#team is in bad shape
thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: Avengers #294: "If Wishes Were Horses...”
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August, 1988
WHO leads the Avengers?!
-vibrates in anger-
You suck, Anthony Druid.
Let’s get into this.
Last times in Avengers: Despite having shown herself to be competent previously, leader of the Avengers Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel actually sucks and you’re a fool if you think otherwise. She spends all of her time thinking to herself about how incompetent she is and she never accomplishes anything without someone telling her to do it.
Also, Namor’s wife and former member of Alpha Flight Marrina turned into a giant sea monster for some reason. How mysterious. Dr Druid wanted them to murder her immediately if not sooner due to the damage giant sea monster Marrina was doing to shipping and coastal settlements. The other Avengers wanted to at least try to cure her, which Dr Druid saw as a foolish sentiment.
So after Druid mind manipulated into attacking Atlantis to get Namor on board, the Avengers tried a cure Hank Pym whipped up.
It worked for a hot minute before Marrina started turning into a monster again.
Thor and Captain Marvel shocked the transforming Marrina with electricity to try to stop her from transforming. But when it didn’t work, Namor took Black Knight’s extremely cursed sword the Ebony Blade and killed Marrina. With disastrous, to be revealed consequences for Black Knight because the extremely cursed sword had a blood curse on it and whoops slicing Marrina’s head open got blood on the blade.
Only after the fact does Dr Druid notice that Monica disappeared after she tried to shock Marrina.
Where could she beeeeee?
And what will happen to Black Knight?
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This will happen.
So, at the end of last issue, he passed out on his Atomic Steed flying device. So when they brought him into the Quinjet, why did they put him near the controls? Don’t they have a medical bed or something in the back?
Anyway, Black Knight is freaking out and thrashing so hard that even Thor and She-Hulk - who can probably throw buildings - are having trouble holding him down.
Cough cough bullshit cough.
He calls out for this sword so Thor being Thor decides nothing wrong with giving a man a sharp object when he’s having a fit.
How dare you doubt Thor!
Dane immediately calms down once he has the blade in his hand. So he’s able to explain to the Avengers (who at least knew that the Ebony Blade was extremely cursed) that despite not being the one who did the deed, the curse is upon him as the owner of the sword.
And the first part of the curse is that he feels like his blood is on fire if he’s not holding the extremely cursed sword.
So, that’s going to be a little awkward. Carrying it around everywhere. At least he’s shown in the past that he can magically summon the sword to his hand. Buuut I’m pretty sure the pain of not holding it is so severe that he can’t focus to do that. He couldn’t even focus to pull it from its scabbard at his waist.
Yeah, this is going to suck. You should just go ahead and get one of those locking gauntlets or tie your hand to the hilt. Otherwise, you’re just asking for it to get knocked from your hand to incapacitate you during fights.
Now that he’s not writhing in pain, Black Knight remembers that Monica is missing.
She-Hulk proclaims that Monica has got to be alive! And they really have no reason to jump to the assumption that she’s dead.
Dr Druid, proving himself the worst, thinks to himself: “And good riddance, if she’s not [alive], She-Hulk. Captain Marvel was too soft to have been an effective leader of the Avengers. And her departure from the active ranks couldn’t have been more timely for me.”
I hate you, you fuckboy.
Anyway, Druid proclaims he’s laying in a course so She-Hulk interrupts to insist that they not leave until they find Monica.
Dr Druid: “Please, Jennifer. Don’t let your emotions run away with you. I was about to say I’ve already laid in search pattern coordinates... and calibrated our instruments for a total electromagnetic spectrum and radiation scan. If there’s... anything left of her to find, we’ll find it.”
This reminds me when that future Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, was on the Avengers as Ms Marvel. When a writer change brought with it disdain for Carol’s feminist roots. So she started taking things people said the wrong way and blowing up at them when really they hadn’t meant it that way at all.
But since Dr Druid is secretly hoping Monica is dead and because he changes his wording from laying out a course to laying out a search pattern, he’s probably just gaslighting She-Hulk.
The Avengers search the Atlantic for hours for a sign of Monica but can’t find anything. With the Quinjet quinfuel running low, She-Hulk finally agrees they’ve done all they could.
Can’t believe Monica is gone forever. And yet Dr Druid is still here for some reason.
Back at Hydrobase, She-Hulk and Thor discuss Monica’s disappearance. She-Hulk argues that energy can’t be destroyed so Monica has to be somewhere, right? And Thor don’t know. She just vanished after the big electricity attack.
Meanwhile, Dr Druid excuses himself because, remember, he doesn’t give a fuck and hopes Monica is dead.
Plus, it’s Sex Dream O’Clock.
Dr Druid sits down in an uncomfortable looking chair and immediately feels like someone is calling out to him.
Nebula Kang appears saying she’s the one calling him “for danger threatens at every hand and you are needed.”
Dr Druid goes hey wait you look different from the other sex dream and Nebula realizes, shit, she forgot to turn on the generic blonde filter.
So she does and Dr Druid doesn’t ask follow up questions.
Possibly because Not-Godzilla is attacking.
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I should contextualize.
That’s actually Destructikon. He’s come to destroy this ancient sex dream civilization.
And only Super Druid can stop him.
Because this crisis has brought out his Real True Power and given him a slightly better costume.
Super Doctor Druid: “Mine is almost the power of a god! And why not? Is Dr Druid not a man gifted above other men? Older? Wiser? Stronger of spirit? Is it any wonder that ultimate power must be mine?”
Destructikon doesn’t go down in just one punch. And starts smashing up the city.
Super Dr Druid angrily shouts that Destructikon is threatening his people and smashes the beast in the chin.
Sex dream Nebula Kang tells Dr Druid to wrap this up already.
Like, okay. Jumping ahead a little, this whole thing is playing to Dr Druid’s ego. It’s working like a charm. Just scroll up a little and see his speech about how he’s the best dude of all dudes and deserves to be the best.
Consider how as a newbie to the Avengers, he was already thinking “if I ran the zoo!”
Dr Druid is soooo vulnerable to flattery and Nebula Kang is playing him like a fiddle with this savior of the world scenario.
And no surprise that she feeds him a scenario where its good and right to kill a giant monster menacing a world considering he’s just been through the Leviathan Marrina stuff. It doesn’t just play to his ego in a general sense, it’s affirming how he acted recently.
But even she can only take so much before going ‘lets move this along.’
So Druid punches Destructikon’s teeth in and then uses the eye beams that he totally has to explode the beast like a parade float.
Super Doctor Druid: “It is over! Virtue has triumphed over evil. Let those who would enslave humanity in bondage tremble. For the vigilance of Dr Druid is unrelenting... and he shall crush the serpent beneath his heel!”
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And after the victory parade, Blonde Nebula Kang waggles her ass at him for him to finally get to the sex part of these ominous power fantasy sex dreams.
I hate this storyline but I do love this extended sequence of Dr Druid turning into Superman and fighting Godzilla. Its so dumb that its great. And the sucker fully buys into the fantasy.
Blonde Nebula Kang tells Dr Druid that he’s now king of whatever place this is because he’s won the right to rule by trial of combat. And suggests not just this world, you’re going to save Earth too and be the big sexy ruler of that planet too.
Once again, he eagerly buys into this.
Dr Druid: “Finally I understand. This is the realm of precognition and I have been granted foreknowledge denied lesser men. You’re right. It is time for Dr Druid to step forward.”
He’s so dumb.
Later, at Hydrobase, She-Hulk bemoans what has happened to the team.
Marrina is dead. Namor is off somewhere chasing monster babies. Captain Marvel is missing. And Black Knight is super cursed.
With bad fashion.
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Also with curses.
Holding the Ebony Blade stops Dane from feeling all the cursed agony but his body is slowly paralyzing.
To work around this, he’s built an exoskeleton he can wear over his armor.
It looks bad.
The light purple of whatever its made of messes up his color palette and hides his tunic or whatever with his crest. It looks baaaaaaaaad.
Why not build an exoskeleton that can fit under his armor so he doesn’t look so bad?
His armor is fused to his body and can’t be taken off.
Truly, this is a lot of curse.
Also, the curse gives him a bad attitude.
When She-Hulk suggests calling reserve members since they’re down to four people, Black Knight explodes in a torrent of insults at everyone who isn’t him.
Black Knight: “The Waspis no brain surgeon, Hercules was an airhead, Mantis became a cosmic valley girl, the Black Widow was always a waste... Starfox a mincing fop, and the rest of them weren’t worth a tinker’s dam! Not a decent warrior among the lot! Would Good King Richard have countenanced such wastrels in his legions? Aargh!”
How dare you speak ill of the Wasp!
Go to your room and think about what you’ve done!
(Oh, and he’s back to thinking he’s from Crusade times. Except now its explicitly something happening because the curse is fucking his brain, and not because Simonson didn’t get the character.)
The curse also apparently gives Black Knight A SIXTH SENSE OOOOooooOoooOOO spooky. Because he senses an intruder in the building when none of the security systems do.
This curse sure does a lot.
But Black Knight is insistent that there’s an intruder so the Avengers decide to form a search party and go room by room.
(Also, Jarvis is here. He delivers the exposition about Black Knight being fused to his armor. He doesn’t do a lot else so I wanted to just say Hi Jarvis! I appreciate you!)
It doesn’t take long before the Avengers find the “intruder” that Black Knight sensed.
A plume of energy erupts from the floor and forms into the shape of... Captain Marvel!
Hi Monica! I appreciate you!
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But she’s not looking food. She looks emaciated and is at death’s door from exhaustion.
What could have happened to her??
Bad writing? Web MD says these are the symptoms of bad writing!
The Avengers call the hospital and Thor personally flies her there. Very alarmed that she feels lighter than a feather in his arms.
But have you considered Thor that your arms are massive? You’re really strong. Maybe that’s why she feels so light?
But now we look into the Kang subplot.
Nebula Kang is preparing to ditch.
She changes out of her Kang armor and into a casual outfit. Casual but just loaded with cleverly hidden technology. Perfect for the modern terrible lady on the go.
Nebula Kang: “Farewell, Kangs great and small. You may all be masters of temporality, able to travel at will through and across time without limit... But your collective times are running out! When next we meet... it shall be without compassion, without compromise, without facemasks!”
Her only regret is that she didn’t find the time to give Fred Kang a fuck but doesn’t think he has any information or technology that would be helpful to her.
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Then she disguises herself as Blonde Sex Dream Lady again and gets in the warp hatch.
Where she selects the Far Out option.
... That seems way too whimsical to be Kang technology. They all hate whimsy.
But as she warps, Fred Kang (Kang-123488.23497) is spying on her. He didn’t trust the way she flirted with him so he watched her change clothes and go to use the warp hatch.
He’s very confused that she’s going to Earth and specifically the Earth of his own time stream. (Fred Kang is from the current Avengers time stream? Huh. But she specifically goes to the current day and to Hydrobase.
But while Fred Kang has been spying on Nebula Kang, Beard Kang and Yellow Mask Kang have been spying on him.
Beard Kang is apparently called Lord Kang and Yellow Mask Kang is apparently called Kang Cobra but we’ll see if I use those names instead of Beard Kang and Yellow Mask Kang.
Beard Kang has a beard and its coming out of his mask somehow. Why wouldn’t I call him Beard Kang?
Anyway, Beard Kang and Yellow Mask Kang have been spying on Fred Kang, as the newest Kang in their Kangllective. I can’t believe they went with the name Council of Cross-Time Kangs when Kangllective was right there. They could do Kangllective Action.
Anyway again. Fred Kang seemed like any other Kang, except for taking a shorter time to adjust than usual. But when Yellow Mask Kang was spying on him, he became unable to pinpoint Fred Kang’s actual physical location because Fred Kang is “jumping randomly back and forth through nanoseconds of time.”
Y’know, as ya do.
But the result is, Yellow Mask Kang isn’t able to figure out what Fred Kang is up to.
Beard Kang decides that its time to have a talk with their new pal Fred Kang.
Meanwhile, AT THE ACTUAL PLOT,She-Hulk and Grumpy Black Knight have gone to pick up Monica’s parents to take them to the hospital.
Did Monica ever mention that her parents were in on the secret? Because this would be really presumptive if she didn’t.
She-Hulk gives the explanation for what happened with Monica, giving the poor woman one last kick while she’s down.
As I said last East Coast Avengers post, when Captain Monica tried to electrocute Leviathan Marrina the same way Thor did, Monica fucked up because god forbid she do anything right ever. She somehow managed to electrify the entire Atlantic Ocean, vaporized trillions of tons of water which will surely do something to the climate, and dissipating her energy so that when she managed to reform she was all emaciated.
IN FAIRNESS, this is following up on an established downside of Monica’s powers. If she overuses them, she loses some of her own mass. This happened when she overexerted herself to knock down the shields of the Sanctuary II.
In unfairness, she did that to help take out an enemy that was willing to and capable of blowing up planets. This recent happening happens because by editorial mandate, she’s a dipshit who can’t even tie her shoes, one imagines.
Thor greets the Rambeaus before they see Monica and tries to set expectations for what kind of shape she’s in.
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Because she looks like she’s terminally ill.
Maria declares Monica should come home with them so they can nurse her back to health. With home cooking.
Monica admits that she’s not capable of Avengersing right now so that’s probably a good idea.
Leading Dr Druid to smoothly butt into this family conversation to insist that a new chairman be selected right now. I mean, they’re all already here, right?
Then he kicks the Rambeaus out of the room so the Avengers can talk shop.
She-Hulk: “For crying out loud, doc.”
For real.
As soon as the concerned parents have been booted from the room, Dr Druid nominates himself.
Why shouldn’t the newest person on the team not lead?
Okay, I’m being very critical. Monica was newish to the team but not the newest. This is not like that.
But as Dr Druid argues:
“The Black Knight is partially incapacitated, Thor has other concerns than just the Avengers... and the SHe-Hulk, with all due respect, fails to project the proper image of leadership while wearing purple leotards.”
Fucker in his feetie pajamas thinks he can throw stones about someone’s costume!
I CANNOT believe.
Black Knight chimes in to say that he admires the image She-Hulk projects.
So some people in this room have taste.
Thor privately wonders if any of the people on the team can handle the responsibility of leadership.
And Dr Druid starts panicking when Thor asks Monica her opinion.
Generic Blonde Nebula Kang pops into his thoughts to tell him not to let his dreams be dreams so Dr Druid decides to be like every other Marvel psychic. An invasive asshole.
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He uses his powers to force Monica to say that Dr Druid would be a wise choice. When a skeptical She-Hulk asks Thor what he thinks, Dr Druid uses his powers again.
I can’t tell if Druid fails or succeeds in this attempt. Thor somewhat suspects that his thoughts are being manipulated and shouts NO! unprompted. And then says that as the most experienced person still on the team, he’d make the best choice. But: he’ll agree with the majority decision.
Democracy! It’s good! When the votes aren’t manipulated!
Dr Druid makes She-Hulk says that he’s the best man for the job. Black Knight seems about to go into one of his Crusades adjacent rants about Dr Druid but a little bit of the ol’ psychic razzle dazzle and Black Knight is instead saying Dr Druid is the best candidate for chairman and in fact, Richard the Lionheart would think he was really cool.
So that’s four votes for Dr Druid and one for Thor.
Thor is suspicious about the way things played out but doesn’t seem willing to call it out.
(I will say that having Druid’s thought bubble merged with the speech balloons is a good way to show psychic manipulation.)
New Chairman of the Avengers Dr Druid arranges for the Rambeaus to be sent back to Atlanta. By public plane, not by Quinjet. Pssh, sure Monica was the former chairwoman but she doesn’t require the Avengers’ personal attention any more!
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Dr Druid: “But the Avengers must prepare themselves for battle! The cosmos reverberates with the approach of unseen foes. Our enemies are gathering and the time is coming when we must face them together as a team. All of us! For the Avengers have a new leader. And the future is going to be much different than anyone expects!”
I wish him a very stub his toe.
Follow @essential-avengers​ and you too can wish bad occurrences on Dr Druid. Like and reblog and maybe comment. I’m lonely down here in the italics.
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aprito · 7 months
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sos month day 16: like fire / like water wanted to redraw something from 2015 and remembered how badly i wanted to replay the game this is based on. tldr battle ninja island everyone is alive and cant die for some reason. platonic extremely jaded old man sewercidal sasori x zero nerve no respect for male authority figures teenage brat sakura is too good to pass up. dial that shit up to 200%. basically the worst month ever for the both of them
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weepingalaxy · 2 months
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the brainrot continues. hey gang
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my brain just now: toward the end of season three, ted decides to move back to kansas to be with henry. soon after, he and rebecca ⚡discover their feelings for each other⚡ but decide they’re just going to have a brief, lovely fling and then go their separate ways, roman holiday style, since it’s the most practical thing to do. in the last episode, ted teaches rebecca how to make the biscuits from scratch so that she can still have them even after he’s gone. it’s really sweet and fun and romantic and cozy and also they’re so, so sad.
the next morning they say their goodbyes and share their perfect heartbreaking farewell kiss and ted leaves, as planned. he flies home to kansas. he’s full of hope but his heart is heavy. mumford & sons sing at us so, so wistfully. (maybe "woman”. my ted/rebecca “woman” by mumford & sons agenda is forever.)
maybe it’s raining.
he gets to his place. there’s a blonde woman on his doorstep. michelle??
no, it’s--!
“who are we kidding?” rebecca says, all snark and shiny eyes. “i’m never going to learn to fucking bake.”
ted’s face lights up with pure joy.
me: wtf, BRAIN 😭
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shikisei · 3 months
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testing out brushes with the pokemon teams my friend crafted
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taikanyohou · 1 year
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PREM WARUT. Calendar 2023.
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rocicrew · 9 months
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birdbong · 2 months
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Best dog...cat...thing... :3
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sinnbaddie · 2 months
Fugaku wasn’t the best father, but no one will ever convince me that Minato of all people is a better father than him
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ok Empyrean Weeping/Bloodbath/Life Mission are all in a tie and very long to type. so thy creators of the aus, would you guys like to create a team name?
@cupcakeslushie @trubblegumm @daedelweiss
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oakskull · 1 year
¿hey guys we like pokemon aus? ¿¿¿yess??? Heres tim from @another-vale 's pokemon au !!! I think its very funny and charming and i love norman <3 i hope rowlet gets like. an official nickname, im p sure it was called ball at some point and i think i might call it that permanently
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art thoughts! do Not mention the eyes to me. i messed up the ink but i had already done the paint. it was too late. I wanted to alter my regualr Jimmy design to be more pokemon-ish, i made him human, but i gave him more of a flying type trainer outfit because i usually draw him as birb. I did my best to do those chunky shoes in the pokemon anime but think they came out a little too complicated- i didnt pull up any references lol. But!! i really like the texture i did on the floor, i did it by accident but it really looks like a stony sort of rock texture and i love it. (also the jacket was decorated by hand <- me projecting my uneven stitches and non matching thread)
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anonprotagging · 1 year
I'm too afraid to start the pokemas alola arc....... tbf I haven't played any of them since johto bc I'm too nervous but kalos and alola absolutely make me the most nervous... what if they massacre my faves....... or what if they don't and they turn to the camera and point at me specifically and say that I'm absolutely destroying their characterizations
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
today on things i had to look up for writing purposes n felt weird for doing so: kids swim teams near me
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didn’t really do much art stuff this week, so here’s some more study sketches!
currently fixated on tf2 again so I wanna try and figure out how to draw weapons (partially just because I give most of my characters some kind of weapon)
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larkiethings · 1 year
my shift ends like 10 minutes before the train arrives at the nearest station and it takes about 12 minutes to walk so if the train is on schedule i have decided to just jog the whole way (so that it looks intentional that i’m jogging for the train and not running last minute to avoid being late) and today. im horrified to say. it was almost enjoyable???? i have enjoyed sports but never running before which makes this a wild experience
however the reason i’m posting about it is that every time i would stop (wait for train, wait for crosswalk) i would like burp and taste the donut i ate at lunch. being healthy isn’t just a mindset it’s a lifestyle <3
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vlahovic · 2 years
This is so ugly 🤡🤡🤡
i have no more words tbh
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