#the beach life in death i dont want to be insane / i dont want to have sc/hizophrenia (dont want to clog that tag)
karamazovanon · 7 months
thought about raskolnikov while listening to car seat headrest incident 39 dead 18407 injured
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marsbotz · 3 months
my god i know i talk abt csh like every day but like ooooohhh my GOD. can anyone hear me. this is insane.
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science-slapfight · 11 months
24. Dr. Diana Diamond (She/Her) @numberposting
She's a science lady. She's trans. AND she's a lil stupid and lame!!! She's got it all!!! She lives in a universe where “mad scientist” is an Actual job you can get, she literally has a degree in Mad Science! She’s Very adamant that mad science is all about pushing the limits of science without being “constrained” by ethical standards set by society, which is to say that she has a moral compass made of swiss cheese. Hashtag girlboss <3
While some people can be a liiittle off-put by her basement-turned-lab containing fun death lasers, she’s honestly just a dweeb once you get to know her. When she’s not conducting weird experiments for mysterious benefactors (or just for personal enjoyment), she’s hanging out with her epic and cool wife Alice!!
Although Diana can be a lil withdrawn, Alice’s optimistic and excitable personality really brings out the best in her!! They do almost everything together: Baking, stargazing, long walks on the beach, vivisecting people…
Her wife is super normal btw don’t even worry about it <3
In short, you should vote for certified sillygirl Diana becuz:
1. She’s a funnie trans lesbian
2. She loves her wife SO much
3. She didn’t get a PhD in Mad Science for nothin’
4. She listens almost exclusively to They Might be Giants and Oingo Boingo
5. She could use the validation tbh
6. She lost the last poll she was in on round 1 isn't that so sad :(
7. I love her :D
Also she does enjoy cupcakes!! She prefers cookies tho <3 If given a cupcake she'd probs just give it to Alice cuz that's what love is all about!!
Relevant Links: She has a whole Neocities blog site thing!! It hasn't been updated in a long while cuz College Hard BUT it'll be updated again sometime in the future!! https://diamondexperiments.neocities.org/
28. Lady (She/Her) @forkdork
Lady is a cold-hearted scientist who would do anything in the name of science even if she has to commit horrible actions. After all, in the end, this is for the better of the world even if she has the break a few hundred eggs to get the results she wants. Who else would sacrifice the things she has to get to this point? Who would go to such extremes to the point of the only thing you have left is your work and your name? Well. Lady would even from a young age this was the case her whole life pretty much leading her to the point she is now. Her twin sister didn’t even get in the way of her goals. Being one of the first to figure out how to use science to manipulate magic due to this headset of hers
This pretty much led Lady to be ‘respected’ or feared more then anything in her workplace with the actions she has committed. Lady being responsible for hundreds of documents, subjects, and scientific discoveries to be made. While also being responsible for hundreds of families to be torn apart.. Lives to be lost… people being driven insane due to her experiments… Obviously, this has bitten Lady in the ass many MANY times. With subjects escaping and attacking her when they get the chance, but of course, they never go far and just end back in Lady’s grasp.
Relevant Links: here! it has uh alot of violence! and blood! i dont normally write alot but i do draw a bunch https://toyhou.se/12615920.lady-/gallery
(Image credits: @numberposting and @forkdork respectively)
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taaho · 8 months
ep 11 of bsd (this is like a summary of what is happening n theories in the fd)
the fd is literally going insane rn, we dont know what will happen next in the anime, since the anime has caught up to chap 109, or already animated the 2ND NEWEST CHAPTER THAT CAME OUT A MONTH AGO. this is like when both anime n manga fans r in the same boat
chap 110 isnt enough for a 25mins ep, so how the hell are they going to animate it? not to mention the chap came out in like a week ago or sth.
soooooo, we have some theories n predictions (that i saw)
bones is going to make up a new ending that doesnt make any fucking sense. we saw this with many franchises, it literally gets a name as "bones ending". (obv us fd do not like this, it is butchering the original scource, n seeing ur fav manga gets sth like that isnt fun)
bones got early access to the unreleased chapters. (i think this prediction does make a lot of sense, especially with the newest ep, as i said before, they animated a chapter that came out a month ago, so they prob got supervised from asagiri, that also can explain why are there changes in the anime)
stormbringer gets animated (i dont think this will be true, stormbringer is a lot longer than other LN, so 1 ep cannot fully animated it)
beach ep (my fav)
i also want to point out a theory ab dazai's life:
so, yall know ep 11 is called " twilight goodbye" right?
there is a poem by irl nakahara chuuya named "the twilight of this spring day", n a novel (?) called "goodbye" by irl osamu dazai, which is unfortunately unfinished due to his death. the "twilight" could also be the ada, bcs it is referred as one a few times.
you see where is this going right?
some people even say the reason why bones missed dazai's last words is bcs they want us to know he is dead.
sooo, if u have a bsd friend, pls be nice to them, they are at the verge of tearing up every waking moment. their mental stability isnt looking good rn
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brothalynchhung · 1 year
2022 overview
(istg ive been doing this for 10 years frnfiesfjeiss)
Hmmm lets see where did i start 2022
oh yeah tbh this year didnt really “start” for me until like april
because everything before april was just me working at that last stupid ass fintech 
what a waste of time honestly
but i did just get paid for doing nothing LOOOL shout out to my sis?
honestly since the beginning i knew it was just a stepping stone to moving out of to into dxb altho the transition and whatever isint easy and i still dont like living here 
but yeah i think i was playing guitar gyming, going through an ed ( i miss my slightly skinnier body but getting back there i think.. fml) and just idk hating work a lot
like the way i hated that job was insane if my sis wasnt there too i woulda bBEEN fired i did nothing but sit on the sofa there an browse pinterest and apply to other jobs and watch movies aoirNhaguiraehgubna
oh well tbh that whole job itself was a waste 
i applied to a crazy amount of jobs and had mad interviews
then got am lol after months 
shoutout to expo? lOOOL all my calls from them happened there im deaefiwfnjf 
i miss expo LOL that was also a big 2022 thing 
common grounds brr reading brrr
orange hair to blond hair to silver hair to platinum blonde brr to pink rip miss it kinda
my hair fried as shit 
oh yeah i also went to mecca this year brrr 
honestly that was an amazing experience mecca and madina was so beautiful i felt so at peace there
except for fighting the guards there cuz of the covid bullshit .. but whatev fuck em 
holy shit actually this year was a lot
i prayed there cleansed myself etc etc 
then i came back and i got a job at am LOOL
then i went to cali LOOOL
which was a ego death existential crisis of its own 
my whole life i dreamed of cali / LA and then hated it?
but also i realized yeah i really need to drive to survive in america
which kinda made me hate it lol 
venice beach was rlly nice like cali beaches r beautiful 
but like i envisioned it i went there alone and then felt hella unsafe the whole night there 
im sorry but it is not the 80s anymore 😭? lMFAOO OBV mfs were on DRUGS 
i saw jana there! that was cool also finally went to astro burger and fairfax 
thrifting there was ass
overall LA dissapointed me but i got high and ate good mochi which was cool 
OHH also i went to smokers club fest which was like the best music festival i ever been to
also i guess shoutout to nadim for coming and basically driving me / us there cuz honestly if he didnt idk how the hell i woulda got there / back
oh wait i forgot so yeah after my 16 hour flight and hours of walking around dt LA then to venice and walking all of venice someone tried to rob me at like 11 pm on the LA metro nice! nice! i was also high as shit! nice ! nice! lMAOFEFKEROPIGJERIS
good thing im a very good high functioning stoner? also my phone was plugged into my powerbank so my phone just went flying out both our hands and i just picked it up IGOT SO LUCKYY LMGOOOO WITHOUT IT IWOULDA BEEN FUCKEDDD imagine all the pics i woulda lost omfg naiufhrguiherguerh anywho thank god i didnt lose it kgriojgsrigjsr 
i didnt even see the guy at all omg egroghtiughrtjg
anyways after that i finally saw zaina after like 4 years in sf 
i guess sf was cool like it was normal majority of it i was just w zaina then could only go to the city w nada 
i mean honestly travelling and doing things is alone is always kinda like.. whats the point? but i dont think sf or LA are good for solo travel?LOOL 
but i guess that confirms i dont want to live in cali? i liked the nature and ppl there but uhhh idk maybe if i drived? idk fuck us lol 
im just happy i got to go to smokers fest lol
anywho i came back and then moved into my new place in ad and started working at am 
actually technically my first am meeting was in sf at like 4 am and i slept through it lMFAEOFJREIFJ  
but yeah then i started working at am 
i met that dumbass who i worked w for like 6 FUCKING MONTHS dealing w her ass and babysitting her dumb ass
i didnt even kno she would be there but whatever 
i tried to b cool w her but on god ive never met a more stupid human ever 
thank god i have a brain and im cultured and have critical thinking skills like THANK GOD IM ME 
then the whole j shit happened honestly dont want to talk or think about it anymore
tldr is i was mad lonely and its been so long since i talked to a guy that was a dumbass misogynist arab that the second i did i wasl like oooo 
and the fact that ivana also described him didnt help fueled my delusions 
even tho she said it wasnt him i didnt care cuz im a dumbass
then that actual dumbass fueled me more 
but honestly shout out to me telling her about ivana cuz if i didnt she wouldnt have led herself to her downfall which meant i woulda had to keep working w her lMFAOOO she stressed me the hell out on god 
but yeah anyways honestly all that was just bullshit im just sick an tired over the gl shit
unfortunately all that delusion and bs made 2022 a horrible fucking year cuz i was mentally stressed and depressed and having breakdowns left and right
but at the same time made me rlly passionate for work which helped me pass my probation w flying colours
now the mf think we cool when i highkey HATE his ass now 
seriously drained the fuck out me after all that bullshit im like a somber dead zombie now 
never NEVER i deadass 10000000 mean it this time am i ever going crazy over someone ever again
gl better love me and reciprocate or NOTHING im not sacrificing myself ever again FUCK no 
also worst bday of my life seriously unless i DIE theres no way my future bdays can be as bad as i spent the one this year 
it literally makes my blood boil because i did not deserve that 
basically after may my whole life became work and it was horrible i had ppl messaging me and irl asking me if i was okay like it was a complete 180 from yp i did nothing in that job to fucking EVERYTHING LIFE CONSUMING BULLSHIT in this one
hence why im now over all this bs and over working and over extending myself for this job , once 5 pm hits BYE also not working extra or more than i have to fuck yall this is just one job im still young i got my whole future ahead of me
work smarter not harder is my moto end of the day i get my money i get my exp and we go up this isint my end all and i can ALWAYS do better
not saying im not grateful for this job i rlly am but the way i approach it now is gunna be mad different in 2023 cuz i cant do that shit to myself again
but since im 10000000% over that bitch it should be easier
now my focus is just to do the shit i need to do work on mysself and personal goals, manage the mf i need to manage and travel 
which is another thing shout out to them for all the travel i did this year lMFAOO
like yeah my bday sucked ass but right after i got sent to helsinki which i loved moomin world brrr
then i went to copenhagen to see amin e and i love denmark too
except for throwing up before my flight to london hmmm
also ididnt know they smoked there that might be my future city fr LMAO 
then i went to london which was fire i missed that city its like a european ? british ? toronto LMFAO but cooler imo less shittier weather
chilled w p and k 
got high 2 brr 
european loud is weird lol 
i saw j there and  was ocnfused as to why i felt nothing yeah no SHIT bitch the mf ugly and boring as hell 
really need to constantly remind myself who the FUCK i am and what im capable of omfg 
the way my confidence and self-esteemed dropped this year
now i have no energy for none of that i just dont give a fuck about nothing anymore 
being in london was coo w money tho ugh shout out to having funds
also i got a ps5 this year best purchase ever
i think at this point i just wanna save now like meh i guess there is things i want but idk 
i dontt knowwww
after london was more bs ass work
went to seattle which i actually liked lol more than cali 
i was just happy to exp fall weather 
oh i ddidnt rlly mention how much records i bought this year LFMSIOERGJEFE 
london and copenhagen thrifting was IT and so was record shopping
but seattle was x10 better jfc 
i think i have almost all records i want? except for a few but ill get the rest this year i guess 
after seattle or i guess during idk that dumbass got fired brr karma 
went rogue on events still sends me 😭😭😭😭 mf if only u KNEW 
i think at that point i was just exhausted like from travel and what not i just wanted to stay at home and gym
too much travel = i was eating weird and not gyming so idk 
im getting back on track now but smh
 i read a lot this year which was good
movies was okay 
finished the most paintings this year
got into oil pastels and 3d sculpting 
my gym is fuckkk amazing except i miss my old pilates teacher and boxing teacher fml 
consume by chase atlantic took over this year for me LMFAOO smfh 
went to SA again hated it annoying 
yeah by december i was drained as hell from work like i still am 
shout out to sam still for being my only friend this year STYLL 
oh yeah nadine came love her 
z came too but honestly meh .. lol ? the d apple picking thing cheeses me out but whatever 
like how u actively friends w someone who shits on me and then go on smthing that was our thing w them?
so done w bum ass canada honestly no intention of going back there at all
another thing to like im kinda over all my canada friends like yeah yall are still my friends but i dont care anymore im not letting the past drag me back 
im just not allowing myself to suffer anymore 
hmm wat. else
yeah idk this year was just swallowed by work
sole was ass met amine felt ass about it 
 i need to do something w myself that i genuinely gaf i need to put myself out there more
i need saturn to move the FUCK out of aquarius that what the fuck ineed
now that that bitch is starting to move im already starting to feel better
but now i gotta wait styll until fucking march for that sooo 
overall like hard ass year high high and low lows 
im still grateful for myself + life and happy i get to save money and make money and gain experience and travel 
im just hoping next year i can do a good job at work normally and be happier / more balanced and make stuff that i genuinely like 
i just want to be happier this year
2023 will be better 
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videostak · 9 months
didnt end up watching lovers live cause i ended up watchig almost famous w/ my sister it was alright u kno like meh one of those 70s nostalgia movies that kinda annoy me. like that and dazed n confused type stuff rly annoy me. philip seymour hoffman as lester bangs was v cool tho lol. like idk felt appropriate casting. the rest of the movie was like alright not bad but u kno it bieng autobiographical makes u kinda want more but also knowing that its restrained a lot by being a safe type autobiographical movie u kno. wathcing it tho makes me think abt my life and music and where i should be or where i should go hmmm. like that record store just straight up hired me w/ no experience or anything just cause ppl here have such dogshit taste that the stuff i was selling made me seem really cultured lol. and i dont even kno if ill be able to get a job at the store downtown cause i realized that i probably didnt get it the first time cause theres like. no contemporary music i listen to. I just theres nothing i feel worht listening toooo idk stuff ill be like oh tahts cool but really think they didnt give it to me back then cause like i didnt say much abt new music and to be bleak abt the current music scene would def be a red flag for them like to be truthful lol. like that and i listed tons of freakout shit like brotzmann no wave  minimalism etc lolll. thought like itd make me look real smart but realized it just made them think to not put me behind the register lol. anyways thats prooobably why i didnt get it tho honestly they couldve just already decided not to give it to me from the start since it was a interview i got from a ex friends friend so like couldve just all been a formality. another reason is i had mentioned recently getting the stones first album on cd and the interviewer wass like “u just started listening to the stones?” and i was like ya basically LOL so that also probably cost me the job lol... which is funny cause now im like a huge rolling stnes fan tbh like just rly totally understand why theyre as popilar as they are and like v much will praise the stones over stuff like led zeppelin n stuff lol wel i guuess that isnt sayying tooo much since i rly have a tolerate/hate relationship w/ music like zep and who. anyways if i do apply again im gonna try to list new artists even if its shit i dont actually listen to like honestly rn just thinking ummm harry styles,tennis,beach house,black midi, death grips, sophie, maybe some more. of the ones there i only actually have listenend to tennis black midi death grips and sophie. but gotta have a list like that just so they think i listen to contemporary stuff even tho i dont :P just like b4 i thought there were nice bands and there are nice artists like sophie for sure is up there but like kinda become disenchanted w/ so many modern groups just knowing who theyre shamelessly ripping off u kno like every modern indie artist doing a stephen malkmus type voice/delivery or sounding like a bad cocteau twins parody or like if mbv were muzak. u knooooo. but i obv cant say that cause like. the new stuff is what sells and what they have to be savvy on since its like u kno theyre selling that new. wiiiish i could be in some positiion where i could state my opinion and get paid and be honest and ppl respect me. i guess thats the point of a journalist but obv writing articles abt how much shit sucks and why u should only listen to real artists like the stooges or the nutty squirrels and stuff w/ real deep actual depth that are actually saying/doing something like the b52s or cluster isnt something that is like contemporary -_- liiike idk just need tooo make some money i guess but i think its insane when ppl acknowledge my personality and opinions so im like i should exist on that alone lol. even w/in the time that i got rejected for that job ive listened to so much more and could genuinely add more to that list even tho i get into music at a snails pace. like b4 i just put dub on the application but now ive truly heard more reggae and could just list both reggae/dub together instead of just dub. sucks tho appplying knowing they rly dont care abt music or passion and just need someone who knows whats goin on w/ t swift n harry styles T-T they should hire me cause i see visions of god when listening to einstein on the beach very loud and focusing on the flute
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askdurianrider · 2 years
I know you troll around doing cringe kicks on camera but I know you who you trained with down in Christies Beach. I know you can fight and have insane cardio not many UFC fighters even have. Why didnt you go pro? Why dont you do more bad assed shit and crack some heads?
I think all of us who trained with Andy wanted to go pro. For sure I have the cardio for it and the iron chin but TBH as I got more into health I didnt care for the concussions etc.
I have a genuine anxiety that I could kill someone if I hit them too hard. It is why I do my best to avoid situations. Sure Ive put some people out but always do my best to make sure they will walk away from it. That said even kneeing someone in the chest like I have could kill them if their ribs fractured. Or they could clot out later that night. I dont want that hanging over my head just because I let my ego get the better of me.
The best fighters dont fight unless it is literally life or death. People who cant fight try to start fights. Remember that.
Every single time Ive had a situation Ive been SHOCKED at how unfit people are. They are literally panting just 10 seconds in and im thinking 'bro is that all you got?? fuck you are lucky Im a nice guy and actually feel sorry for you.
Literally every day I restrain myself. It is the best way. The universe is always testing me though haha.
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Laid out cold, now we're both alone (part 2)
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A/N: Hello, this fic is very important to me because I tried my best to give justice to such a cool idea and I hope I did a good job. Plus I don't do multichapter ofter, so this was a challenge. 
I wanna thank the lovely @livdonna for proofreading my work, you're literally the best <3. 
P.S. If you want to get tagged in the next chapters, let me know.
Summary: Nikki visits Mick to give him a very important task.
Warnings: Major Character Death,Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Drug Use, Angst, Overdose.
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee
Chapter 1
Taglist: @slashscowboyboots @witchytombstonesmile @arnold-layne @emometalhead​ @i-dont-like-rice​ @nikki-sexx​ @smokeandmirrorz​
Mick was supposed to not give a shit about Nikki. He and the stupid drummer had tormented him and his wife for months on ends, making the whole tour a living hell and he didn’t need to have even more things to worry about. So what if his bassist decided to get addicted to heroin? He was a fucking dumbass but it wasn’t his problem.  He would end up killing himself and it wasn’t like Mick could have done something, not when his whole body was torturing him.
The only problem was that he cared, deep down. He cared about the fucker and hearing the news that he was gone forever hit him.  He lost one of his friends and the band all together in a day, what would have happened? He hated to admit he was scared about the future, it was hard to imagine Motley Crue without Nikki.
He sighed, turning off yet another discussion about his death. They didn’t call him yet but something was telling him that they had to release a statement soon.  Doc was probably freaking out somewhere crying for all his millions of dollars lost.
“Fucking Nikki, you had to die at the worst moment, didn’t you?”
“Yeah… sorry about that, man” A voice incredibly similar to Nikki said, making Mick jump up.
Nikki didn’t feel anything, one moment they were in the ambulance and the other they were on the beach.  He was confused for a moment before he remembered that Mick had a beach house, and stared at it for a bit. He didn’t know much about the guitarist, maybe almost nothing but he respected him so much.  He was one of the strongest dudes he had ever met.
The weirdest thing about all of this was probably how he was only able to feel certain things, no cravings or sand under his feet as he was walking, yet he would still feel guilt, fear, love, worry… it didn’t make sense but he wasn’t in the mood to question the universe’s rules.
People can’t see you until you decide to show yourself. You have to remember or otherwise they can’t hear or see you.
The voice still freaked him out, but at the same time he was grateful for it to be there… it made him feel less alone, which was great considering how he felt lonely for his entire life.
“You’re not alone Nikki, I’ll always be there with you, through highs and lows”
“God it sounds like a marriage vow, T-Bone”
“Well if I could I’d marry now…”
He shook his head, trying to get the memory out.  It wasn’t the time to be sentimental and risk fucking everything up, so he walked ( more like flew) through the front door and found Mick sitting on the couch.
“Fucking Nikki, you had to die at the worst moment, didn’t you?”
“Yeah… sorry about that, man”. The bassist hoped that he was heard, otherwise it would have been pretty embarrassing.
Mick visibly jumped at hearing Nikki’s voice and quickly turned around to look at him.  From his widened eyes and confused expression, he knew he probably looked fucking transparent.
“Okay first of all why the hell are you here talking to me if you’re dead? Then why the fuck can I see myself through you ?”
The black haired man just realized that he had no idea how to explain everything and be believed, he just went along with whatever the voice in his head was saying, but now it was different. He fumbled with his hand and realized he couldn’t feel them, while he tried to come up with the best way to explain to his friend how he was a ghost and why he was there.
“I died… I have no idea how I came back but I have unfinished business and I need to talk to you!”
The guitarist looked at him up and down, clearly skeptical.  However, there wasn’t much arguing… Nikki’s ghost was literally standing in front of him.
“Okay I have no idea if this is a dream, I’m dead or in a coma, or simply I drank too much but now I’ll grab some vodka and you’ll spill your little secrets as you like”.
Nikki smiled a bit… He honestly felt normal for the first time since he was brought back.  Having Mick joking was so familiar, usually Tommy was the aim of his jokes and they all laughed because they were all so unexpected…
Tommy. Thinking about him still hurt, again he wondered if he was okay and how much he missed him… but it wasn’t his time now.  He had other things to talk about as Mick came back into the living room with his glass.
“Mick… you gotta promise me that you won’t let Motley Crue die, that you will fight to keep the band’s legacy.”
The older man looked at him surprised, rolling his eyes.
“Well that’s a bit hard when our bassist and songwriter died!”
Rage and resentment were heavy in his voice but there was more : fear and sadness. Nikki felt guilty and he fucking hated it, it was so unlike him but he couldn’t help it… Mick cared about the band as much as he did.  He always said the band was his life, before heroin came into the picture, but it was also Mick’s and he probably destroyed everything.
“You will find another one, another bassist who is also a songwriter…” The words felt so foreign coming from his mouth.  They even hurt a bit but they were necessary.
“I know you care about this band as much as I do, Mick. I know how much you’ve worked your ass off in shitty bands, trying to find the one that was going to break… I might be dead but Crue can’t have the same fate”.
Mick scoffed, taking a long sip of his vodka.
“It’s not easy, it’s not like we can find the perfect match like we did. Plus, everyone will probably hate him for replacing you!”
The frustration was almost tangible, but there was something else… Mick was scared, he knew everything was about to fade away because of Nikki’s actions, he was already looking at the boat sinking. Nikki started to panic because his band had to live, even in his death! It was pointless and selfish but that was the only thing people could remind him of.
“If you give up, then Vince and Tommy will do the same! I know that you think no one will take you, but the truth is they will. Crue is what it is because of our vision, you are part of it and I’m asking you to keep it going. Think of this as my dying man’s wish… even if I’m already dead”
The older man’s grip on his glass got tighter, his eyes lost in thought as he was pondering Nikki’s words. It was hard to take in, hell that was an understatement, it was fucking insane and probably wouldn’t work but the bassist needed to have this false hope.
“It’s so fucking weird, you know? To realize you’re fucking dead yet here talking to me.”
He was deflecting, Nikki knew it, but didn’t want to push it too far. He learned to know Mick, he kept his promises and he was a hard worker and with a good dose of luck and jokes, you got him to your side.
“Yeah, do you remember how I said you weren’t going to make it in that interview? Well, karma hits like a bitch!”
“Mick might not make it , he drinks a little too much and it looks rough” Mick quoted, trying to imitate Nikki’s voice.
“Yeah and then you said something like I heard what you said and you’re dead, fuck I guess you were right” He laughed but Mick didn’t.
Oh c’mon so what if he was joking about his death? It’s not like anyone really cared about him.  They just saw him as a burden, which he was. Not his mom, nor his band or his Tommy would have really missed him… they would eventually move on.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” He said annoyed but his lips formed a small smile.
“I know, I know. Mick… please promise me that. If Crue is going to end, then my whole life didn’t mean anything! Ple…” He stopped himself, he was so fucking close to begging but he couldn’t. Nikki Sixx didn’t fucking beg, not in life or death.
“I’m thinking about it!”
He really meant the first part. He spent all his teenage and adult years creating the band of his dreams and making sure they conquered the world.  This band was his escape; his attempt at redemption after his shitty childhood. Nobody loved Frank Feranna but he didn’t care, he would become Nikki Sixx and be super fucking famous!
He didn’t need anyone’s love, except that he did.
“ I love you, Nikki.”
“ No you don’t, nobody does, T-Bone”
“Well I fucking do. You gotta pass on my dead body before you’ll hear me not saying it over and over”
His heart might have stopped, but he still felt the big wave of nostalgia hitting him. He couldn’t do it, he would have never been ready to see him again.
“Okay, I will. But listen to me, it won’t be easy and I’m an old man with a fucked up back, so don’t send demons against me if I fail!” The little spark of determination in his eyes relaxed Nikki, he was on board.
“I fucking knew you were the best, Mars! If I wasn’t dead I’d probably tattoo your face on me as a thank you!”
“Oh gross, never say that again!” He pretended to be disgusted but his eyes betrayed him, the small softness in them told Nikki he felt touched.
“Who knows, maybe in hell they have tattoos for the ghosts. God we used to hate each other and now we are two peas in a pod.”
“I still hate you.”
“Ugh, you crushed my heart Mick”
The guitarist flipped him off, rolling his eyes. Nikki desperately wanted to keep talking, if he did then he could have pretended nothing changed, right? He didn’t have to face Vince and Tommy and go through the light… everything would have stayed the same or he could fool himself that it would.
I think it’s time to go to the next person.
The voice was demanding yet still calm. Nikki knew that he couldn’t stay forever, they had to prevent spirits from just lingering into the real world like that, it made him a bit angry but he understood it. It wasn’t like he could have done much anyway…He was just a shell of what he used to be.
“I gotta go Mick…” He wanted to punch himself because he sounded so fucking pathetic, but the other man gave him a compassionate smile.
What he fuck are you, a little small puppy? Oh look Frankie is scared to leave his illusion of a family.
Mick walked him to the other without saying anything, but before turning the handle, which was pointless because Nikki could have just passed through the door, he broke the silence.
“Try to give us some signs, okay? Show us that you’re there… but don’t you fucking dare spill my vodka or I’ll make you two times dead!”
“Oh that’s exactly what I’ll do, thanks for the suggestion!”
He stepped outside and looked at Mick one last time.
“You promised, alien. You gotta do it!”
“Yeah yeah, you better repay me when I come to join you there…” And with one last look, Mick closed the door.
Nikki felt all of the weight crushing down on his body, even if it was made of air. He simply stood still, his mind racing like a freight train, trying to take everything in but also getting ready for his next move… being overwhelmed was an understatement, he felt peeled down like an orange and this was only the beginning. He felt like a fucking coward but he just wanted to get over it, was it that bad to accept his fate and disappear without facing anyone?
You are going to abandon him again? You know why you need to talk to Vince, and you know this will be your last chance to see him, asshole!
He went to kick the sand, but he couldn’t touch it. God, how frustrating was that!
So where are we going next?
Nikki would have wanted to scream at him, give him the middle finger and just run away but it wouldn’t have been helpful, would it? So he forced himself to be as neutral as possible.
“Vince Neil. Take me to his house.”
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noirangel626 · 3 years
Based on the episode today and possible plot for tmmr's stream tmmr >:)
"Why did no one come?!"
Poor Tommy had gotten excited about the idea of seeing his friends after weeks of only seeing Ghostbur and Dream but nobody had shown up, "Maybe...maybe they're just late?" Ghostbur suggests warily while slowly getting more blue.
After another 10 minutes of waiting, Tommy lets out a sad sigh, "They're not coming, lets just go home. I should've known they wouldn't want to visit me."
That night Tommy went to bed hungry and alone. Ghostbur, for the first time since he died, got angry and when Tommy went to sleep he set out to find the expected guests.
He first saw a lonely half enderman stranded in L'Manberg, "Ranboo! Why aren't you with Tommy and where is everyone?!"
"I thought Tommy was at the beach party so I didn't bother to go look. I hate water, it literally hurts me, so I obviously didn't go to a beach party. Everyone went through the normal nether portal."
"Thank you :), can you go stay with Tommy while I find everyone?"
"Sure! Let me go get some stuff ready"
And so Ghostbur went towards the original nether portal and travelled until he eventually found a newer portal. As soon as he entered he heard people but nobody was happy.
He travelled towards the beach area and found an obsidion sphere with Dream standing in front of it, "You were meant to go to Tommy's place so I could kill you all there in front of him but I guess making it seem like you had abandoned him will work too."
"Dream let them go!" Ghostbur shouts while flying over to the ball and tries to mine it, "You're hurting them!"
"Oh please, you've hurt them way more than I could ever hurt them."
"What are you talking about Dream? That was Alivebur, I'm Ghostbur!"
"Oh shut up about the whole Ghostbur thing! You're Wilbur whether you like it or not, you hurt everyone in this ball. You blew up L'Manberg. You caused Fundy to have no parents. You caused the split between Tommy and Tubbo. Everything is because of you!"
Wilbur's form starts shifting between normal Ghostbur and insane Wilbur before staying on insane Wilbur, "Dream what you don't understand is that I don't care! I lost the will to care when I lost everything! I know what that made me do and I would never want Tommy to feel like that! There was a reason I said that Tommy would never be president, I also know the chain of what happened to presidents pf L'Manberg. I saw what happened to my old best friend and predicted what would happen to him before it even happened. Tommy may be a gremlin and I may want to punch the little fucker but he is my little brother and I will not let a green bastard like you destroy the one thing that I gave him. A chance of a peaceful life with his best friend."
"Those disks-"
"THOSE DISKS WERE A GIFT FROM OUR MOTHER TO US!!! Tommy was only a baby when she died and so his only thing of hers is those disks. Those disks are an obsession to you all but to me, Tommy, Techno and Phil. Those are the the most important items in the SMP. You need therapy Dream, those disks are an addiction and you need to break from it."
None of them noticed the two miners come out of the portal, one extremely tired and one scared. The tired one immediately hid behind the scared one after seeing Wilbur's new form.
Ranboo sneaks up to behind Dream and pulls out Death Spader before slamming it against Dream's head, knocking him out, "That was easy." He jokes before looking at Wilbur, "Ghostbur? You look different..."
Wilbur flies down to Ranboo and smiles sadly, "This is how I looked before I died. Dont be scared though, I'm still Ghostbur." He turns to look at Tommy and glide towards him while Ranboo starts to break open the sphere, "Tommy I know you're scared but the Wilbur you knew, he died. He's in Heaven with Sally in old L'Manberg."
Tommy backs up from him, "You blew up our home! Why would you do that?"
"I couldn't live there Tommy, I knew I wasn't stable enough to rule a nation so I had to find some way to keep me out of presidentcy. If I hadn't blown it up then you would've kept pestering me to keep being president so I blew it up then had Dad kill me."
"You could've left and go have a peaceful life."
"Everything inside me was wanting L'Manberg, I couldn't just leave. At least with me dead I can still watch over you amd part of me can be happy."
Ghostbur flies over to Fundy back at the broken sphere, "My son, are you hurt? Dream didn't hurt you did he?"
"No, Ghostbur, I'm fin- Woah! You've changed."
"Yeah, dont worry Im still good old Ghostbur."
After some apologies and adjustments to Wilbur's new look, everyone was happy to go to Tommy's exile location for the true party.
Dream woke up with a banging headache and chains around his wrists, "Hello Dream, remember me?"
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obx-writings · 4 years
That Night - Pt 1
Request: Hey can I request a jj fic where y/n doesn’t want to do sex/touching stuff with jj because of a past she has. When she gets uncomfortable around it multiple times he thinks she’s not really in love with him or that she’s cheating. At a kegger, topper comes up to y/n when she’s alone and flirts with her and touches her arm. He tries to get her to go some place else but she doesn’t want to. Jj comes in and punches topper and they fight. Topper exposes y/n and says that they already had sex before, but it wasn’t just sex it was rape. Y/n doesn’t want to talk to anyone again, but jj comforts her and says it doesn’t define her.
AN: So I decided to make this into two parts, since it was just going to be wayyy too long as one. I also understand how heavy this topic is, so I am trying to deal with it with as much care as I can. Please let me know what you all think of this one! Part 2 will either be posted tonight or tomorrow, I have a 14 page paper due today so I gotta focus on that haha!
Warnings: Sexual Assault, Anxiety, Self Doubt, Angst
WC: 1.6K
You were incredibly happy. You were curled into JJ’s side, head on his chest listening to his heartbeat and feeling the vibrations of his low voice when he spoke. His arm was around your back, playing with the hem of your shirt aimlessly while he talked about the future with you. Ever since you were little, you had been best friends with Sarah Cameron, and when she dumped Topper and started dating John B, you were pulled into the friend group, finally evening the boys and girls ratio. Ugh...Topper. Even the thought of his name left a bitter taste in your mouth. But none of that mattered, that is, until JJ started trailing his fingers down. Your heart started beating faster and your breathing hitched. It was like this everytime. JJ made an advance into the sexual, and you started freaking. He looked down at you, eyes dark and began placing soft kisses to your neck, oblivious to the sudden shift in the air.
“You look so beautiful, Y/N” He breathed in your ear, voice husky with desire. The mere sound of it brought you back to that night and your stomach twisted. It didn’t matter that it was JJ, it didn’t matter that he made you feel safe or loved, you couldn’t differentiate it anymore. You pushed him away and sat up, discomfort evident on your face, but you tried to play it off like you just weren’t in the mood right now.
“Sorry, J, I’m just not feeling well right now.” You ran a hand through your hair and down your face, turning your head to look back at him, his face stoic but hurt in his eyes. HIs lips formed a straight line and he gave you a curt nod of the head before moving to get up. “Where are you going?” Your voice almost broke, shocked he would just get up, but in his defense, this was the sixth time something like this happened.
“I just need to clear my head, but I’ll pick you up tonight for the kegger, kay?” His voice sounded rough, not at all like the sweet tones he was using with you earlier that day. You just nodded your head, and he slipped out of the room. Slowly, the tears began to well up in your eyes and down your cheeks. You laid back down and curled into a ball under the covers, letting the horrid memories of that night flash behind your eyes.
That’s exactly how Kie found you two hours later. She came over to start getting ready with you for the kegger, and walked into the absolute mess that was your brain. You hadn’t moved since JJ left, and your chest felt like it was collapsing.
“Y/N? Y/N, what’s wrong?” Her voice was filled with concern as she sat on the bed and began to stroke your hair.
“Just feeling a little off, JJ left a few hours ago and I don’t know, he seemed mad at me that i didn;t want to have sex with him.” You attempted to play it off as if you hadn’t been crying yourself into oblivion, but your voice broke on every other word. She gave you a look of confusion.
“That doesn;t sound like JJ at all, he adores you, Y/N! I’m sure it’s nothing.” She tried to comfort you but you knew that it was just Kie being Kie.
“It’s just…” You began, but stopped yourself, never wanting anyone to find out what Topper had done 7 months ago. “It’s just, I’ve never had sex before, I’m just nervous, I mean, he’s slept with the entire island, what if I dont live up to his insane expectations.” This was true. You actually had never willingly had sex, and these were fears of yours, which is why it was so easy to lie and say this is why you were upset.
“Y/N, he loves you. Like loves you. Like won’t share a door while freezing to death in the ocean loves you. It’ll be okay, I promise, and it’ll happen when you’re ready. Please don’t let JJ being a slut a year ago ruin how amazing you two are for each other now. He hasn;t even looked at another girl since he met you.” Kie smiled your way, and you actually felt a little better, laughing at her slut comment about your boyfriend. You nodded, and slowly sat up, wiping the tears away. Kie brushed her hand on your face to help you. “Okay, now let’s get ready, we have a party to get to!” She got up and dragged you from bed, pulling you into the bathroom so you could change.
“She’s fucking someone bro, I know it!” JJ screamed at John B, pulling his hair out in different directions. He had immediately gone to the beach where he knew his best friend would be setting up the keg after leaving the Chateau.
“Bro, Y/N is literally head over heels for you, there’s no way.” John B scoffed at his friend, but gave him a look of sympathy. For JJ to be saying anything like this about you, he had to have been really hurting.
“Then please explain to me the second I touch her, kiss her, try and do anything other than fucking cuddle her she get’s all squirmy and pulls away. She gets so distant dude, it’s like she can’t even look at me.” JJ’s voice broke at the end, and he collapsed in the sand, head in his hands, trying not to let the tears fall. John B walked over to him and put his hand behind his back, rubbing comfortingly.
“Maybe she’s just nervous, I mean she is still a virgin, and you have a pretty extensive list of girls you’ve...y’know?” John B laughed a little, but JJ stayed serious.
“I don’t know bro, but I have to confront her tonight about it. I’m fucking in love with this girl and if she’s with someone else...I just can’t do it dude.” JJ let a tear fall from his eye. That was the first time he’d expressed to anyone that he was in love with you, and the look on John B’s face made that evident.
“Wow...JJ, I really fucking hope you’re wrong dude.” That was all he could say.
“Me too, man...me too.” He trailed off, looking at the water and realizing that the sun was beginning to drop below the horizon. “Shit, it’s getting late, I gotta go and pick her up.” He stood up and held his hand out to John B, silently asking him for the keys to the van. John B tossed them over, and watched as his best friend walked away silently. God he really hoped he was wrong.
After JJ picked you and Kie up from the Chateau, everyone could instantly feel the tension on the way to the beach. JJ, usually so full of life in the car, sat silently, not even tapping his finger to the radio. Kie just sat in the back, scrolling on her phone and trying to act as normal as possible, while you sat there anxiously. You kept feeling his eyes darting over to you every now again, but you stared out the window, avoiding his gaze. When you finally parked, JJ looked at Kie, silently asking her for a minute alone. SHe looked at the both of you and held her hands up in defense.
“Wasn’t trying to be in the middle of it anyways” She mumbled as she opened the door, slamming it shut behind her as she went to find the guys.
“I’m sorry, about earlier. Really, I just needed some time to think.” JJ said after you both sat in silence for what felt like an hour, but was probably only a few minutes. “I need to ask you something, and it’s not going to be pretty, and you might hate me after even suggesting it, but I need to know, Y/N.” His voice was shaky and your heart broke. “Are you…” His face twisted and he grimaced, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. “Are you...sleeping with anyone else.” He kept his gaze straightforward, not bearing to see the hurt flash in your eyes.
“How could you even think that, J? Of course not!” You were completely taken aback, not expecting his brain to ever go to that place.
“I’m sorry, it’s just, you barely let me touch you, sometimes, I just worry that maybe someone else is doing that for me.” His voice was flat, unrecognizable. You grabbed his hand and squeezed.
“Baby, I've just...never done anything with anyone, I’m scared I wont be good enough for you. I promise that’s it.” You grabbed his face and kissed him softly. He kissed you back, and when you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry, I just...my head, it just…” You shushed him, telling him it was okay.
“Let’s just go have fun.” You forced a smile, and went to open the door, but he grabbed your arm and you turned to face him.
“I’ll wait, whenever, however long it takes. I’ll wait baby. And you will be more than good enough for me, because...well it’ll be a first for me too.” You looked at him confused, his eyes were unreadable, expressing something you’ve never seen in him before. “I’ve never had sex...with someone I’m in love with before.” You had never smiled so big in your life.
“I’m in love with you too, J.” you breathed, and kissed him hard. She both stayed in the moment, sharing kisses and loving looks, before you decided it was time to make an appearance at the party.
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mavspeed · 3 years
First Line Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Hey @applesfallingfromblondehair, thanks for the tag love!! likewise i dont usually do this but this feels interesting so lets see if my ass has improved over the last few stories lmfkjgjk
also this will prob be a mix of xmcu fic + kingsman fic bc i think i have a more or less equal number of fics written for both
The first time Charles meets Lucifer Morningstar, actual devil from hell, ruler of the underworld, fallen son of the lord above and god knows what else, it had been after Erik had been sentenced to life imprisonment in the highest security cell in the Pentagon. 
- this is from a professor and a devil walk into a bar, which is kinda a crossover rarepair fic that rose out of me and mutuals on twitter discussing tom ellis and james mcavoy being roommates and kinda... devolved from there. i am proud of this one lmfnjgkj
“Are you okay, Professor?” Hank asks quietly.
Charles blinks. He supposes it’s a valid question. He’s been in a bit of a funk the past few days- scratch that actually, the past few years. He’s just lost so much- his father, and then his mother’s love, and then Raven and Erik and Sean and countless others. Building a school, gaining students he loved to teach and nurture hadn’t helped him in the slightest, and he’s as lost as he ever was, wandering the halls of a drafty mansion alone, feeling like he’s been stranded at sea even whilst surrounded by people.
- from in the belly of the beast, which again came out of me wondering what would have happened if fox had gone w their original plan and charles had been that last horseman instead of erik. this story will prob gain a sequel... sometime in the near future when im not too bogged down by current wips
The Xavier family hall of the deceased- because of course they’re weird enough to have a cemetery- is full of rows upon rows of holograms. Charles is four and gets bored of his father crying over his mother’s hologram, so he toddles over to the other rows. Unfamiliar names, all of them- Charles is young, and he doesn’t understand death. He doesn’t even know who his mother is, who’d died at childbirth and left him with a father still at a loss when it came to bringing up a kid.
- from tequila on a spaceship, the sequel to a fic that still has some people angry at me i think. this fic never did gain as much traction as the first one but im still proud of it esp since it discusses certain themes of reincarnation that ive always wanted to see explored for myself in reincarnation aus (and i only ever saw it in danveresque’s reincarnation au)
There are cork boards covering every inch of the wall. Red strings, photographs, conspiracy threads, everything. Raven takes it in, swallowing, noticing the picture in the middle.
It’s one of Charles, when he’d been in university. His final year- he'd just been done presenting his year- end project, his fringe a tumbled mess and a bright smile on his lips. Erik had taken the picture, Charles scurrying to his side once he’d been done and demanding to look at the image, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth. He looks like how Raven had always imagined him to be.
“He wouldn’t want this,” she finally says, turning to look at Erik.
- from tequila on a beach, the first fic to the fic above. this fic is v special to me because i actually wrote this on a spiral after having a very tough visit with one of my parents in the hospital after a surgery for organ removal to prevent the onset of cancer. its simpler than my other fics yet i think more powerful because of what happens. also i think the first time i killed charles off lol (spoiler alert). also idk if ppl were aware of this but this is called tequila on a beach precisely bc charles and erik were tipsy from tequila at a frat party and then went to a beach. its the way they first met (and will continue to meet for all their next lives)
Erik doesn’t know how it all started. Maybe it was when his insane sergeant had started rambling about imaginary cities, treasures of gold and cursed incantations. Maybe it was when trickles of rumours had started pouring down about the higher ups wanting to investigate unfound territory, disregard the Egyptian government’s feelings on the matter, and put a previously unfound myth on the map for all the world to see. Or maybe, Erik thinks, it was when archaeologist Klaus Schmidt put a bullet through his mother’s head and he ended up going to America armed with dual citizenship and the sole intent of wanting to drive a coin directly between Schmidt’s eyes, joining a division of the American military focused solely on guarding archaeological digs- more importantly, in Egypt, where Schmidt’s interest had shifted.
- from courting the end of the world, another one i’m just insanely proud of! this is the first time i’ve ever attempted a multichapter movie au and it actually managed to work pretty well, i at least haven’t run out of inspiration for it yet lmfjgjg. also erik as himbo rick connell... very rent free in my head
The day after they murder Shaw and leave his house of horrors, Erik crosses the Canadian border with Charles across his back. Charles had started getting tired while they’d been walking, stumbling and nearly tripping until Erik had forced him to get on his back, ignoring Charles’ protests.
The blood’s seeping out steadily from Charles’ nose, staining his shirt and soaking it through. It’s been leaking on and off, and the effects are already obvious in the dark circles beneath Charles’ eyes. Any more, and Erik knows they’ll have to find him a doctor. He hopes the nearest town in Canada has one that would be willing to treat them.
- from a world built for two. i actually dk where the inspiration for this came from, i think i was once again on a depressive spiral and wanted to break my comfort characters into pieces and put them together again. this also deals with codependency and unhealthy coping mechanisms as a result of trauma which i showed as sweet in the fic but i would def not recommend in real life. pls if u relate to either charles or erik in this go see a therapist
The call comes in the afternoon, an hour before Charles is supposed to teach his Intro to Genetics class. Frowning, Charles abandons the game of Candy Crush he’d admittedly been playing rather badly and picks it up. “Charles sp-”
“We need you, Prof,” Kitty says desperately into the phone. “He’s been in a temper all morning, and then Alex’s reports missed out a whole subsection, so he’s fired the entire marketing team! Please, Professor, you have to come immediately!”
- from and we can be pirates. i wrote this in like 4 seconds for my friend who wanted professor charles and ceo erik and actually did not expect this to gain the attention it did... its always the fics u write in like 4 seconds lmfjggj. a sequel for this Is coming too probably at some point in the very far future
Charles Xavier can admit as he sits across from Essex, hands cuffed to the desk, that in hindsight, this had perhaps not been one of his better ideas.
He refuses to admit it as he controls Erik’s mind, preventing him from lashing out and making him close his eyes to the nightmare unfolding in front of him. He refuses to admit it as he gets shoved into the back of a black pickup truck, and the butt of a gun is smashed across his forehead hard enough to knock him out cold for a few hours. He refuses to admit it when he wakes up what appears to be hours later in a cold interrogation room, hands cuffed to the table in front of him, with a suppression collar rendering his mind dark and almost achingly silent.
- from from the land of gods (bring me home). i’ve been struggling w this fic a lot (it didnt come as easily to me as the first one did) but its getting there. also i put charles through hell in this rip sorry mister xavier
In the aftermath, both of them stand at the border of the mansion. The air feels frigid, slicing into Raven’s lungs like a thousand paper cuts. “Charles, please,” she begs, heart in her throat and voice hoarse. “He wouldn’t want you to be like this. He wouldn’t want you to do this. It’s not too late, you can come back.”
Charles gazes back, a brick wall. He hasn’t even cleaned up, still in that damnable yellow and blue suit with blood drying in the corners of his mouth, the bridge of his nose. There’s nothing in his eyes- blank, almost see through. He looks as if he’s a mere shade, a ghost lounging about where he once was. Raven knows better.
“I will raze the world to the ground,” he finally says, his voice free of any inflection, “and when I’m done, no one will be left standing. Not you, and certainly not me.”
- from where all the poets went to die, a dark fic based on what would have happened if moira had killed erik with the bullets. its the first time ive written dark charles and it was v fun if im being honest
Charles is a light sleeper. It’s a trait that stays with him- all the way from his father and the tests to taking care of his mother to Cain Marko and his fists to Cuba and then now, the dust of Washington settling over him and making the waking world lie an inch beyond his eyelids. It therefore stands to reason that the second the windowsill creaks he’s up in a shot, hoisting himself up and lashing out with his telepathy instantly.
That’s not a trait that had stayed with him. That’s a newly formed trait, bitter and bold, carved into existence by Cuba by his students disappearing one by one in Vietnam by the letters that announce Sean’s death in black unfriendly print by-
The tendrils of his telepathy forged cold and distant meet a barrier and recoil, stunned. He focuses his eyes and then widens them, staring at Erik who stares back, hidden beneath that infernal muddied magenta helmet of his. They stare at each other for a moment before Erik clears his throat.
- from in the valley of kings (you will come home). my first ever cherik fic! im actually also proud of this one even if i ended it horribly and half my mutuals refuse to read it bc of how it ended LMFJGJGJ. i cant believe this was supposed to be a funny and cute kid fic and then i turned it into an angst ridden mess. also leo is actually an oc whose adult version is fancasted as charlie rowe by me and another mutual on twitter and im v proud that readers are willing to die for the baby
Mike has to google it, finding a crafts shop nestled into the corner of the street right smack in the middle of Louisiana, past a long and winding dirt road and the crumbling farmhouses relics of a time long past. The air is hot, humid, sticking to the back of his neck like an unwieldy parasite as he pushes the door of the shop open to the sound of the bell tinkling above.
He finds the origami paper quickly enough and has a momentary breakdown about what Bill’s favourite colour even is- he had never thought to ask him. Twenty seven years of following every single footstep of his like a dedicated, most definitely creepy stalker, three months of more than a few states traversed with Bill’s laughter now echoing in his ears like a shadow that trails after him, and this is what stumps him. It takes ten minutes, but he finally settles on light green.
- my first and last entry into the IT fandom bc i love these two but to be very fair there isn’t much content out there for him (and twitter content actually intimidates me lmfjgjjg) a thousand paper cranes never got much traction either but i suspect its bc i was horrible at promoting it. also i very much love this fic even if it never did that well bc ive always wanted to write a fic like this after watching the movie in cinemas in 2019
ok nsfw i guess 
Mornings start like this- Eggsy snuffling into David’s neck, attempting to work his way back up to wakefulness as David sleeps the sleep of the dead, the streams of morning sunlight gradually lightening up the room. It’s a while before he gets the energy to sit up, pushing an eager V off the bed- V for Vendetta, a kitten named after one of David’s favourite movies that they’d adopted about a month after moving in together- before stumbling to the loo. He’s already in the shower when David comes in, naked as the day he’s born with his arms entwining themselves around Eggsy’s waist as he murmurs a sleep-soft, “Good morning, love,” as he presses a kiss into the two-days-old hickey on Eggsy’s shoulder. His breath smells of toothpaste, the minty fresh kind he insists on buying from Target no matter how much Eggsy insists that the other brand is much better. Without fail, Eggsy always has a split second thought of thinking that he must truly be in heaven because no way can this be his reality, every single day, before sinking to his knees and allowing David’s cock to hit the back of his throat.
- from that’s the kind of love i’ve been dreaming of. i genuinely wish i had an opinion for this but i don’t remember writing this its been way too long
The first time Eggsy sees her is in Trafalgar Square.
Trafalgar Square is uncomfortably packed on any normal day, but on New Year’s it is quite the hothouse. Sweating armpits and hot bodies plastered against each other, the twinkling lights overhead providing a flash of blue and green and yellow and red, screaming children and giggling teenagers shoving their way through- it’s a recipe for disaster. Eggsy doesn’t know how he ends up there. It happens sometimes- one second he blinks, sequestered in the comfort of his living room, and the next he’s somewhere else, as if he’s been teleported. “Life goes past you,” Tilde had said once, “and you don’t even notice.” Tilde would be right.
- this is a roxy and eggsy friendship centric fic that i abandoned bc i lost my ardor for this world about the same time i got into xmen lmfjgjg. all the king’s horses also had some great fancasts in it with dev patel fancasted too... rip ig
once again, nsfw
Eggsy, truth be told, doesn’t actually like having sex in bathrooms. First of all, bathrooms generally have an unsanitary air about them. Besides that, the granite of the sinks always feel cold against his hips, there is the ever present fear of being walked in on and unlike what people might say, he actually really isn’t that much of an exhibitionist- and truth be told, he’s never liked the look of himself in the mirror mid coitus.
For David Budd, however, he suspects he might be up for anything.
- from do you ever dream of me. im actually proud of this fic and this series, i never usually write straight up porn or friends w benefits and i think it worked well in here. once again didnt get much traction but that was very of the norm for my kingsman fics lmfjgj
It is on his fifth meeting with the therapist on site that she brings the issue up. The elephant in the room- or the bomb , David thinks morbidly. If asked, he can’t remember specifics about that day now. All he remembers is this- the burn of Julia’s picture in his wallet against his thigh, the Botticelli painting on the far wall and Miss Paulson’s face, severe and unsmiling.
“When you couldn’t reach Julia,” she says, after he finishes describing the feeling of running to Julia, the panic searing his chest as he’d prayed for his legs to work faster so he could do something, anything to reach her hand. “How did that make you feel?”
- from your haunted social scene. i genuinely... do not remember anything about this either helpfkjgjg,,, this has 55 comments tho which. Nice
David brings her home on- in a move far too cliche for it to be reality- a stormy night. It’s in fact storming so hard the windowpanes shudder like leaves in the wind, droplets crashing against the glass in a cacophony so loud Eggsy more than once considers turning the radio all the way up to drown it out. He’d gone scrounging for David’s sweatshirts instead of his own halfway through, wincing intermittently at the flashes of thunder. At a particularly loud one JB had jumped up, squeaked in a very undoglike manner and skidded across the floor to cower beneath the sofa, only coming out when coaxed by Eggsy to do so. Officer Oatmeal had watched the proceedings from her regal place by the armchair, dozy eyed and blinking heavily.
- from a cat named lavender. from what i remember this was also my first try at bringing up trans eggsy
He first appears at the black prince on a cold Monday evening, eyes like Frank Sinatra and lips arresting anyone’s gaze if they weren’t careful enough. He stood out too, clad in a respectable bomber jacket and boots that clicked against the tile rhythmically and loudly, a sort of organised, measured cacophony.
“Go and serve him,” Andrew said, fat and disinterested, seated behind the counter and idly flicking through bills, less than ten percent of which he pays Eggsy. “I’m busy.”
- from trust is left in lovers after all. i never continued this which is sad bc this did get a lot of attention... it was just v hard to keep the story going
It usually rains cats and dogs in London but for some reason, the rain is heavier than usual today. The droplets splatter against the windows in a constant buzzing rhythm, the sound meshing together in a melody not altogether pleasant to the ears. It’s half past five and yet the light has to be kept on because that’s how dark the sky has gotten- thunder rolls like a loud crack, abrupt and deafening, causing Daisy to jump in her seat.
“Just a thunderstorm, flower,” Eggsy says. They’re seated at the dinner table, Eggsy going over her homework while David sits opposite them, hunched over his laptop as he attempts to finish a post mission report. Eggsy is half convinced he gave up ten minutes ago- he’s got his earbuds in and he hasn’t really typed anything in a while, eyes focused on the screen. His eyebrows are scrunched up in a glare that’s too adorable for his own good- and for Eggsy’s.
- from could feel like kryptonite. a lot of my kingsman fics are actually so much happier than my cherik ones... i should prob look into that rip
“When you’re done lazing around you can come in, you dozy dog,” he tells Officer Oatmeal, who butts her nose into his knee. She’s the only one not on a diet in the house, Eggsy deeming her far too healthy and skinny to need one anyway. In fact, she’s under strict instructions by Eggsy to fatten up instead.
Once the animals are done feeding- Eggsy sporting a suspicious scratch on his left forearm- they settle down to eat their scrambled eggs and toast. David’s taken a large gulp of his scalding coffee when Eggsy says, all of a sudden, “So, I have a school reunion.”
- from gonna set this dance alight. don’t remember much about this either tbh
20. (the last one FINALLY)
It isn’t a big event or explosion that makes David realise he wants to see his father’s ring sitting pretty on Eggsy’s index finger. No teary confessions in the rain like in the rom coms Eggsy loves to rent out and sniffle his way through, or a fight that makes David see sense. In the end, it’s breakfast that cinches the deal for him.
The day had started out normally enough. David wakes up at eight like clockwork, the soft downy hair at the base of Eggsy’s neck tickling his nose with his arm locked tight around his waist. He’d yawned, exhausted- mostly because they’d stayed up very late into the night making good use of the bed- before standing up and shucking his shirt off to head for the shower. Eggsy had shifted in his sleep, mumbling something unintelligible, and the sight had been too endearing to resist so he’d bent down, pressing a kiss to his forehead and smiling when Eggsy groaned out loud.
- from lover boy rules. i actually started a lot of my kingsman fics in the same way which is rather awful of me. im glad thats changed with my xmen fics lmfjgjk. also this has 15 comments???? i dont even get that much attention with my xmcu fics these days... which is arguably a more active fandom... Hello
anyway that’s the end of it needless to say i do not know 10 other authors so im just gonna tag whoever i know rn: @hellfre , @queerneto, @ikeracity, @drinkingstars, @zebraljb
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abelle25125 · 4 years
various tma powers but explained really badly
- a living polygraph exam but it comes with nightmares and also you can’t eat real food anymore.
- A door shaped pocket dimension where you trap victims and slowly drive them insane, or you could also use it for people storage
- Said pocket dimension also contains your heart and you if your victims find it they will kill and replace you so there’s that. Also knife hands
- Books but they’re evil
- Nightmare powers 2 electric boogaloo - death edition
- Ughghgh.... you get to be a mannequin? You’re.... really good at skinning people? You have knowledge on skincare routines? ....... seriously what the fuck does Nikola do
- Skin powers? But they’re different from the other skin powers but honestly not that much
- A Pipe organ but it controls clown dolls
- Block people but in real life
- You like dirt? Well now you can make more of it!
- Fear god that turns you into a furry
- Furry fear god also has great health benefits and can cure lung cancer
- Free skydiving sessions
- Mind control, and also the ability to generate phones in random places
- If you watch enough pimple popping videos and then stick your arm in a wasp nest a bunch of worms will use your corpse as a puppet to terrorise a building full of nerds
- Catfishing but with memories
- Depression
- If you become an astrophysicist you’re legally allowed to blow up the sun
- Fear god that makes you really good and stabbing people, sometimes you’re really good at stabbing people who other people suck at stabbing
- Cheating but it makes you immortal
- If you’re enough of an asshole and you kill yourself, you come back made of wax and also on fire
- A box that you normal put in dirt, but instead it’s filled with dirt and two big Russian(?) men carry it around until one of them dies
- There’s a dude who tells you bad things about yourself like,,,,,,, fuck off bitchman I don’t need you for that,,,,,,
- Toot toot goes the flute and shoot shoot goes a gun as everyone who hears it brutally murders each other
- Pottery but homophobic
- Tables but homophobic
- Sailors but homophobic
- Spiders who like to make movies and also stageplays but they’re evil whilst they do it
- Ever wanted another pair of arms? First you need to learn how to read.
- The one where every living thing dies but dont worry about that here’s a knife
- If you get injured a whole bunch and cause the apocalypse you get laser eyes
- A big hole full of meat
- A big hole full of dirt (and also people sometimes?)
- A cult bent on world destruction but they try to raise a child
- Said child doesn’t want to end the world so they go on a date with a barista and then die
- Vampires
- A pocket dimension that’s just a beach but sad
- Big pig that eats clowns
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blueuchan · 3 years
List of Supernatural fics that I would write if I had better time management skills
1.-  A sort of fix it final when the meta elements were actually on play: 
Sam takes better the all “we are not real people, we are character in a story thing” and aproach the problem as it looking for inconsistens in the narrative of god. He get at the conclusion that to rebeling the narrative they should go against their characterization and convice all team free will + Eileen that goes in an actual vacation is the best way to rebel.  
All of them reflect on their lives, they discover Castiel deal with the empty and their is Destiel angst. 
The end is a conversation with Chuck about why the hell did he wrothe a insanely amount of books about brothers hunting monster, like that man is not okey. In reallity Chuck based John character in himself, just in his life the fire happen when he was taking care of his two sons because he and Mary were divorcing (because he was the worst) but the baby boy actually dies on the fire, his oldest son and Mary hate Chuck as the result and all his life crumbles. The books are he (badly) coping with everithing. 
2- A 16 season with alt!Sam and alt!Dean as the bad guys. 
I really love the idea that the only worst thing that could happen to Dean and Sam is that their lives didnt happen. What if their spoiled version are more powerfull, dangerous and evil that they? 
They looks really harmless but when a hunt need reinforcement and their alt! versions are the only ones available Dean and Sam realized that the spoiled brats are actually terrific Hunters. Whit a caring guide and time Alt!Sam developed a demon blood serum that he can take without all the secondary effects (it is obtained by very dark metods) and that combined with his natural talent for magic and research make him a death machine. By his part Dean get time to work on himself and become a scholar, as he is not obsesed with cars he focus on ingenier and object design, and while the family bussines growth his father give him the colt at who he rapidly get attachment, he modificated her and started developing weapons for hunting, deadly gatgets that remained real Dean at his time as torture lord. Alt!Dean is also a charming leader and a great liar who goes all the way to protect his family and obtain what he want.
Sam and Dean discovers that Hunter Corps was more a world domination institution  that a provider of hunter services, that thier counter parts and theitr father controled the Heaven and Hell of their dimension and that all this time alt! winchesters were trying to found his father to do the same in this dimension. 
At the end Jack (god) had alt!John trapped in a dimensional jail and alt!Dean trick him to let him go free just to discover that alt!John is actually the vessel of alt!Cas, alt!John said yes the night Mary died at the promise of vengance. Hunting Azazel is nothing for alt!Castiel who get in charge of the babies Winchesters by Heaven orders. Alt! Castiel obviously developed feelings for their sons and betrayed heaven much earlier. Hunter corps actual job is deliver every monster soul to the Winchesters to make their father stronger. When Crowley apparead and proposed a deal to alt!Castiel the boys convenced him to betrayed Crowley so they take control over hell and all its souls. So Alt!Cas could kills his brothers and became an arcangel. 
Im not shure how Team free will would won but they would. And also Destiel and Saileen happen. 
3.- A happy ending fix it 
Sam and Eileen started a more cohesive and organized red of hunters with the bunker as central base. While Dean is spiraling in alcohol and depresion. Sam confronted his brother and get him cleaned and get him profesional help. Dean is better but very fragil. 
In the red of hunter they discover a convent of witches that are trying a dark ritual to defeat the new god, luckily the wayward sisters stopped them on time just to discover that the ritual included killed the most powerfull witch of the convent who is a small child. Claire let the kid to Sam and she ended hidden at Dean’s house as the Hunters found all the fugitives witches. 
The events catalyzes Dean’s recovery and he started a house for orphans kids linked to Sam´s hunter red. When Sam goes to saw his brother the place (the old Bobby´s house) is changed and in the entrace its read “eternal thursday afternoon” (because im a sap). Dean get in charge of the little Witch girl, two brothers sons of hunters who died and one of that babies who turns into canibal insects at thirty. The house is decorating with bees and angels and Sam realized that Dean is not over Castiel´s death.
At the same time we had Jack dealing with his god responsabilies and avoiding go and talk with the empty, because he is conviced that the empty would used Castiel to broke him. 
At the end the empty appared in front of Dean trying to kill him, because it is tired of his constat prays to the death angel that kept them both awake. As soon as the empty apeared in earth Jack is summon too and fight the empty trapping him away. Dean and Jack are transported at the empty space that is uncontroled and they didnt know what to do. Jack summon Sam and he get the idea to named a new empty lord, they juggler names until they summnon Crowley. 
Meanwhile Dean igonerd all of it to go and found Castiel. 
Crowley accepted the charge and transformed the empty in a likely heaven/hell for demonds and angels. It could be something sily as a beach resort for the heaven and a terrible airport line for hell. As well as a regular eternal dream for the real dangerous ones. 
Dean gets Castiel out and they are both happy and together adopting and caring of orphans. 
4. - A shorter fix it
When Jack become God he transformed Sam, Dean, Castiel and Eileen in the new four arcangels to help him. Everyone is happy and there is world peace and love. 
5 . - Undeterminated fix it
The ending didnt happen, Jack kills Chuck, but Amara survives. Jack give up his angel powers so Amara can became god and he become human. 
However Sam gets badly hurt in a hunt, there is no time for ambulance and Castiel powers are to weak to do something. Jack is in the buncker being the base of operation. Dean and Castiel try to found a solution and Dean offered his soul to help boosting Cas, but Cas said that he hadn’t enought energy to touch Dean souls. They managament to add 2 to 2 and realized that the demon deals are the demons taking souls. So Dean sale his soul to Castiel in exchange of his brother healt. The important part is that they kiss. 
After a while the three of them are called in front of Amara and Rowena (Queens of heaven and hell respectivily) and they are scolted because they just bend the rules, again. Dean cant aged because his soul is tied to Castiel and the angel wouldn´t  take his life or send his soul to heaven or hell and while Castiel had Dean soul the healt of Sam is perfect because of the deal. So the brothers are virtually inmortal beings. Dean didnt aged and Sam healt didnt deteriored by anything. 
I dont know were this is going to go but it would go somewhere. 
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damienhaasbaybee · 4 years
Figured it out 😂 for the let's get personal, can I request that you do them all?
* 1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
I’ll Be There For You and Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi, In My Head by Ariana Grande, I Believe by Jonas Brothers, Air Force Ones by Nelly, and Chasing Pavements by Adele
* 2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Harry Styles or Damien Haas so they can fall in love with me.
* 3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“me that it was a sometimes temporary paralysis that causes damage”
* 4: What do you think about most? the fact that I have nothing to really work towards
* 5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“I’m tireddd”
* 6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
without most of the time
* 7: What’s your strangest talent?
number and address recall 🙄 its embarrassing sometimes lol
* 8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls go to college to get more knowledge boys go to jupiter to get more stupider
* 9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
fuck no lol
* 10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
um... today.. in the car
* 11: Do you have any strange phobias?
raw chicken.
* 12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
a piece of ice so i could pierce my nose.
* 13: What’s your religion?
* 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
um... if its for pleasure... swimming.
* 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind lol
* 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
of all time... linkin park or one direction
* 17: What was the last lie you told?
that I’m fine lol
* 18: Do you believe in karma?
v much so
* 19: What does your URL mean?
um... i am damien haas’ baybee and he is also my baybee
* 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
weakness, helping people until I die strength, i am honest
* 21: Who is your celebrity crush ?
james marsden, david dobrik, zac efron, miles teller, damien haas...
* 22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
* 23: How do you vent your anger?
i sing real fucking loud
* 24: Do you have a collection of anything?
one direction memorabilia lol
* 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
either works with me tbh
* 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
* 27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
sound I hate: hearing others talk on the phone, sound I love: rubbing clean hands on a clean table
* 28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if I’m just crazy and none of this is real
* 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes. anything is possible.
* 30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
my comforter both times lol
* 31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
a clean house lol
* 32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
uhhhh Louisville
* 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
west coast because i have never been
* 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Harry Styles
* 35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to leave the earth better than I found it
* 36: Define Art.
art is everything and nothing that a person wants it to be
* 37: Do you believe in luck?
I do. circumstances create luck.
* 38: What’s the weather like right now?
pretty clear
* 39: What time is it?
* 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes and yes! I won’t say what it was but it hit ME.
* 41: What was the last book you read?
I tried reading Girl Wash Your Face but couldn’t get into it.
* 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
* 43: Do you have any nicknames?
yes I do... you can call me queen tho.
* 44: What was the last film you saw?
Legally Blonde
* 45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
several ankles sprained severely on each side.
* 46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
* 47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
yes. damien haas.
* 48: What’s your sexual orientation?
bisexual, demisexual, pansexual????
* 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
yes. I was pregnant.
* 50: Do you believe in magic?
* 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
yes, unfortunately.
* 52: What is your astrological sign?
* 53: Do you save money or spend it?
* 54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
a carwash for my dads truck
* 55: Love or lust?
* 56: In a relationship?
* 57: How many relationships have you had?
* 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
* 59: Where were you yesterday?
* 60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yes, my water bottle
* 61: Are you wearing socks right now?
no, never
* 62: What’s your favourite animal?
polar bear
* 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
my hospitality (including dis mouf)
* 64: Where is your best friend?
idk, at home?
* 65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
oooooo bisquett, thebasketcase101, persistence-ofmemories, creativegoof, and zanesgirlfriend
* 66: What is your heritage?
I am part native american and european as far as i know. i want to do a 23andme so I can find out. My skin tans realllllly dark even with tons fo sunscreen on so that makes me think I have more Native American than I thought.
* 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
I was definitely watching New Girl
* 68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
idk... Jones?
* 69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
biiiiitch of course I have.
* 70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
Yes. I may suck but I am loyal as hell and I’ll do anything for my friends.
* 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
save the dog, fuck that job.
* 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) yes b) spend it with family and write a book c) fuck yes. i am terrified of death all the time.
* 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
trust. love is nothing without being able to trust.
* 74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
It’s A Great Day to Be Alive by Travis Tritt
* 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
1389.. not in that order.
* 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
honesty and communication.
* 77: How can I win your heart?
buy me food and show me that I can trust you with my heart. I sturggle to trust people. I also NEED to be called pet names.
* 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
* 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Quitting my toxic ass job.
* 80: What size shoes do you wear?
* 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
She did her best, even when odds were against her.
* 82: What is your favourite word?
I dont have a favorite but my least favorite is “creamy”.
* 83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
* 84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“ooooo bitch”
* 85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Always You, Louis Tomlinson
* 86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
darkkk red and black
* 87: What is your current desktop picture?
bitch I aint been on there in so long, I have no clue.
* 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
Donald Trump
* 89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
depends on who is asking, if its my family... asking my sexuality.
* 90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Fucking scream and run.
* 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Mind reading.
* 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Seeing my dads face when I walked across the stage at graduation or him telling me how I looked in my junior prom dress.
* 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Watching my dad die.
* 94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Harry Styles.
* 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
The beach, pronto.
* 96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Not anymore
* 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
* 98: Ever been on a plane?
Yes. I loved it.
* 99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Love others like you would like to be loved and see where that gets you.
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather Chapter 30: I Want This To Work
Tumblr media
Nikki's POV
Bob decided to just help me on my own instead of me going back to rehab. Fuck those people and all there God shit it wasn't for me. We spent 2 days cleaning out my closet and throwing all my syringes, drugs, and spoons away. I even called my grandparents for support. I really missed them. My Nona was sick so I couldn't talk to her but I did speak to Tom. I told him about Iman too. Hopefully I could bring her down to Idaho one day to meet them. Bob said I might want to look into hiring someone to make sure I stay clean. I'll do that when I'm ready.
Any ways, today Iman was coming over. We have been spending alot of time together since I left rehab and went over to her condo. I've been staying clean and we have been enjoying each others company. She did tell me though that we have to keep what ever it is that we have a secret. She didn't exactly say why, but for now I was picking her up down the street from her condo. It's funny how life works. When I first saw her in 1984 at the diner in New York I said to my self I've gotta have that girl. I have been chasing her around for years trying to win her over. And it just seemed like whenever I thought I had her it turns out that I didn't. But now look at us were getting along really well. She told me that she was going to come visit me at my place while I was getting clean but she wasn't able to come. However she always left me sweet messages to encourage me to stay positive and to let me know that she was thinking of me.
It was going to be her first time coming over to my place to hang out so I wanted everything to be perfect. I cleaned up the house from room to room and even tried polishing the floor. Her condo was always clean when ever I came over so I wanted my place to be up to her standards. The last time she came over was when they had they intervention. My place was a mess because I was throwing things around. So I had to impress her and show her that I keep my house in order. She's a princess and I have to treat her as such.
I didn't know how to cook so instead I just made little bolognese sandwiches hoping she would like them. I also went out earlier and bought cranberry juice. I had the pool cleaned to and the deck around it cause I wanted to go for a swim. Well actually I want to see her in a bikini. I never did forget that C magazine photo shoot. I showered twice and brushed my teeth to the point where my gums were bleeding. I wanted to make sure my mouth and body smelt good. I'm hoping that she would be open to us talking about me being her boyfriend. Ever since the night I nearly overdosed in London and saw her sleeping on the bed, something changed in me. I no longer wanted to just have sex with her. I wanted to have sex with her as her boyfriend. I want to make her mine and mine alone.
Iman's POV
Me and Nikki have been spending a lot of time together since I last saw him at my condo. He's been staying clean and we have been enjoying each others company. How ever I told him that we had to keep what ever we had a secret. I couldn't risk Tamara finding out. So on my days off when I didn't have any interviews or photoshoots I would tell Tamara that I was out with Rachel, Jade, and Mel. But mostly Rachel because she really liked her. He would pick me up down the street from the condo and we would head over to a cafe, watch movies, or just go for walks. I was going to be hanging out at his place today for the first time.
I finished one of my photo shoots and I had the limo drop me off at Nikki's place. He told me to bring my bikini because we were going for a swim. I pressed his buzzer and he opened the gate right away. I got out of the limo and he came out of his door holding his hands out for me to come and hug him. I ran into his arms and he kissed my forehead.
"Wow Nikki you really cleaned up." I said as I walked around his home. "I did." He smiled and crossed his arms.
I walked noticing that things were different. The two times I came here the place was a mess. He still had the whole gothic thing going on but that was Nikki he was just a doom and gloom kind of guy. I even noticed that the ground was polished. He's so cute, did he really want to impress me that much.
"So what do you think about my place?" He walked towards me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I love your place Nik, it's definitely you." I chuckled.
"Ok so I got the pool ready if you want to change into your bikini in the washroom?"
"No I wore it underneath." I turned to look at him.
"Ok let's go." He intertwined his hand in mine and we walked to the back yard where his pool was. His backyard was huge and so was his pool. It was definitely better than the buildings condo that's for sure. I turned and watched as Nikki took of his shirt and through it on the ground. God he is so hot.
"See something you like doll." He said biting his lip and walking towards me.
I snapped out of my day dreaming of his body. "No but you'll see something that you like."
Nikki's POV
I watched as she slowly started taking off her clothes. She had curves that I have never seen on a woman before, she had long legs that I wanted wrapped around my body, and hips that I could hold onto while smashing my cock inside of her. She turned and walked slowly and seductively into the pool. I don't know how much longer I could control myself for. I wanted her very badly.
"See something you like?" She grinned devilishly at me.
"Yes." I said adjusting myself.
"Well then come in here rockstar." She raised a brow.
I wanted to come for sure, but not in the pool. I walked down my steps and swam over to her. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms and legs around me. We started kissing and I slipped my tounge into her mouth. I'm really hoping she considers me being her boyfriend.
Iman's POV
We both played around in the pool for a while and then got out to just sit and talk. Because Nikki didn't know how to cook he made sandwiches for the both of us to snack on he aslo went out to buy me cranberry juice. We layzed around for the rest of the day and I felt like this was the Nikki I used to know when we would meet each other at the cafe in 1984.
"Your pool is huge." I said as I leaned on his chest as he leaned on the beach chair. I was drinking cranberry juice while he was writing inside a booklet. "What are you writing rockstar?"
"I'm writing lyrics down princess. These are songs that are going to be on the next album." He says kissing my head.
"Will you let me read them?" I looked up at him. "Of course doll." He hands me the book and I start to read the lyrics on the paper.
Can't find my doctor My bones can't take the ache If ya dance with the devil Your day will come to pay
Downtown Fuel injected dreams Are bursting at the seams Am I in Persia Or am I just insane?
Downtown downtown One foot in the grave Such a foolish child For a date with death Sight the dotted line
I've been through hell And I've never goin' back
To dancing on glass Going way too fast Gonna burn and crash Valentine's in London Found me in the trash
"Wow this is deep Nikki. Is this about your drug use?" I questioned him.
"Yeah I felt like I wanted to write a song about it y'know. Especially cause I'm turning my life around and I don't want to go back to using again." He shrugged.
"Well I'm happy for you. I hope your happy too?" I turn to look at him.
"I am now." He looked at me and caressed my cheek. "So what are we?"
"Um what do you mean?" I asked with confusion.
"I mean what are we? Last time you came over to my place I asked to be your boyfriend and you didn't answer the question?" He sat up.
I turned away from him hoping that he wouldn't bring up that night. I wanted to make sure that he was really clean and stayed cleaned before I jumped into a relationship with him. Especially because if we got into a relationship then eventually I would have to tell my family and Tamara that me and Nikki were seeing each other.
"W...well I think we should take things slow dont you? I mean your only just getting clean and I just want to make sure you stay on the right path."
Nikki rolled his eyes and slowly pushed me forward. He got up and walked into his house. This was a tough situation we were in. Sure I really liked him and wanted to see where things could go between us. But at the same time I couldn't help but think that he was a heroin addict. He was literally shooting himself up. And that's a scary thing to know. I got off the chair to go and check up on him.
"Nikki!" I called to him as I entered his house.
I walked around and then heard the strumming of a guitar. I walked towards where the noise was coming from and opened his door a bit. I watched as he sat on the bed and started playing a tune on his base. He looked up at me and motioned for me to come in the room. I walked into the room and sat down in front of him. And smiled.
"Have you ever played on a guitar before?" He stopped playing.
"Never." He grinned at me. "Do you want to try?" I nodded my head and sat in front of him as he took off the guitar and placed it around me. He took my hands and placed it where it belonged on the guitar. He started using my hands to strum on it. I felt like I was in heaven and life was simple. At that moment there was no other place I wanted to be.
Nikki moved his hands from mine and moved back against the head board of his bed and leaned on it.
"Sixx what is it?" I sighed.
"I just feel like we should be more. I'm doing great and we spend a lot of time together. So what's the real problem?"
"Nikki." I sighed again. "For now I just want us to take things slow. Please." I pleaded.
I wasn't ready to actually admit to him that he would never be accepted into my life. I just needed time to figure all that out. But for now I just wanted to enjoy what we had.
"Ok we can go slow. But does that mean no sex?" He raised his brows.
"Yes it does. I'm not ready for that but we can kiss." I moved forward towards him and kissed his cheek. __
I woke up feeling Nikki's arm around me. I looked up at the time 12:20 am. "Oh no Nikki wake up!" I panicked and shook him. We watched TV series and movies till we ended up falling asleep.
"What..what?" He woke up groaning.
"You need to drop me home right now. Tamara will be wondering where I am." I got up and put my clothes back on and ran out of the room to put my shoes on. Nikki got up and came out after me putting on his shirt and boots. We got into his car and I told him to drop me off at the corner of the condo.
"You going to be ok?" He asked leaning in to kiss me. "Yeah I will I gotta go." I kissed him back and got out of the car.
"Wait doll." He got out of the car and walked towards me. "I want this work." He whispered to me. "Me too Nikki." I leaned in and kissed him again. I pulled away and ran into the Condo. I came out of the elevator and composed myself before going into the apartment. I took my keys out and unlocked the door. I slowly opened it up and poked my head in. I walked in and saw Tamara and Jess standing around the living room pacing around.
"Where the hell have you been?" Tamara yelled at me.
"Iman where have you been?" Jess exhaled deeply.
"I'm sorry I went out and forgot what time it was." I walked slowly towards her.
"So why didn't you call? You had us worried about you?" She yelled. "I had to call Jess to get her down here and try to find you?" She yelled again.
"I'm really sorry Tamara." I spoke calmly.
"Go to your room now!" She yelled again. "We'll talk about this tomorrow!"
I ran passed her into my room and shut the door. Tomorrow was going to be hell.
Nikki's POV
I walked into my closet digging around and looking for something. When I moved from Robbin Crosby's apartment, I had put a couple of papers that were important to me inside of certain boxes. I hadn't touched them since but now I felt like I could use one of the lyrics that I had written when I got Iman drunk and high at a party. I finally found the paper, I can't believe I wrote this when she was sleeping. But she really is the reason I can't sleep. I can use these lyrics for the the new album.
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ravenaveira · 4 years
Ok, time for my review of Kh3 Re:Mind Dlc
This is gonna be long, so be prepared, and yes there will be many spoilers so if you dont want spoilers of the game then you probably shouldnt read this, but if you dont care then stick around.
I will start off with my unbiased and critical opinion.
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From the title menu alone you already know what this game is gonna be about. Kairi is gonna be center focus, or should say specifically Sokai, and Riku will be virtually non existent.
Now I know what your thinking, well duh its all about saving Kairi of course Riku wont have that big a role and she’ll be the main focus, and to that I say no shit sherlock I already knew that. My issue isnt that it was Kairi focused because I already knew that and still pre-ordered the DLC, but my issue is what this title screen represents and my fears were proven correct.
Let me elaborate
Riku is just as much of a friend to Sora as Kairi is, from the beginning of the series its always been Sora, Riku, and Kairi, thats the way its ALWASY been. But from this title screen I could tell Riku’s bond with them wasnt gonna be present at all and I was right.
I’ll elaborate further
I know Im jumping way ahead here but bare with me, at the end of the game after Sora rescues Kairi they travel the worlds together, Sora notices he is fading away which is why he goes to the many different worlds he has visited but now with Kairi, spending his final moments with her before he finally disapears.
See the problem? Sora doesnt involve Riku at all in his final moments being alive, he is just completely absent during his entire remaining life. Sora only spends time with Kairi during his final moments, Riku wasnt shown with them once.
I know some people say well we dont know how long Sora was alive before vanishing and he was probably the one who organized the party, but did we see that though? did we see any signs that Sora was alive for more than a day or two? did we see Sora talking to anyone like he was setting anything up? NO, it was all about Kairi and Riku was completely forgotten.
I can understand if Sora wasnt dying then it wouldnt matter how much time he spends with Kairi alone, but Sora was fading away ANY SECOND and he didnt spend any of his remaining time with Riku at all, even at the beach party who is Sora sitting next to alone with before he finally vanishes? Kairi. That is inexcusable and a huge insult to Riku and his bond with Sora, hes just completely excluded, that is unforgivable.
These new added scenes to the ending actually made it worse than the original version of it, before we didnt even know Sora was around for more than a day and just assumed they all had a beach party afterwards to celebrate getting everyone back and saving the world, but now we know Sora was actually around for an extended period of time and made no effort to spend time with anyone other than Kairi, not even his best friend Riku did he spend time with for his final hours, that is despicable.
Another major issue is how Sora keeps saying his journey started with losing Kairi in this game, as if Riku wasnt ALSO lost that day, as if Riku wasnt the reason Sora kept on his journey even after saving Kairi and sending her back to Destiny Islands, as if he didnt fall to his knees and bawl his eyes out finally reuniting with him, as if he wasnt content with spending the rest of his life trapped in the Realm of Darkness with Riku, as if for the entirety of the base game of kh3 Sora wasnt constantly and only thinking about Riku and how many things he wished he could show him.
Apparently in Remind none of that happened, none of that mattered, it was Kairi that was his main motivation, it was Kairi that started his journey, Riku wasnt involved in it at all.
That is a huge issue with this DLC, it treats Riku like a side character and of little importance to Sora, in the base game they handled them fine minus that on instance in the Keyblade Graveyard where Sora says ‘Alone, Im worthless’ even though Riku’s right there but other than that their relationship and bond was handled very well but in Remind? practically non existent.
Now onto the story aspect, if your not into time travel and have trouble understanding the many variations of it then your gonna have a bad time because it gets VERY confusing to follow, which is why you should never introduce time travel because it becomes way too complicated to keep track of and not only that you also have to worry about things like paradoxes, ripples in time, alternate timelines etc. Its a complete clusterfuck to keep up with and manage so time travel really shouldnt have been introduced in this series.
Chirithy tells Sora that no matter what he cant change the past again, yet there are times where Sora does just that so exactly what cant he change? for example, when Roxas appears he asks Sora to do him a favor which is essentially getting the X back from Xemnas in their names. Sora does several things to make this happen and even Kairi gets a couple swings at Xemnas this time but then the two of them are basically caught and restrained inside shadow balls [pause]
See the prob? this is a huge change to that fight, Kairi never took a single swing at Xemnas, she just stood there and got snatched up, Roxas never asked Sora for help getting the X’s back from Xemnas, and Sora and Kairi never got restrained by Xemnas and knocked out.
Chirithy explicitly said Sora cant change what happened and no matter what he has to accept it for what it is, yet here he is, changing what happened. Maybe you could argue well this is an alternate timeline, even if it is that makes all of this irrelevant and means it never happened because the true ending is the one where it didnt happen, making this semi useful Kairi moment really pointless because at the end of the day its not canon, her being useless is the true outcome, none of this matters.
That is extremely disappointing, so even if you alter the past for the better it doesnt matter because its an alternate timeline and that timeline isnt the real one making this whole redo pointless and time consuming for a short DLC that was an extra 30$ to play.
So the time travel is very confusing and even if you follow it, it ends up being very disappointing when you realize none of it matters.
Moving on to some of the tied loose ends, Im glad they explained why Aqua froze up after saying ‘We stand together’ and I like how we get to see how Young Xehanort came to have the beliefs that lead to what he did and also MOMs subtle influence on him succumbing to darkness.
He told Xehanort that he would outgrow the robe and no longer need it because if he was truly powerful then he’d be the one controling the darkness, this leads to Xehanort later begining to travel without the robe and being corrupted. So we know now that MOM also influenced that as well and is very sketchy, even more now than he was before since this action greatly influenced what Xehanort eventually does and all the pain he caused, all of which would have probably never happened if it wasnt for him.
But thats just my theory and what I got from it.
I liked that we got to see Namine for a brief moment where Sora basically brushes her off and completely forgets about thanking her, this is a plotline Im pretty sure at this point is just never going to get resolved. He just tells her to go to the Final World and walks off, which makes no sense because Sora was surprised to see her in the original playthrough.
Another change was Lingering Will dying to protect Sora, again this never happened because Sora was busy fighting alongside everyone in the maze while Lingering Will and Terranort were fighting away from them. After Lingering Will died for him then Sora is pretty much squeezed to death by Terranorts Stand, or atleast knocked unconscious.
So much about these are just so confusing as to how they are happening when Chirithy said the events couldnt be changed I just stopped questioning it.
But atleast this time its made clear that Namine is the one who sent Lingering Will to help everyone and how she did it, so now people can stop saying Kairi is the reason everyone survived because it wasnt, without Lingering Will they would have all died a second time.
Basically the first half of the DLC is just recap with some minor changes and additions to the cutscenes, you get to play as other characters like Riku [optional] Aqua [not optional] and Roxas [optional] but other than that its basically the same thing all over again for the first 3-4 hours of the DLC, that is ridiculous.
The new content finally starts when Kairi is shattered, funny how the game gets good after Kairi dies xD I’ll stop.
Anyway once Kairi dies is when we finally get explorable Scala, but not without having to endure an insane fight with tons of heartless and nobodies and yes its more complicated than you think. It doesnt matter how many heartless or nobodies you kill, they will keep coming until you kill this one red heartless with way more health than your average heartless has.
After that you can pretty much wander around Scala as you wish and this is the only time where you can buy items or food so make sure to do that if your low on items. If your low on money there are minor enemies there that you can kill to get some so take advantage of this opportunity because your not getting another one.
Your goal in Scala is to basically run around, solve a couple puzzles, and get 5 of Kairi’s heart shards, revealed to having to be 7 later on. Sound fun? besides being able to see more of Scala’s layout, not really. But its a good place to take a breather before getting back into the big battles ahead.
Unfortunately your actually forced to fight the armored organization again but thankfully you dont have to do the ENTIRE final battle over, just that one section which I appreciate but wish we didnt have to do any of it at all.
So after we’re done Scala we get in MY opinion the two best parts of the entire DLC. We get to see what was going on with the rest of the keyblade wielders back home and it was INSANE and extremely well done, everybody had a chance to shine.
When everyone was swept away and Mickey was down and out, it was amazing seeing Mickey push himself back up and slowly with what little strength he had take on all the armor organization BY HIMSELF severely weakened, yet still powerful enough to hold them off and stand his ground. He really showed us WHY he is the King, so THAT I really enjoyed. It was extremely well done and one of the most memorable parts of the DLC.
The next part was even more insane and well done, which is us getting to fight as all the keyblade wielders against the armored organization and even get some cool dialog and team attacks in between, it was just amazingly well done seeing everyone work together and switching between characters was just so epic and enjoyable.
Honestly I could play those two parts over and over again and enjoy it everytime, their just that good and the most memorable in the entire DLC.
Coming back with Kairi and killing Xehanort together with all the keyblade wielders including Kairi this time was satisfying to see but it excludes Xehanorts and Eraquses final words, I mean yea seeing Xehanort have a semi happy ending put off alot of people but at the same time, seeing Xehanort come to the realization that he was wrong about everything and giving the Wayfinder trio closure by seeing their master one last time and hearing his apology to them just held more weight to me.
Im not saying I think Xehanort should be redeemed as easily as he was, but I feel like excluding Eraqus and their final words made the ending feel hollow, just ok we beat the bad guy, happily ever after now. Thats pretty lackluster and unsatisfying In my opinion.
Finally the ending....
Heres where Im gonna be biased and give my personal thoughts. Warning if your a fan of Kairi skip to the very end of the review where I give my overall rating
I hate the ending, for the reasons I listed in the beginning but also many others. I get the main focus was gonna be Kairi since the DLC was about saving her, Im not mad about the obvious, Im mad about the execution.
The Sokai agenda was so forced and apparent its not even funny, they shove it in your face so hard yet when Sora is talking with Chirithy he still refers to Kairi as a friend, really? your shoving this pairing down our throats just to have Sora still friendzone her? Im not mad because I dont want them together anyway but I hate the games being played here, you either want them together or you dont, pick a friggin side Nomura.
And while we’re on the subject, I hate, HATE, how this game is so heavily romance focused when Kingdom Hearts was NEVER about romance to begin with, it was always about friendship and bonds. Not in this DLC though, no now its all about Kairi and being with her forever, traveling the world together, holding hands, all this lovey dovey nonsense nobody invested in the plot could give a rats behind about.
Sure people who are into Kingdom Hearts for the romance of course they dont mind, but Im pretty sure MOST people invested in this series are in it for the story, not some stupid pairing, and I HATE how much they shove it down your throat because it is just so forced and obvious what they were doing.
This was all damage control for Kairi, who has been a useless damsel in distress and dues ex machina in every single game shes been a part of. I repeat, EVERY SINGLE GAME SHES A PART OF.
Kh1 - Kidnapped, unconscious, Sora needs to die to save her.
Kh2 - Kidnapped, held hostage, Sora needs to find and save her.
Kh3 - Kidnapped, unconscious, is killed twice, Sora needs to die to save her.
Do you see what I fricken mean? Every fuckin game its the same danm thing over and over and quite frankly Im sick of it. You might as well say this is a Mario game because Kairi is princess Peach always gettin snatched up and Sora is Mario always going through insanely deadly trials to get her back, and then it happens all over again.
This DLC was damage control for that, instead of immediately getting snatched up by Xemnas she actually gets a few good swipes at him to no avail of course, and then she fights together with Sora against armored Xehanort, all of which is just damage control for her not doing anything in the entire franchise and pandering to her fanbase that are constantly screeching for playable Kairi and for her to do something.
It was also damage control for how non existent their relationship was and what a joke its been since Kh1. They arent fooling anybody because thats exactly what this was, otherwise why you have to try so hard to CONVINCE us how important she was to Sora? why did Riku have to get sidelined so much just to boost Kairi up? why’d Sora completely disregard Riku as a part of his journey? why did Sora not spend ANY time with ANYONE for his final moments alive? its so obvious why. The only way to convince anyone shes actually important and relevant is to play down everyone else or exclude them entirely.
Congratulations, you got your wish, good for you fandom, but at what cost?
The time they spent forcing so much Sokai could have been used to tie up way more loose ends than there were but nope, gotta squeeze in that Sokai, thats what yall really here for right? fuck off.
The two best moments of the game was so short lived its not even funny, this DLC was full of so much padding in the first half, forced romance and pandering for damage control they forgot to actually make this a decent DLC.
Since I recorded my gameplay from start to finish I can actually tell you the amount of old content vs the new
3-4 hours of mostly what we already seen with a few changes, I only died twice
1-2 hours of new content, probably less because I got lost and died alot
That is unacceptable, 30$ for only 10% new content? that is a robbery.
Not only that but the worst part is the Limitcut episode, databattles have always been optional for competative players who like the challenge. Now you are FORCED to fight these INSANELY hard bosses, all 13 in order to get the final bits of the aftermath of the story.
WE PAID FOR THIS, this wasnt free we PAID for it and yet we’re basically told ‘Hey if your a casual player and want the rest of the story? well you gotta fight 13 of these insanely hard databattles that used to be optional but now their madatory for you to get the rest of your moneys worth. Too difficult? cant do it? well too danm bad, get good or go home we got your money already so screw you guess you’ll never know’
That is a fucking robbery and a huge slap in the face to people who are invested in the story, not proving their the best by fighting insanely difficult battles no matter what difficulty your on. It wouldnt be an issue if this was always the case, but these battles were always OPTIONAL for competetive players to do if they WANTED to, but now its mandatory and if you cant do it then oh well middle finger to you.
I couldnt even beat Vanitas, I fought him first and then Luxord and I couldnt beat either of them so I just said fuck it and went on youtube to see what I paid to see for free. 30$ wasted on a game I cant even finish, your out of your fucking mind if you think thats fair and excusable.
Thats why at the end of the day I give it a 5/10, its not good but its not bad either, its just decent. But if you asked me if it is worth the time and money? fuck no, my advice? watch other youtubers play it and keep your 30$
If you want it just to play as some of the characters, experience the new content for yourself, and play the databattles then by all means get it.
But if you think thats not enough for you to spend 30$ for then dont get it.
Overall Re:mind gets a 5/10, useless padding for majority of the first half of things we’ve already seen and cant skip because theres new scenes mixed in, forced romance that nobody but shippers care to see, severely lacking new content, and unfair extremely hard mandatory databattles just to see the final aftermath of the story which is kind of important setup for the next game.
Fuck this DLC, this was my fist time EVER buying a DLC for ANYTHING and thanks to this its probably my last. So thank you Re:Mind, for ReMinding me why I never bought DLCs in the first place.
Ps - Im so glad playable Kairi was optional, thats one of the only things this DLC did right.
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