#the bed scene though
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Wiener dog- body language
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glassiskies · 10 months
Okay i dont know if anyone else has pointed this out but throughout the vast majority of the ball (and honestly throughout many scenes in episode 5 as well but they don't seem as significant), Aziraphale and Crowley are on opposite sides of the screen they would normally be on. Particularly when Crowley is trying to tell Aziraphale about the demons outside the bookshop and he doesn't listen.
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It's so interesting because this scene, in my opinion, is the crux of Aziraphale's denial and refusal to see what is actually going on and the danger of it (affectionate). The entire season we've witnessed Aziraphale downplay the real danger of hiding Gabriel in his bookshop. This is partly on Crowley, who knows more of the extent of the danger they're in and does not tell Aziraphale. BUT, we can't deny that Aziraphale is also ignoring the severity of the situation. I mean, he literally says that Crowley is overestimating the trouble they are in:
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I just think it's INTERESTINGGGG. After the ball their positions return to normal and don't switch again until Episode 6 Crowley puts his sunglasses on and crosses to leave the bookshop.
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It's also an interesting moment to choose switching their places on the screen because it's the moment Aziraphale's fantasy of being in Heaven with Crowley is crushed as well. You can tell that through Crowley's confession, Aziraphale isn't listening to a word he's saying, much like during the ball. BUT the dynamic doesn't switch until Crowley has totally rejected Aziraphale's offer.
Would love to hear anyone else's opinions on this, I could be overthinking it (I am the person who spent multiple days analyzing the lengths of Crowley's sideburns in each promo photo only to discover it was just a continuity error when the actual show came out LMAO.)
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Oooo starstruck dee has little stars at the bottom of her feet! Are they just aesthetic or would they make imprints into the ground? (like pawprints)
exactly like that! though she's not the only one...
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edit: might need to add some additional dialogue to this to make it more clear, but a clarification in the interim; he knows about his own footprints. he's just surprised to see something similar already there when he knows he's only just landed. he lifts his own shoe to confirm that they're not identical (and also to reveal this to the viewer). seems his stoicism beat off the clarity in this one, sorry 😭
#meta knight#starstruck dee#have had this one sitting around for *months* while i bit my nails on posting it#and then i thought maybe i *shouldn't* during the shipaganza bc it's not a direct prompt; though i do think you can read it that way#and for ~Reasons~ i needed to post this one sooner rather than later so i had to bite the bullet.#though meta knight has understandably been the second most prompted. they do indeed have the Funnest Possible Dynamic for it#stoic guy and the bug eyed little Creature he doesn't really trust as far as he could throw her (long long way)#so just to clarify this one is NOT for the shipaganza but you can read it that way if you want to#this is just a canon scene between them from her storyline. this is just something they canonically share. starry eyed idiots.#also fwiw i think i probably picked up the shoe-patterns for the knights from postitnotes7#been a headcanon in the back of my mind for a long while but i'm pretty sure i osmosis'd it from their work#especially after drawing post's designs so much for the hnkss. i temporarily forgot how i used to draw their armour ngl#and also btw starstruck deetectives psspsps#i'm planning a much better post about this later (probably in march) but i'm going to start using this tag for Important Posts for y'all#🎀🔍#<- for the starstruck deetectives when there's something significant in the post.#i worry about making it 'too easy' but also want stuff to be accessible. it's just for fun? the OC lore game! ARG but it's just my oc.#that would be fun right? maybe? is that too indulgent? i could probably pull it off if folks were actually interested enough to participate#anyway!! go to bed starflung#also if you read this far: anon is open again! still open for shipaganza prompts but i'm not gonna be finished them in february 😂
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antoine-triplett · 7 months
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rwrb characters + wearing shades of red
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itayaki · 5 months
I'm still thinking about that scene
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Bed Friend อย่าเล่นกับอนล Episode 6 #tongues
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svampira · 2 months
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what's new
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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In the same bed, but not on the same page
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sunniss · 1 year
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 3 months
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Fantastic news for everyone who liked my last post.
Here's Pin-Up-esque Majexatli screenshots, featuring Majexatli with their hair down and without their face paint :)
Bless the Dad Bod Tav mod and my own modding of their chest scars.
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scarefox · 6 months
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caliphoria17 · 2 years
In EXCLUSIVE - Fuera de Foco spoke with its creator, Simon Barry, who told us more about the Warrior Nun mythology, stuntwork, and of course, the relationship between Ava and Beatrice (Kristina Tonteri-Young) and the potential return for a third season.
Avatrice was always canon
By the end of the first season, the potential relationship between Beatrice and Ava was one of the most popular topics on the show. In such a way that the known ship Avatrice was one of the most anticipated things by the fans of the series.
In the second season, Warrior Nun places a greater emphasis on the story between the two, which several viewers assumed was due to the strength that the ship had had on social networks after the first season. However, Simon Barry told us that Avatrice had actually always been part of the plan.
“Avatrice was always a point, a slow romance in the Warrior Nun story.” assured the showrunner , who points out that the second season of the series was written before the first even premiered on the platform.
“We understood how good it was: Ava and Beatrice on the show, and Alba and Kristina were very good, they had great chemistry. So the writers and I started writing from what we knew, something that the audience didn't necessarily know yet. So it was interesting that afterward the public was on the same page as us, because the series came out and they went crazy for it, for them.” - Simon Barry, Out of Focus
However, Barry commented that while the relationship between Ava and Beatrice is interesting on its own, it also has a reason for being for the story as a whole.
“It's not just about them having a relationship. It's mixed with the whole theme of the second season, which is about sacrifice and feeling that something or someone belongs to you." Recounted the showrunner, who added that "This relationship was the best way to portray the challenges that Ava was facing, as she took responsibility for her as a hero."
On the other hand, he comments that as for Beatrice, the story with Ava had to build her as a character, because "she also had to allow herself to be who she needs to be, risking losing Ava, which is hard."
Would the ending have been different?
Simon Barry revealed that despite the season's satisfying audiences, the team had written a scene between Ava and Beatrice that never saw the light of day. Well, according to the creator, although he responded to much of what the fans were asking for, he would have lessened the emotion of the final scene between the characters.
“I wrote a scene where Ava and Bea were in bed together. Not like something romantic, but them trying to get on the same terms to understand each other, and it was awkward because they weren't a couple yet." Barry detailed, assuring that it was also one of the funniest scenes to write.
"We removed it because we didn't need it, we did more by avoiding being so explicit with the tension, and that made the ending have a bigger emotional impact." - Simon Barry, Out of Focus
From emotion to action
Perhaps one of the things that stands out the most about the season is the impeccable work done by its actors and doubles in the action scenes and battle choreography ; especially considering that both Alba Baptista , as Kristina Tonteri Young, William Miller and Lorena Andreaperformed several of their risk scenes, seeking to be "really present in the battles".
“Many of the actors we have in the series do their stunts, at a very high level,” said Barry, who stresses the importance of the work done between the actors, stuntmen, and stunt and fight coordinators , Coco Usín and Lee Huang.
"We built a training place in Madrid, where all the scenes were broken down by the coordinators and then filmed,"said the showrunner, who also shared that actors and doubles trained together so that " when they see them on camera they know the movements and we could choose who did what.”
“Some of the actors told us that those scenes were enjoyable to do, they liked the physicality of them. […] Alba in particular was very interested in doing more action scenes on her own and learning from her. She has a great understanding of her own physical strength and she is very good at it. She excited us because we could use her more for filming as well." - Simon Barry, Out of Focus
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@sullystar I finally did the thing!!
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thecrowsart · 1 month
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This was technically inspired by a post made by Mirai, but it ended up pretty far from the prompt so I won't link it here. I'll follow through on the original prompt soon, I promise <3 But I had this thought and I liked it
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faytelumos · 1 year
It's Cold Outside…
Villain shivered constantly, violently, unceasingly. They sat on the thick rug, wrapped in the thicker quilt, their back to the fire rumbling in the hearth. There was a tumbler of hot chocolate in their hands, and curse the damned thing for being too insulated to warm their stinging fingers.
The cabin door opened again, and Villain closed their eyes tightly. Hero clomped in in their stupid winter boots, stomping the snow off and closing the door loudly behind them. Villain couldn't even flinch between their awful shivers.
Hero pulled off their mittens, and their loud footsteps thumped over to Villain. Villain huffed when they felt the hot, burning hands touch their face. It was almost overwhelming, and Villain couldn't hold onto the pained whimper in their throat. Hero pulled away.
"Shivering again," they commented. Villain opened their eyes, glaring up at their savior. "That's good." Villain sneered. Good. This wasn't good. This was painful as Hell. Every single muscle in their body refused to calm the Hell down and they were being acquainted with the sensation of full-body cramps.
"You t-tell m-me it's-s-s good," Villain struggled, "when hy-hy-you c-can't stop sh-shaking." God, this was frustrating. Hero just grinned.
"Talking again, too, even better."
"Piss-s off," Villain spat. Hero just smiled at them, then clomped into the next room. Villain squeezed their eyes shut, huddling further into the quilt that smelled so strongly of the enemy, laying their fingers on the warm lid of the hot chocolate.
Hero spent the next God-knew how long in the kitchen, making various cooking noises and humming some song Villain could almost recognize. Villain couldn't even think straight, just focusing on staying curled up, on the stinging of their toes, the wonderful, wonderful heat spread across their back. If they could sleep they would; they were exhausted. But they were in too much pain, and they were too cold.
Funny, since the cold almost put them to sleep an hour ago.
Eventually, Hero came back into the room. Villain opened their eyes and looked up, their breathing coming out in stuttering whispers. Hero sat down on the floor in front of Villain, so close their knee poked into the quilt. They set a steamy bowl of soup on the floor and lifted a spoon out of it, bobbing it softly to stop its dripping, then lifted it with a hand cupped below to Villain's mouth.
Villain glared hard into Hero's face.
"N-not on your l-life," Villain hissed. Hero raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, then how about on yours?" Villain tried to sneer. Hero rolled their eyes. "You're burning tons of calories shivering like this," Hero said. "You need to eat."
"I n-need to l-l-leave," Villain growled. Hero sighed sharply, putting the spoon back into the bowl and glaring. Villain flinched, but it was thankfully muddled among the shivering.
"I will chain you down if you try to leave," Hero threatened. They were somber now. Their expression was cold. It didn't look right on them.
Villain looked down at the bowl. There was twenty miles of three-foot snow in all directions. They didn't really want to go back outside, now or ever. It would be much nicer to stay curled up in this blanket in front of the fire.
Villain scowled off to the side. Hero lifted the spoon again, back to their soft, concerned expression. Villain tenuously opened their mouth, and Hero carefully slid the spoon in. It was a little hot, but it tasted delicious. Villain's teeth chattered slightly as they closed their lips around the spoon, and Hero carefully drew it out, tipping it up as they did to let Villain keep all of the broth.
It took forever to eat the soup this way, but Hero never wavered. They just sat on the edge of the pastel pink, bear hide-looking rug and slowly fed Villain spoonful after spoonful of chopped vegetables and chicken. Even when Villain growled when the spoon spilled down their chin, or when they tried to reach for the thing with shaking hands, or when they coughed and choked, Hero calmly dabbed their chin dry with a sleeve, put their burning hot hand over Villain's, or soothingly rubbed their back.
By the time all of the pieces were gone, Villain's shivers had become intermittent. Their toes and fingers were screaming, and they were realizing just how badly their nose hurt, but they still reached for the bowl. Hero helped them, putting the spoon in their own mouth to lift the bowl with both hand into Villain's unsteady grasp. They followed Villain's hold up to their face, ready in case Villain lost their grip, but at least let Villain support the bowl on their own. Villain drank down most of the broth before deciding they were done and lowering the bowl again. Hero took it back, setting the spoon back inside before reaching up to again dry Villain's chin with their sleeve.
"Feeling better?" Hero uttered. Villain glared up at them, pulling the blanket tighter around their shoulders. They considered saying something nasty for a moment.
"My toes are killing me," they mumbled instead. Hero nodded.
"Would you let me check on them?" Villain looked over Hero's face as if there could be a secret motive. But they nodded, leaning back, and Hero carefully helped them set aside the hot chocolate and open up the blanket.
It was thankfully warm in the little cabin, and Villain didn't have to feel a rush of cold air on their almost entirely exposed skin as they gave up their downy cocoon. Hero gently drew out a foot, holding Villain with a soft touch at the bottom of their calf as they inspected their foot. Villain kept their eyes up, too afraid of seeing blue to risk a glance.
"It looks like you'll get to keep all ten piggies," Hero said, right before touching them. Villain hissed, wincing at how much their hand burned. Hero flinched. "Jeez, they're cold as ice," Hero hissed.
"Just cut them off," Villain growled, squeezing their eyes shut. Hero laughed, shifting.
"I don't exactly have the tools for surgery here," they said, gripping Villain by the shoulders, the quilt between them.
"Just give them a good pull," Villain hissed, trying to help as Hero turned them towards the fire. "They'll pop off like icicles at this point." Hero laughed again. The sound of it eased Villain's mind a little.
Hero made sure Villain was facing the fireplace evenly, then crouched down in front of them to wrap the blanket back around their naked shoulders, casting Villain in a shadow. Villain watched, shivering briefly, as Hero tucked everything in except their feet.
"Keeping me modest? Afraid of being tempted?" Hero smirked, looking up to meet Villain's eyes. They shivered again.
"I got a good enough peak earlier," Hero said right before getting up. They stepped away, and Villain instantly felt the heat of the fire on their face and toes.
"Couldn't help yourself?" Villain teased, wriggling their fingers through the blanket to find anywhere to stick their fingers through. Hero shrugged.
"I had been planning to wait until you got sprayed with acid to heroically strip you down," they replied, grinning amusedly. "The opportunity never came." Villain rolled their eyes, still niggling through the blanket's inner defenses. It bothered them a little that Hero was willing to make a joke out of the terrifying moments when Villain thought they were dying as Hero yanked icy clothes off of them. But it was better than Hero getting suddenly serious about it again.
Villain didn't want to think about how miraculous it was that this happened while Hero was visiting their stupid little Fortress of Solitude.
Villain couldn't find a break in the blanket as Hero walked back into the kitchen, so they just reached up out of the hole for their face and turned their palms to the light. Their toes still hurt, but with Hero's lack of concern, Villain had the courage to look down at them. They were incredibly flushed, but there was no blue or black to be seen. They sighed in relief.
Hero returned with another bowl, and Villain almost thought it was for them before Hero sat down on the floor next to them and started eating.
"Selfish," Villain teased. Hero laughed, then choked on their soup. Villain chuckled, rubbing their warming hands together as Hero leaned forward and coughed through their smile.
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pharawee · 1 year
Just a quick PSA: I saw the preview for today's episode of Bed Friend and there's a lot of potentially upsetting/triggering stuff in it (for SA and child abuse and abuse in general) - even more than usual. Please be aware and stay safe. 🙏
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