#that makes him look old but also like a baby
She’s Not So Little Anymore
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x reader
Warnings: none, dad Lewis yes pls
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“You’re not leaving the house until you change your clothes!”
“But dad-“ Harper stammered in a broken voice and teary eyes.
“There’s no but, I said what I said. You can go out with your friends after you put some clothes on. End of discussion.” Lewis told his daughter sternly before turning and heading towards the living room.
“I hate you!!” Harper growled bursting into tears and slamming the door of her room.
“Don’t slam the door at me!” He said in a raised tone. Sitting on the couch he sighed and rubbed his face feeling awful because of the argument between him and his fifteen-year-old daughter.
It was not natural for Lewis to yell and get into heated arguments with his daughter. The two have always had a special relationship - she was daddy's little girl for whom he would remove the stars from the sky just to make her happy. Harper loved and was just as close to you as she was to Lewis, but still, her daddy has always been her number one.
But since Harper entered her teenage phase, it has become very difficult for Lewis to accept that she is actually growing up, that she is changing, that she is interested in some other things that are actually normal for her age.
He really was having a hard time facing the fact that his little girl is not so little anymore. That’s why often broke out arguments between the two of them when Harper would stay out too late with her friends, when she would come home late or mention that she had a crush on a boy or for example like today when she would wear something that Lewis thought was too revealing.
Lewis did all this because he loves her too much and wants to protect her, but, of course, the teenager thinks that her father is working against her and that he is "purposely ruining her life".
Fortunately, not long after the argument, you came back from grocery shopping and found Lewis sitting on the couch looking at the switched off TV.
“Hi, baby” You greeted him happily, but you felt a strange energy in the air.
“Hey” He muttered not turning to look at you.
“Is everything okay?” You ask suspiciously, leaving the heavy bags on the hallway floor.
“Everything is fine except our daughter just told me she hates me”
You immediately knew what it was about. You were aware of how much it affected Lewis. You weren't always happy with some of your daughter's behaviors either, but you understood that it was just a phase and that it would pass, but you also understood that it was difficult for Lewis to face it.
You sighed walking up closer to the couch to Lewis from behind and bent down to wrap your arms around him.
“And that is why?” You asked pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Because she thinks it’s normal to leave the house wearing a short ass dress that doesn’t even have any straps God forbid some sleeves” He says visibly upset and you can’t help but chuckle at him. “That’s not funny, y/n?”
“That’s not, but you are” You say making yourself comfortable in his lap. “You’re being too overprotective of her-“
“Of course I’m overprotective of her, she’s my little girl!” He cuts you off trying to justify his actions.
“Would you let me finish, please?”
“I’m sorry..”
“She’s no longer a little girl, Lew. You have to make your peace with that. Sometimes I don't like her clothing choices or her behavior either, but that's why we're here to guide her. But you forbid her too many things and she sees it as you trying to control her.”
“I just..” He sighs leaning his head against your chest. “I just want to protect her.. I miss the time when she was with me non-stop. We used to do so many things together now she only wants to hang out with her friends.”
“Baby, that’s normal. If it were any different, we would have been worried.” You assure him putting your hands on his cheeks. “You’re still her number one, you’ll always be.”
“Youe ability to calm me down amazes me.” He smiles at your soothing and comforting words. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you more than you know.”
“I love you too, baby” You place a soft kiss on his lips. “Now go and talk to her”
Lewis immediately got up and headed towards Harper's room while you decided to sort the groceries you had brought into the house a little while ago.
“My princess?” Lewis said gently knocking on the door. “Can I come in?”
Almost the same second, the door opened revealing crying Harper who was still sobbing. What Lewis didn't expect was for Harper to give him a tight hug and start crying in his arms.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Lewis asked a little worried.
“Because you made me say that I hate you. And I don’t hate you, daddy, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.” She cried. It stung her as much as it stung Lewis because Harper is aware of how special her relationship with her father is.
“Baby, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. I’m sorry too.” He comforted her rubbing her back. “I don’t like when we can’t talk things out and I hate when we argue. We don’t do that, that’s not us.”
“I know we don’t do that. I don’t like it either” She said quietly.
“It’s hard for me to accept that you’re growing up and that you are no longer my little girl.” He lifts up her head to look at her. “I promise to try to be more understanding of your wishes.”
“Daddy, I’m always gonna be your little girl.” Her words warmed Lewis's heart. She knew what she meant by that. The love Harper has for her dad will always be strong and special and nothing can ever replace it. Lewis was grinning like a child thinking how he is the luckiest man in the world to have the two best girls in his life, Harper and you.
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linkspooky · 2 days
It's not just the fact that Hori decided to kill a lifelong victim of grooming.
My two favorite comic book storylines are New Teen Titans Judas Contract, and Uncanny X Men's Inferno. They both feature villains / victims (Madelyne Pryor and Terra) that die at the end of the story. Terra is specifically fifteen years old and a victim of sexual grooming.
However, both of these stories are clearly written as tragedies. It's clear from the start that these are tragic stories not only meant to get us to sympathize with the victim turned villain but also the failure to save a clear victim is meant to make the heroes look bad.
Let me just list off all the shit Scott Summers put Madelyne Pryor through.
Fell in love with her only because she looked like his ex girlfriend Jean. Even though Madelyne specifically stated before getting into the relationship she didn't want to be jeans replacement.
Married her, and refuses to take time off to the point where he misses the birth of his own son leaving Madelyne at home to deliver her baby on the floor.
When he finally retires and they move to Alaska together he gets a phone call that Jean is still alive and abandons his wife and daughter for weeks to go back to his high school girlfriend.
Madelyne is attacked by a group of supervillains while Scott is away and just barely manages to escape but loses her baby.
She joins up with the x men to look for scott only to find out in the time she's been gone Scott had already gotten back together with Jean.
She is tricked into making a deal with a demon who wants to overthrow ilyanas control of limbo (she thought it was just a dream and the contract to sell her soul didn't matter).
She used her newfound power in order to find her child Nathan only to find Mr sinister there who reveals that Madelyne was a clone of Jean Grey, her entire life was a lie, she was made to breed with cyclops and produce a baby for sinister.
At which point madelyne snaps and decides to burn everything to the ground and kill her own child.
It's clearly telegraphed as a tragedy. The reference to Medea is pretty obvious. Madelyne had no chance from the beginning, however even in this tragedy Scott specifically forbid any of the heroes from using lethal force on her. Jean and Maddie mindmeld at one point and Jean literally begs for Maddie not to die and that she should live on to raise her son. They even throw a funeral for Maddie afterwards because be no one else would ever mourn her.
Not only do the heroes look bad, especially Scott for not being able to save her, they do at least try to talk with her, use non lethal force, and beg her at one point to let them help her.
On the other hand not only did Deku never engage Shigaraki Tomura once, just the vision of a crying child in front of him. Deku doesn't look like a failure for failing in his goal to save him he's still the greatest hero, they don't hold a funeral for Shigaraki, Dekus last words are about how he doesn't forgive Shigaraki (and therefore he deserves to die i guess because deku is the punisher now). Deku doesn't even give Shigaraki the respect of calling him by his preferred name he just calls him Tenko who was the only person Deku cared about saving.
It's not just about a victim dying it's about how the story promised us over and over again the kids were going to save the villains in the final act, that this was going to be an optimistic story about the new generation being better than the old.
Only for Horikoshi to deliver something entirely different. If I'm watching punisher I know what I'm getting into. I'm here to watch Frank Castle shoot mobsters. If Batman picks up a Tommy Gun and starts shooting mobsters that's bad because Batman wouldn't do that shit.
There's writing a story that's tonally inconsistent, or changing your plans for how a character is going to end late in the game and then there's this.
Which is basically narrative gaslighting. Where one thing is clearly happening onscreen but the narrative needs you to believe those gaslights clearly are not dimming.
I know Deku made no effort to save Shigaraki when he explicitly said they OFA is a power for saving but not killing, but don't worry Deku became the greatest hero anyway, and this is still a happy optimistic ending!
Horikoshi isn't looking for treasure in the house. Those gaslights aren't dimming. You're clearly being hysterical, woman.
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sunderwight · 2 days
Demon Shen Jiu is such a fun idea though.
Especially if he himself doesn't know. Like imagine, Yue Qi finds this abandoned baby and the baby is REALLY OBVIOUSLY not human. But this also enables Shen Jiu to survive being abandoned at such a young age -- a human baby would die without adequate nutrition or care, but demons are a little more resilient. Baby Demon SJ has a way more forgiving digestive system and can move under his own power from a much earlier age. By the time he's a year old he's hunting his own rodents and small birds, and has to be stopped from biting and mauling anyone he doesn't like. Which is most people. Qi-ge develops amazing reflexes.
Why do the slavers tolerate a demon baby hanging around? Maybe it's really not all that uncommon. Demons come across the borderlands from time to time, and are as liable to abandon their kids or die or etc as anyone else. It's maybe an open secret among slavers that demon-blooded kids are a better investment, even, because they can survive for longer on less. The only downside is if they don't ever look human enough to pass as human, because that limits potential buyers, but that's only relevant when the slavers are trying to sell them. For the purposes of having a network of street kids stealing and grifting and spying and etc, it's fine. A lot of the slavers themselves started out as demon-blooded street kids with no other options.
But in SJ's case, he pretty quickly starts passing as human. Mostly because he's quite strong, and he's convinced that he's the same as his Qi-ge, so he makes himself the same. Makes his hands look the same and his teeth look the same and etc. It's largely subconscious, and once he starts doing it, it becomes automatic. SJ forgets that he's a demon in the way that most people don't retain their earliest childhood memories -- although he remembers that some of the slavers were demons.
Then of course there's the question of why didn't the Cang Qiong cultivators notice?
A few options. One is that whatever kind of demon SJ is, it's really good at mimicking humans. Another is that he's only part demon, and like Luo Binghe, fully capable of handling both kinds of cultivation. So once he starts learning spiritual cultivation, even from a heretic like Wu Yanzi, he doesn't seem different from any other recruit with a patchy education on the subject. Anything else odd about him could be easily attributed to his exposure to Wu Yanzi and his wicked practices.
Although full demon SJ is a fascinating idea. (Also, it could contribute to all those qi deviations -- he's trying to cultivate AND "fake" human cultivation at the same time, I doubt Qing Jing's techniques are totally compatible with everything going on there even without the psychological turmoil.) Like I'd imagine Airplane wrote that SJ was abandoned on the streets as a baby, and the system was like "hmm he probably wouldn't survive that?" and then in some nine billionth wife arc, Airplane also creates a variety of demon that can fully pass as human (for some identity conflict with a prospective wife), even to the point of fooling human cultivators and demon-detecting tools. So the system just ties these two disparate pieces of world-building together in order to patch a critical plothole (Airplane doesn't know anything about babies). Which has the side effect that Shang Qinghua doesn't even know that SJ became a demon!
And SJ himself doesn't know. The only person who knows is Yue Qi.
Obviously this wouldn't come up much in PIDW, but it could be pretty funny in the SVSSS timeline. YQY just sitting there through the whole Luo Binghe being a half-demon reveal, wondering if he should say something. Subsequently being the most absolutely chill about the whole demon reveal thing anyway. Like he's definitely not upset that Luo Binghe is a demon, or part demon, and the multiple people who try to make a point about it just run afoul of his impenetrable smile and get nowhere.
Then eventually Yue Qingyuan decides that he should probably tell Bingqiu that Shen Qingqiu is a demon. For like, safety purposes if nothing else. He's kept the secret so long also for safety purposes (even if someone put Shen Qingqiu under a truth compulsion he wouldn't be able to admit to being a demon, because he himself doesn't know!), and he's done tons of stuff to prevent anyone ever finding out (although Xiao Jiu is so talented that he didn't have to do much), but Luo Binghe is the demon emperor. That changes things. If Shen Qingqiu is going to be visiting the demon kingdoms regularly then there's a chance something could reveal the truth unexpectedly, and that would probably be worse.
So Yue Qingyuan sits down and has a very serious discussion with Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe about how Shen Qingqiu is actually a demon, was just the cutest little demon baby in fact, here he drew a picture from memory of what Xiao Jiu used to look like before he learned to look more human, and also how a lot of slave kids and slavers and people who fall through the cracks in society have demon ancestry, some more recent than others, and Shen Qingqiu always retained a certain discomfort around his own kind because of the adult slavers who sold him off, and etc etc.
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something i'm made for
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summary: you've never wanted to have kids, so finding out you wouldn't be able to have one shouldn't make you sad... right? pairing: gojo satoru x female reader content warnings: if you've watched HIMYM and remember what happened to Robin, this is basically that but JJK. angsty. reader doesn't want kids. not at all accurate to the manga/anime. no curses AU. angst with comfort. Masterlist
It's what you wanted, right?
Your wish has been granted.
You won't have kids. Ever.
Shouldn't you be happy?
You've never wanted kids your whole life, and now that the doctor has confirmed that you can't have kids... isn't that what you wanted?
It doesn't feel like victory.
You sigh.
"You okay?"
Your head snaps up, forgetting you're currently having drinks with your friends.
"O-oh yeah, just.. stressed about work."
You swivel the whiskey in your glass. You'll never need to restrain yourself from drinking alcohol because of a baby.
It's a win... no?
Sighing again, you down your whiskey and stand up from the booth. "I'm gonna head back, not feeling great today."
It's a series of 'boos' and 'aws' and 'stay a bit longer' but none of their words seem to reach you. You say brief goodbyes and make your way out the door. Everything's a murmur until you step outside, and then it's quiet. It's cold. Somehow the silence is now louder than when you're inside.
You see Satoru step out of the bar. "I'm okay."
"Yes, you said that already," He chuckles, "Can I walk you home?"
You start walking and he follows along, keeping up with your slow pace, hands bumping into each others' sometimes -- it's all very sweet, feels very high school-ly, and you can't help but let your heart race.
There's always some tension whenever it's just you and Satoru. Like it's obvious that you like each other, but nothing ever happens because... well... you don't actually know why. You're scared of making the first move, but also what would you do if Satoru does make the first move?
What if it's awkward?
But what if it works out?
What if you break up? It'll be really awkward for your other friends.
What if it's always meant to be?
What if you want to have a future with him?
And what if he wants kids?
Something you can't give him. Something that you'll talk about now on every first date because it is a dealbreaker for almost everyone. And look at Satoru, he's the sweetest angel who's gonna be an amazing dad some day while you'll just watch from afar.
You're overthinking again. All of this because of your feelings for him.
"Crazy how Suguru now has kids. Twins, even." Satoru chuckles, "Utahime is pregnant too... man, we're getting old."
Of all the topics, really? This is what he wants to talk about?
"Haha, yeah," You fake a laugh, "I don't know how they do it."
"Well I guess we'll know when it happens."
And it'll never happen.
You stop in your tracks as the sadness washes over you again.
You don't want kids, you should be celebrating the fact that you'll never wake up in the middle of the night to soothe cries, never have to change a dirty diaper, never have to stress out over your child getting hurt.
So why are you sad? Why?
You don't realize you're crying until you see Satoru's surprised eyes looking at you from below. He's crouching so he can see what you're hiding under all your hair, and the sight breaks his heart.
He wipes your tears away, standing up again and kissing your cheeks while he's at it.
"Tell me what's bothering you," He says, "I'll make it go away, I promise."
You offer him a bittersweet laugh, "You can't... not this one."
But you can't not tell Satoru what's wrong. He's your best friend -- and you actually do want to tell him, you just don't know how to. You're scared Satoru would say what you're feeling is ridiculous... you find it ridiculous yourself.
You grasp his hand that's holding you so dearly as if you'd shatter and finally tell him what's weighing your mind.
"I can't have kids."
Satoru blinks a few times, letting the silence sink in.
"I, uh, went to the doctor the other day for a checkup and she told me I'm.. infertile." You laugh awkwardly, trying to make a joke out of it but your quivering lip gives it away.
"Satoru," you continue, "I should be glad, right? I don't want to have kids, so this news should make me happy, right?"
He holds your hand just as tightly and hugs you while you cry into his chest. He's not sure what to say, but he figures it must be frustrating. Not wanting to have kids is one thing, but to have the choice taken away from you is something completely different.
You let him stay with you that night. He holds you close and comforts you as you lay in each other's arms. You feel bad for possibly using Satoru to make yourself feel better, but little do you know that he'll happily do anything you want and you needn't ask.
"I'll always be here for you."
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thebearer · 3 hours
arguing with carmen and its big enough where you leave for the night but what’s even scarier to him is that you also took teddy
he'd have an actual psychotic break, nervous breakdown.
especially bc i'm picturing him reverting back to his old ways. it's rare, but he slips into a full carmy (in the lock in) level meltdown. gets unbalanced and spirals further and further, and you just happen to be who he takes it out on.
screaming at you like a maniac over something stupid- you didn't wash his spare whites (he didn't tell you they needed to be washed). it's his fault, he knows it deep down, still he's losing his shit because it's the final straw.
"you stay at home all day! all fucking day and you can't do one thing!" carmen's red faced, screaming.
you're shocked, scared, on the brink of sobbing yourself. teddy's woke up from her nap, his screaming startled her. the newborn wailing from her nursery.
"carmen, you didn't tell me-"
"-i shouldn't have to!" carmen roars. "you're home all day-"
"-i'm on maternity leave. i just had a baby-"
"-oh, so. you can't do one fuckin' thing now? i have to do it all here too?" carmen is spiraling, pacing, running a hand down his face. "i get no fuckin' sleep, go work my fuckin' ass off, a-and then i come home so i can go back and work my ass off some more, and you can't help me out?"
his words sting, shock you with the weight of them. swallowing back tears, you turn, climbing the stairs to the bedroom.
carmen is scoffing, hands shaking with rage and annoyance and just overwhelmed. your ignoring him stings. makes him spiral even more. "don't go do it now! it's too late!" carmen scoffs. "i've got a fuckin' critic coming in two hours, and i'll wear stained whites. probably get a shitty review about our food being gross an-and the chef being just as bad!"
you texted pete through your tears, telling him that you were coming to stay there for a while. shoving clothes for the night in your small bag quickly, hands shaking when you zipped it up, your wedding ring flashing at you. you stared at it, a wave of tears coming over you, screwing the ring off your finger and setting it on carmen's night stand next to a photo of you two on your honeymoon.
you packed teddy and anchovy's things quickly, knowing you'd come back tomorrow to get what else you needed. just the essentials, to get through the night. anchovy in his carrier, and teddy in her's, you ignored carmen's pacing, his deep breaths and clenched eyes, walking straight to the garage.
carmen looked up at the sound of the door, standing quickly. a damning rush of horror, of realization washed over him, pulled him right out of his clouded tantrum.
"w-what- what are you- hey, what-" carmen runs towards the car door, where you're putting teddy's car seat into place, shushing the wailing girl gently.
"-don't fucking touch me." you sneer, teeth bared in primal rage, pure protectiveness.
"baby, wait, wait, ju-just hold on. where're you- hey, don't- where're you goin'?" carmen's frantic, eyes wide, stomach churning.
you shut the car door, moving past him without looking to get to the driver's side. "no, no, no, no, no. don't-baby please, don't. i-i-i'm sorry. i'm sorry!" carmen's stuttering in fear, hands shaking trying to hold the door open, keep you from shutting it.
"let go." you growl, yanking the door. "you're not going to talk to me like that, carmen. i don't care if you're stressed, i don't care. you're not going to come home and talk to me like that because you fucked up. not when i've been at home all day taking care of our- my child."
carmen feels dizzy, mouth filling with spit, sure he's about to throw up.
you slam the door, eyes watery and red and angry, glaring at him before pulling out of the driveway.
carmen's left alone in the garage, knees weak, hands shaking. his ears are ringing, head spinning, sure that he's hallucinating- that this has to be a sick sick dream. floods of realization icy through his veins.
the house is eerily quiet, so still. no teddy, no anchovy, no you.
he isn't sure how long he sits in the garage, the sun sinking in the horizon, but he stays motionless and still. richie shows up eventually, frantic and wide eyed.
"cousin! what the fuck? dinner service started a fuckin' hour ago, and we-" he stops, slowing his stride when he gets closer. carmen's vacant gaze, trembling hands.
"hey, carm, what's goin' on? you-you alright?" richie's voice dropped low and slow, like he used to with mikey. "carmen. hey, what's-"
"-she left." carmen whispered, his eyes wide in horror. "she-she left and she took t-teddy." carmen breaks, a sob choking out of his throat.
"why? why did she-" richie stops, looking at carmen. "carmen, what did you do?"
carmen sobs- no, wails. broken and terrified and horrified. full chest sobs that are more like screams. the realization of what he had done, what he had said, feeling the full weight of the consequences of his actions for the first time.
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mrm0rgansw0man · 2 days
Hii can I please have a scene with Arthur Morgan and his fem s/o in an alternate universe where Arthur never got TB and he is happily married living with his wife on a cosy farm similar to the marstons. They have just had a newborn daughter and she is only a few days old and Arthur sees his wife picking up their newborn, still in shock from giving birth just days prior. She is cuddling and sweet talking her baby, gently kissing her head and loving her. She coos and gently but sweetly whispers good morning to her baby girl. I just want Arthur’s reaction to this and how he reacts to all the fluff plus him being a new father. Can you please end it with fem reader putting their child back in the crib and making their way to the living room, relaxing on the sofa together and talking about how they should visit the marstons soon. Thank you 💞💞💞💞💞💞
The Life a Good Man Deserves
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Has it really been only a week since I watched her walk along the tree line of the forest near our home, soaking in the sun, glowing like a god damn angel? She was pregnant as could be, but she wanted to take one last walk before we took our first walk with our baby girl.
And a few days later, she was here. God was it hard, watchin' my wife hurt like that. Her screams and all the blood... it left me shakin' like a leaf. I've never felt so scared in my life I don't think. We didn't have a doctor or a nurse or anythin', but we had Charles and a forest only a few yards away. Thank whatever lord there was above that he had stopped by that morning, and right as he was about to leave I heard my wife screamin' for me from our bedroom. We both came running, and that was the start of the longest night of my life.
Charles made a million different remedies on the stove of our kitchen. For pain, for infection, any complications my wife or our little girl could have after birth. All the while I was holding my wife's hand as she brought our baby-girl into the world, how crazy life is sometimes.
We named her 'Briar-Rose.' Right after she was born, my wife looked out the window and saw the ones we had planted had finally bloomed. We'd have horrible luck with them before, so it seemed perfect.
I ought to go find them now, instead of just sittin' her day dreaming about the family that I finally have. God, I love them so much.
• • • • • • •
Arthur set his leather journal down on his bedside table, the matching ones he made for the two of you for your first anniversary you spent together in your home. The one he had built for you, with the help of Charles and John. Oh and little Jack of course, he did so much!
Arthur got up and slipped on a pair of worn old jeans and his favorite blue button up shirt. How it had survived all these years, he didn't know.
How he had survived all these years, he didn't know either.
Arthur quietly made his way to the nursery. It was right next to the bedroom the two of you shared, and the door was cracked open. There was no other place you could be. Arthur was about to walk in, but he stopped when he heard you talking to your daughter. He watched through the crack of the door, completely mesmerized.
Your hair was in a messy braid down your back, and you wore a long flowing white nightgown. It was long sleeved, and the strings around your bosom area were tied into a pretty bow. The sleeves, which had forever been too long for your arms but you refused to mend time, rested around your whole hand, only leaving your fingers sticking out. Arthur could see them sticking out under your coat and laughed to himself. He loved these little things about you, and he had them all written down in his journal.
Your coat, which was actually the brown plaid one that belonged to Abigail, also hung loosely around you with your nightgown. He smiled as he remembered both you and Abigail trading your favorite coats. John and Arthur had both been talking and they decided it was time to leave the gang, it wasn't an easy decision but a necessary one. You and Abigail were two peas in a pod, like sisters almost. You had both decided you needed to do something to always stay together now that you wouldn't be able to see each other everyday.
A small cry from your daughter pulled him from his thoughts.
"Oh my sweet girl, shh shh." You cooed softly, you picked up your daughter from her crib and cradled her in your arms. Holding her close and tight. You pressed a gentle kiss on your daughters head, and she calmed. You rocked her back and fourth and started talking to her.
"How'd my baby sleep? Did you sleep well?" You asked, your tone so gentle and full of love Arthur thought he could cry. You were the perfect mother. "I love you, so much my sweet girl. Your so beautiful. You've got your daddy in you, those stunning blue eyes and that hair of yours. I can't wait to watch you grow up."
Arthur couldn't take it, tears fell freely from his eyes and he opened the door of his daughters room and actually ran to you. He held you close to him, careful to not hurt your stomach.
"Oh Arthur, are you alright?" You said with a light laugh, though your voice was laced with concern.
"Honey, I have never been more alright in my life." He said shakily. His quiet voice held so much emotion it broke your heart.
When Arthur first found out you were pregnant, he was angry. Not at you, and certainly not at your unborn child. He was angry at himself, how could he be so stupid? Getting another woman pregnant, while still being in the gang? Which was definitely going to shit, by the way. Arthur could feel it happening. His heart actually hurt when he thought about Eliza and Issac, how his stupidity had gotten them killed. His little boy, and the woman he never married but god damn he should've, both dead over 10 dollars. 10. Fucking. Dollars. If he had been there, those bastards would've been dead in a second! He was a gunslinger for fucks sake! He could've saved them if he had just done right. But he was so scared to be a father, especially to a son. He didn't want to turn into his own father. He wouldn't wish that on anyone. But once a certain Karen Jones dragged him by the ear to the hiding spot you had found to cry in telling him to "fix it" he knew what he had to do. And it wasn't easy.
He held you in his arms, and apologized for every second he made you think or feel like he didn't want you or the child growing inside you. He said he had a plan, and it was the first time since joining the gang that you were relieved to hear those words.
Your voice pulled him from his thoughts. Arthur pulled away from you so he could get a better look
"Would you like to hold your daughter Mr. Morgan?" You asked with a smile just as sweet as your southern drawl.
"Yes I would, Mrs. Morgan." He said with a smile, quickly wiping the tears from his eyes. He ever so carefully took his daughter into his arms. She fussed for a moment, before quickly settling back down again.
"I can't believe I'm a daddy..." Arthur said softly. "Look at my sweet girl... Both of my sweet girls."
You stood on your tip toes and kissed Arthur on the cheek, and you bent back down to kiss your daughter. You winced straightening back up.
"Sit down, please honey." Arthur said gently. "You just had a baby after all."
"'M fine sweetheart." You dismissed. "I need to get the best view possible of this.."
A sudden sharp cry erupted from your daughter, causing both you and Arthur to laugh.
"Still a view I want to see." You said with a smile. Arthur passed Briar off to you, and she quieted down a bit.
"Ain't nothin' like the touch of a mother." Arthur said softly, gently wrapping his arms around your stomach. With your body flush against his, he rested his chin on top of your head. You chuckled.
"You should sing her a lullaby. Arthur suggested. You chuckled, knowing he'd use any excuse to hear you sing. You took a breathe, and began a gentle lullaby:
Down in the valley, valley so low Hang your head over, hear the wind blow Hear the wind blow, dear, hear the wind blow Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.
Roses love sunshine, violets love dew Angels in heaven know I love you Know I love you, dear, know I love you Angels in heaven, know I love you.
Writing this letter, containing three lines Answer my question, "Will you be mine?" "Will you be mine, dear, will you be mine?" Answer my question, "Will you be mine?"
Down in the valley, valley so low Hang your head over, hear the wind blow Hear the wind blow, dear, hear the wind blow Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.
You finished the song, and were now left with a sleeping daughter and a husband who was weeping. The sight of it brought tears to your own eyes.
"I just watched my wife sing my daughter to sleep for the first time.." Arthur wept. "Look at me, I'm a god damn mess. God I love you so much, I love her so much- (Name), this is real. This is our life."
"I can't belive it either!" You said with a sniffle. "Let me put her in her cradle before we wake her up."
Arthur nodded, sneaking a quick kiss to your forehead before heading to the door. Arthur was about to leave, but something told him to stay a moment longer. He turned just in time to see you tenderly set your daughter down in her crib and cover her up with her blanket which you had sewn by hand for her. You kissed your daughter one last time before joining Arthur.
As soon as you were in arms reach, Arthur scooped you up and carried you bridal style right into the living room. You giggled like some lovesick schoolgirl, causing Arthur to giggle too.
"Nothin but laughter and tears of joy in this house." You said happily. "That's exactly how I wanna be livin'!"
"Me too darlin!" Arthur said, gently setting you down on the sofa. He sat down right next to you and opened his arms, which you gladly crawled into. With your head resting in the crook of his neck and your legs curled up in his lap, you felt so safe. And so loved, you swore Arthur Morgan was sent from the lord above just for you.
"When do you think you'll be up for a trip to go see Abigail?" Arthur said, a sly smile on his face.
You gasped in excitment. "Oh goodness, is the house done already!? Did John invite you?"
"Yes ma'am! And guess what else darlin'?" Arthur said with a laugh. Your excitement was contagious, anyone could agree to that. "They made us a nursery for Briar-Rose."
Your eyes welled up with tears and you covered your mouth with your hand.
"Your kiddin' me..." You said softly, a smile slowly forming on your face.
"They really did honey." Arthur said and smiled softly at you. "Abigail wrote to me. I got the letter the night I went to town right before you had Briar. Said the house is done and we need to come visit as soon as you feel up to it after you have the baby."
"I don't know how soon, but I can't wait to go! Oh Arthur I miss her so much.." You said sadly. "I'm gonna write her back! We'll plan a visit next month...." You said, but your words trailed off into a yawn.
"Sounds good t'me baby." Arthur said, his hand natrually finding your hair to begin running his fingers through it. It put you to sleep faster then you'd like to admit.
Arthur let out a content sigh. He had never dared even daydream of a life like this for too long, yet here he was. Actually living the life of his dreams. With his wife, daughter, and even his 'brother'.
He wouldn't have it any other way.
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curiousgworge · 3 days
꒰‧⁺ p1h as good ol' cliches *ೃ༄
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*ೃ pairings: p1h!ot6 (individual) x reader
word count: 2.6k (total)
warnings: very cliche and very tooth rooting
author's notes: Theo's one could very much become an individual longer fanfic, but let me know if you would even want that :p
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 ⠀⠀⠀⠀꒰‧⁺  yoon keeho - older sister’s best friend *ೃ༄  
When you first met Keeho, at the tender age of 9, it was love at first sight: he was a little older, super cute and had a cool skateboard, and when he became friends with your sister you would more often than not find him in your living room, copying your sister’s homework and blasting Ariana Grande’s latest album. And it didn’t matter how much your sister complained of you bothering her and Keeho, he always said that he loved the presence of his baby bestie (as he would call you) and saved you a space by his side on the couch for movie nights. 
And as both of you grew older and closer, your crush for Keeho also did: from sweet sighing when he helped you with English, writing his name repeatedly in your notebook inside a heart and blushing in his presence to flirty smiles, deep conversations through late night calls and letting you choose the music playing when he would give you a ride to school. 
And Keeho wasn’t stupid; he knew about your feelings, since you weren’t really trying to hide it, and he kind of enjoyed it: at first, just because it caressed his ego to be wanted. But then he caught himself looking at you more, smiling whenever he heard you laugh, paying more attention to you: he had your coffee order memorized, knew by heart all your favorite singers just because you liked them and when he closed his eyes it was your smile that came to mind. 
Even with all that, he couldn’t make a move on you: after all, you were still his best friend’s little sister, so you he had to content himself with kissing you in the sleepovers he had in your house, after you made sure your sister was snoring loudly and wouldn’t wake up to be mad at both of you. But what neither one of you knew was that your sister was well aware of his feelings for you, and she actually approved it: she knew he was a very nice guy, but she pretended not no know ‘cause making fun of his despair when he blushed in your presence was too much fun for her to waste the opportunity. 
⠀⠀⠀⠀꒰‧⁺  choi taeyang - fake dating  *ೃ༄
You, at the peak of your twenties, had what most people would call daddy issues. Since day one- your birth date- you had a rocky relationship with your father: from his absence in every major milestone in your life to the fact that he was a very stubborn man, with strong opinions and the incapacity of respecting other people’s judgment. So when your parents divorced during your high school years, you chose to live with your mom and your time with him was restricted to every other weekend, your relationship got a bit better. That’s why he invites you, his beloved child, to be part of the bridal party at his wedding. 
You barely knew his fiancee, your new stepmom apparently, but he told you that he really wanted your presence and help on his special day. So you reluctantly accepted and, to no surprise, regretted it, as she was such a bitch. She always had something to say, either about your body or how your skin tone didn’t match the color palette for the wedding; She even laughed with her bridesmaids about the fact that you, child of the groom, would come to the wedding unaccompanied.
-So that’s why you told her that you would bring me? Since apparently I’m now your boyfriend? 
Theo just couldn’t believe how stupid you were, as he laughed upon the despair on your face, but he just didn’t get how desperate you were to shut that old witch’s mouth. And, as your best friend, it was his job to help you whenever you put yourself in trouble, so he gladly went shopping with you for a nice suit (after spending all of your money paying for his food in exchange for him saving your butt) and a tie that matches the witch’s color palette.
And, even with the odds, you and Theo had a blast at the wedding: making fun of the old-fashioned ceremony and enjoying the bar to the fullest. You drink, you laugh and by the end of the night, you and Theo are together in his apartment, all over each other as both yours and his clothes lay scattered on the floor. And, when you wake up in his arms the next morning, not feeling weird at all, you kiss him again and he corresponds smiling, just to then complain about your morning breath and receive a weak punch on the chest. 
⠀⠀⠀⠀꒰‧⁺  choi jiung - roommates turned lovers *ೃ༄
You always thought that becoming an adult would be very easy and very nice: you would start your college major and live in a nice apartment, with lots of natural light for your plants and a big shelf for all your books and mug collection. But reality was way harder than you expected at the peak of adolescence, as college was a pain in your butt and living alone was too expensive for someone who just graduated high school. 
So the only solution you could come with was moving in with another person. You spent your whole summer visiting apartments, but there was always something wrong: it was either too expensive, too far from your campus or the roommate was too much of a creep. So, when you found on the internet that some guy named Choi Jiung was looking for someone to share the rent of a nice place only ten minutes away from college, you immediately called him to show interest. 
To say you fell in love with the place was an understatement, as it was exactly as you dreamed and you didn’t think much before signing the contract for the apartment. You excitedly packed your stuff and moved in, putting your plants on the balcony and a few of your favorite mugs on the kitchen rack. And it took a couple weeks to grow accustomed to Jiung’s presence and habits, but soon you found yourself falling into a routine with him. 
After a while, you fell in love with Jiung too. It happened almost without you realizing it, from the morning coffee he would make to the game nights that became a tradition for both of you and what you thought was longing stares. The fact he was your roommate made things dreadful, because you found yourself loving him almost as much as your house, and you were postponing the decision between them both: until he confessed in the middle of your kitchen and kissed you, and you sighed in relief for not being homeless nor broken-hearted.  
⠀⠀⠀⠀꒰‧⁺  hwang intak - you fall first, he falls harder *ೃ༄
Hwang Intak was the perfect stereotype of the lead male in every romantic movie: he was an A+ student and the setter of the Volleyball team of the PIWON college, so every boy wanted to be him and every girl wanted to date him (and a couple guys too). He was kind, as he accepted to tutor almost everyone who asked him for help, and that is actually how you first met him. 
You and Intak were in the same class for Economy 101, and to say you were terrible in it was an understatement, as you could barely make multiplications in your calculator for exercises your colleagues made in their heads. Your honor didn’t allow you to ask him for help, as you were convinced it was humiliating to be as bad in Math as you were, but you didn’t have to, as the teacher did it for you. You couldn’t even deny the help, ‘cause he already knew how bad you were failing (the damn teacher just had to tell him).
And it’s kinda ridiculous- and expected- that you fall for him, ‘cause he explains things to you as if you were a toddler, which oddly worked very well. He had the patience of a buddha and never once he made you feel bad about your difficulties, and he always forced you to take breaks. Even when you insisted that it wasn’t necessary, that he shouldn’t have to spend his free time with you, he made sure that you understood that he wasn't feeling obliged at all: he actually liked your company very much. 
Sure, you fell first, but Intak fell way harder: he giggled and blushed like a little girl when you confessed to him, a silly note with a hard math count that Google said was the love equation. As a gentleman, he wanted to take you on a date before anything, but when you kissed him he couldn’t help himself in reciprocating, hands on your waist and his face hot and red. He made sure you came to all of his games wearing one of his jerseys, just so he could give you a celebratory kiss for every point he made and skip the after party to take you home and celebrate (in private) with his favorite person in the world. 
⠀⠀⠀⠀꒰‧⁺  haku shota (soul) - childhood best friends *ೃ༄
You and Shota had been in each other’s lives since diapers, when his family had just moved from Japan to the house next door. He barely had any teeth and you were just beginning to blabber things that only your mother could understand, but Shota was already a constant in your life: most of your milestones happened together, like when he walked for the first time just to get to you holding his favorite toy (or maybe he was just trying to take the toy). You went to school together, getting in class holding hands and sitting on the same table, and you were the only person he would share his favorite monster truck toy with. 
  And during all your childhood and adolescence, Shota was there to make you company just as you were there for him. When you broke your arm riding a bike? He was the first person to sign your cast. His first kiss? You were there, watching to make fun of him later. He was your company for every tutoring session, and you were his every performance of his dance studio. You knew everything about each other, and had no secrets kept from one another.
Except for one little exception: Soul never told you how he began to see you in a different way after your freshman year prom. You guys went together, as you invited him with a big ‘promposal’ in front of the whole school, just to embarrass him and leave him scarred for life. His mom bought him a tie to match the color of your clothes, and the picture that your mom took of you together that night was not only his wallpaper, but also framed by his nightstand. He was happy whenever he saw you smile, and became sad every time you cried- from failed exams to heartbreaks. 
He planned to take this secret to the grave, as he was sure that you only saw his as a friend, but when you got approved to a college in another state, across from the country and from him, he knew he had to say something-,even if just so he could go to frat parties and forget about you. So he confessed to you late at night, in one of the many sleepovers you would have during summer. He sat in front of you, holding your favorite plushie and giggling at some terrible joke he made, and gave you a kiss so quick you couldn’t even process it at the time. 
And he turned into a blushed mess, blabbering apologies and confessions of love, when you grabbed the collar of his Dino pajamas and kissed him again, shutting his mouth and making his brain freeze. It took a while, but he kissed you back, and became the happiest guy in the world when you told him you liked him too. 
⠀⠀⠀⠀꒰‧⁺  kim jongseob -  academic rivals *ೃ༄
From your very first day of kindergarten, at a very young age, your parents made clear that they expected nothing short of perfection coming from you when talking about school: they wanted perfect grades and perfect discipline, no exceptions. So there was you, an ‘A student’, loved by your teachers because of you remarkable behavior and for how much of a little genius you were, always being the one with the highest grade of the class. 
And that was it: you were the teacher’s pet, class president almost every year, and- surprisingly- very popular. Of course, a lot of people talked to you most ‘cause they wanted your notes or help with homework, but you had a very considerable amount of close friends. But your place was threatened with the arrival of Kim Jongseob in Freshman year. 
Your ‘job’, as you assigned to yourself, was to help any and every student, and the new boy seemed like he really needed it. So you introduced yourself, showed him around the school and sat by his side in every class you shared. And he was so damn cute that, for the first time in your life, you found yourself unfocused on class- you seemed too busy looking at him or thinking about him in his football uniform.
It did not take long for it to bite your ass though; to say your parents were disappointed with you when you got your grades was an understatement, and after hearing an earful from them, you got pissed- not at them, but at Jongseob. Not only since it was obviously his fault that you got distracted and ruined your perfect record, but also because he got a perfect score in the same damn test you failed (you didn’t really fail tho, but for someone with a reputation like yours, it sure felt like it). 
So not only you hated his guts now, but you went all in on proving yourself, spending long hours in the library studying and avoiding him like the plague or a piece of gum stuck in your shoe. He did not get what happened, but decided to fight fire with fire- so from that day on, you and Jongseob always fought for the highest grades in school. That lasted until senior year, when the valedictorian would be chosen, and you and Jongseob seemed to be giving it all to be in your best behaviors. 
Until one Friday evening, when he was leaving football practice and you left the library, it began raining and unfortunately, you didn’t have an umbrella on you. So, while you gathered courage to run in the rain to the bus stop, he showed up from thin air by your side, putting his umbrella on your hand and running before you could deny it- or even say thank you-. So, when he missed class on Monday and you heard that he got sick, you felt guilty.
That’s why you got a hot soup- since your mom always gave it to you when you had the flu- and went to his house, ringing the doorbell and introducing yourself to his mom. And to say he was surprised when you showed up in his room, returning his umbrella and with a peace offering- the damn soup. He smiled at you, the same smile he gave on the days he would catch you staring, and you blushed like a third grader in love. And, after spending the day with him, you left his house thinking that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to not be valedictorian- as long as Jongseob accepted to be your date for Senior Prom. 
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theosmommy1966 · 14 hours
Unfair Love
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Your fingers were cramping from how hard you were holding the door. Your eyes mad to be deceiving you, Regulus fucking Black cant be standing in front of you. The guy you loved from the simply age of 5 all the way until the end of school. He had been your best friend, the guy you pined over for years and years while he pushed you aside every time he got a girlfriend. Only to suck you right back in when he got bored. 
“No..” You said moving to close the door to your brother's manor. Tom, Mattheo and You were triplets. Magical beings already formed crazy connections but the three of you could literally feel each other and each other's major feelings. So the shock and pain of seeing Regulus had pulled them from the upstairs living room to the top of the stairs. Leaning against opposite walls, Tom positions so he could see down the stairs easily keeping an eye on you while being positioned in a way to be easily overlooked. 
When Regulus pushed his way in, it took everything in both of them to stay put but your voice stopped them. “Tom is home. If that's not bad enough, so is Mattheo. Do not come any further into my home Regulus.” Regulus paused just inside the door, while he had been friends with both boys in school. He also knew they were fiercely protective of their ‘baby’ sister. They would kill each other if the other hurt her, so they would easily Avada him if he pushed to hard. 
“Y/n.. Dont marry him.” He said in a nonchalant tone. Acting like he wasnt rocking her world and trying to crumble her relationship to pieces. “ Regulus.. Your being a dick.” You said unconsciously stepping towards the stairs and pulling your hands up to your chest. He stepped towards you and smiled in a cocky way that made you want to slap him “Come on y/n/n, you know you its always been me.. Dont marry him.” 
Those words sparked anger in your gut. 
Stepping towards him this time you sneer. “I was second to every single girl that even looked your way in school! You literally asked me to the yule ball and then FORGOT and went with some girl from Ravenclaw! I cant.. I wont.. I.. I..” It felt like a let down to your last name when that spark died and never turned into a fire as you started to almost hyperventilate. Every time he broke your heart played through your head as his eyes flicked above your head. 
You didnt need to turn around to know your brothers were coming down. Mattheo was past you quickly, having moved before your breathing even got uneven. Tom wasnt as familiar with panic and anxiety attacks as you and he were. He didnt stop to comfort you as he grabbed his old friend harshly and jerked him out the door. He didnt slam it on his way out knowing that would just startle you and make it worse. 
Tom had always for some reason been the one you went to for comfort. You thought it was probably just because he was the ‘oldest’. He was the one who retucked you into bed when you had bad dreams even though he was the same age. He had always just carried himself in a way that gave big brother vibes. Every where you went people thought you and Matt were twins and Tom was the older brother. 
He would always have a hard time dealing with others feelings but he always made the most effort for his siblings. When you collapsed onto the stairs and started sobbing he moved the rest of the way to you quickly. He tries to get you to calm your breathing but its like you cant hear him. He does the only thing he knows too, the same thing he use to do when you were children and he couldnt wake you from a nightmare. Pressing his forehead to yours he gently entered your mind. it was easy to find you in panic because when all the thoughts finally formed into a picture you were stood frozen while everything moved around you. 
Him saying your name broke your focus as you turned confused then relieved to see him. “Tommy” You said in a broken whisper as he reached for you, tucking your head against his shoulder and hugging you he looked around. “Lets walk through all this, yeah?” Nodding against his chest “I just feel so much right now.. Im so mad at Regulus. Ive tried my entire life to be what he wants, to be someone he sees but he never did. I was just someone to placate his ego in between relationships.” 
Tom watches as memories of you crying, of Regulus manipulating you and leaving flash around him and he squeezes tighter. “He hasnt spoken t-to me in years and then he just shows up here the night before Im supposed to get married?!” You sob and then suck in a harsh breath “Oh my god. Teddy.. Whats he going to think when he finds out I was crying over another man when im supposed to be relaxing and getting ready to marry him!” 
You pull away and pull out of your head and then away from Tom in the real world. Standing you start to pace and pull at your hair. Tom sighs and stands to try and stop you but the door flies open. Mattheo running in frantically looking for you, only to be shoved out of the way by your tall sandy blond fiancee. “Tesoro” He barley whispers as he rushes to pull you into his arms. Your knees giving out again but he keeps you up. His huge hand cups the back of your head and neck as he shushes you gently. 
Theo swears his heart is breaking as your shoulders rack with sobs. He turns to look at his other best friends, Tom is staring at the door, clearing pissed and trying to stay put. Mattheo is pulling at his own hair when he sees the questions in his friends eyes. Hes struggling because he wants to tell him so he can better comfort you, but he doesnt want to betray your trust. Thankfully he doesnt have to, you can feel his panic and pull away just enough too look up. “Regulus was here.” 
Theos head snaps back to you and he tries to reign in his feelings quickly knowing that they will all play out on his face. His first feeling was worry, he had worked so hard to show you how you should actually be treated. So many dates where he couldnt even hold your hand yet. Regulus had treated you so poorly from day one that his nontoxic love was foreign and unwelcome. 
You had grown up in vastly different environments. Birthing triplets had killed your mother. While your father wasn't horrible or abusive, he was unattentive. He would rather you have a nanny (who he sleeps with before replacing and repeating) then try and raise you alone. While Theo grew up with parents who not only loved him but each other. 
Next was anger at the audacity. Then was worry again but this time for you. Taking a deep breath and taking your cheek in one hand he wipes your tears away. “Ok, tell me why your so upset by that. We have to be on the same page to talk through this. Can we go sit down?” you shake your head and pull him up the stairs, away from your brothers to your room. You let go of his hand and keep walking straight for your bathroom. 
After a few mintues long arms wrapped around you, crossing over and gripping your upper arms. “Im here, Tesoro. Whenever your ready.” You didnt register any measure of time as you stood under the water with him holding you and pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder. “I dont deserve you theo..” you say so quietly he almost doesnt hear. Before he can ask what you mean your already speaking. “Here I am, the night before marrying you, crying over some other guy.. God im so horrible.” 
Before your hands can cover your face, Theo has spun you around and is tilting your face forcing you to look at him. He looks just a little annoyed as he speaks, “Dont say that. Do you remember what Tesoro means?” You sniffle and nod but he raises his eyebrows waiting for you to say it. “It means treasure.” He nods and smiles just a little “So.. My Tesoro couldnt be horrible.. I get it darling.. He was your first love, theres a lot of trauma there. I know your not crying because you miss him, your crying for 17 year old you, for 15 year old you and so on. And thats ok, because thats how we heal.” 
Theos heart warmed as you stare up at him in awe. “I know its difficult for you, my love. That this open communication and understanding isnt something that comes naturally too you. So youll have to give me just a little grace while I continue to learn to navigate you. I promise one day Ill be an expert.” He leans in and kisses your forehead, staying there for just a moment to give you both a second to pull yourselves together. 
When he pulled back the smile he loves was back on your face. He sighs happily and kisses your nose before looking at you. Everything was right in his world again, all he needed to do now, was wait for you to go to sleep. Because Regulus.. Well Theo completely understood where YOU were coming from. But Black? Nah. While tending to lean towards his mothers Hufflepuff nature, sometimes he needs to remind people why he was sorted into Slytherin. Why he became friends with The Dark Lords children. Why he and your brothers trusted him to care for you. And tonight, it would be Regulus` turn to learn. 
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Can you do a grumpy ii in spin check or smth? He deserves more loving. Thx!
This also has interactions with other members. Hope you will like it!
Code: cranky little man
“Code: cranky little man. Help.” was the message you received from IV about an hour after the rehearsal had started. And quite frankly you weren’t all that surprised considering that II was already grouchy in the morning before he left. Meaning that you had practically dragged him out of bed, bribing him with homemade dinner once he got back.
“What have you done now” you fired back, knowing that as much as they loved each other they also had a passion for pissing each other off. “I’m offended that you’re blaming me”, was all IV responded with before another notification dinged. This time a picture of your boyfriend with his face first on his drums graced your screen. A slight chuckle slipped past your lips as you quietly saved the image. “Leave my eepy baby alone”, you typed back quickly. Shaking your head you reached for one of II old shirts before throwing little things you might need into your purse.
“Maria, Joseph, and the donkey”, III raised his arms in the air when you made it to the studio thirty minutes later, “The savior is here”. You cackled, placing bags with food and drinks to the side, “Forgot the halo boys, my apologies”, you snickered. “I smell food”, IV practically chirped rubbing his palms together, before digging through the options available. “Hey, share”, you pointed a finger at him, making him lift his hands in surrender, “Yes, Mom”.
You just shook your head at him before grabbing the biggest cup of coffee planet Earth had seen, “Four shots, no sugar”, you muttered, setting the drink next to Vessel who reached out an arm to pull you into a side hug. “You’re the best”, he mused before turning back to the sheets with lyrics.“Bringing offerings like a good girl”, IV whistled, popping another fry into his mouth. “Oj, pipe it down”, II grunted stepping back into the room.
“What are you doing here?”, a slight frown crossed his features. Not the kind that suggested that you were unwanted there. More a surprised one, since you both had agreed that your personal life should be separate from the band's life. “Thought I would pop in to surprise you”, you smiled at him but he only tilted his head to the side, clearly not buying any of it.
“Okay, maybe I got a code red from someone”, you admitted with a slight shrug. “Fucking snitches”, II muttered under his breath before reaching out for you. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You could feel the tension in his body even from such a small action. “What’s wrong?”, you whispered, leaning in to press a loving kiss on his neck. “Nothing”, he shook his head but just glared at him, “Yeah, you are lying through your teeth”.
II stayed ridged for a moment. Running through his thoughts in his head before letting out a sigh, “Just not my day, nothing sounds good”. You hummed at his words, running a hand up and down his back.“How’s your wrist?”, you asked so casually and the slight shock on your boyfriend’s face was understandable. “How did you…”, he cut himself off with a shake of a head.
“I’ll tape it for ya, come on”, you tapped his back a couple of times before pulling away and reaching for your bag. “You were rubbing it this morning…”, you pointed out, reaching for his hand. “That’s what she said”, III snickered, of course making IV laugh as well. “You’ll be eating drumsticks lads”, II grunted shooting them an annoyed look. But you just snickered alongside them, carefully taping the tender wrist.
“How does this feel?”, you looked up, making sure you hadn’t wrapped it too tight. “Good, a lot better”, II agreed with a sigh, “Thanks, bub”, his free hand rubbed the back of your thigh. “You’re more than welcome”, you mussed, leaning in to kiss his lips a couple of times. “Sit with me while i play”, he mumbled against your lips, both hands pulling you deeper into him as he held onto your hips. “I don’t want to bother you or the boys”, you muttered. “As if you could”, he needed forward pressing his head into your chest.
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foreverisntenough · 2 days
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, parenting, self doubt, body image, mention of the word ‘daddy,’ kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant/ baby logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Chapter 14 - Birthday Parties | ‘Ours’
You sat in the back garden holding Teddy. Normally, you didn’t love the idea of opening a gift whilst a party was still going on. It made you a little queasy even thinking about having to muster up some sort of reaction for a gift you might’ve not liked but nevertheless your party planner had convinced you it’d be cute for Teddy to open a few. Your parents had arrived the day of the party. They weren't really ones for staying anywhere ‘extra’ days. They seemed to always have a jam packed schedule and even had to ‘move some things around’ to ‘make it work’ to attend their granddaughter's first birthday. You handed Teddy to your mum who wanted to hold her while she showed her what she had gotten for her as a present. Your newly 12 month old baby didn’t really have the attention span people were looking for from her but she tried her best. It was almost uncomfortable watching your mum be so comfortable with Teddy. She was so positive and motivating. It confused you. She emphasized how beautiful Teddy was over and over again. Repeating how much she loved Teddy’s chubby arms. The way her pudgy golden skin rolled. You don’t think you had ever heard her say the word in that tone. ‘Chubby’ was never a good thing if it was coming off her lips and yet here you were almost melting over it. She had given Teddy a Judith Leiber rainbow bear purse. Your mum loved Judith Leiber bags; they were kitschy, extravagant and expensive. It was sweet in her own way.
“Wow, say thank you, yeah?” Trent cooed to Teddy kissing her cheek. He was able to manage some sort of polite response. It was a £5,000 plus crystal clutch. Did your one year old daughter need this? Absolutely not. In your mum's head though was the perfect thing for any child. Of course it was. And there she was again… that’s mum, champagne in hand, luxury bag in the other, terrifyingly gorgeous face waiting for your recognition.
Winnie and Lauren had flown over with your parents for the occasion and a few of Trent and his brother’s friends came as well. Frankly, you appreciated them just showing up. They were friends and family, of course, but they were also in their young twenties willingly spending their time watching your baby mush cake into her face. It was George's birthday in a few days time as well and he had invited you and Trent on a trip for it but it was a little far-fetched. Every time you saw anyone who was invited on said trip their time was spent trying to convince you to go on it, today that person was George. He was persistent until Winnie got a hold of him. George started talking to Winnie stood in your back garden preoccupied for the moment.
“Not a footballer….” Lauren cooed in an obnoxious tone in Winnie’s ear as if she didn’t know that. She of course had met George previously. Winnie swatted at Lauren’s ass with her hand to tell her to keep moving. It was kind of funny to think of how you never realized how much was going on around you as a kid. Like what adults were actually doing at the parties you were at. Right now, you were taking it easy. You could have a drink here or there but if you were holding Teddy you didn’t want to take anything too far. Too far didn’t exist in everyone else at this part your age’s vocabulary. Their day was just beginning. Lauren and Winnie were staying with you which in theory was fun. It was fun up until later into the evening when you realized they didn’t spend a lot of time especially together at night when a baby was in the same house. You had said Winnie and Lauren were like hell on wheels but throwing Trents friends into the mix, a forest fire.
“It’s my child’s first birthday… like why!” you shrieked at Winnie who was currently peeling her clothes off to dive into your pool you had been putting off closing because you were too lazy. It was an unreasonably warm night for the north west of England but still. She went to respond to you but one of Marcel’s friends pushed her in. All the ‘adults’ had left. I mean, you were adults. Your sister that just went in the pool was an adult but it didn’t feel that way. She came up from the water with a gasp.
“Don’t you want to be a cool mum?” Winnie tried to guilt you into coming in with her as she treaded water. You rolled her eyes at her poor attempt to convince you but you still took slight offense to her comment. Was she saying you weren’t cool anymore?
“I am cool… I just don’t want to swim right now.” You stood your ground but shakily. It pinged in your brain wondering if you had become less fun. Until Marcel came over and picked you up from behind. “Marce, I swear to fucking god, put me down!” You yelped as he walked closer to the pool with you squirming. “My phone! My phone! Wait!” You begged him not to, at the very least, ruin your phone.
“Gimme your phone then …” he taunted you knowing it was in fact, not in your pocket. You looked at him with pleading eyes. “I’ll go in with you…” he spoke quieter just to you in the hopes he could entice you if he went with you.
“I really don’t want to get wet…” You moaned. Really not interested in getting thrown in. He wasn’t happy you didn’t accept his olive branch.
“You used to be so much more fun. Relax.” He spoke to you teetering on the edge of the pool. Everyone was telling you to relax lately so you just closed your eyes slightly defeated. He threw you in. The sound of the water engulfing you was jarring. Trent stood on your back patio watching you pull yourself out of the water completely soaked. Your white tank top now see through, your bra on display. He felt so conflicted like he needed to be a responsible but he couldn’t focus… you looked really fucking hot.
“Trentski!!!! Wannna go for a swim?!” one of the other boys called out seeing him walk out of the house. You were underwater when he did so you smiled picking your head up to see him. He jogged up some stone stairs to get to where you all were by the pool.
“I’m all good, lad.” He dapped up a few people. He had been inside after putting Teddy down and then had just kind of chilled in her nursery for a while making sure she was okay. He was exhausted after his game and you appreciated him being so active with how many people flooded your house today. He liked to retreat after matches so this was a little abnormal for the normal post game routine. “Little wet?” He whispered behind you. You leaned back into him. He winced feeling your wet body and hair cold against his warm skin. You hummed. He wrapped his strong arms around you anyways, crossing his muscles over your chest.
“Before the pool… I was on my way up to you.” You reached behind you and dragged your nails down his neck a little harsher, gaining his full attention.
“And now you're all wet.” He cooed. You giggled rolling your neck to the side resting your head back onto his shoulder.
“I was gonna get wet anyways, right?” You asked him batting your eyelashes up at him. He looked away from you with a smirk trying to ignore your comment and pay attention to the conversation ensuing around you.
“It’d be a little different. I’ll show you later.” He whispered resting his chin onto your shoulder. He kissed your cheek and you felt a shiver run through your body. You shuddered with anticipation but also from your wet clothes sticking to your now cold skin.
You went inside a bit later with Lauren and Winnie to your kitchen to make margaritas. Nothing new was happening here. 1942, ice, lime, agave, simple as. You grabbed everything and placed it on the counter and Lauren took over from there. Hers were ‘better’ i.e. she just put more tequila in. You sat at the island with Winnie. You snooped and saw she was on the dating app Raya so you proceeded to tease her and then asked to ‘play.’ Winnie insisted it wasn’t a game to play, she was in fact looking for love.
“No, no, no! This one is a no. Absolutely not.” You sighed as you swiped again and again on Winnie’s account profiling potential matches.
“Why are you even on Raya? You already have access to the gems of that app.” Lauren asked, pausing, holding the cocktail shaker. Raya was the dating app that a lot of athletes used because you had to authenticate and apply to get in so it was better for them but in turn a lot of girls used it in an effort to meet someone like a footballer. Which at the moment, there were a few in your back garden.
“No, I don’t Lauren… because someone keeps hooking up with every man.” Winnie complained, grabbing her phone back from you. She really was only referring to Jude and Marcel, only one was a footballer but she felt like her point still stood.
“Two? Calm down… You were Miss. T has rosters full.” Lauren said back to her pouring the margaritas over ice. She was teasing Winnie because she had ranted on at a dinner once back in New York about how amazing it was to have a professional athlete likely become her brother in law but alas she had not exactly reaped the rewards the same way Lauren had.
“You both need to relaxxxx. You’ll find someone who’ll make you happy and… “ You continued to babble buzzed unintentionally about how perfect your life was indirectly and how they'll eventually have relationships and families. Lauren and Winnie rolled their eyes simultaneously. You were then cut off.
“Y/N, I get you’re a mum and getting married” she laughed. “But not everyone has to do that. I’m perfectly fine like this.” You rolled your eyes dismissing her. Lauren had a firm stance on wanting to always be the ‘fun aunt’ but she was softer than that. She’d be good with kids. You let her yap away about stuff like this because it was authentically her to stand her ground but another more fragile side would always peek through the cracks of her hard exterior. You watched Lauren’s eyes light up and her lips pull into a devious smirk watching the boys outside from the kitchen.
“So what about Jude?” You asked bluntly cutting off her thoughts as she slid a glass over to you. You took your first sip and winced at the harsh burn of the alcohol.
“What about Jude?” She looked at you like you were asking about someone she barely spoke to. Lauren loved to flirt but she was seeing Jude and you knew that.
“Aren’t you talking to him?” You knew she was, she told you she was, Trent told you she was, Jude told Trent she was. She was in Madrid what felt like every other week and if she wasn’t he was flying her to wherever he was.
“No…” She lied poorly so you waited for the truth sipping her drink. Maybe it was better. “Fine, yeah but you think Jude Bellingham isn’t fucking other girls in Madrid?” She said with a bit of sarcasm. You gave her a soft smile. She could put on a good show that’s for sure, she was being herself, yeah, but you knew the glimmer in her eyes well that she really meant ‘how am I meant to know if the boy I like isn’t fucking other people.’
“I don’t know, does he think Lauren Young is fucking other guys in New York, Liverpool, London, and” You were going to name more cities recalling all the places she’d been lately. Your comment seemed judgmental but it wasn’t her bedroom life you cared about. You cared about how she she was feeling about a boy you knew pretty well. They didn’t have to label it if they didn’t want to but clearly they were veering towards dating.
“That’s not nice…” She flicked her eyes at you meanly. You stood up from your stool and walked around the island to her. This Lauren was the one that would always win. The one that really cared. She loved having sex, playing around with men, nothing wrong with that but to say she didn’t care at all about any of it wasn’t true. She liked him and he liked her.
“Sorry! Sorry!” You giggled. “You know I didn’t mean it like that.” You hugged her and rested your head on her shoulder. “I just meant maybe you two should clear the air a little, be honest.” You emphasized with real sentiment. “but what do I know I'm a ‘mum.’” You quipped back at her.
“Y/N, don’t be like that! Lauren was just saying she wants to get dicked down whenever she wants by whoever she wants.” Winnie chimed in stopping your subtle jabs. They weren’t serious but she didn’t care listening to you two go tick for tat.
“That’s one way of putting it.” Lauren laughed cheersing Winnie’s glass. Lauren was keeping her and Jude’s monogamy pretty hush. So every time she traveled Winnie thought she was seeing other people, she wasn’t.
“And I don’t get dicked down?” You asked offended stepping back from them reverting the conversation back to yourself.
“I don’t know, what's all that like lately?” Winnie asked you, tracing the shape of Trent’s figure through the window. You started laughing. You and Trent had sex a lot considering his schedule and you had a one year old. Hell, you were waking up getting eaten out from behind. Winnie and Lauren watched you giggle and waited for you to answer impatiently.
“It’s really good. Really, really good.” You answered with a smug smile looking outside at Trent not at them.
“What’s annoying is you know it’s actually really good when she won't tell us. It’s when we yapp on and on about it. That’s when you know you’re actually trying to convince yourself the sex was good.” Lauren explained to Winnie.
“Lucky… So annoying, honestly.” Winnie quipped with an eye roll.
It was George’s birthday so you wanted to go, you really did, but logistically this was insane. George had invited some boys on this birthday trip to go to the United States, which Trent initially thought, given the location, that would somehow convince you but it didn’t. They were going all the way to Nevada for the Las Vegas Grand Prix. While that sounded amazing, it took almost half a day just to travel there. It was nice to include you, you didn’t expect to be but it was a relaxed trip, you’d gone on holiday with a lot of them before. This was just such a bad idea but Trent was hell bent. Yes, he would be mid season but if it meant you got to watch an F1 race he’d certainly find a way. It was late November and your baby was not your baby. She was 14 months and it felt like she was practically a teenager.
“Baby, I swear it’ll be so fun. Promise. George told me that Winnie should come as well. It won’t be just you and lads. Your parents can take Ted, please, baby.” He was begging you like he wanted to go to a party and you were his parent.
“T, I never said you couldn’t go!” You giggled massaging his muscular shoulders leaned over the back of the couch as he sat with Teddy. Her cute gaze looking up at you. You pressed a kiss to her lips before you kept talking. “Honestly, I just don’t think it makes sense for me to go to Las Vegas with a bunch of English boys.”
“It’s because we’re English?” His eyes narrowed at you in confusion and then he laughed. “That’s such a random bullshit lie Y/N. You’re just being lazy, come with me. Come have fun with me.” He begged you. You’d be lying if your mind didn’t immediately rush to the idea of having him alone in a hotel room for a few days. Just the way his arms were wrapped so strongly around your baby girl, how gentle his thumb moved over her cheek. You were jealous of Teddy right now, she always got his attention when he was home. Summer seemed ages ago already and you missed him, his time felt hard to come by.
“It’s not a lie, this is just a lad’s holiday in Las Vegas… Do you understand how that sounds? Like it's just a bunch of boys flying to Las Vegas… like casinos, strip clubs, I don't know what you're doing” You went to keep talking, explaining to him that ‘lads on tour’ is really only fun if you're one of the lads.
“Yeah, George, big into strip clubs, baby.” He teased you. You said it more as a description of Las Vegas not really thinking about what they were going to actually do. George definitely had rigid principles. A strip club just was not his vibe at all so to be fair the idea that it’d be something they’d do was pretty far out of the question. “You didn’t mind crashing the first time, look how that turned out… Made the most perfect girl in the whole world. Huh? Are you perfect, my baby bear?” Trent cooed in between pressing a million kisses onto Teddy. You could barely make out his words but you knew what he was saying. “C’mon baby. It'll be quick” He whined.
“It quite literally will not. It’s like a 10 hour flight, T.” You complained, squeezing his shoulder a little tighter cheekily. He winced at the tension you pinched his muscles with.
“See you’re already doing your math in your head. I know you’ve got half of your trip planned by the time I’m even finishing this sentence.” He teased. He joked with you that you often had your own mathematical system in your head. The way you processed things ahead of time. Really this mathematical system was just a form of anxiety he didn’t experience. It consisted of problem solving the likes of ‘if its an 8 hour time difference and a 10 hour flight, we’ll have to leave England on this date at this time, etc, etc, etc.’ It was exhausting and you were relieved that he thought it was endearing and not crazy.
When you landed in Las Vegas it was late and you went straight to the hotel. Your parents had kindly taken Teddy. You’d only be away from her for about 72 hours total and about one of the days would be spent traveling. Nevertheless, it made you so nervous. You really didn’t leave her overnight ever. You didn’t want to. It stressed you out but you had a lovely flight with Trent regardless. You collapsed into the hotel bed almost immediately upon arrival.
“What’s wrong, baby?” You giggled leaning into the pillows behind you. Trent laid on top of you entirely. His weight was crushing you but you didn’t mind. He sighed and he nuzzled into your neck.
“Baby, I miss her.” He muffled into your skin. You pouted hearing him. He was always honest with you, he just wasn’t always keen about letting himself be vulnerable but here he was. It just fell out. He really missed Teddy.
“Me too, T. It’s okay though. I’ll be with her soon.” You rubbed his back hoping to comfort him the best you could knowing you were going to see her and he was going straight back to work.
“I just am starting to feel bad like I’m already away from her so much and now I’m just tacking on days. I didn’t think about it this way and now I just miss my baby.” He spoke still muffled against you. “Sorry…” He unnecessarily apologized.
“It’s okay, baby.... You know you can tell me these things, T? I want to know. I understand. I miss her so much but she’ll be fine. Probably doesn’t even know what's going on. Will be back with mummy and daddy in no time.” You giggled thinking of your little girl.
“I feel like a bad dad. I’m so happy you’re connecting with her. Seeing you with her, I love it all, really, but I’m jealous. I’m getting nervous I’m away from her too much. Like it didn’t surprise me she said your name first. I knew it. I could feel it. As much as it’s all jokes, I'm starting to get worried.” You stroked up his spine once more before pausing. You felt horrible he felt that way. You understood he was definitely away from home more than you could have ever predicted. You never imagined seeing him so infrequently in and out of the house but that didn’t mean the time he was home with you and with Teddy wasn’t incredibly impactful. Trent loved his job more than anything in the world but you don’t think he ever anticipated what it’d feel like to have her. You pressed your lips to his hair and he just clung to you.
“You’re the best dad to her. I promise.” You whispered. Trent loved you, of course he did but you were an independent person. Teddy needed so much, she needed to learn and grow and feel and he hated that even though he was doing the thing that allowed her to have the life she does, he was missing so much of it. He fell asleep quietly, thoughts screaming. You stayed up just having a think inspecting every inch of his skin. Every divet, tan line, and freckle. It sounds ridiculous but you wanted to just see how human he was. With Trent, he just did things on another level. He was so good at… life. He was a great athlete, a great partner, a great son, he was everything and you loved him for all those incredible high points yet the moments where he wavered, the ones where he may have felt low, you really loved him for those. You selfishly wanted to know you took care of him, that he trusted you, that he felt safe with you. The moments when he wasn’t on the biggest stage. The confidence he showed learning how to be a dad was equally if not much more impressive than watching him walk out onto a pitch. He was everything to you and Teddy. You wanted to tell him for hours just ramble all the things you adored about him but you figured you’d let him sleep for now. You’d tell him in the morning and you did.
The circuit was hot. You got to the grid for qualifying the day before the race in Las Vegas and the weather was warm and it was packed with people. This was Trent’s element. As reserved as he could be he had an aura and charisma that drew people to him and made these types of events his domain. He was away from home. He could step out of his comfort zone a little so you pushed him to dress that way. You had met with a friend of yours who was a personal stylist a couple months ago. She had texted you when Prada’s new collection came into Selfridges. You were headed into Manchester to hopefully find something for Teddy’s birthday but ended up with a lot of bags for yourself and Trent including a pair of beige overalls, you were begging him to wear tomorrow. Overtime in your relationship, Trent just gave in to letting you dress him. It started slow trying to convince you he could rival the fits you pulled together but the fact of the matter is that you had done this for a living. You could strike a football as well but you wouldn’t try to tell him you could do it as a job.
“No, you do not understand.” You emphasized with a laugh trying to get him to comprehend just how good he really looked. You had dressed Trent in a white tee. He underestimated how good it was. You always remember seeing him pulling a similar white t-shirt over his head the first night you spent with him. It was seared into your brain. It was mouth watering. His tan was still lingering from summer. He got sent a pair of trousers from Adidas you approved and it looked almost too good. Too clean. As much as you had thought about what Trent would wear you didn’t really anticipate you would be attending this so your outfit really was an afterthought. You opted for an embroidered crop top you had picked up in your Selfridges haul and a khaki mini skirt paired with a Mui Mui green bag. You didn’t think too much about this but Trent told you you probably wouldn't go back to the hotel before dinner so you wanted to wear something that could work for your whole day.
After you visited one of the garages you walked through the paddock holding Trent’s hand. Winnie met up with you and you actually were having a really good time. The sun was out and it was just good vibes celebrating with George. You went up into a hospitality suite overlooking the track. Trent offered to get you drinks so you took him up on it. While he was waiting, a teammate of his came up behind him to say hello. Jadon Sancho played in the Bundesliga so he wasn’t in England during the year currently but you had met him maybe once or twice. He had a funny couple years between moving clubs and just coming back into form so he wasn’t around the international team much anymore but he and Trent were still tight. He and his friends had also managed to swing this trip.
“Nah, fiancé now bro. I haven’t spoken to you, you know. You go to Germany, we don’t hear from you.” Trent filled Jadon in on his life at the bar with a laugh. To be fair, keeping in touch got slightly difficult if they were both in season. You hadn’t shared the engagement on social media so unless you or Trent had let someone know directly they wouldn’t know.
“Yeah? She here?” Jadon asked as he leaned onto the bar top. Trent picked his head up to nod towards your direction for him to follow with his eyes.
“Yeah, mate. Her sister as well.” Trent confirmed. Jadon licked his lips gazing through the room. He eyed Winnie immediately. Trent's eyes narrowed, a little surprised by Jadon's response to looking at her then the light bulb in his head went off. He thought maybe this was his chance to finally give Winnie someone from his roster.
“You should come say hello.” Trent told him presenting the offer with feigned innocence. As if Jadon wanted to come say hi to you, which you're sure he would’ve done, he was lovely, but the hot single girl next to you was definitely a driving force. “You and your boys should come out with us tonight.” Jadon nodded as Trent picked up the two drinks for you and Winnie.
“Sound. Girls coming with you all night?” He asked and Trent just laughed squeezing his shoulder dragging him off the bar. Jadon and him caught up as they made their way through a crowded room.
“He’s cuteeeee” Winnie sang in your ear watching Trent talk to Jadon at the bar.
“I don't really know anything about him. They were friends before we met and then he moved so I don't know much.” You told her the honest truth. You didn’t know much about Jadon and the things you did know were mostly football related. ‘Good dribbler’ and ‘techy’ didn’t really help you get to know someone any better.
“I’d be interested in finding out more” Winnie cooed, squeezing your arm with a big smile on her face. You weren’t really watching her, you were watching Trent. The sun barrelled into the room through the glass windows and he just looked unreal. His high cheek bones catching the sun, his dark brown eyes lit with honey hues, you could see his annoyingly long eyelashes you were envious of from all the way where you were standing. Just the way he moved and walked was so hot. He unintentionally was driving you insane.
“He looks so fucking good, Win.” You moaned to her and he did… he looked sexy. She laughed a little at your desperation for someone you were engaged to. It’s not like you had to build the courage to go up and get his number, you had it already, you had his baby too. “Don’t make this something it’s not but I feel like he thinks of me as a mum now” you confided in Winnie.
“You are a mum.” She laughed so you rolled your eyes at her. You didn’t mean literally. It’s not like you weren’t having sex or either of you weren’t enjoying it. Trust you were. Sex was just in your bed more often than not now because you had a child so you werent exactly going to fuck on the kitchen counter. You had to be quiet, there were boundaries you needed to abide by. Seeing him right now though made you want to just pull him into a room and rip off all his clothes. You looked at Winnie as you spoke trying to make sure you articulated this correctly because you weren’t unhappy. You were horny.
“I kinda just wish he would blow my back out.” Your sentence was cut off when Trent came and interrupted. Winnie popped her lips into a smile hoping he didn’t catch the last bit of your sentence.
“Baby, you remember Sanch right?” Trent asked you. You smiled and turned towards Jadon. You gave him a hug,
“Yeah, yeah course” You leaned back adjusting the way the waistband of your skirt sat on your hips suddenly feeling very hot under Trent’s gaze. “You alright?” You asked, trying to act normal but you were distracted. You made quick work of the conversation and he was as nice and polite as you remembered but funny as well. You forgot. You forgot to tell Winnie he was funny. He asked about Teddy telling you you looked incredible for having a one year old. You rolled your eyes not believing him but you moved on. Trent began to introduce him to Winnie when Jadon turned his head towards her in acknowledgment with a smug look.
“Winnie.” She reintroduced herself talking over Trent. Winnie said her name in the most uppity way she could, sticking out her hand to shake his. Trent slid his hand around your waist and squeezed your side. You shook your head because you could see exactly what was unfolding in front of you. Trent proud of his handiwork although he really didn’t do anything, Winnie eager to finally meet a friend of Trent’s she might actually hit it off with, and Jadon naively or maybe willingly stepping into your sister’s trap. Winnie loved to be the object of desire, to be saved, honestly,so did you it was fun playing the damsel in distress sometimes. But Winnie wanted it to be done in a way that was nasty. Defile me type vibes so when she met a guy she was interested in she started her introduction with her nose high up in the air so when she was eventually on her knees for them it would be all the more thrilling. They’d feel like they conquered her, broke her down into this. Really, the whole time she was playing them, getting exactly what she wanted.
You watched the race qualifiers and then went out to dinner for George's birthday round one. This was a little more relaxed then what you had planned for tomorrow so Jadon and two of his friends joined in. There was a lot of tension at your end of the table. Winnie and you drinking and being probably too handsy. It was a steamy dinner but everyone made it out of the restaurant and to the club clothed. It was a hot club. Like you were actually warm. You were in a roped off area so you had space but the enclosed place filled with a lot of people still made you skin slightly slick. It smelt like perfume and sweat in a deliciously sweet way. It was loud in there too. You could feel the bass of the music in your chest. The house edits of Top 40 songs were blurring into one tedious beat. You watched on inconspicuously as Jadon and Winnie ‘talked.’ That's at least what she said she was going to do when she got up.
“I’ve heard good things about your sister from Trent” Jadon spoke in Winnie’s ear.
“Oh yeah?” Winnie asked in response, a little confused where he was going but also not at all. It wouldn’t exactly the first time someone spoke to Winnie about you on a night out. People would always ask for threesomes, get with her to get with you, all sorts of bullshit so she kind of rolled her eyes at it but listened anyway. She felt disappointed and all over the place because he seemed so nice so she didn’t think he’d try to mess about with you, especially considering the ring on your finger but she was drunk and so was he so what did she really know.
“Yeah. Heard she’s a good girl. Are you?” He whispered and his words dripped like honey. It sent a shiver down her spine. Winnie internally was screaming. This. This is what she wanted. The way his hand caressed her hip, slipping his thumb into the waistband of her trousers, his accent, the whole thing had her reeling in excitement but she presented cool and calm.
“Mmm no.” she replied after a minute of pretending to think. She pressed her drink to her lips hiding her curling lips.
“No?” Jadon questioned her with a smirk. It was so much fun riling a boy up and if he was hot, even better. Her body was on fire under his touch. “I think I can make you a good girl f’me though. What’d you think?” He kept talking. His words had her in a trance, his hands on her body had her possessed.
“Would you rather I be good or bad for you when you take me home?” She whispered, dropping her drink to her side to hold it by her side. Jadon bit his lip and narrowed his gaze getting more and more entangled with her. Winnie was a lot braver than you. Her forwardness being one of the ways in which she was but it also got her exactly what she wanted.
You laughed imagining what their conversation was like. Their words and accents colliding making the perfect mess. Winnie’s valley girl american slang trying to converse with Jadon from South London was just jokes but you couldn't imagine the direction their conversation had taken or maybe you could but in anycase watching two people meet for the first time, touch for the first time, make advances, Jadon's hand creeping up Winnie’s bare waist had you tense.
“Hi” you giggled, turning around to look at Trent. You were sitting on his lap at a small table, you didn’t need to greet him but you wanted his attention. Winnie had gotten what she wanted and you were envious. You had been wanting Trent.
“You okay? You want to go?” You hated that he jumped there first. You wanted his hand to slide up on your leg not take you home. The fizz that was sparkling away in you went flat. You were focused on his dominant hand holding his drink resting on top of your thigh, the wet bottom of the glass running down the inside of your leg some. You’d not paid any attention to the one he had just managed to sneak under your skirt. He grazed over your covered core with his fingers. You bit your lip knowing better than to make a noise or react. You suddenly lost your breath and any thought in your head. He readjusted in his seat underneath you purposefully pushing his hips up into you. The club was loud but you had to still fight back a moan. “You still want your back blown out?” He whispered into your ear. The warmth of his breath on the shell of your ear and the feeling of his soft lips grazing over it had you weak. You stiffened. You were mortified he had heard you earlier today and then suddenly not at all, excitement washing over you. You leaned your head back onto him. You hummed a confirmation interested in what he had to offer seeing as he knew now.
“You’re gonna do what I say, alright?” He continued whispering to you in a low sexy tone quietly just for you to hear. You hummed once more feeling his fingers press tight circles over your covered clit in the most discreet way. You stared straight ahead looking at nothing in particular trying to be nonchalant. “Go to the bathroom and start…” That's all he said.
“What…?” You genuinely didn’t understand. He gripped you a little tighter with his other hand signaling to you he was serious about what he was saying.
“I want you to go to the bathroom and I want you to play with this pussy till I get there.” His words made your whole body feel numb. His commanding tone had you dizzy. What was going on?
“Are you serious?” You attempted a whispered back, completely shocked. The feeling of his lips peeling and pressing onto the skin of your neck was hypnotizing. You could barely focus but you heard him hum the same way you had before confirming that it was exactly what he wanted. Clearly Trent had been feeling the same way you had and was taking matters into his own hands. That said, you were out with friends, you were parents now, you were in public. Was he really asking for you to go do this? That wasn’t really the crazy part though it was the fact that you were actually going to go and do it for him.
“Video it.” He continued to instruct you. “Send it to me and I’ll decide if you’re ready for me to come and blow your back out” His words alone had you dripping. Your jaw slacked a little. Honestly, you’d done far too many inappropriate things with him but every. single. time. it just made your heart race and your pussy pulse. He was so hot and you were going to do whatever he wanted you to. You stood and he helped you up but practically pushed you off eager for you to get going. You didn’t turn back to look at him. You ‘dropped’ your phone instead and bent over to pick it up. You leaned over putting yourself on full display to him. The black thong you had on not covering any of you. Your ass in his face. You stood back up and adjusted your skirt but flashed him a little bit more of your asscheek one more time. He shut his eyes softly, shaking his head with a smirk on his face. He loved this. He loved you. You peered over your shoulder to make sure he was watching and walked off.
When Trent got a text from you he'd never been more excited. He could feel all the blood rush to his cock. The second you sat down on his lap at the club he was trying not to think about fucking you but right now it was the only thing he wanted to think about. He leaned back in his seat so only he could see his screen. There you were sitting on the counter of the restroom, legs open for him teasing your clit. You were wet. You had a hard time getting started but the idea of him watching in front of everyone and having to behave until he got to you was setting your desire for him a blaze. You wanted him to come and blow your back out badly.
“Just gonna go make sure she’s okay.” Trent tapped George on the knee letting him know. It was more of a ‘don’t look for me’ type thing then a ‘I’m worried’ type of notification though.
“Yeah mate, all good.” George answered him watching him puff out a bit of air gearing up for you. George smirked. Obviously, you were just fine. Trent knocked on the door and you hopped off the sink completely giddy but almost dizzy. God, you had really worked yourself up. You opened the door slightly and leaned your head against it to peak out. You couldn’t not smile seeing the cheeky eager grin on his face.
‘So dirty f’me, baby. Getting off at a club” He teased you as he pulled your bottom lip with his hand. You stepped back into the room and he closed the door. His free hand reaching behind him to lock it.
“Stop!” You whined desperately. “I need you and I want you, T” You dragged your hands desperately down his chest playing with the waistband of his trousers immediately. You were like an enigma to Trent sometimes, you were so strong willed, knew exactly what you wanted and yet you were so submissive. He loved it and ate every bit of it up.
“I know you do and you didn’t tell me. Gotta tell me, pretty girl. How am I meant to know?” He said in a smug voice. He grabbed your hips and pushed you back towards the sink. He slowly moved his hands up your body grazing his thumbs over your recently reclaimed toned stomach.
“You always know when I need you, please.” You begged him. He brushed the underside of your boobs and you moaned. He smiled and looked at you with his big brown eyes. You were a goner tonight. He slid his hands back down your stomach away from your boobs, over your hips, and kneaded your ass.
“So fucking beautiful, yeah?” He hummed bringing his lips to your neck. He began to leave wet harsh kisses, nibbling at your most sensitive area. “So fucking sexy. Just for me.” He wasn’t asking, he was telling you and he was right. He continued moving his hands behind your thighs and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around the waist the way you’d been fantasizing about all day. He placed you back onto the counter but not too far back, a little towards the edge, just where he needed you.The hem of your skirt pushed up and he slid his hands up your thighs.
“So I did a good job then?” You asked eager to know his review of the video. Hi fingers ghosted over your wet pussy. You were dreaming of how good his would’ve felt as opposed to yours.
“Don’t know, what do you think? You tell me what you like more. Do you like when you do it or..” he dragged his words before he paused. You felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. Or what? You needed him to move faster. You could feel your wetness on the counter beneath you. He was so devastatingly beautiful staring back at your smug as can be. He knew the answer before he even started.
“Baby…” you moaned quietly and desperately. He dragged two of his fingers down the inside of your thigh then back up towards your core. It was torturously slow. He finally gave into you and ran his fingers through your pussy, your slick coating his fingers. You slid your hands up his chest and pulled at his shirt to bring him closer to you for a kiss. You couldn’t fight back a whisper though, feeling his fingers finally dip inside. He pulled away from your kiss with a smug smile.
“Where?” he asked ambiguously. You were not in a head space to be able to read his mind right now.
“Oh fuck, that feel so good!” You whined. He stopped his movements suddenly though and you wanted to cry but he looked at you with intent telling you to answer the question. You figured it out. You guessed, but you were right. “In my pocket.” you breathed heavily trying to move a little to get him to continue. He took his free hand and reached into the pocket of your skirt and pulled out the tiny black thong you’d been wearing. He just tucked it away into his own pocket and swiftly moved on. Sometimes Trent was even too cool, too calm, and too ahead of the game for you to even keep up. His fingers began to work you up again. He went slow at first curling his digits into the place you loved for them to be and then up to a blistering pace. You were soaking wet, in a more conscious state you probably would've been concerned you would slide off the counter top but at the moment Trent’s frame pushing you back and his legs keeping yours open was all you needed You felt that familiar knot in your stomach form. You shut your eyes overwhelmed by the pleasure. The knot snapped swiftly before you could tell him. Your pussy pulsating around his fingers. You released and a sensation of pleasure washed over you.
“What'd you think, baby? Who makes you feel better, huh?” Trent loved being praised and praise he deserved. You had a hard time coming back down to earth. Your chest was heaving, you could feel a bead of sweat run down your neck.
“You, baby. Oh my god, definitely you.” You giggled out of breath leaning back against the bathroom mirror with a tired smile.
“What I thought. I always take care of you don’t I?” You nodded as he dragged his thumb over your core again gathering your slick between your legs before he parted your lips a little more to swipe over your clit slowly. His touch sent a shiver up your spine, pushing out a soft moan. “Just gotta ask me, baby then you wouldn’t ever have to touch yourself like that. Hmm? Tell me what you were thinking about touching yourself?” You gripped his strong biceps urgently as he started to move his finger faster and harder on your clit.
“You, T.” you whined. He smirked back at you proud. Your pussy began to throb oversensative and desperate for more of him. “Fuck! I’m gonna cum, baby. Oh my god, I’m gonna cum.” Your jaw slacked as you convulsed. You felt like you were going to pass out.
“There we go, baby. Think you’re ready now.” He pulled you off the counter onto wobbly legs but he held you steady. “You still want me?” He asked gently, you nodded still coming down from your orgasms, so he turned you to face the mirror tenderly. You bent over for him. He didn’t need to ask. This is all you’d been thinking about. He traced your spine with one of his fingers. Just his touch made goosebumps rise on your skin. His hand reached around you and wrapped around your throat which made you gasp. He pulled you back to him so you were standing against him. You could see yourself pressed against him in his strong hold in the mirror.
“Trent…” you whimpered with barely any air left in your throat. The lack of oxygen made you felt dizzy and you loved it. His lips all over your neck. You pushed your ass back into him. He smacked your ass cheek and you let out a delicious moan for him. You jolted further forward on the countertop arching your back more. He pumped himself a few times before he pressed his tip leaking pre cum against your clit. He was slow despite your eagerness. He grazed over your hole teasingly before he sank in.
“This what you wanted, beautiful?” He asked as he began to move in and out of you. Your brain was in a complete fog. You had no other thoughts other than the ones about him. You moaned yes what felt like a thousand times loving every second his cock filled you. You felt one of his hands let go of your hip. Trent reached into his pocket and pulled out your panties. He seamlessly grabbed one of your wrists and pinned it behind your back and then the other. You rested your cheek against the mirror. It was the only way you could support yourself as he continued to thrust into you. He wrapped and twisted the lace material tight around your wrists and held them back against your hot skin. Your mouth parted, overwhelmed by what he was doing. Your eyes rolled back when he began to hit deeper inside of you with new leverage. “C’mon, answer pretty girl ” he asked harshly. You were too fucked out to care but it was probably a good thing the music was so loud in the club so no one could hear the lewd noises you and your skin slapping was creating. You could barely answer him, too focused on the feeling of him. He lifted one of his legs to your side to fuck you from a different angle and your mind went blank. His cock hit your gspot in a way that had you crumbling all over again. He slowed and pulled out of you. He turned you around and lifted you up back onto the counter in one swift sequence.
“That was so good. More, baby” you requested. “Want your cum inside of me.” Your eyelids felt so heavy. You smiled at him incredibly turned on. He looked at you and thought he could cum just from the beautiful lustful expression on your face. You pulled him into you and kissed down his neck. You sucked on his sensitive skin disregarding your better judgment. You didn't leave marks on him too often and definitely not in places people could see during the season. He didn’t stop you though. You bit into his skin desperately leaving behind markings. Souvenirs he could take home from your trip. He let out a breathy moan before he couldn’t wait any longer, he plunged back into you. He stretched your soaked pussy out so perfectly. He thrusted in and out of you again and again. You were in your own world. Nothing else but each other existed right now and it felt like that. You were completely intoxicated by the other. The way you sounded, the way you felt, the way you looked, it was hard to last any longer than you had without cumming again.
“I’m gonna cum.” You moaned desperately, feeling his hand drop in between your bodies and begin circling your throbbing clit. Your whines now matching the rhythm of his thrusts. Your lips stuck parted as he fucked you into another orgasm.
“Cum f’me, baby.” he grunted just about to reach his own high. He kissed your shoulder and bit down when he felt you clench around his cock. “Be a good girl f’me. Cum.” He demanded as you made a mess on his length. You clung to him tighter then before wrapping your legs around him so he couldn’t pull away. Your vision went a little blurry when you felt his warm cum pumped deep inside of you. His hands pulled your trembling slightly sweaty body in the softest way completely flush against him. He kissed you everywhere he could. “Did such a good job baby…” He whispered out of breath as he stilled before pulling out. His fingers pushed his cum back into your sensitive pussy.
“I love you so much, T.” you smiled shyly looking up at him. You grabbed his hand with yours and brought it to your lips. You gently kissed over his knuckles. He laughed seeing your thong still wrapped around your one wrist loosely now.
“I love you. So good f’me.” He cooed. You kissed his lips before he stopped you from trying to unravel your panties. He took them from you and pocketed them again. “We’ll use them later… promise.” he winked at you and your heart faltered with excitement as he helped you off the sink with a giggle.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 15 xx
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lisbeth-kk · 3 days
May Prompts (30) Journey
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 30)
Summary: Rosie struggles a bit during her pregnancy. Thinking about her own mother only makes her nauseous, and not because of morning sickness. A solution is found and nature does the rest.
Thirty Years Old
Of course, we were at Baker Street the first time the baby kicked. Not surprising since we lived there, it was the occasion rather, Timothy’s birthday.  Dad and Papa came up from Sussex to celebrate with us, and the moment I hugged Dad, a violent kick made me wince.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Dad asked worried.
“The baby,” I whispered. “It kicked. For the first time.”
Dad beamed at me, as if it was his presence that elicited this action. Papa looked proudly at him, and I just knew that this baby would be spoiled beyond belief. My parents were already besotted. Not that Marie and Daniel were less excited, but they’d been through this four times already.
The evidence of my pregnancy with my growing belly, didn’t stop me from marvelling in the craziness of it all. Every now and again the thought hit me: you’re having a baby!
Another thing that haunted me occasionally was the thought of my mother. How had she felt about being pregnant with a man that abandoned her? Not that I blamed Dad one bit. She had almost killed Papa, which still made me nauseous, and it stung my heart. Sometimes I was filled with rage aimed at the woman who I’d been inside for nine months. Other times, I pondered if she’d planned it all to end like it did. To save Papa’s life, sacrificing herself. The thoughts were fruitless of course, and for my own sanity, I managed to stop before I was overwhelmed with the need to know.
There was no secret that both my parents had gone to therapy before and after the Eurus business, and Dad suggested that I try it too, to get some tools to cope when the emotions got the better of me. I did, and it helped.
Nature is a wonderful thing. After months of discomfort and hours of agony in labour, all was forgotten once our little girl was laid on my chest. She was perfect, obviously. Brown strands of hair and dark eyes, the colour not yet established. The midwife took at photo of the three of us to send to our families in due course. 
“Best not wait too long, or Sherlock might talk Greg into giving him access, the hour be damned,” Timothy quipped.
I sighed and kissed the wonder who slept peacefully, wrapped in soft blankets.
Once the nurse had cleaned me up and I got a room, I fed my daughter, which was an overwhelming experience, and I cried through the whole event. Timothy was a calming presence and burped her when she made it clear that she was full, thank you very much.
“Call them,” Timothy urged.
I was anxiously waiting for my first visitors the next day. The day before, or night actually, Papa had insisted on asking uncle Myc to send a car down to Sussex to pick them up and bring them to London asap since the last train had departed hours earlier. Both me and Dad called him childish, and he finally settled on visiting after breakfast the following day.
Papa was almost lost for words when he realised that we’d named our daughter after them. It took Dad a bit longer to grasp it, and they were both teary-eyed and quite soppy when they greeted Joanna Shirley for the first time. She clearly had a thing for Papa’s voice, just like I’d always had, because when she started to wail, he talked her through it, and she looked up at him with wide eyes.
Seeing Dad holding my daughter, while Papa encircled Dad’s shoulders, made me tear up again. I was so happy for that little person who had such wonderful people in her life, to spoil her rotten, but also to teach her obscure things, comfort her and support her for as long as they could. It was like seeing my own childhood unfold in front of me. The first years I didn’t remember, and I couldn’t wait to experience that, not to mention adding my uncles into the equation. 
Speaking of…
The day I was released from the hospital, Timothy was oddly jittery when I asked if he’d made the last preparations for my return home with an infant.
“Of course,” he assured me.
He was a terrible liar, just like Dad.
It turned out that the forces of nature, which was The Fab Four, had taken matters into their own hands. Timothy had been in charge of making tea and ordering takeaway, while two men, I think you can guess who, did the physical work, while the brothers directed and supervised the remaking of my old room into an extraordinary nursery.
The white walls had been painted sunny yellow; the cot was the one we’d already received from my uncles, a pale green armchair stood in the corner, a bee plushie and Ted were placed on top of the duvet, and a white rug lay on the floor. Bee-patterned curtains, and my own bee-blanket, an oak bookshelf filled with my old books and some new ones, made the room feel welcoming.
“You’re all insane!” I scolded the proud foursome.
“Indeed,” uncle Myc agreed. “Nothing but the best is good enough for my grandniece.”
“And our granddaughter,” Dad and Papa said in unison.
Uncle Greg rolled his eyes at them, but he was unable to hide his pride and the love he felt for his abnormal family.
Also available on AO3
This whole chapter is a journey of its own, but also part of a bigger one, which has been a joy to share with you all.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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Happy Birthday, Daddy!
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PAIRING || Boyfriend!Dad!Young!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Mom!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY || Saying goodbye to your boyfriend and twins will never be easy, but knowing you're leaving right before Tony's birthday makes it even more difficult. However, he doesn't know that you're going to surprise him on his birthday, and when you show up on his special day, it will become a day he will never forget.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Canon divergence. No powers AU. Everyone lives AU. Modern AU. Young!Tony Stark. Dad!Tony Stark. Established relationship. Kid fic.
WARNINGS || Tearful goodbyes. Use of nicknames. Use of Y/N. Reader is described as tattooed. Referenced insecurities. Talk about conceiving, labor, and delivery. Explicit sexual content.
SMUT || Daddy kink. Praise. Marking. Hickies. Hair pulling. Nipple play. Grinding. Fingering. Oral sex (F receiving). Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!). Multiple orgasms. Cream pie. Cockwarming. Aftercare.
A/N || This one-shot is written in honor of the birthday of my greatest love, Tony Stark, and of course, this story has to be part of my favorite little AU. I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for everything you do for me, and I could not have written this without your support. Eu te amo 💙
EVENTS Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Maritime May || Body Art Masterlist || @kinky-things-happen || Marking
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All graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark Masterlist || AU Masterlist
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Usually, being away from your family - your boyfriend Tony and your twins, Hudson and Orion - is acceptable for you. Still, today is different, as this will be the first time you won't be sharing Tony's birthday all together. Instead, you must go for a work trip you can't get out of, and he's now dropping you off at the airport with the twins.
"Are you sure you have to leave soon, Sunshine? I'm not sure I can miss you on my birthday," Tony said with a slight pout. He's holding your hands, squeezing softly as he looks into your eyes. Hudson and Orion are strapped in their stroller as they happily babble away with one another.
"I'm sure, My Love. But I'll be back before you know it," you tell him as you get up on your tiptoes, capturing his lips with yours in a soft, sweet kiss that sets your insides on fire. Instead of pulling away, however, Tony gently grabs your face as he slowly deepens the kiss, leaving you breathless momentarily.
"W-what was that for?" you ask shyly, a burning sensation forming in your flushed cheeks.
"Nothin', I just felt like kissing my girl," he says with a smirk, and you're practically melting on the spot with those words. Before you can say anything, he leans in again. He bumps his nose against yours before kissing you again, his lips melding with yours effortlessly.
"I'm so lucky to have you and our little family," Tony whispers as he pulls away, a slight tremble in his voice as he knows the goodbye is getting closer by the minute.
"Oh no, I'm the lucky one, My Love. I wouldn't be standing here today with our beautiful Munchkins without you. Ti amo amore mio," you tell him, and his eyes widen as he hears the Italian words slip from your tongue.
"Ti amo, mio sole," Tony tells you in a soft voice, feeling overwhelming emotions as he pulls you in for another kiss. He can't stay away from you or your soft lips for too long, needing as much time tasting you as he possibly can.
"Can I say goodbye to your babies now?" you ask jokingly, and Tony agrees with a chuckle. He lets you go, so you bend down to grab Orion first while Tony gets Hudson out of his side of the stroller.
"Mommy is going to miss you so much, Babygirl!" you tell your three-year-old daughter, Orion.
"I miss you too, Mommy," she says in a small voice as she places her head on your shoulder and her chubby arms around your neck. As she melts into your warmth, Hudson also stretches his arms out, needing to be held by you.
"Me too, Mommy! I miss Mommy," he tells you before doing the same as his sister so you can cuddle both simultaneously. While they do this, you must try your hardest not to cry as you fight against the tears threatening to escape.
"I will miss you too, Babyboy. But I promise to call you daily and will return before you know it. Until then, you two get to play with Daddy, Gramps, and Glamma every day!" you try to tell them excitedly, but they pull themselves closer to your body.
"It's okay, Sunshine; you don't have to stay strong all the time," Tony whispers against your forehead as his lips brush against it, tears flowing down his cheeks as you let yours flow, too. Each goodbye is hard, but this one takes an even bigger toll on you and your boyfriend.
"I love all three of you so much, I can't even begin to tell you. But I promise to be back as soon as I can, okay? And I'm sorry I won't be home on your birthday, My Love. I wish there were more I could do," you tell him, though you don't mention that you plan to surprise him on his special day.
"You don't have to say sorry, Sunshine. You have tried everything you could, and we will FaceTime extra long on my birthday, just like we promised," he tells you, and you nod.
All four of you stay like this for as long as you possibly can, but now, it's time for you to leave; otherwise, you will miss the window to board the plane.
While you strap Hudson back into the seat, Tony's holding a sniffling Orion. These goodbyes always hit her the hardest, and even though Hudson doesn't like seeing you leave either, it's nothing compared to the way his sister feels about you going.
"I love you, my beautiful Babyboy," you whisper before kissing his cheek, making him giggle. Then it's Orion's turn to say goodbye and be put into the stroller, which she accepts.
"And I love you too, my beautiful Babygirl," you tell Orion before giving her a big kiss on her cheek, and she smiles through the tears as you pull away.
"And, of course, I can't forget about you, My Love. Because I love you more than anything in this world," you tell him before pulling him into a big hug, and he pulls you close against his body. His hands are fisted into the oversized hoodie you're wearing - his hoodie, to be exact - as he inhales small whiffs of your perfume.
"I love you so much, Sunshine. And I can't wait to have you back in my arms again in two weeks," he tells you in a small voice. After a few last hugs and more kisses, you let go of your boyfriend, ready to head through the check-in and towards your flight.
As you walk to the check-in line, you constantly look back to see all three of them looking and waving at you, and a giant smile appears on your face as they do. You wave back when you can, and once you're all checked in, you turn back one last time.
You raise both arms above your head to wave to all three of them and send them air kisses for as long as you can see them. Hudson and Orion are waving like crazy, and Tony mostly sends kisses through the air between waves until you're out of sight.
Tony feels the lump in his throat tighten as he looks at you as you walk around the corner. He grabs the stroller with his twins to turn around, but before he can do that, you run around the corner to wave one last time, and he waves back with a significant smile.
"Let's go home, Munchkins. Gramps and Glamma will be more than happy to see your sweet faces again," he tells the twins, who immediately get excited at the thought of seeing their grandparents.
Leaving your family behind always sucks, but the reunion is going to be more than worth it, especially when it comes at an unexpected moment for one of you, but you don't get to worry about that for another week. You will have to cross that bridge when you get to it.
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You've been busy with work and planning the biggest surprise of Tony's birthday for the last week and a half. You've been constantly texting Howard and Maria to get everything in order, and now you're waiting on the airplane back home.
You get up at around 5 AM to get ready, as you must board the plane at 8:30 AM. This has been quite a challenge, seeing as you're not a morning person in the slightest. Despite this, you have arrived at the airport bright and early and are now sipping on a steaming cup of coffee while waiting.
As you're still trying to wake up, you grab your phone out of your bag and open the messages to look at the cute photo Tony sent you yesterday right after dinner. It's a picture of Hudson and Orion having smeared spaghetti sauce all over their faces and noodles in their hair, as well as the biggest, brightest smiles you've ever seen as they look at one another with pure happiness.
As you save the photo to set as your background, you think about how lucky you are to have two amazing children with the man you have fallen hard and deep for. Tony, Hudson, and Orion complete your world, and you couldn't have wished for a better life after moving to New York.
Before putting your phone away, you send Tony a message wishing him a happy birthday and telling him how much you miss him and your babies. Right after hitting 'send,' you're being called to board the plane. Perfect timing.
Tony woke up a little earlier than usual. After slipping into his comfortable sweatpants, a simple shirt, and glasses, he was on his way to wake up your son and daughter. While walking to their bedroom, he's already smiling from ear to ear as he can't wait for the love he'll get from them.
"Good morning, Munchkins!" Tony says as he cracks open their door. Much to his surprise, it's not Hudson but Orion who's awake and ready to start the day. She's usually not a morning person, which is a trait she definitely inherited from you.
"Happy birthday, Daddy!" Orion says softly as she holds out her arms, ready for Tony to gather her for a much-needed cuddle this early morning. As he gets comfortable on her bed, Orion settles on his lap, and your boyfriend can't help but notice the resemblance between you and her, making his heart skip a beat.
"Good morning, Babygirl," Tony whispers before smoothing her long, dark hair out of her face and kissing her forehead, making her smile at the itchy feeling of his facial hair. Tony smiles into the kiss, a flurry of butterflies going wild in his stomach.
Tony gets lost in his thoughts momentarily as they're taken over by the love he feels for his amazing children. They have brought more joy and love than he could ever have imagined, and sharing that love with you makes it perfect.
Suddenly, Tony feels the bed shift, and he opens his eyes to see Hudson's bright smile and messy curls as he joins them on the bed. Your boyfriend allows him to get comfortable on his lap alongside his sister.
"Happy birthday, Daddy," Hudson mumbles as he settles, his eyes falling shut as sleep threatens to take over again. With a large smile, Tony places his head against the wall behind him, feeling more fortunate than ever. However, the only thing that would make today even better would be if you were here to complete his day.
"I love you both so much; do you two know that? I'm so lucky to be your Daddy, and today, I feel even luckier because I got to spend my birthday with the two of you," Tony tells them with a large smile.
"We're lucky too, Daddy," Orion says, and Tony brushes her hair out of her face again, looking at the flush on her cheeks. It makes him think of you, as he loves how you look with flushed cheeks after he compliments you.
"Yes, we're lucky because you're our Daddy, and Mommy is our Mommy!" Hudson then tells Tony, who can't help but smile like an idiot at their words before pulling them tight against his body. The three of them stay like this for just a few more minutes until it's time to prepare for breakfast.
"Daddy loves you both very much, but I can tell you two are having some hungry tummies! I can even hear one of them roaring with the need for delicious waffles!" Tony says as he tickles both of them on their sides, making them squeal from laughter.
Both Hudson and Orion quickly wiggle out of Tony's grasp to escape the tickles, and they're ready to get dressed and have their hair done. Orion is wearing a dress with a unicorn - her favorite - while Hudson is wearing a matching set of dinosaur clothes.
"If you two go and ask Glamma to do your hair, I will get ready and make you two some breakfast," Tony says, and with a pat on their butts, he sends them out of the room before doing a quick tidying of their bedroom, and then it's time for him to get dressed and ready for the day.
Tony opts to wear a relatively simple outfit today. The weather promises to be excellent, and he'll most likely be swimming in the pool this afternoon with the twins to cool off. Combined with his glasses and tied-back hair, he looks at himself approvingly in the mirror before breakfast.
However, before he does, he decides to look at his phone, and much to his surprise, there's a message from you. He didn't expect to hear this early from you, but he smiles from ear to ear as his eyes read over the message.
Sunshine ☀️ 💛 >> Good morning, My Love! ❤️ I wish you the happiest birthday today, and I can't believe you're turning 25 without me! I deeply miss you and the Munchkins and look forward to our FaceTime call tonight. I love you so much, and I can't wait to be home again with you all ❤️
Tony can't stop smiling as he reads the message, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he thinks about everything he has planned during your shared FaceTime call tonight. After a short moment, he texts you back with a thank you, how much he misses you, and a thousand I love you's, and then it's officially time to head down for breakfast.
"Happy birthday, Daddy!" Hudson and Orion enthusiastically say as Tony walks into the large dining room. He's greeted by all the decorations Howard and Maria have used to decorate the house and his twins, who are happily bouncing in their places.
"Thank you both so much!" Tony says as he smiles widely and sits on his knees for some more cuddles with the twins. Maria takes plenty of pictures to send you later, which will be the highlight of your day once you land.
After both Hudson and Orion have gotten a big kiss on their chubby, rosy cheeks, Tony goes to Howard for a hug and his birthday congratulations.
"Happy birthday, Son. I'm sorry Y/N can't be here today with us, but I'm sure she'll be thinking of you from the other coast," Howard says as he pulls Tony close, and Tony nods and sighs softly. This is his first birthday without you, and it feels like a piece of his soul is missing while you're gone.
"Thank you, Dad. I appreciate it," Tony says before pulling away. Then it's Maria's turn. She has to stand on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around her son's neck, but she doesn't mind.
"Buon compleanno, bambino," Maria whispers in Tony's ear, and he smiles widely at the words. Each year, his Mom wishes him a happy birthday in Italian, making him warm and fuzzy. They share something unique and something he looks forward to every year.
"Grazie mamma. Ti amo," Tony whispers, and Maria hugs him tighter at his words. She's the first one to let go, but before Tony can go too far, she grabs his cheeks and kisses his forehead, and Tony smiles at the touch.
"Although Y/N isn't here today, she still wanted you to have something special to wish you a happy birthday," Maria says. She turns her son around to find Hudson and Orion holding a card and a small present.
"It's for you, Daddy! From Mommy," Hudson says as he gives Tony the card, and Tony can feel a lump forming in his throat.
"Thank you, Baby Boy," he whispers as he takes it and carefully opens the envelope. Inside is a card with photos of you and him throughout your relationship and a few with the twins. He opens it to find a beautifully handwritten note from you.
My Love,
Even though I cannot be with you today, I want you to know I think about you every second. I hope you will make today a day never to forget, as you only turn 25 once, and I am happy to celebrate you when I'm back in New York.
Thank you for everything you have done for me over the last couple of years, as I know I wouldn't be where I am today without your support and love. Seeing you go from a sweet, shy boy to the most loving, fantastic father anyone could wish for has filled my heart with endless joy, and I cannot wait to see where the rest of our lives will take us.
I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and soul, and I can't imagine living without you. With all my heart, I love you, Tony. I can't wait to see you again.
Love you forever and always,
Your Sunshine ☀️
As Tony reads the card, he can feel the tears burning in the corners of his eyes as he smiles widely. A sniffle escapes before he can help himself, and he wipes away the tears slowly trickling down his cheeks.
"No being sad, Daddy," Orion said softly, and he shook his head.
"Sometimes it's okay to be sad, Babygirl. I really miss Mommy today, which makes me sad. But there's nothing wrong with being sad and crying. We can't always be strong, even when it's our birthday," Tony says, and she nods.
"We miss Mommy too," Orion says before hugging Tony again, and Hudson joins in on the hug before confirming his sister's words. Tony sighed deeply as he took in the moment, allowing them to pull away when needed.
"I love you too so much, and I'll be sure to FaceTime Mommy tonight with the two of you, okay?" he asks, and they happily agree, the sadness already forgotten.
"Here, Daddy," Orion then said, and she gave him a small package wrapped in beautiful paper with hearts on it. As he unwrapped it, he found a lovely family photo taken last Christmas, in which the entire family was wearing matching Christmas pajamas. In front are Tony and you, together with the twins, and Howard, Maria, and Virginia are behind the four of you, completing the photo.
He's smiling from ear to ear as he looks at the photo, but he can't take his eyes off you. Your bright smile and beautiful eyes have him falling in love all over again, and his heart beats faster as his eyes roam over your visible tattoos.
"My beautiful Sunshine," Tony whispers as he looks at you for a few more short moments, and then it's officially time for breakfast. Maria has prepared a large stack of waffles with many toppings, and the twins get to indulge in something sweeter today because it's a special day.
After cutting up the waffles for Hudson and Orion and putting them on their plates, Tony asks his Mom, "What's on your mind, Mamma?"
“Not much, il mio bellissimo figlio. I've just been thinking about how fast you're growing up," she says with a small smile, thoughts of the day he was born flooding back. The happiness they felt when they found out they were expecting a baby, and how amazing it was to hold Tony in their arms for the first time.
"You're turning 25 today but will always be my beautiful baby. I was thinking about the day you were born and how happy your Papà and I were when we held you for the first time. How loved I felt in that moment when you grabbed my finger," she says as tears form in the corner of her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. Howard nods as he listens intently to his wife, love clearly visible on his face.
Tony can't help but tear up, too, as he felt the same way when he saw his beautiful twins for the first time. Holding them for the first time has been a highlight of his life, and he will cherish it forever.
"And now, you have your amazing children with the most loving and sweet girl to grace the face of the earth. Every day, I thank my lucky stars for how your life turned out," she says, and Tony is utterly speechless at her words.
"Seeing you grow up and become the man you are today is such a blessing for us, Tony, and I am proud of you. There's not a day that goes by in which I'm not proud to be your father and to see you take care of your Munchkins the way you do, even without Y/N by your side, shows us how devoted you are, and it truly warms our hearts. You give them everything we gave you and more, and to see that makes us the happiest, proudest parents," Howard adds.
Instead of saying anything, he gets up and walks over to their side of the table to hug them both. Howard first, and Tony cannot thank him enough for everything.
"I love you, Dad," Tony says, and Howard smiles at him before saying his I love you to his son. Then, it's time for Maria to get a hug, and she can't help but burst into tears when she holds her son. Like Howard, Tony also lets out a few tears of his escape.
"Ti amo, Mamma," Tony says after Maria pulls away. When she's calm, he bends down to kiss her cheek, which makes her beam up at her son. He might be quite a bit taller than her, but that doesn't matter. He will always be her little boy, and her love for him is indescribable.
"Ti amo, Anthony," she whispers as she softly caresses his cheek, and then it's time for breakfast. Hudson and Orion have been happily munching on the waffles Tony cut up for them, and they're enjoying every second of the special breakfast today.
After breakfast, Tony spends most of his time playing with the twins and talking to his parents until it's time for lunch outside and swimming after. While Tony is in the shallow end of the pool - Hudson and Orion both in their pool floaties - and Maria is dangling her feet in the water, Howard is on his way to pick you up from the airport, though Tony doesn't know that. Yet.
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The moment you pick your suitcase off the large luggage belt, you let out a sigh of relief. Your flight was delayed for over an hour, meaning you're home later than you would have wanted, but those thoughts immediately melt away when you think about the fact that you'll see your boyfriend and babies again soon.
Once everything is accounted for, you walk towards the doors leading to the large arrivals hall, where family, friends, and acquaintances are waiting for people to get off the plane - and where Howard is waiting to pick you up.
As soon as the doors slide open, you search for your father-in-law, and you don't have to search long before you see his bright smile, which makes you smile in return. With a bit of a jog, you approach him before he pulls you in a tight hug.
"Welcome home, Y/N," Howard says as you melt into his arms. From the moment you met him, he has treated you like his daughter and stepped in where your father has been absent from your life. He's the father you've always longed to have.
Once you let him go, ask, "Hi, Howard. How's everyone doing back home?" He immediately puts on a mischievous smile.
"He doesn't suspect a thing, but keeping it a secret has been difficult. I had to tell them I "forgot" something at the store to go and pick you up just now," he says, making you laugh.
"I'm glad to be home again and to see everyone, too. I'm sure his reaction will be priceless," you tell Howard, who nods in response.
Before you know it, you're seated in his truck on the way to their house, and with every mile you're getting closer, you're also getting a bit nervous about his reaction. You don't want to keep secrets from him and ultimately know it's for the best, but that doesn't make it any less difficult.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Howard says after you've been zoned out for a while.
"Hm? Sorry- I just zoned out," you tell him apologetically, and he gives a reassuring smile in return.
"Been thinking about Tony's reaction; maybe he won't like me showing up out of nowhere after telling him countless times I won't be here today," you say softly, and Howard listens for a moment.
"And what gives you that feeling?" he asks, and it's your turn to let his words sink in with you.
"I-I'm not sure; he has never given me that feeling, but I guess it could be past experiences..." you tell your father-in-law as your voice trails off near the end.
"Well, I can assure you that Tony will be thrilled to see you today. When reading your card this morning, he cried and told Orion it was okay to cry, of course. He misses you so much, and he can't wait to have you in his arms again," Howard says, and your heart simultaneously seems to go faster and skip a beat at his words.
"Really?" you ask, and Howard nods.
"Really. He loves you so much, Y/N, and he's very lucky to be with you if you ask me. And Hudson and Orion are fortunate to have you both as their parents, as they couldn't have possibly had a more loving set of parents than the two of you."
You swallow the lump in your throat before speaking again. "Thank you, Howard, that means the world," you whisper, and the rest of the trip home is spent with light conversation between you two.
The moment Howard pulls up into the driveway of their house, your heart starts beating faster, and the butterflies in your stomach go wild as the seconds seem to turn into hours.
"Ready?" Howard asks, and you nod.
Tony is seated on a large blanket in the grass, underneath a large beach umbrella, with Hudson and Orion while Maria sets up the dinner for everyone. This arrangement is perfect; she can set an extra plate just for you.
Howard walks into the house before you, and you quickly slip into the bathroom to freshen up. While you're doing that, Howard says he got what was missing and that dinner can finally be finished, so he, Tony, Hudson, and Orion get ready to sit at the dinner table. Your boyfriend is facing the door, which you will walk through in a few short moments. Once Maria gives you the all-clear on your phone, you take a few more deep breaths and walk through the house, straightening your dress as you walk towards the large garden.
"We have one more surprise for you today, Angioletto," Maria says, looking at her son with an adorationful look, and Tony can't help but smile. The bond they share is near and dear to his heart, and hearing his Mom call him Angioletto, the nickname she gave him as a baby, has his heart bursting with love.
However, before Tony can respond to his Mom, he hears footsteps coming from inside the house, and his attention is pulled to it. For a few short seconds, it doesn't register to him what's happening, as you suddenly appear in the opening of the door, but once his brain has finally caught up to him, he shoots out of the chair he was sitting in, making it fall backward and onto the tiles of the terrace.
"Sunshine!" is all Tony can say before capturing you in a bone-crushing hug, your fists holding tightly onto his shirt as you smell your boyfriend's warm, musky cologne, his strong arms enveloping you as tears start trickling down your face, and he can't help but cry a little as well as he's holding you.
Tony is the first to let go, but instead of saying anything, he softly grabs your face as his thumbs wipe away the tears on your cheeks, and you can't help but smile up at him. A small smile brightens up his features, too, and he finally leans in to kiss you. His soft lips are kissing yours gently, and the kiss is very unrushed, making every nerve ending in your body feel like it's on fire as you squeeze his biceps.
"I can't believe you're here right now, my beautiful Sunshine! I thought you wouldn't be here today, but there's not a single present better than having my sweet girl with me," Tony whispers, making your cheeks heat up at his words. You bite your bottom lip as you smile up at your boyfriend.
"I'm here, My Love; I'm here on your special day," you whisper before standing on your tiptoes and kissing him again, your eyes slipping shut when you feel the softness of his lips against yours again. This time, however, he deepens it by letting his tongue glide over the seam of your lips, and you part them happily to feel his tongue against yours. You will never get enough of kissing him, and you've never been happier to have fallen in love with the man making you feel nothing but loved every day.
When the need to breathe finally becomes greater than the need to kiss one another, you pull away as you smile at your boyfriend. "I love you so much, My Love. Happy birthday." He mouths a 'thank you' before placing a few more pecks on your lips and grabbing your hand to go and say hi to your babies.
"Mommy!" they say in unison as they run over to you, and you crouch down to catch them in the middle of an enormous hug. They both wrap their arms around your neck, pulling you as close as possible in their hugs. Feeling the love of your twins is something you cannot put into words, as it's so unique and rooted deep inside all of you, but it's the best kind of love possible.
"I missed you both so much, you know that?" you tell them as you look at them, and they nod, making you and Tony laugh out loud. Their rosy cheeks beautifully frame their bright smiles, and you place a big kiss on them, making them giggle. Hudson turns a little bit shy, his cheeks turning an even brighter shade of red.
"I like big Mommy kisses," he says softly as he blushes, and you smile even wider at his admission.
"And I like giving them to you, Babyboy. I like them so much that you will get them for the rest of your life!" you tell him, making him feel even happier as he bounces on his feet.
Tony then crouches down next to you and pulls all three of you into a much-needed hug. When he finally lets go, it's time for dinner, and instead of being seated on your chair, Tony pulls you into his lap.
"Today I'm the birthday boy, so you're sitting with me for dinner, Sunshine. Now that you're home, I want you as close to me as possible," he says as he tucks some hair behind your ear, and you nod in agreement. You lean in for a soft peck, and Tony knows he will never get enough of these moments of having you close to him as he kisses you.
Once dessert rolls around, it's time for you to give Tony his official birthday present, and you have come up with something extraordinary over the last few weeks. Maria happily grabbed it for you so you didn't have to get up, and now it's time to see his reaction.
"I bought you something special for your birthday, My Love. Something very near and dear to my heart, and this way, you can always carry it close to yours as well. I love you," you tell him as you hand him a small box wrapped in red paper with a gold bow around it, and he can't stop smiling at you.
"Thank you, my sweet, beautiful Sunshine, and I want you to know that I love you more than I could ever explain," he says before kissing the back of your hand, followed by your lips. Then he moves to open the present. As he opens the box, he finds a square silver pendant on a silver chain with your name, followed by the names of your children on it, and there's room to add even more when you have more children.
"Oh my- it's- wow," Tony stammers out as he picks it up and turns it over to read the text you had engraved on the back. 'Our Daddy, Forever'. At first, he smiles at the words he's reading, but then the realization sinks in about the double meaning of it. A deep red blush spreads over his cheeks as he quickly turns it back over and meets your proud gaze.
You lean forward before whispering three simple words in his ear: "Happy birthday, Daddy."
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After dinner, Howard and Maria cared for the twins and their bedtime, meaning you and Tony could have some much-needed time for yourselves. What was supposed to be a long, spicy FaceTime call has turned into a slow, sweet make-out session on your boyfriend's lap. He's now shirtless and proudly wearing the present you bought him.
Your fingers glide from his hair down his neck and to the pendant hanging from his neck, where your name and those of Hudson and Orion are proudly displayed, and there's room to add more in the future. Your thumb glides over the smooth surface as a small smile lies on your lips. "What do you think, My Love, of adding more names to your necklace?" you ask softly.
"I'd love nothing more than to add more names to it, Sunshine. Because how could I not want more babies after seeing how amazing our beautiful twins are?" Tony says as he leans in and bumps his nose against yours, making you chuckle at the gesture.
"Yeah? You want to have more babies together?" you ask, still unsure despite him telling you precisely that.
"I do, Sunshine. I'd get a whole football team's worth of babies with you if that's what you desire," he tells you as his deep, dark brown eyes stare into yours, his fingers gliding over the body art adorning your soft skin.
"I just- I never knew how to bring it up after the birth of the twins. I know how difficult it has been for you during and after the delivery, and I wasn't sure you wanted to go through it again," he admits in a voice laced with insecurity and worry.
"I know it wasn't easy, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat and without a second thought, My Love. Seeing the joy on your face when you met our twins for the first time is one I will never forget, and I will do anything to see it again," you tell him reassuringly, and he smiles at your words.
"However-" you continue, his interest piqued. "I would like to wait a few more years so we can work on our careers and future together. If I happen to get pregnant again unexpectedly, I will be delighted, but let's wait a few years, My Love," you tell him, and he nods.
"Whatever you wish, my beautiful Sunshine. But all this talk about babies makes me want to make one with you now," he says as he wiggles his hips slightly, and you can feel how hard he is underneath you. A soft moan escapes your lips as he does, and he smirks at you as he knows how good he's making you feel right now.
Tony slips his large hands underneath the hem of your dress, pulling it over your head to leave you in nothing but your panties on top of him, and your nipples instantly pebble at the cold breeze going through the room. His gaze wanders over your beautiful body and the art adorning it, his fingers gliding over the beautiful tattoo on your thigh that bears his name and those of your two children.
"Look at you, Sunshine, so beautiful for me," he whispers before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and letting his tongue glide over it, sucking softly as moans escape your lips. While Tony takes his sweet time with your breasts, your hands slip into his long locks, and you pull the hair tie out of them to be able to properly roam your hands through the thick, soft, and dark strands, your hips rutting forward involuntarily as the pleasure builds inside you.
"D-Daddy," you suddenly gasp when the friction of your soaked panties and his shorts give you just the right amount of friction to stimulate your sensitive clit. Without thinking, you pull on his hair, and he groans against your soft flesh, carefully biting down on your nipples as you do. This little chain reaction builds your high quickly, the familiar feeling inside you quickly approaching.
"That's it, Sunshine, make yourself cum on your Daddy's lap," he growls against your soft breasts, his hands digging into the flesh on your hips to guide you over his thick, clothed cock until you're falling apart. Your head falls back as you pull on his hair, your legs trembling as you're cumming on his lap, moans now uncontrollable as they mix with Tony's loud groans.
Once you've ridden out your high, Tony trails a line of kisses to your neck, where he also leaves a few light purple marks, marking you as his. Your grip on his hair hasn't loosened much, and he only leans into the sensation as you pull him back by the strands.
"So perfect for me, Sunshine. My sweet girl," he whispers as his gaze roams over your body once more, his thumbs flicking your sensitive nipples to earn a soft whimper. You preen under his gaze, and warmth spreads over your cheeks as he lovingly looks at you. His hands glide down to your belly as he lets them rest there, thinking back to the conversation you two just had about having more babies in your future.
"A penny for your thoughts, Sunshine?" Tony asks once he meets your gaze, and you smile before telling him what's on your mind.
"I can't stop thinking about having another baby with you," you tell him as the warmth in your cheeks intensifies, and it feels good to admit it out loud finally. Even though you realistically know you want to wait a little longer, the thought is something you can't get out of your mind.
"Neither can I, my beautiful girl. Seeing how beautiful you were when you were pregnant with our miracles, the way your breasts swelled to the perfect size when they were filled with milk, fuck. And the glow you wore throughout it all? I want it all with you, Sunshine, but only once you're ready. That's the one thing I care about most: you being ready to have another baby," he admits, and you lean in to put your head on his shoulder, his hands gliding to your butt where he rests them.
"I love you so much, Tony," you say as you kiss the side of his neck softly, and his eyes slip shut at the feeling. You two share soft kisses, sweet words, reassuring touches, and loving glances. Nothing feels rushed, and there's nothing to worry about for now. It's just you, your boyfriend, and the entire night ahead of you.
"Sunshine," he says softly, and you lift your gaze to meet his deep, dark brown eyes. The same ones you've gotten lost in time and time again, and the same ones you're falling in love with all over again as Orion shares the same beautiful eyes as him, while he gets to fall in love with yours all over again when he looks at Hudson. They're the perfect combination of you both.
"I want to make love to you," he whispers, and you smile at his words before nodding. You climb off his lap, and as soon as you do, he already misses you on top of him. You get comfortable on the bed as your head lies on the pillows, and Tony makes quick work of his shorts and underwear until he's completely bare and standing at the foot of the bed.
Now, it's your turn to let your gaze wander over his body. Every little ridge and muscle is on display, and the length of his hair frames his face, which makes him look extremely handsome in combination with his facial hair. Once your eyes reach his long, thick cock you gasp softly before biting on your bottom lip and clenching your thighs together, earning you a disapproving hum from your boyfriend.
"Oh no, Sunshine, don't you dare hide that beautiful, sweet, drenched pussy from your Daddy," he says with a growl, and you instantly spread your legs to reveal your wholly ruined panties. He sits down on the bed before crawling over to you, and this time, he hums approvingly as he places a few kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you with the feeling of his facial hair against the sensitive skin.
"Hmm, you're so responsive for me today, sweet mama," Tony purrs at you, and your cheeks heat up at the praise he's giving you. Your eyes slip shut when you feel the warmth of his breath over your soaked panties, and he sucks the lacey fabric into his mouth to get the perfect taste of you. The groan he lets out crawls up your spine as you grab the sheets to hold onto, your back arching into his mouth.
"You taste fucking amazing, Sunshine; I've missed tasting you and your sweet, delicious pussy so much when you were away," he says as he finally slides the panties down your legs and retakes his place between your thighs. This time, he interlaces one of his hands with yours while the other wraps around your soft thigh, and your free hand buries into your boyfriend's hair.
Without a second thought, he dives back into your dripping core, and you moan as he takes his time eating you out, alternating between suckling on your clit and diving his tongue as deep into your entrance as he possibly can. He's an expert in building up your high, and once again, the feeling you've come to know and love over the years is rapidly building.
"T-Tony, 'm close-" you whine, and he grins against your pussy as he notices you're already going sweet on him. Instead of calling him Daddy, you're already calling him Tony, which you usually do once you're getting to the point of being thoroughly fucked out after a long night together, and this one has only started.
"C'mon Sunshine, cum on Daddy's fingers like a good little slut," he encourages you as he works two fingers into you, opening you up for his cock later while his tongue expertly plays with your sensitive clit. Before you know it, you're squirming under your boyfriend's touch as you're moaning loudly, and your orgasm is one of the strongest you've felt in a long time.
He works you through it with a careful touch, ensuring you're not dropping from your high. The entire time, he's giving you endless praise and peppering your thighs and mound royally with kisses until you're finally ready for the next step. He's taken his sweet time working you open, and when he crawls over your body, you can already feel your senses being on high alert.
You're still lying on your back, the mattress feeling extra soft under you as you slip into the comfortable headspace you enjoy getting lost in during these moments. Tony's achingly hard cock is already leaking pre-cum as it rests on the crease of your thigh, his hands interlaced with yours above your head as your tongues explore each other slowly, getting lost in each other's tastes.
Eventually, he lets his kisses trail over your cheek and down to your jaw, where he sucks a few deep purple marks before finally letting go of one of your hands, instead caressing the side of your neck as he looks up at you.
"Are you ready for me, Hot Mama?" Tony asks, and you immediately perk up at the nickname, though a bright red flush appears simultaneously. He smiles as he sees the beautiful pink tint on your cheeks, and in his eyes, you're only getting more adorable by the second. He kisses the tip of your nose, and you smile up at him as you nod.
Tony takes his time lining up with your entrance as he coats his tip with your juices by letting it glide back and forth a few times, making you gasp each time he teases your sensitive clit. However, the moment he pushes into your warm, tight pussy, he can barely contain himself as he buries his face in your neck to keep his composure.
"Fuck, you take me so well, Sunshine; it feels like coming home every single time," he whispers before kissing the corner of your mouth, instantly leaving you wanting more as you follow his lips when he pulls away. This time, he captures your lips in a soft kiss as he bottoms out, effectively swallowing your moan in the process.
"Daddy," you gasp out when you feel how full you are, every inch of Tony's long cock filling you to the brim with perfection. The veins adorning it give you just the right amount of pleasure, and his length hits your sweet spot just right. Everything about your boyfriend is perfect, and how he manages to make you feel so vulnerable yet powerful right at the same time is the sort of power you're glad he has over you.
Tony sets a slow, comfortable pace that has your eyes rolling back into your head as he repeatedly hits your sweet spot and smirks proudly as he looks at you. Your hands glide from his neck to his back as your nails dig into the flesh, earning you soft groans as his pace falters for a moment. He quickly picks himself back up as he rolls his hips at a pace that has you clenching around him.
"So full- 's so big," you mutter as Tony groans softly, your hands gliding in his hair this time.
"Yeah? You love being stretched by my thick, long cock, don't you? To be filled by Daddy's cock every single chance you get like a little cockhungry slut," he says in a teasing tone, but it only serves to heighten your pleasure.
"Y-yes! I Love Daddy's cock so much! Wan' it in me all the time," you respond, and it's a miracle you're even making sense right now with the way he's working his hips. Somewhere along the way, he picked up his pace just enough to have you bouncing up and down, and his gaze is locked on the sway of your breasts, as he can't get enough of them.
"God, I'm so happy you want more babies, Sunshine- Once your breasts are full of milk, I'm gonna drink from them every day and fuck this sweet, tight pussy when I do it. Fucking you so full of my cum every single day until you're round with my baby again, and after, I'll fuck you every single day to keep you stuffed with my cum, fuckin'- Jesus, you're tight!" he exclaims as you clench around his cock, on the edge of your third orgasm.
"T-TONY-" you exclaim as you yank on his hair, and he moans loudly when he cums without any warning, his cum spilling deep inside you as your orgasm crashes through your body like a flood, your vision going white for a moment as it does. Tony keeps himself up for as long as he can, but once you're both through your highs, he lets himself roll onto his side while pulling you with him, still buried inside you.
Tony's arms are wrapped around you as you're still trembling on top of him, the aftershocks of your orgasm still working its way through your body. His large hands run over your back in soothing patterns as your face is buried in his neck.
"I missed you so much, Sunshine, but I'm delighted you showed up on my birthday. I couldn't have wished for a better present," he tells you, and you smile at his words.
"Missed you too, amore mio," you whisper before lifting your head and meeting Tony's gaze. He tucks a few pieces of hair behind your ear as he smiles at you, making you fall in love with him even more. At this moment, you know you made the right choice by giving him a chance to get to know you, and it is the best decision you've ever made.
"I'm so lucky to know you, My Love. At first, I did think you were a bit odd, but I'm glad I stayed for the long run. If I didn't, I wouldn't have gotten to know the man you are deep inside, and I wouldn't have seen you turn into the loving father you are. And most of all, I wouldn't have had a chance to get to know my soulmate. Because that's truly what you are, Tony. I truly believe we were meant to be, and the universe brought us together in quite an unlikely way," you say with a smile, and he nods. If it weren't for you forgetting your wallet the first time you met, you two most likely wouldn't have looked at each other twice.
But here you are, wrapped in the comfort of each other's arms as he's still buried deep inside you after making love. You're glad to have given him a chance, as it means you met the man you will marry one day and grow old with. The one you will raise your children and grandchildren with, and you can't wait for that day to be here.
"Sometimes I still can't believe how lucky I am to have found my soulmate so early in life-," Tony tells you, and he leans up to nudge his nose against yours. "- to have found the woman I will love for the rest of my life and have two beautiful babies with her to top it all off."
You smile at your boyfriend before kissing his nose softly, making him smile in return.
"Shall we take a shower before bed? That way, we can relax even more before we go to sleep," he offers, and you nod. Tony carefully pulls out before massaging your hips and thighs, and you get onto the bed, allowing him to go and get the shower ready.
"Ready, my sweet Sunshine?" he asks, and you nod before getting up with his help, and he guides you to the bathroom. The water is already warm when you step into it, and the warmth immediately soothes your sore muscles. Tony gets in behind you, and his hands instantly touch you, making you smile again.
"Shall I wash your hair?" he asks, and you will never refuse him doing that for you. The sweet scent of the new strawberry-scented shampoo you got fills your senses as your boyfriend works his magic with his long, skilled fingers, relaxing you until you're moaning softly at the feeling of his massage.
He takes his time rinsing out the shampoo before putting it in conditioner to soften your locks. Once that's working its magic on your hair, Tony takes his time to get himself clean, too, while you're keeping an eye on everything he's doing.
"You forgot a spot," you tell him with a soft giggle, and Tony raises his brow in amusement. "Right here!" you say as you poke him in his side, where he is most ticklish. He laughs as he swats your hand away playfully before grabbing your face gently and pressing his lips against yours, your body melting into his touch. As you open your eyes, you look into Tony's brown eyes, and your heart flutters.
"I love you so fucking much, Sunshine. I can't even begin to describe how much, but I would say that to the moon and back is a pretty good start. Thank you for coming home on my birthday, as it wouldn't have been half as fun without you here," he tells you, sealing his words with a kiss.
"I love you too, Tony, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Your birthday deserves to be celebrated, and it wouldn't be the same without you by my side," you tell him before standing on your tiptoes and kissing him again. After a few more sweet words, he rinses out the conditioner in your hair and turns off the shower, ready to dry off and crawl into bed together.
Once completely dry, Tony guides you to the bed, where he instructs you to lie on your stomach. You do it without a second thought before being treated to Tony's nice, relaxing massage, and you've rarely felt happier. As his hands relax you, you realize that everything has fallen into place over the last few years and has come together beautifully, the way it was always meant to from the moment you met.
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twelvedimensional · 14 hours
incredibly weird episode that to my surprise has knocked out "boom" as my favorite of the season so far. some very scattered thoughts below:
"hey what if we had another dr-lite episode? what if sally sparrow was a supercilious spoiled brat?" - writer of this episode, probably
what LAYERS this ended up having. walked into it expecting a thinly veiled metaphor for "kids these days and their devices," ended up with a thinly veiled metaphor for "everyone these days and their devices and the echo-chamber bubbles they create for themselves that blind them to the real world injustices (and killer slugs) and enforce an artificial homogeneity."
from the start i clocked how White everyone in finetime seemed to be but at first i just brushed it off as the bbc making poor casting choices. then came the loaded statement of "don't worry, he's not as stupid as he looks." and then and then and then. did not expect that to be a plot point but my god. a busload of rich kids in the prime of youth lobbed at an "untamed" land to send resources back home? very uh, colonizer indeed (albeit an interestingly imperfect metaphor for colonization, leaving out those from less-wealthy backgrounds who seized the apparent opportunity colonization offered them to seize and claim land and status for their own)
how many times this season has the "villain" turned out to be "ai/computer/device that is supposed to help you now turning against you"? space babies, boom, dot and bubble makes 3/5 so far? not sure if this is meant to be a Thread. stretching it more broadly to "someone/something you trust turning against you" this encompasses 73 yards too (the way everyone turns away from Ruby after the old woman following her speaks!). that said the devil's chord bucks this pattern so i might just be reaching.
i can't make heads nor tails of ricky september but it was wildly amusing how he seemed to almost show up out of a different genre. the presumably heroic pop star who's Not Like The Rest Of The Milieu -- he turns off his dot! he reads in his apartment! he's different and flouts rules in a way that makes him more desirable -- not different in the way that makes the people of finetime look down on the doctor. and oh, swoon, he tries to protect lindy from the ugly truth of everyone on homeworld being dead, oh, he tries to protect lindy from dot until lindy throws him to the metaphorical wolves. because if you are lindy pepper-bean, if you think you are better, most worthy of being saved -- of course you would, even to someone as within the norm as you.
the fact that the doctor couldn't even get INTO finetime -- i have to wonder, is it that the technology protecting finetime from the outside is SO adept at its inbaked racism it could even keep the tardis out? horrifying!
throughout the episode i was also wondering at how mystifyingly patient the doctor was being with these people. by twenty minutes in i was waiting for him to chew lindy out for being so stupid, so narrow-minded, so resistant to self reliance. we've seen the doctor do this before -- it's not the first time they've tried to save someone utterly intentionally inept or someone hostile to them, it's not the first time he would have yelled at a human for being a "stupid ape!". but i wonder now, with all these pieces in mind -- did the doctor realize from the start that finetime was biased against him? was he playing that deferential balancing act marginalized people often feel they have to resort to in an environment dead set against them? listen to me right now, I'm not a threat to you or your view of the world. i just need you to listen to me right now.
and of course the doctor keeps on trying to save them because the doctor always has hope that people can change, even the most awful ones. it could have been possible for even some of the people of finetime to recognize the cruelty of the sort of society they'd built, the biases that have been entrenched in them. it's possible for all of us to realize these things. but finetime says no. finetime says, thanks for saving us. finetime says, that was your duty. and finetime says, fuck you.
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redroomreflections · 3 days
A Fleeting Moment
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Note: This is an AU of the AU. This is using Sixteen Candles characters but it’s does not have any affiliation or connection to the storylines and drabbles. It’s completely au. 
Read sixteen candles here on a03
Warning: breastfeeding and a bit of age regression from Bunny. Spanking (not done by Nat/Wanda) and child abuse in general. Also mentions of SA by a minor. 
Bunny can pinpoint the moment like a location on a map. She can remember the first time she hid within herself, protecting what was left of her sanity, for the sake of staying alive. When she was nine years old her father died. She got the news on a Wednesday afternoon. She slid into the backseat of her mother’s car, wondering why her older sister was driving when she noticed the tense mood. She sat back in her seat, watching the trees go by, as they drove. She was silent the entire way home. The somber feeling of the car unsettled her. She walked into her home with excitement. Her teacher stuffed her very first report card of the year into her backpack and she wanted to show them. She struggled with math and her dad stayed up with her some nights to help her. He never got angry with her or yelled at her. He simply found the tools to help her thrive. She was more than ready to show him the fruits of their labor. She raced into the kitchen first, her backpack slapping against her back, as she searched for her parents. She skidded to a comical stop as she saw her mother bent over the counter, her older sister, Brie, holding her mother in her arms as she cried. 
“Mommy,” Bunny asked. She stepped around her sister to tug at her mother’s shirt. “Mommy, are you okay?” Sherry looked down at her with tears in her eyes. She was distraught and hurt. Bunny, having never seen her mother so upset, wanted nothing more than to make it better. 
“No, baby, I’m not okay.” Sherry sniffled. She wiped at her eyes before grabbing onto Bunny's arms. She looks into her eyes. His eyes. “Your daddy. He was sick.” 
“Sick how?” Bunny tilts her head. 
“Your daddy had cancer, baby,” Sherry continues. She swallows thickly. 
“Like the bald kids in the commercial?” She questions and Sherry nods. “So he’s getting medicine from the doctor, right? They can make it better.” 
For a moment Sherry wants to smile at her daughter’s innocence. She wants to cry at having this conversation with her daughter. 
“No, y/n, they can’t make it better.” Sherry doesn’t know the right thing to say. She doesn’t know how to tell her daughter that her father, her husband, stopped his treatments because he was in too much pain. He hid it from her to allow her to enjoy as much of her childhood as she could. “They can’t make it better this time. Daddy passed away. He’s not coming back.” Bunny’s lips curled, her chin quivered, and her tears fell as she cried silently. She leaned into her mother, reveling in the feel of Sherry’s arms, as the words sunk in. 
“He promised,” Bunny whispered into her mother’s shoulder. “He promised he would take me to the game. I don’t even like it but I can like it for him.” Bunny pulled back. “Tell him. I’ll sit and I won’t ask to leave and I won’t go to the bathroom too many times. Please, tell him.”
Sherry’s shoulder shook as she tried to keep in her sobs. “I can’t tell him, baby. I can’t. He’s gone.” Faster than she can react, Bunny pulls away from her mother. She runs up the stairs and into her parent’s bedroom. She searches far and low for the man in question only to come up empty. His side of the bed is perfectly made. His shoes still standing next to his dresser. His wallet is on the nightstand. Bunny comes over to the nightstand. His wedding ring sits on the dresser right next to the rest of his belongings. She only wants to touch it. To feel him with her. She takes a hold of the rings to turn over in her hands. 
He promised. 
A week later, the funeral has come and gone. Bunny has said goodbye to her father. She sits patiently in the living room of her home as people enter and exit. No one pays too much attention to her as they mingle and talk amongst themselves. Most of them glance at her and whisper. She knows what they’re saying. 
He dind’t tell her. No one told her. 
She was clueless as can be up until a week ago. She never knew her father was sick. She resents all of them for not telling her. She misses him. His smile. The way his eyes would crinkle whenever he was amused by something. She misses the way he smelled. The way he always brought joy into their lives. Bunny picks at her simple black dress. Her hair is pinned into a tight ponytail at the base of her head. Her shoes, black Mary Jane shoes, top off the outfit. She’s dressed so perfectly wehn everything inside of her feels like a mess. She stands from the couch to find her mother. Sherry is in her bedroom, surrounded by her older sisters, when Bunny enters. She’s crying to herself, as the other girls try and comfort her. 
“Hey, go downstairs and play with the other kids,” Brie instructs. 
“I want to be with Mommy,” Bunny ignores her to come and stand next to her mother. “Mommy, can I stay here?” Sherry simply looks at her and crumples. She turns away from the little girl to cry into her hands. 
“Go, Bunny, she’s not in the mood.” Brie tries again. 
“She hasn’t talked to me all week,” Bunny says defiantly. “I just want to sit with her. She’s my Mama too.” She stands with her arms folded. What used to be a way to annoy her siblings seems to do even worse. Brie doesn’t react. She simply stands there. 
“Go,” Sherry says in a hushed tone. “Go to your room, go outside, go sit down. I don’t care just please go.” She says. Bunny’s heart drops. She only wants to be with her family. She wants them to hold her. To be with her. She doesn’t want to be alone. She certainly doesn’t want to play with the other kids. “Go!’ Sherry shouts, pointing to the door. Bunny jumps into action, leaving the room with tears in her eyes. She doesn’t go to her room this time. At least, not to stay. She grabs her favorite stuffed animal, Bunny II. It’s the one her dad gave her. It still smells like him. If they wanted to be left alone she could do that. She steps into the hallway with measured steps. She counts to herself how many. Finally, she reaches the bathroom. She closes and locks the door. She climbs into the bathtub, pulling the curtain close, not caring if she messes up her dress, her hair, or her stockings. She squeezes Bunny II to her as she cries. 
She may be nine years old but she’s not stupid. Mama doesn’t want her. She never has. She has been able to tell since she was little. She treats her differently than all of the sisters. She yells at her more. Acts as if she is a burden. Maybe Daddy noticed too. Maybe that’s why he made the extra effort to be with her. Bunny lets her tears slip out onto the cold flooring of the bathtub. She brings her knees to her chest to lie in the fetal position. She stuffs her thumb into her mouth, sucking stronger, as she pulls at her ear. It doesn’t make her feel better. At least not all the way. It would work for now. Her body begins to feel weaker. She can’t stay awake for too long as her eyes flutter closed. 
Hours later, Bunny wakes up by banging at the door. 
“y/n, are you in there?” It’s Danielle. She knocks again, and again, and again. Bunny lifts to look at the door, not wanting to answer, as the knocking gets harder. If she doesn’t answer they’ll worry. 
A part of her says let them. They didn’t care if she was alive anyway. They never care. When the knocking becomes excessive, she climbs from the tub with Bunny II dangling from her left hand. She turns the lock and twists the knob open to find her family looking back at her. She’s met by her mother’s enraged hands shaking her. 
“Have you been in here this whole time?” Sherry shook her. “Answer me?” She didn’t care that Bunny seemed afraid of her anger. “Hello! Answer me. Why didn't you say anything? We’ve been looking for you for hours.”
Bunny simply whimpers. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” Sherry asks incredulously. “What are you sorry for? You know better. Don't just disappear.”
Bunny’s lip trembles but she doesn’t cry. She stands, with Sherry’s tight grip on her arms, and a blank expression on her face. 
“Take these wet clothes off and go to bed,” Sherry releases her.
Bunny nods to herself. This was going to be her new normal. 
The next time Bunny regresses is when she’s eleven years old. She’s sitting at the dinner table, refusing to eat, and getting lectured about it. Her mother has been giving her disapproving looks all night while everyone else around her does what they're told. She pushes her plate away with a pout sitting against the back of the chair. 
“Y/n, you’re not getting anything else,” Sherry warns her. “So you eat that or you go to bed hungry.”
“Hungry,” Bunny supplies and Mike smacks his lips. “I can go to bed hungry.” 
“No, you’re going to sit and eat the food, even if you have to be here all night,” Mike steps in. He’s been dating her mother for a year. Long enough for him to think his opinion matters in htis household. Apparently, it does. 
“I don’t want it,” Bunny looks ot her mother pleadingly. She slams her fork against the table. 
“See that’s the problem,” Mike says. He looks to Sherry to back him up. “She does what she wants. No one else here acts like this but her. You need to whoop her ass and then make her eat it. Don’t give her a choice. Eat the food. I’ve said it not her. I’d like to see you give me attitude like you do her.” His tone of voice isn’t welcoming or loving at all. His words push Bunny into action. She mashes her fork into the mashed potatoes, forcing herself to swallow them down between her tears. She doesn’t like peas. Her mom knows that. “When I was growing up I wasn’t allowed to tell my parents what I would or wouldn't eat.” Mike goes on and on. 
Bunny shovels more and more food into her mouth, finally pushing the plate away before she can finish. 
“I don’t want to,” She whispers. 
“Come over here a second,” Mike beckons her over. Bunny looks over to her mother for help but Sherry clearly agrees with him. Bunny reluctantly stands from her seat to come to Mike. “I can tell you have an attitude with what I told you right now.”
“I don’t,” Bunny shakes her head. “I just don’t like it.”
“Every time I come here you don’t like it and she lets you get away with it,” Mike frowns. “She worked hard to make you food and you sit and act very ungrateful. She already gave me permission to whoop you. I just haven’t yet. I think tonight I might have to.”
“No,” Bunny shakes her head. 
“No, what?” Mike asks. “Everyone else at this table is sitting here. You’re the only one that has a problem. You always have a problem.” 
“I don’t have a problem,” Bunny balls her fist unconsciously as her feelings get the best of her. Why was it such a big deal for her to eat? She doesn’t want it. She’s not hungry. She can just go to her room like always. 
“And you’re balling your fist up at me,” Mike is angry. “What are you going to hit me or something?” He stands, towering over Bunny, as he gets a bit closer to her face. “Don’t you ever ball your fists up at me or I’ll show you what it really means to be grown since you want to act like it.” Bunny’s tears come faster now as she tries to calm her breathing. “Now, I gave you a chance to sit there and eat, and you didn’t.” Bunny can see her siblings sitting, avoiding her gaze, as she receives her punishment. “Go, and sit down. You’re going to sit here until everyone is done.” He instructs with a poke to her chest. Under normal circumstances, Bunny would have rubbed the aching spot. Instead, she rushes to her chair, with her head down. She rubs her arms, hoping to keep quiet, as she cries. 
She can tell it’s making everyone else at the table uncomfortable but she doesn’t care. 
It’s another half hour when Mike lets her go to her room. She felt all cried out as she tucks herself into the wall against her bed. She pushes her thumb into her mouth, eyes squeezed shut, as she hopes to shut out the rest of the world. Somewhere far away she can hear Faith enter their shared bedroom. She’s too far gone to respond to her. 
She doesn’t feel like herself. Her headaches. Like a constant pressure that can’t be relieved. Bunny cries herself to sleep for what feels like the millionth time in her life. 
Over the years, as the pain never leaves her, Bunny finds those fleeting moments to bring her comfort. When she can calm down and not think about anything else but what makes her feel good. She does it more often as she becomes older. Her brain feels younger with the same constant ache. 
When she’s adopted by Natasha and Wanda she tries to hide it. She really did. She would hide in her bedroom whenever she felt like she needed a moment to herself. She would suck her thumb, and count the tiles on the wall, or sing a song to herself in her head. Everything she wishes she had someone else do for her. Bunny is a few months shy of her sixteenth birthday when she finds a viral video of breastfeeding on her Facebook page. She passes over it once before scrolling back up. She’s entranced, intrigued, and startled by the feelings inside of her. She listens to the narrator talk about the bond, the nutrients, and the emotions it brings forth for both mother and child. She finds herself for the first time in her life upset by something so innocent. She slams her laptop closed, leaving it to rest on her desk, as she returns to her homework. 
Days past and her interest only grows
Why did it make her feel this way? 
Some nights, Natasha or Wanda would tuck her into bed. She’d find comfort in the form of cuddling with her mothers. Her nightmares seemed to be getting worse. Other nights, Bunny would allow herself to regress. She learned that word a while ago. She doesn’t know how old she is when it happens. She only knows that being in this space made her feel better. It felt safe. No one could hurt her when she felt like this. 
Bunny’s cravings for comfort only grew. She would research and watch videos and research more. Whenever she had a long day, she would find a blanket, and cover herself, pushing her thumb into her mouth and imagining it was her Mama. Her eyes popped open at the new revelation. Her interest was something entirely different. She wants it. She needs it. She’s too old to want something like that though. If someone found out they’d make fun. Another thing on the list of things wrong with her. So Bunny’s desire goes untouched. She’s content with her thumb-sucking and her imagination for now. 
Until one night, she’d had a particularly bad nightmare. She’s been crying out in her sleep, sweating dripping from her forehead, as she thrashes around. She’s ripped from her dreams by a cool compress against her forehead and another hand caressing her cheek. She opens her eyes to find Wanda’s understanding ones looking back at her. Her eyes flash over to the lamp on her nightstand that’s been turned on. 
She whimpers. 
“Shh, sweet girl,” Wanda gives her a soft smile. “Mama’s here. You had a nightmare.” Her voice is sweet honey to Bunny’s ears. Bunny doesn’t move, she simply watches Wanda work around her before the other woman crawls into bed with her. Bunny doesn’t hesitate to tuck herself into Wanda’s arms. She lays her head directly onto Wanda’s breast, using it as a soft pillow, as she cries to herself. “Hey, it’s okay.” Wanda traces patterns into her forearm. “You’re not there anymore. You’re here with me and Mommy.”
“Mommy?” It’s the only word Bunny can mutter. 
“She’s out on a mission, a last-minute thing,” Wanda explains. “She had to but she misses you a lot. Don’t you miss her?”
Bunny nods. She’s too afraid to speak. She doesn’t know if speaking will help her right now. 
“You’re not very talkative tonight, huh?” Wanda doesn’t find a problem with that. “That’s okay. We can just lie here.” At Bunny’s shift, she knows there is a problem. She can feel the way Bunny’s fingers trace along the hem of her shirt. She raises it up enough for the young girl to touch the entire expanse of her belly. “It’s called skin-to-skin. A lot of babies do it to bond with their mothers.”
“Me?” Bunny says. Her limited vocabulary is a bit concerning to Wanda but she chalks it up to her being sleep deprived. 
“If it helps you,” Wanda encourages. “I think of you as my baby already.” She shrugs. “We all need something to ground us sometimes.” Wanda’s words soothe her. She talks about any and everything as Bunny’s movements stop. Her hand now lies flat on Wanda’s belly, just inches away from her breast, as the girl falls asleep again. 
Wanda doesn’t think of the moment again. In the morning, Bunny is back to her talkative and loving self. She eats with Wanda, watches a movie with her, and even takes a dog on the walk. There’s no indication of her nightmare last night. There usually isn’t. When Natasha returns home, Bunny is in her arms before she can drop her bags. 
“I missed you that’s all,” The teen says when Natasha gives her a surprised look. 
It’s a week later when Natasha discovers what’s on her laptop. She’s come into the girl’s room to put her laundry away. She places folded clothes in their appropriate drawers before she goes to leave. Bunny left it open to go and shower before they left for the Avenger’s Compound. Tony was having a family picnic of sorts. Natasha isn’t intentionally snooping. She simply wants to close the laptop when the headline of the article catches her eye. 
Breastfeeding Mothers and inducing breastfeeding. 
Natasha reads over the line a few times. Was Bunny pregnant? No way. They would have noticed. So why was she looking at this? Natasha doesn’t find it weird. No. Not at all. She just doesn’t understand. She decides to leave the laptop alone and maybe mention it later. 
At the picnic, Bunny sits with Lila and Cooper as they catch up with each other. From time to time, she glances over to Thor and Jane’s newborn baby. He’s a couple months old now. Jane is none the wiser to Bunny’s longing looks as she feeds baby Elias with a blanket for privacy. Natasha on the other hand does notice it. 
What was going on with her?
Natasha mentions it to Wanda later on in the night. 
“I’m telling you, she was staring quite hard,” Natasha pushes the covers back on the bed so she can climb in. She’s talking to Wanda who is standing in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Her only responses thus far have been “yep” and “oh wow” as she listens to her wife’s theory. 
“I don’t think she’s pregnant but I’m concerned,” Natasha finishes. Wanda peeks her head from the bathroom to look at her. 
“If you’re really that concerned we can talk with her,” Wanda shrugs. She doesn't see the big deal. A teenager being curious about such a natural part of life didn't concern her. 
“No, I don’t know,” Natasha tries to figure out what is going on with you. “It’s not like anything bad can come from it? I guess. I’m just curious about the reasons behind her being so curious, you know? Nothing serious.” 
“Well, we can keep an eye on her and if it becomes a thing then we can say something.” Wanda flicks the switch in the bathroom. She climbs into bed with Natasha. She cuddles into her and Natasha automatically wraps her arms around her. 
It’s totally become a thing. Bunny’s behavior, in general, has become a thing. No, there’s nothing she’s done wrong, but Wanda’s began to notice things. Like how she leaves her blanket and Bunny II lying around the house, or how her taste buds have certainly regressed to that of a three-year-old, and sometimes at night, she wants to cuddle with her more. She doesn’t hesitate to press herself into Wanda’s side and rests her hands against Wanda’s bare belly. Wanda notices the increasing glances to her chest. 
It’s kind of hard to miss when anyone does it but when a sixteen-year-old girl does she’s concerned. So she brings it up to Natasha. 
“Could she be wanting to breastfeed?” Wanda asks one day while they’re in the kitchen. At Natasha’s look, she throws the idea out of the window. “I know it sounds crazy but that may explain it.”
Natasha thinks for herself. All of Bunny’s behavior would explain it. 
“You might be right Wanda but what do we do with that?” She’s just as lost as her wife. “I don’t want to bring it up and make her feel bad about it.” 
“We do so gently,” Wanda sighs. “With care and with compassion.”
“You always know what to say,” Natasha murmurs into Wanda’s neck as she sits on her lap. “I love you. I love the way you love her.” 
“I love you too,” Wanda replies. 
How could they help? By doing research. 
Natasha and Wanda both did research. Together and separate. They came up with no links at first until Natasha stumbled upon something called age recession. Most research was geared towards children of younger ages. Bunny’s situation is different. Entirely different. With all of the tools they needed, they decided to let things happen naturally. If outside help was needed they would seek it but for now, they wanted Bunny to come to them. 
The moment arises when Bunny has another nightmare. This time she’s reserved and more into herself than before. They can’t get her to calm down no matter what methods they try. Until Wanda remembers how much skin-to-skin contact has helped before. She rips her shirt over her head and tosses it somewhere across the room. She’s now in her bra and sleep shorts. 
“Bunny, I’m going to help you take off your shirt now,” Wanda says hoping to get through to the young girl. “Can you nod your head if you hear me?”
Bunny gives a slight nod but doesn’t offer anything more. She allows Natasha and Wanda to take off her shirt before she rushes into Wanda’s waiting arms. She lies her head directly on Wanda’s chest as she struggles to breathe. Feeling Wanda’s warm skin against her arms and chest, calms Bunny considerably. The ache in her head is at the forefront of her mind but she tries to push it down. 
“Mama,” Bunny hwimpers and Natasha shushes her from behind. “Mommy.”
“We’re both here this time,” Ntasha assures her. Bunny continues to cry in theri arsm. When her breathing is back to normal, Natash ais the one to bring it up. “Bunny, how old are you right now?” She wonders if this is the right question as bunny stiffens.
“Sixteen,” Bunny answers. 
“Do you feel sixteen?” Wanda tries again. There’s a silence as they wait for Bunny’s answer. 
“I don’t know,” She’s panicking again. “I don’t know. I do but sometimes i feel younger. Like I need more.”
“More than what we’ve been giving you?” Natasha guesses and Bunny nods. “I’m not mad. Mama isn't mad either. I found your breastfeeding articles.” Bunny begins to remove herself from Wanda’s arms but she’s stopped by Wanda’s tighter hold. “We’re not mad baby. We just want to understand you.”
“I’m sorry,” Bunny whimpers. “I made it weird. I’m weird.”
“You’re not weird,” Wanda frowns. “You’re not weird for wanting it either. Do you age regress?”
Bunny shakes her head. “No, I don’t think so.” She answers in a small voice. “It’s not like how I’ve seen. I don’t know. I don't want to dress up like I’m younger or do all of those things I don’t know.” She can feel herself becoming worked up again. “I don’t need to. I just sometimes it makes me feel better.”
“What makes you feel better?” They’re allowing her to lead the conversation in whatever direction she needs to. 
“Sucking my thumb,” Bunny confesses. “And my blanket, and Bunny II. I still feel like myself but younger. If that makes sense. I still am fifteen but I just need more.”
That makes perfect sense to them. She wanted to be nurtured and cared for. She needs that extra comfort sometimes. For some people, it was voluntary and involuntary for others. It seems that Bunny was more than aware of her feelings and what age regression looked like for her. 
“By more, do you mean breastfeeding?” Wanda questions. She can see the look of embarrassment on Bunny’s face. “It’s okay if you do.”
“You won’t think I’m weird?” Bunny looks up at her with wide eyes. “You won’t send me away? I can stop. Being that way I mean.”
“If you stop will that help?” Natasha figures this coping mechanism has helped Bunny through a lot. 
“No,” Bunny bites the inside of her cheek nervously. “I just… since I was younger I would feel different. Especially when I’m afraid. Like I needed someone to hold me and make me feel better. Like I need to be cared for. I do it on my own.” She wants to assure them that she isn’t asking for something they aren’t willing to give. She doesn’t need them to do anything. 
“But what if you don’t have to,” Wanda prods. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Mommy and I were talking,” Wanda takes a breath. “And we would be willing if it's something you want. It could be our thing.”
“A secret?” Bunny questions. 
“A good secret, Malyshka.” Natasha rubs her back.
Bunny goes over the pros and cons in her head. She’s been with Natasha and Wanda long enough to know they’re not joking. They’re being sincere. Someone finally knows how she’s feeling and she’s thinking about giving up the chance. She glances at Wanda’s chest before looking back into her eyes. She doesn’t want to make things awkward for her mothers.  
“Can I think about it?” She asks. 
“Of course.” Wanda kisses her forehead. She settles further into Wanda’s arms as she drifts off to sleep. She’s too afraid to think about it any longer. 
Bunny’s home alone with Wanda when she feels it. A sudden wave of anxiety and depression hit her full force. She doesn’t feel good enough, or competent, or anything really. She finds herself thinking bad things. Deciding that she needs a distraction, she takes Bunny II along with her to find Wanda. She finds the redhead in her usual spot on the couch with her knees up as she reads a book. 
“Mama,” Bunny stands against the back of the couch. Wanda closes her book to look at her. “Can we?” She asks. Another wave of anxiety hit her. She’s afraid of Wanda’s answer. Wanda doesn’t need to ask what she’s talking about as she places her book on the coffee table. With a wave of her hand, she gestures for Bunny to come around the couch and lie with her. The positioning is awkward until finally, Wanda decides to lie on her back, with Bunny in her arms. She starts by pushing up her t-shirt. As if Bunny can feel the nerves from her, the girl moves to get up. 
“No, stay, baby,” Wanda encourages. She lifts her t-shirt further up to expose her breasts. Bunny’s eyes immediately drop to look. “You want this?” Wanda asks one last time and Wanda nods. She could do this. With her left hand, she guides Bunny’s head to her chest. She uses her other hand to guide her dusky nipple to closed lips. Bunny’s nervous. She can tell. “It’s okay, baby.” 
Bunny’s lips part, giving an experimental lick before she gently takes the entire bud into her mouth. She suckles weakly, at first, trying to get a feel of it for herself. When she finds she’s more sated than she’s ever been, her suckling becomes stronger.
 Wanda gasps at the sensations and emotions running through her. She’s never felt so close to or loved by her child before. Bunny, a bit startled by the noise, raises her hand to cover her face in embarrassment. Wanda doesn’t like this. She removes Bunny’s hand placing it in the valley between her breasts. She runs her fingers over Bunny’s cheeks and hair. 
“Open your eyes, b.” Wanda waits patiently for thick lashes to flutter and for furrowed brows to straighten as Bunny looks at her. She only feels love as her baby girl looks at her completely satisfied and safe. “Good?” Wanda asks and Bunny nods. She never stops her suckling as she closes her eyes to fall asleep again. 
Her feelings of being unwanted, unloved, and everything else were washed away by the comfort of her mother’s loving arms. 
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mrsjobarnes · 2 days
Not the Only Cowboy - Chapter 5
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Summary: Jake had never been the type of guy to fall first, maybe you’ll be the one to change that. 
A/N~ Sorry this took so long guys, I had writer's block, and then uni started and it got put on the back burner! However, I’m back and ready to finish this story! Also a huge Thank you to @angel-0f-verdun for helping me with this!
Jake Sersin x Nurse!reader 
Word count: 1,172
Warning: Abuse, Angst, Violence 
Likes & comments are welcome! 
Please do not steal my work! 
Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
2 weeks. It took you two weeks for you to leave the guest room. You requested time off and were granted 2 weeks but after that, you’d have to go back, back to the place that no longer felt safe since Blake had found you. 
He had crossed the country to find you, he didn’t care about the restraining order or that you had only packed the essentials and moved. No, you were still his, his to control, his to break, his to own till death, and even after that. You were his baby, his honey, his sugar, and he needs you back home. Your love hasn't always been like this. He was your college sweetheart, you were his tutor. His smart, kind, patient, and outgoing Y/N/N. After he graduated he went into the Navy to be a navigator and you continued your nursing school. Once you had graduated you became a civilian nurse serving on base. It was picture-perfect if you ignored the screaming matches and the occasional pushing and shoving. It didn't get bad until you were treating some of the naval men and he saw them flirting with you. 
That's when the abuse started, he’d beat you within an inch of your life in places no one could see. He’d even threaten to shoot and kill you if you ran away. No one noticed till you were wearing long sleeves in a Virginia July. That's when your charge nurse Maggie asked you. You tried to lie but the 55-year-old saw right through you. She slipped a paper in your locker later that night with several phone numbers to call for help. You knew that she was just looking out for you but, at the moment you felt hurt and angry. Thankfully, the calm part of you kept that note and hid it in your locker. After six months of plotting with Maggie, the clouds parted and Blake was given orders to be deployed for 2 months. You took that as your chance to run. After saying your goodbyes, you sold your car and changed your phone and phone number, opened up a new bank account and purchased a plane ticket to your new haven.  
It was your haven until he showed up. Destroying all you had built up, all of the work you’d put into making this place feel like a safe place had just been squashed by him. So here you are lying in Phoenix’s guest room, scared he’ll break through the second-story windows or the door.  He’d threatened to kill you before who’s to say he won’t kill Phoenix to get to you? You need to start over again, how far would you go this time? Coast hopping didn’t work, maybe you needed to go to a northern state, he did hate the cold. Maybe in a small town in Montana, get a job at a hospital this time. Yes, that should work. You’ll just choose the smallest town possible, maybe ditch your phone and switch to a pager, they still had those right? You hear a knock at the front door. Your blood runs ice cold, and quickly you run into the ensuite bathroom and lock the door. 
“Hey, Y/N it’s just me,” says Phoenix. “I bought groceries, what do you want for dinner?” she asks from the kitchen. You slowly exit the bathroom and start to head to the door, placing your hand on the handle you stop. Maybe you should just run at night and just take what you had here, grab your car, withdraw most of your money from the bank and run. By not telling anyone it would keep them safe right? Turning around, you text Phoenix that you’re not hungry and ask if she is going out tonight. She replies that she is, unless you want to talk. You tell her to enjoy her night and start researching on a private browser about where to go, maybe Sidney, Montana. It seemed small enough that no one would think to look there, now to look at apartments. After googling for about 30 minutes, Phoenix shouts that she’s leaving. Walking over to the window you peer out waiting till she leaves. Once the coast was clear you quickly started packing a bag and making a mental checklist of what you needed to do. 
get food
Leave a note 
Call Uber to the base 
Bank and gas 
25 minutes had passed and all you needed to do was get food and gas then stop at the bank, but first, you needed to get your car.  You bring all of your things to the door. When all of a sudden you hear someone knocking at the front door. “Fuck” you whisper under your breath. Quietly you grab a kitchen knife and look through the peephole. When you are met with the most perfect green eyes. It was just Jake, you sigh and put the knife down. “Go away Jake,” you say through the door.
“Phoenix gave me a key, I’m coming in,” he asks. 
“No, go away,” you say. He doesn’t listen and slowly enters the apartment. You grab the knife and point it at him, enraged he didn’t listen. “I said don’t come in Jake,” you say, clenching the knife for dear life. As he crosses the threshold, the two of you make eye contact. He has never seen someone so broken and scared, it breaks his heart.  
“Hey Y/N” he says slowly approaching, you clench the knife trying to push back the fear. It's Jake, he’s not going to hurt you, but you thought the same thing of Blake. How could you have been so stupid? “Y/N Imma need you to put the knife down darling, I just want to talk okay?” he said, itching closer to you. 
“Jake please leave, I don't want to talk. I just want to be left alone” 
“No it looks like you're trying to run” he says pointing to the suitcase and backpack next to the door”. 
“Why does it matter if I do? I have only brought trouble into the team's life. I've taken over Phoenix house and probably have a write-up at work for causing a scene. So just let me go, you’ll be fine without me.” you say hesitantly placing the knife down. 
“No? What do you mean, No?” you say looking into his eyes. 
“No, what about me? I know that’s selfish but you can’t leave me. I was an ass before I met you, I didn't care if I died on a mission as long as I went out in a blaze of glory, but now you’ve given me something to care about, someone who wants to come home too. So please stay, we can get you help. Cyclone says he could look into it, he just needs your permission.” Jake hesitantly walked up to you and cupped your face. 
“Can you promise that you won't hurt me? '' You say as your eyes glisten with tears. 
“I promise,” Jake says, pulling you into a hug. 
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anntriccs · 3 days
Omg just read your bsd lovechild au! comic you just released and I love it!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Kazuya is so politely sassy and Lenore?!?! My babies are soo cuteee 😭😭
Also I dunno if this is gonna canon for you or not but I hc that Mori has tried to teach Kazuya medical procedures (like genuinely not cuz he's a mad doctor and has operated on his father multiple times without his consent but cuz he just wants Kazuya to look up to him as a doctor and maybe hopefully take him as a student) but Kazuya just politely declines and goes ahead and idk does his math homework or smth.
Mori: Okay Kazuya-kun. How about I teach you how to tie a suture? It's very easy just let me-
Kazuya: I'm sorry but my dada did tell me to not talk with you. I'm going to do my math homework so if you'd please excuse me. (Goes and actually does his homework cuz he's a good lil boy)
Mori (on the phone with Chuuya, yes again): Chuuya-kun!!! Why does your son hate me so much?!?!? I promised both you and Dazai-kun that I have turned over a better leaf!!! Elise can even vouch for it!! Elise tell em!!!
Elise (a lil older than canon, I'm assuming like 15-17) : Nah. You were a creepy pedophilic old man before. Now you're just a creepy old man.
Mori: Elise-chan!!!!
Chuuya (on the phone and completely ignoring Mori): Okay so boss since you've bothered to call me at all, please let me bother you by asking about our client-
Mori: You just completely ignored me didn't you Chuuya-kun.
Also Mori makes Chuuya take missions the same time Dazai has a case he has to work on so they have no choice but to leave Kazuya with a babysitter (most of the time it's AkuAtsu but if they're busy and need to look for a babysitter too then it's with Poe, Gin, Kouyou, Yosano, Kenji, Kyoka, and surprisingly Kajii who makes em all lemon-flavored food [Lenore hates that]) but Mori is never on the list so he has to wish on his lucky stars that he gets to babysit Soukoku's golden child and when that happens he cries tears of happiness. This only happens a couple of times before Chuuya "accidentally" shakes his entire building and asks him to not schedule his missions when his husband is away.
Also Chuuya never does anything about Kazuya ignoring Mori. He could and Kazuya would listen to him (somewhat only) but he doesn't cuz he knows it helps in keeping Kazuya safe and give Dazai peace of mind.
Also currently laughing over the fact that somewhere there's an album of all the people Dazai knows in Yokohama and he shows em to Kazuya like a picture book.
Dazai: So this is Mori Ougai. Also called Rintaro by his ability Elise. Now like we practiced, what do we say when Mori-san comes and talks to us.
Kazuya (who had just learned to talk): I'm sowwy but papa said not to talk with you.
Dazai: Good boy!!!!! Omg you're so smart such a handsome and cute son I have!!!
Chuuya: Can't you like, idk teach him normal stuff that is essential to toddlers?
Dazai: Avoiding the boss of the Port Mafia is essential enough no?
I love it! I really want to draw that last dialog, because I totally imagined Dazai sitting with Kazuya on his lap and "educating" him about who to talk to and who not to talk to, haha <3
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