#the other half comes from matilda
alotofpockets · 1 month
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Roommates | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Gorry!Reader & Katrina Gorry x Sister!Reader
Where you start dating your sister's bestfriend after she becomes your roommate.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.8k
"You're still going to pick up Kyra from the airport and drive her to her introduction at the Arsenal training grounds, right?" Your sister has asked you this question at least ten times now. Her Matilda's teammates, and one of her closest friends Kyra Cooney-Cross was making the move from Australia to the UK, just like you had done two years ago, and your sister had asked you to look out for her there. 
"Yes Mini, don't worry. I will pick up Kyra and drive her to London Colney. You can go to sleep and stop worrying, I promise I've got her." 
Katrina seemed to finally relax a bit, "Okay, text me when she gets there? I told her to do that too, but she'll probably be too tired from the flight to remember.” Your sister loved Kyra like family, and it was sweet to see how similarly she cared for Kyra as she does for you. 
“I will text you when I see her at the airport, now please go to sleep.” You laughed at the slightly annoyed sigh that escaped her mouth. “Thank you again, and goodnight.” You hung up the phone after wishing Katrina a good night as well.
You finish your workday, and run some errands, before you head home. You made a funny poster to welcome Kyra to London before you head to bed for an early wake up call to head to the airport.
When you saw Kyra walk down the gate hall, she looked exhausted from the long flight, a feeling you knew all too well yourself. She was wearing a pair of sweats and a hoodie, combined with a messy bun. When she laid eyes on your poster her face lit up. Welcome to London, my favourite Tillie!
"Oh we're so showing Mini your sign." She greets you with a hug. “Yeah, let's send her a picture. I promised I'd text her when you landed.” The two of you pose together with the sign, while someone next to you takes your picture. 
“Are you hungry?” You ask while you take half of her bags. “I ate on the plane, but am in desperate need of a coffee.” In the coffee shop you catch up for a bit over coffee, and breakfast for you, before Kyra gets a call. She walks out of the shop to take the call, while you scroll on your phone.
“What’s wrong?” The panicked look on her face as she walked back in immediately grabbing your attention. “That was the landlord of my apartment, he just let me know that he accidentally double signed. In other words, I don’t have a place to stay anymore.” Without a second thought you had a solution for her problem. “I’ve got a spare room that I never use. It’s yours if you want it.”
The following week you helped Kyra get settled and went with her for her introduction meeting at Arsenal. Initially you would just drop her off and pick her up later in the day, but she had insisted you’d join her. Together you got the Arsenal tour, and you sat to the side for all her video and picture moments. All in all, it ended up being a fun day.
The two of you had gotten close quickly over the days that passed, sure you had known each other already, but now living together brought you on a whole new level of friendship.
Tomorrow would be Kyra's first training session at Arsenal, as well as meeting the team for the first time. Besides her Aussie teammates Steph and Caitlin, she didn't know anyone more than a familiar face. You had known she was nervous, but you didn't realise just how much until she knocked on your bedroom door.
“Hey Ky, what's up?” The usual smile the girl was wearing was replaced by a frown. “Were you homesick when you first moved here?” You had been so adamant that she was just nervous, that you hadn't taken the move to another continent into consideration. “Yeah, I did. Come here.” Patting the spot on your bed besides you, you offered her a place to sit. 
You talked for a while before you both fell asleep. The next day you drove Kyra to her first practice with Arsenal. You were just going to drop her off, but when you saw Caitlin get out of her car, you had to go say hi. You knew all of the Tillies from the many times you had met them in the family and friends hall after matches. 
“Y/n, hi, what are you doing here?” She greeted you with a quick hug. You point back to your car where Kyra appeared from behind the trunk. “Ky has been staying with me.” 
On queue Kyra appears beside you, and drops her bags to hug Caitlin tight. While the two of them embrace, another player walks up to greet you. You knew it was Katie, but as far as you remembered you had never properly met. “Hi, I'm Katie, nice to meet you.” She extends her hand. “Y/n, nice to meet you too.”
Katie inspects you, trying to figure out where she knew you from, until it finally clicked. “Oh you're Gorry’s little sister, aren’t you?” Kyra stepped out of her hug with Caitlin to defend you. “She's her own person you know.” It was really sweet, but you really didn't mind. “It's fine Ky, I am.” You rolled your eyes at her defensiveness, but behind that facade you secretly loved how she stuck up for you. 
From then on Caitin and Katie picked up Kyra for practice, since you basically lived on the route to the training centre.
Kyra joined you in your room on more days than not over the next few weeks, and you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t enjoy the moments you spent together. You were quickly falling for her, and every part of you hoped that she felt the same way. 
Then one morning you woke up with Kyra cuddled into your side, and her leg draped over yours. You lift your hand to gently play with her hair, she hums with enjoyment and cuddles further into your side. “Good morning to you too.” You were like a deer in headlights, caught by the fact that she had, unbeknownst to you already been awake. “Don’t stop.”
You release the breath you were holding and continue. You must have laid there for another hour before you got out of bed. “Can I maybe take you out for breakfast?” The way her eyes lit up at your question was enough for you to realise that she did indeed feel the same way. “I would love that.”
The two of you had been together ever since, just keeping it to yourselves to enjoy your time together away from prying eyes. Which is why you were stressed since your sister had called that she was coming to visit with her family, because she was meeting with the West Ham United team. You had offered your home as a place for them to stay while she had her meeting, and while her and Clara would be looking at homes for their family. 
“Relax babe, we never changed my room back to a guest room, so they won’t notice a thing if we act like just friends for a couple days.” Kyra tried reassuring you. You had talked about telling her, but ultimately you decided that you weren’t ready to tell her yet, and Kyra was fine with that. 
Kyra offered Mini and Clara her room, while she took the couch, and your niece Harper was overjoyed to be having a sleepover in your room for a couple of days. It was nice having your family around, and you were excited to have them closer after the move as well. 
Mini and Clara were out house hunting while you and Kyra spent some time with Harper. Harper insisted on some painting, and you could not stop laughing when the girl had started painting Kyra instead of her paper. While Harper was dancing and singing her little heart out to Frozen, you cleaned Kyra’s face. When you were done you placed a quick kiss on her lips. “All done.”
Meanwhile a few blocks over Mini’s mind was on something besides house hunting. “I think they’re together.” She stated to Clare, who was busy inspecting the kitchen of the place they were currently in. “Who?” 
“Y/n and Kyra.” This got Clara’s attention. “What makes you think that?” Mini went on and on about how Kyra’s room looked like it hadn’t been touched in weeks, that you looked so comfortable together, the glances she had noticed between the two of you, and just the general vibe when the two of you were in a shared space. “Well, if they are, what would you think of that?” Mini thought for a moment before ultimately deciding that she thought the two of you would be cute together and good for each other. 
Mini had not expected to get answers to her question on if the two of you were together or not, but when she put Harper to bed, her little girl snitched on you right away. “Did you have fun today?” The girl nodded her head enthusiastically before telling her mom all about the things that you had done today and finished her story with, “Oh and Auntie and Kywa was kissing.” Mini smiled to herself. “Oh did they now, sweetheart? I am glad you had a good day. Sweet dreams.” 
The next morning you head out to breakfast all together, before your sister and her family fly back for a couple more months. “This place is great, y/n. Where did you find it?” You’re glad that they are enjoying the food just as much as you do. “I took Kyra here when she was all settled in.” You were soaking in all the time with your little niece as much as you could, so you were helping her colour in her drawing while you were speaking to the adults at the table.
“Oh, did you go here for your first date?” Since you were so focussed on the colouring you didn’t think before speaking. “Yeah- oh.” Your head shot up at your older sister, though you relax when you see the proud smirk on her face. “You knew?”
Mini points to Harper, “We’ve got ourselves a little snitch on our hands, she saw you two kiss yesterday. I did also have a feeling already.” You felt relieved now that your sister knew, because she was the person you were most scared of telling, with Kyra being one of her best friends and all.
You drove Mini, Clara, and Harper to the airport with Kyra, where you said your temporary goodbye’s. Knowing that they would be back in two months to move to London. You couldn’t wait to have your family close again. 
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chaotic-toasters · 19 days
Kim Little x Teen!Reader
Arsenal WFC x Teen!Reader
“Hey, kiddo!” Katie's voice boomed in your ear, making you jolt. “Ready for trainin’?”
You shrunk slightly as her arm wrapped around your shoulders, discreetly shaking it off. “Uh-huh.”
Pushing the door to the changing room open, you slipped inside, sitting down at your cubby with a quiet greeting to the other girls.
You loved your team, and you loved their dynamics, but some of them were simply too rowdy for you to handle. It was one of the reasons why you kept to yourself most of the time, not wanting to get overwhelmed.
You tied your laces, hands shaking slightly as you pondered the schedule for the day. You hadn't looked at it before you left home, so you were unaware of what time you'd have recovery.
After hesitantly asking Lotte for the exact time the team would have recovery, you finished putting on all your gear, shuffling out of the changing room and into the hallway.
“Aw, look, it's the team baby!” Kyra cheered, pulling you into a headlock and ruffling your hair. “Y/N, how ya’ doin’?”
You smiled awkwardly, gently freeing yourself from the Aussie's hold. “Hi, Kyra.”
“Cooney, get off her,” a gentle hand was placed on your shoulder, the soft touch a stark contrast to the stern Scottish voice behind you. “I've got some things to discuss with Y/N, and I need her in one piece.”
Kyra groaned, slinking away. “Fiiine.”
As soon as the Matilda was gone, Kim removed her hand from your shoulder, brushing the hair that had come loose out of your face. “You ‘kay, kiddo? I know she can be a lot sometimes.”
You nodded. “Yeah, thanks.”
As the two of you started walking to the training pitch side by side, you couldn't help but think it was weird. The Kim Little was to your right, smiling at you warmly, letting you know that she was available if you ever needed her.
“I'll keep that in mind, thanks,” you said gratefully. “I appreciate it.”
“Of course,” the midfielder patted you on the shoulder. “I know what it's like to be one of the introverts on the team. Come chat with me if you're ever overwhelmed, I'd love to talk with someone who doesn't shout every time they talk.”
You snickered when the Scotswoman's eyes drifted over to Katie. “Okay, I will. Thanks, Kim.”
You didn't even make it through half the day. After some of the girls had gotten too rowdy for you, you'd gone and found Kim to do partner drills with.
“I'm surprised you lasted this long,” she grinned, tapping the ball to you. “Viv has been here for years, and she still can't last more than an hour.”
You couldn't help but grin back. “I'm special that way.”
You felt comfortable with your captain, her personality extremely similar to yours in terms of demeanor and values. It was easy to open up to her, to tell her things that your other teammates didn't know, and you knew that this was a friendship that would be nearly impossible to break.
You could tell by the way the mischievous idea formed in your head when the sprinklers turned on, the sudden urge to tackle Kim into the splash zone impossible to ignore. You would never do such a thing to people that you weren't good friends with, but it was obvious to you that you and Kim were heading in that direction.
“Kim, what are you doin’ on our off-day?” Steph questioned.
Kim pondered for a moment, completely clueless to the you charging at her like a bull. “I'm not sure, I was ju— Y/N!”
She laughed as the two of you wrestled, water from the sprinklers splashing you both in the face and making it hard to see. “Y/N! Get off, you little rat!”
You grinned cheekily as you rolled around in the dirt. “I can't, there's a dinosaur on top of me!”
“Hey!” she complained, tackling you back to the ground as your teammates gaped. “I'm not that old!”
“Yes, you are!” you freed yourself from her grasp, sprinting off. “You're, like, sixty!”
“I'm in my thirties!” she yelled after you.
“Same th- oof!” You grunted as you slipped on the wet grass, falling flat on your back. “Owwwww.”
Kim snorted. “Your fault, not mine.”
“Wally?” You whined, sticking your arms up in the air and making grabby hands. “Help, I've fallen and I can't get up.”
The Swisswoman smiled in amusement, helping you up and wiping the dirt off your cheek. “Never seen you so comfortable, Y/N.”
You shrugged, waving shyly at the camera that you realized had probably caught the whole incident. “There's just something about Kimmy, I guess.”
“Awww,” Kim jogged up to you, pinching your cheeks and grinning. “So cute.”
You reddened, slapping her hands away. “No need to make it weird, Mum.”
“I'm not makin’ it weird, you're makin’ it weird!”
“No, you!”
“No, you!”
Katie crossed her arms indignantly as you and Kim tried to force each other to the ground. “How come I get told off for wrestlin’ Kyra?”
You stuck out your tongue, trying to sweep Kim's legs out from underneath her. “I'm just special!”
“I'm special!” Katie complained.
You waved your hand dismissively, digging your foot into the ground. “Just because your mum said it doesn't mean it's true.”
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avaf00rd · 16 days
Behind the scenes
Leah Williamson x matildas!reader
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Tiny little blurb I wrote last minute as I rewatched the show
“Hello you” you grinned as you opened the front door, a smiley Leah behind it with her large suitcase and England hoodie on. The Disney plus camera crew behind you. Pretending as if Leah had just gotten home from England camp and you hadn’t seen her yet. Well she had, about an hour ago though.
You grabbed the suitcase from her hand, and pulled her in from her other free wrist, placing a short kiss on her lips and hugging her tight. “How was it?” You asked excitedly whilst you both made your way to your living room.
“Yeah really good, great to see everyone” your girlfriend explained to you leaning against the large book case near your couch. “Plane was quicker than I thought though, only like an hour and a half”
The camera still following both of you “oh yeah wow that’s not bad at all”
“Suppose I had it a bit better than you travel wise” she chuckled, folding her arms now. Nothing to your 20 hours of travel to and from Australia for your own international camp.
“Certainly” you laughed back with Leah.
“Ladies that was actually really great for a first take so we probably won’t need to do that again. We’ll now just get you both on the couch so we can talk to you both” one of the members of the camera said, holding a clip board and directing his crew to your living room
Leah sat down on the shared couch with you following suit behind. Plopping down next to your girlfriend as she put an arm around you, legs intertwined at the end of the couch.
“You guys wanna stay like this for the clips?-“
“Yes” you nodded fast, as people in the room laughed at your certainty.
“Leah can you tell me a bit about y/n. Like how she is as a person but also a teammate?” The same man asked from behind the camera. They would get her answers and these shots for the docu-series.
It be out on Disney plus just months before the World Cup begins, to help Australia get more of an insight into their team and the players
Leah looked down at you, as you shot her a smile before she started “y/n is such a hard worker. I’ve never met anyone like her. Very funny person to have a laugh with…or laugh at” she nodded
You rolled your eyes “saw that coming”
Leah did one of her wide smiles where her cheeks would go so high and her nose would scrunch up which made you melt completely, “so leading onto that she’s a bit clumsy”
“Not all the time” you mumbled
“Everyone at Arsenal calls her the princess though. Because she’s just the sweetheart of the team, who cares about her team so so much and we get to see that every day here in London” you smiled to yourself as you looked down at the couch while Leah spoke about you to the cameras
“Do you just completely hate this?” Leah laughed
“No keep going” you nodded, making her laugh. Leah often got the sense you got all flustered and embarrassed when she spoke about you so well, to other people when you are in the room.
“Y/n what’s it like getting to train each day and play games with your partner?” The producer asked me
“Yeah I’m extremely blessed, I would say, to be able to basically spend every hour of the day with her. And to put on the Arsenal badge and play for our fans with my favourite person is a bit of a win each weekend for me”
“We’re assuming you two meet through Arsenal?” He asked
“Yeah we met at Arsenal when I transferred back in 2019. And then I went on loan to Barca for a season, but then…yeah I came back-“
“And then y/n asked me out!” Leah cut you off with a grin
“Um okay it was kind of you” you looked up at her with a shake of your head.
“Kinda both of us in a way?” Leah shrugged to camera. Which you just shook your head, to said camera.
“They aren’t gonna understand that” you pointed with both arms to the camera, you and Leah now giggling. You both said a few more things they had asked you before the filming stopped.
“Thanks girls! We will see you tomorrow afternoon for more shots, have a great night, hope we didn’t take up too much of your time” a different lady had said now, as she helped her crew pack up some small equipment.
“Not at all!”
Being one of the few people in your Matilda’s squad who had been apart of the team for over 11 years, you had been in quite a few scenes in the docu-series. Alongside Steph Catley, Sam Kerr, Caitlin Foord, and more. You got the opportunity to talk about your family’s background in the sport and growing up with the Matilda’s, as well as preparations to win the World Cup.
This morning you had done some scenes at the training centre for your club, along with Cait and Steph as you all talked about playing for Arsenal.
The cameras were with you once again, as Now Leah sat on a small picnic blanket in your local park, late afternoon, where you would often bring your dog, Denny, you were trying to get him to run with the ball at his fist like he was about to shoot.
Leah threw her head back laughing hysterically as you fell over your feet once again, tripping on your own dog, in another attempt to get him to play football. “It’s not going to work” she shouted
“He’ll do it Leah just wait!” You shouted back laughing as you kept trying. When you made it back to the picnic blanket, you did what you were asked to do by the crew which was talk about playing each other in the World Cup.
“I always say it but I really really hope both our teams make it to the final, but I don’t think I could handle versing you in a heated game like that”
“You do it all the time though. We’ve had so many heated games against each other”
“Yeah but a World Cup final though…Hopefully one of us will be out by then” Leah shrugged, looking at you from her position on the rug with her knees tucked to her chest
“Hopefully England” you shrugged back
“No I was joking. I hope both teams are” she laughed once again.
“I think the friendly coming up against England just before the World Cup should be good.” You said as Leah nodded “Most players who will be in the World Cup squad should hopefully be in there so we get a full feel of not just the other team but hopefully our own squads”
“Yeah for sure” Leah said
“I can sense you two have a small rivalry in your own house hold” someone’s behind the camera commented
“Mm I don’t know” Leah grinned as you just laughed
“You know it’s true”
I’m pretty negative about fics like these that I write. Cause I hate this. But honestly it’s due to some of the recent think about my writing my inbox🫠🫠
So please. If you’re not a fan of it, click out of it!
Luv u all
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i-yap · 7 days
Wait I live Professor Jason. What about prof. Jason that is dating a reader who is a pre-school teacher? Kinda like Ms.Honey from Matilda
i will die before giving up on prof jason. Also Ms honey is like perfect for jason?? Why am I just realizing this
Prof!Jason x preschool teacher!y/n
His dream girl?? hello? I am lirerally crying from how perfect you guys would be together .
I love the idea of you guys meeting when he was still a vigilante and you being patient and kind with him, giving him a warm safe environment to heal. Show him how the "other half" lives.
Plus as a pre school teacher you have plenty experience dealing with difficult people who don't really understand the world and have a warped sense of what is happening around them but what they truly need is unconditional positive regard, warmth, empathy and attention with a little bit of strong tough loving guidance .
Too sweet by hozier? that's like your theme song ngl. You're so kind and beautiful and you are one of the few good people out there who understand how important it is to be nice to kids and treat them with respect too. You are dedicated to your students wellbeing and all your students just love you so much. Its adorable and he is just like..."I wanna have 12 kids with you"
You are the reason he retires, becomes a professor at a nearby university and pursues his true passion- literature
He is so much happier now, less bruises less scars less guns and less burden on his already broken morality.
Also hanging out with you students , the kids love him. Like out of all batboys the kids love jason the most. He is raw and honest and a bit of a kid on the inside himself. He isn't holding back, he isn't babytalking, he isn't treating kids like they're dumb
I can also see you adopting a kid..matilda like? Like the students come to you when they have an abusive household or are being bullied. Or if they are special cases. And if there is nothing you can do legally , jason just goes up to the parents to have a good talking to. If a kid is put in the foster home situation ...you guys just sort of take the kid in. Jason knows what its like to be in the foster system and then out on the streets. He knows what it feels like and has a soft spot so yea. also like adopting abused animals
Sitting together to just grade papers together, exchanging student stories, going out finding books to put on jason's reading list , giving generous donations to public schools and making sure the money goes for the right things. Just a really nice domestic life filled with love warmth and joy. This is exactly what I want for jason. Like I desperately want this for him, he deserves joy and healing and this is like the dream life for him. He wouldn't change anything and thanks everything that lead to this moment because he cant believe all this is even real.
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goldenwilliamson · 7 months
winners and losers | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
summary: bit of an angsty one where leah and matildas!reader play against each other in an england v aus friendly (based on that one in april this year) where england lose. leah blames herself. reader takes on sam kerr's position lol. the goals and the game is based on this game if interested
word count: 2.5k
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When you found out that a friendly had been scheduled between Australia and England, you and Leah had initially felt excited. It wouldn't be the first time you two had come up against each other in your national teams, and it sure wouldn't be the last. Something about playing against each other lit a fire in your belly. It made you both want to be performing at your highest level, almost showing off to the other about how well you can play for your country.
You had also recently been made the captain of the Matildas, something that made Leah immensely proud.
"I can't believe we get to do a coin toss together," you had told Leah when you first found out about the Australia v England game.
"That's what you're most looking forward to? The coin toss?" Your girlfriend laughed at you.
"I've never done one with you before!" You defend yourself.
"You're a bit cute you know?" Leah poked fun at you.
"I'm also looking forward to seeing you in your England kit with the armband on," you said.
"Mm, do you have a thing for captains or something?" Leah said.
"I do when it's you," you told her, which made her laugh.
"Well I for one can't wait to see you as captain, baby," she kissed you as she said this.
People often asked about how you deal with playing against your girlfriend, and you always said the same thing: "In football there's got to be a winner and a loser, and we both know that."
You and Leah were well equipped to deal with losses and to support each other no matter the outcome. You were professionals, and you loved each other enough to not let the result of a 90 minute game impact your relationship.
The day rolled around that the Matildas would be playing the Lionesses, and you and Leah hadn't seen each other for a few days while you were both in camp. You exchanged a few texts in the morning, wishing each other luck, and promising to see each other when the game was over.
It was an important game for the Matildas. The Lionesses had been on a winning streak since Sarina Wiegman became their manager, making them one of the toughest teams to beat in the world. The Matildas were also trying to strengthen the depth of their side, bringing in younger players in the lead up to the World Cup. It was going to be a difficult game, and they knew it.
As kick off approached you felt the electricity of walking into the stadium alongside England players at a home game. Even though the crowd wasn't there for you team, you still felt the excitement as you walked out side by side with Leah as the captains. You went through the pre-match process of the anthems and then the coin-toss and exchange of the pennants with Leah. She had already adopted her stern game face. You looked in her eyes, feeling slightly disconnected from her, knowing the stakes were so high for your team.
Before you split to get in position you and Leah shook hands and before you stepped away she pulled you close so she could speak into you ear.
"Looking good captain," she said, stepping out of her professionalism for a moment, finally smirking and letting her serious exterior relax. You laughed for a second, having been caught off guard.
"Are you trying to throw me off?" You say playfully and she shrugs her shoulders innocently before patting your cheek and running off to her spot in the back line.
You smile as you move to your space on the pitch as the striker. Then the ref blew the whistle and the game was underway.
Australia held up well against the strength of the Lionesses, maintaining possession and creating some chances. But it was in the last quarter of the first half when things started to fall into place. Clare Hunt sends the ball forward and you can see that it's going to fall in a prime position for you. As Australia's leading goal scorer you knew what had to be done, and you started to run for it. Leah saw what was happening and began to run too, racing you to the ball.
Leah knew that you only needed one shot and you would put the ball in, and with the mounting pressure she attempted to header the ball back towards Mary, but incidentally ended up planting the ball right at your feet. You heard her wince as you saw the opportunity for the goal open up right in front of you.
Even though you knew it was a major blunder on Leah's behalf, you seized the moment, you chipped the ball over Mary with ease and watched as it hit the back of the net.
As you turned around to celebrate you caught one quick look at the disappointment on your girlfriends face before you were surrounded by your teammates. It was an important goal in an important match. You knew that the goal was gifted to you by Leah, and she would no doubt be regretting it for the rest of the game, but you couldn't have let that opportunity go.
At half time Tony assured you all that you could come out of this match on top. You were up 1 point against an undefeated team, and now you just had to maintain the ground that you've already covered.
The second half continued with little luck for England who seemed unable to get a strong shot on target. But on your side, another chance opened up in the 67th minute. You were running out on the right when the ball came to you, and glancing into the box you saw some yellow jerseys and sent the ball in. Charli Grant found it and sent it into the net, giving Australia a 2 point lead as you entered the final leg of the game.
At this point excitement was bubbling, and you and your team were fired up, knowing it was all about holding onto the lead now. And as the game drew to a close, you had managed to do so. At the final whistle the result was 2-0 to Australia.
You and your team celebrated, knowing this win was a massive achievement, especially in the lead up to the World Cup. Your teammates praised you for your goal and for your assist in the second goal. As you started to shake hands with the England players, many of whom you had a great relationship, you struggled to find your girlfriend.
You scanned the blue jerseys and saw she was almost on the other side of the pitch to you, speaking to Georgia and looking like she was giving herself a hard time. Warily, you jogged over.
"Hey," you said tentatively, and Leah hardly even looked at you.
"Good work mate," Georgia said, giving you a hug,
"Thanks G, you too," you said, beginning to feel awkward as Leah remained quiet.
"You alright?" You looked at your girlfriend with concern and she shook her head. You tried to touch her shoulder reassuringly, but she slinked away from you.
"I need a minute," Leah said bluntly, leaving you to stand with Georgia, feeling useless, unable to console your upset girlfriend.
"Did you get a word out of her?" You ask Georgia.
"Yeah, she'll be alright. I think she just feels guilty about that giving away that ball to you," Georgia explains. Of course, you think. You knew in the moment that her mistake would weigh on her, but you didn't expect it to be this bad.
"Yeah, okay. Well I'll give her some space I guess," you tell Georgia.
"That might be a good idea for now," Georgia affirms, patting you on the back.
You make your way back towards your teammates, shaking your head, feeling the pride of your win being overshadowed by Leah's disappointment in herself. The team circles up and Tony gives the team the praise they deserve, but your eyes wander around the pitch, watching Leah. You see her talk to her team mates, gesturing frustratedly, looking like she is taking the responsibility for their loss.
Before all the England players make their way off the pitch you decide you have to talk to her before you get on the bus back to your hotel, not wanting to leave her in a bad way. You jog over to her and grab hold of her wrist.
"Lee," you say as you she turns to face you.
She sighs, "Look I'm just in my head. I'll get out of there soon, but I just need some space, okay?"
Your heart breaks slightly, but you let go of her arm and say you understand.
With practiced ease she takes your hands in hers and kisses your knuckles, "I'm proud of you," she clarifies, "I'm just annoyed with myself."
"Alright," you take a deep breath, "Call me when you're feeling up to it."
She nods and leaves you standing alone as she follows her teammates back to the change room. Steph Catley notices you by yourself, having watch the interaction between you and Leah and she heads your way.
"Come on superstar," she hugs you from behind, "She'll be okay."
"Thanks Stephy," you smile, feeling glad to have players around who knew both you and Leah so well.
On the bus on the way back to the hotel, you put your headphones on as you mindlessly scroll through instagram, seeing all the posts about the game you just played.
A clip of your goal appears and you watch it a couple of times before clicking into the comments.
Williamson suddenly forgets how to defend when it's her missus
Such bad defending you'd think they planned it
Leah was hoping she could give her girlfriend a goal and England would still win... bad luck girls
Leah Williamson, the Matildas 12th player tonight
First Lionesses loss because Williamson was too distracted by Y/L/N
You cringe as your read them and quickly swipe out of the criticism of Leah. You rub your face with your hands, feeling upset that Leah will no doubt be reading all this too.
You take your headphones off and turn to Steph, who had sat next to you on the bus trip.
"Should I at least send Leah a text?" You ask her.
"I don't think it would hurt," Steph shrugs.
"I've just been reading the worst comments about her defending, and I feel like it's my fault," you explain.
"Y/N, it's not your fault. This is your job and it's Leah's job too. Obviously it's a shock to lose for the first time in a while, and she'll be carrying the weight of the loss because of one little mistake she made, but in the grand scheme of things it's nothing new, it's just football. She'll realise that," Steph says.
"Yeah, okay. Thanks Steph," you say, squeezing her thigh gratefully.
You pull your phone back out and open your messages to Leah and begin typing:
I'm sorry you're carrying the weight of this loss Leah. I know it doesn't feel good, and I hate that I played a part in you feeling this way. I know it's easier said than done but don't let one mistake make you doubt yourself. You're an immensely talented player, a wonderful captain, and the best partner I could ask for. I'm here for you when you need me. Love you xxx
You send it off without a second thought and allow your head to rest against the window of the bus until you arrive back at the hotel. You check your phone once you get to your room, but still there's no response from Leah. Switching your phone off, you set it down and decide to go to sleep, hoping Leah might get back to you throughout the night.
In the morning you check your phone and there is still no reply from Leah. You groan into your pillow, hating to not be on good terms with your girlfriend. You pull yourself out of bed and pack your things up before heading downstairs to say goodbye to all the girls flying back to their clubs.
You organise an Uber back to your apartment in North London, unsure about whether or not Leah would be there already. When you open the door you can hear the sounds of footsteps upstairs in your bedroom and you feel yourself tense up slightly.
You shut the front door behind you set your bags down. You glance into the kitchen as you start to walk upstairs and see a bouquet of flowers still wrapped up in paper laying on the counter, which is reassuring. If Leah was mad there's no way she would've stopped for flowers on the way home.
When you walk into your bedroom you find Leah hanging up clothes in the wardrobe. She turns and faces you with a nervous face.
"Hey," she says, setting down the shirt in her hands on the bed.
"How are you feeling?" You ask.
"Like the worst girlfriend in the world," she sinks into the end of the bed now and you move to sit down on the bed with her, tucking your feet up onto the mattress.
"I don't think you could do anything that would make you worthy of that title," you assure her.
"I don't know, I think being so selfish that you don't congratulate your girlfriend on winning a game is pretty shit."
"Leah, you weren't being selfish. You were disappointed and that's okay, losing sucks, especially when you've had as much success as you have."
"I was disappointed, but I shouldn't have acted like it was your fault, because it wasn't. I'm sorry for not talking to you, I promise I wanted to spend time with you after the game, but I chose to be a sook instead," Leah says and you laugh lightly.
"Poor Georgia had to mediate when you stormed off," you laugh.
"God, I was being proper stroppy," Leah scoffs.
"Well I'm glad you're feeling better now," you tell her, leaning in and finally getting the chance to kiss your girlfriend for the first time in days.
"Much better, and I'm sorry again," she says.
"It's alright. I'm used to Williamson tantrums, but usually I'm not on the receiving end," you say.
"And I promise you never will be again," she says, kissing you again.
"You're welcome for the goal by the way," Leah manages to make a joke of the situation, assuring you that all was fine.
"Yeah thanks, we needed that win," you laugh.
"Cheeky," Leah groans as she tackles you onto the mattress, seemingly ready to make up for her bad mood in another way.
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pixiesfz · 2 months
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spiked arsenal fc x r
plot: you get invited to a party from a girl at your school and things don’t turn out the best
warnings: readers drink gets spiked, weird Pervy boys, sexual asault
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Being a professional athlete at a young age had its perks but it also had its very bad drawbacks, privacy being one of them.
A 17-year-old Australian girl moving to London to play for North London's red team Arsenal, will she crack under pressure?
Your every move was watched by the public, weather at training or joining Katie and Caitlin for a coffee in the morning.
Another one was schooling.
Whenever you weren't training you were finishing an essay or researching history to write an essay on.
And if you were caught not doing your homework by Leah or Steph they would threaten less minutes at Arsenal or the Matilda's.
Kim let you take an hour off sometimes, seeing the stress you were under
"you're not going to do your best work if you're exhausted" she always insisted before passing you a pillow and her keys to the physio room.
And the last one which was your least favourite one to admit was fomo.
You physically went to school sometimes to do half days or full days, and your classmates always whispered to each other when you walked in.
You had made some friends, some were definitely your 'friends' just to see if they could get a free ticket to the Emirates but you figured it was better than nothing.
"Hey" one of the girls greeted you on the way to English "Hi Lisa" you smiled, happy another girl your age was talking to you "So It may be a long shot but I am having my 17th birthday party and I was wondering if you would be able to come?" she asked and you smiled.
You had seen everyone go to parties before as you watched on Snapchat and Instagram, but you had never been.
You had been invited sure, but not from anybody you knew well enough, the others just wanted to be able to say 'y/n y/l/n went to my party!"
"I'll just have to ask my caregivers but it should be fine" you smiled "Good cause I hear Tommy G really wanted to talk to you but that boy always needs liquid encouragement"
You grimaced and the girl laughed "I know I would have the same reaction" You smiled "So I'll see you there?" she asked and you nodded making her squeal.
When going home to Caitlins that day you entered with a smile "What happened today chook?" she asked as she was sprawled on the couch, Katie next to her.
"Lisa invited me to her birthday party!"
Katie cheered from her spot but Caitlin persed her lips
"Caitlin please, there's no training the day after and it's not on a game night, please I never get to go to parties, I'm the only girl in my year level-"
"Gosh shut up!" Caitlin scoffed "I was going to ask what you were planning to wear!"
You smiled "So I can go?"
Caitlin smiled, your happiness contagious to the two of them "of course, just don't drink you're still a minor and that can be bad for your image"
You nodded, the thought already crossed your mind in fifth period "I promise"
Katie's smile dropped "We will have to tell the captains"
"I already told Kim" you smiled remembering the call with your captain as you walked home "and she's the real captain of Arsenal and we're not on international duties, also please never tell Leah I called her not the real captain"
Your excitement was built up as your words were quick, Ella who had come out from her room laughing as you talked.
"You can borrow some of my clothes"
"No!" Katie was quick to say.
You had finished training and went home with Caitlin and Katie to have an 'everything shower before allowing Ella to curl your hair. You didn't have much party clothing so the day before you and Ella went shopping and bought jeans and a nice top.
"You look so pretty" Ella smiled as she finished your mascara "Lauren would never let me do her make-up and hair" she gushed "and Katie never did it for me so this is cute" she laughed as Katie scoffed from the bed her and Caitlin were laying down on, getting ready for your reveal
"Not our faults we were never into that at the time!" , "How much longer the party started half an hour ago!" Caitlin added before you walked out, a proud Ella behind you.
"Well don't you look like a princess!"
"I'm messing with ya, you look good baby Australia" she smiled and Cailin grabbed Lisa's present "I feel like a proud mum" she cheered "now let's go".
When you arrived at the party all the goers cheered at your appearance and a very drunk Lisa came to your side "' I'm so soooo happy you made it" she smiled, squeezing you tight as you awkwardly handed her the bag "Happy birthday" you told her and she gasped loudly, hugging you again.
She left to put it in her room, leaving you with some other of your classmates as they offered you a drink "No I'm okay is there water offered anyway, or sprite?" you asked and Tommy G stood up "I saw sprite in the back" he said before disappearing "thanks" you called out to him.
"He found out you didn't want to talk to him so he's probably just trying to get away from you" Holly, one of the girls said and you nodded "I didn't mean to hurt his feelings I'm just not that interested"
She nodded "I get it, do you want a hit?" she asked and held out her vape which you crossed her head at "thanks for the offer but no thankyou" you smiled apologetically and the girl smirked "more for me then"
"Uh here you go" a voice piped behind you and you saw Tommy holding out your Sprite bottle, it was already opened but you didn't think too much of it, maybe he just wanted to open it for you.
"Thankyou Tommy" you smiled and went back to your conversation, not taking a sip just yet.
About an hour had gone by and you felt really, really shitty, your grip on the table tightening as you felt the need to lay down, a headache splitting your brain.
"I'm sorry" you apologised to whoever you were speaking to "I have to lay down" you said, stumbling away to the nearest bedroom, gaining the attention of the group of boys who were sat on the couch.
"Tommy boy you actually did it" "Well how else was I going to get her"
"You are the man, taking away Arsenal star girl's virginity!"
You assumed it was Lisa's parents room from the size of the bed but your head was spinning and your energy was plummeting, you felt vulnerable and your muscles were failing on you.
When you heard the door open you just merely mumbled "who's it?"
Why were you like this?
You didn't drink a sip of alcohol.
"Hey y/n it's Tommy"
"somethings wrong" you said, hopefully thinking he would get some help but instead he just closed the door. "Tommy help" you whimpered, your body feeling like a brick as you couldn't move "shhh" he shooshed you, climbing on top of you "It's all going to be fine".
Your eyes widened as he tried to kiss you "just kiss back it will be easier" he told you but you shook your head, tears running down your face.
"stop" you mumbled as his hands pulled down your top "you wanted this remember?"
no. no you didn't.
"Tommy stop'
"Tommy please" you cried
His hands started to undo your belt before the door was open again and a now sobered up Lisa barged in.
"Get off of her you Freak!" she yelled, running up and practically throwing Tommy off of you and pulling up your shirt "/n" she sighed, freaking out from your state.
Another two sets of girls came in, gasping at the sight "he drugged her" Lisa told them as they stood still, Tommy in fear as he looked around "Get him out!" she yelled and the two girls ran in and grabbed him.
"hey look she wanted it-"
And he was gone.
But his presence still lingered to you as you flinched when Lisa grabbed your wrist "Y/n I'm calling the ambulance okay?" she told you and you nodded.
You felt numb, you couldn't do anything.
It wasn't long after that you blacked out.
You woke up when the ambulance came to a stop, your body being able to move now slightly as you were able to balance on your elbows.
They carried your cart inside, going past a worried Caitlin and Katie who were called five minutes ago as they ran behind the cart and a blonde girl who was running out soon after "Who are you?" Katie asked "I'm Lisa"
"What happened?" Caitlin asked, on the phone with Steph who was driving over with Kyra, Leah and Kim.
Lisa's eye started to water "I should've- he- he- he spiked her drink!" she let out and both the Arsenal players stopped in their track.
You were able to move but you stayed still, you could feel his hands on you even if Lisa had promised you in the ambulance that the girls called the police.
You still didn't move when the doctors shoved needles into you, getting rid of the drug residue that was in you.
Ella, who was behind Katie and Caitlin ran after the doctors after hearing Lisa, knowing the news from classmates will be on the news tomorrow.
You turned your head towards the blonde with tears in your eyes "why me?" you asked and the girl grabbed your hand "Why?" you said again, not expecting an answer from the girl before Caitlin and Katie walked in with a tear stained Lisa.
"Just try and go to sleep y/n/n".
Your body was exhausted when you woke up in the morning, the room was full, full of your Arsenal and international teammates who had heard, it bran tears to your eyes as you realised what had happened, turning to Caitlin who was holding your hand
"No privacy?" you asked and the girl nodded her head "I'm sorry chicky"
You nodded, tears rolling down your cheeks as you looked at all the powereful women in the room.
If there was anyone you needed to get through the next couple of weeks, it was these women here.
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kamotecue · 7 months
Caitlin Foord x reader: Reader and Caitlin are secretly dating but the internet kind of knows what’s going on. A kiss after the France v aus world Cup game shocks the world and confirms their relationship
breaking the internet ❁ c. foord
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if there was a way to describe how you’re feeling, you’d say displeased and out of sorts. perhaps it was the way you had just gotten knocked out of the world cup by the matildas.
you chuckled, hurt at the fact that your team had lost—to a penalty shootout. the aussies are a formidable team, you know as ellie carpenter who had been in the same club as you.
the blonde had took a seat beside you, as she knew what it was like to lose a game—an important one at that.
“well played, el.” your thick french accent was heard, ellie gave you a small hum as you played with your fingers.
“you did as well, n/n. however, i think a certain teammate of mine would like to talk to you.” ellie said, as you both had looked over to where the high-spirited trio were.
caitlin had a soft gaze on you, while she maintained a small conversation with lanna and macca.
“right, thanks el.” you heard her hum as you slowly stood up, dusting your shorts as you made your way to caitlin, the aussie who happened to steal your heart.
“mind if i borrow her, ladies?” your soft voice was heard, as alanna brought you into her arms, always one for comforting she is. while the goalkeeper had given you a small smile, which you had returned.
“i’m yours.” caitlin said, as lanna had separated from you—jokingly gagging at her friend’s sweet words. while the other party had her nose scrunched at her friend’s cheesiness.
you gave a shy smile, never one to have public affection in front of others. it was just subtle hand holding, or words of affirmation. it was the way you both had disregarded the people in the stadium, despite the noises from the crowd—you only paid attention to her.
“i’m sorry, puddin.” caitlin said, as you shook your head.
“you don’t need to apologize, ma moitié. [my better half]” her heart swooned at the endearment as she held your hand, swinging it softly. you knew the fans would go crazy, the edits that they would make.
the two of you weren’t exactly out as a couple, but fans from both teams had suspected it. yet the fans weren’t expecting it, no one was rather.
you had come to a stop, caitlin had noticed as she furrowed her eyebrows, analyzing your next move.
breaking the internet with a kiss was one thing—you wrapped your arms around the taller girl’s neck, pulling her a bit closer and gently locking her lips with yours.
the sudden screams from the fans as they had finally witness the two of you come out as a couple. macca and alanna glanced with a teasing look, before focusing back on the fans.
you felt caitlin grinning into the kiss, of course she would. she had been wanting to go public, but you were a bit hesitant. she had wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you even closer—as you hummed into the kiss.
she was yours, and you were hers. each others to protect.
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spicerackofblorbos · 29 days
Sapphire | Leon Kennedy x bartender!fem!reader
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☾ summary ➼ part II to Amethyst, you invited Leon to stay the night after he kindly drove you home in the dead of night. Long-hidden feelings finally reveal themselves in a passionate heated exchange.
☾ content/warnings ➼ fluff, canon world, mutual pining, SMUT (18+), p in v, oral (m and f recieving), unprotected sex, afab!reader, adult language
☾ wc ➼ 6.5k
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After making sure his car was locked, Leon follows close behind you as you step up the few stairs to your front door. Luckily you were smart enough to turn the porch lights on before leaving – though that seemed like where your luck had run out for the day.
You are quick to insert your key and turn, pressing down on the handle at the same time so that the old door opens with a groan. You are instantly hit with a burst of warmth from the dimly lit interior, creating goosebumps down your arms.
"Do you live by yourself?” Leon asks behind you, his blue eyes trailing around the small area of your house he can see.
"Yes and no." You say simply as you carefully tug your keys from the door handle. A large yawn escapes you as you step over the threshold, Leon on your heels. He makes sure to close and lock it securely for you with a few clicks.
"What does that mean? You don't have any family members hiding so they can get the jump on me and chop me up, do you?" Leon watches you slide your work shoes off before tucking them neatly into a shoe rack at the base of the stairs leading up to who knows where.
He makes sure to do the same, placing them by the rack as there wasn't any room. From what he could tell, every pair of shoes was the same size, so either you lived alone, or your family had the same size shoe.
"Nah, that's a few houses down." You joke from down the hall. Leon follows your voice to find you digging into a small closet full of spare bedding and towels. The way you had bent down gave Leon a full view of your curves, and he forces himself to look away.
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When you find what you were looking for, you clutch them to your chest and turn around. Leon is a lot closer than you thought he’d be, causing you to squeak in surprise. Your face heats up in embarrassment.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were there.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you, sorry.”
Both of your statements come out in unison, followed by some light laughter. You remember in the beginning of your friendship with him, he rarely laughed or even cracked a smile. The day he did both was a small victory that you hold onto even now.
And you never got tired of hearing and seeing them. The way Leon laughs is so endearing to you. His sapphire eyes half close, the creases by his eyes scrunching. The laughs were always deep and rumbling, a soothing sound to your ears.
“No one here but me… and Matilda.” You say, looking past Leon to the small black cat that sat on her haunches at the end of the hall. Her pale-yellow eyes watch Leon, half with curiosity and the other half with caution.
You don’t catch the way Leon’s eyes widen at the name, a familiar one to him that he hasn’t heard in a while. He turns around to face the little creature, giving her a small wave and smile.
“Well, at least you have someone to keep you safe.” Leon says, twisting back to face you again.
“She’s the most ferocious guard cat you’ll ever see.” You chuckle as you brush past Leon towards Matilda and the base of the stairs. The subtle hint of aftershave and sandalwood tickles your nose as you do, and you find yourself breathing in a little deeper to hold on to the scent before it inevitably disappears.
“I have a couch down here, but honestly, you’ll be more comfortable in my living space up here.” You continue. You watch as your shy cat runs off towards the kitchen as you approach.
When you make it to the top of the stairs, you’re faced with your little living space. The previous owners had originally used this as an upstairs studio but since you were the only human in the house, you turned it into an office and living space. Your own personal haven.
On the left of the room is a lush L-shaped sofa, littered with various soft blankets and pillows – your favorite napping spot. A small coffee table separates that side and the other where a mid-sized flat screen sits on top of a little media center. On the back wall is a small window overlooking the backyard, curtains and blinds closed as they always were when you were gone for work. And right next to the couch is a full bathroom, the door half open and decorated with your favorite colors.
Considering this is the room you spend the most time in, it’s very personalized to you. Leon couldn’t help but trail his eyes over every part of this room, noting every piece of your personality splayed out. His gaze finally lands on the bookshelf next to the media center, full of the trinkets and gifts he’s given you. He smirks as he makes his way over to them, eyeballing the glittering prizes and remembering exactly when and where he retrieved them for you.
“This shelf will be worth a fortune one day if you keep this up.” Leon teases.
After placing the bedding and towels down on to the coffee table, you turn to watch Leon as he leans towards the shelf to take a closer look. The way his back muscles ripple in his moistened shirt sends tingles through your body.
It’s not like you’ve never seen his muscles, but without the low lighting of the bar and closer proximity than usual, you can’t help but marvel at his whole physique. With every shift in weight, the thin cloth of his shirt tightens and loosens around his strong shoulders. You avert your eyes quickly when you notice he's about to turn around.
“Well, that’s if I decide to sell them. But I could never. They’re gifts, after all.” You walk back over to the top of the stairs and turn to face him before stepping down, your palm lightly placed on the half wall separating the stairs and the upper floor.
“That bathroom is all yours. I think I have some clothes that might fit you, I just need to find them first.” You purse your lips then start for the bottom floor, leaving Leon to his devices.
Leon watches as you descend until you’re out of sight, then sighs through his nose. He grips onto the towels and heads into the bathroom you had pointed out, shaking his head of the thoughts that swirl in his mind as if that would do anything to help.
It doesn’t take him long to strip out of his wet clothes and step into the shower, shivering from the sudden change of temperature on his skin. As the warm water cascades down his sore and worn-out body, he mentally kicks himself.
He shouldn’t have taken you up on your offer. He’s crossing a boundary he had long promised himself after the first month of being your regular – letting himself get close to you. It’s not like he didn’t want to be close to you, far from it, actually.
What he feared the most was getting you into danger because of the nature of his job.
Leon didn’t know if his next mission would be his last. Not to mention, if he were to finally indulge you with information of what he did on his ‘business trips’, it could put you under the government’s spotlight. That was something he couldn’t dare let happen, not to someone as precious to him as you were.
While stepping out to dry off, his mind stays clouded with those negatives, but even so. Thoughts of you break through like rays of sunshine and he finds it increasingly harder to talk himself out of the what ifs of a real relationship. What would it mean to not only kiss you softly but to also grocery shop with you? Every single mundane thing he could think of would be miles better having you by his side.
A soft knock brings him back to the present.
You watch as the bathroom door slowly opens in front of you, a little bit of steam escaping through the crack. Leon stands in the doorway, half covered with a towel wrapped around his lower body. Droplets from his dark blonde hair fall onto his bare shoulders and chest. You knew he was muscular but this…
You blink a few times as you gather yourself and meet his eyes, feeling the heat of not only the steamy bathroom but from shyness radiating into your cheeks. In your arms are some clothes you had struggled to dig out, about Leon’s size you hoped.
“Uh, here.” You say quickly, shoving them in his chest before stepping back a few feet. “Let me know if you need something else or they don’t fit. I’m sure there is some of my grandfather’s stuff around here. I just didn’t think you’d want to dress like an old man.” You ramble and laugh nervously, averting your gaze from his figure.
“Thank you, I appreciate this.” Leon says with a grin, pretending he didn’t notice your reactions for your sake. A few witty lines dance around his mind, but he bites his tongue.
“Yeah, no problem. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” You say quickly before awkwardly turning and heading down the stairs.
Despite it edging towards six A.M., you find yourself brewing a pot of coffee after a quick shower of your own, now wearing an oversized sweater and sleep shorts in place of your work ‘uniform'. While the bubbling sound of the coffee maker fills the kitchen space, you find yourself leaning against the kitchen island facing the backyard. The sky is starting to turn a dark navy blue, signaling the oncoming morning.
“Coffee at this time of night?” The sudden voice startles you, your body standing up straight and spinning around quickly.
Leon stands in the archway that connects the kitchen to the hallway, arms crossed over his chest and eyebrows raised. At first glance, the clothes you had provided him with were a size or two too small. The band t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders and chest, sitting flush like his wet shirt had in the car. The joggers were a few inches above his ankles and hugged tightly around his thighs and…
You turn to face the coffee pot and watch as the last few blackened drops fall, pinching your lips tightly at the sight of the subtle outline of his lower body.
“Well, technically it’s the morning.” You reply simply, fighting to keep your voice steady.
You hear Leon’s heavy-set footsteps as he walks into the kitchen, then the squeak of wood on the wooden floor as he pulls out a chair at your island, settling into it. You busy yourself by opening the cupboard above you and grabbing two mugs.
“How do you like your coffee?” You ask, your back still turned towards him. You pull down your sugar container then step to the fridge to grab your creamer.
“Black, please.”
You take a moment to pour the steaming liquid into each mug, doctoring yours up the way you like it first. With both in hand, you turn towards where Leon sat and place his coffee in front of him.
“It's not the greatest coffee.” You warn before taking a careful sip. The cream smoothed out the bitterness.
“It'll suffice.” Leon says, picking up his own.
The house is quiet now, awkwardly so. When you had suggested him to stay for the night (morning?), you didn't really think past that. Here you two were – one sitting and the other standing, on opposite sides of the island. A few birds chirp morning greetings outside the window, and the sky looks a little brighter.
Your eyes slowly trail around Leon's face as he stares out the window. You're only given a side profile, but it's enough to marvel at his handsome features. His sharp jaw, dimpled chin, long eyelashes.
He gives you a side eye as he takes another sip.
“Your eyes are glazing over.” Leon says with a small amused huff.
“It's been a long twenty hours.” You shrug, peeling your eyes away.
“We should probably go to bed, then.” He lightly suggests. Leon leans back and stretches in his chair, the small shirt riding up his stomach and showing a trail of light brown hair disappearing under the jogger's waistline. You didn't mean to look, but you did.
“Y-yeah. We probably should, huh?” You say, setting your cup down. That's as far as your body moves, though.
You watch Leon stand up, grab his mug, then walk over to your sink to set it down. His shoulder brushes against yours on his way back, and the sudden sensation sends a shiver down your spine. Just like in the car earlier, your mouth opens before thinking.
“Leon?” You call to him just as he's about to pass under the archway. He turns around to face you, eyebrows raised.
You take a few steps closer to him, your heart beating so strong in your chest that you worry Leon could hear it. When you're a foot away from him, you falter with your lips parted as if you were about to say something.
“Everything okay?” He looks down at you with softened eyes, his now damp hair falling into his face.
“I just… um. Look, there’s something I want to tell you but I-"
You're cut off by Leon leaning down to close the already small gap between you two, his warm lips pressing against yours. It takes you a moment to register the sensation of it all, even less time to melt into it. Your eyes flutter closed, unconsciously closing the rest of the distance. Leon's arm snakes around your waist and pulls you into his warm chest while his tongue slides along your bottom lip before parting them.
Your head spins as you grip onto his shirt, your senses overloading from how he feels to how your body reacts to him. The kiss grow hungrier, and the heat in your stomach grows hotter. It only takes until you’re fighting for air that you have to pull away. Leon's cheeks are bright red, his wide blue eyes contrasting against them. Both of your chests rise and fall rapidly in attempt to catch your breaths.
“I'm sorry.” Leon whispers, pulling away a little. He arm doesn't release you though, and you don't fight to leave.
“N-no, that was..” You’re a little dizzy but focusing on Leon’s body helps you from losing grip.
“You were in the middle of saying something and I cut you off.”
It could have been the shot nerves, or the look that Leon gives you, but you can't help but laugh. Your body shakes in his arms as you do, your head thrown back. You've been crushing on him for so long, but you still could never read the stoic faced, dry commenting Leon Kennedy. To have him kiss you first was like someone had cut the ropes that restrained you for so long.
“I don't know what I was going to say.” You say, your laughs dying down to small giggles.
“Can I do that again?” Leon asks softly. That impassive, hardened face of his transformed into that of a puppy in such a short time span, how could you say no?
Nodding your head yes, he leans down again, slower this time. As his lips meet yours again, you're more than ready this time. As your lips moved against each other, that heat in your core burns again, radiating warmth throughout your entire body.
The kiss turns as hot as your body. You feel Leon pushing up against you, and before you know it, you're backed into the archway. The light impact elicits a small gasp from you, escaping into Leon's open mouth. Your hands rest against his chest with your nails daring to dig straight into his covered skin.
Leon's large hands travel down from your waist to your hips, his fingers squeezing into your plush skin gently. You're practically sandwiched between his stone-like body and the wood behind you, but you don't care. Your hands slide up his muscular chest so that your arms can wrap around Leon's neck. Shaking fingers slide up into his dirty blonde hair and you can't help but tangle them into the strands and tug gently.
A soft whine comes out of him when you do that, the quick jerk pulling his lips away from you. Those ocean eyes of his open and look down at you with a dark expression. Despite that though, when he speaks, his voice comes out soft.
“Is this okay?”
“I'm not complaining.” As you grin, your fingers tug on his hair again, reveling in the reaction you get from him as you do.
“Careful.” Leon warns, his tone dropping slightly.
“Or what?” You tug again.
Leon doesn't even respond, he just steps back and effortlessly picks you up by the waist with both hands. He throws you over his shoulder and starts for the hallway, you squirming and laughing against his back.
“Which door?” He asks, stopping at the end of the hall where he's faced with two doors.
“The left one.” You say through choked giggles.
Leon pushes your door open with ease, one of his arms holding tight around your thighs to keep you safely in place. The light switch flips on with a click and your cozy bedroom illuminates in front of him. He doesn't take a moment to look around though, he's more focused on something else. Someone else. You.
He flips you down on the bed onto your back, a few of your decorative pillows and plushies falling to the floor from the impact. The way you look up at Leon with warm cheeks and a shy smile is enough to make him crack his own lopsided grin.
“You’re breathtaking.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, handsome.”  
Sitting up, you reach over to grab Leon by his shirt and start pulling him down with you. He crawls into the bed, his lips meeting yours once again as you both slowly fall into the bed together. He has both hands propped up on each side of your head, holding himself up so he doesn’t crush you with his weight.
Your fingers tighten in the thin cloth while kissing back, savoring every bit of him in your mouth. Leon’s lips break away and slowly start to trail kisses down your jawline and neck. Your head tilts back into the soft sheets so he has better access and as you do, a soft sigh escapes you.
As Leon's lips reach your collar bones, he runs one of his hands under your sweater and squeezes your side softly, appreciating the warmth and softness of your skin. His hand continues upward, your sweater pulling up with it. The blatant absence of your bra lets Leon's big hand cup your breast easily, filling his calloused palm.
Your hands were just as busy, both of them under his too small shirt and feeling the ridges and dimples that came with his muscular torso and stomach. His body seems to be burning just as hot as your own. As your hands travel down, your fingertips find the waistband of his pants. You tug gently, getting a small chuckle out Leon.
Leon breaks away to look at you, his face hovering over yours and his blonde hair tickling your forehead.
“Impatient, are we?” He teases, moving his hand away from your chest and back down to the soft part of your stomach. Before you can answer, he slides off the bed and stands at the end of it, towering over you. In one swift move, Leon's strong hands grip you by the waist and pull you to the edge of the bed as well, your ass barely on the mattress. The movement makes you gasp, your eyes no doubt full of surprise as well.
His fingers trail light touches down your legs and thighs before slowing at the hem of your shorts. He looks down at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to stop him. You don't, instead you hook your thumbs at the hem of your sweater and tug it up over your chest. It takes you a moment, but you're able to pull it all the way over your head and off completely, tossing it on to the floor.
Leon chuckles above you, an eyebrow raised but he's no doubt staring at your plush chest and curves.
“Oh shut it, Kennedy.” You say before flopping on your back again, arms raised above your head.
“I didn't say anything.” Leon pulls your legs up to where your ass is flush to him now, and you can feel how hard he is for you. He places a soft kiss on your ankle before slowly going down your leg. With each kiss, he slides down to the floor so that he's kneeling and at eye level with your clothed heat. Your thighs now sit on top of his shoulders and you can see Leon's mischievous stare aimed at you.  
He doesn't hesitate to lean forward and nose into you gently, feeling how warm you are. Leon inhales a bit as he squeezes your soft thighs in tight fingers, your sweet scent nearly driving him crazy. After pulling away slightly, one of his hands gently palms over your sensitive core. Your hips reflexively buck up, pressing yourself more into his hand. The quick friction of it causes a soft moan to leave you.
It had been a while since you’ve been touched like this. That and the addition of it being someone you had vied after for so long makes you want to come undone on the spot.
A huff escapes Leon while watching you, pleased by how you react so easily to him. With a long finger, he hooks it around the thin cloth of your shorts and panties and pulls it to the side. Leon groans at the sight of your pretty pussy, glistening with your arousal, ready just for him.
Leon likes to tease. You feel his hot breath pat against your exposed heat, and you let out a small whine in frustration. However, out of shyness, you hide your face by crossing your arms over your head.
“Hey now,” Leon says softly, reaching up to grab your forearm and tugging it down gently so that he can see your face. “don't hide. I want to see your pretty face while I taste you.” He gives you another lopsided grin and you flush even more. You nod and remove your arms, opting to prop yourself up on your elbows so you both had a better visual on each other.
He places his lips on the soft inside of your thigh, lightly nipping at your skin. Slowly, he trails his tongue down until finally, his lips just barely ghosts on your already swollen clit. A few seconds pass and then his warm mouth envelopes you entirely, the tip of his tongue slowly lapping at your folds. He can't help but moan softly, the vibrations of it resonating to your core. You taste just as addictive as he thought.
Leon pulls away which causes you to whimper, and you eye him with a pout as he looks up at you. He just meets you with a sly smile.
“You're still wearing way too much.” He says before grabbing the waistline of your shorts and pulls them down roughly, taking your panties with them. In a single fluid movement, he slides them down your legs and over your feet, tossing them to the floor behind him. His rough hands grip your thighs and push them down onto the bed, gentle yet firm enough that you couldn't move them even if you tried.
You watch as he doesn't hesitate this time to dive in, his tongue dipping into your slick, the tip of his nose pressing against your clit. As his tongue moves, your head is thrown back in bliss as soft mewls escape from your lips. Instinctually, your hips buck but that's as far as you can go. Your legs strain against Leon's strength.
Your fingers make their way into his soft hair, tangling and tugging. Groans vibrate against you once again, adding to the friction against your most sensitive spot. It doesn't take long for the sensations to overwhelm you, your toes curling into the sheets just as your fingertips did in his scalp.
Suddenly, Leon pulls away slightly only to insert a finger into your tight warmth. As he slowly pumps his finger in and out of you, his mouth envelopes your clit once more, sucking ever so slightly. He doesn't stop there, the tip of his tongue making kitten licks as he does.
“Le-Leon I'm gonna..” You can't even get your words out, the rest of your words coming out in choking syllables. Instead, you tighten your fingers into his soft locks, tugging and pushing yourself more into his mouth as you chase your high.
Leon doesn't stop, not after you're moaning his name with your head thrown back and your nails digging into his scalp nor even when you're gushing hard into his mouth as your orgasm hits you like raging waves on ocean rocks.
You fall back onto the mattress with heavy pants and closed eyes as you feel your ecstasy fading away. From the front of the bed, you hear a low chuckle from Leon. Your left eye peeks open and you peer down to see Leon watching you with a smug smile.
“I bet you're pretty proud of yourself, huh?” You laugh, raising a hand for Leon to take.
“As a matter of fact, I am. You did so well.” Leon takes your hand and pulls you up into a sitting position right in front of him. The words he used sends shivers down your spine, and you can't help but smile up at him.
“Well, it's my turn.” Without hesitating, you reach over and palm over Leon's not-so-subtle erection, tucked in so tight under the cloth that it must hurt. The moment you make contact, Leon sucks in a bit of air, already so sensitive from what he just did to you and the noises he got out of you.
Moving your hand up his length, you reach the waistline of his joggers and tuck in a few fingers before gently yanking down the thick fabric, taking his boxers with it too. His cock springs free, the tip angry red and glistening with sheer pre-cum, all because of you.
“Christ, Leon…” You mutter softly. With one hand, you're pulling his pants down while the other wraps around Leon's girth, feeling the heat and ridged veins against your soft palm.
You don't miss the way Leon's soft sighs come out of his parted lips as he stares down at you, his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly and his gaze intent on your pretty face.
Slowly, you scoot towards the edge of the bed so that you’re sitting with your legs dangling and Leon standing right in the middle. You lean forward and flick your tongue up the little slit, gathering the drop of pre-cum in your mouth and then wrapping your lips around his head, savoring him.
The slight gasp from Leon sends a wave of arousal from your head down to your toes and you can't help but smile around him, your eyes meeting his darkened gaze. His hand reaches up and gently grabs a fistful of your hair then guides you up and down his cock, unconsciously bucking his hips so that you take in even more of him. It doesn't take long for your jaw to get tired from his size, but even still you take him all.
When you look up with watering eyes, you note how Leon has his own eyes closed from bliss, with his lips parted allowing soft pants to escape. The way his cheeks flush bright pink to the thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, you love it all. It fuels your need to suckle on him even harder, your tongue swirling around him at every chance you can.
Before you know it, Leon pushes your head away, a trail of saliva connecting your tongue to his throbbing cock. You look up at him curiously but before you can really get a good look, he's leaning down and effortlessly picks you up by the thighs so that you're pressed up against his chest lest you want to fall backwards.
In one fluid motion, he's twisting so that his back is facing the bed and then sitting on the edge of it in the spot you just were. You get the hint quickly and find yourself sitting on your knees on either side of his thighs, your arms wrapped around his neck and his large hands holding you up by your ass.
There's a moment where he just looks at you, making sure that you're okay with this. You answer the only way you know you can, by lining his hard cock with your slick entrance and slowly sliding down on him.
The way your warm walls hug around him is almost too much for the both of you. With this position, he's deep inside, his tip almost kissing your cervix. You don't move for a moment, letting yourself stretch to his size. Leon doesn't hesitate to capture your swollen lips in another kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth and tangling with your tongue.
One of his arms wraps around your back while the other sits on your plush hip, his well manicured nails digging straight into your flesh. With that, he helps you move up and down on his length, and from there rapidly building moans escape you both.
Using the leverage from your knees, you're able to bounce up and down on him. He helps as he continues to kiss you hard, holding you up so that you can keep riding him easily. Breathy moans make you break away from his mouth, more trails of saliva connecting you both before splitting.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” Leon moans out, resting his hot forehead on your shoulder as you gyrate your hips on him. Every roll creates friction on your clit and you can already feel a massive wave of pleasure about to wash over you.
Leon can tell too just by the way your breathing comes out ragged, how your moans pitch higher, and how your movements become sloppier as you chase that high once again.
“Cum for me.” Leon grunts out, his arm that wraps around your waist tightens as he holds himself up with his other arm, giving him leverage to thrust up into you hard. That was it for you.
The dam that welled now broke and you came hard on top of him. As your body spasmed in his hold, your teeth find his shoulder and bite down as you moan his name, muffled and broken up.
He doesn't cum yet, because he's not done. He's waited so long for this, and he wants one more orgasm from you.
There's not a moment to breathe as he stands up, his hard cock popping out of you, and quickly he twists back facing the bed. He gives you a long, lingering kiss before tossing you onto the bed again.
Despite the post-orgasm dizziness, you can't help but laugh out loud on impact, staring up at him with a bright grin and wild eyes. He gets on the bed and crawls over to you, the bed frame groaning from the shifts in weight.
Leon leans over you, his blonde hair tickling your face once more. He lowers himself down to kiss you again, this time slower and sensually. As he moves his lips against yours, he spreads your legs under him and hooks your leg in his elbow so that he can push your knee closer to your chest.
Your lips are locked in his when he pushes his way into your dripping pussy, filling you up once again. As he does that, a sharp gasp escapes into his mouth from the sudden change, only to transform into a low moan.
Leon's lips trail down your jaw and neck as he slowly snaps his hips against you, the smacking of skin and breathy moans filling the empty spaces of your house. His teeth find purchase against your sensitive skin, eliciting the sweetest noises Leon's ever heard in his life.
His lips trail down further, nipping at your collarbone then down to your breasts. He licks one of your hardened nipples before taking it into his mouth and sucking gently. His teeth bite down a little making you gasp from the mixed pleasure and pain. He releases it before going back up your shoulder, grunts of effort escaping his parted lips.  
“God, you're perfect.” He moans against your neck before going in to suck on it, no doubt leaving a mark there for later.
Your hands slide up his sweaty chest and around his back, digging your nails straight into those back muscles you loved so much. You don't know if you're drawing red, but you certainly felt like you were by how tight you were holding on to him. As if your life depended on it.
He continues to fuck you into the bed, his grunts and moans coming out broken. You could have sworn you heard a little whine in there too, which only pushed you closer to the edge of your climax.
Leon releases your leg and lets it fall to the bed so that he can unwrap your arms around him and in one hand, he takes your wrists and flips them up above your head, holding you down as he pushes himself into you more, groaning as he picks up his pace.
“Fu-fuck I'm not going to last any longer..” He groans out as he rests his forehead on yours, both of your sweat mixing as his hot breath fans on your face.
“P-please cum in me.” You moan, wrapping your legs around his waist to hold him closer.
“Are you sure?” The look of hesitation flickers across his face before he notices how desperate you were for him. Then it turns into a wicked grin, loving the sight of you taking him so well and wanting more.
“Say it again.” That sweet begging voice of yours, he needs it. He snaps into you roughly, his fingers tightening around your wrists as he does.
“Please cum in me, L-Leon!” At this point, your words are slurring from being love-drunk, tired and fatigued but you don't want to stop until you're both finished.
Leon doesn't ask again, and as he feels that winding string about to break in him, he leans down and catches your mouth again, moving his lips against yours heatedly and just like that, you both let go.
Your legs tighten around his waist as ropes of his hot cum spill into you, his movements not stilling one bit as he finishes inside your pulsating walls. He can't help but groan your name as he does, feeling every ounce of energy draining from him with every last drop he shoots into you.
For a moment, there's a silence bar the heavy panting from the both of you. Then suddenly, you burst into a fit of laughter, him soon following. It’s contagious, and he leans down to kiss you again, chaste and sweet.
Leon pulls out slowly, and you can feel his cum already starting to leak out and onto the sheets. He releases your wrists then flops over next to you and sprawls out, his joints and bones popping as he stretches. Between this passionate session and his recent mission, he just knows his body will be mad at him later.
As you both lie there, staring at the now sunrise lit ceiling, sated grins sit on your faces. You both turn to face each other, staring into each other's eyes. He reaches over to move some of your hair off your face that had gotten stuck there from sweat, his fingers lightly caressing your skin.
“How long have you been waiting to do that, Kennedy?” You smirk, raising an eyebrow.
“How long have you been waiting for me to do that, is the better question.” He counters, chuckling lowly.
“Far too long, that's for sure.” You mutter softly, giving him a small smile.
“Does this mean I'm definitely your favorite regular now?”
You smack his chest lightly and laugh, rolling your eyes at him. You sit up carefully, noting how racked your body feels from the heated exchange. Slowly, you slide off the bed and stand up on wobbly knees. It takes you a moment to gather your bearings as you stretch yourself, feeling the warmth of the sunrays peering through your sheer curtains on your skin.
“You've always been my favorite, dummy. No one else brings me fun trinkets from their dangerous business trips.” You joke lightly, turning around to face him. He’s lying on his side, propped up on an arm as he stares at you. God, he's so perfect.
“Good, because I'll fight anyone that comes close to that title.”
“I’m sure you will, Kennedy. I'm gonna go clean up in the shower, wanna join?”
“But, showering means I'll see you naked.” He feigns shyness, but his smirk tells something different. He’s so dumb, you laugh to yourself.
“Your loss.” You purse your lips and start for the bathroom. The thud of Leon landing on the floor behind you is instantaneous, his heavy footsteps following quickly behind.
It's well into the morning when you find yourself snuggled up lazily into Leon's arms, both freshly showered and satisfied. He helped you strip your sheets and put new ones on before you grabbed him by the arm and tugged him into bed with you – something he definitely did not try to fight.
With his big arm wrapped around you protectively, him lying on his back, you nuzzle into his ribs as you splay your arm across his broad chest. He's already in and out of sleep, soft snores escaping him. His arm around you just tightens in response, his fingers curling into your soft side as he mumbles softly. As the morning birds continue their melody, you drift off easily. Already is your mind busy dreaming of the man whose scent permeates every part of your senses, making this rest the easiest one you've had in a while.
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buddysblogs123 · 5 days
Zoo Trauma 2
You'd be lying if you said you weren't in a large amount of pain when you woke up.
Opening your eyes groggily you tried to shift your sleeping position until you looked down at the weight on your stomach. Kyra had her arms wrapped around you tightly as she slept peacefully on top of you. Smiling at her slightly you reach for your phone with a wince, checking the time you sigh as it reads 4am.
You knew you weren't going to be able to go back to sleep, so carefully you shifted kyra off of you, trying your best not to wake her. You sit on the edge of the bed groaning quietly, getting up and stumbling towards your bag which was near the other side of the room. Searching for painkillers you dig through your bag, after finally finding them you make your way to the bathroom. Downing the pills you look at yourself in the mirror, only now noticing the scratches across your face. Slowly taking off the hoodie you were wearing you examine your body in the mirror. From your stomach up to your chest and around your shoulders was covered in a large bandage and medical tape.
"stupid 'Shere Khan' mother fucker" you grumble as you lightly trace where the tigers claws had sunk into you.
You flinch suddenly when a scream comes from the bedroom. Discarding your hoodie on the bathroom counter you rush out the door. Your heart breaks at the sight of kyra sat up drenched in sweat, looking around frantically with tears in her eyes. You walk up to her slowly, trying your best not to startle her as it's obvious she just woke up from a pretty bad nightmare.
"Hey kyra, your okay" you say softly causing her to flinch. She launches her shaky form into your arms as you hold her tightly, whispering reassurances in her ear.
"i've got you" you say gently, guiding her back towards the bed, she holds onto you tightly as if you would leave.
"y-y/n it was so bad, i-it got you and i couldn't do anything a-and you didnt-" she sobs out into your arms.
"It was just a nightmare, we're both okay Ky, nothings going to hurt you" you tell her softly, holding her shaky form in your lap.
"Let's run you a bath and put on some comfier clothes okay" you say, gently sitting up as she wraps her legs around you while you stand up.
Ignoring the pain you carry her towards the bathroom, setting her down so she's sitting on the counter. Carefully getting out of her grip you lean over and start running the bath, making sure it's the right temperature before it starts to fill up. You felt kyra's eyes on your body as you stood with your back towards her, you were only wearing a pair of shorts as the bandages did a good enough job at covering the top half of your body. The scrapes and bruises on your arms were more visible in this lighting and kyra's heart broke just thinking about how much pain you were in right now.
"right" you say to your self as you turn the tap off, the bath now being decently full you turn back towards kyra.
"I'll let you have a bath now, i'll wait in the bedroom" you say softly, noticing how she looked at you with a scared expression and shook her head.
"c-can you please stay" she asks desperately, grabbing your hand in hers.
"y-yeah okay" you stutter shyly.
You watch as she tries to take her hoodie off, her hands shaking violently as she struggles. Stepping in front of her you give her a warm smile, helping her lift the hoodie over her head so she stood in front of you only in a T-shirt and shorts.
"Can you please help me" she mumbles quietly, keeping her gaze towards the floor in attempt to hide her flushed cheeks.
"of course ky" you say softly, noticing how embarrassed she was in this situation.
Carefully helping her out of her clothes you guide her into the bath, sitting down on the floor next to her and trying to avoid looking at her body.
"s-sorry" she whispers embarrassed, turning to look away from you.
"you have nothing to be sorry for love" you say gently. The new pet name seems to perk her interest as she looks back towards you with a small smile.
"just let me know when you want to get out and i'll get you a towel" you say kindly, kissing the back of her hand that was held softly in your own.
You both sat in a comfortable silence until kyra was ready to get out. Quickly getting a towel from the cupboard you held it out to her, looking away as she stepped out of the bath. Once she wrapped the towel around herself you made way back into the bedroom, digging through your bag you passed her a pair of trackies and one of your hoodies. You turned around and sat back in bed whilst she got changed, checking your phone to see that it was now 6 in the morning. Thank god you were all given the day off after yesterdays events.
You felt the bed dip next to you as kyra leaned softly into your side, resting her head on your shoulder.
"Do you want to go back to sleep?" you say softly, resting you arm around her and pulling her closer to you.
"i don't think i'll be able to" she whispers back vulnerably. Before you could say anything else you were interrupted by your phone ringing. You lean over slightly to grab it, only now noticing the amount of texts and miss calls you had as the news from yesterday spread quickly. But funnily enough there wasn't a single text from your parents.
Mini and Charli's face appeared on the screen as you answered the group facetime. You angle the phone so both you and kyra were in the frame, turning on the bed side light so they could see you clearly.
"Hi girls" Charli says sympathetically, looking at you both with a sad smile.
"how are you guys" mini asks concerned, her mother instincts kicking in.
"yeah um, still shaken up a bit" you answer softly, holding kyra closer. Both the girls notice how quiet she had been which was really unusual for her.
All of a sudden harper's face appears on the screen causing you and kyra to crack a smile.
"hey harps" kyra says softly, smiling warmly at her through the screen.
"kyrwa!" Harper yells excitedly, her face changes to confused as she noticed you.
"y/n/n why are you dressed like a mummy" harper asks innocently, you watch as both mini and charli's facial expressions change. Only now just noticing the amount of bandages on your body.
"we were playing dress up harps, i'm in a costume" you say quickly, whispering the last part dramatically to the child causing her to laugh. Mini quickly tells harper to go help Clara before tuning her attention back on you.
"what did the doctor say y/n?" She asks concerned, kyra looked up to you, she herself also not knowing how bad your injuries really were.
"erm i had to get a lot of stitches and they just said that i'll have some really big scars, the medical teams going to check it out later today" you murmur softly.
"Did they give you medicine for the pain?" charli asks concerned.
"yeah but i'll be fine, i've had worse" you say with a smile. You hear a loud knock on the door startling both you and kyra.
"We'll call you back later, love yous" kyra says softly, bidding goodbyes you end the call. You look at kyra, both exchanging confused glances over who would be knocking on your door so early in the morning.
"come in!" you yell confused, you smile slightly as Steph peaks her head in through the door.
"jesus y/n that animal really did a number on you" she says concerned, only now seeing how bad it was. She walks up towards kyra's side of the bed sitting down next to her, causing kyra to lean into her slightly.
"pffft just a few light scratches" you say jokingly.
"why are you up so early" you say changing the topic quickly.
"Most of the girls are at breakfast, i thought i'd let you two know" She says softly stroking kyra's hair as the young australian leans on her half asleep.
"yeah okay, we'll meet you down there in a few" you say sitting up slightly.
Once Steph leaves the room you get up from the bed and towards your bag, trying to find something to wear that won't hurt your injuries to bad. Pulling on a baggy shirt you walk back over to kyra.
"come on love, you need to eat something" you say softly pulling her out of bed. You both hold hands while you walk to where your teammates were, quickly filling a plate each you sit in the spare seats on a table with Steph, Caitlin, Katie, Leah and Alessia.
"Morning" Kyra says quietly to the girls, leaning into you once you both sat down. They look at you both sympathetically, noticing how tired you both were.
The conversations continued as they would normally, you sat there picking at your food, not actually having the stomach to eat right now. You didn't realize you were asked a question as all the girls stare at you.
"huh, what sorry" you say quickly, snapping out of your trance.
"Did your parents contact you about yesterday" Leah asks curiously.
"Mini rang this morning" you say with a shrug, pushing more food around your plate. Mini was more of a mother figure compared to your real one. Always looking out for you and making sure you were okay while your actual mum only talked to you once every six months if you were lucky.
"Your actual parents y/n" Leah speaks up.
"nope" you say popping the 'p'. You feel kyra's hand rest on your thigh as she sends you a sad look. Before they could say anything else your phone began to ring.
"speak of the devil" your mumble under your breath, the girls overhearing as they wait for you to pick up, putting the phone to your ear you regret it quickly.
"oh so your alive then" she yells through the phone, obviously drunk as you could tell by the slur in her voice. No doubt the girls could hear what she said as she was talking really loudly.
"yeah" you reply hurt, the girls hearts break at the deflected tone of your voice.
"oh to bad, i was hoping otherwise" Your 'mum' continues laughing loudly through the phone. Your teammates around you suddenly becoming angry at what she said. Before she continued yapping you ended the call with a sigh.
"i do not need to deal with that right now, moving on" you mumble before placing your phone on the table.
"what are we doing today" you ask casually, choosing to forget the phone call.
"u-um just a lazy day today" Alessia speaks up hesitantly, eyeing you with concern.
"sweet, i'm gonna go try sleep" you say, getting up and discarding your half full plate.
Kyra glances between you and the girls, choosing to follow you as she bids goodbyes to the girls quickly and makes her way back to your own room. Knocking on the door quietly she opens it slowly and makes her way in.
"y/n?" she asks softly, trying not to startle you as you lied in bed. 
" hi love" you say with a smile, lifting up the quilt covers so she could lye in bed next to you. Carefully kyra crawls beside you so you were both facing each other face to face.
"your freckles are so cute" you say pinching her cheek softly while chuckling, her cheeks turn red as she smiles at you. There's a moment of comfortable silence, you notice how kyra keeps gazing from your eyes to lips nervously. You inch you face closer to hers so your lips were nearly touching.
"is this okay?" you whisper, keeping eye contact with her as she nods.
You kiss her softly, caressing her cheek with your thumb. This kiss lasted a few moments before you both pulled away for air. You pecked her on the lips quickly before kissing her all over her face making her laugh.
"will you be my girlfriend?" you ask hopefully, kyra's eyes light up as she nods her head quickly, pulling you in for another kiss making you smile into it. Your moment was interrupted by the door slamming open.
"omg i'm so sorry!" alessia shrieks as she covers her eyes making both you and kyra start laughing. Peeking through her fingers alessia sighs in relief seeing you both fully dressed.
"soooooo are you guys like officially together now?" she asks with a teasing smile.
"yeah" kyra says excitedly with a large smile, leaning into as you wrap your arms around her.
"omg i have to tell the others" Alessia squeaks as she quickly leaves your room shutting the door behind her.
"They're going to give us the big sister talks aren't they?" you say with a laugh, resting your head in the crook of kyra's neck.
"oh god that's going to be so scary" kyra laughs, pulling you closer.
"do you think if we pretend to sleep we can avoid it" you say questionably.
"worth a try" kyra says with a real yawn this time.
You and kyra quickly started acting once you heard a stampede of footsteps coming closer towards your room.
"less what do you mean, their asleep" Katie whisper shouts as the girls stood in the doorway of your room. Alessia stood there stunned, a look of confusion on her face.
"right come on, they need as much sleep as they can get" leah says sternly, ushering your teammates out. You waited until you hear them leave before you both burst out in a fit of giggles.
The rest of the day you and kyra stayed in your room, catching up on the missed sleep you had both missed as you lay snuggled up in each others arms.
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katiemccabeswife · 3 days
12 Weeks
Matildas x Aussie!Reader || 12 weeks of recovery and you're back on the pitch in your hometown.
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12 weeks. After 3 months of recovery, you were back on the pitch and playing for your country. A knee dislocation may not be the worst injury ever, but the torn ligaments that come with it sure do make the recovery longer than it could be.
Whilst recovery is always more a mental game than physical, it's always worth it when you get to be back on the pitch with your national team in front of a sold-out, record-breaking crowd, in your hometown. You originally weren't sure if you were even going to be selected for the squad after missing the Conti Cup Final with Arsenal and the remaining games of the season, but Tony was assured by the physios over in England that you would be fit for the final games in front of an Aussie crowd before the Olympics, so here you were.
Tony was still cautious with your knee, and left you to warm the bench for the Adelaide game but substituted you on for the second half of the game. There was yet to be a goal when you came on, but the atmosphere surrounding the stadium only begged for one to come soon.
China was full of tough competitors and made for a lot of back and forth, sprinkled with some promising chances which only made Clare's goal in the 48th minute all the more sweeter.
The second goal came from a combination of an easy interception from Viney and Raso's speed making for another celebration when the ball hit the back of the net.
Sitting comfortably ahead relaxed the crowd but the team's constant want for more goals never did. After a close call near China's goal, Macca booted the ball up the pitch and met Steph's head who then controlled the touch and dribbled past the loose defenders. A moment of distraction left you unattended and gave you room to bolt for the incoming cross from your captain.
The ever-so-perfect timing of Steph met your foot perfectly leaving you one-on-one with the goalkeeper. A quick fake to one side had her falling the wrong way, leaving the goal wide open for you.
The sound of the crowd was deafening when the net rippled from the force of the ball and you were quick to run with your arms spread wide, cutting through the harsh cold air of the Aussie winter night.
A quick pivot is all it took for your back to meet the ground. A groan left not only your lips but those watching the big screen which was currently zoomed in on your celebration that was ruined by your knee slipping out of place.
"No, no, no" You cried out and were quick to stand back up and shake your leg around.
"Oi, no sit back down, babe," Ellie was the first one to you and forced you back to the ground.
"I'm fine Els, I swear, I promise," The tears that were flowing from your eyes spoke differently, "Just let me get up, I can walk, I swear!" When the medics made their way to you, you tried to push them away and convince them that you were alright. "It doesn't even hurt!" You shouted at them. Embarrassment filled you as your teammates and 76,998 other people watched you cry on the pitch.
Steph was there right next to you in seconds, soothing your hair and whispering gentle words, "It's alright, y/n/n, if nothing really is wrong, you can get back up and play, if not you'll also be ok, yeah? We're all here for you, you'll be alright," She kissed your sweaty head but her comfort was doing little to help. The Olympics were right around the corner, you didn't have another 12 weeks to heal and even if you did, there was no way Tony would choose you over a completely healthy player like Hayley or Caitlin.
You looked up at Steph with dread written all over your face, you knew you had re-dislocated your knee and that you wouldn't be fit for the Olympics but admitting that was going to be a hard pill to swallow. By looking at Steph's face, you knew she knew as well that you weren't going to be able to get up and play the remaining 20 minutes of the game. She took your face between her hands and looked you dead in the eye, "It's ok, chook, you being ok is the main priority right now, try not to worry about anything else, ok?" You nodded solemnly and looked towards the medics who were pushing painfully around your knee.
"I dislocated it again," You spoke softly to the woman looking at your face, gauging your reaction to her prodding. She nodded in agreement before asking if you could walk and with the help of her and Steph you were up on your feet, thanking the crowd surrounding you as they clapped you off.
While you weren't going to be playing the rest of the game, there was no way you were going to miss watching it so you sat down next to Lydia and rested your head on her shoulder as the medic strapped an ice pack around you knee. The tightening of the strap brought another round of tears to your eyes and Lydia rubbed your arm comfortingly with her hand that was slung around your shoulders, "It'll be ok, chick," She spoke, so similarly to Steph.
"Thanks, Lyds," The phrase had been thrown around a lot the past few days but her actions proved just how much she deserved all the thanks she was receiving, not only for being an exceptional footballer but also an exceptional person and friend.
The ball was being passed around aimlessly in the centre of the pitch, giving Tony a moment to step away from the sideline to find you and squat down in front you you, his hand resting on your good knee, "How does it feel?" He asked with a cringe.
You shrugged miserably, "It doesn't hurt as much as the first time, it kind of just aches," You looked down at it and frowned at the apparent swelling already rising.
Tony ruffled your hair lightly as he rose, "You're strong kid, remember we're all here for you, even me," He winked jokingly, "If you ever need someone to call, any one of us will be happy to answer, isn't that right?" He shouted down the bench to Caitlin who nodded obliviously making you and Tony laugh. He pointed at you sternly, "If you ever, ever, need anything, I'm just a phone call away, kid," He patted your shoulder once you had nodded in understanding before walking back to the sideline.
"I'm proud of you chicky," Lydia mumbled to you.
"Thanks, Lyds"
It's been a while!! Sorry for not writing, just haven't really felt like it, and guess what... dislocated my knee for the second time in three months just before the tillies game on monday!! you best believe i still went and hobbled in on my crutches though.
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maxsimagination · 5 months
𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘄𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀 - 𝘀.𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆
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warnings: none, pure fluff
"thankyou so much, i'm sure she'll love it. bye." i clicked the red 'hang up' button on my phone as i finished up my call with nikki webster, the one and only. it was steph's birthday tomorrow and i wanted to surprise her with her favourite song, sung by her favourite artist.
macca, lani and caitlin had suggested we throw a party on the night of her birthday, and we surprise her with something, but it was me that thought of flying down nikki to perform.
the whole team thought it was a great idea, and they each pitched in to help set up the party, and make sure steph didn't find out. i even had tony make sure we were allowed to hold the gathering in the huge 'lounge' we had at the matilda's training complex. of course he'd said yes and and made sure there was speakers and a mic for nikki to sing with.
i was snapped out of my daydream when steph walked in and slid her arms around my waist. “hey babe, whatcha up to?” i turn to her with a smile.
"nothing." my voice is laced with cheekiness and steph can tell something's up. "you sound like your up to something, what have you done?" her tone was light enough for it to be a joke but part of her was slightly scared, i'm known to be impulsive and not think things through.
"i swear i haven't done anything, stephy." again with the sickly sweet smile. she decided to drop it for know, but her gut knew that i was up to something. it's a sixth sense she gets when she's with me.
the next day rolled around; steph's 29th birthday. i was the first one awake, like an excited little kid even though it wasn't even my birthday. i slipped out of the bed we shared and tiptoed down to the kitchen to start making some breakfast for my girl. my phone was on the kitchen counter, some light music flowing from the small speakers as i danced around, whipping up some pancakes.
it didn't take me long and i was soon pouring the batter into little circles in the frying pan. i had two plates on a tray, ready to be brought up to steph in our room. finally i had all the pancakes dishes up, grabbed the bottle of golden syrup that i knew steph would use, the utensils and the tray and headed to the sleeping beauty still in bed.
she was in fact, still in bed, and i slipped down next to her, putting the tray on my bedside table. "steph, wake up. i made you breakfast." it must have been the smell of the pancakes that woke her because she always sleeps through alarms. "mmm, mornin' babe, something smells good."
i chuckled at her and brought the tray to rest in front of us. "happy birthday." i pressed a kiss to her forehead and she sat up to eat with me. "don't remind me how old i am." she grinned at me and we started eating.
"stephanie-elise catley, you better be dressed! we have to go to training." i shouted out to my girlfriend who was probably still lying in bed. we had both finished eating almost a half hour ago and i had taken everything to the kitchen to get cleaned up. now i was dressed and ready to walk out the door but steph was nowhere to be seen or heard.
"i'm coming i'm coming!" there was a faint shout back and some small stomps from the room, you could tell she forgot we had training and was now hopping about the room trying to get dressed quickly.
i just laughed to my self as she finally hurtled down the stairs with her shoes in one hand and phone in the other. "okay, i'm here. let's go." she grinned proudly at me, it was the quickest she'd gotten dressed before. "alright, alright tiger. put your shoes on and we'll go." it was times like these that really made me fall in love more. i grabbed the car keys and we both went out to the car, heading to training.
i was absolutely shattered after that session. tony had us running hard, fine tuning everything we could for the world cup. the rest of the team was currently in the change rooms, i was outside with sam. someone had to keep steph distracted, and then get her back here for the party. "okay, so i'll take care of steph, we just need to set up the room inside before nikki gets here."
i was slightly stressing and sam could tell "hey, y/n, chill. i got everything covered. you said that party's at 5, nikki at 5:30?"
i took a deep breath and sighed. "yea, thanks so much sam. i just want it to be perfect for her." we finished the details of our plan and headed to get changed. once both me and steph were done, we headed to the car, me sending a discreet nod to sam and macca one our way out. they were the like the co-captains of steph's secret birthday celebration.
it was almost impossible for me to hard the jitters i had about my surprise for steph. it was now the afternoon and i had to get both of us ready and back out for the party. "hey, stephy! c'mere." she poked her head out from wherever she was hiding. "yea what's up?" "i'm taking you out for your birthday, you have to go and get ready." her face softened with a smile.
"you don't have to do that, y/n. i'm happy to just stay in with you." "but i want to. c'mon, pretty please?" i attempt my best version of puppy eyes and she instantly folded.
"okay, okay. anything for you, love." she left with a smile and got changed. i had already changed into my clothes, and soon so was steph. we went on our way and when we got close i told her to cover her eyes. with much protesting, she reluctantly covered her eyes with her hand for the rest of the ride. i pulled into the matilda's complex for the second time that day, turning the vehicle off.
"hold on, i'll come get you." i raced around the side to get steph. she slowly hopped out, eyes still covered. i walked her inside and made sure she wasn't peeking.
"okay, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" i opened the door to the room and the team yelled out at us from the other side. steph immediately opened her eyes and grinned at what she saw. "oh, this is so cute, thankyou y/n!" she turned to hug me and i returned the favour. we started mingling with all our teammates, me heading for sam and mac.
"that was so stressful. i was jittering the whole way here." they laughed at me and we all checked the time, ready for nikki to make an appearance.
speak of the devil, i got a ping on my phone and saw it was from nikki. 'pulling in now, see you soon.' i snapped into action and told sam to meet nikki out front and mac was in charge of putting on the song. i headed for steph. "we have to dance, come on, mac is putting on music."
she laughed at my antics and followed me to the middle of the floor. her favourite song, strawberry kisses, blasted through the sound system and steph broke into a grin.
'𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦,
𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨,
𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘴,
𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪'𝘮 𝘢 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨.'
the lyrics were thrown out into the room and everyone joined in. it was the teams' song, they loved listening to it.
'𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦,
𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘪 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦,
𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳,
steph was having a magnificent time, dancing away with me, yelling out the words with the song. the the voice changed, it was still the same song but it was like it was being sung live, in the room.
'𝘪'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴,
𝘤𝘶𝘻 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨'𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺.
𝘪'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴,
𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘧𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥, 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦.'
everyone whipped their heads towards the door where nikki webster stood, mic in hand, singing steph's favourite song. the whole room cheered, even sam was clapping and cheering from her place next to the singer. i looked at steph, who was shocked. she had no idea this was happening. "happy birthday, love." she turned to me.
"you did this?" i nodded with a smile. she wrapped me in a tight hug, squeezing me until i couldn't breathe. it was definitely a memorable night, one that ended very late and with tony scolding us that we'd be tired at training the next day. but none of us cared in that moment.
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LEVIN AND MALACHI ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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plus some family portraits <3
alrighty you know the drill—— headcanons!!
Levin First:
When Aph found Levin’s mother, she told her that Garroth was Levin’s real father. She couldn’t go on without him knowing. So, Aphmau told Garroth this, which was a real shock considering Garroth didn’t even remember Matilda. But regardless, he understood that his memory had been wiped and he vowed to raise his son properly, with the love he never received.
Levin is like crazy strong, despite not appearing to be. Probably due to him being the son of the literal incarnation of the Esmund the Protector.
He’s not actually a descendant of Irene. The late lord Malik claimed to be a descendant of Irene in order to obtain power, but it was never true and it ended up getting him killed. So even if Levin was Malik’s actual son, he’d still not be a descendant of her’s.
However, the Shadow Knights believe he is, which is why there’s such a large target on his back. But even if they knew the truth, he’s still descended from a Divine Warrior, so the target would only be a tiny bit smaller.
When he finds out that both his bio father and adoptive mother are Divine, he kind of freaks out. Not only because of how insane that is, but it makes him feel worse about not possessing any magicks himself.
Not entirely a headcanon but I feel it’s worth mentioning; His biological mother, Matilda, was a wood elf. Therefore he is half elf. Wood elves tend to be short and stocky, hense his build. (the wood elf part is the headcanon, but not the bit about her being an elf. that’s canon)
His blue shirt is made from an old cape of Garroth’s. It was his way of honoring his long lost father, whom he never really got to know.
When Malachi died, his soul went into a sort of slumber. He remained in said slumber until Aphmau… respawned. When this happened, it sent a shock wave of magick throughout Ru’Aun. All mystic beings felt it. And that very wave woke him.
When his soul woke, he was confused and scared. He couldn’t remember what happened, where he was, why he was all alone in this dark and decrepit castle, or why he couldn’t leave. Over time, his memories returned to him, slowly but surely.
After some time, he realized that though he couldn’t leave the castle grounds, he could move the castle. And so he began moving it all throughout Ru’Aun in search for his parents. Only, he had no clue that 900 years had passed.
When Dante, Aphmau, Garroth, Laurance, and Eseryt come to his castle, he torments them with nightmares. Not because he wants to or thinks it funny, but because he doesn’t know them and it scared. Dante sees visions of Gene killing him once and for all, Aphmau sees Phoenix Drop burning to the ground, Garroth sees a wedding chapel and a woman who’s face is blurred and uncanny, and Laurance sees the Nether in all it’s fiery glory. And Eseryt? Well seeing as she possesses mind magicks too, Malachi can’t see her fears. But that also means Eseryt can’t feel his feelings.
Eventually Eseryt is able to show Malachi that they mean no harm and he lets the others go. When they try to speak to him, they realize that he only speaks old Ru’Aunian. But lucky for them, Aphmau knows it (for some reason *wink wink*) and Laurance learned some in the Nether. And when they get back to Phoenix Drop? Well Zoey knows it too! This is why he developed such and close bond to these three, they’re the only people he could talk to for a while.
Eventually, Zoey manages to teach him new Ru’Aunian, with the “help” of Aphmau and Laurance.
The green scarf he wears was a gift from Laurance after he regained his mortality. Malachi could not stop shivering in the middle of July, so Laurance gave him his scarf to keep him warm. He knows to some degree what it’s like to come back to life, after all. Another reason the two are so close.
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smellss · 9 months
Close quarters
Summary: Never has sharing a bed been so difficult
Warning: australian colloquialism/phrases (swearing soz not soz) and unedited uni is killing me :)
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A long long night for the Matilda's, a wonderful game, the longest penalty shoot out in World Cup history. Y/n had never felt so proud to be alongside these women. Well most of them anyways, her feelings towards her Captain still remained unsolved.
Never had a single person frustrated her in her whole life, of course she respected her she's Sam Kerr for god sakes she had to. But that arrogance god, it frustrated her to no means.
Her smirk, her flirty winks and that tongue.
Wait what ew not like that
The way she smugly stuck it out after her goals, it made it her feel something.
Yes how exactly did it make me feel.
That's what Y/n was trying to discover using her vodka and soda as an accomplice on her journey. However, it was still World Cup and she couldn't get too crazy, just one celebratory drink.
Sitting with Hailey at the bar they discussed the game at length her other team mates surrounded around the pool table taking turns with one another. A new tactic of cool down their coaches had suggested as a bonding exercise.
Y/n felt a gaze on her from across the room but when she turned they were gone.
"You alright chicky?" Haley brushed her arm, a concerned frown rippling across her forehead. Y/n smiled at the term of endearment vigorously nodding.
"Just tired that's all, I might head up to the rooms" she yawned, finishing the last sip of her drink. However, just as she stood up two hotel staff came into the bar area.
"Ladies we have an unfortunate announcement to make, due to a leak in our pipe system a few of the rooms we had set aside for you have been damaged by water. Not to worry however, all of your belongings were fine" A few groans, moans and sighs were heard around the room.
"Not to worry girls, we have assigned you roommates to share with based off your positions, a bonding exercise if you will" Your coach chuckled slightly.
Perfect I'll be assigned with Hailey
"Arnold and Kennedy" both woman laughed like 13 year olds sharing a room at camp, walking off to their room.
I cannot believe I am getting an assigned room at 27
"L/N, Kerr is coming to join you" Y/n swear she felt her heart fall out of her arse. She looked over at Kerr who had a mischievous glint in her eye, saluting at her coach with that signature cheeky smile.
You both walked out of the room in silence, Hailey giving you a reassuring smile and thumbs up.
I really hope I can fall asleep quickly
Y/n heard a knock on the door she quickly rushed over opening it hastily.
"Hey roomie" Sam slightly slurred obviously not obeying the one celebratory drink rule, she glided past Y/n, taking in her room and belongings. Spending a long time looking at Y/n's photos she'd brought from home.
"Are these your siblings?" Sam half smiled, glazing over the photo she held it up towards the light.
"Yes, my brother and sister" Y/n stated proudly, extremely grateful of her wonderful supportive family.
Y/n noticed a change in Sam's demeanour once she saw the photo of her and Hailey at the season wrap up party last year. Sam's brow now furrowed as she walked away placing her things down.
Finally she turned around and faced Y/n, drinking in her appearance and forming a very large smile.
"Cute pjs L/n" Y/n quickly flushed a bright shade of red completely forgetting she was in her big Chelsea shirt and matching sweats.
"They were a gift actually, besides I don't know if you can be giving me much heat in those" Y/n quickly retaliated eyeing Sam's kangaroo and koala pj set. She gasped placing a hand on her chest pretending to be offended.
"Well I usually sleep in boxers and no shirt but I thought we'd keep it PG for our first sleep over" She winked, Y/n turning a shade of red she didn't even know was possible.
Both girls turned to face the bed, the one king mattress quickly becoming the elephant in the room.
"Ill take the couch" they both said in unison.
"You were on field longer tonight you deserve the rest more" Sam argued to the best of her slightly intoxicated abilities.
"You're team captain and recovering from injury you're taking it" Y/n retaliated
Sam shook her head, "Lets just share we are teammates, its just fucking bed".
She slipped in the bed switching her beside lamp off, a yawn escaping her she closed her eyes. Y/n stood their hesistantly.
"Y/n come on, I don't bite" The girl sighed slowly sliding in to their shared bed, turning off her bedside lamp, with now only having the light glow of Brisbane CBD shining through their windows.
Y/n could feel her heart beating in her ears.
The silence of the room was killing her.
Everything was so still.
It was as if time was frozen.
Why is this affecting me so much God, just go to sleep Y/n
The only source of comfort to Y/n was the feeling of Sam also tossing and turning, until she stopped facing Y/n's back.
"Psst, Y/n are you awake still?" Sam whispered
Both girls turned now facing one another. Sam feeling y/n's breath softly in hale and exhale.
"Yes Kerr what is it?"
"I just wanted to know...how long have you and Russo been together?" Sam hesitated, her breath tightly in her throat waiting for the response.
"What?" Y/n laughed tears nearly forming in her eyes, "Sam we are not together just very good friends"
"Oh,oh but you must have someone back home" The captain pried more.
"Nope just me" Y/n whispered, Sam's eye intently staring over her face trying to read her expression.
The room was hot, Y/n had never felt so tense she felt like she was melting. She suddenly felt a hand on her cheek, a thumb brushed over eye an eyelash stuck on Sam's thumb.
"Make a wish" Sam whispered, holding out her thumb. Y/n blew it away, Sam's hand now back on her cheek.
"Please don't kill me for this" Sam gently moving y/n's face towards hers.
Their lips slowly interlocking, the warmth flowed through Y/n like nothing ever had before. It felt like her body had finally switched on and every nerve had been sent into overdrive.
Sam's lips sweetly tasting like her strawberry chapstick and minty toothpaste. Sam smiled into the kiss breaking it apart.
"You've had no idea how long I wanted to do that for" Sam smiled stroking Y/n's hair.
I think I know what the feeling is now.
"Oh I might have some idea" she challenged back.
"Macca I swear to god if you ruin this I'm going to fuck you up" Alannah whisper yelled
"One more shot" Mackenzie hushed leaning over the bed
The girls of course knew this was going to happen and were prepared rightfully so to document the occasion.
Both Y/n and their captain were entangled in one another looking as content as could possibly be.
"Mary you owe me that $15 babe" Hailey grinned
"No way", Mary scoffed hushing everyone out the door "I said August you owe me $40".
"Still worth it" Hailey smiled looking one more time at the couple before leaving them in peace.
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desertdollranch · 2 months
Opening and reviewing my first Australian Girl doll
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She spent more than a month in a box, making her way halfway across the world to her new home, and now here she is! I'm so relieved that she arrived safely. It was the longest I've ever had to wait for a doll, and through much of her journey I didn't know where she was or when she would be here.
I don't want to drop too big of a spoiler, but listen to this........ she was so worth the wait, and the money. This doll instantly won my heart with how exquisite she is in every way.
Australian Girl dolls were specially made for Australian children, by Helen Schofield, a grandmother who loved dolls. She created the brand when she couldn't find an age appropriate doll that was locally available or good quality. So she created these dolls to help children feel pride in Australian culture, while teaching them about friendship and empathy. There are five girls to befriend--Amy, Jasmine, Emily, Bronte, and Matilda, each representing a different region of the country, ethnicity, and lifestyle.
The company itself has quite high standards. They strive to reduce waste in their product packaging, and they use a factory in China that treats its workers humanely and does not use child labor.
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If you've been around my blog for a while, you know how much I love collecting diverse brands and types of play dolls, especially international dolls. Also, this one will be extra special because I actually have an Australian grandmother--she's also a doll collector, and I'm looking forward to showing her my new doll the next time I see her.
After the cut, I'll show you who she is, and talk about why I chose her. I'll compare her with similar-sized dolls as well, and have her do some dressing up.
Before we get to the unboxing, let's check out the little goodies included with my doll.
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First is a little pamphlet explaining why the dolls are special, but also represent real girls growing up in Australia.
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There's another pamphlet about how to care for your doll.
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All of the dolls come with a fun freebie: this cute pair of thongs.
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Another freebie (a $30 AUD value) is this very sturdy doll carrier with pockets for accessories.
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I also bought a pair of sneakers for my new girl. I figured her feet would be a bit larger than my other dolls, and these are cute, so she now has three pairs of shoes to wear.
Anyway. Enough of the small stuff. Let's let her out of the box.
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It's Amy from Adelaide!
I chose Amy after three entire years of being indecisive and going back and forth on exactly which Australian Girl I wanted. They're all equally adorable, so I picked Amy because her personality seems very sweet, and I love that she has mixed heritage. According to the Austrlaian Girl dolls website, Amy's family tree is a mix of Aboriginal and Dutch on her mother's side, and English and Indian/Fijian on her father's side. Very representative of modern Australia!
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I have no regrets. She is perfect!!! Just the most charming little angel. I am officially WOWED.
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I'm seriously impressed at the superior quality of her construction. I understand why she was priced a bit higher than similar dolls. She is, from head to toe, beautifully made, with so many sweet details. Her dress and shoes are also impeccably made and feel very durable.
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Her hair is flawless. It's a Kanekalon wig with loose curls, in a gorgeous shade of brown. Her eyes open and close. She has both painted and attached eyelashes.
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She has a gap between her big toe and the next toe, so she can wear her sandals and thongs.
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Her elbows are dimpled and she has subtle blush color on parts of her skin, including elbows and hands.
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She has a crease across her palm.
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She has articulation at her shoulders, hips, and neck. Her limbs, head, and shoulders are vinyl, and she has a huggable soft tummy. I don't really have a strong preference for either cloth torsos, vinyl torsos, or half and half like Amy. They all have pros and cons. This specific construction is nice in that she can wear low-neckline clothes without showing a cloth body, but it does make her harder to repair in case she has to be fixed.
I have a pretty good idea of what she'll be wearing when she's ready to change out of her pink party dress.
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The first photo shows her in a dress I made. The second is a Maplelea dress and hat. The rest are all American Girl brand clothing, except for the shoes. Amy can comfortably wear most stretchy clothes by AG and similar brands like Our Generation, but her feet absolutely will not fit AG, OG, or Maplelea shoes.
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The exception to the clothes is some of the tighter pieces. This AG shirt did not fit well. Amy's shoulders are a bit more broad than smaller dolls, and so without some extra give this is too tight.
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Amy is 20 inches/51 centimeters tall. Here she is next to my Our Generation doll Jordana. I'm using an OG doll because they're actually available locally in Australia. Whereas American Girl dolls, which I usually use when I compare brands, have to make an overseas journey. So it's only fair that I consider any Australians reading this now who are wondering how Amy compares.
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Amy is tall, but not the tallest doll in the family! Here she is next to Fernanda, my Karito Kids doll, who is about an inch taller although slimmer. Karito Kids dolls are in fact just slightly skinnier than American Girl dolls, so they have a much easier time sharing clothes.
In conclusion, I highly highly recommend this doll. She's absolutely sublime! I'm so thrilled to have her here, and I'm looking forward to having lots of adventures with her.
Obviously I'm far from Australia, but my Amy will still live her life as if she were in a suburb outside of the city of Adelaide. I've been looking at pictures of the geography of the state of South Australia, and there are some places in the mountainous parts that look pretty similar to the desert southwest where I live. So Amy will have no idea she's actually in the USA. Don't tell her the truth!
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tommykinardkink · 1 month
slide on through my window
@bucktommyweek Prompt: Day One - Alternate first meeting Rating: Teen and up Summary: Based on this other prompt - “You broke into my apartment drunk thinking it was your friend’s house and I should call the cops but my cat kinda likes you so we’re good.”  Notes: for #bucktommyweekend
The first inkling Tommy Kinard has that something’s wrong is when Matilda doesn’t come greet him at the front door. She's usually there as soon as the door opens, winding herself around his legs purring loudly
He steps into his apartment, tossing his keys on the kitchen counter as he cranes his neck in search of his cat.
That’s when he gets an eyeful of his second clue that his day’s gonna be off to a weird start.
There’s a half-naked man sprawled out across his couch, snoring softly. Matilda, the traitorous little fur ball, is curled up on the man’s lap, tail wrapped around her body. She opens her eyes but doesn’t lift her head, watching as Tommy creeps forward.
For a moment, all he can do is stare. Because this is weird, right? Even by LA standards. Tommy allows himself some time to take in the stranger’s appearance. By his guess, the stranger could be about his height, but isn’t quite as broad. Despite his large frame, his features are boyish, with a birthmark at the corner of his right eye and above his brow and his mouth softened in sleep. His sandy blond hair is a mess, almost as though someone had been running their hands through it. That combined with the missing shirt—Tommy doesn’t allow his gaze to linger on the tattoo on his left pec—and Tommy can’t help but wonder if there’s another half-naked stranger in his apartment somewhere.
It’s been a long night, and an even longer shift at the 127. The whole drive home, all he’d been able to think about was snuggling Matilda, and then falling face first into bed and crashing for the rest of the day. This stranger has robbed him of both those things.
“Hey.” Tommy inches forward and pokes the man in the shoulder. A loud snore is all he gets in response. He frowns and rubs a hand over his face before trying again, poking him harder this time.
“C’mon, wake up.”
“Wha’?” The stranger jerks awake, sitting upright so quickly that he almost head butts Tommy in the face. It's only reflexes honed from years of Muay Thai that save him from a broken nose. Bright impossibly blue eyes blink at him in confusion. Somehow, the man hasn’t disturbed Matilda at all, and she rests her chin on her little paws and watches the standoff through a half-lidded gaze.
“Who’re you?” the stranger asks in a sleep roughened voice.
Tommy straightens to his full height, suddenly indignant.
“Who’m I? I’m the guy whose apartment you broke into,” he snaps.
The stranger squints at him before his expression breaks into a broad, still somewhat tipsy, grin. Tommy does his best not to notice how it brightens up the guy’s whole face.
Jesus Christ.
Tommy draws in a deep breath through his mouth before releasing it slowly out his mouth. Grace, he reminds himself. It’s important to always extend grace to others, even when they don’t deserve it. Even when they’re intruding on his very limited free time.
“What’s your name?”
The beautiful dimwit blinks up at Tommy, clearly baffled. He slowly lowers himself down onto his elbows—Tommy is about to warn him not to get too comfortable—and shakes his head.
“My name’s Evan. Friends call me Buck.”
Well, Tommy sure as hell isn’t this guy’s friend.
“Okay, so. Evan. You broke into my home.”
This doesn’t seem to sink in any better than it did the first time. Evan frowns at him, then glances down at Matilda. She blinks placidly back at him.
“You’re Chimney’s roommate?”
Now it’s Tommy’s turn to be confused. Is Evan simply drunk, or is he having some sort of seizure? Tommy belatedly wonders if he shouldn’t just call 911 and be done with it. This entire conversation is giving him a headache.
But Evan has apparently used the brief silence to fill in some blanks in his mind. Only, he apparently spells like a toddler, judging by the way his shoulders abruptly sag in relief.
“Man, I guess Chimney didn’t tell you I was coming.” He flops back down onto the couch, the picture of ease as he beams up at Tommy. “I’m really sorry about that. He said I could—”
“What the—who is…” Tommy takes another deep breath. It doesn’t help, so he counts to ten before saying in as calm a voice as he can manage, “Evan. Are you on drugs?”
Now Evan looks offended. Good.
“No.” A beat. “I’m just a little drunk. But,” he adds, when Tommy opens his mouth to speak, “not so drunk that I can’t read… this.” He rummages around in the back pocket of his jeans, having to arch his back and lift his hips off the couch to do so and.
Is Tommy having some kind of Freudian nightmare? Is that what this is? Did he just crash on one of the bunks in the station and this is all just a figment of his overtired imagination? Is he gonna have to pinch himself?
But no, there's no time for that. He watches as Evan pulls a worn little square of paper from his pocket and waves it under Tommy’s nose triumphantly. Tommy snatches it out of his hand to peer at it.
Jesus, no wonder the kid had gotten lost. Tommy looks down at the chicken scratch on the bit of paper, practically illegible even in the early morning light. Tommy’s eyes narrow.
“What’d you say your friend’s name is?”
“Chimney,” Evan replies promptly, as though that’s at all helpful.
“The name on his birth certificate,” he clarifies through clenched teeth. Tommy can practically feel his eye twitching.
“How the hell am I s’posed to know?” Evan’s voice rises slightly in exasperation. “He just said—Ow!”
Tommy jumps, the piece of paper fluttering from his hands to the floor as Evan lets out a loud yelp. It’s easy to guess the source of his sudden discomfort. Matilda, who’d been handling the situation a whole lot better than Tommy, had seemingly lost her patience with the way Evan kept shifting around beneath her and stuck her tiny, needle-like claws through his jeans in an effort to keep him still. Evan stares down at her, eyes wide, big body motionless.
And. It’s stupid. Utterly ridiculous. This stupid man had broken into Tommy’s apartment and stolen his cat’s affection. But even though Tommy knows first hand how much those claws hurt, Evan makes no move to push Matilda away or retaliate. And just like that, Tommy feels most of his irritation slipping away. He lets out a gusty sigh and drops down into the loveseat opposite Evan.
“Okay, let’s try to figure this out,” he says, trying to be reasonable. “I’m telling you that you’re in the wrong apartment. No one by the name of Chimney,” Tommy pulls a face, “lives here.” Evan looks like he’s about to argue, so Tommy continues hurriedly, “I also don’t believe that you’re some kind of weirdo who just breaks into people’s homes so you can sleep on their couches.”
“Good. ‘Cause I’m not.”
“Right. Glad to hear it.” They stare at each other for a moment; Evan is definitely pouting. Tommy forces himself to concentrate on the matter at hand. “So this leaves us with a third option: this was all just a big mixup. Which, given your friend’s handwriting, isn’t surprising. So. No harm, no foul.”
“You’re not gonna call the cops?” Evan asks in a small voice.
“I was tempted for a minute.” Tommy looks back over at where his cat is kneading at Evan’s thighs in an effort to make herself comfortable. Evan winces but makes no move to stop her. “But Matilda’s the boss around here, and she seems to like you.”
Evan follows the direction of his gaze and smiles. It’s soft and sweet and Tommy really needs to go to bed. He pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and starts swiping through his apps.
"Relax," Tommy says without looking up. "I'm getting you an uber."
"Thanks, that really nice—" He stops, and the abrupt silence grabs Tommy's attention, worried that Matilda's somehow managed to draw blood. He glances at Evan, only to find the other man looking at him thoughtfully.
"You never told me your name."
Oh. It's strange but he feels a flutter of something like nerves for the first time since finding Evan passed out on his couch. He glances down briefly before forcing himself to get it together.
"Tommy. My name's Tommy."
And dear God, what was it with this guy and his smile? Tommy's too old to be getting flustered by some pretty boy and his fucking dimples. He clears his throat and quickly looks away again.
"Well. Evan. It's been nice meeting you. But I think it might be time for you to go."
"Yeah." Evan's smile dims slightly. He seems to shake it off, though, as he turns his attention to Matilda. With one big, gentle hand, he reaches down to scratch under her chin. Tommy can hear her purring from here. "Sorry, babe, but I gotta go," he tells her with a grin. She pushes her face against his hand, demanding that he keep it up, and Tommy has never before been envious of a cat. "But I promise, I'll always remember our time together."
He's so stupid. And adorable. And Tommy needs him to find his shirt, stat.
It takes some coaxing—and Tommy going to the kitchen for some treats—to get Matilda off Evan's lap. Tommy does his best not to stare as the other man gets off the couch and stretches lazily. The flex of his muscles is obscene and Tommy can't help the way his eyes dip to where the happy trail disappears beneath Evan's jeans.
Tommy feels his face burning as he rips his gaze away, looking up just in time to catch Evan's little smirk. He can feel his cheeks burning and he pointedly turns his back as Evan pulls his shirt on over his head.
Together they walk to the front door, and the silence feels kinda awkward. A sudden thought occurs to him.
"Hey. How'd you even get in?"
"Huh? Oh." Now it's Evan's turn to blush, and he ducks his head. "I, uh, I came in through the window."
"We're on the third floor."
"Yeah." Evan scratches the back of his neck, expression sheepish. "I wasn't thinking too clearly. But still," he peeks up at Tommy from beneath his lashes, "pretty impressive, right?"
Is he... flirting right now?
But there's this incorrigible grin on Evan's face, impossible to resist, and Tommy can't help smiling back at him.
"Yeah. Pretty impressive."
Tommy's phone buzzes, a notification that the uber's just around the corner. He can't help but feel a pang of disappointment.
"Hey, can I—?" He looks up to find Evan looking slightly nervous. Tommy's expecting a request to use the bathroom but, instead, Evan surprises him.
"Can I have your number?"
"My number?" Tommy scrambles to cover his astonishment and tries for teasing as he asks, "Why, d'you wanna call ahead the next time you break in?"
"No. I wanna take you out for dinner. Or, y'know, maybe for breakfast." Evan's got this cocky smirk on his face, but there's a hint of vulnerability there too.
This is a terrible idea.
That knowledge doesn't stop him from giving Evan his number and watching as he disappears down the hallway and into the elevator.
This was really not how Tommy had expected his morning to go.
But he can't say he minds.
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2rats1gogh · 2 months
Hi! I wanted to know your opinion of Jacaerys. I always see that Team Black believes that he would have been a good king and it is also mentioned in the text, I, on the other hand, like to analyze what I read and draw my own conclusions. This guy's decisions were largely...bullshit. The first one that comes to my mind is the idea of riding their dragons and not sending ravens because then everyone would know they were "Targaryens" because only Targaryens ride dragons...then he proceeds to propose the idea of dragon seeds with bastards who haven't lived with his privilege claiming and riding dragons...and we already saw how it turned out. He also seems to me to be a very bad negotiator since to get support or maintain it he had to make quite important concessions and promises. The idea of sending away their little half-brothers who are not old enough to defend themselves and who only have little Stormcloud, when Rhaena and Joffrey were perfectly fine in the Vale does not seem logical to me. I always see that he died trying to save his half-brothers but this is not mentioned anywhere, Vermax decided to fly low...yes, but at no time is it mentioned that it was to rescue Viserys, I have read this fragment in the books that talk of the subject, not only fire and blood and it does not appear, I don't know if the source is this video that appeared on YouTube years ago where the Strong Boys had Valyrian traits 😂 there we see the credibility. They also say that he saved Aegon but the truth is that he was saved by his dragon... who did not allow himself to die until he was safe in Dragonstone, this decision did not have any positive impact on his half-brothers, rather it condemned them, Aegon to live with the guilt that did not belong to him and Viserys to be married at the age of 12...after spending years kidnapped.
Then there is the issue of Driftmark, something tells me that the legitimization of Addam and Alyn and consequently setting aside Joffrey as heir to House Velaryon was Corlys' condition to maintain his support, the people of team black usually say that this is so because Joffrey couldn't inherit the throne and also Driftmark (😂 sure, Corlys would be very upset if he was really his grandson) but Jacaerys was also alive when this agreement was reached. In short, I do not see brilliance or political cunning anywhere, besides the fact that with his condition as a bastard he should not have rights to the throne, but in his case no one speaks of usurpation to his half-brothers Aegon and Viserys, to Alicent's children and even Daemon's daughters, who had more inheritance rights than him and his two brothers, in the end his claim was based on a very very bad lie.
The dance is very poorly written, the truth is that this fact should have had more impact, I understand that they were going to die and George did not worry, but that Rhaenyra continued to be heir and retain so many supports being a woman with three very obvious bastards in a feudal society....It doesn't seem credible to me at all.
They give the example of English Anarchy but the truth is that it has nothing to do with it. Matilda had no siblings and it was a cousin, son of her father's sister, who claimed the throne. She also had no bastards, she had no children from her first marriage, in fact in the end it was her legitimate son, who she had with her second husband, who ended up on the throne and she fought more for his claim than for hers. It is not as similar as Team black points out, there are quite a few differences, Matilda and Rhaenyra are not the same.
Have a good Saturday! 🫶🏻
Hii sorry for the late response, hope you had a great Saturday yourself!
As much as I am a team green supporter, I never really hated Jace that much. My only real issue with him was him bringing the knife when Baela end Rhaena said that they’re going after Aemond. That’s it. He was never as awful as Luke, but he wasn’t that likable either tbh.
Imo we simply never got to know Jace well enough to say whether or not he would’ve been a good king. There is pretty much no evidence to suggest that he would. He might’ve been a good brother and a good son but that wouldn’t automatically make him a good ruler.
I think people are just mainly saying this because he is Rhaenyra’s firstborn and they are gaslighting themselves into thinking that Jace would’ve been a great king and so it’s a win for Rhaenyra when in reality we can’t say for sure. As you said, he did make some questionable decisions throughout the story. He was still pretty young, so he could’ve either matured into a wise and just king, or power and ambition could’ve corrupted him.
I think Rhaenyra’s bastards, and Jace mainly, are interesting only because they died in horrible ways. As soon as they were born (outside of marriage), they were doomed. And that’s their whole personality unfortunately. They have nothing interesting to offer other than being Rhaenyra’s doomed bastards. And Jace is just that.
And if we’re being honest, I don’t think the realm would’ve accepted him as a king. The rumors were there and people were talking. Sooo….. idk.
And you are absolutely right about Matilda!!! Her situation is entirely different from Rhaenyra’s in pretty much every way:
a) a cousin via aunt is not the same thing as half-brother via same father-king
b) Matilda didn’t have any other siblings whatsoever and was named heir because she had none, Rhaenyra did have three male siblings
c) Matilda didn’t have any illegitimate children
d) Matilda didn’t marry her uncle
e) Matilda didn’t try stealing her husband’s nieces’ inheritance
I can definitely see the inspo but it’s just not the same thing on so many levels
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