#thanks for the ask ewe
tangledinink · 9 days
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vote for the gemini!!! B)
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rampantram · 12 days
sooo the most important question whos on the "top bunk" the "middle bunk" and the "bottom bunk" of this of this wholesome relationship
A very essential question that deserves an answer.
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Some of you are probably going to be surprised by the placements here…
And, while Narinder was originally insistent that he be on the top bunk, the very bottom bunk is really the best fit for him~ 😌 Of course, if any one of our three sillies here are absent, the same above and below placements apply for whoever’s present.
Hope this helps with all of your bunk bed related questions~
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stealingpotatoes · 2 days
If you could be in any trilogy of Star Wars what trilogy would you pick ?
do I have to? the living conditions in star wars just kind of suck like, all round
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bookshelfdreams · 6 months
Hey I like a lot of the takes you have regarding the pirate show so I wanted to ask for your opinion on smth that's been bothering me for a while:
I have a deep seated dislike for Hamilton. Twinkifying the fucking founding fathers, romanticizing slave abusers and overall villainizing the wrong people while others (Hamilton at the front naturally) gets sung at. Speaking of singing - I really hate it. Shipping (i want to repeat) the founding fathers, the blatant white washing bla bla bla. Anyway those are all known problems and better people have said it smarter before and that isn't really my point
It's the fact that a friend of mine recently brought up that Ofmd pretty much is the same and I shouldn't scream so loud in my glass house. Inaccurate historically speaking, the blatant ignoring of the slave owning that the real Stede and Edward did and so on and so forth. Minus the singing perhaps if we ignore Frenchies and Izzys
So. Does it make me a hypocrite to like ofmd so much but despise the mere mention of Hamilton? It's a thing I'm really stressed about lately and that kind of ruined my joy about finally getting season 2. I would love to hear your opinion. or that of your followers for that matter.
Thank you 😊
oh thank YOU because I do feel that this is an interesting thing to examine and we do not talk about it enough.
I have never seen Hamilton, or listened to the songs (except some snippets). I have never been involved in the fandom. I really, really can't speak to what the musical itself did wrong and right. But I will say this: There was a reason it got as popular and received the critical acclaim that it did. I can't speak to how it addresses the systemic injustice baked into the USA from the very beginning, and I do have a suspicion that it glosses over a lot of uncomfortable truths. But I also feel it is important that we divorce the source material from the fandom it spawns because ultimately, Miranda isn't responsible for Hatsune Miku Binder Jefferson, or the whole hivliving debacle.
Just as David Jenkins isn't responsible for the handwaving of slavery in fanworks, or the great Izzy Hands Debate, or whitewashing in fanart, or shitty, racist headcanons of the characters of colour, or whatever deranged scandal is yet to come to light. This is true for all fandoms; criticizing fandom dynamics is a very different conversation from criticizing the canon.
Let's focus on the canon here, though, because defending the fandom is pointless, and not something I want to do. Curate your experience.
The first thing to say is: If you like ofmd but don't like Hamilton, that's not hypocritical at all, that's first and foremost a matter of taste. Things are good when we like them and bad when we don't. We don't have to find objective reasons for it.
If the fact that the historical Stede Bonnet was a slaveowner, and the historical Blackbeard also participated in the slave trade, are dealbreakers for someone, that's valid. People have every right to be uncomfortable with that. The conversation could end at this point, if we want it to (I don't because I love to hear myself talk).
If we look at the historical figures a little closer the first stark difference is the cultural context in which they exist. The founding fathers seem to be extremely mythologized in the american consciousness but also, are understood to be real historical people. The founding myth is fundamental to the way in which the USA perceives itself (that is, as a beacon of freedom and democracy), and it's pretty hard to reconcile that with the bloodshed and human misery it was founded on. It's uncomfortable; and it's not just an American problem. Every western nation/former colonial power has quite literal corpses in their closets they'd rather not talk about (just so you don't think I'm getting on a high horse about the famed Erinnerungskultur here; go ask a german person about Lothar von Trotha and what he did to the Nama and Herero to receive a blank stare). The difference is, that the founding fathers are too prominent and too important to just not talk about, so instead, they are sanitized to a degree that can be straight up historical revisionism.
That's not Miranda's fault. Nor is it the fault of any one particular piece of historical fiction, biography, documentary, or what have you. But it is the context in which Hamilton exists and, from what I understand, a culture to which it contributes. Especially since it's based on a biography of the real Alexander Hamilton, and (again, to my understanding) claims to tell a more or less accurate story.
Pirates, on the other hand, are perceived completely differently. They are mythologized, but not for ideological reasons, not as state-building propaganda. Pirates are more like folk heroes; cultural icons (near) completely divorced from whatever historical figure once lived. They are "real" in the sense that they are based on real people, but engaging with them, from the start, has a layer of removal from reality that engaging with figures like the founding fathers hasn't. Blackbeard is from a saga. George Washington is from history.
ofmd, specifically, makes clear at every turn that what we are told is a fictional story that has very little to do with any real events. It's openly anachronistic, it has absurd internal logic. Life-threatening injuries are walked off. There's actual magic. Dinghies are treated like spawn points in a video game. Everything, from the costumes to the vernacular to the story beats, tells the audience that none of this is real.
You wouldn't accuse, idk, A Knight's Tale, or Mel Brooks's Men In Tights of whitewashing history. I feel like ofmd plays in a similar league; it's a comedy very vaguely based on history, and it makes sure the audience knows we are not about to be told anything true. If you watch ofmd, you know this isn't about the real, historical Stede Bonnet or Edward Teach.
So. Let's examine the actual story, yes? The story that is told here is anticolonialist, antiracist, and challenges oppressive power structures as much as is possible for a production like this. It addresses these things and condemns them, both explicitly and in its underlying message. (I'm not gonna explain all of this, enough ink has been spilled about it by people smarter than me)
I do not know what Hamilton is about at its core. I know Our Flag Means Death is about authenticity in the face of the whole world telling you there's something wrong with you. It's about resisting dehumanization and reclaiming your personhood. It's about love, in a radical, system-destroying way, about breaking the cycle of abuse, about healing, and finding joy.
Yes, the real historical figures it's based on were all horrible people. Again, if that's a dealbreaker, that's fine. I'm not trying to convince anyone who is deeply uncomfortable with that fact; it's perfectly understandable.
However, for me, personally, the story as a whole is so far removed from reality, and so firm in its message, that I feel this is forgivable.
(Oh, and a lat aside, I also feel like likening ofmd to Hamilton seldom seems to come from a place of genuine criticism. Often it seems to be more along the lines of "Hamilton is cringe, and if I say ofmd=Hamilton ppl will be too embarrassed to defend it" which yk. feels kinda disingenuous to me.)
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stromboli-muncher · 19 days
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if u saw i posted and deleted rhis yesterday no i didnt
i hate that hes back just as much as the next guy but i had like three mutuals redraw this thing and thought it looked like the funnest shit ever
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baconcolacan · 8 months
Can you draw more Paul and Pat????
I love your art!!!! Super cool!!!❤️🤩
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Young, dumb, and full of cu-
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mxttellion · 7 days
💤 A headcanon about their sleep + 🪢 A headcanon about their family for tord pls :)
💤 A headcanon about their sleep
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Or rather, his lack of sleep? 'you think Tord would actually have a healthy sleep schedule? nah, he's an insomnia warrior. Sometimes he forgets to sleep when he gets too focused on whatever invention he's working on.
🪢 A headcanon about their family
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OLDER BROTHER ATTACK!!!! I think I did mention him a few times here already, but say hi to Dominik, Tord's older brother. Yeah he's also Red Leader yes he created the Red """"Army""""" in my hcs and he did that because he . Uh. Wanted to create a cool team of vigilantes? I dunno he's just as much of a nerd as his younger brother, even though he tries to seem more mature and collected. He's the leader after all....
Don't catch him when he's geeking out over his incredible plans or whatever.
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fun fact I forgot Yanov was also related to these two while I was drawing for this ask. (Which is also a sort of old hc that came from a bunch of discussions with friends-)
Yeah! Yanov is also related to the two brothers! Only half related to them because of an...affair one of their parents had at some point. kinda fucked up (their parents then had a divorce, and one of them did discuss about said affair to the brothers at some point on two different instances)
The three brothers are very close to each other despite that- with Yanov trying to be the middle ground (kinda literally, considering he's the middle child) and the mediator between the two. Considering he's definitely the chiller of the three. He's the anchor, or whatever. Or maybe he's just laid back.
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angstyvylene-i · 9 months
Can you please draw Patryck more? I love how feral you make him look
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Thaks<3 I love pat when he's not the straight man mediator of the group I think he should bite peiple<3 thanks!!!!!
At the very last second I realized I could have given him those rlly big gardening Scissors ahhgggg. But it's OK...
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yoinkschief · 1 year
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Full thing under the cut Content Warning: Shirtless Man
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Originally posted to Instagram for Raptorgirl's Blue Titan, I thought he was funky enough to post here, too, so here ya go :)
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ask-edd · 4 months
at age six i was born without a face
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My dad told me that I would be accepted as I am, as a true man. Little did he know that that wouldn't be the case, actually. He didn't lie, he just didn't know
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orphyd · 7 months
A man asking me to do OF in the Walmart parking lot….just you’re average Wednesday-
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rampantram · 13 days
How shy is Ewe, are they more open with their spouses or do they make friends with the other members of the cult
Speaking of which how is she around Leshy, Shamura, Heket and Kallamar?
She’s pretty damn shy, but still manages to mingle and make a few friends with her fellow flock members. As you mentioned, she is more open and talkative when it’s just her, the lamb, and Narinder (but still just as easy to fluster).
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As far as how she is with the former Bishops…there’s differing levels of tension and an overall awkward air between each of them and Ewe, given past circumstances; they’re not 100% sure if she knows who they are, what they’ve done, and so on when she first joins the cult, and it stays that way for a while before said tension starts to break down.
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But Leshy is the most troubled by her presence at first, Shamura usually isn’t lucid enough to know better, Heket doesn’t say much, and Kallamar struggles with a hefty combination of his fear of the lamb’s ire and the ironic feeling of butterflies that stir in his chest whenever he has to look at Ewe’s pretty face.
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jellori · 9 months
*waddles over to you* I love your Tomatoredd design so much, also don't think I saw your Monster ver of him that was sorta transparent...it looks so fluffy!
Okay bai! Just wanted to say I like your art *pats as I waddle away*
Hi there waddling Anon!! Yeah the monster Design is indeed fluffy. Just felt right having him be that way.
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And also just thank you 🥺💕 this means so much for my lil doodles!
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crystalwhisp · 2 months
Monster Tom curled up on Tord’s lap purring while being pet
So true bestie!
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yloiseconeillants · 3 months
👀 please say more about the company of heroes crossing paths with yloise!
oh god ok so it's nothing like. CONCRETE but the first major departure from the msq for yloise is that she does not participate in the fight against Ifrit (that belongs to other warriors of light in the soap opera) so her first Primal Fight is against Titan. So it feels a little pointed for all the Company of Heroes quests to be testing her because she doesn't even have a primal under her belt at this point! She's some fucking newly minted healer recruited to the Scions on the strength of Y'sthola mentioning she has the Echo!! So I think they take her completing these tasks a little more seriously than they would for her fellow WOLs in the soap opera.
And she *really* throws herself into them. No complaining, no dragging her feet - she wants to prove herself, even as Y'sthola is seething at what she perceives as a waste of time. That goobbue minion she gets for finding the Bacchus vine (hehehe *points at dionysos azem*) is a canon minion she takes with her to Coerthas (the Bacchus vine is *also* growing on it per my headcanon).
She also gets injured in the fight against Titan and ends up recuperating at Warmwine Sanitorium instead of heading straight back to the Waking Sands so there's a bit of a disconnect there as she meets back up with Riol before catching back up with the MSQ.
That the Company of Heroes keeps popping up in the quests that I decided were ~canon for her (Sch and Postmoogle) also feels significant. It's just. Meeting them was an important part of her life and she keeps in touch with them whenever possible. They occupy a larger part of her life than other ARR questchain npcs would and I am always so happy to see them.
(also also i have been thinking about the post-ew wineport artoirel nonsense and shamani is definitely involved *somehow*)
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baconcolacan · 5 months
I humbly offer you, art
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This is an apology for laughing at for being eddless <333
(Quality is ass but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless-)
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