monsterbuddy · 21 days
What Tumblr profiles and tags should I watch for SFW monster love?
I have to be honest, I created this blog because I sensed a vacuum in the sfw terato community and wanted to fill it, but if you're a SFW terato/medusan blog feel free to reblog this and say so!!
As for tags:
teratoromantic, platonic terato, romantic terato, asexual terato, medusan, and teratoplatonic seem to be good!
If you enjoy this blog, please please do a daily click for Palestine!
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monsterbuddy · 2 years
Terato friends PLEASE go and get yourselves a big plastic light-up skeleton buddy!!!
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[ID: a large plastic skeleton with blue LED lights in his eyes. End description.]
His name is Alfred and I got him at Costco last year! He ROCKS.
He likes to hold hands, and he's almost my height which means it's really easy to hug him! He makes a really good Halloween decorations and buddy.
Also yes yes obligatory Sans Undertale reference.
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monsterbuddy · 2 years
Imagine being wrapped up in your monster partner's or friend's wings on a cold night!!!! I fully recomend, it is healing.
Maybe they have big scaly wings that reflect the moonlight, maybe they have feathery wings that warm you right up, maybe they have tiny wings that don't do so much but that's okay, you don't mind!
Tell me what your monster's wings are like!!
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monsterbuddy · 2 years
Imagine if you will, your vampire BFF is getting ready for a big event. Maybe it's prom/graduation, maybe it's a meeting or a presentation, maybe she's got a job interview, etc.
Anyway, she can't see herself in the mirror and she is freaking out.
She frantically plays with her hair and jewelry, adjusts her shirt collar, pats down her clothes, straightens and re-straightens her tie, tips her hat this/that/the other way.
Finally, she looks to you for reassurance. All she has to hear is, "You look great."
She calms right down.
You start to describe what she looks like for her, adjust what needs to be adjusted, and then send her on her way.
You're a good friend.
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monsterbuddy · 2 years
Anyone caught up with wwdits who wants to yell with me in my DMs is more than welcome.
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monsterbuddy · 3 years
I love aspec terato folks!
Your monster friends/partners love you so much!!
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monsterbuddy · 4 years
Planning your vampire buddy’s birthday be like
“You can’t have garlic, so that cancels out like five party foods right there. We could have planned a beach day but running water and sunlight are both no-gos. 
I didn’t know what to get you so I figured I’d take you clothes shopping and tell you what looks good since you can’t see yourself in a mirror. 
Your friend Lupin wanted me to tell you that they can’t come if your birthday party is this Saturday because it’s their time of the month if you catch my drift, but they can come Friday night, Sunday night, or next Saturday. And don’t worry, I told Beth not to wear her silver cross necklace. 
We need to talk about the decorations. I got the black balloons you wanted, but the other things were a little hard to find because it’s nowhere near Halloween and they don’t sell bat-pattern stuff year round. I did dig out the suction cup bat window decorations though. And the Halloween punch bowl will work, but you’re having human guests so please offer an alternative to blood.
Finally, the music. I know this stuff killed at your 78th birthday back in 1867, but times have changes and you can’t just play symphonies anymore. Nobody knows how to dance to that. I made you a playlist though, you’re gonna love it. And don’t worry, I told the sirens not to sing. We’re all good there.
Happy birthday!” 
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monsterbuddy · 3 years
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monsterbuddy · 4 years
Having a ghost roommate is great because:
1. They can fly up and get things off top shelves for you.
2. Depending on time periods and locations they might be able to help with history projects because they lived through the events! 
3. Unwanted solicitors? Ding dong ditchers? Unwelcome guests? Your roommate can scare them away no sweat! 
4. No more jumping at things that go bump in the night! You heard rattling chains? Otherworldly sounds? That’s just Gary, they’re chill. 
5. If you live in a small apartment, you don’t need to worry about space. Ghosts don’t need to sleep, so they don’t need a bedroom. You can have a roommate and not feel cramped! 
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monsterbuddy · 4 years
Check Out My Terato Playlist!
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