#the epria
natireads · 2 years
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Long May She Reign - Rhiannon Thomas 
3/5 stars 
Our main character, Freya, is annoyingly stubborn. I found myself agreeing with her in a lot of things, however the way she goes about voicing those things just rubbed me the wrong way. People have been telling her the whole time that if she does certain things, people aren’t going to like her and when people didn’t like her she was surprised. She could’ve handled things in a more appropriate way rather than seeming dismissive of her advisers. She also made a lot of decisions that I felt were impulsive or too dangerous to make sense. She has social anxiety, however this aspect completely disappeared towards the end of the story without any coping techniques. There is definitely no character development seen.
The love interest, William Fitzroy, fell flat for me. It seemed like he was supposed to be this mysterious, flirty figure which very quickly switched to someone with very little substance. The romance itself didn’t do it for me either, I felt it came out of nowhere and (while I know it’s distant) they are related somehow and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The end of the romance was weird and made it feel redundant to have read about it at all. 
Something I felt the book really lacked is world building. I feel like I would have been way more immersed and the atmosphere would be more established if there was more information given about Epria and the Forgotten. As a book so politics focused, the most we got on the surrounding empires and the world itself is that it’s peaceful and has been for a long time. I wanted more. Also, as a fantasy book there is very little actual fantasy in it. There’s no magic, real action or magical creatures. While this wasn’t exactly something I was bothered by, it’s important to note. 
The plot of the book saved it for me. I enjoyed the politics and the murder mystery aspect of the book, however the ending disappointed me. The confrontation of the murderer felt too monologuey and calm and the end felt unrealistic, overly dramatic and coincidental to a certain degree. The reveal of the murderer was purely coincidental which annoyed me. The action in this book was also disappointing. It finished as soon as it started and ended pretty anticlimactically. 
I know I’ve been complaining this whole review however I did actually have a good time reading this book, I was intrigued and enjoyed my reading experience, which is why I rated it 3 stars overall.
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444names · 2 years
jewish, swedish and werewolf forenames + egyptian deities
Aaturit Abente Abrid Abrit Achora Acypojra Adarcar Adast Adisaulan Admina Adoliah Adrielama Adyaantik Agalim Agill Aliela Alipolf Alipora Alisana Alishefna Alommalket Alous Altob Alyagevye Amaalah Amaths Amiriate Ammin Amuelawy Amunasheo Amwolfra Anneph Anteshunit Apefres Aphudina Ardoliah Ardwadorl Armael Arniv Arniva Arryah Ashastale Askhes Ateriam Atesha Avandunefa Avilan Avisros Avodolf Avodosek Avror Azipojrah Babin Bappa Basmiel Bationing Batzan Bechesah Belvit Benon Benry Benziopdul Benzizana Bereuvya Beshaia Besktora Birestel Bitalit Bleviv Blexan Bonia Borai Brapet Breeg Bucharmet Burivel Caelterel Calvik Caron Chale Changrit Chelsa Chira Chlownleit Chotopded Cohelivah Consuriv Corpau Cypojrazro Dagaver Dalphin Danadinna Dantikah Darth Dechebet Derensnu Ditzarit Doket Dolfer Doling Dolphaspet Doran Doraphan Doresköll Doria Dovaro Dovitjet Ebben Edalyamus Ederwis Edirys' Edulf Efell Eirzalkad Elanti Eleir Elekhben Elinavrod Elishurite Elizalom Ellivavia Elmaltemy Eloeb Elova Eltomos Elvida Emala Epene Ephua Epria Eprit Erkel Ertuvah Etama Eylydiv Ezeezeegan Fendal Feron Fictopdu Filoel Fremion Gabit Galyamio Gaziopia Gebbana Gevan Gibodolf Gidagis Gidevina Gidolf Giliamana Gillisha Gilly Guneshed Gunna Guria Halmah Halmak Hamielisa Hamwosena Haper Harmedete Haronaolin Hasheo Havis Havras Hellovila Hemira Hemmy Herwilm Hirha Hiria Horid Huadit Hymalit Ilantenu Ilantet Ishegef Ishet Israna Ivrogere Jafdeo Jaffelom Jamar Jamardobit Jarachomon Jemmy Jetio Jewolf Jezik Joela Joeli Johayah Josimeng Kadin Kelina Kettonis Ketza Khezan Khneit Kivaylaker Kobaroda Kordwolf Ladodolpha Lakorielte Lammai Lanit Lannu Lardeshel Leezson Lekadyn Liahesmus Liakor Liashtan Liela Ligge Lilanin Lixtelvel Lobriyolf Lomiel Lomoron Lovaros Lumila Lupolf Lupord Luporenon Machast Machomois Maeli Mahir Maisra Maivar Majket Malia Maliah Malverms Manah Manavan Mardam Marit Mariva Market Marona Marorliss Matammin Mateffar Maten Maxim Mehalannut Mehayah Mehilyar Meleermen Melie Mellan Merana Mereul Meroryah Mimehma Mineodra Mirya Mitzha Mochakoby Monaiva Monoelilai Mosearven Märtan Nahan Nathezery Nebet Nellaphus Neloo Neori Nepwadavra Neretum Nettentena Netzizara Nicte Nince Ninchai Nineba Ninorazi Nirirale Nivachot Noabrah Noriasmu Odevyehmai Ofrack Opdunut Oracharka Orael Oseliaha Otenath Othigan Ottor Ovelwolfo Ovevi Pauda Pdunk Pojra Priavadaya Puchaimak Pusabrinia Qethe Racha Rachar Raenth Rahapef Railya Ramin Renoa Rezel Ridartuven Riths Ritzhatin Rivavi Roelis Roishevi Roshmust Rudiddyn Rudie Rudin Rudis Rudiva Rudvit Sabeo Sabing Sametalit Saramah Saulf Sebel Sedaled Sefayn Seffai Sefna Segan Seladal Seloks Seshavida Shadiel Shaiona Shanicy Shava Shayitzia Shedisim Shehis Sheowey Sheowulrit Shepepwawy Shesköll Shezrah Shiel Shimuela Shirhan Shont Shuva Siggo Sigrian Simin Siminah Sinde Sixte Sofentiva Solleo Sopen Spetheland Sredna Srelinal Sretshem Stedeo Stimicia Surry Sustron Tahiva Talah Talevis Tanila Taning Tanubing Tcharoui Telmale Thasimeiva Therah Therke Tiora Tishandra Todolph Tomohek Tonit Toran Tyarna Tzharon Tzhaugua Tzvid Tzvis Tzvishanda Tzvit Tzviva Ujket Ulanpuch Ulgevon Uwulf Valia Varnit Viana Vigri Viraleon Vivrit Wadiral Wiktodon Wilmenur Woldaya Wolia Woliveda Yaeli Yagela Yahan Yaiva Yalya Yamneng Yehulf Yehurit Yessah Yigai Yiggeddya Yisirak Yissiv Yitzi Ylyagurah Yoader Yolfrielon Yolphurraf Yoran Zaliel Zamehe Zanit Zardit Zarms Zarvig Zelit Zelman Zilanit Zileo Zilhezel Zoharidon
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geminiagentgreen · 6 years
Prologue: Ejection
Secured on board of an armory transport en route to the home planet of the latest council seat, P-T226B399M made use of its time re-running through the Central Intelligence's catalogues of all that was known: Once again went the history of the Tabaan War, once again the controversial Tharrok's uplifting was examined finely for any - albeit impossibly - missed details, then once again came the history prior to - and the current policy recognized by the Paragon Council regarding - the Nos- System, it's governing planet, Nos-Dun, and specifically the global capitol of Porapor. Finally, the most up-to-date information to re-assess was of this latest addition to the council, the Epria; a bipedal race that averaged a height of one-hundred and eighty-seven centimetres for its males and one-hundred and seventy-five for its females. Their height would not be an issue, for as an artificial intelligence, P-T226B399M was not bound to any specific sets of armor or equipment and would easily synchronize to the needs of its assigned person. What was more interesting, in a sense, was the assignment process itself: P-T-399M, like the others, had no preassignment to any individual and would be issued sequentially along to its future, establishing itself and its person as one complete identity of "Paragon". As for what its person would look like, from what of five major civilizations on the home planet they would come from, and of what it would learn of the Epria as a whole and of their individual cultures was for the moment left to calculations and computations.
To say that P-T-399M was excited would be both a misinterpretation of its programming and capabilities, but not wholly wrong; P-T226B399M was the most up-to-date of the Council's sciences, seen fit to have some finite elements of curiosity and sentience for the sake of aiding in the Paragon Mission Statement of old: "To Find, To Learn, To Know And To Do". While the moral duties of the individual Paragon reside heavily upon the person, the AI has the means and is expected to act as a moral compass. Meanwhile, curiosity would be limited to recorded observations and suggestions that did not hinder or go against the Council's universal model of morality and action - the paragon standard that the Council of some one-hundred and sixty-eight, and growing, races set to aspire to.
The homeworld would soon be reached, and P-T226B399M would go on to aid the Eprian graduate of the Paragon's Academy in serving nations, planet, and most of all, people. There was no beaming within P-T-399M's limited conscience, just a programmed focus on doing what was right with a sentient being who had vowed to do the same. Still, it would have been understandable to feel a sense of pride in looking at the bright blue light emanating from P-T226B399M and the rest of the AIs on board.
The planet had not just grown to a sizable bright dot on the captain's monitor when a blinding bolt shot past the transporter from seemingly nowhere, barely missing direct contact but causing a disruption in the ship's systems. In the brief seconds wherein the ship's primary lighting was gone and the screens went fuzzy, a massive object had entered immediate space: The Kauggar - Tharrokian equivalent to a term like "juggernaut", but more dire, the warship of the intergalactic pirate Drogg. All the available precautions meant nothing now, not that they were intended to ward off such a threat in the first place, but intel prior had placed Drogg in a far corner of the galaxy and seemingly without any shred of information to the mission at hand. Alone in the presence of certain desolation, the only option was to return all assets to the heart of Paragon space by means of faster-than-light travel.
The shot back home would mean using all available energy on board to get there, but to keep the armory out of Drogg's hands and to make the inevitable sacrifices of the escort ships mean anything, it had to be done. As the smaller escort ships worked to mitigate and distract from the transporter, the commanding officer had the emergency warp systems online and with bursts of overall energy output going into shooting crew and equipment between brief intervals. Two sets of evacuated crew and one set of returned equipment had been made before the power again went out as it did with the first bolt, but with this time the transporter's shielding could no longer hold up. A glancing blow to the ship's hull made the proceeding evacuation more tremorous, letting the crew know that their time was running up.
The Kauggar was steadily encroaching upon the diminutive transporter, keeping its battering calmly paced. It had been noticed that from the transpoter large outputs of energy were being sent forth towards the general direction of Paragon space. Primarily, the destabilizer bolts were used to destroy shields and affect internal systems, but wanting to insult his sworn enemies further, Drogg had made the command to fire more destabilizer bolts, hypothetically interfering with the evacuations at hand: albeit the lives of the crew had been forfite since Drogg had the raid in mind, the Paragon equipment was prized bounty, assets that even Drogg had difficulty finding on his own and of second-rate knock-offs he'd enough with. Amid the attack, the transporter had been successfully and forcefully hailed. In his native tongue, Drogg ordered the remaining crew to have all of their assets made ready for retrieval, and in what everyone knew to be a lie, promised captivity for those that remained. Without a response, the transporter's crew saw to carrying on.
P-T226B399M, like the others, knew full-well what was going on and had gone through all general and specific information the Central Intelligence had on Drogg and his warship. Fruitless, however, for there was nothing that, even with their combined power, could be done. Though incapable of fear, P-T226B399M recognized the outcome of the attack with an understanding of mission failure, something of a sense of disappointment.
Finally, the crew had gotten to P-T-399M, securing its "conscience" - its computer - along with the equipment nearby. Secured and ready to go, P-T226B399M processed the following events as such: the crew was observed through a headpiece travelling with itself setting up for the FTL ejection, working as efficiently as they could under their current conditions, then there was the last face of the prespired and exhausted Seni crewmember who launched the ejection. What happened next was unexpected of the trip, for what was recorded by the Central Intelligence of FTL travel was a brief, all-encompassing white light, then the destination of choice before you. Instead, P-T226B399M observed just the slightest glimpse of that all-encompassing whiteness before the lights present were more yellow, orange, and purple. As well, the travel, though still considerably brief, was just that much longer than expected. When the lights dissipated, P-T226B399M noted that the stars and systems known to Paragon space were no longer there, save for one or two which were far farther away than they should have been. P-T226B399M then observed that not all of the equipment it had been sent with was present, and what was had seen damage. Finally, and more fantastic, was the reality that P-T226B399M was on its way towards an unfamiliar planet within an unfamiliar system at a decreasing rate of velocity instead of the more controlled rate standard of exiting FTL travel.
P-T226B399M saw the yellow sun of this system eclipsed by the planet it was on its way to, seeing the night of this world and the glowing veins of civilizations not-yet known to the Council and the Central Intelligence. Though the recognition of mission failure was still prevalent in its figurative mind, that familiar procession of the unknown and that tinge of curiosity had come back to primary consideration.
Drogg's final destabilizer shot had untinentionally missed the direct hit it was intended for, instead cutting past the transmitter at just the right time to intercept the quantified bolt leaving the transporter. Though incredibly difficult to observe, the destabilizer bolt had carried the FTL ejection with it for a miniscule - but extraordinary - second before bursting into a strange mess of lights. Drogg had seen much in his long life, but this was something new. However, he cared little for it for only so long, discarding the spectacle as just another useless thing faster than the bolt's misadventure itself. He readied his boarding party, then onboard proceeded to punish the transporter's crew for having done their duty. With only the deaths of his enemies, Drogg counted the day a small but satisfying accomplishment.
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phgq · 3 years
DOF backs corporate pension reforms to develop PH capital markets
#PHnews: DOF backs corporate pension reforms to develop PH capital markets
MANILA – The Department of Finance (DOF) has expressed its full support for the congressional proposal to further deepen the domestic capital markets by building a sustainable corporate pension system while making available massive volumes of capital in the financial sector to help accelerate economic growth. 
 Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III said overhauling the country’s underdeveloped corporate pension system will be "a win-win for all" against the backdrop of the protracted coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic given these positive outcomes expected from this proposed reform. 
 Corporate pension reform will not only expand and diversify the investor base of the capital markets, but will also be a major step forward in accomplishing President Rodrigo Duterte’s goals of financial inclusion and comfortable lives for all Filipinos, he said. 
 The bill centers on the establishment of an Employee Pension and Retirement Income Account (EPRIA), which is similar to the portable, employee-managed retirement accounts in developed economies that ensure workers continue to contribute to and grow their pension accounts even when they transfer from one job to another. 
 “The move to reform our corporate pension system, which has been underdeveloped for far too long, presents us with a wealth of benefits that go beyond increasing the efficiency of our capital markets. This creates a vast opportunity for ordinary Filipinos to take part in the development of our financial sector and our economy,” Dominguez said during Monday's hearing of the House committee on banks and financial intermediaries. 
 Chaired by Quirino Rep. Junie Cua, the committee held a hearing to discuss his proposed measure --House Bill (HB) No. 8938-- which aims to deepen the capital markets by developing a robust institutional investor base and strengthening the regulatory environment.
 Dominguez told lawmakers during the virtual panel hearing that corporate pension reform “will democratize wealth by opening access for thousands of small investors to grow their hard-earned savings through investments in the capital markets.” 
 “The reform is a big step forward to achieving President Rodrigo Duterte’s goal of financial inclusion and a comfortable life for all Filipinos while they are working and while they are in retirement,” he added. 
 Dominguez said that in other countries, pension systems are active participants in the capital markets and help increase contractual savings that would aid in funding productive long-term investments of the national government and the private sector as well.
 “Now is the time to expand the investor base in our capital markets while securing the future of our workers and their families,” he said. “This is a historic reform that will benefit succeeding generations. It will provide a truly inclusive and sustainable economy for Filipinos invested in their own future.” 
 Dominguez said reforming the corporate pension system has now become even more urgent as the country transitions to a knowledge-based economy and nears its demographic "sweet spot," or the period when an optimal number of its population are of young working age with few dependents.  
 The primary beneficiaries of corporate pension reform, particularly its portability feature, are the Millennials and Generation Z workers aged 18 to 35 years old who are inclined to switch jobs and, on the average, hold about 12 jobs in their working lifetime, he said. 
 This reform will also benefit the Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1980) and many Baby Boomers (those born from 1946 to 1964) who are nearing retirement age and would require an adequate amount of savings to be able to live comfortably past their working years, he added. 
 Dominguez said employers will also benefit from this reform because they will be incentivized to participate actively as a means to encourage employee retention and engagement.
 “With the proposed reform, the workforce is encouraged to potentially increase productivity, knowing that they will have sufficient allocated savings. This would ultimately contribute to economic growth,” Dominguez said. 
 He said the reform will increase the supply of capital in the financial system, encourage more investments, and promote stock and bond market development. 
 “All these will help turbo-boost the competitiveness of the Philippine capital markets,” he added. (PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "DOF backs corporate pension reforms to develop PH capital markets." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133697 (accessed March 16, 2021 at 04:01AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "DOF backs corporate pension reforms to develop PH capital markets." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133697 (archived).
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demuly · 7 years
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with Andina, ARSA, Epria Dwi, Elly, Della, and Gea at Brew & Co – View on Path.
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teenageread · 7 years
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Review: The kingdom is only as good as its noble men and women, was the common way people had thought. The King is great, he runs the country and makes most of the financing, the Queen’s job is to look pretty at his side, and most people adore the prince or princess. Then it was the noble men and women who truly did not have a job, besides pretending to be important. They were the people of the court, used to show off how wealthy the kingdom was with their elaborate dresses and thick jewellery. They had some purpose, though, as they themselves or their children made were in line for the throne if something happened to the King and his decedents. Until then, though, life was fabulous, the dresses, parties, and not to mention the gossips, as the women and men flaunt themselves trying by wit to move up into the lines, hoping to be the next in line.
Freya, a daughter of a noble woman and a merchant father, knew lost at a very young age, as her mother passed away when she was young. Her father, Titus Nystrom, spent his time proving himself, as he was a noble by marriage, and try to make people forget that he was not raised with them all along. Being the King’s fourth cousin remove, Freya finds herself to be the court laughingstock, as were the other girls wanted to talk about dresses, she was a woman of science, who never knew when to keep her mouth shut. Being twenty third in line for the throne (knowing no one in their wildest dreams would put her in charge) had the dream to leave the kingdom as soon as she could, taking her one friend, Naomi, with her, and escape Epria (that is the name of the kingdom) and everyone in it. Until that time came, Freya and the rest of the court had to attend King Jorgen birthday celebrations. Stuck with an idea in the middle of the event, Freya and Naomi rush off to her lab only to be interrupted by her father and place guards who take her to the King’s hideaway fort. The King’s gold cake, which he ordered specifically for himself, contained arsenic, killing himself, his wife, and almost all the nobles except those who did not eat the cake. Those members included Freya’s father, some of the advisors, his bastard son: William Fitrzroy, Naomi, and Freya. With the first twenty-two dead, Freya finds herself to be Queen of a kingdom that did not want her. Rushed into a role she never wanted Freya has to convince the people that she is the rightful queen, and not let her mouth run her into the ground. This fantasy story takes a mystery twist as Freya was determined to find out who killed four hundred noblemen including the King and Queen. In a place where she could not trust anyone, not her advisors, not her father, not even William, who is after one thing only: her heart.
Rhiannon Thomas took a character who did not fit her world and forces her into the positions she never wanted. Freya, a woman of science, who rather be in her lab than in court, was named Queen after the twenty-two people in front of her for the throne died from eating arsenic golden cake. Freya, determined not to let four hundred deaths go in vain, must find the murderer alone as the whole court does not recognize her as Queen. The one thing Thomas has which could have been a really cool concept if she used it properly was the Forgotten. The Forgotten was the people who made their kingdom, their gods as you would say, who one day were to return to the kingdom. That is all I can tell you because that is all I understood about the Forgotten, as besides, there was about five of them, was all Thomas gave up on them. Still Freya was a lovable character, and with a quick pace and heart thumping romance between her and Williams, who is the hottest and cold character in this story, Freya uses her wits (and surprisingly well known knowledge about arsenic) to find her killer, and catch them gold handed.
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444names · 2 years
the entire article about nymphs on wikipedia + random banshee names + colors
Abducente Acchija Acleires Acmewlia Aeadma Aeardons Aegal Aerust Agolir Akele Alack Alimingroi Amades Amaiandara Amand Ameianan Ameraster Amewliva Amiss Amonides Ampheiss Amphlagus Aornadan Aphnicleus Aphus Apides Apies Areochatted Argalphimou Argolides Ariadons Arivallows Armed Armissiled Arple Artadmis Articia Asilenzies Asiocely Askelia Asouff Asparn Astessia Ataria Atidenea Atria Attlakinon Aurdaps Bacounsh Beist Beliadony Belpha Bited Bition Bletis Boria Botheles Botidepides Boureved Brenopided Bretifieda Bricloul Briderides Brids Brieuceae Bropecir Brops Bucorme Burring Cabelamer Cargodon Caring Carmed Carry Cedon Ceeze Cenoves Ceria Ceros Chartnes Checin Chers Chicho Ciades Ciaridiance Cithers Citice Cleiantium Cleiter Cleucea Cloodow Clyce Coban Coleongs Colioleus Comamai Conoiedes Coplenaia Coptes Corive Couff Couperwor Courraby Crachimas Cricean Cropachil Croscurant Cyadryante Cycis Cyllops Cyrago Cyran Cyrents Cyrseis Cyrustal Dacrive Danatios Danius Dappered Daurne Desped Dionosty Dions Divaging Doddes Dodes Donstera Dreno Driblopus Elecierus Eliciaeana Emnampus Emnounopea Enaing Endan Enderse Endie Enfantis Ephicalicis Epimed Epria Erabluthebe Erene Eritayging Eryads Ethaegaree Ethes Etlex Eugaides Eundionia Eunos Eurphna Fanthos Fatite Femoup Fiene Floods Flowlive Forperides Foudessanic Founs Fourel Foury Fousia Gaeris Galicifem Glaia Golycia Greda Gromber Gémiss Hachacha Haean Haettlan Halisal Hambe Heancer Hecarts Heiastygin Heidon Helan Helitolicia Heloin Hemate Hemelow Hemilamaura Henes Herave Herian Hertyx Herworte Hilue Hilved Himeans Howergolbia Hydree Hyllan Hyllos Hyllown Hyrse Iaegraide Idack Idespecave Inamym Indonsfouns Ingedvires Ingiadesia Inlydniss Istolilies Itheraveris Ithryance Ityon Iviossia Kleored Kythrasice L'enia L'âmed Lache Lacus Laidessai Lamaia Lamimnastos Lanblue Lanticaly Laodivan Laone Laphades Lasic Lathoandon Laxios' Leirhaes Leneoch Lespegabron Liaxis Lictoned Limaniadion Lions Lithry Loceroaea Lochadera Locyon Lonida Lounda Loups Lydacifirra Lydnus Mades Maenacring Maette Maiads Malcied Malextsice Malingra Mannante Mardoda Marned Maross Martole Matare Matygethe Maugaeia Megial Megred Megriver Meides Meirrinas Meist Melin Mellos Menepiste Menes Mentes Ments Menzetiuse Mimpar Mièreen Moucops Mourse Myragoly Méchorcalue Nacise Nadroe Nainather Nambeas Napphirhers Nasidanides Neada Nerombus Neshera Norai Nothemegine Nyceris Nyctos Nymphides Nymphilydae Nympie Nysitereurn Oceente Ochia Oeanalus Oeretheides Olloviro Onius Orced Orinops Orneardes Orphil Ortuslion Oryaleios Oryged Oterombe Ovion Pacolloon Palsocks Panblus Papph Paracous Pardonful Pares Pargunos Pargus Paria Pasiconal Passanther Peanblus Pegalymphia Peidespagne Pelismadon Peloddes Phaeoff Phardoticia Pheme Phochriciad Phroaded Phuslan Piasia Pides Pissing Plapis Plartne Platled Pleides Plethninaca Pnophniña Polbiter Pollia Poniodithes Prastored Pring Prios Pyrus Quing Rachis Raent Reaccos Renamos Retetides Rethelivion Rhaeants Rhochra Rhoer Rimetrow Rindaupe Rivios Roniña Ronnasta Ronsee Saliaiae Sambe Sametollove Sapae Scheres Sculd Serus Shoser Shwath Siades Siborcha Sicentening Sician Sides Simnonia Sinus Sippus Sittis Skereus Slaso Slatygia Slion Sochi Somargus Sopeloves Sounoë Spean Spegriade Spera Sphimniai Spimeas Sprie Stonides Sturquoi Synaeos Syneocal Sypres Tades Taeon Tereastera Thebetted Theiant Theion Thimeloil Thossia Thriadesed Thrysicee Thyallaty Thynaing Thyneof Tiose Tiroan Tithades Tored Turacte Tures Turnagria Turyades Urgodis Urniña Vagus Varfus Varoinly Vides Wathed Watormears Watras Watted Watyock Weracia Werideron Whoearld Wifir Woranurs Worides Yonysone Younguinatc
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geminiagentgreen · 6 years
The Paragon, P-3T226B399M:
The latest in scientific and technological progress for the intergalactic alliance of some several thousand races known as the Paragon Order, model P-3T226B399M was en route to the homeworld of the most recent addition to the Order's membership - the Epria - when a surprise attack from a sworn enemy inadvertently led to the mistransportation to a star system far, far away from any previously charted by the Order's expedition teams.
The intended purpose for model P-3T was to make model and bearer one whole unit recognized as a Paragon, and specifically to allow one of the Epria to help the Order maintain their mission statement: "To Find, To Learn, To Know And To Do", and to carry this out, one Eprian graduate of the Paragon Academy would have:
- Flight, by means of electro-magnetism and propulsion by means of an ion propulsion system capable of reaching Earth speed of mach 5. As well, the same functions that go into flight also go into terrestrial speed; fists and feet can move like lightning, figuratively speaking.
- Hard-Light Concussive Bolts: intentionally designed to enforce order without easily ending a life. Most often used in small bolts, more powerful blasts can be produced so long as suffienct excuse for it is available.
- "Stasis": the production of a small spherical space wherein all momentum is ceased. Unlike the hard-light bolts, the stasis is tethered to the arm so as to allow for movement of both the Paragon and who-or-what is in the stasis. A popular gimmick of the Paragons is to combine the hard-light bolts with the stasis to create solid spheres that are great for containment purposes, on top of other creative ideas. The stasis also utilizes the same electro-magnetic systems used in the flight systems, and can be used to lift up to 30,000 lbs.
- Strength: the suit enables the Paragon to lift up to 30,000 lbs on top of whatever they could already bench, and when accompanied by the stasis, a Paragon can carry up to 80,000+ lbs.
The Paragon's armor is composed of a two-layer set, though both meet basic defensive standards: the underlayer that is made of metal and circuitry used to aid in the wearer's bodily functions and to keep them going beyond their normal physiological processes - should they have to. It has a kinetic battery, so that so long as the person can move, the suit can move. The second set is more decorative and is made up of all the defensive and offensive capabilities. A Paragon is capable of surviving atmospheric entry, most forms of corrosion, and incapable of rusting. In the case - albeit one long ago dealt with - that the Paragon is left without any power, the person is not trapped within their suit and can move freely, though only as they could naturally with the additional weight, and even then there are means of removing the pieces individually.
As for the model's power source, it comes in the form of an advanced artificial intelligence, one that is purposefully limited in capabilities so as to help its person carry out the mission statement by means of serving as a moral compass and reactionary system when the person cannot react fast enough. With programmed dispositions towards curiosity and benign sentimentality, the model is nonetheless not to interfere with the person's decisions - as the person should not be making decisions against the Order anyhow. If in the event that it does, though, the Paragon is to be rendered ineffective and available for the Order to retrieve. In the unlikely event that the person cannot operate but the model is still active, then the model is to secure its person.
The model has access to the Central Intelligence, the vast library of all that is known by the Order, and is designed to learn from its environment and person, and can also learn from others, such as how they fight and thus cataloguing their weakness and aiding in strategies.
This is what P-3T226B399M was expected to do, but on earth, is left in need of reconfiguration so as to be useful to this new species, specifically to Alex Ortega, and though far, far from homespace, P-3T is still set on carrying out its mission, not yet recognizing the adventures and danger to come.
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demuly · 7 years
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Happy birthday with ARSA, Epria Dwi, Elly, Sonia Metta, Arien Syam, and Gea at Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Pancasila – View on Path.
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