#temperance of arland
kirbyddd · 1 year
realizing the later atelier soundtracks aren't bad in the slightest
it's just that atelier meruru set the bar for the series at "once in a generation human opus of composition"
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faejilly · 8 months
once upon a time I was doing a gift exchange for 7kpp and nothing I wrote work so I did a fanmix and made some TEA instead! (Did you like any of the tea, @awaylaughing? I don't recall) and then today, for no apparent reason, I was looping Hozier and feeling bad about how I keep wanting to write but then don't actually do it... and found a Sheltered Princess/Emmett thing from the POV's of the Chaperones in my WIP folder and finished it! Because Brains! Are Crazy-Cakes! (affectionate) Please Enjoy some observations re: Princess Wilhelmina Temperance of Arland and her Earl.
Emmett had known that he would see her.
Of course The Princess would be here. Even before Katyia herself, this is exactly what Arland Princesses always did. Who they always were.
He'd even known it would be difficult, was aware of his own weaknesses, his own flaws, but he hadn't realized it would hit him so hard, just seeing her walk into the Main Hall, seeing the Skalt Lady approach, watching other people see – her. See her, the way no one else in Arland ever had. The Princess was a wonderful young lady, of course everyone else would eventually see it too. It wasn't as if he didn't want her to succeed, didn't want people to know how amazing she was. He just –
It hurt, a little, to know that he would probably never have his friend by his side again, to know that there had never been a chance that he would, despite how fondly he remembered her, how much he'd looked forward to seeing her again, even if just at formal events at Court.
This was worse than Court.
This was going to be good-bye, and he hadn't even managed to say hello yet.
He was afraid that she'd see his worry and think he wasn't pleased to see her, wasn't always happy at the thought of her.
But then she came toward him, and he was glad enough at the sight of pleased recognition she didn't try to hide that he forgot about the future entirely and smiled at the present instead.
It was quite entertaining to realize that he’d been wrong about the Arland Princess. That didn’t happen to Woodly very often. But here she was, holding her own quite successfully through the formal introductions, alert and observant and with a smile almost as engaging as his own niece’s.
He’d dismissed her entirely at the Welcome Feast, convinced she was an even paler and quieter echo of her sister, the one who’d let herself be sold to Corval despite being smart enough to recognize how pleasant her soon-to-be-husband wasn’t.
To be fair, if Penelope had been of an age with Constance, the King and Queen might very well have tried to do the same with her, and Penelope would undoubtedly have agreed, despite also being smart enough to recognize a man who wouldn’t care a bit for her own preferences in the least. (Sometimes Woodly despaired of his sister’s sense, but that was neither here nor there.) Lisle would have fought it though, so it was well that hadn’t been an option.
But here young Princess Wilhelmina was, exquisitely formal with the one deeply unpirate-like Hisean, then listening to the Skalt Princess to call her Mina without looking the least bit upset by the informality. Penelope adored her, which required a bit of a gentle touch, and yet she was vibrant enough that neither the actual pirates nor the Corvali thought her dull. Even the Jiyel delegates were willing to converse with her, and Duke Lyon didn’t like anyone, and Lady Avalie only liked people she could play with.
She was singularly useless for any of the games Woodly himself liked to play, of course, but she was, nonetheless, a singular and effective delegate for Arland. Much more useful than that Earl, who refused to allow an unkind word about anyone, regardless of how much they might deserve it.
Would wonders never cease. An Arland Princess with a hint of a spine.
This Summit was certainly never boring.
Yvette thought her Princess deserved better. Such a bright young woman ought to be able to reach for more than her status as a gift Arland would bestow upon an ally who was willing to put up with her. (Perhaps they all deserved better than Summit machinations and noble politics, but that was a question for future generations to answer, not a single Duchess in her private thoughts.)
The Princess was quiet and polite, exactly as she had been trained to be. But she caught the eye, shone with her own inner light, a light that was already brighter than it had been at the Welcome Feast, and she’d handled that particular challenge with grace, deprecation, and a surprisingly charismatic and self-aware touch of humor, even when that young Zarad had dragged her into a highly inappropriate dance in front of everyone.
Constance would have been so proud of Mina if she’d seen it. Not that Yvette allowed herself to consider Princess Constance too often; that led to worrying about how she was doing, trapped at Prince Aamir’s side.
Yvette swallowed a sigh, and made sure her hands stayed loose in her lap, no tension visible anywhere in her body, even as she had to fight not to squint against the light of a rising sun. She’d managed to place herself outside the stable before anyone else, but the chaperones and servants and delegates would be here soon for the ride, and she could not let her worry show. Not for Arland or the Summit, past, present or future, not for the Princess as Princess or simply as a young lady in a difficult place.
Most especially not for her poor darling Earl, who she knew was painfully aware that half the Isle could tell that he was hopelessly in love with his Princess, by far the least eligible match for either of them to attempt here at this Summit.
Katyia would probably have insisted they be matched regardless; this time Yvette had to swallow a smile at the thought. Perhaps, somehow, even without Katyia, they’d manage a small bit of happiness, at least for awhile.
Yvette’s smile escaped her control, that thought too sweet to entirely dismiss.
Perhaps she had more hope left in her bones for this Summit than she’d thought.
Falon thought the boat race was the least painful activity of the Summit. It required actual effort and forethought and tactics from the delegates, and did not require he make small-talk about things he couldn’t possibly know anything about, and wouldn’t want to chatter about even if he did.
A Hisean team always won it, of course, but it was interesting to watch what the other delegates decided to do. Did they choose to forego it entirely and network among the spectators? Did they back Hise and their easy victory? Did they put on a show of their own boat, costumes or decorations or fancy tricks to draw the eye? Did they fight for that second place spot, did they try and make Hise work for their victory?
It was fascinating, and a good way to see how all the different delegations were starting to relate to each other, an idea of who could work with who, who might be able to reach a hand across a bargaining table by the end of the Summit and have someone grasp it back.
He had never expected two of the Hise delegates to agree to back an Arlish Captain though. One who had somehow managed to entice his damnable Duke out of the library to participate! And a Wellin Princess. It was the most cosmopolitan ship in the competition.
And then it won.
Hise lost.
Hise lost the boat race to Arland.
Falon didn’t know what to do with that. He couldn’t figure out what it meant, it was too improbable to have even considered it as a possible conclusion. Falon was so disconcerted, he didn’t even manage to catch Lyon before he retreated back inside after the race. Not that it would probably have worked, but Falon didn’t even manage to try.
He did manage to congratulate the rest of the team however, and he didn’t think he sounded nearly as bewildered as he felt.
On the one hand, it was good that there were delegates with the strength of will and character to actually make things happen.
On the other, he had a feeling he was going to spend the next five weeks wishing he’d been assigned as Chaperone for a less interesting Summit.
Jaslen loved the Matchmaker’s breakfast. The only real chance anyone had to see what of the Matchmaker’s opinions she was willing to let be seen in public, and so close to the one banquet at the Summit that still held so tightly to Katyia’s dreams rather than everyone else’s fears; there was always something to learn about how well the behind-the-scenes maneuvering was going.
Plus the delegates were always so delightfully chaotic, the stresses of the Summit and the anticipation of the remaining weeks only getting worse…
When Jaslen had flitted through the dining hall prior to any of the delegates arriving, she’d thought placing the poor Arland Princess in between the Revaire Prince and that idiot Blain was uncharacteristically cruel of the Matchmaker. She had no patience for incompetence, but she didn’t usually twist the knife after (metaphorically) stabbing some delegate who hadn’t impressed her.
But then breakfast actually happened, and Wilhelmina was fine! Calm and polite even while her seatmates bickered and everyone stared at her; she even smiled at that Earl of hers without appearing at all self-conscious when she escaped after Blain’s unsubtle attack.
It was such a nice surprise. Jaslen might have underestimated the Princess, but she wasn’t wrong about the Matchmaker, and that would have been disturbing, after all these years.
Watching Blain fumble his way through the Summit was excruciating enough for one year, she didn’t need to add an absolute failure in her usually impeccable people skills on top of that.
This really was the best morning. She wished she could be a chaperone for every Summit.
Jasper had been quite honored to realize he was assigned to Princess Wilhelmina of Arland herself. The Princesses were always such lovely guests, dutiful but seldom dull, young and hopeful and exactly the sort of people Katyia had most wanted to help.
He met his Princess and she was a joy to serve. Not just for the Summit or his duty or Arland, but for herself, complete and entire. He wished her well, and he saw her rise to every occasion, and for all he knew he could not take the credit, he was so proud.
But it was tinged with fear, not just for the Summit, or the Isle, and definitely not for Arland, but for her and her countryman, her childhood friend, Yvette's young assistant, Earl Emmett of Arland. He was as kind and dutiful as any Arlish Lord could have ever desired, and every time he smiled Jasper could see the Princess light up, and yet.
And yet.
They were both of Arland, and had been excessively well trained. Earl Emmet had traveled enough to be able to bring home a bride from anywhere and be kind to her in a way she'd understand, and the Princess. Well. The Princesses of Arland always left.
And then the night of the Matchmaker’s banquet he almost missed it, distracted by everything else that had happened (everything that shouldn’t have happened). He barely made himself settle before the Matchmaker stood, but he managed it just in time, standing quiet in his shadows as she began her announcement.
Which included the love match of Princess Wilhelmina of Arland to Earl Emmet of Arland.
There was an instant of total silence in the Hall, regardless of the number of people, regardless of servants and cutlery and food and conversation, regardless of high ceilings and the usual whispers of acoustics designed specifically to pick up everything so it would be almost impossible to overhear any one thing out of all the rest beyond one’s seatmate.
Arland to Arland.
Jasper’s eyes closed, and he didn’t know if it was joy or shock, horror or hope. He opened them to the much more familiar incoherence of a room full of whispering delegations, not a single person without an opinion on that match.
Arland to Arland.
He let himself smile, just a little, and let himself imagine it, a Summit that celebrated a match like that, Arland to Arland, for love and happiness rather than politics and duty.
Mina was sure she was blushing, but she’d noticed the shock after the Matchmaker’s announcement, heard the whispers a moment later, and she couldn’t quite contain it.
She also couldn’t hold in the lift of outright glee at hearing their names announced like that, one after the other. She had no idea how they were going to make this work, but oh, she didn’t regret a moment of choosing her best friend to be her partner, to be her future, no matter what anyone else thought of it. Not even her parents.
And she knew, every time she saw him, every time she thought of him, every time he smiled, or ducked his head, or pushed his sleeves up his arm as if this time they were going to stay, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that Emmett didn’t regret it either.
They only managed one quick moment before they were sent their separate ways, but she could live through a dozen more Summits, and she’d never forget the brilliance of his smile in that moment. Proof, if she’d needed it, that it was worth every effort over the next four weeks to keep him with her, to keep herself with him, to make it out the other side of this Summit
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mendedwings · 1 year
Fair Trade
Happy holidays, @angstmongertina! I’m your @fyeah7kpp Secret Santa! All your girls are so lovely, but I couldn’t resist writing something for Tempy/Clarmont. I hope you enjoy!
Most of the obstacles Temperance had faced thus far in her bid for self-sufficiency and independence had been more mental or metaphorical. The sturdy black and white paint mare eying her from the stall was a tad more literal.
Temperance took a deep breath and stepped closer. “Hello, Sugarplum.” She kept her voice soft and soothing and one hand out, a cube of sugar balanced on her palm. That much she knew about horses; they appreciated treats. 
Sugarplum took the proffered peace offering eagerly, her lips tickling Temperance’s palm, then nickered.
“There, we’re friends now. hm?” Temperance kept her hand extended and carefully moved to stroke the side of Sugarplum’s muzzle. The horse took it well, content with the attention and treat.
Step one. Temperance bit her lip and lifted the stall latch.
Sugarplum’s ears pricked and she shifted her weight with a quiet snort as Temperance slipped into the stall with her.
“It’s alright, I’m not going to hurt you,” Temperance soothed. She stroked the mare’s neck. “I just wanted to go for a ride, we can do that, right? Get you some exercise and fresh air?”
She’d read about the process of tacking a horse, watched the footmen both home in Arland and here on the Isle. Surely she could manage to do this alone, tack and mount a horse. There were a couple stablehands... somewhere if she ran into trouble she couldn’t handle.
Sugarplum huffed and lightly stamped a hoof. Temperance had picked her because she seemed even-tempered, but there was an edge of restlessness to the motion. She dug a pair of carrot slices from her pocket as further gesture of goodwill and reached for the bridle.
Step tw- It was different. There were fewer pieces to it, not as many straps as Temperance expected. She froze in uncertainty, looking between the bridle and Sugarplum, trying to gauge how this one would work.
Sugarplum’s ears went back when Temperance stepped closer again, dodging backwards to avoid the extended bridle. 
“Come on, girl.” She was trying to sound encouraging, but it probably came out closer to begging.
Sugarplum snorted and dodged again, tossing in a nip for good measure this time.
Temperance yelped as she backpedaled, avoiding the very large teeth. Tears pricked her eyes regardless as she bumped the stall door. It shouldn’t be so hard to do things for herself-
“Everything alright- Princess?” The familiar voice sounded surprised, and it added to her desire to curl up in a ball or vanish. Perhaps both. Pasting on a smile, she turned to face her company. “Good morning, Lord Clarmont.”
He arched a brow, clearly seeing through her brave front but kind enough not to call her on it. “And to you, Princess Temperance. Might I ask what you’re doing out here so early?”
“I wanted to go for a ride and... thought to tack my own horse.” She gave a shaky laugh, flexing the almost nipped fingers as the other hand maintained a death grip om the bridle. “I... Sugarplum’s always seemed a more gentle horse. Easy-going.”
Clarmont smiled warmly, leaning his forearms against the stall door. “She is, but even easy-going horses will nip if stressed.” He gestured her closer. “Come out for a moment, let her calm down.”
Face hot, Temperance followed the direction. “I was trying to be gentle,” she mumbled.
“I’m sure.” Clarmont stroked Sugarplum’s forelock. “If I may offer some advice?”
She nodded mutely. 
“It’s usually wiser to tack a horse out of the stall, unless it’s a large one. So they have room to not feel trapped.” He nodded toward the bridle she held. “And Sugarplum’s mouth is sensitive; while that would be correct for the other horses, she needs a bitless bridle.” He held out his hand. “I can go swap it for you, if you like, while you lead your noble steed out for tacking?”
Another nod, still silent as embarrassed frustration made her eyes burn. Couldn’t even tack a horse on her own...
Clarmont paused, rested a hand on her arm. “Temperance? It’s an admirable goal, and no shame to ask for help with a new task.”
“Thank you,” she managed, her face still warm--though not solely from embarrassment any longer, as she gingerly guided Sugarplum into the main aisle of the stable. The horse was laconic about complying, but did follow to one of the securing lines. Held still for Temperance to loop the rope around her neck. “Good girl,” Temperance whispered, offering another carrot, which was greedily consumed.
“Here we are.” Clarmont returned with the correct bridle in hand. “Did you get a saddle and pad?”
Temperance nodded and pointed to the bench where she’d draped them with one hand as the other stroked Sugarplum’s neck.
“Have you ever used a bitless bridle, highness?” Clarmont asked, twinkle in his eye, as a pair of stablehands passed by.
“Can’t say that I have,” Temperance confessed, tucking loose hair behind her ear. “Even the standard ones here look different from the ones I’ve seen back home.”
“It won’t be much of an issue with Sugarplum here,” he began as he guided the bridle over the horse’s head, slowly to let Temperance see how he did it, “since she’s so calm, but controlling a horse with no bit is different, and trickier if they’re headstrong.”
“Good to know.” Her embarrassment was subsiding, replaced by curiosity and desire to do better next time, so she watched intently as he settled the bridle around Sugarplum’s ears. “I chose her precisely because she’s calm and gentle. And it’s my understanding paints are more laidback in general?”
“They are indeed,” Clarmont said with a smile. “You know horses?”
“To a degree.” Temperance retrieved the saddle blanket and laid it over Sugarplum’s back. “Even if I don’t know everything about their care, I have read quite a bit about various breeds; their temperaments, strengths, areas of use and the like.”
“I’m impressed,” Clarmont grinned, shifting the blanket an inch or so toward the withers. “Can you manage the saddle?”
“I can try.” It had been... very heavy heavy when she brought it out, she wasn’t sure she could get it up on a horse’s back. But she’d give it her best shot.
He watched her collect the saddle, stagger under the weight, and when it was clear she wouldn’t lift it high enough he stepped in. “Allow me.”
And before she knew what was happening, his chest was against her back and his hands under hers, guiding the saddle to its proper place on Sugarplum’s back.
The heat in her cheeks was definitely not embarrassment this time. “Thank you.”
“You are most welcome. Make sure the girth is tight enough as you buckle it, but not too tight,” he said, withdrawing his hands but staying close.
Temperance took a deep breath and tried not to get distracted as she buckled the girth. “Is there a risk of it changing?”
“Mm. I don’t know if it’s foible of Sugarplum’s, but some horses will hold their breath while being saddled, let it out after for a looser fit.” Clarmon rested a hand on Sugarplum’s flank. “More comfortable for them, but dangerous for the rider.”
Sugarplum nickered and nosed his pocket until he laughed and produced a few carrot pieces.
Temperance smiled to herself, kneeling in scratchy straw when her calves started to burn. With the horse distracted, it was relatively easy to confirm the girth was buckled safely. She started to stand, just as Sugarplum shifted position and bumped her shoulder. Temperance teetered and would have fallen into the wall if Clarmont didn’t grab her arm.
“Careful, dear princess,” he said with a twinkle in his eye as he righted her.
“Thank you.” Temperance enjoyed the warmth of his hand on her arm once more as he let it linger. “I’m doing a bang up job of handling this on my own, aren’t I?” she commented ruefully.
He gave her an encouraging smile. “Everyone has growing pains with a new skill, Temperance. Besides, when working with or around horses, it’s better to have two people or more. For safety’s sake.”
“And good company?” she teased, almost--pleasantly--surprised at her own boldness.
Clarmont’s smile widened. “If you’re lucky.”
I am. “Well. Then, in the interest of both safety and good company...” Temperance’s fingers curled around the reins. “Would... would you like to join me on my ride, Lord Clarmont?”
His eyes twinkled. “Princess Temperance, it would be my honor. Give me a moment to fetch a horse.”
Temperance spent that moment stroking Sugarplum’s neck and murmuring quietly to her. ‘He’s quite the gentleman, isn’t he? Very kind and handsome.’
Clarmont returned with a starred sorrel ambling beside him much more swiftly than she expected, and she hastily strangled off her asides to the horse. “That was fast.”
He smiled sheepishly. “I confess, I was hoping to accompany you. Marquis is a good trail mate for Sugarplum; I asked the stablehand to saddle him while I was helping you.” He paused and cocked his head. “I apologize if that was too forward of me.”
“N-No.” She fought the urge to bury her face against Sugarplum’s neck. “Not at all.”
Clarmont’s eyes filled with relief. “Glad to hear it. Would you like a hand up?” He nodded toward the horse.
Temperance nodded. “Yes, thank you.” Sidesaddle was so much trickier to mount on your own. She didn’t loosen her grip on his hand until she was settled and it was only half for safety’s sake.
“Set?” he double checked, waiting for her confirmation before he eased back and mounted his own horse.
“Thank you,” Temperance said as they made their way toward the trail. “For all your help. I do want to learn to do things like this on my own, but I’m... glad you were here for the learning curve.”
“It was my pleasure,” he said. “As I told you, it’s an admirable pursuit.”
“I do feel I owe you something for your efforts.”
“Not at all, but if you insist” --his eyes were twinkling again-- “there’s a sweet and lovely lady I’m trying to court, if you had advice on how to win her heart, it would be welcome.”
Temperance’s smile widened. “Seems a fair trade. I think I can help with that.”
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awaylaughing · 3 years
I was playing around with the girls’ various backgrounds and a few wee HCs for some of them were spawned. There’s smth for each one here, some more or less though. (Pippa has the most tho bc I am. Very biased).
Aurora, Baroness Namaire
- wicked good at poker, she learned from her mother, and went on to teach all her siblings
- has a minor rivalry with one of her baronial neighbour’s wife: in a rare subversion from expectation though it’s centred entirely around creating Revair’s best plum wine, and growing the best northern plums in general. No one has died, been blackmailed, and so far, not one case of arson has occurred. It’s all very atypical.
- was named for her mother’s younger brother, Aurean, who backed the old empire during the coup and was executed for it.
- knows how to patch stucco and fix thatching, skills she’s not had any reason to flex since she was 17.
Michi of Holt
- hates super spicy food, or super spiced food, or even super sweet food – delicate pallet on this one.
- learned to draw because of her third tutor (the first two gave up) who realized that if he let Michi pick the class location and doodle, she learned way better than locking her in a room and yelling at her.
- had a really, really complicated relationship with her maternal grandmother Myrna of Brehna whom she loved, but also resented both for how her grandmother impacted her relationship with her dying mother, and her grandma’s ‘my way or the highway’ approach to teaching Michi etiquette.
- on the note of the Brehnas, Michi is related to Noa via that branch (Myrna’s father is Isador’s paternal grandmother’s brother - making Noa and Michi 4th cousins)
Noa of Hise
- despite the stereotype, much prefers to be decked out in silver (brings out her eyes)
- mildly dyslexic, she spent her childhood doggedly trying to hide her difficulties learned her grandfather, Bantim or “Bonny Tim”, had the thing.
- lived in Wellin for 3 hours after her mother died. Her father insisted they move back, and Noa, worried for his health agreed. Three days in one of Isadore’s brothers made an offhand remark about Blackthorn and Noa alike, and her father walked right out of the parlor and back onto the ship that had brought them to Wellin in the first place, a greatly relieved Noa trailing behind him.
- was terrified of heights when she was a younger, a condition she considered intolerable and thus found her scaling every vertical surface she could find. Cousins or her mother had to got fetch her down a few times, but she largely outgrew it and now she only get queasy very rarely.
Pippa of Corval
- was actually born an fraternal [edit bc I changed my mind] twin, however her sister died after only three days. Corvali traditions wait a week after birth to name children (or, the seventh night, to be more exact), so her sister was never named. Pippa doesn’t have much of an opinion about this, other than joking maybe sharing that space was why she ended up so short (a minor mystery in the family, as her mother’s quite tall and her father wasn’t tall but not really short, either)
- her snake was actually a gag gift to another girl, Mitra who hates snakes. Basically, Pippa cares for Hihissa 9/10 parts of the yeah, and whenever Mitra’s brother visits, Mitra holds her nose and pretends she’s totally been living with this snake for three years.
- looooves rose water sweets. And tea. A scented oils. Basically, smells like a rose garden all the time and aspires to eat one as well.
- had a reputation as a shockingly well behaved child, from the age 2 onward. In truth, she just figured out very, very young that if you agreed with the adults and then did what you wanted in secret, you got praise and could have fun.
- Once wore nothing but saffron dyed clothing for a whole season: it was on a dare by a lady hoping to beggar a rival. Alas for the lady, she did not realize the Pippa’s mother, Roshan, actually owns several acres of saffron fields. Roshan felt supporting her daughter’s flex was worth eating into the profits for a season (but just one).
- named for her aunt, Philippa, her father’s sister who died age 4. In fact, Philippa was meant to be her full first name but her mother never liked it, and so changed it to just be Pippa after Judicael died. A small selection of people do still insist on calling her Philippa however, assuming Pippa to be a familiar nickname.
- (technically her first name is Mehr, but that acts as a sort of generation name for girls in her family, and thus goes unused.)
- No one actually calls her Pip, she just wasn’t going to tell of a Princess so went the most obvious option outside of telling her Pippa is technically a nickname
- semi related to above: astonishes her mother with how much of her personality is a vivid reflection of Judicael’s, despite Pippa being born posthumously to him. The only major difference really is Pippa is more scheming - and from a Corvali perspective, Pippa’s an outright Non-Schemer, so that tells you more about Judicael than it does Pippa.
- lowkey hates wearing shoes, avoids when possible (and thus, pays special attention to her toes haha)
Temperance of Arland
- secretly a fan of adventure novels, especially “gentleman explorer” types. Her supplier is the head chef’s son, who leaves them under a bush in the garden for her to borrow from his rather less restricted collection.
- hates chocolate – cannot stand it in any form
- found out at 12 she was almost named Claudia and sort of wishes that had happened – there’s like 13 “princess Temperance”es in the Arlish royal family history, only two Claudias.
- is a natural blonde, but does secretly lighten her hair. As she grew up, it darkened to near-brown blonde. Temperance lightens it in pseudo-secret, because she’s not supposed to be so vain, despite also having to always be pretty.
- pretty neutral towards Innocent, who is 18 years her junior (she’s 25, having been just this side of 17 for the last Summit)
- in Zinnia’s World State, she’s a Wellish lady, daughter of a Landgravine, and far happier for it (her parents are basically a love match that was also politically astute, so it being recreated in another timeline is not unlikely).
Yaen of Jiyel
- grew up in the far, far south of Jiyel, and has never quite gotten used to the northern seasons in the capital.
- lowkey wanted to run away and be a pirate from ages 5-8, looking back, she’s not sure why she outgrew that particular wish
- would eat lemons like oranges except it makes her teeth feel worryingly weird
- when we say “minor lady” we mean it - the family was only entitled in the last three generations - Loda’s father being the rare true blue meritocracy story, going from poor fisherman’s son to high ranking civil servant in his life. Her mother in comparison didn’t have a title at all - but her family were wealthy merchants, specializing in dyes and fabric. Her stepmother, however, is the daughter of a (3rd rank) Marquis, but with three elder brothers that means very little in the land of titles - even for her step mother’s biological sons.
- the nickname used by her father, mother and older sister, Lian, is bug. For obvious reasons, she did not share this with Ana. Her step-mother could use it - Yaen wouldn’t mind, but doesn’t feel comfortable doing so for the simple reason that she’s a naturally anxious woman.
- it’s an open family secret she’s not actually Loda’s biological daughter, but she doesn’t know who her “real” father is. She’s not exceptionally curious about it however - in part because she doesn’t want to hurt Loda in any way more.
Zinnia of Arland
- is the only MC in my roster outside Pippa to have read the Corval Satires, Constance sent her an annotated collection six months before the Summit. “For research”.
- didn’t see her father once between the age of 1 and 7, spending those 6 years on her mother’s private lands while her mother coalesced and avoided her husband. As such, had very atypically non-stodgy (but by no means improper) childhood than most Arlish princesses (Helah is 100% going to be blamed for Zinnia marrying an Arlish Earl oh the shame)
- frequently broke into Prosper’s nursery growing up, because he was her brother and she wanted him to have as much fun with his big sister as she remembered having with Constance as a child (results: fewer frogs caught, but similar levels of big sister adoration from the younger sibling)
- her rebel streak has always been semi-obvious, usually in her doggedly dressing to her own standards – which usually just meant picking colours not necessarily in season (greatly favours greens and browns, not least because the Princess Dowager, her great aunt Evalina was overheard saying she looked like bog-witch in those colours)
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angstmongertina · 6 years
Fictober 2k18: Day 8.2
And version 2 of the prompt for today, this time with the soft revolution boi himself!
I am, admittedly, taking a risk writing from Clarmont’s POV when we don’t know a lot of what is going on with him, but he’s a fun character to explore when it comes to how he feels about MC so I HAD TO. So, uh, just take everything I say and characterize about him with a grain of salt?
IDK about the ending but it’s 12:30 am and I need to sleep so you guys get the shitty ending anyway. :P
Prompt List | Masterpost
8. “I know you do.”
Lord Clarmont had learned early to be cautious, to pause and consider the consequences of his actions before making hasty decisions. It was what guided him through those dark years, when he had to put his family to rest and sit on his simmering rage, had to learn to bow and play nice when he wanted nothing more than to lash out and scream, and with the very same nobles who had turned on him. He perfected the art of plastering on a smile and sneaking away to meet with the ones who could slip under the radar, the dissatisfied servants and townsfolk.
His presence in Revaire’s delegation for the summit was planned and, indeed, orchestrated. His task was to infiltrate the summit, providing the backbone for Mrs. White and the other servants on Vail Isle. His duty was to his goal first and foremost, and anything else was secondary.
He knew that.
And yet…
From the moment he first met her, she had thrown everything off-kilter. Quiet, soft-spoken, and almost impossibly timid, at first, she hardly seemed the type to make so much as a ripple through his carefully laid plans. Yet, she had proven herself to him again and again, first through sheer ingenuity and then through pure goodness. And that shy, yet almost teasing smile…
Clarmont sighed, dragging his free hand down his face, careful not to disturb the woman in question as she dozed against him in the warm afternoon sun. He couldn’t afford the distraction, couldn’t allow himself any sort of weakness that someone could exploit. But even his knowledge did little to protect himself against the sweet warmth and tender kindness of one Princess Temperance.
Of course, for better or for worse, the Matchmaker had noticed, had given her consent, as did the princess herself. And try as he might, he had no quick plan, no brilliant idea with which to make his escape, or even any certainty that he particularly wanted to.
As if noticing his internal conflict, Temperance stirred, head shifting to rest against his shoulder, sending dark chestnut curls spilling across her face. His hand moved before he could even think to stop it, brushing them back with reverent fingers, and he sighed again, this time at his own weakness.
She was a liability to him and everything that he and others had worked so hard to achieve. To even consider anything was to put it all in jeopardy, including her own innocence, if she were to return to Revaire and face the vipers’ nest with him.
And yet, he could not picture anything else. For him, at least, it was already far too late.
He leaned down, pressing his lips against her hair. “I love you.”
She made a soft noise and he froze, wondering if it was his overactive imagination that heard a quiet “I know you do.” After several more seconds of silence, he finally relaxed, allowing himself to slip into a light slumber… just in time to miss the quiet “I love you too.”
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leahazel · 4 years
7KPP Fictober 2020
[Tiny fic fragments for the first twelve prompts since I'm so far behind the curve. The character is Marguerite Niarin of Corval, a court lady who's cunning, callous, and in love with Princess Gisette.]
1. Rise
Marguerite hates mornings, which makes keeping secrets harder than it would otherwise be. Not that it's ever easy to keep a secret in a castle packed with hundreds of servants, when one is rarely if ever truly alone. It would still be easier to keep gossiping tongues from wagging if Marguerite didn't have the wretched habit of falling asleep in Gisette's bed, and then being too sleepy to wake up early in the morning and slip back to her own room, undetected.
Gisette can't bring herself to mind too much. After the second time they get caught by a nosy maid, she solves the problem with a bribe and a promotion and even manages to get a new spy out of the whole ordeal.
2. Shade
It's high summer, and the city is sweltering. Outside the walls, along the banks of the river, the wind makes the heat is more bearable. Gisette likes to go riding along the river and insists on taking Marguerite along with her, even after seeing her dismal riding skills first-hand. Riding at night is out of the question, so they brave the summer heat together. When the sun becomes too intense, they seek out shelter under one of the trees by the riverbank.
Gisette wears a veil to protect her fair skin from the sun, which Marguerite can't help but tease her about, telling her she'll grow up to be just as vain as her mother. Secretly, she's just glad that Gisette knows how to take care of herself.
3. Weave
Gisette writes letters, and Marguerite lounges in the window seat and watches her at work, never asking to whom she writes or what plots she might be weaving. They attend the same parties and salons, where Gisette sweetly introduces Marguerite as her future sister-in-law. Later, in the carriage ride back to the palace, she'll spill all the sordid secrets that polite company won't tolerate to hear.
She knows that Marguerite has her own webs to weave, and knows that she shouldn't ask what they are, or how she accomplishes them. Marguerite never writes letters. She dictates all of her correspondence. There can't be very much secret in it if she's willing to repeat it aloud to servants, Gisette tells herself over and over again.
4. Gold
She shuddered when Marguerite told her about her mother's red-and-gold wedding dress. She never would have thought of Gisette as a superstitious person, but apparently being wed in widow's weeds is one line too far to cross. Reluctantly, Marguerite abandons her grand fantasies of fashion.
The mercer sees her downcast face and pulls out a bolt of cloth from the bottom of his cart. For the lady from Corval, he says. Special price.
Her eyes light up at the sight of it, the gold-on-gold embroidery and the opal shimmer of shot silk. It looks like the sort of cloth the Empress of Corval would ban her ladies-in-waiting from wearing for being too gaudy and attention-seeking. She can't possibly leave it on the shelf, and she doesn't even care about the price.
5. Worn
When the first letter from her mother arrives, the envelope shows obvious signs of creasing. She presents it to Gisette without comment, waits to see her reaction. Her fine, arched brows draw together as she examines the paper and the handwriting, turning it over and over in her hands. She doesn't ask about the creasing, but she does look puzzled.
She offers to read it aloud, and Marguerite accepts, citing an imaginary headache. Resting her head in Gisette's lap, she listens to the rise and fall of her voice and thinks about how much better this is than letting her maids read her letters to her. She doesn't think about whose hands the written words passed through, after leaving her mother and before reaching her. There's no point in that, not when there's nothing she can do to change it.
6. Transient
Gifts of flowers, she'd always thought, are rather silly. Her mother adores them and fills every room she can get to with enough fresh flowers to make the air inside heavy and sweet. Servants are constantly occupied with secreting away the wilted bouquets and replacing them with fresh ones, and all before the Queen can see and lose her temper.
Once or twice, she thought about mentioning that maybe the floral perfume isn't quite the thing for the headaches her mother often complains of. Today is one such day, as she watches a maid laden with dozens of violets, and the room takes on a cloying atmosphere, like sitting inside an incense censer. Gisette bites her tongue and turns her eyes back to her book. She can tell Marguerite about it, later.
Like the flowers soon to wilt, the Queen's good mood won't last very long. No need to cut it down prematurely.
7. Exalt
The wedding and the coronation will take place on the same day, and Marguerite is as tense is nerves as she is alight with anticipation. Gisette can't blame her. She's waited her whole life for a chance at a crown, and here one is finally within her grasp, and at such a low price to herself. Once she'd wedded, she'll be Crown Princess, fourth in precedence, ahead even of Gisette herself.
The loss of precedence doesn't bother her, any more than the idea of her brother being heir over her. She does her best work quietly, from the shadows, after all. Not like Marguerite, who needs the glitter and light of the throne. They're still in this together and she knows the wedding won't change anything between them, not when it's the two of them, alone together. She's not jealous. She's not jealous.
8. Reticence
On the days leading up to the wedding, Gisette is increasingly quiet. Not the watchful quiet that Marguerite most associates with her, but a still, sulky silence that bothers her. She can't pretend she doesn't know why, although they don't talk about it openly, even in those rare hours during which they have complete privacy. She can't pretend she's looking forward to her wedding night, either, but she doesn't mind the thought as much as she thought she would.
Then again, it's not like she can say that to Gisette.
9. Renown
The nobles gossip that the Crown Prince has married the most beautiful woman in the world, and Marguerite preens, like a girl who has been told all her life that she'll never be anything but a great beauty. Gisette recognizes the signs. She's seen them in her mother, and part of her wishes she could have brought her grandfather to reckoning for it. Her father is a lost cause.
She wondered who said it to Marguerite. Her father is long-dead, and she's read enough of her mother's letters to know that Lady Solange has nothing in common with the Queen of Revaire in the mothering department. The Empress of Corval, perhaps, she thinks. A spiteful former lover, looking to wound. Perhaps the Arlish princess she mentioned befriending. Arland is not exactly known for valuing women for their intelligence.
10. Surrender
Marguerite feels soft and small when she rests her head in Gisette's lap, eyes closed, and listens to her read. It's a familiar ritual that started with letters and eventually drifted to include selections from Gisette's private library. It helps that Gisette finds history as tedious as Marguerite herself does. Her favorite books describe complex military strategies or the grisly exploits of notorious pirate captains.
It's an odd backdrop for this moment of vulnerability, but they are neither of them ordinary women.
11. Hidden
It's during one such moment of vulnerability that Marguerite finally reveals her secret. She describes begging her mother to read her stories, long after she was too old for it. Recounts the tutors who threw their hands up and quit, despaired of teaching her even the most rudimentary of scholarship. She talks about training her maids to take her letters, and how she conceals hidden meanings between the lines, without ever touching the paper herself, and or the hours she spent perfecting her signature, painstakingly drawing it out over and over, until she could do it with her eyes closed.
One by one, the pieces click into place, and Gisette realizes that Marguerite doesn't know how to read.
12. Temperate
In public, Marguerite is a model of temperance, never drinking anything stronger than watered wine. Spilled wine spills secrets, she says. The King scoffs, but the Queen praises her habits persistently. Her headaches became less severe, she insists, when she reduced her wine-drinking.
Marguerite exchanges a meaningful look with Gisette, and turns subtly to look at her husband, to see if the message is sinking in. It's a long, tiresome road to make any real change in her behavior, but marriage is a long commitment, as the Empress so often lectured her on, in the days leading up to the Summit. With time, good habits will rub off on him, and neither the Crown Prince nor the Queen need to know what she does in private.
Gisette does, of course. There's very little that Gisette doesn't know about her, anymore.
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quilleth · 2 years
Hello, and happy new year! It's your secret post-santa for the 7KPP exchange, and I have some questions. Namely, what was Elizabeth's home like growing up - the type of house, the geography and environment around it? What about her extended family - grand parents, cousins, aunts and uncles, really close family friends, etc? (If you want to answer the same for other characters, go right ahead)
Happy new year secret not really santa! I hope this is the kind of information you were thinking of!  Let me know if not!! Elisabeth’s home is a smaller sort of estate, that i imagine her father inherited from his parents. It’s a more rural area nearer to the Arland border than to the coasts or capital of Jiyel, so I imagine it’s a fairly temperate climate.  It’s probably only a few acres and most of that is taken up with agricultural pursuits, since her father and his family have a title due to research in improving agriculture.  There’s also a very sizeable amount of gardens around the house where Elisabeth’s mother grows plants for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. Elisabeth is therefore, a big plant nerd genetically xD  There’s a pond or small lake nearby, where she and her siblings would’ve learned to swim in summers.
Elisabeth grew up closer to her paternal side of the family, both in terms of location and also just family bond.  Her mom’s family is a higher station than her dad’s, and her maternal grandparents Did Not Approve. So they don’t see them very often, and then Elisabeth doesn’t really behave like a “proper young lady” in a lot of aspects (and looks more like her father than mother), so they frown on that as well.  They are close to her aunt on that side, who is Jiya’s mother, so Elisabeth and Jiya grew up as friendly cousins.  Her paternal grandparents are very warm and fond of al of their children, in laws, and grandchildren so it balances out. I admit I haven’t figured out how many other aunts and uncles or cousins she has on either side of her family 😥
Close family friends: Servants or other people employed by the family Elisabeth tended to view as family friends more than employees, so she’d consider their housekeeper, Mary, and her son Lennox (the infamous stable hand who had an ill advised crush in their teen years xD) are people Elisabeth would consider family friends. There’s probably a few other people in the village or old classmates of her parents too, but I haven’t thought all that out xD
I *definitely* haven’t figured any of this out for other characters at all so I can only really answer for Elisabeth and Noah, since the answer is more or less the same for both of them lol
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OC Kiss Week Contenders
In the past, I have made some Character Logs for which character is going to partake in the previous OC Kiss Weeks so I’ll do another one here. I’ll probably overflow this post with way too many OCs but oh well, I like distributing variety. I won’t use my still developing Inquisitor Lavellan or my SWTOR/KOTOR/SW or WoW characters just yet. I still need more time with them. So send me a request for any of my OCs with yours and if there is a certain day or theme you want for our two characters, let me know so I can begin writing. Or you can snatch any of these OCs up for one of your own OCs, I don’t mind. These babies are up for grabs. And crossovers are certainly welcomed! 
And if anyone is interesting in my old Van Helsing OCs (Egil, Rolf, Gabriele, Thanatos, and Morfran), just let me know. I didn’t included them in here because not many people know or care about them and I needed to get this postout before ockiss17 commences. 
7kpp/Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem
Lady Ethel of Hise (F) [Heterosexual]: Ethel is a free spirit who loves adventure, exploring new places, and of course, collecting flowers, herbs, and other plants. She’ll probably make you flower crown and other flowery ornaments for a fun. Right before boarding a ship just to feel the wind against her face and smell the heady brine of the ocean.
Lady Zarina of Jiyel (F) [Asexual/Pansexual]: Zarina is rather subdued, preferring to consult her books than with people but make no mistake, she is not distant. If anyone needs her aid, be they noble or common, Zarina will see what she can do and offer them a shoulder to cry on.Also, she thirsts to read anything she can her hands on and this can only be matched by her desire to travel abroad and see the world from her own eyes than from the pages of a tome. Logic means the world to her and she likes using her brains to get out any sticky situation.
Lady Yvonne of Corval (F) [Heterosexual]: Yvonne loves to play the “game” and thrives in court. She masks her true emotions and thoughts but does allow herself to dream of a romance or be in a relationship where she can trust her inner musings and opinions to her spouse without her foes knowing. She’s quite persuasive, insightful, charming, and likable, and can pry any secret from your lips with the right words, smile, or gesture. It’s better to have her as your friend than your foe, for she’s pretty clever and perceptive in figuring out people’s strengths and weaknesses. 
Lady Anne (Boleyn) of Revaire (F) [Heterosexual]: Duty to her family has been ingrained into her, resulting in a marriage at a young age to an older man, which later left her a widow. She believes she has done her duty and this time, if she were to remarry, it will be for love or on her terms only. She’s bit of a romantic and has trouble containing her emotions--she is known for her temper. However, she loves learning new ideas, considers her education important, and is a well rounded and cultured young lady.  
Lady Jazlyn of Hise (F) [Pansexual]: Takes no prisoners and makes sure she is chummy with the wealthy or powerful people. Jazlyn doesn’t care for too many people, she is overly protective of her father, loathes her mother, and loves manipulating people to suit her needs. She has no qualms in killing someone to achieve her ends so she really doesn’t have a moral compass. However, make no mistake, she is compassionate towards those the few people she loves, like her father, and Gisette, her secret lover. She also is rather fond of Penelope because her innocence is regaling.
Lady Sakura of Jiyel (F) [Heterosexual]: Lover of medicine and poisons, Sakura is quite an interesting minor noble lady. Because of her low status, she has gotten away with learning some fighting techniques, battle strategy/warfare, and other less than ladylike skills. One reason for this is they have an avaricious neighbor who covets their land and since she is her parents’ only child, she is prepared for the worst and for leadership position in case they both perish. She is very temperamental (serious, you do not want to piss her off), can pack a good punch, and fights to protect those weaker or in need of help. Yet when she falls in love, she falls hard and if her heart is broken, it’s tough for her recover.
Countess Odette of Wellin (F) [Lesbian] She’s brash, tomboyish, quick to argue and speak, and has no trouble causing mischief or minor injuries to young nobles who want her hand in marriage--and the title of count. Odette loves to battle and use physical force to get herself out of trouble. She hates flowery speeches (makes her head hurt) and is bit of an alcoholic. But Odette is fiercely protective of her people and would do almost anything to make sure their safe and laws of her land are upheld. Besides that, she can bit quite immoral towards others depending on the circumstances. Whatever she does, she does for her or for her people, no matter what.  
Princess Leandra of Arland (F) [Demisexual Bisexual]: Sheltered, shy, and uncertain, Leandra has trouble coping with the burdens her family has placed upon her. She feels second best towards her sister and matters of the heart and the idea of rebellion are foreign to her. She is considerate and bends over backwards to help someone to the point of self-sacrificing. Yet Leandra yearns for freedom, to actually do things she enjoys or speak her mind, if only a little. Change scares her but also entices her greatly.  
Lady Morrigan of Revaire (F) [Heterosexual]: Married at a young age, Morrigan grew up fast and learned some more tricks at court and became skilled at persuasion and manipulation very early on. She can make you eat out of the palm of her hand and ask for more, if she felt like it. Morrigan gives off a very dominatrix vibe yet can adjust to certain people and interact with them differently. She’s chameleon and only a very few people know the real her. While she enjoys reading in-between the lines, she finds honesty and bluntness (even it’s rather rude or offensive) rather refreshing because too many don’t say what they mean or use false words to pretend they like someone they actually despise.  
Dragon Age
Una Surana (F) [Heterosexual]: With her magic, sword, and shield, Una packs quite a punch for being so petite and frail-looking (thanks to her albinism). She loves learning and often strives to be practical and decide vital matters from the head, instead by the heart but sometimes, it’s simply not possible for her so she combines both and still tries to be objective about the decision. Una has a fearsome fighting spirit that is relentless, fueled by her will to save her country, give mages more power and freedom, butcher as many darkspawn she can, and make Fereldan a better nation. Una also is fascinated with the Orzammar and wants to get involved more with dwarves.  
Lydia Tabris (F) [Bisexual]: Is comfortable with her sexuality so she can flirt like no one’s business but it’s more of part of her greeting style and how she interacts with them. It’s quite useful getting information or playing a certain distraction role. She use to be ireful and hateful towards all humans but has learned there are some decent humans in the world as well as shitty elves. But she can hold a grudge forever and may be will not kill someone for revenge but instead, cause the offender to feel guilty enough to pay the debt or do a favor or two for her. Yet her voice is like honey and knows how to make you feel right at home if she wants to.  
Boris Brosca (M) [Pansexual]: He may be short but oh boy oh boy, is he angry. Everyone is amazed how much loathing and rage is pent up inside of him. But whenever Boris remembers how to chill, he thinks about his sister--he’s fiercely devoted to her and wants only the best for her. When Boris isn’t furious at the world, he is surprisingly a good listener and picks up what people like and don’t like, allowing him to be an excellent gift giver or good shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent. And once someone earns his respect and trust, he’ll be loyal to them till the very end. 
Maude Aeducan (F) [Heterosexual]: Proud like her ancestors, Maude bows to no one, especially since she’s Queen of Orzammar. After losing Gorrim and her place in her family, Maude put a wall around her heart and refused to reveal any ounce of vulnerability, all the while honing her political cunning and plotting vengeance as she tried to determine her role with the Grey Wardens in hopes of starting anew with a better life, if possible. Eventually, once she learned to trust again, Maude becomes fiercely protective of those she cares about and will defend their honor or attack any miscreant that dares to insult or threaten them (she tends to forget sometimes her royal heritage is not known). Maude isn’t petty but she doesn’t forget a slight. She may forgive but never forget. 
Reva Cousland (F)[Heterosexual]: A compassionate, thoughtful, and adventurous woman, Reva can easily empathize with others and learn how to help them survive and overcome the pain they’re experiencing. She is a bit flirty and will pursue what she desires but as cliche as it sounds, has a heart of gold and is willing to assist others in need. She believes the strong should protect the weak, not belittle or take advantage of them. Reva doesn’t mind giving out second chances--mainly to those she fathoms have earned or deserved it for there are few people in Thedas she can never forgive or even want to offer a second chance to. She’s also the type of noble who would prefer to have people adore or love her, not fear her. 
Sardar Mahariel (M) [Heterosexual]: At first glance, it seems Sardar rarely cares about anything or taking responsibility because he’s quick with a jape or pun (seriously, the man will not stop telling puns) and rarely answers seriously. And yet, his main reason for doing this is distract himself all the shit in the world and from his past life, his homesickness for his clan, and other horrible entities from dragging him down and forcing him to succumb to the pressure and crack from it. Humor is both his coping and defense mechanism but Sardar also enjoys sharing his humor with others to get them to smile and laugh, even for a little bit.  
Xena Hawke (F) [Pansexual]: Between her sister being seized and forced into the Chantry, her brother dying, her mother dying, and Fenris leaving her for a point in time, Xena has serious abandonment issues. She drowns her pain in ale and whores while distracting herself by killing anyone who gets in her way. She can be brutal when dealing matters but can crack a dirty joke or two. Full of passion, she burns and falls in love hard so if she crashes and her breaks, it devastates her. But if the situation needs diplomacy (or at least no violence actions), Xena will do her utmost to try and reason with the opposing parties at hand.  
Aegnus Hawke (M) [Bisexual]: Typical Red Hawke. Constantly wrathful and fuels his rage into his fighting style and is more of a hit now, ask questions later kind of fellow. He is quick to judge and dole out punishment. You don’t want to get on his bad side for he’s a fuse and you don’t want to be nearby when he explodes. He loved his family so much that when each of them died or was forced from his arms (he almost killed a Templar when Bethany was taken away), his ire and bitterness increased. He’s into free love and takes pleasure when he can get it but finds bloodlust more gratifying than sex (unless he’s with Isabela).
Brynhild Hawke (F) [Heterosexual]: A true Purple Hawke. Brynhild hides her pain with jokes, impish grins, sarcasm (lots of sarcasm), and wit. It’s hard to tell whether or not she takes anything seriously with her laughing all her worries away. Her sarcasm can become dark and biting, lashing at those who pry into her affairs too much or severely hurt her and try to come back for more. She also takes pride in being a mage and isn’t shy to use magic or flaunt. She is curious about blood magic but knows it’s a dangerous tool that can corrupt a mage almost instantly so she only reads accounts of blood magic, for the sake of magic and fascination.
Kai Cadash (M) [Gay]: Lazy, oh so extremely lazy and doesn’t like making decisions--takes up too much time, thinking, and anything else he’d rather be doing. Kai loves sleeping in (despises mornings with an extreme passion), making forts, goofying around, and singing songs, especially good ole dwarven ballads, straight from Orzammar! Even though he was a smuggler in the Carta, Kai didn’t care much for violence and tried finding a way to eventually get out of the group he disliked so much. Hence, he tries to be more diplomatic (when it’s not too much of a bother) but his methods can be quite unconventional.
Morana Adaar (F) [Bisexual]: If you try to put her in chains or lock her up, she will butcher you with her bare hands, no magic required. If though she never experienced life as a mage under the Qun, Morana still values her freedom and independence and will battle bloody to defend that and the same right for others, regardless of their race or standing. She’s amusing, insightful, practical, is there to support her friends, advisers, or any member of the Inquisition, and is never one to shy away from her affections. However, she is also the type to electrocute you with a grim smile on her face, wiping you from existence. She doesn’t get mad, she gets even--in ways you won’t expect from someone like her.
Mass Effect
Ivy Shepard (F) [Heterosexual]: A true Paragon, through and through. She has a motherly nature and always looking out for her crew. If there is time to relax, she’ll take advantage the chance and make every second count. However, just because Ivy seeks for diplomatic situations or doesn’t shoot her way through her problems doesn’t mean she isn’t a force to reckon with. She delivers the most terrifying glower and can silence anyone with a simple, intimidating stare. And then turn around and give a genuine smile and pat on the back to her friends for a job well done.  
Ivanhoe “Ivan” Shepard (M) [Heterosexual]: Very pro-human, ruthless, a full-on Renegade, and will happily use his Specter status to advance his cause and has no qualms in working with Ceberus in the beginning (understood and believed in parts of their causes but never liked working for the Illusive Man) and eventually rebelled against everything Cerberus stood for. He might be very pro human and let the Council die when he saw a chance for a full human council members but he just thinks Cerberus crossed the line with many of their experiments and shadowy dealings. Additionally, Ivanhoe will punch anyone who makes fun of his name (better just call him “Ivan”), he’s a loose canon, full of vigor, and ready to stomp out those who threaten him, his crew, and ship.
Izzy Shepard (F) [Heterosexual]: Swears like a sailor and drinks like one, Izzy is a bomshell, relishing in the thrill of combat and cleaning her opponents’ clock with bullets or nice sock in the jaw. Domination is her middle name and some of her foes have the habit of running away when they hear she’s near because if she’s feeling benevolent enough to take prisoners, her questioning methods are not a piece of cake. Relentless and determined, Izzy does what she can to get the job done but despite her reputation, she won’t go on a killing spree or endanger lives for the sake of a mission. In fact, her past heroic acts have helped her trying to stop and plan her actions for the long-term and deal with making practical, sound decisions for the good of all--even if she’d rather punch the person and be done with it, reasonable be damned. Compared to Ivanhoe and Ivy, Izzy is the most flirtatious one and can be bit of tease.  
Kyle Shepard (M)[Heterosexual/Asexual/Bi-curious]: Despite his protests or denials, this man is a bloody saint. Kindness radiates from him and he can make anyone feel safe under his care due to his warm, understanding eyes and gentle voice. Kyle is a tranquil man but will be one of the first to defend his friends and family if danger approaches. He’s also a bit self-deprecating, loves a good joke or pun, and is there to help someone out in need. Kyle also loves learning about other races’ culture and is a big fan of quarian music.   
Courier Natia Yilmaz (F)[Heterosexual but could lean towards Bisexual or Pansexaul]: Former New Vegas singer turned courier, Natia is a pragmatic, charismatic woman who decided to dedicate her life to assist and save others, especially the less unfortunate. She is a generous, compassionate soul who loves to learn and doesn’t shun or turn anyone away, regardless of they’re human, ghoul, robot, etc. If you need someone to trust with a secret or going through some rough patches and need someone to confide to, Natia is your gal. Additionally, she’s amazing singer who still senses the call and lure of music and can’t resist singing a tune every now and then. 
Sole Survivor Min-Ju Zhou (F)[Undecided]: Min-Ju (“Min” to those close to her and only her late husband was allowed to call her “Min-Min”) is temperamental, a bit of a hothead, and can hold a fire of rage or hatred burning inside her for days, weeks, or months even, depending on what caused her to be so wrathful in the first place. She is the type to shoot first, and maybe ask questions later. It’s hard to calm her down once she’s furious or feeling moody but chocolate or beer are good bribes, if you have some on hand. Dogs and cats are probably one of the very few creatures that are safe from Min whenever she goes on a rampage to find her son or take revenge on those who kidnapped him from her.   
RPs (Goetterdaemmerung, ME: A Creature Without Fear)
Delyth Toirrell nee Crewe (F) [Heterosexual]:  A woman who has both seen and done much, Delyth was once a wife, and mother of nine children. Despite losing all that in a single night, she still has a motherly air about her, even though she tries to suppress and erase all emotions. She is serene, collected, perceptive but if one looks deep and hard enough, they’ll realize an aura of forlornness surrounds her, accompanied by icy fury and an iron will and appetite to protect her country and right the wrongs against her family.
Judith Jokinen (F) [Pansexual]: A smuggler and woman of many desires, Judith is the type who, once she sets her mind on something (or someone), she’ll go after it, no matter what. She isn’t afraid of obtaining what she wants; the hunt of this love game thrills her. She pursues passion to its fullest and loves experimenting—especially in sex. Her nature is bold, blunt, and flirtatious, and she reeks of confidence, so much so that it’s daunting and intimidating to others. However, she has a nasty sadistic steak in her, an imprint left on her turbulent childhood and the beginning stages of her adult life.
Savitr Noaldis (M) [Bisexual]: Witty, flirtatious, and utterly shameless, Savitr makes his attraction to others known and isn’t shy to show off his sexuality or skin, despite being a drell. While being a successful businessman and lover, he also is a free-lanced hacker whose skills are practically legendary—a talent he honed ever since he was in the foster system. Yet coldness and cruelty become one within him if anyone where to ever harm someone close to him (usually it’s just Judith) or betray his trust.
Bryn Whelan (F) [Heterosexual but might shift towards Bisexual or Pansexual]: Bryn has had a rough childhood and adult life, with one of her more positive moments of being in the Alliance Black Ops. But she lost her mother and older brother to the Repears when she was two and then twenty years later, when she was on vacation and visiting her family, slavers came to her home planet. Her father was shot down in front of her eyes and soon after, Bryn ended up witnessing her sister’s suicide during their first day being under the slavers’ captivity. This experience only harden her already hard heart and darkened her mind, immediately setting her on a course for vengeance and ready to shun additional attachments that might distract her from her goal. But despite that attempt, Bryn does secretly long for companionship and friendships, for she experienced very little of that when she was a child and only has some Black-Ops members as true friends. In addition, when Bryn is angry, her rage is like water, smooth, furtive, but completely crushing. If you go against her, be ready to avoid any deadly sniper assailments. 
Dagnes Radraste (M) [Straight/Asexual]: Full name: Dagnes Ilkar Talholaan Idres Michorex Radraste. Radraste is a very professional, strict, and cordial salarian and never much of a rule-breaker; he practically lives by the rules set by the establishment. If there not supposed to be rules (like in the case for the Spectres) and it’s for a good reason, then he obeys that lack of rules as well. . By nature, he is also quite nosy but is furtive about it. He loves delving into other people’s secrets and gaining any information that will be useful to him and his employers. Also not a fan of violence and will look for ways to settle a matter peacefully and diplomatically. 
Farion Vandrium (M) [Heterosexual]: Cocky and forthright, Farion is your typical alpha male. When he knows he’s the strongest or cleverest in the room, he’ll make everyone else knows it and respects him. He’s a daring character, unable to resist a challenge (backing down from one isn’t an option) until he wins. Many of his kind would call Farion a “bad turian” because of his rebellious nature and disregard for discipline and the rules. He hates succumbing to authority and does what he can to mock it; he has no wish to be under someone’s rule for long. His wild personality leaves him to be a difficult person to control and tame, very few can constrain him and predict his volatile moods. Yet Farion almost enjoys being the black sheep in his family because he does what he wants and what pleases him. Authority can kiss his ass.
Aqil’Osher vas Cerberus (M) [Gay]: A courteous and amicable quarian, Aqil never forgets his manners, whether he is with a stranger and or a dear friend, being polite is simply in his nature. He is easy to get along with and as a gentle, fair, and balanced nature, for he refuses to let negative emotions cloud his actions or decrease his manners or behaviors. He is a fan of traditional and enjoys looking back in time to study and learn from the past. To him, one can always understand a thing or two from tradition and past ideas and technology, even if they are considered, dead, obsolete, or no longer relevant for the future. Family and loyalty are two important values to him, ones he will fiercely and unyieldingly protect, no matter what. 
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awaylaughing · 4 years
I have two sheltered princesses and rather than just say they don’t coexist, i HAD to plot out how they interconnected so rambling Princess Relations and a touch on my VERY unfounded HCs for the Arlish royalty lol
Their joint proginator is King Roland of Arland, who is Temperance’s maternal great-great grandfather (on her mother’s side), and paternal great-great-great grandfather on her father’s side. For Zinnia, he’s her paternal great grandfather.
Zinnia’s father is Wesles, who inherited the throne at the ripe old age of 3 years old (or: 2 and change), and several assassinations were attempted in his life. In Zinnia!Canon he survived, was wed to Helah and the rest is history.
In Temperance!Canon the death of Wesles left a very nasty vaccum - everyone is related either via their mothers, or 3rd or or 4th sons. Torren, descended from King Roland’s youngest son, has the strongest claim however his parents’ marriage isn’t acknowledged by the Crown...which is currently not in the state to acknowledge anything. So he marries a daughter of the prefered line, gets a clergyman to belatedly un-bastardize him and takes the crown.
So in Temperance!Canon, Zinnia is completely butterflied away.
In Zinnia!Canon, Temperance’s parents likely still marry - but she’s the Wellish daughter of a Landgravine and an Arlish royal bastard, rather than a princess. What this means for T!Constance I don’t know.
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angstmongertina · 6 years
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Also, in case my previous posts crying over Duke Lyon haven’t made it abundantly clear, @voidnoodles got me into playing Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem about a week ago, and it’s so good! The plot is very intriguing, the characters are so varied, THE LIs CAME FOR MY FUCKING LIFE, and there’s great replayability value to it!
Featured here are my Jiyel scholar, Lady Camellia, and my Arland girl, Princess Temperance.
Camellia and Duke Lyon are adorably nerdy together and also best friends with Noodles’ Wellin Countess Peti and @seckritlab‘s Hise Lady Rosa (both of whom were instrumental in making sure she had the courage to ask him out by helping push her off the cliff LOL).
Meanwhile, Temperance is quite taken with Lord Clarmont and also nearly inseparable from Noodles’ Revaire Lady Adelaide after a bit of a rough start. Because the idea of the Revaire Widow and the Sheltered Princess supporting each other to shed their duties and live for themselves is SO GOOD.
Long story short, I love this game and I can’t wait for the full release! :D
(Dollmakers are found here and here respectively.)
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awaylaughing · 7 years
7KPP MC Directory
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From left to right - Aurora of Revaire, Michaela of Wellin, Noa of Hise, Pippa of Corval, Yaen of Jiyel, Zinnia of Arland
Profiles for them all below
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faejilly · 3 years
This was supposed to be for Day 12 of 7kpp fictober (yes, over two months ago) but it’s so short, and I kept wanting a little something more... only I think this is all there is, just the Dowager Countess from Arland in her chair, contemplating the Summit that’s about to begin. There’s just something really interesting for me in wondering what the NPCs think about each other beyond what they think of the PC. (Or how frustrating it must be, to be from Arland and smart enough to see everything the Royal Family is doing wrong, and not being able to do anything about it. I think my Sheltered Princess feels overflowed onto poor Yvette, too. *laughs*)
Yvette hates to admit it, even just to herself, but there’s not much to be said for the Arland Delegation this year. Too haughty, too self-important, too entrenched in their expectations, too unlikely to listen, or even take off their blinders to observe properly, and without that...
Katyia’s vision will never be realized, not with this lot of arrogant twits, and this, this is the year they need it, she’s seen too many signs of that to be able to pretend otherwise.
History always repeats itself, and she knows exactly what she’s looking at, exactly what’s coming.
The young Earl’s the best of the lot, bright enough to light up a room, both because of his smile and because he’s smarter than most people realize, but he wears his heart on his sleeve and then lets said sleeve dangle in his soup, and he’s a wretched politician.
She rather secretly adores him and the way he makes sure to talk with her instead of at her, but she’s not sure that gentle hands and a gentler heart will serve him well here.
She’s quite sure they won’t, in fact, but she doesn’t want to admit that, even to herself, doesn’t want to wish for such a bright young man to learn to be hard, even if... even if that’s what they need.
Maybe she’s wrong about him, maybe he’s got a spine of steel behind those soft eyes, maybe he’ll rise to the occasion, maybe...
Maybe someone else here will surprise her this year.
She can’t remember the last time someone surprised her.
She supposes it’s possible, supposes she can wish for...
That's a dangerous thought. Wishing for surprises, as if such a thing isn’t just as likely to be horrifying as helpful.
She knows better than that.
She can’t seem to stop it though, a bright fluttering of hope in her chest, hiding behind the small smile and polite nod she offers to those delegates who think to greet the chaperones before the Welcome Feast.
Maybe she’ll get a chance to witness something better than she expects, just this once, rather than worse.
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angstmongertina · 5 years
A Non-comprehensive List of OCs for Kiss Week 2019
Hit me up if you have any interest in any of them! I don’t have enough ideas for OC Kiss Week as of now, though I might be slow to post them because I’m out of town for most of next week.
Estelle (Shan, technically for my A New Dawn AU but w/e): Jedi Knight with a pretty lax definition of what it means to follow the Jedi Code. Strives in general to be a morally upright Jedi but is definitely happy to kick back and relax on the weekends and/or go out for drinks and a party. Looks serious but has a silly sense of humor.
Lynei Halori: Jedi Consular with a heart of gold. Sweet and pretty quiet, will be happy to just curl up and spend time with you. Keeps in touch with her brother after he reaches out to her because they were pretty close as kids before she was taken. As such, has a pretty “no attachments are silly” approach to the Jedi and just wants to do some good in the galaxy.
Callione Sidelli: Your typical flirty smuggler. Will smooch/hang out with/sleep with anyone for a good time. Typically assumes it’s gonna be no strings attached but if you open up to her, she tends to fall fast and hard, but recovers quickly as well.
Zel’essiss: Chiss Imperial Agent who is kind of done with the entire galaxy’s shit after that whole debacle. Rather withdrawn and will probably need a fair amount of time before opening up to you. A bit prickly and tends to shut down before letting anyone in.
Thallia Zeh: Sith Inquisitor with everything that means, including fascination with lightning and utter nerdness. Open and surprisingly cheerful for a Sith, snark for days, and good luck trying to get her to truly open up to you. It’ll look like she’s telling you all about herself but nope.
Jessarya: Twi’lek Sith Inquisitor who is actually quite serious, for a change. She doesn’t talk about her past. Don’t ask. Rather prone to stalking away and outbursts of rage when her buttons are pushed a little too much.
Ael’ethann Ran: Togruta Jedi Consular with an iffy attachment to the Force. He strives to be a model Jedi, but falls for people easily and, much to his slight embarrassment, wears his heart on his sleeve. The worst poker face you will ever meet. Can be convinced into doing something ridiculous without too much effort, especially since he can’t hold his liquor for shit.
Reynae: A Sith pureblood JK who was sent to the Order because her parents thought she’d never survive the Sith trials. As such, very bitter towards the Jedi and what they stand for, but also has a very tumultuous connection to the Sith. Happy to flaunt the Jedi Code and the Republic at large, but due to her past, is much more “for herself” than “for the Empire.”
AU versions of any of my other OCs are totally open, but please let me know if you’re interested in any of them! :)
X’ondarya Mitnu: Arcanist catgirl and general nerd. Spends most of her free time reading and deep in aetheric research. Quiet unless you get her talking about her work or any other subjects she’s super passionate about. Has just had her heart broken but shhhhh.
Eos Bell: Pretty peppy and with a major sweet tooth. Always happy among nature and helping others. Basically a Disney princess when it comes to animals. Hyun conjurer of some skill.
Lady Camellia of Jiyel: A quiet, studious lady who enjoys learning knowledge and spending time with her books or playing onvu. Very soft spoken and rather dutiful, since her family is relying on her to maintain their status in Jiyel
Princess Temperance of Arland: A romantic, idealistic princess who has always felt that there is something beyond her family’s goals for her. Sees the best in everyone, and does her best to try and keep the peace and do the right thing.
Lady Myna of Hise: Grew up on the seas, but has always had a knack for manipulation and a love of secrets. Can probably talk her way out of anything. Very determined and knows exactly what she wants and how to get it.
Lady Hawthorne of Jiyel: (in no way related to Lia): Sarcastic, quick-witted, and incredibly sharp in both personality and tone. Will take no shit and call you out on yours. Has probably made multiple people cry in the past and may or may not have a tally. Loves verbally sparring and showing her strengths under the guise of polite mannerisms.
Interested in other fandoms I’ve mentioned before? Just send me an ask or something and I can give you a rundown of some of my other characters, to prevent this post from getting too long.
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leahazel · 7 years
7KPP Week - Day 3 - Dreams - Felicity of Arland
She would not have thought to mention it, unless particularly asked. She hadn’t thought it a question, she supposed, hadn’t entertained any other possibility. 
As a Princess of Arland, Felicity knew that having children was imperative, was part of her obligation to the Crown and to her future husband. Why entertain any other possibility, when it was clearly out of the question. 
For her fourth birthday, her Great-aunt Eugenia gave her a beautiful doll, with a face and hands made of gleaming white Jiyel porcelain. Felicity dressed her in a white lacy gown, and every night she put her to sleep in a little bassinet that sat beside her bed in the nursery. Her nurses cooed over her when she played with the doll, and Felicity preened at their attention. Even her mother smiled to look at them, though her sister Constance was markedly less amused. 
When she was seven, her mother disappeared. No one explained to her where she went, except Constance, and no one would speak of it plainly. It was indecorous, she learned, to refer explicitly to a woman’s state of exclusion. Felicity wanted to ask why it was a thing to be so ashamed of, if it was every woman’s duty to her husband and to God, but she knew that would only get her a stern talk from her governess. 
The baby was finally born, and a great parade was thrown in his honor, even before he had been named. One day that will be you, whispered a voice in her head, as she watched her mother and the baby being ferried along a broad lane in a carriage decked with flowers and ribbons. In the hail of curtsying and deportment, and never-ending demands, here was one way to be more than good enough. 
She thought of it sometimes, during idle moments, on those last couple of weeks at the Summit. While she still had some time to imagine, before contracts and negotiations could demand what was left of her attention. She imagined what sort of children she might have with Zarad, what they would look like, what they would act like. Not that she had much time for idle fancies, and when she did, her daydreams were usually otherwise occupied. But she knew the subject would come up, sooner or later. 
“We’ll have time to think of that, later,” said Zarad when she first brought the subject up, having tired of waiting for him to speak first. 
“Do you really not want to talk about it?” asked Felicity. 
He shook his head. “I didn’t say I didn’t want to,” he replied, “but I’d rather have you to myself for a while longer.” 
Felicity was content with this answer, for a while. She didn’t speak of it further, not with him, not with Constance, certainly not in her letters home. She was careful not to ask her sister, though she’d often wondered, why in seven years of marriage she had never had a child. Perhaps she’d had a child and lost it, as their mother had, more than once. Her nurses had tried to hide the fact from Felicity, and were probably still under the impression that they’d succeeded. 
There were so many things that could go wrong, for a woman trying to bring a child into the world. She wasn’t afraid, not exactly. Still, a part of her selfishly wished that Constance would have gone through it first, could prepare her, could allay her fears. It was an unworthy thought, but one that still visited Felicity, now and then. Even when they’d finally decided that it was time, it still recurred to her. 
With a sudden intensity, Felicity wished she still had access to the Vail Isle libraries. Surely they would have a book on the subject, maybe more than one. A written source, one that would prevent her the embarrassment of finding someone to ask in person, to reveal her ignorance to. But there was nothing to it, and she could only try and be brave about it. She sent her maid to the Imperial apothecary, and waited. 
And waited. 
It was not as though she lacked for distractions. Felicity had been popular with the ladies of the Inner Court, almost from the moment she stepped foot off the ship that brought her to Corval. Social engagements dominated her days, and her empty hours were easily filled: with Constance, walking in the gardens, with Sina, who brashly demanded to be entertained, with her husband. 
With her husband, who never pressured or asked, never required answers where she could give none, never made her feel guilty or embarrassed. Never asked anything, even when it had been months with no sign of change. Her maids were watchful of her moods and of what she ate, and one morning one of them took pity on her and said, these things take time. 
A year passed. The ladies of the court would mention, apropos of nothing, some friend or distant relation who had waited for so-and-so time before finally being blessed with a child. Sina would stare at her with big eyes when she thought Felicity wasn’t looking, and when caught out at she would act twice as rambunctious as usual, dragging her along by the hand to someplace where neither of them was really supposed to be. Even Constance tried to reassure her, with the soft pressure of her hand on Felicity’s arm, and a softly murmured everything will be fine. 
Finally she snapped and ordered her maids brusquely to fetch the Imperial physician. 
“Your Highness,” the physician greeted her with obsequious formality. 
“Stop that,” she said sharply. “You’re not here to prance, you’re here to answer my questions.” 
“Yes, Your Highness,” he said. 
“All my questions,” said Felicity pointedly. “Honestly.” 
“Very well, Your Highness,” he said. 
“Do you understand?” she asked. “Tell me the truth, not whatever it is that you think I want to hear.” 
He did so, though he must have known she wouldn’t like it. She didn’t like it, truly, one bit. She almost regretted asking, not because the answers were terrible, but because they were so abominably vague. No, he did not know for certain how long it would take. Yes, it was rather longer than usual for a lady of her age and health. They would not know, truly know, until she finally conceived. There was nothing more he could do for her. 
Felicity dismissed the physician distractedly, her ill temper draining away almost as fast as it had come. She sat at her writing desk and looked at an unfinished letter to her mother that she had left off weeks ago. She got up and walked to the window, which was open and let in a sweet-smelling breeze. Constance would be coming soon. They had engaged to spend the morning together. She didn’t know what she could possibly tell her sister, but then she knew for certain there wasn’t anyone else she could better talk to, to sort out her feelings on the matter. 
Better to give up, she thought, looking out through the gauzy curtains. Better to expect nothing, hope for nothing, and leave alive the possibility of being pleasantly surprised. That was how she’d gotten through the years after Constance had left Arland, and before she herself was sent away. Expect nothing, and just maybe you’ll never be disappointed. But it was a sour taste to surrender a dream she hadn’t even known she’d been harboring. 
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leahazel · 7 years
Hello~ For your meme~~ Prepare yourself, I'm dropping a bunch of asks: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12. Feel free to do some or all. Thank you for putting the meme together! It's been so fun to see people gush about their characters~
Wo-o-ow, this is gonna take a while to answer, hah. 
1. Siblings - Arland - Constance.
A thing about Constance: it’s not that Felicity isn’t pretty, because she is. But Constance has that silken locks, baby blue eyes thing going on that makes her look a little like a collector porcelain doll. Felicity, as I mentioned, was fourteen when they parted, and so she has a much exaggerated view of the differences in their appearance stuck in her head. Probably if she had blue eyes and straight hair she would complain bitterly that curly hair is sophisticated and gray eyes are mysterious, but that’s just Felicity dramatizing herself as usual. 
Another thing about Constance: in Marguerite’s continuity, the two of them had a very torrid affair. Much to Constance’s misfortune, since though Marguerite was fond of her, she’s otherwise perfectly ruthless and unfeeling in her ambition. 
3. Siblings - Jiyel - free for all.
Periwinkle has one younger sister, sixteen to her eighteen. Magnolia is far more self-possessed than you might expect a girl like her to be. Very sociable, excellent at picking up subtext and subtle clues, tuned in to important gossip lines… everything Peri is not. If only she’d been eighteen, or even seventeen, they could have sent her to Vail Isle instead of her sister. She’d have done a much more creditable job of it, no doubt, although it would have moved her a category up from “too smart for her own good” to “a creditable threat”. It’s not likely Jiyel would agree to accept the sibling of a former delegate to the examinations, especially considering Peri’s circumstances. Magnolia will just have to sow havoc, break hearts, and take no prisoners on her home turf, so to speak. 
My second scholar doesn’t even have a set name of her own, yet, but she does have a few bratty younger half-brothers. They don’t get on (much, or well). 
5. Siblings - other - A/U.
Jack (TC) and Bel (pirate) both have sibling A/Us. The former, when Leopold bites the metaphorical bullet and remarries, and her step-mother acts as regent while her younger half-siblings are growing up. The Count of Holt wouldn’t marry just anyone, though, so in this scenario the step-mom is far from wicked, and content to let Jack run wild and be single and pretty damn gay, more or less indefinitely. 
Bel’s story is complicated in a different way, because it involves Kendra Blackthorn, and pregnancy is the sort of thing that would put even her out of commission as a captain, for a longer time than she’s pleased with. There’s a reason she and Gabriel only had one kid, and even that had to do with him missing her when she was away, and needing to have someone close by. Supposing, though, that Kendra agreed (some years later, and partly because of her daughter begging for a baby brother or sister) to have one, possibly even two more children. But this would have changed the trajectory of her later career a lot, not just because of all the raids she wouldn’t have gone on. There’s also the kids and their education, and the deals she would have made with other captains to get each of them a position. And with more than one kid around, Christabel might have decided not even to go into piracy at all. So you see, there’s a ripple effect. 
7. Parents - Corval - mother.
Marguerite’s mother is named Solange. She’s… rather older than people expect, judging from her daughter’s age. She married late and only had one child, a good few years into her marriage. Her position with the (previous) Empress effectively estranged her from her siblings and the rest of her family, but they have a number of very successful shipping enterprises and a great deal of land, and she grew up very wealthy. She wanted to be closer to the heart of things, though. Her parents, her father especially, were as close as Corval nobles can come to being politically uninvolved. The greater family line has a remarkably high life expectancy for this very reason (also, good genes). 
They didn’t intend to push her away, but being so close to the Empress and tending to her caprice and her tempers is… pretty much a full-time job, plus overtime. Solange was always charming, though, and she excelled at the popular court game of appearing to be all sweetness and light, while hiding a dagger in one hand and a passive-aggressive jab in the other. The Empress adored her, and would have married her into the Imperial line, if she could have figured out a way to do it. Instead Solange remained more-or-less happily single, and at her beck and call. Until she selected a minor noble from the Revaire ambassador’s service to marry her off to, ostensibly to create stronger international ties. 
Solange knows her duty, and Marguerite has always been her consolation. Not sure how she’s gonna feel about her daughter attempting to marry into the new Revaire royalty. Ambition, she can understand, for sure. But she sent her daughter away because she wanted her to go someplace safer, not to the one royal court in all the lands that’s actually worse than the pit of vipers she calls home. 
11. Parents - Jiyel.
Periwinkle and Magnolia’s mother does not come from a noble line. She was a scholar at the royal university. Her mother was a scribe, and worked fifteen hours a day taking letters at the marketplace before she got a fixed position working at the university’s post office. Her mother made ink for a living. So, classic social climbers, and no one has better cause than them to believe in the mythical Jiyel meritocracy. Fern reared her daughters on the belief that if they worked hard and applied themselves, they would be rewarded for it. Their father is still waiting on his name, but most of what’s important about him has to do with his wife and his daughters. His family is noble, sure, but not large or old or influential enough to cause a proper scandal when he essentially married the secretary’s daughter. He adores Fern, in his own weird and understated way. He loves his studies and his garden, and he’s incredibly proud of both his daughters. 
12. Parents - Revaire.
I write a great deal about Oswald and Flora in the opening part of Allegra’s story, which I’ve been working on lately. The long and short of it is, Flora was not only a beautiful girl and a great flirt, but also an exceptionally vibrant personality. Oswald met her when he was away from home, and his mother wasn’t around to curb him, so he fell hard and fast and they were quickly engaged. The early years of their marriage were quite a whirlwind, and even Allegra has a few good memories from then, before the other kids were born. Oswald is very clever, but impulsive and totally unrealistic. Flora is vain and capricious. The relationship between her and Allegra was often strained, firstly because of their violently opposed natures, and second because Allegra takes strongly after Katherine, Oswald’s mother. Who detested Flora from day one. Their mother-daughter relationship is pretty much a lost cause, by now. But the kids either raised themselves or were raised by Allegra, and Allegra herself benefited from the patronage of both her grandmother and her Aunt Geraldine (the nun). 
On her good days, though, Flora can be soft and warm and kind. Deep down in her gooey center there is a very small seed of the only positive legacy Allegra got from her mother. That, and the curly hair. Chases all have straight dark hair, and dark eyes. Allegra has the Chase nose and chin, which is rather awkward on a lady. The most obvious family resemblance, other than her father, is with Ursa (fourth sister) and Nicky (fifth overall, first son). She doesn’t look a thing like Katherine, though, because Katherine didn’t come from an old blood Revaire family. 
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