#tbh I'm just spitballing things here
megers67 · 4 months
Some rambling THOUGHTS on Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel and the protection deal and the Determination and other bits and bobs. Loosely organized as bullet points so it's not all disjointed run-ons. Also, it's possible some of these have been answered by Vivzie on social media or other means, but I'm at work on mobile and don't have Twitter/X.
That deal, while it seems cruel to Charlie, was actually a pretty generous one for Hell and there's very little chance Lucifer could have done better. Hell isn't JUST sinners. It's all the other demons and hellborn. I'm not sure of the actual percentages of hellborn to Sinners, but at the very least with Sinners confined to the Pride ring with the hellborn being able to also be in all OTHER rings, means that, population-wise, far more people are protected by the deal than aren't.
Lucifer likely was super jaded about the Sinners to have a huge motivation in protecting them in comparison to the hellborn who didn't have the free will to end up in hell (though this can ultimately be questioned when we examine in later seasons what it may take to get into Heaven or Hell, but Lucifer doesn't know that either so it still stands that the current working assumptions of all involved is that Sinners "deserve" being in Hell in some way). Though even if he did, he can't make the same argument for Sinners as he can for Hellborn.
I think it's pretty well assumed that part of the contract/deal means that Lucifer can't interfere. It would be interesting to see if that extends to, at minimum, Lilith or any of the other Sins. Don't think the Sins have much motivation to help out, but still. Actually, their absence from the Pride ring in general despite having abilities/roles that would seem to overlap with some of the Overlord roles indicates a separate non-interference agreement between Lucifer and the other Sins. So they likely wouldn't need to be specified in THIS contract.
Razzle and Dazzle are Lucifer's warning system of a broken contract. If Charlie is in danger enough for one of them to die during an Extermination, it can ONLY mean the contract is void or broken and he can step in. And that in this type of case, he needs to do so QUICKLY.
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Lilith is supposed to also get notified, though as her other parent, but that also depends on when Razzle and Dazzle were made as her bodyguards.
Actually, curious how long the Extermination has been going on. Has it said? Long enough for the citizens to be used to it, but it wasn't like it has been going on since Day 1. My best guess would be something like... Post-Flood or something. Seems like a large inflection point in Hell's Sinner population.
Though that would also seem like the population doesn't matter unless there was also the threat of an actual rebellion. So if there were numbers but no inkling of rebellion, then no Extermination would feel necessary to tamper that threat. And idk if there's just stuff we haven't seen, but it seems like there isn't even a physical way to Heaven without a portal, despite being able to see it (?) In the sky. So why would Heaven feel threatened unless there was an... Incident.
Lilith prolly has something to do with that. Wild speculation since I don't know anything about the prior web comic or whatever, but Lilith prolly came close to something and it freaked Heaven out. It would be REALLY interesting, though highly unlikely if this all got going 7 years ago. Like Lilith was doing stuff behind the scenes that Charlie wasn't aware of, Heaven got pissed off, Lucifer bent the knee instead of defending Lilith? There's definitely holes in that incomplete thought, but could be an interesting thread. Perhaps an AU down the line or something. Idk.
I think I had more thoughts, but that last one came out of left field as I was typing and I got a work call that also derailed my train of thought. I'll reblog with more if I come up with any.
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bonefall · 3 months
For Flowerstem vs Maplewhisker, maybe they're both present and one is like… an aide to whichever is the deputy? Not officially, but in the midst of All That they just happen to be helping/supporting the other, and are a clear choice of new deputy once the dust settles.
They're not necessarily friends at the start, either acquaintances that grow closer through a shared sense of "someone has to keep things working", or maybe even rivals of a sort- they don't get along great initially, but they respect each other, and it turns out they're willing to back each other up when it matters (+ the value of having a second-in-command who's willing to disagree with you)
idk i'm just spitballing here tbh
I layed around and daydreamed about it for a bit, and I think this is a great idea. I have even more thoughts to share as fragments;
To start with, I'm thinking Flowerstem is going to be the Winner of the Conflict, and Maplewhisker is going to become her friend and future deputy. Mothpelt is going to be the oldest heir*, who dies of poisoning along with a few of his children.
And to reiterate, Jumpfoot is the descendant of Riverstar's firstborn child, and Mossfire is his adopted heir.
Renames to get the names more in-line with where they were at this period in history;
BB!Flowerstem -> Flowers Came First. Nickname: Flow. A River Kingdom title. Comes from a translation quirk. "Stem," prryem, is the place where plants erupt from the ground in modern Clanmew. Over many generations, influenced by the story of Redscar's sign, "Came" and "First" merge into a single word, Prryem. Eventual winner of the conflict.
BB!Maplewhisker -> Maple Whisker A Mountain Cat name. Actually a reference to the odd saplings that were planted in SkyClan's territory (and is now ThunderClan's). Maple might be a migrant from SkyClan or a second-generation descendant of them, so a more accurate translation would be Sycamore Whisker, but the translator chooses to abide by the precedent set by Mapleshade. Flow's future deputy. (I don't currently have a Mountain family with the Whisker last name, I might end up making it something that came from a Mountain x Forest/Park blended family, as a Mountain cat wanted to name half of the kits for their mate as is tradition.)
BB!Mothpelt* -> Dead Moths Pelt. Nickname: Moth (though I'm easily tempted by funny into making it Moe.) Another River Kingdom title, for the irony factor. It's actually a reference to how he rescued a ton of pelts from a moth infestation, by recognizing they were laying eggs and stopping them before they hatched. Hard to translate into just three words, because in Parkmew it was "Killed (the) moths (to save the) pelts." * = Watch this space. Might change in a future draft.
BB!Jumpfoot -> Jumping Foot Nickname: Jump Actually from WindCo. I haven't worked out the meaning behind this title yet. I'm going to make it so Duststar is supporting this cat for leadership; they might even be slightly related. Cousins, perhaps.
BB!Mossfire -> Mossfire Alight Only given recently, when Moss set her own fire for the very first time. Barely out of apprenticeship, but very popular. Riverstar's adopted child.
(I also need to pick the ThunderClan "Diplomat" character.)
More fragments and assorted thoughts;
(Three parts: Opening, Middle Stuff, and Redscar's Choice)
Opening and political setup:
BB!Flowerstem, Flow, is kind of like an older sibling/nanny of Moss. She was an apprentice of King Riverstar, and unofficially trusted to watch over Moss, who is considerably younger than she is. She wasn't formally adopted by King Riverstar but he always felt like a father to her.
BB!Jumpfoot, Jump, is from WindCo. Riverstar's firstborn was not legitimate, who lived a long and happy life as a traveler going between the various groups.
Riverstar is actually Jump's great-great-grandfather, but Jump is an accomplished, confident warrior who's just young enough to have a long rule, but experienced enough to make Mossfire look like a child in comparison.
And, importantly, Duststar wants Jump in power.
When Riverstar is on his deathbed, Flow, Moth, and Moss are there. Jump actually blows in later, and the Unnamed ThunderClan Diplomat.
The Diplomat is going to be one who does the poisoning later. Jump is REALLY easy to pin the blame on, because he's aggressive and kind of arrogant.
Through the story, Flow is trying to protect both Moss AND keep the River Kingdom functioning. Without even realizing it, people keep coming to her for advice.
Maple Whisker is her really good ally through all this. I'm not sure how they're going to begin, they COULD be rivals, but the important thing is that Maple and Flow naturally end up supporting each other.
While Flow is trying to keep Moss safe and fend off the other Heirs who are showing up looking to make claims to power, Maple is handling a lot of the logistical things.
Flow is an excellent "face." Her judgement is generally influential.
She's kind and compassionate, and it means that she's able to smooth out conflict in a way that King Riverstar used to be able to.
And there are a LOT of fights to break up.
Jump is a complete troublemaker already trying to assert his claim, and he's got cats to back him up.
Moss, who is really trying to be fair here, often gets pulled into fights.
FLOW'S biggest "flaw" is that she's honest. At some point she even admits, "Moss is really not ready for leadership. She needs more time before she has this responsibility."
unfortunately, opportunists and blood-loyalists who don't believe "adopted" can count as legitimate jump on that. Mossfire resents this, even though Flow is right, and she IS in waaay over her head.
But, thankfully, there's still an option.
The Eldest (currently living) direct child of Riverstar, Dead Moth Pelt, Moth, is the obvious alternative. He's older, speaks highly of his father, has connections to the River Kingdom.
And, importantly, he's got kittens of his own. Easy choice! They'll continue the dynasty and we won't have to worry about this again.
They're Just Like The Wind Runner
(jump and duststar disliked this)
.....hmmmmm. You know what would be cool?
The ThunderClan Diplomat being one of these kids.
Maybe in a future draft the Diplomat will be Mothpelt, and the ELDEST will be Beechstar. Maybe their name can be Beech Shore.
Add some more messy dynamics here, have it that Mothpelt "wants to avenge!" the father he actually killed.
But ANYWAY. This draft first.
Moth is a showman and a people-pleaser. He decides he wants to have a party to honor his father's life,
At this celebration, Moth's direct family all eats from the same, very special pot.
Everyone in this family is poisoned. None of them are able to make the trip to the Moonstone, and one-by-one, Moth and his kits succumb to it.
(except, of course, the diplomat, if he ends up being a descendant of The Eldest.)
The Diplomat, whoever they are, makes the obvious accusation;
Jumping Foot did this.
All this while, I think Flow should be realizing there's something wrong with the Diplomat. But there's ALSO a lot wrong with Jumping Foot
As Jumping Foot becomes unpopular, his supporters are rallying around him and the accusations are starting to get thrown around
Re: It's VERY useful that Flow remains the only POV here, realizing that the fighting and the fracturing factions are starting to affect the function of the River Kingdom
Maple Whisker is by her side, constantly running to come fetch her to break up fights and arguments
Dens aren't getting maintained, cats are going hungry as there's no one really "in charge" of making meals for everyone
I want to make sure it's clear that it's not an "ABANDON OLD PEOPLE" situation. It's Flow laying it out directly;
"Everyone who isn't part of a large family is suffering. You HAVE to pick a side in order to have access to good food and shelter... and Jumping Foot is backed up by the Wind Coalition!"
In this shuffle, she's having a hard time protecting Moss, who's getting sick and tired of her Kingdom being yanked around.
She's growing up quick, having to work with Flow to take care of the cats in the Kingdom, but it's also making her more aggressive. Less patient.
Through The Diplomat, ThunderClan also begins to stick their nose in, which The Diplomat frames as "aid, they are our allies after all. Ties to them run deep, unlike those of the Wind Coalition."
Flow starts to realize that between these two huge coalitions, backed by outside forces, the River Kingdom will get absorbed.
In the shuffle, Flow and Mossfire Alight are starting to break apart. They used to be close, but the stress is making Moss aggressive and short-fused.
She NEVER used to start fights like this, but now Flow is finding herself trying to stop her previously so openminded charge from escalating conflicts.
It's a complete lost cause. There's no way Mossfire is going to be able to come out on top between two very powerful choices, backed up by other Clans
Most River Kingdom cats DO actually believe that it would have been King Riverstar's will for his adopted heir to take over. They disagree on if that's the right choice, or if an adopted one can be legitimate at all, or, WORST of all, if they even CAN support her when a lot of their food and supplies are coming from ThunderClan and WindCo
This comes to a boil when SkyClan charges in for a surprise attack, seeking to claim the territory before it's fully absorbed by the other two.
Because the River Kingdom's camp was on the Sunningrocks, an island in the middle of the river, this battle is CHAOTIC and DEADLY
The island was almost too small to hold all of the reinforcements and MORE AND MORE kept coming, packing in like sardines
The fighting was spilling over onto the banks, over the log bridge, a fight almost as dense and even more SUDDEN than The First Battle
Noncombatants were getting swept up into the fighting, no one knowing who they were supposed to be fighting against, some cats just jumping on those they didn't like, cats who couldn't swim were getting launched into the water
Flow and Maple Whisker can't SAVE all of them
And in the brawl, Mossfire leapt on the cat who she felt had been making her life hell, who KILLED Moth and his children, who needed to DIE
Jumping Foot was happy to return the sentiment, ready to eliminate this bloodless brat once and for all
As they tussled and tumbled, they crashed into the waves, biting and scratching, not realizing that their crowns had become tangled.
Mossfire tries to break the water for a breath, but Flow only sees her back breach the surface before getting dragged under
She leaps back in to try and save her, trying to pull her up, but Jumping Foot is a WindCo cat who doesn't know how to avoid drowning. He grabs at Mossfire in a panic, joined at the crown, and Flow can't pull them both up
The last time Flow sees Mossfire is in that terrified, tangled image, sinking down to the depths, seemingly locked in eternal combat down to the bottom of the river.
Redscar's Choice
When we cut back to Flowers Come First and Maple Whisker, Flow is absolutely haunted.
It seemed like the "obvious" choice was The Diplomat... but after that awful fight, an emergency gathering had to take place.
EVERY Clan lost warriors. ShadowClan was demanding to know why-- as they were the only one not officially involved in the fight, and even THEY are missing warriors.
WindCo has the most losses, and Duststar is VERY quiet. Jumping Foot's death shook him. There wasn't even a body to bury, and he hasn't gotten word on if Jump's gone to StarClan or not.
He's quiet because the guilt is eating him from the inside out. He's doing some sort of prayer behavior, quietly, as if he doesn't even seem to realize he's doing it.
(probably keeping his whiskers tilted upwards at the stars, twitching whenever the breeze hits them.)
ThunderClan's leader seems more frustrated than anything. Flow interprets this negatively, like they just want to get on with it and claim River Kingdom as their own.
(in truth, it's more likely this leader is annoyed with The Diplomat's meddling, the Kingdom isn't a prize they really want, they just honored an alliance and lost a ton of warriors for the trouble. But what matters is what Flow feels about them.)
SkyClan got absolutely humiliated. They were the catalyst for the battle but were quickly overwhelmed, and the current leader just took a MASSIVE reputation hit. It's not the Era of Skystar any longer.
(someone makes a xenophobic comment about "Jump back up into your trees, gray squirrels")
Maple Whisker, in a quick-thinking effort to avoid The Diplomat being officiated, calls upon a neutral party. Redscar of ShadowClan.
If mortals cannot figure out the rightful heir, then surely, StarClan must.
Duststar jumps on this immediately.
Diplomat doesn't like it, but it doesn't matter, because the ThunderClan leader does. Speaks right over them.
Over a couple of days, Redscar "deliberates" by visiting River Kingdom to "spend time under their stars."
But what he's REALLY doing is checking out how the Kingdom runs. And he's really gentle with Flow, in particular, like he's very interested in her.
When she questions why, he lies, "You have spirits around you."
This gets her to open up about how close she was to so many of the cats that died, explain how hard she's worked to keep it all together. How much she misses Mossfire, how she feels she failed her.
And King Riverstar, and Moth, and his poor kits.
I feel like The Diplomat is probably constructing signs to try and appeal to Redscar, thinking he's looking for them, but Redscar is NOT looking for signs. He's actually ignoring them completely.
This is going to be remembered as "seeing through false omens" but in truth, he was not interested in what StarClan actually had to say here, if they even did say anything.
(King Riverstar, as a patron, is remembered as NOTORIOUSLY silent. He never says anything directly.)
What Redscar ultimately concludes is, "It seems you and Maple Whisker have ruled together this whole time, with your leadership and her stewardship, it was almost strong enough to keep the Kingdom together."
Flow makes a remark that it sure didn't turn out well, if that's the case.
"Through no fault of yours."
Shortly afterwards, he constructs the False Sign which selects her as a leader. Redscar also insists that, because she did not rule alone, Maple Whisker must become a "deputy," as they have in ShadowClan.
She agrees to this term, justifying it by saying that it is sort of like an advisor role, which she used to be... but it's not. It's quite different.
This law is eventually adopted as Commandment 3: The Law of the Deputy. That all Clans must have a Leader, and a Deputy. The Deputy must be appointed before Moonhigh, and to become a Deputy, you must have once been responsible for young lives.
(This is in honor of Flow's relationship to Mossfire. It will be tweaked over the generations to specifically mean a mentor/apprentice relationship, but the first draft of the law could also include being a Mi or Ba.)
Thus, the River Kingdom is no more. RiverClan is born, and in agreeing to the terms, WindCo becomes WindClan.
Something changes on this day, with so many cats dead and the group now being something very different. The era of charitability and open relations between Clans... is starting to seem like a bad idea.
The current of the river is the same, but somehow, the water is different.
Last plot thread left to wrap up is The Poisoning.
It's GOTTA be a dramatic reveal of some sort. The Diplomat makes one last grab at power. I think it would actually be a BIG power move if Flow came back with her lives, receiving the wisdom from Redscar that Diplomat was constructing false signs, putting two and two together...
A feast is thrown, she decides to eat in the same exact way Moth did, makes it very clear she's "repeating" the mistake because Jumping Foot is dead and that means that the assassin is not here to put down poisons. The Diplomat falls for it, hook, line, and sinker, tainting her food in between servings.
And when they do, Flow INSISTS that The Diplomat come, and have a bite with her.
She's got nine lives to spare now. She can give one up, just for the satisfaction of locking eyes with them as they both have a bite of the same poisoned food. The horror, the panic, in their expression is the most delicious thing Flow has ever tasted.
If seeing Mossfire's crown tangled with Jumping Foot's was like a stag who dies with antlers locked, then Flow dying next to The Diplomat, sticking around in StarClan to watch them damn them and send them to the Dark Forest, and then rise again to attend her Clan, this moment was like being a stag who outlives their foe and wears their skull as a second crown.
Long Live Flowerstar.
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neverchecking · 1 year
I have a brain rot for sage, hes challenging the chain for their time with player/reader, he basically wants all His/Her/Them's attention, of course none of the chain and sage are going to "play" fair their going to cheat no matter what. the only ones he might not win against is time, FD and maybe twilight. wind, four, Hyrule, and sky would do sad puppy eyes to get cuddle time, twilight and legend turn into their animal form to get pettings, sage and wild would cook food to get points for being delicious. (etc.etc.) just some yandere shenanigans for attention. the challenges he did were sword fighting, bow and arrow targeting, sparing, arm wrestling, and so forth.
Okay, last one for the night! I figured since this isn't really a request, I could spitball some more of my headcanons for our beloved Sage.
Jk it delted itself so I gave up and went to bed bc last time I tried to push through I wasn't happy with the end product, so sorry for the delay!
For those of you who don't know, Sage is another name for the Tears of the Kingdom Link--dubbed Hero of the Zonai-- should we decide he is not in fact Wild.
For the Wild and Facesitting request, it's in progress I promise! I try to go in order with my requests, but like I said, this is more headcanons versus a scenario. It should be out tomorrow later today so look out for that ;)
Y'all. The amount of Sage requests in my inbox right now? You guys are feral for this man and I love it. So I'm here to feed you guys.
TotK spoilers below!
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・❥・Okay, so lemme start this off by saying. I have done you all wrong. And for that I apologize.
・❥・Because our wonderful @wayfayrr has opened my eyes to new possibilities that I would've never even thought of. So everyone say thank you rn >:(
・❥・So let's make some amendments!
・❥・First off, let's talk about nicknames. I love the idea that Reader, and only Reader, can call him anything other than Sage. And calling him other herb-related nicknames? Kills me. He is a flushing red mess the first time it happens. You had deemed him worthy of a nickname? You considered him person enough to have a moniker that wasn't also a title? If he was down bad before, it's so much worse now. Because you see him as a person. He's sure the others just see him as a means to the end. The second one of them, maybe save Wind, try it, he's shooting them daggers and snarling at them for even daring to try and impeach your privilege. (I also love the Calm, Wild and Feral thing, I thought that was so freaking clever.)
・❥・And you know how each of the hero's have their own 'sword' right? Well, what if Sage's was the Master Sword Remastered? Like Sky's (Like most of their Master Swords actually) but now it's been boosted by ten thousand years worth of direct light magic. (Does the Zonai time fall before Skyward Sword or after? I have no idea where they fall on the timeline tbh.). Just a thought. It could also be a gloom sword which probably wouldn't effect him as hard in other timelines because there's no demon king to power it, but it probably does hurt the others if they try to touch it.
・❥・Now, the juicy part. Let's retouch on Wild's and Sage's relationship. I originally said that Sage was okay with him? I lied. Wayfayrr has opened my eyes.
・❥・Sage probably can't fucking stand Wild. As they said, this is a version of him that didn't have this second adventure. Got to rest and distant himself from the Hero Title. And that just pisses him off. Why did he get the shittier hand? Why did he have to do it all over again? Why when this failure got to get off easy? Why couldn't he have the same grace, huh? What made them so different?
・❥・And if we're using the past oneshot (Here!) as they're 'canon' meeting, this filth let you get hurt. You were hurt before meeting him, which means that they can't be trusted with you. Especially Wild. So Sage cannot stand you being near Wild. At all. It eats at him and he doesn't last long before splitting the two of you up.
・❥・Calamity is even worse. There is probably an active hate towards Calamity (In this Yandere world, in a normal, not toxic world? They probably work out their differences a little better). This was a version of him who didn't even have to die to complete his quest. And this just shows that Fraud has favorites and it's not him.
・❥・You know who else he probably doesn't like? Twilight. Now, hear me out. This is purely me just spitting this out, but Sage has to be aware. He listens when they don't think he does, he's awake when they think he's not, he's watching when they don't even know he's there.
・❥・So he probably picks up on all of their little secrets. Meaning he knows Twilight is Wolfie. And (I think this is Canon is LU but I'm not sure) Wild had Wolfie as a guide. Which means Sage had Wolfie as a guide. The difference? When he needed him the second time, left stumbling around like a newborn fawn crawling out of the shrine all over again, he was left alone. He was fighting robots with a fucking Stick. He fused a mushroom to a shield just to buy himself more time. At one point, he was fusing a long stick to another long stick just to fight from a distance to save his battered body. Rauru did as much as he could, but there were some times he wished he was left for dead.
・❥・Not anymore as that means he would've never met you, but then? different story.
・❥・They also brought up that Sage probably doesn't stop at just cooking your food and I agree. When on the road, he for sure goes straight to the source. If he doesn't know exactly where it came from, it's not going anywhere near his Goddess. Nope. Not a chance in the gloomy depths from hell.
・❥・He's going to farmers themselves rather than merchants for produce, hunting any protein himself, climbing trees for eggs, he probably even makes his own butter. Now, because he's also cooking savy this for sure makes the rivalry between him and Wild widen. Wild is set in his cook for the chain, not you. Sage can't trust them to not hurt you again. Whose to say they don't over spice the food? Or undercook the fish? Or drop shells into the egg?
・❥・He can't trust them and may force you to pick one of the other. Depending on who you chose, he'll either hold his victory up high or work even harder to separate you from the chain. Can't you see, Reader? They aren't good for you.
・❥・When it comes to the Gloom, he for sure uses to his advantage. You know he's been infected, but you don't know how much light he's gathered to dispel it. At this point, he's probably gotten most, if not all of it, out, but you don't know that. And he preys on that fact.
・❥・Oh, the Traveler wants to down to the river with you? But, Reader, there's something rotten in his chest and he's stumbling against trees, exaggerating his steady steps just in case to really sell it. He needs you by his side, can't you see?
・❥・Oh, the captain is trying to get you to settle with him for the night? But, Reader, he's tossing and turning, feigning sleep and acting just enough to catch your attention. He's listening, ears pricked, just to hear you swiftly apologize before your gently hands are laying on his shoulders and he's won again.
・❥・And because his Hyrule is one of, if not the most dangerous Hyrules, he's given so much ammo to keep you tethered to him. You can't trust anyone, don't you know? The Yiga uptake has skyrocketed and they are everywhere, along with Ganon's new ability to make puppets? Can't you see how you can't trust any of them?
・❥・He even entertains you when you come up with the idea to have a secret saying between just the two of you as a fail safe. (It's probably something like 'Deforestation Enthusiast' because of how the two of you met.) Anything to have you pulling further away from the Chain and into his arms.
・❥・If it begins to take longer than expected, Sage is not above letting you wander just enough in his Hyrule. Maybe you set off a bit of Gloom hands (Or maybe he nudges them in your direction, hard to tell, really) and they go charging at you. The others don't know how to deal with them, but he does. He saves your life before the others even know what hit them. He's cooing into your ear, reassuring that where the others fail, he would never dream of it. He's whispering that he knows how scary the feeling of those hands are. He knows how freezing the feeling of sudden restriction, only accompanied by the burning sizzle of malice, is. He knows and he understands, but he's right here. He'd never let anything happen to you. Not like the other frauds.
・❥・Now, all that being said, Sage for sure does not play fair. Oh no. He does challenge them in his own ways, but does it in a way that can only reflect badly on them should they call him out on it.
・❥・He's fighting (Picking apart) with Wars and Calamity on their sparring routines, angling it in just a way that should they snap back he can turn on the innocent little look with a 'But I'm just trying to protect you. I don't know how any of you fight, I'm still learning.' Just in time for you to catch them barking at him to 'Learn faster' and it just falls perfectly into place.
・❥・He's calling out Twi and Four every time they try to wander off (Probably to bring out Wolfie or split to relieve a headache of sorts) because 'The woods are dangerous, what are they doing going off alone?' and now they can't leave because all eyes are on them and he's restricting their movement without even really trying. They wanna go foraging? But he and ...Wild were their best foragers and they were busy with dinner (That was something bitter to get out).
・❥・And wow, Time, Legend and Fierce have so many secrets, can you really trust them? Sage has laid down his entire adventure to you, and regardless if Reader is a LoZ player and knows of them regardless, Sage told you. Those two are trying to hide from you. He would never.
・❥・Wind, Hyrule and that filthy disgrace want to drag you along to go Shield surfing? Reader, do you know how dangerous that is? Especially with someone's track record. Here, you wanna go riding on this motorized wagon he just happens to have on hand? (Between the Zonite in his Purah pad, he can build any component necessary.)
・❥・Not even Sky and First are safe as he uses carefully laid words to sully their once golden image towards you. Afterall, they're so close to Hylia, whose to say they aren't behind all of this?
・❥・Now, you said that the only ones he may not win against are Time, Fierce and Twilight, but like I said, I can imagine him loathing Twilight, so instead, may I suggest First.
・❥・Time and Fierce are both pretty burly dudes that demand some semblance of respect and while Sage has muscles, he's not overly tall. So while he doesn't bow, he may just back off from their forefront for a while.
・❥・Now, First. He's probably the only one who can put Sage back in his place of the hierarchy. It's the first in the timeline, versus the last (As of right now). And it's not pretty. They probably go to blows a few times when you're out of ear shot.
・❥・The problem is that First can only push him back when you're out of ear shot and Sage makes it a point to keep you as close as humanly possible.
・❥・And while yes, some of them may use puppy eyes, Sage is not above using pity to get what he wants because he just hurts so badly don't you know?
・❥・He unfortunately can't do anything about wolves or rabbits. If they manage to disappear before he can call them out on it, he's left bitterly sulking as Wolfie laps at your cheeks or dumb rabbits nose at your hand. He may know who they are, but not even he's cruel enough to call them out (Yet) because that would just pit you against him. They weren't his secrets to tell, you would scold, and he just couldn't handle that possibility.
・❥・The biggest difference between Sage and Wild, one that the chain will fail to realize right away, is that Sage is much more experienced. He is on his second, THIRD if you count the pre-calamity, adventure. He knows everything Wild does, and more. Wild knows how to improvise and adapt, Sage can do it faster. Wild knows how to forage and concoct incredibly potent elixirs? Sage can do it tenfold with half the ingredients. He knows all the little tips and tricks and is not only backed up by the champion's gifts-- should they have remained-- but now he has the sages with him.
・❥・Like imagine their mid-battle, they had forced you away from Sage just to create some distance (At long last) and mans comes rolling in a giant fucking robot. He's using Sidon's sage to shield you over and over again and decimating a battle field using nothing but Riju and an arrow. Hell, the bigger enemies are struck down by Yunobo crashing into them. Sage alone is enough to cut the enemy hordes in half through recall and sending their own attacks back at them or fusing together weapons they wouldn't have ever dreamed of with new abilities. Even his outfits give him benefits far beyond anything they could think.
・❥・You saw him as someone more than just Link. He wasn't just the Swordsman to you when that was who he was to everyone else. You dubbed him something far beyond what a damned sword made him.
・❥・And he would have to be four days dead before letting you go.
・❥・And as he's proven before, Not even death could truly kill him.
I am so glad I waited bc I like this one so much more than the one that was deleted.
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biggaybunny · 11 months
I honestly don't like 99% of magic systems I come across in fiction and tbh it's always the same problem: when establishing a magic system, pretty much the first thing everyone does is make it mundane. The laws, limitations, and structure of magic are always pretty familiar. Magical energy is usually just electrical energy with the serial number filed off, and it always acts as part of the physical world, bound by things like dimensions and scale and the rules of matter.
Like, for example, moving a heavy object is always harder than moving a smaller object. But stop and ask yourself: why? Why does it have to? It's magic. What does it care about gravity? Think about it in terms of the physical laws we have in our world: it's not like an object becomes strictly harder to pass a current through based on how heavy it is. It's actually dependent on an entirely different property, its conductivity, which in turn has no effect on how heavy it feels. In fact, you can make a heavy object levitate with electromagnetism so long as it has the right properties, but a much smaller object with the wrong properties won't budge no matter how much electricity you use. So why don't people ever do that shit with magic?
In fact, for the sake of demonstration I used the physical forces of our world, but again, magic doesn't have to work that way. It can work *any* way you want it to. It can have completely different rules! And there are plenty of other assumptions that need to be challenged. Doing something far away is harder than doing it close by? Maybe what looks "far away" physically is actually close by in a magical sense. And so often magic is just a way of doing some specific action while skipping the logistics. I think more abstract interpretations of magic need more attention. Instead of "pick up a rock and bring it over to you", maybe magic invokes in the rock a motivation to move towards you. I'm spitballing here.
i get why people make such... mechanical magic systems. They're easier to make, easier to do what you need with them, easier to explain to other people, and easier to avoid getting into messy situations. But they lead to more mundane fantasy worlds, to be honest, and it's gotten almost to the point of parody in a lot of fantasy. Think of the consequences of a world where an entire island can be moved into the sky just as easily as a boulder. Or a world where magical capability is dependent on your ability to literally convince the universe to rearrange itself for you, and magical duels are basically cosmological debates. Go wild, go nuts. Mechanical magic is fun to work with in the right circumstances, don't get me wrong. It's a system you get to puzzle out how to use to reach your goal. I just wish more magic felt, you know. Magical.
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jq37 · 13 days
Just spitballing here: considering that Porter has everything for the ritual but Fig has laid claim to Ankarna's domain, do you think the final battle might transition to the Bottomless Pit for an epic fight in Rock and Roll Hell?
Other idle thoughts: the "skin and fuck" joke was honestly tasteless and creepy but it is hilarious that Ivy continued being irrelevant. KP is two seconds from an aneurysm because she watched her nemesis jump into lava. And where the hell is Sandra Lynn?
Hmm. On the one hand, the Gym battle specifically is a clear choice to go full circle from the OG finale. On the other hand, that would be really cool! We shall see and ten extra credit points to you for Divination Class if you're right!
Fabian has a history of saying wild out of pocket stuff in character as Fabian (there's a scene in I think Sophomore Year where he has to properly claim the Hangman for some reason and instead of some kind of Boy And His Dog Power-Of-Friendship thing he's like that dog is my SLAVE and I was like *LOU WHAT???*--he obviously didn't mean it in any type of way other than in character badly trying to posture but it was WILD) which I guess makes sense considering he was raised by someone who casually flays peoples backs off to write contracts on them. Not surprised he went hard though since she had just shot his dog/bike on top of the Mazey comment that was clearly festering all year. But I appreciate that Mazey was like...yeah not sure how to react to that tbh. Love when people have moments of reacting like real people in the middle of the ridiculous cartoon situation that's happening. And yeah, Ivy talked a really big game for someone who couldn't even last a round.
Kipperlilly giving up her insane hiding spot because she saw Riz purposefully swan dive into lava is so funny. No matter his financial struggles, Riz never has to worry about having a roof over his head because he is living in Kipperlilly's mind rent free.
And I'm also a little concerned about Sandra-Lynn given Baxter showed up without a rider two eps ago and that was never resolved. I can offer one possible non-dire speculation. I think Baxter appeared after Fig rolled really well to not fall out of the sky (it might have been a Nat 20 but I'm not sure). It's possible Brennan, as a reward for that, just had Sandra Lynn sense trouble and do that so they'd have an extra mount in case something like that happened again. But that's just a guess. We'll see if it's addressed in the finale!
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uhgood-girl · 7 months
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i haven't had a chance to fully form this thought yet so bear with me while i explore my own brain but my immediate response to this is i think two things can be true at the same time.
this is me playing devil's advocate with both you and myself, tbh. if you do not enjoy borderline pedantic over thinking, i recommend you turn back now.
i watched the entirety of standing next to you with my jaw on the floor. beyond seeing jk in what i would consider to be the epitome of his element, the arrival of all that experience and hard work and raw talent finely honed, culminating in the absolute pop perfection that is both that song and performance... well, i've made a joke on here before about my brains inability at this stage to not insert jikook into things. i could maybe help it if i wanted to (i can stop at anytime, says the alcoholic 🥴) but i don't want to because i'm having fun and i've made friends with the brain worms. they're my brain worms, who are you take them from me.
i have also mentioned jikook being it's own form of pattern recognition drug for mine, obviously, and probably other's more neuro-spicy tendencies. once you have seen and unlocked the code, it's really hard to turn the goggles off.
so let's talk about patterns. what is a pattern? a pattern is lmao no, i'm kidding, i don't think i need to define this for you but i guess when i say pattern here i'm referring to what a lot of people often call coincidences. (have i lost you already bc of this word? i know people throw it around often here, but again, bear with me) coincidences can become patterns if they repeat enough. how many coincidences does it take to form a pattern? three, i believe, is the universally accepted number but that feels so small when i type it out, much less think about it, tbh. but i suppose in the discourse of coincidences, something that reoccurs without apparent connection, (traveling strangers who keep ending up in the same cities together, you and your friend always texting each other at the exact same time, two people in a band who keep mysteriously referencing things that connect them in a particular sort of light) bc of the unlikelieness of their serendipitous nature, it makes more sense. and because i want to discuss this in a more tangible form and i believe humans to be meddling by nature, i think coincidences become patterns, beyond the number three, when intent enters the equation.
was that a very long way to say that despite the fact that jk didn't write any of the lyrics himself and is quoted in the article above as telling people to not take things too literally that i'm still going to intuit some autobiographical meaning from them? well, yes. i guess so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
because ✨context✨(glass closet and comp het in particular). a context that i fully admit i am abscribing to the situation myself but if you're reading this i assume you're already in this boat with me, it's your context too, at least tangentially (GUILTY, your honor) by association. the entirety of any jikook argument has to exist in this space and to have gotten here at all required taking some liberties, a certain reading between the lines that is a tightrope of wanting to respect what someone says outloud and at face value while being aware few things are ever black and white (minus the infamous couple in question bah bum tiss 🥁).
if it feels different to you bc it's something he explicity expressed, that's totally fair. i've been back and forth about it a few times myself and maybe i'll feel differently tomorrow. but rn, this is where i'm at and this is all just spitballing at the end of the day, no?
in an attempt to not be accused of only picking and choosing the lyrics that suit my (gay) agenda, it feels worth pointing out that the lines i find applicable to jikook are not literal. as in while i fully believe jk could probably do anything he set his big, beautiful heart out to do, leaving someone's body golden like the sun and moon is unlikely. ( the jikook relevance is in it's choice, why that particular metaphor) and despite being more in the realm of possibility, i don't really believe he's fucking seven days a week either. his agreeance to the use of female pronouns in some songs and even the women in his music videos are a. the comp het standard for this worldwide pop boy takeover (inarguably) and b. don't automatically negate any potential underlying queerness of the artist himself. so when he sings she (is there even anything in the lyrics beyond the pronoun itself that could only refer to a cis woman? hell, does "she" only have to refer to a cis woman in this day and age? jimin is v in touch with his anima these days, don't kink shame :P) I'm taking that as an artistic liberty the same way I'm taking something like it's deeper than the rain. and the latter rain line only stands out to me because, again, broader context.
he didn't write any of the song lyrics but he was there for every step of the production and still approved what actually made it on to the album. he didn't write there for you, the song in gcf tokyo either but i dare you to go find a jikook argument about that video that doesn't list that song and its lyrics as evidence. he didn't write them but it's definitely something he cares about and is very aware of. i doubt anything was chosen without some degree of thought. which brings us full circle back to coincidences vs patterns and intent.
do i think the lyrics a lot of us collectively recognized as jikook coded, even if you respectfully don't want to read that far into it, were a coincidence this late in the game? ain't no way lmao. our jikook roads are paved with these sort of "coincidences." you think they weren't apart of the appeal? helped boost it right to main track status? maybe if it had just been the lyrics, without any of the imagery in the video (i would love to know how much creative direction he had here too, i hope we find out) to back it up, but between that not straight red line of fate, the black swan like wings, the dancing in front of the sun painting, the two households, both alike in dignity, in fair verona where we lay our scene aka the forbidden love vibes, etc. - it's too much for this sad little hyper-fixated romantic queer, personally lol.
so, i think two things can be true at the same time! i'm sure a lot of the songs and their implications have no autobiographical meaning to them beyond a universally relatable conversation and narrative about love, i do believe him. i think based on all the responses and feedback his first releases got, making a statement such as the one in the article was a good? pr move if nothing else too and definitely in line with what we have come to expect around an industry that bts is both sort of moving away from but still restricted by at this stage. if you've read any of my other ramblings so far on this site, you'll know i operate from a place of the more smoke screen around all this (this being a potential romantic relationship between jikook) the better, bc at the end of the day i want all of bts more than anything safe, happy, and free to pursue whatever creative fancy they can dream. them building a level of plausible deniability into this sort of stuff protects them. i will remain a broken record on that point.
but bc of the larger context of jikook as a whole and my belief that jk is both clever and also a romantic at heart, i'm going to take these crumbs and go. 🚗💨 i'm not in any sort of who can be the more superior, rational delulu competition, we're all in our own little clown cars no matter your chosen dressings until proven otherwise. that's the nature of this whole shebang, bby. 🤠👉👉
def feel free to come respectfully argue with me though, i'm never here to convince anyone but i enjoy these conversations and i love other people's perspective. are you ignoring the standing next to you jikook bait?
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Warning: I am 20000% spitballing, a relatively new crow, and also not up to date on qsmp because the sleepy has got to me. However I'm having fun spitballing here.
So looking at Philza having canonically died before... The baby zombie is the obvious one, right? And because of the trident being significant we know Season 2 happened in at least some form (the giant trident in Endlantis used to be Philza's, but he accidentally threw it into the void in HC Season 2. In the void it warped, and twisted, and became the giant one we see today.
So, HC Season 2 happened, because the Ender King's first message came with said trident and also a picture of it.
So the Baby Zombie thing did, too.
Thing is... even hardcore deaths are part of how minecraft works, right? You can't go back to the same world, but it's normal gameplay. Just like the deaths people respawn from. So could it just be those ones you just respawn into another world? Also the talk of something preventing him coming back... Which, yeah, could be that. Who knows.
And then there are his other two hardcore worlds. TBH they may well not be canon in QSMP, but I bring them up as the 'deaths' are super interesting.
3 is pretty well known, I think? Philza died to a glitch where the world didn't load in fast enough and he fell to his death in the void as the floor wasn't there. Or something like that. There was definitely a glitch involved (which, incidentally, is why he no longer updates his hardcore world to new patches as soon as the patch comes out - the glitch that killed him was a problem with a new patch that hadn't been caught before release and was itself patched a week or two later iirc. So, now he waits until other people have had a chance to die to glitches rather than risk his world again). Which, would be a fun death to have as the canon one tbh.
And then there's Season 1, where I don't /think/ he "died", per say. However, the world data itself became corrupted via hard drive crash (has later been repaired, but the repair came much later after he'd already moved on but in one of his youtube videos he does show it off). This to me is the really interesting world in the context of that quote? The talking about something preventing him from coming back. His transition between 2 and 3 and 4 was... Well it was a hardcore death, but it was fine. However from 1 to 2 he went from a corrupted world to a non-corrupted world and talk of something interrupting the process, preventing people from respawning as they should... HC Season 1 became a corrupted world, reality broke down and things ceased to function as they should. Philza did not flee it until it was broken, perhaps we could consider him killed by data corruption rather than a baby zombie or by a glitch and the void? And if he died via data corruption... That really does sound like something that could hinder his ability to return in the natural way, no?
IDK I just think it'd be fun for him to have died to a world breaking apart around him and struggled to respawn into a new world (like he was supposed to) because the universe itself was fucked. Possibly even he himself was affected by the corruption and it had to be repaired to come back.
(I know there's something about layered realities and reincarnation but I'm having fun here)
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evansbby · 1 year
Um um pt 2 of Wicked Games where the reader makes Ari jealous by getting with his teammate, Curtis, or his rival, Steve Rogers. Like, imagine her attending a practice game after officially calling things off and Ari being all smug and thinking she's come crawling back to him, but then he sees that she's wearing someone else's jersey. He's rude and derogatory and interrogates her about her new romantic interest. Oh, and he gets into a sexy sweaty fight on the basketball court over her. 😫😫😫
If it's Curtis, he's had a thing for her all along. Probably even told Ari about his crush before he made her into a side piece. If it's Steve, he rubs Ari's nose in it and grabs her and kisses her in front of him to claim his territory.
This is just me spitballing and daydreaming tbh so don't feel obligated to respond lmao I'm just over here fangirling en stuff.
Bestie I love that you’re fangirling over something I wrote 🥺🥺🥺 AND I LOVE ALL OF THIS!
If Ari saw her wearing Curtis’ jersey, he’d be so fucking jealous and pissy about it. But if it was the opposing basketball team captain aka Steve Rogers’ jersey??? He’d literally explode and fight Steve right in the middle of the court 🫣🫣🫣
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birchbow · 11 months
How exactly do moirails work? I keep getting confused between what constitutes a matespiritship and moirailegence. I know that moirails are able to help sooth and calm but I feel that there is way more to moirails than just that and I’m having a hard time understanding.
Ahhh, well, this is one of those things that's really only defined in-comic in a fairly skeletal way, and the form it takes in fics is always going to be like 50% headcanon, minimum. And in my case probably more because I've been fascinated by the concept of non-sexual romance/intimacy for a long time and so I've written a LOT of pale content lol. SO here's some rambling about moiraillegiance, which I'm pre-emptively putting under a cut because I know myself.
First, a brief review. Pale-related things we get in the canon, at a quick top-of-my-head scan, are basically:
some trolls are a more emotionally unstable/violent and will find somebody who complements their personality and helps keep them from murderously flying off the handle.*
of the four quadrants of relationships trolls are expected to have, this is not a concupiscient (sexual) one** but it is a (positive emotions toward your partner) one, which Karkat and the narration frame as "pity" (see "****")
At one point, a scene that appears to be setting up for a death-match is defused by one party shh-ing the other one and patting their face until they calm down, from which fandom took 'shooshing" and 'papping' as terms, from the sound effects in those panels.***
talking about your thoughts and emotions is mentioned several times in the context of pale relationships****, and I believe at one point called a feelings jam although I don't have it in me to dig back and see if that one is canon
that is the canon stuff that occurs off the top of my head
*how much of the part where the narrative explains quadrants is biased (because of what a shitshow Alternia is) is up for debate **fandom interpretation varies on this from "having sex with your moirail is a huge taboo" to "it's totally fine, it's just not one of the quadrants the drones demand contributions for". ***And also where I (and quite a few other people I would guess) started thinking about trolls having separate, alien instincts and responses to stimuli that humans would find relatively unremarkable, like having their face patted or having somebody shush them ****Alternia aggressively punishes perceived weakness to the point that seeing another troll being vulnerable and not killing them for it is narrated as "pity" which is the closest we seem to get to an Alternian-culture concept of "love". ANYWAY that probably has a finger on the needle RE: how exclusive it is to ONLY talk to your moirail about your feelings, because they're in a relationship with you and therefore hopefully won't cull you for it.
Things that are NOT canon include: most of it lmao. If you wanted an itemized list of things in my Troll Society writing that were made up almost entirely whole cloth, we would be here all day. Moving on!
When it comes to writing pale vs flushed, I mostly go by vibes, tbh lol. I suppose if I had to organize my criteria a little bit,,, I am going to spitball. Bear with me.
Pale looks at its partner and goes "I see the things wrong with you, and instead of culling you for them, we are going to fix them" and also "the place where we both are is a place we're both steady and safe" (passive/steadying/protective),
and flush is more like. "I see the things wrong with you, and instead of culling you for them I'm suffering them with you" and also "the place where we both are is a place where we Want More" (active/passionate/aggressive I guess??? Can't find the word).
or to rephrase
pale->unpicking feelings, controlling violent impulse, steadying emotional state, physical touch to invite a sort of subspace-adjacent hazy alien-arousal-that's-not-arousal.
flush->passionate, intense, active attraction, sometimes kind of violent! sometimes too passionate for its own good! Physical touch to work each other up and drive each other higher in a positive way (hopefully) (mostly) (trolls are violent assholes tbh)
I DON'T KNOW DUDE there's no guide for this stuff lol. As evidenced above, canon basically has just like a skeleton framework, so we are all out here putting these lines down ourselves.
Making this more complicated: regardless of what the author of any given fic headcanons as the social norm, it also makes sense to me that there are variations in trolls just like in humans. I usually don't write my pale pairings fucking, but it seems reasonable and inevitable to me that some trolls would be into that! Or trolls who were attracted to concupiscient quads but didn't want to bone down, although that's dangerous and untenable for reasons mentioned in previous asks.
fig 1: Meenah and Kurloz's swinging back and forth² from the (hate+fucking) quadrant to the (love/pity+no fucking³) quadrant in PoF felt like it came naturally as I was writing, because what else are two of the oldest, most powerful trolls in the universe going to do, when each of them is the only person around who comes close to actually knowing the other enough to hate/pity?
²Switching back and forth between quadrants is actually called "vacillating" and seems to be a fairly common event in troll society and media--the blurring/combining pale and pitch that they're doing is the more scandalous part, according to general fanon ³I have always preferred to write pale relationships with a lot of the traits my culture associates with sexual relationships (nudity, intimacy, an industrial porn complex lol) but to cut the sex and leave the rest and play with that contrast. How much of that is because I'm personally not sexually attracted to people, and I'm deeply Emotions about a society recognizing that kind of relationship as crucial and desirable??? I mean idk boss y'all don't pay me for introspection lol.
ANYWAY that also means the boundaries of what any given troll defines as "too much intimacy not to be pale" or "the feelings you're talking to me about are too personal for this not to be pale" or "you're touching me in a way that seems pale (or flushed)" are going to be different, which makes this extra hard to answer. Example!!
When I write Kurloz, I write him with an old-fashioned and strict view of what quadrants entail, but also being too old and above too many laws and social norms to give much of a shit about whether he blurs those lines or not most of the time. The little nods to things like it being slutty In His Time to wear your hair short and show off the roots of your horns hopefully bring across some of the cranky old man vibes lmao.
VERSUS when I write Karkat, I'm writing a much younger guy who spends a ton of time thinking about relationships and watching romcoms, synthesizing his own very in-depth thesis of What Feelings Are--and also just coming from a much younger generation. He's not nearly as comfortable blurring the lines, but he also places those lines in very different spots than Kurloz does.
TBH follow your heart haha it's just an alien sandbox and we're all just slapping sand around.
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space-blue · 11 months
Another very interesting What If scenario that's been haunting me: what if Jinx didn't misunderstand Silco's speech at Vander's statue? Either she reached him before he got there and he was able to explain to her the situation with Jayce, OR she did listen to his speech but it was much clearer (instead of speaking in his usual Silco way, he just straight up says "I'm never giving up my darling Jinx lol" leaving no room for misinterpretation).
Keep in mind, at this point Jinx has already kidnapped Caitlyn and Vi is currently going on a rampage through Zaun fighting Chemtanks. Vi has not reached Sevika yet, as in the show Vi only reaches Sevika after Jinx has already kidnapped and tied up Silco. So at this point, with Silco revealing his loyalty to Jinx and swearing to her that he will not give her up to Jayce, how will Jinx proceed? How will Silco proceed?
Will Jinx present Fishbones to Silco? Will he regroup with Sevika and maybe try to parlay with Jayce again? And if Jayce refuses to compromise on Jinx, then Silco chooses war right? He'd probably lie to Sevika about Jinx being the issue, he'd probably claim that Jayce refused his terms on sovereignty and access to the Hexgates...
Will Jinx still interrupt Vi's rampage and kidnap her to bring her to the warehouse? At this point, Silco's loyalty to her has been confirmed, so she wouldn't need to bring him. It would only be Vi and Cait at the dinner party as only Vi's loyalty to Jinx is still under question (the last time Jinx saw her, Vi left the bridge with Caitlyn).
Theorize away Bluedaddysgirl!
So, I'm a little limited here by the fact you want me to theorized based on canon, but canon wants and needs Jinx's tragedy to realise itself. Everything goes towards it, the ugly inescapability of it.
If I were to give you what I want, it wouldn't be 'what happens if—' but instead me spitballing fic setup ideas.
And TBH there's a clear issue that's easily addressed is Silco and Jinx talk things out :
Silco could send Jinx to capture her sister to 'talk reason into her', while he goes and does the obvious thing : find a blue haired girl who looks vaguely like Jinx, promise to pay her more money she ever dreamt of, and to care for her family while she does a little spin in Stillwater. Yeah, it'll suck, but Silco can promise to smuggle her out in a few months or a year.
Also Jinx's heart to heart with Vi and Cait may look a lot different if she's not struggling as much with shimmer. She may not set up the table for a "choice" if she's already chosen to be Jinx and Silco's daughter. And this especially if Silco gets to dote on her/be emotional in that moment that he was dead worried after the operation, that he's unsure what Singed did to her and wants to know how she's feeling. Basically all the stress of thinking her dead coming down in an intimate setting and dispelling any doubt Jinx may have that this guy loves her.
I think Jinx would still want to go through with challenging Vi with Cait. She wants her sister back. But the idea may be less hinged around 'we go together' and more 'Vi gets to stay with us'.
I wonder if Silco would let her do it? Or would let her harm Cait. She's too valuable, and at a crucial time like this, her death would bring everything down. I think he could talk sense into Jinx. At least if she gets to 'keep Vi', things would be different. Because where would Vi go? To Piltover?
Besides, Cait wouldn't be able to free herself from her bonds because Jinx wouldn't be distracted by Silco's end of the table. She'd be solely focused on them. Again, assuming the voices aren't that bad, because a lot of her stress was vented out during the emotional conversation with Silco. She'd feel secure in him (who would sacrifice everything for her), and having Vi at her mercy, she'd feel in control.
I know this sounds dark, but I definitely believe that Jinx would feel more in control because Vi is bound and can be "kept". She won't leave with the enforcer lady, because Jinx controls who goes where.
Would be interesting if Silco is so caught up in the dilemma presented by Jayce's terms that Jinx is the one who comes up with the idea of giving them a fake girl. Bonus points if the blue haired girl has to have Jinx's braids weaved in as extentions, and Jinx dyes her hair pink and looks EERILY like Vi.
Extra spook points if she does all that after capturing Vi and Cait, but before confronting them.
It would make sense that Silco immediately goes to Jayce to surrender fake Jinx, so Cait isn't around to ID her. The girl could be all theatrics and 'How can you do this to me?!' and Jayce this big gullible goof ball would not look past any of it. He and Silco would sign off on a program to dismantle shimmer factories, which of course doesn't mention or encompass Singed's lab.
Of course the biggest deal is returning the gemstone, which I don't think Silco could do. He could, however, if he has time, or extra cunning, present Jayce with a blown-up wreck of a fishbone prototype, and shards of broken gemstone.... Assuming any could be combed out of the wreckage of the cannery, it'd be perfect to hand them out as like "the weapon was destroyed in the struggle".
Or he could always lie, and when Jayce asks a flustered "and you expect me to believe that??", Silco could retort that the weapon would be no use to him if Jayce and the Council don't believe they have it. After all the Council has been making this entire ruckus on the assumption alone that they had the gem and may weaponise it. Hidden, secret weapons are of no use to Silco as leverage. His goal isn't to destroy Piltover, but to be free of them — which this deal guarantees — and to grow economically and make good deals — which threatening with secret nukes would make difficult.
Jayce would reluctantly believe him, with maybe some caveat like "If anyone in Zaun so much as sneezes...." And Silco could be like yes, yes, whatever.
The beauty of hextech is that the gems power anything. Some seem to be embedded inside the weapon, like in his hammer, but in fishbones, it's put in and out. Silco could have Jinx devise something incredibly powerful and useful to Zaun and power it with the gem, and have fishbones be a last recourse solution.
If Viktor heard of Silco trying to create pure air or clean water in Zaun via a hextech purifying system, you bet he'd be all over this to help. This is what he wanted initially right? To help people?
Anyway, the issue with Jinx is that we don't know if the monsterification is temporary (while she has shimmer in her system, the same way it was only for a while in the first arc) or forever.
Assuming she can "come down", then having a longer conversation with Vi after she's calmed down may be a little more productive. But more importantly, if the deal is struck, Vi would only need to witness this to know that Silco fought for the type of rights she's always wanted, and actually achieved it in the mess of things.
Oops, awkward... When the guy you hate is kinda right... and kinda wins your people's freedom... And kinda lets you walk around, so long as you promise to not harm is beloved kid or try to take her away... Which you couldn't do anyway cuz you're a penniless ex-con 2 days out.
Sevika, having not been beaten to a pulp, would probably be a lot more amenable, in this situation. Picture her tasked to escort Cait back upside safe and sound. But now imagine her in a great mood knowing their hard work paid off and Jinx being insane the past 2-3 days was fucking worth it, because now this... finally, Zaun. Finally, freedom from Pilties.
Imagine her, a true believer in Silco's cause, a loyal soldier for a decade or more, talking to Cait as they walk? Explaining what life was like for her here. How long they've worked for this peace. Imagine Cait asking about shimmer and getting good, actual answers. Cait understanding it was a tool used to unify the powers that be in Zaun and keep infighting down to try and achieve freedom, so that the violence and pollution that destroys and keeps Zaun down can finally be corrected? Imagine Sevika making a whole lot of sense, and Cait not appreciating the means, but appreciating the goal?
How things would get recontextualised... Imagine Sevika asking her to please stay out of it (don't makes a fuss about the jailed "Jinx" for example), but that she's welcome to come hang out if she thinks she can be useful. Sevika respects strength, and Cait is a cool head version of Jinx when it comes to shooting. And of course, having a Councilor's daughter in your good graces would be a massive plus.
Cait might ask if she can see Vi again, and Sevika would say whatever, but let the sisters get used to each other, and that she can't promise Jinx won't kill her if she shows up again, but Vi is a free woman and she can do whatever she wants.
Not antagonising Silco and Jinx would then become a necessary part of getting to see Vi.
Silco becoming a Councilor would be a very important change that would allow Vi to see Cait in that setting, assuming she's able to mend her relationship with him—and he certainly couldn't ever bring Jinx along.
Silco then finally meeting Mel would be the development that solidifies Zaun's position. I think politically they'd hit it off, and Mel would be a very important ally for Silco to have on the council (besides Jayce, who can't be shown to have been wrong on his deal), because the more money-greedy Councilors are bound to regret their decision the minute their factories start costing them more money or get nationalised from under them lmao.
It would be good timing for an external enemy to remind them of who they are, and that they stand more of a chance together, but I think Silco would have to be very careful that a war/preparation for war doesn't undermine the independence with efforts being 'delayed' and Zaunite factories being co-opted and such.
Was that enough what if ramblings?
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diamondcitydarlin · 7 months
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Speak more about the Izzy/Ricky ship.
Please. Give me more
like idk what if instead Prince Ricky swindled his way onto the Revenge (this is bearing in mind that we had significantly more run time to devote to it), a consequence of Stede's generous nature despite Ricky annoying the shit out of him obvs but maybe Stede feels bad, sees a bit of himself in this creepy loser that wants to be a pirate so bad so okay RICKEE come on aboard and see what it's all about and within a week you'll be throwing yourself off the side of the ship just to get away, but hey this IDIOT needs a mentor and Stede's too busy being Captain (doesn't want to do it) and no one else can be fucked so Izzy just kinda steps up, thinking he'll just accelerate the process of getting rid of this guy and showing Stede it was a mistake to bring him into the crew in the first place. But at least now Izzy has a sort of 'dummy' he can practice his sword skill one-legged on, he already lost a nose so what's another appendage? But Prince Ricky was actually schooled in fencing, he's rich and a Prince afterall and that's just what they do, not the kind of fencing that would protect him among pirates at all, but he ends up having some decent footwork and response time and then we get a kind of homoerotic heated swordplay scene between the two where Izzy's challenging/upstaging him at every turn (shirtless, of course) and Ricky's just getting more aroused by the whole thing tbh idk I'm just spitballing here but I totally see it lmao
I guess I'm saying I think if Stede had taken Ricky on the ship to intern as a pirate we could have had a very interesting dynamic between the two. They're not...the SAMe but there's similarities there that I can't put my finger on yet.
And of course I kind of love that Ricky is...kind of an edgier version of Stede and the idea of Izzy having his own version of 'Stede' paralleling Ed is too funny/delicious to me and I think it's a shame they missed out on that tbh, could've been great
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fallingsunflower · 1 year
Ratrry Body Language
Listen there’s not a lot to go off of so this’ll be short - just things I’ve noticed which I’m SURE everyone else has noticed too. Also a lot of my analyses are done assuming the people are sober. I have no idea if Harry or Emily are sober or drunk, but that could potentially also play a factor. Cha Cha slide video - literally cannot see much. I can't really say anything about Emily's body language but Harry's is...you know LMAO I just thought his hand looked weird because it was mainly in a fist which could be read as being uncomfortable but I wouldn't base anything off of that tbh. I can't tell where his thumb is, which is more telling, nor is the video long enough.
Fish video - So to me it looks like they were closely talking. I think Harry was smiling but hard to tell with the potato quality. I think he looks at the camera, then gives her a peck, then says something, and then she goes in for the big monty face grab open-mouth kiss *insert literally wide open-eyed Harry here*. Now you can prob view this a couple of ways. Either it was a classic make-out picking up steam, or if you think it's PR it could almost be argued that Harry kissed her for the camera, said something to her about it, and she progressed it further. I'm spitballing here but it depends how you view the situation. The open eyes suggest he was taken back. And the hand holding could also be viewed in a couple ways. Sometimes hand holding is an intimate gesture. It could also be viewed as "don't put it anywhere else".
Thigh pat video - Not much to say about this one but I WILL say that it is almost literally the exact same as the last Holivia make-out session that we got, even down to the thigh pat. I was wondering why it looked familiar and then it dawned on me. So do with that what you will
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
Well This Might As Well Happen
He's jaded as fuck from living in a fantasy capitalist society turned up to max. Ran away from his job as a cog in a murderous machine to become a manager for a bunch of slightly less murderous adventurers and the bar they started running out in basically the middle of nowhere after he legalese'd his and their way to safety. Hides the bar's income in a hole in its floor so the adventurers and the tax demons don't steal it. Fluent in legalese, fine print, and shooting people. Canonically has dealt with depression. Probably using a fake name. So done with everything so he's facing the most wild situations with "this might as well happen" energy. I'm in love with him your honor.
Tuxedo Mask But Cool
Got his egg cracked by his own first transformation sequence and then it all went unfortunately downhill from there. How downhill? Murder and blackmail and childhood friend romance turning extremely toxic downhill. but he's like if tuxedo mask was a hoe and also did things so it's cool.
chill about things nobody should be chill about such as, ah, just spitballing here - murder and blackmail and extremely toxic fucked up relationships? and also horrors from beyond the pale of earthly existence on a weekly basis but tbh they're unimportant compared to the horrors perfectly within human comprehension. Feels like he only has two facial expressions, neutral and Small Polite/Sly Smile. has even fewer tones of voice but hey! it's an ASMR voice!
hobbies include music and playing around with a synthesizer and a mic, drowning out The Horrors with a bottle and loud music, reading poetry while casually doing the splits because he is That Person Who Did Competitive Dance In High School, and subtly/unsubtly/subconsciously/consciously/jokingly/seriously trying to get his frenemies to kill him (his frenemies include everyone he has a connection with who he isn't fucking, and some who is). also, maintaining his knife collection.
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reides · 1 year
for reides — 5, 6, 7, 8, 11! :3
hi hihihihih bwee hi :3c
5. is there something they want to be known for? this is such a fun thing to think about!! reides is in a quite a position with this because he like... knew that he was going to be 'known' and has for virtually all of his life, thanks to his status as a laverathian royal. like it just comes along with the bloodline. and, of course, the circumstances surrounding his hatching-day (hehe) during that terrible storm practically thrust a mantle on his shoulders in addition to his princely status. he was a symbol of hope for laverathia whether he liked it or not. and for a loooong time he really resented that and would have preferred to just... drift away into obscurity lol.
but over the course of his journey, that's definitely changed a whole lot... especially after learning that his homeland was in danger and feeling an intrinsic pull back towards it to act as one of its protectors. playing a crucial role in all of that really like... helped him understand where the more duty-oriented members of his family (cough viglis cough) were always coming from. though reides sought to reject his blood for a good while, he's realized how important it is for a whole lot of people. and he's also realized that he's actually very proud of it, too. so if he's going to be known for something - if his story is going to be told in dramatized records or as a little footnote in a history book - he wants to be known for something good. however, he still wants to be himself and earn people's respect rather than, like, exist as an abstract symbol of anything. so he's trying his utmost to honor his duty to laverathia AS WELL AS his duty to his own individuality by trying his utmost to embrace his identity as the storm prince. he wants it to be a title that most people say out of admiration rather than it being based in an insult. yes, chaos has a tendency to follow him; yes, he tends to bring change - but these things can be forces of good, and he wants people to know that!
of course, this also ties into his new role as laverathia's ambassador. he wants to show the surfacers just what the people of the depths are capable of; he wants to serve as a bridge between those two worlds that he loves so very much and be worthy of a role that he fought so hard to attain. :) SO QUITE A LOT IS GOING ON OVER HERE!!!! but tbh once he isn't known as a massive disappointment to his friends and family, reides is pleased :-)
6. how have they changed in the last year? how about the last five years? answered here! :3c my babyboy who is a grown adult has grown up so much. LDKDFKGDF
7. there’s a magic item (or technological innovation, or special resource) made just for them—what is it? i can't even say i answered this here bc i honestly still have NO IDEA LMAO but i still really think it should serve as some sort of... land and sea link. i continue to have no idea whatsoever on what it is beyond that feeling but it's the thing that comes to mind, you know? maybe reides can talk into a shell and something fun happens. maybe he should get a magic conch shell like spongebob. technically his arcane focus is already this but i am just spitballing here LDFKSLGKDSG
8. what songs remind you of them? if there are specific lyrics or movements, list ‘em! OHOHOHO. OHOHOHOHO YOU KNOW I LOVE THIS *RUBBING MY HANDS TOGETHER. as you know i have a whole playlist dedicated to songs that remind me of reides. i will shout out five (5) special songs here heheheohoho
chasing kites by iamamiwhoami: over the ocean outcast with nowhere to go a brighter forecast, new winds will blow a storm is drawing near it calms and the air is clear waste my youth chasing kites i know will blow out of my hands
free by florence + the machine: i'm always running from something i push it back, but it keeps on coming and being clever never got me very far because it's all in my head "you're too sensitive," they said i said, "okay, but let's discuss this at the hospital"
the colorful stabwound by múm: some people smile with all their teeth some teeth will ache with every smile i've done some things you won't believe i've stabbed and scratched and spewed my bile
the thunder answered back by gabby's world: i screamed out, "how'd it get this bad?" and the thunder answered back if you know not what you lack then you must un-turn your back your inside is overcast you are tethered to your past and it must feel like fucking hell to be a patchwork of yourself a bunch of scraps thrown and sewn around your bones and though you're alone, it's holding you too tightly but who are you? from where do you come? what do you believe in? and who do you love?
hope by daughter: go back to where you held armour against your skin don't sink, just swim towards the storm and once again you'll be reborn, reborn, reborn 11: if they have a pet or animal companion, how do they spend time with them? if they don’t have one, what sort of animal would they be interested in raising, if any? OUR DEAREST, SWEETEST BABY OWL FAMILIAR... PEPEGA!!!!!! oh reides loves her so much. like so, so much. he loves accessorizing her with little things - right now she wears a red ribbon with a tiny shell from aquos affixed to it. super cute. (NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT, IT WOULD BE GREAT IF AN INVENTION EXISTED TO LET PEPEGA HAVE FUN IN LAVERATHIA. ok that's my answer to #7 now. LMFAOSDLFCKDSG) but other than that he really likes stroking her feathers and hugging her. he takes very good care of her and reads to her very often, too. sometimes he tries feeding her but she doesn't like that too much (fae moment). but she DID love to eat the special magical apple that briar gave her, once!!! (and he said that miré played a hand in conjuring it up so thank you to your baby.)
💌 sixty-nine questions for your ttrpg characters!
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crest-of-gautier · 10 months
pq posting before i go to bed! a shorter session (3 hours) but it was nice and i'm happy to say that i finished you in wonderland!
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THIS WAS SO FUNNY... honestly i don't think i give enough credit to akihiko and mitsuru's dynamic they're literally so good i really enjoy how well they know each other but also they're like.. a constant in each other's life and i do enjoy their interactions a lot even if i never vocalize it...
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wow yosuke, who would've thought that you two are partners, this guy literally introduced himself as your wife /s (i kinda regret naming souji yosuke wifey but im glad i wrote the y in lowercase bc otherwise i wouldn't be able to tell their dialogue apart 💀
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and finally, yosuke <3
some more elaborate thoughts (aka speculation) under the cut because i learned my lesson from last time
ok unfortunately i can't say that im going to go AS INSANE as i did last time when i was spitballing in the tags for the second pq posting just because i feel like i aired out most of my "AAAA WHO IS ZEN AND REI??" there but.
i do have to say that i'm very glad i'm at the point where p3 and p4's casts are able to interact! i can't tell if it's because the writing feels like it shines a little bit better here rather than the solo casts (sometimes i roll my eyes at how junpei and akihiko are with some of the traits the writers play up), or if it's because i'm a guy who's very endeared by crossovers and interactions from characters who didn't exist in the original source material.
i had a lot of times where i was writing things down in my notes software during the crossover segments and im just?? really endeared and creatively inspired by it, to be honest. i really like this aspect of pq.
i think something that catches my interest with zen and rei at the moment is the difference in how they're.. regaining their memories. like... it's interesting to me that zen is able to get some of his memories back from the stuffed rabbit marked with "niko," but rei doesn't. i don't really know how much i can speculate off of this atm (i feel like this is something i'd get more info on when i progress through the second labyrinth, or it's something i'm missing out on because i can't use intertextuality to piece things together. i dont know shit about alice in wonderland.)
like it does make me think that maybe these two are like.. separate entities in that respect (rather than a shared one? but i could be wrong, and i welcome that!). but also there's something that makes my brain go "AAA" about how adamant zen is about wanting to protect rei despite not having any memories, because my brains like "WELL WHAT IF ZEN'S TRUE IDENTITIES AND MEMORIES ARE ACTUALLY THE OPPOSITE, AND DON'T WANT GOOD THINGS FOR REI." poorly phrased but like, it's about the irony, y'know.
i have no fucking clue what rei is supposed to be if we're going under the notion that they're two different things that have lost their memory (she is so head empty only food and its precious tbh). but like my brain just thinks that zen is just... going to end up being some awful incarnation or something like idk. there's something about persona characters with amnesia that make me raise my eyebrow... like just look at ryoji and marie and teddie...
and i guess as another thought on the matter, the way zen and rei work mechanically speaking does make me ponder a bit because like.. obviously, yeah, they can't equip a subpersona because they're... GESTURES. not persona users but FUCK, the way zen and rei have very distinct skillsets just make me wonder if those can allude to what they symbolize. like zen's skills are much more.. destructive and im just like (AIGIS VOICE) "YOU ARE DANGEROUS."
anyways. i am very much invested in the identities of zen and rei but i am also glad that the crossover stuff is here too because i think the sillies will keep me inspired... and also im just happy to see yosuke... i really like yosuke even if i forget that i do a lot of the time..
last thought, after seeing souji talk and move, i think i'd definitely want to look into p4 side... because um. 🥴 i'm really simple guy. i need more minato in my life. (everyone rolls their eyes. i'm predictable!) i want to see minato move and talk. i want to think about him. he's my boyfriend. he's my wife. he's my universe. im being so cringe about him but I DONT THINK THIS IS A SURPRISE TO ANYONE... i like him a lot (NO SHIT, LIZZ). but!!! idk if this'll be something that i watch or play, it depends on what the NG+ functionality in this game is like...
anyway gn!! thanks for reading my delusions im very much enjoying this game and im happy to be playin git.
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gothicprep · 2 years
Can I ask for some advice? What should I do if my boyfriend constantly falsely accusing me of cheating? He screams at me and called me a cheater, he told me that he has gotten phone calls telling him I'm cheating on him and telling him things that I only I would know . when I asked him who's telling him that I'm cheating or what info this person knows about me, he refused to answer and just said it's a reliable source. I have never cheated on him . I dunno what to do.
woof, this is a doozy. i guess my advice is going to depend on a few factors:
how long has this issue with the calls been going on? did this pop up recently, or has this been a reoccurring issue for an extended period of time now?
have you had an issue with him doing something similar in the past – being, accusing you of something patently false – or is this the first time you've dealt with this?
do you live in the same general geographical area or are you in a distance relationship?
how much of an overlap do your friend circles have?
probably goes without saying that if this is another iteration in a pattern of false accusations, it's worth rethinking the relationship. whether it's psych stuff or a pattern in emotional abuse, it's probably within your best interest not stick around and find out.
but outside of that here's me spitballing:
if this just started frequently happening out of nowhere and isn't a "phone call once every 3 months" thing, you might be able to ask him further questions when he calms down a little bit. it's hard to narrow it down when you don't what exactly was said, but you might be able to check with mutual friends in the meantime if you both generally run in the same circles. just give them the general rundown of the situation and how you're completely in the dark about the details, ask if he'd brought this up to them, and see if they'd be willing to impart anything.
it's also probably worth bringing up here that "reliable source" may not necessarily mean someone he's close with, it could mean "this person knows sensitive information about anon, so they must know what they're talking about". i know that clarifies nothing, but if you can eventually get some sense of what was said, it can give you a better idea of how concerned you should be about this. if the "things only [you] would know" are personal details about your emotions, insecurities, things that you generally don't talk about but would verbally convey to someone, it's probably a vindictive fake friend who's drama-mongering. if it's where you were on a certain day, schedule related stuff, it's probably worth being concerned about, especially if the caller is claiming to be the Affair Partner.
if this has been a persistent issue and this person won't lay off on calling your boyfriend, and he still won't tell you anything about it, and you're living in about the same area – um, to be honest, if i were in this situation, i'd say "this person has been calling you for a month to provoke you. if you don't file a harassment complaint with law enforcement, i'm going to. so do you mind filling me in here?". i wouldn't actually do it unless i was told something sufficiently alarming, but ideally it'd be enough to communicate that this can't go on any longer. i'd say this is "last resort" territory, tbh.
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