#the humble coyote
ranseiuniter · 1 year
i have so many fun tabletop games that I get from my lgs (which is where I just interviewed, in fact. that employee discount is gonna be dangerous) so like if u ever want someone who will indulge u and play a non-d&d ttrpg with you. i gotchu.
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midnightdevotion · 1 year
Hang in There
Request: Hi I saw you opened and requests and I can’t stop thinking about Rooster finding fem reader passed out somewhere after training because she’s pregnant with Hangman’s baby 👀 Maybe she’s been off a while and hangman is still ✈️
a/n: hi guys! it's been forever since i posted something- i will update all my fics soon just needed some inspo from requests to get my mojo back. Thanks for understanding loves.
Pairing: Jake Seresin x female reader(Callsign Daisy)
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Life has a way of kicking your ass in unexpected ways. After waking up sick for two weeks in a row you went to the doctors, only to find out you were pregnant. 8 weeks pregnant no less.
Now your approaching 10 weeks and you still don't know how to process that your pregnant, let alone tell your boyfriend. You know you want kids, but this is definitely not how you envisioned it happening.
The fear of telling Jake and losing him for this is something that has you up all night, every night. You can't help but thank you're lucky stars he's been on a mission for the last month because after waking up sick every day and hardly sleeping from the stress of it all, he would've figured you out. He should be getting home later today and you don't know what to do.
Logically, you know that while he plays the part of jackass cocky pilot, he worships you, and he would never be so low to leave you and your baby. His Texas roots would never let him. However, you're pregnant so your hormones don't let you settle the anxiety with logic.
Flinching as a door slams it knocks you out of the anxious spiral that has been your mind for the last few weeks.
"hey daisy you ready to kick some ass today?"
"when am I not" you send what you hope is a convincing smile towards rooster. You move around him grimacing as you walk into the sweltering southern California heat.
If there's one thing you can count on, flying is the one thing that gets you out of your head. It takes away all your fear and keeps you exactly in this moment. Nothing outside of being in the pilot seat matters. Not being pregnant, not every stress that comes with it being unplanned, and certainly no anxieties about what comes next.
There's no space for any of that. The second you climb that ladder, your life and everything about it falls away.
Today you are just running team trainings, and they are always your favorite. You have no upcoming mission scheduled so it's just to keep your skills refined and ready for when there is a mission.
"hey daisy, you know it's not fair when they team you up with Rooster, you should just let us win" coyote's voice crackles over the comms.
"Coyote how will you ever get better if I don't humble your ass every time i can?" your sarcastic reply echos back.
"C'mon just once! I've got a date tonight and I want to brag about being the winner"
"Tsk tsk you should know women don't want to hear you brag on the first date coyote. Maybe this is why you never get a second date."
"You can't seriously tell me the girl dating hangman told me not to brag right now."
Laughter crackles through from everyone, and you shake your head. Rooster gives you a signal and you move to his left ready to attack.
If there's one thing the dagger squad knows it's that when you and rooster fly together there is ultimately little to no chance for survival. Nobody expected the duo with callsigns rooster, and daisy to be such a lethal pair but you guys can read each others minds.
This is true on the ground too, which is why you've been avoiding rooster for two weeks. You know he can tell something is up, but if you avoid him, he can't figure out what.
"how quick do you think we can get them out today?" Roosters voice rasps.
"I reckon we will have them grounded in t-5 minutes"
"god not you too with the Texas talk" he groans.
"What you don't think it's charming?" he flips you off and you laugh.
Before you can respond you see coyote and payback flying. Dropping back to cover rooster you grin under the face mask. This is your favorite part of everyday.
Being up in the air with your best friends you feel invincible. Which is ironic considering this is actually a dangerous job.
"rooster, plan c"
"roger that" He goes shooting forward and you fall back. You laugh as you watch them chase rooster, it's symbolic in a way kids chase chickens and then get pecked.
You stay behind them until you move to get a shot. The sweet sound of missile lock rings out and payback drops off. Now that Coyote is onto you, the plan changes, and you become the bait.
You and Rooster know that he wants to air 'kill' you the most, which is why this plan will work. The temptation of you being right there will be too much for him to think about where rooster disappeared too.
So when rooster swoops in and gets the missile lock on coyote, you can't help but laugh. You and rooster devised this plan specifically for Coyote because he always complains when you two are teamed up together. So seeing it come to fruition and even better hearing Coyotes swearing, is the highlight of your day.
Grinning as you climb down from your jet, you search out rooster. You see him hopping onto the tarmac and walking over your way.
"roos we killed that!" you shout out at him. When you feet hit the tarmac, a rush swoops over you. Shaking it off you go to take a step and suddenly the world spins incredibly fast. Yet it feels like everything is going in slow motion, your vision goes spotty and you hear Rooster shout after you. The last thing you register before the world goes black is the sound of boots hitting the ground.
Rooster has never felt more scared to make a phone call in his life. How does he call Hangman and tell him that his girlfriend passed out, and is in the hospital bay when he has no idea why.
It's been four hours already, you haven't woken up and they won't give him any answers. His hair is a mess from stressing about his best friend not being okay while simultaneously worrying about how to tell the guy he knows would move heaven and earth for you.
His leg is bouncing up and down as he stares at the number dialed on his phone screen.
The fact of the matter is Hangman is probably still flying and won't be able to be contacted for a few more hours. The mission was a success, and then it was extended to have them run drills while at sea.
Bradley knows he has to make the call, but he's terrified that once he does it all feels more real. He's terrified to lose his best friend, He's lost enough already.
Sighing he rubs his hands down his face, picks back up his phone and hits the green call button. The ringing feels like the worst anticipation of his life. When it goes to voicemail his hands are shaking, and he doesn't know what to say so he just hangs up.
Next resort is to call the ship. A commander on board will contact hangman and deliver the bad news, and oh how he wanted to avoid it coming from anyone but him.
He feels a hand land on his shoulder, looking up and glancing at Mav he sighs.
"It's going to be okay Bradley"
"How could you possibly know that" Maverick sighs, and sits next to him.
"let me make the call." maverick opens his hand for him to hand him the phone.
"no- no I need to be the one.. just what do I say mav"
"you tell him the truth, you don't know yet what happened, she's stable but the doctors are finding out what happened and he needs to get back as soon as he can"
He swallows and it feels like steal is coating his throat. Nodding as he stands up he paces in front of mav.
"she's gonna be okay, she has to be okay. We take risks every day all day up in those jets, this can't be how she goes mav. She has to be okay."
"and she will be, but take a deep breathe and find yourself because when you get ahold of Seresin he needs you to be his rock, he doesn't need to hear you panic" Rooster sighs because Maverick is right. He grabs his phone and dials the ships emergency contact number.
It takes a few minutes, jumping through hoops, getting in contact with one person to be transferred to another. Rooster curses Jake for being so hard to get ahold of.
"This is warlock"
"Admiral, sir, this is Lieutenant Bradshaw. There's been an accident with Lieutenant y/l/n today and we need to get contact with Lieutenant Seresin."
"Jesus- is everything okay?"
"We're not really sure yet sir but Jake- he needs to know."
"He's in the air at the moment let me see if i can get him back on ship."
"thank you sir"
The minutes feel like hours as rooster is waiting. He hears chatter from his phone and he knows they are trying to get hangman back on the ship and available for the phone call but roosters not sure if he isn't ready to deliver the news or ready to get it over with.
What feels like an eternity later but is actually only twenty minutes he finally hears hangman in the background. He swallows hard.
"Rooster whats going on?" if there's one thing pilots know, they are never called down unless something bad happened.
"Jake. Something happened with daisy... she... she just passed out.."
"in the Air?!! Rooster tell me shes okay!"
"No no! not in the air.. we had just landed and i was walking over to her and she passed out. She's in the med bay now but we haven't heard anything about her condition yet."
"Fuck!..... Fuck!" in the background he hears jake asking how far from land they are. Ultimately needed to be there for you, needing to see you for himself. Bradley hears jake curse when the answer is still 3 hours out.
He hears a slam and then yelling before the line clicks dead. Rooster looks at maverick worried.
"what do you think he's gonna do"
"one way or another? getting a jet and flying here faster." is mavericks reply. Rooster can't help but agree, if he was 150 miles away from land on a boat that moves about 50 mph holding jets that move at 1,000 mph then he knows what option he would choose too.
It takes about 30 minutes for hangman to come rushing into the hospital bay.
"How is she, have we heard anything, what happened" He rapid fires off questions.
"the doctor came out and told us she passed out because she's sleep deprived and is showing signs of dehydration and that she hasn't eaten anything today."
"why- why hasn't, she knows she needs to eat- she's so good with drinking water... I don't understand." confusion crosses his fingers because none of that sounds like his girlfriend.
"when can i see her?"
"the doctor is going to come out soon and let us know what room she is in, they had to finish the tests to see if everything is okay."
Hangman nods and paces the floor where rooster paced about calling him. It only takes a couple minutes for a doctor to come out and call your name and everyone shoots up.
"Okay, well, I'm glad she has a support system but only one visitor at a time please, she does still need to rest and recover. She is in room 302"
Hangman takes off in a dead sprint towards the room.
Beeping is the next thing your mind registers, and it takes you a minute to open your eyes. Yawning you try to bring your hands up to rub your face but one is being held by something.
Looking over you see Jake studying your left hand.
"you know you scared the shit out of me today"
"Jake I-"
"why weren't you taking care of yourself?" this has you confused and furrowing your brows.
"I have been-"
"You were dehydrated, hadn't eaten and sleep deprived. It's why you passed out!"
"jake you've been gone! You don't know what I've been doing! I did eat breakfast and drink water this morning but I threw it up!"
"god darling daisy if your sick don't come to work!"
"I'm not sick!"
"some would say puking means your sick!"
"not when your pregnant!"
"you- you're pregnant?"
"Yes Jake! I've been throwing up for weeks because of stupid morning sickness and I haven't been sleeping well because oh my god I'm pregnant and that is the scariest thing, and I was worried to talk to you about it but I guess that's out now isn't it." Theres a silence that lingers on after your words, and it feels like ice pumping into your heart the longer it stretches on.
"oh- oh my god" your throat feels thick at his words, he's looking down at your still clasped hands and you watch him to gauge his reaction.
"we're having a baby?" he finally looks up at you and his eyes are welling with tears.
"yes- we're having a-" and your cut off by his lips crashing against yours. His laughter peels out of him as he pulls away.
"were having a baby!"
"wait... you're happy about it?"
"Of course I'm happy about it! You're the love of my life! I want everything with you. The house, the kids the marriage, the dogs the fights, and the stress"
His words make your eyes tear up.
"honey I hate that you were so stressed about telling me you weren't sleeping. I was sitting here, looking at your left hand thinking about how wrong it is that something happened and the doctors didn't immediately call me, that if something were to happen to one of us I never got the chance to put my ring on your finger." His words left you speechless.
"jake... what are you saying"
"I'm saying marry me."
"isn't that supposed to be a question?"
"No. Its a demand, marry me, make me the happiest man, have my babies and marry me and call me out on my shit and shoot me down in the sky I want it all. I know this is so not how i planned to ask you, but please, marry me." You laugh a wet laugh, because this makes sense, you two would get engaged in the weirdest way, and do it all out of order, but you love this man with your whole heart so you embrace the chaos.
"Of course I will marry you" and he kisses you with every emotion he's felt in the last few hours, but you both wouldn't change it. Even if he already has the ring at home in his sock drawer waiting for the perfect moment.
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fireinmoonshot · 1 year
For the Top Gun requests, I think a fun scenario would be Jake/Hangman introducing his wife to the rest of his crew/friends and they’re shocked at how he was able to win over such a sweet and humble woman since you know how he can be sometimes. I think his wife would so wear the pants in the relationship and it would be funny 😂😂
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Fem!Reader A/N: This accidentally ended up with me writing 2k+ words. I loved writing this and this request. Thank you so much for sending it in!
“Now, the guys can be a little much sometimes, but they’re not harmful and they’re not gonna do any damage, okay?” Jake says, giving your hand a squeeze as you walk towards the bar. 
You smile at him. “I can handle myself, Jake. I’ll be fine.”
For the majority of your relationship, you and Jake have been doing long distance while he worked or had been deployed. That meant that you’ve never actually had the chance to meet any of his work friends before, just the ones from back home. 
He seems to be more nervous about it than you are. 
“Yeah, I know you can, but I’m just saying. You’re about to walk into a bar full of overconfident aviators and I want you to be prepared.”
“Jake,” you scoff, “I think I’m married to the most overconfident aviator out of all of them. I don’t think they can beat you in that category.”
He can’t disagree with you on that one. “Overconfident for a reason, gorgeous,” he smirks.
The two of you reach the front door of the bar and Jake opens the door for you, letting you go inside first before following you. As soon as you step inside you can tell that this is definitely Jake’s scene. The music is loud, but not too loud. There are groups crowded around pool tables and the bar itself, all talking and laughing. A few of them look over at the two of you and give Jake a wave or a nod. He’s popular here among all the aviators, and for good reason. 
Jake tugs your hand and starts leading you over to the windows looking out towards the beach. You can see the sunset over the waves and have to admit it’s beautiful, and definitely a perfect place to have a bar. 
Your eyes settle on the group standing around one of the pool tables just as one of them spots Jake. 
“Hangman, finally decided to join us, hey?” He calls out, stepping forward and slapping Jake on the back as a greeting. His eyes settle on you. “Hold on a damn minute, is this…?”
Jake smiles proudly. “Yeah, figured it was time you all meet her.”
You stop beside him and Jake tugs you closer to his side.
“Someone decided to take some time off and come visit,” he said, nodding down to you. “Guys, this is my wife.” He introduces you by name, and then introduces everyone to you. The friend that had greeted you had been Coyote, or Javy. You remember hearing Jake talk about him from time to time.
Natasha steps forward to shake your hand, smiling at the sight of another woman. “Callie and I are especially happy to have you here,” she says, “We’re a little outnumbered.” 
You shake her hand and smile at her words. “Oh, I’ve heard about you from Jake. From what he’s told me, you definitely seem the coolest out of all these men.” 
“I like her,” Natasha says, directing her words to Jake before stepping back to the pool table to finish off her turn. “Can she stay?”
Jake chuckles and leads you over to one of the barstools up against the wall so you can sit down. He leans down close to you. “You want a drink? You wanna come with or stay here with the guys?” 
“I’ll just have my usual,” you tell him. “I’ll be all right here.”
He gives your hand a squeeze before letting go and heading over to the bar to get you both your drinks. 
Javy comes and sits on one of the stools beside you.
“So, you’re the one Jake’s been head over heels with for all this time, huh?” He grins. “Swear I’ve spent hours hearing him talk about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you reply. “I’ve heard a lot about you as well. About all of you. I would have met you all a long time ago if I could have, but you know how it is.”
Javy nods. “Better late than never, though.”
“That’s true,” you hum. “So, Jake – you two have been friends for a while now, huh? Any fun stories about him you think I should know?”
He laughs. “Been friends since before we could fly, so hell yeah I have stories. I don’t know if you’d like to hear them all though.”
“Oh, yeah?” You’re suddenly intrigued. You trust Jake completely, you always have, even with the long distance between you both. You’d married the man knowing you’d still have to do long distance for a bit afterwards, but this part of his life was one you’d missed out on. 
“Nothing bad, though,” he shakes his head. “Nah, Jake’s loyal. Just… picture him sitting right here, drunk off his ass and talking about nothing else except his girlfriend back home and how much he loves her. He’d sit here and show me photos of the two of you for hours.”
You raise your eyebrows and scan the bar, spotting Jake on his way back to you. That was what he’d end up doing whenever he’d texted you telling you he was heading out to the bar with friends? 
Jake stops in front of you, cutting off your conversation with Javy, and hands your drink to you. “You having a good time talking to my girl, Javy?” His words are in jest.
“Yeah, just telling her all about your drunken nights out, man.”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “Hey, I’m a responsible drunk,” he says. “I’ve done nothing that she doesn’t already know about.”
“I beg to differ,” you smile, taking a sip of your drink and then looking up at him. “You never told me you drunkenly showed photos of me to Javy for hours on end.”
He opens his mouth to defend himself, but then realises that he both can’t and doesn’t want to. Yeah, he had done that, and yeah, he had spent hours talking about you when he was drunk. But he saw absolutely nothing wrong with that. “Nothing to be embarrassed about on my part,” he shrugs. “I somehow landed the most beautiful woman in the world, so why wouldn’t I wanna tell everyone I love her and show everyone how stunning she is?”
He sits down on the stool beside you and reaches out a hand to gently squeeze your thigh. You smile up at him, feeling more in love with him now than you probably ever had in your whole life.
Natasha, who has been listening in on your conversation ever since Jake reappeared, steps towards the three of you. “No, cause I am curious, Hangman – how did you end up with her? She’s been nothing but sweet ever since she showed up here tonight. I haven’t heard a single sarcastic comment, and that’s nearly always what comes out of your mouth.”
You can’t help but laugh a little at her words. Jake did love his sarcastic comments, and he was usually always just a little too honest. You were glad to see that his friends here got to see that side of him as well, even if it probably got on their nerves sometimes like it used to get on yours – especially when you first met each other. 
“Well, to tell you the truth, Phoenix, I owe it all to my good looks and my charm,” Jake says, taking a swig of his beer. “It’s just that simple. How could she not fall in love with me?”
His words make you want to laugh. While this side of Jake wasn’t the one you’d fallen in love with – you’d fallen for him because of his sweeter, softer side – you did love this side of him, and you especially loved seeing other peoples reactions to it. His friends here were all used to it, though, and it made you feel more at home among them.
You turn to Jake, smiling. “Very humble of you, honey.”
“It comes naturally to me,” he grins in reply.
Javy and Natasha both roll their eyes, but you can see on their faces that they’re amused by Jake’s attitude. 
“All I’m saying is I’m surprised you married someone as nice as her,” Natasha says, heading back over to the pool table after Fanboy calls out to let her know it’s her turn again.
Jake raises his eyebrows at you. “I’m not surprised.”
Your face is starting to hurt from smiling so much and you lean back against the wall and take a long sip of your drink, looking around at all of Jake’s friends and watching them playing pool for a while while Jake and Javy start to talk about something work related. 
He doesn’t forget you’re there, though. His spare hand finds yours and entwines your fingers together. That’s something about Jake Seresin you’d never expected – the fact that he loves physical contact. Holding hands, an arm around your waist, anything. 
As the night goes on, the bar gets busier and the windows behind you darken as the sky turns into a dark blue, dusted with stars. The pool game ends and another one begins. More drinks are bought and consumed and you’re introduced to even more people that Jake knows. It’s about 10pm by the time one of the most talked about members of the group arrives – Bradley Bradshaw, also known as Rooster.
Jake, still holding your hand, introduces you to him when he ends up near you both.
Bradley extends a hand for you to shake, which you do, and then looks between the two of you. “Never thought I’d actually see the day where Jake Seresin settled down and got married, if I’m being honest.”
His words surprise you, but there’s nothing unkind about them. It’s more like he’s just surprised. 
“Well, at least one of us can maintain a healthy relationship and create a base for a loving, long lasting future and marriage,” Jake fires back quickly. 
You squeeze his hand tightly. “Hey, that’s not nice. Don’t say stuff like that.”
Jake opens his mouth to explain to you that he didn’t mean anything by it, that he was just joking around and that Bradley knows that and wouldn’t take any offence to his words, but Bradley beats him to it. 
“My God,” he shakes his head, looking between the two of you with a smile on his lips. “I can’t believe you’ve married someone who doesn’t let you wear the pants in the relationship, Hangman.” He claps his hand down on Jake’s shoulder. “It’ll be good for you, man.”
And with that, he laughs to himself, shakes his head and wanders off to get a drink.
Jake turns to look at you, his mouth open slightly in shock and confusion.
You, however, can’t stop smiling, watching Bradley as he stands at the bar, ordering his drink. “I like him,” you admit. “I don’t know why you used to text me all the time about how much you hated him. I think he’s fun.” 
Jake blinks. “Darlin’, don’t forget you’re married to me and not him now, will you?”
You move your eyes back to Jake’s. “There’s no chance I’d ever forget I married you, honey.” You lean in and gently peck his lips. “I’m just saying, I like hi–”
Your words are cut off by Jake cupping your head with his free hand and bringing your lips back to his in a kiss that is definitely not a peck on the lips. His lips move against yours until you’re both forced to pull away, a little out of breath. 
“What, do you have a problem with me wearing the pants in our relationship?” You ask.
Jake shakes his head. “Not at all, gorgeous. Just felt like kissing my girl. You got a problem with that?” He raises his eyebrows at you. One of his hands has found yours again, but instead of holding it, he’s running a finger over the wedding ring on your finger.
“No problems at all,” you smile. “Now, what does the most handsome aviator in the room say to kissing me again?” 
Amusement sparks in Jake’s eyes. “Oh, I think he can organise that.” 
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pandorasworkshop · 10 months
🐇Welcome to Wonderland- Pick a Card
Who from Alice in wonderland do you embody? And what's something good about you.
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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Pile 1
Cards: the muses, the trout and lilly of the valley, the hare, three of cups and the sun
Character: white rabbit, door mouse, the march hare
Reading: You know how to have fun but I feel as if there is a little bit of social anxiety. May be a bit sleepy and have a pure heart. You genuinely mean well for your friends and are a go with the flow type of person. Creative talents and self expression is important to you. You are a good learner and work hard you should slow down sometimes when you feel stressed. I feel like you may be pretty like a bunny. With the sun card people view you as honest and bright. You may have a bit of a sweet tooth or have a signature drink you always drink. With the hare card I feel like you are a messenger and may warn people about things they need to know. You are smart and know how to get yourself out of a sticky situation. Rewrite any doubts about yourself.
Signs: 113, white rabbits or any rabbits for that matter, the feeling you have been forgetting something, card games, tweed fabric, academic style, vampire movies, peonies and white roses, the chess cookies that are square.
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Pile 2
Cards: the storyteller, the sailor, coyote and datura, the moth and eucalyptus, the fool and six of cups
Character: Cheshire cat, the caterpillar, and Alice
Reading: You are a great storyteller and may get into a bit of mischief. You have a lot of wisdom that comes from living life and feel like people don't give you enough credit for that. You may be a little bit of a rebel but you know how to throw a party and get into fun. You may smoke or drink and if you don't you may be an avid tea drinker. You always know something before others do and have keen sixth sense and great observations skills. You may be neurodivergent or think a little differently about life than others. You have a child-like sense of humor and find things to laugh at. Joyous to be around. You are always down for something new and consistency may be a problem for you. You like to experiment in your tastes whether it's style, food and anything in between. You like to go to new places and experience life for all the nice things it has. You are curious about life and like to learn new things. Maybe school wasn't for you.
Signs: 444, blue butterfly, cats, fur coats, swords, beautiful crystals, responsibilities, feeling bored, caviar or any other types of fancy fish, silver jewelry, mushrooms.
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Pile 3
Cards: the tailor, the herald, the horse and blue bells, beaver and birch, king of cups, queen of wands, ten of wands
Characters: mad hatter and queen of hearts
Reading: You are a hard worker and leader. Both of these characters lead. You may feel burnt out and need to rest. You are a person of many talents and skills. You are humble about yourself and may be a bit of a queen bee unknowingly. You have great fashion sense and are responsible. You may have struggled with depression. You are a survivor and have a lot of strength in you. Many people would say you feel like home and you are good at comforting your friends. No one knows what your next move is and you keep people on your toes. You'll always land on your feet like a cat. People feel safe around you and you have a lot of advice to share. I feel like you need to rest. You deserve a proper vacation or spa day. Whatever will make you happiest. Remember you come first.
Signs: 1111, red wine, apples, learning to accept help, those warm knitted blankets, satin, the color red, community, dahlias, the game Alice madness returns, violin and piano, spirited away.
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Call Out Our Names - Bob x f!reader x Phoenix
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(moodboard made by me, Top Gun Maverick screencaps by hd-screencaps, rest free-pik.com)
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x afab!reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Requested? yes
Rating: M – MDNI 18+
Word count: 3244
Warnings: why choose, threesome (FFM), oral (f!receiving), bi!reader, soft dom!Bob, definitely pleasure dom!Phoenix, Bob Floyd fucks, and so does Phoenix, fingering, unprotected PinV (be smart and wrap it, folks)
Summary: When your best friend, Mickey, invites you to come stay with him in San Diego for a bit, you didn’t expect that to lead you to meet two new people who would catch your eye immediately. Only problem is: you don’t think, they’re the sharing type. But maybe – just maybe – you’re wrong?
Read on ao3
Taglist: @high-speed-r
A/N: Thank you for sending in that lovely request, anon! Hope, you’ll enjoy what my brain cooked up. (Cause those two definitely have me in a constant state of bi panic) And I’m so sorry for the long wait 😭 Please accept my first humble offering to @attapullman’s International Bob Floyd Fucks month.
You didn’t quite know what to expect when Mickey had told you, you’d both be going to a BBQ at his former instructor’s home. In fact, you had no idea what to expect of your time in San Diego at all. Mickey, your best friend since kindergarten and WSO for the Navy, was now stationed permanently in San Diego for the foreseeable future and, thus, had invited you out to stay with him for a bit. “You can meet the squad and you can relax. Most importantly, relax. I know, you’ve probably been working yourself to the bone again,” he’d said.
And, though you would never admit it, he wasn’t wrong. Running an animal accessory boutique in Northern Cali, as well as volunteering at your local animal shelter and running the shelter’s social media accounts were more than enough to have you falling into your bed face first at the end of the day. But you’d also recently started remote classes for a degree in psychology and social services, trying to establish a program in your town that would bring together veterans and pets that needed foster homes or new, permanent homes. To say you were exhausted would be an understatement. You didn’t think, you’d ever get rid of the tiredness in your bones. So, while you felt guilty for going away at all, your boss at the shelter had urged you to take some time off. And then Mickey had offered his guest room.
And now you were standing in Captain Mitchell’s backyard, who’d introduced himself as Pete. “Although Maverick or Mav are both fine, too,” he’d joked given that most of the squad called him Mav now. Mickey had introduced you to everybody and while Hangman and Coyote had both flirted with you (after Mickey had made it clear that you were just friends), you couldn’t keep your eyes from wandering to Bob and Phoenix, both standing next to Rooster and Mav and helping with the BBQ.
You know, you’d caught their eyes wandering back to you multiple times by now. Especially since Bob was now sporting a blush that surely had little to do with the heat from the grill. But you had yet to exchange more than polite hellos with either of them – and you wanted to, badly.
“You can talk to them, you know,” Mickey said, nudging you with his elbow in your side when he caught your thousand-yard-stare.
You jumped slightly, brought back to reality by your best friend’s teasing hint. “I-I…? What?” you sputtered before opting to just keep your mouth shut entirely. He was right. You could go over there and introduce yourself. You wanted to, after all. But you were taken aback by the ferocity of your own desire.
“They don’t bite. Well, Nat might. But Bob usually doesn’t.”
You tear your gaze away from their backs – you were 99,9% sure, they should’ve felt your stare burning into their flesh anyway – and turn to look at your best friend. “You think? But—”
“No buts. Just go over there, talk to them and, most importantly, relax and have fun.” He gave you a little shove with his hand on the small of your back in the direction of the grill.
Phoenix saw you first, nodding at you before lightly tapping on Bob’s shoulder, so you’d have his attention as well. He turned around, the light blue eyes behind his gold-wire-rimmed glasses immediately locked onto yours and you could feel the heat creep up your own neck and into your cheeks.
“Y/N, right?” Phoenix asked and you nodded. “What’s up? Need us to save you from Bagman?”
You chuckled at the variation of Hangman’s callsign. Mickey hadn’t been able to tell you much from his last deployment, but he had told you why people called Hangman Hangman, or sometimes Bagman in Phoenix’s case. “Uh, no. Came over here to talk to the two of you, actually.” You nervously put a strand of hair back behind your right ear.
“You-you did?” Bob asked, his eyes now wide with surprise before he exchanged a quick look with Phoenix, who was now smiling at you like she knew how to read your thoughts and knew exactly what you had on your mind.
“Yeah, I did. I do.”
You still had no idea how you’d gone from talking and laughing with Phoenix and Bob in Mav’s backyard to now having Phoenix steal the breath from your lungs with a searing kiss as Bob tried to open his front door. You couldn’t help the whimper rising in your throat when you felt Phoenix’s thigh wedge itself between your legs and bump against your core.
You heard Bob groan next to you as the door finally gave way and the three of you tumbled inside. It didn’t take long for him to retake his spot behind you, the heat radiating off his body making you shiver. His hands drifted down your sides and to your hips as Phoenix’s came up to massage your breasts over your bra and shirt. You openly moaned against her mouth, eliciting a chuckle from her.
“Somebody’s sensitive,” Bob murmured against your ear. “You know,” he continued, gently taking your earlobe between his teeth and quickly tugging, “I’m not usually one for sharing. But I’ll make an exception this time. If you let me take the lead, Nat.”
Phoenix pulled back from the kiss, chuckling as you chased after her lips, having grown addicted to her taste after just a few minutes. “Can’t promise that, but I’ll try.”
“Fine by me. Now, let’s get ourselves to the bedroom, shall we?” Bob grumbled against your neck and you nodded furiously. Your heart was pounding in your chest, your core throbbed in time with your heartbeat. All you could think was desire, all you could feel was how their touches and kisses set your body ablaze even through your clothes. Fuck, this was definitely not what you’d envisioned when you’d accepted Mickey’s invitation. But it was so much better than what your brain could have ever come up with.
Somehow, the three of you had made it into Bob’s bedroom without falling, your bodies fused together and limbs tangled. It was a miracle, you thought, that you’d managed to take off your clothes at all. Leaving the three of you in just your underwear.
You licked your lips as your eyes raked over their forms, drawing a chuckle from Bob. “You like what you see, darlin’?” His eyes had darkened as his pupils had blown out with lust; Phoenix looked equally as hungry as you felt.
You nodded, your hands moving to cup him through his boxers. He groaned, snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you to him to press his lips against yours. You sighed against his lips, easily allowing him to slip his tongue inside your mouth. Then you felt Phoenix press her front against your back and nibble on your shoulder, her hands gripping your hips and guiding your movement as you rubbed against Bob’s thigh and crotch.
“Are you going to be a good girl for us, Y/N?” Phoenix whispered and you broke the kiss with Bob as you nodded.
“Yes, anything. I’ll do anything you want.” You’re pretty sure, your brain has actually stopped working as the only thing you cared about was the feeling of their bodies against yours, their touches, their kisses—the noises they made. So, you’re surprised, you can get any words out at all, let alone a full sentence.
“Eager, are we?” Bob mumbles, you blink up at him and barely catch the slightly smug smirk on his lips. The brief glimpse you got sent you reeling regardless, never having thought it possible for this softspoken, shy-looking man to be so dominant in the bedroom. Oh, you’d been wrong. So wrong. And you loved it. You’d forgotten what it was like to have somebody else make the decisions for you, to be able to just let yourself fall, relax and enjoy pleasure.
“Maybe just a little bit?” you replied in equally hushed tones. Your voice drifted off into a sigh when Phoenix’s fingers brushed your core over your soaked panties. Your head falls back against her shoulder.
She clicked her tongue at you. “You’ve ruined your panties, pretty girl. Soaked through them cause you want us so badly, hm?” You whimpered in response, her touch growing firmer, rubbing circles over your pubic mound, but the pressure wasn’t enough against your clit.
“What, can’t even answer us anymore? We’ve barely touched you, darlin’.” You squeezed your eyes shut and your thighs together, essentially trapping Phoenix’s hand between them at Bob’s words. Condescension and lust were dripping off his voice like honey—or drops of oil, only adding fuel to the flames of desire raging through your veins. You reached out your hands for the hem of his boxers, you managed to begin dragging them down over his hips. You slipped out of Phoenix’s grasp on your own hips and were about halfway to your knees in front of them before Bob stopped you by grabbing your wrists.
He shook his head at you, you blinked at him in response, wide-eyed. Had you done something wrong? The question must have been clearly written on your face because he shook his head again, gently cupped your jaw with one of his hands. His thumb stroked over the skin of your cheek and you leaned into the touch, your eyes fluttering closed at the touch. Bob cleared his throat and brought your gaze back to his face.
“Not that I’m not dyin’ to find out what your mouth feels like around my cock, we can do that another time.” Another time. You almost lost your mind at the implication of doing this again. And your mind was already tirelessly spinning out of control in the haze of lust and promised touches. Bob continued, “Why don’t you get on your knees on that bed, ass in the air and show Nat just how badly you wanna please us?”
You heard her groan above you at the implication and you nodded. At this point, you couldn’t give a single fuck anymore about how needy you’d come off to them. You needed them, wanted them, practically burned with the need to please them and have them take care of you in return. Your body should have turned to ashes by now with how hot you felt. However, despite the desire making your every motion feel hazy and inefficient, you managed to climb onto the bed. You hadn’t noticed Phoenix getting comfortable with her back propped up against the headboard. She reached out one of her hands for you and you took it, scooting up until you were almost kneeling in her lap.
“Come here,” she whispered and drew you in by your hand. The other landed on your neck and jaw. She pulled you ever closer, until your breasts brushed hers just as her lips captured yours in a honey-sweet kiss that did nothing to hide the hunger burning underneath her skin, too. You kissed her back, desperate now that you’d gotten a taste, and tried to deepen the kiss. But then you felt Bob’s hands come to rest on your hips, his thumbs drawing soothing circles onto your skin when you’d jumped at the unexpected contact.
Just as Bob pulled your hips and ass backwards and up towards him, Phoenix pushed you down with a hand on your shoulder until your upper body rested on the mattress between her legs. Your face was now eye-level with her bare pussy. When had she taken the time to take off her own panties? You barely had time to wonder, let alone voice the question, when Bob’s lips on your lower back drew a sigh and a shudder from you.
His lips briefly brushed the shell of your ear as he let almost the whole, delicious weight of his body rest on top of yours, and whispered: “Go on, don’t be shy. Show us what that pretty mouth of yours can do, darlin’.” You almost whined when he withdrew from your back again and the cool air of the bedroom hit your heated skin. He hooked his
“What are you going to do, Bob?” Phoenix asked, the gaze from her half-closed eyes was glued to yours. You could see no hesitation in them and decided to just try and see what her reaction would be. You leaned forward and gave her pussy a tentative kiss, your eyes never leaving her face. When you saw her eyelids flutter, you grew bolder, licked a stripe from her entrance to her clit and then closed your lips around the bud.
“Fuck, Y/N. Knew your mouth would feel good,” Phoenix breathed and slipped one of her hands into your hair on the back of your head. “Keep going, pretty girl. Treating me so well. Use your fingers.” You did as asked, kitten-licking her again. You were about to suck on her clit and slip your index finger into her entrance, when Bob gripped your ass with both his hands and pulled you back against his face. Your mouth fell open and you couldn’t hold back the moan bubbling up your throat as he mirrored your actions. With the difference that the two fingers he was slipping inside of you felt deliciously thicker than your own, now pumping in and out Phoenix at a slow, cautious rhythm while you were figuring out what she liked.
Phoenix’s hand tightened in your hair, her fingertips digging into your skin as you kept going, moaning against her own slick core. You could feel her walls clench down on your fingers as you hooked them and brushed against the sweet spot. She let her head sink back against the headboard and a moan tumbled from her lips; the sound made your heart soar and your chest swell with pride.
“Fuck. You’re seriously missing out, Bobby,” Phoenix said, her voice breathless. And you saw her chest heave with every breath. You could hear Bob chuckle behind you.
“I believe you, Nat. But I’ve got a gorgeous little pussy over here, beggin’ for my attention.” He pressed another kiss to one of your ass cheeks, then he brushed his thumb over your clit, practically strumming the bundle of nerves as if he was trying out the feel and sound of a new guitar. You moaned against Phoenix again, letting your head fall away from her core.
You whimpered, felt your own release approach quickly while Phoenix’s walls pulsed around your fingers. “Please, Bob. I need you. Need to feel you.”
Bob didn’t stop his ministrations; instead, he put his free hand on your back, right in the middle of your shoulder blades and pushed you back down towards Phoenix. “I know, baby. We’ve got you, I promise. Just need you to come on my fingers first, can you do that for us, hm?” His weight was back against your back and you felt him press a kiss against the spot where your neck joined your shoulder.
You nodded, his weight on top of you and Phoenix’s hand that had now slipped from the back of your head to cup your cheek felt like the only things still anchoring you to this world. Otherwise, you were sure, you would fully lost yourself to the stream of pleasure. Phoenix whispering your praises and Bob encouraging you to keep eating her out and pumping your fingers in and out of her, had you clenching around his in your core. The tingling started in your toes and you hadn’t realized, you were curling them up until pleasure shot up your legs and spine to flare out through the rest of your body. Just as Phoenix sighed your name with a satisfied smile on her lips and her thighs clamped down over your ears, muffling any other sounds.
You came up, gasping for air, just as you could feel Bob nudge the head of his thick cock against your entrance. Phoenix drew you up and towards her to press her lips against yours in a kiss of gratitude. You gasped against her as Bob slowly pushed inside of you. One of his big hands was gently rubbing circles on your back, Phoenix reached down to your breasts. She grinned against your lips, you’d almost call it a smirk if you weren’t so lost in the way Bob’s cock was stretching you. Then, Phoenix took one of your lips between her fingers, only rolling it gently at first, before she gave it a quick, sharp twist. Something between a gasp and a moan escaped your mouth and you felt her chuckle more than you heard her. Your own heartbeat was too loud in your ears.
Bob quickly set a delicious pace of quick thrusts, never fully pulling out of your pussy or lifting his chest off your back. You faintly heard him groan against your ear, felt his breath leave his mouth in short pants against your skin. “Fuck, Y/N. You feel fucking heavenly. Takin’ me so well.”
“Faster, please. N-need you to go faster.” You had no idea how you’d managed to get the words out, let alone string together two whole sentences in the same instance. Your heart was pounding in your chest, hammering so hard against your ribcage, you thought, it was either going to burst or break through your ribs. Bob complied, moaning loudly as he felt your walls clench in response.
“I know, you’re close, darlin’. Come on. Be a good girl and come on my cock.” You maned at his words. But when you felt Phoenix shift slightly underneath you, then her fingers rubbing tight circles against your clit, you couldn’t hold back the scream any longer. Pleasure erupted inside you, the coil that had tightened in your belly finally snapping. You faintly heard Bob ask, if he could come inside you and you don’t know how you’d responded with a “Yes” loud enough for him to hear. He groaned, before mouthing at your neck and shoulder as his perfect rhythm faltered and his lips ultimately stilled inside you.
The two of you practically collapsed on top of Phoenix, your legs and arms no longer able to support both your weight as you desperately sucked air into your lungs. You heard her giggle underneath you and felt your lips stretch into a tired, fucked-out smile.
“That was…incredible.”
“Agreed. Now, let’s get ourselves cleaned up and cozy, shall we?” Phoenix asked. Bob only mumbled something you couldn’t quite understand beyond the ringing in your ears finally, slowly, subsiding.
You felt him pull out and whined at the sudden feeling of emptiness, your own limbs too heavy with exhaustion and the afterglow of pleasure to keep him on top of you. You had no idea how you formed the words leaving your lips next. “Can we…do this again, sometime?”
And you barely caught their affirmative responses as you tried your hardest not to drift off to sleep already. Damn it, Mickey had been right. This had been fun. And you never would have guessed, his invitation to stay with him for a couple days ever leading to anything like this. But you also weren’t about to complain. No, never that. Meeting Bob and Phoenix had been a godsent and you hoped, you could hold onto them in the future.
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hangmansgbaby · 2 years
Hi!!! Can I request a one shot where reader is mav’s daughter/Bradley’s “sister” but she doesn’t have a good relationship w either because she’s always been in Bradley’s shadow. Instead of her moving around w MAV she was sent to boarding school and Bradley always says that Mav just didn’t want to deal w her and things like that. Reader and Jake are dating (bonding over daddy issues lol) and it’s apt of angst between Mav Bradley and reader and fluff between jake and reader 😭
Always Darling | 1 | J.Seresin
Summary: No one was prepared for what was going to happen walking into the Hard Deck that day. Maverick wasn’t prepare to see in daughter and nephew for the first time in 20 years nor the memories seeing them would bring up. Bradley wasn’t prepared to see the girl he saw as a little sister, let alone see her all over Hangman. Willow was not prepared to see both of them in class that next morning, let alone how small she’d feel like she was back in perfect Bradley Bradshaw’s shadow all those years ago. But when she finally confronts him? Their mission may be in jeopardy.
Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC!Willow "Vixen" Seresin, brief mentions of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x OC Daughter!Willow "Vixen" Seresin and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x OC God Sister!Willow "Vixen" Seresin
Warnings: angst, fluff, daddy issues
Note: none :)
Apr 2024 note: I did end up updating this into an OC as I dont write my series as a reader insert anymore.
Word count: 1.4k
Masterlist | Always Darling Masterlist
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"What do we have here?" Hangman shouts smugly. "If it ain't Phoenix!" Hangman leans against the pool table as the Phoenix walks up to him.
“I missed you!” Willow hugs her.
“I missed you too.”
"And here I thought we were special, Coyote. Turns out the invite went to anyone." Willow elbows her boyfriend's ribs, walking straight back over to the table.
"Fellas, this here's Bagman." Phoenix introduces him to the boys behind her.
"Whatever." Phoenix smiles sarcastically. "You're looking at the only naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill."
"Stop." Hangman acts humbled, causing Willow to laugh.
"Mind you, the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean War."
"Cold War. Different wars, same century."
"Not this one." Willow smiles, pulling the pool cue from Coyote’s hands.
"Who are your friends?" Coyote asks.
"Fanboy." There's a brief pause before he questions, "Who’s she?”
"Vixen.“ Jake answers, pulling her around the table to stand in front of him. He positions her to where her back is against his chest. “My beautiful girlfriend.” Jake kisses her temple as she laughs, pulling away from him.
"Hey Coyote." Phoenix greets.
"Who's he?" Phoenix asks.
"Who's who?" Coyote questions before the attention is turned to the man sitting in the barstool nearby.
"When did you get in?" Coyote asks.
"Oh, I've been here the whole time."
"Man's a stealth pilot." Hangman chuckles.
"Literally." Coyote chimes in.
"Weapons system officer, actually."
"With no sense of humor." Hangman sighs, handing Phoenix his pool cue, walking to the bar.
"What do they call you? Willow questions.
"No your callsign." Payback asks.
"Bob Floyd? You're my new backseater? From Lemoore?"
"Looks like it. Yeah." Bob nods.
"Nine ball, Bob." Phoenix hands him the pool cue. "Rack'em." She takes the extended cue from Willow who walks after her boyfriend.
“Penny my dear. I’ll have 4 beers on the old timer.”
“Better be getting one for me too.” Willow bounces up to the bar top.
“I could never forget my best girl.” Jake’s southern drawl flutters out. Willow leans into his side as Penny returns with their drinks.
“Hey Willow! You back too?” Penny questions, wiping down the bar as they pick up the bottles.
“Yea. How have you been?” Willow smiles.
“Good, ya know I just saw-“
“Willow?” Willow glances behind Penny to see none other than her father sitting on the other side of the bar.
“Maverick.” She nods curtly.
“Sweetheart-“ Maverick tries but she shuts him down.
“Don’t. Not here.” She shakes her head, turning away from the bar. “Let’s go Jake.”
"Bradshaw!" Phoenix calls. "Is that you?" Willow snaps her head around.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She groans. The pornstache and tacky Hawaiian shirt caught her eye.
"This is how I find out your stateside?"
"Yeah, I just thought I'd surprise you." Bradley smirks, walking up to the pool table just in time for Phoenix to pull back on the pool cue causing Bradley to double over in pain from the impact.
"I guess I surprised you back." Phoenix says, turning around.
"It's good to see you." Bradley smiles, as he stands up.
"Good to see you too."
"Bradshaw, as I live and breathe." Hangman says, returning from the bar. He hands out the beers he brought back before removing the pool cue from Bob's hands.
"Hangman. You look good." Rooster nods at him, already annoyed.
"Well, I am good, Rooster. Real good. In fact, I am too good to be true." Hangman answers looking around at the group. Willow groans, sitting in one of the barstools nearby.
"So, anybody know what this special detachment is all about?" Coyote asks.
"No, mission's a mission. They don't confront me. What I want to know: Who's gonna be team leader? And which one of y'all has what it takes to follow me?" Hangman says, making a couple shots on the pool table.
"Hangman, the only place you'll lead anyone is an early grave." Rooster retorts.
"Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel." Willow snarks.
Hangman leans against the pool table. "But that's just you ain't it, Rooster? You're snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment, that never comes." Hangman says, stopping when he is inches away from Bradley's face. "I love this song." He smiles, walking away.
"Well he hasn't changed." Phoenix says.
"Nope." Bradley eyes Willow, offering her a smile. She just scoffs and walks towards the door.
“Darlin, where are you going?” Jake calls, pulling her to a stop.
“I…” she struggles with the words, hearing the piano radiate through the room. “Fuck.” She groans, glancing behind Jake as Bradley starts singing. “Can we just go home? Please?”
“Yea, baby of course. Let me go pay off our tab. I’ll meet you at the truck.”
“Okay,” Willow nods, quickly walking out of the Hard Deck.
“Willow! Wait up!”
Willow glances behind her to see her father following behind her. “No. I’m not doing this with you now.”
“Willow, come on. You can’t still be mad.”
“You sent me to boarding school!”
“You were a trouble stu-“
“Right, troubled.” Willow scoffs, laughing lightly. “I just wanted my dad to see me. Treat me just like he did perfect little Bradley Bradshaw.”
“I didn’t treat you any differently.” Pete defends.
“Oh really? ‘Bradley’s going to state champs,’ ‘Bradley got straight A’s,’ Bradley this and Bradley that!” Willow shouts. “But did I get any praise? No! I get one B and immediately it’s ‘well when Bradley took that class!’ I am so sick of you comparing us! He’s not even your son!”
“He’s been through a lot.” Mav says, but it only makes Willow’s anger worse.
“So have I!” Willow shouts. “I lost everything. Mom! Uncle Goose! Aunt Carole! You! I lost people too!”
“Me?” Mav questions.
“Yes you! You left as soon as you dropped me off at boarding school and never came back!”
“I did what was best for you!” Mav retorts, yelling.
“Yea, whatever helps you sleep at night asshole.” She mutters, turning away from him. “Go back to perfect Bradley.” Mav had since walked away but only to be replaced.
“You think I’m perfect?”
“Piss off Bradshaw! I am not in the mood.” Willow groans, still walking towards Jake’s truck.
“Come on! You seemed to have plenty to say a minute ago.”
“You know what? I am so sick and tired of you thinking you’re better than me!” Willow shouts. “Always telling me how I should feel, or act. You’re nothing but a spoiled ass little orphan who can’t take no for an answer.”
“Same old Willow. I don’t blame your dad for leaving you at that school. You were always too much to handle.”
“Oh that's it!” Willow goes to charge him but is interrupted by Jake walking up.
“Everything alright out here?” Jake asks, jogging up to Willow.
“Yea, let’s just go home.” Willow pulls him with her to the truck, immediately climbing inside.
“You okay?” Jake questions after about 5 minutes, halfway to the condo they rented.
“Yea, just… can we not talk about it?”
“Of course.” Jake smiles, his hand rubbing circles into her thigh.
Willow retreated to the master as soon as Jake parked the truck.
“Darlin?” Jake followed her in. He quickly dropped their things by the door and followed her into the room. “Darlin what’s wrong?”
Willow immediately curled into the bed. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” She sighed, willing herself not to cry.
“That's fine. We can just lay here, okay?” Jake sits on the bed, opening his arms for Willow to slide into him and she does. Her cheek resting in his chest, one arm over his torso while both of his wrapped around her. “You know I love you right?”
“Of course. You know I love you?”
“Always darling.” He plants a kiss on her forehead as she slowly drifts to sleep. “We’ll get through this detachment. Together like everything else.” Be gently kisses her head again before drifting to sleep himself.
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sarahsmi13s · 6 months
Rocks Are Allowed to Crack, Stars Are Allowed to Dim
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pairing: jake 'hangman' seresin x fem!pilot!reader
characters: jake seresin, y/n nivans, the daggers, pete mitchell, penny benjamin, diego and benny harding (oc father and son)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, angst, language, ptsd, description of accident, panic attack, injuries, descriptions of scars, flashbacks, fear of death, familial death (mentioned), crying, bottling up feelings, please please let me know if i missed any
word count: ~8.0k
a/n: this has been sitting in my docs and on my wheel for at least a year (please forgive the awkward moments). so i figured i'd take a sliver of the wheel and make him a little lighter! i've also been in a funk lately, so i thought getting something out there might help!
quick summary: everyone deserves someone to comfort them in their time of need, even the ones that always lend their shoulder
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Ah, yes, dogfight football. Maverick’s way of creating a team. You play offense and defense at the same time. Tackling each other into the sand, sometimes into the water. It may be chaotic, but it’s fun and a great team building exercise.
Which is why you hated that you were running a little behind.
You sighed as you got out of your car and walked over to where Penny was sitting at the table. 
You placed your aviators on your head, “I’m not late am I?” Penny chuckled and shook her head, “Just in time. Want a beer before you go?” You shook your head, “Nah, I’m okay right now. Care to watch my stuff?” 
The brunette gestured to the items in front of her, chuckling, “I’m watchin’ everyone else's. I don’t see why not.” You chuckled and sat your wallet, phone, and keys down, as well as your sunglasses. You slipped off your shorts, folding them and laying them down.
You turned at the call of your last name, brows raised in curiosity. 
 It was Maverick. 
“Hurry up and get down here!”
You turned to Penny, “This is gonna be fun.” You both laughed before you jogged across the sand to meet everyone by the water. 
“Sorry I’m late, Mav.” 
Maverick shook his head, “You’re not late, Rockstar. Can’t be late for fun.” 
“Not gonna take your t-shirt off?” Phoenix asked when you stood beside her. You shook your head, “Nah, I’m good.” 
Hangman sighed, “That’s a shame.” 
You chuckled at him and bent down to throw a handful of sand at him. 
“Watch it, Rockstar,” Hangman said, his voice light as he glared at you playfully.
“Or what, Hangman?” You challenged, eyes narrowed but a smile pulled at your lips.
Now, you and Hangman joked like this all the time. You considered each other best friends, which confused everyone else on base. 
Jake Seresin was an asshole. He was cocky and arrogant. You, Y/N Nivans, were not an asshole. Quite the opposite, actually. 
You were humble while still knowing your worth, but also showing anybody up if they proposed a challenge, and not being sour when you lost. 
Jake went out looking for competition, you let it come to you. 
You were also probably the sweetest thing to walk the planet. Most certainly the sweetest to walk the airstrip. 
You were nice to everyone, always giving someone the benefit of the doubt until they truly proved they were an asshole. 
You also took care of your team, they were your family. You always had the door open if someone needed to talk. Your arms were wide open when they showed up in the middle of the night because they had a nightmare and couldn’t shake it. You were their rock.
So, when you walked into the Hard Deck that first day of the Uranium Mission and hugged Hangman, everyone was confused — except Coyote who knew you from a year prior. But they didn’t verbally question you, choosing instead to ponder in private.
Hangman sighed, “Come on, Rocky. You're giving your enemy the advantage.” He tugged at your shirt and pulled you into his arms. 
You laughed and pushed him away by his chest, “You’re gonna have to catch me first.” Hangman cocked his head to the side, “Oooh, that’s how it is?” You nodded, a smirk playing on your lips, “That’s how it is.” 
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You panted as you used your shirt to wipe the sweat from your face. 
When you let go of your shirt you raised your arms, calling for the ball. They threw it to you and you took off for your endzone. 
You felt the sand shift and you knew Hangman was behind you. You had to get rid of the ball, so you called out to your teammate, “Phoenix!” She ran ahead of you and you threw her the ball.
As soon as the ball was out of your hand, Hangman tackled you to the ground. 
You laughed as you laid on your stomach, arms out in front of you. 
“What was that about ‘catching you’?” Jake grunted from above you.
You didn’t have to look at him to know he was smirking. “Haha, very funny Hangman. Now get off, you’re heavy.” 
“First, ouch. Second, nah, you’re comfy.” You laughed and shook your head, attempting to push off the ground and basically buck him off. 
But, Hangman wouldn’t let you, laughing as he moved and made you fall back down.
In this new position, Hangman was putting pressure on a certain part of your back and panic shot through you. 
“Seriously, dude, get up,” you tried to say with a laugh, not wanting to sound rude or like you were mad at him. He just smiled and rested his chin on his hands. 
You closed your eyes and tried to control your breathing, but the waves hitting you pushed you over the edge. 
“Jake, get the fuck off me.” You didn’t mean to sound harsh but you were panicking.
Jake was surprised by your tone, along with the use of his first name. He immediately got up and held out a hand for you to take but you just got up and ran to the table. 
“Rockstar, where you going?” Maverick asked. You called out while still running, “I need a break for a minute.” 
You got to the table, “Is it unlocked?” Penny nodded, “Yeah, why?” “Bathroom break.” Penny just nodded again and watched you take your sunglasses with you as you jogged inside.
Rooster ran over and hit Jake’s arm, “What did you do, Hangman?” Jake shook his head, “I’m not sure.” He put his hands on his hips and watched you disappear into the bar. 
He felt bad, he wanted to chase after you and apologize but he didn’t know what he did. 
“Well, you seemed to piss her off,” Phoenix said, shoving the ball into his chest. 
Maverick looked at Penny but she just shrugged, meaning you didn’t say much.
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You ran into the bathroom, throwing yourself into a stall.  
You leaned over the toilet and waited to throw up. Tears had started running down your face the minute you stepped in the bar. You coughed and sobbed lightly as you tried to control your breathing. 
After a few minutes of that, the nausea subsided and you slowly stood to go to the sink. 
You turned the cold water on and splashed your face. 
You closed your eyes as the tight feeling in your chest loosened. You let out a shaky breath and looked in the mirror, cringing at the puffiness around your eyes. You grabbed your sunglasses and slipped them on before leaving the bathroom.
When you stepped outside you saw Maverick and Penny talking, and when you sat down they stopped talking and looked at you concerned. 
“You alright? Gave Hangman quite the scare for a second,” Mav asked, squaring his shoulders to you. You nodded, resting your forearms on the table. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You rubbed your forehead, “Hey Pen-” 
Before you could finish your sentence, a beer was sat in front of you, causing you to giggle, “Read my mind.”
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As he continued to play, Jake still couldn’t get over the fact that you called him ‘Jake’ during a day out. 
It wasn’t that you never did, but it was rare that you called anyone by their first name. 
But it wasn’t just that, it was the way you said that really made him worry. He had never heard your voice sound like that before.
He looked at you from his spot on the beach, noticing you didn’t come back to join in the fun. 
Hangman walked up to Phoenix, worried that he had really upset you and wanted help from the girl you were closest to. “You don’t really think I pissed her off, do you?” 
She sighed, “I don’t know, Hangman. Even if you did, I doubt she could stay mad at you for long. She can't be mad at anyone for very long.”
Jake nodded and watched you stand up from your spot at the table.
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You finished your beer and stood up, “I’m gonna head out.” 
Maverick frowned, “You sure you’re okay, Y/N?” 
“Yeah, I’m okay. I just really need to shower. I’ve got sand in places sand shouldn’t be,” you said with a light laugh. 
“Okay, drive safe. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Yes, sir.” You collected your stuff and headed to your car.
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Jake noticed you leaving and tilted his head, “Hey…” He patted Coyote on the shoulder. “I’ll be right back.” 
He jogged up to the table to ask Maverick if he knew anything.
“Is she okay?” Hangman asked as soon as he came to a stop. Maverick shrugged, not looking up at the pilot, “She seemed okay. Said she needed to shower.” 
Jake let out a breath, “So she isn’t mad at me?” 
“I didn’t say that. But as far as I can tell, she’s just tired.” 
Jake licked the sweat off his upper lip, putting his hands on his hips as he looked down. 
“Hangman, honey, just go talk to her. If she’s upset with you, she’ll be honest about it,” Penny encouraged, giving Jake a small smile. He nodded and jogged to go find you before you left. 
You were standing by your car, the door opened as you moved to get in when he approached. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Jake called as he walked over to you. You smiled, “Hey, Hangman.” 
Jake swallowed, “Look, I’m sorry about earlier. I was just messing around. I did-” 
You held your hand up, cutting him off, “Jake, I’m not mad at you. I know you were just playing. But your tackle jump started my bladder and I wasn’t kidding when I said you were heavy.” You giggled a bit to show him you were teasing.
Hangman visibly relaxed at the sound, “Okay, good. I know I like to get under everyone’s skin. Sometimes I don’t know when to knock it off. I–” 
You held up your hand, cutting him off. “Jake, I can handle your teasing. Yeah, you can get a little mean. But I know it’s all a big show. Come here,” you opened your arms and made grabby hands at Jake. 
He just shook his head and chuckled, pulling you in by your outstretched hands and letting them find their place around his built torso. 
He rubbed his hand on your back, nearly missing the slight tensing right beneath your shoulder blades before they relaxed. His brow furrowed but he didn’t mention it, thinking that maybe it was you tightening your arms around him. 
He kissed the top of your head before you pulled away. 
“Geez, Jake, you’re sweaty.” 
“You’re not too dry yourself, Rockstar.” You laughed and playfully shoved him away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” You smiled and slid into your car, “I’ll kick your ass tomorrow Hangman.” 
He scoffed leaning on the roof of your car and the open door. “Since when did you get so cocky?” 
You smirked and placed your glasses on your head, forgetting that your eyes could still be red and puffy from earlier. “It’s not cocky if it’s the truth.” 
Jake shook his head and looked back to the shore. “Uh-huh. We’ll see.” He leaned back and patted the top of your car. “Drive safe.” You nodded, and he closed your door. 
He watched you start it up before driving away.
Jake shook his head and made his way back to the group.
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Speaking of the group, they had all noticed the change in Jake when you showed up at the Hard Deck a few months ago. 
While he was still his cocky self, having no shame in bragging and trash talking, he seemed to tone it down when you were around.
They also noticed how he always made sure to find you in the crowd, keeping an eye on you. Coyote joked that you had Hangman wrapped around your finger, that he would be at your side with a simple look. 
Jake was painfully aware of the effect you had on him. 
When he met you a year ago, he was starstruck by your dazzling smile. 
So, naturally, in true Hangman fashion, he flirted with you. 
With a toothpick between his perfect white teeth and his bright green eyes shining under the yellow lights of the bar, he walked up to you. 
“I sure hope no one left you alone.” 
When you turned, eyeing him up and down to take in the uniform, beer bottle popping as it left your mouth, his breath was ripped from his lungs. 
“Well, you’re here now. I’m not alone.” 
Seeing your smile up close caused Hangman to blush, and leaving him thankful that his tan could somewhat hide it. 
“Well, ain’t I special.” 
You nodded, giggling while looking down at the bar, “That you are. But, before this can go any further, I’m gonna be honest, I’m more dedicated to my work than anything else at the moment. And I have to be up by 5, so I’d hate to lead you on.” 
Jake shook his head, but you continued, gesturing around the bar, “I’m sure there are plenty of girls here that would love to get attention from you and give you attention.” 
Jake smiled –not smirked, smiled– while leaning on the bar, “Well, the only one I want attention from is you. Plus, I can’t stay out too late either. Gotta be at work early too, so I guess we’re both clocking in early.” 
None of the feelings that day had been one sided. You also had been starstruck by Hangman. 
He was broad shoulder, tall, tan, and had a voice that could make a girl swoon in a second. But you knew he was a pilot, his uniform gave it away, and you knew how they acted. Except, you liked Jake’s company and decided to talk all night with him. 
Ironically, what you both did for work never came up.
So, imagine the look on Jake’s face when he saw you the next day in your flight suit. 
“You didn’t tell me you were a pilot.” 
You smirked, “You didn’t ask.” 
He shook his head, biting his lower lip to hide his smile but failed. 
You nodded to him, “What do they call you?” 
“Hangman. What about you?” You smiled, “Rockstar.” 
You were able to peg why he earned his callsign very early on but he couldn’t seem to figure yours out. 
Until he had a close call and couldn’t shake it.
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The last day of training had just ended, tomorrow you might not come home, and to say you were nervous was a major understatement. 
As you changed to get ready to go out with the squad, you couldn’t stop shaking. You knew you needed a drink… okay a couple drinks.
While you changed, Hangman was walking around, looking for you. 
When he walked past the locker room, he caught a glimpse of you reaching to pick something up.
He turned to walk in, but stopped when he saw that you only had your pants on. But, before he could stop himself, his eyes trailed up your back; starting from above your waistline on your pants and going up. 
Then he stopped, his eyes widening when he saw the large scar that looked fairly new – maybe a year or so old. It spanned from the middle of your left shoulder blade to nearly below your ribcage and was positioned diagonally across your back. 
Jake quickly looked away, realizing that you must have not wanted anyone to see it if you hadn’t told him. 
His brow furrowed as questions ran through his mind. Was that why you freaked out during dogfight football, the other day? Why you always tense up when you get an unexpected touch there? 
Shit… He thought, feeling like a horrible friend for never noticing and never asking. 
Jake took a deep breath and walked away, choosing to approach the locker room differently and pretend he never saw you. 
He put on a smile and walked back towards the locker room, “Hey, Rockstar! You almost ready?” He stopped just short of the door, leaning his back against the wall. 
Your head jerked up as you pulled your t-shirt down. “Uh, yeah, Hangman. I’ll be ready in a second.” 
You finished getting ready and walked out, jumping slightly when he pushed off the wall. 
“Geez Hang, don’t do that!” You punched his arm. 
“Gosh, I forgot how hard you punch.” He chuckled and rubbed the spot on his arm as you both walked to the parking lot.
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You all sat in the Hard Deck, drinking and playing pool.
“Dude, she’s kicking your ass!” Payback laughed as he clapped Hangman on the shoulder. 
You were, in fact, kicking Jake’s ass in pool. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as the blond narrowed his eyes at Payback. 
“Yeah, you feelin’ okay? You’ve been off your game tonight Bagman,” Rooster commented, smirking as he drank his alcohol. 
Instead of clapping back at the jab, Jake just rolled his eyes and lined up his shot. 
That made you frown, Hangman always had a comeback. Always had sarcastic quips to embarrass the other person. But he was silent. 
You made eye contact when he stood, silently asking if he was okay. He just nodded and moved to sink another pool ball. 
You didn’t want to drop it, but you did for the sake of having fun before facing the chance of death tomorrow.
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Sometime later, after a few rounds of pool and drinks, you all stood around and just talked.
“Hey, did you guys hear about that one pilot that saved her WSO’s life when they got shot down?” Bob asked, looking around the group. 
You clenched your jaw slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice. 
“Bob, that happens all the time. It’s kinda what we do,” Phoenix said, squeezing his shoulder. 
Rooster stood up and sat his beer down. “No, not the way this pilot did. Bob, I know who you’re talking about. I read the mission file, the only thing that was classified was the pilot and WSO’s names.” 
You swirled the beer in your glass, not looking up from the amber liquid. “Did the pilot survive?” 
When you finished asking, you looked up, trying to ignore the watchful eyes of Hangman as you met Rooster’s eyes. 
The latter nodded, “Uh, yeah. Yeah, she did. But she had a pretty serious injury. I’m not sure if she was ever clear to fly again.” 
You nodded and looked back down at your glass. 
“And the WSO?” Jake asked, eyeing you as you downed the rest of your drink before looking at Rooster and Bob. 
“He survived. But I don’t know if he still flies,” Bob answered. 
“Well, that’s good that they both survived,” you said, your smile returning to your face. 
Rooster shook his head a bit, “Yeah, but that pilot pulled a risky move. Saving some like that…” 
Your smile dropped a bit, “People have their reasons.” You raised your glass, “I’m gonna go get another drink.”
Hangman watched you leave as the conversation changed into something more light hearted. 
Jake took a step to go after you but Coyote caught his arm. “Hey, come on. Play me in a round of pool. Let’s see if you still got your game.” Jake looked from his friend back to you and saw you laughing with Penny and Maverick at the bar. That allowed him to relax a little bit. 
“Oh, I still got my game. Let’s see if you found yours,” he smirked. “There he is!” Coyote laughed and clapped Jake on the back.
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As Jake played pool with Coyote, you talked with Penny and Maverick. 
“Are you serious?” 
You nodded, laughing at Penny’s reaction to you telling her how you and Jake met. 
“Pen, why are you surprised? Hangman flirts with every girl,” Maverick said, using his hand to point the direction of the mentioned pilot. You and Penny both nodded your agreement. 
“Sounds familiar,” Penny says, a playful grin on her face making Maverick roll his eyes.
You had become so invested in your conversation with Penny and Mav, that you missed Rooster coming up behind you.
He placed his hand on your back, right on your scar, making you tense and jump in surprise.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya’ Rocky,” he took his hand off and leaned on the bar. 
“You doin’ okay? You seemed a bit…” He glanced back at the group, thinking of the right word. “...tense a minute ago.” 
You bit the inside of your lip, had you really been that obvious? 
Still, you nodded and gave him your best smile. 
But to him, he could see that it didn’t reach your eyes. He may not have been your best friend, but he had seen plenty of your genuine smiles and this one did not make your eyes shine like the others. 
Bradley decided not to press, “Okay…” He turned to Penny, “Penny, could we get another round?” The bartender nodded, “Of course, but you’re reaching your cut off.” 
Penny had set a cut off for drinks for the pilots not wanting them to go into this mission hungover. You chuckled and glanced back at the group, all of them messing around and having fun. “Yes ma’am.” 
You turned to Rooster and then back down to your empty glass. Penny hadn’t refilled it yet, having started a conversation with you as soon as you came over. 
You glanced at your watch, seeing that you had been there for a couple hours. 
Penny sat a tray down, placing the full glasses on top. “There you are, Rooster. Who’s tab?”
Rooster opened his mouth to tell her to put it on his, but you beat him to it, “Put it on mine Pen.” 
“You got the last round, Rockstar,” Rooster argued. You shrugged, “I don’t mind. Plus, I’m closing my tab for tonight.” 
“What? You’re heading out already?” You nodded, sliding Penny your card, “I’m hitting my limit, Roos.” 
Bradley searched your eyes for a moment, looking for any indication that something was wrong.
You were usually the one that made sure everyone was okay to go home and if they needed rides; so leaving early rung bells in Rooster’s head. 
Penny gave you your card and receipt, “Thank you.” “Thanks Pen,” you gave her a smile before turning back to Rooster. 
“Tell ‘em I’m heading out. I know if I do it I won’t be able to leave.” You gave him a one armed hug and turned to Maverick, “See you in the morning, Captain.” 
“See you in the morning, Rockstar.” 
Penny gently squeezed your hand, giving you a small smile as you slid off the bar stool and walked out. 
Rooster, Maverick, and Penny watched you leave the building before turning to each other, concern written all over their faces. 
“Is she okay? She’s been acting a little off ever since dogfight football the other day,” Penny asked the two pilots. 
They both shrugged, Bradley looking up at her. “I was about to ask you the same thing.” 
“I’ve noticed, but I thought it was just because Harvard and Yale had to eject the other day,” Mav admitted. “We were all a little shaken up by that…” 
It was silent for a minute. 
“You know… if one person knows anything, it’d probably be Seresin,” Penny said, pointing over to the pilot, who was very invested in the game he was winning, and basically suggesting that they talk to him. 
Bradley sighed, knowing that Penny was right and if anyone knew you the best, it would be him. He grabbed the tray, thanking Penny and walking over to the group.
They all cheered when he sat the tray down, taking a glass for themselves. 
Jake noticed that there was an extra and he frowned in confusion before he realized it was for you. 
He looked up, eyes searching for you in the crowd, panicking a little when he couldn’t see you, “Where’s Rockstar?” 
Rooster sighed, “She closed her tab and left. Said she reached her limit.” 
Fanboy frowned a little bit, “Why didn’t she just tell us herself?” 
Rooster shrugged, “Said if she did it would take longer for her to leave.” 
“Does she seem different to you guys?” Coyote asked, finally voicing his concern that had buit up over the last few days. 
The group shared a look before making small noises of agreement. 
“I mean, she’s still the same Y/N. Still lighting up a room and being there for us like she always has been… I just… I don’t know.” 
Rooster looked at Jake, “Hangman, you’re like her best friend, do you know anything?” 
Jake shrugged and shook his head, “All I know is she’s nervous for tomorrow and the accident the other day shook her up a bit, but she hasn’t said anything else.” 
He took a large gulp from his beer, hoping to swallow the confession of seeing your scar that he wanted to bring to light.  You trusted Jake and he wasn’t about to ruin that by telling the squad what he saw when he wasn’t even supposed to know it was there.
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Meanwhile, you walked the beach, taking in the fresh and salty air. You just needed the quiet time before you went home.
You sighed and pulled out your phone, seeing a text from Hangman and laughing slightly at the message.
Hangboy: Hey, I get that I kicked your ass those last few rounds of pool, but you could have told me you were leaving. I would have walked you out. Text me when you get home. 
Also, there was an extra beer. I assume it was meant for you, but you left so I drank it. Don’t worry though, I can handle it.
You shook your head and opened your phone, but not to text Jake.
You went to your contacts and pressed the caller ID, putting the phone to your ear as it rang. 
“Hey, Rockstar, what's up? It’s been awhile.” 
You smiled, sighing, “Sure has been, Tundra. How are you? How’s the little one?” “I’m good. Ben is great, he wants to know when you’ll be by again to visit.” 
You giggled at the fact the 6 year old wanted to see you. “Soon… hopefully.” “Y/N, I know that voice. Is it happening again?” You shook your head, despite the fact that Tundra couldn’t see you. 
“No, no. Well, sorta, but this is different Diego.” You heard him shift, presumably crossing his arms. “What do you mean?” 
You sighed, remembering that you couldn’t share all that much about the mission, even if he was former Navy. 
“I don’t know how much I can tell you. But I got called back to TopGun, and I could be flying out on a mission tomorrow. A dangerous one.” 
“Y/N, do they know?” 
You shook your head again, this time to fight tears. “No, but I’m scared that mid air, I’m gonna freeze. I don’t wanna freeze, Diego. I haven’t frozen since our incident. But I don’t know what’s been wrong these past couple of weeks. I can’t seem to shake off this dread… this-this fear. I do-don’t-” 
He cut you off, “Have you talked to anyone recently?” 
You were silent and he took that as a no. “Y/N, you have to talk about it if you ever want to move past it.”  “I did though. I had mandated therapy for my entire time in recovery.” “And have you been since you recovered?”
You threw a hand up, frustrated, “I thought I was past it! I hadn’t had an attack in a year, not until we were playing football. I-I thought it was just a one time thing, and then something happened during training and I just-” 
You were cut off by a small, tired voice. 
“Is that Aunt Y/N?” 
“It is. Do you want to talk to her? I think she needs to talk to you.” “Yes, please!” You smiled as you heard the phone go to speaker and then be passed to the little boy. 
“Hey, Aunt Y/N!” 
You smiled, tears finally falling, “Benarino, hey buddy.” “I miss you. When are you coming to visit?” You wiped at your eyes with a shaking hand. “Soon, buddy. Really soon,” you sniffled. 
“Aunt Y/N, why are you crying?” 
You laughed, coughing a little at the end, “I just really miss you Benny. I can’t wait to see you.” 
You looked back at the Hard Deck, seeing your fellow pilots laugh and sing. 
“I’m gonna bring a friend too. If that’s okay with your mom and dad?” “That’s alright with me, Rockstar. I’m sure Lila won’t mind.” 
“Who is it?” 
You brought playfulness into your voice, “You remember the pilot I told you about? The one that thought he could fly better than your Aunt Rocky?” 
The little boy giggled, “Yeah!” “Well, I think it’s about time you brought home the boy that stole your heart.” 
“Diego,” you hissed. “We are just friends.” “Mhmm, sure.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes, “You should probably get Ben to bed before Lila wakes up.” 
You heard Diego grunt as he picked up his son, “Goodnight Benny Boy.” “G’night Aunt Y/N.” 
“Call me when you make it back.” You nodded, hand sliding into your back pocket, “Yeah, of course. Night Tundra.” “Night Rockstar.” 
The call ended and you slid your phone into your unoccupied back pocket.
You took in a deep breath, trying to relax again. In through the nose, out through the mouth. In, out. 
On an inhale, the scent of smoke filled your nostrils and it made you hold your breath.
Quickly looking around, you spotted a bonfire a couple yards away. Realizing it was harmless, you let out the breath and tried to relax your shoulders.
But, despite knowing it was completely harmless, your body went into a state of panic. Your chest tightened, limbs went numb, pain spread through your back, and tears filled your eyes. 
You held a hand to your chest, the air stopping just before it made it to your lungs, and stumbled to your car as fast as you could, hoping you weren’t seen by your friends inside the bar.
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Jake looked at his phone as he left the bar. You hadn’t texted him, and by now you definitely should have been back to your on base bungalow. 
Hangman wasn’t going to panic, he knew you well enough that you would have texted or called him if something bad happened. Of course he felt anxious, who wouldn’t, but he was going to remain calm. 
The reason you hadn’t texted him when you got home was because the moment you fumbled yourself into your place, you booked it for the bathroom. 
Your knees smacked into the tile and you threw up whatever alcohol you had consumed before the strangled sob ripped itself from your throat. You crumbled to the tile as your chest refused to let air in. 
Your skin felt hot and sticky, sweat coating it as you laid on your bathroom floor. It wasn’t helping you, your damp, hot skin sending you back to one of the worst days of your life.
So, in a frenzy, you ripped off your shirt and kicked off your shoes and socks before yanking your pants off, not even loosening your belt. 
You crawled over the tub wall, too dizzy to properly stand, before fumbling with the knob to turn the water on. 
Once you got it turned on, you jostled the faucet switch, a desperate sob escaping as it kept falling down before it finally stuck, turning the shower on and drenching you in water.
And that was how Jake found you.
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Jake decided to stop by your place and check on you, that being his only option to get his anxiety to go away. 
When he pulled up to your place and saw your car there, he let out a breath of relief. 
He parked his truck behind your car and ran to your door, his chest lighter than before.
But his chest became heavy again when he made it to your door only to find it unlocked. You rarely left your door unlocked, if ever.
He cautiously pushed it open, looking around to see if anything was out of place. 
Your keys were on the floor, your phone and wallet not too far from them. 
Jake walked further in, making sure to close and lock the door behind him. 
He held his breath as he looked for you. But his search was cut short when he heard the shower running. 
He exhaled and had to take a minute to calm the drumming in his chest. 
He cautiously walked to the bathroom, making sure to knock before walking in. He kept his head down so he didn’t see anything he wasn’t supposed to… again. 
“Hey I was-” 
The door stopped, hitting something on the floor. 
Hangman squinted his eyes in confusion. It was your shoe. He kicked it out of the way and pushed the door open enough for him to just step in and close it. 
He stopped with his hand on the door, realizing that the room didn’t feel like a sauna. There was no fog covering the mirrors and steam wasn’t filling the small space. You always showered hot, and right now the bathroom was freezing. 
Jake finally looked up and saw you curled in the shower, the water cascading from the faucet and hitting your back. It was obvious you had been there for a while because you were shivering. 
Jake sat on the edge of the tub cautiously, not wanting to startle you.
His heart broke at the sound of your quiet crying and the puffy redness of your eyes was a sight Jake never wanted to see again.
The eyes that usually held the brightness of the stars and a kindness that was unmatched, were now red, distant, and constantly filled with tears that fell over and mixed with the water drenching you. 
He hated it.
Jake held his hand under the water and recoiled at how cold it was. 
“Shit,” he cursed as he quickly turned it off. 
When you didn’t react, he knew you truly weren’t in this reality. 
“Y/N,” he spoke gently and touched your arm. He sharply inhaled when he discovered how cold you were. “Y/N, darlin’, we need to dry you off and get you in some warm clothes. You’ll get sick.” 
Jake wasn’t sure if you heard him because you just stared ahead, biting on your nail. He sighed and pulled your hand away from your mouth. 
He moved to pull his hand back but you grabbed it, your freezing cold hand latching onto his warm one. “Please don’t… Jake, please don’t leave.” 
Your voice was quiet and broken, raw with fear. And he was sure that sent a shiver up his back.
Jake quickly shifted to kneel beside the tub, his thumb rubbing back and forth on your hand. “I’d never leave you hangin’.” 
He looked you over, “Can I pick you up?” You nodded, letting his hand slip from your grip and feel it wrap under your legs.
He awkwardly shifted to lean over and pick you up, grunting a little as stood up. He was too pressed about his clothes getting wet, he’s sure he’s got pants somewhere around here.
Jake managed to open the bathroom door and walked to your bedroom. 
He sat you on the bed and quickly grabbed the towel on the back of your desk chair. 
Wrapping it around you, Jake kissed the top of your head. “You’re okay. You’re safe,” he spoke gently against your hair.
He pulled back and watched you bite your lip to keep your tears hidden.
You avoided his eyes, looking at your shaking hands. 
“I’m gonna get you some clothes, okay?” You slowly nodded, lip trembling before you bit down on it again.
Your eyes didn’t follow him as he walked around your room, but your ears were very aware of Jake’s noises; everything from his footsteps to his mumbling. 
In under five minutes, neatly folded clothes were placed beside you and Jake kneeled in front of you, his large hands resting on your biceps gently. 
“Do you want me to stay while you change?” 
It took you a second to register what he had asked, but he was patient and rubbed reassuring circles on your arms with his thumbs. 
You inhaled, the familiar scent of his cologne calming you down a bit. 
You were tempted to say yes, you didn’t want to be alone but you also didn’t want Jake to see you any more vulnerable than he already has. 
You shook your head, unconsciously pulling the towel tighter around you. 
Jake noticed it and nodded, “Okay, I’ll go tidy up your bathroom and throw some blankets in the dryer to fluff them up and get ‘em warm.” He gave you a small smile and stood, leaving the room and the door open just a crack.
You managed to peel off the wet bra and underwear, drying off before changing. 
That simple task was exhausting. It felt like your bones had turned to rocks and your muscles no longer existed. But eventually, you did it.
You haphazardly dried your hair, basically just dry enough to where it wasn’t dripping, and walked into the small living room. 
You sat on the couch, deciding to occupy your hands with your oversized shirt while you waited for Jake. 
Minutes later he was on the couch beside you, wrapping you in the fresh-out-of-the-dryer blanket. 
“Thank you…” Your voice had a rawness to it that made Jake shiver, something was really wrong and he didn’t know how to help.
He nodded and rubbed your upper back, “Of course.”
He sat there for a moment, just listening to your sniffles and weeping exhales, before finally turning to face you. 
“What’s going on? ‘Cause this-” He gestured to you and your current state. “-is way more than just nerves for tomorrow.” 
“I’ll be-” 
“If you say ‘fine’, I swear,” he sighed to control his volume. “Y/N, you are not fine.” 
The blond pilot took a deep breath, looking at the sliver of couch cushion between you. “I saw it…” 
If you weren’t going to be honest, then he needed to be. Maybe what he saw is connected to what was shaking you to your core all of a sudden.
He finally looked up at you and watched your breathing halt as fear filled your eyes. 
Jake continued, making sure to keep his tone even, “I didn’t mean to. I was just looking for you in the locker room today and I-” He stopped talking when you choked out a small cry. 
He immediately pulled you into his lap, one hand going to the back of your head and the other arm wrapped around your lower back. “I got you… I got you.”
Jake closed his eyes and rocked you a little as his mind went back to the day these roles were reversed.
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Jake had sat in the locker room, flight suit half off and tied around his waist. His knee bouncing as his eyes went in and out of focus. 
“Hangman!” You called as you ran down the hall. But he couldn’t hear you with the blood still rushing in his ears. 
“Hangman! Hang- There you are!” You jogged to him and saw that his emerald eyes were blank, not the playful or confident eyes you normally saw. “Hey, Hang- Jake what’s wrong?” You knelt in front of him, putting a hand on his bouncing knee to stop it.
Jake looked at you, the concern swimming in your eyes breaking whatever resolve he had left. 
The tears he tried so hard to hold in finally spilled down his cheeks. 
You instantly cupped his face in your hands, wiping them away, “What’s got you so shaken up? I’ve never seen you like this.” 
He shook his head, pushing your hands away as he sat up and leaned against the locker. “You’re not supposed to.” 
You sighed and leaned back on your heels, “What happened up there?” 
Jake wiped the still flowing tears, shaking his head, “I don’t know. I guess- Fuck I don’t know, Rockstar.” 
You stood, “Talk to me, Jake. Please, I’m your friend and I want to help.” 
Your tone was desperate and worried. This was a new version of Jake that you would have never seen if you hadn’t followed him off the tarmac.
Hangman finally got the guts to grab your hand and squeeze it. He took a deep breath as he tried to collect himself. 
“I almost lost you up there. You’re one of my closest friends, we’ve only known each other for a few months and I feel like we’ve known each other forever. I never let myself be that close to anyone, but you made it so easy.” 
His voice was raw and shaky. He was scared, but you couldn’t blame him. What just happened to you both was really intense and it was scary. But you were both okay.
You squeezed his hand back, giving him a soft but encouraging smile. 
“Can we just- Shit this is gonna sound so weird…” 
You knew where he was going, so you straddled his legs and wrapped him in a hug. “I got you Jake, I got you.”
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That was when Jake realized the backstory to your call sign. You were everyone’s rock. You kept everyone sane, even at the expense of yourself.
Which is why you were currently shaking and sobbing in his arms. You never sought out comfort for your problems, a bad habit you picked up in high school. You always put everyone first, and you had it in your head that you couldn’t be vulnerable. 
You pulled away from him, not meeting his eyes, “I’m sorry…” 
“Why the fuck are you apologizing?” 
“Because I-” 
“Because you’re being vulnerable in front of someone?” You nodded, unconsciously playing with your fingers. “Look at me, please.” You did, biting your lip to hold your tears in. 
“You are allowed to be vulnerable. You are allowed to cry. You are allowed to be scared. You shouldn’t have to hide your feelings from your friends. I’m sorry if we ever made you feel like you couldn’t talk to us.” 
You nodded, staying silent, focusing on how Jake had moved his hand from the back of your head to your cheek to rub his thumb back and forth on your cheekbone. 
Your silence broke his heart a little bit, making him think you didn’t trust him. But he knew he had to be patient with you. 
He goes to move his hand away but you hold it there. “I thought I was over it…” 
“Over what, Sweetheart?” 
“The accident…” 
Jake pushed some hair behind your ear, “What accident?” 
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes as a few tears rolled down your cheeks. He wiped them away as he spoke softly, “Take your time…” You nodded, swallowing as you tried to catch your bearings. 
“A year before I was stationed with you, I was flying a mission. It was dangerous, but still fairly routine. On my way out, I got hit. It completely destroyed my weapons system. Before I could get back up, I was hit again. This time it took out my engine.” You took another deep breath, looking up at the ceiling. 
“We were dropping altitude fast and my WSO and I had to eject. We landed on a beach, we unbuckled so fast,” you chuckled, remembering the relief you and Diego felt before the shit hit the fan.
Jake smiled a little bit at the sound, but dropped it when you started talking again.
“However the jet had also crashed onto the beach too. The fuel had leaked and caused an explosion. I covered my WSO, and a piece of scrap metal lodged itself into my back.” 
Jake’s eyes widened, more dots connecting in his mind, “You’re the pilot the squad was talking about at the bar…” 
You nodded, wiping your eyes, “Jake, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. It’s just… when I was in recovery, if I wanted to fly again, I had to go through therapy. And I haven’t had an attack in a year…” You got choked up again, hot tears rolling down your face, “Hang, I’m so sorry.” 
He shook his head, using both of his hands to wipe your face, “Hey, don’t be sorry. Do I wish you would have told me sooner? Hell yeah, but I understand why you didn’t.” You just nodded and relaxed into his hands.
“What happens when you have an attack?” 
You took a sharp inhale through your nose before sighing it out, “It depends. I sometimes get flashbacks of the beach, everytime I close my eyes I just see fire and it’s fucking terrifying. Other times, when it gets really bad, I can feel pain in my back, but that’s rare.” 
You bit your lip a little as you looked away, and Jake knew, “That happened tonight didn’t it?” You nodded, coughing a little bit, “Yeah, uh, yeah it did.” 
“Was it because we talked about-” 
“No," you said quickly. "W-well, I mean kinda… yeah. But there was a bonfire happening on the beach, and just the two things… my brain went into panic mode. Before you ask, I don’t really know what triggers it. But during dogfight football-” 
Jake’s eyes widened and he dropped his hands, “Fuck, Y/N, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” 
“Exactly, Jake, you had no idea. It’s not your fault. It was just the pressure on my scar made me panic, and I was back on that damned beach. But I’m not mad or upset with you because you had no idea. So don’t beat yourself up, please.” 
Jake nodded, bringing you into a hug again, being mindful of the scar. “Jake, you can touch it. I know I’m safe.” He said nothing and brought a hand to run over the covered scar before tightening his hug. 
“Can you tell me about him? Your WSO?” 
You nodded, “Diego Harding, call sign Tundra. He has a wife and a son.”
“That’s why you-” 
“Yeah, that’s why I covered him. He had a family to go back to.” 
“What about you?” 
You sighed again, using Jake’s shoulders to sit up, “Most of my family served. My dad was killed in action when I was young. My mom died when I was a teenager, leaving Piers to raise me for a little bit. Then Piers goes and sacrifices himself… so I didn’t have anyone to come home too.” 
You shrugged and got off his lap, but snuggled into his side.
He rubbed lazy circles on your bicep. “Well now you do.” You looked up at him confused, “What?” 
“You’ve got me to come home to, and I’ve got you.” He placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. “Don’t get sappy on me, Seresin.” He just chuckled.
It was silent for a moment. 
“Promise me that you’ll do your best to fly back to me,” he asked in a hushed whisper as if he were telling you a secret.
“Only if you do,” you whispered back.
He held out his pinky, “I promise.” You nodded, interlocking your pinky with his, “I promise too.” 
“Can’t break that now, you know,” he chuckled, squeezing your pinky a little. You giggled a little before yawning, “I know, cowboy.”
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my little cassettes <33: @els-marvelvsp @kmc1989 @criminallyhamilfan13 @lynnevanss @lovinglyeternal @desert-fern @startrekfangirl2233 @bradleybeachbabe @sebsxphia @mamachasesmayhem @hangmansgbaby @teacupsandtopgun @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @horseshoegirl @dakotakazansky @djs8891 @nobody7102 @bobby-r2d2-floyd @mongoosesthings
i apologize if i missed anyone! if you're not on here and wish to be, please fill out my taglist form! -> hello!!
even if you already are here, please fill it out so i can keep track!
love you guys! 💜
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virtualskye · 2 months
for a moment please consider the humble coyote
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simpforrooster · 2 years
the princess and the hangman
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x f!reader
you and Jake are constantly at each other’s throats. everyone can see why except for you. 
t/w: cussing, closed door scene, mentions of cheating. enemies to lovers. let me know if I missed any! 
“I hate you.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m hurt. Get in the fucking truck,” Jake “Hangman” Seresin slams himself into his truck and raises a brow at you. Your hand refuses to reach out towards the door handle.
He rolls the window down. “I will leave your ass here if you are not in this vehicle in the next five seconds.”
You know Jake well enough to know he is telling the absolute truth. Begrudgingly, you slide into his old Chevy. 
“I called Rooster, you know.” 
Your best friend, Rooster, was always your first call when you needed to get out of a horrible date. He always came riding in on his shiny Bronco, and rescued you. For some reason, Jake showed up this time.
“Well, I’m here instead. Rooster said he was caught up in something.” 
Or someone. 
The two of you rode back to the Hard Deck in complete silence. Old school country played lowly through the speakers, and you want desperately to make a comment about it. 
You decide against it not wanting to get into another argument with the Hard Deck three minutes away. The last thing you needed was the two of you flying into the bar at each other’s throats. It would only lead to the gang asking when y’all would finally admit your feelings for each other.
You did NOT like Hangman. No matter how fucking sexy he was. 
Jake pulls into the parking lot and throws his old Chevy into park. You both sit there, waiting for the other to make a move. These standoffs were pretty common. God, you were both so competitive. 
Jake finally speaks. “Next time, vet the guy a little better before agreeing to go on a date. I am sick of ‘rescuing’ you.” His voice is low, barely above a whisper. 
Your brows shoot up your face. “I’m sorry?” 
Jake doesn't answer. Instead, he slides out of his truck and slams the door. He stops at the door of the Hard Deck, “Lock the door behind you, Princess.”
That fucking nickname. 
You weren’t a naval aviator. You weren't in the Navy at all. You were a teacher at the school on the base, and one of the admiral’s daughters. Hence the nickname. You were untouchable. One call to Daddy, and you got whatever you wanted. 
So what? It wasn’t your fault you were the only daughter. 
The gang adopted you into their group the night you strolled into the bar after the first day of school. 
“The princess has been returned to our humble hangout,” Jake announces to the group. 
So much for coming in without arguing. 
You were hot on his heels. 
Coyote hands Jake a beer. Jake takes a long swig from it, and looks at you. He cocks a blonde eyebrow, daring you to say something. He knows you enough to know you can't pass it up.
“You’re an asshole.” You keep your voice neutral. 
“And you’re a brat. Tell me something I don't know, Princess.”
Rooster joins you at your side and throws an arm around your shoulders. “I wish you would have come,” you tell him.
“Yeah, I was a little preoccupied,” he winks at a blonde across the bar. “Besides, Hangman insisted.” 
Your eyes met Jake’s and for once you were speechless. He insisted?
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Jake shot at you. 
“Take your insult back to the 80′s, dick.” 
Mischief flashes through those green eyes. Those eyes you'd be blind if you didn't think they were gorgeous. His famous smirk falls on his lips. The one that usually precedes whatever smart ass comment he has cooking. 
Before he can come back with anything, Coyote jumps in. “When are you two just going to sleep together?” 
Rooster rolls his eyes next to you, and Bob, who was quiet in the corner, was suddenly interested with his phone. 
“He wishes.”
“I’d rock your world, Princess.” 
You pray your cheeks remain the color they are. He cannot see you react to that comment, because you’re pretty sure Jake could.
“Flyer would disagree.” Jake’s grip on his beer tightens. It was a low blow. Bringing up the only girl who kept him tied down. 
Jake regains his composure pretty quickly. “Yeah well, I wouldn’t want Origin's sloppy seconds anyway.”
Your comment was a low blow, but his was a complete kick in the hypothetical nuts. Even Rooster stiffened next to you. 
Origin, the guy who captured your heart. The guy who swept you off your feet. The guy who promised you the world. The guy who ultimately cheated on you. 
“I think the two of you should take a breather,” Rooster says, trying to steer you away from Jake. Not being able to back down, you slip under Rooster’s arm. 
You close the space between you and Jake. He has almost an entire foot on you. Your head almost falls all the way back to look him in the face. 
“Why’d she leave you?” you ask. Jake never mentioned the break up to any of you. When she left him, he sulked around for about a week, and then was back to his old self.
Jake’s jaw tightens, but he doesn't answer. 
“Come on, Hangman, I want to know why she left,” you pressed. The two of you were standing dangerously close. 
“I bet you do,” he makes a big show of taking a sip from his beer. His lips momentarily throwing you off as your mind wandered to how they'd feel on yours. They say hate and passion is a fine line, and you’re tittering it being this close to him.
You put a hand on his chest and playfully shove him back. He doesn't move an inch, but he captures your wrist in his before you can pull back. You don’t mean for the gasp to fall out of your mouth, but it does and he definitely noticed it. You were careful to never put your hands on him, afraid you may like it too much. 
“Why’d she leave, Jake?” 
Jake closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath. When they reopen, it’s like he’s staring into your soul.
“Because of you,” he says so low you almost didn't hear him. 
His hand his still encircled around your wrist, and you're pretty sure those green eyes just flicked down to your mouth. 
Jake drops your hand before you can say anything and stalks out of the bar. 
A week passed by with zero contact from Jake. Not that the two of you talked a lot outside of the weekend gatherings at the bar. You could usually look forward to a witty text from him at least once a week. 
“Come on, Y/N, you have to see the way he’s always looked at you,” Penny says. You were sitting at the bar, keeping her company before the Friday night crowd came in. 
You shake your head. “Jake hates me, and I hate him. That’s our thing.”
Penny gives you an incredulous look as she dries a glass. 
Sure, Jake is fucking hot. And you have thought about what it would be like if he was yours. 
“He said Flyer left because of me.” You still hadn't be able to work that out in your mind. 
“I would have too,” Penny shrugs. When she takes in your confused look, she adds, “Because she knew he was in love with you.” 
Your forehead comes in contact with the bar. Letting out a groan, you say, “Impossible.” 
“Trouble in Y/N Land?” a voice appears to your right. You glance over, keeping your head on the bar, and see Maverick, Penny’s boyfriend, and your father’s biggest annoyance. 
“She’s coming to terms with Hangman being in love with her,” Penny tells him, leaning over the bar to give Maverick a kiss. 
“Oh yeah? Shit, it's been what? Three years?” Maverick says. He knew too.
You let our another groan. 
You were at the piano with Rooster later on that night. You tried to remain present with your friend, singing along to whatever song he had just learned to play. Your eyes kept scanning the crowd, looking for that handsome blonde. 
“He’s not coming, darlin’,” Rooster tells you. 
“I don't know what you’re talking about.” 
Rooster finished up his song and turned on the bench towards you. “You’re looking for Hangman.” Your head shakes widely. “Of course I’m not. Why would I be looking for him? I hate him.” 
Rooster hits you with a look you imagine an older brother would give. A look that says ‘do you think I am that stupid’? 
“Where is he?” you ask quietly. 
“His apartment.”
You waste no time throwing your card at Penny and running out of the bar, not even caring. You knew Penny would lock it up for you to get later. 
You speed down the highway, taking the familiar route to Jake’s apartment. Rooster lived in the same building. Parking next to his Chevy, you take a deep breath. Your mind is in a million webs, and you don’t even know what you’re going to say to him. 
Mustering up as much confidence as you can, you stalk up the walk to his door. Pounding on the door, you don't notice that he’s opened it. It’s only when your fist makes contact with his chest does it register. 
“What are you doing here, Princess? Hot date stand you up?” he turns his back to you, heading into his home. You fly in after him, all nerves gone.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” There is no way on Earth this man ‘loves’ you. Everyone is just confusing hate with love. 
“I don't have a problem. Seems like you do, though.” Jake leans against his kitchen counter, arms crossed over his chest. 
“Yeah, I have a problem. Why would you tell me Flyer left you because of me, and then give me the cold shoulder for a week.”
Jake smirks. “I wasn’t aware you were waiting around for some kind of contact.” 
“Cut the shit, Jake.” 
Fire flashes in his eyes. “What do you want from me, Y/N? Do you want me to tell you that even though I was with her, I thought about you? Do you want me to tell you how you encapsulate every part of my mind? Do you want me to tell you that I have a fucking photo of you in my cockpit? Do you want me to tell you that no matter how many wise ass comments you feed me, it just makes me want you that much more?” With every question, he steps closer to you. His chest heaves as he looks down at you. You look down and see his shoes meet yours in a little kiss. 
Jake hooks a finger under your chin, guiding your face up to look at him. “Is that what you wanted?” 
Your breathing matches his. The two of you in another stand off. This time, who is going to kiss the other first? 
“Is that what you wanted, Princess?” he asks again, his lips lowering to yours. “Tell me to stop if you don’t want this.” 
You can’t find your voice. Instead, you grab the collar of his shirt to hurry him along. His lips meet yours, and you taste the beer he was drinking before you came over. Jake’s hands cup either side of your face, like he's afraid you’re going to disappear. 
“Origin didn’t fucking deserve you,” Jake says against your mouth.
“Please don’t bring him up again,” you say as you pull Jake into his bedroom. 
a/n: so sorry it has been so long since my last fic! I appreciate all the notes, and reblogs, and follows from everyone. writing is one of my most favorite hobbies and I am so glad y’all are enjoying them. I am thinking of opening some requests?!
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Buddha + Loki falling for a Native! Diety s/o
Because as a native American woman who SIMPS for fictional men, it'd be nice to see fanfics of Native readers. Idk all the mythologies of other tribes so I'll try my best to keep it as Pan-Native American as possible! Obviously anyone can read this but just understand to respect the culture and know this is tailored to Native readers!
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- The both of you weren't so different in terms of your beliefs and philosophies, in fact, Buddha had admired you and your people's culture from afar and it was mutual on your side as well.
- You were a God for much longer than he was and he swore you were the only one who still retained any love for your people.
- So he wasn't surprised when he saw you sided with the Valkyries, unable to stop himself from smiling everytime he saw the soft and adoring look you'd give the humans as they cheered for their champions.
- Your people called you The Creator, however, you felt as though that title might be a bit to...pretentious to go by when you were around other gods so you simply went by (Y/n), instead.
- But it was a fitting title, in Buddha's eyes. Many times when he allowed you to sit under his tree with him as he napped did he secretly open his eyes and see you sculpt creatures out of clay, breathing life into them and setting them down as you chuckled and petted them.
- You were humble, kind, and ethereal...even by a God's standards in his eyes.
- You'd be surprised with how down bad Buddha is for you tbh, you figured because of his easy going and calm disposition that he simply tolerated your prescence until one day when he offered you one of his snacks.
"For me?" You blinked in surprise, the bobcat you were sculpting now pushed into the back of your mind as you saw the treat being held before you. Buddha smiled and shrugged as he handed the lollipop to you, "I don't see anyone else here other than us."
"Hmm, I always figured you to be stingy with your snacks." You teased slightly but considering how its seen as rude to you and your people to turn down whatever you're offered, you gently set the clay animal in your lap and went to reach for the lollipop until you remembered...ah, yes, clay covered your hands.
Buddha seemed to notice your hesitance and sat up, crossing his legs and unwrapping the lollipop he was meant to give you. You watched carefully before he finally held it up to your lips.
"Let me help with that." He said suavely, a smirk on his lips.
You felt your face heat up at his actions but instead smiled and obligingly opened your mouth and smiled as he pushed the lollipop in, but then, as if nothing happened, he continued to lay down and nap and you continued to sculpt. However, the smiles you both shared were hard to wipe off as you continued to bask in the comfortable silence.
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- Creator Gods and Loki didn't really mix, but it wasn't hard to see why. Tricksters weren't exactly seen in the best light in most cultures, so a Trickster God didn't have that much better of a reputation. It also probably didn't help how often he liked to mess with them.
- But you, you were different. Trickster stories were quite common in your culture and while they were sometimes punished, they were also portrayed as heroes too sometimes.
- He suspected that you yourself, the esteemed Creator who made creatures from clay, seemed to enjoy tricksters. Unlike the other hoity-toity gods and goddesses who'd shoo or chase him away, you'd smile as you sensed his prescence and would make casual conversation.
- Many other dieties have called Loki many names, mostly behind his back since few would be bold enough to say them to his face, but you called him the names of many renowned trickster characters from your story. From Coyote, to Fox, to Rabbit.
- Whenever he asked what made you call him "Little Fox" one day to "Tricksy Coyote" the next and so on, you simply responded with a shrug and cheeky grin: "Is it really that hard to figure out? Some days, you remind me of a sneaky little fox but other days, you seem to have the appetite of a coyote looking to cause trouble."
- You understood the importance of balance. Yes dieties like you were important but so were God's like Loki, so you treated him with respect like you would any other God and while that respect was a little one sided for a while, it was clear he started to slowly hold you in high regard.
- Did this stop him from messing with you? No, it absolutely did not, and you weren't foolish enough to believe that you were an exception and that didn't upset you, not in the slightest. After all, he kept things interesting.
- It was a shame that you sided with humanity, although he can't say that he was surprised, you held your people in high regard. He'd be lying if he said that he didn't cheer you on during your battles instead of the side he was supposed to be on.
He knew you would win, there would have been no doubt about it. Perhaps the God against you had underestimated your power, maybe that's what made the fight more entertaining, the way you lowered his gaurd by making yourself seem weaker than you actually were...but perhaps you should leave the trickery to him, dear (Y/n), since you may have gotten a bit too cocky and sustained not a fatal injury, but you still had to see a healer.
You walked down the hallways to the healing wing, holding your side and scolding yourself for getting too prideful too early. Perhaps you should revisit the many stories your people made of warriors and creatures and their consequences of becoming too confident too quick. But, at least you managed to rack in another point for humanity. As the healer was treating you, you tilted your head and smiled softly at them.
"I had no idea you were such a skilled healer, rabbit." You remarked with a warm smile. The healer looked at you in shock but soon transformed into the mischievous green haired God, "Rabbit? That's a new one."
You shrugged and tilted your head: "To what do I owe the pleasure, Loki? I'd assume you'd be throwing a temper tantrum with Zeus and the others."
"But how could I be angry when you were the one I was rooting for?" He asked, giving you a close eyed grin. You raised an eyebrow and opened your mouth, only to be cut off when he held an eagle feather in front of your face.
"This fell off during your hobbling down here too, by the way." He informed. Your eyes widened in worry but he only chuckled at your sudden distress, "Don't worry, I grabbed it before it touched the ground. Honestly, you should be more careful in future battles, I'd hate to see the only God who knows how to have fun get hurt."
Ah, so he was following me,You thought to yourself, your amused smile returning.
"May I?" He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You nodded and moved your face closer to him, one hand maneuvered gently under your chin to hold your face still and his other intertwining the eagle feather back into your hair. When he was done, he brought his hand back but still kept the one under your chin where it was.
You looked into his violet eyes with half lidded ones.
Hmm, you were wrong. You assumed he was a rabbit, just in a silly little mood ready to play his typical tricks. But you saw the hunger of a coyote in his eyes instead...but not for mischief or chaos for any of the sort.
It looked like he was hungry for you.
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surrogate-fawn · 10 months
May I... humbly suggest #17 for the ask meme 👀
The Outlaw's Labor (Wild West AU)
Prompt: "I really need to change position"
Characters: Fawn/Newt/Hassan, in a poly marriage. ((Newt & Hassan both belong to @mittysins))
Context: Fawn is the leader of an outlaw gang, and just so happens to be the only woman among them.
If there was anything Fawn could appreciate about the desert, it was the transformation it made after dark. The unrelenting sun would shatter into twinkling silver pieces all across the sky, the burning sand would become a cool ocean of silk, and the lonely wind came alive with the sounds of nighttime critters.
Fawn heard the wail of a lone coyote somewhere off in the distance. It was separated from its pack, and that made them kindred spirits. She glanced down the hill at the dying embers of the campfire below her, and at the circle of men sleeping around it. Her own empty bedroll lay open in the formation of snoring bodies, between the two boys she'd taken as her husbands.
A small smile graced her lips as she watched her lovers' slumber from afar. Newt had placed his Stetson over his face while his head rested back on his saddle. Hassan lay curled on his side, his long brown hair pulled into a ponytail and the handle of a shiny revolver nestled in his fist. Fawn wondered how the man could be such a ball of nerves but still sleep so close to a loaded weapon.
Her hands moved to cradle the underside of her greatly swollen belly, its curve hardly contained by the fastenings of her shirt. The denim didn't have much give to it and -- even though it was one of Hassan's shirts -- it just barely fit her gravid bump . . . especially now that labor had dropped it low and heavy on her frame. The only sign of pain throughout Fawn's entire being was the shallow sway of her hips as she felt the next contraction starting.
She'd been "keeping watch" atop that hill for a few hours, laboring quietly to herself while gazing down the length of the canyon. It weren't no secret she was keeping; hell, her boys had known the baby was on its way since that afternoon. She'd mostly kept her discomfort to herself all day, until her husbands had asked what was wrong.
Newt had convinced her to make the gang camp early, to give herself plenty of time off Sidewinder's back before labor got too deep. She was grateful he'd talked some sense into her, because she'd been much deeper in labor when they made camp among the hoodoos than she'd been letting on.
It's not that the labor didn't hurt -- it sure as hell did! -- it just wasn't anything Fawn found herself unable to handle. Her reactions to the intensifying pain were so mild, her gang was under the impression her labor had only recently begun. Why cause a stir by correcting them? What on God's earth were those lawless men supposed to do with that information?
While the men of her gang sat around drinking and playing rounds of cards until sunset, Fawn and her husbands had moved to a more private area of the canyon -- where she could feel free to labor away from gawking eyes. Well, except four of 'em.
For the five hours the gang had lollygagged around camp before nightfall, Hassan and Newt had never left her side -- Hassan, especially. He was the one who had gotten her pregnant, there was no mystery there, and he took that responsibility as seriously has he handled his guns.
Hassan's hands trembled with anxiety every time Fawn furrowed her brow in pain, and he'd startled at every tiny groan she uttered. For such a talented and imposing gunslinger, he could act as frightened as a rabbit in a jackal's den. His fear was evident in the fact he never laid a hand on her -- he'd been hesitant to touch her in any way since he learned about the pregnancy, as if she'd suddenly become made of glass. Instead, he'd stood a few feet away and annoyed her with constant suggestions on how to make her labor "easier" -- all of which were total nonsense. Where he got the idea that drinking water somehow opened the womb, she'd never know.
Newt was a more hands-on in his support, offering his wife reassuring backrubs while she rested between contractions. Naturally, he had more innate sympathy to the kind of pain she was experiencing; but he was a bit over-eager to help ease it. He seemed to be under the impression that digging his hands into her sides somehow eased the pain -- when it, in fact, made it much worse. During a contraction, Fawn had needed to bark at him several times to stop touching her before he finally got the message. After that incident, Fawn just wanted to be left alone.
For all their sweetness, her boys had really started to try her patience by the time the stars came out. She'd managed to convince them to sleep for a while -- assuring them that once her labor "started picking up", she'd wake them.
Yeah . . . she never had any intention of doing that.
She'd brought a child into the world before, her husbands hadn't -- but goddamn, if they didn't act like they knew better than her. As the one most experienced in childbirth out of that whole gang of ruffians, Fawn qualified to be her own doctor. She knew what the subtle cues of her body meant as it slowly worked her new baby out of the womb -- that ancient language of birth between mother and child.
"Oh, you're fixin' to come out before sunrise," Fawn thought, internally speaking to her baby. She rocked her hips a bit wider, a huff of air leaving her nostrils as she felt the harsh pinch of her cervix being pulled further over the mass of her child.
The contraction faded away, and the outlaw leader rested her back against a rough pillar of stone -- one of hundreds surrounding their campsite. Auburn ringlets of her hair had escaped the pinned updo she tamed her curls in, falling loose throughout the day's sweat and toil; but now, even in the chill of the night, they clung to the back of her neck.
"Actually," Fawn thought, "you might be comin' a lot sooner than that."
Ever since that morning a pressure had been rolling into her hips like a thunderstorm on the horizon, getting louder and deeper every hour. Now, it was barreling over her.
Another contraction started less than a minute after the last one. Fawn pressed her lips together and furrowed her brow, her hands continuing to support the weight of her low-hanging belly. She felt the heft of her child moving down. With her own hands, she felt the rough outline of its shoulder resting just above the bony squeeze of her pelvis.
"Mmm-hmm, you're comin' a lot sooner than that."
Fawn shuffled around the edge of the rocky pillar, hiding herself from the view of camp behind an outcrop at its base. Her hands moved from her underbelly to her belt buckle as she doubled over with a breathy groan -- the contraction reaching its peak of intensity and refusing to let up. She shimmied her trousers and undergarments down to her knees and held herself in a supported crouch against the jagged rock, her hands splayed out to either side of her.
Lightning flashed behind her eyelids as they closed tight. The pressure was thundering and insistent, pounding on her bones with every heartbeat. Then, the storm inside her finally broke.
Fawn let out a soft sigh of relief when she felt her bag of waters rupture. The immense pressure lessened in an instant as a gout of hot fluid hit the cool sand with a dull splash. Fawn let her head lull back, thankful to the Lord above that she'd thought to remove her trousers before it happened; they were her only pair.
She had no hope of getting her boots and pants off in her condition -- her boys had needed to help her with that for weeks -- so why fret over it? Besides, this would make it easier for her to hike her clothes back up and head into camp once she was done. There was no reason to be indecent around her men . . . her authority was threatened enough as it was by her pregnancy.
To outside eyes, she looked every bit a woman in a desperate plight: outlawed to the wastelands, a price on her head, laboring with no assistance, and preparing to give birth with her most of her clothes still on; but Fawn was the picture of serenity.
"Alright, rugrat, your cushion's gone. Can't be very comfy in there now," Fawn thought with a flood of anticipation. "Are 'ya ready to come out now?"
She gave a few experimental pushes as she felt the next contraction ramping up. With the third timid push, she felt the cold night air enter her canal as her body started to flower open.
"Ooh, yeah," Fawn thought, adjusting her stance to be wider, "you're ready."
When the contraction reached its peak, Fawn pressed her boot heels into the soil and bore down with all her might. She held her breath until she was lightheaded, stopped to exhale, inhaled, and pushed again. Her nails dragged against the rock as her fingers spiked to find better purchase.
Fawn was able to wring about three good pushes from each contraction, but she lost count of how many she endured -- they were starting to bleed into each other. Excess fluid dripped from her folds as she silently worked her baby down. One long, deep push had her skin bulging out obscenely, the head finally slipping down to fill up her canal.
Pressing her back harder against the pillar, Fawn lowered herself into more of a squat, allowing her to bring her hands around. She swiped away the pebbles digging into her palms and put both hands between her legs to explore her progress.
She didn't need a doctor to tell her what was going on, Fawn could feel it all for herself. Her vulva was hot to the touch and firm as a stone wrapped in skin -- everything flushed with blood and straining with the pressure that would soon force it to open.
The pad of her left middle finger accidentally dipped into her enflamed opening, and Fawn let out an involuntary gasp as she felt a bit of damp hair sitting just inside her stretched perineum.
"Oh! Hey'ya, rugrat," she said inside her head. A small chuckle left her dry throat. "I wasn't expectin' 'ya to be there, yet."
Unbidden tears pooled in her eyes, but she blinked them away. It didn't matter if she was in the middle of the desert without a bed or a home to call her own, she felt much more at ease giving birth here than she had her first go-around:
Long before her days as "Fawn", she'd married young -- far, far too young in hindsight -- to a much older man. Her beautiful little Mercy had been born when Fawn herself was still little more than a child, and it had been an agonizing ordeal. Her daughter was yanked into the world with forceps by a doctor who was far too rough. The tongs had left indents on her baby's soft skull for days, and they'd left bruises in their wake. All that pain, all that trauma for them both . . . only for whooping cough to steal her daughter from her arms within the year.
Fawn tilted her head to gaze up at the milky way, and wondered if Mercy was anywhere among those flecks of light. Just to be safe, she blew a kiss to the sky. Then, she readied herself to deliver her second-born.
She reached into the back pocket of her trousers, pulling out the flask she'd snuck out of camp with her. Fawn twisted off the cap with her teeth and drenched her hands in the whiskey. A subdued grunt was the only sound she made as she threw her hands between her legs and dove into another push.
The top of her baby's head began to appear. Fawn's fingerpad traced its shape as it forced her opening to stretch, until that little patch of hair was the rough shape of a teardrop. Fawn pressed her hands to either side of her labia, cradling the bulging near-crown. As she pushed, she held the skin open in preparation of what was to come. It wasn't long until a sharper grunt left her strained throat -- the baby's head stretching her in earnest with her most recent push.
Fawn tried to relax her body as the stinging burn of crowning began, but her thighs and back were aching from holding a squat for so long. She turned her eyes back to the stars as a focal point, admiring their heavenly glow while she bore down on her baby.
Her fingertips lightly pressed on each side of the slimy, squishy bubble of hair as it opened into a proper crown. Long, deep breaths were the closest thing to a scream Fawn allowed herself as the ring of fire branded her between the legs.
Wider, wider, wider, she opened. With each push her fingertips were pulled further apart. God, how much of a head did this child have?! She should've expected the child to be large, Hassan was a biblical giant of a man. She tried opening her legs to make room, but her trousers acted as shackles, only allowing her knees to move about a foot apart.
Fawn threw her head back, teeth clenched and eyes shut tight against the pain she was feeling in every inch of her body now. She tried standing up straighter, but her legs refused to close. Fawn blew out a loud breath from pursed lips as she gave into another desperate effort. She continued to prod at the reddened, stretched skin around the emerging head, hoping to peel as much of it back as possible to move things along.
When she felt a large, trembling hand touch her knee, she didn't need to open her eyes to see who it was that had found her. It was Hassan. She knew his touch very well . . . the evidence of that was currently being born. She'd missed it.
But if Hassan had managed to find her out there in the dark, then where was...?
"We're here, darlin'," a soft voice came from the other side of her. A smaller hand touched her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Ah, there was Newt.
Fawn blinked her eyes open. Once her vision adjusted, the light from the stars and half-moon were enough to see by. She saw the worried creases on the faces of her boys as they knelt in front of her.
"Evenin', fellas," Fawn croaked out. It was the first sentence she'd said aloud in hours, and her voice was parched as her tongue. "You're just in time. The 'lil anklebiter's makin' an appearance."
The boys glanced at each other and almost in unison craned their necks to see between her legs.
Newt's face twisted in an odd mix of shock and awe. "Lord Almighty . . ." he murmured.
Hassan's tanned face went so pale he reflected the moonlight like a mirror.
Fawn whined, bucking her hips as she felt another contraction rearing its ugly head. "Boys, I really need to change position," she said, her tone amazingly subdued for the situation. "I can't . . . can't open my hips enough. Get my trousers off."
The boys leapt into action. Hassan removed her boots with practiced ease and both helped pull her bunched-up trousers the rest of the way down her legs. Freed from her cloth prison, Fawn sank the rest of the way to the ground, her legs falling wide open and bracing on each side of the rocky outcrop.
"God, that's better," Fawn sighed, finally feeling some of her muscles relax.
When their crowning child was fully revealed to them, Hassan put his hand over his mouth and his shoulder slumped against the rock.
"Don't you dare go dark on me, Has," Fawn scolded, her words pinched and breathless as she pushed into her hands. She paused to take in a huge gasp of air. "This is your doin', remember?"
It was as if the baby had been waiting on its fathers to be there, as suddenly every push Fawn gave sent the head surging forward. Even when the pain was at its worst, Fawn never lost her composure. She panted, she hissed, and she gave the occasional quiet groan; but otherwise, she voiced no complaints.
Her boys were still and silent, perhaps too unsure what to do to offer any more unsolicited advice -- thank God. At least they could see for themselves she knew what she was doing.
With the chirping crickets and hooting owls as her background music, Fawn managed to slide the head of her child free in just four more good shoves after changing position.
"Do . . . you need anything?" Hassan timidly asked.
"I just need y'all to be quiet."
It wasn't an insult. With a large head hanging out of her and shoulders already pressing their way through her pelvis, any sound louder than a whisper was making her nauseous.
Fawn breathed deep, her thumb lovingly stroking the cheek of her baby while she waited for their body to turn. She felt their face twitch under her fingers, their mouth opening in a cry that had no breath behind it yet.
"I know, rugrat. I know it's uncomfortable, I'm sorry," she thought, her breath coming in harsh huffs through her nose. "Mama's got 'ya, though. She's got 'ya and your daddies are both here waitin'. It'll be okay, sweetie."
With her next contraction, Fawn made it her mission to push until her baby was out; and, by God, birth that child she did -- feet pressing against rock, hips angled towards the sky, and with both fathers watching on in stunned and obedient silence. The shoulders pressed through one right after the other, and all Fawn had to do was give a gentle tug under the chubby arms once they came free.
The sand under her became drenched as the hips of the baby slipped free of her own. Fawn held the scrunched newborn up in front of her for a few seconds, giving it a quick once-over with her eyes. From what she could tell, he was perfect!
"Well, ain't you a handsome one?" she crooned, laying her son over her stomach. He squirmed face-down on the worn denim of her shirt, whimpering quietly. "Come on, you can do better than that," Fawn encouraged, giving his shoulders a rub.
The newborn must've been exhausted from the hours-long squeeze. He could still only muster enough life to whimper, until his mother gave him a flurry of harsh pats to the butt. Then, he finally cried.
With his very first breath, that little boy proved he had his mother's authority in his blood. Because forty feet downhill, the entire gang was woken to the sound of his cries.
It didn't matter if they'd been sound asleep, they were all going to know his Mama had a new reason to kick their asses.
((I'd love to receive more prompts for this AU! I'd love to get one that would allow me to continue with the family fluff after this birth scene. I would've added it to this drabble, but I didn't want to get too far away from the prompt/))
Hope you enjoyed!
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
That's My Girl--Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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a/n: I realize I never stated what the name of the flower shop is called so that will be told here!
An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 3k
warnings: none
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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After Reynolds picked you up from work one Friday night, Jake called you and asked if you’d like to meet him at The Hard Deck. Excited to see more of him in his friend group you said yes and Reynolds had no problem driving you there after you changed out of your work clothes at home. 
Reynolds chatted with Rhea while you raced upstairs to change and when you looked at yourself in the mirror, you really wanted to make yourself look nice. You still had leaves in your hair from an arrangement you were working on. After cleaning out the leftover leaves, you used that expensive dry shampoo Jake supplied you, washed your face and did your makeup the way Inez showed you.
You found the perfect outfit; a babydoll type black top, high-waisted light washed jeans and a black belt. Then you found a cute pair of wedges with a black floral design that wrapped around your foot and your outfit was set. Until you saw the leaf earrings winking at you on one of your dressers where your perfume is and you placed them in your ears. 
“Perfect,” you smile at yourself and admire the earrings for a moment longer before descending the stairs. 
“All set?” Reynolds asks.
“Yup. Do you think Jake would mind if I invited Serena and Dom?”
“Not at all. Do we need to pick them up?” He sounds almost hopeful.
“No, they live together so they’ll come together. But,” you touch his forearm, “I’m sure Jake will bring me home so you can drink with us if you’d like. Dom loves tequila sunrises.”
He smiles at that nugget of information and then you’re both out the door. On the way there, Serena texted they’ll meet you in a little over an hour and as you walked up the sandy walkway and through the double doors, you became nervous. There’s a lot of Navy in this bar and you stood on your tiptoes to look for your Navy guy. 
“y/n!” Penny calls from the bar.
Thankful to see a familiar face, you weave through some bodies and give her a hug over the counter. 
“Looks like you’re looking for someone,” she says. 
“I am. Have you seen Jake around?” your eyes scan around her as if he’ll magically appear just by you saying his name. 
“Him and the squad are back the billiards and darts,” Penny nods to her right. “Can I get you anything? I’ll make sure to put it on Hangman’s tab.”
You laugh nervously because you know he wouldn’t want you to pay for your drinks at all.
“Sure. I’ll just have a hard seltzer right now, with a straw please.”
She pops open the can and sticks a straw in it for you and you make your way towards the game area. Jake and Coyote are at the dartboard and Coyote has his hand over Jake’s eyes while Jake tosses his darts. He makes three bullseyes in a row.
“Is there anything you can’t do?” you ask and he whips his head around so fast while Coyote collects the darts. You feel flattered when his eyes glitter over you, a bright smile on his face. 
“Well, don’t you look mighty pretty,” he approaches you and places his hands on your waist. His eyes move to the drink in your hand. “You put that on my tab, right?”
“Yes, Penny knew to,” you nod. “But seriously, are you bad at anything?”
“We’re still trying to figure that one out,” Rooster says behind you. “We wanna find what makes him a sore loser.”
“Never will Rooster, I’m too damn good.”
You can see in his eyes that this is Hangman talking, he’s got a certain err of confidence that’s slightly borderline on cocky.
“Not very humble, are you?” you tease and that makes Rooster snort into his beer. 
When Jake looks at you, that mirth is replaced by the tender softness you’re used to and you know this is Jake. The real him. 
“Sorry, Sugar. The Navy needs the best and drills it into us, hard not to brag. Especially in front of you,” he pokes your nose.
“Can I play?” you point to the dartboard behind him. 
“Need me to show you how?” Jake flirts.
“You toss a dart at a bard, pretty simple,” you shrug. You move out of his arms to take the darts from Coyote. 
“Please beat him, he needs to be knocked down a peg or two,” Coyote encourages.
“There is a certain finesse to it, Sugar,” Jake picks up three other darts and he smirks at you. “I’d be happy to show you.”
“I’ll ask for help if I need it,” you pat his chest and move to the scuffed green tape on the floor signifying where to stand. “Ladies first?”
Coyote moves out of the way and Jake does a slight bow, his right arm extended towards the dart board as if presenting it to you.
“But of course.”
You take turns trailing each other in points but in the end, you get a bullseye and it wins you the game. Rooster and Coyote cheer behind you then run off to find the others. 
“Good job, Sugar,” Jake congratulates as you sip on your drink through your straw. 
“Thank you,” you smile sweetly.
“Did you really beat him?” Phoenix asks impressed. 
“Yeah.” You say and Jake comes up behind you, his fingers tickling your sides making you laugh. “I did.”
Phoenix glances between you two then she cocks her head to the side. 
“You didn’t let her win, did  you?”
“Oh no,” Rooster groans, “You did, didn’t you?”
When Jake doesn’t respond you turn your head to look up at him. He’s drinking his beer slowly and avoiding your eyes.
“Did you let me win?” you ask softly. He still avoids your gaze, shifting uncomfortably against you and you pout. “I want a rematch.”
You spin out of his arms and place a hand on your hip. 
“I mean it, don’t hold back.”
“All right,” he relented, “we’ll do a rematch.”
He lets you go first and you do pretty well but then his three bullseyes in a row easily overpowers you. You turn grumpy and Jake grabs your hand. 
“You told me not to hold back.”
“I know, I’m still grumpy because you let me win. Let’s go again.”
You move away from him again, he sighs as you gather the darts and take your position. You suck down the rest of your drink. You end up getting a few bullseyes yourself which impresses Jake. When it’s his turn you watch his stance and the clear focus in his eyes as he aims. 
It’s down to the final points and you plant your feet, square your shoulders and take a deep breath. You relax your arm and toss them quickly in a row, each one landing smack dab in the center. There’s silence behind you and when you turn around they’re all staring at you but Jake is smirking. 
“What just happened?” Rooster asks dumbfounded. 
“She hustled me, that’s what,” Jake grins. He saunters to you, pulls you against him by your hips and kisses you. You smile into his kiss wrapping your own arms around his shoulders and he lifts you off the ground. “Were you on a team or something?”
“No,” you murmur on his lips. “I just don’t think and hope for the best. I’m lucky.”
“Very lucky.”
You continue to kiss until you feel your phone and wrist vibrate from a text. Breaking the kiss, you glance at your watch reading a text from Serena that she and Dom have arrived. 
“Serena and Dom are here,” you tell him and he sets you back down on your feet. “I’ll be right back.” You lean up and give him a quick kiss.
“Drinks are on me, Sugar,” he calls after you.
You find Serena at the bar looking great as she always does and give her a hug.
“Where’s Dom?”
“He got distracted by Reynolds outside,” Serena smirks. 
The two of you order your drinks then she links her pinky with yours and  you lead her towards the back where Jake and his friends are. They’ve gone back to their pool game and you notice the flirtatious look of interest between Serena and Rooster. Jake’s eyes were on you and he sent a wink your way before breaking the balls. 
“I beat Jake at darts, do you want to play?” you ask Serena.
“Sure. Who’s the guy in the Hawaiian shirt?”
“That’s Rooster,” you line up for your shot, squinting one eye shut. 
“He’s hot.”
“I’ll introduce you when they’re done with pool. Don’t want to interrupt their game,” you say and throw a dart. You line up for the next shot.
“Do you think his little rooster lives up to his name?” 
“Serena!” you exclaim and you throw your dart but it smacks a guy in the back of the head a little ways away. “Oh no!”
“Ow! What the–”
You rush over to him already apologizing profusely as he rubs his head and turns around. He smiles at you then picks up the dart.
“Are you okay? I wasn’t aiming for you, I swear!” you fluster out, your voice just shy of panicking. Because of course you would be the one to hit someone with a dart.
“I would hope not, unless we’re in the hunger games or something,” he smiles. “Good thing these aren’t real darts, right?”
“Yeah, I would have felt even worse. This is why I’ll never go axe throwing.”
“You hit people in the head a lot?”
“No, I’d be worried it would fly back and decapitate me,” you shake your head and take the dart back. “I’m sorry again.”
“No blood no foul,” he shrugs then points a finger at you that’s not holding onto his beer bottle, “don’t you work at that flower shop? Rose Window? I’m John B Stokes…my grandpa Roger worked with your Grandpa John?”
The name rings a faint little bell and you’re staring at him trying to place his face.
“We used to play in the circle of their subdivision in the summer?”
“Oh yeah!” you smack your palm against your forehead at finally recognizing him. “We’d sneak freeze pops and draw treasure maps on the driveway. Wow, it’s been a long time, huh?”
“It has. My mom told me you took over the shop after he died, I was sorry to hear that.”
“Thank you, it was very rough the first few years.”
“And how’s Betty?”
“She’s…getting by,” you nod. You don’t want to go into details about her health right now. “I’ll tell her I ran into you. What have you been up to?”
“I own a surf shop along the beach with my buddy, JJ.”
“You always did like to surf, even in my grandparent’s pool.”
“Remember when we climbed that tree….”
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“Woah, who’s that over by y/n?” Bradley asks while Jake is lining up for his shot.
“The guy and her hot friend.”
“Serena and Dom, I told ya’ll they were coming,” Jake responds and sinks the red solid in the corner pocket. 
“And you said Dom was gay?”
“Yes,” Jake responds patiently as he lines up again.
“Well, the way this dude’s looking at her says otherwise.”
That catches Jake’s attention and he looks over in your direction from his angle along the pool table. He sees Serena next to you and a guy that is definitely not Dom talking to you. He’s got a hat on backwards and is dressed like a surfer, his tanned face clearly signifies that.
You’re both smiling and laughing with Serena nodding along and piping in now and again. Jake stands up immediately to get a better look. The guy isn’t standing too close to you but he has conflicting feelings because the two of you are still figuring things out together. He trusts you, he really does, but he’s seen how men look at you when you’re out in public. 
Hell, he saw how they all looked at you when you walked into the bar now. And he knows how charming you are–you don’t realize when you are being charming and it draws them in. Like flies to honey and you’re the sweetest bit o’honey there is. You probably don’t even realize the guy is flirting with you, you’re just that nice.
What really stirs the green monster of jealousy inside him is the way the guy is looking at you because it’s the way Jake looks at you. And that just won’t do.
He has four shots left before he wins and he makes a decision to go intervene if you’re still being bothered. He sinks them in record time, winning the game. He picks up his beer bottle and takes a swig.
“We should have called you Hammerhead,” Bradley grumbles, rolling his cue stick on the table. Jake scowls at him. “You know, cause it’s a shark and pool sharks is when–”
“Yeah, I get it Bradshaw,” Jake snaps. 
“Cool, you two done?” Bob asks reaching for Jake’s cue stick.
“Have at it, Bobby,” Jake hands it off a little too roughly. He wants to intervene but he can’t really read the situation properly. 
“What’s got him upset now?” Bob scowls rubbing at his chest. “I thought y/n being around didn’t make you such a dick.”
“Some dude’s talking to his Sugar Pie,” Phoenix appears next to Rooster.
“Uh oh,” Bob sighs, racking the balls back up. 
Serena glances at Jake and gives him a look, her eyebrows raised and glances to the guy you’re talking to.
That’s his cue.
“Excuse me,” Jake makes his way towards you.
When he’s close enough, he rests his hand on your hip, pressing into you.
“Hi Serena,” he greets then curves his head so he can see your face. “He Sugar.”
A testing glance to the guy who is also sizing him up. 
“Jake! This is John B, we grew up and played together. Our grandparents were neighbors,” you explain excitedly.
“Really? That’s nice,” he cocks his head back in a normal position and makes a show of lifting his hand on your hip to John B. “I’m Jake.”
John B takes his hand and it’s a firm grip, both of them squeezing as hard as they can. Jake’s impressed, but only a little. 
“I heard,” John B nods to his service khakis. “Air Force?”
“Naval aviator,” Jake stiffens.
“Damn, that’s badass, man,” John B says. 
“What do you do?”
“I own a surf shop just down the beach. I rent out paddle boats if you’d like to try them sometime,” John B is speaking to you. 
“Those aren’t really safe,” Jake shakes his head.
“I’ve always wanted to try those! Serena, let’s do it sometime,” you say.
“Sugar, I don’t think–”
“And you and Rooster can come, it’ll be a fun double date,” you’re literally bouncing in excitement. Your eyes are wide as you look up at him.
‘Double date’ puffs Jake’s chest up a little, he gives a subtle nod to John B.
“Sure, anything you want Sugar.”
“Come by anytime,” John B says unfazed. “I gotta get back with my friends but it was good to see you again, y/n. And nice meeting you, Serena.”
“You too,” Serena smiles.
“Jake,” John B nods, then he touches your shoulder before heading back to his corner. 
“Did you win at pool?” you ask just as Jake starts leading you back to the others. 
“Of course I did. I think we should introduce Serena and Rooster, don’t you think?”
“Ugh, please! I’m foaming at the mouth,” Serena follows and downs the rest of her drink. 
Once you’re all back with the squad, Bradley stands up from his stool when he sees Serena approaching.
“Serena, this is Roos–”
“Bradley,” he interrupts, clearing his throat. “You can call me Bradley.”
“What if I want to call you Rooster?” Serena smiles.
“That works, call me whatever you want, honey,” he flirts. “Can I get you another one?”
“Please,” Serena grins and leads the way to the bar. Bradley places his hand on the small of her back and they disappear in the crowd. 
“Well, guess we’re chopped liver,” you giggle and hop up onto the stool next to Phoenix. 
“What’s the story with you and John B?” Jake asks, Phoenix winces but he ignores her. 
“What story?” you straighten his collar. He removes your hand so he can lace your fingers together.
“Did you two have a summer romance at one point or something?”
“No? Why would you think that?”
“He was flirting with you, sweetheart.”
“No, he wasn’t,” you shake your head. But when you glance over Jake’s shoulder  you lock eyes with John B and you frown. “Was he?”
“With his eyes, yes, he was,” Jake nods.
“His eyes?” Phoenix snorts.
“Do you mind? We’re having a conversation here, Phoenix,” he snips.
“Hey, you two came by me but I’ll leave. Don’t let your jealousy take over, it’s not a good look, Bagman,” she pats his shoulder as she sidles past him. 
“Wait a minute, you’re jealous that I was talking with him?” you ask and he sighs, his eyes downcast. “Jake?” You place a finger under his chin, lifting it gently.
“Maybe a little. He was looking at you the way I do, I didn’t like it,” he admits. Never in a million years would he think he’d admit to being jealous but you’re altering his code. 
“You wanna know something?” you remove your hand from his and slip your arms around his neck and pull him closer so he’s between your legs. 
“I don’t look at anyone else the way I look at you,” you whisper. “Do you know how many women stare at you when we’re together?”
“No, I don’t see anyone but you, darlin’,” he grins.
He’s surprised when you initiate the kiss, your fingers tangling in his hair.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Need more of Terms of Endearment. Plz and thank xx
Warnings // Rooster x F!Reader. Hangman x Platonic!F!Reader. Mentions of Alcohol consumption and physical assault.
“What the hell are you playing at Hangman?” Rooster questioned as he dried his hair roughly with the towel that had recently been tucked around his waist. A fresh pair of jeans now adorning his hips.
“I'm playing matchmaker–” Hangman was quick to respond as he sat the car seat down on the bench in the locker room. Tapping the top of it twice with a shit eating grin. “Fe asked me to drop this off before you go.” Rooster hadn’t even thought about the car seat. God his Bronco was not built to harbour a car seat. “She also told me to tell you that she’ll call when she's leaving the workshop.”
“Id ask if you hit that bird on purpose but I know you wouldn’t be stupid enough to risk ruining a multi million dollar jet on the grounds of setting me up with your roomie.” You and your little girl Dot had been living off base with Jake since you arrived in North Island in the middle of the night, running for what was essentially life or death. You wouldn't have come to Jake if you had any other choice–not one for handouts or charity, so when he was opening his door in the middle of the night, bat in hand because who the fuck was trying to bang his god damn door down in the middle of the fucking night–he was softening instantly.
“I have nowhere else to go–” You sobbed as Jake dropped the bat to the ground just barely missing his own foot. Completely and wholeheartedly accepting you and your crying daughter into his humble abode. He wasn’t blind, nor did he have a deviated septum. He saw the bruises and smelt the absurd amount of liquor on your breath. The way you clung to your daughter like she was your entire word made Jake hold his tongue. Pressing it into the side of his cheek as he let his chin rest on top of your head. It had to have been bad if you drove in the state you were in.
“Uh, I prefer stowaway–actually.” Jake teased as he watched Rooster throw his shirt over his head. “She needed a push—“
“I know what I’m doing man, I don’t need you interfering with my love.” Rooster huffed, he honestly didn’t mind playing the long game with you. He knew winning you over slowly would be worth it in the long run. He wasn’t all that sure of what you had been through—both you and Jake liked to keep that information under lock and key. But Bradley knew, he knew you were worth the wait, the work, the effort it would take to break your walls down brick by brick.
“Your love life is nonexistent Bradshaw I’m doing you a favour here!” Jake was no stranger to bringing home beautiful women, but ever since you and little Dot had been occupying his spare room? He had become more and more selective about the type he brought home. “And honestly, I’m just about sick of having to explain the children’s toys lying around whenever I bring someone home—“
“So this isn’t about Y/n at all then?” Rooster scoffed as he shook his head in utter disbelief. “This is about you wanting her out of your place.” Rooster had never actually strapped an infant's car seat into his car before. Picking up the capsule he marched out of the locker room into the hall, Hangman right on his tail. “I don't know what your thought process is man, but getting me to pick up Dot isn’t gonna have Y/n outta your house any quicker.”
The first time Bradley met you, he'd been tasked with finding out why Hangman was late for work. The cocky fighter pilot with the big ass egomaniacal smile and even bigger shit eating grin was usually if anything early. But the day Bradley first met you? It had been two hours since the first flight and Coyote was about ready to trade out his wingman. Patient had worn very thin. There’d been no calls and texts from Jake, no excuse or reason for his absence.
“Bagman!” Rooster was banging down Jake's front door incessantly. Huffing when there was no response. “Jake man you good?” He never stopped knocking. It’s what had woken you from what felt like your final resting spot on the lounge in the living room. The morning after Jake had taken you in. “SERESIN!” Roosters knuckles didn't meet hardwood when you swung the door open. Almost connecting with your already bruised and battered face as you held the door open.
“Fuck off!” Bradley Bradshaw had never been so taken aback in his life. “Stop knocking its rattling my fucking brain.” Rubbing your eyes as you yawned, stepping back to let whoever it was that wanted your brother so desperately into the house that would soon become a home. “Jakes upstairs–” At the mere mention of his name, Jake Seresin was barreling down the stars still doing up his flight suit. He knew he’d fucked up, but he’d been up with you all night holding your hair out of your face while you cried and threw up the content of your stomach. Dot in his lap crying in hysterics because she hadn’t slept a wink either. He’d only just work up after having slept like a log through his alarm.
“Dude—I’m fucked aren’t I?” Jake groaned as he tried slipping his work issued steel caps on.
“Who's the walking corpse?” Rooster asked as he watched you fall back onto the lounge, your ass on full display for him as you rolled over and pulled up the blanket Jake had given you. You were so plastered that the pain of your hangover hadn’t even set in yet. Jake was right, maybe he should have taken you to get your stomach pumped last night, but he was confident you'd thrown enough up that it wasn't a life threatening amount. “She's wearing your TopGun shirt–” Raising a questioning eyebrow, Rooster turned back to Jake. “You let strays stay the night now do you?”
“She's my sister.” Bradley heard the way Jake said it with a sigh, like he was almost disappointed. Jake could never be disappointed having you as a sister, but he was disappointed in a few of the choices you made that led you to this moment. Hungover, on his lounge with your daughter still asleep upstairs. You hadn’t been coherent enough last night to watch over her. Jake had stepped in. “Shows up on my doorstep last night, believe it or not she was in a worse state than this.”
“And the bruises?”
“Like I said, she showed up on my doorstep last night in a worse state than this.” Jake repeated himself as he held back tears. “I haven't really been able to get much out of her besides vomit.”
“Why haven't you ever told me you have a sister?” Rooster knew it was probably a stupid question to ask as he watched Jake fixed up the blacket that youd thrown harphazardly over yourself. “All this time we've known you and never a peep about a sibling—well, we know you have a brother but—“
“Non-biological.” Was the only answer Jake gave Bradley. “And whatever it is she’s going through it must be bad or else she wouldn’t have shown up here.”
“Yeah but if she’s occupied with you she might not be home all that much and before you know it? She’ll have approval for staff accommodation in no time.” You’d been waiting for a house for you and Odette the second you applied for a job as a technician. Jake had been the one to set you up. Your visit wasn’t meant to be permanent, but it seemed to be the safety and most secure option for you and your daughter.
“And she swears you’re an alright guy?” Rooster groaned as he unlocked his car, opening the passenger side door before placing the capsule inside. “Stay out of my love life—I don’t appreciate the meddling.”
“Fine, but I’m not making any promises to not meddle in Felix’s love life—“ Jake was quick to slightly step Bradley aside as he watched him struggling to connect the capsule car seat. “Here, you gotta loop the straps.” Rooster just stood back and took notes. How many times had Hangman actually done this? “She deserves the world and if I know anyone deserving of her? I’m looking at him.” Rooster just let the compliment Jake had gifted him sink in. Perhaps this wasn’t such a bad thing—maybe Jake was genuinely doing him a solid.
Or maybe Jake Seresin was truly just over the two year old who cock blocked him more than she’d ever know.
Odette Dolan was the light of your world. Anyone who knew you knew that you’d set fire to the rain for that little girl. And as Bradley waited at the front counter of Sunny Side preschool and after school care, he understood what that feeling felt like.
“Who are you to little Odette again, Mr. Bradshaw?” One of the early educators asked as she eyes Rooster down. Curious as ever to know who this mystery man was. You’d only ever picked Dot up. Jake had done a few scattered—but it was always you if you could help it.
“Uh—I’m whoever she needs me to be I guess.”
Roosted rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Y/n asked if I could pick her up, I was free—so why not right?” 
“Well, She had a bit of a meltdown just after lunch but since she's woken up from her nap she’s been fine—“ One of the early educators beamed as she signed Rooster in. His palms were sweaty as he rubbed them together. “I already let her know that mummy’s friend Rooster was coming to pick her up today so she didn’t get too disgruntled on pick up.”
“Routines are important, I get it.” Rooster had a soft spot for your daughter. That spot got a whole lot bigger when Dot came flying around the corner with her bag on her back, shoes on the wrong feet and a picture of a stick figure flying a plane that her early educators had helped her draw.
It was Bradley. Her Rooster.
“Hey Dot!” Rooster beamed at the little girl smashing into him as he crouched down to pick her up–swinging her up onto his hip. “Whatcha got there?” Rooster always had the all the time in the world for Odette Dolan. How a single man has so much patience and so much unconditional love for a two year old you'd never understand. But they shared a bond like no other. Jake liked to joke that Rooster and Dot bonded so well because they shared the same mental age, but you knew deep down it was because he saw a little bit of himself in her.
“Wooster–” Your little girl laid her head gently against Rooster's shoulder, her eyelids heavy as he handed him the paper. Another picasso to add to his ever growing collection of fridge drawings. Too sentimental to let fall to the wayside. His heart exploded like new years eve fireworks over Time Square every single time she’d hand him a new artwork dedicated in his honour.
“Oh for me?” Rooster raised his eyebrows in excitement as he took the piece of paper. “Woah! You’re getting so good at these, looks just like me” If Bradley were a few pounds lighter maybe.
“Mama?” Dot questioned as she looked around for where you might be. Holding your daughter a little tighter as Rooster said his thanks to the early educators before venturing outside.
“No bubba, just me—“ When Rooster placed Odette into her car seat, he double then triple checked if everything was secure. “But mama's coming soon.” For a moment Rooster just sat in his car, wondering if he should go back to his or not. Looking over at your daughter as she already started to doze off in her seat, Rooster settled his decisions.
First Stop? The Hard Deck for some take away. Second Stop? Your house, not because he didn’t trust himself to take care of a two year old. But because this specific two year old probably wanted to go home.
And who was Bradley Bradshaw to deny your daughter of anything she wanted?
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Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014
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Hollywood’s Angel 🎬 | Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado Imagine
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado x actress!reader (romantic)
Content warnings: slight profanity, fluff | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 5k
Requested 📨 Yes/no (for @stephthestallion 🤍)
Premise: Lights. Camera. Action!! Whether it be on the big screen in movie theaters across the globe or at home streaming the latest hit show, the name Y/n L/n would forever be known one of the world’s greatest entertainers. From humble beginnings the odds didn’t appear in her favor at first, but sometimes taking a risk could lead to endless opportunities. And maybe even love along the way…..
Note: This was so fun to write and I’m so sorry it took so long. I’ve been so busy lately with work and trying to get stuff settled. I hope I did this work justice for you 🥹 Also Y/Z/S stands for your zodiac sign.
“Hello, my name is Y/n L/n,” A beaming smile was sent to the camera once the producer gave a thumbs up. “And I’m here to do the Wired autocomplete interview.” She clapped her hands, “Let’s do this.” Handed a card stock with a printed google web search filled with blanks save for the, ‘Who Y/n L/n….’, her eyebrows rose with curiosity.
“You know I’ve watched dozens of these interviews in my free time. My favorite being the one with Ryan Renolds and Jake Gyllenhaal.”
“Have you ever searched yourself?” The producer asked off screen. Y/n’s response was a cheeky smirk.
“A long time ago when I was teenager and social media was first becoming a thing—you know when we had MySpace, but since then I have not. While I love the internet sometimes it can be a little,” she makes a face, “too much you know.” Focusing back on the card stock, Y/n takes a deep breath as the nerves start to arise. “I’m starting to feel a little worried but what I’m gonna discover is searched about me on Google.”
Her fingers grip the first piece of paper, reading off the statement as it peels away, “Who is Y/n L/n?” An instant chuckle leaves her lip, turning to the camera. “Y/n L/n is um…,” she shrugs, not sure how to really answer the question, “a 28-year-old woman who started out as a child actress in the mid 2000s. She’s a Y/Z/S, a newly-wedded wife, producer, and sometimes sings and dances or models in her free time.”
In truth, Y/n L/n was so much beyond that. Her name and legacy was embedded into history at such a young age the whole world knew who she was by the time she was 14.
Born to a middle class family in 1995 in New York City, Y/n’s parents were hardworking people who raised her and her siblings to appreciate the beauty in life. Though there were times of struggle, living paycheck to paycheck and having to sacrifice the lights in order to have food on the table, there was always love, support, and care in their family. Y/n witnessed her parents do everything they could to provide for them, her mom working double shifts at the hospital and dad on the road thirty weeks out of the year as a truck driver, and made the vow to repay them. Whether it be working her ass off in school in order to graduate from a prestigious university with a degree that would get her a stable career, or succeed in her dreams of breaking through in the entertainment industry.
Acting, singing, dancing. One could consider it the love of her life. Being on stage to a crowd made Y/n feel on top of the world. Playing dress up and house with her friends and family, pretending to be someone else was so much fun to the little girl. Y/n loved the little school plays she would do in preschool and kindergarten.
“One day,” she said to her childhood best friend while they swung on the swing set, “I’m gonna be on Tv like Disney Channel,” a squeal left her when she leaned back a little too far. “In front of cameras where I get to be someone else.”
Little kids always tend to dream big. Their desires and goals often shift. One day they wanna be a popstar. The next a veterinarian or an astronaut. But Y/n always knew what she wanted in life. To be in Hollywood with her face on the big screen for the world to see. To give back to her parents and support her family so they could accomplish their own dreams and aspirations.
She was destined for greatness. Now fast forward to the present, and Y/n is celebrating 20 years of being in Hollywood.
“Who was Y/n L/n’s first TV role?” The next question read, mentally traveling the actress back to the year 2003 when she was eight years old. She had been in Los Angeles to visit her grandparents and practically begged her grandma to take her to open auditions. Whether it was for a commercial or as an extra in a show, Y/n simply wanted to at least try despite being so young. She’d maybe auditioned for six roles in various media before getting a call back.
“My first role,” she begins with a grin at the memory, “was Rosie Whittman on Law & Order: SVU. Season five, episode 25 which was the season finale and the most viewed episode of the season,” Y/n remembered how intimidating the whole experience was, but loved every minute of it. “I was eight-years-old. No agent, no experience in Hollywood and was only in town to visit my grandparents for the summer. My grandmother took me to auditions that were open—because I didn’t have an agent and was a nobody,” she couldn’t help but laugh. “My parents obviously let me watch SVU as a child, but I wanted to audition for every open casting I saw so it took a lot of convincing on my part for my parents to allow my grandma to take me.” Boy it sure was a lot. Y/n was fighting for her life on the phone while her mother voiced disapproval.
“I was a pretty confident child,” a smirk takes her features, “I went in and did my thing—impressing the casting director, the producers, and Mariska Hargitay who happened to be there to do a chemistry read— since the character I was auditioning for was being questioned by Olivia Benson for what she witnessed.” Y/n pauses for a brief moment. “And yeah, Mariska was very impressed with me, going as far as to set me up with my first agent. I really owe my entire career to her and I love any chance we get to work together. She took a chance on me when I was just a child with big dreams with little connections and,” Y/n lifts her hands, “look where it got me. Here with Wired to see what people have been searching for about me over the years.”
After a few more questions about her personal life before she was an Emmy winning actress, Y/n moved to the next card. “What was Y/n L/n’s breakthrough role?”
Y/n made a face to the camera, “This is an interesting question. And I say this because depending on who you ask, the answer might be different.” She tilted her head back and forth, “Most would say Wren Stone—after all I played that role for nearly a decade. I got quite a bit of recognition in the 2000s as Viper in the X-Men films and of course as Padaline in the Hunger Games franchise—you could say people who grew up with those films know me best by that. But,” she licks her lip, “I would consider my run as Jodie Pip to be my breakthrough role.”
Jodie Pip, the longest running companion to the Tenth Doctor in the BBC hit series Doctor Who threw Y/n into worldwide recognition. After appearing in episodes of television hits like Criminal Minds, Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, and Dexter, Y/n took a risk by traveling to England in hopes of securing a main role in a show rather than a supporting one. She was itching to play a character for longer than one episode. And sadly, Hollywood just wasn’t doing it for her.
Therefore going across the Atlantic seemed to be the solution. A decision which would change her life for the better.
“Picture this: you’re twelve-years-old in a country you’ve only been to maybe once and this time around you’re looking to permanently move there. Your family is back in America waiting for the call from your Agent, who’s your legal guardian at this point, to tell them you’ve got a contract and will be there for God knows how long.” Y/n lets out a sign, reliving the nerve racking first few months in England with only her agent and Godmother with her. “It was a stressful time. I was losing hope while waiting patiently for a sign. Getting the call that I got the part—I was going to be the companion to one of the most iconic television characters of all time…” she shrugs as if it was obvious, “Getting to work with David Tennant, Freema Agyemen, Catherine Tate, and Alex Kingston….It was the best day of my life.” Placing her hand on the next slip, she adds, “I cried for a good couple hours—pure happiness.”
“Is Y/n L/n British?” A full blown laugh escapes, hand flying up to muffle the sound. “Oh my Gosh this is too funny. The amount of people I meet every year—whether it be costars, colleagues, or fans at cons—who are so surprised to discover I’m not British,” she raises a hand in defense, “It doesn’t happen quite as often as it did ten-fifteen years ago. And I understand why people assumed I was because for so long I played characters who were.” Making herself comfortable in the chair, Y/n explains her career further in depth.
“First was Jodie, who I played for three years from 2007 to 2010 and then again in 2013 for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special. Playing her put me on the map in the UK. I was on Skins for several episodes, one season of Merlin. I had supporting roles in the Golden Compass and Nowhere Boy. And because I had worked with Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall on Doctor Who, I booked Eurydice on Sherlock and Shania on Broadchurch years later—getting to work with the lovely, talented, and amazing David Tennant for a second time.” Y/n’s face turns semi serious, “I love that man. He’s like my work dad for real—he was at my wedding,” she counts off on her finger, “I was at his. I’m Godmother to his daughters..he’s my ride or die.”
Getting back to the original point, Y/n snaps her fingers twice, “But back on track. Jodie, Eurydice, Shania..then of course playing Wren Stone on Game of Thrones for eight years had everyone on the planet believing I was British.” Wren Stone was the bastard of Jon Arryn in HBO’s critically acclaimed series Game of Thrones based on the books by George R. R. Martin. A ward of the Arryn family due to her status, Wren was introduced in the first season and went on to become a close ally to the Starks as well as a one of the longest running characters on the show when she appeared in all eight seasons. A fan favorite, her surviving the last season was one of the only good things to come out of it.
Cause…well we don’t talk about season 8.
“The last BBC show I did, what had me move back to the U.S permanently, was Killing Eve since it was with BBC America. By the time I booked Hunger Games and Ellie,” she corrects herself, “Negasonic Teenage Warhead in Deadpool, people were like, ‘you do a great American accent.’ And I just smile and nod, going, ‘yeah, I’m from New York.’ Their reaction,” she laughs, “every time was priceless.” Going to remove the next strip, Y/n pauses and looks back at the camera, ending with a wink, “Considering I’m joining Bridgerton this upcoming season as Sophie Beckett, I feel I will be having this question come up again a lot.”
‘What are some movies Y/n L/n has been in?’
“Well,” the actress rubs her chin with a knuckle, deep in thought. “I’ve been in a few—give or take,” she winks again. “My first movie role was X-2 in 2003, playing Viper although the role was minor compared to what it was in The Last Stand and Days of Future Past. In Spider-Man 2 I was in the train scene for a brief moment,” she pauses to laugh, “now that I think about it I have been in several projects related to Marvel. X-Men, Spider-Man and Deadpool. Not to mention I'll be taking on the role of Felicia Hardy in the MCU—that I’m really excited for. Umm what else,” she clicks her tongue to think.
“I had a small part in Constantine with Keanu Reeves, who along with David Tennant is someone I’ve worked with several times and love him to death,” she points a finger up, “The Golden Compass and Nowhere Boy as I mentioned earlier. In the 2010s I was in several features like Snow White and the Huntsman, The Help, New Year’s Day, Furious 7. I was in Catching Fire and parts 1 and 2 of Mockingjay—again I would say is one of my most recognizable roles. John Wick Chapters 2 & 3. In 2017 I was in The Greatest Showman. Oh!” She exclaimed with a grin, “Can’t forget I was in three Bond films: Skyfall, Spectre and the most recent No Time To Die. Another example of why the whole world believes I’m from England. Honestly England is my second home and where my career initially took off. I miss it there terribly, but coming back to the States has been a blessing—being close to my family and getting to do projects in Hollywood which was my dream since I was a little girl.”
Biting her lip the actress finishes up with, “my most recent movie roles have been Annihilation in 2018, Knives Out, Dune, The King’s Man, Uncharted, and Mortal Kombat—both of which are based on popular video games.” If she were being honest, playing Mileena in Mortal Kombat was one of her favorite movie roles to date—especially after having to fight with the studio to give the character justice when they were the ones calling her for the role. As a fan of the game and character, Y/n wasn’t going to settle for a small cameo. Ed Boon loved her interpretation of the character so much he asked her to voice Mileena in the next installments of the game.
Not to mention in the last several years any project with Y/n attached to it already had support and a loyal fan base to promote the show/film. After winning five Emmy’s—for her roles in Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, and Euphoria—Y/n was a household name.
So yeah, she wasn’t gonna be cheated out.
“Last year I was in Elvis plus back to back features with A24. X and Pearl were a lot of fun—and we’re currently filming the final installment to the trilogy, maXXXine.” Moving on she revealed the next statement, “Who was Y/n L/n in Euphoria?”
“In Euphoria,” she clears her throat, trying not to physically cringe at the thought of its creator, “I played Rue’s cousin Reece, who like every character on the show was dealing with difficult issues. I did a lot of research into my role so I could remain authentic and true to the character and the real life struggles people like her face.” Y/n softly smiled, “I won the Supporting Emmy next to Zenday’s leading—and it was a wonderful feeling to be recognized for a fifth time by the Academy while next to one of my best friends. Zendaya and I met when we were teenagers and have been so close. Working together on Euphoria was a wonderful experience and I’m so blessed to have received the honor alongside her.”
‘What episode of Black Mirror is Y/n L/n in?’
“Nosedive,” she turned to the camera, “it was in season three with Bryce Dallas Howard and Michaela Coel—both whom I adore. Aaaaand the episode was terrifying.” She simply said with a blank expression. “Watching it back gave me actual chills because one day technology will be so advanced that what took place in the episode could become our reality. And when I read the script my immediate reaction was like, ‘this is gonna be intense,’ and sure enough it was.”
‘Does Y/n L/n sing?’
A childlike grin appeared once again, “I do sing! Anytime I get a chance to sing I immediately say yes. It’s something I love. All the time on set I’ll be humming a tune or belting out lyrics to whatever music is playing. I got to sing a lot in The Greatest Showman so I was very happy about that. It’s my actual voice in the karaoke scene in season 2 of Euphoria. The one at Maddy’s birthday party—I had to beg them to let me do it live and not pre recorded. So when you see Lexi, Maddy and Kate filming me it’s actually Maude, Alexa, and Barbie using their personal phones, not the ones their characters use.” Offering a smirk she finishes with, “A little BTS you may have not known.”
‘Who does Y/n L/n model for?’
“Hmmmm” the actress puckers her lips. “As someone who was a fashionista growing up, I am filled with gratitude at being able to answer this.” Where could she really start with this? Having been labeled a fashion icon in 2020 Y/n had a long resume of working with brands and designers. “To start, I am an ambassador for Prada as well as its subsidiarie Miu Miu. We’ve partnered together for years and I’ve gone to the Met Gala with them a few times—most recent being in 2022. I’ve done campaigns for Calvin Klein and Stella McCartney. I recently did a collaboration with Dior. This year I went to the Met with Chanel—wearing vintage Chanel and ended up doing a campaign with them. Donatella Vesache and I have worked together.” Y/n scrunches her nose, “Every year I look forward to fashion week as you can imagine.”
‘Does Y/n L/n have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?’
“If you asked me this the other day I would’ve said no,” she replies cheekily, “But….if you’ve seen the news recently then you would know that I’ve been selected to receive one this year and I….can’t even put into words the feeling. I better stop before I get emotional,” she felt her eyes well up slightly. “I’m extremely honored and blessed to receive such recognition. All I dreamed about as a kid was to have my name on one of those stars and now it’s coming true. I’m overjoyed.”
‘What did Y/n L/n win the Tony for?’
“I won the Tony back in 2018 for my role in Wicked.”
“Will Y/n L/n be in DW 60th special?” Throwing a look to the camera, smirk threatening to appear on her lips she goes, “I don’t know…you’ll have to watch and find out.”
“Is Y/n L/n in Stranger Things?”
“I am not, but I would love to be,” she shrugs with a smile. “I love that show and everyone is so talented. I can’t wait for season five—it needs to hurry up before I lose my mind.”
‘Who is Y/n L/n in Star Wars?”
“So I voiced the absolute badass and Jedi master Ahsoka Tano during Clone Wars from 2008 to 2014, returning for the Rebels series form 2014 to 2018,” she pauses to cross her legs to make herself more comfortable. This was one of her favorite characters to play and despite the criticism and dislike for Ashoka in the beginning, she grew to become a fan favorite in the Star Wars fandom. “I was thirteen when I first voiced Ashoka and I got the privilege to bring her to life again by playing her in live-action for the Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett—not to mention getting to have a voice cameo in The Rise of Skywalker.” Y/n gets ready to move on, “Now you’re about to see Ashoka again for her spin off show coming this summer on Disney plus.”
‘What all has Y/n L/n and David Tennant worked on?’ The question made her chuckle, surprised it was a top search on Google.
“David Tennant—the man, the myth, the legend. I’ve been lucky to work with him on several projects over the years,” the memories appear in her mind as she recalls them. “We first met in 2006 after I got the role of Jodie Pip opposite his Tenth Doctor. That lasted almost three years but during that time we both did Clone Wars—he voiced Huyang and he actually will be retuning as Huyang for the Ashoka series.” The moment she got the news the woman had FaceTimed him screaming. Although he was only voicing the droid they still made plans to reunite since they hadn’t seen each other since before Covid when Y/n moved back to the states.
“Broadchurch happened a few years after we both left Doctor Who—around the same time as the anniversary special—and then I got to work with him again when I appeared in an episode of Good Omens as one of the demons passing judgement on Crowley. Finally I wanna say before the Ashoka series the last thing we did was Staged back when quarantine was a thing.” Y/n’s face turns serious, “Anytime I get to work with David I take it. Like I said, he’s my ride or die,” she crosses her fingers, “we like this. And I love when people send me those YouTube videos where it’s like, ‘Jodie Pip and The Doctor sharing a brain cell for 10 minutes straight,’ or ‘David Tennant and Y/n L/n being a father-daughter duo on and off screen.’ Really brightens up my day.”
A few more questions went on, Y/n answering as best as she could with details. Doing this interview really gave viewers a more personal outlook on the actress. She was known for being reserved and private in her career expanding two decades. As a child star, her agent really shielded her from a lot due to the cruel nature of Hollywood and the media. And as a result of criticisms Y/n only was active on social media when it came time to promote projects and events.
She had a large and loyal fan base. Probably one of the largest for a celebrity due to her being in so many popular shows and high-grossing movies. On TikTok she & her characters were the most edited when it came to fancams. Pinterest had its own board dedicated to all the outfits Y/n wore.
She was Hollywoods Angel. Fans loved her, celebrities adored her. Before joining the cast of Bridgerton she met them at the Bafta’s the year prior and had them all starstruck when she approached. Nicola Couglan, who plays Penelope Featherington, even mentioned in an interview how the cast pretty much lost their minds when they found out she would be coming onto the show.
“No one knew about the end credit scene at the end of series three,” she told Graham Norton, seated alongside her costar/leading man, Luke Newton aka Colin Bridgerton on the show. “It was a big secret between Shonda and the crew. After we wrapped up, they went ahead and secretly filmed the scene with Sophie getting ready for the masquerade ball,” Nicola raises her hands, grinning from ear to ear, “and when I tell you we all were freaking out.” The audience laughed, Graham leaning foward in his seat with an awe-struck expression.
“So how did you find out? Was it when you watched the finale?”
Luke was the one to answer. “When I watched the episode,” he points to Nicola, “and I think you said you did this too—same with some of the others, I exited Netflix once the credits started to roll. Not thining much of it,” he shrugs, “then later that night Claudia Jessie who plays Eloise FaceTimes the iMessage group chat we have—.”
Nicole gently cuts in, “I’m surprised so many picked up.” That ignites a laugh from everyone.
“Yeah,” Luke agrees as he sits up. “Luke Thompson, Johnny Bailey, Simone, Nicola, Bessie, and I all answer—one after the other—and Claudia is shouting, ‘Did you see the end credit scene!?!’ Of course I’m confused because I’m like, ‘what is this, the MCU?’” Nicola bursts into laughter along with Graham. “Everyone’s asking what the hell she’s talking about because we’ve all seen the finale and were texting about it—but nobody mentioned an end credit scene. It completely went over our head. So…as you can imagine we all turn our tv, still on FaceTime mind you, and low and behold not only is there end credit scene….but Y/n L/n is gonna be Sophie Beckett.” Just the name alone ignites eruption from the crowd.
“Wow,” Graham exhales, “And you guys met her at the Bafta’s last year, yes? I remember seeing a picture of you two and other cast mates from Bridgerton with her.” Nicola nods excitedly.
“We did. It was such a surreal moment. She was with her then fiancee and the Euphoria cast—it kinda looked like a school mixed with Euphoria cast on one side and us on the other. But she came over and we were all buzzing in the corner, ‘Y/n L/n is coming over here. Oh my God-oh my God.’ Most of us have been watching her since she was on Doctor Who so this was like meeting your childhood idol,” Nicola used her hands to emphasize the point, “And she expressed how she was a fan of the books and loved the show. She even made a joke like, ‘Tell Shonda to call my line.’”
“And did you?” Graham asks for the audience and viewers at home, on the edge of his seat. “Cause didn’t they work together before on Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal?”
Luke nods, “we brought it up during press for series 2. I forgot Y/n was on those shows actually so when I told Shonda I thought ‘there’s no way they’re gonna get her’.” He glances at Nicola, excitment on his features, “I think everyone is ready to get back to set and start filming series four. I know I’m already missing everyone and I’m excited to pass the torch to Luke and Y/n.”
Coming down to the final cardstock, Y/n was sad to end the interview. It was fun seeing what people searched on the web and giving a more in-depth look at her life.
Peeling back the paper on the final card, the statement read, “Who is Y/n L/n’s husband?” Cue the butterflies in her stomach, picturing the man’s gorgeous face. “My husband is Lieutenant Commander Javy Machado. Although he is known to his colleagues as ‘Coyote’.” Lowering the cardstock she went on to say, “Javy and I met four years ago in 2019, he’s a fighter pilot for the Navy and was stationed in San Diego for an assignment. It happened to coincide at the time I was filming a small part in ‘Friend of the World’.” A small independent film her friend was producing and asked if she would take a small role to help promote the project. It’d been the first film Y/n had taken on after moving back to the States following her nearly 12 year residence in the United Kingdom.
If she thought hard enough, Y/n could feel the warmth of the sun on her arms and smell of the ocean salt water as her eyes landed on a group of people playing football with two balls. Instantly drawn to the man sticking his tongue out at his friends when running backwards to the end line. “My costars and I had wrapped up for the day and decided to go to the beach. We were waiting for this bar to open at five so we strolled for a good bit to pass time. That’s where I saw him playing football with his colleagues,” a shy smile stayed on her lips the entire time Y/n relayed the story.
“And then when the bar opened that night we formally met.” Man what a night it was. Every social media platform was buzzing with pictures and videos of Y/n behind the bar of The Hard Deck surrounded by patrons. The bartender, Penny, was so cool and didn’t mind the actors coming in despite the madhouse they caused. She did, however, have to close the doors once it got too packed due to locals sending word the five-time Emmy award winning actress was there. Before she knew it, Y/n was making drinks with her while taking pictures and signing autographs to everyone who approached. Y/n even rang the bell a couple times and bought the first round for those in attendance.
And when Javy appeared in front of her, it was like time had stopped. The noise eloping them was muffled, movement slowed to where the only clear focus was on each other.
“Hi,” he beamed, looking at her like she was the only person on the planet. “I know you’ve heard this all night, but is it alright if I get a photo with you?”
“Of course,” Y/n found her voice after a second, smiling wide as she inched closer to the bar counter. Javy thanked her, moving so his back was to the surface since the bar stood in between them and positioned his phone so it captured both of them. They posed, Javy snapping a couple pictures with Y/n making a kissy face at one point. When it ended Y/n motioned to the draft beers beside her, “Can I get you anything? Round is on me.”
Well Javy couldn’t say no could he? Pocketing his phone he replied, “Whatever you recommend, I’ll take.” Had he been to the hard deck several times in the past two weeks? Yes. Did he know what all was on draft and bottled? Sure did. But he wasn’t gonna pass on the chance to flirt with one of the greatest actors Hollywood had ever produced.
It was Y/n L/n for Christ’s sake. Hollywood’s Angel as they called her.
But what the pilot didn’t expect was to have found the love of his life. The same went for Y/n. Sure they had a moment movies often depicted as ‘love at first sight’ but c’mon, that was only in the movies…right?
Well perhaps it wasn’t just in the movies.
“Okay I see you!” Javy hollered from the side, standing on the red carpet a few paces away from where Y/n was posing for the cameras. Dressed to the nines in a black tux, Javy hyped up his fiancée like he always did at premieres and carpet events. This one happened to be at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival for the premiere of Elvis. “Give me face—yes ma’am! Work it-work it! Mmmh.”
Giggling the whole time, Y/n reaches out with her hand for him. He skips over, stopping to snap a picture on his phone. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, the two embrace for the photographers—who eat up every second they get with the couple. Ever since they announced their relationship in 2020 they were the it couple of Hollywood despite Javy not being in the industry. But his energy, personality, and of course his adoration for Y/n, made him well liked by her fans.
He worshiped the ground she walked on. Never did he give any indication he was with her for malice. Social media accounts he had were private and mostly to keep in touch with people he worked with. Her family loved him and his loved her. Whenever reporters approached him to try and ask invasive questions Javy would redirect to whatever project was staring in. “Isn’t the show amazing? I would say this is her best work yet—and the cast was amazing throughout.” He was definitely a keeper.
With similar personalities, though Y/n was more reserved in the public eye, the two were like a lock and key. Fitting together with a love so natural they couldn’t believe they got to experience it. They enjoyed going to concerts and the movies—getting into disguise whenever they didn't want the paparazzi following them. Sang and danced in the kitchen while they cooked, having their own karaoke parties with friends.
At one point in their relationship Y/n was to play a fighter pilot. So, what better way to prepare for the role than to shadow her partner and his colleagues. Once they got the green light from the Navy, Y/n had to do all the necessary training a pilot did to get into a jet. From there she was allowed to get in the backseat with either Javy or Natasha flying.
Flying with Natasha went smoothly….but her boyfriend was a different story. Of course she trusted him with her life and knew he would never put her in harm's way, but damn did he unlock his inner Maverick when she got in the plane with him.
“Javy Machado!!” She screamed, holding onto her seat for dear life when he flipped them upside down. “I swear I will kick your ass in the afterlife if you kill us!”
“Relax, baby,” he laughed, earning a groan from his girl. “I promise we’ll have a graceful landing.”
“It won’t be graceful when I’m puking my guts out!” She actually did vomit in the bag he provided her with before they took off. Instead of embarrassment she was just annoyed with him, but still enjoyed the ride no less. “I’m sticking with Natasha from now on.”
When it came to the squad, they were Y/n’s biggest supporters. After the initial shock and fangirl/fanboying—nearly shitting their pants at the fact their best friend was dating an absolute Icon—Y/n became part of their family. They pre-orders tickets to her movies, attending midnight premieres and after parties the actress invited them too. Sunday nights were reserved for watching her HBO shows, while Netflix series that were to binge watch were planned accordingly.
Nat loved having another gal in the group. It was a breath of fresh air and the two would go to lunch or have their own movie nights. “I’m surprised Machado hasn’t crashed in yet,” the pilot commented with a mouthful of popcorn as they sat in Y/n’s living room. Javy was in his office playing COD with the guys after pouting when Y/n said no to him joining in on their girl time.
“He’s occupied with his game. I’m surprised we haven’t heard any screaming at the tv yet.”
“Spoke to soon.”
The couple were stars at award shows. It was no surprise they were always the best dressed. People constantly tweeted their excitement to see them attend, and expressed disappointment when they would not. And often the two’s reactions to cringe/unexpected moments resulted in them becoming popular memes—something Y/n already had a reputation of long before they got together.
2022 Oscars? Y/n’s Twitter froze due to the amount of tags from the snapshot of her and Javy’s expressions to Will Smith slapping the shit out of Chris Rock. “Did he just—?” “he did.” “Holy shit. Where’s the popcorn—I feel I need some right now.”
2023 Met Gala? People kept replaying the moment the couple did a double take at seeing Doja Cat dressed up as Karl Lagerfields cat. “What the actual…” “now that’s what camp should’ve been.”
And of course they couldn’t forget the most recent one of their unimpressed look from Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue at the most recent Oscars. “Should I go up there and pull a—.” “Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Machado.”
Expect YouTube to be filled with videos complications titled, “Y/n L/n & Javy Machado being flabbergasted at award shows for 15 minutes straight,” and, “Y/n L/n & her husband Javy being Hollywoods favorite couple.”
Then there was Javy’s to die for reaction to Y/n recieving her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at only 29 years old. The only other day besides their wedding day where the man was in a heap of tears. “I’m just—,” he sniffed, “so proud of you, baby. You’ve earned this.”
When it came to live reactions at events years after getting married and Y/n embedding her legacy as the greatest actress of her generation, let’s just say Hollywood’s Angel and the Navy’s Coyote would always be its champions.
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black @wildellaa @artemissunn @pinkpantheris
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flygefisk · 9 months
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i will not ask you where you came from i will not ask and neither would you
syndor (he/they), who lives a humble life. he seems content, with his garden and his chickens, but there's something behind his eyes. maybe he's running from something.
howl (any pronouns), who has a second chance. it died with blood under its nails and came back different in some ways- but the wildness is still part of him.
(tw for blood, death mentions under the cut)
once, long ago, there was a god. it was a wild, ancient god, one of blood and lust and life. a forest god.
the god scented blood on the air, dragon blood. it cared little for the civilized folks, as most gods do. it cared little whether they lived or died. but it was a curious god, so it tracked the scent, bounding on deer's hooves to its source.
the god's paws left no tracks in the blood-soaked earth around the dragon's remains. the god considered the creature for a moment: the blade buried in its stomach, hands and coverings stained dark, its face contorted in rage. there was another scent here, under the obvious blood and rot, one even more familiar to the god.
a wild something, indescribable even to the god of such things, coiled around the body that was once its own. it stared up at the god, its teeth bared. the god raised its head and howled in its many voices, joined soon by the wolves and coyotes and hawks and hares of the forest, a mournful harmony of all wild things.
the something howled too, until its song became a scream, letting loose all the sorrow and love and rage of a life that would never have been enough.
the forest went silent. the god lowered its head and nuzzled the something, like a doe to her fawn, like a bear to her cub. wild things understand each other. they don't need words. the god heard the something's quiet plea:
another chance.
once, not so long ago, there was a man. he walked through an overgrown forest, dirt on his hands and his shovel. he loved walking in the forest, listening to the sounds of nature. it was calming.
he paused near a burbling creek to wash the sweat from his face. he sighed in grim satisfaction- tired, sore, numb. but it was over, at last.
the man realized, after staring into the water for long minutes, that something was different. wrong. the forest was silent here. his eye was drawn to a large stone behind him- half his height or more, veined with black and glittering white patches. on its face, a hand print painted with something dark.
a strange impulse took over, something wild within him, and he began to dig.
once, now. a scraping sound. crumbling earth. cracking twigs. then, light. sunlight. warm and bright and so welcome after so long in the dirt.
the creature reached out from its grave. its hands- long, clawed, discolored- shook as it pulled itself up. it blinked against the morning light, yawned as though waking from a long nap.
it almost didn't notice the man with the shovel. he stared at it, his expression unreadable. it ignored him, letting the world wash over it: a cool breeze on its face, the sound of the water, of birds and insects, of wind through the leaves, the cloying scent of dark earth giving way to flowers and trees.
finally, the man held out a hand- blistered, rough, covered in soil- and the creature let him pull it from the earth.
the man removed his cloak, wrapping it around the creature's broad shoulders. it rubbed the fabric between its clawed fingers- soft, warm, dark like good soil- and smiled. it should have been frightening, with its sharp claws and sharper teeth, but the man just smiled back.
wild things understand each other.
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r3dz33 · 8 months
russian bootleg sonic lol
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thanks to @ali-flaion we now have russian bootleg sonic featuring,,,
Kostya the Porcupine: a humble fisherman with a wife and kid
Tolya the Coyote: An alcoholic chanismoking ex military divorcee
Sanya the Hedgehog: Just a librarian who somehow is Tolya's best friend?????
Anya the Hedgehog: (description pending lol)
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