#thanks elle this was so fun
blue-star-doodles · 9 months
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Here's my panel for the 2al comic!
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stormyoceans · 1 month
hey girl write down your top 7 (this is nice number😋) of js's fav photo shoots, images
i mean of course im still gonna try to do it, but know im throwing up all the blood in my body every step of the way and that if you ask me this question again in a couple of weeks the answer might be different ;;;;;;;
1. the chemistry in front of this fish tank is astronomical from LEMON Magazine. sorry idk what else to say except that they're literally just looking at each other and yet every time i so much as barely glance at it i still find myself in a dead faint in front of my screen drowning in the sheer incomprehensible levels of magnetism electricity tension vibes oozing from this one (1) single still image. like i know maybe it's weird to put it in first place since it only has their faces and nothing else but it really makes feel in dire need of a mental health crisis intervention team THIS IS WHAT THE WALLS OF MY PADDED ROOM LOOK LIKE
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2. forehead touch from Starry Magazine. WHAT CAN I SAY IM NOT IMMUNE TO FOREHEAD TOUCHES. they're giving such effervescent 'we are so deeply intertwined and enthralled by each other that everything else just falls away' vibes that i can even look past the school boys attire this picture is just THAT beautiful. also the tenderness!!!!!!!! the sunflower!!!!!!!! I AM BUT A WEAK WOMAN
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3. cuntitude Xtreme100 from ViVi men. invented maximizing their joint slay and serving so much coquettecore cuntism it makes me act deeply unwise. idek what's the worst (read: best) part of it all if jimmy's bold jewelries or sea's outfit that exposes the mole on his chest for the world to see or how fluffy their hair look or the way jimmy is resting his arms on sea's shoulder while sea's head is turned just enough to brush against jimmy's all i know is that whoever styled them for this shoot deserves a raise and a kiss on the mouth.
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4. interconnectedness from PRAEW Magazine. look me in the eyes and tell me this doesn't belong in the louvre with a little tag on display under it that shows this exact title like with all due respect to my man leonardo but the mona lisa ain't shit compared to this picture. it should be studied in art classes all around the world for its lines and composition and contemporary figuration and how the intertwinement of the bodies is a metaphor for the mingling of souls throughout lifetimes. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
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5. whole face economy in one image from Mint Magazine. never in the history of the whole entire world have two people looked more stunning like the visual excellence displayed here never fails to propel me into an entire different reality. the other reason i love this one so much is that this is their usual pose but for once sea is the one holding jimmy and that truly makes me feel some type of way, the photographer really was on some galaxy brain shit for this one.
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6. sea's oral fixation from ViVi men. at first i didn't want to put two pictures from the same shoot on the list just to give more variety but im currently too rabid about this one to leave it out. im not sure what compelled sea to put one of the strings from jimmy's hoodie in his mouth but that sure was. A CHOICE. i also love jimmy's smile and the more casual clothes and sea's silly goose vibes and how warm and huggable and comfort shaped they look.
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7. high fantasy concept from LEMON Magazine. once again i didn't want to put two pictures from the same shoot but i think this ones deserves a place on here even just for how original it is like THE VISION THE TASTE THE FLAVOUR THE STYLE THE INSPIRATION THE QUALITY THE VIBES CHINESE MAGAZINES TRULY ARE ON SUCH A COMPLETE DIFFERENT LEVEL OF CREATIVITY GMMTV WISHES IT COULD COME UP WITH SUCH INCREDIBLE OUT OF THIS WORLD IDEAS.
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bunny-xoxo · 16 days
elle pls I'm so curious what kind of dog hybrid do u see yuuta as? like a cute lil mutt? a sheepdog? pls 🤲
BIRDIE IM SO GLAD YOURE HERE ASKING ABOUT THIS… I have at least 2 hybrid yuuta wips in my drafts now simply because of your tags 😭 Funny enough me and summer (another moot) were just discussing this with Toji.. HEHEHEHEH
I spent way too long on this and initially felt like he’d be a Mudi for lots of reasons, typed it all out, and then changed my mind and decided he’d be a Belgian Malinois LOL
He was definitely the cutest puppy ever and was just never taken care of properly :( leading him to need to be muzzled n so so people selective, but his reactivity isn’t his fault :(
He just gets too excited, aroused, when other pups or people wanna play with him! It’s fun until it isn’t for the other person anymore, but he’s not done playing :( n he just plays a little too rough sometimes :(
But he loves loves loves being told he’s done a good job, and he’s So trainable! Which is exactly how you got him to love the muzzle so much <333 dogs like him need a purpose, and a person, so even if he’s maybe a little too protective or possessive it’s nothing his muzzle doesn’t satiate :3
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suntails · 4 months
anyone that ever thought i was crazy for doing this pmv full color: i am two files from fully drawn. i. oughh. i've planned a rough schedule around my job and i am tentatively planning to post on friday 3/1. i can feel it in my BONES im so close to done
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
I would like to draw a lot more :D I think it's a lot of fun to look at historical eras and try to make parallels and connections!(either through my OCs or my F1 boys) But god, when I look at old paintings for ref, the level of detail in the clothing is a bit scary... but I still think it's very interesting to do research into it and design it :)
Bit of historical rambling:
I said in the tags that this AU could really only be Vettonso, and I will explain why. I mean obviously at first, I was only comparing that statue to Seb because uhhhh he looks like Seb!!! But I researched a bit more into that era and guess what's happening at this point: The Spanish War of Succession. Which was when the Spanish Throne was up for grabs, and the two main candidates were a Spanish Duke and an Austrian heir to the Holy Roman Empire. See where I'm going with this?
But the Spanish Duke ends up getting the throne, rightfully, but the Austrian ends up becoming the Holy Roman Emperor even though he wasn't first in line, so who really won in the end!
Lmao I think this AU would end up being: well, guess how we can reunite the Austrian and Spanish bloodlines again....arranged marriage plot!! Canon Divergence in both the matters of them being replaced with Vettonso and also with the war not happening
God help me, I read way too much about the Habsburgs, I blame my trip to Austria 🤧 My German prof, who is from there, always seems kinda proud of the history so I wonder what he'd think if he knew I was looking into it this much....and bastardizing it
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naenaex0xx · 7 months
Woo furina came home!!
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Welcome to my humble abode ^^
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debbiechanclub · 9 months
If Debbie were a stuffed animal, what stuffed animal would he be? Actually, I would like to know this for all the War Dogs
Okay, I put A LOT of thought into this and I'm actually very proud of myself 🤧 War Dogs as plushies below the cut!!!!
Gabe is this Angry Birds plush. Because he is angry and likes to yeet himself at people. Also he's always fucking chirping, dude just won't shut up!! And it's all these reasons why I love him and want to hug and squish him 🤧
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Alex is this skeleton cat plush. Mainly because of the eyes, but also because it fits his personality. He's super into metal and "I lift things up and put them down" but then he also makes dad jokes and lives at Starbucks. Plus, for whatever reason, this was the first thing that came up when I typed "mortal kombat plush" into Amazon 😂😂
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Clark is the jackalope Squishmallow. Listen to me: outwardly that boy is a (horny) menace, but deep down inside he's soft AF. Plus he lives out in the middle of nowhere, is rather elusive, and is small (sorry short king ily), quick, and powerful. AND there's a little bit of his favoritest color (pink!) in there for him. (Ngl, I kinda want this Squishmallow now lmao.)
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Dan is one of those reversible octopus plushies that's angry on one side and happy on the other, because dude be giving me whiplash with how alternatively hard and soft he is fr.
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And last but not least. David is this raccoon body pillow plushie. First, because Trash Panda. Second, because I want to wrap my body around him. Third, because we all know he's actually a big silly goof, and bitches just pushed him too hard and now he's a menace!!! Also, they both have ✨️spiritual features✨️
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laurabenanti · 1 year
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tagged by the amazingly awesome @wherepoetsdie (aka elle ❤︎) to make a color palette from this thread with my sun, moon, rising, & venus signs. thank you, bb.
tagging (with zero pressure, as always): @maximilff, @sculien, @singinprincess, @detkatebenson, @connie-rubirosa, @agathadanbury, @safins, @hightowres, @gojosattoru, @nawjoon, @drbrennans, @lordjohnwgrey, @fourteenthofaugust, @userstarling and anyone else who wants to join into the fun :3
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alienaiver · 2 years
oh, for the little writing game how about sakusa wasn't sure if it was a wonderful sign or a sign of disaster but he knew... 
also, sorry in advance if the prompt is not very useful haha (๑^-^;๑) i'm sending you lots of love, nohr ♡ you are a fantastic writer!!
ELLE !!!! this one RAN from me i swear i have no idea how it got so long...... it was so fun!!!!!! i hope you enjoy it! im not sure if its exactly what you envisioned but i hope it works all the same and makes you smile !! i love a little lovesick-but-very-awkward sakusa so much.... have a whole fic in my mind for him about being Like That with msby supporting him in woo'ing you //sobs hes SO GOOD had to give this a read more bcos it got long and dont wanna attack anyone with the length LKJFESKFJS <33333
send me a sentence + character and ill write a short scenario where the sentence's included!
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Sakusa’s late. It’s a long list of annoying circumstances that makes him late for the last practice of the season – one that he’s been dreading because not much has gone his way and ending it on a negative note grates him. He’s in need of a new phone currently and while that may seem unrelated, it’s unfortunately not. His alarm clock – that Miya talks shit about because who uses alarm clocks in 2022? – laid it’s life last winter and he hasn’t been able to find one that’s the same.
Which is important, because the sound of the clock is what matters and his old one was right.
So he’s been using his phone the past year and it hasn’t been much of a problem for the first part until the battery mysteriously started being unreliable. First, he cursed the charger and bought two or three new ones before he had to finally admit it had nothing to do with those – but that his six-year-old Huawei was about to say goodbye.
Which is still impressive because back then he picked the phone based on the price and didn’t expect it to last as long as it has. He was a broke student at the time and while he isn’t one now, the phone market has become so over-saturated and frankly overwhelming. Every time he goes online to check out which phone to purchase there’s a long list of perks that makes him decide on one – and then he stumbles upon a Reddit post that tells of the longest lists of downsides he’s ever seen.
And it’s like this with every phone he finds. Which pisses him off and he’s been putting off getting a new one precisely for that reason. Komori’s talked about just getting the first and best one since they’ll all have drawbacks but it seems like too a significant choice to just leave up to random chance – what if one of the exact downsides are what he needs the most?
But his alarms didn’t go off – and last night he came in late because Bokuto, Hinata and Miya insisted on watching movies and eating together. If they mention how late he stayed, he’ll probably tell them he felt it rude to leave. If he wasn’t so grumpy from waking up on the wrong side of bed, he’d have told them he had fun. Genuine fun.
He opens the doors to the arena they train in and go straight to the changing rooms. He’s trying to turn on his phone as he walks, knowing the way by heart. Considering that others might walk on his exact route wasn’t on his mind today, so the impact he feels at walking straight into you and dropping his phone makes him yelp out loud. He inhales sharply to try and mask his embarrassment from making the sound of loud. He narrows his eyes as he watches you, keeping himself as neutral as possible.
Of all days, he meets you today.
Sakusa’s not sure if it’s a wonderful sign or a sign of disaster but he knew… today would be the day he asks you out. After all, he won’t have a reason to come here for a while as off-season begins.
There’s a small café in the sports arena that mostly sells sports drinks and quick foods for the athletes who come here. You work there and every day you sell him all the sports drinks for the entire team. He volunteers to pick them up every time so he can have a chance to talk with you but fails miserably every time. It always becomes a stuttering string of words as he pays for the drinks and bows at you before he awkwardly tries to balance them all in his arms.
Once, you even helped him carry them. He blushed the entire way and said not a single word to you.
You apologize and bend down to pick up his phone. The screen is shattered to pieces – no luck turning that on now, he thinks. You start to apologize profusely as you realize what’s happened and he yells, “it’s okay, it was”- he clears his throat to control his volume- “broken anyway!”
You nod but still let out a final apology, “I have to get a new one too, it’s just so annoying to find one between all the brands…” you scratch at your scalp with frustration. Sakusa’s eyes lights up – a common subject!
“Do you want to buy new ones together?”
Fuck. That’s too direct. You laugh and your smile takes his breath away, “…sure? It might be nice to discuss it with someone besides the seller trying to make a buck!” you nod, “you’re Sakusa, right?”
You introduce yourself properly for the first time and it’s not until Miya comes and yell for him to hurry or coach’s gonna kill you that he’s able to leave your side.
“Come by the café in your break and I can give you my contact information!” you promise him as you watch him walk away. Sakusa steals not one but two glances back at you before the door to the changing rooms closes behind him. He’s never been happier about a broken phone in his life.
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charrfie · 5 months
I have a few!! 7 and 9 for elle, 20 and 23 for zee, 25 and 34 for azuramenth, please! I know that's quite a few, so you don't have to answer them all lol I'm just so curious
"You don't have to answer all of them" OKAY WELL I DID SO TOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!! Sticking these under a read more bc its very long. Since it is SO easy for me to get carried away when talking about my ocs
7) Elle's favorite animal? Why?
This is a tough one, it's not really something I've dived into yet! I think the strongest answer I have for this at the moment is bears. She admires their strength and ferocity while also finding their appearance very endearing; it's a nice contrast. I'll think about this some more!
9) Elle's favorite and least favorite foods? Is she a picky eater/does she have dietary restrictions?
I havent picked out a favorite/least favorite food for elle yet but I can at least tell you about her eating habits! She's not so much a picky eater, at least not ideally. She loves to try new foods and likes a lot of stuff! However, she ultimately has to shoot a lot of stuff down though due to her stomach being very sensitive. She feels sick very easily (whether thats due to a food being rich/heavy, not having the right texture, or just being too much food in general), so as a result she's very peckish.
20) Can zee drive?
Short answer, yes, zee can drive. She's a very skilled pilot of any vehicle. But while this is something she can do, it's not like she has a car of her own. As far as I know cars don't exist in the raposa world unless the creator or hero personally draws them into the world, so they're not really regulated/common? She would much rather traverse on foot anyway, even if they were common.
23) How would you describe zee's voice? Can she sing?
Zee's voice is fairly gruff. It falls at a fairly low octave and she often has some degree of vocal fry going on, whether talking or singing. She's loud!!! And as for speech patterns, she exaggerates her words a lot to make her point, both in tone and volume. She enjoys humming more than singing, but she does sing every now and again, usually while she's out at sea or doing something boring.
25) How good/bad is azuramenth's hearing and eyesight?
Extremely interesting question!!! Warning you ahead of time, this question is going to have a long-winded answer since it delves into some general species info that I've worked on before, namely that of angels and demons since Azuramenth/Azurael has had experience being both. For context, angels and demons aren't so much an elusive, ever-changing thing in the world of a businessmans cult, but they're actual defined species that share similar traits. Granted, a species mortals don't know anything about (or at least most of them!), but a species regardless.
Angels do not have the ability to hear. They communicate strictly through the transferring of information, which can be a bit tricky to define in a concise manner. Think of it this way: when an angel wants to communicate with another angel, said angel they are "talking" to will suddenly come to know the information as if it is simply fact. If conversing with a mortal, while the mortal speaks aloud, the angel will read their thoughts pertaining to the words they're speaking and will understand it in that manner. They converse vocally regardless, even if it falls on "deaf" ears. An angel's vision tends to be blurry due to their exposure to bright lights in their environments. To further this, the light they emit themselves shines onto the backs of their eyeballs, causing a mild case of blindness. They are completely blind in the dark as their eyes can't adjust.
As for the other side of this question, demons have an incredibly sharp sense of both vision and hearing. Their senses are much more grounded to reality than an angel's senses would be. They converse as mortals would. It should be noted that while their vision is extremely strong (much stronger than the average mortal), they have difficulty seeing in environments with a lot of light. This is largely due to how intensely keen their sight is, and light tends to be too sharp on eyes that sensitive. It's also worth nothing that not all demons have eyes and/or ears, but their other senses are heightened.
34) How would azuramenth describe herself?
If you were to ask her, Azuramenth would likely only define herself as a very blunt "strong" or "powerful." Maybe even "angry." It's difficult to get much else out of her. For this hypothetical though, if she didn't have as many walls raised, "hurting" would be another one. "Sorry."
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witchofthevale · 7 months
Omg you and the boyfriend look so cute together! Can you tell the class how you meT?
Thank you! Our timeline is a little bit complicated and I dunno know how much I want to indulge just because I want to keep certain lines private, but I'm taking the plunge sjdhjd
But we've met three times (technically). Once as children, once more in high school, and finally whilst I was in University (my final year and he's a few years ahead, so he was already working).
We've only been with each other for almost two years though, but have known each other a while. Our parental figures were in a close knit group hence meeting as kiddos, then we met again in high school but we hated each other's guts (long story), then met again during my internship stunt and I was truly baffled who this very handsome man could be and why do I feel like I know him.
He recognised me before I recognised him, and to this day, this is a point of favour in his court whenever we have to order pizza. If anyone asks, yes, he's petty.
I always like to joke we've known each other through all three lives so far, ahahaha.
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stormbornpirate · 1 year
If ELP and seven rapid weasels got in a fight, who would win?
Oh that's a tough one. Weasels are feisty little shits but then again so is ELP 🤣 Not sure running from them would help him out any because they'd definitely give chase and probably jump at him to bite and those li'l guys have some sharp teef. I think it would either come out as a tie or the weasels would win by sheer determination of biting him til they got tired 😂
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
chris brookes for the character bingos!! also it took me a sec to send this message bc i saw ur header and got distracted :|
he is just so cute i dont blame you asdfghjkl he keeps distracting me all the time UGH
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bunny-xoxo · 28 days
Pics and details below the cut >_<!
𝓎𝓊𝓊𝓉𝒶 ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡ 𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒 。*⭒⑅ ˙⭒*。!
Okay I’m doing these like they’re instagram posts because that just seems like so much fun HEHEHEHEHE ⭒⑅ ⭒⑅ ˙⭒*。*⭒⑅ ˙⭒*。。⑅ ˙⭒。**⭒⑅ ˙⭒*。。*⭒*。。*⭒⑅ ˙˙⑅⭒*˙ 。⭒
Date 1 - book and boba bc OBVIOUSLY !
this was a bit closer to the beginning of our relationship and something he planned just as a casual date, but we both ended up spending much more time inside the book store just talking than either of us expected! (was also his hard launch post LOL) n I went home full of butterflies n feeling like I could jump 28283818428 feet in the air <3
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yuu.okkkkk: 📖🤎🧋🌱 - august 17th, 2022
pboy: that book looks so very soft - august 17th, 2022
meg01: congrats 👍 - august 19th, 2022
maki.z: tell him to unprivate his instagram or accept my follow request - august 17th, 2022
togetoge: omg that boba looks so good ?? Also cute <3! - august 19th, 2022
kugisakeno: EEEEEEEEEE ! - august 17th, 2022
itayuu1234: 👀🤍🥹 - august 17th, 2022
Date 2 - 1 year anniversary date at a remote lakeside all day in the summer <33333333 !
we hiked to a semi remote lake and had a picnic and read on the lakeside (and kissed 😏) ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
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yuu.okkkkk: 365 days and countinggggg 😁😁😁😁😁 - june 23rd, 2023
maki.z: ew <3 - june 23rd, 2023
itayuu1234: AWWW 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 - june 24th, 2023
kugisakeno: this is cute but there better have been diamonds exchanged - june 23rd, 2023
meg01: congrats 👍 - july 2nd, 2023
Date 3 - impromptu dinner date at a park on the way home !
we were both on the way home from our separate jobs and were STARVING so he ordered some takeout for pickup at a restaurant nearby our place. we walked straight there once we both got home to enjoy the fresh air and have more time to talk to each other about our days, but were to hungry to wait so we ate outside on the way home since it was nice out 🥹
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yuu.okkkkk: sometimes you can’t wait till you’re home :/ - may 10th, 2024
togetoge: PLSSSSS send me some ! - may 10th, 2024
kugisakeno: kitty!! - may 10th, 2024
maki.z: i told you their food was delicious - may 10th, 2024
meg01: that cat is cute - may 10th, 2024
meg01: where did you see him? - may 10th, 2024
meg01: them/her - may 10th, 2024
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nucleiaster · 2 years
Heads up seven up !
I was tagged by @measlywritingblog to share the last seven lines/paragraphs of my WIP ! Thank you for the tag !!
I'm leaving this as an open tag, feel free to @ me if you do it !
Context : The Captain and Jill are picking up new (illegal) cargo, and the Captain can't help but wonder what is inside the box. It's a game the crew plays, trying to guess what they are transporting. They never get answers, because if they want to get paid they can't open the crates they are given.
CW : animal abuse and mentions of violence under the cut
They had opened a crate only once before, because of the smell.
They had discovered a cargo of small six-legged reptiles, most of them dead due to the lack of air and the shocks caused by the transportation of the crate. They had thrown the cadavers out of the ship, sold the rest at their next stop, and Etha and Jill had wanted to keep one of the survivors, who lived a cozy life in the Radio Isotope's garden. The reptile had tripled in size, going from the size of the Captain's smallest finger to the length of his hand, and had kept a form of respect for Jill, the only crewmember it had not managed to bite during its rescue.
The Captain had found the man who had given them the job, and stuffed him in a crate ready to be embarked on a relay-ship. The man had been discovered before he met the same fate as his reptiles.
The rumor had spread, and people learned : the Captain of the Radio Isotope did not smuggle living cargo, and those who tried to double-cross him would come to regret it.
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0rchidm4ntis · 10 months
∞ :D
song: BURN THE WITCH by Pinkshift
'She's got a face and it's so sweet, what if we peeled away her skin Off of her bones and she'd reveal herself, a monster within? And then we've won, and we can all go home and celebrate in sin Because you're all so sure of it, because you're all so sure of it'
i rarely have the first stanza of a song as my favorite but for this one it's so evocative that it makes me go feral everytime.
burn the witch is such a dear song to me, essentially it criticises the way people tend to pick a scapegoat in social settings to treat as a pariah and how no one really stands up against the crowd or questions the status quo because that could make you the next 'witch' to 'burn'. im absolutely fond of the mocking tone the song keeps all throughout the lyrics, cutting at those who partake in the act and seem to find comfort in how much easier it is to go with the flow rather than stand up for what's right.
im not sure what it is about these lyrics specifically that i love so much, but i look forward to them most when im playing the song and thats enough for me to consider them my favorite!
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