pixelpeanut · 2 years
Second Post Today! Take this art meme!
It's coming...
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akrav-den · 7 years
Do the lizardfoke like to sunbathe? Or do they like the cool of their den better?
That depends mostly on the person, though some are more likely to enjoy it than others. For example, Jack is not a fan of the sun and he’ll sit sulking in the shade if you drag him outside without a reason, while Stu enjoys sweltering heat and would enjoy relaxing with a drink in the sunshine. 
In general the lizardfolk don’t mind the heat, they are built to handle it. Though most of them get very tired around high noon and (like most living creatures in the Wasteland) will hang out in the shade for the few hours the sun is at its most relentless. 
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chalkeater · 2 years
High suz, y u stel eg
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kristalpepsi · 2 years
Can u ask suz 2 giv me eg cross
4 eastr???
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tf2humbug · 7 years
I just was wondering of your opinion on which of the guys you'd think would hang out with each other recreationally I know Demo and Soldier as well as Medic and Heavy would but what about the others?
I’ve explored this a wee bit in some older posts but never thought about overall dynamics. Hmm, lemme see…
I think Pyro’s always down to clown with pretty much anyone, and most of the mercs are happy to oblige when they’re not otherwise busy. Except for Spy. Call it self-preservation instinct, but he’s always uneasy around Pyro. Scout and Demo are also both pretty outgoing and fun-loving, so they’re usually in the mix. If the three of them band together, they’re a force to be reckoned with. They’ve DEFINITELY gone out to a rock club at some point and completely trashed the place.
I’ve made it pretty clear that I like the idea of the dynamic between Demo and Medic. I mean, yeah, Medic’s experimented on him more than average, but that’s just part of the job. Demo doesn’t nurse a grudge about it, at least. Demo likes to get out of the base more and do things just for fun, which he drags Medic along for when he can tear him away from whatever project he’s absorbed in. Medic almost always ends up having a good time, but he’s the oldest of the mercs and doesn’t bounce back the next day with natural ease. You know they’ve been up to something when you find Medic recuperating in his lab with some Medi Gun therapy when there hasn’t been any field work in a while.
All of the mercs have been known to drink at one time or another, but there’s a core group of drinking buddies: Soldier, Demo, and Engie. Plenty of nights, they’ll go out to a favorite watering hole or just drink at home and shoot the shit, plays cards, etc. Scout likes to invite himself along when he finds out they have plans, and Medic will join in less often. (He’s a sucker for good beer, which can be hard to come by in Teufort.) Sniper and Spy aren’t much for social drinking, but they’ll buddy up on occasion. Pyro will, too, if they can get one of those fruity drinks with the umbrella and crazy straw. (The straw part is important.) Heavy enjoys a little drinking buddy time, too, but doesn’t usually go hard on the alcohol aspect, since it would take a small army’s entire ration of it to get him well and truly drunk. As long as he can get a pleasant buzz and enjoy time with friends, he’s happy. He refuses to drink with Scout, though, since that kid always challenges him to those ridiculous drinking contests.
I can see Sniper and Spy having low-key hangout sessions in Spy’s smoking room with just the two of them. They’re both loners by nature, but sometimes it can be nice to be alone together. Imported cigarettes, good booze, a bit of light chit-chat, but mostly just a quiet evening. It’s an unspoken arrangement, which neither of them have mentioned to anyone else. Why would they? It’s no one’s business.
Of course, there’s also the awkward parental dynamic between Spy and Scout. It’s frustrating because they’re totally at-odds in some ways—Spy’s European elegance and subtlety vs. Scout’s loudmouthed cock-of-the-walk attitude—but also so similar—stubborn and petty, relying on a macho sense of self to shield a fragile ego. They really are trying to get along lately. It doesn’t always go… great.
I think that those mercs who can play musical instruments—Medic, Demo, Sniper, Engie, not sure about the others—enjoy jamming together sometimes. We’ve seen Demo and Sniper play together before, piano and saxophone respectively, in “Expiration Date,” which couldn’t have been the first time they did that. In addition to his classical violin technique, I bet Medic has taught himself to fiddle, so I could see him and Engie on guitar teaming up to play some fun stuff to blow off steam. You KNOW these guys have had square dances before, in different flavors; sometimes Western, Scottish, Russian, etc.
And then there are movie nights, when all bets are off. You can usually find most, if not all, of the mercs gathered together when they get their hands on a copy of a decent film. If they want to go into town and see something at a theater, it’s trickier. If they all go together, it’s usually to the last showing that day of whatever it is they want to see so they can basically have the theater to themselves. Everyone’s always up for a good sci-fi/horror, western, or action flick. If not that, they break up into smaller groups based on the sorts of stuff they like. Spy, Sniper, Medic, and Heavy enjoy thrillers, a la Hitchcock and Frankenheimer. Heavy in particular loves a grand epic film. (Think Ben-Hur, Lawrence of Arabia, and Bridge on the River Kwai.) He can’t always find someone to go with him, but he’s fine with that. Scout has a weakness for movies he calls “sissy stuff"—musicals, comedies, and Disney—and used to go see them as his shameful secret, but Demo and Pyro caught on and like to go with him now. They only tease him a little bit.
Wow, okay, I went on way, way too long, but it was fun! DOES THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
I forgor about batdr and I will again
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
I completely forgot about Undertale September...
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
An askblog, huh? Sure. But I'm going to give it a PLOT. That's right big shots!
Welcome to... Puggo Pals!
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Anon Magic™️ is allowed, but limited.
No NSFW asks!
The Comic isn't on this account, it's on a new account called @PuggoComic !
See you there!
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
I-I-I have no idea what to do ne-ne-next. Reply what I could do with this account while temmie01 works on something BIG. The tags I have are what I'm willing t-t-to do.
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pixelpeanut · 1 year
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pixelpeanut · 1 year
The fitness gram pacer test is a multistage capacity test
Huh? Welp. My first ask wasn't a groundbreaking one, but an ask is an ask.
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
Listen. I Miiiigght have been... irrelevant here. HOWEVER. Me and a few freinds have a few projects coming soon. In the meantime, here's a picture of my oc Hallow!
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pixelpeanut · 2 years
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50 posts!
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