudden she was gone, and my house was gone, and Charlie was going to school, so it was just me and him.
“We moved into a smaller house. He didn’t talk to me. He was a shell without my mom. And I thought it would get better but it didn’t. So, I taught myself how to be okay without him, and without my mom… without anyone. I think he realized it too, and some part of him felt bad. But he knew he couldn’t fix it. So, the summer before college, he said he’d pay for wherever I wanted to live for school. I couldn’t swing rent on a Jet’s salary, and I wanted to get out of his house, so I agreed. I moved in here freshman year, and we haven’t seen each other since. Haven’t even talked on the phone really. He deposits rent in my account each month, and as soon as I can get enough money to not have him do that, I’m going to tell him to stop. I don’t want him to think I need him, for anything.”
Indy looked up for the first time since her story started, and she sucked in a breath at the sight of Grayson’s watery eyes. He blinked it away and cleared his throat, but the way he opened his arms up told a different story.
“I don’t like hating him. But I don’t know how to forgive him either.”
“C’mere,” he mumbled, waiting for her to readjust and climb on top of him. His arms wrapped around her tightly, like he wanted to press her into him and make her a part of him.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that with your mom like that, I can’t imagine.”
Indy lifted her head and looked at him with sad eyes.
“Yes you can.”
The knot in his throat grew, and he kissed her head when she relaxed against him again. He let the silence settle for a few minutes, tracing a heart against her back and pressing his lips into her hair over and over.
“I had my mom though. She helped us through the entire thing. And I had Ethan, and Cam. And I know you had Charlie, but thinking about you having to do that without a parent.” He shook his head. “I hate it. Not to mention the rest of the bullshit he’s probably put you through that you’re too nice to tell me about.”
It was her turn to get teary.  
“Well, I’m okay now. I made it, and so did you.”
He ran a thumb over her cheek with a soft smile.
“Wish you didn’t have to make it through it at all.”
“The feeling is mutual.”
Grayson shifted then, rolled them over to the side so Indy was between him and the back of the couch, coiling his arms around her tightly, shifting her up enough for him to kiss her. He let his hand roam down her back, over her ass, grabbing and moving until her leg slotted above his.
“I love you,” he said, hoping she knew just how much. She moved her hand from his cheek, let her arm wrap around him, trapping him closer to her.
“Love you more.”
He shook his head at her, making her laugh against his skin.
“You don’t have a nap written in your schedule, am I gonna screw it all up?”
“I can shift things. I’m flexible.”
He laughed again, a beautiful sound that bounced off the walls of the apartment and filled the space. Indy kept her leg wrapped around him, holding him close and finding his lips with hers again, breathing him in - her favorite distraction.
“Flexible hm? How flexible?” His voice had dropped slightly, throat gruff.
She knew they weren’t going to sleep, so she gave in, dipping down to kiss along his neck, taking charge a bit more than usual.
“You know, I think we might be the only couple who can switch from parental trauma to horny within 60 seconds,” she mused, smiling at the rumbling laugh it got out of him.
“Maybe we’re just built different.”
“Hate that,” Indy mumbled, moving back up to kiss him again. He wasted no time in coaxing her shirt off, sitting them up with her in his lap so he could do the same to his own, getting her bra off quickly after his own sweatshirt was gone. There was no better feeling than her skin against his, he was sure. Her hand landed on the middle of his chest and she hummed, smiling.
“You didn’t shave your chest hair.”
He pulled back a bit with an incredulous look. He hadn't even thought about it, but she was right. “You noticed that?”
“I notice everything about you. You’re my favorite thing to study,” she smiled, and his heart melted in his chest. The only way he knew to respond was to pull her back to him. In a bed, he would have rolled them over, climbed above her, but the couch limited him and he was at her mercy for the time being.
She didn’t seem to be in much of a rush, and between the slow roll of her hips and the kisses she pressed along a path from his jaw to his collarbone, he was very much wishing she would pick up the pace. His hands slid down to her hips, pressing her down against him in a bid for friction.
“Easy,” Indy laughed his favorite laugh, the breathy one that seemed like an afterthought. “If I’m gonna rearrange my schedule, I get to set the pace.”
“Well then, take it away,” he chuckled, but it faded into more of a groan when she nipped at his shoulder, letting her hands run down his sides. She left goosebumps in the wake of her nails, and he couldn’t help but shudder as she toyed with the waistband of his sweats for a moment, like she was playing a game. Grayson Dolan wasn’t used to being at the whim of anyone, and it was liberating in a way that had his nerves buzzing.
Indiana was perhaps enjoying herself a bit too much. Usually, she was so overwhelmed by him that she didn’t have time to really take him in. So, she soaked up the opportunity of having him displayed out for her, tracing her fingers over every plane of him - the v of his hips, the muscles over his ribs. Down his arms, back up to his shoulders, running her thumbs over his scruff as she cupped his face. When she made it back down to his abs she felt them flex under her hands, his hips bucking up just barely against hers.
“Baby.” His tone was stern, and she played into a bit, looking at him as innocently as she could.
“You’re teasing.”
“I’m admiring.”
“Okay, then you’re cheesy and you’re teasing.”
“Guilty as charged,” she murmured, shrugging a bit.
Bad move.
His arms wrapped around her tightly, ensuring he didn’t lose his grip as he planted a foot on the floor and rose up just enough to roll them, getting her underneath him on the couch. It happened so fast that all she could do was gasp, eyes wide as she stared up at him, the blues bright with shock.
“Now, where were we.”
His cockiness was back in full swing, but he paused at the pout that came over Indy’s face.
“I kinda liked being up there,” she said, running her hands along his arms as he held himself up above her.
“You wanna switch again?”
“Okay, I’ll make you a deal. Pants off, then we switch.”
He stood up first, taking her hand and pulling her up to her feet. They shimmied out of the pants and underwear quickly, leaving them in a pile on the rug in a rush to get back to each other. The mood shifted yet again when he guided her onto his lap as he sat down, lighthearted and fun as she got herself settled. Grayson had never had lighthearted sex before he met Indiana Cross. It was always scratching an itch, even when it was with people he was in a relationship with. She seemed to unlock another side of him, one that made it so much more fun to have her above him, struggling to keep her hair out of her face and get close enough to him at the same time. He wasn’t sure how she managed to be adorable and sexy at the same time, but when she finally got herself lined up and began to sink down onto him, he didn’t have the brain power left to care.
“Shit Dee,” he groaned, using every bit of self control he had to keep his hips still, letting her set her agonizingly slow pace.
She whimpered with every inch that she moved down, finally taking all of him somehow, arching her back for a moment before she caved, leaning forward onto his chest, burying her face in his neck.
He started as slow as his body would let him, groaning as she started to grind her hips, searching out an angle that kept the pressure building. It took a moment, like it always did when they tried a new position, but when she found it Grayson knew by the way her nails dug into his shoulders. He grabbed her hips to hold her there, memorizing the way their bodies fit together so he could get right back to that same spot over and over again.
“Gray,” she whimpered into his ear, bracing her forearms on his shoulders as he chased her high for her, determined to have her shaking. All she could do was moan and hold on as he thrusted into her faster with a renewed purpose, only stopping when she clenched so hard that he could barely move.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” Indy whined, every muscle in her body tightening down in defense of how overwhelmed she suddenly felt, breath catching in her throat as her orgasm ripped through her. His arms coiled around her back as if he was trying to hold her together as she shook, and he chased the last of his high, lifting her off of him at the last possible second before he came, white streaks landing on his torso. He knew it would be a mess and he didn’t care - he pressed her back to him, wrapping her up for a moment in his arms and letting the two of them come down.
“Woah. Good woah,” Indy mumbled, pressing kisses to his neck where she could reach.
“I second your good woah.”
“Do you have time in your flexible schedule for a shower? I got you all sticky.”
She sat up and pretended to ponder it for a moment, making a show of quirking her eyebrow just to make him laugh. “I suppose I could pencil it in. C’mon.”
She climbed off him and took his hand, leading him to her bathroom with a smile. They paused in front of the mirror for a moment, and it was the first time in a long time that Indy felt happy to be looking in one. But still, she turned around and looked up at her boyfriend - he looked better in real life than in his reflection anyways.
“You know, if you play your cards right, you might just win yourself a round two.”
That was all it took for him to pick her up so fast she squealed, carrying her behind the privacy of the shower curtain for a second taste.
Bekah’s hands were always cold, but they felt like ice cubes in Indy’s hands. She rubbed along her skin in a bid to warm her up, eyes wandering over to Grayson.
“She’s pale,” he murmured, keeping his distance as he stood at the end of the bed. The sight of her so still in her hospital bed was unsettling. He had expected their first visit back to be filled with smiles, and ‘I miss you’s’, stories of California and her recovery.
Instead, they’d walked into Bekah’s room to find her fast asleep underneath her Halloween blanket, brows furrowed in what he hoped was concern and not pain.
“Her body is probably just trying to get used to the new cells. Not making enough blood, she’s probably up for another transfusion soon.”
“How do you know?”
Indy nodded towards what Grayson had assumed was an IV pole - he supposed it was, but instead of the usual bags of clear or milky liquid, there were just empty hooks.
“An hour.”
Bekah’s voice was dry and horse, and although it was quiet, it made both of them jump.
“Hey! How’re you feeling?” Indy immediately perked up, painting that smile across her face that Grayson had started to associate with everything hospital, from the sounds to the smell of bleach.
“Tired. My next transfusion is in an hour.”
“Did the doctor say anything about your counts?”
Bekah looked at her and rolled her eyes, wincing as she tried to sit up in bed. Indy reached to help her but she held a hand up.
“I have a transfusion in an hour, you tell me what my counts are,” she muttered, sitting up for a moment before she let out a sigh and put her face in her hands.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay Beks,” Grayson said.
“No, it’s not. You all came to see me and I’m being an asshole.”
“No one is nice when they don’t feel good,” Gray offered, moving to the other side of the bed and resting a hand on her shoulder. It was a simple gesture, a small attempt at consoling, but it was too much for Bekah. The sniffles turned into broken sobs that shook her entire body so hard it looked like she would come apart.
“I’m just tired of this. I’m tired.”
There wasn’t an adequate response to give, so the room filled with silence apart from her sobs as they did their best to hold her together, wrapping their arms around her, around each other. Indy’s eyes were red by the time Bekah’s cries quieted, and Grayson scrambled to come up with something, anything, to lighten the mood.
“Well, if we have an hour, that means we have time for an episode of something. Didn’t you say you were watching Vampire Diaries while we were gone?”
Bekah nodded, laying back against the pillows.
“Then let’s watch one and just chill. Save your energy.”
He set it up quickly, turning off the lights and pulling his chair over to the side of her bed as it started to play. When he looked over, there was just enough light to see that Bekah had reached for Indy’s hand. And to his surprise, she reached for his too. He took it, trying to ignore the way his throat tightened at the feeling of her squeezing weakly - a silent thank you as the episode began to play.
The first two weeks of November passed with unrelenting speed. Indiana buried herself in her school work, carving out what she could for quality time for Grayson, even if it was just going out to Jersey with him for a movie night that ended with her asleep on his lap before the opening scene was done. He didn’t mind - he just liked having her around, watching her get closer with Ethan and his mom, knowing she was safe because she was there with him. It was hard to help someone who was so determined on being independent, but he did what he could and she did the same, spending what little time she had encouraging him and supporting him.
Grayson had his own work to focus on, and it filled the time nicely as they worked to get their brands up and running through the holidays, plus the task of finalizing the plans for the details of the tiny homes. Somehow, it was already the week of Thanksgiving before he stopped to take a breath, which he found in the backyard with his brother the day before the holiday.
“Listen. I can make rolls. I can’t fuck that up.”
“Ethan, you could fuck anything up, including rolls. Just get cups. And things to put in the cups.”
“Fuck you,” Ethan grumbled, tossing the football a bit harder than necessary across the back lot. Grayson wished he’d put on gloves, but
“When is evil coming in?”
“She lands tonight, gotta go pick her up at 10:30. Is Indy staying out here tonight too?”
“No, I’m staying at her place, her sister and her boyfriend fly in tomorrow morning so we gotta pick them up. You’re picking up Cam tonight too right?”
“Yeah. Damn, I feel like dad,” Ethan laughed, a puff of white in the cold air.
Grayson waited for him to elaborate, throwing the ball back.
“He was always the chauffeur. I mean jesus, how many times do you think he picked us up from the airport when we came home?”
“True, he fucking hated that drive too. Complained about it the whole time, every time.”
“Like you don’t hate driving into the city.”
Grayson quirked an eyebrow at him, tossing the ball a bit harder, trying to put a different spin on it.
“Okay, fine, used to hate it. Now you just like it cause you get laid at the end of it.”
“True,” Gray grinned. “That makes me sound like a douchebag though.”
“You are a douchebag.”
“We’re identical twins, so if I’m a douchebag you’re a douchebag by association,” Grayson said.
“True. You aren’t a douchebag when you’re around Indiana, I’ll give you that.”
“Yeah, she wouldn’t put up with that shit.”
“You are a simp though.”
“Says you.”
“I never said I wasn’t.” Ethan shrugged, offering up a smile as he threw. “Eden really likes her by the way. Says they’d be great sister-in-laws in the future. I told her to chill with that shit though.”
Grayson missed the ball, not even bothering to watch it bounce away on the ground.
“Well, you said you were never going to ask her to leave, or move or whatever. And you live in LA, we live in LA, so... I mean, being here this long is just because of the tiny houses. And I know you, you can’t do long distance bro, you’re too physical.”
“Oh fuck you, I can survive without getting my dick wet if it means being with somebody I love.”
“That’s not what I fucking meant, I mean you’re touchy, and you need to be close to the people you love. Like physically close, as in in the same room, in the same house at least. That’s why I haven’t said shit about you being at her place every night of the week. I get it Gray, it’s how you are. But that shit won’t work when you’re on the other side of the country, and I know you aren’t going to ask her to fly out there to see you after how bad those flights were for her. And I love you, and I’m gonna support you, but you can’t fly home every weekend either. We have businesses, we have shit to do. Work.”
“I know that, I’m not stupid.”
“And it makes me feel like a shit brother but you always tell me that I’m supposed to keep you on track, so if that means being the bad guy then that means being the bad guy.”
“E I know.”
“I’m not saying you have to like break up with her or anything but, I just, I think it’s gonna be hard. Like really really hard.”
“Ethan. I know.”
“I just don’t want to see you hurt, that’s all.”
“Yeah. I get it. But can you just drop it for two fucking seconds? It’s almost Thanksgiving, let’s just focus on that. Besides, you’re the one who said to wait to cross the bridge when we come to it,” Grayson huffed.
“It’s the last week of November almost. Hate to break it to you, but the bridge is right in front of you.”
The thought made his stomach drop.
“Let’s go inside. S’cold.”
It felt unnatural to have her sister in the back seat, but that’s where Charlie climbed in after Grayson had helped them load their minimal luggage into the back of the car and made his introductions. They’d borrowed Lisa’s SUV for Devin’s sake, knowing that his long legs would be cramped in the backseat of anything, especially the truck.
“How was your flight?” Indy turned almost fully in her seat, trying to soak in every minute she had with her sister - they had to fly out bright and early the next morning.
“Bumpy,” Charlie laughed, picking at her nails in her lap. Indy frowned when she noticed - it was her nervous tick.
“Devin I have no idea how you fit in coach bro, I barely fit and I’m tiny compared to you,” Grayson chimed in, checking over his shoulder as he pulled out of the pick up lane.
“It’s a struggle my man, it’s a struggle. But I don’t think anyone in their right mind would look at you and call you tiny. You’ve got me beat in every department but leg length.”
“Hey, if you’re actually serious about growing muscle I can throw together a workout for you while you’re here.”
“For real? That would be sick bro, I could really use the help.”
Indy held back her laugh at how they both slipped into bro mode so quickly, and Charlie seemed to be on the same page as she snickered. Eventually conversation gave way to music, Indy proud of herself for finding a perfect 2000’s throwback playlist that had everyone singing and bouncing around in their seats. By the time they made it to the house, they were all a bit breathless and full of nostalgia.
When they climbed out onto the gravel, Charlie stuck close to her sister.
“Lisa is mom. And Ethan is the twin, Eden is the sister, Cameron is the girlfriend?”
“Cameron is sister, Eden is girlfriend,” Indy laughed. “Thank god you asked.”
Charlie gave a bit of a chuckle, and Indy nudged her.
“They’re good people Char. Don’t worry, they’ll love you.”
“I just… haven’t done this in a while.”
She wrapped her arm around her older sister’s shoulders as they approached the house, squeezing her lightly.
“I know sis. I know.”
Inside, Eden was trying to be subtle as she peeked through the blinds on the windows, watching the whole crew approach.
“They’re here! Come to the door, they’re here!”
“Babe, that’s creepy. Just come sit down,” Ethan laughed, waiting for Cameron to make her next move in chess.
“It’s not creepy, it’s friendly,” she countered, but she stood back from the door at the last moment to try to make it less intimidating.
“Hey guys!” Grayson’s voice boomed loud through the house as soon as he opened the door, his excitement obvious. Cam and Ethan abandoned their chess game for a moment, and Lisa came from the kitchen with a warm smile.
Indiana officially met Cameron for the first time, happy that she went in for the hug. Lisa hugged everyone, making everyone laugh when she looked up at Devin and said “my god you’re tall.”
Once everyone had met everyone, Lisa clapped her hands.
“Alright, let’s get to work!”
The Dolan’s did things in stations it seemed, which pleased Indy’s organizational side that usually went a bit crazy around the holidays. Lisa was nice enough to assign each couple a dish to work on, which of course became a competition, like everything seemed to. Indy wasn’t sure how they were going to truly compare E squared’s vegan stuffing to Charlie and Devin’s vegan mac and cheese, but she didn’t care.
Because Grayson was beaming beside her as they worked on peeling potatoes over the trash can, and everywhere she looked she saw smiles. Devin was swaying his hips to the music while Charlie tried to copy him, just a blip behind the beat. Ethan and Eden raced to see who could chop vegetables quicker until Lisa told them to slow down so someone didn’t end up needing stitches.
LIsa was the master of the operation, working on three different things at once, waving off Indy’s offer of help.
“I used to feed all three of them and their dad. Cooking for an army is second nature,” she teased, but that familiar tone was in her voice that tugged at Indy’s heart. Ethan eventually connected to the speakers and shuffled a playlist filled with everything, from Elton John to Cudi. Grayson got vegan butter on his shirt at one point while dancing too hard, and when Indy laughed he swiped it off with a finger and smeared it on her nose. The kitchen got so hot they cracked a window, with the revolving door of the oven trying to handle all the dishes and all the bodies close together.
By 2pm, everyone took turns carrying everything into the dining room to the massive which Cameron had decorated. Everyone took their places at the table, with LIsa at the head, Grayson and Ethan beside her with the girls beside them, and Charlie beside Indy, Devin beside Eden, who had seemed to hit it off with him in their short few hours of knowing each other, and Cam at the other head.
“Before we start, I think we should all go around and share something that we’re thankful for,” Lisa proposed. “I’ll start. I’m very thankful for my health, and for my family. For my wonderful daughter, and my amazing boys, and my husband, who I love and who watches over us every day.”
She could only speak for herself, but it was a safe bet that everyone’s throats tightened. Ethan cleared his before he spoke.
“I’m thankful for my family, for the quality time we get to spend together. For my brother’s ability to deal with my ass and his help in chasing our dreams and making that shit happen. And for Eden, because… well just because.”
Eden laid her head against his shoulder for a moment before she spoke up.
“I’m thankful for my dream job, and getting to do something I love every day. I’m thankful for Ethan, for loving me and keeping me sane. And I’m thankful for all of you, especially you Lisa, for welcoming me into the family.”
“I’m thankful to be here, to meet new people and get to eat some awesome food. Thank you, for inviting us in and sharing your holiday with us,” Devin said, polite as ever.
“I’m thankful for the wine,” Cam grinned, sipping from her glass quickly just to get an eye roll out of her mom. “And for all of you, and good food, and for family. Charlie?”
Charlie threw Indy a nervous glance before she spoke.
“I’m thankful for my sister, and my boyfriend, who always keep me together and on track, and who make me laugh. And I’m thankful for new friends, and good food.”
Indy had been so intent on listening to everyone else that she hadn’t even thought of her own response.
“I’m thankful for my sister, and for all of you guys, who have been so kind to me. I’m thankful for this guy,” she bumped Grayson’s shoulder. “For loving me, and supporting me in everything I do. And, I’m thankful for the years I had with my mom. I wish she could be here today, but I know she’s up there watching, and she’s thankful that I have you guys.”
She ignored the way her eyes stung, turning to Grayson, who squeezed her thigh under the table.
“I’m thankful for my family, and for the way that dad guided us to be who we are today - all of us Dolan’s. And I’m thankful for Indy for showing me what strength and determination looks like. And for everyone here, because we’re all family. I love you guys.”
The weight of his words hung in the air for a moment as everyone soaked them in.
“Alright, dig in!” Lisa broke the silence, reaching for the rolls.
Grayson squeezed Indy’s thigh once, tracing a little heart with his index finger when she leaned over to kiss his cheek before turning back to the table. They all ate until their plates were clear, almost all of them heading back in for seconds. The final verdict was that the vegan mac and cheese was the winner of the side dish competition, much to the pride of Devin. The evening settled into various activities, from Grayson teaching Devin proper pull up form to Charlie letting Eden take test shots on her camera. Indy mostly watched from the sidelines, happy to see all the people she loved all together in one place.
Her family.
“Thank you for this.” Lisa’s voice startled her a bit, but she relaxed when the older woman moved to stand beside her.
“I should be thanking you!”
“No. We didn’t do Thanksgiving last year. Everything was still too… raw, I suppose. Everyone is here because you asked them to be. So, thank you, truly.”
The tears that Indy had been fighting all day finally found their place on her cheeks, and she sniffled through a laugh when Lisa hugged her.
“Well, thanks for sharing your family.”
“It’s not sharing if you’re a part of it my dear.”
She pulled her close for a hug before the two of them folded themselves into the mix, running around in the cold air of the backyard and enjoying each other’s company as the night drew to a close. They opted for pie and vegan ice cream to finish off the night, and Charlie insisted they take some pictures before the food comas took over. She’d thought ahead enough to bring a tripod, and she sat it up in the living room, making sure every couple got a few that they liked, and that they all got one together. Lisa requested one of just her kids where they of course all goofed off enough to annoy her. Charlie would send them all in the next few days, Indy’s favorite being the one of her on Grayson’s back, wrapped around to kiss his cheek while he grinned with his eyes squeezed shut. It became her lock screen as soon as she saved it, and Lisa went on to get the family one framed, as well as the one of all of them together too, both beside each other on the mantel held with equal importance.
The Thanksgiving leftovers only lasted two days in Indy’s fridge. With the stress of preparing for four cumulative finals, she didn’t have time to cook anything, and the microwaveable vegan leftovers were a god send. So was Grayson, who stayed by her side each day as she studied, quietly keeping himself busy with work until she needed him. It was a nice co-existence, both of them understanding the need for quiet but enjoying each other’s presence nonetheless. By Wednesday, she was only left with one last final, though it was her hardest, and she couldn’t convince herself that she’d prepared enough despite pulling multiple all nighters. He quizzed her when she asked, even though he butchered half the pronunciations. His commentary was the comedic relief she needed to get through it though, and she was more than grateful that he was there.
“Last set, and then you need to take a break.”
“No buts. Unless you’re talking gluteus maximus.” He grinned when she rolled her eyes. “Baby you’ve been going non stop for 4 hours now.”
“Okay fine, hit me with it.”
“Soleus.” She pointed to the side of his calf. “Extensor carpi ulnaris.” The outer side of his forearm. “Zygomaticus major.” His cheek. “Iliopsoas.” The inside of his thigh.
“Dee, you know these. You literally don’t even have to think about it, you know them.”
She shook her head before he even finished his sentence. “I need more practice.”
“The only thing you need more of is sleep,” he countered. “C’mon, we’re both exhausted, let’s just take a nap.”
“Once we finish the set, then we can.”
“Fine. Serratus anterior.”
She tickled his ribs, making him squirm away from her.
“Biceps femoris.” She heaved his leg up from where it was resting on the couch, pointing to a spot in the middle of the back of his thigh.
“Teres major.” It was a reach, but she made it around to the back of his armpit.
“Teres minor.” She poked the same spot, just a bit harder.
“Okay, ouch, don’t abuse my teres. Uh, gastrocnemius.” She was gentler on his calf.
They went through the rest of the stack like that, with Grayson doing his best to say them correctly while Indy poked and prodded.  
As soon as he flipped the last card he yawned, sitting the stack aside and leaning forward to grab her, dragging her on top of him and nuzzling his nose into her hair. Indy sighed and relaxed into him, his warmth and the weight of his arms settling her body down. She could remember the days where she’d always wanted something as simple as this, just laying on her couch with someone to hold, and she tried to soak it in.
“I love you,” she said.
“I love you more,” Grayson countered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. His hands moved under her shirt over her back, finding space.
“Can’t. My mind won’t stop.”
“Well, I’d offer to sing to you or some shit, but your ears would probably bleed,” he chuckled.
“S’okay. I’ll just dream about muscles or something. Innervations.”
“Sounds exciting.”
“Oh yeah, riveting stuff.”
She wiggled around to get comfortable, her cheek squished against his chest as he rubbed her back.
“Sleep, have your little anatomy dreams,” he teased, reaching over the back of the couch for a blanket to drape over the two of them.
It took a little while, but she managed to drift off to the soothing sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of his fingers against her skin.
And she dreamed.
Indiana was in a hallway. White, smooth walls with doorways that stood black and brooding on either side. Her stomach turned a bit, unease washing through her veins as she took a few small steps forward, moving to peek past one of the frames.
“Don’t sweetheart.”
Her head shot up. At the end of the hall was Nicole. She looked young, even younger than Indy’s last memories of her. Youthful, and full of life, her blonde hair familiar as it hung down and framed her face.
“Hi my love.”
Indiana ran. She barreled past the doors, not even giving them a second thought as she finally, finally landed in her mother’s arms. The tears were inevitable, but she didn’t care that she shook as Nicole held her, the way only a mom could. Held her body, but held her soul.
“Where have you been? Where’d you go?”
“I’ve been here the whole time. Right here with you.”
“I miss you. I miss you so much.”
“I know. But I’m here.”
She pulled back, letting her mom brush her hair behind her ear the way she always used to when it fell into her eyes.
“Look at you. You’re all grown up. Look at those beautiful eyes. So blue.”
“Just like yours,” Indy said.
“Just like mine.”
A part of her knew that she was dreaming. She knew her mother was gone, that this wasn’t real. But her heart refused to accept it, because she could feel her mother’s skin, hear her voice, feel her like she hadn’t been able to in so long. So she just stared. Tried to memorize every part of her face, every smile line, every freckle. She wasn’t sure how long she stood there, but Nicole was the one to break the silence.
“Baby. I need you to be careful.”
Indy frowned. “Careful?”
“With your heart. I need you to be careful with your heart, with my heart.”
“Momma what do you mean?”
Nicole looked to the left. Indy followed her gaze, surprised to see that the light was on in the doorway.
The doorway to Bekah’s room.
“Beks,” she breathed. Her feet automatically moved, taking her into the room until Nicole’s arms wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her back.
“Indiana,” Nicole cautioned. “No.”
“No, no Mom it’s okay, she’s getting better, see? Look, she’s fine.”
She pushed forward, but Nicole’s grip only tightened.
“No baby. Look.”
Indy listened. And she watched. Watched Bekah try to sit up in her bed. She was probably calling for Jessica, or Emily, or maybe even Indy. Her mouth opened, and no sound came out, her eyes going wide for a moment before she fell back against the pillows, chest rising too fast, too shallow. Indy knew what that meant.
“No. NO! Beks! Bekah!”
“Shhhhh baby, there’s nothing you can do, Indiana stop, there’s nothing you can do.”
“BEKAH!” She cried anyways, fighting her mother’s grip as she watched the monitors light up, heard their mocking monotone calls as they alarmed. Nurses appeared, and Indy watched them do all the right things, give all the right medicine.
She didn’t wake up.
“No, no no no no,” Indy wailed, thrashing in her mother’s arms.
“Indiana. Indiana. Dee!”
She was back in her living room, and Grayson was scared.
“Wha-” she looked around, bewildered. She was sitting up, which disoriented her a bit, though she was with it enough to realize she was still in Grayson’s lap.
“Hey, you’re okay, you’re safe,” Grayson said, eyes still wide. He pushed her hair back out of her face as she looked down, only then realizing that she’d balled up his shirt in her hands. She let go, looking at the disheveled fabric, which was also splotched with dark spots.
“I’m- sorry, I don’t… I uh… I had a nightmare. Sorry.”
“It’s okay baby,” Grayson murmured. “You okay?”
Those two words brought on a whole other wave of tears, and she crumpled into him, shaking her head as she cried.
It took him by surprise for a moment - he knew she didn’t like to cry, and he’d never really seen her so upset. So he took a moment to process, and then he lifted her arms up over his shoulders, coiling his own around her and squeezing her to him as tight as he could without crushing her. He didn’t speak. He just held her, let her get it out of her system, whatever it was.
When her sobs turned to sniffles and his shirt was fully soaked through on the shoulder, he spoke up.
“What do you need? What can I do?”
She pulled back from him, frame seeming even smaller somehow as she sat there.
“Can you go check on Bekah? I know it’s Wednesday, and I know we’re going to tomorrow but… you don’t have to, I just, I know she’s alone up there, but I have so much work to do, and-”
“I can go. I’ll go,” he said. The pieces fell together in his brain, and he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Thank you,” she exhaled, shoulders slumping back down.
“Are you gonna be okay here by yourself while I’m gone?”
“Yeah, I need to study anyways, I’ll keep myself busy. Just need to know she’s okay.”
“Okay. I’ll make sure she’s good, might hang out for a bit and watch something if she’s up for it.”
“That sounds amazing. Thank you.”
He didn’t like the idea of leaving her there, but he could tell she wouldn’t have any peace of mind until she knew that Bekah was okay. It reminded him off all the times he’d called his mother in the middle of the night in those last few months before he’d officially come home, just to make sure his dad was still there.
“If you need me, call me okay? I’ll turn back around.”
“I will.”
“I promise. I love you,” she said, kissing him quickly.
“I love you more.”
He shifted her off him onto the couch and got up, putting his shoes and coat on quickly before he could convince himself to stay. It was already dark outside despite it only being 6pm, and he kept his head down on the streets on his way to the hospital, mind racing until he got up to the unit and signed in.
He half expected Bekah to be lying still in her bed, on her back with all her machines on. Or, at least for her to be drained and tired like she had been the last few times they saw her. But when he cleared the doorway she was sitting up in bed on her phone, random Tik Tok audio’s playing. She looked up at him and smiled her brightest smile.
“Earrings! It’s a Wednesday, the fuck are you doing here?!”
He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“You get an extra dose of me this week, deal with it,” he teased, unzipping his coat and laying it over one of the chairs.
“Where’s Indy?”
“Studying for finals. It’s a me you date tonight, you pick. What’re we doing?”
“Well, I restarted Vampire Diaries.”
“Restarted? Bro, you were on season 7 yesterday!”
“Yeah so? The best seasons are the first two, we’ve been over this.”
“Whatever, scootch over.”
She did as he asked, though he had to put the bedrails down to even fit halfway on the mattress.
“Here, get in here so we can send some motivation to Dee,” he said, pulling out his phone and opening snapchat. They moved so just their noses-up were on screen, making Bekah laugh as he sent it off.
She screenshotted it and sent back a heart, which put his mind at ease enough to relax and attempt to enjoy an episode, though he wasn’t really following the plot considering they were almost halfway through the first season.
“So, what’s happening exactly?” He finally asked 20 minutes into the episode.
“Stefan is trying to be all ‘you deserve better than me’, and Damon just doesn’t give a shit. Essentially, Stefan doesn’t want to hurt Elena so he wants her to make the decision to break it off so he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t want to be the bad guy.”
“But if he loves her, then why does he want to break it off at all?”
“Well cause he’s bad for her. She would have to give up so much for him. She’s having to lie to her friends, hide all this stuff for him. Change her whole life really. But she wants to, because she loves him, he just doesn’t think it’s fair to ask that of her. But like… he’s still asking her to do it just by being with her, you know?”
He knew.
“I mean, and he’s a fucking vampire. Yah know, suck suck and all that jazz,” Bekah laughed. “If the rest isn’t a deal breaker, then that definitely is. I mean, yeah, Damon’s a vampire too but at least he just accepts it, and he doesn’t ask her to change or anything.”
He didn’t say anything.
“I’m Team Damon, if you couldn’t tell,” she tried again.
“Yeah. Me too.”
Grayson tried to shake himself out of his thoughts, but it was proving difficult. Luckily, Bekah just mistook it as him being super invested in the show, which made her happy. Jessica let him stay an extra fifteen minutes, and he took a quick video of Bekah wishing Indy luck on her last final before he left and headed out.
The walk home was worse. It was darker somehow, colder as his mind raced with realization after realization. He did his best to do the math in his head. It was December 3rd, which meant 30 days until he was supposed to go back to LA. All the way to the other side of the country, only coming back to Jersey every few months if he was able to. Ethan’s voice rang in his head as he trudged through the lobby and into the elevator.
That shit won’t work when you’re on the other side of the country.
He tried to breathe it off, put on a positive face before he opened Indy’s apartment door, smiling when he saw her on the couch, pencil tucked behind her ear as she looked over diagrams.
“Hi! How was it?”
“It was good, she’s good. Looks great actually.”
His phone buzzed in his pocket once, then again, and he pulled it out to check it.
A notification of a payment from the joint bank account, and then a text from E.
Booked the flights for the 2nd. Hope that’s cool.
“Everything okay?” Indy asked.
He put his phone back in his pocket and smiled.
“Yeah. Everything is fine.”
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The Avengers held a debriefing meeting to go over Norman Osborn’s announcement about his own Avengers, X-Men and Cabal. Before they were able to find any answers, however, C.R.A.D.L.E. operatives arrived on the scene and demanded  that all underage heroes who were present be turned over.
CAROL: America’s Avengers — that’s what Norman had called them. Ten costumed clad heroes with masked identities, hidden from public and hidden from them. The last decade had been an opportunity for heroes to gain public trust in a way they never had before. Offering themselves, unmasked, had created a line of trust from hero to layperson. Revealing your identity opened you up to untold threats, and that was before the people you cared about were involved. Carol had never hidden her identity, she hadn’t ever really needed to. Most of her time spent was on a different planet in a separate galaxy and she didn’t have much to protect on earth. People knowing who she was just allowed her to save them in broad daylight and she never really had to think much of it. But then Osborn had stepped into the limelight and floored everyone with his own set of heroes – and Carol was hesitant to call them that. Every bit of information had been pulled on this masked heroes and the database barely offered them crumbs. Super-people running around under Osborn’s authority felt like a power grab instead of a shield, and Carol still didn’t know how to respond to it. At the helm of the table, Carol didn’t say much as people filed, filling their respective seats. She tried not to pay attention to the idle murmuring as it buzzed around her, her thoughts too easily dismantled with her current stress level. This threat was so soon after the war with the mutants and she wasn’t eager to have to face another set of supers. “I would say thank you for coming, but I know most of us don’t want to be here given the recent events. As you all know, President Norman Osborn has revealed a very unorthodox plan to completely level everything we’ve known and built. He has his own set of Avengers, his own intelligence agency, and even his own X-men. He has done this with little regard to the Avengers and the X-men already established and standing, and his dissolution of SHIELD is alarming. Unfortunately, we can only surmise as to what it is he is doing and why — and how he plans on enacting whatever that is. We’re left with more questions than answers, so if anyone has anything to offer, please feel free to share.”
SAM: He didn’t do well in cages. Never had. Sure, there was ancestral trauma that he could talk to his shrink about but the truth of the matter was that Sam Wilson didn’t do well in cages and he didn’t like being locked in. With dislikes like those his career as a pararescuemen made sense, as did the huge emphasis on the freedom that being Cap came with. That being said, he had seen his fair share of bars. There had been the literal ones of the Raft, but Osborn’s new world felt even more constricting. It was terrifying because they were supposed to believe they were free when they were anything but. Sam let Carol talk. He gave her some space while he paced in the back of the room before his arms found a home crossed over his chest. These debriefings never went well. It was like the Sokovian Accords all over again, but this time the ghosts of Tony, Nat and Steve were all too present. He kept scanning the peripheral for a glimpse of red or straining his ears for a sarcastic retort, but they were gone. Whatever was happening they’d go alone. “I think it goes without saying I may not be Norman’s biggest fan,”  Sam piped up from the back wall. “But let’s try not to look at it personally. We’ve done this song and dance before. They may have a harder time touchin’ us, but you guys?” He jutted his head at the minors. “We need to get smart and fast.”
PETER: If there was one thing that Peter valued, it was his privacy– and that was being threatened, big time. Peter glanced over to Sam’s finger as it jutted over in his general direction, the eyes of his suit widening just slightly like he had been accused of something. “I don’t have any ideas.” Yeah, that was definitely worth saying Peter. “Anyone else? Because this really sucks.”
NADIA: Ever since the Coles Incident - which is what they were calling the event where Nadia had potentially lost two of her best friends - she had been doing her best to brainstorm in moderation without  driving herself crazy. “I would say that we try to talk to them, but we did.” That whole hearing had been awful. They had asked questions that weren’t even about what happened, like they could create problems out of nowhere. “I agree with Peter. It sucks.” 10 points for the children being helpful.
IDIE: Idie sat with the other representatives of Krakoa, listening carefully to what Carol was saying. The last few weeks had all felt like a whirlwind – so much was happening so fast. Her eyes wandered round the room as Carol spoke, looking over the familiar faces and the new ones, making a note in her head that these were people she could somewhat trust in these troubled times. She didn’t trust this new world she was living in – even though the people in this room were united against one cause, it was the Krakoa mutants Idie trusted most with her life, and she hoped they trusted her. Her eyes flickered to the new Captain America – who piped up after Carol had finished speaking, and his words resonated with her. He was right. They needed to work harder and smarter than they had before. President Osborn’s new Avenger’s felt like his own personal paramilitary, and she worried how he would use his new X-Men team. “I was a child when I came to the X-Men,” Idie stood up as she spoke, taking a breath as she gathered her thoughts. “I see myself in these young heroes. While they are young, they’re also smart. They are aware of the world around them and its dangers. No one cared that I was a child when my powers mutated, all they saw was a witch who deserved to die.” There was a bitterness in Idie’s tone as she spoke. “What I’m trying to say is, these young heroes are assets, not dangers. With the right training, they can be stronger and smarter heroes. We should be giving them a chance, not turning them away.”
SUSAN: This was, unfortunately, not a new rodeo. The Fantastic Four had always been hyper visible as a group and that had bled into their private life. People who didn’t understand how they operated had tried to have say in their parenting and fighting off CPS while also trying to save the multiverse was exhausting. “Every hero needs responsibility, but I know most of you didn’t choose this. Even if you did, you’re all doing a good thing.  I know C.R.A.D.L.E.  started raids. Is there any kind of sanctuary we can make in the short term?” Susan glanced to her husband and children. “I think we need to be prepared to fight them.”
ERIK: “While I will not argue that the future of our young heroes here is important, there is more to focus on than them. They are more than used to standing up for themselves, no matter their age.” Erik figured that it was his turn to speak now, since there was much to discuss. “The group of mutants parading around under the direction of the President have broken away from the ideas we on Krakoa hold sacred. They threaten the incredible amount of work, blood, tears, and pain we have suffered through to get to where we are now.”
VALERIA: Valeria sat quietly, listening to the other heroes speak. A lot was going on in the room, and a lot of different opinions were being said – it was going to be a difficult night ahead. “My mom is right,” Valeria spoke. “We can fight as well as any of you in this room, but C.R.A.D.L.E. poses a risk to our lives. To our futures. If we are to be put in a sanctuary, we should be prepared to fight. Give us training, don’t put us in a corner and leave us be. That will only end badly.”
JEAN: The announcement of ‘America’s X-Men’ had sounded wrong from the moment she had heard it. Sitting with her son swaddled against her, Jean nodded along lightly as Erik spoke. It was strange. Her own younger self technically fell outside of the law now. “As does his Cabal. Whatever deal he and Emma made is not reflective of the Quiet Council or Krakoa. Kate,” the redhead glanced towards Pryde. “You’re Hellfire. Was that planned?” It stung, a bit. Jean and Emma had grown closer and her decision to drag Krakoa into Osborn’s circle was made without warning. Out of respect the telepath had stayed out of her mind, but the situation had become icy.
IDIE:  Idie nodded as Erik spoke. She could have laughed at the fact she found herself agreeing with Magneto of all people (perhaps Quentin had been right all these years, although she would not be admitting that to him. “For some of us, Krakoa is the only home we’ve ever known. This X-Men group threatens to take it away from us.” She glanced at Jean, an eyebrow raised at her comment. “Ms. Grey, I don’t think now is the time for fighting between us. We need to be united.”
GWEN: “I don’t even live here,” Gwen was slouched over with her head in her hands, “but they’ve made it pretty clear I’m at risk as well when I’m here.” Her identity in Earth-13130 remained a secret to the general public even though at the meeting her hood had been pulled back to rest against her neck. She didn’t just want to ignore people in trouble though if she saw them. “Val’s right. Fighting is our best option. They can’t push us around just because we’re younger.”
VALERIA: A smirk crept across Val’s face as Gwen said she was right. “We may be young but we made a commitment to be who we are, if we didn’t we wouldn’t be sitting in this room discussing it.” She rested a comforting hand on Gwen’s shoulder, squeezing it gently. “It’s our choice, isn’t it? We chose this life. We want to fight this, and if you put us somewhere for our own protection without giving us the tools to fight and protect ourselves, you might as well let C.R.A.D.L.E. find us, capture us, and do God only knows what to us.”
PETER: “We can fight, but what’s that really gonna do?” Peter spoke up again. “If we fight them.. isn’t that just going to make them want all of these rules even more? It’s true that we can stand up for ourselves, but I don’t know if there’s a way to actually get them to stop.”
ILLYANA: “Who said anything about fighting?” Blue eyes were trained on black painted nails. It was ridiculous that she fell under the rule considering her history. Illyana’s words were directed at Idie though, not any of the other people who had actually discussed fighting. “I don’t think Jean did, but the blonde with the big brain - that was Val - seems interested.” Illyana was too.
KATE: Reclining back as far as her chair would reach, Kate had been fiddling with the edge of her coat as people spoke around her. Osborn’s sudden resurgence into society along with his reveal of his shiny new squad didn’t sit well with her. And as Kate understood, it didn’t sit well with anyone. It took a moment for her to register that Jean had addressed her and she automatically wanted to respond with a ‘what’, but Jean’s words managed to sink in before she did. Dark eyes shifted around the room, not really focusing on anyone, before coming to land back on Jean. “You’re asking the wrong person. I wouldn’t work with Norman if you paid me, but considering the affairs of the Hellfire Club, I can only assume there is something to gain. Emma wouldn’t do it otherwise.”
REED: “I see where everyone is coming from, but it’s never as simple as we want it to be.” Reed replied to both his daughter and the rest of the group. “Putting the kids together and making sure they’re safe sounds logical at first, but is it really smart to put all of them together? If something were to happen, they make an easy target that way.”
JESSICA: “Mutants, underaged heroes,” Jessica ticked off the issues on one hand. “the fact that we don’t know who these heroes are. Should we try and pick a topic or do we like bouncing around?” She opposed everything on the grounds that it felt wrong and S.H.I.E.L.D.,  while imperfect, was often more good than bad. Now a mother herself of a kid with super powers, Jessica hated the unease that came with considering this version of the future. “Did literally anyone see this coming?”
IDIE: “All I meant was that we can’t be seen at each other’s throats.” Idie turned to Illyana. “It would only give people reason to support Osborn’s X-Men, and I think we can agree that is the last thing we want.” Her eye glanced over at the underaged heroes for a moment, spotting the blonde Illyana had spoken about, then turned back to the other mutant. “Fighting whatever Osborn is up to. If we want to stand against it, we need to stand together.”
VALERIA: “We’re stronger together than we are apart, Dad.” Valeria stared at her dad, her eyes wide. “We need each other right now. We can protect each other. We aren’t just a group of dumb kids, Dad. We have powers, just like the rest of you.”
JEAN: Deciding to ignore both Illyana and Idie, Jean kept her gaze on Kate. She’d always have a soft spot for her and her inability to get on Krakoa meant that the two didn’t see each other near enough. Part of that was on her, of course, but with the baby and the Council one thing often turned into the next and suddenly a week had gone by. “If Emma had talked to anyone it would have been you, Kate, or Scott.” Her glance didn’t flicker over to the husband who sat beside her. “This Cabal is international. Do we know anything else about it?”
SUSAN: “Of course you aren’t, dear.” Susan’s tone was more patient than patronizing. Valeria was one of the smartest there was. “We just need to be strategic and delicate here. They’re looking for another incident like what happened with Ms. Marvel. You’re all out of grace and chances.”
PETER: “My paranoia saw this coming.” Peter’s reply to Jess was meant to be quieter than it ended up being. “And still, I have no idea what to do other than just.. not register. But I’m not ready for the whole city or-or the whole world to hate me or think I’m the bad guy.”
XANDRA: Her goal had been to remain as innocuous as possible. Although she preferred not to, Xandra had slipped from her chamber and left an illusion in her place. It had taken a great deal of concentration to maintain her own physical camouflage but as soon as she arrived on the premise she allowed that to fall. “My aunt betrayed me.” Feathers ruffled around her face as she spoke. “Which knowing Deathbird should not be a surprise.” And yet, it was. Xandra had truly hoped for the best. “She joined your President’s Cabal without my approval. Her vote does not represent the Shi’ar people.”
SAM: “Sometimes they’re gonna think you’re the bad guy. It’s inevitable when we’re the ones doing the hard stuff people don’t want to deal with.” Sam knew that unfortunately too well. “We fight, we look bad. We don’t and we end up screwed. We’re just all in agreeance that we don’t know enough yet about what’s going on.”  
VALERIA: Val slouched back in her seat, running a hand through her hair as she thought. She was a child to most of these people, it didn’t matter how smart she was, or what she thought. Peter’s remark made her scoff as she held back a laugh. “Separating us and putting us in safe houses where we will feel useless will give them another Ms. Marvel incident,” Valeria tried to be patient, but it felt like her words were falling on deaf ears.
NADIA: “Can we please stop calling it that?”  Nadia’s voice was quiet. She loved Kamala. The two had been close ever since Kamala had tried to help Nadia get her citizenship set up. Hearing all the terrible things the world was saying about Ms. Marvel in Kamala’s name made her sick. There was no way she’d stand behind any of it. “She’s my friend.”
KATE: "I didn’t say we hadn’t talked.“ Kate responded cooly. They had talked. Kate had outright confronted her, but Emma had brushed it off. No big deal. The excuses given to her were easy enough to accept if you wanted to, but Kate didn’t trust Norman, so she didn’t trust that Emma was telling her the whole story. "I just assume Emma has her reasons and I don’t demand people to give me information. I trust her.” Half of that was true. Kate did trust Emma, but she didn’t know how much of a hand Norman had in this.
PETER: Underneath the mask, Peter’s face burned a light red. Sam was right, but that didn’t mean he was going to admit it. He could stay stubborn, clinging to his idealism for as long as he could. “We keep talking about another incident, but that’s the worst case scenario right? It’s not Kamala’s fault.” He glanced to Nadia, expression soft even if it wasn’t easy to read under his mask. “It’s not our fault at all. It’s Norman’s. There’s gotta be something we can do before it’s too late.”
SCOTT:  He’d chosen to remain quiet on the issue thus far. A team of mutants with Madelyne on it already gave him everything he needed to know about Osborn’s intentions, and he didn’t need to chew on it to get the point across. This had threat written all over it — he just couldn’t figure out why Emma would work with him. He almost considered that she was defaulting to who they had used to be, but Scott knew that even if she was, this was not the route to take. “She hasn’t talked to me.” He responded to Jean before Kate had the chance, his tone level. “This is all still fairly new.”
JEAN: It hadn’t really been accusatory, but Jean still needed to make sure everyone knew that Scott wasn’t involved with what Emma was doing. Jean didn’t want to turn people against  Frost but they needed to be clear on where everyone stood. “Emma joined the Cabal and we had no idea. Your aunt,” she turned to Xandra. “Did so without your permission. And then there’s Loki and Maximus. Did the Asgardians and Inhumans know?”
ODINSON: “Loki’s schemes are never ending.” Odinson replied with an eyeroll. “It’s difficult to guess their intentions, but I am not surprised by where they ended up. If teams like this were to be formed, Loki would be drawn to it all like an insect to a flame.”
CRYSTALIA: Even though it may have surprised most, Crystalia had stayed mostly quiet throughout this. New Attilan was almost exempt from the problem but her connection to the Nuhumans and Kamala Khan made it her problem. “My cousin is a snake in the grass.” Prior fondness was dulled by years of backstabbing. Lockjaw was panting in the corner, his massive head nearly in the doorway. “The Inhumans have struggled enough without him causing trouble.”
SAM: “We’re going to figure it out, kid. I promise. There’s no way in hell we’re going to let you guys go down here. But we gotta ask ourselves: who are these people and how did Norman recruit them without us knowing?”
CAROL: "Are we really surprised he did?“ Her question was directed at Sam’s. "He doesn’t exactly strike me as all that forthright. If anything, this is expected. You gather a set of heroes who will follow you and you have a perfect war machine.”
VALKYRIE: “Well, one of them is a two faced wench with a preference for green.” Val was leaned forward in her chair, one tattooed forearm braced against the table. “The Enchantress. Amora has never spelled anything but trouble.”
THOR: “And the Minotaur.” Thor piggybacked off of Val. “I knoweth him, unfortunately. His name is Dario Agger. He runs Roxxon and his bloodlust is… unfortunate, to say the least.”
SAM: “Surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes. There should only be one War Machine, and that’s Rhodes. Taking up the Iron Patriot without saying anything was meant to be disrespectful. What about Star? Wanda, you said you got a reality stone reading off of her. You, Vis and Carol know the Stones pretty well. Do we know her deal?”
KATE: “Look I could be wrong,” Kate had leaned forward at this point, interjecting between Sam’s and Carol’s conversation. “But I think I talked to her. Star, I mean.”
WANDA: “You did?” Wanda turned her attention to Kate, speaking for the first time. She had spent the night picking up on different energies but had turned a blind eye due to how caught up in the Vision she had been. Now, she was regretting her decision. “I admit that I didn’t look close enough. Who was she?”
KATE: “She actually came with you, I think.” Kate said, subtly pointing towards Carol. “God, all I can picture is the atrocious pink dress. In a gala like that, you’d expect opulence or at least something formal. Not mid 2000’s Barbie dreamhouse. I didn’t catch her name, but something about her was off. Like Norman Osborn off.”
JEAN: “Kate,” Jean shifted so she could pass (baby) Charles to Scott. “Would you mind if I entered your mind for a moment to pull the name and face out?”
SAM: “You brought an American Avenger as your date, Danvers?” Sam’s brow rose. He couldn’t place her face. It was a bland blonde mix. He hadn’t been there long at all. Mostly a quick stop in and then bail to try and get home to rest.
KATE: For a long moment, Kate just stared at Jean, her features blank. She didn’t want to give anything away in the moment, but she wasn’t comfortable being in her own head, let alone letting someone else navigate around there. But she’d offered this tidbit of information, so maybe she should see this the whole way through. “If you think it’s necessary.”
JEAN: Thank you for trusting me. Jean’s words were spoken so only Kate could hear. Her eyes turned pink as she carefully dived into Kitty’s mind, dancing around anything intimate to find her way to the night in question. It took a moment to bring a blurry memory to focus, but then “—I thought I said I didn’t want to know your name.” Jean spoke along with the memory as the blonde rose from her barstool and began to back away. “Ripley.” The light died down then and Jean let the image of ‘Ripley’ be projected towards the others. “Do we know who she is or why she has a reality stone?”
CAROL:  She had suspected that Ripley was who Kate was referring to, but Carol hadn’t been struck with the same vibe. “She’s just a reporter.” She said in slight defense. “Are you sure you think it’s her?”
JESSICA: “Jesus Christ.” Jess shook her head, looking to Carol in disbelief. She should have put it together and felt stupid for not doing so, but Jess hadn’t even attended the Gala or seen who Carol had brought with her. “That ‘reporter’ is a psycho bitch. Ripley Ryan. Star. She’s from my reality.” As in, Earth-616. “She had a major bone to pick with you, Carol. Went as far as being experimented on to get back at you. You both almost died, but she was carted off to the Raft. I haven’t been home since then. I had no idea she’d gotten a Stone or came here.”
CAROL: Carol’s eyes shifted quickly, meeting Jess’s. Behind her gaze, there was a twinge of surprise but she did her best to keep her reaction neutral. “And you’re sure.” She didn’t doubt Jess, she hadn’t even known why she bothered asking, but a part of her wanted to believe in the girl. Carol always felt she had great instincts, and to have something be so carefully hidden right before her eyes was a hard pill to swallow. “She does realize that I’m not from her reality.”
GWEN: She had forgot to turn it off. Flipping your phone to mute seemed like a pretty simple thing to remember if you were going to very respectable Avengers meetings, especially when you lived in another reality and your dad couldn’t even contact you on this emergency line. Her phone was so often ignored that she was surprised when it began to trill that awful sound usually reserved only for Amber Alerts. She quickly fumbled with the device, about to turn it off until she caught sight of the picture that had come with the headline. Suddenly, Carol’s murderous girlfriend or whatever was way less important. Nadia and Lana’s phones  went off as well, and Gwen quickly tried to read and reread what had been sent out. “–uh, guys??”
PETER: Peter knew something was off even before Gwen reacted. He watched her reach for her phone but ignored his own that vibrated on the surface in front of him. The anxiety made him freeze, but as Gwen’s eyes stayed glued to her phone he knew he had to see for himself. He reached for his own, clicked it on, and there it was. It took longer than it should have for it to all sink in. What was in reality only a few seconds felt like minutes to him, and suddenly he became hyper aware of everyone focusing in on him. “What?” Maybe his eyes were tricking him? He felt his heart begin to race and heard it echo in his ears. This wasn’t really happening, was it? That was.. him. Right smack in the middle of his screen– and everyone else’s for that matter. It was out. Someone must have been following him, or someone here maybe sold him out.. or– “No, no no no no–!” Everything went cold, and his hands began to shake. His phone would have dropped out of his grasp if he hadn’t held on to it just a bit too tight, causing the screen to splinter at the edges. Right now he was surrounded and it felt like he was in a cage. Vulnerable. Exposed. Terrified. Betrayed. Peter Parker is Spider-Man. And there was no taking it back. Even though they had all just been discussing the future of people like him, suddenly Peter didn’t trust a single one of them. But his brain was in a fog– rage, confusion, terror. He couldn’t get himself to move, but he was at least thankful he had his mask on so no one could see the few tears trailing down his cheeks. “–what am I supposed to do now?” His voice was barely at a whisper.
JESSICA: Well, shit. That had taken the meeting in a way no one had expected. Jessica had to fish her phone out of her bag to see what everyone was staring at. Once she did she almost wished that she hadn’t. Maybe it was her unearthed motherly instinct, but she was quickly on her feet and moving around the table to crouch beside Parker. “Hey, kid,” her voice was low, dark head bent towards him. “Right now? Take deep breaths.”
LANA: “What the actual @#$@#. So they’re just going to out people and endanger them now?” Lana’s hands were curled into fists. She had never had a secret identity in the traditional sense. If the government wanted her they’d likely be able to find her unless she was on Krakoa. “We have to @#$@# do something.”
CAROL: Interesting how the world had just been introduced to a series of masked crusaders and one of their very own had just been forced to reveal who he was. Choosing to stay back, Carol observed the panic and frustration, understanding both but reacting to neither. Turning to Sam, she tried to catch his attention with a soft tone. “Convenient timing, wouldn’t you say?”
SAM: “It’s bullshit, that’s what it is.” Sam couldn’t keep the anger out of his voice. Peter was a good kid. If someone wanted to out themselves it was fine, but a public callout wasn’t. “This is the kind of game we’re going to be playing. I hate to say it, but we won’t have time to sit back. They’re going to come straight at us.”
PETER: The grip he had around his phone tightened more and he could hear the quiet cascade of cracking glass from underneath his fingers. Peter was breathing. But it was definitely not deep breaths. The skin-tight red fabric around his chest rose and fell heavily as he sat there fuming, and he eventually got to his feet. ”I’m breathing just fine!” His voice wasn’t at a whisper anymore, and as he turned away from Jess he slammed a fist against the table. For a split second his mind wandered to Aunt May. How long would it take for her to hear the news and call him? What was he going to say to her? Was it even safe for him to go home? The equal levels of fear and anger had shifted as the seconds ticked by, and Peter found himself seeing red. His empty hand rose up and ripped off his mask, and he closed his eyes as the cool air hit his skin. “What’s the point of this anymore?” The fistful of red he had just pulled off was promptly thrown harshly to his feet, where it stayed and he stared at it. “Who did this to me? Why me? Why now?”
CAROL: She hated how right he was. A tic in the back of her jaw worked as she watched Peter, choosing to keep her personal emotions to herself. There was no reason to amplify the stress in the room. “Then we take the fight to them. Look, I don’t know how the Avengers were run before, but we’re not going to wait until they drop a bomb on New York to react. If Norman wants a war, I say we give him one.”
SAM: “We miscalculate this and we could be over. Osborn doesn’t need much to spin things against us. Whatever we do, we do it right.” If Steve were here he would have told him whatever it takes. But once again, he wasn’t. “If you have a secret identity, you may want to consider telling your loved ones.” Sam addressed the group. “Or if you can’t, let us know and we’ll find away to keep them safe. I’m sorry, Peter, really, but this isn’t about you. Osborn’s making an example out of you and it’s a real piece of shit thing to do. This has got to be our wake up call, guys. Things can turn and fast.”
JESSICA: Jess didn’t flinch as Peter lashed out. Had it been her she would have done worse, green energy tearing holes in everything around her. For a long time she had wrestled with the  fact that she had almost never had a secret identity. She longed for anonymity but was also grateful to avoid things like this. “Norman Osborn is not a good guy where I come from. We can talk about it later, if you want.” As much as Jess tried to keep reality separate it couldn’t be avoided tonight. She and Peter B. had decided long ago that some things should be kept secret. Not lied about, per se, but what happened to Peter B.’s Gwen had never been something this Peter needed to bear. With everything happening now some truths may have been inevitable.  Catching Gwen’s eye over his shoulder, Jess gave her a look before rising and facing Carol and Steve to listen in on their conversation.
GWEN: Gwen wasn’t really sure why she was being passed the baton, but she did know being a teenaged spider person sucked.  She had seen frustration and fear in her Peter and it scared her to see it again, but she did the best to shake the feeling off. Webbing quickly shot the mask into her hands, and Gwen placed it in front of him once more. “The point of this is that you get out there and help people. Your mask is your badge, even if you don’t need to wear it. I think you need some air, Peter.”
PETER: “Well it definitely feels like it’s about me! That’s my face on your phone! Who knows how many people have seen this.” Finally Peter loosened the grip on his phone and let it drop back to the table with a thud. He didn’t want to believe that Norman would do something like this, not something so personal. The harder he tried to ignore that horrible feeling deep in his gut, the worse it got. He took a long glance at Jess as she moved away, not offering her up either a yes or no– but filing away the invitation for later. As Gwen moved closer he fought hard against his urge to move away before she reached him. It would have been so easy to tell her to leave him alone. But he stayed. He let her grab hold of his mask and through the mess of brown curls covering his eyes, he found himself unable to look away as she held it out to him. His lungs were still taking in harsh shallow breaths. He was still angry. But she was right– he needed some air. ”–fine. Peter picked up his phone and turned to head out of the room without grabbing his mask, and without bothering to see if Gwen would follow him. It was hard to tell if he wanted to be alone right now or not. The feelings of loneliness and being completely stifled were too hard to separate. Every feeling was, truthfully.
H.A.M.M.E.R: It started with the peeling of an alarm. Some kind of sirens were blaring and then there was the pounding of boots that never heralded anything good. We’re here under the authorization of C.R.A.D.L.E. in regards to S.315,  the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act, an amplified voice accompanied the sound of the door being ripped open before H.A.M.M.E.R. agents inundated the room. “This is Carolina Washington, C.R.A.D.L.E. officer.” A woman shouldered her way to the front with her weapon raised. “We were made aware that underaged heroes who have not yet complied with the law were converging here. We need to bring them in to register. Please, let’s do this the easy way.”
CAROL: Carol jumped to her feet so quickly that her chair kicked out from under her and landed cockeyed on the floor. The alarm blared in her ears, a torrent of sound that was as startling as it was telling. She didn’t bother paying mind to the introduction; when a gun was raised at her, she didn’t quite care for formalities. “I think the time for doing things the right way has passed, Sam.” Carol tossed over her shoulder.
PETER: Peter made it about two steps before he sensed it. Eyes that were once glued to the floor shot up and landed on the doors just before they were slashed open. He glanced back to the rest of the group, to his friends and the people his age that they were here for. It only took a moment for Peter’s face to harder with resolve, and now he was going to the right (or maybe very stupid) thing. Once he turned back around he shot out webbing and swung himself to the center of the room to place himself in front of the CRADLE officers. “Yeah? Well I’m Peter Parker– but I guess you already knew that didn’t you?” He held out his arms wide out at his sides, almost inviting them to come at him. “I would say that it’s nice to meet you Carolina, but it’s really not. So why don’t you just get outta here, and leave my friends alone. I’m in a really crappy mood.”
H.A.M.M.E.R.: “It’s nice to meet you, Peter Parker.” Carolina replied coolly, one hand signaling her men. “I thought your face looked familiar.” They had brought collars, already prepped and warned by the telepath they were working with on what to expect. It had been a precaution to bring back-up with them, Star of the American Avengers and the Goblin Queen of the American X-Men as back-up. “You and your friends are going to follow the law now and come with us.”
RIPLEY: Carol was here, but Ripley didn’t really feel like saying hi. The hot brunette from the bar was as well but this was business and needed to be treated as such. “Collar.” The word left bored lips as the newly minted Avenger pointed towards a female mutant in a ridiculous coat, a collar solidifying around her throat a second later. “Next?”
PETER: “Yeah, that’s me. Don’t worry, I won’t be offended if you didn’t set that picture of me as your lockscreen.” He took one more determined step closer and then criss-crossed his arms, each hand aiming at the guns closest to him to send webbing flying towards them. It sealed the ends of the barrels. He didn’t dare look behind him, but he hoped this was giving them all enough time to find another way out. “We aren’t going anywhere.”
ILLYANA: Oh, she was so not into this. “C’mon, you. Time to go.” Illyana took a step closer to Scott and Jean, her overall purpose there to make sure they could get the baby back unharmed. There was a flash of light before she dipped and took the Grey-Summers family with her.
LANA: “@#$@#.” Gloved hands clawed at Lana’s throat. “Seriously? Me first?” She looked to Nate as if he had some way to remove a collar.
KATE: No, they weren’t. Phasing through the floor, Kate maneuvered until she was just beneath one of the agents, reemerging with enough force that she knocked his weapon from his hand and took it into her own. Aiming it at Carolina, she tightened her finger on the trigger. “You brought a gun to a mutant fight; I’m not really sure how you planned on winning this one.”
RIPLEY: “With a little extra firepower.” Ripley moved fast enough to materialize behind Kate, crimson eyes trained on the gun.  “That gun doesn’t work.” The red in her chest flared up in a  moment of red intensity before a smile settled over her lips.
GWEN: Her body rippled as the black of her suit overtook the white, pink threading down the material. “Love the energy Pete, really, but maybe less angst and more focus?” Her symbiote always whispered louder in her ear when she let it manifest like that but they weren’t going to rip anyone in half tonight. “Maybe we need to go somewhere as in away from here and their guns.”
CABLE: Nate’s first instinct was to grab his gun and aim it right at the person who put the color on Lana. His second instinct was to try and get the collar off of her. And his second instinct won. He quickly grabbed her and teleported the two of them into the farthest corner of the room, then immediately dove into trying to find a way to help her– even though he already knew that there wasn’t. “I can’t–” Nate didn’t finish his sentence, both hands on the device at her throat as he looked back towards the rest of the action. “I’m sorry.” He was scared– for both her and himself. Getting collared meant that he would be helpless to save himself against the metal clawing his way through his body.
KATE: With an annoyed cock to her brow, Kate pulled the trigger just for good measure and lo and behold, a string of bubbles came out of the chamber. Not exactly the kickback she was looking for. With a frustrated grunt, Kate shifted her grip on the gun and spun, aiming to knock Ripley right in the mouth with it.
LANA: “Oh, @#$@# this. You have to go.” Lana forced herself to say words she really didn’t want to. She knew about his stupid sickness and what it did. “I’ve done this bullshit before. I’m going to be fine.” Because she was an incurable dumbass she fired off one test shot but the hot flash of pain nearly made her vision go black. There was no way she’d be able to get it off of herself. “Please don’t apologize. We’ve already died together once and I’m really @#$@# over this whole thing. So, go.”
CABLE: “I–” Nate cringed when she tried to get the collar off. He shouldn’t have to leave her like this. Frustration took over and his metal hand clenched into a fist before he punched the wall closest to him, leaving a noticeable dent. “Shit. Don’t do anything too stupid, alright?” He forced himself to take in a deep breath and then planted a kiss on her lips before backing away. “I’ll see you soon.” Nate took one last look at her and then activated the device on his wrist, disappearing in a flash of blue light.
RIPLEY: As the gun connected with her face Ripley frowned slightly, grateful she had already protected herself earlier. “Okay, first off, no thank you.” She grabbed Kate’s wrist, twisting it so she could throw the woman backwards towards the wall. Was she powerful? Sure. New to all of  this? To an extent. Her only main fight had been Carol  and everyone knew how that had ended. “I liked you better when you weren’t trying to be a hero.” She hissed, stepping back to survey the room. There was a flash of blue as someone teleported away. Gaze settling on the person left behind, Ripley shook her head. “Time to go to sleep.” The body hitting the ground meant she could move onto the next fighting hero.
PETER: “You go then!” Peter shouted back to Gwen as he webbed two more guns and yanked them out of the officers’ grip. “They already know who I am. This way everyone else has a chance to get out.”
CAROL: The hole the wall made when Kate collided with it suggested that Ripley was more overpowered than Carol originally thought. Honestly, she was surprised Kate didn’t go right through it, either phasing or not. Redirecting her focus, Carol allowed her powers to ignite, illuminating her palms as she aimed the energy blasts straight for Ripley, not bothered by the guards she’d have to go through to get to her. There was a bit of a personal vendetta there, her anger at a lower simmer. “Now’s probably a great time to get out of here.” She tossed at Sam. If it ended up just being the two of them, then so be it.
GWEN: “Oh shut up. I’m not going to leave you.” Not again, her mind filled in. She couldn’t let down yet another Peter Parker. Her dad was completely and totally going to murder her when he found out what was going on. Her suit was moving alongside her webbing but the emission of a high pitched buzz drove her to her knees as the symbiote squirmed and tried to separate from her.
SAM: Shields didn’t work very well in confirmed spaces and Sam couldn’t use it without potentially taking out an ally as well. “I always say no man left behind and these are kids.” That being said, they weren’t looking good. One was already being dragged out collared and unconscious  and the last thing they needed was for anyone else to get hurt. “Any last ditch plans, Cap?”
RIPLEY: Now that one hurt. Ripley’s mouth was tugged into frown as she glared at Carol, pulling herself to her feet. The C.R.A.DL.E. agents were already removing some of the minors but this pointless violence was tiring. “The best thing you can do is let them come with us. They’re safer in a holding cell registering than here where an accident can happen.” To emphasize her point an agent cranked up the volume on the buzz device. “Can we end this now?”
CAROL: Lowering her first, Carol let the charge in her arm die down a bit as Ripley stood back up. She all but shook it off and as Carol’s eyes scanned the room, she almost felt like her desire to push Ripley back was only going to compromise the people around her. And not to mention the building itself. They weren’t outside, they weren’t even in a very large room. As much as she wanted to unload on her, Carol damped the power and shot at Ripley again. Nothing debilitating, but until she focused on her, Carol was going to keep shooting at her. “Leave us and take as many kids as you can. If I can keep her occupied, she can’t control the kids. I don’t know if there’s another option here.”
PETER: Dammit, Gwen. Peter kept his jaw clenched painfully shut to make sure he didn’t snap at her. This was his fight. He was hit hard and he wanted to hit back– and it was better to do that alone. But his anger-fueled adrenaline was beginning to die down, and as it did the rest of the room came into focus. Carol’s blast caught his attention and suddenly, he realized just how stupid this idea of his had been. He wasn’t going to win this one, not without causing more harm than good. He opened his mouth to reply to Gwen when the same high-pitched sound hit him, and he instinctively slammed both hands over his ears to try and block it out. ”No!” She fell to her knees and all Peter could do was watch her and her symbiote struggle. He couldn’t let anything happen to her. “Alright, stop! Stop it! I won’t fight you, just– turn it off!”
RIPLEY: “Would you - knock - it- off??” Ripley raised her voice more than she had before. “Your shots are bouncing back.” Exasperation lined her tone. One day she’d need to learn to rewrite reality without literally having to telegraph what she was planning on doing verbally. “There! That’s the spirit. Let’s all be more like Peter.”
H.A.M.M.E.R: “I’m sorry, Captain, but he won’t be leaving with any of the children. We’re here under direct orders from the United States government.” Carolina said. A gloved agent knelt down to put a collar on the symbiote clothed teenager before another roughly grabbed another underaged hero. “Believe it or not, this is the best course of action for everyone. As an official Commander under C.R.A.D.L.E. I, Carolina Washington, hereby issue the arrests of Peter Parker, Gwendolyne Stacy, Gwendolyn Poole, Nadia Van Dyne, Laura Kinney, Lana Baumgartner and Jean Grey for failure to comply with S.315,  the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act. You will not be read your rights but will be given a full list of legal requirements upon arrival at our facilities. Any further attempts of violence will result in extended consequences. Do we have any other questions?”
GWEN: The sound was gone but they had put a collar on her. Gwen had no powers of her own anymore. Whatever they clamped around her neck was emitting some kind of frequency that stopped the symbiote from being able to compose itself. A few spiders wandered off of her, creeping down across the floor. “Do not be like Peter.” She moaned despite her cotton mouth. As in, Peter go.
SAM: This was a fresh layer of bullshit if they thought that they could waltz in, bang up some kids and then just cart them off to god knows where to do things on their terms. “Some of  these heroes aren’t American, they’re Krakoan. And Empress Neramani isn’t from Earth at all. You better watch what you guys are walking into.”
H.A.M.M.E.R.: “We know exactly what we’re walking into. The law states that any underaged hero operating on American soil is liable and able to be tried. These mutants were born American citizens. They’re under our jurisdiction. But thank you for reminding me of Empress Neramani.” Her gaze drifted over to the feathered Shi’ar. “We have received express permission from Cal’syee Neramani to take Xandra into custody as she is both half mutant and also far underage.” Family politics were messy, but Carolina just followed orders. She was a clean-up specialist, after all. “Your resistance will be noted and recorded.”
CAROL: The glow she was emitting didn’t die down this time as Carol approached Carolina, getting right up in her face. In the corner of her eye, she kept Ridley in sight, ready to send her supercharged ass flying if she had to. “You can take your Act and shove it up your ass for all I care. If you’re going to take these kids, you’re going to have to arrest me too, because I’m not letting you leave with them.”
RIPLEY: Theatrics. That’s all superheroes were. Theatrical little bitches who thought the Earth  orbited around them. Ripley could get into her hatred of Carol Danvers and all she stood for, but at that moment there was more to focus on. The Stone was twitching in her chest and her head snapped to the side to see the Scarlet Witch with magic glowing around her fingers. Could Wanda kick Ripley’s ass? Definitely. Did Ripley get the element of surprise? Definitely. One  word and the brunette went down and the blonde prayed they’d leave before she got back up. With her attention returned to Carol, two words were spoken under her breath before lasers erupted from her eyes and clipped Carol in the temple.
CAROL: If Carolina even made a move, Carol was going to put her fist through her chest. It was impossible not to be seething, to watch the kids, who were barely old enough to even have mastered their abilities, be taken into custody for them. She didn’t battle Thanos or the X-men just for people to be robbed of their freedom, especially not by those who Carol knew were more than eager to weaponize them. Or something worse. In a split moment of distraction, Carol took her focus off of Ripley just in time for her to knock her with a laser blast, forcing her off her planted stance. As she fought to regain her footing, all the energy Carol had been carefully suppressing erupted, engulfing her in one fell swoop. Without thinking, without taking it into care, Carol just shot a mega beam right back at her, her emotions getting the better of her.
PETER: This.. definitely didn’t go as he had wanted it to. Even though the sound wasn’t nearly as devastating to him as it was to Gwen and her suit, it had slowed him down enough that they slipped the collar on her without him being able to stop them. It shifted to a low hum that he was sure was still loud to her, and once he refocused he felt his stomach twist into knots. He looked to her with disbelief and panic as he realized that they were losing. He didn’t want to leave them. Even though he was scared, he was stubborn and defiant and pissed off. But there were other heroes here that were sticking their neck out for them, and because of that.. maybe it was wrong to simply let himself get taken. His mind was full of paradoxes. But Carol was doing a nice job distracting them, which was exactly what he needed right now. “Sorry–” He mumbled a pained last word to Gwen and then took off, aiming for the ceiling to swing over and kick one of the officers down to make an opening for himself. He easily broke the glass on the closest window and then flung through it, not looking back.
ERIK: If there was one thing Erik hadn’t expected to see, it was Wanda being taken down. His daughter was a force to be reckoned with, but this whole situation was new and strange and tonight wasn’t the time to get into what made sense or not. He quickly made his way over to her, ready to fight back if he was met with any resistance as he gently scooped her off the ground. Neither of them were the targets right now, and he was thankful for that as he got them out to head back to Krakoa.
RIPLEY: “Jesus fucking —” the blast from Carol was strong enough to send Ripley tumbling head over heels through the wall. It was yet another reason to despise Carol Danvers even though she had far too many already. For a moment she just laid on the ground spitting out chunks of plaster. She could hear Carolina running her fat mouth and some glass was broken.  Despite the suit and ability to rewrite reality she was new to this. Being some fake ass Avenger wouldn’t change that. Her bones cried out in protest as she pulled herself to her feet, already commanding herself to heal. “You know,” Ripley staggered back into the main room as she  wiped some blood off of her face with one arm. “I really want to kill you. Like really, really want to but they said no. Our rematch can wait for another day. So here’s what’s going to happen: you’re going down. Hard. And when you wake up you’re going to have a nasty headache. Sweet dreams, bitch.” Whatever cosmic power fueled her words took its toll before Ripley straightened and shoved a few locks of hair out of her eyes. “Wrap this up, Washington. Now.”
KATE: The force that Ripley had used to shove Kate back and into the nearest wall had come too fast and too hard and she hadn’t been able to will her body to phase through it in time. Though Kate didn’t know how it would matter — she would’ve either skidded on the floor outside or smacked into another wall. The impact had been powerful enough that it had knocked her out, only coming to to watch Carol crumble and collapse in a heap on the floor. A heart punched in her chest as adrenaline forced her to her feet, pushing through the aches and pains that wanted to keep her ass planted where it was. The impact had been strong enough that she’d either broken her arm or dislocated it, but she just held it as more agents rounded up kids and Ripley kept those who would fight back at bay. “I don’t think we can win this.” she said, not knowing if her voice carried over the commotion.
H.A.M.M.E.R.: The last of the underaged heroes were being collared, cuffed and carted away.  An agent had manage to subdue Sam Wilson and handcuff him to a chair and Carol Danvers was also down. “No, Miss Pryde.” Carolina shook her head. “You’re not going to.”  At her command an agent ambled over to the mutant and grabbed her by the injured arm for leverage before slapping a collar on her throat. “It’s set to turn itself off in an hour. Expect to feel weak and dizzy in the meantime. We very well could have taken you in, but Ms. Frost asked us to avoid doing so if at all possible.” Now that the room was nearly emptied, Carolina regarded the two remaining heroes with a slightly aloof smile. “We’ll be issuing a statement later about the minors. Until then, have a nice evening.” With the heels of her boots crunching over broken glass, Carolina and the H.A.M.M.E.R. agents left.
SAM: Nothing had gone according to plan, and now they had lost six people and an intergalactic diplomat. Carol was out cold and Pryde wasn’t looking too hot either. The Inhumans had escaped with Lockjaw near the beginning and the Asgardians had also left.  Reed and Sue bailing with their kid made sense; they had to get her home. But the others? Sam couldn’t swallow his guilt. He couldn’t even wipe the blood that  was dripping off his temple, the dark skin above his eye turning purple already from the butt of a gun that had taken him down for a few minutes. With both his hands cuffed to the table, it really felt more like a humiliation and a warning. Try to intervene and this is what happens. “Jesus.” He exhaled in one heavy breath. Back-up would be coming shortly to help them assess the situation, but it was too late. They lost. Now they just needed to see where they could go from here.
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Episode 122: Tiger Philanthropist
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“It’s like the sequel no one asked for.”
Adventure Time is technically a serial, but rather than one continuous story it’s a hodgepodge of multiple meandering plots that get checked up on at random over the course of its 283-episode run. For instance, minor character Maja the Sky Witch was introduced in Episode 133 (Sky Witch), yelling at the end that she’s planning “something big,” and we got that follow-up a full year later in Episode 166 (Something Big; let it not be said that these episodes aren’t named well). Virtually no mention of Maja was made between these episodes, but Something Big served as a direct sequel, beginning in the middle of a huge battle as if we knew it was coming, and we just went with it. That, for better and worse, is the spirit of Adventure Time's long-term structure. Episodes can be about any character in its vast world, and we jump around so much that it feels like anything could happen.
Steven Universe takes a different approach, aided by a singular focus on Steven's point of view. It also has distant sequel episodes, but it’s easier to keep track of these connected stories because of a more unified through-line. I mentioned in The New Crystal Gems that I’d like to see more character interactions that are restricted by this focus (give us an episode about Peridot making avant-garde metal-powered multi-instrumental music with Sour Cream, you cowards), but it’s still generally a positive from a plotting standpoint to keep things Steven-centric. 
For the most part, I’m a huge fan of distant sequel episodes in both Adventure Time and Steven Universe despite them being such different beasts. But while the random “hey remember this storyline?” in media res variant works well in a zany show that bounces from plot to plot, Tiger Philanthropist is proof that this type of sequel doesn’t work quite as well on a show with a more traditional structure.
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The premise of Tiger Philanthropist hinges on the idea that Steven and Amethyst have been wrestling this whole time. But, as we might see in an Adventure Time sequel episode, we’ve gotten zero references to this subplot between the first and second episode of the story. We never see Steven and Amethyst coming back from a gig. We never hear them talking about it in passing. We never see the tiger mask lying around to indicate recent use. The Brothers Construction and Good-Looking Gang even feel like Adventure Time one-off characters, as they’re for some reason never seen outside of a wrestling context despite Steven Universe otherwise doing pretty well at building a sense of reliable locals and background characters.
Bear in mind that we just had a whole arc about Amethyst’s inferiority complex in terms of physical ability, and at no point did the coping mechanism that she’s apparently been using this whole time come up. The thrust of Tiger Philanthropist is that she’s moved on from the need to use wrestling as an outlet for her issues, but when we haven’t even thought about Tiger Millionaire outside of a few Purple Puma cameos and maybe a poster or two early in our first season, it strains credibility to be told that she still was using wrestling as an outlet for her issues. I’m too focused on the hamfisted retconning to get invested in this story. It’s as if we got an episode about Garnet deciding to stop going to the arcade and Steven is bummed because oh by the way we forgot to mention it but she and Steven have been playing co-op Meat Beat Mania every Thursday since Arcade Mania and it’s a major part of their relationship.
Steven Universe is at its weakest when the crew seemingly forgets key plot points: episodes like House Guest forget a character’s established personality, episodes like Sadie’s Song forget Steven’s development from bratty to empathetic, and both Malachite and Bismuth go unmentioned for huge swaths of the show during times when they would’ve been relevant to discuss or feature. Underground wrestling might be less pivotal than the long-term bubbling of an old friend, it’s just as frustrating for the thread to be completely ignored until it becomes relevant again. Because it’s not like the show always does this: look at Connie’s training, which has focus episodes here and there but is also background noise in other episodes to let it feel like a consistent part of her life. Mindful Education would’ve been a disaster if Connie started training in Sworn to the Sword and then we didn’t mention it at all until she accidentally tossed a classmate.
And really, imagine if at least one of the episodes in Amethyst’s big Act II arc was in the ring. We easily could’ve had Tiger Millionaire accidentally eclipsing Purple Puma as a catalyst for her self-doubt (among many other possibilities that this crew could conceive better than I) and it would’ve made Tiger Philanthropist feel so much better. But I can’t write about that, because that’s not what happened.
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What sucks is that I love Tiger Millionaire and am all for more wrestling. Despite my snotty header quote choice about unwanted sequels, I was super excited for Tiger Philanthropist, and that glorious music brought me right back into the zone as the episode began. But the wind went right out of my sails when it became clear that we’re to believe Tiger Millionaire and Purple Puma are fixtures of the wrestling scene, and that it’s an activity that’s super important to Steven as a way of bonding with Amethyst.
And there are plot elements here that, in an episode with better context, would get a chance to shine. In a world where we knew Amethyst and Steven were wrestling for around two years, this would’ve been a pretty emotional conclusion to a relationship that began in the show’s early days (not that Steven and Amethyst would stop hanging out, but it’s always bittersweet when an important phase of your life is over). It would’ve served as a great acknowledgment of how Amethyst has moved on with her life if we saw the part of her life she was moving on from. We could’ve felt Steven’s sense of loss, and the surge of relief when Purple Puma returns for one last ride. If you transported this exact episode into a series that built up to it in any way, it would be a classic. But we aren’t watching that series.
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It’s a little fun that I’m unsatisfied with a follow-up where an entertainer reacts to a fan being unsatisfied with a follow-up. Much like Season 2′s Mombo Combo, two thematically linked episodes about moms separating the Week of Sardonyx from Peridemption, we get two episodes in a row about fan interaction to buffer Steven’s long day in space from the continuation of his mother issues culminating in another trip to space. Unfortunately I can’t think of as good a name for Rocknaldo and Tiger Philanthropist as a unit as “Mombo Combo” (the Fandom Menace?) but nobody’s perfect.
Lars plays a fascinating role here, because the easy option would be making him an entitled fan a la Ronaldo who wants things to go just the way he likes. And to be clear, Lars does want things to go a certain way. But he’s not dictating the terms or saying he needs Tiger Millionaire to act exactly how he wants, he’s just frustrated by a new development that seems out of step with his favorite wrestler. Even when asked directly about what he'd like to happen, Lars doesn’t know, because he hasn’t confused his fandom with the notion that he gets to dictate the specifics about the thing he likes.
(I try to be the same way, but I also definitely wrote a spiel about how Tiger Millionaire and Purple Puma should’ve been present during Amethyst’s latest arc like five paragraphs ago. Again, nobody’s perfect.)
It helps that Lars doesn’t understand that Steven is Tiger Millionaire (a repeat gag that I’d probably find funnier if I felt more charitable about the episode), so he’s unaware that he’s speaking with the creator of the content he enjoys; perhaps he’d be singing a different tune if he knew the truth. But as it is, we get a surprisingly generous interpretation of a demanding fan, allowing us to see the ethos behind Lars’s disappointment instead of writing him off as an entitled fanboy with impossible expectations. The timing of Tiger Philanthropist fits perfectly with Lars’s imminent moment in the sun, as he’s still prickly but has enough layers by now that I don’t roll my eyes too hard when he up and calls himself complex.
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I don’t talk about the visuals of this show as much as I should, considering how creative the settings and weird alien vehicles and structures can get. But it bears mentioning that, aside from some weird conspicuous computer graphics for falling money, Tiger Philanthropist looks great. The stylized snapshots provide moments of goofy flair to the mix, and the heightened drama of the ring leads to some excellent lighting that shadows Steven’s face as a hooded stranger and makes Purple Puma look like an honest-to-goodness superhero. We get fun choreography and costumes befitting a wrestling episode, and some premium character expressions throughout.
And it’s funny! Colton Dunn remains a worthy successor to Sinbad, giving us not one but two great gags of Mr. Smiley joyfully defining a word to the audience (both in the ring and at home); explaining “philanthropist” is funny enough on its own for how cheesy it is, but I’m really tickled that he gives the same weight to “sea wasp.” Really, this episode has so much going for it if the central idea wasn’t such a misfire.
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As you may have guessed by this review, I obviously think it’s valid to criticize aspects of art that you don’t like. So in theory, it sounds awesome to have artists respond to such criticism to make a product that you as a fan enjoy more. But we now live in an age where absolute garbage like CinemaSins allows people to pretend that productive criticism is just nitpicks, an inability or refusal to understand basic nuance, and frankly bigoted ideas about what certain people are capable of doing (if you have half an hour to spare, Everything Wrong About Everything Wrong About Civil War delightfully gets into all three!). It’s a double-edged sword, because creators listening to fans perhaps isn’t inherently bad, but a desperation to fill in “plot holes” at the expense of good storytelling is detrimental to modern storytelling (if you have another half an hour to spare, watch Lindsay Ellis’s take on Beauty and the Beast for more on this; this is a review with homework!). And this is on top of the potential of harassment covered in Rocknaldo, which not even the lousiest content creator deserves.
Tiger Philanthropist isn’t about bad faith criticism, as Lars’s views are from a sincere place, but its message of not treating fans like bosses is a valid response to fandoms who want more and more influence over the direction of an artist’s work. Which could’ve veered towards self-importance or hackneyed nods to the camera, so I appreciate that I never feel pulled out of this element of the story. We never shift from a regular episode of the show to a screed from the animators, and again, Lars isn’t villainized for not enjoying Tiger Millionaire’s face turn. Combined with Rocknaldo, we can see how important good boundaries between fans and creators can be, both for the well-being of the people involved and the quality of the art being created. Shirt Club gave us a tribute to making art, and the Fandom Menace (it’s growing on me) sees a more experienced team of animators commenting on a specific issue when creating popular art, all while not coming across as bitter or self-congratulatory. If only they’d done it in an episode with more buildup! 
Obviously the creation of a big letdown wasn’t the intent of the crew, despite how neat it’d be to demonstrate fan disappointment through a purposefully disappointing episode. Rarely do I feel like effort isn’t made to produce a good episode of Steven Universe, and as seen in its strengths, Tiger Philanthropist isn’t lazy. Which makes it a little more frustrating than if they phoned it in, because we’ve got jokes and visuals and a great message but none of it matters when the conflict they wrote requires a backstory they didn’t have. If you’re gonna make an episode about the end of a continuity, it’s critical for literally any amount of that continuity to be established beyond one wayward story over a hundred episodes ago. As it is, I couldn’t wait for this episode to retire.
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
Tiger Philanthropist was a huge disappointment, but I wouldn’t consider it bad enough to go on my No Thanks! list. With a different leadup of episodes it would be great, or at least fine; it just suffers from a plot that comes out of nowhere. Context can’t salvage my bottom list, which are episodes I just don’t like period. Still, if I was doing more thorough ranking, it’s probably in my bottom ten.
Top Twenty
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Steven’s Dream
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
When It Rains
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
That Will Be All
The New Crystal Gems
Storm in the Room
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
Tiger Philanthropist
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Halloween has always been your favorite holiday, and with the past few years being very hard on you, this one was special. New home, new life. What the hell were you supposed to do when a very handsome and clumsy Chris Evans falls into your bookstore hiding from fans? Do you rescue him or throw him to the werewolves. Tonight is the night where you could dwell on the past you’ve been running from or focus on new beginnings. Which one would you choose?
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Words: 5138
Halloween was one of your favorites times of the year. The smell of autumn in the air and having pumpkins surround you as you walked to and from places, made your heart melt into a gooey pile of candy corn. It brought up memories of you as a kid with your parents trick or treating and costumes, eating sweets until you were sick. It made you miss them terribly since they passed but you felt closer to them with fall in the air. If you had any doubts about your recent relocation, this would've crushed them all at once. The new town you were living in brought back those recollections like a flash flood and rather than drowning your were swimming and loving every second.
You just moved to a small Boston suburb where everyone knew everyone, and it was a far cry from the last ten years in LA, and you adored it. While you missed some aspects of LA, you were happy to find your new home, and you worked at a bookstore downtown, which you enjoyed. It was a more straightforward way of life, and you finally felt at home and safe from the chaos of LA, where you could barely make ends meet. You only missed your friends and close camaraderie that you had with them. Skyping wasn't the same, but you doubted that you would ever be able to go back, you barely had made it here, to begin with.
As you were unpacking the latest inventory of books in the now peaceful bookstore, you heard the front door chime and some quick rustling before you went up front to see what the commotion was. Your current weapon of choice was Hemmingway but it was a heavy book, and you had decent aim. With it being Halloween you could only imagine what terror awaited you. People were already dressed up, and you were about to close the store to go home and get ready for an evening out with a friend at a neighborhood party.
What you discovered when you snuck up behind a bookcase was quite amusing that you found yourself silently staring, trying to figure out what exactly was going on.
Here was this vastly built man in a blue henley shirt and snug jeans with a coordinating baseball cap hunched over the overstuffed chair. He was peering through the blinds like he was hiding from the Wolfman himself and it was all you could do to contain the snicker inside. If he cowered any more, you were sure the henley was going to tear right off the man's back and run in the other direction from the abuse. You came out from your hiding space and exposed yourself fully with books in hand.
"I would ask you if you were interested in the horror section, but something tells me you've had enough of that tonight?" He nearly jumped out of his skin but instead stood up from the couch and tripped on the coffee table, landing him flat on his ass. As he lay sprawled out before you, a giggle erupted from your throat. The blush that crept up his face was one that made you flush a similar shade of red.
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You looked out the window similarly as he did previously while he tried to compose himself. "Sorry to intrude on you, miss." You ignored his apology while still peering out on the sidewalk and street. "So which goblin or witch are you hiding from tonight?" When you turned around he let out a smile that would break the streetlights for a mile and dropped his head, rubbing the back of his neck, you assumed as a nervous tick.
"Or should I say fans, Captain." He laughed seemingly embarrassed that you knew who he was. "I've been caught." You switched the blinds closed and locked the door and shot your most menacing glare his way but quickly lost it and laughed. "Don't worry; I'm not a creeper. You can hide out here while I close up. I'm more of a Winter Soldier girl myself." He feigned mock hurt as he clutched his ridiculously hard chest laughing and you smirked as you set the books down.
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"If a buncha frat girls didn't just nearly mob me, I wouldn't be hurt, but one less crazed fan is okay by me. I should at least be happy that you aren't Team Ironman." He leaned his elbows on the glass counter as you scoffed at him for his blasphemous comment and he threw you another signature smile. "Anything I can help with? Ya know since I just threw myself into your store and at the mercy of your good graces." You grinned while you avoiding his gaze and closed out the till then putting up a few books. "I wouldn't mind a walk to the bus stop. The ghouls are out this tonight, along with the douchebags." He paused but then offered another solution. "I can do you one better. How bout a lift home?" You looked up at him with narrowed eyes, and he paused under the scrutiny. "C'mon! I'm Captain America."
"Let me ask you this, CAP. Say a strange man comes barreling in the store hiding from some random girls and offers a young woman a ride home on Halloween. Should she trust him? Seems a little sketch to me." He reflected on the scenario with a handsome, serious face that nearly made you swoon. "Under any other circumstances, I would tell her to run the other way and to make sure she wasn't wearing heels. In this incident, though I would say you are more than safe and would even call my mom to give you references." His face was earnest, and you wanted to believe that you were safe but too many years in LA gave you suspicions.
"OK, call her up." His brows shot to his hairline. "Seriously?" You nodded and crossed your arms over your chest, his eyes flicked to your cleavage but didn't linger. He passed the first test. Well done.
"No way am I getting in a car with a stranger on Halloween before I talk to his momma and make sure he's a gentleman." He gave a genuine and yet nervous laugh as he pulled out his phone and called Mrs. Evans.
"Hey, Ma. Yea Yea. I'm on my way. I got sidetracked by a mob of fans and had to lay low." He laughed, and you heard her ask if he was ok. "Yea, I'm good. Actually found a nice bookshop to hide out in, yea that's the one. Hey, can you talk to..Y/N?" He looked at your tag. "Yes, ma'am. I offered her a ride home, and she said she doesn't get in the car with strangers. So I said I'd call you...Yea." He handed you the phone.
"Hello?" A bright and cheery voice came on the line. "Hi, honey. I love that bookstore. I bring my grandkids in there all the time. I've seen you, and you are just the sweetest thing." You laughed at her observation. "Well, it is my job, Mrs. Evans." She laughed. "Nonsense, call me Lisa. I can tell you're nice. You even hid that brute of a son of mine when you could've told him to beat it. So thank you." You laughed at her easy nature and humor. "So you can vouch that he won't murder me?" For that, she was laughing hysterically. "He won't murder you, but he will try and smother you with his charms no doubt. Honey, make him work for it. That boy is a handful." You smiled. " And who says I'm not?"
"Thatta girl. Now if he doesn't hold the door open for you, call me. I will give him the ass reaming he deserves. I raised him better than that." You giggled. You already enjoyed her so much; you had to pay attention to the next time she came in. "Yes, ma'am " You hung up and handed him the phone, and he looked at you expectantly.
"She said that if you murdered me, you have to answer to her, so I suppose you can drive me home. Just remember, I'm fragile cargo." He smirked at your acceptance to his offer, and he held the door open and stood with his hands in his pockets and face down as you locked up.
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"So where is your chariot, sir." His brows perked up, and you wanted to facepalm instantly. "Sorry, occupational hazard." He chuckled and held out his arm for you to cautiously take. "I can be your prince charming." You scoffed and looked at his ridiculously handsome face. "Whoa there on the charm, big boy. I may live here now, but I'm from LA." He walked you to his truck, and you laughed. "Overcompensating?" He barked out a laugh. "Is that an invitation to find out." He shut the door and jogged over to the driver side. He could go from flirty to a gentleman with the flip of a switch. It was like he was speaking a bilingual language so effortlessly as second nature, he didn't even realize it. He was dangerous and a playboy. You needed to be careful.
"So where to?" You gave him directions. "You live two blocks from me. That's convenient." You smirked out the window. "What? To borrow sugar?"
"Well if you ever need anything you can swing by, I'll give you my number." You simply nodded and looked at him skeptically. "What!? You're looking at me like a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm a nice guy. I swear, you even talked to my mom." You smiled and looked at your hands. "Yea, she also warned me of your irresistible charm." He nodded silently. "Well, I promise not to throw unnecessary charm your way. I will only do what I mean and mean what I say. Fair?" You smiled and nodded your head.
"So LA? Why here?" You sighed and just went for it. "I lived there for ten years, and it was a struggled to make ends meet and then I found a job here at the bookstore and decided to just up and leave. Start fresh on a new coast. My parents and I lived in a small town, and I just wanted to get back to the small town vibe, ya know?" He went between watching you and looking at the road. One hand was on the wheel, and the other was on his leg, but he was intent on you. "Sorry, TMI?" He shook his head earnestly.
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"No, I like authentic talk and hate bullshitting all the time. It drives me crazy all the interviews and surface level conversations." He grinned as he looked out the window. "This is my home even though I also have one in LA. It's ...just not the same. I miss here and the people. You fit here. Here suits you by the way." Out of everything that he had sent that had sent you in a flurry, it was the best compliment you had been given in a long time. It confirmed what you had felt. This was home. You knew that you were blushing and didn't even try to hide the smile that graced your soft features and Chris took notice of it instantly. "Thank you." He cleared his throat to get his focus back.
"Of course. So are you going to Gilley's party tonight?" You looked at him questioning how he knew. "Hey, don't sweat it. I just figured since you're in the neighborhood and all. We go every year to the shindig."
"Oh well, in that case, yea I'm going with a friend. Anything I should be prepared for?" He ruminated a moment for took his hat off rubbing his hands through his mussed up hair. "Well yea, they can get pretty rowdy. But mostly the girls are just ridiculous, a lot of them come from the college, so they are ...younger. I don't see you being that kind of girl." You felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought of girls hanging all over him but pushed it aside, especially when you were older.  It was his life, and you weren't apart of it, you could only stew in the corner tonight with a beer in hand.
"Well, you should be used to it by now. Occupational hazard some would say." He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck again, turning another corner. "So what are you dressing up as?" You smiled at his question excitedly. "Flapper girl." He looked over at you, feeding off of your enthusiasm. "Oh yeah? I bet you'll be one good looking dame." You instantly blushed and bit your lip, and he couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I just learned something new about you." He said teasingly, and it peaked your interest instantly.
"What's that?" He shrugged indifferently. "I want to test my theory out later a bit more." He pulled up to your duplex and stopped, yet you didn't get ready to exit right away. "What makes you think you'll see me later tonight." He put his arm over the back of the seat but refrained from being presumptuous and putting it behind you. "Oh, I'll make sure of it." You laughed but made a point that it was at him and not with him. "You sure can manage that through these hoards of women you keep complaining about?" He beamed a smile and peaked over to look at you while you climbed out of his truck. "I need a pretty dame to rescue me again."
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You looked back at him with a smirk. "You're gonna need rescuing alright. Especially when I tell your mom that you didn't open the door for me when we got to my place." He immediately frowned and you heard him mumble a curse as you shut his door and skipped to your place, refusing to look back. As you closed your front door, you finally heard him leaving and plopped down on your loveseat, recounting the evening and how it all unfolded. Holy fuck, that was one helluva turn of events.
After you felt pleased enough with your dress and retro makeup you and your friend, Sarah, walked the very short walk over to Gilley's house for the party. To say you were shocked at the turnout was an understatement. People were littered everywhere, although the man had a large enough house to satisfy the mass of people rather quickly.
Sarah pulled you arm in arm with her cat tail hitting you as she sashayed through the front door. You immediately snickered at all of the slutty cats but assured her that she was the best-looking kitten in the heat you had ever seen. She purred as you both headed to Gilley's well set up bar.
"SARAH!! My sexy woman! You made it." The burly 31-year-old forever frat boy made his way over to engulph you and Sarah into a bear hug. "Lovin' the outfit ladies." He poured you mixed drink and showed you around his house and the different entertainment tables for drinking games to your amusement.
"Don't look now but behind an ugly ass bunch of girls in cliche ass slutty costumes is a very dapper looking Chris Evans. That man is staring a hole into you girl. I mean I know you said you met him today but what the hell did you slip him? He's got it bad." You swatted her arm. "Oh please, that man is trouble. He could have anyone here; I'm the last thing he needs. " She looked at you over the straw of her mixed drink with soft eyes. "Don't do that. You deserve something good. You've had a shitty few years, first your parents dying then LA being a money sucking bust. So what if he likes you, let him. Maybe he can be your sugar daddy." If she hadn't added the last part, you might have teared up at the shitty memories flooding up.
Your parent both dying in the car wreck and barely having money to survive in LA ...yeah. The past few years had been rough. Which meant falling for a Christopher Robert Evans would not end well. At least not for you. You rolled your eyes at Sarah as she hip bumped you. "Fine, if you're so anxious when you start to feel something for him take a drink. You'll get drunk and forget it and have fun at least." You laughed, maybe she had something. You took care to glance over your shoulder and saw him looking handsome as ever and dressed to kill...wait no. He was dress to match you. He was a trim and attractive, dressed like the devil himself.
Without thinking you just left Sarah, hearing her giggling in the distance as you walked over to him. You had a surge of confidence when his eyes locked with you and he couldn't even smile, only staring at your red lips and perfectly styled hair. He was sitting with four girls giggling and talking about Captain America and such around him. 
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"Hey there, sorry it took me so long to make it baby." He couldn't contain the smile that graced his face as he beamed up at you and stood. You wrapped your arms around his perfect shoulders with his lopping around your waist. "It's no problem. I'm patient, doll. Just talking about movie stuff with these fans." He sat back down, and you sat in his lap like it was the most natural thing you had ever done. The fangirls that were hoping to get to set off some fireworks with the Captain tonight were thoroughly disappointed as he was giving you all of his attention now. The redhead dressed as Black Widow chimed in. "So are you going to be able to play to beer pong with us later, Chris?" Her voice whined, and it was all you could do not to recoil. "Sorry, I plan on spending the evening with my girl tonight. You understand, though. Have a great night ladies!"
And with a collective and audible sigh they wandered off with their tails, some literally between their legs. "Well, that was quite worth it. Thank you!" You smiled at him, suddenly aware of how close you were and making a move to get up. He took his hat off and set it on the arm of the seat and put his hand delicately on your leg. "Not so fast, doll. You get up they'll know we were playing them." His voice was low and gravelly, and you shivered a bit. "Cold, doll?" You shook your head, and he only smirked at you.
"So what's with the costume, Evans?" He shrugged and leaned his head to the side as you took a drink of your beer. Every time you catch a feel....
It was going to be a loong night.
"No costume really. Fitted suit and suspenders, a hat. I just wanted to make an effort for you. That's all." You shied away hoping he couldn't see your blush. "That's very kind of you. Do I get the full-service gentleman tonight? Tap dance and all?" He laughed. "Tell you what. Stay with me allll night, and I'll do a little soft shoe for ya. How's that sound?"
"Something tells me you're not a soft kind of guy?" He spewed out part of the beer he just drank and wiped the back of his hand on his chin. "Oh, we're going the route huh, doll? Naughty, dame?" You bit your lip and grabbed a shot from one of the guys walking by who didn't blink an eye at you, only laughing. "See I have a theory about you, sweetheart."
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You let the burn run down your throat as you only hummed in response. "You've got a word kink. You like someone who can talk the talk isn't that right, sweets." He voice was low and throaty in your ear. Damnit, he was good. Either that or you were damn near transparent. Right now you were going with both. Both is good.
You two had made your way around the room, and he had introduced you to his friends from school and played some drinking games. You were losing yourself in the night, and you were sure if you were getting drunk on the alcohol or him. All of his friends and you had seemingly hit it off, and that only was worse, mainly because you couldn't get drunk enough. You knew you were going to remember the night and forgetting him was going to be hard. Sarah was toasted, but Gilly had a soft spot for her, and you knew she was safe with him watching out for her.
"I'm going to go and risk the ladies room line, I imagine you'll see me around dawn." Chris laughed as your rolled your eyes. "I'll wait for you, doll." You suppressed the fluttering butterflies and took a drink to drown them with booze and walked in the direction of the bathroom.
Little did you know that Sarah was drunk beyond belief and loose lips sink ships. "So, you and my girl seem to be hitting it off, Evans." Her slurred words would be nearly unrecognizable by some but the Boston native spoke her language, sometimes fluently. He smiled to himself as he watched you walk away. "Yea, she's somethin' else. You think she'd go for a guy like me?" He knew that he was fishing, and it was wrong, but he needed a bone thrown his way. Sure you guys were having a fabulous night, but he wanted something more than a drunk filled night of laughter. He wanted to see you again, and if Sarah just said that it was a possibility, hell that was all he needed.
"She's a tough one to crack, Chris. You're every girl's type, so that's gonna scare her off." He furrowed his brows and Sarah grabbed his check roughly not realizing her strength at the moment. "Hey, sad Hulk. I'm not sayin you don't have a chance. Why you think she's been drinkin sooo hard? Every time she drinks it's because she's feelin' somethin?" He looked up at her and gently took her wrist off of his face. "What do you mean?" She shrugged haphazardly. "She was scared she'd fall for you t'night. So I told her to just drink it off so she'd forget it. Girl can hold her liquor though."
Sarah found that hilarious and had a giggle fit, and Chris rolled his eyes. "That's some fucked up shit, Sarah." She hit his ridiculously hard shoulder thinking she would move him, huffing when he was resolute in his stance. "Shut the fuck up! She's had a shit life. Her parents died in a car wreck, and the same week she found her boyfriend fucking her roommate. She had to couch surf because she was homeless and save every penny to move out here and start over. She has no family and doesn't want to get her heart broken by America's sweetheart. Can you bl--."
"What the hell, Sarah?!" You stood there hearing the conversation about you between your very drunk friend and the man that you were grappling to keep any feelings for. "Chris, if you have questions about me I would appreciate you ask me and not someone else." He put his hands up in defense. "It's not like that, I just asked if I had a chance with you and---." You grabbed your purse from behind the bar and waved by to Gilly who was walking back over to Sarah who was looking more and more unbalanced by the moment.
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"Well, I can answer that for you. No. You don't. Men like you don't end up with women like me." You turned on your heel and made a quick exit seeing his fan club by the door. "He's all your ladies." They heard you and saw a determined Evans following behind. They were also headstrong, and they saw this as a second chance at seeing some Captain Action and blocked his exit as you made a quick getaway.
Your apartment was about a 20-minute walk, but you weren't really in a hurry and enjoyed looking at all the houses and seeing a few of them getting toilet papered this late in the evening. You had a delicious buzz going on but drunk you were not. It's like your body refused to let the memories of Chris go. His laughter and the touch of his hands on the small of your back. He was so easy to talk to and get along with, it was like second nature. Then he would turn and whisper things with such a double meaning it would make your insides turn warm. He could keep your toes on point like that of a premier ballerina. Yet you had just met him, was this what love at first sight felt like? You laughed at loud at the sheer cliche of it but damnit to hell, it sure felt like it was something profound.
Lost in thought and out of nowhere someone rolled up beside you startling the living daylights out of you. "Holy fuckity fuck!" You launched off and whacked the random assailant in the head with your purse, and he grunted. "Shit!! It's me Y/N! Chris!!" You stopped and held your chest and knelt over a moment. "Well even the more reason to hit you, asshat! Scaring the piss outta me and invasion of privacy. Now go away!"
You turned to keep walking but he jumped in front of you, and you stopped knowing you weren't going to get around the mountain of a man. "I will yell fire and wake up the whole street." He put his hands up in submission. "I just want to talk and make sure that you get home safe, please?" You sighed in surrender. "Fine, you have 8 minutes till I'm home to make your case." He smirked and took a place in step next to you in silence at first.
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"I didn't mean to fall into that deep of a conversation with Sarah I was just thirsty for information about you, and I didn't go about it the right way." You agreed but yet allowed him to continue. "Truth is, I'm not that good with this dating thing. I may have a quick charm, but it doesn't go past the first meet, especially when I really like a woman. I'm clumsy and trip over my words, I'm not suave or a charmer. I have some pretty solid moments that make you think I've got it going for me but I'm insecure and doubt myself all the time. I had a moment of uncertainty and asked Sarah if I had a chance with you, that's all." You paused and looked at him, not saying anything but just searching his eyes for truth, and you couldn't find a lie. Yes, he was a fucking great actor, but you couldn't believe he was performing right now.
"Thank you for that Chris. I'm sorry I went off on you, it's just I didn't want you to see me like that. Know all of the gritty details. My life isn't glamorous, and that's ok...for me. But I see the way women look at you and the way those girls at the party looked at you. I'm not that kind of woman, I will never look like that or act like that. I can't be that for, and I won't fit in your world." He shook his head as if you ever word you said was a foreign language and made no sense to him.
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"That bullshit." Your brows arched and you were ready to go straight up defense mode with Captain America himself. In fact, that was the image that you saw for a split second. Holy hotness. His shoulders were broad, and he was ready for a verbal battle if that was what was needed. "I know you've only known me one night but in that time did I made you feel like that was the kind of woman I wanted? Hell, you met me because I was literally hiding from the likes of that kind of girl. And look around you." He waved his arms around dramatically. "This is my world. The acting world is just my work and hey if I get to take you on a red carpet date, that would be unbelievable. If that's not something you want, then that's ok too. I can take my mom." He smiled at you adoringly while your heart was hammering out of your chest, processing what he was saying to you.
"What do you want from me? No games just..tell me." He laughed and stepped closer to you. He bit his lip, and you could see some desperation crease the worry lines on his face. His hands gently ran up your arm while the other found home on your waist, your breath got caught in your throat.
"I want you to give me a chance. I want a chance to take care of you and show you that there are good men out there. I want to be that man for you, doll,  and I knew it as soon as you threw that sass at me in the bookstore. If there is such a thing as love, at first sight, you had me right then. I'm trying real hard not to scare you off but fuck it. No games right?" You smiled and looked at your feet, taking a moment you gain your composure.
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"You sure it's not the booze talking?" He gripped your hip to gain your attention again. "Doll, I switched to water well over an hour ago to be your DD. It's not the booze, and the only thing I'm drunk on is you." You wrapped your arms around his neck. "That's a crappy line there, Evans." He shrugged and leaned his head a little closer. "I told you I'm not as smooth with the ladies as most people think." He finally closed the distance and claimed your lips as his. The warm and lush plumpness pressing up against your painted red ones, gentle and chaste. He pulled away and looked adoringly at you causing you to blush like a damsel in one of your books. "Well, you managed to get this girl." His brows shot up in a pleased and excited manner. "Oh yeah! I get the girl, huh?" You let the palm of your hand trail down and rest just above his heart.
"You most certainly get the girl, but one thing?" You leaned up and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, and he pulled your flush with his body. "Anything, doll." You smiled up at the most handsome man that you ever laid eyes on. "You use the knowledge of that word kink on me when the time is right." His eyes instantly darkened and he let out a dark laugh. "Oh, I plan on it, baby girl. I plan on it."
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187 notes · View notes
valmos · 4 years
New Scooby-Doo Mysteries 6-10
Episode 6(a): Ghosts of the Ancient Astronauts
Monster: Harriet Mullens, her parrot, and her zombies, her business partner, and his two henchmen
Interests: Fred and Velma are back! Velma’s uncle invited the gang to join him on an expedition. Looking for a baseball sized ruby known as the celestial orb. Uncle’s name is Cosmo. The ruby is actually a map to the Temple of Sirius, which was built by ancient astronauts... also haunted by ghosts of said ancient astronauts. Orb is in Cave of Death, cave is in the Valley of the Zombies. Daphne bribes Scooby and Shaggy with a few hundred Scooby Snacks. Monkey ends up stealing a box of Scooby Snacks from Scooby. Scooby grabs the orb from a statue, triggering all sorts of traps, like the room shaking causing a block to fall from the ceiling, a catapult robot (that could regenerate its boulder?), walls closing in on itself, and a gate closing. Zombies of the valley force the gang into a cobra infested cave. Velma and Daphne don’t seem to like snakes. ... gang defuses the snake situation with a hoe-down. Gang steals zombie cloths and pretend to be zombies to get away. Scrappy: “Let me at em! Let me at em!” Daphne: “You know, for once Scrappy, that might not be a bad idea” The temple has space suits left about the place, like sentries. Scooby stops to have a Scooby Snack break, a monkey steals them again. The villains find the treasure room of the temple with a giant egg encrusted with gems. Gang scares them away by pretending to be ghosts of ancient astronauts. Scrappy find an ancient laptop. Actual ghosts of the ancient astronauts show up , they have been trying to get their ship working for 6,000 years, Scooby figured it out in 6 seconds. Only two aliens were shown, but they had at least 6 suits in the temple, they also didn’t wear any suits when they left. Maybe they were earth suits? (Gosh this episode had weird D&D campaign vibes.)
Episode 7(a): The Night of the Living Toys
Monster: Evil Elf King
Interests: World biggest toy shop is in the middle of a spooky forest. Scrappy mentions Star Puppy again. Scooby-Doo Detective Agency. Legends say that the shop is built over the elf king’s castle. Lady puts ribbons all over Scrappy. Scrappy’s toxic masculinity throws a hissy fit over the bows.  Daphne bribes Scooby and Shaggy with a box of Scooby Snacks to get them to go down stairs, she doesn’t wait for the them to respond and just drops them down the stairs. 
Episode 7(b): South Pole Vault
Monster: Large Mad Sea Lion
Interests: The baby penguin from The Chipmunk Adventure is taking a bath. (Dang that movie is actually only 3 years away) Mystery Machine in Antarctica. Winter outfits. Penguin gets out the bath and Mystery Machine, driven by Shaggy, slashes it as it was drying itself off. Scrappy gets sealed in a safe. Sadly gets rescued. Crazy dude who hired faux-gang 2.0 to come down to Antarctica thinks a sea lion is the one sabotaging and stealing stuff. Scrappy bribes Shaggy and Scooby with fresh roasted Scooby Snacks. “...don’t make the sea lions suspicious” Daphne... wat? Scooby-Doo Where Are You.
Episode 8: A Halloween Hassle at Dracula's Castle
Monster: Ghost of Dr. Van Hellsing. (and a bunch of others, but they aren’t antagonistic), Chandra
Interests: It is Halloween! Scooby eats candy corn, caramel apple, chocolate bars, and popcorn balls, leaving nothing for Shaggy. It is Halloween night, but faux-gang 2.0 don’t have their costumes yet. Scrappy wants to be either a vampire, werewolf, or an alien from outer space. (I say all three at once. vampire alien werewolf from outer space, but is he bad?) Two aliens come out and laugh and nod to each other. ... Tiny Shop of Terror. (Dang, I make a bad joke about Little Shop of Horrors and the show just like no and sends me to my room 5 seconds latter). Dracula (but a different Dracula then last season) runs this costume shop with Igor. THE ALIENS ARE FRED AND VELMA JUST SCARING SHAGGY AND SCOOBY! Scooby is the millionth customer, they are invited to a Halloween party. Chandra the Unbelievably Remarkable and Quite Interesting Too will be there. Fred is dressed like a super hero, Shaggy is dressed as ... a cat? Velma is dressed like a witch (But not like the cool witch costume she had in ... Were Are You? where it matched her orange and red color scheme, this one is just blue/black and grey) Daphne is a masked superhero or thief? cat. Scrappy is a white rabbit (he is unhappy about this... even though I think he was willingly dressed as a pink rabbit before?) Scooby is dressed as a ghost with a flowerpot on his head. Dracula’s wife also a different Dracula’s wife. Frankenstein’s Monster, Mummy, Werewolf, and Creature from the Black Lagoon-type are here too. Scrappy says “What’s up Doc” Fred, Velma and Scooby try to unmask the real monsters. Invisible Man. The real monsters are all chanting “We want you” several times before the commercial break.. and several times after, before adding “to help us”, even got on their knees to beg. They retired from being scary and moved here to live a normal life. Scooby was not the millionth customer, it was a trick to get them there to get rid of the ghost. Daphne bribe Scooby with a box of Scooby Snacks, Wolfman eats them. Gang brought their normal cloths with them. Scooby find a magic amulet hidden in a wall, one that Chandra had been searching for centuries for. Dracula and his wife knew the amulet was there, hide it to prevent it from being used for evil. (So Dracula knew she wanted to amulet.. yet invited her into their home...) Vintage O negative RED JUICE. 
Episode 9(a): A Night Louse at the White House
Monster: Ghost of George Washington, Ghost of Ulysses Grant, and Ghost of Teddy Roosevelt. Ghost of Abe Lincoln
Interests: Formal outfits. VELMA! Velma gets interviewed, they kept that she is a researcher at NASA from the first episode. Velma helped planning the Space Station. Scooby is just going around eating everyone’s food. George Washington’s Ghost claims he has returned to claim his home (... but he never lived in the White House? I think he did oversee the start of its construction so maybe that is what he means?) Shaggy and Scooby sing the national anthem to George Washington, which confuses him (rightfully so because he would never have heard it.) Scooby’s mom and dad see Scooby is under arrest at the White House and rush to pack so they can go help him. Shaggy and Scooby beg to the president not to throw them in jail, president knows they didn’t do it and wants them to catch the ghost (because you know... secret service can’t do it?), and Scooby and Shaggy beg to go to jail so they don’t have to catch the ghost. Gang falsely accuse a woman and she gets arrested. Oh hey, they point out George Washington didn’t live in the White House. ... So there has been this brass eagle this entire episode that the gang got off the ghost and have been using as a clue. Apparently this eagle goes to the top of a flag pole in the area under the White House that unlocks the room where the NASA super computer is. We Natural Treasurein. The ghosts are two spies... and they somehow take a helicopter off the roof of the White House, Scooby and Shaggy hold on to the helicopter. The President, Velma, Daphne, and Scrappy take a second helicopter to give chase. Scooby’s parents show up in a third helicopter with his galoshes (Which has been a running joke a few times of cutting to them in a plane) Note: It is only 2 shoes, not four. The shoes fall on the heads of the spies, so mumsy-doo catches the crook. Scooby and Shaggy chow down.
Episode 10(a): Showboat Scooby
Monster: Ghost of Colonel Beauregard and Ghost of Magnolia
Interests: Dixie-Doo and the Showboat Seven. (... I think I actually remember this episode??) Scooby and Shaggy said there is no way they are going down to the engine room, fade out and they are with Daphne and Scrappy heading to the engine room. Dixie-Doo makes a bunch of fried chicken to motivate Scooby and Shaggy to find the ghost. Dixie-Doo dressed as the Ghost of Magnolia to trick the other ghost. Scooby and Shaggy eat chicken. The real ghosts show up, their misunderstandings in life finally cleared and are reunited. Dixie proposes that it is the most precious sight one has ever seen, but Scooby replies that the fried chicken drumstick is. 
Episode 10(b):The 'Dooby Dooby Doo' Ado
Monster: Gang of Thieves
Interests: Faux-gang 2.0 is in Vegas to see Scooby’s cousin Dooby-Dooby-Doo preform. Formal outfits, except Shaggy who is a tux t-shirt? Dooby-Dooby-Doo sings a song. Scooby plays decoy for Dooby-Dooby-Doo. Shaggy plays a record so Scooby can lip sync. it was Scrappy’s idea. Record skips. It keeps saying doobie over and over. It then goes chipmunk speed. Scooby starts singing himself. Scooby’s bad singing ended up saving the day. All three dogs sing a short finale, and Scooby breaks the lights of Vegas all around. 
0 notes