#the longest tag 😂😂😂
mbrainspaz · 2 years
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I posted 3,907 times in 2022
That's 1,137 more posts than 2021!
565 posts created (14%)
3,342 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@mbrainspaz (I feel called out.)
I tagged 2,865 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#tiktok - 154 posts
#funny video - 131 posts
#personal problems - 112 posts
#life of a texan peasant - 91 posts
#funny story - 78 posts
#funny post - 77 posts
#us politics - 75 posts
#gifs - 68 posts
#writer problems - 63 posts
#lmao - 62 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i will continue to enjoy my trash entertainment where everybody comes back to life and nothing makes sense and villains are inexplicably ho
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can people change?
Can you change them?
85 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
I keep coming back lately to how f*cked up it was that my dad never let me mess anything up. Oh no, don’t climb out the window and sit on the roof--you’ll damage the shingles. So I put out beach towels and was extra careful, and he still got mad. Some of my best childhood memories were sitting out on that roof with my brother or my friends. Man f*ck the shingles. We sold that house a year later anyway. I waited years for him to fix the toilet paper roll holder in an upstairs bathroom--then one day just broke down and fixed it myself. It took me 5 minutes. And he was mad because I didn’t use the right kind of screws. F*ck the right screws. It looked perfect and it worked just fine, at least until I moved out. Now I’ve been out here living with a bunch of rogue ranchers and old engineers and it’s given me a whole new perspective on life. The first day I moved onto this ranch the owner got out an electric saw and cut a hole straight through a sewer pipe. I nearly panicked! Like--YOU CAN JUST DO THAT?!?! Just break something?! It was a horrible job! But BAM--it was done! And that sh*t changed my whole worldview. Last week I helped remodel a bridge with some spare logs and a pickaxe. I’ve sawed open the roof of my house and glued it back together. I’ve torn wall fixtures off and burned them in a bonfire. 
GO AHEAD! BREAK IT. Wear down the shingles. Cut holes through the wall. Get mud on the sofa. Put stickers on your car. Break the world around you just a little instead of living in fear of losing resale value you rarely get back anyway. It’ll be fine. 
198 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
How much did I want a horse?
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A totally sane amount. 🫣
406 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
have I mentioned how hilarious it is to me when people ask me about my gender and I tell them I'm non-binary and they go "well I don't believe in all that." Cool beans pal. And I don't give a f*ck about your beliefs. Have a nice day. 😂
448 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
mom: It’s so crazy it’s like everyone around me is getting covid.
me: that’s why it’s spiking, mom.
mom: no like your dad was saying I’m the carrier, haha. 
me: Well you might be. You were sick over christmas and everyone else had it after. [and I begged you to wear a mask but you went around kissing everybody instead]
mom: But my symptoms were really mild and allergy meds made mine go away.
me: allergy meds can treat symptoms. My regular ones have helped with covid too.
mom: huh. But your dad’s symptoms are totally different. He’s got a fever and he’s been throwing up. It’s really bad. Same with our friend from church. 
me: Were they vaccinated?
mom: no. 
mom: But your dad already had covid before the pandemic. 
mom: Well...
675 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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dyketectivecomics · 1 month
{{ Who is Alysia Yeoh? 8O Sure I could look it up, but I'd rather get your personal take on why she's exciting.
Zira I’m 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Okay, gonna give a tl;dr BRIEF OVERVIEW SNAPSHOT, with unfortunately not a lot of recs bc I have failed in actually reading in a significant capacity for her character 😭
Alysia was introduced as Babs’ roommate during Simone’s n52 Batgirl run (with which I’ve heard ymmv, have yet to read myself, tbh not looking forward to it, but it’s something that I’m determined to read for myself). From what I understand she’s set up as a civilian foil for Babs bc Alysia comes out to her as a trans woman (something something, superhero IDs are inherently queer something something). She’s shown up sporadically in bat-books since that time. Most notably in last year’s Pride issue iirc? (Nope looked it up, it was ‘22’s! I remember enjoying the story overall!) my first intro to her was actually in Bombshells (which is its own mixed bag, but was def formative for me Really Getting Into Comics & sticking with them) She was one of the bat-girls in it and just 😭😭😭💕💕💕 ahhh all of the batgirls were so CUTE THEIR LITTLE BASEBALL UNIFORMS GET ME!!!!
I’m very *marge potato meme* think she’s neat! & with most of the things I have seen with her, she’s very much written like most civilian friends to the batfam, which is nice in that she’s not like. Treated badly (FROM WHAT IVE READ, DONT @ ME OR SPOIL ME YALL IF SHE HAS BAD MOMENTS. LEMME READ IT FOR MYSELF) by being associated with the bats. It v much also depends on the writer obvsly, but I always appreciate when civilian characters just like… Friend Figures & give our heroes that sense of normalcy to balance out the Usual Hero Insanity.
We need more trans main characters in Gen too, but I appreciate her as one of those stepping stones in rep. God knows we didn’t have much in the way of trans characters even just 10-15yrs ago and it’s like… seeing how many more pop up over time it’s just!!!!!!!!!!
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atypicalsouda · 5 months
haha, I've 100% bought the first danganronpa because you made me curious about it tbh. I've just played through the prologue and a tiny tiny tiny bit of the first part but I love the style and gameplay already. the characters are sooo neat but gdi I don't trust any of them. 🤣
GAH THAT WAS CUZ Of ME!? wow that feels so nice 🥺
SPIN HYPE!! ✨✨ you’re uh, free to message me bout any DR stuff if the feeling rises…if you want
Also good-ya shouldn’t trust anyone lmao
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coffeebanana · 1 year
Chapter 4: I Don't Mind If There's Not Much To Say
Adrien knew, vaguely, that he was safe—at least for the moment. The smell of fresh croissants and the warmth of the bakery's ovens spilled out of the kitchen, welcoming him into its familiar embrace. So then…why did something feel so terribly wrong? Why did he feel so terribly wrong?
Read the rest on Ao3
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a-lil-perspective · 1 year
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I posted 2,283 times in 2022
1,257 posts created (55%)
1,026 posts reblogged (45%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,064 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#it’s a lil thing - 1,349 posts
#crosshair - 769 posts
#clone trooper crosshair - 549 posts
#sergeant hunter - 464 posts
#the bad batch - 442 posts
#bad batch - 359 posts
#clone force 99 - 356 posts
#soft sniper sunday - 352 posts
#tbb crosshair - 338 posts
#crosshair bad batch - 309 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#ever since my breakdown i’ve never fully recovered mentally and like my brain shuts down a lot and i can’t articulate what i’m trying to say
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hunter: Wtf do you say after you kiss someone.
Wrecker: Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and smash that notification bell!
Tech: Compliment on their tactic. Elaborate on what a fascinating sensation they provided, and if mutual pleasure is reached, inquire about an additional act of relation—
Crosshair: You want a mint.
Crosshair: If she says no, tell her you’re not asking.
Hunter: *awkwardly putting the ring back into his pocket because he’s a fucking sap for Cyare and one kiss already got him weak* Oh… okay…
Hunter: So just to be clear, no proposing?
The boys:
632 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Tech: *going over safety protocol*
Tech: And should I receive a blaster wound and find myself incapacitated, what do you do?
Crosshair, already cocking his rifle: Avenge you.
Tech: No.
706 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Wrecker: I bet u guys can’t make a sentence without the letter “a”.
Tech: You thought so, did you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of our primitive lexicon.
Crosshair: Fuck you.
707 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Wrecker, waking up after a full 12 hour nap: Where am I?
Crosshair, sarcastically: Heaven.
Wrecker: Oh.
Wrecker: Didn’t think you’d be here.
778 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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998 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
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I posted 2,027 times in 2022
97 posts created (5%)
1,930 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 469 of my posts in 2022
#my fics - 31 posts
#trikey - 20 posts
#michael de santa - 19 posts
#trevor philips - 15 posts
#gta fanfiction - 13 posts
#gta v - 12 posts
#trikey fanfiction - 11 posts
#michael/trevor - 8 posts
#gta v fanfiction - 8 posts
#gta fanart - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
They fuck, and then they don’t say anything.
The blanket is lying uselessly at the end of the bed. It’s getting cold, but putting it on would make it too hard to leave. Impossible to leave. It would mean Michael was staying. 
But he’s not leaving, blanket or not. He lies on his side and waits and ponders on what they just did. He watches Trevor’s back, can see cum leaving a wet spot on the sheets as it leaks out of his ass.
Maybe it was a mistake, but it felt so good for a mistake, so easy and familiar. Maybe he should reach for Trevor, but he’s facing away, curling into himself. Michael considers the fact that Trevor might want him to leave but just can’t bring himself to say it. And Michael can’t bring himself to go because he’s still waiting for something he doesn’t quite understand.
And Trevor, pressing his fingernails into his palms, forces himself to stay awake until Michael’s gone because he has gone to sleep with Michael in his bed and woken up alone too many times already.
Just put me out of my misery and go. 
But he doesn’t say it, doesn’t want to give Michael permission. 
So they don’t fall asleep, but they don’t talk, either. Neither even moves, as if something would be indefinitely broken if they did. 
It could be hours later until Michael’s insomnia gives him a break, and he feels his eyes drooping. 
He still doesn’t feel like leaving, so he does the only thing that makes sense; he curls up against Trevor, lies on the spot that has dried already, and covers them with the blanket. Hand on his waist, lips on the back of his neck. 
Trevor falls asleep in minutes after Michael’s breathing against his neck reveals he’s not awake anymore. 
75 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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For once they both were wearing stuff I wanted them to wear <3
98 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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Do you trust me enough to let me do anything to you, I asked and when he did not hesitate, I reminded him that my garden was full of broken glass.
Glass / Rope / Skin in AO3
This fic and the poems were included in the Bliss zine (use code blisszine to get it for free) alongside some amazing artists' and writers' works. One of them was @bluecat-with-glasses who I just had to commission <3 <3
115 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
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“Hey, T,” he murmured, shifting on his feet to stay warm.
“Hey,” Trevor croaked back, voice a bit rough after his performance. “My knight in shining armor.”
Michael smirked at him before blowing out smoke. “You’re no damsel in distress. I think the dragon suited you better.”
“Maybe,” Trevor hummed slightly melancholically. He was used to being the bad guy. “Either way, it was a fun day. The best, according to Tracey.”
Cooking by the Book in AO3
Nana, my beloved. I'm dying with happiness. <3 <3 Check out Artmetica's website and Twitter for more amazing art and commission info! This fic prompt came from @h-weber-exe <3 <3
229 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I had no idea what would become of him
I Watched My Son in AO3
All of my love to @thenoman-sland for illustrating the three mothers. <3 Another great commission!
522 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
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clownmoontoon · 2 years
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I posted 3,891 times in 2022
308 posts created (8%)
3,583 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,891 of my posts in 2022
#inspo - 1,328 posts
#encanto - 1,025 posts
#fave - 623 posts
#:o) - 456 posts
#clown honks - 359 posts
#video - 245 posts
#rainbow - 223 posts
#<3 - 188 posts
#me - 175 posts
#clowns - 174 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#so sweet ugh ive missed your art so much ;;u;; big comfort art!!! makes me feel all warm n fuzzy like bruno in an oversized sweater 🥺💚
My Top Posts in 2022:
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12,878 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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OBSESSED W THIS ANIMATION and w the fact that the original concept for "camilo transforms into scary bruno" was apparently just camilo showing off for a bunch of kids SDLKJSD
13,684 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
See the full post
27,569 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
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53,867 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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56,098 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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rosiehunterwolf · 2 years
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I posted 1,656 times in 2022
165 posts created (10%)
1,491 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,140 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#ninjago - 196 posts
#rosie rants - 155 posts
#writer things - 103 posts
#dsmp - 89 posts
#tommyinnit - 87 posts
#lloyd garmadon - 63 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 63 posts
#wilbur soot - 54 posts
#bakery enemies au - 51 posts
#marinette dupain cheng - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#cause like i get so used to the angst that i look back on it and am like ‘yknow what that’s actually pretty tame i need to make it worse™️’
My Top Posts in 2022:
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This shot is so epic I’ve watched it like 5 times now
See the full post
88 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
I’m not sure why I’m suddenly thinking about this for no reason late at night- but I think people don’t think/talk about how much of a miracle human life is enough. Like- think about it. A teeny tiny little egg, and a teeny tiny little sperm, come together and create something that grows and develops into a living, breathing being capable of higher thought, of wants and fears and worries and opinions and love. Something that is constantly growing and learning and can accomplish amazing things beyond your wildest dreams. And we can create that. It’s insane, it’s beautiful, it’s almost incomprehensible. I’m still in shock of it every day. Anyway I just think people need to remember that more.
113 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Me: *getting to the intense bit of the fanfic I’m currently reading*
Ao3: *crashes*
136 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
So emotional rn… Techno hit 12 mil, Philza hit 4 mil on Twitch, and Phil’s memorial to Techno is stunning.
It’s gonna be okay.
196 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sooo…. while we all wait for ao3 to come back up so we can resume our fanfics in peace… how is tumblr doing tonight?
452 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
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nishicchikouchi · 1 year
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I posted 789 times in 2022
That's 744 more posts than 2021!
215 posts created (27%)
574 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 533 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#tcf - 279 posts
#trash of the count's family - 211 posts
#lcf - 207 posts
#cale henituse - 199 posts
#lout of the count’s family - 152 posts
#lout of count's family - 54 posts
#tcf part 2 - 33 posts
#alberu crossman - 32 posts
#svsss - 27 posts
#trash of the count’s family - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#rok soo will just think if the time soo hyuk was dancing in the shower and he slipped and had a hard time sitting down for weeks after that
My Top Posts in 2022:
Remember that Grade 1 Monster, the Steel Feathered Hawk? The one Cale called "Noonim" in Earth 2? That was a hawk, and Cale called it Noonim.
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252 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
I seriously laugh whenever I remember the fact that Cale slapped WS but laments that only 2-4 people saw it, namely Alberu, Mila, Hannah and Jack iirc since Choi Han was blasted out the window lmao. In reaction fics, while seemingly quite a long time to wait for, this is really one of the scenes that I hope they'll react to. How they react to Alberu knowing that Cale have gone Crazy, Mila's comments, Jack's comments. I mean we got a share of Hannah's POV. Why not the two. I can't not laugh whenever I think of this scene.
298 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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Unhealthy coping mechanism?
Oh gosh I wanna cry. The fact that Cale recognized most of his issues is a sign that he's trying to grow. The fact that he's slowly healing.
324 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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These tweets are absolutely underrated and people needs to know more abt it.
340 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love how in tcf, Cale's family reminds everyone that Cale is human too. That time when Eruhaben said to that knight in Caro Kingdom that Caro Kingdom is not Cale's responsibility, that time where Alberu thought that he should correct the mindset of the people about Cale being omnipotent, and lastly, how his family and allies wanted to break the image that Cale is unshakeable.
708 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
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I posted 244 times in 2022
31 posts created (13%)
213 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 244 of my posts in 2022
#obi - 87 posts
#shirayuki - 70 posts
#obiyuki - 53 posts
#the manga - 52 posts
#not ans but - 45 posts
#zen - 29 posts
#snow white with the red hair - 25 posts
#akagami no shirayukihime - 19 posts
#kiki - 16 posts
#myart - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#i’m sure you’ve seen nebluus’ ans art but if you haven’t then go check it out now bc it is 👌💯💖 and i don’t use those emojis lightly
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
64 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
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Tiny Obi with tiny messenger bird 💯👏👏👌
65 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Evidence that Shirayuki is irresistibly spin-able:
Exhibit A:
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Exhibit B:
See the full post
75 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Obi saying goodnight to Shirayuki calling her “my lady” to which shirayuki drowsily responds saying “my obi” by accident 👌👌
93 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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152 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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vanessaaftonsgirl · 2 years
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I posted 3,802 times in 2022
That's 1,064 more posts than 2021!
346 posts created (9%)
3,456 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,376 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#sonic - 1,394 posts
#supernatural - 742 posts
#video - 178 posts
#kaylee speaks - 152 posts
#art - 79 posts
#succession - 79 posts
#robotnik - 66 posts
#agent stone - 58 posts
#stobotnik - 54 posts
#soft politics crew - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#they go to the twilight airbnb and dean stays in bellas room but he doesn't sleep cuz he keeps checking to see if cas is watching him
My Top Posts in 2022:
i asked him how it felt to get yanked into the air by his ankle
528 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
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734 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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the real mean bean reunion
913 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
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happy fingers in his mouth friday
1,043 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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blorbo from my shows
1,969 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
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ladylannisterxo · 2 years
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I posted 10,195 times in 2022
That's 2,319 more posts than 2021!
962 posts created (9%)
9,233 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,805 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#st4 - 1,516 posts
#eddie munson - 1,184 posts
#stranger things - 1,102 posts
#text - 680 posts
#asked and answered - 661 posts
#'s' answers - 660 posts
#steve harrington - 624 posts
#hotd - 576 posts
#house of the dragon - 576 posts
#anon - 508 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like... i want this man to threaten me. preferably in high valyrian. i'll have no idea what he's saying. but i'll be on my knees in no time
My Top Posts in 2022:
“You did all of this for me?” with eddie please lovey 🥺
I gotchu!! Thanks so much for the request! Let us pretend that for this one, Vol. 2 kinda happened but our sweet boy didn't die and Hawkins didn't get blown to hell. Okay? 😂
Pairings; Eddie Munson x fem!Reader Prompt # 17; "You did all this for me?" Words; 0.8k Warnings; None, just pure fluff!
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It had been weeks since Eddie first went into the hospital but he was finally coming home. You had agreed rather begrudgingly to wait outside for him. Eddie has had a... difficult time adjusting and he refused to suffer the indignity of you seeing him in such a bad state any longer than was necessary. How very casual of him to forget that you had witnessed the initial attack which led to his wounds. Nothing could ever be worse than that.
After another few excruciating moments, Eddie stumbles out the front door, hand pressed against his side where the stitches have sewn his alabaster skin back together. You jump to your feet immediately, hopping up and down and waving your arms wildly above your head. When he sees you, he pauses, arching his brow and glancing around at all the people staring at you like you're out of your damn mind.
He laughs and your heart thumps faster in your chest. "People can see you, ya know?"
"Don't care." You wave him off. "Come on, come on! I have something to show you!"
You have the passenger side door of your car open and waiting for him by the time he gets himself over to you. He smiles softly at the gesture, pressing a quick kiss to your lips and mumbling a quick thank you, missed you as he climbs in. You jog around to the driver side and slide in, turning to him dramatically and grinning crazy big.
"Would you be mad if I said I was more terrified now than I was getting chewed on by interdimensional bats?"
You narrow your eyes. "First of all, not funny. Second, I promise, you're not gonna hate this."
The drive back to his place is quiet. Eddie spends most of his time gazing out the rolled down window, breathing in the fresh air he's been missing for the past few weeks. You don't mind, he deserves it; after all, he's a fucking hero to this damn town. When you arrive, you offer him another bright smile and hop out of the car. You slip inside of his trailer, making sure everything is just as you left it before turning back to find him just now reaching the porch stairs.
"Sure I'm gonna love this?" He's joking but your smile slips for a half second.
"Yep!" Fuck, I hope so.
"I don't need to, like, close my eyes or anything, right?"
When he crosses the threshold, he comes face to face with... an empty trailer. Eddie would admit that he thought he was coming home to a surprise party even though he knew that you knew that he hated those. But, upon further inspection, he sees that the tiny trailer isn't quite like how it was left. Sure, there is still a crack in the ceiling where the gate to hell finally closed up and he'll get used to that being there eventually but it's everything else.
It's the banner on the wall that says "Welcome home, Eddie, I've missed you!" It's the insane amount of food spilling out of the cabinets and onto the counter tops that he never could have afforded on his own. It's the VHS tapes that you no doubt spent so long picking out at Family Video because you knew Steve and Robin just wouldn't understand what Eddie wanted. It's... you standing in the middle of all this simplicity staring back at him and chewing on your lip nervously. Eddie's breath catches and his heart swells in his chest.
"You said you wanted to return to normal as quickly as possible and I know this isn't much but I just thought, you know, after weeks of eating shitty hospital food and watching terrible daytime television that maybe, I don't know, we could watch gritty horror movies and eat food that's bad for us and..." You trail off, glancing around the room and then back to Eddie who is staring at you with wide eyes. "You hate it, don't you?"
"No," he says quickly, "this is- it's just- you did all this for me?"
You quirk an eyebrow. "It's... not much of anything."
"It's perfect," he whispers, "it's everything."
He crosses the room quicker than you'd expect and pulls you in for a deep kiss. You melt into his arms, savoring the warmth of his body and taste of his mouth on yours. It's been so long since you've held him in your arms that you're committed to memorizing every part of him all over again.
"I can't wait to do absolutely nothing with you for the next few days," he exclaims with a wide smile, eyes alight yet intoxicating. "I love you so much, thank you."
"Welcome home, baby," you whisper, pulling him back in for another kiss.
314 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
68 and 72 with tom (make up), please??
Of course!!
Pairings; Tom Grant x fem!Reader Prompts # 68 and 72; "I like you, like like you like you." + "You're so fucking cute." Words; 0.4k Warnings; Mentions of a past break up but purely fluff!
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Tom had been quiet all night and you were starting to get antsy. Sitting next to him on his couch, a film the two of you have seen a dozen times before played aimlessly before your eyes but you couldn’t focus, not with the heat radiating off of him from his close proximity and definitely because you felt like something was wrong.
“Are you- is everything alright?” you ask gently, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye.
“Yeah, yeah,” he says a bit too quickly, “just thinking is all.”
“What about?”
He sighs, a loud and somewhat defeated sound and you cringe at not only how desperate you sounded but at how this night feels like it’s careening completely off the rails. You turn toward him then, propping your elbow up on the back of the couch and resting your head in your hand. Clearly this is headed in a direction you’re not ultimately prepared for so you might as well grant him your undivided attention.
“You know I like spending time with you, right?” he asks, turning his gaze on you.
You nod even though confusion is bubbling up inside of you like a shaken up soda bottle. This sounds like the start of a break up… but he can’t break up with me, we aren’t even dating?? Tom twists in his seat, turning to face you fully and placing one of his hands on your knee. Your breath hitches at the contact.
“I really enjoy spending time with you,” he says slowly, “and you’ve been so good to me through, well, everything that has happened.” You grimace, his nasty break up with Ruth coming to the forefront of your mind. “But the thing is, while it should feel like I’m moving too fast here, the truth is that I like you, like… like you like you.”
You smile softly, placing your hand on his. “I like you too, Tom.”
“Yeah?” he breathes, relief evident on his handsome features.
“‘Course. I always have, there was just… never a good time to tell you.”
He nods, no need for you to say more. Then you snort, a ridiculous giggle flowing past your lips before you can stop it.
“Nothing! Nothing, you’re just… you’re so fucking cute, you know that? With you being all surly and quiet tonight, I thought you were pissed at me! Never would have considered this is what you wanted to tell me!”
Tom looks down, clearly thinking over the events of the evening and then he’s chuckling too and the sound makes your heart skip a beat.
“Sorry,” he admits, “I’m kind of an idiot sometimes, I guess.”
“Me too,” you reply with a shrug, “but that’s okay, we can be idiots together cause I like you like you too.”
511 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
oh and “If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?” with tom!!!!
Ahhhhhh!! Tom, my beloved! This is my first time writing for this sweet mans so here goes nothing...
Pairings; Tom Grant x fem!Reader Prompt # 90; "If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?" Words; 0.4k Warnings; Some drinking and a game of Truth or Dare but mainly just fluff!
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“Tom!” You yell out abruptly, startling the poor boy. “Truth or dare?”
He shakes his head with a small smile. “I’m not- I’m not playing.”
“Well… you are sitting in the player circle, are you not?” You wave your hand around the gaggle of individuals who have assembled for this makeshift game of Truth or Dare. Tom eyes each one, takes a sip of his beer, and then goes to stand. “Now you can’t just leave! Sit. Stay. Play.”
He sighs, returning back to his seated position in the sand. He turns his gaze out towards the waves crashing against the shore and you can tell he’s weighing his pros and cons. You take a sip of your own drink, eyes never wavering from his face. You’ve been steadily getting more inebriated as the night progressed having needed something to calm your nerves when Tom sat down to observe the game. He had turned his big brown eyes to you with a smile and you were putty at his feet. But he didn’t need to know that. Yet.
“Tom,” you sing out softly, pulling his attention back to you, “truth or dare?”
“Uhh… truth?”
“Boring!” You smirk but you’re calm, you’re cool, you can work with this. No way he can see how nervous you just became. “If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?”
Tom splutters at your question, the beer he was sipping on spewing from his lips. He wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand, a sheepish and awkward grin pulling at his lips. A rosy hue blooms up his neck and you bite your lip in anticipation, praying you didn’t push too hard with this. He meets your eyes and everything just stops—everyone around you fades away, the crashing waves a dull roar in your ear; there is no one else here but you and him.
He doesn’t answer, only pushes himself up to his knees and shuffles halfway into the circle. You take the opportunity to do the same and then you’re practically chest to chest with him, his nose bumping yours. His eyes are wide, bright, and beautiful and without a word, he brings his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. You swoon, melting into his embrace and cupping his neck as you open your mouth to let his tongue slip inside. It’s heated and slightly desperate and you can feel everyone’s eyes on you but you’re too engrossed in the way his skin feels against your fingers and how he tastes like cheap beer and sour candy. 
When the kiss comes to a sweet end, your eyes flutter open to find him already staring back at you. His smile is warm as he brushes a flyaway strand of hair out of your face. “Glad you made me play,” he chuckles softly, “but you never needed a game to get me to want to kiss you.”
554 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
💌: "you were put on this earth to give me a headache" prompt w/ billy hargrove x reader? maybe they're at a party and reader is drunk and keeps trying to wander off and maybe chases a raccoon or something and billy secretly finds it adorable but is like "🙄🙄" on the outside while trying to get the reader into his car? ☺️ congrats on 1k btw, lovely! you deserve it. 🤍🤍🤍
Thank you love, hope you enjoy this!! 💕💕 I haven't written for Billy in a hot minute but he came back to me surprisingly easy!!
Pairings; Billy Hargrove x fem!Reader Prompt # 36; "You were put on this earth to give me a headache." Words; 0.6k Warnings; Some drinking and a heated kiss but mostly pure fluff!
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You hated parties, like well and truly hated them. But not Billy, no, he loved a good party, it was the perfect place for him to show off. You were steadfast in your initial refusal to attend but after a lot of pleading and even more kisses, you relented. How could you not when he looked at you the way he did?
The party was crowded, packed tight with people you knew all too well but not enough to know further. Billy had disappeared rather quickly after someone called his name to come join God knows who outside and with a kiss and smile, he was gone. You were starting to feel anxious so you politely excused yourself to the nearest bathroom only to find a very drunk couple trying and failing to fuck against the sink. That’s when you started drinking.
You had no interest in really talking to anyone so you kept refilling that same red solo cup over and over and over again and by the time you stumbled outside to find Billy finishing up his infamous keg stand, you were giggly and downright plastered. He lost his shirt at some point during the night (typical) and when your eyes land on his bare chest, cheap beer dribbling down until it disappears into the denim of his tight as hell jeans, well, you’re feeling much more than giggly.
When he sees you, he greets you with one of his trademark smirks, sidling up to you with so much suave charm that you begin to feel weak in the knees. His arms wrap around you, pulling you flush against his chest and then his lips are on yours. The kiss is hungry and sloppy and filled to the brim with heat but your alcohol infused brain can’t quite keep up with the movement of your lips so he ends up doing all the work. Not that he minds, Billy adores taking the lead so you let him. His lips trail down to your jaw and then even further to your neck and that’s when you start giggling. And not the shy, sweet giggles he’s come to know, the kind that wracks your whole body as has you shoving him away from you.
“You’re so handsy,” you chastise with a hiccup, slapping his hand away when he reaches out again, “if you wanna play, you’ll have to come find me first.”
With that, you spin on your heel as elegantly as you can and disappear back into the sea of partygoers, leaving the boy completely dumbstruck but slightly intrigued with your game. He follows you inside, finding you in an instant on the dance floor living it up and you look so ridiculous that he has to laugh. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't be caught dead dancing in the middle of a crowd but drunk you is completely different than what he expected.
What you’re doing can’t even be described as dancing, it’s all flailing arms and spinning in circles and after one too many spins, you stumble and fall directly into the arms of Billy, who was right there to catch you the entire time.
“I think,” he drawls, pulling you tighter against his body, “you were put on this earth to give me a headache.”
You snort, gripping his chin between your fingers. “Bold of you to assume I wasn’t put on this earth to give everyone a headache.”
“Let me take you home,” he offers, wrapping one arm around the small of your back and taking your hand in his other to keep you steady.
“Take me home or… take me home,” you respond, eyebrows wiggling suggestively.
“Take you home to sleep,” he laughs, pressing a kiss to your temple, “maybe get you some food and water.”
Your eyes soften, hand coming up to cup his cheek gently. “You’re gonna take care of me?”
“Always, princess,” he says, kissing the palm of your hand, “but I’m also never gonna let you live this down.”
689 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
legit nothing but respect for wayne munson for knowing immediately that eddie had nothing to do with chrissy's death. not a single part of him was like, "well... maybe i don't know my nephew as well as i thought." just straight up says, "my nephew may look dangerous but he didn't do this, it's just not in his nature." i love that and i hope that he and eddie can have a reunion of some sort in vol. 2 because aside from the gang, eddie should know that someone else believes it wasn't him.
2,346 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
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artemispt · 2 years
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#carlos sainz jr - 4,263 posts
#carlando - 1,942 posts
#lando norris - 1,718 posts
#carlos sainz junior - 809 posts
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#great britain 2022 - 227 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#‘and how carlos is looking into the camera but doesn't look uncomfortable or self conscious in anyway but v relaxed and happy’ -> yeees 😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
Wait, WAIT! Carlos carried his speech (EVERYWHERE) in a folder. Neatly in a folder. Not folded up in his pocket, but IN A FOLDER. UGH, I LOVE HIM!
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498 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Carlos: “Lando, you need to come home” (not “my home”)
A couple of seconds later:
Lando: “Just send me your address” (like you don’t know…)
579 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
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602 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
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652 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It isn’t only me then!
813 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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pragmatic-optimist · 2 years
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#911 lone star - 1,162 posts
#911lsedit - 549 posts
#tarlos - 515 posts
#911 lone star spoilers - 440 posts
#carlos reyes - 380 posts
#tarlosedit - 210 posts
#rafael silva - 203 posts
#that thing you queue - 191 posts
#tk strand - 157 posts
#grace ryder - 154 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#but for tim to imply it’s an either/or situation that is out of his hands (as a white male showrunner on tv) doesn’t work for me 🤷🏽‍♀️
My Top Posts in 2022:
That Tarlos dining room scene is going to sustain me for WEEKS.
“It feels like he’s getting pieces of you that I don’t.”
“You don’t want those pieces.”
“I DO! I want all of it.”
“You have all of me, Carlos!”
“Do I?”
The emotional beats between that particular stretch of dialogue was ESPECIALLY TASTY. 🤌🏽
266 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
It’s not trauma. It’s LOVE.
337 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
I just rewatched the scene between Carlos and Sadie.
Listen. That scene was so intense, I couldn’t peel my eyes away from watching Carlos watch Sadie, and how he responded at times with just his facial reactions. Julie and Rafa were incredible. I felt like I was watching a scene on Criminal Minds, and it was so damn good.
And I just have to say this—
Season after season, Rafa just keeps raising the bar. 👑👑👑
367 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
The highlight of that awkward run-in was definitely Carlos and Rafa’s comedic delivery. It took me right back to his “you’re understandably on alert, Captain” moment in 2x10. 😂
Then the seamless switch over into Carlos frantically realizing one of the volunteers is missing?
Rafa doesn’t waste a single second of screen time. All the kudos. 👑
367 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The nursery banter and Judd’s “how are my girls doing?” and his fretting over Grace is the kind of quality content I wanted out of the Baby Ryder storyline.
I love this family so much already. 🥺
385 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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#kh4f post - 1,766 posts
#5sos - 1,762 posts
#5 seconds of summer - 1,760 posts
#ashton irwin - 1,234 posts
#ashton - 917 posts
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#calum hood - 707 posts
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Longest Tag: 114 characters
#i just think that 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍
My Top Posts in 2022:
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5SOS for Rolling Stone India
📸: Andy Deluca
524 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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639 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
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648 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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703 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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815 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
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scentofdriedflowers · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#loved when she interrogated gamar so bossy and intimidating 'i'm afraid you'll have to deal with me'👁👄👁yes ma'am...but then she listened
My Top Posts in 2022:
having Chapel being canonically bi makes her reaction to Una carrying Hemmer like it was nothing waaay more significant! I mean, no straight woman react like this🤣 ....she couldn't look away
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69 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
italiani dopo che è finito Sanremo
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e moh
75 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
La'An coming back from her away mission with that kid and going straight to starfleet command HQ when she learned about Una
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La'An 'discussing' with them about the idiocy of that law against Illyrians
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115 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Imagine now all the ensigns and cadets who manage to complete the enterprise bingo by going up there to 'sign the scorch' and see the sign -una chin riley #1-!!! ah! see, your first officer is FUN!! she ain't no "fun's funeral"🤣🤣
118 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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255 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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