#the avian stories
bubbykat · 1 month
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time for a tas update 👁️👄👁️
update start || read from the beginning
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crimson-nail · 8 months
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meryl stryfe? oh fuck sorry i thought you said meryl shrike
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mj-iza-writer · 29 days
Warning: Forced self cannibalism and cannibalism. Wing mutilation and amputation.
Fresh blood trickled down Whumpee's back as they leaned weakly against a wall.
Moving hurt too much, even breathing felt like they were tearing their back apart more.
Their wings were the only thing Whumpee could think about.
The muscles that worked the wings sent shock waves of pain through Whumpee's back.
"It's like they're crying. They feel empty", Whumpee's breath hitched.
Their feathers scattered the floor around them. They had lost quite a few because of stress.... and nervous preening.
They shook as they reached for one of the feathers. Tears flooded their eyes as they cuddled it close.
Whumper carried a plate in and set it down by Whumpee.
"I thought you'd be hungry after losing that much blood", Whumper smirked, "just some leftovers from my dinner."
Whumpee side glanced the plate, "I'm not interested."
"Oh, come on, they taste really good", Whumper chuckled, "I didn't do anything to them. Those are from my plate. They're fresh to. You need something to eat to regain your strength."
Whumpee cautiously reached for the plate and grabbed a small piece of meat.
"Is this chicken?", Whumpee smelt it before taking a bite.
"Well, kind of", Whumper smirked, "it is wings from a bird like creature."
Whumpee stopped mid chew, "what?", they squealed.
"Your wings are delicious, aren't they?", Whumper laughed.
"I'm going to throw up", Whumpee threw the food away from them and leaned forward to puke.
The movements caused their back to tear open the scab that formed on their back. More blood oozed down.
"Why? Why did you cut them off?", Whumpee yelled.
"I was tired of trimming your feathers, and you fighting me. Plus I was hungry", Whumper picked up the plate, "you eat these or I force feed you. Your choice, my hard work making these won't go to waste."
Whumpee looked at the plate, "I can't eat my own wings. Please, don't make me."
"You didn't even take care of them. Look at all the feathers everywhere. You pulled them off yourself", Whumper yelled, "eat."
"You did this. You did all of this", Whumpee yelled back.
Whumper slapped Whumpee before picking up another piece of the meat and forcing Whumpee's mouth open.
Whumpee sobbed as they were forced to eat their own body.
Blood loss was getting to Whumpee. They thought they saw Caretaker opening the door and running to them.
Everything was blurry.
What was being said? Everything sounded like echoes.
"Who's there?", Whumpee jumped suddenly, "please no more, I'll be good. Don't touch me."
"It's Caretaker. Shh, it's Caretaker", someone held down Whumpee's hands, "don't fight. We are here to save you."
"Car-Caretaker?", Whumpee whispered, "Caretaker... you're here for me?"
"Yes, you are safe now", Caretaker stopped and rubbed Whumpee's head to comfort them.
"M-my wings, they cut off my wings", Whumpee cried and tried to bury their head in Caretaker's body, "they cut them and ate them. They forced me to eat them."
Caretaker sat on the ground to comfort Whumpee. They saw some pieces of bone that had been tossed away. Feathers were everywhere... Whumpee's feathers.
"I'm sorry Whumpee. I am truly sorry", Caretaker frowned as their friend shook, "I wish I could have found you sooner."
Emergency responders worked around them.
"Where is Whumper?", Whumpee looked up fearfully.
"They are being arrested", Caretaker soothed, "you are safe now. I finally found you."
"Could you grab some of my feathers so I can keep them", Whumpee asked as they were loaded onto a gurney.
"Of course I can do that", Caretaker comforted, "these nice people are taking you to the hospital. I will be there soon to help you okay."
"Okay", Whumpee nodded, "please don't forget me."
"I won't Whumpee. I promise."
Caretaker gathered several feathers of different sizes and color patterns.
They were shown the leftovers of Whumpee's wings.
"This is a nightmare", Caretaker sighed as they patted the wings gently, "this person is sick minded. They will pay for this."
Caretaker quietly watched Whumpee sleep.
They had had a busy few hours as the doctors had to carefully take care of Whumpee. Anything done wrong to the avian's back could be disastrous, especially if the wings were able to grow back.
Whumpee winced as their eyes opened.
Their eyes darted around the room. Their field of view was limited due to not wanting to move.
"Caretaker?", Whumpee whispered.
"I'm right here", Caretaker quickly knelt beside them, "right here."
"What's going on?", Whumpee frowned.
"You just got out of surgery, you were under for a few hours. You are resting now", Caretaker knelt beside them, "do you have any pain?"
"Not right now", Whumpee frowned, "is it bad?"
"It's not great", Caretaker sighed, "but the doctor believes if your wings do grow back, you shouldn't have any problems."
"Even if they grow back, it will be years before I have them the way they were", Whumpee felt a tear form in their eye, "do you think they'll grow back?", Whumpee whispered.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. An avian having their wings cut at the base doesn't normally happen", Caretaker sighed, "whatever happens I will help you get through or try my best to help."
Caretaker looked down, "I am so sorry I didn't get to you sooner. You were so hard to find and I know that isn't a good excuse. I'm sorry."
Whumpee weakly held out their hand to Caretaker.
Caretaker gently held it.
"You tried your hardest. I appreciate you saving me", Whumpee smiled weakly.
"Here is, uh", Caretaker quickly wiped a tear away, "your feathers you requested, I hope the ones I grabbed are okay."
"Thankyou", Whumpee reached for a feather.
"The leftover parts of your wings and the rest of your feathers are being taken care of by the Avian Society. I didn't know what was best for your wings and feathers, I hope it's okay I trusted them to the leaders", Caretaker sighed.
"That's okay, they will probably destroy them", Whumpee frowned, "I'll receive the cremated remains."
"Are you okay with that?", Caretaker made a concerned look.
"That's normal, because of what we are, most of our bodies are cremated.... unless it's an honored person. Some avians believe those people are gods and follow them", Whumpee sadly rubbed their feather across their face, "we don't want the bodies of our people to be dug up and studied in years to come."
Caretaker nodded, "I guess that makes sense", Caretaker glanced at Whumpee's back, "you should get some more rest."
"I feel like I've been hit by a bus... do you think I can eat yet? My last meal was my wings, and I don't want that to be the only thing in my stomach."
"Let me ask your nurse, and I'll go get you something if they allow it", Caretaker stood.
Caretaker came back into Whumpee's room, but was startled to see a few winged people in Whumpee's room. They figured it was part of the Avain Council.
They all glanced at Caretaker.
"Sorry, I'll come back when you are...", Caretaker knew they weren't exactly welcomed, they put up with Caretaker because of Whumpee.
"Wait, you are Caretaker right. You saved Whumpee?", someone stepped closer.
"Y-yes sir, I was able to find them. I wish I could have found them sooner though", Caretaker frowned as they looked at Whumpee.
"Please come in, you're a hero for saving them. Please eat", another invited.
"Oh this is for Whumpee, they were hungry", Caretaker started to walk to the bed.
"Ah yes, thankyou for feeding them", they stepped back to allow room for Caretaker.
Caretaker knelt beside the bed, after a second of Whumpee struggling Caretaker started to help them eat.
"Thankyou", Whumpee smiled after swallowing a mouthful.
"You're welcome Whumpee. I'd do anything for you", Caretaker smiled.
"The council will leave now and allow you to eat and rest. Please let us know if you need anything. We will happily provide you with anything you need", they started to leave, "we will also return the remains of your wings to you when you return to your home."
Whumpee nodded, "thankyou for visiting me."
Caretaker sighed as they got up and sat down.
"I hope that was okay. I wasn't exactly sure what to say to them", Caretaker frowned, "I get nervous around them."
"You did good, I think they will be showing you a lot more respect after this", Whumpee smiled weakly, "I wish I had my wings to cover me up, I'm a little chilly."
"Though your wings are softer, I hope this will suffice", Caretaker pulled up a blanket and covered Whumpee.
"Yes thankyou, and thank...you", Whumpee yawned, "for the food."
"Your welcome Whumpee, get some rest. I won't leave you", Caretaker smiled as Whumpee's eyes slowly closed, "I promise."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems @lavndvrr @ivymyers @starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
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silvaerial · 1 year
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Here’s the creature form of Arden, and another oc based on another one of my favorite seabirds, the gull-billed tern! (which is also what my sona Aer is based on) and some other concepts i have for the world.  [These are all original characters and concepts I’m developing for my headworld Avian Engine.]
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ant1quarian · 2 months
Hello! This may be a silly question but i was wonder for aviantale , is there a specific role females have to play out as? Or can they just be as cool and fight/hunt out there? (^ν^)
Not a silly question dw!
And the answer, in short, is: Nope.
Gender isn't really a prominent thing that decides what you are and aren't capable of doing- but the funny thing is, is that it's actually more likely for afab avians to be on the front lines fighting and hunting because it's far more likely for them to be stronger and bigger.
But there's never really any defined "females should do this thing, males should do the other thing" stereotype in Avian culture.
The only difference I can really think of is that if a female avian is pregnant (then called a Hen), they'll be kept in the centre of flock's tree until they think they're ready to go back to doing whatever they were doing.
Neurodivergence, mental differences, and being LGBTQIA+ in Avian culture is just the norm and fully accepted. It's just a part of life to them and anyone who judges you will get their wings shredded for being an asshole
So. Y'know. For all of their violence, avian's are a very accepting species.
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rookflower · 1 year
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warrior cats ocs who are NOT cats !!!
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So I’m thinking about a world where instead of humans evolving from Monkies, it’s Avians who evolved from birds, with monkies (and a large portion of mammals) being extinct following the meteor, leaving bird to evolve into avians…
@cats-and-confusion @tabsters @sagehyperfixates @the-cheese-slut y’all are my world building besties… you’ll like this I hope :>>
Person/people coming from old French Personé meaning human being becomes caelibro/caelibren (pronounced kuh-Lee-bro/kuh-lee-bren) coming from Latin “caelum liberos” meaning children of the sky
Human coming from Middle French meaning “of belonging to man” becomes Avian, coming from Latin “Avis” plus Ian
Avians evolved largely from birds of prey such as eagles, falcons, kestrels, and others. Smaller birds were unable to evolve alongside avians and thus stay the same, similar to how humans exist but monkies still do. On average Avians are much smaller than humans, the tallest avian ever recorded being about 5’6, the average for female Avians being 3’5, and males being 4” flat. Avians share similar minds to humans
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Avians can be many other feather colors, feather dye is common in the semi-modern Avian society, working vie vibrant plants being crushed and molded into a paste and applied to feathers and let to set, a similar process to dying hair. Wings in avians are difficult to clean as the size of them prevents cleaning being easy, avians in family units often helping to pick out debris, it being more socially accepted due to the shared difficulty in solitary cleaning. When showers are industrialized it becomes more uncommon for friends or family to help in wing cleaning, the now easier cleaning making it to where it’s easier for solitary avians to clean alone.
Avians to a neurological level are more social than humans, although there is variety and even avians who prefer being alone, Avians on average are quite a bit more connected than humans due to bird instincts from billions of years ago, bird-like instincts still being residual in recent times, such as being more clingy during tense situations, more prone to adoption if an avian child (also known as a fledgling) is left unaccounted for, and an adult finding it. Avian instincts also force a rush of seratonin during wing cleaning to prevent pain receptors from going off due to wings being highly sensitive, having more nerves and sensitivity than the rest of the body, which is usually quite small to hopefully allow flight.
Although disappointing, Avian wings have grown to be smaller over the years and now flight is impossible, although gliding is still a highly prevalent social activity due to how fast avians can go, genetic mutations can also allow larger wings to allow flight, it being a common beauty standard to have large wings and even a small ability to fly
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soukokumychildren · 5 months
New Year's Toast
Chuuya raises his ear feathers at the first indication of their clients, which, most notably, were actually all their friends, along with some of the Port Mafia invited over to have a good time. It was the last day of the current year, after all. Everyone was filing in, women with beautiful dresses that matched personalities and looks alike, men with tuxedos and tight suits, occasionally some with slicked-back hair.
Chuuya watched the guests come in one by one beside Dazai, who tucked his ear feathers for his eardrums not to be ruptured upon the arrival of a plethora of footsteps and voices. Gin was the first to hurry over in a rush, blushing as she apologized for being under-dressed. "What are you apologizing about?" Chuuya asked, his feathers neatly tucked and cleaned before he'd arrived. "You look beautiful, sweetheart." The redhead said kindly with a toothy grin. "T-thank you…I really don't deserve the praise." "Nonsense, you look good. We'll start hosting the drinks in a bit," Dazai cut in, leaning closer to Chuuya and slightly hunched over to meet Gin's eye-level somewhat.
"I hope you don't mind me bringing Akutagawa over." She added quietly, fiddling with her fingers, noticing the jolt in Chuuya's stature. "It's fine," The avian spoke, eyes flicking up to watch Atsushi scrambling as he tried to hold Ranpo back from heading over to the desserts set on a long table beside the dinner table. "Besides, we invited the Port Mafia Black Lizard ourselves. It's completely fine," Chuuya added, waving it off as if to wave the wafting worry from Gin beside him. "A-alright. Thank you. I'll go find him now," She said, her distress quickly vanishing as she smiled to the two. She almost went away entirely, then coming back. "You two look wonderful by the way," She bowed before parting and vanishing into the crowd.
"I better hope I do," Chuuya said, looking down at his sleek black trenchcoat with golden trimmings, his breast pocket peeking out with a golden locket, a small. decorative bird attached to a loop underneath. His wings had golden chains at the tips loosely hung but snug enough not to cause issues, gleaming with a few sapphires to match his eyes here and there. A dark blue tie encrusted with golden threaded vine adorned his chest, and tucked underneath a dark gray suit. Of course, tight black jean pants paired with his outfit, the curve of his ass perfect (Dazai was iffy about this one, adoring it but then backtracking at the possibilities others might stare, and of course, he was a possessive bastard, and decided fuck it, and to let his husband show off a little). "What about me, Chuuya?" Dazai asked, giddy to receive any scrap of praise. The redhead snorted. "You look dashing," He spoke, mimicking a lavishing tone to tease his partner. "So rude." The brunette huffed, exaggerating by leaning his head back and sighing. His outfit composed of a jacket slung across his shoulders, black with gold trimmings, somewhat similar to the plaid pattern, but just the line work, rather than colored in squares. A chain attached with a star-shaped clip from the front of the jacket, connected to his dark brown suit, a long red tie (not-too-subtly hiding the matching ties with Chuuya) with similar markings to Chuuya's remained untucked and reached about waist-length. His pants were a light gray, matched with black shoes. "You're saying I'm not handsome, then?" The brunette asked, blinking his remaining brown-red eye, the other having lost its color long ago when it was gouged out by an unsuspecting opponent, a long scar running from his eyebrow to the corner of his mouth. Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you're hideous. It's why I've spent basically all my life with you," The redhead snorted.
Dazai made a sound that bordered on a sob, pressing the back of his hand dramatically to his forehead. "Betrayed! By my own husband!" "Quit it. Atsushi's coming over," Chuuya glanced over to the boy who was nervously trying to approach. "Oh, and plus, when are we gonna toast to the New Year, already?" "In a minute. Hey, Atsushi!" Dazai greeted as the Were-tiger joined them. "H-hey guys. Wow, you two look amazing." Atsushi admired them, eyes sparking from the dazzling gleam of the gold on Chuuya's outfit. "I-I need help finding Akutagawa, if you don't mind," He began, but Dazai had an idea; quickly going to the dinner table and cutting him off short, a small section where cups were stacked next to a collection of wine bottles, grabbing a bottle, a silver platter, and a stack of cups, handing them to Atsushi, who wasn't at all ready to handle the extra weight. "Great! I was just wondering how we could get drinks out to everyone, and you can surely find him this way." Dazai spoke cheerfully, oblivious to Atsushi's shaking knees, prone to buckling. "For Arahabaki's sakes, Dazai, warn him first." Chuuya scoffed when the brunette smiled at him, taking the extremely heavy wine bottle off the platter. "This is a 1967 edition, huh? Heard this brand was good…" When Atsushi seemed to have gotten his wits about him and rearranged himself, Chuuya placed the bottle back on the platter, but the boy was prepared for it, better balanced now, then having the responsibility thrust upon him so suddenly. "E-erm, I guess I'll find him this way, then," Atsushi said weakly, pursing his lips. "I'll see you guys later." The redhead slightly waved, watching the Were-tiger gingerly disappear in the crowd of guests, just like Gin had. "Now we wait, I guess." Chuuya hummed, grabbing two spare glasses and filling them with a whiskey with a warm, orangey-hue, glistening with streaks of sunset yellow. It poured smoothly into their glasses, and Chuuya, from a refrigerated box half underneath the table, scooped some ice with a metal, curved scoop into his drink, then looking to Dazai. "Want that shitty circular ice you always get?" He asked, pressing his wings more firmly to his back to see the man's reaction. "Always." Chuuya mumbled under his breath of how much space the ice really took, leaving barely room for any liquor, yet doing his partner a favor by picking a rather large one, just as Dazai preferred. Handing his drink to his partner, they sidled up close to one another, eyes roaming over the tide of multi-colored heads of brown, gold, black, and red, fitting the cozy atmosphere of the yellow and orange surrounding the ballroom Chuuya and Dazai rented for the night. "Wanna head to the window? They'll be able to see you better there," Dazai jeered, nudging Chuuya's shoulder and nearly knocking the drink out of his hand, earning a sour look from the redhead. "Can you minimize the short jokes for one evening? Is that an impossible task for you or some shit?" "Hehe. You know me so well." Dazai bumped his hips with Chuuya's teasingly, before taking lead to a staircase that ended at a large set of glass doors, revealing the night sky behind them. Once they neared the top, they saw from their standpoint everyone had glasses filled with some sort of alcohol, some of them nearly drained of all their contents. Chuuya looked to Dazai. "How should we get their attention?" "Yell, of course, Chuuya. You have an unmistakable voice for a tiny Chibi, after all. I'm surprised for someone your size can fit your highest volume." Dazai said with a Cheshire-cat grin, his jokes getting shittier by the minute. "Sigh. Well, cover your ears."
"OI! ATTENTION EVERYBODY!" He shouted, so loud that it nearly echoed in the entire ballroom, within seconds capturing everyone's attention. Eyes trained on the two. The redhead's scars itched but he ignored them.
"It's been a great pleasure to invite you all here tonight," Chuuya said, loud and clear, keeping a tight hold on his glass. "This year, as many others, have been one-of-a-kind. I'd like to thank everyone here for being a part of that, friend or foe, for most of us have changed for the better for it. I have high hopes for the upcoming year, for myself, my partner, and all the rest of you. I'm sure, just as the many before it, will be just as great, if not better." A hushed silence gathered below, listening to Chuuya's speech. Some of them smiled. Chuuya raised his glass. "A toast, if you will, to the new year." Dazai beside him raised his glass. And everyone, other than the few among them that were underage, raised their glasses. "To the New year for the Stray dogs." "To the New year for the Stray dogs!" Yelled the courus of all the others below, the clinking of glasses creating a small song as others began laughing joyfully. Chuuya turned to Dazai with a wide, closed-mouth grin, his eyes gorgeous and sparkling, breathtaking, the ocean after a storm; a sight to behold. "And to us," He said, much quieter, his feathers bristling. "A new year to Double Black," He agreed, their glasses clinking together, liquor rising and licking the lips of the glasses, the ice bumping into the side. "A new year to Double Black," Chuuya reciprocated, and both drank, reminiscing the moment before it washed away into mind-numbing fun, and likely, succumbing to chaos for the rest of the night.
Happy New Years to everyone! :D I'm thankful to the mutals and the followers that have been following me since I joined Tumblr, and it's been pretty cool so far, so I hope for many years to come, I can stick on for a little while longer. Enjoy the rest of tonight, and see you next year in hopes for some more exciting content ;)
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To the Stray Dogs! 🥂 ;D
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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more modern au with my bird ocs...featuring a very embarassing moment for andres the quetzal.
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zero-is-nebulous · 11 months
Buttercup nap!
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valenumbra · 4 months
Follow the storm
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An experimental piece of my kiddo Talon, we love to see his design improve over the years.
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bubbykat · 1 year
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trying to use the cormputer
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interstella-eyes · 4 months
Another sneak peek :) this is taking sooooo longggg WAAAAnnfdokjwdok%
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I suffer from thrive with the “artist that keeps drawing their ocs hair longer and more detailed each time they draw them“ condition <3
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la-nute · 8 months
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Thinking about a bit of biology for the alien plant people. Plus a bit of cape/mask thoughts, I don't think it's worth bothering with though. It's too complex for a daily use item.
They have arms a bit longer than a human and shorter strong legs. No need for a large digestive system, and so the lungs take up the exyra space. I was thinking about bird lungs and respiration for the people. They live in thin air so why not have the most efficient lungs. There is always air circulating within their lungs, perfect for efficient oxygenation.
I mean, it's way more complex than that, I'll throw an animation from google as an example of how the system works. Basically the exhale moves to a holding space before being exhaled.
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ant1quarian · 2 months
Imagine Making a Dustverse story
Imagine being tempted to do that
Wdym I'm definitely not
. . .
It would be super chaotic but I mean-
"Dust 1 entered the room, looked at Dust 18, then turned the fuck around and walked out."
I'd have to give all of them nicknames which also means contacting their creators and asking whether they would like it as a nickname cos like. Y'know.
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mymomichis-blog · 9 months
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Gemiss Show
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