#team cangrejos
keyslox · 3 months
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team cangrejos my beloved where ARE YOU COME BACK PLESE
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nothingunrealistic · 3 years
Prompt/request: Winston has been SUPER burned out lately because of, yunno, the pressure to prove himself and actually be valued for his contributions to mase cap while almost everyone rags on him, and eventually it gets ... too far. I'll leave it vague to give you some freedom. Cue dynamics between Taylor, Rian and Mafee (because not enough people pay attention to the latter relationship, I know Mafee was a giant dickwad to Winston in 4x11 but he might as well has his own loyalties tested).
Renovations have been going on all week at Axe Capital, and the noise is really ruining the ambience of the office. Luckily for Rian, none of the construction work is happening inside the Mase Carb enclave, but glass walls don’t block out all the sound, just muffle it.
With everyone trying to make up the losses from the Shine-Lucence collapse, it’s been a week of late nights for the quant team. She’d expect the construction crew to have gone home by now, but they’re still in the building, and the constant clamor of saw and hammer still seeps through the glass. Maybe they don’t have a union.
Rian hits the button on another backtest and leans back in her chair. That should give her an hour at least to look into another project, or maybe just to relax. 
She glances over to Winston, thinking of asking what he’s working on, but he doesn’t look like he’s working at all. Though technically he’s looking at his Bloomberg, or at least pointing his face toward it, his eyes are glazed over. His hands aren’t on his keyboard or mouse; one of them is clicking a pen every few seconds.
Rian pauses her music and takes off her headphones. Normally that would catch Winston’s attention, but he doesn’t look her way. She needs to be more obvious.
“¿Estás pensando en la inmortalidad del cangrejo?”
Winston’s eyes flick over to her, more focused now, giving her a half-hearted attempt at a death glare. He still doesn’t say anything.
“You’re really spacing out right now,” Rian says. “Like, you might as well be in the Oort cloud.” Oh, that’s a good metaphor, very fund-appropriate. She’d better keep that one in her back pocket.
The silent semi-glare lasts several more seconds before Winston speaks. “Long week. I’m tired.”
A hammer bangs against metal somewhere on the main floor, and Winston flinches, eyes flickering shut, fingers curling tighter around the pen. That doesn’t look like ordinary exhaustion.
“Construction getting to you?” Rian says, trying to be casual. Sounding too concerned would make it weird. “I can’t believe they’re still here.”
“Yeah. Can’t block it out, can’t focus.”
“Don’t you have headphones?”
“Broke last week. New pair hasn’t shipped yet.”
The muted clunk of the office door opening turns both Rian’s and Winston’s heads. Mafee’s walked in, and pushed the door so far open that it’s locked into place, letting the sounds of power tools flow in unfiltered. “You guys are still here?”
“Fuck off,” Winston says. A few analysts stare, but Mafee ignores him.
“You’re also still here,” Rian points out.
“Everyone on the trading floor’s gone home. Didn’t expect there to be anyone left here.”
Winston drops his pen onto the desk. “Shut the door, asshole.” 
“Deal with it,” Mafee says.
“Do you know what the renovations are for?” Rian says, as Winston pulls off his glasses and buries his face in his hands. “Or why they’re continuing this late?”
“No clue.” Mafee yanks out an empty desk chair and drops into it with a clatter. “Back in the Westport office, Axe had the meditation room torn up and redone into a panic room. Maybe he’s doing that again.”
“What for?”
“Who knows? It’s Axe, no one has a fucking clue why he does anything until six months later.” A drill whines and buzzes outside; Mafee raises his voice. “I mean, when he was renovating the first time, he was crazy paranoid about there being a quisling in the office, and then in three weeks it was like he’d totally forgotten about it — whoa, hey, man —”
Rian follows his gaze to Winston, who’s pressing his open hands against his face again and again, so hard that it has to hurt. Red scratches run from his hairline down over his forehead. Mafee jumps from his chair and tries to pull Winston’s hands away from his face. “Dude, you’re gonna hurt yourself, don’t do that —” 
“Don’t fucking touch me,” Winston grits out, barely intelligible, struggling to yank his hands free of Mafee’s grip.
“Help me out here,” Mafee says, turning back to Rian, but she’s never seen this happen, has no idea what to do. 
Who would know?
Lauren and Wendy are nowhere in sight. Most of the other quants have gone home, and the few left, whose names Rian doesn’t know anyway, are pointedly ignoring events at Winston’s end of the desk. Taylor —
Taylor’s still here, in their office. Taylor knows how to handle problems, how to make things better.
“I’m going to get Taylor,” Rian announces, and gets up from her chair.
On her way, one analyst she passes dares to ask, “What’s going —”
“None of your business,” Rian says, because it seems fitting, and sounds a lot better than I don’t know either and I’m scared.
She slips into Taylor’s office. With their laptop open and the desk phone pressed to their ear, they don’t notice her even when the door shuts behind her. This might be a bad time.
“Hey, are you busy?”
“Excuse me for a moment,” Taylor says into the phone, before setting it on the desk. “Yes. Is this urgent?”
“Well, Winston’s kind of freaking out, and Mafee and I don’t know what to do,” Rian says, “so… yeah?”
Taylor looks toward Winston, and their brow furrows over widening eyes. They pick up the phone just long enough to say, “I’m sorry, but I’ll need to call you back another day,” before hanging up and slamming the laptop shut. In less time than it took Rian to decide to ask Taylor for help, they’re out the door; she follows them.
“Please go home and close the door behind you,” she hears them say to the remaining quants, who hurry to shut off their computers and pack up their things. When they get to Winston, they wave away Mafee — he’s gotten the message to get his hands off Winston, it seems, and was just entreating him to calm down instead. (It isn’t working.) No reason why Rian’s presence would be any more helpful; she retreats to the couch near the office entrance, the door finally swinging shut behind the last analyst to leave. 
Taylor sits in Rian’s chair, leaning in close to Winston and talking too quietly to hear from across the room. That doesn’t stop Rian from trying, and she’s straining so hard to pick out their words that it’s almost a surprise when Mafee sits down next to her. “Do you think he’s having a stroke or something?”
“I think if he were having a stroke, Taylor would have called 911 instead of handling it themself.” Rian shifts on the couch. Mafee’s sitting partly on her cushion and partly on the one next to it, and it’s throwing off her equilibrium. “You haven’t seen this before?”
Relative quiet settles over the office — the racket from outside is muffled again, and inside there’s only Taylor’s voice, low and calm, and Winston’s breathing, slowing.
Both of them get up, and Winston follows Taylor to their office. Through the glass, Rian watches him collapsing onto the couch just inside the door and Taylor pulling down the window shades. Seems like it’d be helpful if the glass walls on three sides also had shades. Maybe this would have been avoided if they were in a normal building.
Winston described it to her, once, the building that Taylor Mason Carbon had called home when it was named Taylor Mason Capital and not under Axe’s control. An old warehouse, refurbished, across the river in Dumbo. Exposed wood and stone and solid doors, low light and quiet, rather than Axe Cap’s glass and chrome and glaring fluorescents and soaring staircases that declare the future is here and now and it is insane wealth. He’d obviously missed it, and she can see why.
On the other side of the glass, Taylor sits down beside Winston, shoulder to shoulder, their backs to everyone else, and Rian aches.
“I think maybe we should leave,” Mafee says.
“We should.”
Rian pushes herself off the couch to return to her desk. The backtest will have to finish another day. She turns off her Bloomberg, scoops up her laptop and headphones, and doesn’t let her focus linger on Winston’s glasses, askew on his keyboard.
When she turns for the door, Taylor is there, and Rian almost jumps. It’s spooky how quietly they move sometimes. “Before you go, I need to speak with you. And Mafee.”
A nod from Taylor summons Mafee from the couch. He comes over demanding to know, in a not-quite-whisper, “What the hell was that about?”
“Winston will be taking a few days off.”
“Because he gave himself a concussion and said ‘don’t fucking touch me’ when I tried to stop him?”
“In a case like that, I would suggest that you not fucking touch him.” Taylor shoves their hands in their pockets. “It likely exacerbated the situation.”
“There wasn’t a situation until he tried to tear his face off.”
“There kind of was,” Rian says. “Before you came in, he said he was tired and the noise from the construction was bothering him. And you leaving the door open probably didn’t help.”
“Exactly. Being subjected to noise at that volume for this long can be… overstimulating.” Rian steals a glance toward Winston, who’s now lying down on the couch. “Some people are more sensitive to that kind of disruption than others.”
“Winston? Sensitive?”
So the pot is calling the kettle callous now? “Unlike you.”
Mafee shrugs, hands falling open helplessly. “It’s not like I wanted him to suffer or something. I didn’t know he wasn’t just being a jackass about me leaving the door open.”
“Anyway,” Taylor says, curt. “Winston will be out next week. I’ll see what can be done about the renovations before he returns —”
“But he’s going to be fine, right?”
Surprised looks from both Mafee and Taylor land on her like laser sights. Damn. She sounded too concerned and she’s made it weird.
“Yes.” There’s no impatience in Taylor’s tone now, just sympathy. “He will be.”
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lecuty · 5 years
¿Como se lleva el papucho machete de Tabasco con el cangrejo ermitaño de Veracruz?
Son los tipicos weyes que un día pueden hablar calmadamente y al otro agarrándose a vergazos con pejelagartos y cangrejos(?).
Tabasco le tiene una increíble interacción a ese estado (No es joda, los veracruzanos y Tabasqueños nos vemos todo el tiempo y por lo general tabasco hace más tratos pesqueros y de frutas con él)
Siendo Veracruz uno con los que mejor se ha llevado en toda su vida.
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Además que siempre andan en desmadres, Veracruz ha conocido a Tabasco en sus momentos más estúpidos como Tabasco en sus momentos más meco(?.
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¡Desde sus inicios Tabasco le aportó toda la ayuda  militar posible a Veracruz en el ataque de piratas de 1717 !
Ganándoles ese mismo año y así adquiriendo una buena relación militar, gubernamental y estatal.
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Ambos estados tienen puestos en “Ciudades heroicas en México”💖
Ambos lo celebran con orgullo …Bueno uno más que otro(?
En el 2017, ambos estados se juntaron para ser los exportadores de Bambú de manera nacional, haciendo pinches movimientos de pinzas para la venta(?
En la actualidad, estos 2 hermanos se siguen llevando muy bien, Tabasco visita muy seguido a Veracruz por sus ricos perros platillos, ya que al igual que él, Veracruz es un estado pesquero y su afición al pejcadoj es gigantesca~
Veracruz, Chiapas y Tabasco son un Team en reuniones gubernamentales contra la delincuencia y esas cosas .
(aunque a Tabasco no le funcione mucho pero igual asiste para saludar(?) y opinar)
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Veracruz tiene gustos musicales muy infantiles (adorables) algo que no es del todo gusto a Tabasco, pero lo soporta, hace sentir menos seriedad al ambiente ~
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Veracruz puede volverse lombriz mamalona y eso a Tabasco le perturba muchísimo, nopuedepelearcontraesosinsumacheteobuenosiperoestacansado(?
Ambos se llevan mucho al desmadre de hermanos, es una hermandad pura. sin llegar a más.
Son solo son 2 hermano divirtiéndose, pescando, comiendo  y cuando las cosas son necesarias podrán hablar con sinceridad.
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Son solo nada más y nada menos que 2 hermanos ~
Diseño PRECIOSO DEL CHICO CRI CRI DE: 💙 @just-a-trash-girl 💙
Espero que no te moleste que haya usado a este precioso hombre, pero igual espero que te guste la respuesta la cual hice con todo el love 💙;;;
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the-gneech · 6 years
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Digital Commission Patreon Raffle!
We’ve hit the June Patreon goal of $200/month! To celebrate, on Monday I am going to raffle off a full digital commission. All Patreon subscribers will be included, with the number of entries determined by your subscription level:
Team SJ: 1 entry Wallpaper Warrior: 2 entries Suburban Jungle Boogie: 3 entries Supreme Jungloid: 4 entries THE SUPPORT TIER OF CANGREJO DIABLO!!!: 5 entries
The drawing will happen Monday, June 4, so you still have a chance to get in. Thank you, all my awesome subscribers!
Reblogs appreciated! ^.^
-The Gneech
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mehmetkali · 3 years
Voting Began at the Uzakrota Global Travel Awards https://ift.tt/3r4Nb8H
Uzakrota Global Seyahat Ödülleri‘nde Oylama Başladı
The “Best of the Year” competition will be determined by public vote in the 10th year of the Uzakrota Awards, which we organized as the Uzakrota team, which keeps the pulse of the travel industry with both travel news and events organized since its establishment.
Welcome to the Uzakrota Travel Awards, organized by one of the 10 largest tourism organizations in the World.
Voting will take place between January 25th, 2021, and February 05th, 2021.
Then, please fill out the form below and click the ‘VOTE’ button to complete your voting process.
Voting began at the Uzakrota Awards.
Link: https://www.uzakrota.com/awards/
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spicychickencows · 6 years
Introducing - The Eight Tricksters
There are a total of 73 gods in my setting and three beings that are pretty much gods. The tricksters are the most involved with the plot. They are beings of chaos, mayhem, trickery, pranks, and madness. They are Shalim’s children. The tricksters can appear either as a person of as an animal.
Tsov - The Tiger
The most vicious of the tricksters Tsov is the most likely to be hostile to humans and the trickster whose pranks are most likely to get somebody hurt. She is careful to appear attractive in human form, more so than the others; embracing elegance and sexuality in setting up a mark for misfortune.
Chupa - The Frog
A trickster who cares little for the craft. Chupa tends to observe moreso than she actively participates in the affairs of mortals. Her presence however is typically a sign that things are heading from bad to worse. Chupa only takes interest in those who are important but is unlikely to offer any help.
Pavouk - The Spider
If the tricksters have a leader at all than it would be Pavouk. Pavouk will put in the effort to make sure that people don’t die when he is tricking them. He is more likely than others to have a lesson behind his actions but this is no guarantee that he isn’t simply messing with people for the kicks.
Tumbili - The Monkey
Tumbili still has some semblance of real mercy to their personality. They will interfere with another trickster’s plan if they think its getting out of hand. Naturally this will cause just as many problems as it will solve.
Lobo - The Coyote, and Dubuk - The Hyena
These two spend so little time in humanoid form that some may question if they are still able to transform. If people are lost, anywhere in the world, than Lobo and Dubuk may appear to chase them for their amusement. They laugh and scream as they do so often scaring people but rarely if ever leading them to any harm. Instead they will work as a team to lead the lost back to civilisation, they just want to have a little fun on the way.
Cangrejo - The Crab
Being a trickster comes second to Cangrejo who is also the patron of seafarers. It is for this reason that the sea is a harsh lover. Cangrejo can only resist his trickster urges so much and so the sea is filled with beasts and bizarre little societies that have sprung up as the madness of the sea takes people in directions they would not have taken in elsewhere.
Koati - The Goat
The oldest of the tricksters and the longest unseen. Koati ventured into the mountains at the ends of the world and has never returned. They are believed to have either died, ceased to be, or found a new world to make into fools.
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itaglobal · 5 years
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The Ivri Group - Incentive Trip
When we at International Tours Alliance heard that First Broker Realty, now The Ivri Group was looking to do an incentive trip we were thrilled to step up to the plate. It took some time for us to finalize on the destination but once we did it was set… Panamá here we come!
When we saw the excitement on their faces walking out of the airport drained after a long flight we quickly got them in the van, opened a beer and we were on our way to the city. Like most people everyone is surprised when they first get to Panamá. The size of the buildings & skyscrapers like New York or Miami impress almost everyone.
Once we saw the famous “Torneo” building, one of the many banks in Panama’s City we knew we were getting close. Most of the high rise buildings have only emerged since the economic boom shortly after the year of 2000 when Panama was given control of the famous Panama Canal from the USA who had been in charge of the operation for 100 years. Our hotel was located in the banking district known as the area of El Cangrejo, a hipster destination where lots of people from around the world congregate due to its many bars, restaurants, casinos, karaoke, and of course cafés and bakeries.
We stayed at the boutique Hotel Granada with an urban and modern design. The architects are Panamanian and they wanted to show their modern concept in the middle of Panama’s City. Their focus on atmosphere makes for some great nightlife as the music starts and people come in from outside the hotel to mingle. Their outdoor pool has a bar area with classic wooden picnic tables, lights strung across the area and music playing till the wee hours of the morning. A great mix of people from all around the world.
For dinner we walked a few blocks along the side streets of El Cangrejo to an authentic Panamanian restaurant called El Trapiche with local cuisine where they had our table reserved in the back under a small rancho. The food was brought to us right away without having to order a thing. A full array of typical foods from Panamá. Starting with a traditional chicken soup known as “sancocho” followed by a mixed platter of; “arroz con pollo” a chicken & rice dish, “ropa vieja” shredded beef, “tamal de olla” a deconstructed pork tamale in a dish, “yuca frita” fried yucca sticks, “carimañola” a meat filled yucca roll, “patacon” a twice fried plantain, and crunchy chicharon.
As we finished our dinner we had an intimate talk with one of the founding partners of The Ivri Group, Omar Sanchez. We heard about his past, his struggles, his victories, his accomplishments, and how his perseverance was able to keep him in the game through good times and bad times. Now he is the owner of a company growing a team of agents and he recognizes how important it is for producers to feel recognized for their accomplishments. He spoke about how the company has decided to make this investment into their first incentive trip and shared his vision for the future where every year the company will continue to travel and incentivize its performers and top producers. With everyone inspired they reflected on what needed to be done in their respective lives, careers, & relationships. We walked back to the hotel that for an early much needed rest as we prepared for our following days trip to the islands of San Blas.
You may or may not have heard of it before but the Islands of San Blas are something you would see on a computer screen saver. Sandy white beaches, clear turquoise water, transparent enough to see the fish swim through your legs. With 365 islands there is so much to explore and know about San Blas. This almost lost culture is quietly awaiting to show you their local ways living off fresh fish and with a positive attitude while soaking up the sun‘s rays in paradise off the coast of Panamá in the Caribbean Sea. To get the most out of the day we woke up at 5:00am in the morning and hopped into a 4x4 SUV and departed the city as the sun started to rise in front of us.
Watching the sunrise over the Pacific Ocean is always beautiful, illuminating the sky in the Panamá Bay as we drove over the freeway exiting the city. We made our way up the spine of the mountain making up the continental divide through twists and turns avoiding large potholes feeling as if we were a bobble head inside the vehicle. We arrived to the top of the mountain and had breakfast in a small indigenous cabin. The food was very humbling to say the least but to see the small indigenous women from the Kuna Yala Tribe making us breakfast, plate by plate, doing what she could with the little that she had just to accommodate us for a quick bite to eat was quite the cultural experience.
As we arrived to the port we jumped on a small boat and headed 30 minutes out to sea. Once we got to the first island everyone jumped out of the boat with their jaw completely wide-open. As we sank our feet into the sand and as each toe sank deeper and deeper into the sugary white sand, all of our thoughts disappeared in a moment like the snap of a finger. This is paradise. After a few hours of doing nothing, one of the most amazing things someone can do to recharge their batteries and realize what they’re fighting for and go back to their work family and lives with new ambitions and motivations, we decided to go have lunch on another island.
Eating fresh seafood on an island after you’ve been in the sun for a few hours is extremely rewarding. The cherry on top is when you get to wash it down with a nice tasty cold beer. Even though the beer is light and some might even classify it in the category of a flavored water, there’s nothing like a cold one after a hot day. It was a busy day on the island as the country was celebrating its independence day. We lucked out and got a seat at one of the few restaurants and not only ate our lunch which was included but we also purchased fresh lobster from local fishermen and had an extra “dessert” of fresh lobster as we relaxed in the Caribbean Sea.
In Ocean Dining!
As we got into the afternoon ours we started to head back towards the city with everyone taking a long much needed nap on the way back. With a fresh sunburn and a layer of dried salt on our skin, it was back to the hotel for a nice cool shower and an early nights rest.
After a breakfast with a view of the pool we headed out to explore the city the following day. Panamá has much more than just a canal as we went to an impressive building formerly known as Trump Ocean Club now bearing the name JW Marriott, which is the tallest building in the city, a 70 floor skyscraper with infinity pool and 180° views of the ocean. Later we went to the top marina in Panamá where we were able to get some fun pictures in front of the large Panamá sign with yachts and the skyline as a backdrop. In the afternoon The Ivri Group Team had some private time for everyone to connect with business discussing goals and future visions.
This time spent with the companies top producers and the owner is what more companies and organizations should be doing. When incentivised, we work at an elevated level. These types of moments are priceless and when we have mind opening experiences like we do when traveling abroad exposing ourselves to different ways and lifestyles, us “go-getters” light up like a Christmas tree with inspiration and purpose through our own self reflection. What a phenomenal way to connect with workers and understand mutual goals and objectives of both their personal and business lives. These talks surly will be remembered forever.
I can clearly recall many moments as a sales rep of a Silicon Valley based company where the incentive of a $5 Starbucks gift card gave me fuel to add to my already burning fire. As “overachievers” we will always push the envelope and test the boundaries to see what we can and can’t do. With a little incentive or a big incentive great results will surely follow. Bring out the competitive spirit in your team and organization. Show them a new image and interest by the company to invest into them. Knowing them. Understanding them. Empowering them. Making them leaders who will in return produce and grow the company or organization to exponential lengths.
The next day we chilled out and cooled off from the tropical weather at the rooftop pool with a stunning view of the booming modern city of Panamá mixed with the contrast of the cathedral bell tower from the ancient Spaniards. The Central Hotel was actually the first hotel of Panama located in the National World Heritage Site of Casco Viejo. This day was starting off great. Expect for that little thing called a hangover! Solution = Micheladas! As we came back to life with the help of the sun and the alcohol we gazed out and watched the sky turn dark with thick grey storm clouds in the distance. It was only a matter of time before this storm started dropping bombs of rain on us. So we enjoyed the time while we could taking advantage of the sun shining with a obvious change in climate knocking at the door.
Right about then the owner of First Broker Realty had finished his spa treatment at the hotel in Casco Viejo. It happened to be his birthday during the trip so a good birthday spa treatment was definitely in order. He walked out clam and cool in his white robe and flip flops happy to see his team all connecting and bonding in the pool even if it was over micheladas to take away the edge. He jumped into the water and joined his team for some bonding time listening to the stories from the previous nights adventures.
This is team building. These are genuine relationships. On a real level.
We have turned into a society which actually looks for the fake and phony even though we acknowledge it to be so. Through these types of transformational travel moments people drop their ego, drop their guard, and drop their jaw when they are exposed to a new way. This is what we do best and to offer this unique experience to individuals and organizations of all types we know that we make a difference in people’s lives for the long haul. Maybe you have traveled, then you know exactly what we are talking about. Travel changes your point of view. Your energy. Your level of understanding. There are life lessons learned when traveling abroad especially when there are differences in language, culture, lifestyle, economical status that help us understand better who we are and that makes us appreciate what we have so much more. Thus we are motivated to fight for it. Live for it. And most importantly learn from it and apply it to what we do daily in our lives. We plant the seed so that individuals and organizations can help their people reach their greatest potential for the mutual benefit of all.
In the tourism business, It’s always difficult to watch people come and go. They show up with their ironed clothes and makeup all fancy. They arrive not knowing what to expect, what to think. They just come with an open mind. That’s what allows them to receive information like a sponge. Soaking up all they are exposed to while they experience exotic destinations where the mind stands still for just long enough to have that “ah hah” moment which could change you forever. Being a part of your company retreat or incentive trip is not just a job for us. It’s the opportunity for us to change lives. Help develop and identify leaders and see individuals and companies grow.
We want to grow with you. Let’s pick a destination. Structure an incentive for the people in your organization and get them excited about the opportunity to travel, explore, discover and learn.
For assistance organizing your company or organizations incentive trip:
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 1-(213)-293-6422 | 
IG: @ITAGlobalTravel
International Tours Alliance
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folatefangirl · 7 years
Get to know me meme
Thanks to @thesecretsthewriterkeeps for tagging me! I've never tried one of these before, but I figured it would be fun. :)
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname(s): Cinnia, Cinnamon (yes, really, I've been called this even though it sounds like my stripper name) 
Starsign: El Cangrejo
Height: 5'4"
Last thing i googled: "fictionpress plagiarism 2009" (It was a big hullabaloo back then. I guess it still is now, but there's fewer people around who care.)
Fave music artist: Does James Newton Howard count? No? (I love Gorillaz and Miracles of Modern Science but they aren't quite study/writing music artists.)
Song stuck in my head: Tous les mêmes by Stromae
Last movie i watched: Rogue One
Last tv show i watched: The Magicians
When did you create your blog?: After the season finale of Yuri on Ice because I just HAD to fangirl about it somewhere. (In other words, around December 23rd, 2016.)
What kind of stuff do i post?: fangirl feels and reblogs, pharmacy stuff, studyblr stuff related to learning Spanish as well as science and medicine, writing prompts and advice, things I find funny, occasional stuff related to being ExMormon/agnostic
Do i have any other blogs: Not on tumblr :)
Do i get asks regularly: Nope, but I don't mind them
Why did i chose my url: I'm both really into stuff related to pharmacy (I'm going to be a pharmacist someday) but I also have this ridiculous amount of fangirl/creative energy so it seemed fitting.
Gender: girl/gal/galpal/womancreature
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Pokemon team: idk because it's been so long since I played
Favourite colour: Warm colors, like reds and pinks and oranges
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 (though I swear I'm trying to get more)
Lucky number: 3
Favourite characters: Veil Sixclaw, Death, Nanny Ogg, Granny Weatherwax, Lyra + Will, Bitterblue, Cimorene, all the YOI characters, Gansey, all the Foxes, Daja + Tris + Briar + Sandry, Keladry of Mindelan, Jehane (The Lions of Al-Rassan)
How many blankets do i sleep with: Duvet + fleece blanket in the winter and as little as possible in the summer because fuck humidity
Dream job: medical writing with a part-time project of writing fantasy/humor under a cool penname
Following: 72
I’m still so new here that I’m not sure who to tag. So, um... @glowstudies @trashisthenewsexy @nekojitachan @flashcardfanatic @stresspharmacystudent @minimalcontactwithreality @realitycheckbounced @biblioshark @takemetoneverlandr5 @lemonadeandlanguages @stressedbisexual @grumpypharmtech
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phgq · 4 years
Village teams urged to report illegal quarry operators in Iloilo
#PHnews: Village teams urged to report illegal quarry operators in Iloilo
ILOILO CITY – The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) has sought the help of the barangay monitoring teams to report illegal quarry operations in the province.
This as complaints of illegal quarrying activities in the towns of Alimodian and Janiuay reached Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor Jr. last February 26.
Defensor said no official complaint has so far reached his table.
He said authorities can investigate illegal quarrying activities only with the presence of witnesses.
“(If) we have witnesses that will file the complaint, we’ll pursue it. We will call for an investigation and they will testify so that it will progress,” he said.
Lawyer Arturo Cangrejo, officer-in-charge of PENRO-Iloilo, said in a phone interview Saturday the reports have indeed come in photos and videos.
Cangrejo said formal complaints are not filed because in most cases, the reports come from one quarry operator against another quarry operator.
“These complaints are not put into writing because, other than the legitimate residents of the area, there are quarry operators behind the back. Those who come here in PENRO complains against his or her fellow operator and it creates tension,” he said.
Meanwhile, the PENRO calls for a technical meeting for the 150 quarry permit holders in the province and sends personnel to the area to check conflicts on quarry boundaries.
“We check if there was indeed overlap in the quarry areas. In some cases, there were overlaps (in the quarry area) and we issue a notice of violation to the violator and let him or her know our findings,” he said.
Cangrejo said the barangay monitoring teams are supposed to help apprehend illegal quarrying operators.
However, he added that some of the village officials and the barangay monitoring teams sometimes disregard their responsibility as they become “friends” with illegal quarry operators.
“It should be their responsibility to report. We seldom receive reports from the residents and we urge them to also be vigilant about illegal quarry operators,” he said.
Last month, an investigation was sought in the alleged illegal quarrying in the Jalaur River in Balud village, Zarraga and Bantud Fabrica village in Dumangas.
Fourth District Board Member Rolly Distura, in previous interviews, said the village officials in Bantud Fabrica reported that the quarrying might cause harm to the environment.
Distura said he personally saw three to four huge wooden-hulled boats, which can carry between 17 to 24 cubic meters of quarried materials each, operating in the village.
Quarry materials are being sold in Guimaras province, he said.
The Sangguniang Panlalawigan’s (SP) committee on environment and natural resources has held a series of hearings regarding the matter.
Distura said the SP will recommend stopping the operation.
On the other hand, Defensor said the provincial government can only issue a moratorium in quarrying activities in a certain area when the river is “not environmentally-sound anymore.”
The governor assured that the province, through the PENRO, monitors extraction activities in rivers.
“We cannot say that we will stop that because we have to maintain roads and we need graveling but we are monitoring the levels of quarrying. If there are rivers that need to rest, we are giving it a rest,” he said. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Village teams urged to report illegal quarry operators in Iloilo." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1095182 (accessed February 29, 2020 at 07:49PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Village teams urged to report illegal quarry operators in Iloilo." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1095182 (archived).
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arielmcorg · 4 years
En el marco de uno de los eventos de tecnología e innovación más importante a nivel global, CES (Consumer Electronic Show), Mercedes-Benz introduce las novedades sobre la movilidad del futuro.
Inspirado en el mundo de Avatar, en asociación con el director de la película más taquillera de la historia, James Cameron, Mercedes-Benz presentó en la Convención de Consumo Electrónico (CES) en Las Vegas un nuevo concepto de movilidad futurista de “Impacto Cero”.
Mercedes-Benz, inventor del automóvil, en colaboración con James Cameron, director de la taquillera película de ciencia ficción, AVATAR, presentó en Las Vegas su visión sobre el futuro de la movilidad sostenible con un prototipo inspirado en la producción cinematográfica bajo el concepto Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR. El nombre AVTR, “Advanced Vehicle Transformation”, refiere a la conexión biométrica entre vehículo-conductor.
Un aspecto destacado del habitáculo es que no posee volante. El mando de control central permite al conductor manejar el vehículo poniendo la mano sobre la consola central que detecta la respiración y los latidos del corazón del conductor.
Otra de las peculiaridades del Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR, es que cuenta con una batería orgánica hecha de materiales reciclables: desarrollada con una química celular basada en grafeno que está completamente libre de tierras raras y metales. Los materiales de la batería son compostables y, por lo tanto, completamente reciclables. De esta manera, la electromovilidad se vuelve independiente de los recursos fósiles.
El Vision AVTR se encamina hacia proyección de economía circular de “Impacto Cero”, combinando la sostenibilidad con la digitalización, conectando al hombre, la máquina y la naturaleza de una manera única sin precedentes. Ola Källenius, presidente del Consejo de Administración de Daimler AG y de Mercedes-Benz AG, introdujo el visionario vehículo conceptual en su discurso de apertura ante alrededor de 2.000 personas en el Park Theatre de Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) junto con el galardonado director del Premio Oscar y creador de AVATAR, James Cameron.
En su discurso de apertura señaló: “Daimler como empresa inventora del automóvil y pionera en servicios de movilidad tiene como objetivo brindar soluciones que faciliten la vida de las personas y a la vez, reduzcan el impacto en el medio ambiente. De esta manera este vehículo creará una conexión más estrecha con el controlador y el entorno que lo rodea”.   Fusión de interior y exterior
Un lenguaje de diseño inspirado en la naturaleza caracteriza la apariencia del vehículo conceptual. Cuenta con un diseño estirado y deportivo de “un arco”, que se fusiona de ruedas esféricas. Además, presenta 33 aletas móviles multidireccionales -“aletas biónicas”- en la parte trasera que permiten una interacción completamente nueva del VISION AVTR con su entorno. Nuevo concepto UX
El interior del VISION AVTR se convierte en un espacio de experiencia inmersiva y transmite una sensación completamente nueva. Una selección de menú proyectada en la palma de la mano permite al pasajero elegir intuitivamente entre diferentes funcionalidades. Por ejemplo, el conductor puede seleccionar la opción de explorar el mundo ficticio del cine Pandora de AVATAR desde diferentes perspectivas. Control novedoso y conexión biométrica
Otro aspecto destacado del VISION AVTR es su unidad de control. El elemento de control multifuncional en la consola central permite al conductor manejar intuitivamente el vehículo simplemente colocando su mano, siempre que no quiera viajar de forma autónoma. El nuevo accionamiento, en combinación con la disposición del eje, no solo permite el movimiento hacia adelante y hacia atrás, sino también en diagonal. A diferencia de los vehículos convencionales, el VISION AVTR puede moverse lateralmente unos 30 grados. El “movimiento de cangrejo” también le da al vehículo concepto una apariencia de reptil y una gran agilidad en su movimiento.
Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR – inspiriert von AVATAR Der Name des wegweisenden Konzeptfahrzeugs steht nicht nur für die intensive Kollaboration während der Entwicklung des Showcars gemeinsam mit dem AVATAR Team, sondern auch für ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION. Dieses Konzeptfahrzeug verkörpert die Vision von Mercedes-Benz Designern, Ingenieuren und Trendforschern für Mobilität in ferner Zukunft. Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR – inspired by AVATAR: The name of the groundbreaking concept vehicle stands not only for the close collaboration in developing the showcar together with the AVATAR team but also for ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION. This concept vehicle embodies the vision of Mercedes-Benz designers, engineers and trend researchers for mobility in the distant future.
Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR – inspiriert von AVATAR Der Name des wegweisenden Konzeptfahrzeugs steht nicht nur für die intensive Kollaboration während der Entwicklung des Showcars gemeinsam mit dem AVATAR Team, sondern auch für ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION. Dieses Konzeptfahrzeug verkörpert die Vision von Mercedes-Benz Designern, Ingenieuren und Trendforschern für Mobilität in ferner Zukunft. Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR – inspired by AVATAR: The name of the groundbreaking concept vehicle stands not only for the close collaboration in developing the showcar together with the AVATAR team but also for ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION. This concept vehicle embodies the vision of Mercedes-Benz designers, engineers and trend researchers for mobility in the distant future.
Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR – inspiriert von AVATAR Der Name des wegweisenden Konzeptfahrzeugs steht nicht nur für die intensive Kollaboration während der Entwicklung des Showcars gemeinsam mit dem AVATAR Team, sondern auch für ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION. Dieses Konzeptfahrzeug verkörpert die Vision von Mercedes-Benz Designern, Ingenieuren und Trendforschern für Mobilität in ferner Zukunft. Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR – inspired by AVATAR: The name of the groundbreaking concept vehicle stands not only for the close collaboration in developing the showcar together with the AVATAR team but also for ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION. This concept vehicle embodies the vision of Mercedes-Benz designers, engineers and trend researchers for mobility in the distant future.
#CES2020 – Mercedes-Benz presentó el Vision AVTR En el marco de uno de los eventos de tecnología e innovación más importante a nivel global, CES (Consumer Electronic Show), Mercedes-Benz introduce las novedades sobre la movilidad del futuro.
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keyslox · 4 months
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Spanish Panama Language School opened its doors in 2002 in Panama City, Panama. It intially started as a Spanish school for foreigners living or working in Panama. Five years ago it also gained a reputation for locals learning English as well. It is known for its highly personalized classes. Today it still operates in Panama City’s best and most fashionable expat neighborhood of Via Argentina, right below the famous “Cabeza Einstein” which is the monument to Albert Einstein’s visit to Panama. A large variety of Spanish and English courses are taught at its central location in El Cangrejo. Its team of 20 Spanish and English teachers are also ready to give customized Spanish or English classes to local business offices and homes in and around Panama City. TEL: (#507) 213-3121  www.spanishpanama.com
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cienciasnacionales · 6 years
La Nebulosa del Cangrejo. Créditos: NASA, ESA, J. Hester y A. Loll (Universidad Estatal de Arizona)
La Nebulosa Trífida. Créditos: NASA, ESA y el Equipo de Herencia de Hubble (AURA / STScI); Agradecimiento: F. Yusef-Zadeh (Universidad del Noroeste)
La nebulosa del anillo. Créditos: NASA, ESA y el Hubble Heritage (STScI / AURA) -ESA / Hubble Collaboration
La Galaxia Girasol. La formación de estrellas es uno de los procesos más importantes en la formación del universo. Créditos: ESA / Hubble y NASA
La Nebulosa de Orión. Créditos: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Instituto de Ciencia del Telescopio Espacial / ESA) y el Telescopio Espacial Hubble. Equipo del Proyecto del Tesoro de Orión.
La Nebulosa Dumbbell. Créditos: NASA / ESA y el Equipo del Patrimonio Hubble (STScI / AURA)
Esta magnífica vista de la galaxia espiral M106 se armó a partir de las exposiciones de Hubble y las imágenes en tierra tomadas por el astrónomo aficionado Robert Gendler. Las imágenes de Gendler basadas en tierra se usaron para rellenar piezas de la galaxia que Hubble no observó. Créditos: NASA, ESA, el Equipo de Herencia de Hubble (STScI / AURA) y R. Gendler (para el Equipo de Herencia de Hubble); Agradecimiento: J. GaBany
La galaxia del cigarro. M82 o la galaxia cigarro, brilla intensamente en longitudes de onda infrarrojas y es notable por su actividad de formación estelar. Créditos: NASA, ESA y el Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA); Agradecimientos: J. Gallagher (Universidad de Wisconsin), M. Mountain (STScI) y P. Puxley (Fundación Nacional de Ciencias).
Hubble ha capturado casi 8,000 estrellas azules girando alrededor del núcleo de M32 como una ventisca de copos de nieve. Esta galaxia elíptica se encuentra a 2,5 millones de a��os luz de la Tierra en la constelación de Andrómeda y es una de las dos galaxias satélite que orbitan alrededor de M31, la galaxia de Andrómeda. Créditos: NASA y Thomas M. Brown, Charles W. Bowers, Randy A. Kimble, Allen V. Sweigart (Centro Goddard de Vuelos Espaciales de la NASA) y Henry C. Ferguson (Instituto de Ciencias del Telescopio Espacial)
La Nebulosa Omega o la Nebulosa del Cisne Credits: NASA, H. Ford (JHU), G. Illingworth (UCSC/LO), M. Clampin (STScI), G. Hartig (STScI), the ACS Science Team and ESA
Messier 45 (Las Pléyades). Hubble ha capturado los misteriosos y tenues zarcillos de una nube interestelar destruida por una de las estrellas más brillantes de M45. Como los fuegos artificiales que iluminan las nubes oscuras de la noche, la luz de la estrella se refleja en la superficie de nubes oscuras de gas frío mezclado con polvo. Esto produce una nebulosa de reflexión. Créditos: NASA y el Equipo de Herencia de Hubble (STScI / AURA); Agradecimiento: George Herbig y Theodore Simon (Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad de Hawai)
Messier 16 (La Nebulosa del Águila). Estos enormes tentáculos de polvo cósmico y gas se encuentran en el corazón de M16, o la Nebulosa del Águila. Los bien nombrados Pilares de la Creación, presentados en esta impresionante imagen del Hubble, son parte de una activa región de formación de estrellas dentro de la nebulosa y ocultan estrellas recién nacidas en sus tenues columnas. Créditos: NASA, ESA y el Equipo de Herencia de Hubble (STScI / AURA)
Un espectacular enjambre de estrellas, M15 fue descubierto en 1746 por Jean-Dominique Maraldi, un astrónomo italiano en busca de cometas. Créditos: NASA, ESA
Messier 8 (La nebulosa de la laguna). Comúnmente conocida como la Nebulosa de la Laguna, M8 fue descubierta en 1654 por el astrónomo italiano Giovanni Battista Hodierna, quien, como Charles Messier, buscó catalogar objetos nebulosos en el cielo nocturno para no confundirlos con cometas. Créditos: NASA, ESA
Separado de la Nebulosa de Orión (M42) por solo una oscura línea de polvo, M43 fue reconocido como una nebulosa distinta por el astrónomo francés Jean-Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan en 1731. Créditos: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Instituto de Ciencia del Telescopio Espacial / ESA) y el Telescopio Espacial Hubble. Equipo del Proyecto del Tesoro de Orión.
M64, o la galaxia Black Eye, se caracteriza por su extraño movimiento interno. El gas en las regiones exteriores de esta notable galaxia está girando en la dirección opuesta al gas y las estrellas en sus regiones internas. Este extraño comportamiento se puede atribuir a una fusión entre M64 y una galaxia satélite hace más de mil millones de años.Créditos: NASA y el equipo del patrimonio de Hubble (AURA / STScI); Reconocimiento: S. Smartt (Instituto de Astronomía) y D. Richstone (U. Michigan)
La NASA presenta algunas de las impresionantes imágenes del catálogo Messier de Hubble
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vmanchado · 7 years
"Cuando el grajo vuela bajo, hace un frío del carajo" 
Dicho popular 
A unos 5000 años-luz de distancia de nosotros, en la constelación austral de Centaurus, se encuentra el lugar donde se ha medido la temperatura más baja del universo conocido (fuera de un laboratorio, claro). Nos referimos a la Nebulosa Boomerang, una protonebulosa planetaria bipolar. Nos encontramos con un objeto realmente peculiar, ya que se encuentra en fase de evolución de estrella de la rama asintótica gigante a nebulosa planetaria. Se considera que esta fase suele durar alrededor de un millar de años (apenas un suspiro en términos astronómicos), con lo que nos encontramos ante un objeto extraordinariamente raro de observar.
Esta animación posiblemente no tenga mucha calidad, pero es bastante descriptiva y muestra muy bien el proceso de formación de una nebulosa planetaria (en este caso la Nebulosa de la Hélice). La estrella se desprende de sus capas exteriores, las cuales se expanden de manera más o menos homogénea por el espacio. Originalmente fueron confundidas con planetas gaseosos por sus descubridores (de ahí el nombre genérico de este tipo de nebulosas). Créditos: NASA/STScI
El nombre con el que se conoce a esta nebulosa le fue puesto en 1980, cuando los astrónomos Keith Taylor y Mike Scarrott usaron uno de los telescopios del Observatorio Anglo-Australiano para estudiarla en detalle. Entonces creyeron ver una forma de bumerán, al observar una ligera asimetría en los lóbulos de esta nebulosa. Observaciones posteriores han obtenido imágenes mucho más definidas (especialmente desde el espacio) y nos hacen pensar que quizás el nombre de Nebulosa de la Pajarita hubiera sido más apropiado.
En 1998, el telescopio espacial Hubble tomó esta hermosa imagen de la Nebulosa Boomerang, situada a 5000 años-luz de distancia en la constelación de Centaurus. La imagen es el resultado de una exposición de 1000 segundos usando un filtro verde-amarillo. La nebulosa está iluminada por la luz de la estrella central que se refleja en las partículas de polvo. Creditos: NASA, ESA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Nuestra protagonista se encuentra en la fase inicial de expansión de material estelar y lo hace a unas velocidades realmente impresionantes, poco más de 590000 km/h. Precisamente esta altísima velocidad de expansión de material hace que la nebulosa se enfríe ¡y de qué manera! hasta el extremo de alcanzarse la temperatura más baja medida fuera de un laboratorio. Nada menos que 1 K (-272º C), o sea, tan sólo 1 grado por encima del 0 absoluto. Aún más, el Fondo Cósmico de Microondas (el remanente del lejanísimo Big Bang hace unos 13700 millones de años) tiene incluso una temperatura superior, que se encuentra en torno a los 2,7 K.
Recordemos que el 0 absoluto (-273,15º C) es la temperatura teórica más baja posible, donde el movimiento de las partículas se detiene por falta de energía (más o menos, porque a nivel cuántico siempre queda algo de energía residual, o energía de punto cero, para así cumplir el Principio de indeterminación de Heisenberg).
Se estima que en los últimos 1500 años nuestra protagonista ha perdido el equivalente a 1'5 masas solares. Esto supone una tasa de pérdida de 10 a 100 veces más alta que otras nebulosas similares en tamaño. Junto con su baja luminosidad (apenas unas 300 veces la del Sol, significativamente menor que otras nebulosas), hace que sea un objeto de un extraordinario interés para establecer modelos teóricos sobre la pérdida de masa de las nebulosas planetarias tras la fase de secuencia principal de la estrella progenitora. 
Se ha estimado que la estrella progenitora sería una gigante roja con poco más de 4 masas solares, mientras que el flujo ultra frío de gas y polvo en los lóbulos de la nebulosa está en torno a las 3,3 masas solares y se extiende hasta las 120000 AUs (1 AU = 150 millones de km, la distancia que separa a la Tierra del Sol) de radio.
Esta espectacular toma circumpolar es una vista parcial de las 66 antenas parabólicas de entre 7 y 12 metros de diámetro del observatorio ALMA en el Llano del Chajnantor, en el desierto de Atacama a más de 5100 metros de altitud, Chile. Créditos: ESO/Babak Tafreshi
Mediciones llevadas a cabo usando el observatorio del ESO en Chile ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) han llevado a determinar que una pequeña compañera de la estrella progenitora se ha zambullido en su núcleo, acelerando dramáticamente el proceso de eyección de masa de la nebulosa protoplanetaria y haciendo que su temperatura baje a extremos nunca vistos antes.
Imagen de la Nebulosa Boomerang en longitud de onda submilimétrica, se aprecian claramente los lóbulos de la misma junto con una zona central más densa. Créditos: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/R. Sahai
La zona central de la Nebulosa Boomerang, la más densa, tiene unas dimensiones de 1740x275 AUs y se expande a menor velocidad que los lóbulos norte y sur. Por otro lado, la nebulosa tiene una extensión de 2 años-luz, la mitad de la distancia que nos separa de Proxima Centauri.
Uniendo la imagen anterior con  la obtenida en 1998 por el telescopio espacial Hubble podemos apreciar el tamaño relativo de los lóbulos principales con el resto de la nebulosa. Créditos: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/R. Sahai
Otra foto del Hubble, pero más reciente, de comienzos de 2005. Se ha dispersado la luz de la nebulosa Boomerang para apreciar mejor los detalles de su estructura interna. Créditos: NASA, ESA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Con el tiempo, a medida que el flujo ultra frío de la nebulosa vaya entrando en contacto con el medio interestelar que está más cálido (es un decir), su temperatura irá aumentando poco a poco hasta equilibrarse con su entorno.
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wjbs-aus · 7 years
Potential Half-Life AU concept
Ok, so I’ve had this idea for quite some time, but here goes:
The year is 2076, and the world has become a wasteland. In the South American city of De Diecisiete, a street gang named La Cosechadora rule with an iron fist. A 15 year old named Godfreid Freeman has recently stumbled upon the city while he was lost in the desert. Having lost all memories of his past life, Gordon doesn’t realise the city is the same as the one he had grown up in. La Cosechadora are led by a man named Breen. Gordon teams up with a 15 year old resistance leader named Alexis Vance and a former police cadet named Bernard Calhoun. Along the way, they encounter a race of mutated humans known as Zombies Cabeza Cangrejo, go through the toxic wasteland of Mundo De La Frontera De Xen and fight through waves of giant mutated creatures.
The AU is called “Half-Love” and incorporates parts of both games, as well as the episodes and expansions. Portal and TF2 might find their way in as well.
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keyslox · 4 months
team cangrejo <3 💙🦀
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