#the answer is blatant sexism
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
The most confusing part of the sequel trilogy to me has always been the whole debacle of Rey’s parentage. For one because I think it would have been cool if she was Luke’s daughter and even now I’m like “couldn’t he have adopted her? Come on, let Luke be a dad…”
But also because it makes no sense??? They gave it this whole idea of it being weird that Rey wouldn’t be related to notable people, like that she had to be related to someone famous to be a powerful Jedi and that’s just not how the Force works!
Anakin Skywalker is literally the exception and not an exception to this rule because while yes, he is the Force’s kid, he is also Shmi Skywalker’s kid and does anyone know who the fuck Shmi Skywalker is??? Is Shmi Skywalker famous??? Is Shmi Skywalker a powerful Jedi???
You don’t need to be a powerful Jedi to give birth to a powerful Jedi, look at literally every single Jedi that was presented to us in the prequels, we literally don’t know ANY of their parents!!! Mace Windu isn’t related to a powerful Jedi that we know of! Yoda isn’t related to a Sith lord! Why does it matter that Rey’s parents were “nobody” like yeah bitch that’s every single Jedi ever.
Just because Anakin fucked around and had kids that doesn’t make him normal! And I feel like a strong case could be made that Anakin’s kids are strong because they’re the Force’s grandkids, not particularly because they were a Jedi’s kids, you know?
I just don’t understand! Why was it a big deal? Why did they have to make her related to Palpatine? Why did they have to make her related to anyone? Either make it the literal only option that makes sense (Luke) or cut it entirely! Yoda was powerful as fuck, he didn’t have to prove his parentage! Obi-Wan Kenobi was the best, and he didn’t have to prove to anyone anything! How come Rey has to be related to someone for her powers to make sense? Why can’t she just be weirdly powerful because goddamn the Force sometimes makes random people weirdly powerful? Why’s there got to be a reason?? Is Jedi power passed on by fucking nepotism in the sequel trilogy???
There are countless Jedi I could name that were powerful despite being related to fucking nobodies, why does it matter if Rey is the same way? And don’t say “well she’s the protagonist-“ because Obi-Wan is the protagonist of the prequels and we never have to have a big reveal about his grandma being a sith lord, so what gives??
But also there’s that line where someone asks Rey for her name or whatever and they don’t just accept “Rey” as an answer. People in Star Wars sometimes don’t have last names, what the fuck are they supposed to say?? Why the fuck do they need last names, they are weird fucking aliens they don’t need family names, what fucking sense does it make to force every character to have a last name?? Is Yaddle a fucking noob because she’s second-name-less? Would Chewbacca have been questioned? Why does Rey have to have a last name when she could just fucking not and live a perfectly happy life??
What the actual fuck is up with parentage in sequel Star Wars lore??? Leia was adopted by Bail Organa and Bail and Breha Organa both raised her therefore they are her parents. Owen and Beru both raised Luke, but we can assume they felt a bit uncomfortable with the idea of Luke calling them his parents. That doesn’t mean they raised him any less, obviously, Beru just didn’t have to be called “mom” to know she was raising a kid. Does parentage really actually matter though? Luke wanted to get off of Tatooine when he still thought he dad was freightor pilot. Leia was still part of the Galactic Senate before she knew her birth mother was a senator. Obi-Wan was a depressed man and, if anything, knowing who he was related to would have made him more depressed because he would’ve known who he disappointed.
Parentage and bloodlines and whatever don’t fucking matter in Star Wars. They’ve never mattered in Star Wars. We don’t know jackshit about where Han comes from genetically, but does that make him lesser? No! So why does Rey have to prove a blood relation to a powerful man to prove to the writers that she’s worth a damn?
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
I get that AI Amanda Stern is SO easy to hate (bc that's the best kind of writing d*vid c*ge can do: insultingly blatant and meaningless) and maybe me asking the dbh fandom to have some critical thinking is just too much, but I think it's silly that the same people who (rightfully) give Connor so much compassion for acting as he was programmed - a literal killing machine and hunter of deviants - won't give Amanda, an AI designed solely to keep Connor in line and make sure he performed exactly how Cyberlife wanted him to, the same compassion.
She doesn't get to deviate. She doesn't get to "redeem" herself. But that wouldn't matter to fans anyways, or at least it shouldn't, because people will also show compassion for Daniel, who was a deviant, who killed two humans and endangered the life of (and possibly also killed) a little girl, because he was "traumatised". Why do we lament his fate, but not Amanda's?
Amanda was programmed, and all the damage she could do was internal. But even then, it wasn't her, it was Cyberlife who programmed her to regain control of Connor, using Amanda as their digital manifestation. (And people don't blame Connor for shooting Markus, they blame Amanda for taking control of him. Well, who's in control of Amanda?) So many fans will take their knee-jerk reactions of hatred towards her, because she poses opposition for their precious Connor, and stop there. Don't stop there. Give Amanda the same damn compassion you give the other androids. You don't have to like her, you don't have to enjoy her presence, or even have patience for her, but for the love of God stop hating her for being unable to act any differently than she was programmed to, and not having any chance to deviate at all.
Isn't that a huge point of the game, especially for Connor's storyline? To have forgiveness for what the androids did before they deviated because they couldn't control it? Isn't that the first thing y'all will argue when someone else suggests that your favourite deviant was in the wrong? That we should separate how they acted when they were programmed versus who they are once they deviate? Why doesn't Amanda get that same consideration?
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sebscore · 1 year
gen z!reader is this sweet, bubbly, bright ray of sunshine who could honestly do no wrong, so I'd love to see a fic where in a driver's meeting gen z!reader loses their shit and calls out the FIA for their blatant sexism and misogyny in front of everyone and everyone is shocked cause they've never seen them gets this mad before.
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader (+ cameos from brundle, susie and buxton) 
warnings: sexism. fia is fia'ing. swearing. my own unaccurate ruling of penalties (it's for the sake of the story, just go along with it). susie mothering. it wasn't sure to me who conducted the driver's briefing during this time so I just picked a random name from the many that I came across. 
author's note: less comedic one this time, hope you enjoy it anyway! 
• • • • • • •
''Alright, thanks for clarifying, Checo.'' Derek concluded, glancing down at his journal to see what the next topic of discussion was. 
The director scratched his voice before addressing the drivers again. ''Uhm, we also wanted to remind everyone to be wary of what they say in the media regarding our organization,'' he stated, ''the FIA has the feeling that there have been deliberate attacks on them the last few weeks and they are willing to give out penalties if it happens again.'' 
The drivers looked at each other, confused by the sudden declaration that the FIA has been receiving ''attacks'' from the drivers. ''Can you give an example, because I think I speak for everyone when I say that I'm confused.'' George spoke up, the others nodding along to his question. 
Derek flipped through his papers, trying to find the notes his colleagues had given him regarding the ''offensive'' comments that had been made against them. 
''Oh, here,'' he put on his reading glasses, holding the piece of paper farther from his face, ''the comment they're referring to was one made by… Y/N at the previous race.'' 
The young woman's head sprung up at the mention of her name, clueless as to how she could have upset the FIA. ''What? W-what did I say?'' She managed to stutter out, all the eyes on her making her feel uneasy. 
''Uh, you were asked about the diversity in the sport and you said, and I quote: 'The FIA should do more regarding women in motorsport, there are still many things that need to be changed.' End quote.'' Derek answered her, putting his paper back in place. 
Y/N frowned at the man. ''I don't see what's wrong with that, to be honest.'' She told him, failing to see how the FIA would feel this was a ''deliberate attack''. 
The director sighed, already getting the suspicion the woman would not be happy with what he was about to say. ''Certain members of the board were offended by your words, because they saw it as you accusing them of being sexist.'' 
The silence in the room was deafening, every single person awaiting Y/N's reaction to Derek's clarification. The drivers took a glimpse at her, trying to read the indifferent expression on her face that didn't give much away about how she was feeling. 
''They think I'm accusing them of being sexist? What I meant was that they should take more actions in encouraging young girls to get into racing- I don't understand how that would correlate to me calling them sexist.'' Her usual cheerful tone was replaced by a monotone voice that almost scared some of her colleagues. 
Derek took a deep breath again. ''Well, they felt like you were insinuating it and they are offended by the alleged insinuation.'' 
''Just because they are offended doesn't mean they're right.'' She bit back, not missing a beat. 
''I'm simply delivering their message, Y/N,'' the director told her politely, wanting to remind her that he's not the person she should be upset with, ''anyway- if you go up there and apologize for your comment, they're considering leaving it as a warning for you and also the others.'' He finished the list of notes they had given him. 
The reaction from the room wasn't one he was expecting; absolute outrage. 
''She shouldn't apologize for that neither should she be penalized for it.'' Sebastian was the first one to speak up, directly looking Derek in the eye. 
The drivers agreed. ''Yeah, it's called freedom of speech.'' Max added, also not seeing why Y/N should go down there and say sorry to the members of the board. 
''Like I said earlier, I'm simply delivering their message.'' Derek repeated himself, feeling the tension and frustration growing in the small space. 
''But don't you see how ridiculous this is?'' Sebastian rebutted, hoping the man at the front could at least agree with them and say that it was indeed a weird request. 
Derek shook his head. ''I'm just the middle man, Seb,'' he sighed, turning his head towards the quiet female driver, ''Y/N, make it easier for yourself and go up there after the meeting, you don't want to receive a penalty for something like this.'' 
''I'm not apologizing.'' Her voice comes out strong, not in an aggressive way, but in a manner that lets everyone know she's not backing down. ''Give me as many penalties as you want, I'm not accepting them.'' She crossed her arms, indicating she was sticking to her words, almost stubbornly. 
The other drivers looked on proudly, glad she was standing by her belief and didn't give in simply because it would make everything ''easier''. Lewis gave her a nod, subtly letting her know he supported her and had her back. 
''Alright, then that will result in a fine of a number that is yet to be determined.'' Derek picked up his pen and wrote down that she would not come by their office, already knowing his colleagues wouldn't be happy with it. 
''Just so you know- I'm not paying that.'' Y/N said, matter-of-factly. 
Derek looked up from his journal. ''If you refuse to pay the fine, we can either add a grid-place penalty or a time penalty.'' He recited the rule as if he had done it a million times before. 
''Derek, this is stupid,'' Kimi decided to voice his opinion, ''the race shouldn't be affected, because of a comment she made that had nothing to do with racing in the first place.'' He defended her, allying behind her stance to not accept any of the penalties they give her. 
''I'm just doing my job, Kimi.'' 
''I also want to just do my job, Derek, which is racing, but these ridiculous rules to silence me prevent me from doing that.'' Y/N argued his response, just wanting him to see her point of view. 
The director's hand went over his face, seemingly wiping his agitation away. ''No one is trying to silence you, Y/N.'' He quickly answered. 
''That's why all the other drivers receive penalties whenever they question the FIA, right?'' Her comment must have shut him up as he solely put his pen down without saying another word about the matter. ''Yeah, that's what I thought.'' 
Y/N felt her presence wasn't longer necessary as she stood up from her chair, ready to leave the room and join her engineering team in preparation for the upcoming race. However, Derek felt different about that. ''The briefing isn't over yet, Y/L. Sit back down, please.'' 
''I'll see you at the next meeting, Derek.'' She ignored his plea and walked towards the door. 
The director stood up from his desk at the front. ''Y/N, if you leave before it's done, the board will-'' 
''The board can kiss my ass.'' 
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The day after the driver's briefing had been quite eventful to say the least. As soon as the FIA announced that she had been given a penalty, the backlash from drivers, fans and reporters started. 
Lewis had condemned their decision claiming it was based on nothing and that nothing about her comment was an attack on the organization. His teammate, Valtteri, followed him in his opinion stating: ''Drivers should be able to say what they want to say, she doesn't deserve a penalty for that.'' 
Sky Sports F1 reporter, Martin Brundle, also came to the driver's defense. ''If we're going to punish drivers for stating their opinions, we might as well get rid of the entire sport, especially if what they're saying isn't far from the truth.'' 
After finishing P5 in the race, Y/N spoke to Will Buxton in her post-race interview. ''You must be very happy with your result today, considering you almost had to start from the very back of the grid.'' 
''I'm content with today's race, obviously would have loved a podium but Mercedes was better today,'' she chuckled, ''yeah, it wasn't fun waking up to that news, but I'm happy that it was reversed and the support I received was just- wow, I'm very grateful for everyone.'' 
''According to some sources, it got pretty heated in the driver's briefing on friday- would you like to clarify?'' Will asked her. 
A sarcastic laugh left her mouth. ''I would just like to forget about it, moving on is the best thing to do right now.'' She smoothly avoided the question, figuring she shouldn't make the FIA more mad by airing out all their business. 
''Alright, thank you so much for talking to us, Y/N and congratulations on your race today.'' He nodded, bidding her goodbye. 
On her way back to her team's hospitality, she was stopped by none other than Susie Wolff. ''Lewis told us what happened during the briefing- I'm very proud of you for standing up for yourself, not everyone could have done that.'' 
''It was so awful, Susie,'' Y/N hugged the older woman, ''it's like they just wanted to give me some sort of punishment- I don't even want to know what would have happened if I went down there by myself.'' Susie rubs her back at her words, also not wanting to think about what could have gone down. 
''It's okay now, honey,'' they pulled apart, Susie's hand staying on her shoulder, ''by the way- did you really say that the board could kiss your ass?'' 
Y/N laughed at her question, excitedly nodding her head. ''At first I wanted to say something like 'the board can stick that penalty right up their ass’ but I needed a cool getaway so I opted for something shorter.'' 
''Atta girl'' 
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Consequences | Six | End
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Word Count: 4k~ | Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, dark, medieval-canon sexism, heavy dub-con/noncon, DD:DNE, mean Aemond, manipulation, abusing power, gore, blood, violence, major angst, death, Aemond being a possessive horny weirdo with a power complex, kinslayer aemond
Series Masterlist  ​
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Aemond woke the next morning with a burning migraine , the epicentre of which was at his temple, where the scar throbbed the worst. The bedsheets were draped around his waist, half of which were now on the floor with his restless sleep. Everything annoyed him, the light coming in through the curtains, any sound, any mild inconvenience like not having water at his bedside.
 It was today that he’d face the repercussions of his actions. When everyone would know what he is.
 He rubbed his temple, where his scar lay, with his palm, trying to ease the discomfort somewhat. He winced though when there was a soft knock at his chamber doors. It was different from her usual rhythm and he furrowed his eyebrows.
 “Prince Aemond” a soft voice called out behind the door. Not your grace.
 He sighed, “Enter”
 He groaned, rubbing his non-existent eye so hard he was beginning to see stars behind the other, wincing at the sound of his chamber doors closing, as soft as it was. Once he cracked his eye open and sat up, watching the little maidservant, with her braids tightly done, place his clothes for the day on the armchair. Aemond furrowed his brows, thinking that she was deliberately acting against him, in a direct refusal to obey him.
 But then she had turned her head towards him, and it was like a slap across the face.
 It was not her.
 This other maidservant curtsies and proceeded to open his curtains, tying them at the sides to keep them open, visibly shaken by being in his presence, a notion that Aemond himself hates. He was sick and tired of people bristling away from him because of his appearance. Or perhaps there was another reason for this. And he wondered if everyone knew.
 “Who are you” he said to her,
 “Alanna, your grace” she says in return, not meeting his gaze as she continues doing her morning duties.
 His maidservant would look him in the eye. This one didn’t.
 “Where is she”
 Alanna opened her mouth to ask who, but quickly closed to it, sensing it was a silly question.
 “She is not at all well, your grace. I hope it does not inconvenience you” she says, clasping her hands together, something Aemond noticed that women do when they’re anxious.
 He bit the inside of his cheek at her answer, drawing just the slightest bit of coppery blood. Truthfully, he didn’t know how to feel at her blatant disrespect for his wishes for her to return to her duties as soon as possible. But all those feelings dissipated when Alanna spoke again.
 “Your mother wishes to break fast with you this morning” Alanna says politely, giving one shallow curtsy before exiting the room as fast as she could.
 There was no time to feel angry at his little maidservant. Today he would be reprimanded by his family, seen for what he was, and punished for what he did. He didn’t want to. And he had been turning about the possibilities in his mind since Lucerys fell from the sky.
Does he lie. Does he lie and say that he went after his young nephew with malicious intent?
 Or does he speak the truth. That he had no control over his own dragon and that Vhagar had actively sought the young Prince out herself, with Aemond begging on her back, for her to stop.
 He was supposed to be the dutiful Prince Aemond. And there was the thought in the back of his mind, that if he said he hadn’t meant to do it, would anyone actually believe that, knowing the bad blood between them.
 If he had to be the villain, then fine, he would have to act like it.
 He got dressed slowly and secured his eyepatch, venturing out into the hallways for the first time that day. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to face what his family would say, or the not-knowing of what they were all thinking.
 So as he walked through the Keep, the stagnant waft of something horrid in the aura, his mind had drifted to her. The maidservant named Alanna said she felt ill.
 She had mentioned a procedure, one which Aemond, in the heated moment when he’d seen her last, did not prod about. But he knew, he knew what it was. And there was a deep part of him that thought the action repulsive, to do such a thing to an unborn child. It was a sin, he thought at the time, perhaps the worst one. On one hand, he regretted his part in giving her the funds to do it.
 But on the other hand, it was either one corpse that way or two the other. And inside him, he was too selfish to let her go. Especially a tumultuous time such as this, where he was quite possibly at his lowest, he needed the comfort she offered, even if it was only the comfort of her flesh against his. So he brushed the thought of the procedure away, in favour of thinking that it was no worse than Moon Tea and that it was the result of sheer desperation.
 More than anything else, as he walked past the entrance to the staff quarters, he wondered. Did the procedure hurt? Was it so incredibly painful that she needed so much rest?
 Had there been blood, he wondered.
 Imagining it made something horrid curdle deep in his stomach.
 Drawing blood from her, on the night he took her maidenhead felt right. Gods, it felt so right. To smear it over her thighs, to remind her of who she belonged to. He even remembered the way it felt. The way it had sent a dark, almost electric impulse up his spine, right to his head, inflating it with a sense of power.
 But the thought of her bleeding now, as a result of whatever horrors had occurred. It was wrong. It felt wrong.
 And for a brief moment, as he stared down the hall, he considered going to her. To do what, he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t in his nature to apologise, not to be a soft, doting man to a woman. Such feelings, he felt, were below him.
 So he didn’t.
 He would face his family. Have whatever they threw at him. For better or for worse, he had a role to play, a script to read.
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Aemond knew he was going to have teeth marks on the inside of his cheek by the end of the day if he didn’t stop. His stresses were so high though, he could not find it within himself to care.
 It had gone about as well as he predicted. If not a little worse.
 Breaking fast with his family, with his brother now sat at the centre as King, was an experience he wouldn’t like to repeat. His mother barely spared a look in his direction, staring straight at her plate, hands placed either side and clenched into fists, as if resisting the urge to move them at all. Her under eyes were puffy, like she’d been awake all night.
 His grandfather, Otto had done rather the opposite, and kept his eye on him for the entire meal, as if anticipating he would act out if confronted. Aemond couldn’t fault the reasoning. If approached with the subject, he probably would have. He was at least grateful that the subject was not brought up, but was secretly apprehensive inside at what his family were thinking about him instead.
 He felt like he’d regressed somewhat. As the sun began to set, he couldn’t bear to think of returning to his chambers, and so he did what he remembered he’d used to do. Usually, he’d go to Alicent, but as she was so upset and beyond offering compassion, he’d gone to Helaena instead. Where Alicent offered comfort in her words, Helaena offered it in her companionship in relative silence.
 So he sat, a rapidly emptying goblet handing in his fingers, the other hand tapping against the armchair in Helaena’s chambers. Aegon, of course, was not present, as he rarely was alongside Helaena even in the days before his ascension to the throne. Not that Aemond would even be here in the first place if his brother was present.
 Aemond had a book open in his lap, eye straining in the low light of the room, with only several candles wafting in the cool draught on each flat surface. Helena was sitting in her armchair next to him, her right hand poised with her needle and the other holding the off-white cotton with her embroidery pulled taught in the tambour frame. Past a few hums of concentration, the odd whisper and the whip of the candle flames as they danced, it was entirely quiet.
 And though Aemond was hiding it well, his mind was busy.
 It was dark, and yet his handmaid had still not returned to her duties.
 He craved something, a closeness she could offer. And thought at first, Aemond surmised that he desired her bare flesh against his, the feeling of her heart drumming against her chest, her soft and gentle sounds, to remind him of his power and strength above her. But the more he pondered, not really reading the book in his lap and just staring blankly at the ever-entwined words, the more he realised what he really truly craved.
 He wanted to hear her voice when she spoke. Wanted to feel her eyes on him, even fully clothed. Wanted to feel her soft breath against his skin.
 He didn’t like it. Not one bit.
 It suggested something Aemond didn’t want to know the meaning behind.
 A light, cold breeze at Aemond’s feet made him shudder, and Helaena had raised her head when the candle at her side was snuffed out by the chill. She’d watched, stock still, as the blackened wick emitted the steady stream of thin smoke into the air.
 Aemond, having seen his sister raise her head, had looked over, “What is it?”
 But Helaena met his gaze and quickly turned back to her embroidery, shaking her head, as if ridding the thought from her mind altogether, whispering to herself once more.
 He tried not to be concerned by his sister’s reaction. But it was clear as day on her face that something had perturbed her.
 When it became too dark, he’d found the courage to return to her chambers. Her lack of presence there had his chest feel heavy. The bedsheets, once he’d crawled back into them, didn’t seem as soft and nowhere near as comforting. There was a chill about the room and though he could not see his own breath, he’d felt the sheer vastness of his solitude.
 Aemond wanted to see her face. Feel the warmth of her blood beneath her skin.
 Sleep took him at the thought of it.
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“Your grace”
 She walked through the doors of his chambers, her hair down about her shoulders in waves, as if they had been in plaits. Aemond opened his eye, his body lethargic and heavy, from something that seemed so much more endless and deep as sleep.
 He saw the way she dreamily walked through his room in her usual uniform, her hair covering her expression. A small smirk came to his face. She was here.
 She turned to face him, her face lit only by a small flame of a candle, flickering against her features. Aemond felt his blood run cold in his skin, his heart beating furiously inside his chest.
 All over her apron, hands and arms. Thick and fresh.
 “It cannot be”
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 Aemond was awoken early in the morning, startled from sleep by his mother's voice as her hurried steps flew past his closed doors and to Aegon's chambers.
 The speed at which Aemond had been forced from sleep to wakefulness sent his head all dizzy and his mother's voice had such an urgency about it. He was urged to his feet, pulling the closest thing around him to his body, which was his breeches and doublet, though it was left unbuckled at his chest.
 The sun was barely up and when he'd poked his head out the doors, all he saw was the dizzying blur of his mother's auburn curls and a flash of neutral fabric, which must have been her robe. What on earth was his mother doing at this time in the morning? And with Aegon no less? Who quite possibly had not been in bed long.
 Alicent threw the doors open, making for Aegon who was barely rousing from sleep with eyes cracked open thinly. Aemond knew his mother, wracked by sheer emotion, would most likely lash out at her eldest son, as she had done in the past, so he’d rushed to her side, gently pulling her arm back, keeping her from doing anything she might regret to the new King.
 At this moment, Aegon was not her King. He was her son. And she had nearly forgotten that.
 There were unshed tears in her eyes, “What is this?!” she threw the green silken purse at Aegon’s lap, making him groan in pain at the hefty throw, “Paying for some sinful, disgusting back-alley abortion? You cannot keep carrying on like this, Aegon!”
 Aegon furrowed his brows, eyeing the purse Alicent had thrown in his lap with a groggy, tired expression, “What?...”
 “Gods…Have you no shame? She had been with us barely half a year, Aegon!”
 “Who?!” Aegon barked back, annoyed, and clearly confused.
 “You know very well who! The poor girl whose silence you bought with coin!” Alicent was breathing heavily, feeling crowded and pulled her arm free of Aemond’s grasp weakly, “I thought you were past this, Aegon…”
 Aegon stood from the bed, Helaena long absent from the chambers, it was probably for the best anyway. He held the sheets over his body, eyebrows furrowed once again in confusion.
 Before Aegon could open his mouth, Hedi had appeared in the doorway, offering a curtsy with a sullen expression.
 “Your grace” she greeted with a wavering voice.
 Alicent swallowed, meeting her gaze with her watery, chocolate brown eyes, “The maester has confirmed it?...”
 Hedi was pale and when she unclasped her hands, there was a smudge of dark blood on her apron. She nodded, “Yes, your grace…”
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Hedi rushed to the door, forcefully using her shoulder to break through. Alanna was backed up in a corner, wailing and crying loudly, her whole body shaking.
“Hush, child, you’ll wake the whole Keep!” Hedi whispered once knelt before her.
 Alanna choked on air, trying desperately to speak through her tears, “Sh-she…” was all she managed through quivering lips.
 Hedi righted to stand and looked upon the girl in the bed, the sheets still tucked up to her chest. Looking upon her face, her eyelashes didn’t flutter, and though it would’ve been natural at first glance to assume she was merely sleeping, Hedi could see now that her chest was unmoving.
 “Seven Hells…” Hedi whispered and when she’d touched her hand, it was cold and still.
 Hedi looked over her, furrowed in confusion without any obvious sign of injury. Her hands pulled the bedsheets back and even the young woman, wise beyond her years, had almost gagged at the sight.
 Waist down, with the darkest patch at the base of her torso, her chemise, bedsheet and mattress alike had been entirely soaked through with blood.
 A heavy guilt set in Hedi’s heart, that she could not and had not kept her safe in her short time here.
 “Gods…” Hedi had known this business, seen it for herself in the maidservants before her even, but she had never imagined that this sweet, quiet girl would have to suffer the same fate.
 On her bedside, sat a green purse made of silk. Hedi needed to only have one look to see there were silver and gold coins inside, money that any average maidservant would never have had access to. Coins only the upper class would have.
Or royalty.
 The older maidservant felt ill, as though she had failed her and not listened to her gut when it had screamed that she needed help.
 All the while Alanna was still crying helplessly in the corner, “She is dead, isn’t she…” she’d asked in a weak voice.
 Hedi swallowed thick and hurried Alanna out of the room, “Go to Mari’s room now, child. And do not say a word of this to anyone, understood?” Hedi instructed quite forcefully, ushering Alanna out of the room and locking it behind her.
 Every step through the Keep to Queen Alicent’s chambers became heavier with Hedi’s hurried breathing, feeling the urge to both vomit and cry at the same time. The image of that young woman in her bed, locked behind that door and bathed in blood would be sealed into her head for the rest of her life. And though she was in no position to accuse anyone, she could at least show Alicent what her son was capable of and the irreparable damage that had been done.
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Aemond had been silent the entire time, watching something akin to a tragedy unfolding right before his eye. He could feel his mother shake violently, in both a state of upset and anger at her eldest son.
 Hedi had confirmed that the little maidservant was indeed dead, divulging the more clinical details that had included words like ‘perforation’ and ‘infection of the womb’. Alicent turned away, as if it would protect her from the words, holding her chest with her hand to calm her breathing.
 Hedi’s watery, red eyes had met Aemond’s gaze then and that is where he had felt the hot whips of panic on the back of his neck. He knew. He knew that she also knew, but could not say anything. He watched as Hedi’s expression went from grief and mourning, to one of anger and a deep female rage that he couldn’t quite comprehend. Like she had felt the pain and loss of her death in her very being herself.
 Hedi was the one who had seen her come back from her duties, hair down, limping and crying quietly. And she looked at him as if he were the most vile person she had the displeasure of laying eyes on.
 “Do you…know of any family living?” Alicent asked.
 Hedi briefly moved her gaze from Aemond, “A living sister, your grace”
 “Send her wages and…necessary funds to her next of kin. Do not divulge her true manner of death, we shall say it was a low fever” Alicent said with a shaky breath, not wishing to look anyone in the eye.
 Heid nodded, feeling dejected and saddened, for having to write to her living sister to tell these lies about her. And she thought…that the little maidservant would not feel right about it, but sincerely prayed that her soul would be at rest, and only hoped that she felt at peace in the end.
 Once the maidservant was gone, Alicent turned to her second son, looking up at him, pale and disorientated. And when their eyes met, it was like Alicent was seeing Aemond for the first time, as if she’d just realised he was a man and no longer her small, desperate child. Her lips had parted then and Aemond felt hot and prickly all over.
 Perhaps she knew as well. Deep down.
 That both of her sons were capable of the same sordid behaviour.
She looked mournful. Grieving the loss of the Aemond she thought she knew. The one she had protected.
 But if Alicent had seen it in Aemond, she did not say anything. And she left, letting Aemond stand there to ferment in his self-hatred.
 His maidservant was dead.
 And it had been his fault.
 It had all been his fault.
 Aegon and Aemond looked at one another. Aegon held the silken purse in his hand, looking at his younger brother knowingly. But instead of returning the purse to its rightful owner, Aegon had gripped it tight and gave Aemond a hard frown.
 It had been his fault, and yet, with three people knowing without speaking, he had somehow managed to evade blame.
 The maidservants took the bloodied bed sheets and mattress from the bed to be burned, standing beside the flames as they licked the blood away into ash with tears covering some of their cheeks. Freiya had not cried and instead, stood with a bitter expression, scolding the silly girl who had passed away for being involved in such vile actions.
 Aemond did not see her bloodied corpse. Couldn’t, without revealing his own involvement.
 But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to see her like that.
 He just knew he wished to see her. Alive.
 A wish that could now, never be granted.
 Her dearest friends, amongst Hedi and Alanna, had cleaned her body and given her one of their light cotton nightdresses, laid on the bed she had died in with a sheet laid underneath her. She didn’t look dead in the least, but only very pale. And all laid out in white like that, she looked just like a bride.
 She could not afford a proper burial and so her body was committed to the flames. Her ashes returned to the earth.
 History would not remember her.
 She only existed in the memories of the people she had touched around her. And with their deaths, would be lost forever.
 It was only expected that a lot of maidservants handed in their notices and left the employment of the Red Keep. Alicent understood and sent them off with a good reference, thinking that it was the least she could do to offer this kindness. A new wave of maidservants had arrived, as if there was a never-ending supply of young girls excited to serve under the Targaryen family and their new King. Something squeezed tight about Hedi’s heart to hear them sound so excited. She’d known at that moment, they needed her protection.
 So Hedi had stepped in as Aemond’s personal maidservant. To protect them.
 As if he had even wanted them in the first place.
 Every single morning, Hedi entered his chambers, forever with an angered frown to her face, and a loss of that carefree lightness that was there before. She only ever greeted him with ‘Prince Aemond’ and left before he could say anything else to her. It was as if she knew that Aemond could not hurt her, could not raise his voice at her of all people, nor dismiss her.
He hated how quickly her death was forgotten, brushed over in less than a week's time. As if everyone else was not feeling the same tear in his heart as he was. That deep, burning, vomitting sensation he always got whenever he saw the back of one of the maidservants, their hair tied up on the same braids.
He willed his bed to give him her warmth. Arguing internally that she had been there not a week before, glowing for him as radiant as the day he'd laid eyes on her.
 He had dreamt of her voice.
 ���Your grace”
 He had dreamt of her skin, her soft, supple flesh against his. The warmth of her plush insides.
 Her heart beating against his. The life that she exuded.
 He didn’t think he was capable of feeling grief. Is this what it was?
 This pain.
 “Your grace”
 There was nothing to contain him any longer. No outlet for his rage to find a home.
 His fire had already claimed its first victim.
 So he allowed it to kindle, with the ghostly whisper of her voice forever haunting him, his dreams. Her blood. Reminding him of what he had done. Reminding him of who he was. As if she was doing now in death what pain and regret she had always wished to inflict on him in life.
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General Aemond Taglist: @risefallrise @valeskafics
Consequences Taglist: @iiamthehybrid @manitskatrina @dahlias-and-marigolds @okfashionista @the-common-cowgirl @toodlesxcuddles  @darkenchantress @magnificentdelusionr   @tinykryptonitewerewolf @tssf-imagines @mandiiblanche @xdeath-soulx  @daemonlover @iiamthehybrid @thedamewithabook @hiatuswhore @apollonshootafar @ladymarg0t @hopeless-addiction-love @leeleebabe101 @babyblue711 @croatianprincess @what-is-your-wish @55gyi53vtnquwziq5 @garnetbutterflysblog @queenmizuki @tempt-ress @ithoughtulikedme @babyblue11 @qyburnsghost​ @heavenly1927​ @madislayyy​ @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @eddiemunsonsgroupie @iloveallmyboys @malynn​ @qorirah 
*Bold means I couldn’t tag, if I can't tag you you can always turn on notifications for when I post. DM me if you wanna be removed besties
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box- youve got me interested in trigun but alas i have no idea what it is, pls help me understand
Oh god, my sincerest apologies ^^;;;
Trigun is a space Western and a thinly veiled allegory. It’s about a pair of twins, Knives Georg and Belts Georg, who are ideological opposites (except when they aren’t; they’re both extremists). This would be fine, except they are also insanely powerful interdimensional biological generators/space angels, making their conflict one between essentially minor gods. So they make their trauma Everybody’s Problem. One of them (Knives Georg) has set himself up as a cult leader with the intent of obliterating the human race because humans keep other, less independent, interdimensional biological generators/space angels captive as tools somewhere between Star Trek replicators and batteries. He gives this several goes, first by sabotaging humanity’s fleet of spaceships and crashing everyone onto a barren planet without resources in a painfully obvious reference to the expulsion from Eden/fall from Heaven, then by making his brother blow up a city, and lastly by stealing as many of the dependent generator angels as he can and trying to kill humanity via depravation and war crimes. His brother (Belts Georg) is a pacifist gunman who has internalized his trauma differently and does not want to obliterate humanity. In fact, he wants to stop his brother doing that, so he makes multiple badly-planned attempts to end the conflict until one of them sticks. He also lives on the run as a reviled, hated outlaw and a legend after Knives Georg made him blow up a city. The story is one long, intense interrogation of pacifism as an ideal, the consequences of taking or sparing lives, and answers the age-old questions: if nuclear bombs were sentient and afraid of exploding, could/would they love us? And: what would a traumatized angel do with a gun?
Come for the aesthetic, stay for the blatant biblical references and the gut-wrenching tragedy.
And yes, there are, in fact, three guns. One’s a species of Colt (.45 Long Colt?? I do not remember off the top of my head) or the bastard offspring of a Colt and a cinder block, the other is a prosthetic arm, and the last one is a flesh arm that’s actually a biblically inaccurate angelic energy-missile launcher. (OR they are two matching Colts and a spiritual bazooka with a bonus prosthetic arm gun. Depends on the version. As of now, Stampede (2023) only has two guns. The third is much anticipated.)
There are three versions of the story, too. The manga (personally my canon of choice, explains nothing and yeets events at you, incomprehensible fight scenes, emotionally devastating in ways the other two cannot even begin to touch), the 1998 anime (very good, made while the manga was still being written, has its own thing going on, suffers terribly from 1990s anime-itis aka bizarre sexism), and the 2023 anime (very good, mix-and-match canon that turns the timeline into pretzels, suffers from 12-episodes-long-itis with too much happening and not enough time to explore things).
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venomous-ragno · 1 year
Writing advice...
... About military things from a soldier
Pt. 2 / ?: Women and relationships in the military
You wanna write a story with a militaristic setting, like CoD or R6S? You wanna create a female OC, self insert or character, but you don't know where to start, if women are even allowed in the military?
Well, lucky for you or not I know what that feels like and I've also got the combat / real life experience to help ya out!
Feel free to hop in my askbox or dm's and ask questions. I'll gladly elaborate and do my best to answer in full and plenty.
Disclaimer: My experiences and knowledge are mostly based on the German military, the Bundeswehr. They may differ from those of other countries.
Happy writing y'all! :)
Are women allowed in the military?
The answer seems obvious: Yes. Most militaries around the world do allow women to enlist. Some, however, do not allow women to join the special forces, such as the SAS, for example.
Certain branches report a higher number of female soldiers than others. The US army air force and sanitation in the German military are two examples I can think of.
Some countries do allow women to enlist but forbid them from partaking in "action", such as North Korea, Sweden, Norway, Bolivia and some more.
What about misogyny by male soldiers?
In my six years of active duty I've learnt that sexism rarely occurs, but when it does, it's straight forward and nasty. Most men don't care about your gender. They treat you like you're one of them, and oftentimes even forget about the fact that you're a woman. The few times I was talked down to for my gender was blatant and hateful though; but even then, some of these opinions didn't come from within the military, but from civilians. (Cue the old granpa who saw me travelling back home in uniform and just had to tell me that women belong in the kitchen, how in the good old days women were still women yadda yadda. Yeah, I had the same look about on my face like you now.)
Appearance is important!
As is in any military. I can't speak for them though, but in my experience, light and natural make up is allowed. Nail polish and lipstick are a hard no though, albeit the latter may be allowed for special occassions. If there's one thing my comrades have taught me it's that most men in the military got no clue about make up, so you'll probs get away with more than you'd think.
The exact rules however depend on your unit and what you do. Back when I was in sanitation I'd be working a pretty standard 9 to 5. Worked in the medbay and treated patients, kept the medical archive in order, pretty normal stuff. My superior allowed us to wear small ear studs. When I got deployed to another base I was almost lynched for wearing them. Really depends on the ones in charge.
As for hairstyles: Most units are fine with anything as long as your hair is up and out of your face. Now, we didn't have to use gel to keep stray hairs at bay. It wasn't that strict. Just don't use any flashy hair accessories and hair ties that match your hair colour. Oh, and your hair must be a) one colour and b) a naturally occuring one. The length doesn't matter as long as you're not Rapunzel. If your hairstyle is anything other than a pixie cut, you will have to wear a hair net under your combat helmet.
Do men and women stay in seperate dorms?
Seperate rooms? Yeah. Seperate dorms? Nope.
Sometimes you'd have couples who shared a dorm room. It's a whole process that your superior has to give his ok to, but I honestly wouldn't recommend it. Dorm rooms aren't exactly big. You need privacy? Well, that's too bad.
If you're lucky enough you get to have a room for yourself. Depending on what branch / base you're in, the rooms will be more or less furnished. Back when I worked at the ministry of foreign affairs, my room was pretty luxurious for milutary standards: TV, fridge, sofa, bed, desk w chair, a closet and a bathroom next door. That's definitely not the standard though. We usually had to buy and bring our own stuff, like blankets, fridge, decorations, whatever you'd need to make that cold room somewhat comfy. (Wifi is also not a given. Gotta get your own connection running.)
Flings, relationships, cheating spouses... How common is it really?
They do happen, though not as often as you'd think.
It's more common to hear rumors about who has smth going with who and these rumors can get BAD. As in reputation and career ruining bad. At that point there's gonna be an order from higher up to stop talking about these rumors and punishment can be quite strict. (Speaking of rumors...Hate to say it, but the more women a unit had, the worse talking behind others backs was.)
One thing that I always found particularly disgusting were relationships between higher ups and recruits. Yes, they happen. No, they're not allowed. These things are like open secrets. If found out and proven to exist, the superiors will be held accountable by military law. Outside of basic training it may be frowned upon if a superior were to enter any kind of relation with someone of lower rank, thought not outright punishable.
As for cheating... Well, I haven't enountered any cheating myself, nor heard of it (yet). Not saying that it doesn't happen, but at least over here in Germany it's rare. It's highly frowned upon and will open you up to rumors and... Not so nice treatment by comrades. Cheating on a spouse is punishable by military law. A soldier found guilty may be demoted in rank, suffer financial losses or even get dishonourably discharged.
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cobraonthecob · 5 months
ricciardo never "made misogynistic comments" he laughed at the hosts' jokes which is already really shitty but he never made such comments
don't think i'll forget about the 'which eastern european pussy is the best' question and answer, screenshot emphasis here:
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[image ID: screenshot from effervescentdragon's response. the text says: what daniel did had nothing to do with racing.
daniel, of his own free will, went to be a guest on a podcast he already said he enjoyed (i think, don’t quote me on that) which is known to be full of misogynistic trash takes. once there, he proceeded to laugh at misogynistic jokes and make that “subjectively good drivers” joke himself, therefore affirming once again the prejudice against women drivers. this all comes right after f1 academy has fought to be broadcasted; after w-series lost funding and had to stop; after the question of disadvantages of women in motorsports and overcoming the blatant sexism has been in our (motorsports’ fans and public) minds and in the discourse for a while. he did that after he already went on another podcast and laughed at the hosts’ questions about “which eastern european female fans’ pussy is the best” (a misquote, but the gist is the prejudice that all eastern european women are obviously whores; also, i do remember him saying “budapest” real quiet, but not quiet enough not to be caught by the mic, so take from that what you will).
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so yeah, he did make a joke and also perpetuated them instead of just shutting it down or even giving some indication that these kinds of jokes should stop. i'm not sorry that i went after your white misogynistic fave, though i probably should've posted my first round of tags as 'anti', now please do us both a favor and stay out of my inbox and stop wasting our times
anyways, if any of the staniels want to try and argue with me, don't. do yourself and me a favor by just blocking me so that we don't waste our time fighting about rich white men going vroom vroom
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butch-gamedev · 5 months
Hi! I’m trying to get my bearings on the post about bimisogyny, and I want to know more on why/how it’s appropriating (copying?) the theoretical underpinnings of transmisogyny. Can you explain it more, or direct me to where I can learn about it? Feel free to say no, I just wanted to ask directly 👍🏼
(feel free to answer publicly or privately, either is fine)
So part of what's upsetting to me about the whole situation is that there's a significant corpus of *theory* surrounding transmisogyny, a great deal of analysis, and these attempts to equate things like "transandrophobia" and "bimisogyny" to it completely elide frameworks in what is very blatantly a game of equalization or minimization. Transandrophobia is a bit more blatant at this - attempting to set up an intersection of transphobia (real) and misandry (not, tragically), and with its proponents essentially openly using it as a point-scoring method against trans women (a fairly prominent proponent was outed as a serial abuser today, another recently instigated a fairly large outcry by feeling the need to draw over stats on violence against transgender people to suggest that it was undercounted against trans men but overcointed against trans women). I think most transfemimists rightly recognize that people who uphold "transandrophobia" as a legitimate axis of oppression are largely just reactionaries - it's true that trans men and trans women experience transphobia differently, but the idea that trans men have it worse is... unsubstantiated is a generous term. The sole function of the word seems to be as a method for transmascs to signal to each other their own transmisogyny.
"Bimisogyny" as a term I think is coming from a better place - bisexual women do, in fact, experience particularly heightened level of misogynistic violence. But... at the same time it's fairly clear that the coining of the word comes from a desire for equalization rather than the emergence of a real framework of understanding. The only substantive writing on the subject essentially gathers a bunch of statistics on the misogynistic violence bisexual women face, lists a couple patterns of fetishization and control from men, and throws its hands up. No motives or mechanisms are considered. This, combined with the author having a history of questionable analysis of politics surrounding sexual orientation in the past, kind of give the game away to me. If an actual understanding of bimisogyny had been set up or was being worked towards, the piece (and the general discourse surrounding it) would be centered on developing an understanding of why conditions are so dismal for bisexual women - who benefits from it, who enacts it, and how. This isn't to say that such a framework isn't needed, it's just to say that... as people use the word right now, it kind of explains nothing while trying to carry the same gravitas as transmisogyny. This is part of why people responding to me with "oh so bi women aren't allowed to talk about their oppression?" is grating because that's obviously not the function of using the term as things are now. I must also admit that the originating piece lingering overlong on anti-bisexual sentiment among lesbians and referring to "bi-exclusionary lesbians"... does not give much confidence either.
And one thing that's been glazed over is that understandings of transmisogyny aren't just "shit sucks for trans women, ergo we get a word", and even if I frankly have a lot of disagreements with the originating text, there is a great deal of insight on the cultural factors informing transmisogyny. Serano theorizes transmisogyny as the intersection of oppositional sexism (the belief that there are essentially two types of human being, split by reproductive capacity into two non-overlapping and distinct categories) and misogyny (the assertion of men's power through the negation of women). I don't even really agree with this reading - I tend to follow Wittig's stance that the establishment of sex categorization is itself necessary to facilitate misogyny and that sex is not in fact prior to misogyny but is constructed. I think Serano is a bit of a liberal, and naturalizes some things which are socially constructed as innate or predetermined. But the understanding that transmisogyny is rooted in the maintenance of sex as a system does hold water, and contemporary materialist feminists do consistently have apt analyses of transmisogyny through this lens (often centered around the positionality of transgender women as degendered women - women who are subjected to misogyny and misogynistic violence without the already flimsy defenses afforded to others through gender recognition). The narrative that transgender women are sexually threatening or gain benefits from supposed intrinsic maleness is itself used as justification to abuse us in a traditionally misogynistic manner. One thing that has been of particular interest to me is the tendency of non-female transgender people (generally trans men and trans-mascs) to leverage a female self-gendering willingly and temporarily for the sole purpose of gendering transgender women as male as a justification for dismissal, violence, or resentment. I think that this necessarily points to transmisogyny being useful as a tool not only for the construction of hegemonic male and female identity but also multiple transgender identities, but I don't want to get any further into the weeds right now.
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pluckyredhead · 8 months
Ty for reading Gotham War so I don’t have to, I still have to learn how to enjoy comics that are just ridiculous and bonkers (but not like YJ98 was bonkers. The kind of bonkers where you can’t tell if they’re doing it on purpose or not. And are also dumb) without getting mad??? For some reason???
Oh Chip is 100% doing it on purpose.
Truly, it takes a long time to learn how to just...not get mad at comics. I have been reading comics for 20 years and these days it really does take a lot to get me worked up. A few things that have helped me keep perspective:
It could be SO much worse. Like, I have my frustrations with today's DC and I will happily share them, but during my first decade of reading comics, DC killed off all of my favorite characters and then the New 52 happened. Editorial was actively hostile to fans. Didio would berate women at conventions. Comics are still problematic in a lot of ways, but the blatant sexism, racism, and homophobia that we were just...used to, not even that long ago, is shocking to me now.
Everything is cyclical and temporary. Your favorite character will come back. That writer you hate will go away. The New 52 is GONE. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes.
Superheroes will never consistently make good decisions, especially the angstier ones. If they made good decisions, they wouldn't decide that putting on spandex and punching people was the answer to their problems.
Bruce Wayne is a silly cartoon man and he can't hurt me.
These days I'm mostly just disappointed at wasted potential. Bruno Redondo's spectacular work is wasted on Tom Taylor's Nightwing. The Tim Drakeaissance was wasted on an unreadable solo series and the world's most flavorless relationship. Jeremy Adams should never have been taken off of The Flash. *shrug* But these things happen! This, too, shall pass.
Honestly, to me so much of DC's output these days, even some comics I don't actually like, feels like it's made by people who are having fun and love the characters they're working on, and want readers to have fun, too. And that makes all the difference.
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the-owl-tree · 8 months
People blaming Nightcloud for Crowfeather’s abuse of his son is CRAZY not only because it’s just blatant sexism but the most blatant indications of Crowfeather’s abuse towards him take place when Nightcloud isn’t even there.
Also! Even if she did someone “turn him against Crowfeather” that doesn’t mean that he’s suddenly justified in hitting, belittling, and just being nasty overall to his kid. Holly, Jay, and Lion make it perfectly clear that he is not a good father.
You had people just making shit up to further incriminate her but if you tried to point any of Crowfeather's shitty moments in the books it was "idk guuuyyyss is that really abuse :/". Like she is THE test of a double standard to me. Can a woman canonically do nothing in warriors, be blamed for something the narrative never shows her doing, and have the reader buy it? The answer is yes apparently.
I love (<- type thru gritted teeth) this recent idea that "noooo guys they're BOTH complex". Like sorry buddy! Nightcloud is a nothing character, she barely shows up. You got mad at the cardboard cutout that the authors painted "bad mom" on and showed your ass about it lol
AND BIG YEAH ON THE LAST PART! Like he had plenty of opportunities to get close to his son without her (in fact, an entire journey without her). Can we please stop pretending that she's ever been this complex character or evil OLD HAG who TOOK ADVANTAGE of Crowfeather (yes. I've seen that), and just acknowledge she's a nothing character that was used for whatever Breezepelt or Crowfeather needed for their arcs?
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grimeyslimer · 6 months
Stop misusing the words sexism and misogyny.
People in this fandom who misuse the words misogyny and sexism and label it as literally anything they don't like are the reason it's not taken seriously here. The same can be said for abuse. Abuse is a cycle, and half of y'all who label that are purposely misusing the word because you're either uneducated or you're just being arrogant.
Sexism, in short, is discrimination, stereotyping, and/or prejudice against a certain gender. (usually women), but this can still be directed toward men. Misogyny is extreme hatred toward women to keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy.
And does that happen in the series? No, it doesn't. At least to my knowledge, there's very few who seem to be misogynistic. DoTC is the only arc where I can clearly remember there being blatant misogyny. And fatphobia. And leafpool's situation, but that seems more like exploitation than misogyny. The series honestly seems more ableist than hateful toward women. Multiple female characters have been given powerful roles. Ex Bluestar,Doestar,Tall Shadow,Wind Runner,Yellowfang,Leafpool, Mothflight, Squirrelstar, and Tawnypelt (briefly leader, I think)
The misogyny honestly comes more from the fandom than anything else. And cats like SF or Maplesahde are not a good example. People have a valid reason for their hatred for them and give valid arguments when they're saying that those characters aren't innocent or victims of something. It's just that you people are too much of an actual asshole to see them, or you can't argue against them. These people provide book evidence yet you still refuse to see it for what it is. 
They aren't sexist or misogynist for hating them. Everyone is entitled to disliking or liking whatever cat they want. And by your own logic, you are sexist if you hate another male/female character. Now, one example I will give of sexism is directed toward Ferncloud. saying that she needs to be killed off because all she did in her life was "be a baby machine". There was nothing wrong with her, and she was living perfectly fine. She was happy with her life. 
Another example of misogyny is Spottedleaf. But not for the reason you think. Canonically, she is a pedo; it was revealed in Spottedleaf's honest answer, which, to my knowledge, is not retconned. But the point is that people think that because she was preyed on, it's okay, or that it doesn't matter that she liked Firepaw as an apprentice. It's misogynistic because you're watering her down to the point of literal infantilization and justifying her attraction to a barely pubescent child. 
That's misogy. Stop misusing these terms if you don't know what they mean, because they just make you look like a fool. If you disagree, then block me. I don't care. Lmao 
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the-crow-binary · 8 months
First of all thank you for the sacrifice going through this shit show…what was the worst in the show?
Sigh. You're welcome. I still haven't recovered yet <3 (that's why I am drawing my blorbos, gotta heal that broken soul somehow)
Honestly, I can't even tell what's worse. There's so many things wrong, from questionable writing to blatant disrepect of, like, everything. I have complained about only the "(French) Revolution" aspect thus far but oh boy, if the problems stopped there... It would be much quicker to tell the best parts, ngl.
I guess the worst in the show, outside of the fact that it exist, would be that they never said the word "baguette". Not once. Very disappointing, -1000/10, will start a revolution on their ass.
I'm sorry I really don't know how to seriously answer this question. It's just so bad, as it's own show AND as an """adaptation""". I hate almost every choice they made, and I curse my morbid curiosity for even wanting to watch this garbage in the first place. I wish it had never seen the light of day and no surface-level representation and #girboss-ing will change my mind. Fuck this show. Fuck it's AMERICAN POLITICS, fuck it's use of cultures foreign to the creators who are just using them for aesthetic and coolness points and "representation" points without any care nor respect put into it, fuck it's butchering of our beloved games and characters (i will never forgive what they did to Juste. Literally wanted to cry by the time he told what happened to Maxim and Lydie, AND NOT BECAUSE OF THE TRAGEDY OF HIS STORY), fuck it's underdeveloped gay representation that is not believable one bit but for some reason we are supposed to believe anyway, fuck it all. (oh also DEVIL FORGING MACHINE. A FUCKING- A FUCKING DEVIL FORGING MACHINE!!!)
And I really don't want to hate on the fans, but this show exist because the original one was so praised and loved by them. Both shows are badly written and giving really weak, and even straight-up offensive representation and the fans eat it all and allow it to continue. We have this garbage because people apparently think that if there's a non-white or non-straight character in the show it's automatically good. Because they think if they can relate even one bit to X character it means it's good (hot take: just because you can relate to a character or a situation means that character or situation nor the whole show is well written). That female characters can't be criticized because otherwise it's sexism. And if the character is black, it's racism. And apparently, the thought that "just because i enjoy this show doesn't mean it's good" never crossed the mind of most of them. And the more I think about it the more I get angry at them, too. They are so ignorant and easy to please it's sad. (I mean people are allowed to like the shows as much as they want, but let's not give them credit where they don't deserve it.)
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Major tech company Arthur Grand recently came under fire for a job posting that said "Only white people, don't let the applicants know" (or something to that nature, because I can't remember the exact wording). And they've since fired the hiring manager that posted it, but you see the thing is that "Don't let the applicants know" bit implies someone sent this to the hiring manager and the hiring manager just posted it without reading it, and this is sign of a a deeper issue in the company.
And you see as a misogyny experiencing person. This is the standard not the exception.
I've been talking a lot about the oppression I've experienced as a white, misogyny experiencing person in the tech fields, and that's usually met with the look. Every minority in this field knows the look. Especially any outspoken minority. It's a mix of "Stop making a scene" and "You don't know what you're talking about". I'm not good at facial expressions but they make the look so blatant even I recognize the look.
Women, people of color, and other minorities have been infantilized, pushed aside, and otherwise discriminated against in this field basically since the end of WW2. And when "allies" hear about our experiences they're like "Oh my gods, why didn't you tell me, I would have believed you." Which completely ignores every time we have gotten the look for speaking up or completely dismissed.
And even if you're not one of the people in this field that discriminates against us. You involuntarily partake in our discrimination because you look at things in the experience part of our resume that looks weird and ask "What was that about?" Knowing full well we can't say "It's the racism" or "It's the sexism". But even if we give a decent "business" answer, you don't believe us.
And even if we do get the job because you want to give us a chance despite all that. You STILL partake in it by pushing expectations that you'd normally have of a white man at this experience level, completely ignoring the fact that any work experience we've been given no authority or serious duties because of the level of infantilization we've experienced. Because you don't see why we could be experiencing discrimination because you've never done it.
Anyways. I'm going to keep supporting women, especially women of color, in the tech field. Because we're fucking amazing, and I'm going to make sure they all know that if they don't get the job, that's their loss. Because they're fucking geniuses that love and are passionate about their jobs.
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dcjokerhs · 2 years
My idea of What would happen if Izuku was a Girl.
(though there's gonna be a li'l bit of side-sauce to keep it close to canon, little disclaimer here for that)
People say Katsuki's going to be a great Hero for standing up for Izu, because "she's a little Quirkless angel! She does so well in her classes and looks so adorable!"
But on top of that she's going to get put on the side at pe, the bullies are still going to be assholes, but you're also going to get shady shit about people saying she's got crushes on random guys just for looking at them, or say "she acts innocent but she's a whore".
Though Izu still gets ofa because All Might is really reminded of Nana because Izu gets her hair straightened once a month by the same people who style her mother's hair and if Inko looks like Nana but Pudgy Angel? Izuku's the spitting image of her.
(This both helps and hinders... We'll get there in a sec, don't you worry.)
So Katsuki is actually more respectful and, tbh, a little scared of Izuku in this AU: his mother and his "Auntie Inko" are Undeniably Queens so he's like "I don't fully believe you'll be able to be a Hero but you're my sis so I'll kinda support you, but also I've seen you get angry, so I probably believe a bit [a lot] more."
Izuku's a girl, who's had to handle bullies, she freezes at the gate, but as soon as she's going in? She's In GO GO GO MODE!
(though then she breaks her arm and leg with ofa and Katsuki's the one with the immediate answer of "it's be from all that training you were doing after school leading up to the exam! Of course I noticed, Dekizu, you're my sister!" Before walking her home, as Ochako's still wanting to offer some of her points because she'd heard that Izu thinks she hasn't got any points.)
You think Inko doesn't know what's happening with her baby? Hah! Izu and Inko have That Bond, so Inko helps Izu tell Katsuki, because they both know All Might, for all of his intelligence and focus, can miss The Most Obvious Stuff.
So, UA. Tenya apologises, they still become friends, but he's also a bit more chivalrous towards her and, well...
M*neta is kicked by at least Lunchtime because he's So Clearly trying to eye up Izu's skirt because she's sat in front of him
If not, Katsuki goes Big Bro Mode when he hears M*neta intentionally dropping his stationary just to peer up skirts. This is Bakugo Family Sibling Mode, the only reason he lets M*neta go is Izuku saying a very clear, very soft "Katsuki, let him go, the teachers can handle it."
Aizawa Does Handle It: With Expulsion and A Record.
(I sleep so well at night knowing M*neta will Get No Ladies, at all.)
Because Tomura! Sees Izuku! And both immediately proclaims her a pos, but also is like "Of course she had Another Family, if I kidnap you, I could wreak that family."
Thank God Kurogiri's there to go "Hon, we've got no time for that" and yeets him outta there.
This Becomes A Theme.
Sports Fest goes similarly, but Tenya's so flustered facing Ochako, Izu, Mei and Fumikage as Fumikage is like "guys, I'm gay, this is not the start of a harem", like that one picture of the dude on the cheerleading team surrounded by the cheerleaders.
Also No Grapist, No Cheerleading.
(srsly Denki is friends with a Slightly-Sis-Con Katsuki, anyone who thinks he'd try getting someone to help pull that? Even if he was supposedly as bad as M*neta, KATSUKI.)
(srsly, even if I'm not 100% fond of Canon!Katsuki, not only is Fandom!Katsuki usually better, All Katsuki Versions CHUG that Respect Women Juice.)
Also Tenya has a crush.
Anything else I can think of?
...sports, internships... Stain definitely has some kind of Lady Respect Juice...
Torino's also like "Nana?" But calls Izu "Young Lady?" When they meet.
Also Katsuki Clearly looks to/at Izu when thinking about anything, so the League's like "two birds one stone"... Yeah.
Also AFO wants to meet Izu and I'd Adore some Darth Vader "Ur my kid" stuff but Press X To Doubt.
Regardless, AFO is caught and All Might Retires.
(ToshInko??? Nah. Well? Maybe? Depends how much Toshi saw Nana as a mum.)
Anyway: stuff's basically pretty much the same, but for the low-key sexism and the fact End-a-W* probably would be pushing Shouto towards Izu which means those two end up with more of a sibling bond, like Katsuki and Izuku, because That Guy Really POURS HIS JUICE DOWN THE DRAIN!
(Anything else?...
Nah. I'm an All-Izu's-Age×Izu shipper usually, so idk what pairings we'd really end up with, LOL.)
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ljubimaya · 8 days
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kimyoonmiauthor · 1 year
The Lie: You can only make a story around character or events nothing else~~
USian Lit professors ruining writers again and World Lit with it. This isn’t one of those posts where I say, “If you start with character or events you’re wrong.” It’s about my core philosophy OPTIONS~~~ Options. The ones that everyone railed against after the 20th century and people turn their noses up at because, ya know, questioning status quo as PoCs, Women, queer people, disabled people–i.e. the majority of the writers and readers when you put the market together, yet somehow the publishing industry doesn’t want to cater to us... were told flat out if we do it, we’re being snobby, Literary, or Ohhh... insurrectionists. (Or whatever, mostly called “inferior”) And if you don’t believe me, go read Robert Scholes’ writing book where he thinks that only white straight men can write... (OK, maybe I’ve read too many of these bozos.)
My exact problem is being told we’re wrong for doing it another way. And that this way is too snobby, when it’s probably one of the oldest methods in the history of literature. So strap in, let’s get into it.
I get it, some people are going to act like victims at this point and say are you saying that it’s wrong? Or even, what do you mean this method was invented by a bunch of prejudiced white men who often tried to take credit from less privileged people? I cover that in the other series of posts so you a see how we got here (and I warn you I found it super depressing. Especially slapped with blatant racism, sexism, anti-queerness, etc.)
What I think is you can accept the origin story of where “It’s either events or character” comes from (Great Man Theory, BTW, which is imperialistic), delve and QUESTION it heavily, and then challenge the origin more deeply by thinking about it critically and how you would like to overcome that and make their story.
Questioning what’s handed to you critically is the whole point of the Worldbuilding and Worldwide Story Structures post. Doesn’t say it is wrong. It just gives you more options to think about and engage in.
Honestly, when it has the answers and is reinforcing the status quo, rather than questioning it, it is often boring.
Pros: It engages directly one of the two tenants (when done well), Makes people think. The secondary is then makes them feel.
Cons: When done badly, it can feel preachy, rather than introspective. And people often hate their morals being questioned so may refuse to engage. It’s also prone to getting banned.
Authors who stated they use this: Ursula Le Guin (Who gets hated by Structuralists)
Toni Morrison (Who said so on Charlie Rose--why would you think it’s conflict?)
Star Trek... most of it.
Some of the early writers of Star Wars.
A lot of Sci-fi writers including Octavia Butler.
A Tree with Deep Roots (K-drama) also engages in this.
As a secondary, Outlander often asks questions about Morality (Diana Gabaldon)
Making a story around this would look like finding a central moral question and then breaking that moral question into parts and then finding characters and events to address those parts.
You start from the widest point down and deliberately make it so.
Ways to Live
More common with Indigenous Peoples of N&C&S Americas, not all tribes/nations of course. And particularly with Plains tribes such as Zuni. Also common to Aboriginal people. A tad bit to some Polynesians, and parts of Africa (scattered)
Pros: When done well it makes you ponder on it for days, because often there is a central value, which is not a moral, and you’re turning it over in your head over and over again.
Cons: You have to craft the story very, very carefully, and it may take some time before you get it to land just right. This may not go over well for people who improvise their writing. Because when the story is well put together it suddenly has this clicking feel to it which is difficult to achieve.
Also kinda better for shorter stories (or I’ve never seen it done in novels yet--if you have one, drop it in the comments please~~) and made up folktales...
Thematic plotting is where you take a central theme and then kind of snowflake it out from that, similar to morality plotting. Often thematic plotting and morality plotting has overlap, meaning they often are done together.
But a theme can be anything like fairies, divorce, marriage, disability, etc. And then you’d break it down for each of the parts and figure out how to represent that through character and events.
So, let’s say your central theme is disability. You might break off Neurodiversity and put that to the side and ask if it is a disability. Then you might want to find someone to represent that and the views about it.
You might also then take someone who is a wheelchair user and then decide you need a character for that.
But you also may want someone who is in a walker.
Then you might decide that you need someone who is disabled, but doesn’t “look” disabled.
Then you might think about what does disability mean for each of them and how are you going to address disability rights in your story. So say the Neurodiverse person you’ve made has Sensory Processing Disorder. You might ask, “Is this really a disability?” And about ableism and disablism. From that, you might formulate an event to demonstrate this.
You can also do it from events. So for example, you think that a disability rights rally about X issue is needed to show the different views. But overall, it always loops back to the theme.
Pros: Engages the reader to think, primarily. Feel is kind of second on the list, if the theme is teased out well and focused. Generally the ones that do well are philosophical and delve deeper on an idea. Say motherhood. What does it mean to be a parent. Something with an endless well to talk about that interests the author. I love theme babies and when done well it can do things like make you cry over a damned potato. Or even rocks on a cliff. Damn you both. I’m tearing up thinking about it. WHY!? Why am I crying about rocks with googly eyes with text on the screen?
Cons: Themes that don’t grow beyond the base idea often feel stagnant. It’s better to let your themes evolve over the course of the story. If you choose a theme you don’t have a lot of ideas on it can feel too sparse. And if you over pack it without any kind of organization, it can feel chaotic, rather than organized.
Generally people who use milestones--or set out event points in the road do better with this one. Pure improvisers tend to dislike this, though it can work if you’re sure you can hit the points in an organized fashion.
Divorce Testimony by Na Hyeseok (Theme is divorce and marriage, and a memoir)
Hong Sisters (especially Greatest Love. Crying over a potato...)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (Primarily theme first, then tone).
I have to say Japan does it best... but I’ve also seen tonal theming from Indigenous peoples, Magic Realism, as a secondary on other East Asian drama regions, in Horror, as a secondary in some African Lit and West Asian Lit. It is really difficult to nail if you start with character+event. And honestly USians, in particular, have a really hard time nailing tone, in general.
Pros: Emotions come first and hits you directly in the feels first, which might make you reel in your head for quite a while. It’s much, much harder to guess plot points from the outside looking in. The bubble effect I refer to often in Japanese dramas which makes me envious is much easier to achieve. Because tone takes a while to develop over the course of the story, guessing ahead becomes near to impossible. You don’t know what the final effect will be until it hits you square between the eyes. And then the emotions are overloaded, when done well.
Cons: Tone takes a while to develop. It often dies a quiet death because of the whole “I NEED EVERYTHING ON PAGE ONE” mentality from US pressuring other regions to do the same. It does not work well with impatient people. Also, it takes a high amount of skill to do well, and usually command of tone on all levels is a last, not first skill for writers of all regions. Hitting people in the feels the same way across the board is HARD. Really hard, which is often why it’s paired with thematic and moral plotting.
Natsume Soseki Botchan is a master class in this.
(Central Story driver)
Sometimes, some regions just go by the central story driver which then dictates the rest of the events and character. Honestly, I think conflict is probably the worst for this because people don’t generally love it. Conflict is not on the list of things that makes things go viral. People LOVE cooperation, for example. But often people will go by a central tenant of the story driver and choose from there. Absurdists might think about ways to subvert the conflict to make a joke.
Other methods
For example, Diana Gabaldon takes pieces from her research, makes a scene from it, and then writes characters around it, and then slowly stitches it together. She started out originally with character, however, the bulk of her writing, according to her is done through research then write method. The downside of this is huge word count since integration is not the first concern.
Some people start with interesting subjects they’ve found such as Guy Gaviriel Kay. He starts with research, then works on integration. Similarly, Ordinary People by Judith Guest was started from a newspaper clipping.
Some authors start with a sharp image, rather than event or character.
Some authors start with setting. Since there are so many parts to “What makes a story” theoretically you can start with any of them. The only thing I would think you really have to think over is how will it hang together.
The point is, while starting with character or event is not wrong, finding other methods to plot might make your story stronger depending on how you command the tools. And let’s not forget that writing is a craft, so why not utilize as much of the toolbox as possible?
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