#thank you opm songs for this piece
20 questions for writers
tagged by @pia-writes-things - thank you! :D
(under the cut to save your dash)
How many works do you have on AO3?
64 at the moment!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
145,151 in eleven years... same as with drawing I don't post 90% of what I do lol whoops
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently TES has been getting the gears going the most, but ER is my perennial love - and once in a blue moon I am compelled to do something TLU! SM is still very dear to my heart but I've been pretty dry on fic inspiration/drive for it for a while now :(
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
these are ALL OLDER PIECES haha so don't look too closely: it still burns - fluffy OPM piece for Knight c: what else can I say! too cold for you here and now - fluffy little Makoami piece (are you sensing a pattern already...) featuring terrible puns, because I have always loved characters trying to make each other laugh you do it for her (that is to say you do it for him) - another one written for Knight; OPM/SM crossover. with TWO chapters! left, left, left right left - introspective Romano piece re: arm. I actually now disagree with some character choices I made in this one so seeing it still getting attention has me like no... this doesn't represent me... Across the Western Ocean I Must Wander - Makoami pirate AU. also not a oneshot! (shock!) I don't think it holds up as well as I'd like, but the premise still compels me and there's some cute moments :'D still VIVIDLY remember being up late on a class night listening to one song on repeat while working on The Kissing Scene™
5. Do you respond to comments?
almost always! it may take me a bit sometimes, but I do try to make sure I do
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
frankly idek - being completely honest, "angst" just as a word at this point turns me off so immediately and so hard that I can't engage with the concept that way. I prefer endings with some hope, but I like some emotional complexity too! all my baggage about fandom and "angst" is for. ANOTHER TIME
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
again I'm not totally sure how to answer this one! I guess Ocean? doesn't get much more stereotypically happily-ever-after than "and then they ran away together the end"
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thankfully! I've gotten the occasional comment here and there that make me go "??" but more just sort of confusing, not malicious as far as I can tell lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
sdlkghlsj sex-repulsed asexual here and not for the first time I say: I am reasonably confident nobody wants me doing that. it can happen but offscreen to spare me the inevitable mortification... fade-to-black is about as far as we go in the House Of Mouse sorry!!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have before! it's not my preferred stomping grounds but I like a good one. I don't know about "craziest" but wouldn't do us any harm I think is probably the funniest of the handful I've shared (again: written primarily for Knight! warning that it is from 2016 LOL)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
also not to my knowledge!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
yes! baby Mouse ran a fic awards "show" (in the written medium obviously) with a friend back in like 2010 or 2011 on FFN... it was loads of fun!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
just one?? if I have to choose then: Lizzie & the Bald Boys... my little driftwood raft that I've finally convinced a handful of other people aboard c':
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Makoami Princess and the Goblin AU :( still means a lot to me but SM just hasn't been where I've been drawn to write for a while!
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue + characterization is most often what I get compliments on (<3) - I'd like to think I have a fairly decent hand for little meaningful details too, but I think these more often than not end up just being for my own benefit because I like my symbolism subtle aha
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
LONGFORM... plugging together things into ordered chapters and maintaining momentum over longer spaces is my greatest struggle. I've had to come to terms with the fact that I'm much more a sprinter than a marathon runner, and it's been very freeing letting myself step outside of needing all the surrounding context to just do things as I come to them and then getting to string it all into chronology via series ordering
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
done well I find it really impressive! it's very hard to do well though ahaha.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
without the context of "fandom", the first story I ever wrote was about the Boxcar Children hanging out with me at age 6 (the entirety of chapter three was all of us singing the alphabet together and it was narratively crucial that this happen. for some reason.). with the context of knowing about fandom though, Scooby Doo at 11-12!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
of what's posted: Ocean has a lot of personal meaning because it was the first multichapter piece I was able to finish in several years, but on a technical level I've been really proud of some of the more layered pieces I've been practicing in the last year or so: Thermal Equilibrium and skipping stones I think are good examples of that :')
tagging: @knightnightwrite (I AM GOING TO GET YOU TO DO ONE OF THESE SOMEDAY <3 <3 <3), @wispstalk, @ehlnofay, @wonderofasunrise, and anyone else who wants to do it!! as always no obligation if you've been tagged and don't want to! except for Knight. beloved I am knocking on your door come PLAY WITH ME
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did not, in fact, get the rest of the movements of the original piece before the end of term. did, in fact, get buzzed by a camera drone, show my gratitude to my conductor for the past term in the most truly cringeworthy way, and discover that the quartet has an affinity for mozart
the (complete) new movement we read is accompaniment for a song with a lot of pop rhythms and a modulation into a new key. but the funniest thing is that i swear to god it sounds like old school opm. i couldn’t describe how for the life of me. but i know my dad will start making up words to it when i practice at home.
other modern piece comments:
‘you are a ruminating beast from siberia, and we all know that’s how they are’
‘the spirit is willing but the notes are wrong.’
me: ‘wait, there are catholics in this?!’
honestly though the real star of rehearsal was the brief interlude in which we were videotaped playing the finale to haydn 104 for inclusion in a promotional video for the college of humanities and arts via, of all things, a small camera drone.
tita conductor to the drone operator: ‘and let us know when you are ready… to fly!’
also tita conductor to the drone operator: ‘will you please try not to chop my head off?’
something about the presence of the camera got her hamming it up it was SOO FUNNY 💀💀💀 she did a little hair flip before we all prepared to play. and when the drone came whizzing around the strings she was cuing me like she’d NEVER cued me before. like girl was just like. 🫵🏻😳
you did not make eye contact with me like this and point for that One measure during the concert 🤨
during the drone’s first pass through the room the breeze knocked the associate concertmaster’s part off the stand and i managed to nudge it back over to the firsts with my foot without looking off of my music 😭 i hope it was the right way around
i was actually grinning through the whole thing for once, mostly because i thought it was the funniest shit that i’d ever been put through in this orchestra
we then recorded an audio-only version of the finale and i really just told myself to let go and have fun with it. then tita conductor waited for the audio person to lower the mic before joking brightly, ‘okay! let’s do it all again!’
(we did not. thank god because i was tired.)
now remember how i’ve had a little affirmation/reminder to self stuck onto the top of my folder so i will always see it when looking over the stand? at the beginning of the school year it was ‘huwag kang matakot’ (don’t be afraid) but around january when i was going through a bout of imposter feelings i changed it to ‘magtiwala sa kanya’ (trust her)
tita conductor asked everyone to turn in their folders on impulse and i collected everyone’s but didnt realize id forgotten to do anything with the note to self so (equally impulsively) i wrote ‘thank you for this term’ on the note, stuck it to the front, and handed it in to her with the other folders and a brief explanation.
it was cringe of me lol. but she’s really done a lot. im so grateful. and she was touched.
then she lowkey forgot to open the usual classroom for me and the quartet so i had to go back and ask again and she told me ‘my mind is like a sieve. you have to remember to hold on to me.’ girl please lmao?
anyways we closed the night reading through eine kleine nachtmusik together. which we sound pretty great at considering we were reading. i wish id recorded it
and there ends another term with orchestra. it was a good one. one more for the year (and possibly ever with this group.) can’t wait to make the most of it :)
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hyocherie · 2 years
since today is my birthday, I would like to share some art that I prepared for you <33 (commentary of each piece below the line)
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vampire!shinichirou : I really had fun with this piece, and this is where I'm starting to get used to the pigment and the softness of the copic markers. but since it was a bit plain, I added some colour pencils.
female wakasa : I drew this at around 10 to 11 pm last night because i couldn't sleep. it took me a while to really perfect the face and the eyes. I was also listening to sped up sad love songs and opm hits, which very much set the mood nicely. the text written, j am terribly sorry if it's wrong, I'm still learning. again, the bg was rushed I just wanted to sleep but I can't,
bonten! shinichirou: I miss my au shinichiro, so I drew him again. the background was shot, I know, this was experimental. it didn't go out exactly as i had in my head but it looks nice ngl. I can do better, maybe if I try to do this digitally.
I dedicate the vampire shinichiro to @nevermeyers as a thank u for the gift she gave me <33
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haravath0t · 3 years
A Christmas Wish - Day 1
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Filipino!Reader
Warnings: fluff, an immense word count, a talk with the mom??
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Hello, everyone! Finally, we have Day 1 of A Christmas Wish! I’m so happy I found a way to extend the Christmas Spirit well into the year through this request! We are uncovering a huge tradition that means a lot to me and my family as Filipinos! Many of the Filipino community are Christian/Catholic, so this particular tradition will be based on the Christian Christmas tradition for the sake of the plot and its personal meaning! I hope this is something that can be understood between author to reader! I promise, the religious aspect of this particular tradition will not be as emphasized as other parts of the culture that I will introduce! Happy readings my lovelies, and to all my Filipino readers, pasensya kung mali ng English translation ko. Ang hirap naman talaga mg translate eh 😅😅😅 huhuuuu
(italics indicate flashbacks! english translations are provided and the pictures of the foods are attached in the bottom!) 
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You opened your eyes excitedly, a big smile forming on your face as you remembered a particular memory from yesterday that really made you so happy: 
You, Steve, and your family had finished putting your luggage in the trunk of the van, squeezing themselves in either of the two vans. The driver was now hours in on the road, the chaos had died down as your cousins who decided to join yours and Steve’s van were asleep. The city was long gone, as the buildings had now become hills and green fields, passing by small little towns and provinces. The once crowded and traffic highways turned into a wide empty road. 
Contrary to your cousins who fell back asleep, you were wide awake, not only from the jet lag, but also from your excitement. You were sitting in the middle of the back row of the van, earphones plugged in your ears, listening to the familiar tracks of OPM (Original Pinoy Music) and 70s/80s hits that you were familiar with from your karaoke nights with your parents. Steve was seated on the window (something you recommended him to do), looking as the green grass and hills passed by. Steve couldn’t help but smile, this was something that was so new to him, but it was something you saw as a reminder that you were actually back with your family, back in your roots, back home. It was simple. That’s what he liked most. 
“What do you think so far? We’re still a bit far from the hotel and their house, but we’re about more than halfway home,” you ask softly. Steve’s eyes left the window as he instead looks at your lovely sparkling eyes. He couldn’t help the smile that forms on his face as he easily recognizes the excitement on your face. “I already love it, doll. I really do. I can’t wait to have you and your family show us around.” He says softly yet with sincerity. You smiled excitedly and took an earbud out of your ear, kissing his cheek before you put the earbud in his ear, making him laugh. “Y/N, doll, what are you doing?” He asks softly as his eyebrows furrow. You giggle as you scroll through your list of songs that you had downloaded on your phone. “Oh, I figured… well.. If you want, we can listen to this playlist? We can try napping?” You offer, the excited smile turning in a shy one, tints of pink being apparent on your cheeks. Steve’s smile only grew as he kissed your forehead. “Yeah, I’d love that, sugar. What’s the type of music in this one?” He asks softly, securing the earbud into his ear further. “It has some Filipino music and some 70s and 80s songs that my parents love… I listened to them all the time growing up,” you reply with a smile, choosing the song “I Think I’m Falling in Love” by The Boyfriends, smiling as the familiar opening notes are being played into yours and Steve’s ear. Steve’s eyebrows raise in surprise when the music plays but smiles as he lets the tune settle into his ears. Steve subconsciously wraps his arm protectively around your body, “C’mon honey, get comfy, yeah?” You did not think twice as you lean against him, resting your head against the crook of his neck, a big smile on your face reappearing as his familiar scent fills your nostrils. A deep chuckle is felt underneath your body. “Feelin’ better?” He asks softly, resting his cheek against your head. “Mhm, much better.” You sigh happily, closing your eyes as you feel his fingers comb your hair. You smile as you drift off to sleep, hearing the lyrics “I think I’m falling in love, something’s telling me so”.
“You do realize wherever you’re goin’ I’m goin’ right?” He asks with a smile, as he swallows a piece of pandesal. “This is so good by the way,” he adds before you speak up. “I know, but this thing takes place at 4 AM in the Cathedral, Steve! That’s early! “Okay, but we go to different time zones for missions, sweetheart. This is not new, we’ll be fine, you know me,” he responds, chuckling, “besides, we can sleep in after everything.” “Fair point,” you giggle, finishing your milk and throwing the plastic cup away. You kiss Steve’s head and hug him from behind. “Well… I can’t thank you enough, honey. You are doing so much already. Thank you. My family likes you already, I’m sure” A comforting hand rubs your forearm up and down before a soft pair of lips meets the back of your hand. “I’d be very happy if your family does. Their opinion of us matters to me too.” “How’d you even know about us going to mass today?” “Your Tita Joy mentioned it actually last night over dinner, asked if we both were going to Simbang...Simbang Gabi?” Your heart leapt at the sound of Steve saying something in Tagalog, a giggle erupting from your lips. “Goodness, Steve, you’re so adorable. Come on, we gotta get ready if we’re going to the Cathedral by jeepney.” You say, kissing his head before you get your clothes from your suitcase to head to the bathroom. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he chuckles, playfully saluting you before he follows suit. 
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Steve was quite happy he tagged along with you, for the town was wonderfully decorated with parols (Christmas lanterns) and a nativity scene in front of the Cathedral. Not only that, he loved seeing you focused throughout the service, watching as you were alongside your family and practicing your tradition. It was truly something beautiful to see in his eyes. 
Now, you and your family and Steve were outside of the Cathedral alongside other churchgoers, the town now starting to busy itself as the dawn arrives. There were now many food stalls outside, serving coffee and tea as well as wonderful foods to pair with the Christmas season. These included, bibingka, puto (rice cakes), suman, pandesal, and so much more. “Teka lang, Nanay, kukuha ako lang pagkain para sa atin lahat,” (hold on, mom, I’m just going to get some food for all of us) you say to your mom, her nodding in response. “Oh sige, anak. Sama mo ng Tatay mo! May pera s’ya!” (Alright, take your father with you! He has money!) She responds as you disappear in the crowd to get your guys’ share of good food. Steve only smiles at the interaction, watching as you go ahead with your father to one of the food stalls. “She’s like a kid, isn’t she?” Your mom says to Steve causing him to jump a little and only nod in response. “Yes, ma’am.” She playfully groans and waves her hand to him dismissively. “Oh, please you’re gonna call me ma’am? No, Tita will do for now,” She chuckles, making Steve relax in relief, not realizing his body had been tense. “Oh, Okay Tita.” She smiles and gives Steve a thumbs up and a nod of approval, which makes Steve smile. “You know, Steve, this whole Simbang Gabi thing is something she always has done since she was a girl. She loved it very much.” Steve smiles at this, imagining a younger you holding your parents’ hands as you make your way in the church. “It makes sense why she was up earlier than me during the Christmas season. I always wake up for a morning jog. I normally hear or see her out and about back home.” Your mom only chuckles, watching you and your father order some bibingka first. 
“Did she tell you what her motivation was as a kid?” She asks, seeing Steve shake his head. “No, I haven’t.” “Ahh, well, there’s this funny folk belief here, you see. If you attend all 9 masses, then you can make a wish and your wish will come true if that’s what God wills it to be.” Your mother explains, smiling when Steve has an “aha” moment and nods in understanding. “I think that’s beautiful,” he says, hands fumbling within the pockets of his jeans, eyes making contact with yours. He smiles even more when you show your beautiful smile before you go back to ordering from the stalls. “You really love my daughter, don’t you Steven?” She asls, looking up at the taller man. “With all of my heart, Tita,” he responds firmly and surely, which eases your mom. 
“That’s good to hear. I love the certainty. She deserves that much you know. She’s been through a lot. And… I can see the way you two look at each other. It makes me happy,” She says, sighing in content. “We’re glad to be able to have you celebrate with us. Goodness, I cannot even thank you enough for letting us fly over with you two.” “It’s not a problem, Tita,” He starts. “Family is important to Y/N, and I hope you know that she talks about you guys constantly. I can’t blame her, you all are very kind and lovely to me. It’s been a wish for her to come here for the holidays.” “Her wish, huh?” Your mom smiles. “Yes, Tita.” “What about you? You’re joining us in these, so do you have a wish?” Your mother presses on, burning through Steve’s eyes with her eye contact. Steve however, was blushing for different reasons. “I do, Tita. It’s ambitious, so let’s see.” “Well don’t be shy, tell me!” Your mom squeals excitedly, motioning to Steve to whisper it into her ear. And so he does, your mom is smiling bigger and bigger and bigger as she hears. 
“Oh, susmaryosep! (Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!) That’s a nice wish, very ambitious, I like it! I’m sure it will come true. I’m sure.” Your mom exclaims clapping her hands together in pure excitement.  “You...you think so?” Steve asks shyly, seeking for reassurance. “It’s a tough one, Tita. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “a man out of time” being used on me. It’s a very tough thing to do, you know, to adjust to current events and current society.” He comments, scratching the back of his head. “And you are doing good, Steve. You’re an honest hardworking guy. I promise. I think when the time is right, you’ll get what you wish for.” “Well let’s see, Tita, let’s see.”
Pandesal (bread rolls)
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Puto (rice cakes) 
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Permanent Taglist: @world-of-aus @world-of-aus-reads​ @whew-oh-em-gee​ @tomholland-96​ @lordyitsjordy​ @letstalkaboutsebbaby​ @thee-soom-soom​ @lookiamtrying​ @vesper852​ @hailhydra920​ @buckybarnesthehotshot​ @heyiamthatbitch​​ @rodrikstark​​ 
A Christmas Wish Taglist: @faithtrustandrobbiekay​
(If you would like to be included in a tag list let me know via ask! ❤️☺️)
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
Rule: Tag 9 people you want to know better!
I was tagged by @patamonn !! Thank you so much! I’m so glad I was able to get to know you a bit better through these 9 questions :)
Favorite piece of clothing you own? I have this “for the house” shorts that I used to wear to the country side whenever I visit my grandparents. My grandmother hated it, our conversation always went like this:
Her: Yan nanaman!? (That again!?)
Me: They’re very comfy!
Her: Gagawin ko yang basahan. (I’ll use that as a cleaning rug.)
Well, she passed away a few years ago and, I dunno, they’re my lucky shorts now. I guess even if she hated them, I always felt as if she was with me whenever I wear it (not that I don’t feel her with me all the time; my mom is betting that my grandmother still hates the shorts).
Your comfort food? Anything cheesy or sweet :3 I love cheese and although I have diabetes (type 2) and kinda allergic to chocolate, my sweet tooth always wins (I was even given no chocolate at all when I was 2yrs old because I had severe allergies--so we resorted to Skittles...unfortunately, my inborn sweet tooth won).
Favorite time of year? Mid-December to Jan 2. I love Christmas and New Year’s Day (especially the Eve’s and my birthday is Jan 2 so...once Jan 3 starts, life is back to being regular life again.
Favorite song? So who really has a favorite song??? But because of Bree, I’ve got an idea.
The first 4 are my country’s local songs (OPMs as they are called). The last is just really my favorite song. The first 3 are in Tagalog though, hehe.
Sponge Cola - Tambay (back when Yael Yuzon was still kinda cute)
True Faith - Dahil Ikaw
Jason Hernandez & Moira De La Torre - Ikaw at Ako
South Border - Rainbow
The Cab - Angel with a Shotgun
Do you collect something?
Um...hmm...dirt and dust in my room.
Favorite drink?
Favorite fanfiction?
Thank you for reminding me of this!! I was looking for it on ff.net but I can’t find it anymore!! AHHH! It’s a post-Inception fic where Ariadne goes back to college and each chapter, each member of the team end up going there for one reason or another, and everyone’s swooning over them but she’s only got eyes for Arthur who SURPRISE appears in the last chapter FOR HER. And I’m just like...that’s so beautiful.
There’s another one from LiveJournal, it’s also Inception, it’s about the poly fam of Arthur, Ariadne, and Eames. I don’t remember the title or anything about LJ so I can’t find it anymore.
BUT! If I may. My ultimate favorite fics are Twenty Steps (a multichap), Daddy Insecurities, and The Spreading Virus. And guess who wrote all those Inception fics? ME! Those are my babies and I love them so much.
@himetsundere @tangledupblue @ri-ships-takari @dutchforstrangers @earlgreymon @digitalworldbound @yunachunn @sluggybasson107 @yelena-belxva
and anyone else! I hope I didn’t forget anyone.
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hiro-gari · 3 years
Imagine if Garou plays the electric guitar so epicly like this 👀✨
This is the metal cover of classical music piece, Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement”, a.k.a. the hardest part of Moonlight Sonata to play. The actual music playing performance on this video started on 0:54, you can skip it to this timestamp to avoid the promotion talk in the beginning lol.
Personally I think “Moonlight Sonata”, especially 3rd movement, suits perfectly for Garou as it conveyed his angry feeling, his hidden rage and anguish, the determination, and also his hard life struggle. Not to mention the title is kinda fits his wolfy theme: “moonlight”. Am I right? 🐺🌙
Btw, don’t you think this guitar cover version could be his Battle song? Since it’s a very epic, fast-paced, pumped-up music that reminds us of Garou’s own theme in OPM. You could say: •the melancholic slow-paced 1st movement of Moonlight Sonata is past-Garou’s theme, like his childhood or pre-teen era during his martial art training. •this strong fast-paced 3rd movement of Moonlight Sonata is current-Garou’s theme as Hero Hunter and Human Monster.
Now please imagine Garou really playing guitar like the musician in the video then look at his fingers’ movement during the play! He’s so amazingly fast yet still with astonishing high accuracy of playing the right notes. Clearly like a pro! 👏👏
Sorry if this entire idea sounds very silly, but I hope you enjoyed this Garou as guitarist/musician short headcanon. Have a nice day~ 🐺🎸😉💕💖
Holy heck, this guy is INSANE. Dude’s a magician I swear 😮✨ I’ve certainly heard covers of this before but never quite like this!
Ooo I like that thought process though, I agree it would be a very fitting theme for him, even in the name :’D And it would definitely make the perfect soundtrack for those fight scenes oh my gosh, IT’D BE SO COOL
And of course, we’ve seen PLENTY of Garou’s long nimble fingers THANKS Murata, I’ll always headcanon he’d be a fantastic guitarist 😁💖 It seems like a very fitting hobby to me idk
No nooo dw I don’t find it silly at all! I love this kind of thing, thank you for sharing it with me! Hope you have a great day as well anon 💕
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
Okay! I have a burning question for you, my dude. Music is my life, and I wanna know what kind of music the OPM casts listen to. Thanks, my guy!
I had a feeling this would be inevitable lol. I don’t really know a whole lot about music or genres or anything like that so I’m just gonna give you a rundown of each character individually and some song recs along with that just to smooth things out a little. Thanks for your ask, by the way! ❤️ Now my playlists will be put to good use.
A Brief Rundown of the Major OPM Characters’ Music Tastes:
Blast: hc that he doesn’t even have ears since he never fucking LISTENS
Terrible Tornado: Stuff that makes her feel powerful. Loud vocals and good instrumentals. Also, she’s a little angsty since she’s saltier than the gotdamn Pacific almost all of the time. (Recs: Florence and the Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful, Susanne Sundfør - Delirious, Florence and the Machine - What Kind of Man, Kali Uchis - Dead to Me, Let’s Eat Grandma - Falling Into Me)
Fubuki: some of that real classy shit. Slow songs that are nice to just have a cup of tea with. Nothing too meaty or fast-paced, she enjoys taking a moment to breathe every once and a while since life gets pretty hectic when you’re managing a gang of some 30 hooligans. (Recs: Wes - Midnight Low, any song from Lana Del Rey’s entire discography lol, Florence and the Machine - Grace, The Marìas - I Don’t Know You, Yellow House - Ain’t Gonna Call, Feng Suave - Toking, Dozing)
Silverfang: Stuff from his time. I hc that he was a bit of a party animal back in his prime so he’s gotta have those grooves. Disco to the extremo. Also, another hc: Garou absolutely hates his music. He would play it during training and Garou would contemplate homicide. (Recs: Frankie Valli - Grease, The Edgar Winter Group - Free Ride, KC and the Sunshine Band - I’m Your Boogie Man, Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride, The Main Ingredient - Everybody Plays the Fool, Andrea True Connection - More, More, More)
Bomb: save as Silverfang, although I hc that Bomb was a little more of a nerd growing up. Still, he never missed out on a good party. (Additional Recs: KC and the Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight, The Trammps - Disco Inferno, Tierra - Together, Cornelius Bros and Sister Rose - Too Late to Turn Back Now)
Atomic Samurai: Old shit. Shit older than Silverfang. He’s really not that old, but his soul is fucking ancient and he’s got that classic “grrr music these days sucks” kind of shithead attitude. (Recs: Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle, Dion - Runaround Sue, The Carpenters - The End of the World, The Band - The Weight)
Child Emperor: Upbeat synth. Stuff to listen to while he’s working on his machines and whatnot. Probably has meaty beats to keep him in tune with what he’s doing, like working around a clock. Probably some groovy citypop in there too. (Recs: Taeko Ohnuki - 4:00 AM, Junko Ohashi - Telephone Number, Tatsuro Yamashita - Magic Ways, Hiroyuki Sawano - NEXUS, Superfly - Kakusei, Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love)
Metal Knight: Intrumentals that Disney villains listen to. Deep, dark shit that makes you feel sad. He probably feeds off of negative emotion. What a toolbag. (Recs: Lucas King - Sociopath, Abel Korzeniowski- Table for Two, Max Richter - Never Goodbye, Max Richter - She Remembers, Evelyn Stein - Quiet Resource, Mac Quayle - Adagio in G Minor)
King: video game soundtracks, obviously. Might be some electro funk in there too, as a treat. (Recs: Metal Gear Solid 3 OST - Snake Eater, Mick Gordon - Rip and Tear, Xenoblade Chronicles OST - Main Theme, Persona 5 OST - Last Surprise, Daft Punk - Verdis Quo, Toby Fox - Hopes and Dreams, Disasterpeace - Prologue, iamthekidyouknowwhatimean - Run, Darren Korb - Old Friends)
Zombieman: Dad Music. Old rock that makes you wanna rail some lines of white thunder and dance on top of a car. He’d be reluctant to try out new stuff but does so nevertheless. Just a little bit of weird alternative here and there. (Recs: Poison - Unskinny Bop, Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood, Black Sabbath - War Pigs, Def Leppard - Animal, CRX - Walls, MGMT - Little Dark Age, Pink Floyd - Money, Queens of the Stone Age - Villains of Circumstance)
Drive Knight: Dark synth, obviously. Need I say more? (Recs: El Tigr3 - She Swallowed Burning Coals, Trevor Something - Enjoy the Silence, Greg Drombrowski - Devour, GUNSHIP - Woken Furies, GUNSHIP - Thrasher, Carpenter Brut - Invasion A.D., Kavinsky - Nightcall)
Pig God: this guy probably just listens to ASMR of people eating food lol.
Superalloy Darkshine: Upbeat stuff that’s good for exercise; loving those new jams along with some of the old. He’s got a pretty groovy style. (Diane Ross - Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Saint Motel - Puzzle Pieces, CRUISR - All Over, Barry White - Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up, Sade - Kiss of Life)
Watchdog Man: 10 hour loop of wolves howling on a summer night.
Flashy Flash: classical. Some nice instrumentals to listen to while training. Stuff that preferably doesn’t have any or very little lyrics so it’s not too busy on his ears while he’s fantasizing about killing someone. (Recs: Vaughn Williams - The Lark Ascending, Debussy - Rêverie, Grieg - Peace of the Woods, André Laplante - Une Barque sur L’Ocean)
Metal Bat: Modern alternative. A little bit harder than say, Mumen and Kama, but not as hard as Zombieman or Death Gatling. He’s that middle ground where he’s still got some real bangers, but Zenko can listen as well. He’ll play this stuff loudly as he’s doing chores and working out, no headphones ever. It gets pretty annoying. (Recs: Foals - Exits, The Blue Stones - Black Holes, Solid Ground, CRX - Broken Bones, Jungle - Happy Man, The Strokes - Reptilia, We Are Trees - Girlfriend)
Genos: synth. But not just any synth, some heavy, fast-paced synth that’s just like him: speedy, relentless, and powerful. He listens to shit that’ll make you wanna get up and start killing Terminators. Probably. There’s some other synths in the mix too because we love a three-dimensional king. (Recs: Carpenter Brut - Division Ruine, The Protomen - I Still Believe, Carpenter Brut - Leather Teeth, Gunship - Tech Noir, TWRP - Phantom Racer, Le Castle Vania - Red Circle)
Tanktop Master: Dad music but the type of dad music that makes you think your dad was a sappy nerd back in the day. Long tracks that are good for workouts. (Tears for Fears - Woman in Chains, Pink Floyd - Us and Them, Duran Duran - Ordinary World, Billy Idol - Eyes without a Face, A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran, The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky, Tears for Fears - Sowing the Seeds of Love)
Puri-Puri Prisoner: Pop. Dance music. He doesn’t really get to listen to a lot of music in prison, so he holds on to whatever he can and savors every second of it. (Coldplay - Talk, Bruno Mars - Runaway Baby, Lady Gaga - Bad Romance, Flo Milli - Beef Flomix, Doja Cat - Say So)
Mumen Rider: Hes a lighthearted, soft boy. Likes some fluffy indie tunes. It helps to motivate him when working out or doing hero stuff. He might need to cry every once in a while though, so there’s some sad songs in the mix too. (Recs: Varsity - The Dogs Only Listen to Him, The The - This is the Day, Amarante - Don’t Look Back, Alvvays - Saved by a Waif, The Monkees - As We Go Along, Acid Ghost - Hide my Face, Mogwai - Take Me Somewhere Nice)
Sonic: same as Flash. He’s a little more hip with the times however, so he’s got some more groovy, electronic instrumentals to listen to in addition to some elegant stuff and isn’t opposed to having a little bit of lyrics sprinkled in there as well. In fact, he’s not opposed to uppity pop either. He thinks dancing is frivolous but he secretly does it when he thinks nobody is looking. (Additional Recs: Odesza - Bloom, Pretty Lights - One Day They’ll Know [Odesza Remix], BØRNS - Electric Love, Hembree - Culture, The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the Birds)
Garou: same as Metal Bat. Bang let him have a little MP3 player during his time at the dojo and has since collected a few songs on there. They’re very near and dear to his heart since it’s one of the few good things that came from his absolute disaster of a childhood. (Additional Recs: Foals - Inhaler, CRX - Slow Down, Deep Sea Arcade - Close to Me, Gorillaz - Empire Ants, The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger, Glass Animals - Take A Slice)
Death Gatling: Shit your old Vietnam-vet grandpa would blast on the back of his F150. He gives me self-righteous asshole vibes, if I’m honest. Like, don’t get me wrong, I like Death Gatling, but he seems like the type of trailer park-dwelling sewer rat to carry a revolver into a Walmart for “self defense” and that’s probably the type of music he listens to, too. (Recs: Megadeth - Trust, Megadeth - Angry Again, Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son, Glen Campbell - Southern Nights, Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart, Quiet Riot - Cum on Feel the Noize)
One-Shotter: I hard hc that he had an emo phase he never quite grew out of. He doesn’t quite listen to emo anymore but he’s still into that alternative shit. Homeboy also likes some slow tunes every once and a while because he’s an emotional dude who’s not afraid of a good cry. (Recs: Anything from Blink-182, Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?, MGMT - When You Die, Mazzy Star - Fade Into You, Cigarettes After Sex - Dreaming of You, Yon Ort - Other Matter)
Lightning Max: Same as Genos but without the terminator-killing. Fast-paced stuff because he’s a fast lightning dude. A little more upbeat because he’s not as much as an edgelord as Genos, however. (Additional Recs: Carpenter Brut - Hang’em All, The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize, Worn Tin - Sensitivity, B.E.R. - The Night Begins to Shine, Martin Hall - Different Kind of Love)
Stinger: he’s all about that FUNK! Stuff that gets him moving! Stuff that makes him wanna dance! (Recs: Daft Punk - Doin’ it Right, TWRP - Body Image, Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music, Chemise - She Can’t Love You, Saga - Wind Him Up, Saga - On the Loose, TWRP - All Night Forever)
Okamaitachi: they give me electro vibes! New, modern shit that’s good to dance to or to just sit down and have a listen! Also, some shit that’ll probably play in a coming-of-age teen movie or something. They don’t really vibe with heavy music and that’s alright, babey! Keeping it light and bouncy. (Recs: Tei Shi - Bassically, Varsity - Must Be Nice, Class Actress - Weekend, CHVRCHES - Richard Pryor, Alvvays - Marry Me, Archie, Sobs - Telltale Signs, Goth Babe - Sometimes, ALASKALASKA - Meateater)
Iaian: Nice, low tunes that are good for meditation and to be used for background noise during training sessions. He never really sits down to listen to music, it’s always in the background of something else he’s doing so he prefers to have some soft beats that don’t really interfere with his senses. Tunes so quiet, he sometimes uses them as lullabies; especially since the trauma of losing his arm has since made it hard to sleep. (Recs: Boy Scouts - Saddest Boy, Susanne Sundfør - Mantra, Vashiti Bunyan - If I Were the Same but Different, Starman Jr. - Blue Fairy, Patrick Watson - Je te Laisserai des Mots, Sibylle Baier - I Lost Something in the Hills)
Bushidrill: same as Atomic Samurai just without the shitty attitude. He’s happy to listen to some newer stuff, he just doesn’t like it and that’s okay, baby! Probably some classy shit your wise old grandpa would listen to. (Recs: Dean Martin - Volare, Dion - The Wanderer, Peppino Gagliardi - Che Vuole Questra Musica Stasera, anything from Luis Miguel lol, Franco Micalizzi - Sadness Theme)
Amai Mask: probably just listens to his own music like a putz. If not, he’s listening to the sound equivalent of glittering diamonds. He’s probably got this shit playing at the end of a long day while he’s chilling in a hot bath or something. (Recs: Fergie - Glamorous, Rita Ora - Hot Right Now, Lana Del Rey - Freak, Lana Del Rey - Art Deco, Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards)
Saitama: He doesn’t listen to music much anymore, sadly. He did, however, have a killer motivational mix to get him through his vigorous training prior to becoming a hero. (Recs: Paul Engemann - Push it to the Limit, Journey - Don’t Stop Believin’, College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero, Joe Esposito - You’re the Best Around, Survivor - Eye of the Tiger, The Bee Gees - Nights on Broadway)
Here’s the playlist with all of these songs in order (mostly):
It’s on YouTube because I’m allergic to Spotify. I’ve got a doctor’s note. Also, all of my other playlists are on my little profile thingy so if you want to listen to my pile then go right ahead.
Thanks for your ask, my dude! ❤️ this took up ALL of my energy lol but it was fun.
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bebecue · 5 years
i read your most recent minhyuk kilig beh and BOY was that a pick me up from all that's been happening (I MISS HIM A LOT BUT HE SHOULD STAY OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR A WHILE) the piece rlly reminded me of ben&ben pagtingin it's super soft uwu go listen to ben&ben they're a rising opm band super good!!
I miss him too omg 🥺 i wish he'd post a lil bit but it's best for him to stay off the internet for a while (people can be so shitty) and uhh thank you??? I've been trying to convince myself to listen to more opm songs!! I'll definitely check this out when i get home and I'm glad that lil fic was able to cheer you up a bit :')
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bandANILAG 2k19 experience
Hi, you're right its Jean! Welcome to my first blog.
The content of my blog is all about my bandAnilag ( battle of the bands) 2k19 experience.
BandAnilag is a competition where in a group of musicians join forces to create a band and make beautiful music arrangements together. The band should consist of 3-7 members only, and the songs that their group should perform is OPM.
So, I'mma start sharing the things I experienced through out the competition's journey!
It was the 2nd day of February when We came up to the idea of joining the competition. The band name that we ended have having after an endless discussion is the " REBOLUSYONARYO ". We chose this as our band name, because the music in this generation is almost incomparable with the word trash. The music they tend to listen to has no sense, especially that so called " mumble rap ". Auto tune, shitty beat, trash lyrics that is mostly all about money, sex, girls, and drug addictions. And because of that, We (rebolusyonaryo's) want to prove everyone that real music still exists and OPM is not dead!
The date of the audition for bandAnilag will be on February 22, 2019 and will be held at Da Pip food park, located at Pagsanjan Laguna. We were really having difficulties in times of practice due to the absences of our pianist. We were close to giving up making it to the audition, our pianist suddenly made the decision not to continue. There's only 2 dags left 'til the day of the battle, then a miracle happened. We found another pianist that could complete our set. We immediately planned the practice and picked the song " katanyagan by Bernardo Carpio" as our audition piece and we made our own arrangement/rendition of the song. We only had 1 day practice. We gave our very best each time we play, we imagined like we our in the actual performance.
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This is it! The day (February 22, 2019) of the audition came. We just wanted to show everyone what we are capable of when it comes to music, no plans of winning, just want to do our passion. We were the 23rd performer out of 55+ auditionees. We prayed before and after the performance, We thanked God for the talents He gave us. People are clapping their hands from the beginning 'til the end of our song, which made us feel better and a little bit confident with our performance. The announcement of the top 12 finalists will be posted on Febuary 25, 2019 at the shoutboxxlaguna facebook page.
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We waited for the announcement for without the hope of being a finalist because we don't want to break our hearts, and we know that there are really tons of good bands from the elimination, especially the bands that has been in the industry for a long time. But God is really good to us, We freakin' made it to the top 12 unexpectedly!! A miracle happened! I was shouting and screaming for a long time after hearing the good news. It feels so good, I had tears running down my face. We we're so happy! It is just our first time joing the competition and we freakin' made it y'guyz!! It is a big pleasure for us to represent Santa Cruz!
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Our bassist was immediately texted by the organizers for the schedule of put VTR shoot. Gosh, y'guyz!! VTR shoot to be played at the big screen this week, are you kidding the crap outta me?! I can still feel all the butterflies I had that day.
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We only had few days to practice for the finals. The number we got for the battle on march 04,2019 was # 6. It was a relief knowing that we are not the first performer for that night. We picked " Laklak and Banal na aso " as our final piece. We made our own rendition of the songs, We we're so tensed for the battle, because it is our first time and we are the youngest competitor at the same time. We put all the efforts we can as we practice. We always pray before and after practice. We only had 2 days preparation because we are having difficulties with each other's schedule. One of us is studying at lucena, that's why its really hard to schedule our practice.
THIS IS IT PANCIT!! THE DAY WE WERE ALL WAITING FOR HAS ARRIVED!!! WE WERE ALL EXCITED AND NERVOUS AT THE SAME TIME!! We don't have the goal of winning. We only thanked God and asked Him to guide us, help us enjoy the moment, and have a clean performance. Just for being a first timer and the youngest competitor on this competition is such a big deal for us. All the butterflies in my stomach started acting up, I feel so anxious. The level of my anxiety is on its highest point, I felt like puking and I felt that I was going to die as I step on stage. I was so nervous back stage! All of my co-finalists seems to be pretty confident because they've done this before numerous time. Aaaaaa I can't control my anxiety, I really feel awful that night!
Our turn finally came, It felt like I will die as I walk on the center of the stage. We had some interviews for some minutes and after that, they played our vtr! Dang, I saw how big the screen was!
Here are some photos of our performance
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I was really anxious after the performance, thinking that I failed hitting notes, maybe I had micro off tunes, Anxiety sucks. We ate after the performance and just waited for the results. We also made friends with other bands. They are really nice, especially Banda ni Machine Man. I really admire their band and their personalities, such a humble human beings. It feels good that realizing that before, I was only part of the crowd, cheering the bands, supporting Banda ni Machine Man, asking if I could have a picture with them. I remember being rejected by bands, they won't let me take pictures with them. But now? damn, son! I am now one the performers! A dream come true for me!
400php from Greenwich.
30,000php from bandAnilag.
20,000php from Municipality of Sta. Cruz
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I've received words that had brought me down and had made my depression worse. I have been engaged with self-harm since I was 9, it was all because of bullying. I've been a victim for 6 years, I've kept in all inside me, I've never told anyone about it. They told me that I was just this,that, I was never good with everything, even with the small things. They made me hate myself.
Expect that people will always say craps behind your back and sometimes, on your face. Never give up on your dreams! There will still be people that will believe with your capabilities and will support you all the way. Get up! There are people who are glad that you exist, accepts and proud of the person you have become. 🤞 keep that fire burning in your hearts.
That will be all.
All is well ; keep going
Thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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andreadorothy · 2 years
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Thanks a lot. No one can match what you have done for me. Expect me to give back to you everything you did for me because you deserve it. Let me repay you for everything you gave and did for me. I’m not good at words but I’m good at actions and I’ll do that when I have a stable job. 
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I want to be a teacher, because I want to help kids who don’t have enough money to get tuition in a school. Most of them are no longer studying. So I will give them the opportunity to learn so that when the time comes they will get a good job and not beg for money on the road.
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Ben&Ben, formerly known as The Benjamins, is a folk pop/pop rock band in the Philippines. Formed in 2015, the band has since been known for their popular hits such as "Pagtingin" and "Lifetime", among others.
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December Avenue is a 5-piece indie pop/alternative rock band from Manila, Philippines known for their viral compositions online. The band is one of the most streamed OPM bands of all-time.
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Parokya ni Edgar is a Philippine band formed in 1993. The band is known for its original rock novelty songs and often satirical covers of popular songs both foreign and local. The band is adept at playing in various musical genres.
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The Apolinario Mabini Hiking Society, later popularly known as APO Hiking Society, or simply APO, was a Filipino musical group.
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Silent Sanctuary is a 5-piece Filipino rock band that was formed in Metro Manila, Philippines in 2001. Five studio albums have been released by the band throughout its career.
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danielagraces · 2 years
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Thank you my dearest parents for wiping my sorrow out of life in every possible way. You are the best.Nothing that I say, can ever truly convey how important you guys are in my life. So I just want to thank you two for being the most wonderful parents ever.Thank you, mom and dad, for being my biggest supporter. Because of you, I have lived such a meaningful life.When I cannot find anyone besides me even then I am sure you guys will be my shadow during my hour of need. Thank you, mom and dad.My dear parents, you let go of your dreams and sacrificed a ton so that I can achieve mine. I cannot say enough thanks to you in this lifetime for your contribution to my life. Love you.I cannot repay you with anything for what you have done for me all this life. But still, I am trying to repay you by saying ‘Thank You’ for everything. Love and hugs to my parents.
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My aim in life is to become an engineer. After I finish my schooling, I want to work as a civil engineer. Since I was a kid, I've wanted to study engineering then become an engineer. I enjoy visiting engineering areas, such as construction sites. I like to visit huge bridge, dams, buildings, factories, and roads to get familiar with engineering techniques. I pay attention to the various methods in which the workers go about their jobs.
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Ang Kamikazee ay isang banda mang-aawit Filipino rock na nabuo noong 2000. Ang banda ay binubuo ng Jay Contreras (vocals), Jomal kiya ' ab at Humantong Tuyay sa (Lead at Rhythm Guitar), Puto Astete (Bass) at Bords ang bayan ng burdeos (Drums).Mga tagahanga at kritiko ay inilarawan ang mga banda ng musika bilang isang halo ng mga pop-punk at matapang na bato. Sa agosto 2015, ang banda ay pansamantalang reunited pagkatapos ng isang maikling pahinga inihayag mas maaga sa enero 2015 at sa 2016 ang band opisyal na ipinasok sa isang walang taning na pahinga. Sila-play sa kanilang farewell concert sa disyembre 10 2015 sa Smart Araneta Coliseum.
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Silent Sanctuary was formed in 2001 with three founding members Norman Dellosa (vocals, guitars), Paolo Legaspi (bass guitar, backing vocals), and Allen Calixto (drums) As a growing band, they experimented in their music by mixing in classical instruments to make a unique sound, adding the fourth member, Norman's high school classmate Anjo Inacay (cellist) to the line-up. In 2002, they were asked to guest in UnTV's In the Raw where Anjo asked Jett Ramirez to create string arrangements for their performance. More string instrumentalists joined them during that single episode. Later, Jett Ramirez (violist) and Chino David (violinist) were both asked as formal members of the band. The name Silent Sanctuary was coined by Dellosa. In February 2004, they released an independently produced full-length album in Millennia Bar and Cafe in Kamuning entitled Ellipsis of the Mind. On the same year, Dellosa left the band.Later on, Sarkie Sarangay took over vocal duties for the band after Norman Dellosa's departure. Jett Ramirez left the band, after they released their debut single "Rebound" in 2006. Jason Rondero, vocalist/bassist of indie band New Modern became the band's new bassist when Paolo Legaspi left the band after their successful label debut album called Fuchsiang Pag-ibig, a year after Sarangay joined the band.
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December Avenue is a 5-piece indie pop/alternative rock band from Manila, Philippines known for their viral compositions online. The band is one of the most streamed OPM bands of all-time.[1] The band is composed of Zel Bautista on vocals and guitars, Jem Manuel on guitars, Don Gregorio on bass, Jet Danao on drums and backing vocals, and Gelo Cruz on keyboards and backing vocals. Bautista, Manuel, Gregorio, and Danao started out in their alma mater University of Santo Tomas in 2007. Cruz, an alumnus of De La Salle-College of St. Benilde, was later added in 2016. Bautista is the chief composer of the band. Originally known for their predominantly English songs, the band has released Tagalog songs since 2016.
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The band was originally formed in 2002 with a number of former members and launched mainstream in 2004 after winning the Grand Prize of the Red Horse Muziklaban 2004 which composed of Monty Macalino (who due to his unarguably hefty body figure makes him the most visible member), Paga Manikan, Lee Maningas and Shan Regalado. Their debut self-titled album, Mayonnaise was launched with their 1st single, "Jopay" which was released by Sony Music Philippines. Jopay is a reference of a former member of the Sexbomb Dancers. Their next single was "Bakit Part 2" which became a radio airplay hit. Bassist Lee Maningas left the band some time in 2008 to migrate to the United States and was replaced by Poch Villalon.
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Parokya Ni Edgar won their "Best New Artists Award Winner in the 3rd NU 107 Rock Awards in 1996, the same year, they're performed in an awards night since their become an amateur OPM Rock Band in pinoy rock history, years later, PNE won 8 times overall in the NU Rock awards until 2003.Eventually, the late managing director of Universal Records, Bella Dy Tan, signed them as contract artists after witnessing one of their Club Dredd performances.Soon, their initial recordings "Buloy", "Trip (Siopao Na Special)" and "Lutong Bahay (Cooking Ng Ina Mo)" gained radio airplay. Their first album, Khangkhungkherrnitz (1996) became a triple platinum hit in the Philippines, having sold 120,000 units. The next albums were equal successes - Buruguduystunstugudunstuy (1997) was awarded triple platinum, Jingle Balls Silent Night Holy Cow (1998) with gold, and Gulong Itlog Gulong (1999) with triple platinum. This included the single "Halaga", one of the most popular songs of the band. "Halaga" was such a hit in the country that it further boosted PNE's career, cementing their name in the OPM scene.
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superbolt · 2 years
some of my top hits 2021
1. Paraluman by Adie 
-duude, I was so hooked  up the moment I listened to it, thanks to the one who reco’d it hihi. ive dedicated this song to my college crush, but not anymore. :)
2. Mood by 24kGoldn 
-literally pang hype ng mood haha
3. Not Afraid by Eminem 
- ive heard of it before pa but it’s been a while, so i like ended up listening to it repeatedly since november.
4. Running by Gaho
-very 2020 pa since I watched the series, but it was also a motivating one like it inspires me to become a competent indiv. like the characters  — 4 real
5. Aphrodite by The Ridleys
-one of the beautiful underrated opm songs ive heard. @crushiie din
6.  Afterglow by THE DRIVER ERA
-i luv the rhythm, melody, and the lyrics. super last sem din to haha
7.  Lunisolar by SHAUN
-maximumly nostalgic. i discovered this song while i was doing my big requirement and i used to play it in the bathroom before going to sleep  — it somehow helped me survive that whole hell week back then huhu
8. Anywhere by Ceejay Sagarino
-it was from a random opm playlist in youtube that caught my attention when it was played. It sounds so soothing and feels like you’re travelling, so sad that it is an underrated one too.
9. All To Well (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
- not an ultimate swifty but all her pieces seem comforting and makes you simply wanna feel things.
10. Budapest by George Ezra 
-reminds me so much of my worst semester of this year plus drama things like duude hahahhaha ive been crying during those times just by listening to this song. Krazyy. Nonetheless, it made it to the list. 
12.31.2021 | 11:43 pm  —listening to Give Me Your Forever by Zack Tabudlo
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01 | 01 | 2021
1.) Joined a writing contest and was able to make it to the top 10.
This was during the SKPF Feb-ibig Event Poem Writing Contest. The title of my piece was Panaghoy sa Kasing-kasing nga Nabuak. You can read it on my poem anthology book on Wattpad and Booklat entitled, Writings of the Insignificant Girl.
2.) Having known Kento Yamazaki.
This is by far one of the bestest thing 2020 gave me. I wouldn't elaborate here further why Kento's very special to me in many ways. I'll be writing it on a separate blog entry this February where I will be celebrating my first year with him.
3.) Having known SB19.
Another best thing. If you don't know, SB19 is a Filipino boyband group who were trained under a Korean entertainment company. And by the way, they are not Kpop copycats. In fact, these boys, my lovely babies, are aspiring to promote OPM and Ppop worldwide through the music they create. Why do I love them? It's because of their song Go Up that's about pursuing your dreams no matter what and never giving up on them.
4.) Finished reading 9 books (4 of which are Dan Brown's).
Last 2019, I was only able to finish 5 books and I'm happy I improved on 2020. If only I am not a natural/born procrastinator, I would've finished at least 25-30 books that's all on my tbr list. Anyway, I will try again this year and double the number. 🤣
5.) Being able to publish my anthology book of poems on Wattpad and Booklat.
No further details to be exposed. I'm just thankful I found the confidence to do so. 💖
6.) Being able to write 3 short stories and publishing them on Wattpad.
Check it out on my Wattpad account and see for yourself how frustrated of a writer I am. 🤣
7.) Being able to start writing my novelette and drafting the outlines of 5 others. (Although what I originally planned is to finish writing Memories of You last December🤣)
8.) Launching a Facebook page with my two pretty writer friends.
Check out Shereigns, friends! 😉
9.) Finally graduating as a Peer Educator.
One of the biggest achievements I had this year. Thanks to PopCom, IPHO Siquijor, and our SKMF president. 🥰
10.) Having my own fur baby.
I might have become unexpectedly single again during the last 2 months of 2020, the good Lord had it replaced with my cutie happy pill, Kobidoy. 💖
11. Finally, for having been blessed with another year.
I feel elated for having been able to reach 22 years and I'm praying that the good Lord will bless me with more. 😇
Things may have not gone according to my plans but I still believe in the goodness of the Lord. Just being able to wake up everyday is already a blessing. So with everything that's about to come for this new year, I have my hopeful heart open.
I pray we'll all have a wonderful year ahead. Always believe in the magic of new beginnings and trust in the faithfulness of the Lord. 😇❤️
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siflshonen · 7 years
For the writing ask meme situation (only if you want to): R, T, H, A? :)
R. If you had to rewrite one of your stories from scratch, which one would it be? What would you do to it?....All of them. They are all embarrassing and bad...!But in particular, I think I'd rewrite this Zelda series I have (not finished....) called Hear No Evil. It follows the plot of the games so that wouldn't change, but I'd frame it a little differently and speak directly to you as the narrator rather than stay hidden within third person limited.T. Themes, motherfucker, do you have them? What are they?Oh boy.These aren't exclusively themes but there's a lot of overlap since most themes tie into visual motifs for me. Some favorites are:1) The inversion, deconstruction, and total destruction of the dichotomy of good and evil2) Love and kindness, and how they are not always pretty, easy, or even *the right thing to listen to* in some cases3) Masks, in any context, in any possible way you can use them as symbols. I've probably used any turn of phrase involving masks as a theme.4) Color symbolism and how it is subjective (see number 1)5) Anyone can change! Not always for the better.... (see number 1)6) Don't seek out death, but don't be afraid of it, either.7) Life sucks a lot sometimes, but if you made it this far, you will prevail (see number 5; see number 1)H. How do you write? Paper, pen, computer? Music, no music?I used to write exclusively with pencil on paper and then type it up. Now, though, I type everything on my phone. Seriously. Occasionally I will use the actual computer, but it's almost always via phone.A. If you could rec a piece of music to accompany one of your fics, what would you pick? Why?There's a whole playlist for Heavy that I have talked about before, and a whole playlist for my Mob Psycho 100 stuff, but for more specifics:Cruel- that story based off of @linesporadic's Virus!verse for OPM I'd have to say Virus gets Ludo's Love Me Dead: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0XH3oMNKApISaitama's answer is Motion City Soundtrack's When You're Around: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iwb7epsaiu4AndAnymore- another OPM story. I'd say it gets one of my favorite songs ever. Yes's And You and I:R. If you had to rewrite one of your stories from scratch, which one would it be? What would you do to it?....All of them. They are all embarrassing and bad...!But in particular, I think I'd rewrite this Zelda series I have (not finished....) called Hear No Evil. It follows the plot of the games so that wouldn't change, but I'd frame it a little differently and speak directly to you as the narrator rather than stay hidden within third person limited.T. Themes, motherfucker, do you have them? What are they?Oh boy.These aren't exclusively themes but there's a lot of overlap since most themes tie into visual motifs for me. Some favorites are:1) The inversion, deconstruction, and total destruction of the dichotomy of good and evil2) Love and kindness, and how they are not always pretty, easy, or even *the right thing to listen to* in some cases3) Masks, in any context, in any possible way you can use them as symbols. I've probably used any turn of phrase involving masks as a theme.4) Color symbolism and how it is subjective (see number 1)5) Anyone can change! Not always for the better.... (see number 1)6) Don't seek out death, but don't be afraid of it, either.7) Life sucks a lot sometimes, but if you made it this far, you will prevail (see number 5; see number 1)H. How do you write? Paper, pen, computer? Music, no music?I used to write exclusively with pencil on paper and then type it up. Now, though, I type everything on my phone. Seriously. Occasionally I will use the actual computer, but it's almost always via phone.A. If you could rec a piece of music to accompany one of your fics, what would you pick? Why?There's a whole playlist for Heavy that I have talked about before, and a whole playlist for my Mob Psycho 100 stuff, but for more specifics:Cruel- that story based off of @linesporadic's Virus!verse for OPM I'd have to say Virus gets Ludo's Love Me Dead: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0XH3oMNKApISaitama's answer is Motion City Soundtrack's When You're Around: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iwb7epsaiu4AndAnymore- another OPM story. I'd say it gets one of my absolute favorite songs ever- Yes's And You and I:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FZcGc-nbLcoThanks for the ask!
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kreenieweenie · 6 years
Pinoy Akapela in 2017
Vocal group performance has persisted to be a style for the Filipino mainstream audiences to listen to, to watch, and eventually to imitate. It really has been more accessible for aspiring a cappella solo singers and groups to join in the loop, find their own tricks and knacks, and to truly just have fun and share what they have worked on -- may it be by simply arranging covers, sharing them online, or going as far as getting into tireless months of training and rehearsing to compete in local and international competitions. And what has probably generated such a bustling and astounding contemporary a cappella atmosphere in 2017 would be the independent labors of the unceasing up-and-coming groups to further accelerate in honing their craft; and their renown. Filipino morale in contemporary a cappella has just gotten ever lustrous this year. 
Here is an overview of some of the milestones achieved by these who have made this 2017 a remarkable one (based on my Manila-based radar, hehe), casting the affirming imprint that contemporary a cappella is also a Filipino thing:
Acapellago’s international and local stardom. The group has gone a long and exciting way, highlighting this 2017 with their First Prize and Audience awards at the Vokal Total 2017 International Festival in Graz, Austria. Beating other groups from Europe, their powerful repertoire includes their own arrangements of Ain’t No Other Man (Christina Aguilera, arr. by Happy), Conga (Gloria Estefan feat. Miami Soundmachine, arr. by Acapellago), Safe and Sound (Taylor Swift, arr. by Josh), and Queen of the Night (Whitney Houston/Lani Misalucha, arr. by Happy)
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(photo from Facebook)
The streak continued on with the group producing and launching singles under Viva Records Corporation. Their first single is Peroplano, joined a few months later by some Christmas songs which are now available on Spotify. Performances here and outside the country continued to grow in number, as well as their fans. Always trending with their video posts, Acapellago knows how to keep their music-making active and their audiences entertained, not forgotten. They have given pop and novelty a new (and challenging) style to be enjoyed, giving viewers their fun takes of Titibo-tibo by Moira dela Torre and Pasok mg Suki. The group closes the year with more recognition under their belt given by one of OPM’s sought after award-giving bodies, The Awit Awards: Best Vocal Arrangement for Stars are Aligned with Jimmy Marquez, The People’s Choice Award for Best Group Recording Artist, and the International Citation Award for their accomplishments at the Vokal Total A Cappella Competition in Graz. Awe-inspiring, Acapellago! More power to you, Mitch, Almond, Josh, Bogart, and Happy! 
Competitions not only help in finding the finest in the a cappella community, and giving the opportunity for groups to develop their skills. They also, on the surface, give contemporary a cappella an identity to be raved about. COMBI A CAPPELLA BATTLE NATION made this hype big this year, creating this riff-off type of battle ground for the finalists at the Trinoma Mall in Quezon City last October 21. Finalists include previous competition winners like Astrafellas (2016 Akapela Open Champion), ConChords (2016 Akapela Open 1st runner up), GVBS (2016 Akapela Open Finalist), Musikality, Music Beats, and The Playlist, whose some members have joined Akapela Open as well. The brand’s ambassadors Acapellago performed, including 2016′s winner, Phisix (Akapela Open Finalist). Confident and promising when it comes to musicianship and musicality, Jowin, Coleen, Nica, Jec and Val of ConChords, all students from the UP College of Music, took home the badge. They performed their arrangements of You Give Love a Bad Name (Bon Jovi), Greedy (Ariana Grande, arr. by Lancelle Nantes), and a Moana Medley. GVBS came in 2nd, and Astrafellas came in 3rd. 
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(photo from Combi-Nation)
Another competition that featured the current performance practice of popular a cappella singing sans the use of individual microphones would be the MBC National Choral Competition. Aside from their performance of a folk piece and the contest piece (by The CompanY's Moy Ortiz), part of each finalist’s repertoire must contain a “novelty performance” -- that is, having each choir’s own arrangement of a popular song or a medley of songs, complete with choreography, without a conductor in the middle. 
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(photos from MBC National Choral Competition Facebook page)
The winners for the open category are Coro Obcento (Grand Champion) followed by the Oratory Boys Chorus, Tarlac Chamber Choir, and South Cotabato Chorale. Original tunes such as from the likes of Ricky Martin, Little Mix, Gwen Stefani, and Bon Jovi were heard in the competition, complete with exhilarating dance moves and even acrobatics. Flexibility and gusto in performing various styles of singing are really thrilling to know about our continuously evolving choral community! Mabuhay ang korong Pilipino! 
As I mentioned earlier, persistence is such a crucial key when it comes to making a difference, or pursuing another opportunity to having a breakthrough. Pinopela, the Baguio-based group who has been together since the beginning of the Akapela Open Competition in 2013, has continued to make the rounds in performing especially for corporate events. This year has been quite busier for the group, despite some changes in their membership, as they performed for local and foreign delegates in the various events of the ASEAN Summit. Capping off the year is their prestigious win at the Hongkong International A Cappella Contest, leading other performances from Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, and Mainland China. They bagged 2 awards - Best Presentation and the recognition as the Champion. Their repertoire includes Salute (Little Mix) and a Power Hits Medley which includes, Say You’ll Never Let Me Go, Uptown Funk, Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing, Hey Momma, Salute and Can’t Hold Us. These were arranged by the group’s resident arranger, Ryan Vincent Lamaroza. Congratulations and thank you for your will and courage, Pinopela!
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(photo from Facebook)
All male group Ten Thousand also went out of the country to compete at the 2017 Incheon Airport International Competition. Thank you for continuously representing the country and spreading our enthusiasm and presence in this field of performance! Just like being promoters of the Ricola brand through this jingle:
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PhiSix, another all-male group which was last year’s winner at the Combi Nation Vocal Battle, bagged the first prize at the 2017 ACaChamps in Singapore held in July. The group was followed in 2nd place by Ten Thousand, who also won Best in Vocal Percussion. Pinoys certainly have begun warming up overseas. Congratulations, guys!
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A lot of schools, universities and companies seem to have involved more intensified a cappella singing competitions in their events especially this past Christmas season. 
I might have missed out on other events where contemporary a cappella has been highlighted, so please let me know! :D
Here is a wishlist for the coming 2018 from our artists:
all original a cappella album/s
more all a cappella concerts
a local festival and a ‘camp’ of workshops for a cappella groups, arrangers, and composers for educational purposes
a solid organization or society for the community
and more surprises
Thank you to all the groups and individuals for pushing to share your passion for contemporary a cappella music making!
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thehungrykat1 · 7 years
Isdaan Floating Restaurant: Rod Ongpauco’s Foodie Wonderland
Filipinos love eating out with the family. We also love to go to theme parks and beautiful places where we can take lots of pictures and enjoy fun activities with the entire group. Most of the time, we will have to choose between the two because the local theme parks don’t exactly have the best food offerings while there’s nothing else to do when we visit the best local restaurants aside from eating. But one man had the vision and the passion to combine these two family activities in one magical location. It’s time to bring out the plates because The Hungry Kat has just arrived at Isdaan Floating Restaurant!
Isdaan Floating Restaurant is the brainchild of Mr. Rod Ongapauco whose family owns the classic and popular Barrio Fiesta groups of restaurants. His food-loving family has always been a big influence in his very colorful life, which even includes a bit of acting and show business. When he was only 15 years old, he invented the original “Crispy Pata” which has become an iconic Filipino dish served in almost all restaurants nationwide. But his biggest dream became a reality in 2005 when he opened the first Isdaan Floating Restaurant and Theme Park in Gerona, Tarlac. Twelve years onwards, Isdaan now boasts of two other locations in Calauan, Laguna and newly-opened and biggest branch yet at Talavera, Nueva Ecija.
Vacationers heading north or traveling back to Manila have always made it a point to stop by Isdaan Floating Restaurant for a merry and jolly afternoon. I have seen and heard a lot about Isdaan before on television and magazines but this will be my first time to personally see this foodie wonderland. A trip to Isdaan Tarlac usually just takes around two hours using the SCTEX if you are coming from Quezon City.
The fun starts right at the spacious parking lot of Isdaan Tarlac with giant statues and quirky characters giving guests a warm welcome. The area is equipped with CCTV cameras for added security.
The dream of Rod Ongpauco is to build a restaurant that will be the first of its kind and very different from the rest. With Isdaan Floating Restaurant, he has brought together several of his restaurant concepts like Barrio Fiesta, The Singing Cooks & Waiter, Atbp., Bakahan at Manukan, and juxtaposed it inside an unbelievable floating theme park with colorful statues of all sizes and shapes. I have never seen anything like it!
There are several dining areas to choose from when you visit Isdaan Floating Restaurant. As its name suggests, guests can dine right beside the waters with fish and koi swimming all around. It’s such a surreal experience as you would think you are dining in Bali or Malaysia instead of being in Tarlac.
Isdaan is a place to have fun and you will notice all sorts of characters and mascots everywhere. Rod Ongpauco does not seem to run out of ideas and imagination because every single corner is filled with gigantic statues, animals, buddhas, and fountains. You might even spot the Obamas somewhere. Visitors are encouraged to take lots and lots of photos because that is all part of the fun.
They also have daily variety shows that feature dancers, magicians, acrobats, and many more. Guests can also participate in a couple of exciting activities like the San Kilo Bridge where you can win a free kilo of fish if you succesfully finish the obstacle course. You can also walk inside the pond itself and feed all the fish. More of those activities on my next article (Isdaan Talavera: A Bigger and More Colorful Branch in Nueva Ecija).
But the most popular activity at Isdaan Floating Restaurant is their infamous Tacsiyapo Wall where you can let out all your anger and misery by throwing plates, mugs, and even televisions on to the wall. Small plates cost P25 per piece and mugs cost P20. As for the television, hopefully you are not THAT angry. Aim for the exact caption that fits you, shout “Tacsiyapo!” at the top of your lungs, then throw your plates at the wall! I assure you, it really helps relieve those pent up emotions. Can you guess which caption I aimed for?
Kids will not run out of things to do as well in this floating Disneyland because there are several areas they will also enjoy. Children can go biking, riding, play on the see-saw, or just hang out with Mickey and his friends.
After touring the Isdaan theme park, it was finally time for us to eat! Each guest is treated like a celebrity and we were given these adorable leis when we entered one of the main dining areas.
Hosting us that afternoon in Tarlac was Ms. Love Ongpauco-Fallorina, one of the daugthers of Rod Ongpauco who was gracious enough to accompany our group. The KTG (Kain Tulog Gang) founder, Spanky Enriquez, also made sure that everyone enjoyed a grand feast at Isdaan Floating Restaurant.
It was a warm and sunny afternoon so I ordered their refreshing Buko Shake to quench my thirst. 
One of Rod Ongpauco’s restaurants is The Singing Cooks & Waiters, Atbp. This is the only restaurant where the waiters, janitors, and cooks can belt out popular OPM tunes as well as international hit songs. Here at Isdaan, expect the same spectacular performances as you dine inside your bahay kubo.
And it was definitely a feast to remember as we were all invited for a big Boodle Fight! This is a traditional Filipino way of communally eating piles of rice and viands on top banana leaves using just your bare hands. All of Isdaan’s specialties were laid out on the table and it was every man for himself. Don’t worry, there was more than enough food to share so we did not really have to fight. Boodle Fight Sets starts at P2,762 for four persons up to P12,856 for 15 persons.
Our Boodle Feast came with Bulalo Soup, Daing na Bangus, Mixed Adobo, Lumpiang Bukid, Lechon Manok Tinupig, Pritong Lapu Lapu, Spicy Crabs and more. 
But the highlight of our feast was the Patang Tinupig (P690), a unique variation of the well-loved Crispy Pata that you can only find here. Instead of the usual deep-fried crispy pata, this pork knuckle is simmered in creamy coconut milk then wrapped in banana leaves before being grilled. The result is a soft and tender skin with very flavorful pork meat inside.
Few people actually know that it was Rod Ongpauco himself who invented the Crispy Pata all the way back in 1960. He shared with us the story of how he used to invite his friends over to eat for free at his Mama Chit’s Barrio Fiesta, much to the dismay of his mother. To appease her, he found a way of getting leftover pork feet and deep-fried them for his friends. Everyone loved his creation, including Mama Chit, which he later on expanded to include the entire pork knuckle. The rest, as they say is history.
While every restaurant in the Philippines now probably offers their own version of crispy pata, it’s great to know that you can find Rod Ongpauco’s version of the Original Crispy Pata (P740) here at Isdaan, Barrio Fiesta, or at Pamana Restaurant. We also found out that Rod Ongpauco is really a man of many talents, aside from being a generous host. He is also a music composer, with his most popular hit being “Tulak ng Bibig, Kabig ng Dibdib” by Cinderella in the 70′s and later on revived by Lilet in the 80′s. He is also credited for promoting “Mabuhay” as our national greeting and changing the “Welcome” rotunda to “Mabuhay” rotunda including other town markers and landmarks.
Our festive lunch at Isdaan Floating Restaurant was so enjoyable that it stretched all the way until late afternoon. We capped it off with their Talagang Special Bibingka (P192) and cups of Buko Pandan (P141) and Fruit Salad (P152) for a sweet ending.
We had a very entertaining and informative Isdaan Roadtrip to Tarlac and I would like to thank Ms. Love Ongpauco-Fallorina for taking care of us and making sure we experienced the full Isdaan Floating Restaurant experience. We also got to visit their newest and most exciting branch yet, Isdaan Talavera in Nueva Ecija,
Isdaan Floating Restaurant
219 MacArthur Highway, Gerona, Tarlac
(0943) 629-0086
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