#that deer was MAD
sagehaubitze · 1 year
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Last night I set out to watch the meteor shower, fucked off to the mountains etc etc you know the deal. Was cold enough to break out the field tunic for probably the last time until autumn; it was nice, I needed that comfort and security.
Anyway, no sidetracking, important thing: In the same patch of woods where I found a bucket list flower in September, the indian pipe/ghost flower, I walked up on another flower I have been searching for in the wild my entire life. One of our native orchids. I've wanted to find *any* of our native orchids in the wild, and I had never been lucky enough to. Until last night, and this pink lady's slipper (Cypripedium acaule) was just there, chillin. I lost my absolute mind. The population is considered globally secure, but they have very low pollination rates, flower infrequently, and take a very long time to mature. In Alabama they have a status of "S3", which means in the state there is an estimation of 20-100 occurrences of specimens in the wild. The range is measly, vouchered specimens only having been collected in Blount, Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, DeKalb, Jackson, Lawrence, and Madison Counties. I was beyond ecstatic to see this one. It was not tucked very far away off the beaten path, I sincerely hope it doesn't get poached.
I also, quite literally, almost got my skull stomped in by a very angry deer while I was bedded down in some grass for the meteor shower. I had to run. From a deer. I think I would have rather encountered a bear, I was at Bear Den Point after all. But, that's neither here nor there compared to the orchid.
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kalico-of-doom · 2 months
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Made myself a swanky little headset stand for my Radio Demon themed gaming space. I love that it’s both functional and beautifully creepy when not in use
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iholli · 4 months
this is apparently controversial but, as a very much asexual rat, y'all do whatever the fuck you want with Alastor. He's canonically aroace. He's also fictional! Aspec is just that, a spectrum, and if you want to play around with that to make your brain happy, by all means.
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muckyschmuck · 7 months
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what did she expect honest to fuck
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bigfatbreak · 2 years
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about a bajillion years ago an artist made lop had an au idea for a twilight that got zapped into a draconequus. it spawned one of my fav fics, but as a wee, i thought it would be fun if something like that happened when twilight was a filly rather than a grown adult. i wrote three chapters for a fic and then abandoned it YEARS ago. I recently re-found them on my google drive and decided to do some doodles for it.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 23 days
Round Two: Epic Animals
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White-tailed Deer vs Gray Wolf
Remember, it's not a popularity contest- it's a fight to the death!
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need1etail · 12 days
Every birth starts with water.
Most births start with blood as well. But not this one. Water and stars. A perfect mix of the two. To create the perfect being. She has been creating this being for so long. Carefully building her in their image. In the image of the ones who found Her and made Her who She is.
And now, finally, she is complete. The perfect little cat. With stars running through her veins. Not blood. Blood is imperfect. Blood is easy to spill. Stars are infinite.
She nudges her kitten toward Her bank with gentle waves. But the kitten only squeaks and rushed back into the safety of Her pool. “Come now,” She whispers in a voice only she can hear. “You're ready to join the world.”
Her kit buries herself into the shallows of Her water. “I don't want to leave you yet,” she murmurs. “What if I don't remember you?”
“Oh, my lovely kitten,” She purrs. “Every kit knows their mother. Remember, little one. I'll always be there with you. You have me in your veins. In your heart. In every part of you. You won't forget me.”
The kitten sniffles and presses her nose to her Mother. She ripples. “Go now. Do what I could never do. And meet your sister.”
The kitten nods slowly. She takes her first steps away from her Mother. She glances over her shoulder. But neither of them say anything. She's about to leave when she remembers. “Wait,” she meows. “What's my name?”
Her Mother is quiet and for a few, terrifying heartbeats, she worries she couldn't hear Her anymore. But eventually, She speaks, whispering in Her daughter's ear.
The kit purrs. “I love it,” she meows. She sends her Mother one last wave of her tail. She makes her way down Her stream, following it just like She told her to. The trees rustle around her. She couldn't see them when she lived in the hollow. Only a sky full of stars.
As she walks, a slight buzz begins in the back of her head. She looks behind her. She's forgetting something. Where did she come from? Who is she? She can hear the alluring sound of waves lapping against a shore a few treelengths ahead. For some reason, it's so comforting. So… beautiful. It sounds like love.
“Hey!” a voice calls. She whips around, spotting a cat. The cat's eyes widen at the sight of her. A sopping wet kitten. “Who are you?”
She opens her mouth to say her name. But she can't remember. A voice whispers in her head.
Tears burn in the back of her eyes but she isn't sure why. “Moonkit,” she repeats. “My name is Moonkit.”
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alextwt-art · 7 months
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a lonely lab guy
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 3 days
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dyke-will-graham · 1 month
“In the end when Abigail bore her throat a second time to her father in the kitchen, she did not think of teacups, time or how a father loves. Instead she thought of her mothers garden, where things grew instead of died and decay came gently and with a greater purpose than this. And as she knowingly crawled into Hannibal’s arms, aware what would happen, it was the smell of daisies in the summertime that filled her. Not terror.” (In Memoriam to a Girl and a Knife by starbaby)
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Almost finished reading Dungeon Meshi and I got an idea
So in Dungeon Meshi or Delicious in Dungeon, there are these... dungeons.
And from what I have gathered dungeons can be made naturally or artificially but both types have the same few things in common.
They are made to contain demons
They attract adventures
The dungeons have lords who manage/control the dungeon and are given the power to do so by the demons
I know that I'm skimming over some important bits, but long story short, the demons come from an alternate dimension called 'The Infinite Realm' and feed off of people's desires, the Lord of the Dungeon's specifically.
That being said... (incoming dp x dc prompt)
Beings from the Infinite Realms aren't ghosts but demons. And while they do still have obsessions, they lack desires. And so, they've become something they hunger for.
Danny learns this the hard way when he accidentally eats his parents' desire to hunt 'ghosts'.
When the endless, all-consuming hunger, that had been growing inside himself became just a bit satisfied by the action, he got scared. He ran to Clockwork, who immediately explained everything to him.
From there he became terrified. He didn't want to eat people's desires, especially considering that he had some of his own. But CW explained that while other demons will most likely never be satisfied no matter how many desires they consume, because of Danny's halfa status he may be able to. (Also it would be a bad thing if the baby starves itself. No one wants the baby to starve!)
To test out this theory, CW pulls (more than) a couple of strings, and soon his dungeon was set up in Gotham City in the DC universe.
He felt a bit bad since he had to set up shop in another ghost's/demon's territory, but Lady Gotham seemed to have taken a liking to him.
Danny takes his time searching for the most desperate person he can find, (Lady Gotham is leading him to some of the most desperate people in her city, aka the Batfam.), and appears to one of them as a fawn (signifying his hunger and current 'lack' of power). He then looks deep into their mind and offers them the power to fulfill all their desires.
The Batfam? They should be better than this, but damn they were in a tight spot and the city is going to shit because the rouges have been more active than ever, and their family is on the verge of crumbling!... And the answer to fix it all was right there, just within their reach.
They held the fawn in their arms gently. Its ivory wings, coat of starlight, and piercing Lazurus green eyes. Gotham began to change.
A few years later, some members of the JL and the JLD are once again trying their hand at clearing the dungeon but are a bit discouraged because last time their team was wiped out completely.
It was inconvenient how their powers were nullified whenever they were inside the dungeon, but they had yet to find a spell to counteract it.
In an attempt to get past the third floor, they teamed with a team called Team Phantom, which comprised two young adult siblings, their 12-year-old sister, and a few teenagers.
Morally, they were against this. No one this young should be trying to clear the dungeon! But on the other hand, this team was the closest to getting to the fourth floor.
Sucking it up, they teamed up with the young dungeon dwellers and quickly found out why they were so close to getting to the third floor.
These kids were skilled. These kids were powerful. These kids were trained. On top of that, they didn't care about their lives! Because these kids? They wouldn't- no! They couldn't die, and they were using it to their advantage.
The JL/JLD now had much more to worry about than clearing the dungeon.
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angie-words · 3 months
Thanks to @rhosmeinir and our discussion of Hannibal being a dapper murderer, I had a sudden realisation as to why I liked Alastor so much
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Real "corporate needs you to find the difference between these two photos" moment for this old Hannigram fan
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silky-silks · 1 month
*A massive shadow towers over Silky and slowly looks down at her*
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Silky: "nooooo...no she cant be alive I thought I 'killed you-!!!
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Simon: (Scared of the figure but tries to be brave to console wife)
Simon: Erm...hello there strange sir. I kindly ask you to leave the premises?
Silky became a little frightened and for a split second thought her mom came back to life to get her. But all is well, she has her baby-face husband to keep her warm and destressed. (I think that was a Oxytalis?) Dont worry, no one here is mad and wont hurt you-
Mother Geneieve:
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(sorry for lack of good art guys my adhd meds been making me feel a bit out of touch lately and i haven't been able to process words or understand a lot of things lately. Cant even focus on subjects. Ill be better by week's end it happens every time I take new medication. Brain Fog sucks)
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cheemaws · 6 months
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man in the woods 🐦
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sealhaus · 7 months
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“Business bastard” fit for Lazarus, my terrible mad scientist deer man thing.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 1 month
Round One: Epic Animals
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White-tailed Deer vs European Starling
Arena: Deciduous forest
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