kazieka · 4 months
happy birthday!! :)
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bestwhumptropes · 1 month
You. You have become one of my fav whump/prompt blogs. Ty for feeding me 🙏🏻
😘😘😘 you follow me on my main too and i love seeing your icon; you're so cool and brighten my day!
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readingwriter92 · 1 year
Oh no fic authors I like are starting to post fic for a series I know nothing about- guess it’s time to join a new fandom
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That post about how you can tell if someone is a porn artist by the way they draw water except you can tell if someone is a whump artist by the way they draw a blush
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sickandvomiting · 4 months
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I come bearing one single original post bc @taylortut has A.) reinfected me with David brainrot, and B.) written an amazing fic based on a prompt I sent sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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illnessandinjury · 1 year
ALSO AAAAAAAA LOOKIE!! After 8 years of communication, @taylortut and @illnessandinjury finally met in person!!! WHOOP WHOOP 🎉🥳💃🏼
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We had a wonderful day together in the beautiful city and talked about lots of really cool (and slightly traumatic) shit!! 🤍 I do hope this marks the beginning of MORE HANGOUTS WITH THIS NERD!!! 🤍
fun fact about our day: the arm of the parking garage stoppet came down right on top of my fucking van 💀🤠
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hello :D
lost a fic i read while very sick and it’s tim&jon angst so i thought you might know the name/author!
what i remember is;
martin, jon, and tim are in focus.
tim is being real mean, martin almost won’t leave him alone with jon?
i think it might be a sick fic.
the only scene i really remember is one where jon goes to the office lunchroom/kitchen and feels very bad, tim finds him there.
very angst, don’t remember much else.
thank you in advance, even if you don’t know it, and have a lovely day!
I’ve written a Whole lot of fics that match that description 😅. I know what I like. But if you aren’t thinking of one of mine, you might be thinking of one of @janekfan who also has several fics of that description! Hope this helps even a little bit! @taylortut also has a few. If I’m not mistaken. I hope you find it!!!!
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fluffyllamas-23 · 8 months
@taylortut sent me this lovely prompt for my new girls and I love it so much omg
“What if one of your characters was out of town doing that while the other is home sick, and they can only video chat until the other one gets home? so she just has to keep worrying about the fact that her wifey sounds worse every time they chat? wouldn't that be so :) sad and bad :)"
Arwen has often thought of her job as mostly perks. She loves what she does, it’s the best job in the world. She worked her ass off when she was younger to get to where she is, and now that she’s there, she’s never been happier.
One of the things her office does that she loves is once a month some of the vets and vet techs will volunteer to go out of town and give out free vaccines. It always rotates and comes out to be her turn once every six months or so.   
Normally she would be all for going, but now she’s regretting volunteering this time. Marcia had been feeling like she was coming down with something for the last few days, but was doing her best to try and kick it before Arwen left. But everything she tried was in vain, because the morning Arwen was set to leave, Marcia had woken up feeling pretty rough. 
It’s all the usual cold symptoms - headache, sore throat, congestion, coughing - and it’s clear that Marcia isn’t feeling great.
“Maybe I shouldn’t leave,” Arwen murmurs. 
She’s propped up on her elbow, looking down at Marcia while she strokes her hair. It’s still early, Marcia had woken up around four, coughing. While Arwen went to find her meds and some cough drops, Marcia texted Oliver, their boss, that she was sick and needed a few days off. He had texted her back 45 minutes later, telling her to feel better and not to worry about work.
“What are you talking about?” Marcia croaks, clearing her throat with a wince. She rolls on her side, facing Arwen and looks up at her. 
“You’re sick.”
Marcia rolls her eyes, waving Arwen off. “Yeah, but you staying here won’t magically heal me. Go give free vaccines, you love that.”
“But I love you more.”
She chuckles lightly, coughing into the blankets. “Baby, you’re only going to be gone for a few days. I promise I don’t even feel that bad. I’ll probably be fine by the time you’re home.”
And that isn’t a total lie - she really doesn’t feel that bad. 
She can tell it’s going to get way worse, but she feels silly asking Arwen to skip out and stay home because she has a cold, even if she really wants to.
“Okay,” Arwen relents. “I really shouldn’t be making this about me, sorry. How are you feeling?”
Marcia shrugs, “not great, but I suspect I’ll live.”
As soon as Arwen leaves, Marcia can feel herself deflate. She really wishes Arwen could stay, but that feels selfish when she’s doing something so important. She can deal with being sick by herself, but she already misses her wife. 
All she wants is for Arwen to climb back into bed with her and hold her while she sleeps. 
Arwen waits patiently for Marcia to come back into frame. She had answered the video call on her laptop and croaked at Arwen that her tea was ready and she’d be right back. She drops down in front of the laptop a few minutes later, a blanket around her shoulders.  Her hair is pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head, and Arwen can see the pale, worn out expression on her face. 
It’s the day after Arwen left, and Marcia had woken up feeling 100% worse than she had the previous day. She’d woken up with a 102 degree fever, and coughing so bad that she’s tempted to drag herself to urgent care to see if she can get meds or something. Ultimately, that feels like it’ll take way more energy than she has, so she’s been napping and hoping for the best all day. 
“How are you feeling, honey?” Arwen asks softly.
“Uh…” Marcia croaks, yawning sleepily. “Sorry. I napped all day.”
“Baby, you’re avoiding my question.”
Marcia drops her eyes to stare at her lap. “I just…don’t want you to feel bad.”
“Marcia,” Arwen says softly. “You can tell me.”
Marcia smothers a particularly nasty sounding coughing fit into a sweater paw. “I really don’t feel good…at all.”
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I wish I was there,” she frowns. “That cough sounds really bad, lovebug…do you need a doctor?”
“Probably,” Marcia croaks. “I’m too dizzy to drive anywhere, though.”
“Shit,” Arwen hisses. “Want me to call someone to drive you?”
A look of horror crosses her face. “That’s so embarrassing, no.”
Arwen purses her lips, “you promise you’ll tell me if you need me to get someone to take you to the doctor?”
Marcia scowls at her. “I can’t make that promise.”
“Marcia,” Arwen groans. “Come on. If you don’t promise me you’ll tell me if you need a doctor, I’m coming home now.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Then stop being so stubborn, oh my god.”
“No,” Marcia snaps. 
They stare at each other for a few moments, silence only punctuated by Marcia coughing and sniffling. 
Arwen shifts, tucking her feet underneath herself as she pulls the comforter over her lap. “Baby I don’t want to fight with you. I’m sorry. I’m just worried and I hate that I’m not there.”
“I miss you a lot,” Marcia says in a tiny voice, tears pricking her eyes. “I’m sorry I’m cranky.”
“You’re sick, sweetpea. Of course you’re going to be cranky.”
“When are you coming home?”
Arwen sighs. “Three days. I’ll be back on Saturday. Think you can hang in until then?”
They facetime every night, and by the time Friday rolls around, Arwen is ready to be home already. Marcia seems worse each time they talk. Currently, she’s in bed, shivering underneath a pile of blankets, coughing almost incessantly. She doesn’t have the energy to hold her phone, so it’s next to her on the bed, facing the ceiling.
“I’m coming home early,” Arwen says. 
“But you have one more day,” Marcia croaks after a pause. 
“I know, but you’re sick, and I want to be home with you.”
She rolls over, vision swimming at the change in position. “Okay.”
“My flight leaves in an hour. I’ll be home before midnight.”
“Okay,” Marcia murmurs, eyelids drooping. She tugs at the blankets and pulls them over her head.   
“Get some sleep, sweetheart. I’ll be there soon.”
Arwen creeps into their bedroom at 11:54, technically before midnight, just like she promised. She’s trying to be as quiet as possible, because Marcia is asleep, and -
“Arwen?” A sleepy voice rasps.
“Sorry,” Arwen whispers, walking over to Marcia’s side of the bed. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“I was already awake.”
“Shit, I’m sorry, honey,” she winces, kneeling down next to Marcia. Arwen strokes her hair, brushing it off of her face. “Feeling that bad, huh?”
The soft concern in her voice is enough to bring Marcia to tears, and suddenly everything she’s been trying not to think about hits her like a ton of bricks. She hasn’t really been able to sleep, and she hates being alone feeling this awful, and she’s missed Arwen so much it hurts. But now Arwen is here, and Marcia is feeling all sorts of emotions about it.
“Can’t stop coughing,” Marcia whimpers, and as if on cue, starts coughing so harshly that Arwen’s own chest aches in sympathy. “I can’t sleep.”
“Have you taken anything for it?”
She’s quiet, and then, “fuck…no.”
“I’ll go get you some. Want some tea, too?”
Marcia hides her face in the pillow. “Please.”
“You got it, sweetheart,” Arwen says softly, kissing her cheek. She pulls away with a frown and presses her palm to Marcia’s forehead. Her skin is burning beneath Arwen’s touch, and she’s suddenly even more glad she decided to come home early. “God, you’re warm. baby. I’m getting the thermometer, too. We’re going to urgent care in the morning.”
“Okay,” Marcia mumbles. 
“We’ll get you feeling better, honey. I promise.”
And Marcia somehow believes her, even if she can’t imagine ever feeling better. She trusts Arwen, though. 
Arwen always makes everything better, and now that she’s finally home, all is right in the world.
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celosiaa · 2 years
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@taylortut has made an Adult Purchase (TM)
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max-is-emo · 4 months
Intro post and tagging system
Completely rebranding my tumblr accounts:
Main is max-attack (previously emobandito01)
Whump sideblog is max-attack-whumps
And here is where I’ll use my personal tagging system and reblog anything I like (in the style of my original account)
Tagging system:
#max attacks (tag for any posts I make on this account or my other two)
#max saves for living later (general things I want to remember, like adulting, self care)
#max saves for viewing later (tv and movies)
#max saves for reading later (published books and fic)
#max saves for writing later
#max saves for learning later
#max saves for eating later (anything with food or cooking)
#max saves for sewing later
#max saves for planting later
#ma saves for acting later (the theatre tag and music I want to learn, will mostly be starkid and tcb productions for now)
#max saves for listening later (music tag for sweet jams I want to go back to)
#max saves for flying later (BIRD TAG because I love birds)
#max saves for jagering out (my hatchetfield tag, which is a strong and current special interest)
#max saves for webslinging (my spider-man tag, which is my strongest special interest)
All my other interests will be #max loves ____
This includes Watership Down, Ted Lasso, Moral Orel, Danny Phantom, Nope, Wolf 359, Avatar: The Last Airbender (written as atla), What We Do In The Shadows, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (written as rise of the tmnt), The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, the Faith games (written like that), Camp Camp, taylortut (go follow her! lovely blog with amazing writing), Dropout, Jurassic Park
I want to use my main to actually post writing snippets and ideas I have, so I made this account to keep the clutter out! I’ve been on tumblr for years, and I’m finally experimenting with what I’ve always wanted my account to be. I hope you have as much fun as I do!
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slippery-minghus · 1 year
tagged by @lingering-sunrise ! ☺️
rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: happily single! ;)
favorite color: a hard question, honestly! it's hard to only pick one, but i love purple and blue, and any jewel tones!
song stuck in my head: there are no gnomes in sweden.................
last song i listened to: i'm at work and it's currently my turn with the music, and "She" by cocainejesus is playing right now. it's chill synth!
three favorite foods: burritos! and hamburgers! and just about anything spicy!
last thing i googled: reviews for an apartment listing that caught my eye. they weren't great 😬
dream trip: i'd love to go to japan someday! take a month by myself, take my time so i don't burn out but still have time to see everything...
anything i want right now: hmm, other than for it to be the end of my shift already, to be in comfy pjs would be very nice. being warm would also be nice!
tagging if you'd like to share!
@inthewayoutthere @taylortut @gorthol-mormegil @cantankerouscatfish @narwhalsarefalling @kingofthewilds @silfrvarg @zelandiangelo @cinquefoilelove @putridghost @cat-boy-tits @innocencelives and anyone else who wants to join!
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verkja · 8 months
😈 - Most evil thing you’ve ever written? :)
Thanks for the ask, @taylortut ! From this ask game. :)
This is a hard one to answer! Unlike some of the writers I follow on here, I’ve never written a ‘bad end’ AU or anything similarly devastating. And I’m not sure which parts of my writing have caused readers the most pain; I imagine it differs person to person.
So - I’ll go with what made me feel the most villainous to write, chuckling evilly and whatnot as I typed. It's the misunderstanding in Pt. 20 of my ongoing longer story, where due to Catha’s ambiguous use of the pronoun ‘we,’ Mures believes (incorrectly) for the next few days that the other protagonists intend to part ways with him. He doesn't take it well. Misunderstandings have always struck me as very mean story elements. :)
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1000-niche-interests · 11 months
Lol what’s a title
AGHGHHGGHGHGHGHGH @taylortut gave me permission to write something for her AMAZING The Last Place on Earth series, so here’s a short sickfic about Kit Reed, aka tlpoe’s certified Cool Older Lady™
Disclaimer: I read just about every TLPOE story I could get my grimy slimy hands on (aka: found in the tag) to get context for this story and make it accurate, but I STILL don’t really know how the Last Place team’s jobs work, or if they even can be surveilled, but let’s just say that Lacey’s task in this story is very important and high risk or something. Idk, I don’t specify the details anyway! But sorry if I get anything wrong!
Also uhhhhhh does Roni and Kit’s daughter have a name? I feel like I don’t remember her having one so I just call her a bunch of nicknames when I reference her in this story. Hope that’s okay??? maybe?
“Kit. Kit. Kitty!”
Kit Reed dragged her eyes open to the tone of her wife shaking her, the sound of Roni’s alarm clock going off pulsing around her skull. The sunlight streaming in the window was too bright, the alarm clock was too loud, and even Roni’s hands on her shoulder made Kit flinch away uncomfortably, half asleep and half knowing that no, this probably wasn’t a good feeling to wake up to.
A better feeling, though, was Roni’s hand on her face, then her forehead, lingering there long enough that Kit probably should have been worried, but found herself too tired to actually think about it.
“Ah, now that explains it.” She heard Roni mutter, the alarm blissfully silent now as her wife’s hand pulled away. “You have a fever.”
Now that did get Kit thinking, because she suddenly remembered what day it was. Shit. This just wouldn't do at all.
“Can’t,” Kit said, sitting up even though it made the room tilt like a mockingly slow carnival ride. “Medina’s got that job today. I have to be there.” 
“Well, sorry honey, but you can’t control if you’re sick or not… and you are, most definitely, sick today.” Roni replied, a familiar furrow of concern settling between her brows as Kit pushed herself out of bed and made her way to the closet to get dressed. She heard her wife sigh from behind her, heard the bed creak as Roni got up, Kit pulling on a bra and a shirt without real choice of purpose.  Roni always got up half an hour later than her, which meant Medina was set to go in an hour, and with the drive to the office, Kit didn't have long to get ready if she wanted to make the time. 
“Hey, Kitty?” Roni called in, then appeared behind her as Kit combed back her hair with her fingers, suddenly unable to find the comb Roni always put here, specifically for her in the mornings. “Remember when we sent the kid to school with a cold because she had a test? And then they sent her home with a 101 degree fever?” 
Kit did remember. Their daughter had aced that test, too, and they’d kept her home for the rest of the week to recover. Roni even gave her ice cream for breakfast one day to make up for sending her to school. Kit had been glad she was okay, and felt bad they didn’t know she’d been that sick. Still, their daughter had gotten an A on the test, something she knew for a fact the kid was still proud of to this day; so was Kit.
“It’s not noble to push yourself to work when you’re sick. Not for Lacey, definitely not for you. You trained them, they’ve got this.” Roni said, still behind her, then pushing the familiar plastic comb into her hands. “And you especially shouldn’t go in sick enough that you can’t find the comb that’s in the same place I always put it…” Her wife was convincing, and Kit almost wanted to give in and go back to bed, but… Medina’s job was too important. Too dangerous. She needed a professional watching her back on the cams, and that’s what Kit was. She couldn’t, and wouldn’t, leave Lacey without that. God knew Medina got hurt enough on her own, she didn’t need another injury because Kit couldn’t do her job.
“I hear you, Roni.” Kit sighed, a low crackle of congestion ominous in her lungs as she did. “But I still need to go. Just for Medina’s job, then I’ll take the rest of the day off. Alright?” 
“And tomorrow.”
“...And tomorrow.” 
Roni nodded, stepping away. “Okay. I’ll drive you to work, alright? And back. You’re too dizzy to be behind the wheel.” Part of Kit wanted to object, there, but a dizzy spell cut her off as she turned her head wrong, and she relented. 
Three hours later, Lacey Medina was back at the Last Place successful, and even in one piece. She did, however, get the sense something wasn’t right as she entered. 
Kit hadn’t been in when she’d left, despite literally always arriving at the same time every day, before Lacey’s departure time for this assignment. It struck her as odd, but the oddest thing was that when she got back, Mrs. Reed, Roni, was there too, and Kit was somehow really pale and really flushed at the same time. Not to mention shivering, despite the sheen of sweat on her forehead as Roni sat her down, TJ hovering nervously nearby as Esther returned from the kitchen, a glass of ice water in hand.
“What’s going on?” Lacey asked, with Eve, who had been her ride back from the job, closing the door behind them. 
“Kit kinda took a page out of your book, Lacey,” TJ said, in a tone that indicated he was joking, but also quite worried. “Almost fainted.”
“It was not fainting,” Kit bit out, tone terse, but surprisingly lacking her usual bite as she took the glass of water offered to her by Esther. “I just… got dizzy. More dizzy then I was before.”
“And almost passed out, yes, that’s what fainting is, honey.” Mrs. Reed spoke softly to her wife, but just loud enough that everyone else could hear. It almost made Lacey feel like she was intruding. Then, a thought struck her.
“Wait, Kit, what are you doing here if you’re that sick?” She asked the very question Kit herself had asked Lacey many times. And despite Lacey knowing her own personal answers, she had no idea what Kit’s reasoning was. It wasn't like anything would fall apart if Kit took a sick day, and she knew that, even though they all knew she loathed admitting it.
“We already had arrangements on the job today,” Kit explained with a weak shrug, shivering and pulling her suit jacket tighter around her frame. “I just had to be here. In case.”
“Of?” Eve asked from behind Lacey, but guiltily, Lacey could already guess the answer.
“In case I got hurt. Or needed backup.” She said quietly, and Kit nodded.
“Whatever else you are, Medina, or what you’ve done, you’re a good kid.” Kit said, looking at Lacey with glassy, bloodshot eyes that made Lacey almost wonder if the older woman was delirious. “Can’t stand the thought of something happening to you because I wasn’t there. You’re my responsibility. All of you.” Kit gestured vaguely at everyone else, too, and Lacey got the point but she still felt bad about it. She’d technically dragged Kit into work like this because...
“Okay, now that Lacey’s back, I really have to get her home,” Mrs. Reed broke Lacey’s train of thought as she spoke, helping Kit to stand. “Fever reducer, tea and sleep for a couple days, I think… Hope you kids can manage the Place by yourself.” Mrs. Reed gave a knowing smile, and for just a beat Lacey’s guilt vanished.
Kit was their boss. Kit was good to her, even motherly at times (in all the good and bad ways). Kit did this for her, and if Mrs. Reed knew they could handle things, then so did Kit.
She had faith in them. And in that moment, Lacey even had faith in herself.
(Yes, the last “Place” is capitalized on purpose. I think I’m funny)
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builder051 · 2 years
Cow: What is one other tumblr blog you really appreciate? 
Do I have to pick one? I feel like one of those guys at the Oscars who are so flabbergasted they won the award (in, like, sound editing or smth) that they tremble through a speech in half-French-half-English, then remember they actually have notes in their pocket, but they’re upside down, and he’s trying to name all the members of his team as possible in the last 5 seconds, and his wife, and his great grandfather, and… commercial break.
Some of my most treasured tumblr friends are @mohini-musing @xxx-cat-xxx @plotmatsu @its-a-goddamn-heartbreak @lickstynine @sickandvomiting @feelingsick @anonyony1 @jojowritesstuff @sickficlurker2 @emetoandotherthings @taylortut And probably a good 20 other people whose names or handles I can’t remember right now. Also a big shoutout to my friend DP, who has moved back to AO3.
Sunflower: What is one thing that brightened your day today? 
Seeing as my last couple days have consisted of big pain, then sleep, watch tv and fall asleep, take meds and fall asleep, and intermittently chat with DD in ASL when she comes to check on me… Today has actually been quite good.
It’s hard to walk/move without much ow, but I made it to roommate’s room with the big windows and lots of clear floorspace for kiddos to play safely. Little girl is playing toys, and my baby boy is in the bed with me, currently having a nap, and sharing/clutching 1/2 of one of my big pillow animals.
Baby boy has many medical challenges, and he doesn’t follow a typical pattern of communication development. He uses some ASL, some pre-speech baby sounds, and a handful of verbal words (or close enough that we know what he means.) Usually he communicates in context, like answering questions, or saying ‘good morning’ when we get him out of bed. Today, though, we were just lying in bed next to each other, and I was petting his hand, and he just made the most incredible baby smile and said, “I love you.”
Pronunciation wasn’t perfect, and he’s definitely learned it from hearing it said a million times (to him, among other family members, etc). But he hasn’t seen me in ~48 hours due to post-op sleepy, and for him to get me and have those words for me… just amazing little heart glitters of love and pride and amazement. So happy.
Yarn: Knitting or Crocheting?
I know how to do both. I can only cast on/basic stitch (indefinitely)/cast off when knitting. I also knit…sideways? I have to anchor one needle in my lap or on a table or smth while working with the other one to make stitches. I have made a couple of throw blankets knitting, but they’re sooo basic.
I really enjoy crochet; I find one-handed projects easier to start and stop when on the go. I know maybe 4 stitches? Just enough to pretend I can be fancy or stitch myself into a hole because I forgot what I just did and what I need to do… is definitely not that.
I learned to freehand hats when I was about 10: you just have to make the circle starter, then keep expanding and maintaining and expanding and maintaining until the dome is people-head shaped.
To go back and answer the question, I do prefer crochet.
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illnessandinjury · 1 year
GUESS WHOS BACK     BACK          BACK              BACK BACK AGAIN--
okay @taylortut convinced me back onto this hell site because I missed the community; WHAT’S UP??? 
It’s been awhile! I am very happy to say that I did in fact just celebrate 1 year sober from alcohol on March 16th and I am so happy, go me~! <3 
Anyway what the fuck is up; WHAT HAVE I MISSED
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Tag game
Thanks for the tags @glitternightingale and @waitingonavision
Favorite time of the year: oooooo! Season wise, summer. I like the warmth. And wearing tank tops. And swimming. And iced tea and iced coffee and even though I’m still at work, there’s something about summer where it just seems a little less hectic at least part of the time. I do miss having summers off. Vibes wise, Autumn. Scarves and sweaters and hot coffee and color scheme.
Comfort food: Potatoes. So versatile. Although for comfort wise, fries. Homemade ones with rosemary and smoked paprika. And if you toss on some lunch meat and cheese and onion and spinach, then it’s a whole meal!
Do you collect something?: I mean not officially, but by definition probably. I kind of accumulate things. Like mini lab glassware and notebooks and sketchbooks and books and mugs and nerdy t-shirts and rings and scarves and candles. I used to collect pencils.
Favorite drink: alcoholic? Maybe a dark and stormy. Or just red wine. Non alcoholic, currently whatever tea I happened to have put in the fridge, or earl grey tea with just a splash of milk. Or dark roast coffee with a little cream and caramel.
Current favorite song: Hrm. Maybe Be Calm by Fun
Favorite Song: Okay this is even harder. But. Get Better by Frank Turner. I love that song
Tag nine people you want to know better:
@thisstableground @breannaaiedail @fidelesir @jump-on-winds-back @spacestationdaedalus @celosiaa @taylortut @metaphoricaltigers @saturn-the-bard
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