#the only valentine we need in the shadow world is malec
kasirose · 1 year
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Malec for Valentine’s Day! 💙💜
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gospi · 2 years
The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye
My new Malec fic is out.
A human/arranged marriage/fake/pretend relationship AU.
You could find the entire chapter on Ao3.
Artwork from the amazing @commanderApril1 on Twitter
@khaleesiofalicante you wanted to be tagged when this mess was up. Here you are.
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The warm light of the February sun on his back created a long shadow of his tall frame. Spring had made a tentative try, but the winter still had a strong hold over New York, and Alec buried his nose deeper down in his scarf and stuffed his hands further down his pockets. Alec didn't like the cold; he prefered when the sun actually warmed him up. 
He minded his steps, avoiding all the puddles of water on the pavement, eager to reach his destination; a warm room, even if the company therein didn't offer much warmth. Alec stopped for a moment, taking in the impressive building before him. Morgenstern Publishing: same as its owner, the building was flashy and made a lot of promises. But once you were inside, it would swallow you whole, rob you of everything, and then spit you out in a back alley somewhere. Alec knew this, and he was still there. Like an impending doom, he didn't have a choice.
Alec welcomed the long, solitary ride up to his agent's office since it gave him some time to gather his thoughts. At twenty-four Alec had, as expected of him, joined the family firm, where his mother ruled with an iron fist. It's not that Alec didn't want to work there, it's not that he didn't like corporate law. It's just that he didn't choose that for himself. Since he had been born, his parents had taken every possible measure to make sure Alec would follow in his father's political footsteps, preferably surpass him and reach the White House. Never had they cared what Alec wanted, but, on the other hand, he had never questioned it either. Not until the day that he, then still a pre-law student, had seen the community flier for a Creative Arts Class. That was the first time in his academic history that he did something for himself. The moment he had decided to enter that world was the moment his life had changed inevitably.  
The elevator pinged and the door slid open. Alec stepped outside and looked around, his heart heavier with every second passing by.
"Good morning, Mr. Lightwood," his agent's PA greeted him. "Mr. Starkweather is running a bit late, but I'm told to bring you to his office."
Alec managed to smile, and followed the young PA through the door. As he sat down, the PA handed him a cup of coffee with a small smile on their face and left Alec alone with his thoughts. He was screwed; he never should have trusted Valentine Morgenstern. But his father had vouched for him, telling Alec that if he ever wanted to succeed as an author, Morgenstern Publishing was the way to achieve it. Alec should have known. He knew his father better than that, knew when he was just spewing a lot of bullshit, but against his better judgment, Alec had listened. Once again trying to appease his father, and where had that taken him other than being summoned 'to talk about the future' by his agent?
Alec sipped on his coffee, sinking down even further in the chair, as the door to the office opened. Hodge didn't greet him, looking all tense as he rounded around his desk and sat down to face him. Alec swallowed as he took in the stern expression of his agent. Bile rose in his throat; this conversation wasn't going to be pleasant. He took another long drink, an attempt to calm his nerves.
"Before we start, I need to remind you that what we discuss here is not for the public to know. It stays between us. And I promise everything will make sense in the end."
Hodge's first words did nothing to reassure Alec, and the lump in his throat felt tighter by the second.
"Alec, you know I like you," Hodge started again, albeit hesitantly. "I've seen you grow up, even if it was from afar and I want you to succeed. The only reason I suggest this is because it is the only way for you to do that." Hodge was nervously plucking the hem of his
Perplexed, Alec stared at Hodge. The other man wasn't usually this personal. He was no longer strictly business, which made Alec shift uncomfortably in his seat and an awkward silence fell between them.
Then Hodge continued and Alec could never, not even in his wildest dreams, have imagined the words falling off his lips.
"You need to be gay."
Alec sputtered out his coffee, his jaw dropped comically low and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "I have to be WHAT!?"
Hodge looked at him, his face still an inscrutable mask. "You need to be gay," he repeated.
The statement created a tidal wave of emotions that swept over Alec as his brain short-circuited – disbelief and shock and indignation all came crashing into and over one another as he struggled to wrap his mind around Hodge's words.
"What!? Are you serious?" Alec's high-pitched voice broke at the end.
"Do I look like I'm joking to you?"
No, he really didn't. Alec needed to be gay? He struggled to piece together his thoughts; his expectations beforehand of what this conversation would be like and the actual outcome. It made absolutely no sense to him – how him being gay could possibly have anything to do with his future as a writer.
Hodge slamming a magazine on the desk before him broke off Alec's racing mind and brought him back to the present. Alec looked at the front page of the magazine and his mind went blank. He slowly recognized the radiant man on the cover; the signature hair, in a faux-hawk with shaved sides, and the glittery, kohl lined eyes. The man had several necklaces of various lengths that fell across the chest made visible by his half-open shirt, both hands adorned with multiple rings.
Magnus Bane.
The heir of Edom Inc, the man that everyone wanted to be seen with, the man everyone knew. The epitome of a playboy. The social media sweetheart. The picture didn’t quite do him justice, in Alec's opinion. His eyes didn’t have that spark Alec was so used to from other media. Magnus Bane was vivid, vibrant; a force of nature and this picture was the result of a poor attempt to confine all that into a stiff photograph. Not that Magnus looked uncomfortable, he simply didn’t look happy.
"You also need to marry Magnus Bane," Hodge stated.
Holy shit.
Continue reading on Ao3
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
About the show thing...
I mean, if you think something is better than the other, it doesn't mean you like one and hate the other, right? I think most of us like the show so much too.
I, personally, prefer books to the show, It was a pretty good show indeed, but, they changed the main story so much. It wouldn't make any problem, if it didn't make most of them out of characters.
I can give you some examples that annoyed me the most:
First: I still cannot believe Alec couldn't say Magnus was in Valentine body. I know their relationship was true, but common!! It was so very new in TRSOM too! And it was much, much harder to find the real Magnus between hundreds of similar illusions. But he did it. Cause he's Alec. So I was so much disappointed when for whatever reason they had, Alec couldn't distinguish between them.
And, even if he couldn't be sure, how could he let them torture somebody they had the potential to be Magnus? That's not Alec Lightwood. No.
Second: They were not really good at showing the true nature of Alec's interest to be in the Clave. In the books Alec refused being the head of any institute, cause he didn't want power. He wanted change. He wanted to change the law for Magnus. And for his children. And himself. Also for all those ShadowHunters and downworlders that had similar situations like them. So,
1) I still don't see why he would accept becoming the inquisitor. I can pretend that it was because he thought that title made it easier for him to become Consul one day? But it doesn't seem like that tbh. It just emphasize on the Alec's interest in politics that they portrayed in the show.
2) I cannot imagine the problem with the soul sword happen with book Malec. Like, it was sooo much of a politic move. And dishonest. Sure, Alec lied to Magnus in the books too, but that was an act of love and jealousy and he was hurting AND it was so much Alec. A boy that loves you so much that he does the most stupid thing ever to be with you as much as possible. Yes, he also fucked up in the book, but in a sooo much Alec way. With his heart in his hand and without any guile to conceal how much he loves Magnus. BUT in the show, it was like they wanted to show us that: of course, Alec loves Magnus, but he's a Shadowhunter first, and he can lie to Magnus when necessary if his kind is in danger. And I don't think there is anyone who has read the books and doesn't know how much bullshit this is. Alec would never. That's not a guess. It's a fact.
Third: I seriously didn't like how they shows parabatai in the show. Sure, in the books too, Jace was always the one who seemed to care less about their bond, and Alec was mostly the one who always watched after Jace. BUT, we could clearly see how much Jace cared for Alec. When he told Alec that he wasn't not in love with him, he was just trying to convince himself so that he didn't have to risk. Even before Alec himself knew, Jace told him he was in love with Magnus. And this conversation means a lot, coming from a boy who doesn't like to speak about feelings. Or how Jace fucking prayed, when Magnus was ill, cause no body better than him knew what Magnus' death would do to his brother, and that made him terrified. All I'm saying is that you couldn't see the beauty of their Bromance and parabatai bond but watching the show. In the show they just brought the parabatai topic up, when Alec wanted to chase Jace and risk his life, AND of course, in most of god-damned malec fights. I was really done with how much they tried to show Alec had to choose between Magnus and Jace. And for what?!! Because he had a fucking crush on him once?! They never made Alec chose between Magnus and Izzy, or Magnus and Max. It was just Magnus and Jace, like Alec still felt anything more that brotherly love for him. It was frustrating honestly. And most of Jace haters are the people who's just watched the show. And honestly? I don't blame them for not knowing the true Jace Herondale. Alec and Jace's relationship in the show was portrayed kind of toxic. It was showed one-sided and the reason for a lot of Malec fights. And with no other example for parabatai, lots of people got the wrong idea.
Fourth: Clary!!! OMG I can't believe how they managed to show her sooooo much annoying! Sure, she was reckless in the books too, but she was also scared, like he should be, and confused, and with so much love. In the show she was bossing every one around at the first day of seeing the shadow world! She also acted so mighty and like she knew everything god-damned thing! I mean, seriously?? -.-
Fifth: Simon and Clary slept together in the show. I don't think I need any more explanation for just showing the disaster.
And, and, and...
There are other things here and there, but these were the most important failures in my opinion. Of course it's ok to change the story, it makes things interesting but, I think they ruined some things in their characters in the process. Alec's guileless nature and pure heart, Jace's deep care for Alec and his loved ones other than Clary, Clary and Simon's friendship nature ( Clary did love Simon romantically in the show, just not as much as Jace),...
But that being said, we all love SHTV, and these are just criticisms I think it deserved. And , I love Harry and Matt beyond understanding, maybe not as much as real Malec but I still don't think there are any actor who can play Malec better than these two. I just didn't like the story line.
Also, sorry for ranting 😶🙈🤭🤭 I just had an overwhelming need to say these after I saw that ask. *Hugs* thank you for listening 🙈😂
Okay but this is all very interesting. The points you made are very different from the ones people use to criticize the show.
I was particularly impressed by point no.2. I didn’t even realize it but the show didn’t capture Alec’s ambition of changing the Clave. Of course it wasn’t evident in the tmi books at all. So that’s fair. Even we only learned about it after trsom and tda and gotsm. But they could have included that since it’s an important part of his personality.
Thanks for the rant tho. It was very educating 🤭
And yeah, just because you find something flawed, it doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy it :)
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faejilly · 4 years
trust your heart
@shadowhunterbingo square: Double Date 
Relationships: Alec & Jace, background Malec, plus some Clary & Stabbing, because that’s my favorite. ;)
I am tagging this as a Shadowhunters 1x04 coda-fic because that's what this is in reaction to, but it occurs at some indeterminate later moment. We are ignoring the timeline. I have no idea when this happens, don't try to make it fit, it won't work. Probably because the timeline doesn't even work on it's own. 
This is also just an exercise in “jilly likes to play with the lore in the show because it doesn’t make any more sense than the timeline!”. (WTF is a Greater Demon y’all? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? How does some shadowy smoke compare to fallen angels and the mother of all demons? Who knows. Certainly the show doesn’t. SO LET’S GUESS. Or something like that.)
"Biscuit." Magnus paused, as if he wasn't entirely sure what he was saying next, and Clary tilted her head as she waited.
Jace figured she was as unused to seeing Magnus fighting for words as he was.
Alec had a hint of a frown between his brows, so apparently that wasn't a thing Magnus did very often in private, either.
Magnus sighed, and tried again. "If you wanted to give the retrieval of your memories another try, I have heard from the Spiral Labyrinth that Valak appears to have. Reformed."
"That was quick." Alec sounded almost blank, and Jace wondered if... no, that was stupid. Alec always still felt guilty about things, the only question was how guilty Alec still felt about the original failed summoning.
"He is one of the original Greater Demons." Jace shrugged as everyone looked at him. "I looked him up after last time. He's not a Fallen Angel, but he's still classified as a Demon Prince. There are only a couple of those."
A hint of pride broke through in Alec's voice. "And yet, Magnus managed to contain him."
"He almost killed Jace." Clary finally spoke up, her voice a little more subdued than usual.
"But he didn't break free," Jace pointed out.
Clary glared at him.
"What?" Jace spread his hands wide.
"You almost died."
Jace shrugged. "Doesn't make Magnus less impressive."
"Why thank you," Magnus gestured sideways and leaned forward in his chair in a way that very clearly implied a bow.
Jace snorted, and Alec's shell cracked a bit more, a hint of a smile as he looked at Magnus.
When Magnus was an arrogant bastard, Alec thought it was great. When Jace was an arrogant bastard, Alec always looked like he wanted to murder him. To be fair, Magnus never needed Alec to clean up the mess after he was an arrogant bastard?
Might cheer Alec up if he did.
But that wasn't Jace's business.
Jace leaned forward, aiming his next words at Clary. "Doesn't make you less impressive, either. You managed to disperse him, after all."
"She is naturally gifted when it comes to stabbing things." Alec's voice was dry, but his expression was fond. Jace could feel the tension in Alec's shoulders still, knew he wasn't nearly as nonchalant as he was appearing, but Alec wouldn't thank him for pointing it out.
Clary blinked. "Thank you?"
"You're welcome." Alec nodded graciously and entirely sincerely. Jace still didn't know how he did that, there was no way that should have managed not to sound either stupid or sarcastic. But no, he meant it as a compliment, and he was glad Clary knew it.
Jace shook his head a little. You're so weird.
Alec raised his eyebrows at Jace. You're one to talk.
Jace shrugged. Fair point.
"They're doing it again." Clary hissed, and when Jace shifted his attention back towards her, he saw she was leaning closer to Magnus. "Do you think it's a Lightwood thing, or a parabatai thing?"
"Both." Magnus leaned in as well, far enough he could clink his martini glass against her iced tea. "They do it with Isabelle too, but there's usually the occasional half-a-word thrown in with her."
Clary hummed in consideration before she nodded in agreement, and Jace had to resist the urge to stick his tongue out at her.
Alec snorted.
Magnus blew him a kiss.
Jace rolled his eyes at Clary. They're not any better!
Clary grinned at him. Neither are we.
And wasn't that a nice thought?
"There's no hurry," Magnus' voice was mostly serious again. "But do let me know. It will be the same ritual, but he may ask for a different price. He's all about shadows and secrets and treasures; he might be looking for something entirely different this time."
"Will it be worse because we." Clary swallowed. "Because I tried to kill him last time?"
"Probably not." Magnus shrugged. "He's not a particularly aggressive or grudge-holding demon, he really does just like knowing things, having bits and pieces of this world that no other demon can hold via his collection of memories. It's why I chose him to hold your memories in the first place."
"It's not like Valak would consider any of us a threat. We don't actually know how to kill him," Alec said. "Not so he'd stay dispersed for very long, much less actually dead. I doubt a short stint in the Void means much to a literal Shadow Demon. There's speculation he's part Void. Might have been a nice vacation for him."
Magnus snorted this time, but not in disagreement.
"Plus it's a very comprehensive summoning and containment spell." Jace grinned as Magnus lifted an eyebrow at him this time. "I told you I looked it up. That Medusa in the middle of the pentagram, it's a symbol of protection called a gorgoneion, and Valak's particularly vulnerable to it because of their shared dominion over serpents."
Magnus lifted his glass in another toast, this time aimed in Jace's direction. "Gold star for blondie."
"Thank you." Jace did not manage to avoid sounding slightly sarcastic, and he was not at all surprised when Alec kicked his ankle. He ignored that. "All of which just means that as summonings go, it's usually..."
He trailed off. He'd almost said mostly harmless, but then Alec was going to think about how their original attempt hadn't been, and how that was all his fault, and Jace had no idea how to comfort Clary that they really did usually know what they were doing without making Alec feel even worse about how obviously fucked up they'd been when they first met Clary.
Her mouth did an odd twist as she watched him stop talking, and he sighed. She'd clearly already figured all that out.
Not that it was hard.
"You should ask Simon." Alec's sentence ended more abruptly than usual, as if there'd been more he'd swallowed. "For the pentagram."
"And Luke." Jace managed to say without glaring at Alec for stealing his idea before he'd managed to say it first.
Clary frowned. "That makes seven. That's not a pentagram any more."
Alec blinked at her. Well obviously you wouldn't want me there.
Magnus and Clary just kept staring at him, and Jace had to swallow a snort of amusement. "Don't think you ducking out was obvious to anyone but you."
"I suppose it should have been," Magnus sighed. There was a golden glint in his eyes as he switched his attention to Jace. "But Alexander's over-developed guilt-complex doesn't explain why you're trying to duck out, too."
Alec's mouth opened, as if he was going to try and protest that his guilt-complex was at perfectly reasonable levels or something, but then his mouth closed and he turned to frown at Jace instead.
"He didn't want my memory last time?" Jace shrugged. He hoped that none of the despair he'd felt at that one-two punch of the demon deciding Jace didn't love anyone enough for his memories to count, of Alec being terrified of loving Jace, was making it through the bond. Or worse, onto his face for everyone to see. "Seems a bit of a risk to include me again."
Judging by how still Clary suddenly was, of the surge of nausea he felt from Alec, he'd failed entirely.
Alec leaned forward, but Magnus' hand on his arm stopped him before he said something that Jace probably wouldn't know how to deal with. Jace was used to feeling grateful for Magnus' existence for Alec's sake almost daily; it was a little weird being grateful for his own sake this time.
"The ritual was broken half-way through," Magnus said, his voice slow and careful, like you'd talk to a spooked horse. Jace kind of hated how nice it sounded. "Why do you think he didn't want your memory? He didn't get to me, either."
"He skipped me." Jace swallowed. Jace had been sure he'd see Alec's face when the demon got to him, too, but then Valak had just... jumped over him instead. Like everything Valentine had taught Jace when he was growing up was true, was right, that he couldn't know what love was, that he wouldn't ever be capable of it, that everything he thought he'd felt with the Lightwoods, with Alec, his brother, the other half of his soul, that all of it was just a lie he'd told himself, told himself so often he'd forgotten it was a lie.
But the demon could tell, could take one look at him and tell that all his cherished memories were wrong, weren't really love.
Then Alec had rejected the very thought that Jace could be the one he loved the most, as if Alec knew that too, knew they weren't really parabatai, not in any way that mattered, knew he couldn't trust Jace at his side, and sometimes Jace could tell himself that Alec was rejecting the implication of attraction, that it was more about Alec and his fears than Jace and his failures, and he told himself that Alec did love him, he did... but.
Sometimes all he could remember was that denial, and it didn't matter why.
No one had thought twice about Izzy loving Alec the most. No one would ever doubt that Alec was worth that, no one would ever panic at admitting that.
"Jace," Alec's voice was rougher than usual, and before Magnus or Jace could try and stop him again, he'd turned his chair and pulled Jace against him, his arms hard and implacable, and the fact that there was no way out was exactly what Jace needed.
He did manage to spare half a thought to being glad they were having dinner at Magnus' rather than in public before he just leaned in, his forehead pressed against Alec's shoulder, and he managed not to think about anything else at all. He could feel the hard beat of Alec's heart through the bond, the tight grip of Alec's hands an echo of tension even as his own body relaxed.
"Do you know what an ouroboros is?" Magnus' voice was overly precise and almost delicate; Jace wondered how long they'd been silent, how long he'd lost himself.
Jace nodded.
He felt Alec's head move above him, echoing the movement to make sure Magnus could see it.
"An ouroboros can be used to enhance a containment ritual; it won't actually make a pentagram last an infinite amount of time, but it does give it a kick."
Magnus paused, as if giving Jace time to process that.
"It's also a snake, so Valak's more vulnerable?" Clary asked.
"Mm-hmm." Magnus confirmed. "If Valak invokes that symbol by reinforcing the circle of a pentagram, any particularly talented or powerful warlock—"
"Like you?" Clary interrupted again, the smile clear in her voice.
Jace heard the clink of crystal and figured Magus had tapped her glass in agreement again. He felt himself smile, just a little, imagining the looks on both their faces, gently teasing and an exaggerated glint of false-modesty.
"A good warlock can force Valak to answer two requests for the price of one, so he will never follow a circle all the way around during a ritual. He jumps and swerves instead."
Jace felt a hot flush of shame, it had nothing to do with me, but before he could move or say anything, Alec's arms tightened even further.
"It's also fair to say that 'love the most' is a crock of bull-shit." It was Alec this time, his voice remarkably steady, considering, and Jace could feel it in his chest as much as hear it. "Magnus and I talked about it, and there's no way for a demon to know that, love doesn't work like that, most and least or whatever. It's whoever you're thinking about right then during the ceremony, whatever your emotions are most caught up in at the time."
"It's usually a plausible answer," Magnus hummed softly in agreement. "Because it's suggested by the question, so you're thinking about whoever is important to you. But sometimes the question isn't enough to lead you that way, and he'll take a memory of whoever you're concerned about, or even angriest at, whatever's strongest and primary in your thoughts."
"So I saw my mom because I was worried and looking for her, not just because she was my mom." Jace could hear Clary shifting in her chair as she spoke.
"And Isabelle was probably still caught up in being delighted to witness me flirting atrociously with Alec," Magnus agreed. "Rather than him truly being more important to her than Jace or Max."
Alec's hand rubbed up and down Jace's spine, and his voice was both softer and lighter when he spoke again. "I have never regretted loving you, Jace, I just didn't know what most meant, or how I was supposed to survive admitting it in front of strangers."
"If Valak does ask for a memory of the 'one you love the most' again—" Magnus continued, soft and warm and gentle in a way that reminded Jace of how very old he was "—I will probably think of Alexander, but I might be reminded of Ragnor, because he died and I won't get any more new memories of him, and so each one I have is even more precious than they used to be."
Alec made a pained noise in the back of his throat, and Jace pushed himself free, wiping his eyes and shaking his head to settle himself.
And then he had to shake his head again, because Alec ruffled his hair and he could feel it didn't settle properly on its own.
Alec didn't reach out to wrap himself around Magnus up the way he had Jace, despite how clearly he wanted to, but he did reach out a hand and rest it gently on top of Magnus'.
Magnus blinked at Alec, and turned his wrist so their fingers could intertwine.
Jace coughed. "Sorry for ruining dinner."
"No such thing." Magnus waved the hand not still holding onto Alec in dismissal, somehow not spilling a drop of his drink. "But perhaps it is the sort of night that could use some extra dessert?"
Clary’s eyes brightened and she sat up a little straighter. "Chocolate dessert?"
"Your wish is my command."
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maluke anon here!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOUR POSTS ARE GOD TIER AHHHHHHHHH anyway I’m feeling like shit so just wanted to give you this idea: I’m thinking several years after defeating valentine and lilith and that creep jonathan (and this is an au where maia is alaric and luke’s adoptive daughter and the polycule are thriving and happy and malec are the soulmate power couple we know and love) and anyway it’s a few years after all that and between dismantling the clave and changing the world, magnus alec luke and alaric have become close and hang out together on double dates and hook up on the regular, no big deal, except that thanks to magnus and alec still being very active in their leadership roles while luke and alaric are stepped back into more mentoring positions they often don’t have much time as they would like to have. so because alec is irritated that he barely got to have a honeymoon before being swept up in work and kept away from spending time with the love of his life, and magnus is close to burning out with how much he’s working to make sure everyone else is taken care of, so they resign from their posts and are like “we have done a lot for the shadow world so we are now taking an extended vacation and if you need us don’t contact us unless it’s the apocalypse and maybe only if it’s a major apocalypse k thx bye” and just do whatever they want (they have eternity after all) and ANYWAYS GETTING BACK ON TRACK they are having a double date/casual make out session in the loft with alaric and luke, exchanging kisses between good wine and good food when magnus is like “hey maybe we should go on vacation together all four of us” and that’s how the four of them decide to spend a month or two on a private island magnus owns (a small Indonesian island???), just relaxing on the beach, taking trips to the mainland to explore and have great food, and of course, copious amounts of sex in their lovely beachside house.
Maybe magnus and alec go out for a stroll along the beach at sunset (because alec will take every opportunity to be romantic af and woo the pants off of magnus) and they get back and you KNOW magnus is horny af bc romance kink and they get back to find luke splayed out on the couch, getting his ass worshipped by alaric and they’re like “holy fuck this is so hot alexander” “oh my god magnus i wanna eat him out so bad” and alaric is like “why don’t you join in? show luke what he deserves” so they do and it’s great because hello luke’s ass was designed by the gods. And yeah it’s just chill and casual and they established that as long as the doors are open, they’re down to fuck, (barring anyone safewording of course) and they don’t always have foursomes; sometimes alec and magnus need that intense, romantic, life-affirming sex so they close their bedroom door and no hard feelings (but they definitely get teased when magnus comes down for breakfast in nothing but a too-short silk robe and so many hickies; alec sporting marks along his runes especially his neck, and scratches from magnus’ nails along his shoulders biceps and back) and sometimes alaric and luke want some time alone to just be with each other and they do and it’s no big deal and yeah just warmth and comfort and sex and love and friendship and ahhhhhhhhhhh
*sobbing* you are my favorite person on earth
this ask is so wonderful and ugh YES you are so right about the retirement thing. I don't know if they would Retire Officially because i think magnus in particular would go crazy, like, he needs to be working, and alec too to a lesser extent, but they do need breaks and because they are important and irreplaceable they can be like "we are retiring" and then come back and everyone will just be like "oh thank god you're here again"
also, i wheezed at "and maybe only a major apocalypse k bye" cuz like yeah they have too many apocalypses this only slightly narrows it down
and this is an au where maia is alaric and luke’s adoptive daughter and the polycule are thriving and happy and malec are the soulmate power couple we know and love
ah so like the canon ending? gotcha
in all seriousness tho maluke friendship is seriously where shit's at. luke and magnus have soo much in common and i feel like they could be such great friends for each other, and they are all just... fun. and like the only adults in this mess daoijdsaoj and they deserved to have more time together, be it working together and being like "Thank God, Someone Mature Who Isn't My Partner For Once" or just chillaxing and drinking margaritas and possibly gossiping because i feel like they might not be huge gossips individually (well except maybe magnus) but they absolutely ARE when together. luke flops into the couch and magnus is like "so, how's russell doing" and luke is like "oh my god you will not beLiEVE"
(also ye regular child gossipping like luke and alaric gushing over maia and magnus gushing over raphael and talking about the polycule in general and how proud they are of them all, maia's work as an alpha and rapha's as clan leader and all that stuff you know? they are so proud of them and it's so sweet)
and yeah absolutely like they get along well because they are all great with boundaries and confident enough to understand that you don't need to Always Be Together to have a good relationship (romantic or not; it's fine that aluke and malec want private time and it's also fine if magnus and luke are doing their own thing and alec and alaric are doing other thing, or even that they are all separately doing their own thing) so everyone has their own space whenever they want, all they gotta do is say the word or even just go to some secluded space and have their good time. so their vacations always go splendidly because their respect for each other is all over the place
and i did noT EXPECT THE ROMANtiC StrOLL to EnD LiKE THaT, but you are so valid and correct. they get back and it's like "oops alaric is eating luke out. can we join?" "oh sure i was just telling him how great it would be if all got to fuck his beautiful ass again" "nice"
but also on the romance kink note, like... they totally have some sort of romantic double date in a nice restaurant or something just the four of them but they all Know that magnus is gonna be horny af from alec in a suit being all suave and flirty and taking him to dance and shit, so they're all kinda on edge cuz they know that as soon as they get back everyone will absolutely ruin magnus 👌
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need-a-new-hobby · 4 years
raising hell
figured id keep going so s1 ep 04 here we go
kay first off, noone moves that much in their sleep.
also slightly creepy that she wakes up and simon’s just watching her
somehow, i'm starting to see a similarity in simon and alec, a sentence i never thought i’d say. it’s interesting how they’re both trying to protect against their ‘better half’s’ trusting nature;
simon blames jace for the craziness
alec blames clary for the craziness
yay! magnus bane!
oh nooo, simon don’t leave
am i the only one wondering why jace has training equipment in his room? i mean the institute is filled with this stuff, why does he need a personal one?
so first clary barges into jace’s room which btw is super clean, just like canon, sees him shirtless and apologises (yay for human decency) and then turns her back for him to put his shirt back on? like she’s already seen him, what’s the point? and clearly this is not just me. just look at jace’s smirk.
captain america ha! i should just make a list of all the pop culture references simon makes about jace. also him yelling at jace to do his own homework, pent up rage issues anyone?
‘i’m not saving his ass a second time’ well, he does get kidnapped a lot
‘i think these are my people.’ really? so she’s just gonna turn her back on simon who’s practically her family? for what, the chance to be a shadowhunter? on a further note, how can she expect simon to just stay at the institute all day? i mean won’t his mom be super worried about him?
omg, david guetta’s a vampire. ha!
‘can you focus? this is not a joke?’ yeah, alec needs to meet his future husband.
did izzy just say alec needs to get slayed or laid? because for the latter, he needs to meet the guy first
i can’t help but be irritated every time jace takes the lead in season 1. let me see leader!Alec :(
‘warlock gets around.’ please tell me he isn’t slutshaming a warlock.
hahah. ‘how is it that my most effective asset is the one who’s comatose?’ whoever writes the lines for villains is a god.
also did the fair folk seriously send seelie scouts to chernobyl? ooh, tongue twister! seelies send six scouts spying on chernobyl! ha!
did valentine smell them or something?
oop pangborn dead! oh noo
we stan two positive girls slaying!
jace giving her another blade, let’s hope she remembers to use it this time
‘i was alive when the dead sea was just a lake feeling a little poorly.’ eek! book quote!
reference to tessa gray! yay!
i always hate how guys can get away with a dress shirt and jeans but girls have to wear dresses to parties. but my grumpy archer boy cleans up well.
hahaha. ‘at least now things are interesting.’ imma let alec explain
valentine is alive and actively seeking the mortal cup
he threatens our entire world
we’re helping his daughter (who by the way, we have no reason to trust and who showed up out of nowhere)
we’re gonna end up overpaying some warlock (my future husband) who may or may not have information we need
thus, alec does not find this interesting and does not feel better now (okay, maybe a li’l)
point to be noted: feelings can explode, and not the fun kind of explode according to izzy
simon’s home! also he’s acting like every pasty 15 yo gamer boy who stayed up to late and is now allergic to the sun.
mrs lewis is not ‘one of those moms’.
also maureen is very relatable with her whole ‘i’d like to date you.’ honestly very realistic.
so if all downworlders hang out at hardtail, is it just demons that hang out at pan-demon-ium? ‘cause if so, maybe it means demons love their damned puns
‘Iz, with a body like yours, everything is your colour.’ WE STAN ONE POSITIVE FRIENDSHIP!!!
‘most men like it when i admire their jewels.’ cue jace’s smirk, alec’s eyeroll and clary’s grin
‘magnus bane. so you’re the one who stole my memories.’ she doesn’t have to be such a dick to him. he did it at her mother’s request.
really? ‘i have to confirm it’s authenticity’. jace honestly fell for that?
again, she’s such a dick to him. ‘now it’s your turn to pay up.’ i can’t believe her.
really? dot’s dead? after all the times that woman should have died, i need to see a body
‘i won’t offer again.’ classic magnus. still love him.
‘who are you?’ why, your future husband of course. sorry, i just ship malec so hard. and this whole scene gives me book!malec vibes
“If Jace was gold, catching the light and the attention, Alec was silver: so used to everyone else looking at Jace that that was where he looked too, so used to living in Jace’s shadow that he didn’t expect to be seen. Maybe it was enough to be the first person to tell Alec that he was worth being seen ahead of anyone in a room, and of being looked at longest. And silver, though few people knew it, was a rarer metal than gold.”
the bane chronicles | the course of true love [and first dates]
‘you’re my only hope.’ should’ve treated him as that then. reason #15 why i dislike clary fray
hahaha, the irony behind the cat eye button.
how do they keep murdering circle members? not that i don’t appreciate alec’s timely rescue, but do they never take people alive?
‘we have to go’ jace moves to leave. cue clary just sitting down on a table.
‘i’m catching my breath.’ from what? she literally just got out of a nightclub. this matchstick is killing me.
‘we have risked our lives again and again for this girl and where has it gotten us?’ angry!archer time. also his eye roll when clary goes, ‘hey, i am right here.’ imma just do several dot points on this one scene, cuz it really pisses me off.
‘hey, i am right here, i don’t care about you damn jewellery.’ spoiler alert, neither does he, but chances are that necklace is worth thousands of dollars (a 1857 london townhouse for that matter). that kind of bargaining chip doesn’t come cheap and in exchange for it, they’ve gotten nothing.
‘i’m sorry you’re gonna look bad in front of your bosses.’ damn right he is. alec has a responsibility to bear and she should be glad he isn’t yelling at her. in fact he’s never yelled at her thus far. second, he’s liable for derunement and exile, not to mention the severe humiliation his parents will receive.
‘my mother is still missing and my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air.’ i mean, magnus did almost just die from that circle member if alec hadn’t shot him. and second, she should show a little less attitude to the people that are risking their lives and their jobs for her.
‘people are dying because of me. magnus will never come out of hiding again while valentine’s still after him and i will never get my memories back.’ first of all, the only person that died for her is dot (and even that’s unconfirmed). magnus came out of hiding for the necklace, and hotch isn’t dead yet. simon is about to be but clary fixes that anyway
ooh, emeraude’s accent makes a comeback. 
‘of course they are.’ bitch, is she jealous? whaat? ‘this whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate, if you ask me.’ literally noone asked. also, she could look a little happier that they’ve found a way out of this mess. second, i feel like that’s borderline homophobic, but that might just be me overanalysing again.
‘magnus lives in a warehouse?’ hahaha, the notion that magnus ‘dramatic bitch’ bane lives in a warehouse is insane. he bought a necklace with his townhouse for crying out loud.
also, why do they keep dragging her into these missions? she’s a liability with no training and she’s apparently the most un-athletic matchstick in the world considering she lost her breath exiting a nightclub. then again, clubs are exhausting.
sadistic shadowhunters. that’s nice.
future husbands fighting together warms my soul
were magnus’s first words to alec seriously a steak pun? ‘well done, more like medium rare.’ i love these dumbasses so much.
awww, alec’s first real smile. and the stuttering. it makes my cold, dead heart melt. AND THEN HE RUNS AWAY! GAAA
okay, so this whole magnus and clary thing has more than a few points, can’t wrap it up as neatly as the others but:
first off, he’s giving clary sole credit for saving zoe’s life when really it was all of them. technically she kicked his ass while izzy grabbed him and jace threw a knife in his back.
second, if she hadn’t called him out of hiding, this situation wouldn’t have even come onto him. and as much i hate to stomp on magnus, if he hadn’t been reckless enough to answer the call, they wouldn’t have been in danger.
third, clary is exactly like jocelyn, but for all the wrong reasons. clary uses people, offering them false promises she doesn’t have the capacity to deliver, and exploits anyone who gives her the most basic human decency, refusing to understand the cost at which they do so. (see alec)
fourth, she’s not a real shadowhunter, not without training or experience. that’s like calling a newly enlisted soldier an officer. sure, they’re part of the system, but you can’t send them into battle without an ounce of training. clary barely knows how the chain of command works. so saying, she’s not like the other shadowhunters is ridiculous. obviously she isn’t considering shadowhunters grow up in a society where downworlders are looked down upon. so when she’s introduced to this new world, obviously she looks at them as decent human beings.
‘normally, i love a dirty lair...’ ALEC’S FACE AT THAT HA!
also where’d all the warlocks? because it’s literally just the 5 of them. otherwise, imma have to assume they’re dead.
‘about Alec, is he more of a flower or cologne man?’ magnus’s subtlety is killing me.
‘pretty boy’ alec’s little smile and shrug though aaaa
‘trust no-one, especially the clave’ i mean, i get it but how’s she meant to protect it on her lonesome?
why does jace look so wounded? i’m starting to think he’s a little jealous of not getting hit on. oh nvm it’s cause he has to burn her flesh.
‘this might sting.’ cue clary screaming. i know, i know, i should feel worse about this but if any of you have seen the behind-the-scenes footage from matthew daddario’s twitter profile, you’ll understand. when they were shooting this scene, harry shum jr (magnus bane) was dancing outside and lip-syncing to kat mcnamera’s (clary fray’s) screams. it’s hard to get out of your head.
that pentagram is the most beautiful thing i’ve seen. i never thought i’d say that.
again, subtlety is not magnus’s strengths and i love him for it.
i aspire to be as dramatic as magnus bane is leading a demon-summoning ritual
aww izzy loves alec the most, clary and her mom obv, oh noo, alec and jace, that’s not good
also why does jace look so injured by it?
alec’s panicking, alec’s panicking, ALEC’S PANICKING
f*ck her memories, save jace. im assuming this whole thing is just a plot device to keep stuff spicy and to give clary credit for killing a greater demon.
i have to point out 4 things, you can skip this bit where i just talk about the team as people and how their reactions reveal stuff about them.
alec’s panic over injuries is very controlled which i think says a lot about him as a person where he has to control his reactions, but you can see he feels guilty
izzy instantly looks for any injuries, says a lot about her being more active and level-headed
clary, naturally, panics and looks to magnus for help
magnus sort of strolls over and brushes off his shirt. clearly apathetic about shadowhunter but expects that they’ll ask him to help and is his very cynical self (‘I don't know. Does he normally just lay like that without moving?') which naturally results in a very obnoxious face made by clary
somehow in this moment i feel worse for alec than jace. (maybe cause the latter is loud, arrogant and annoying) the guy’s terrified that he’s been out-ed, guilty about almost killing his parabatai and angry at himself for releasing the demon. and in typical alec fashion, instead of addressing his problems, he watches from a distance and then leaves.
okay, so jace has almost died from that demon, yet he’s the one asking clary if she’s okay?
vision time
okay how does valentine keep seeing stuff he’s not meant to see?
alright something i gotta point out. almost every angsty show/movie i’ve seen does the same thing where the girl gets frustrated at a necklace (usually a gift), rips it from her neck and throws it away. shouldn’t that have broken said necklace?
well, that’s the end of that. malec made all the difference in this ep. much more excited about magnus and alec finally meeting each other. till the next ep.
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biconicfinn · 4 years
id like to know, what are your takes on politician!Alec? if you want to talk about that
holy shit this is long so i’m putting it under a read more!! 
okay so first of all: alec is someone who has been trained from a young age to be a politician, he would have been educated in diplomacy and politics, his parents were expecting him to become head of the new york institute and they have no qualms about living vicariously through their children and forcing their burdens on them as we have seen in the show.
he was probably taught clave law and the accords, a whole bunch of languages (polyglot power couple malec ftw) because i assume the NYI uses english as their lingua franca because of their location but since institutes also have to deal with local downworld and mundane populations it’s safe to assume that in other countries where english isn’t the main language, they go with the local languages and alec would need to communicate with these other institute heads, etiquette, some formal ballroom dances like the waltz, the art of negotiation, administrative stuff like resource allocation, budgeting, public speaking, the nitty gritty details of the clave workings, in addition to the knowledge of the different races of the shadow world, hand to hand combat, combat with a variety of weapons (he masters archery to utter perfection but he definitely is also incredibly proficient in close range combat as well).
sorry i just love alec and he is definitely more competent than most of the Alec StansTM (yall know what im saying) make him out to be
okay so!!!!! it’s pretty much canon that alec has spent a considerable amount of time as acting head of the NYI; what with maryse and robert always fucking off to idris to lick the boots of the clave and so he probably has a good relationship with the people under his command. he’s probably put protocols in place to reduce casualties and injuries, form patrol teams that are well-balanced so that they are versatile enough to take just about any threat that comes their way, etc.
of course, thanks to a little thing called the nephilim’s deep-rooted homophobia, a lot of the work alec put in probably got negated when he came out. it took a lot of courage for him to come out and to be openly gay. raj was an absolute asshole to alec for no reason and often questioned his leadership decisions post coming out, and even if not all the shadowhunters reacted like that, they did show some resistance(?) to alec’s leadership when he was appointed head and questioned him. it probably took a lot out of him because it’s one thing to have your people doubt you as a leader because of your actions or words; your decisions as a leader, it’s another thing for them to mistrust you entirely because of a fundamental part of your identity that you can’t change. you can build trust by publicly admitting and apologising for mistakes and putting in honest work to be better, but it’s impossible to build trust when the other person doesn’t even see you as human to begin with. 
this is turning into a hoti!alec ramble but i promise i will bring this back to politician!alec okay i promise i just need to establish the headcanons i’m building on first sorry 
okay back to business!!!! i feel like alec is so very genuine and honest outside of the political sphere alec “casual wedding vows” lightwood anyone? so when he does show his ability to be a complete fucking shark in the political arena a lot of people are blindsided because they expected him to be very honest and direct but he knows that as much as he’d like to be genuine, he needs that shrewdness to navigate the political minefield of idris. he prefers directness, but if you take the manipulative, indirect, route and underestimate him, he will not hesitate to turn your own methods against you.
he is also the type of leader who constantly tries to make an effort. his intentions were genuine with the downworld cabinet and i think that if it wasn’t set up in the middle of the shitstorm which was valentine’s re-emergence and the circle’s rise, it would have been more successful. he has a lot to learn and unlearn, and he (an utter perfectionist) will do as much as he can to help the downworld. i like to think that in a post s3 world, but before the time skip, he helps to re-establish the ties between the shadow world factions in new york and focuses on being the nephilim voice of the downworld to the clave, constantly trying to push for new accords and reformed policies, and he makes an effort to not speak over the downworlders, but instead be their representative and ally to the clave because the clave are racist bastards who wouldn’t listen to them but they have to listen to alec lightwood (”it’s lightwood-bane, actually”), one of the heroes who stepped up to defend alicante when the rift to edom opened. (and also because if they did try to slander or belittle him, they risk angering magnus, who has enough clout to embargo most warlocks from providing magical assistance to any local institutes, if he feels that the downworld is being ignored despite the fact that a warlock is the sole reason why alicante was’t razed to the ground, or that he and his husband are being targeted by the clave. because they are That Couple.) in conclusion alec is a good ally okay?
but as much as he tries/tried to do right by the clave, he sometimes also doesn’t give a fuck about them. he’ll be in meetings at idris, and maybe they’re discussing asinine, irrelevant, minor issues that are really just stupid excuses to showboat and compare family clout and whatnot and he’ll be pissed as fuck because instead of discussing actual relevant issues like irregularities/strange patterns in demon attacks, hunting down remaining circle sleeper cells, reparations for the downworld (like for the heavenly fire project), rewriting the accords, rebuilding idris, helping get the attacked institutes back up and running, you know, actual important issues that need attention but no, we’re discussing some petty family squabble that turned into a political feud that involves everyone and their fucking uncle. and he gets so damn angry he just blows up and rants at them and tears them a new one. he finishes his impressively long spiel with “you know what? fuck this. when you guys are done fighting like children and taking up precious time that we should be using to talk about real, pressing issues that affect the entire shadow world instead of five people at this table, let me know and i’ll be there but until then don’t bother. if you’ll excuse me, i’m going back to my husband. thank you. and for the last damn time, my name is alec lightwood-bane. i already changed my damn name legally so fucking use it.” and he just leaves to go back to new york because fuck the clave. 
he goes back home to the loft and it’s like the stress and anger just melts away because he walks in on magnus dancing around the kitchen as he cooks dinner, singing dancing queen at the top of his lungs, laughing when magnus twirls to see him leaning against the doorway of the kitchen with his heart eyes and blushes at being caught doing somethin so silly
he becomes a successful inquisitor by sheer force of will and determination. it’s not at all intentional, but it just happens. with the success of the cabinet and the measures he puts in place, he shares it with other institute heads and slowly more and more institutes are collaborating with the local downworld and most of the time, the statistics pay off in the long run. there are starting troubles as with any new initiatives, but soon enough there is a sizeable number of institutes following them successfully and it’s hard for the clave to ignore. alec gets invited to alicante to discuss the possibility of him becoming inquisitor just when the downworld deputy program is taking off in new york. (it all starts with simon asking “so are you guys nephilim or shadowhunters? what’s the difference? or is it interchangeable?” and then they realise that while nephilim is a term to describe half-angel half-human beings, shadowhunter is a term more commonly used by active duty demon hunters and drops out of use as a self-descriptor when the nephilim in question leaves combat. “so that means technically anyone in the shadow world whose job it is to fight demons is a shadowhunter? right?” and the lightbulbs light up in alec’s head immediately) oops time to get back to it the point. 
okay so!!!! the clave offer alec the position of inquisitor and it’s part recognition for his efforts and acknowledgement of his skills, part them wanting to keep him under their control. how does that work? well it’s simple. if alec is inquisitor and the clave makes it as hard as possible for him to do any effective work, bogging him down with bureaucracy and and votes on motions that are just shy of the majority needed to pass laws etc etc. basically throw every road block they can at him and wear him down; forcing him to step down and thus silencing him, and by extension, the downworlders who rely on him for a voice in the clave. 
malec side note: so they first say that magnus can come to alicante and make an exception for him, and the general plan is to make it look like they’re actually doing something good when it’s to lull them into a false sense of security. (but alec and magnus choose to live in brooklyn first because despite everything, it is still dangerous for magnus to be the only warlock in a city full of nephilim) but then alicante opens up to the rest of the shadow world, magnus becomes the high warlock of alicante, and the clave are dealing with the force of nature that is known power couple and ultimate badasses magnus and alec lightwood-bane. oops. 
but they underestimate the power of alec’s Lightwood(-Bane) DeterminationTM and his sheer stubbornness. so their plan backfires spectacularly when within the first few years, he’s implemented laws to open alicante up to downworlders, expunge criminal records of downworlders who were previously wrongfully charged with crimes, rehabilitation of wrongfully imprisoned downworlders, mandatory downworld cabinet and downworld deputy initiatives worldwide, as well as be part of the core group that rewrote the accords to be more fair. 
alec probably retires after like five years of being inquisitor and then magnus steps down as high warlock and they just travel the world together and be in love and happy, occasionally consulting on political issues here and there but for the most part they just run off into the sunset to be immortal husbands together because they’ve sacrificed enough for the good of the shadow world to last several lifetimes. 
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brightasstars · 4 years
Fic Meme
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Thank you @aceon-ice for tagging me I wasn't expecting this 💜✨
1. A life Ahead
This one has been my first work and I've grown so much writing it and it let me explore some aspects of the characters I love most and immortal Alec. Since it took me a while to finish it, I think the changes in the writing are pretty evident.
Alec and Magnus are back from Edom and they have to get married... Alec makes a big choice and they start to walk this path together. But choices are never easy. To fullfill their dream, they will have to fight against time, against laws and rebellions and against fear and death. A story of love, faith, courage and promise.
2. The Tower
Written for the Tarot Fic SH challenge is a human AU, a story of sorrow and healing.
Magnus is a famous photographer, Alec an important ethologist. Magnus needs something that only Alec can give to him. They meet, they fall in love. But they need to unbury a painful secret before they can have it all.
3. The Wheel of Fortune
Written for the Tarot Fic SH challenge. I wanted to write something about Alec and Magnus after their marriage and, yes, again the immortality issue.
A trip to the Shadow Market turns out to be the best night off Malec and Alec had ever planned to have
4. Strenght
Written for the Tarot Fic SH challenge. Immortal Malec and parenting.
They are married and immortal but they still have to face unknown enemies.
Which kind of strenght will you need when you're about to lose what you treasure the most?
5. We always find our way back to each other
Human AU written for the S. Valentine's Day event of #hmdiscord. I get emotional thinking about this since it's been my first one shot.
It will be a Valentine's day Alec will never forget..
I have started writing and posting only at the beginning of this year so... I feel like a sort of a work in progress...✨✨✨✨
I’m tagging any one that sees this and wants to share and: @my-archerboy @khaleesiofalicante @christophers-lightwood @cloudburst-ink @bidnezz
And I’m sorry if any of you have already done this!!!
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x15 Reaction / Commentary
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........who died and made her queen? Literally no one finds it weird that the newby from a day ago holds announcements and motivational speeches? And I thought vampires don't like swift changes. Guess that was racist of me.
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..................?? Literally who has ever denied the vampires entry? Except maybe the shadowhunters to their Institute and the werewolves to their home-restaurant? So she's basically saying “If anyone doesn't want us in their private homes we'll break and enter!” How is no one calling her out on how stupid that is??
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hahaha how long did she work on that line?
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........? Why? Because up until this point I was under the impression that the Accords where strictly restricted to governing the border between shadow world and mundanes, keeping them separate and protecting mundanes from demon and downworlder attacks alike.
If you care to remember, the whole mess with helping-save-Luke / not-helping-save-Luke in season 1 happens because Alec says shadowhunters aren't allowed to interfere in downworlder affairs, hence saving Luke would be seen as shadowhunters meddling in downworlder business which isn't a thing shadowhunters are allowed to do. It's why him going to lend Magnus his magic to save Luke was a Big Deal for him, because it was basically breaking the rules. It's why he was so against Jace and Clary helping Luke in the first place, because interfering is – at least the way I understood that! – a breach of the Accords, which grant downworlders the right to govern themselves.
In basically all other situations where there are conflicts between downworlders we don't see shadowhunters interfere: Luke beating Taito-or-however-he-was-called into submission, Camille being put into a coffin in the DuMort's cellar indefinitely for reasons. I'd even let myself be convinced that these might be exceptions, since those are ritualized thingies where downworlders decide who gets to rule, and so the shadowhunters aren't allowed to interfere even if their respective election systems consist of battle to the death / whoever wants to revolt revolts.
But how do you then explain all the other instances: Simon getting that Glen werewolf guy into a wheelchair and never facing any consequences except Luke scolding him a little, Simon fighting to the death with Quinn which never gets investigated, and don't even get me started on the seelie queen because she does shit however she wants to whoever she wants, kidnapping random werewolves and holding them hostage, putting marks of cains on unsuspecting daylighters, openly siding with Valentine, etc. and no shadowhunter ever cares about any of this! Not to mention that when Jace first encounters Jordan, he clearly recognizes his authority as Praetor and withdraws, indicating that the Praetor are an established and known organisation who deal with downworder affairs, and shadowhunters have to steer clear of them. Even Kaelie who murdered shadowhunters wasn't sentenced by shadowhunters! She was transfered back to the seelie court after she was captured and the seelie queen dealt with her as she saw fit. To me that simply fortifies that shadowhunters don't govern downworlder-downworlder-relations. If they don't even govern downworlder-shadowhunter-relations.
Besides, if shadowhunters really were supposed to police downworlder-downworlder-relations then please explain to me why the hell it's always treated like an invasion and an insolence if a downworlder dares to come close to the Institute? I mean, shouldn't there be a contact point for them to get in touch with their executive forces? Wtf??
So I guess this is just a random curveball the show throws my way to make this episode's plot work. And really, this is bullshit. I can't accept this. It's one thing to bend and twist portal travel and magic because, whatever, it's magic. But to just 100% turn around their entire frikkin legal system is not something you can just do! No!!
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He 100% nicked that horse statue thingy from Magnus's loft to make him feel more at home in his room.
Also, I get that this is a cute parallel with the orange juice, but I also get that this is the show again depriving me of seeing Magnus and Alec actually waking up in bed together and it's NOT OKAY. I just want to finally see Alec “Little Spoon” Lightwood in action, is that too much to ask? Apparently -.-
Also, I have questions. If Alec is just putting on his day clothes.... did he go fetch Magnus's orange juice bare-chested? In his pyjama??? Does he have one with little bows and arrows? I need answers!!!
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Rude hahaha, as if living with Magnus was a strenuous, orange-juice-less experience. Kidding, I know he's trying to make living at the Institute palatable to Magnus, quite literally.
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I know I wasn't the only one who had severe Pirates of the Caribbean flashbacks at that because after the sneak peek aired I saw a gifset pointing out the parallel XD
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MAGNUS'S FACE Btw I think it's sweet that Alec spouts reassurances none of them buys just to make Magnus feel comfortable. Just like it's sweet that he brings Magnus a glass of orange juice that they both proceed to ignore, and to add insult to injury, Magnus gets himself a new one later. Rude.
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Okay, so the runes we see here are the nourishment rune (blue), the sharing rune (green) and of course the stamina rune (yellow).... so shadowhunters know to eat real hard. And also... those two tiny tables are supposed to be enough to sustain all those people? With only drinks? Is this some perfidious game where shadowhunters just get drinks and need to feed themselves with nourishment runes? Barbaric.
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Yeah I'm in the mood for pancakes now, too, thanks.
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I'd like to repeat my question from last episode: If Sentry Guy wasn't planning for his untimely demise, how the hell did he want to hand over that data chip?
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Okay but do you realize how amazing and hilarious that is? Because Izzy just came from the serving counter. If she wanted bacon she could have gotten some. But she didn't. To me this looks like routinely stolen food, maybe even just because it's on Jace's plate. This is something that happens regularly and I love it. Need more sibling-y Jace&Izzy interactions honestly!
Also? Izzy missing the piece of bacon on the first try hahaha <3<3<3
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Can we please take a moment to appreciate Magnus's absolutely disgusted face and the fact that he carrys that tray with minimal finger contact? Hilarious.
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1) I too was wondering why they didn't just go out for breakfast to avoid this situation, so I'm glad they mention that this option has crossed the protagonists' minds as well. 2) Why do they already have beverages on their trays when the refreshment tables with the glasses are off to the side? Possibly so they don't have to run around stupidly?
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!!!!!!!!!What other food events are there??????? I need to know okay!!! Also, I think we can all agree that Alec isn't in it for the pancakes but to Prove A Point.
Also, quick question: Who the hell mans the serving counter, who cooks, who cleans the dishes, who buys groceries, who--- etc.
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You know what I was just wondering? This is a new outfit, right? Has he moved all of his clothes to Alec's room? Or are they still in this apartment? What's Lorenzo gonna do with all that stuff? And also, do they really expect me to believe Magnus only had this one apartment and literally no other home anywhere? He couldn't have rune!portaled literally anywhere else? He couldn't have stayed with the ever elusive Catarina? Or crashed on Luke's couch since he's not currently using his apartment, being in jail and all? (Though to be fair, we never actually see Luke's apartment so who knows if it even exists? Since they kind of pretend that all werewolves live at the Jade Wolf.) Magnus couldn't have gotten a hotel? I mean he has cash, right? But sure. I'm totally buying that this was the absolutely only option he had.
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Izzy is the best and I love her.
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So is he supposed to step in as racist, now that Raj is gone? Cuz that'd be unrealistic. I'd buy it if he's miffed that Alec didn't tell him about this, since he's Head of Security and all and could have helped but istg if he reacts badly to Magnus being there I'm gonna flip my shit because Underhill totally ships Malec, okay, why would he react badly?? I'm anxious okay.
“They don't see a lot of warlocks in here.”
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I noticed this in the sneak peek already and honestly, I think the shadowhunters are just angry Magnus is there because he gets to eat fancier stuff than they. I mean, look at him! He even changed the shape of the glass because he's so extra. Love him.
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Hahahaha who doesn't want to get a call from jail over breakfast from their father figure. Also I feel like those roles should be reversed XD
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I mean, I get it. But thanks, Luke, for not relaying the crucial detail that this was Heidi or at least that Maia is still alive and to contact her for further info since he's in jail, and thus enabling everything that follows. It's not like he told Simon and Maia to drive off with Jordan because he'd handle filling in the Institute on all that happened. Honestly. He's like that one guy in group projects who says he'd do something and then just.. doesn't.
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..............................................why Look I don't have the energy to rage about this but wtf Luke. If you think anyone would buy all those fang marks being caused by one person alone, then why not try to get the actual culprit to be imprisoned? Or at least, idk, investigated after to gain some time? Honestly. It's like he wants to go to jail.
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Hahahaha okay this is too good an opportunity to pass up, so please go read the dumb drabble I wrote about this exact situation shortly after 3A aired. It's here.
Btw I wanna see that verdict. Because Luke's prints sure as hell aren't on the corpses, and keep in mind any forensic worth a damn should be able to notice that those people died half a day before Luke was found on the site of the crime. Not to mention that since Luke frequented the Jade Wolf it's not exactly surprising he'd want to check up on all his homies there. Not to mention he has zero motive (since his fallout with the pack is so recent nobody not involved would have noticed). And not to mention that he wouldn't even have had time to kill all those people in the 3 minutes after he arrived at the Jade Wolf and before his surveillance team caught up to him. Just, sigh.
Edit: Wow actually they're gonna find his prints all over the corpses because Luke, in his unending wisdom, touched them all to close their eyes. It's like he learned nothing in How To Not Get Imprisoned For Crimes You Didn't Commit 101.
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Great Scene. Very relatable.
Though I gotta say I never got the feeling Maia particularly liked any of her packmates since we always only saw them hating on her for dating a vampire and being general idiots, but I'm gonna ignore that right now. It's easily arguable that their happy pack life together wasn't shown because it wasn't relevant to the plot.
And also.... how did they find the Praetor? Isn't their location top secret? How should I imagine that? Was Jordan lying in the backseat half dead, shouting instructions “Turn left now!! No, not your left, my left! Turn right dammit!!” Wtf.
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RIGHT BACK AT YOU IZZY FFS. *sigh* Okayyyyy technically Clary killed him, but Izzy didn't react with all the indignated outrage she displays now and I vividly remember this and I already ranted about this at length after 3x04 aired. I'm so done with her attitude on this.
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Since when does Alec accept the “I wasn't in control” excuse? Either you were in control, then you go to jail. Or you weren't, then you go in a holding cell because you're an unpredictable danger. In no scenario do you get a free pass. Wtf.
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??????????? You get talked into crossing against a red light, not into a frikkin sadistic hostage-taking, what the actual hell???? Why does Alec buy that???? Is he stupid????
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...................................wtf Alec I hoped you'd do better this episode, but apparently not?? I mean, not investigating anything, just taking random person at her word, not even taking the time to talk with Izzy – even worse, showing in front of a third party that he didn't know about the Raphael* thing – and finally, basically him making that offer half-felt like he was trying to get back at Izzy for her keeping secrets from him? Wtf Alec? Wtf? And also, since the only werewolves left are Luke (currently in jail), Maia (currently missing in action) and Bat (currently at home like the neat little werewolf armcandy that he is) it's really not like Alec is under time pressure to get the vampires who killed all the werewolves behind bars. What's gonna happen if he takes a few hours to investigate properly? There is literally no risk of a war breaking out between werewolves and vampires since there are basically no werewolves left. Wtf Alec, I just robbed you of your already super flimsy excuse for your behavior, so please. Explain yourself. It's as if he wants to make up for last week's inaction by making super swift decisions. Wtf. If this is not Plot Convenience then I don't know what is.
*I guess Alec stopped holding those weekly downworld cabinet meetings or otherwise he would have noticed that Raphael is missing...... LOL or else maybe they want to tell us less than a week passed since 3x04 which, honestly, I WOULDN'T EVEN BE SURPRISED OKAY
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Luke and Clary and Jace are so frikkin stupid. I mean, it's not like they were in this exact same situation in this exact same precinct in season 1 and remembered to turn of the frikkin security cams are you kidding me wtf
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Self-fulfilling prophecy, Luke. Well frikkin done. I don't even feel sorry for you.
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Actually they kicked you out because they new you didn't prioritize them, but sure. Survivor's guilt. I get it.
Anyway now that Luke is caught on tape talking to non-existent people about werewolves and vampires I guess he'll go to the psych ward instead of the jail, so yay for improvement?
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Quick question.... after the cut, to they just awkwardly stand around until someone opens the door again so Jace and Clary can slip out?
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WTF Underhill don't make me hate you.
Izzy: “Raphael is not a bad person. He just made a horrible mistake.” Alec: “He commited a gross violation of the Accords.” Izzy: “He's trying to turn his life around.” Alec: “It doesn't change what he did.”
And yet.............. Alec pardoned Heidi....................... and yet..................................... Izzy hates on Jordan........................................... It's like no one on this show is able to assess situations consistently while disregarding personal relations to the people involved. Really. I don't even really expect it from Izzy because she's too passionate for that. But I sure as hell expected better from Alec. Smh.
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................................................................. What. What even. Because doing things by herself worked out so well last time. Because Alec totally acts like his trust in her judgement wasn't shaken by this revelation. Wtf Alec, why do you agree to this. It makes no sense.
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?????????? this is not the Aline from 2x15
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and that bothers me because 1) why recast her wtf and 2) I think 2x15 Aline looked more approachable and warm and yeah wtf why recast her. So from now on I'm calling this imposter “Aline”. I'm serious. Watch me.
Plot Twist: In German they are dubbed by the same dubbing actress.
Edit: Apparently they recast here because 2x15 Aline wasn't available due to scheduling conflicts which, okay, valid. But I'm still calling the imposter “Aline”. I've commited to it already, okay??
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Alec, your arguemnt is still invalid because the only werewolf ready to wage war is standing right in front of you and you said yourself you thought she was dead. Wtf man.
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YEAH ALEC AND FOR THAT REASON YOU WAIT BEFORE YOU STRIKE A DEAL WITH SUSPECTS WTF MAN YOU OVERTHINK EVERYTHING BUT IN THIS YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT THREE FRIKKIN MINUTES ARE YOU ACTUALLY KIDDING ME-- I'm exasperated, in case you can't tell. Mainly because Alec assuming Maia is dead makes no sense whatsoever. She wasn't among the dead, so why would he assume she's dead instead of escaped? Why didn't he try to track her? Why didn't he try to call her himself? Why didn't they call ahead?!* So many questions, all answered with two words: Plot Convenience.
*Oh right, because they trusted Luke to tell the Institute everything. But my point still stands. This miscommunication is ridiculous.
Also, can we talk about the pacing? In the time Simon needs to drive his and Maia's ass over to the Institute, Heidi walks in, Alec draws up an amnesty and organizes a mission, they go to the DuMort, secure all the vamps, and bring them back into the Institute. Just how slow was Simon driving? Makes no sense. Wtf.
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Uh-huh. Sure, Head of Security, why would you need to know that. Also, who made those keys? Are they lying around somewhere in a spare drawer? So many questions.
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Good save, man. I can accept that. Seems he's trying to do his job. But still. The way he half-whispered insolently during that mission briefing strikes me as really not fitting his character. He calls Alec “Sir” dammit. As if he'd stoop to such cheap bitchy behavior, especially when it stands to reason that the shadowhunter he was whispering to doesn't respect Alec like Underhill does because, y'know, gay and dating a downworlder and the general tendency of shadowhunters to be biased and racist.
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LOL I guess the first thing I can really appreciate about this episode is that they make an effort to bring back stuff from the past season???
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Aha. Looks like someone felt the need to change.
Clary: “He somehow got it in that twisted head of his that I'm gonna help him find it.”
........did I miss that part? Because I sure don't recall it.
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Well, Simon, then I hope you have a degree in psychology and don't ask any leading questions that make her useless as a witness. Also, be sure to carry your plan out while Alec isn't present so your story will be more credible and Alec won't think you encanto-ed her so she says what you need her to say to get Heidi behind bars. Since, you know, you and Maia are totally neutral when it comes to this investigation. It's always a great idea to conduct investigations yourself when you're completely unbiased and absolutely not involved in any way, with no personal stakes in the matter. SIGH.
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This.... was actually unexpected. See, this is why I like Heidi as a villain. She is smart and she knows how to cover her tracks. And that whole plan to stir up werewolves and vampires against each other was expertedly executed (even if her defense in front of Izzy and Alec was a little weak and Griffin could have acted a little less stupid).
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Hahahahaha Magnus. Tbh though, Alec knew Underhill would be in charge of setting Magnus up with a key, and the long amount he thought about what the hell Magnus meant makes me think he doesn't really think handsome = Underhill. Surely not after that haircut amiright ok sorry sorry I'm shutting up. Underhill is a handsome guy.
Ugh. Okay, honestly I don't want to do this. I want to say this was a cute scene and move on. But I just can't move past Alec's apology. Why the hell does he apologise? He did nothing wrong? It's his typical my-opinion-doesn't-count,-whatever-the-person-I-love-says-must-be-right-and-I-am-wrong spiel and I hate it. It would have been something else entirely if he'd said “I didn't know this bothered you so much, I won't do that again in the future if it's a problem to you.” Finding a compromise while recognizing that talking about his issues is his right, since Magnus didn't ask him to keep quiet about it. No matter how good he knows Underhill – and I agree with Magnus on that one, it was strange for Alec to talk about his problems with someone he barely knows, but at the time it was, oh surprise, Plot Convienience to bait some cheating angst – it was his right and with his apology
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he basically asserts that it wasn't. Because of some misguided jealousy from Magnus. Magnus should protest this immediately but he doesn’t, he just lets it sit there and just..... argh!
Also another thing, since I saw some people getting worked up over it: Yes, I read the scene earlier in the way that Alec didn't realize Magnus was talking about Underhill because he finds him so super hot, but because context reasons. Still, even if he did find Underhill attractive... that's not a problem? It's part of interacting with someone and looking at their face while talking to them and by the way realizing “Wow, this person isn't fugly.” If he spent all his days oogling Underhill that would be something else entirely, but he obviously doesn't. So, even if his conclusion was “Handsome? Must be Underhill!” that wouldn't make him a bad person. We all know he only has eyes for Magnus.
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*sigh* I'm a weak woman, okay, this placates me a little.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA I  C A N ' T The fact that he thinks he needs to clarify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing.
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I have so many questions. If she wakes up, will she hold her breath again? I honestly expected her to be dead after Heidi's order, but apparently encanto only takes hold of the person's actions while they are conscious. So this leads me to the question why the f Nora is in a coma instead of simply unconscious, since if your brain doesn't get oxygen you slip into unconsciousness, not coma wtf.
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...............by? The shadowhunters on washing machine handling duty?? So many questions.
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.........or just do it right away. Why wait?
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!!!!!!!!!YES at least someone has common sense left this episode. It physically pains me that this person is Jonathan. Wtf, show.
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1) Soooooo why is his magic suddenly blue again? Though it's slightly tinted so I guess one could argue that this is Magnus trying to cover up the ugly Lorenzo-color. 2) Did the nurse really let them all in? Are they using glamors? I need answers. 3) Won't this place be swarming with doctors as soon as she wakes up?
“This is Maia. If you're hearing this, it's because my phone's battery sucks.”
Hahaha, I approve.
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Lol this is the other reason I like Heidi as a villain, she's cheeky.
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That.......... WAS UNEXPECTED OH MY GOD WOOOW I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!!! Color me impressed!!! And from Maia no less, who's always throw fists first, think straight later!!!
But..... while we saw where she got that syringe from I can't help but wonder where the hell she got that Holy Water from? Also how the hell did Simon, Magnus and Alec know in which back alley exactly she was hiding?? Guess we'll never know.
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Soooooo whenever she stares into the flames she gets a Jonathan-possession-episode???? Okay??????? Why?????????????????? But anyway, the solution to their predicament seems clear: Just keep her away from fire. Then again they're shadowhunters, so compulsively lighting candles is a thing, so I see where this might get difficult.
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You know, this scene would probabley even touch me emotionally if I wasn't busy muttering wtf under my breath because I'm still not over how they completely screwed over the Accords. With the way things were back in 3x04 what Izzy did in banishing Raphael was nothing more than an exceedance of competence. (Yes, Raphael deserves punishment for what he did, but not. from. Izzy.) And now suddenly it's a law-breaking act of compassion? Wtf, no, doesn't compute.
Also, as Bohemian pointed out: why the hell is Raphael's Dramatic Pre Jail Scene with Izzy instead of, idk, Magnus who's like a father to him and also at the Institute in this very moment?? Why do those two don't get any screen-time together when their relationship is more profound than, sorry, anything between Izzy and Raphael?? Tbh reducing Raphael to a pining mess who's only thinking about Izzy makes him feel real two-dimensional to me and he deserves wayyy better than that.
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...................you know what? No!! Too late!! I've mentioned it in a past reaction post (from 3A I think) that I would have loved for this to be the reason they break up: Maia's okay-ness with ending a conflict through violence and Simon's relative patriotism. And even though this scene was everything I hoped for in this regard it still leaves a stale taste in my mouth because it's come too frakkin late. They are already broken up and their break up scene wasn't up to par. And why wasn't this their break up scene? Because if they'd been together up until now we couldn't have gotten the Jordan/Maia cuddling. Ugh.
Also this
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would have certainly packed more of a punch if it came from someone who was consistently opinionated that way and wasn't randomly stricken by “I don't give a damn who gets injured, I have a gig to get to” moods (and yeah, I'm still not forgiving that, Simon).
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Ohhhh no Magnus, stay away from that carpet, bad things will happen here, didn't you see the sneak peek????
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WOW I am impressed, this is more than I expected so I'm really happy about this, especially since we all know how Magnus “It's all in the past” Bane normally deals with conflicts. You can see how much it costs him to get over himself and say this, and I love it. (What I don’t love is that Alec immediately glosses over this and barely even registers it but, whatever, that’s not Magnus's fault. He did what he should have done, and I’m happy about it.)
“Having an outsider live at the Institute, that is against protocol. And how can I expect everyone else to follow the rules if I don't follow them myself?”
I mean, I don't really think Maia would have refrained from her little murder plot if Magnus had spend the night at a hotel instead of in Alec's bed, but I recognize Alec at least attempting to be true to his rule-abiding, authority-acknowledging character for five seconds. So I'm somewhat semi-..... uh, quarter-proud of him.
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Awwwww and Underhill just worked the whole day to get him settled in, the poor guy.
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AGAIN WOW you can see how much courage it costs him to ask this after last half-season's moving-in-talk went so smoothly!!! I love it!!!
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I HATE IT!!! Yeah wow, I really hate it. Why can't they be happy for two seconds istg!!!!!
Btw I'm ordering you to read Matt's live tweets because they are therapeutic, okay.
(Bacon Gif Source)
20 notes · View notes
kasirose · 3 months
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Here's a collab post with my besties @picbypaige and baiyi.draws (on instagram)
One day @picbypaige had a dress and an unhinged dream for Alec that she shared with me. I then blabbed to Baiyi about it at 3am who decided to join in the brainrot and sprinkle in some more spicy Magnus unhinged content. Thus a Malec collab we didn't know we needed was born XD
Magnus: Lineart: @baiyi.draws Colour: @picbypaige
Alec: Lineart/colour: @kasirose Glowy details: @picbypaige
Backgrounds: @kasirose
Still images
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Original Dress that started this all under the cut
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60 notes · View notes
noahlightwood-bane · 5 years
Here you guys go,
Here is what, in my opinion, is every single Malec scene from the TV show up until the end of season 3A.
Brace yourselves
(This is based off of the time stamp on Netflix, so however long is left of the episode, you know what I mean?)
(This might not make any sense because I just finished writing this and it took me almost two hours but then it glitched and deleted and it’s 1:09am and I’m rewriting it because there’s no way I’m letting it defeat me but also yes it may make no sense because it’s 1am and I’m crying)
//spoiler warning
Season One
Raising Hell~Episode 4
20:15- ‘Who are you’
15:20- Their stumbly introduction😂
12:00- necklace scene
9:30- the ‘michaelangelo’ scene
5:00- continuation of above
Moo Shu to Go~Episode 5
29:50- the call about drinks
26:15- Clary/Alec ‘you’re in love with Jace’
Of Men and Angels~Episode 6
37:30- Magnus and Clary/the Luke situation
34:30- Alec talking to Maryse about ‘punching noses and dealing with the consequences’
20:55- Magnus’ magic and using Alec’s strength
18:25- Alex helping Magnus ‘not for Jace’
6:15- Alec tidying// ‘I think you’ve exerted yourself enough for one day
Major Arcana~Episode 7
27:35- outside the police station
‘Can we ask Magnus to portal us inside?’
‘That’d be awkward’
19:50- Alex being the distraction lmao
Bad Blood~Episode 8
22:20- ‘he’s very magical’
19:20- Izzy and Magnus ‘I suppose he’s just following his duty’
15:30- Alec training, Magnus staring before telling him to do things for himself
12:15- Alex being a big dumb and asking Lydia to marry him
9:10- Lydia being an even bigger dumb
4:38- Alec joins Hodge in fighting the forsaken
Rise Up~Episode 9
39:20- wards/ Warlock TLC
35:20- Izzy and Jace find out about about Alec’s engagement
25:25- they need Alec’s stele
21:45- Magnus finds out about Alec’s engagement
7:00- Jace and Alec fight/ Jace mentions Alec’s feelings
This World Inverted~Episode 10
42:35- ‘Away from you and your fiancée’~ Izzy
34:05- AU/ the funniest advert ever
31:35- AU/ v openly gay Alec
27:30- AU/ Magnus the tarot card reader- CATS
25:25- Alec tells Lydia about the mortal cup
23:40- AU/ Magnus and Clary
- Izzy and Alec
12:43- AU/ Malec parallels
Blood Calls to Blood~Episode 11
26:17- Alex asking Magnus to be Izzy’s advocate
21:23- Izzy’s trial
15:30- continued
6:10- Alec handing over his bow and quiver
Malec~Episode 12/ Literally all of it like what even
42:20- Alec and Clary
- Alec and Magnus ‘I know you feel what I feel Alec’
37:30- Jace, Clary and Magnus finding out its Ragnor Fell
34:36- Alec and Izzy talking bachelor party
- Ragnor’s house
25:00- Lydia knows of Alec’s feels for Magnus
22:31- Ragnor and Magnus
-19:08- bachelor party
-17:37- R and M part two
-14:26- WEDDING
8:48- tracking the book of the white
5:08- talking to Maryse and Robert
Morning Star~Episode 13
43:57- Malec in the recap lmao
42:18- Maryse being an ass
- Alec talking to Magnus about it
34:20- Alec wanting Magnus’ help
18:38- Magnus and Camille
16:56- continued and Alec walks in
12:50- Camille’s apartment of books
8:38- Malec gets dragged in
5:02- Magnus talking to Alec about Camille
Season Two
This Guilty Blood~Ep 1
38:28- trying to find Jace
35:26- Alec apologising
27:05- at the institute, Alec being a big dumb to Magnus
16:13- Alec walking to Magnus’/ conversation with Maryse
9:03- Parabatai tracking
A Door Into The Dark~Ep 2
21:43- Magnus and Simon in India
17:15- continued
12:18- continued
6:37- continued
Also where they start the Parabatai tracking but that’s sad so I’m only including it when it’s actually Malec
Parabatai Lost~Ep 3
41:58- Magnus tryna save Alec
38:10- continued
33:26- continued
26:36- continued
21:58- continued
17:37- continued (sad kiss bit)
13:44- continued
6:23- continued/ Alec wakes up
A Day of Wrath~Ep 4
39:32- conversation about date and Alec thanking Magnus
27:29- Raphael scarred and coming to Magnus
26:03- continued
19:29- Magnus and Simon talking about Camille and Magnus’ depression
13:51- summoning Camille ugh
12:24- Alec killed Jocelyn
- Camille and Magnus
5:25- Alec and Clary fighting demon Izzy
Dust and Shadows~Ep 5
43:32- Alec being self- hating and shooting arrows
39:52- Clary asking Magnus about raising mum from dead
28:11- Magnus comforting Alec
19:24- Alec and Clary trying to bring Jocelyn back
12:49- Alec n Madzie
Iron Sisters~Ep 6
34:20- Magnus emergency calls Alec because Alec isn’t okay
28:06- Malec drinks and pool
24:09- Magnus finds out he’s Alec’s first relationship
17:12- 17,000
6:41- back from date, Jace interrupts because he’s an ass
How Are Thou Fallen~Ep 7
39:50- get back from travelling
36:33- making out but Alec gets called to work
31:40- Magnus in bar with Omamori charm
18:31- Alec asking Izzy about sex with Magnus
14:40- the sex step, continued in flashbacks in episode 18
Love is a Devil~Ep 8
39:40- Alec and Izzy talk and Max comes/ Rune ceremony/ Alec talks to Max about Magnus
- Alec asks Magnus to throw the Rune Ceremony party
32:37- Alec telling Maryse that Magnus is throwing it ‘thank Magnus’
- Jace and Magnus y’all about Malec sex
Magnus’ Insane Party😂 honestly just watch it all or it barely makes sense-
27:05- Maryse comes
22:08- Magnus gives Max a gift
17:28- Magnus stopping clary from leaving
-17:00- Alec ‘hey are you leaving’ and Alec hallucinating
15:21- Alec on he ledge
6:47- Max’s Rune ceremony
Bound By Blood~Ep 9
40:11- Alec and Magnus talking
31:10- Alec confronts Aldertree
22:45- downworlder council/ ‘this council is biased’
17:35- Alec complaining at Magnus about Izzy and the Yin Fen
14:21- Alec beating up Raphael but Magnus stopping him
4:39- Alec being badass
By the Light of Dawn~Ep 10
42:50- Madzie saving Alec but suffocating t’others
39:06- Magnus sees Jace and Clary’s vision
34:17- Alec and Jace on call- Alec and Aldertree fighting some people
32:44- Clary at Magnus’
- Alec and Aldertree
28:32- Magnus and Clary at the institute
26:07: Alec and Aldertree on the roof
21:18-Magnus and Madzie
18:06- Alec and Aldertree are still on the roof
12:44- after the soul sword incident ‘where’s Magnus?... oh god’
7:11- ‘I love you’
4:02- Jace and Alec y’all about Jace and Clary not being siblings
Mea Maxima Culpa~Ep 11
43:17- Jace and Alec training
24:14- asking Magnus to identify the sand looking thing relating to Azazel
-Malec looking for Izzy
13:56- Alec and Jace talking/ Jace crying
9:41- summoning Azazel (M and V swap☹️)
- Valentine as Magnus not letting Alec come home with him
2:23- Valentine as Magnus walking to the loft ‘disgusting Warlock’
You Are Not On Your Own~Ep 12
43:28- Magnus as Valentine ‘Please! I am Magnus Bane!’
- Valentine as Magnus with Azazel
36:46- Alec at a meeting mentioning Magnus
- Valentine as Magnus with Azazel n Alec kills Azazel
31:19- Magnus tortured as Valentine
29:17- Magnus as Valentine trying to convince Alec
24:09- Alec telling Jace of the above
- Magnus as Valentine with Valentine as Magnus
- Magnus tortured
15:39- inquisitor and Alec
- Magnus’ place with Jace
- attempt killing Magnus as Valentine
- Alec stopping it
11:36- switching back
7:16- Alec apologising to Magnus for not realising
Those of Demon Blood~Ep 13
34:11- Jace telling Alec he’s head of the institute
31:08- Alec goes to Magnus about the DNA for proof thing
26:41- Dot wi Magnus ‘heartache drink’
24:08- Alec standing up for downworlders
19:44- Dot and Magnus continued
14:22- continued ‘I’m in love with Alec’
7:23- Jace appoints Alec head of the institute
4:58- Simon singing
-3:06- ‘you never have to prove yourself to me’
The Fair Folk~Ep 14
40:04- Alec announcing the downworld cabinet meeting
- Alec sending Clary and Jace on a mission ‘book club’
-Alec asking Luke to come to the cabinet
35:07- Malec call about the cabinet
-Maryse and Alec talking
27:03- welcoming people to the cabinet ‘Mr Lightwood’ and ‘Mr Bane’
22:23- cabinet
10:00- continued/ stopping Luke from killing Valentine
A Problem Of Memory~Ep 15
38:45- Alec wakingup to an empty bed/ Magnus’ childhood flashbacks
27:27- Alec telling Izzy he’s worried about Magnus
12:41- Alec comforting Magnus ‘there is nothing ugly about you’
4:50- sending Valentine to Idris
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Season Three
On Infernal Ground~Ep 1
32:20- Malec sharing news/ ‘I’ve always dreamed of meeting someone like you’
18:31- Alec talks to Cat and finds out Magnus isn’t okay
-Raphael lies to Magnu savour why he needs dagget root
5:51- Malec playing pool ‘all I care about is how you feel
The Powers That Be~Ep 2
42:01- warlock party
35:09- sandlewood shampoo
- Lorenzo ew
-Alec finds out who Magnus’ father is
26:21- Alec at Lorenzos with his incredible distraction skills
23:41- continued/ ft a look of
‘What’re you doing?’ ‘My best!’
19:26- continued/ Magnus knows it’s worse than Asmodeus
15:50- at hospital because corrupted ley lines harmed patients
12:03- plans for using the angelic core to clean ley lines
- Alec and Magnus doing it
- drinks on the balcony ‘you are the furthest thing from a greater demon’
What Lies Beneath~ Ep 3
36:32- Maryse ‘dropping by’ for an impromptu ‘family dinner’/ suggesting it be at Magnus’
22:31- Alec making the meal
- Maryse not being on edge ‘My boys!’
18:53- continued, Maryse tells Alec about her being stripped of her runes
Thy Soul Instructed~Ep 4
20:28- Magnus tried to help Alec because Alec’s stressing
7:37- Magnus waking up a recently un-possessed Morgan
2:43- Lilith comes asking Magnus...
Stringer than Heaven~Ep 5
42:23- Lilith comes asking Magnus for an anti-love potion
38:08- Magnus’ box/ Alex asking if he can move in
30:17- THE BOX
24:55- gAy Shadowhunter thanks Alec
15:07- Alec tells Magnus he went through the the box and asks about
6:03- Alec and Jace talking about Jace getting treatment
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dantes-wombat · 6 years
First in a hopefully long line of Malec prompt fills. Prompt “Don’t hide from me when you get hurt” provided by my lovely bff @oneiricjourney
read on ao3
Nephilim and Warlocks battling demons together hasn’t been known to happen very often – a historical fact that seems quite nonsensical to anyone witnessing what Alec and Magnus can do together.
Strictly speaking, they should both avoid close-range combat. Alec is lethal with a blade but it’s nothing compared to what he can do with a bow and some arrows, while Magnus excels at the occasional ball of warlock fire and defensive magic. They should need a skilled melee fighter to keep any demon getting too close at bay.
So far, nothing has ever managed to get too close.
Where before Alec had always been on some vantage point at the outskirts of battle, securing the perimeter and taking out threats to his teammates with carefully aimed arrows that never missed their mark, he’s now in the thick of it. Surrounded by a swirling circle of protective blue flames, he and Magnus now make up the impenetrable centre of the battlefield, raining down a destructive mixture of demonic fire and adamant arrows on their enemies. As long as Alec and Magnus are standing, their party cannot lose. The demons seem to know it, too, and keep throwing themselves at them in a way that makes it easy for Isabelle, Jace and the rest to pick off those that remain.
It’s the most efficient they’ve ever been while hunting. And while Magnus has a day job and a reputation to maintain that keep him from joining Shadowhunter missions too often, he insists on staying at his boyfriend’s side whenever Alec is suddenly called away. Somewhere deep down, they’re probably both aware that they enjoy it a bit too much – the heady rush of anticipating each other’s every move, of deadly synchronicity, of simply letting go.
Alec knows that he himself is not invulnerable, far from it; no demon hunt goes by without at least some scratches and bruises, though rarely something an Iratze couldn’t fix. His ever-growing collection of scars is a testimony to deeper wounds, a testimony that all Shadowhunters share. Magnus’ skin, on the other hand, is flawless, all traces of former hurts vanished by the touch of his own magic or others’. When he fights, Magnus is an awe-inspiring vision – fast and graceful, cat-eyes blazing golden, his raw power masterfully controlled but unleashed in the blink of an eye if danger approaches those standing beside him.
Which is exactly why at some point, Alec has mostly stopped being too worried about Magnus in battle. Not an easy step for someone whose defining characteristic is worrying about his loved ones, but when they're back to back and he can feel the strength emanating from his lover's body, it's hard to feel anything but invincible.
Their latest mission had been different, and not in a good way. While Valentine is gone and the Shadow World on its way to back to peace and strengthened collaboration in the aftermath, single cells of fanatics keep popping up and try to spread unrest. Always on their heels come the deformed shapes of demons, altered and tamed in a network of hidden laboratories.
Three hours later, Alec is still flat on the sofa, feeling sore all over. It’s been awhile since Magnus excused himself to the bathroom, and the loft’s been eerily silent since the water stopped running about twenty minutes ago. Getting up is still out of the question though, at least until the Chairman jumps up next to him and curls up into a dark, fluffy ball. Shaken out of the light doze he was dropping into, Alec decides to finally get up and investigate.
With soundless steps, he walks towards the slightly ajar bedroom door. For a moment, he can barely believe what he sees in there.
Magnus is in front of the high mirror, shirtless. His face is clean of make-up and his hair is falling into his face, soft and still damp after the much-needed shower that washed off all the sweat and blood and demon ichor. So far, this is part of their usual after-mission routine. What shocks Alec is what Magnus seems to be inspecting in the mirror, head bent over his left shoulder: a barely closed gash surrounded by discoloured skin right on his back.
Alec’s sharp intake of breath is loud in the otherwise silent room, and Magnus jerks around towards him, looking caught. It only takes him an instant to school his features into that neutral, bland smile that Alec has learned to recognize as fake.
“Alexander,” he says pleasantly, not an ounce of discomfort in his voice, “ready to go to bed?”
Alec steps closer, ignoring the question. “That wound on your back – when did that happen? And why hasn’t it healed? You must’ve closed it with magic.”
Magnus looks tempted to deny the existence of any wound, the well practised mask still in place, until he drops it with a sigh. It’s obvious that he doesn’t want to reply, but by now he also knows that Alec won’t back down until he gets an honest answer.
“It happened right when we were jumped by those would-be Circle members. I was grazed by a Seraph blade – it wasn’t – isn’t serious!” he adds hastily as Alec blanches.
Alec usually tries to avoid thinking about what his own weapons could do to the man he loves. What they have already done to other Downworlders. He’s right in front of Magnus now, instinctively taking his hand and moving a thumb over the rings the warlock never seems to take off, not even at night. Magnus would never hesitate to fall back behind Alec and his team if he were truly in danger, Alec is sure of it; nevertheless, this is a nasty reminder that they’ve grown overconfident, too convinced that their combined skills make them untouchable. It’s about trust, and his own failure to shield Magnus from harm.
“I...I’m sorry I didn’t notice, but-” As expected, Magnus waves his apology off impatiently, but Alec isn’t finished. “Why would you try to hide it?”
Alec is aware that Magnus’ make-up and flashy outfits are not simply expressions of his personality, but also act as a shield, a front that makes others see the High Warlock of Brooklyn instead of a person who needs to cope with 400 years of heartbreaks and crippling periods of loneliness. To Alec, he has never looked more vulnerable than he does right now, with this open and slightly ashamed expression on his bare face.
Magnus hesitates, eyes dropping.
“I see how you look at me when I fight,” he eventually says in a small voice. “I know how much you love it when I’m powerful enough to burn a bunch of demons down to ashes.”
The look on Alec’s face must be as incredulous as he feels, because Magnus only meets his eyes for a fraction of a second before moving as if he means to put some distance between them. Alec’s hand moves up to his cheek immediately. There’s no resistance when he turns Magnus’ face back towards him.
“If you know me so well, you must also know how much I hate seeing the people I love get hurt. How much I want to take care of them, protect them...how much I enjoy sharing my strength with you, whenever you need it.”
He’s cupping Magnus’ face in both hands now, a gesture he loves for its intimacy, the way he can softly trace his lover’s cheekbones with his fingers. Magnus always looks slightly broken when he does it, completely disarmed, but at least he’s listening to Alec now, really listening.
“You don’t have to be that untouchable warlock all the time. You’ve patched me up so often, you’ve saved my life more times than I can count...you’re allowed to need help sometimes, too.”
Magnus’ arms come up around Alec’s shoulders, his eyes brimming over with emotion, so Alec draws him in, lets him hide his face against the rune covering his neck. He brushes his fingers carefully through the shorter hair at the back of Magnus’ head, lips close to his ear.
“Never hide from me when you get hurt...okay?”
He feels the whispered “okay” against his neck more than he can hear it, but it is enough.
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sugarandspace · 6 years
Eavesdropping (Malec)
It was a happy evening. Kind of like the one couple weeks ago, when they had finally defeated Valentine. But two things were different now. They were at the Hunter’s Moon, but instead of a huge celebration and the bar being filled with people, it was a chill Tuesday evening and just the four of them, - Alec, Magnus, Jace, and Izzy - sitting at their own table on the corner of the bar. Another thing that was different was the feeling of easiness Alec felt now. Back in the time of the celebrations, his and Magnus’ relationship had been on thin ice, their future unsure and weighing on Alec’s mind.  
But now things were finally starting to look normal. He had Magnus back and he felt more confident about their relationship than he had felt before their time apart, unlike he would have imagined. Alec knew how much their time apart had affected Magnus as well, and he was certain that they would both do their best to avoid something like that happening again.
Valentine's death had not solved all the problems in the Shadow World, and after the night of celebrations they still had a lot of fixing to do before they could properly exhale. But now those waves were starting to settle and they had finally some time for themselves, to take a night off and just hang out.
Alec was walking back to their table when he heard his name being mentioned. Curious, he stopped in his tracks, still hidden behind a wall but able to hear the conversation going on in their table.
“I’m so happy to see that things are okay between you and Alec again.”
It was Izzy’s voice, and even though Alec knew it was wrong, he couldn’t stop himself from listening on.
“I know, me too,” Magnus replied, and Alec felt a smile rising to his face at the happy tone of his boyfriend.
“He was a mess when you left him.” Alec heard Jace say, his tone serious and slightly accusatory. “I know he put up a strong front for everyone, because that’s the way he is, but the pain I could feel through our bond was unlike anything I’ve ever felt from him. He really does love you a lot Magnus.”
Alec wanted to make his presence known, to stop Jace from making Magnus feel bad for things that were settled. But he also wanted to know how this conversation was going to go, so he stayed put.
It was quiet for a moment before Magnus spoke, and this time the happiness had disappeared from his tone, his words quiet and solemn.
“I know. I love him from the bottom of my heart and I swear to you I will never be the reason for your brother feel like that again. It was a mistake, one that only showed me how much I don’t want that to happen again.”
Alec’s heart hurt for Magnus, for the guilt and pain in his voice. He hoped his siblings could hear it too, could hear the honestly in Magnus’ words and understand that the decision hadn’t been an easy one for him either.
“I trust your word,” Isabelle said. “But I also want you to know that if you ever hurt him again, High Warlock or not, you are going to regret it.”
Alec rolled his eyes at his sister’s threat. But at the same time he had no doubt Izzy would be able to make a centuries old warlock regret his actions.
“He’s our brother and we would do anything for him,” Jace agreed.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Magnus said, his tone fond.
Smiling to himself, Alec decided that he should walk back to the table. He rounded the corner and sat back to the booth, next to Magnus where he had been sitting earlier. Maybe he sat a bit closer to Magnus than he did before, but he was pretty sure that wouldn’t raise any questions.
“Took you awhile,” Magnus said, a knowing glint to his eyes that Alec wished his siblings didn’t catch on.
“There was a line to the bathroom,” Alec said, his tone casual. He looked back to Jace and Izzy as he took Magnus’ hand under the table and squeezed it in silent comfort and appreciation, feeling Magnus send a spark of warmth in return. “Did Izzy tell you what the new Shadowhunter from Las Vegas told her when he brought his blade to be fixed?”
And just like that the conversation was back to being light hearted, no hints of the previous conversation in any of the four. Alec knew his siblings liked Magnus, and had nothing against him, but it warmed his heart to know how much they cared about his happiness.
And Alec truly was happy. He could barely comprehend how well things were in that moment. Things were okay in the Shadow World for the moment, no immediate threats for the fragile peace they were holding up. He had people who loved him,  siblings that would protect him and a boyfriend who wanted to be with him even though their relationship wasn’t the easiest. Things were better than he had ever even dared to hope.
A/N: I just need other people to look after Alec the way he so often looks after the people close to him
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hiddlesgirl · 6 years
SH 308: A Heart of Darkness
This was another great episode; Season 3 is not disappointing, it is definitely the best season so far, I have enjoyed every single episode so far. This episode we see Lilith face off with the Seelie Queen, Maia is breaking our hearts and the Lightwood siblings try to help their brother. I did have one issue and I defiantly will discuss it but apart from that there are some fantastic moments and brilliant acting.
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Lilith is clearly shaken up by the news there is a Daylighter in the building, that he exists at all; revealing that he could ruin everything, it’s interesting to watch Lilith in this moment because we have seen a wide range of emotions on her but as of yet we hadn’t seen fear. Not necessarily fear for her own safety but fear of her plan being thwarted, bringing Jonathan back is everything to her and she cannot bear the thought of failing; it is the fear of never seeing her son again.
I really liked the visual effects of not only Lilith’s magic but also how her eyes turned red when she used it, it looked fantastic. She moves her entire apartment to the top of another building, away from Simon and the potential danger he poses.
Jowl (much easier then writing Owl!Jace) is testing everyone’s patience, saying exactly the right things to anger, upset and distract people; trying to deter them from saving the real Jace by causing fights and playing on, especially Alec’s, insecurities. He makes jabs about the Parabatai bond only being necessary to keep a roof over his head and that Alec is only Magnus’ ‘latest soldier boyfriend’. Jowl knows that the Parabatai bond is powerful and therefore is trying to make Alec upset and distracted.
When Luke and Simon arrives the latter heads straight for Jace, in his fear and anger over what was done to Clary he is taking it out on Jowl; in that moment all he can see is the person who almost killed his best friend, the person his best friend sacrificed herself for despite that. Jowl of course takes advantage of Simon’s emotional state, talking about the Seelie Court to heighten the situation even more; he is revealing in the upset he is causing. I have to admit that I did laugh when Simon said ‘Let me in there, I’ll throw you off a building’; after everything Jowl has done and said I think we could all throw him off a building right now, but only if it didn’t mean hurting the real Jace too.
Luke refocuses Simon back onto Clary; he is going to try to get intel while Simon continues to look for Lilith. Initially Simon is not happy about being relegated to Lilith duty, he wants to be proactive in helping Clary; Izzy calms him, saying that the best way he can help Clary is to destroy Lilith who has caused all this mess. I like this moment between them, you can really see their friendship has blossomed; they are always there to listen to each other and give advice when the other needs it.
Magnus informs Alec that in order to get through to Jace they are going to need to used the Parabatai connection to which Alec readily agrees, he is willing to do anything to help Jace. Magnus warns him that Lilith could compromise Alec too, Magnus is terrified of losing Alec; he has come close before and he never wants to experience that again and it would be even worse if it was because of Magnus’ plan or helping him. If something happened to Alec then not only would Magnus have to deal with that pain but he would also blame himself for being the one to put Alec in that kind of danger. However he knows that Alec needs to do this to help get his brother back, he knows how important his family is to him and would never prevent him from helping them is he could, he is not going to hold him back. But he also is not going to let him go alone, he knows that it will be safer for everyone if more than one person goes in; safer for Alec and a better chance of pulling Jace out.
Okay, here comes the thing I (and many others) have an issue with; the ‘Without him I’m nothing’ line. If you don’t want to read me rambling about this please skip ahead to where it says ‘end of rant’.
Now, I understand where the sentiment is coming from; Alec loves his brother and they are Parabatai, if Jace dies then a part of Alec dies too. Alec doesn’t know what his life would look like without Jace in it, to feel a void where his connection to Jace used to be. So I understand what they were trying to get across.
However, there are four main reasons I have an issue with this line;
1.       The show has not established the Parabatai connection in its entirety very well. We only really see the Parabatai bond in action when one of the two are in great danger; when Jace was with Valentine, when Alec was in a coma, when Jace died and now. We don’t get to see the day-to-day reality of having a Parabatai; we know that part of one would die if the other did, but it has not been established as something that could not be lived with. Alec seemed to walk around ok after Jace died and he didn’t even notice when his rune reappeared or feel the re-connection of their bond. Yes, we know that part of one would die with the other but it has not been impressed as something that would be unliveable. I understand that it was more broadly explained and shown in the books.
2.       I hate that this clearly shows Alec’s deep seated insecurities and lack of self worth which have not been addressed on the show. To believe that he would be nothing, no one, without Jace is heartbreaking. He is the Head of Institute, he has an amazing family, he has a wonderful boyfriend, he is a fantastic fighter, a leader, an inspiration to others; he is a whole person who doesn’t exist as just one half of a Parabatai bond. I understand that he has grown up with insecurities and self worth issues because of his repressed sexuality and living in Jace’s shadow; and that he can’t unlearn those insecurities in only 3 months. But I really need them to properly address Alec mental health.
3.       He said this to Magnus. Yes, he does not exist as one half of Malec; I adore him and would love him even if he and Magnus were not a couple. My point is that he said to the face of the man he loves that he would be nothing without his brother, his Parabatai. It essentially implies that his life would be nothing without Jace; and that must hurt. To have your significant other imply that you are not enough of a reason for their life to mean anything. Plus the fact that Magnus has always battled with his own self worth and being too much for someone makes it hurt too. It must also hurt Magnus to know that Alec feels this way, that his insecurities run that deep; he loves Alec so much and to know that Alec feels that much of a lack of self worth must hurt. I cannot help but imagine how painful it would to be to hear my significant other to say this to me, that I would not be enough for their life to mean something. Yes, this is not the intention of the line at all but I could not help to partially interpret it this way, I’m sorry.
4.       I relate to it way too much and I hate that the show has brought up these negative feelings in me when usually they help me with my insecurities. In my dark periods I think that if not for this one person I would mean nothing, my life would mean nothing and there would be no point to me existing. I hate that it has made me feel this briefly again (even as I write this) and knowing the Alec sometimes feels this way breaks me because I admire and love him so much.
Again, I will say that I know that the line was never intended this way and that it was just supposed to be Alec expressing his fears of a life without Jace. But I cannot help how it made me feel. I think that this could have easily been remedied by rewording the line; something like ‘I need him’ or ‘I don’t what I’d do without him’ or ‘I can’t imagine my life without him in it’. There are several different alternatives that could have been used. But I understand that for the writers sometimes they don’t think about all the angles the fans could see something from, especially if they have not experienced this feeling of worthlessness before.
I understand what the intention of the line was but I cannot help what it made me think and feel. And to be honest it kinda ruined the scene for me because I cannot watch it without having those negative feelings (yet anyway). Usually one Malec scene (if there are multiple) makes it into my shortlist of favourite scenes, this time it didn’t.
Magnus says that Izzy can go with Alec into Jace’s mind; Alec doesn’t want to put Izzy in that danger, he knows the risk and doesn’t want his sister to be exposed to that. He is already fighting to get one sibling back, he doesn’t want to risk losing another; plus he, as the eldest, feels it’s his duty to protect the other and he refuses to put her in danger.
Izzy has other ideas, the last time Alec used the Parabatai connection she almost lost him; she is not going to risk that happening again if there is something she can do that might prevent it. He is the person she loves most in this world and doesn’t want to lose him. Plus, Jace is her brother too; she wants him back just as much as Alec and wants to do anything she can to help them both.
Simon confides in Maia about his concern for Clary and his job to hunt Lilith; he needed to vent about what is happening and knows that Maia will be there to listen and support him. Maia insists on going with him, she is not going to let him walk into such a dangerous situation by himself. He says that he didn’t mean to burden her, he didn’t want to put anything more on her plate while she is dealing with Jordan and her past; he doesn’t want to make things more difficult for her. Maia shifts the focus back to Clary and says they will talk about the Jordan stuff later; she is still trying to process her own feelings and is not ready to talk. She knows that helping Simon will give her time to process and that helping him, helping Clary, is important.
Jordan walks in looking for Simon and Simon is not happy, telling Jordan that he cannot just turn up where Maia works; he doesn’t want Jordan invading Maia’s life or making her feel on edge in place’s she should feel safe. Simon loves that she is looking out for him but he doesn’t want it to come at her expense. He knows how much Jordan hurt her and doesn’t want her to have to be around him for his sake, he doesn’t want her to suffer because of him. I love the line ‘So leave, it’s what your good at’; savage Simon is fantastic, he cannot stand anyone hurt those he cares for and does not pull his punches with them. Maia tells him that she told Jordan to stay, that he wasn’t going to abandon Simon too; she doesn’t want Simon to suffer as she did.
Luke has asked for Maryse’s help but he doesn’t tell her why Clary has been arrested or the truth about Jace; at first I was annoyed that he was lying to her but it is for her own safety. Even though she is no longer a Shadowhunter she is at risk if she knew about the wish; and because she is not a Shadowhunter she would be in danger from Jowl. Even though she is still a trained fighter she no longer has any rune to protect her or heal her is she got injured. While there is still a possibility that they can salvage the situation it is best the Maryse doesn’t know everything.
Maryse doesn’t feel that she would be of much help, she no longer has runes or connections to the Clave; she doesn’t want to let Luke down but she doesn’t see how, in her new state, she could be of use to him in this situation. However, she offers to reach out to Robert’s mistress, Anna Marie Highsmith (think I got her name right); and I am actually glad that Maryse isn’t treating her like a villain, a lot of times in media women will blame the other woman for the affair rather than the man who betrayed them. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be angry at her, because after all Anna would have known they were married but at the end of the day it was Robert’s choice to betray Maryse.
I love their hand hold, their chemistry is so wonderful and sweet. Maryse understands how important Clary is to Luke; she would be doing the same for any of her children. I really think that they are going to have a wonderful friendship that will hopefully later bloom into a beautiful romance that they both deserve.
Magnus warns Alec and Izzy that he doesn’t know how long he will be able to maintain the connection so they need to find Jace as soon as possible; it is clear that this is going to put a lot of strain on Magnus, using a lot of energy, strength and magic. Jowl once again is trying to make trouble, his remark about Jace being Magnus’ competition is ridiculous because it is obvious that Alec does not have any romantic feelings for Jace anymore and hasn’t for a long time, at least since 2x07 because when Jace was in his underwear Alec didn’t check him out once compared to 1x11 when he checked him out during their bachelor party talk.
However, his remark about if Alec could only have one of them and implying he’d choose Jace really hurt; Magnus and Jace are both extremely important to Alec for very different reasons and it would be impossible for him to choose between them. But I think that even though he didn’t show it, it may have stung Magnus a little; he knows that there is no bond like the Parabatai connection which may cause that small fear in the back of his head that if the situation did ever arise he would not be the one Alec chose. This would stem from Magnus’ own lack of self worth and history of people not choosing him. I may be over reading into it but that’s me, the over analyser.
We get the most awkward car ride ever; Simon, Maia and Jordan in Simon’s van. It is so funnily but painfully awkward. I did want to tell Jordan to back off though, he knows that Maia doesn’t want anything to do with him and he should be respecting that and her, not offering her his jacket.
Jowl wakes in the chains that Valentine used to hold Ithuriel; Alec and Izzy are not going to let him use the cage to hurt Jace or to prevent them bringing him back. The ritual begins and I love Magnus’ cat eyes, I get unreasonably excited every time we see them; also the visual effects of the magic are gorgeous, Folks VFX are seriously stepping up their game season to season, episode to episode. The eyes rolling back in their heads are so freaking creepy.
Inside Jace’s looks like the Institute which makes a lot of sense because all of his positive memories started from when he was brought to the Institute and it is his home. We get to see the little Lightwoods again, they are training and it is so adorable; Izzy, a badass from the beginning, gets the upper hand on the two boys. Alec and Izzy look so happy observing the memory; you can see that their trio sibling bond is so strong. I absolutely love the line ‘Three go in. Three come out’ it perfectly sums up them, they never leave one behind, they always look out for each other.
All of sudden young Alec and Izzy burn away, leaving young Jace terrified shouting not to take them away too; your heart breaks realising that not only is adult Jace suffering but she is also targeting his young self and his memories. Taking away everything and everyone he loves.  Alec and Izzy chase after him but lose him in the hallways and then their way back is blocked off, as if Lilith is eating away at his memories, sealing him off from them; taking it away to make him suffer.
Lilith has entered the Seelie Court and attacked them, leaving many injured if not dead; I think I spied Meliorn as well, I hope he is just unconscious. We learn that the current Seelie Queen’s predecessor endowed Eve with Seelie beauty, suggested as an act of revenge against Lilith; not only would I love to learn more about the history between Lilith and the Seelies but also the world building behind this too. Because it sounds like Lilith, Eve and the Seelies all existed at the same; it would be interesting to know if Seelies existed before the first humans, after all they are have demon and half angel so it is plausible that they could have been around before. Also, what did Lilith do to make an enemy of the Seelies?
I really love the back and forth between the two; they are both such complex and manipulate characters that it’s great to watch them try to outmanoeuvre each other. Anna and Lola are fantastic in this scene, creating tension and also delivering the lines perfectly; especially Lola who’s biting comments made us root for the Seelie Queen for once.
Lilith reveals that the Mark on Simon’s head is indeed the Mark of Cain and it is the only thing that can banish her back to Edom; and the Seelie Queen says that she gave Simon the Mark because they have always been the protectors of anything in nature that’s special and unique. Now, while I believe that she gave Simon the Mark to protect him from harm because he is no unique I also wonder if she gave it to him because she felt Lilith’s presence in the mundane realm. She gave Simon the Mark after Lilith had arrived, and with how in tune with nature she is it is plausible that she felt or heard from one of her subjects (birds, bees and flowers) about Lilith’s arrival. Giving Simon the Mark not only ensured his safety but it also guaranteed a way to banish Lilith if the need arose.
I absolutely love the line ‘There are things that I too want gone. But sadly we don’t always get what we want’; it is brilliant and the way Lola delivers it is fantastically savage. Lilith quickly loses patience and threatens the Queen, in a bid to safe herself the Queen reveals where Lilith’s Owl is. Now, while I was annoyed that the Queen was putting Jace back into Lilith’s hands, putting Magnus, Alec and Izzy in danger; her core motivation is self preservation and the protection of her people. She had leverage and used it to get out of a dangerous situation; plus she has vital information about Lilith that she may (or may not) impart later.
Clary, through the Soul Sword, has revealed Jace’s resurrection and possession to the Consul; she is now also forced to be honest about her wish to Raziel. I really admire her courage because she casts aside the Sword to do so, telling Jia that she used the wish to save Jace after her father had already summoned him. Jia is not happy, she says that they have always had the wish to fall back on if an insurmountable took over the world and Clary has taken that away from them. You can understand her anger, they have always had this safety net behind them, that if it can to worst they could rely on the angel’s wish to save them all. Now, they don’t have that; their safety net has vanished and they know have to adjust to the reality that they really are the front and last line of defence.
Clary says that to her an insurmountable evil is the destruction of those with demon blood; she could not stand by and let someone use that wish to mass murder innocent people, people she knew and loved. That any wish that has the capability of that kind of destruction is a curse and she’s right; it has happened once and there is nothing to say that 5, 50 or 100 years in the future someone else would try to used the wish for their own purposes as Valentine attempted to do.
Maryse informs Luke about Clary’s trial, he is understandably upset and desperate to help her because he knows that if they find out the truth Clary will receive no mercy. He is planning to ask the wolves in the mountains surrounding Idris for help; Maryse is worried because everyone knows they are feral and dangerous. She is worried for Luke’s safety and tells him ‘The last things Clary needs is to lose the only father she’s ever had’; she knows that losing Luke would be devastating for Clary, especially only losing her mother a couple of months previous.  However, Luke too lost Jocelyn and is not willing to lose the other most important person in his life; he knows just how much danger Clary is in and is willing to risk everything to help her.
At Talto; Simon, Maia and Jordan remove the top off the alter to see the cocoon below. Jordan reveals that the runes are Enochian, which from my understanding (and watching Supernatural) is an angelic language. He tells them they mean blood, flesh and heart; Lilith has the blood, she wanted the flesh from Valentine and we know from the promo for 309/310 that she needs Clary’s heart to complete the ritual.
Inside Jace’s mind, Izzy finds young Jace playing a piano; he is initially wary and scared of her, believing she is Lilith. It is confirmed the Lilith has been torturing all aspects of Jace’s mind and memories; she tries to reassure him, she needs for him to trust her but doesn’t want to confuse him by telling him she is his sister. So, she sings to him; a beautiful song that Maryse used to sing to them. They then sing the English version together; it is a beautiful moment and Emeraude has a lovely voice, plus the song has gotten stuck in my head.
Alec finds adult Jace in a room littered with dead Clarys; it is abundantly clear that Jace has been forced to kill Clary over and over, just like in his dreams but worse, on a constant loop. Jace is terrified and distraught, he cannot bear the thought of having to kill Alec as well; it is bad enough having to kill the person he loves repeatedly, but to have to kill his bother too is agony. One Jace understands that Alec is real they hug, Jace crying into Alec’s shoulder in relief; Izzy has been led to them by you Jace. She hugs him too; Jace is obviously traumatised and relieved to see his siblings.
When Simon tells Luke about what they found he says that the symbols are demonic, which is confusing because as far as I understand Enochian is angelic; so I am interested to know which it is, the one thing they know is they have to stop her. They don’t know who she is resurrecting yet, not knowing of the connection between her and Jonathan; and to be honest I am eager for that realisation.
Luke tells him that he is going to keep Clary safe and to trust him; he is not going to let Clary suffer at the hands of the Clave and is determined to get her out, but he knows that it will be easier to go alone which is why he doesn’t tell Simon exactly what he is doing. Simon once again is frustrated that he is unable to directly help Clary but trusts Luke to protect her.
Maia is frustrated with Jordan, offering his jacket and telling her he had changed; she is still trying to deal with him being there and what he told her, she doesn’t need him trying to insinuate himself into her life. He explains that he joined the Praetor because people matter to him now, Maia matters to him; I understand him wanting to explain himself but he is being extremely selfish right now. It is clear that Maia does not want to interact with him anymore the necessary right now, that she needs space and he is not respecting that. He is putting his own feelings and want for forgiveness over Maia’s need for his distance.
Maia breaks, it has taken everything to put Jordan and what he did to her behind her; to move on with her life not he is bringing all that pain back to the surface. He hurt her so badly not just in his actions but the after effect of those actions, Maia is in a good point in her life right now and he is completely disrupting that. She screams at him ‘Just let me hate you!’; he has only just told her the truth about his actions and she needs time to process and work through that in her own time. For so long she has hated him from what he did to her, and understandably so; she cannot bare for him to be trying to convince her of his good qualities right now because it doesn’t change what he did. Alisha acting is phenomenal in this scene, she has absolutely blown me away with her emotional scenes every time; it takes my break and leave me heartbroken.
For the first time since 209/210 (I think) she beings to lose control and begins to turn; this is completely heartbreaking to see, that she is in such emotional turmoil that her instincts are taking over. Simon rushed in and calms her down, this is so lovely to see; that she trusts him and feels so safe with him that he can bring her down and soothe her out of a turn. Still upset she tells them to leave her alone and walks away; this is totally understandable, not only is she upset with Jordan but she almost lost control which w know from her talk with Izzy in 217 that losing control is something that scares her. I just want to hug her right now.
Magnus is running low on energy, it is clear that the ritual is extremely draining on him; he tells Alec to hurry, you can see him physically waning and he wants this to succeed. Alec tried to get Jace to leave with them, reassuring Jace that they will stop Lilith; unfortunately Jace’s fear cannot be so easily calmed. Lilith has done so much to him that he believes the only way out is death. This breaks your heart because this entire experience has brought up his insecurities and similar self harming, self sacrificing thoughts that led him to touching the Soul Sword.
He begs Alec to kill him and when Alec refuses Jace turns to Izzy telling her about all the terrible things he has done, it kills you to know that he is aware of everything that Lilith has been making him do but had no way to stop it from happening. He watched those mundanes be possessed, Clary be thrown from that building and his Grandmother bleed out; he is clearly going to struggle with the guilt of not being able to stop any of it despite the fact that there was nothing he could have done.
He says that Lilith will find him and make him do worse, he doesn’t want to feel responsible for anymore hurt and death. Dom’s performance during this scene is fantastic, the emotion is so raw it hurts your heart; Emeraude and Matt’s responding performances are brilliant too.
Izzy denies him too, grabbing his and Alec’s hand reciting young Jace’s earlier words ‘Three go in. Three come out’; they are not going to leave him behind, they are a team and a family they stick together. Alec holds his hand out to Jace, offering his support and a life line; Jace begs them not to let Lilith take him again, he cannot bear the thought of staying under her control. Alec promises him, he is going to do everything he can to protect him from her.
Alec, Izzy and Jace are unconscious; presumable adjusting back into their bodies. Lilith appears in the apartment and attacks Magnus; I am not ashamed to admit that I screamed and yelled at her. Using her magic she begins to choke him and lifts him from the ground; it is clear that Magnus must have magically exhausted himself because he cannot seem to fight her off at all, no sparks of magic emit his fingers.
He once again proves that he is self sacrificing by saying ‘Go ahead and kill me, just don’t hurt Alec and Izzy’; he is always so willing to put himself in harm’s way in order to protect those he loves. Lilith considers his offer but doesn’t in fear of starting a war with his father. This is interesting because it implies that she fears Asmodeus, at least a little; this is a bit reassuring because people are much more dangerous when they have nothing to fear. Also, she knows that Magnus is his son; presumably many of the greater demons know this because they all live in the same environment as Asmodeus. Also, Asmodeus must place some value in Magnus’ life for Lilith to fear harming him exactly what type f value that is will be interesting and terrifying, to find out.
Alec and Izzy wake to Magnus on the floor and Jace gone; Magnus instantly apologises for not being able to stop her, but there is no way he could try to fight her off in his state of exhaustion. Izzy is clearly upset by this, Alec seem more angry and frustrated. Also, Magnus closing his balcony doors backs up my theory of him being magically depleted; I am pretty sure that almost every time we have seen him open or close a door it was using magic.  
Alec and Izzy are completely devastated; the saw how desperate Jace was to escape Lilith, even begging from death so that he could be free of her. They feel guilty that they couldn’t protect him; they feel as if they failed him by not being able to keep their promise. Magnus tires to reassure them that they did everything they could, they brought Jace back and they could not have changed how long it took for their bodies to recover from the ritual. But it’s clear that nothing will alleviate their guilt and now they will be even more determined to get him away from Lilith, to keep their promise and get their brother back.
Simon has caught up to Maia, he is concerned about her and wanted to make sure she was okay after everything that happened with Jordan. Maia has a bag packed and explains that she needs to get away and clear her head; she needs time completely removed from the situation to process everything that has happened, come to terms with it and decide how she wants to move forward from there. She asks Simon to give her time, he readily agrees because he understands the feeling of needing time to yourself before you can face something or someone. They share a beautiful hug and then Maia leaves; I love their bond so much, they care so much for each other and understand each other so well. I also absolutely adore the song that is playing, Hearts by Jessie Ware.
Inside her cell Clary asks Jia what she would have done if it was Aline (her daughter) instead of Jace; Jia replies that they would still have the wish. I know that Shadowhunters have a duty to uphold but I do not believe for one second that she could have watched her daughter be murdered and not take the opportunity to bring her back. And if she would, then Aline needs a new mother; hey, Maryse how do you feel about adopting another daughter?
Jia says that being a Shadowhunter is about sacrifice and Clary never understood that because Jocelyn raised her on the mundane believe that love comes first. It hurts a little because it reminds me of Season 1 Alec and how much he was willing to sacrifice for honour and duty; I am so happy that he chose his own happiness. Jia sentences Clary to death which way too extreme is you ask me; yes she used the wish but to kill her for it, what the hell? Luke you need to run faster!
So, apart from that one issue I had this episode was great; we got some amazing emotional performances and some great sass from the Seelie Queen.
The double episode finale is upon us and I am in no way prepared! Jowl is on the prowl again, Simon’s family is in danger and Magnus is going to Edom! I am screaming already!
Then we go on hiatus, and we still don’t know how long that is going to last! I am presuming that we will find out 3B’s premiere date at the Freeform Upronts on Tuesday 15th May, the same day as the double finale, we really are going to die! Also, everything crossed for a Season 4 announcement!
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thegreatmercutio · 6 years
The New Shadowhunters...my thoughts.
This is late to the party...I worked the night shift and didn’t see it until today.
The trailer was okay...it was good...it was okay. I am going with good...or decent?? I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it. It is what it is.
The trailer has some really good stuff...that I am really excited to see and there were stuff that we all knew was coming...the whole mood of the trailer was very predictable. It definitely a trailer about Lilith...and some Jace, a touch of Clary...and low-key Simon...a tiny dash of Magnus. So, not surprised.
Disappointment for me was not see much of the other guys—especially, Luke, Maia, Izzy, and surprisingly...Alec. But I do believe that first few episodes with Clary, Simon, and Jace...is all transitions from season 2 to 3. I don’t know how much will change...but Simon’ Mark of Cain...stuff like that. Definitely, nods to the books.
The good:
Definitely, Lilith. I’ll be honest...I am not super excited for her...I read the books...and the Mortal Instruments’ villains are kinda mediocre. They are not Darth Vader or Voldemort...that’s funny I just noticed the “V” theme...Valentine. Hahaha. People just don’t talk about them. Unless among the fandom. Get what I mean? You don’t have to like Star Wars or even watch Star Wars but you know Darth Vader. Nevertheless, I read the books for the characters and their relationships and unfortunately, not for the villains. However, I do think the show has an opportunity to expand the villains and give them MORE. Which by this trailer...seems very promising. I am curious about Lilith and I wanna see more of her.
Magnus’ power. It was beautiful. I am always here for Magnus being his lovely High Warlock self...I need that in my life. And his HAIR...the volume and life. His hair alone will save the Shadow World.
Even though...it was only seconds...seeing Malec together is my jam...and a glimpse of a potential Malec...the badass couple battling some mysterious “light”...is gold and silver and all the glitter in this world!!! All of it!!!
Hell is coming...means EDOM!!! One of the biggest plot or climax that I have been waiting to see is Edom!!! Lilith is this season main villain but Edom to me opens a lot of angst and a lot character developments...I am always for character developments!! If you guys know me...I am Magnus bias since the books and I really can’t wait for the audience to know!!!! Kings!! Kings!!! Like Queen B would say “Bow down bitches!!” I am so excited for Edom....and yes, if you know what I know...I will also be sitting in a corner and I will cry my eyes out. I will....give me a moment!!! 😭
Jace and Clary...all I know...the lie going to bite them in the ass. Literally. Right in the ass!!
And it’s nice to see Clary getting an official welcome basket from the Clave. She did slay Valentine!!
Simon, Simon, Simon...I’ll be honest. I like him but sometimes his arc exhausts me. I feel bad for him because he just wants to be Simon...again. Everyone wants Simon. Normally, that’s might seem like a compliment but it gets too much and overwhelming in the plot (I felt like this in the books too)...give the guy a break. Let him see...the New Star Wars!! With Maia. However...I do wanna know how he got out of the Seelie Woods...and of course nod to the books, Mark of Cain. Is that good, bad,...I don’t know?
What else? Idris and Alicante looks good. I love seeing the Shadow World expanding.
The Special effects is definitely getting better and better.
The Bad: simple...very little Maia, Luke, Izzy, Alec, Raphael...even Malec!! But nevertheless...I feel like this trailer is to hype up Lilith and connect the leftovers of season 2 to season 3. That was expected.
I liked it. I am not super pumped by the trailer...but I was already excited for the show. Two more months!! Guys!! Two more months!! There’s a lot of little teases everywhere. So, it’s made to drive us crazy. So, we go crazy. I do not blame people for being excited. Be excited!! There’s nothing wrong with having anticipation.
I do hope they do have one more trailer and of course there will be TV spots too
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hikaru9 · 7 years
Shadowhunters 2x18 - Magnus’s walls
Everyone is having a “great” time, enjoying the beautiful flashbacks, how Malec is going so far in such a short time, how their love is pure even if circumstances are terrible, but I am probably the only one feeling very scarred and terribly sad. Absolutely no criticism to the show, because the episode was FANTASTIC. I’m really talking about the emotional journey it put me through so, let me vent it out a bit, because as many as you, I’m a mess. I’m sorry it’s going to sound terribly sad.
The situation
As I said in my previous commentary on episode 2x17, the problems between them were “healthy angst” kind of issues, that would help them see the differences between them, face it all and be better for each other. I was expecting things to get even more meaningful because of the teasers and spoilers we had so I thought I was prepared, but I wasn’t.
The flashbacks
The flashbacks were extremely important. However, let me tell you something most people won’t agree with: I was a bit wary of them (but I was still open to them, mind you, and I’d never judge before seeing them). I was one of the few people who enjoyed 2x07 IMMENSELY; I thought it was a beautiful, well done episode that came in full circle. To understand it, we have to sit through it and grab all the tiny details that the writers put out, so that the end would make even more sense. I never saw the problem with consent, since I absolutely understood what Magnus was saying, how afraid he was that Alec would “go” the morning after and thus that he was “using” him for experience. Nonetheless, I ABSOLUTELY understand people who didn’t enjoy it as much as I did, and their arguments and point of view make sense. I respect their opinions. Still, 2x07 includes all my favourite Malec moments: the date, the Omamori (my favourite moment ever), the smooch attacks, their first time. After saying that, however, I am infinitely grateful for these flashback. I’m so glad they created them and put them in this episode, in THIS way, because they fit perfectly and made us understand so much more, so I was scared for nothing. I ALWAYS wanted to know what happened during that “infamous” night between 1x06 and 1x07: what did they talk about? How was Alec behaving? And Magnus? How did they feel after talking about everything and nothing, after drinking and being in each other’s company for so many hours? And here I have it, that tiny little moment in the morning after. I don’t know if you notice, but it was such a wink to the “Bane Chronicles”: Alec sleeping on the couch after a “mission”, waking up to Magnus making coffee (note: in the “Bane Chronicles” he would do that many times, and it’s Magnus who would wake up with the smell of coffee in the air and Alec being busy in his kitchen). I loved it. I loved seeing the difference between season 1!Alec and season 2!Alec, how insecure he was, how everything was new, how he was still ashamed of what he felt and what he was doing, how he almost smiled and was genuinely surprised by Magnus when he stopped thinking about all those insecurities and how he would crash all his emotions the moment he started overthinking. I loved how Magnus was tiptoeing around him as well, trying to make Alec feel comfortable but still trying to flirt as well; the surprise he showed everytime Alec said something he didn’t expect. Season 1 gifted us of so many feelings.
And then the night between 2x07 and 2x08 happened. Everything was so well done but what I am immensely thankful for is that they didn’t change the “tone” of 2x07. It wasn’t presented as “here, we fixed what you didn’t like it”, it was a natural following of everything the built in that episode: them entering their room with their lips locked, both being extremely greedy of each others’ touches, the bed gloriousness, Magnus “losing” control. THAT scene, above it all, was so well done. Magnus continued to being completely immersed in his feelings and it showed through his confused way of speaking (it was the SAME in 2x07 when he tried to explain to Alec he was afraid of losing him). It was so important for him to be accepted by Alec after seeing his warlock’s marks during such an intimate moment, even more after we saw what happened with his family.
Here I am, being terrible. I know the WHOLE episode was beautiful and I know it was absolutely well done but it destroyed me seeing Magnus like this. It was so sad. The PURPOSE of the flashbacks was to remind Magnus what he had, and what he could lose if he accepted the Seelie Queen’s offer. And throughout the episode, what we see is Magnus putting back the walls around his heart. It was REALLY painful to watch, as a Magnus fan. It was AMAZINGLY well done and Harry Shum Jr. remains a BLESSING for this fandom, for me as a huge Magnus fan and for everyone in this show. It’s unbelievable how he can deliever so much without speaking. You can see him hardening his heart in those tiny little moments before and after the flashbacks: there, on that couch where Alec stayed with him after all the mess in 2x12; there, when he holds the Omamori (I’m gonna meta the hell out of it one day) and looks out at that rainy sky; there, at the Institute, holding Alec’s hand; there, when he goes out from the infirmary, looking at that cursed flower again, missing Alec and having to go through everything alone. Yes, alone. That’s one of the things that made me EXTREMELY sad. He was ALONE throughout the episode. Not even Max nor Bat, who were physically wounded, were alone. He was the only one; everyone else had someone by their sides. He was alone at home, and NO ONE checked on him but Alec (who needed him both physically and emotionally for the terrible Max’s situation); he was alone at the institute as well, even if surrounded by the Lightwoods, because NO ONE but ALEC talked to him. He was alone going through his memories and his emotions, no one to talk to, no one there to ask him if he was okay, as if everyone was expecting him to BE okay, since he’s immortal, powerful and the High Warlock of Brooklyn (yes, those are the things EVERYONE and Alec included, at first, thought about him). And that’s another terrible aspects of it all. He’s so conflicted about the whole situation with the Seelie Queen because his emotional life doesn’t get along with what the Downworlders and the Shadow World expect him to do. People expect him to be a leader, to protect the warlocks and the Downworlders in general, to destroy the possible menace, to bring peace. And Alec is RIGHT, they can work together to make them get along, to make it possible, but I think he feels the pressure of it all, and seeing how the misunderstandings between him and Alec and the problems the Clave is causing make Magnus vulnerable to be nudged towards duty. He’s doing what season 1!Alec was doing, and it’s understandable, even more if you think about how afraid he was and is. At this point, after 7 weeks of knowing each other and falling in love, he probably knows Alec is THE ONE. And we know how scary it is for Magnus, after all the lovers he lost, after all the people who just used him and left him alone. Remember who Magnus Bane is, and how he was shaped to be like that. After 400 years of experiencing loss, starting from his own mother and family, to all those lovers, who would either judge him, leave him for someone else, continue their lives, die on him, saying he wasn’t enough, saying he was too much; after what he went through with the torture in Valentine’s body; after finding someone who loves him and he can trust, it’s really easy to see why he’s trying to hide his true self, and put those walls around his heart again.
I have no words to express how proud I am of Alec. During this episode he has shown once again how brave and passionate he is. He’s the perfect person for Magnus, from the way he holds him and touches him, to the things he says to him. He’s brave also for saying sorry every time he understands he made a mistake; for the way he ALWAYS tries to make it work, TOGETHER, and being stronger than before. I love him and Malec forever.
Having said all that, as @alyxhavok wisely stated: let’s be patient, and wait for the Alliance rune and for Catarina (who may do something like in book 6, talking to Magnus about how Alec is important for him and stop fooling around). And a HUGE shout out to the cast, writers and directors, who did an amazing job not only with Malec, in this episode, but also with everything else.
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