#the adventures of Connor the Psychopath
Picturing characters in my head before the author is done describing them is such a bad idea, don't recommend 0/10
Because now the real character doesn't fit my idea of the character that would go through this whole adventure. And it is not just about looks.
Connor should have been an incel. For real. It would have been perfect. He is a traumatized kid who obsesses over the thought of killing the man responsible for his parents' death, so much so he made a whole plan out of it and accidentally hangs around psychopaths in their super secret chats as he searches the internet for answers on how to get away with murder. I mean, imagine having that much free time!
He had nightmares as a kid, anger issues, wet the bed. His grandfather describes him as having little social life. He sounded CRINGE when he entered that psychopath chat. Like an actual 12 year old, as he was called. Insecure, edgy.
Man, since this is a thriller, I sure expect him to come out of his shell and slowly become more confident as the story progresses and he is perhaps forced to make allies and show off his skills. Perhaps the in the end the author implies he finally gathered up the courage to tell a girl that he liked her.
And then we meet the actual Connor and not the Connor that made sense to me.
He has a girlfriend. A freaking girlfriend.
That cringe username related to soccer? He is not a nerd collecting stamps of his favorite teams. He is a school athlete, a real player.
"Almost no social life" my ass.
Not only does he have a girlfriend, but she is also super understanding of his murder issues + they are sexually active.
This author wanted his main character to be angsty and have a man pain sob story but WITHOUT being a loser and it SHOWS Lmao
Anyway, it is my fault for jumping to conclusions, lets keep reading...
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perseus-huntress · 5 years
Connor the Distructor ACTIVATE!
I may have thrown Hank’s drink on the floor... he was noooo impressed.
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Guys I did it! *Sobs violently*
Alright, here’s my list of recommended fics you super awesome humans. 
As I said in my other post, writers helping writers is awesome so I’m so happy to tell you some of the fics I’ve read that I love. Go show these amazing people some love for the time and effort they have put in to create wonderful fics. Any fics I mention have been read by me (multiple times with some), and I totally recommend them. 
I’m gonna do this in a few ways, first off, I’ll section Archive of Our Own separately to FanFic.net, just to make it easier for me to grab the links. Ao3 has a nifty little thing where you can see your reading history so I can grab them from there, with FF, I need to go through and find them, pray for me lololol.
I’ll also be separating the Boondock Saints ones and Daryl ones, just for your ease, if you're only interested in one and not the other. The Daryl ones are only on Archive, because I haven't really read any over on FF for some reason, don't ask me why, I just haven't.
They’re not in any particular order, just as I see them, I'll grab them.
These aren’t all the fics I’ve read, some of the ones I love have been deleted by the writer, which breaks my heart honestly, and some of them I just can't remember.
It’s so fucking long guys, brace yourselves, I’ll put it under the cut.
So, here we go!
Archive of Our Own [Boondock Saints]
- One of Three 
I really like this one and you guys should really check it out.
Author Summary; She had cocooned herself, letting routine and safety run her life. After everything she knew it wasn't much of one, and because she decided to do the right thing her life's about to hit a tailspin in some of the worst and most fantastic ways.
This is a Murphy/OC/Connor story and it’s amazing.
Chapters; 18
- Boondock Saints OC Arc
This ones a little different because it's not set out like the usual fic. Its an arc and some bits have one chapter, one of arcs even has 36. They all follow the same storyline and it flows like a normal fic, the author has just chosen to post it this way, and it works.
Author summary; The story of one girl's first up close and personal encounter with one of the brothers on a late-night subway.The 1st story in my Boondock Saints OC story arc.
This is a Murphy/OC/Connor fic, and it's one of my favs honestly, I've read it all numerous times.
Chapters; I can't give you an exact number with the way it's set out, but as I said, one arc alone has 36, so there's plenty to sink your teeth into.
- Everybody Knows
I love this one, it's short and sweet.
Author summary; Everybody knows exactly what Marissa needs to do to get over her recent breakup. She's spent the last month in mourning and her friends are ready for her to move on...
Chapters; 4, but there's also a sequel which is 5 chapters long, I won't post the link for that since when you've read this one, the option to click on to the next part is at the bottom.
- Saints Alive
I looooove this one!
Author summary; Skid is once again on her own and she has to find a new place. Luckily for her, she knows a friend who knows a guy who knows of a place for free. Downside is it's in the South side of Boston where crime is rather terrible. Of course, with two Irish brothers as new next door neighbors, what's the worst that could happen? 
Chapters; 7
- Time Zero Blues
Okay, so this one, omfgjwoehdjshndloihd. This is one of my favvvvvs of all time, I’ve read it so many times, if you don't read it, I just might cry.
Author summary; Murphy and Connor get out of work early and are headed to McGinty's. Murphy finds a trail of Polaroids along the way that lead them to an unexpected situation. 
Chapters; 23
- Sacrament of Penance
If you’re after something to get you hot and bothered, this is it :’)
Author summary; "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) Pure PWP, sacrilege, and gratuitous smut.
Chapters; 5
- Robyn Hood
This one is mine! Lololol. I’m not recommending it because I’m saying its good, but I haven't posted it here because honestly I’m lazy, so if you wanna read another one of my multi-chapter fics, then hop on over :)
Author summary; When Robyn gets thrown into the life of The Saints, it causes a big stir between the brothers. The boys deal with their feelings for her in very different ways, and all of their lives get turned upside down. Connor/OC/Murphy.
Slightly AU, set a year after the first film, they don't go back to Ireland.
Chapters; 15
- Choíche Is go deo
Another one of mine I’m pretty sure I’ve never posted here.
Author summary; Follow Niamh Flannagan as she grows up with the twins in Ireland and watches them turn from boys into men. How will they both deal with having feelings for her? Will jealousy get in the way? 
Chapters; 8
Fanfic.net [Boondock Saints]
- Risk it all
I’m in love with this one, it’s really fucking good.
Author summary; Nolee moved to South Boston with a hope to escape her past and make a better life for herself. What she didn't plan on was the peculiar Murphy MacManus coming into picture and breaking down everything she thought she knew. As they attempt to bond, can she overcome her tainted old life and let down her walls? Especially with one extra problem: she's already pregnant.
Murphy/ OC
Chapters; 22
- Warrior Shepherds
Another one of my all time favs. I love the dynamics of the characters and how well the boys are written. There’s some serious humour thrown into the mix and I laughed out loud so many times when I read this one. You’ll also be pleased to know this author is on Tumblr, @risingphoenix761. If the username looks familiar, it's because I tag her in all of my shit and recently wrote her a BDS drabble for her birthday. She's an awesome human, so check her out :D
Author note; They were called to destroy evil, but crossing paths with a wayward soul meant compromise. And in compromising, the MacManus brothers get more than they bargained for. Connor/OC/Murphy (rated M for violence, language, and sexual content)
Chapters; 37
- Amaryllis
Also by @risingphoenix761, and equally good and worth a read.
Author summary; She wasn't necessarily in their plans. They definitely weren't in hers. Yet between fate, coincidence, a few misadventures and some small favors, plans don't count for much anyway. Now the only question is, are they really just friends?
Chapters; 6
- Two Lads and A Lass
I love this one!
Author summary; This is a story about my OFC, Timi, who meets the MacManus brothers a year and a half before they become the Saints of Boston. Follow their adventures as Murphy and Connor try to pull the shyness out of Timi and teach her what love and fun truly is.
Chapters; 27
- Her Defenses
Yet another high on my list, I love everything about this story.
Author summary; "What do you two see in me that makes you want to try and fix me?" A new life in Boston meant giving up everything she had back home. That never meant that she had to give up her defenses at the same time. Rated M for language and (future) adult situations.
Chapters; 40
- A Saint, A Sinner
Now this one right here, I have probably read so many times I know it word for word, I’m not even kidding. This is very high on my list. The boys are written perfectly, I love every fucking thing about this one, and there's some very interesting hot and heavy shit along the way.  If you only read one fic of this list, it needs to be this one.
Author summary; Connor M./OC/Murphy M. BDS prequel/romance. What happens when you drink whisky with the boys? It's got it all: romance (as far as the boys can DO romance), fluff, hurt/comfort, plot, canon plus research. Rated for MacManus mouth, violence, & explicit three-way smut (no twincest). Note: The BDS belong solely to T. Duff
Chapters; Now it says 87, but the author has been reworking this fic so it's actually about 67 I think? I’m unsure, and the chapters are a little shorter than usual fics. It’s still amazing and a lot for you to immerse yourself in.
- Saints Angel
Another good one you need to check out.
Author summary; The Saints help to protect everyone in their city, but what if they had a protector of their own? In comes a woman, a hurt, young, lovely woman that was rescued by them, given a new life. To her, they are her boys and she will now do anything to protect them. She will become their Angel...forever to walk by their side...forever to watch over them. 
Chapters; 21
- Once More, With Feeling
This one is perfect quite honestly, I fucking love the OC so much and everything about this fic.
Author summary; [HIATUS - UNDER REVISIONS][ConnorxOCxMurphy] Avery, an emotionally independent journalist becomes complicated by her simultaneous feelings for both of the twins. As their secret life of vigilante world unfolds, Avery is left unattended to an entitled, delusional psychopath.
Chapters; 9
- Alexis's Saints
Another one I absolutely love.
Author summary; Alexis just recently moved to South Boston with her mother. When a nightmare from her past returns full force, she runs into the MacManus brother's and despite trying to stay away from them, she finds herself growing attached to the two brothers as the three try to figure each other out. Rated M for language and some adult themes. Please Enjoy
Chapters; 13
- The Possessed 
This one is fucking amazing. It’s so different from any other BDS fic I’ve read and well worth the read. There's also a sequel which is Connor/OC, so if you wanna read that, click on their username after reading this one and give that one a read too.
Author summary; She is possessed by something evil and supernatural. They have been asked to help save her, to call upon their faith, but one of them is struggling to believe in anything anymore. If she can't be saved then they will be forced to kill her. Do they have the strength to do what they must? Can he believe in something again? 
Chapters; 19
- The Librarian
I love the humour in this one and just everything about it.
Author summary; "You're murderers." Rhetta held up a hand, "And please don't give me a speech about how you only killed 'evil' men. I've heard it all before. And while I do agree that the men you killed deserved it, I do not believe that you have the right to take the law into your own hands." "So, you're no' a fan?"
Chapters; 17
OKAY, I’m gonna leave it at that for the BDS ones, I know there's more but you have no idea how long that just took me, omg lolololol.
Archive of Our Own [Daryl]
- His Walls
This one is so fucking good, it’s number two on my list of Daryl fics. I love how it starts off with young Daryl, they write him so well and exactly how I imagine him to be. It’s soooooo good guys, read it
Author summary; People build up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down. Truer words have never been spoken where Daryl Dixon was concerned. He never expected anyone to care enough, until someone did.
Starts out AU with 20 yr old Daryl, from Chapter 22 on out we'll be in the ZA-world.
M-rating for smut, language, adult topics, descriptions of abuse & attempted rape.
Chapters; 51
- Gorgeous
I hadn't actually read this one before, but I came across it when searching for ones I had read, and I fucking loved it. Young Daryl is my jam and this was so well written and just a good read. It’s a young Daryl AU, so the rest of the twd characters are in it too, like Rick his best friend, Maggie the readers best friend etc. 
Author summary; After meeting Daryl on the way home from a party the reader hatches a plan to get him to like her. But if it isn't friends and well-meaning King County citizens that tell her to stay away from him than it's Daryl himself, who's trying to keep his own feelings from coming to the surface.
Chapters; 16
- 357 Daryl Jerkin' It Drive
This one is a little different, this is a collection of works by the writer where they write not only about Daryl, but a lot of different characters Norman has played. As you can tell by the title, they’re all smut based, and well worth the read. It's also worth mentioning that the writer also has a tonne of other Daryl stories so make sure to head onto their profile to check everything else out, it would take too long to link them all here. Most of them are AU Daryl which I love and they're a really talented writer.
Author summary; none.
Chapters; it's hard to say since its a collection, most are one-shots but I know at least two of the works in there are nine chapters each.
- Night Stalker
Okay I lied, this is the same author as above and the next one is too because it's a sequel to this, but they're my favs by this author, I love them. They're a little dark and they're AU, but if you're like me, you'll love them. I recently recommended the sequel to this one to someone in my ask box.
Author summary; Daryl is mentally unstable, but functioning. He falls in love.
Chapters; 15
- Walking in the Light
The sequel to the above story, I’m in love with it, read it now!
Author summary; Sequel to "Night Stalker". Daryl is improving under the care of his new nurse, Krissy. He is still confused by the hallucination, and why Krissy reminds him so much of Kristin.
Chapters; 17
- Just Another Day
Another AU Daryl story that is amazing.
Author summary; Redemption. It's a concept Daryl Dixon is completely unfamiliar with- but desperately needs. It lives in his dreams, where he's a hero among men in the zombie apocalypse... but that's not real life. Real life is sorrow, loneliness, and pain. Until he meets his beautiful neighbor- then its possibility, hope, and maybe a bullet to the brain.
Chapters; 15
- In The Little Town of Jasper…
Yet another amazing AU Daryl story. Are you sensing a theme here? Looool. I’m pretty sure this is the same author as His Walls that I recommended, but I’m too lazy to check. 
Author summary; -Abrasive. Yes, that description fit him perfectly. The guy smelled like trouble, and she knew he would get even more abrasive the longer she talked to him. Too bad she didn't care. -A pretty stranger that talked to him, knew his name and his place of work? In Daryl's book, that just couldn't be good news. AU - Daryl Dixon/OC, Explicit for language and sexual situations. Yes smut!
Chapters; 65
- Second Hand Hearts
This is another fic I highly recommend you read. (Duh, or it wouldn't be on the list, God Sarah ur like so annoying) :’)
Author summary; In her darkest hour, a woman who has lost everything is rescued by a handsome man with a crossbow and nothing to lose-until he meets her. In a nightmarish new world, where the dead prey on the living, can they beat the odds and together make life worth living again?
Chapters; 32
- Transference
Another AU Daryl one, but it’s so fucking good and different to a lot I’ve read.
Author summary; Be warned. This is a story about Daryl seeking out a different and not so mainstream relationship. It is 100% consensual and he asks for it. He seeks out what he wants so if you have read the tags and you continue to read it's on you. Xoxoxox Krissy
Chapters; 14
- Hope is a Waking Dream
I know I keep saying I love the fics, but I do, clearly. This one though is another favourite of mine and you really need to read it. I love the dynamic between the OC and Daryl.
Author summary; Set between Seasons 2 and 3. Melissa Sheppard is alone in the ZA, but she was alone before the dead owned the earth. She prefers it that way. Boy, is she pissed when she gets back to her cabin to find it has been taken by strangers.
Chapters; 24
- Paths Crossed
I’m getting sick of hearing myself say I love it over and over, so just fucking read it and make me happy! *sobs*
Author summary; While out hunting Daryl comes across a stranger and decides to help her despite his better judgement and they begin on their journey together.
Chapters; 61
- Daryl Dixon Loves Me
This is another I hadn't actually read until now when I was searching, I actually really loved it. It's full of smut and that's never a bad thing. It took me a couple of chapters to really get into it, but it's really worth the read.
Author summary; Daryl comes across Lucy (OC) in the woods and claims her for his own. The story begins during the Farmhouse era of the series.
Chapters; 14
- A Star In A Sea Of Darkness; Darkness In A Sea Of Stars
Another one, just read it.
Author summary; After the Governor attacked the prison, the only person left in Daryl's shitstorm of a life was Judith. For Daryl, it's enough. Until he met her.
Chapters; 28
- Roommate
Holy shit, this fic is everything. It's AU pre-ZA and it's just the best. It's so good, I can't even put into words, very high on my list and it also has a sequel set in the ZA that’s 13 chapters long, please read it. If you like AU things, this is for you. The way they write Daryl in this, it's just gold. It’s also told in Daryl's POV which is just amazing.
Author summary; Several bodies are found in the area of a small town. In this town lives Daryl, the killer of all those people. The investigation goes on, the profile is made, and now the police and the FBI look for a specific type, a loner type, ... Daryl's type. He decides to find himself a roommate in an attempt to mislead the police. Let's see how that will turn out for him. AU pre-apocalypse horror story. Obviously very OOC Daryl.
Rated M for a good reason, violence, foul language, adult content... it's all there, consider yourself warned.
Chapters; 12
- Wallflower
Okay, so this ones a little different. It's actually a Daryl/OC/Rick love triangle and I usually don't read Rick fics (loool that rhyme though) but this is a good fic.
Author summary; Thea Graham has lived in Alexandria for over a year and is happy being mostly invisible. This is what happens when she suddenly has the attention of two men.
Chapters; 20
- Running Wild
This story is number one on my list guys, this is right up there with His Walls. This is my number one fav Daryl fic of all time and I’ve read it so many fucking times it's unreal. This fic is life, it’s everything. If I could only read one fic over and over for the rest of my life, it would be this one.
Author summary; Four years have passed since their sanctuary at the prison fell at the hands of the Governor and the surviving members are now thriving at their new home just north of Atlanta. Out of the blue, late one afternoon, Daryl Dixon stumbles across someone they thought they'd lost long ago; a member of the Woodbury community that had returned with Rick to the prison.
Warning: This fic is quite a bit darker than my other ones. If you are looking for fluffy bunny, happy prancing unicorns and rainbow colored endings, this is not the story you are looking for.
Chapters; 67
- Amnesia
I love this fucking story, ‘nough said.
Author summary; Her story isn't all that different from anyone else these days. The world went to shit, and the dead don't want to die. She's lost people. So has everyone else. Who she was before isn't who she is now. But there is one difference between Lena and every other survivor she's come across. She doesn't know who she was. And who she is? Well, she's still trying to figure that out.
During the mayhem of the early days of the apocalypse, a fateful smack on the head stole her memory. All she's ever known is the world she's living in now. But that doesn't mean she's adept at surviving it. Eventually, she ends up alone and near death's door. Till a man on a motorcycle chooses to save her life.
Now she has to decide if who she was is worth finding, or if she'll fight the hell that comes with what's forgotten and strive for something better with the one man in the world who can see past it all.
Chapters; 48
- Cherokee Rose
Yet another amazing fic!
Author summary; Daryl and Raven's world collide after a visit to Hilltop by the group from Alexandria. Raven's only love is her Black Stallion Obsidian and Daryl has been done with loving anything for a long time. He's had a lot of practice hardening his heart but the dark vixen is finding cracks in his armor. Will Raven be the one that will finally make Daryl feel again? Rated for sexual situations.
Chapters; 21
- Lips of an Angel
I fucking love this fic. This author has already made it on this list because she's so fucking good. Just go read all of her shit. Its AU Daryl, which by now you guys should probably be able to tell I love looool.
Author summary; Daryl calls a phone sex line. I know this is a trope that has been done before but I feel like I added my own spin on it. I hope you enjoy. I love Hinder, and I heard this song on the radio, so here we are.
Chapters; 11
- The Country Singer
Amazing story, go forth and read my children…
Author summary; Country Music rising star, Melanie McCall and her songwriting partner are headed to D.C. to find hope after their tour bus breaks down and their band is wiped out. They are given a chance to come to Alexandria...but what will happen once their new neighbors find out she was Beth Greene's favorite singer?
A story about losing voice, but finding hope.
Chapters; 18
- Home at last (Redux)
Yet another good one for you guys to read. 
Author summary; There are two people alive in this world for whom childhood was a dangerous, precarious, frightening place. For whom life has never been easy and relationships always strained and unnatural things. Having connected, against the odds and then been torn apart by civilization falling around them. How will they react when they meet each other again.
One of them has survived on a deep well of anger and pain, found a family, of sorts, and begun to try and put his past behind him and learn to let people in. The other has dropped the pretense she'd built up before the world went to shit and now she is as detached and self-reliant as he used to be. What happens when these two meet? Can two misshapes fit together and face the world as a better, stronger, complete whole? Can they find, in each other, a place to call home at last?
Chapters; 84
- Of Myths and Men
I fucking love this one, please read it.
Author summary; This story will follow an Original Female Character and her dog through to TWD world from the beginning of the turn.
She will meet the rest of the group, around mid season four.
There is no Beth in my story, Beth fans. I'm sorry.
Artemis. Greek Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth and virginity. Though many Gods vied for her affections only her hunting companion, Orion, could win her heart.
She'd heard them all, been asked if she was a virgin, asked if she had a twin brother, Apollo, asked if she was raped and attacked by her friends and family, asked if she had killed anyone... She was just a girl from a small town with a stupid name.
Artemis had never wanted an Orion, and now the world was falling apart she gathered the chances of meeting one were slim to none. Right? She has Diablo, her best friend and protector.
Who needed the Greek giant Orion when you had the Devil on your side anyway?
Chapters; 42
- Saving Valentine
OH MY GOD THIS STORY GUYS. I love this one, really fucking love it. High on my list. It's got a little bit of Negan/OC in there, but who doesn't love a bit of Negan? I certainly fucking do lololol It’s mainly Daryl/OC though, so even if Negan isn't your jam, I would really recommend reading this.
Author summary; She fought and killed to survive but she lived for revenge. Valentine waits for the right moment to kill the man who murdered her family. Can she do what needs to be done to escape the Sanctuary that is her prison? Can she accept the helping hand from strangers to do it? Can she live with all she lost? TWD world, non canon timeline.
Chapters; 51
- The Living and The Dead
Can we just talk about vampire Daryl for a second, because like HOLY FUCK WHY IS THIS THE ONLY VAMP DARYL FIC I HAVE EVER FOUND. *Breathing intensifies*
Anywho...this story, just fuck. It's everything, it gives me life, please read it omfg.
Author summary; Daryl is the last of his species, in a world that has just turned stranger and stranger since the day his brother turned him.
He's living as normal a life as you can on your own in the woods surrounded by Walkers... until Evie shows up, and threatens to bring all his instincts right back to the surface.
Chapters; 65
- Beasts and Monsters
If you're after a badass OC, this is the story for you. It's so good.
Author summary; Having lost her entire group, Lena finds herself alone in a crumbling world watched through darkened eyes. She is courageous, savage and uncomplicated. Her only companions being an obedient horse and two pet Walkers. When she finds herself outside a prison, inside the walls she finds a group of survivors capable of giving her a glimmer of hope.
Chapters; 31
- Stay
I really love this one *whines*
Author summary; Hannah has been alone for months, but somehow she's made it. But after discovering a school tucked into the northern hills of Georgia, she encounters a stranger who is just as damaged and broken as she is.
Chapters; 48
- Born Nameless
What's this? Yet another good story? Why yes, it is. 
Author summary; Anamika has been alone from the start of the apocalypse and she likes it that way. Groups meant vulnerability, which meant death and Anamika wanted to survive. However, circumstances change and when she agrees to give Alexandria a chance, she finds that she just might not have met the right sort of people before, in particular a dirty, gruff redneck with a hidden heart of gold.
Chapters; 35
Random bonus fic;
- I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, Peaches…
I thought I’d throw this one at you, why’s it a bonus fic you ask? Its a Negan fic, not Daryl, but what the fuck, have it anyway, its really fucking good loooool I fucking love Negan man, I’ve thought about writing him so many times :’)
Author summary; When Blake finds herself sold out to the Saviours by her abusive fiancé, she realises that she's certainly not on her own anymore and finds an unlikely friend in Negan. And Negan does NOT like men who beat their girlfriends, one tiny bit….
Chapters; 140
And that is it guys! Holy fudge nuts, can we just talk about how long this list took me to make? It’s 20 pages long guys *sobs* don’t say I never give you anything.
That nifty history thing on Ao3 I mentioned, for some reason, quite a few weren’t there and I had to go through the fics to find them. Not every single one is on the list, that would take me fucking forever to do, but these are the best ones I've read.
On that note, I want to just say something.
I’m an avid reader of fics, and as you know if you're here, a writer. So let me just take a quick minute to tell you how much writers appreciate feedback on their fics. 
We write for free, we gain no money from what we do, using our spare time and take painstaking hours to not only write fics, but edit, make them perfect and get them out to you. Every like/kudos, or comment/reblog, it means the fucking world to us.
I reply to every comment I get, every time someone likes my shit or comments, it makes my fucking day. Because it reassures me I’m doing good.
I have my days where I think I'm a shit writer and that no one would care if I gave up, and then someone will comment, even something simple like’ this was good’, and it fills me with so much fucking joy.
So, if you read a fic and like it, please let us know. Even if you just like/kudos the thing, just a click, it doesn't take any time, it means so much to us. If you really liked it, comment, let us know. Don't know what to say? 
‘Good job’
‘I loved this’
All of these are adequate, you don't need to over think what you say. If you liked one line in particular, tell us, it's everything. 
Of course you don’t have to, but it’s always welcome is what I’m trying to say.
So with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labour with this list and I’ve given you a lot to read. My eyes feel like they’re falling out and I might die, but there we go, it’s done. :’)
Much love
Sarah x
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briangroth27 · 7 years
Timeless Season 1 Review
Without a doubt, Timeless was my favorite new show of the season! The adventures of history professor Lucy (Abigail Spencer), pilot/tech genius Rufus (Malcolm Barrett), and soldier Wyatt (Matt Lanter) were a blast, zipping through American history to prevent a “madman” from changing it. Shawn Ryan, Eric Kripke, and the show’s writers added much more than a dash of historical accuracy to the Time Team’s exploits, providing real context to the events the team tried to preserve.
Full Spoilers...
Our Time Team was brought in by DHS Agent Denise Christopher (Sakina Jaffrey) and tech billionaire Connor Mason (Paterson Joseph) to catch former NSA asset Garcia Flynn (Goran Visnjic), who’d stolen Mason’s time machine to rewrite history and save his family from the shadowy Rittenhouse organization. Matters became increasingly complicated as Lucy’s sister Amy (Bailey Noble) was accidentally erased from the timeline, Rufus and his family were threatened by the scarily powerful and omnipresent Rittenhouse, and Wyatt was tormented by the death of his wife Jessica and whether or not he could prevent it. Spencer, Barrett, and Lanter were all excellent leads, bringing vulnerability, compassion, intelligence, humor, heroism, and just a touch of darker angst to roles that could’ve easily been one-dimensional. To that end, the series mined all the drama inherent in time travel and changes to the timeline; I was surprised from the get-go that things—at least minor ones—were allowed to change so much! For example, Lucy's comment about forgetting her sister's birthday, despite being the only person in her family who knew she existed, was heartbreaking. The reveal that she had a fiancee (Daniel Di Tomasso) in the newly altered timeline whom she’d never met could’ve been played with more, but I think it was best (and probably more realistic) for her to focus on the missions over that awkward situation. Wyatt trying to peacefully prevent Jessica's murderer from being born, even though time was fighting to maintain itself, was great drama too. His reaction when the killer’s father accidentally died was perfect and the crushing reveal that Jessica was still dead once he got home was brilliant. Rufus’ growing confidence in every area of his life was a great season-long arc that dovetailed perfectly with the steadily-developing bond within the Time Team, even as it was threatened by Rufus being an unlikely spy for Rittenhouse. Barrett brought great tension to Rufus as his turmoil over spying on his friends increased from episode to episode. I thought they’d play Rufus against Lucy and Wyatt for much longer than they did to build up a bigger betrayal, but I was pleasantly surprised he came clean rather quickly and the trio worked through it, enhancing their bond. I figured the team would go rogue eventually and I'm glad it happened before the season finale. More shows should take big risks like that rather than maintaining the status quo until “special event” episodes! 
The growing familial bond between the core trio over the course of their adventures was a joy to watch, while Agent Christopher and programmer Jiya (Claudia Doumit) seamlessly fit into the group as the season progressed. I was happy Jiya was more than just a generic love interest (as cute as her romance with Rufus is) and was his equal in the tech arena, holding her own to save the day when time was tight and the odds were against them. I was genuinely surprised we met Agent Christopher’s family and continued to follow her after she was dismissed from the time travel project. That felt like the natural time to cut off the Time Team’s resources, but the show surprised me by having her go rogue and join the team. I also liked that she trusted Lucy to keep a flash drive of her family on the Lifeboat time machine in case they were erased; that was really clever. Even Mason, who I thought was genuinely a bad guy, shocked me when his self-interest (at least) won out, landing him on the Time Team's side at the last second. 
I liked that Flynn wasn’t the purely evil villain he was initially made out to be, since he really was trying to save his family. It was smart to make him the extreme version of our heroes; not only did that make him a great foil for them, but at several points late in the season I thought each member of the Time Team was just a slight push away from being ready to join him. As much as Agent Christopher arresting Flynn before he could save his family (as Lucy had promised him) in the end will make him even more of an enemy, I wouldn’t be surprised if Flynn joined the Time Team next season. I can’t wait to find out when Lucy will return the journal to him and what the circumstances of Future Lucy reaching out to him—as a last hope?—are! Matt Frewer was solid in a supporting role as Anthony Bruhl, one of Flynn’s allies and Rufus’ former friend, lending a nice bit of conflict to the villains’ side of the show. The third prominent member of Flynn’s team, Emma Whitmore (Annie Wersching), proved to be calculating and capable, making her a good foil for Flynn’s more emotionally-driven methods.
Rittenhouse was a great enemy waiting in the shadows, ever-present and ready to strike, but also just out of sight. Getting Armin Shimerman to play the original Rittenhouse back in the Revolutionary War era was excellent casting! Since the organization was so powerful and imposing, I was surprised at how low-key their seeming defeat actually was. I'd like to think bringing them down by documenting all of Rittenhouse’s affairs over half a century was inspired/foreshadowed by the team’s adventure with Elliot Ness (Micha Collins) and Al Capone (Cameron Gharaee), since that’s how he was brought down before they changed history. I was expecting big changes to the timeline with Rittenhouse finally removed from the past, but this was just as satisfying. It was truly shocking that Lucy's mom Carol (Susanna Thompson) was revealed as a member of Rittenhouse too! The status quo seems to be shattered and I can't believe any of the Time Team would work with the government ever again. Are they going to join Flynn (maybe he shares some of his plutonium to power the Lifeboat) to stop Rittenhouse from creating their “perfect” future?
Many of the show’s historical guest stars were very entertaining! Harry Houdini (Michael Drayer), Bonnie & Clyde (Jacqueline Byers & Sam Strike), Ernest Hemingway (Brandon Barash), and Josephine Baker (Tiffany Daniels) were definitely among my favorites, but all of them added an engaging aspect to the weekly adventures. My absolute favorites had to the real-life inspirations for the Lone Ranger and Tonto, Bass Reeves and Grant Johnson. Reeves’ moral code played extremely well against Wyatt’s increasing difficulty with not taking more action to save Jessica, spurring a great debate about heroes and killing. On a side note, I’d love it if Timeless’ creators made a Lone Ranger series starring Coleman Domingo and Zahn McClarnon (Reeves and Johnson here), mixing Bass Reeves’ historical past with the Lone Ranger mythos! The temporal guest stars gave the show a great, varied texture: moments like actor John Wilkes Booth (Kelly Blatz) practicing his lines before committing an assassination were hilarious and the team getting to co-star in a new James Bond book/film after teaming up with Ian Fleming (Sean Maguire) was very cool! Other historical figures became well-written parallels to our heroes, like Werner Von Braun (Christian Oliver) and Rufus, or H.H. Holmes’ (Joel Johnstone) victims and the unexplained death of Wyatt’s wife. It was also great to learn new things about history, like the fact that Al Capone had a brother in law enforcement (Mather Zickel) and Jesse James (Daniel Lissing) was a psychopath instead of some noble outlaw of the Old West. Some of the changes to history, like General Cornwallis (Brad Dryborough) and Elliot Ness getting killed, genuinely shocked me (particularly as Micha Collins’ role as Ness had been so hyped online).
The show’s aesthetic was polished and sleek while staying true to the grit of war zones and the Old West when the story brought the characters there. There was a definite formula to many of the episodes—a necessary evil, as they had to show us how history really went before showing it change—but I don’t think it hurt the series at all. When they did play with the formula, like Wyatt and Rufus’ reverse-Back to the Future attempt to stop Jessica’s killer from being born and episode 7, which opened with the team being stranded during the French and Indian War, it was a great change of pace! I loved the smart writing, which injected a lot of humanity, humor, and drama into the proceedings while deftly including history lessons that never felt like lectures. I do think the series’ ratings were damaged by the timeslot (10 pm on Mondays); there was nothing content-wise that required that time and Timeless would’ve been great as an 8 pm show, given the all-ages tone. While it would conflict with The CW’s similarly-toned superhero shows Mondays-Wednesdays, maybe Timeless season 2 could find a home on Thursdays as counter-programming to ABC’s TGIT or on Fridays.
All the time-travel physics were well-explained over the course of the season, but I do have one theoretical question: they can't go back to where they've gone before, but what if they showed up a couple of days before an earlier trip to the same time zone? What would happen if they accidentally stayed past the barrier into their previous trip to that time and crossed the time streams, as it were? I think there’s a great “ticking clock” plot in there. The one area that I’d say the show could go further—and perhaps this is about to be addressed with Rittenhouse rewriting the timeline as they see fit—is that we should probably start seeing an increasingly altered future as more and more trips are taken to the past. As pointed out by the Bitter Script Reader on Twitter, this would eventually render Lucy ineffective as she knows less and less about the new history (unless her role shifts to documenting the history that was), but I don’t think the show should be afraid to go big on the changes.  
I had a plethora of crazy theories about how the show could twist the plot and the timeline: Was Flynn from the future? Could he be Lucy’s son? Amy’s son, now existing only because he was outside the timeline when it changed and she was erased? Lucy’s father? Someone sent back in time by a future Lucy? Could one of the accidental changes to history bring back Wyatt’s wife Jessica? Did Rittenhouse kill her in the first place? Is Wyatt going to kill the parents of her killer to save her? If they eliminate Rittenhouse, will Lucy be born? Will Rufus get caught playing double agent? Will the Time Team find themselves aligned with Flynn by the season finale? I love theorizing and I love when shows fool me even more. Timeless did that often, and their reveals were never disappointing compared to my theories.
I can’t wait to see where this show goes if it gets a second season! Jessica’s death is still super suspicious; I’m 100% positive it was carried out by Rittenhouse (and they just used a different killer once Wyatt eliminated the original one from the timeline), and I can’t believe Wyatt is really ready to let it lie. If it was Rittenhouse, why would they have her killed? Was she involved with them too? Could Rittenhouse’s plans to create their perfect world bring Jessica back? The one thing I don’t need to see is Lucy and Wyatt together romantically. I know it's big in the fandom—at least on Twitter—but to me, it's clear he absolutely still loves Jessica and until he can't possibly bring her back, I don't see him moving on. Wyatt and Lucy do have chemistry, but it doesn't feel romantic from his side. Lucy’s maybe, but Wyatt seems unwavering in his devotion to his wife. I still think it'd be gut-wrenchingly brilliant if they discovered that Lucy's dad killed her, so the only way to save Jessica would be to kill him before Lucy's conceived. 
Are Wyatt and Rufus going to break Flynn out of prison so he can help rescue Lucy from her mom and retake the Lifeboat? Will Lucy ever find a way to get Amy back? I don't see why Lucy drew a connection between her mom's illness and Amy existing, but if they are connected somehow, that’d certainly be surprising. Are we going to see Lucy fill out the journal, now that she has it? Will we see Flynn time travel to meet older Lucy, or are we going to see her grow to a point where she sends him back in time? Will Mason’s self-serving nature continue to supply the team indefinitely, or are those resources shut off for good? What’s secret Rittenhouse agent Emma Whitmore off to destroy? Is my sister right, and Jiya’s visions of the past will give the Time Team their history-saving missions by cluing them in to what Whitmore is changing? 
Whatever they have in store, I’ll be very disappointed if NBC doesn’t bring Timeless back for another season! The cast, writing, and historical nature of the show are all top-notch. #RenewTimeless, indeed!
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ebonyeagle · 6 years
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Did this with Mankind Divided and thought it could be fun to do again! I’ve gone through this game twice already with friends (Both Pacifist runs) so I’m quite familiar with that part of the story. What I do want to explore now is all the bad choices which I’m an expert in (at least in real life) so let’s see where this adventure will go! Have fun guessing what scenarios I’m playing
Aquarium must be a Heavy Rain throw back
“My name is Connor, I’m the android send by Cyberlife”
Connor, you know I love you but I’ll throw you off this building for fun, no hard feelings
Weee Todd time, I can’t wait to punch him. Or shoot. Or whatever it is you can
Hmmm this reminds me of something but I can’t put my finger on it
Wow, littering asshole! Pick that one up right now you lazy fuck
Let’s try and avoid that angry mop this time
Wow, getting mad at the Roomba now as well? Poor Roomba, it did nothing wrong 8C
Fuck this shit
Gun and anti-depressants, we all know what a good combo that is
I hope this means what I think it does
STOP! But can we all just take a moment to appreciate how beautiful the soundtrack is for this game?! <3
Speed chess, is that an actual thing??
Okay, but how fun could it be if you could fuck up the painting quick time event and paint like, a blob or a stick figure!?
Alright, I like Hank and Connors relationship and it’s gonna be weird to knock it down in hostile territory
Oh, that’s a valid point. Not only are you a good boi, you are an expensive AF boi as well. Good luck paying the bill, Hank
Stormy night! Been looking forward to replay this; what other outcomes are there!?
Gonna move, bitch
As a good American, let’s grab the gun first
….Well, that was anti-climatic….
Seen both outcomes for this but for the sake fucking up the relationship with Carl  - PUSH!
Would have loved to try the Motel but for the sake of Connor and Ralph, CREEPY HOUSE
Mud intensifies
Jayden did that much better, Markus
Only thing here is trying to be douchebag towards Gavin?  -Did not go as planned, I am disappointed ;C
Sorry Connor but I am doing this for the lols
Ralph just needs a hug :C
Run Kara run, I have much more fun stuff planned for you guys! I think. Actually, I don’t know what to do with you yet.
Wow, this scene is so much shorter now lol
Hmmm had hoped for some variation in the interactions here :/
Birds birds birds
Do we save or do we not? Let’s do none of it
This is just sad
Always trust a shady dude named Zlatko
is it actually possible to escape the reset? It is but gotta be quick!
Wow, so much shit is stored here - is that a cyborg polar bear???
I just ripped a dude’s heart out :D
Does that make me a murderer? Oh wait already killed Todd! I’m a good mother! Be proud of me Alice 
What do I want? Saving my child from a psychopathic mad man as time is running out! When do I want to do it? Just after I’ve read these magazines and watched TV
I wanna get Alice and Kara killed here, science you know
When you wanna kill your character but you are SAVED BY A GODDAMN POLAR BEAR
I find the doorbell hilarious - my humor is beyond salvation
The slap as well… I need help
Whatever, just kill the guy
Shooting people in the back since 2k38, true hero
No differences really but whatever, that merry-go-round scene is beautiful
This scenery is beautiful as well T_T I live for the snow in this game. And headshots  
Markus, this is Adam calling, he wants his coat and fashion style back
That was sarcasm, Connor. Know where to stick it?
Not much new stuff here really but for the sake of the graveyard, let’s do this
I feel this would have worked much better in the previous run
this is just sad
Hide evidence? Nah fuck it, let’s see what happens!
Oh, I got Luther murdered SORRY ALICE
I’m gonna burn this place to the ground
I guess the true way to go is pacifist but damn, violence just suits Markus so much better
Okay this relationship thing is getting painful :C
VIOLENCE! I like this Markus much better!
I think North is pissed
Fuck u North
I’m going South
No, wait Hank D:
Okay this is so messed up but badass as well  
Oh, well fuck you too!!
Oh, so Lucy is Luther’s stand in! Hmmm liked Luther better here, sounds weird with her
Okay I lowkey hope MB will make a Detroit collection as they did with Deus Ex!  Who am I kidding, I’ll never be able to afford anything… RIP Hengsha-dream still crying for you
Lol, I don’t even have the deviant option
This is like an episode of Game of Thrones
But at least my bromance with Simon is evolving… I think?
I’m a horrible human being but my Markus is anger Markus
Bye Carl
Okay, revolution Markus is sooo much cooler than pacifist Markus!
I don’t remember your name but killing you + your henchmen was awesome!
This is so messed up
PRESS X TO ALICE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh hi Ralph, fancy meeting you here!
Taking control of ma boi because fuck you guys!
So I know successfully hitting all the buttons will result in headshotting Markus but I accidentally missed some and that was extra fun!!! I got to rip off his arm and break his neck :DDD And of course shoot him in the head for a good measure :DD I’m enjoying this way too much….. halp
Hmmm picking you Ralph because character development!
What a sad sad scenery…. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to be tossed out like garbage
Wow wow something is wrong with your face!! And what’s up with that high collar thing!? This looks weird, please go away you are not my Connor!!
Okay so to sum it up:
I made Markus die hated and cursed by basically everyone including teammates and Jericho. Deliberately killed Carl, Josh, North, Simon and half of Jericho because I’m an angry ball of vengeance. 
Kara tried her best to be a good mum but kinda fucked it up and got Luther killed. Left alone with Alice as the sole survivors in a massgrave knowing she had to let friend die in order to escape.
Connor was cold AF, made Hank commit suicide and killed everything in the name of Cyberlife only to be tossed out like garbage in the end.
All in all, I would say I got a pretty good ending, 10/10 :DDDD
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