#taz ep 29
Happy Candlenights!
Here’s a list of all the TAZ Candlenights episodes that I could find! Feel free to tell me if I missed any.
Ep 29. The Crystal Kingdom - Chapter One
The Adventure Zone: Candlenights in Tacoma!
The Adventure Zone: Live Candlenights 2018 Spectacular
The Adventure Zone: Holiday Brawl in Chicago!
The Adventure Zone: Live at Emerald City Comic Con!
And here’s a Spotify playlist of all the episodes!! Now you can burn your Candlenights bush while being festive!! I also recommend reading The Worst Candlenights Ever by @kravkalackin to really get into the holiday spirit 🕯️❄️⛄️🌟🌳🔥
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jkl-fff · 1 year
TAZ: Graduation, Ep 29
Spoilers Without Context
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whooshingnoise · 1 year
Podcast Update #1
Finished “Fated Mates” last week. 
Currently working my way through the backlog of “Maintenance Phase.” 29 episodes to go? Should take me...maybe a month? And that’s being conservative.
Next up: I’m not sure whether I should start “Not Another D&D Podcast,” which a classmate has recommended to me multiple times, “Business Wars,” which SOUNDS like it’s right up my alley (I love industry dirt), or one of the other McElroy properties (either “Sawbones” or “The Adventure Zone,” whichever is shorter).
I haven’t consumed a lot of RPG media. The few episodes I’ve seen were either the initial ep of TAZ or, at one point, I tried to watch “Critical Role.” It felt like...a lot. I’ll try it again? Anyway. I listen to a lot of podcasts.
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grievingauthor · 5 years
Notes on TAZ Amnesty, Episode 29
So, first things first, these notes don't really go in the same order as the episode, and I wasn't actively listening when I wrote them so there's bound to be things I missed. Please, feel free to let me know connections I missed or theories you've formulated in the notes
Bolded are my initial observations, normal are further thoughts and questions
Eugene's abduction and the Greenbank Telescope Collapse occured on the same day, or at the very least within days of each other. This also lines up with Mama joining the Pine Guard.
The Flamebright Pendent is a part of Sylvain, likely brought back by humans during the war that broke the crystal. It was worn by Aubrey's mother when she gave birth to her and could be the source of Aubrey's powers. Could it have made her the interpreter of the Earth?
Janelle says Sylvain (the being) disappeared after the crystal was broken. Could Sylvain have taken a human form and come to Earth? The Flamebright Pendent is a matrilineal heirloom, could Aubrey be a descendent of Sylvain?
Light Beings (hereforth called Lights) were not hostile in previous encounters. This only changes after the Bom Bom Billy came with was defeated, as it is the one immediately before the Shifter. Was the change in demeanor caused by Billy staying?
The Shifter refers to Billy as "the Partition." This implies he's a separation, a wall of sorts between worlds or peoples. Indrid said Billy would be important, now we just need to find out why.
Minerva Chooses™ people to share her powers with via brain wormhole. This is how she got to Earth, through Duck and Sarah Drake. Will Sarah become a Chosen? Or was that a one time deal?
The Hornets are now working together with the Pine Guard (or at least Aubrey). They're planning some sort of mission, no guns allowed (rip Ned). Only heard from Keith (fuck him, ally or not). Where is Hollis? Is Pigeon alright?
Amnesty Lodge has been abandoned. The Sylphs are likely blending in with the townsfolk. Barclay and Janelle are both at the Cryptonomica, but that may just be temporary. Where is Dani?
Mama was arrested by the FBI, and has been in custody for a few weeks at least. I don't trust Agent Haynes (Hanes?) As far as I can throw him, and he's a fictional character so I can't throw him at all. Agent H. brought up the possibility that Agent Stern is on our side. He has been living with the people of the Lodge for months now, he's probably made friends, it would make sense that he's protecting them.
Thacker is aware now. Aubrey and Janelle seem to have exorcised the thing that had been possessing him. Could the thing have been a Light? It mentioned bringing balance to Sylvain, and the Lights seem to be trying to start a war between Earth and Sylvain. Such a war could completely destroy either planet, which would technically bring balance, but fuck that Thanos shit honestly.
Indrid is brought up, specifically in reference to Billy. He should be appearing soon, as he said the Pine Guard would need him to protect Billy.
Gates opening and closing randomly was brought up. Leo mentions a gate in New York that he protected for years before it closed, and he moved to Kepler. Will the finale center on closing Kepler's gate? Or, if Kepler's has closed for good, finding the next one?
Where is Dr. Harris Bonkers, PhD? Why did he keep the bit about him being Aubrey's familiar but refuses to give us his location? Griffin please?
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hanicchy · 5 years
clint and griffin, upon realizing thacker is an essentially blank slate to use as clint's new pc while still retaining the feel of the podcast and not throwing any plot holes into it:
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officialscud · 5 years
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daimboy · 5 years
me listening to the 29th episode of taz amnesty:
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blonde-elf-gf · 5 years
Uuuuuuuuh guys. UUUUUUUHHHHHH G U Y S!!!!!!! the end of episode 29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH
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misnomera · 5 years
Hey. hey griffin. im absolutely hooked on amnesty right now but there isn’t enough found family in this one and i’m big mad about it. that’s a trope no one ever gets tired of, griffin. listen,, i’ve been desperately craving the found family dynamic since the ned/aubrey conflict was introduced and you had the man beef it before it was resolved, giving aubrey unspeakable trauma and guilt instead of unconditional love and support??? you really had him officially kick the bucket without letting the goofy-troublemaking ned/aubrey dynamic blossom into being like the way it was always meant to be???? not to mention duck has been separated from the party for 273478273 episodes,, god griffin im just asking for some wholesome content so i can cope
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anistarrose · 2 years
ethersea spoilers-
so... Travis asking to name the Church of Benevolence spies and immediately jumping to “Whispers”... Devo’s subclass being College of Whispers... like I can’t tell exactly what he’s going for yet but so far I really really like the implications of it
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sassycc8 · 4 years
Firbolg: He actually told you it was not a trap, so therefore it cannot be a trap, otherwise, that would be entrapment.
so we’re just gonna brush past that fantastic joke huh
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luobingmeis · 3 years
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ohducknewton · 5 years
Clint now wields the power to just make stuff up about Barclay and Mama and the rest of the lodge sylphs and have it be canon. As Thacker he can just be like “Hey Barclay remember that time a guest was flirting with you and you got so flustered you accidentally spilled an entire pitcher of lemonade on him and then ran off into the woods because you were so embarrassed?” 
And then it’s
Canon Baby
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hammer-n-tails · 4 years
brothers,,, wherest is the episode,,,,
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sapphicblackbeard · 5 years
Two things: 
 1. Minerva never said she killed the enemy planet. She delivered a ‘disease’
 2. The abomination in ep 28 recognised Minerva’s planet. It looked afraid as soon as it saw the ruins, before Minerva was visible
Minerva’s disease made the abominations.
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wowiamsarah · 5 years
Griffin: here is 29 episodes of information for you to make sure you fully know and understand because in 2 weeks shits getting wild
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