#the gut was wild.
leosdooley · 10 months
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when i grow up i want to be a list of further possibilities, chen chen // the picture of dorian gray, oscar wilde // the worm kings lullaby, richard siken // limer3ence // bleuts, maggie nelson // tonight i can write, pablo neruda // the crucible, arthur miller // when i grow up i want to be a list of further possibilities, chen chen // untitled, margaret schnabel // waiting room, phoebe bridgers
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bluevelvetea · 4 months
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So start by saving me, Itadori.
(Find my reference here)
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foolishlovers · 5 months
anything can be a good omens au if you’re unhinged enough
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ok-pop-1 · 2 months
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a day by gut check rock
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queenofinys · 7 months
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maisie peters, watch / olivia rodrigo, love is embarrassing / taylor swift, is it over now?
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soup-guts · 9 months
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Thank you @discatded for the idea ;)
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aldermos · 5 months
Surge started flirting with Amy in hopes to ruin Sonic, but there was a slight problem with this plan;
Amy flirted back.
And it all went from there.
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anon, your brain rn.. i'm intrigued
I can't dialogue,, but I imagine something like this happens 💀 instantly flustered
HC)) i want to think surge is basically touch/love-starved and after amy's reciprocation, she slowly starts seeking her out to just hold hands, hug, etc. (arriving with confidence but ending as a flustered mess) until she just forgets about going through w/ her mission of ruining sonic 💀
// idk just something semi-cutesy; however, I WANT ANGST, so.. amy finds out about the sonic killing plans, feels betrayed, and confronts surge which ends in a short verbal/physical fight 👍👍 surge gets her ass kicked and they become enemies;
a couple more fights/interactions later (something like a lite-catradora?) and surge is just like, defeated.. she has a little rock-bottom awakening and works to reconstruct her relationship w/ sonic first before finally reconciling w/ amy (ending in a kinda ambiguous manner?)
Idk, a bit of a rough and barebone surge redemption idea; thx again and sorry for the tangent ;;
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kaisertheadvisor · 5 months
Alright, time for some obscure Persona 3 history. I was browsing the old Japanese Persona 3 website, when I stumbled across something interesting. This is what it looks like normally (Vanilla P3 specifically)
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But on certain captures of this website on the Wayback Machine, it was set to midnight (JST). The website was coded to have a special easter egg that goes off around that time, as the Dark Hour clock appears...
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And then the site is now in the Dark Hour.
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Click on the Akihiko, Mitsuru, Fuuka, and Junpei, and cause them to disappear, and Yukari will start to glow.
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And you will have unlocked a secret section of the Japanese website! This mostly contained diary entries on various perspectives regarding the Dark Hour (on one section, there even was text regarding Strega's revenge request site), but there also were some secret downloads, namely a supposedly early version of a Persona 3 commercial (which Google translate says it was rejected by a TV station for containing subliminal content?), MP3 downloads, a video showcasing the P3 girls in maid costumes in Tartarus, and a message from Elizabeth to the player (which acted as a tease towards the new Elizabeth requests being added in FES). I have the latest capture of the secret section of the website, as well as a capture of the website during the Dark Hour so you can try this for yourself! (You'll need Ruffle for this)
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Speaking of the Persona 3 website, let's go over some of the evolution of the P3 website! Here's the original version of the website when Persona 3 was first announced.
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It was updated from P3's initial announcement in March towards May when the newer website was launched, last major update was Fuuka Yamagishi's character profile. Here's a Wayback Machine link for you to try it out yourself.
Here is the website around the time they were teasing FES. Makoto is replaced with Aigis, and there was a section containing audio messages from the developers that would help tease FES. (So far, they are lost media? Hopefully some fan manages to recover them)
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And here is the FES version of the website, with both the normal and Dark Hour variations. (Metis replaces Yukari on the Dark Hour variation of the website, though I cannot access the secret section, probably because the silly toaster is blocking the way)
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And just for funzies, I thought I'd include this link regarding P3 ads in this blogpost on the old AtlusNet. Hopefully somebody will get high quality scans of the magazine ads and promos used to promote P3 in both Japanese and English.
Now to wonder, what other crazy P3 promotional stunts did Atlus do? I know there was a countdown on the Atlus USA website that counted down the days until the release information on FES would be provided to the world, and I'm well aware of various Japanese gaming magazines that had various info on P3 (that so far only exist as JPEGS on the old Digital Devil Database and other websites), but man, I wanna know more. The fans should be archiving a lot of this stuff. Reload has re-triggered my Persona 3 phase, and I want to know more secrets about the game. I honestly think there's a lot of cool things waiting for us down the line...
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astronicht · 2 months
I just said this in a reply, but more concise genre thought: This is the only medieval fantasy novel I've ever read where it's an EARLY -- as in Dark Ages, 600-1100 AD -- medieval fantasy (hilarious genre implications) and it's an incredible ride. I keep telling friends it's like reading Pratchett and catching the puns and references and entire retellings and knowing you've missed stuff that's going to suddenly become clear 10 years from now while you yell.
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quartzlightz · 6 months
Elixir making
Wind: Hey Wild! Watcha maki- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU MAKIN’.
Wild, try to block Wind’s view: Oh just making some elixirs..
Wind: Wild, whatever was in that pot was not an elixir.
Wild, sighing and trying to push Wind away: It’s best you don’t find out what elixirs are actually made of. You’ll never want to drink one again, even if you’re on the verge of death.
Wind just looks at Wild with a concerned but disgusted look on his face as he slowly leaves.
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free-n-wild · 10 months
Martin: Alright, I tried using logic and I tried to reason with you, but now I'll spell it right out. Martin: Either you leave these animals alone of your own accord, or I use my falcon powers to forcibly expel you from the savannah, followed by whatever's left of your tools and plane shortly thereafter. Got it? Gourmand: Oh please, you wouldn't hurt a fly. Martin: You're right. Because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. You, however, I would maim.
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lovecolibri · 4 months
Ame: I gotta know that you know! And that it bothers you even just a little bit.
Fox: What bothers me?
Ame: What other people think of you!
Fox: Nah. If they can't catch me, they can think whatever they want about me.
Ame: And if they can catch you?
Fox: *chuckes* I'm in trouble.
Ame: Yeah. Imagine that they can ALWAYS catch you, and then how would you live your life? Would you always be doing what you wanted to do?
Fox: *deep inhale* Yeah. Because if I stop trying to do what I wanna to do, then they've already caught me.
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cheapcheapfaker · 23 days
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It’s all perfect btw
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
the whole "doflamingo has always been evil" thing doesn't sit right with me. idk. maybe it's because i think the environment during childhood is what shapes someone's personality, especially if there's a traumatic experience. and call me crazy, but perhaps being raised in a world full of supremacists and classists with an extreme god complex can affect your views on the world and yourself at a very early age. and perhaps i'm being a bit insane here, but, like, idk. maybe being fucking tied up and tortured and seeing everything you love burnt down to ashes while a whole town tells you you're evil for your mere existence could make you develop a hatred towards them. and, wow! maybe i'm saying something wild, but if you're taking care of your little brother and an older man tells you you're the chosen one to create a fucking mafia and he boosts your god complex to an insane, unhealthy, and almost grooming-like extent, of fucking course you're gonna end up like doflamingo.
but idk, call me crazy.
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thewandererh · 28 days
⚠️🩸TW // NOOSE-INSPIRED LONG ROPE NECK (little nightmares 2 teacher type beat), BLOOD, NECK-IN-GUT IDEA, big teeth?? misaligned eyes??, trident thROUgh his head and bEtWeen his brains💥
before i do more jashling fanart, have a Dyadracide (one of my first real Soul designs after knowing cj for a year) dump :]! picking my favorites from a whiteboardfox canvas that i’ve been drawing nonstop for a few hours in every day. might share the other unchosen doodles later but have these for now.
ordered chronologically :]!!! drew a lot more than this but have the silly trident head guy for now
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been learning how to render liquid cartoonilly-realistically, and it’s been fun! figuring out layering and stuff. learning on my own :]! i’m not weird about liquid i just love rendering it <3,, speaking of rendering; i’ve definitely gotten better at rendering him, but am tryna squeeze in a simpler sketchy style to draw faster. the layers are fun but they take a while <\3
ok this might be a little weird but to keep the blood out of his throat his voice is a little breathy sometimes (hence the excessive ‘h’s. its fun to write them lmao). breathy autotune 😭
alsO the stitches on his hoodie elbows are from his ability to detach his forearms, and they stay connected to him with the same rope his neck is made of. his anatomy is questionable but long neck = less gut (its stored inside him). lots of huggable ability ❤️. HES SUCH A DAD. it’s like beer gut but not,,AND because those arms are connected to his gut, if you like…lean into him too hard or whatever his hands twitch. playfully pumch him and his hands shudder. silly guy. i know its definitely an interesting way to interpret soul but i like him like this :]
ok bye 💥💥
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sparring-spirals · 3 months
There is a universe in which i was caught up properly on CR whenever what the fuck went down and Imogen verbally and definitively declared that- after everything leading up to this and the back and forth and indecision- that she'd be willing to take down her mom if need be. and i would have been deeply insufferable and writing 20+ separate meta posts and liveblog yelling posts and shitposts. This is not that universe so instead we will put this post here where i can have wildly uninformed (aka 20 eps behind) Emotions about it until someday i actually catch up.
(I know. i accidentally wrote potentially wildly off base/deeply out of date meta again. what can i say. i like shaking the concept of An Imogen (even if it is Outdated Imogen) in a jar. sorry.)
Because i was watching long enough, I think, to see Imogen in the throes of the hope for something better, to understand that Imogen was viewing her mom was a figure and an idea and an answer, that would make things easier. Her mom was- gone, so early. And so her mom, in her mind, was not a person she was an idea, and there was so much hinged on that! Dogged determination and anger at her father and a deep seated dislike of the powers in her hands and head even as they gave her a guilty rush. There were promises there that maybe no one else had made, but Imogen believed. Things built up. Expectations made. Lore crafted, even unconsciously, around someone who was, yes, important to Imogen, but more importantly: Missing. Gone. A blank slate to be filled in. A promise of an answer guide to open questions.
And then she meets her mom, and Liliana Temult goes from a figure to a person- with all the bells and whistles and rough edges. She meets her mom and her mom turns her away. Tells her to run. Tells her she should go. Tells her to leave.
And Imogen doesn't. In the same way she kept visiting libraries, keps asking, kept pushing for answers when it was just about her magic and her headaches and the voices. Imogen always, always wants to know. She keeps digging, she keeps trying, she reaches out, over and over and keeps trying to touch this figure in mist until she's real under her hands, and. Evidence piles up- of deeds gone wrong, blood on her hands, a figure standing next to Otohan (her friends bodies scattered, lifeless, around Otohan). She keeps reaching out, keeps trying, and is rebuffed, over and over. Things get worse and the skies get redder and magic goes dead and she's still- unsure, because what if there's a better reason, what if there's a better way, there has to be a reason, why. There has to be, right- maybe if- maybe. Maybe-
Its just like- a person as an idea. As a symbol. As a promise. One you build yourself up around and towards. One you talk about, not talk to.
And then the fog clears, and they are a human.
(And she's your mom, and she's not what you imagined. She's done you wrong. She's done your loved ones wrong. She's hurt you. She's hurt others. She's going to keep hurting you. She is going to keep hurting everyone. She is too far gone to reason with. She is not listening to you. She is flawed. She is. dangerous. She looks so much like you. You look just like her. You are so similar. You have always known you were similar. You always hoped. You.
Are not her. You are not hers. She is not yours. She is not who you thought she was. She was always someone else. So are you.)
Imogen walks through the bases pretending to be her mother. Liliana is a known face- a powerful one, a figure people fear. A well known silhouette. Imogen slips into the shadows of it, sometimes, when it serves her, but we know- she knows- its all an act. All a lie.
Liliana, after all, is alive, and well, making choices that she believes in and fighting for things with a dogged determination maybe only matched by her daughter.
Imogen knows this. I think. There's a part of her that maybe wishes that wasn't the case.
"There is no loyalty with this blood." And after all- only living people bleed.
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