#teddy rag dolly
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who are your favorite characters in any piece of media? if you answered anyone besides baby or teddy, you’re wrong. (/j)
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stpaulofsuburbia · 5 months
Raggedy Andy and the Christmas Time Challenge
Happy Holidays, @strawberryxfieldz ! I hope you enjoy you Andy-stuffed treat! Sorry if it's a tad late...
Synopsis: It's time for Marcella's toys to plan for their Christmas meal! But when Andy wants to take control, time literally stands in his way.
Fandom: Raggedy Ann/Rag Dolly 
Character: Raggedy Andy, Raggedy Ann, Teddy, Camel, Baby, Marcella mention, Poppa mention, General D mention
Dynamics: Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Andy and Teddy, Raggedy Andy and Camel
Rating: General
“It’s time to plan for Christmas dinner, everyone!” Raggedy Ann proclaimed, a ruler in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other. 
Marcella’s five toys all clapped and hollered at the idea, even Andy, who usually hated planning. It brought out everything he didn’t like about the other toys. Teddy was overattentive and used long words, The Camel with the Wrinkled Knees moped if no one liked his ideas, and Baby would come up with a silly fashion stuffed dance like in the movies (and also moped if no one liked her ideas.) Besides, he was always “spur of the moment”, a firecracker, a whizz kid, and anything else that sounded amazing. He wasn’t for dinner planning, even if presents came after.
“First order of business,” Ann said as she pulled in the kid sized chalkboard, “is who’s gonna plan it. I did the Fourth of July, Teddy did Columbus Day, and Baby did Thanksgiving. This time it will be Andy!”
“Pass,” Andy said, closed his eyes and leaned back. “Toss it over to Teddy. He loves overthinking.”
Teddy grimaced at the remark. “While it’s true I do like to ‘overthink’ on projects, I propose it’s fair to pass it on to Camel, since he hasn’t had the chance to plan a holiday dinner yet.”
Camel’s droopy eyes grew wide. “Me?! Oh thank you so much, friend!” He reached his floppy legs across the table to shake Teddy’s hand. Andy, sitting between them, could see why the wrinkled knees were in the name. Andy folded his arms and closed his eyes with a huff. All he had to do for the next hour was half-listen for the chance to make some wise jokes and jabs.
“First off, we need a brilliant, delicious, green bean casserole!”
Andy’s eyes popped back open.
“Green bean?!” he yelled at the humpbacked horsey. “GREEN BEANS?!?”
“Andy, hush!” Ann demanded, pointing her ruler in his face. Andy pulled it from her hand and pointed it back at her. 
“No, YOU listen! I hate these boring planning sessions for holidays I could spend doing a million other things than cooking, cleaning, or singing, and now…GREEN BEANS?!!?”
“Well, you chose not to plan this dinner, so that’s on you.”
“Well,” Andy said, “I change my mind. I SHOULD plan Christmas dinner. I’m a million times more qualified.”
Ann sat down in her chair. “Okay, then. How are you more qualified?”
“I–” Andy started before realizing he didn’t know. He thought back to all the little lessons Marcella’s old man would always give her to see if there was anything. Then he remembered her at his sewing table showing how to tell time.
“I can tell time!”
Andy gave the surest smile imaginable with a squishy (but tough!) pair of crossed arms to boot. 
The other dolls weren’t convinced. Teddy raised a questioning eyebrow and pulled out a polished, gold painted watch. They opened it and showed the inside to Andy.
“Can you tell me the time on this watch?”
Andy leaned in and squinted. There was a circle of small dashes with squiggles placed around it. What did any of that have to do with time?
“Take your time,” Teddy said with a wink. “I’ll give you thirty seconds.”
Andy could’ve given up, but he didn’t want to look stupid in front of everyone. And he certainly didn’t want green beans.
“Oooooone…” he strained. He looked back at the others. Baby’s head was coked to the side, Camel was biting his teeth, Ann already covered her mouth to hold back a huge laugh, and Teddy stared like General D’s less dreary child.
“Forty-five seconds,” the bear said.
Andy looked over the face for clues. He spotted a line with a tiny diagonal on the top and a little line on the bottom. That must be a “one”.
Then, he remembered something the old man told Marcella.
“This one is also a five.”
The one is a five? How is that possible? Still, a clue was a clue! Andy scanned the clock’s face for some other hint. He looked at the big and little lines coming from the center. Maybe they pointed at numbers? 
“Poppa, do the big hand point at the hours?” Marcella asked her dad in that same conversation.
“No, chick, that’s the little hand’s job!”
“That’s dumb,” Marcella told him.
Andy agreed. But wait…the little line was pointing at the one! He was halfway right! Now the minutes. The big line was pointing at a triangle with a long line, three spots down from the one. Was it four minutes?
“You have fifteen seconds, Andy,” Teddy said, his glass eyes and everyone else’s eyes on him.
The four…four…five…the one is five. Five minutes?
“Yes, chick! The one is five minutes, the two is ten, and on and on.”
Two is ten, Three is fifteen, and four is…
“Twenty!! The time is one twentyyyy!!!”
Andy turned to Teddy so fast, it was a surprise his stitches didn’t rip. Teddy gave the small mouthed look they gave when Poppa was around. They looked down at the watch, then back at Andy.
“That’s correct!”
“YES!!!” Andy yelled as he jumped off the table and ran across the room, his legs propelling him over the bed and table and around the chalkboard. He jumped with the sounds of fireworks. “Boom! Boom!” Baby clapped with her porcelain arms and Camel with his felt covered hooves. Andy landed on top of the table and bowed.
“Now, back to business! The appetizer will be a giant, chocolate–”
“BWAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Ann laughed with an almost stitch ripping smile.
“What’s so funny, sis?” Andy asked with his hands on his hips.
Ann wiped a tear from her eye. 
“It’s just…wait, one second…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” she laughed again, falling over.
“What is it, huh?”
“Spit it out!!!”
Ann went right back to laughing. Andy wouldn’t believe it.
“Gimme that!” he yelled at the nervously smiling bear and yanked the watch back from them. He put the watch by his ear. No ticking. He looked at the face again. The lines and numbers were right there, but the hands weren’t moving. 
“Why did you make me read the wrong time?” Andy demanded.
“Well,” Teddy started, then shrugged, “I didn’t ask for the current time. I wanted to see if you could.”
Ann stopped laughing.
“So…he won?”
“Yeah…I WON!!!”
Once he finished his second celebration, Andy spent the night giving lists of chocolate coated desserts and crunchy salted snacks. However, he couldn’t help but notice Camel seemed a little sadder than usual. Maybe the wrinkled old livestock really did want to plan this dinner. 
Daylight peeped through the windows and Poppa could be heard making coffee. He’d be in any minute.
“Close it up, Andy. Poppa’s gonna come soon,” Camel said surprisingly sadder than usual.
Andy looked over from the chalkboard and noticed Camel looking down with a huge frown. Maybe the wrinkled old livestock really did want to plan this dinner. He looked back at his sweets covered board.
He wrote down one last dish.
“How’s this dish?”
The toys gasped. Camel slowly looked up, then smiled as he read “Two pounds of green bean casserole.”
“But I’m not eating a single bean,” Andy stated, just so he didn’t look too soft.
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undergroundbillions · 4 months
SOOOOO I already know Teddy is the replacement for Panda but what's the difference between Teddy and Panda? (In their goals I mean lol)
Like what's Teddy's main goal in the revival, is it more knowledge, a quest for of trying to become brave, even sticking up for himself? It's a genuine question I'd like to ask if u dont want to answer that's completely fine I understand!!!
Panda doesn't have goals, they were not written as a three-dimensional character.
Also, before we start, this is mostly opinion! I know I am one of the people working on the script, but there are times when my opinions aren't any more canon than other interpretations. If you got a different conclusion from our portrayal of Teddy, then that's just as valid!
Teddy's main goal is to feel appreciated and respected!
That's why they read so much and want to learn everything they can, she feels like people don't understand her or listen to her. But that people would respect her more if she just had smarter things to say! Usually though, those quotes are just more confusing for people, so it doesn't help.
So he's there to see the world, and gain that real-world experience they think they're missing. But the goal isn't really to become smarter themselves, though she does enjoy learning new things always, it's to feel like their knowledge and skills are helpful and find the real-world application of her studies. I don't think she's ever had any issues not being brave, any less than the average person at least, she's just never known what the right place and time is for what response. Turns out, a clever saying isn't always going to make someone feel better, and scary nightmare villains don't listen to reason, no matter what greek philosopher you're quoting.
So he just needs to figure out a little where their skills matter most, and the others could pay more attention and put a little more effort into understanding what they're trying to say.
(Teddy uses he/she/they pronouns. Any and all are correct, personally I like to mix my use of each)
-𝕸𝖔𝖉 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕯.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 1 year
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rag dolly twitter, part 5
teddy pfp by @raggedyannrevivaleffort
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | firefins edition
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meowydoe · 5 months
Workin on fleshing out the circus AU..
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dangerouscloudrebel · 5 months
Andy: "You don't know how good I'm feeling after you told me to write a letter of what I feel about them, and let it burn."
Teddy: "Yeah that's good to hear! So how it was the feeling when you burn the letter?"
Andy: "The Letter?"
Teddy: "yeah The letter, that you burn it."
Andy: "No you said to me to 'write a letter about how you feel about them and Burn'"
Teddy: "burn what you wrote!"
Andy: "...The letter?"
Teddy: "The Letter!!!"
Andy 'pulls out a letter': "This one?"
Teddy: "...."
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everythingisround · 1 year
I feel obligated to post this atrocity i brought into existence last night
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(original teddy doll sewn by @number44newseries864962)
I am so, so sorry
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littlewalken · 1 year
Nov 27
My doll anxiety and I have agreed if funky pops of The Cure are presented to me I'll get one, possibly two so I can make X-Cure too, because it's Cure. Otherwise I need to make myself make little Close To Me video rag dolls of them. And remember I still have the Harry Potter Yule I was thinking of modding in to Teddy. Of which Harry has a Barbie sized neck hole and might need a taller body, Teddy is average height, but not as buff as the MtM Kens.
It's nice to have wild doll thoughts. I haven't been able to have them for awhile. Like with the arting, I need to feel at ease enough to be able to do it.
So yay, I'm progressing on generally feeling better!
And that horse is still preggers.
Back when we were all watching that giraffe I was recording Cure concerts.
A moment for all of us who were doing Robert's four hour birthday bash in live time only to have it glitch at almost the end so you had to restart it.
I wouldn't mind sewing Cure dollies. I'd use those pure cotton hankies and color them with Inktense or watercolor pencils. I have several 1/6 scale soft doll patterns to chose from and making a simple 2 part rag doll is easy.
But I should finish the last few seams on my squares quilt first then cut the boarder strips so I can have that ready to go when my hands need to stim.
And no, I haven't forgotten I still need to do the finishing touches on my Spideys and Venoms. Even with the depression getting a bit better I still have real life that's going to keep me from having non interrupted project time. But I'll get to everything as I can.
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tempportal · 2 years
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- When Five finds Dolores in the apocalypse, half-buried in the rubble with her hair torn off and her legs snapped in sharp pieces, her one hand reaching up out of the ruins, he assumes it’s just one more corpse in a sea of seven billion, and he almost walks right on past her until he gets a closer look at her painted face, those artificial blue eyes staring right at him. And he tries to leave her there, in the burned-out remnants of the department store - it’s just a big, unwieldy hunk of hollow plastic, it’s just another piece of junk, broken and black with the smoke and ash and dust, and the added weight will only serve to slow him down - but in the end, he picks her up and he puts her in his wagon anyway. It’s not a sensible decision. It’s not a logical decision. He knows he shouldn’t do it. But he can’t talk himself out of it. Because he knows how it feels to be all alone in a burning world, with your home in ruins and your family lying dead around you -- she’s just like him. The last of their respective kinds. The only ones left. The sole survivors. So they’d better stick together, right?
- While Five does develop a strong attachment to Dolores fairly quickly, he finds her early on in the apocalypse, and he’s still mentally sound, so he continues to view her primarily as an object for a good while, and the relationship resembles a young child with a favorite teddy bear. Which is to say, he can recognize and understand that she is not a real person with real thoughts or emotions, but it’s fun to think about what she would be like if she was, and it comforts him to pretend that he’s not completely alone. He doesn’t actually initiate conversations with her for the first three to four months, aside from the occasional moments when he forgets himself and shushes her when he hears a strange noise / asks her if she’s okay when she gets bumped or jostled or knocked over. It’s a very slow and gradual shift from Object to Person in Five’s mind.
- Dolores has lived her entire life in a busy, crowded department store, so she’s accustomed to near-constant noise and activity, and the complete silence of the apocalypse is hard on her. She often pesters Five to talk to her or sing for her so it doesn’t feel as quiet, and though he sighs and grumbles about it, he usually obliges her.
- Five takes markedly better care of Dolores than himself, to the point that he gives her the nicest clothes he can find and patches her outfits meticulously every time he notices a tear, he’s careful to cover her nose and mouth with a rag to protect her from breathing in the smoke, he won’t rest until he’s scrounged up a pair of goggles for her to screen her eyes from the falling ash, and he takes great pains to ensure that she always has the warmest hats in the winter, as her hairless scalp will get colder much quicker than his own.
- Even before their relationship takes a turn for the romantic, Five tends to be extremely tactile with Dolores, eagerly latching onto any excuse to touch her. It’s easier in the winter, when he can cuddle up beside her or take her in his arms and tell himself it’s just to stave off the biting cold, and not the constant gnawing isolation of the apocalypse all around him.
- No one can cold-shoulder like Dolores, and that’s her typical approach when she and Five get into fights or spats. It’s the one thing that will always get Five to break and say he’s sorry.
- Five’s go-to nicknames for Dolores, in lieu of her actual name, are “doll” and “dolly”, as a not-so-subtle play on words, whereas Dolores favors the classic “love” or “dear”. He’d die before he’d ever admit it to anyone, but he positively melts when she calls him a pet name.
- Though Dolores certainly has her softer / sweeter / gentler side, she can definitely hold her own against Five, even in the early years of the apocalypse. She’s self-confident and assertive, she’s not afraid to call him out on his shit, she’s always the first to say I told you so when he fucks up, and she’s blunt to the point of brutal honesty - she never tells him what he wants to hear. It’s one of his favorite things about her - he knows she’ll always give it to him straight, even if it stings.
- The constant struggle for day-to-day survival in the apocalypse doesn’t leave much room for leisure, but in scarce stolen moments here and there, Five and Dolores love to curl up beside each other and read a book together. Five likes to complain about lack of realism and grammatical errors, Dolores likes to complain about slow pace and too much dialogue. They’re a match made in Crotchety Heaven.
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iicewitch · 4 years
☕ real boy
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a playlist for @stevenrcgers​ link to playlist: here tracklist and favorite lyrics below
1. blood, sweat and tears - bts   Peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet Chocolate cheeks and chocolate wings But your wings are wings of the devil In front of your sweet is bitter bitter 2. brainchild - everything everything A good thing Now you think about it, don't you make it real? The bad thing, maybe it's a feeling I don't want to feel But love is all you need to know But love is all you need to know
3. dumb dumb - red velvet
Like a mannequin Everything is so awkward I should just act like I do normally But whenever I see you, I act so stupid Like my little brother’s robot Everything is so awkward What do I do? I think I’m broken I forgot even how to breathe 4. the zombie song - stephanie mabey And I'd try not to bite and infect you because I'd respect you too much And that's why I'd wait until we got married Oh, and our happiest days would be spent Picking off all your friends and they'd see A love this deep won't stay buried
5. real boy -  lola blanc Every time we touch your hands are colder, colder There's no beating coming from your wooden chest Frozen grin, a mannequin When I get closer I can see the strings there underneath your vest 6. who do you want to be ? - oingo boingo Who do you want to be today? Who do you want to be? I think I'll be a teddy boy, I think I'll be a hunk I think I'll be a tough guy and I think I'll be a punk I might just be a fashion star all dressed in frilly rags Or perhaps, I'll cross the other side and walk around in drag! 7. under my skin - jukebox the ghost I can fit two people under my skin Yeah, I can fit two people under my skin And I will prove it if you will listen You crawled up in there, you joined me within I can feel your heart beating under my skin And the beating of your heart is making me bleed from within 8. mr. capgras encounters a secondhand vanity: tulpamancer's prosopagnosia - will wood and the tapeworms Damn, I thought you’re not your imposter. You’re so sure you’re not gonna get caught! Dead in your own skin, but you didn’t choose what you were born in! And another man in your repertoire, ready in your head and fed upon your memoirs Still the same rules apply from the birthday to the mourning What you feel and what you do; are those things really you? And if not, then what is?  9. breaking out - the protomen If you can hear my voice outside these walls (If you can hear me) If you can hear me sending out this message tonight Then break the silence, send a signal back (If you can hear me) I'm coming, all I need is a little guiding light...
10. roaring 20s - panic at the disco Maybe I'm overjoyed, maybe I'm paranoid Designer me up in straight jackets My tell-tale heart's a hammer in my chest Cut me a silk-tied tourniquet This is my roaring, roaring 20's 11. evelyn evelyn - evelyn evelyn We grew up closer than most Closer than anything, closer than anything Shared our bed and wore the same clothes Talked about everything, spoke about so many things 12. looking glass - the birthday massacre A boyish notion of false emotion These words are spoken despite my love A fool's devotion was set in motion My eyes are open now
13. play dead - the birthday massacre Thinking hurts and thoughts don't rhyme To those of us who've never tried To find a face behind our lipstick smiles And as our pretty faces die Our broken hearts will wonder why The makeup just won't hide the scars of time 14. lets fall in love - mother mother There's a game in the world A little bit of cat and mouse With the boys and the girls And if I had to ante up I'd bet on the birds 'Cause they don't have to walk around With the boys and the girls 15. o my heart - mother mother And I pour my heart a new foundation But it don't set hard it just stays shaking And I scratch my name I scratch my name in But it don't set hard it gets mixed back in Oh my heart, it's a fish out of water  16. body - mother mother Take my teeth, tear through my cheeks And take the nose go and dispose Oh would you go dispose, just go dispose 'Cause I've grown tired of this body A cumbersome and heavy body 
17. touch up - mother mother I am a makeover queen A swan out of duckling Ugly duckling you're drowning In makeup (in makeup) My makeup (my makeup) Has washed off 18. roman holiday - nicki minaj Take your medication, Roman Take a short vacation, Roman, you'll be okay You need to know your station, Roman Some alterations on your clothes and your brain
19. replicant - they might be giants You've got his eyes Same exact smile All that he has All this will be yours  20. happy days - GHOST Oh, it’s painful My heart is quite a mouthful I’ll tear it out for you I’ll be the sacrifice for you Y’know, things could go exactly how you want it I’d be exactly how you want me Use what’s left of my soiled personality I’m all yours, I’ll do anything 21. girls on film - duran duran 'Cause the crowd all love pulling dolly by the hair By the hair And she wonders how she ever got here As she goes under again Girls on film (two minutes later) Girls on film Girls on film (got your picture) Girls on film  22. nobody - mitski And I know no one will save me I'm just asking for a kiss Give me one good movie kiss And I'll be alright Nobody, nobody, nobody 
23. TT - twice I feel like crying, I don’t feel like myself This isn’t like me at all I love you so much Think I’m all grown up now I’m free to make my own choices, but why Why can’t I have it my way The more I try to push you away The more I’m drawn and attracted to you baby 24. in every dream home a heartache - roxy music Your skin is like vinyl The perfect companion You float my new pool De luxe and delightful Inflatable doll My role is to serve you Disposable darling Can't throw you away now 25. the moss - cosmo sheldrake But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon? Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom 26. green - todrick hall Green! Is a way of life And the millions would kill to see their name up in the lights For the green is okay tonight But be careful what you wish Because you might get what you like 27. guy.exe - superfruit Oh I, wish I could synthesize a picture perfect guy Oh I, oh I Six feet tall and super strong, we'd always get along Alright, alright Oh, he'd pick me up at eight and not a minute late Cause I don't like to wait, no Kind and ain't afraid to cry or treat his momma right 28. the dismemberment song - blue da kid  Well once upon a time that's where the clock begins And right after the end Well, that's right where the plot thins And I've got no angel to keep me in line! So I'm taking your narrative and I'm making it mine! 29. me!me!me! - teddyloid I’ve worked hard for myself - What have you done for yourself? When you notice the scattered pieces of the mirror You’ll realize I wanted you to notice Is this still going on? Is this still happening? Even though I’d been waiting for you Even though I loved you 30. alone together - fall out boy My heart is like a stallion, they love it more when it's broken Do you wanna feel beautiful, do you wanna, yeah I'm outside the door, invite me in So we can go back and play pretend 31. get busy living or get busy dying - fall out boy This has been said so many times that I'm not sure if it matters But we never stood a chance And I'm not sure if it matters If you are the shores, I am the waves begging for big moons I'm mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town  32. hi it’s me - ashnikko When I'm with you I have amnesia, I'm weaker than before My stupid brain thinks that I need you, I'm eager to hurt more My best friend thinks that I'm a dumbass My dumbass should be a little more cautious I slip up, I text you, I forget That you were so so disrespectful 33. i’m poppy - poppy Welcome to the new world, I'm your internet girl Open up and you'll see, everyone is happy I like your technology, can you put it on me? The future is so pretty, we're living in harmony 34. idola no circus - neru Come, let’s dance all night in our naked bodies We know, we know your true nature Again putting on a fake face, You’re just like a pierrot ! It’s time to put a mask, a mask On your unsociable faced 35. shine - casey lee williams But baby, it's time to make up your mind I think that tonight is when our stars align Honey, it's time to leave the doubt behind Take my hand 'cause you and I are gonna shine 36. one thing - casey lee williams I was nowhere, I had no one, I felt nothing Lost without a voice and on my own Then a candle's flame brought a brand new name But now you've stolen everything And I'm all alone 37. sweetest cure - hugo What the hell am I s'posed to be Choose a world over me Sitting pretty in my mess On the phone I can't confess Word's out somehow You're the sweetest cure I never got to tell you 38. bang bang bang bang - sohodolls Teacher says that I've been naughty I must learn to concentrate But the girls they pull my hair And with the boys I can't relate Daddy says I'm good for nothing Mama says that it's from him Manic sister thinks I'm cracking Brother says it's in my genes 39. helpless - phillipa soo One week later I'm writin' a letter nightly Now my life gets better Every letter that you write me I'm helpless! He's mine, that boy is mine! Look into your eyes And the sky's the limit, I'm Helpless! Helpless! Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em 40. lifeboat - laurence o’ keefe Everyone's pushing Everyone's fighting Storms are approaching There's nowhere to hide If I say the wrong thing Or I wear the wrong outfit They'll throw me right over the side 41. chase the morning - sarah brightman In you is a world of promise We have both been kept in bondage But you can learn from all my failures Let your life be your dream Integrity, honesty, its too late for me Don't look back till your free to chase the morning 42. no reason - leslie kritzer Everything, everything happens for a reason Be a beacon of light in the world Put a little "alright" in the world There are spiritual guides above Look up and see 'em Perception is reality Just listen to the melody the universe sings 'Cause everything, everything happens for a reason 43. i love play rehearsal - stephanie hsu I love play rehearsal 'Cause you are equiped with directions and text Life is easy in rehearsal You follow a script so you know what comes next Anywho, the point that I'm getting to Is sometimes life can't work out in the way It works out in the play 44. your song - elton john And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that it's done I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world 45. the party goes with you - lindsay mendez And when we're dancing nose to nose Darling do you suppose, darling do you suppose This party could be just us two, and I your wife? Oh, oh, the gayest party, sad but true It's true The party goes with you The party goes with you 46. half jack - dresden dolls It's half biology and half corrective surgery gone wrong You'll notice something funny if you hang around here for too Long ago in some black hole before they had these pills to take it back I'm half Jill and half Jack 47. the secret - pierces Got a secret Can you keep it? Swear, this one you'll save Better lock it in your pocket Takin' this one to the grave If I show you, then I know you Won't tell what I said 'Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead 48.  connect - claris My heart awakes in order to depict the future Even if I come to a halt on a tough road The beautiful blue sky always waits for me Therefore I'm not afraid I won't be disheartened anymore no matter what happens 49. simple and clean - hikaru utada Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 50. mountains - message to bears  And we could run away Before the light of day You know we always could The mountains say, the mountains say And we could run away Before the light of day You know we always could The mountains say, the mountains say
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I have two questions about the creativity behind the revival and redesigning characters!! :))))
1. Are you guys going to use any other Raggedy Ann media for Broadway? Like using the books (the original ones made by John Gruelle) as a sorta of creative inspiration? Or will you be using different media from the Raggedy Ann franchise as creative inspiration?
2. I'm curious about how do you redesign a character like Panda to Teddy, I've been trying my own redesigns on characters and I have been struggling with it, do you have any ideas to make my redesigns of characters be better then their original design/concept?
Thank you for the questions!!!
1. Yes! We all absolutely love early Raggedy Ann media, especially the books. Johnny Gruelle did create Raggedy Ann for the love of the real Marcella, after all, and we are trying to keep that intrinsic to the show, so that, even in fiction, the love between Marcella and her dad can be remembered. We are planning to have Raggedy Ann look more homemade and scrappy, like she would have in real life, and we have also snuck in a few very subtle references to the Gruelle books. Though no design concepts are official or concrete yet, we hope to take some inspiration from the original illustrations or the real life events surrounding the creation of Raggedy Ann.
2. Teddy isn't technically a "redesign" of Panda; they're a completely new character (who also happens to be a bear)! I say this because Panda's spot in the story was a bit of a blank slate; we had to keep the essential dialogue, in some regard, and the same dynamic in the group, but couldn't necessarily keep Panda as a character for obvious reasons. We tried out Babette from the 1977 film, but she didn't fit, both in terms of mood/tone and in terms of how she would move along the story. We ultimately created our own character, who became Teddy! The replacement wasn't just visual; so much thought and work was put into Teddy before their visual appearance was even considered. We had to change all of the dialogue to fit their tone and personality, while still writing with the style and intention that William Gibson had originally wanted for Panda and for the show as a whole. Teddy's personality was developed as we wrote based on the needs of the story, which actually gave us some wonderful opportunities for character development that Panda never received, and, accidentally, an opportunity to fill a long unfilled plot hole in the show. Teddy serves the story in the departments where Panda was lacking, while also supporting the story in the same way Panda did well, and that's their most important aspect in my opinion. They were created for the Raggedy Ann musical, not because of it. (If that makes sense?) Also, they're just super cute, quirky, and loveable.
Thank you so much for the asks, I always love answering these types of questions. :)
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molamolomola · 7 years
If Sakamaki brothers have a little sister who is very curious and asking them a lot of questions
SAKAMAKI SHUU: ㅡ Oh boy ㅡ This little girl can’t stop asking his beloved brother ㅡ She’s too curious about anything ㅡ Literally “ANYTHING” ㅡ “Why are you sleeping always?” ㅡ “Can you sleep without waking up for two days?” ㅡ “Can I borrow your earphones sometimes?” ㅡ “What kind of music is playing on your earphones?” ㅡ Shuu opened his left eye just to look at his little sister ㅡ “Annoying creature” ㅡ He suddenly grabbed his little sister and hug her ㅡ Like a cuddly doll ㅡ “Can you answer my questions?” ㅡ “Why are you hugging meㅡ hmmp!” ㅡ Shuu carefully covered his little sister’s mouth with his hands ㅡ His little sister tries to escape but she can’t ㅡ In the end, she just accept her little fate for being a prisoner in her big brother’s arms ㅡ Shuu smiles a little for his victory ㅡ “Now sleep.” he whispers before visiting again his dreamland SAKAMAKI KANATO: ㅡ Kanato is having a peaceful tea party inside his room ㅡ With his precious Teddy, of course ㅡ When suddenly, his door opens ㅡ There, a little girl is peeking through his door ㅡ Since his mood is good, he invite his little sister to joined them ㅡ Smiling from ear to ear, she sits beside Teddy ㅡ Kanato serves Teddy and the little girl a slice of chocolate cake each ㅡ The little girl curiously looked at the teddy bear ㅡ “Can he really eat that cake?” ㅡ “Of course.” ㅡ “Is it truly alive?” ㅡ “Yes. Teddy is alive. He talks a lot with me.” ㅡ “Can I borrow it sometimes?” ㅡ “No.” ㅡ “But why? It’s not even pretty. It looks like an ugly voodoo doll rather than a teddy bear.” ㅡ “SHUT UP, YOU UGLY LITTLE RAG DOLL!” ㅡ Oh boy… ㅡ Kanato’s good mood falls down from 100% to 0% real quick ㅡ No one can speak ill to Teddy like that. ㅡ NO. ONE. ㅡ Feeling the scary atmosphere, the poor little girl left without saying any words ㅡ And run fast until she reach Reiji’s laboratory to hide from his big brother Kanato SAKAMAKI REIJI: ㅡ Reiji is too focused doing his oh-so-famous poisons when suddenly a little intruder came inside his laboratory ㅡ “What are you doing?” ㅡ “Are you making some tea?” ㅡ “Quiet!” ㅡ Reiji glared at his little sister ㅡ But the little girl didn’t noticed it at all ㅡ She’s too engrossed looking at the purple liquid inside the beaker ㅡ “Is it a grape-flavored tea?” ㅡ “Can I taste it?” ㅡ Reiji sighs when his little sister failed to noticed his mood ㅡ “It’s not a lady-like to be so talkative. I really need to teach you how to act properly.” ㅡ “But….” ㅡ Reiji suddenly shows his whip to his little sister ㅡ A creepy silence filled the room ㅡ Without any words, his little sister walked out his laboratory ㅡ Peace, at last ㅡ He continued making his poison ㅡ While mentally reminding himself to punish his little, talkative sister later SAKAMAKI LAITO: ㅡ Noticing his little sister who is wandering around the mansion, Laito cheerfully approach her. ㅡ “Hey dolly, what are you doing?” ㅡ Instead of answering him, the little girl stares at him ㅡ Or rather say at his fedora ㅡ “Why are you wearing a hat?” ㅡ “Is it really comfortable to wear?” ㅡ “How many hats do you have?” ㅡ “You don’t have a reason to wear a hat inside the mansion, right?” ㅡ Laito chuckled. This girl in front of him is a little bit of a sass ㅡ “Well, I’m wearing it to make me more attractive.” ㅡ “But I think you’re not?” ㅡ Say what? ㅡ This little girl in front of him, innocently saying that he’s not attractive? Oh…. ㅡ “Of course I’m attractive. If you want, you can have me tonight.” ㅡ “Have you? Like a pet or like a food?” ㅡ “You will have me all nightㅡ” ㅡ His words were immediately cut when he feels the chandelier right on his spot is swinging abruptly. ㅡ That’s when he feels the very presence of Reiji while glaring at him for hitting on their oh-so-innocent, pure little sister SAKAMAKI AYATO: ㅡ Ayato has no idea why this little girl keeps on following him ㅡ Like “everywhere” ㅡ “Hey Chibi. Why do you keep on following Your Highness?” ㅡ The little girl looks up to him, eyeing him curiously ㅡ “Why do I need to call you ‘Your Highness’ anyway?” ㅡ “Because that is what I am.” ㅡ “Can I turn to be like you?” ㅡ “So to be like you, do I also need to be lazy?” ㅡ “But why are you lazy to clean up your mess?” ㅡ “And why do you like to eat takoyaki?” ㅡ “Is it really delicious?” ㅡ Those unanswered questions of his little sister is starting to get on his nerves ㅡ “Damn it! Stop asking me those stupid questions! All you need to do is follow my orders!” He said as if he’s shouting at her angrily ㅡ An awkward silence fell on them ㅡ Ayato saw that the little girl in front of him is now trying her very best not to cry ㅡ When he sees it, Ayato panics while mentally cursing himself ㅡ He suddenly carried the little girl on his left shoulder, like carrying a sack of rice ㅡ “I’ll let you eat takoyaki with me today. Be grateful because I just feel like to share it with you.” SAKAMAKI SUBARU: ㅡ Feeling a presence behind him, Subaru looked at his back ㅡ Only to see a little girl who carefully touching one of the white roses in the garden ㅡ He eyed her every action until she saw him and run towards Subaru’s direction ㅡ “Do you like roses?” ㅡ “Which roses did you like most? Red or white?” ㅡ “Do you think I can also have my own garden of roses?” ㅡ “Will you help me to grow my own garden?” ㅡ “Are we going to plant some white roses or a lot of red roses? Or maybe peach roses?” ㅡ Bombarded with a lot of questions from this little girl really pissed him off ㅡ “Can you shut your mouth? You’re so damn noisy! Go ask someone else!” ㅡ The little girl pouts while murmuring something ㅡ “What are you saying now?” He irritatingly asked. ㅡ The little girl is still pouting while looking at her now fidgeting hands ㅡ “I’m asking you so answer my damn question!” He orders. ㅡ “I’m asking you because I just like being with you.” ㅡ He became silent. ㅡ This little girl, really wants to be with him? ㅡ Slight blush is now creeping on his cheeks ㅡ “Big brother Subaru, are you blushing?” ㅡ “I-Idiot! I-I’m not blushing!
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undergroundbillions · 2 years
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Theodore Arcadius Bearford! Merely well-read, my dear.
Hi I made a silly little bear! Just like canon Teddy, they're made of scraps (these ones picked out from manufacturing remnants at the scrap store) and whatever I had lying around. Their vest is a sock :D
-𝕸𝖔𝖉 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕯.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 1 year
Andy: I'm 80% awesome, 20% water, and 100% handsome. Teddy: That's 200%. Andy: I'm twice the man you'll ever be.
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meowydoe · 5 months
do u have any headcanons for baby doll ?
I do!
She LOOVES soft textures theyre her absolute favorite (just like me fr!!!)
Which is ALSO why she likes to pet Camel & Teddy. &Marcella’s blankie
Also like. If this makes sense. If the Raggedy Ann franchise existed in their world she would love it
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halloweenfor · 5 years
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Storybook & Fairytale Costumes - Baby Rag Doll Costume
Theme Halloween Costumes
Doll Costumes
What is something that everyone loves? It would have to pass the test of time and prove to remain relative as the years go on. Hmm, well one thing that comes to mind is an adorable doll. Dolls have been around for centuries. Even in ancient Greece children were recorded having played with dolls. Although no one has ever seen a doll as cute as your little one dressed up in the Baby Rag Doll Costume!People could travel all around the world looking for a doll that will be as cute as your kiddo in this outfit but their journey would prove to be a failure. There is no China doll that could be as cute, no puppet will be as playful, and no teddy bear could ever be as cuddly as your new little rag doll. Your baby girl will transform into a mini gothic dolly once you dress her up in this lovable outfit. The cherry to top off this endearing costume is an adorable pair of white and black yarn pigtails attached to the pink bonnet. If you really want to doll up your baby this Halloween than give her a quick makeover and make her look as precious as a storybook character!Bring your new limited edition Baby Rag Doll around the block to collect piles of sweet treats or visit some intriguing doll expos. Just make sure not to leave your bundle of joy alone for even a second, the last thing you want to deal with is a collector mistaking your cutie for an actual rag doll!
See Details & Get More Deals at: Best Halloween Costumes 2019 :: Shop
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